HENRY J. STAIII,E. ..50 4 ,0T IL YEAR R. Terrn3 of the "Compiler." 3-The is pulilisliod .every :11,rinhiy LF:NRY STAtt at $1,75 per annllnt tt paid in lifirft/G0'—:•32,110 per itlinuni if nut paid ill advanre. Nu sul. reriptimi utili;ss at Ow fo)tioaiir the. pit i olislier, until all arreara . gPs art llui 1. iii , erted at tin., usual rates. Joh Printing dot)e, b eady, cheaply, 2,11(1 With (11A-reat,AL. 1;.-.:. -- f . ".)tfit•Q in S.mth Baltimore stree,t, iiireet- Iy oppo , ite \Vauipler's Tinning Estalilishmont. one ml 4 a half squares from the Court-house, 'Coil - NUR" On Ole sign. Ft RUE SALE. MITE Subscriber, intending to remove to the 1_ West, will sell at Public Sale, at his resi dence, in Cumlierland township, Adams co., at Brearn's Mill, is Tyr.. , 1 , r,/, the:;it (I'l m'xl. the following Personal Property, viz : Mthogauy awl 'Common Bureaus, -Nla liogany Tables, Chairs, Sideboard, 8-day .Clock, and 2-1-hour Clock. Bedsteads and Bed ding,Carpetling fifes, Waslistands,(Mahogany and Continua, ) Looking, .Masses, .Glass and qui:ease:Are. littrintore -Air-Tight Cooking Move, awl Ten-plate Steve, Copper and Iron Kettles, Meat Vessels, Wheelbarrow. Also, Bacot], Lard and Beef, by the pound : 1 Cow, Carriage. awl a great variety of other articles. too numerous to mention. oa commence at 9 o'clock, A. M., on said day. when -Attendance will be given awl tering node know n by Fey). 23, 1857. is ISAAC NE ELY. Executor's Notice. 11 SA AC LENEOSE ESTATE.—Let ters testamentary on the estate of Isaac Rid .dlentoser, I ate of 11 vier township. Adams eo., dereased, having been granted. to the under signed, residing in the Borough of Gettysburg. lie hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to sailf, estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to pre sent theta properly authenticated for settle. .fltent - . JOEL B. DANN ER, Ex'e. February 16, 1857. Cit Administrator's Notice. il - Alll7 I•itM:111•:31 7 1 - 1,1,F.,'S ESTATE.— Letters of ailitiinistration on the estate of 11ar . s.t.Siittitnemil le. I.4te of llami►tint, Adams , c(t l io t 3 r, dece a sed, having been granted, to the undersigned, residing in the same place, he ;hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to saul estate to - twine immediate payment. and thoa• having daims against the same to pre :sent them properly authenticated for settle ment. J VI, )13 AIibABALTGII, February P!14,7. tit Administratrator s Notice. 1 E!)1tOE BOLTON'S ES'rATE.—Letters X of adittini,aration on the estate of George 'Burton, hue of Melt Olen township, Adonis county. deceased. been granted to the undersigned, 'residing in the saute township, he hereby givef, notice to all persons indebted to , iaid estate to make immediate payment. ,riti.l those haviog claims the same to present them kopertv auttootticated fur gettletnent. ,f0111i; HOFFMAN, (or Peter.) 41 , In/ Fcl4. 1857 Administrator's Notice. JSTII Elt S. P ACE'S ESTATE. —Letters J , ' I or administratioa on the estate Of Esther N. Vice. (funned( Ilohler, of the borough of Cet tvshitrg.) late