The New Administration. President Buchanan has new entered fully - upon the important duties which are devolved upon him by the constitution and lawt., and we note with gratification the profound im pression made upon the country by the in augural address of the new -administration. It WaS worthy of the dignity and moderation of a statesman who has learned how 401)11 111 e love of country has taken root in the pc , - ple's hearts, to attribute his election to the influence of this prevailing sentiment. Nor could we desire a better guarantee that the government will be so administered as topro mote the common happiness, than the pur p ise, ,eYerywhero disclosed in the inaugural, to recognize in the conduct of public at?lits. that li,reey' the Union., which the President be lieves has been the coutrollihg cause of his elevation to power. But we are not heft to conjecture what course the Pre•tident will enter upon in order to realize, as far as may he, for the adyanta , e of the country, the substantial ends of ,0 0 ,1 government. Ile grapples at the outset with that tits•tion of territorial management whieh loos, in tl'le last few years, occasioned such - bitter strife in the Congress of the United Sates, and between the elements of oppOsite sectional opinion. Without desiring to go into an 'analysis of these subjects, we may say that no mode of settlement could be more wisely provided, than that which leaves to the people of our territories the right to deter mine whether they will adopt or reject slavery as an iustitut ion in their organic law. had this wholesome practice of forbearance been rocinizPil earlier day, the :Ntrug:-les of 1820—the enaH;nent of which p e,dod on this subioet is now ~ kelared unconstitutional by 01/r lii , fiest judicial tribunal—would • have left no mark upon our national history, and there would bare been it,) lieu; in 1,- , ,;(t fur the :alarm and anxiety that the brem•ts of the e w h o h es t loved the union of these States. tI ituestion of si:tvorylve Cenic , i—as are helieat:on , : that it lvill , lo erc i0n , 4„,-7o ye; our Illttikrltal ef 0111- the country, in porn—J 11 4 t ,.. 1 - chT the great'res,uircc: which have alr oa iy . .vou it a net ;c, end hernaner paid t,) its zy • re7i()Wll.7,lin'r;g Llde: flat 'ti;) of TriT! earth cuuntit, forbear alg;o nt foution to that portion oithe inen, which - referA to our Sr, other governmentq. In that conneetioz? the Pre , i lent /:IS Mani f("th`ii. a IVI:“! 0011serVnt;, , in which we canaot too hitll2, - {lll la. .I[Tty:h. H nIfIN \NT .11: 47 :u0.1; tf , rHeioug irateit - iPy, to disregard o f tho perver. , i 111 •9:h Hi prevail:: ahr.,;ol rciii - .T:) , •0 to OW* tultiot::11 i l- parision, it vvas NW,' Wel: that tliO :;11t,11111 the w gul'erii the, a . ;:ii011 r,f his 47% Lb . : /Wt . in our in:,, , rcour, , e wadi f‘trel g n tions : To the strong, he has" said that we 'rill make snot - It to no aggression. To the lie ha , said we will ask' von to sul, /nit to. none. What we are entitled to we claim of right what we need we shall fiee k only hy the means of treaties, or 1w some ip:•:itimate 'node. ;aril a policy will disarm .the cr.:tie:lsla of _Europe, kave,s: us as frie to pursue the ends of substantial great -1.11. I,lly country could dcNire. , or,c;anization of his cabinet, the President bal called to his aid men who will, Iv o assist hire heartily and effectually in tilt. , 4,xeeutiou of his policy. s nappily for Jilin the alinini , tration of the retiring Presi deitt has caused the nation already to advance far up,m the paths •whittlt the i.ncaalitt.; ad ministration Icas resolved to pursuo. And it is the good fortune of the eminent man se leete,l for the Department of stale to soce:e,,ld to the, well ordered office of William L. harry ,tIL - tesirutu .whq has uo suuer:or in. the (I.inlostatic circles of Eur(rpc or Amer - lea. TO lei 0.1161/eltt fitness for counsel and great co.- racity we owe, tuntue,,tionably, a lark por tion of that re-p,ect and conl , lcnce- which our internationnl intereourse has wen for us. In the (11,t3r)ga1hed. geu Tiernan who sue ceels; him, Mr. Ca-is, the whole country re cogaizes, a state' 4 lll:lll el ripe iczienc e , a n d fiX:ll/ pat:it/11SM. -C,olllWetiou with n si2r va e elemcny which seem to im bue :ma suri'ound. the Pre,ident .--nol his c hf,: o n tnlvi,ers genriany, encouraes the hto that wo. shall lay,4, without e jar into 1i '.v nod lurriolS of relationship with ti0.1,-e , wers w hi c h divide vith nit the commcrce of the world. On the whole we would not elu orht , rwie than anticipate such 1:U god to the country from this administration as has r‘tsulted to 3t fir the most I,art through the t rue of thine which have pree e dcd it, _Sun- Satur(lay week the men - L , )f thr: of l'reident ,July ir.o-talled in their respective deleat mil:6 With the usual ceremony of a eordiol r(-,T.l.(tion siv their predecessors, :111(1 an intro duction to mast of the various employees wlio are to Le nudtt their direction. Dr.zrd I.(Were.—Postinaster General Camp .l)ol, in a recent report, states that the num ber of letters uncalled fur or dead is probably three millions, and it would seem ahsolutely rroy4or that !aurae tneasure , 4 , -hould i c niloy.te , l IT the department to in.:ire the delivery of ini ,, iveA with ~r eater certainty. 5.z120,- lig, tt,...(•;•110 t t!14! p .1: 1 ;•1 , -; moli!ouftiw ,Itztv eq . Th,•ir t() ;in Ilarri t in / :, :}/rtiary, 11:“ Ic.ur Y , `f r'! , N ilot , dorb,•re 1' r.Lt• 1:111't i it , a!: 1 ::!ir!l SOME MMM MEI=NIM=II K 1:1 ' ii ~ K'l `;i 'i 7 ~; .~ 1 '1 l i 1 • 2 " t ~~t~. _ f ~ , , ~` , ‘‘ . ll Tr II Q... - -:1 lir. i,n(•!ui*l stnrur, , ii re- Elill ‘ : *:tr ( =I =I " Revenue Commissioners ./1 , 7,71)m Go n'rf,—Tllc lli , :trd of Revenue Connuissionf , rs, in ses ,, ion at llarrishur4, took up the considetntion of the valuati,ot of Ad am,: county on the 3,1 inst. The valuation as reported, wa.s as follows: Property suhiect to 3 mill tax sult;evt to 1 por et. tax St/16 ('Ct to 2 pvr ct. tax AA- n .-reg-ate Watch A long diseuqsion arose in regard to the valuation of the property of this county sub ject to the 3 mill tax, in which )I(:srs. lin;ton, ileily,lson and Lindsey partici , pared. Mr. Darlington finally moved that the 811111 of L. 51 be aAlded to the valuation of the pr: p,.rty subjeet to the 3 mill tax. this motion, the hour of live arriNed, and the Board adjourned. Ou the next day, the Board resumed the eonsidorati on of the return of time valuation of taxable proimitv of Adams county, petal ing the ameMlment of Darlington, to aid to the valuation of real e.two *91,151. The object of the mover of the amen4iment was to bring n), tile valuation VIA - real estate to ultat it wa , 4 in 1854. Mr. Ileily oppo-:cd the motion on the ground that although the valuation'on real e.ztate was returned below the valuation of .1:54, to the amount above stated, in the aggregate, it had been increased. Ile thought it probable there was some mistake abut the return. The increase applied to personal property. lie thought it was very likely applicable to the real 'state. The increase of the Valli:11i on of er psonal estate he stated Mr. Darlintr,ton urg,e(l the propriety of his mr tion. 114 thotofet it imotcs.,ilsle county could have retrogradid, aml stated his rea,uns fur this oniniun. Cannain ~. sug, 4 o-dod t!tat 1: tln Mau Ii ii thi)l:4lit !hi s re ;.1.• :112y :11) t:“.; return, he had a I,ovi . oct ri;rld, to eur-oot it. r. 't,lrwurred declit.nd to inahe any al-oration cf . life rot nra, ina-intieh he had no cortain ktio‘aleile,e a , to the fact. Mr. Konigniacher n, ) , , - ,NI to postpone the ritte•-•,t;01) for the le-e:-ent. The whore of the ri , z,ht or policy ,of . the i;oa-.--d to in;: -- ,'on'e or dkyrk-,1-,, , the ;:Ilua tion of this or an:,- etan:ty, "•• • t)'`' c•1. , 1 lcierth 11f T. iZON, I)•Lrlitp,rl, - 11, (!ivittaile.;;, Ihe motion to postpone was disagreed to— yi.fils 10,- nays 13, as follows: s ( Imoin Dal ITry.:l ,, n. rionry', ow, 1:1,,f;e1.:1111 EM N vs—Mr..rq Difizgl,orty. 6000.1111,11 , r, Waikor, %%(.01A,11 ; and Y‘,11144- 7 -13. , The question now being on the amendment of Mr. Darlington. to add to the valuation of property subject to the 3 mill tax. the sum of 91.151, it was disa:,read to—yeas 7, nays 16, as follo.,vs: 1 Ye ‘s—Aleqsr , ,.. Dorl;rr2q r,n, Ilenly,, I,me.r , +. Sterrett .orl I:1' Limb-ey. Ttl,l, %Volker, I , VII-c , ll. WoHlwArd .e n• 1 '.4at—lei The return as submitted by the Commis ' sinner from Adams, was then adopted—yeas 16, nays 5, as fbliows : i YE t6-11(.......-;, 1),,tiz10...15'. E•,l-.111), (14,o , ;1:117 , 10". Holley, Lovels, Litil-ry, MAtm. Mvill)11%11. Nwe, 1,.• 11r. TO , II, V,11i1.. er. Wikon. Wun.k‘tc , l. WI t:iLt And Young —iii. NlY , —)les.srs. Parliii;ton, Ileary, Mullin, IZugers and • t SterieLt—i. . . The return fulnptcri WAR 9S follows : Vroperty sul)' i ect to 3 mill ( * RN; ,S 41,0;) StiljeCt. lt) 1 per ct. tax iN1.580 subject to 2,per 2.700 Aggregate \Catches - 6:1 f):1 the following day, Mr. Cummings 11.d:ell leave to record his vote on the adoption of the valuation of Adams county, and u;ion which he had defined to vote. -now since received, he had Leen satisfied that the return was correct, and he des-ired - to vote in the affirmative. Leave was granted, sand lti~ vote reorded accordingly. Mr. 'Konigmacher also ask . ed and ohtained leave to record his vote ott the same realm. He yowl in the atilt 'native for the saute rya- OM Messrs. Mullin, Henry and notr,ors, who had voted in the negative, ,ha, ids° bet satisfied that the valuation Was Correct,_ s(:v (Tally asked and obtained leave to change their votes. The Board adjourned it on Thiusdav last, after dkcharging its duties with industry and care. The tot 2i valve of property taxable for state purpose.. n. fixed by the Ward. is &56ti,750.00U, which is au increase of"..;7,- 389,760 since 18 - 4. A Yit ,, nery.—J.idge ill.tck's appointifirmr ;LH a ,I.)1/02t \\ i.l 101110 ;1•1,:v thc; lAtucli of t ill' :":: : 1:101"1; 1 / 1 Q I . ' l/11H od .1 tii;t, t 4 l lie lint . uutd 11l l' I".ii_. Kn. 11:!ttt1-; ltavQ ( , 11 trcir grt;lt t Id ' 11! ere:4o Crating: t 13%1 1:1 1;t tfo': p)r, ;1•4 1110Ct:i1.4 hi•['l :It t d .rd 77u , Ltto fi• 11,1 V ; I;nit• , t1.,:•11' u1t...•01 i u is:, . t)14.• : . 1':4 1 )a. 1 , , f,ri,‘,.nt in pri:ro, tiwv [ii MEE :1:1 1 p tili` 40.0 IJI'1"...•:;r iit rlint arr. iil p 1"1" , 1 , 11 w:rit may main will 11:1\1• tU oslll , l n, 71 11 I t, V. It :1 .t. itimoti ye fall, Lthie , s prtik wirc-d by prti,lonce. * Syn%cr , E, N. V., )larclt p!in:•- trr cl(•dioa tn-d.:v a Dom wr,tti- cl te , l by a hr.: , rEtiority. I I)(,ll..ratic earl,llciaLea al.leriliett lvvre eit.rtud. :;:.-1' )r :,:,:.: ;, ,).;* 111.:1.;1. • n , a an , l ma ' too fot- tll , ••r 111 aof , I;p•-tion ;:i-r I=lll MEE=ROMI Co. =ME r v 1:1-r , -.1-.• 1. NV i V/i/ I/ ME 19511111111 E .1 / • AI, t I* 4 $1,541,051 5'),5-,► 1,594,:',,11 C:i CZ= 1!0: :Zepu',l - 1;1 t!.; . . V V , T •z:it ~ v: ,: i c,, =MEM . ~..i_ NOM =I 1 1. 1 u ' k, !MI MO . 4, . COAI PILLT i)hitas. Jllloll.s.—The following Jurors were 41vawn on Tuosda.y last. to serve at the April term or Court: 2,7 ti.) Tyrone--James N. PittenturiT, George F. Eckistirodo. Lil , orty--Lowis Wortz. rirmhorlantl—frieoli—John Herbst. Mountiov—AlTaliani Garber. Germany—hank.. Sell, George Shoely. If untiu-toti—losiiiii Fickes. Wm. Leas. Bit:who:lr, \Vin. Rice, ..hicob Group. 'Berwick bor.—Henry '.lziayt)r. 11:uniltoli—Cleorge Slyiler. Straliail—Win. , Block. Samuel W. IToffumn Cree,loin—George J - aro1) - 31yers. i\L,untploosailt —Peter IVeikert. I.Zowliiig—Ji,lin 'l. EIIAL JURY. llorml7ll—Peter Sttillsmith, John Winebren ner: IL .1. Stable, Samuel K. Fotilk, Joseph llohert Cohean, Rupp. olt ti tigton—A ltrallain 'lckes, of J. Latintore—Nicholas Bushey, Abraham Zieg ler,, _Conrad E. 31yers, IVin. F, Bonner, Ilrttrgt Chrouister, V Lear. Iletoliug—Stuutiel Deartlorti. Ilorr, :John Oyler. M.ortitplett,tutt—.llo.X;tllikr Lthrallant llt•ok cr. ,I,tolrow Little, 11-Tut. Lott. rul-on--I'eter ...Nlttok _I I a milt. )11—,I /to. it! Gei,e1111:111, Charles Spangler, 1) ~t or Low?. "r P. llartman, \k tti-o.111•1•1-, --NV it:. L. Slttyl,augh. ktr.—M: i thi‘w ,I:ich , thergee. Cottowa,,.l;o—Sttitotel I. AT IT '.-IVo aro adni-ni , ,hefl of the i;proaelt of ;t l'o ele,•tion hy the (I )- itt: , s of 11,<' Thuir three : 1,, , ,,-,• f1 er,.(1 a:l,. 'Jr bits of !paper Ivere seen , i.ll thLi paveniclitA the other doulit ror the purow-e 111 eallitlg the or their (most the butter.) to meet at some den, in or der ti/ arrat ~ ;-o matters fur the Spring It is net 'dottleted that tll_e siwie cottrse has Leen Jr pttr , tiodia tnanv of the town ship:--t veln9nent denials of the dark lan- to,•l , ii es to t!te contrary notwithstanding. IV, : , say to ail ipposed to Know Nothin,;;; - ispi 11optildicanism,,att end the To shin and i:o.row:h Elections on Friday next, and record your rotes; agailtst these desperate It is only when they are put down at the hallot box that CI: , work is effectually done. To ,do this. a strong and general turn " out of the frionfk of Ju , li(-e and the Union int 4 be necessary. This Election is impor i tont, in another point of view. Hottest, elec- Con t,iiict,trs are needed to give the peoide fair chance to express their will at the fall eleeti vi, When we shall ila.Ve our highest Slate and Conti ty Otlietn-s to elect., I I)(1 ES.—Mr. Jonas .Itoutzalln has eon- Imete)l frith the county ConunissionerS for the Willing of tho Bridge cirrus lug Cono vc:lgo creel:, :Wove Ar(ndt,rino, for the sum ui ; : q..1:2!) ,- , and :\lr. John Findley, (of York cca)i:y.) for the hailding of the Bridge itcross Little Conovniv,o, on the Ilalkiver road, tear :kir. Daniel Gc . o.:elman's, for ..-.11,117 1. tit'IIO;)I, S(;.—Wu understand that th:; i s u.tra , t for the building of the large Seln,ol.llunse in this pinee. has Leen given to S. I and "IiENEr CIIIIII7MAN, for OW (.1 nut tv int:ludeltoz,tiug allno:rtus ui lurpiture. Lill' STOWN IL .11,11( lAA—The Bonra of 1 )ireetors of the Littlest Iwn Railrimd Com pany have! Ju.,,rd'a S. GI'L'T, ESq., 1 , ) , ;.W1 them TGtol, and 11 . e will e o lnineneL. :Ls snon thel;eatiter may prni k Coly the ILree:lt werk. t) lottle-town frie.Lds !le-ervo succe , ‘ , l, for t!Leir earnest eirurt , lit t!.:- u,Ollll !Trim.; VENf; I:ILL.—The on the ft.n.‘l i,l th:s pr1,0:442 , . " The Pm-leers' 11:e 1 I)e,titut,i(ei of Adams a:141 and.. liuncri M.:- , (.131t30, George Throli2, 4. '1)11 21:/.;1(.....,•, jj,,rner, u '‘ ..4d , “• 11,1;i11, :*1.0.1( , 1 Ditrlior;:\y, David I\l , s- C,,r,:0t,`,,,, EMI IITH• .\ i'loalp aS op iratc,n, Tip , 1,rivi1,2:,;(.: 4 in- cre.—ii.:2; it lo 0111: v v ME •.r jo.; • or •••.},cr 110v . ..c0 of the nature or udi.! .)1 a 1:\'; 1!!::';;)i.:1:.-:ViLI,E.—The car : 1, , !1'1) l'AnEtt, in Bon- der- NV:iti C(41%1:011 0 ;1 firf', pll ••::It,tirrlay sllorti :tct,•r daylight, Nv•All I•;;rp , lit4'r t 1, Cl 4 Tclll, ti , )1111.; furniture, 1 .10 r , 1.1(•-f!:id I ..Vr•ro 1 , 1. I. / II I I t ..r •: .l MEE C . . :;, L-. •,••1, ;t1.;), • , . L ;id; t t';‘ , 1; =1 I .t ..• GPAND citartkfe t() t , ) IA! "(;‘,11.;-11'11(!' on 11:.,!, 1,1. t th(!exort.',ll 1• ; • -IV.• aro l'nfliio-t.• , 1 ‘.l MEM 11:1 , 1 t'l MEM 11:1!1,1 Of . :1,111 ,, W r CIL! 104"././ =I 1: '.l' t - 'i , . i' , 1,1•-ti'll. t... 11 ~i.i~ t I t%,;- , •41-;1. • ;i I'.i 1,l c.i 'A •o• • II • ' 1 1 ~, .. l ~- ..1 Miscellaneous Enigma. lam eomposed 25 letters. My 5 4 3 was a Ooneral of the Revolution. 21 20 9 11 6 is 0110 of the 17nitod States. 2 12 23 14 22 is a useful domestic animal 25 15 5 :; is a river in Afrien. 2:; 24 16 22 was a celebrated city of an event 14 20 23 20 2 is a lady's name. It) 20 1-1 1 t is an eminent Statesman. 14 7 10 8 1 is a Conerarof the U. S. A. 17 13 is a preposition. 21'21) 1 23 16 20,897 14 is a science. 6 20 23 8 2 is a planet. My whole is an outrage upon the nation. Strahau tp. H. D. W. Answer to last week's Enigma— " Tike the liepthlicapl Cow pi,et'," [Cominntlicated. Democratic Meeting. The Democratic ',Meeting announced to take place at. Levi Krebs's, in Littlestown,• en the .2.•••tih ult,, was changed. on account of religions exercises being•ltakl in the town, to Newman's • School-house, in :%loittitjoy township, for Tues day evening following—when the meeting came off in tine style, the house being perfect- t ly crowded. Capt. Isx.i.o LinirrxEn was cho sen President ; Itlelchoir Wolf, Bernard Slice.' Iv, Joseph Arentz, Levi Gulden. John Buddy, Peter ()rndorff and Jacol, Al thrift'. Vice Presi dents: and %Vie. Snyder and Win. Yonst, Sec retaries. The meeting was - eloquently ad dressed upon the I)eniocratic victories of last ; fall by Jesse I). Newman, Jacob Flunk, James IL Collins, Peter Peter Orildorff and ! Isaac Lightner. Jesse I). Newman then sang • 4--a-song,- after which he addressed the meeting at sonic length upon the treiieherous conduct of Lebo, W agonsel ler and Mn nem., and conchid ed by moving the appointment of a einitivilice to report resolutions on the so I..jeet. Commit. tee; Jesse man, Janes 11. Collin.z., Lott, Jacob 11:tytni aa, Peter Ornilortf. Peter Smith and Jahn ltcl't-rt. The committee re. ported the following . , through their eriahinan. which were adflued 1\ VAN t,o )1:IVO 01 10 11 , . , 11.11 . 10T1 that 1,0)10, Itn , l i‘lata. ir. _lt,•: , , esont,,tik of In tiro fllfeud for /VI t Itoolo,' , trio ( Awl g nalitie.,liinia tic I t re,k 1,01.,, , ‘ tug the e lei 111 the-it by thou' etin , titttont.4 : Tli,it -the tiontoct Leh., 1,1, 1 •1,4/11,,elter nod !-dear. in voting Inc the I icsch 111 , 11, ;in Nina cailitiato for the tienato al thri I nitc , l .St.,tes, in o[s.ii defi ance e i the ot owl direct Ilo[l Of emery I i inc!lto of Lrnnu, r,attcirri TIA that their unit! liecurt. al o 111•14 i 1.0 l'VoI'V •011COO011t.. 4 I l:eyul,crl, ThAt tllO , O 1.11`1 , 1 rOor , 4`- sor% e the 1111 , 1 n of ,11 its t!uou Lila tli.• country. for :hair ‘lll.liOolOl LI ik:0.114.1'1 , twin-iv:it of the I . tuul>rllui then.sekem far the Oil` Of the fl i 04. ff. V t ,oroil - -R c k o ls Oti. That tie hare Ili , doOht thAt the o.foavt of those dot,. c•: . 1,, mil Me u 1.111.1 to son U.. t.i eq , olle , l tn.''t thu lien-nor That Diltslivir.; for the •-witr,-1 ti.i.%. rn e Nt.tiicar . on 1,1, visit to ; aryl too 1),..ii..t 0:4 A.linin+ stan.l Bi.lz th e it..:..o..n t ev or lurk Settlivil, ill, in Lublin{ up th e nnl who ha, I` I.IIIIS (.3.1 , ,011 tt , 1 tot public i tilii I,oiNniti Mel ivnine. .tti 1 liotioinn anted matt‘init . t itl tufo...m.4' hurter to 11 , ,,oisinte with Ntio. 'war at tiny snow. Wool in 11 ,, m-tin , • - kesoltnd, That 1 tie -, ,r0c, , ,51t0 P. of this inne . ting lort isib• liyhe , ! in lito lit . :tr..: Detinteriitie pa rer, of Yuri: :opt Seim Olt oth i wy Llu ongliout the intikte all I o.ty foci tii• i to.o(t to t .ovo them a place. frie'Dol , Pivree making :Arrangements toHirt a pr11)11t. re eption on his th:•otigh New- "fprk to hiy Louie in New liamphitire. fl' A 11/1:011 ; E TII kr It at Ly :Ey t 1 r 11,4 Tu Pra 11 A em,D, —Now, while winter. with its loitrtlien of Colds and coughs, is with us, we dunk a remedy that will reline Duch YitaatilvlLSPlVAll4 be Ii 1.:111 v pri ;od, unit all who know the worth of this remedy, iIIJo as we dia.—prize it doubly. Take a double dose of Dr.'zzatiford'i4 igorator,Amt it will give greater relief than any other medicine we ever tried, for we have rarely to repett, theibise (41 10. ; free from Cough, and as salon as 00 luu, t 113.10 Buie tat 1.111 . 1 ff ()lithe miliecred matte.% the cure 18 complete, As a fatally 1110.1101110, fat the Nucor !towel DiA-ises, ICorms. Derangs , merit of the ;Brae:telt aid Lit er, e e can it:commend it knowingly. • A, 11, Buehler, Agent for I etti-deu . g. -Win hie 1,11. •• ilanoi or. Cli:krion R. Henry," BlareM. lm 1. 1 1 - "lVoitin lisowl No.—Prof. Wood I).w discovered ri reii.wdy for tho grey ond IrilJ, whirl] At 011eP prnrtieahle and cheap. It requires na rhrnr.:. 110 1% nor waraordi t nary , trmilil . Tlreru (-An be I). doubt wh.ite% i!r f it 4 ern 1\ e have ,eau testinwoo.l , 4 al:oopt withoni ntrober, an I from men of great Intel lig,rice, Ii Bt.l.ll.iing and nlOrai Worth. TIWYJ wbo have 1)(4)11 !Aid for yeais aro now %rearing their n hair, an,l appear Lea real% V01",11 , 41..r Ih.ut I her del six month ago. As lo most ra:ao, grey hairs runt ,ball beads at both premature and tumittir ti. it k duty to remedy them by the natural :mil irion , it , I me ns %viii , l% Prof. Wo'iol has hirented, and now ti otTeir4 to the afilietel. Try his worvlurful rerie ty. nth! giro tLo Prole%,or a new testiloonial —(Memphis Whig. [.llareh 11. 2w. :,)1.1) 1W iLL DIEUGGN'fri. j! - /" . 71.11t PriLICY OH rii MrAll `ilWritl7lo . 7.--Arr. ISt:CL.UI',4II, in him imp :tiral nLLu. intimit- Lel M hat WOUbi be till' pley 1•1 " 111,• , 1111J4 Ara t 1 , 1 Th. , ()4teri (1111J . ;.tr got the shotild u r, ttlia 111 , . Item 'Co Lt. It l'.lellll ty, his Cm). FLAht ethlrt ;11 4 t l-ML.1112 )IL saving 11 tilt 0rr..1 , by go•lti tr welit-1 at tho 11,1;5%11 t:1;; - 11 , eluihilJ ! ! On 41,111 k Vw I kotl, :10.1 303 ani .2.07 pLott.t. L•1;11,1113 1D .. 1101.., ,, W1Vti of I:10 h ; 1 0 ,1 2 , ./01•,..1111 VOW • 1111111 f./ riiioato.. Tell , of th , ,i5,1104 0,0•0 ; , alter 1111'1:r itl tit.' i. 1-a ll , ' ir4tcdt .,ll, lt. Nutt it im i tr•t ,i. ;1.1•:1 111.. :1111]11:411',4 ti,,,t ..11 v-c11:1...111 , ..11,11 t• II 11111:1 111.11.11l1”.. In AU 1 11.11 r I , Jrnt , :14,v plot. t11.•11, It; t'.(•i 'I 111 111 •- , its A 4104, Holt 010 11,• 1.11 of a •,‘ tl/.•111 0.11 'lllll, 'WI% Yl.•-vut II tto;ir 1111 .try ,t Tii titer Ai (1 0 , of VI)111:111•11 11 1 1 e te,ti 1.0 1,0111 11lt_0111 141 till, 1.3.00 ul the cur ZliIV Corrected from t I:.ilti Yorl. H mover paperA I Flomr, ppr Barrel, 1 , V; hmt, pf.r 1)10 , 21, It ,-e, . ~ C ,vt%, Ci Zo• oft, 4;3 42 (a ) 47 "R 10) 8 12 " " 3 alt) ?,/ 3 75 r;ettlo, !)(r imnri., !? 1)t) /,,,j I 7 1 ,0 JJ 1 ,66 HO (, I 9 75 ',29 11, doors, N'.' i ~ I'l , ,'lr 1 • •••::t I "1, )., 4 1 ,4 • r ... IM =EMI jro !,',l =I IMIIMM El I .;L L) L, =Mil ttstos% •F /i rlliur rc-i 5 iriuy ffl "I : CPI ti, • ,• , I! ~ , ;!' Mill UM 'i f •r, 1914*---Ft /•11 fr :11 \VL.._ rat, 1.4:r 1 25 GL, 1 1;-; For the Compiler On the 19th ult., by the Rev. L. 11. Keafan yer, at the re.idence of Thomas A. Marshall, E;(1., Mr. LEVI itALD\V IN to MissSARAII BARNES, all of Hatnikonban township. tin the 10th instant, by the Rev, Jacob zi eg le r , Mr. FRANCIS thIDEN to Miss LU CINDA BIESECKER, both of Cumberland township. On the Sth instant, by Rev. J. Seehler, Mr. JOSEPH IV( )1 of bbotWown, to Miss A LMEDA E. FLICKINGER, Of Hanover. DIED : On- tbo sth inst., Mrs/CHRISTIANA. LONG, 01 Berwick township, in the 10:14 year of her' age—the oldest person in the county. thi the '2Sth ult., in Fayetteville, Mr. AN DREW FLICK lict.lEll, 'aged 78 years 10 months zi.nd 12. days. On the 10th ult., Mrs. MARIIA BET 3100111:, of Liberty township, aged 04 years and 9 monOts. Gellymburg Railroad Company 1111ESPF.CTFULLY calls the attention of ■ Capitalists and those having money to invest. to their BONDS, now being issued.— The length of their Road, now under contract, is l( miles, the grading and masonry of which is more than two-thirds 'finished, and rapidly progressing toward completion. By a resolution of the Board of Directors, a Mort. gage of the entire road from Hanover to Get , ty;;lirg, and also of the unfinished work of the Pennsylvania Extension, from Gettystntrg to the 'Maryland line, beyond Waynesboro', will in a few days be executed to tlaou“a , Sworn, E(1 , Trustee, for the security of bond holders (;(1 1)0 1 4:2 (r, 1 ii.; 1., it? ,-i ( I, ;2 1,0 UR =CI 25 ;;; , t; (10 1 7l i ATS c --Cohetsn &:, Paxton have just receiv. ! cheap, at g d ed and arc now selling the Spring style i ----- 1 of Silk and Soft Hats, of the best quality. L W AIS ;ON II AND.—Silk and Sat 15 , , - - --- Ali_ of every description, and , for sale oh. :,. ' at ' BIIINGMAX & ACCMINDAUGIT.:4 SI 62 =II G larcli J, 1,)".,7 MARRIED : On this :24th ult., by Rev. A. RoeBe, Mr. EDMUNII IL MYERS. of York county, to Mis , .; REBECCA E., daughter of Mr. Isaac Sadler, of Adams cour►ty. On Monday evening last, JOIIN, son of col. S. Witherow, of this place, aged 12 years, The Morals will be issued in sums of $lOO and .^:.stitl elicit, bearing 13 per cent. interest, withcoupons attached, payable semi-annually. They certainly %% ill twin a very safe and desi rable investment, as the Bonds will he free from taxation, and yield interest payablesctui annually, at h per cent. per annum. Persons wishing to subscribe for there, can do so by calling on th President, Secretary or Treasu rer of lb, cot, pally, or any of its Alanap,ers, with any or whom they will find the condi tions of sale. It. McCURDY, DAVID JYO. 11C01.10,LAN, Trea:atrer. Alarch 113. 1557, Lilt' test A rri Iva 3 _.lnollicr . La iv , ' Cowls !—Cheap, Ileoper: 011011mq! 1 ACOLIS BRO. hare just received from the • city, a large lot'of New Goods—Clolbs, CsiNsimercsi, Vestliags. SLc. &C., which they are prepared to sell cheaper. than ever. Step in and look at their asortment. Yon Wilt find the 'newest styles of goOds—as well as the latest Fashions for garments. The branch attended to, mi hero tolore. Good work nod warriinted to fit Gottysloirg, March 10,1,857 GETTYSBURG rranale Seminary. -riritJE Summer Session orthis institution will coloinenee on the first Alomistv of April, (April WO ir7For Circulars untl miter ; formation. apply at the I:soh:lice of Rev; 1). EYsTEtt, West Middle street, Gettysburg. March 16, 1857. 3w 101' , N 1 Notice. 9111 E undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county', to make distribution atnongst the creditors trf the fund in the hands of Mummil. REILY, sighee Of MICHAEL OVNIIMAUGII and Wife, hereby gives notice that he will sit to dis charge the duties of his appointment, at his office, in Gettysburg, on Tue.ydty, the 14th thi, / ,± April /text, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when and where ell persons interested may attend if they 5a.:7..11t. L. B. Match 16, 1857. Auditor. Administrator's Notice. BRA HAM KITCHEN'S ESTATE.—Let. ters of administration on the estate of Abraham Kitchen, late of Reading top, Adams co.. deceased. having been granted to the un derhigned, residing in Hamilton township, he hereby givey 1101.11.!C to all persons; indebted to said estate to make immediate payment,. and tho,e having elaims against the same to pre rent them properly anther►tiented for Bettle utt•rtr. MARTIN GETZ, At r. March IG, 1857. Gt, Palminis'zator's 'Notice. 1 ACOB 1;0111;11Z'S ESTATE.—Letters of o alit h iiii,,tration on the estate of Jncob Litz, hi i of Mountjoy township, Adatng dereased, • having been granted to the under sigraql, residing in the same tovt 'lshii), he lie; &,y gives notice to all persons indebted to haul catate to ma . ke iminediatelmyment, and tho:,e , having claims against the same to pre- Sent them properly u then Lica trl for settlement. PETER BOBLITZ, March 16, 1857. Gt Executor's Notice. ‘-A THAI ti NE ITCH ER'S EST A TE.—Let let's testamentary on the estate oftjathartne Pecker, late of Ilamilton township, Adams county. deceased, having been granted to the mulersi:?;ned, rksiding iu Paradine township, l'ork county, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make hotnediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them pro perly authenticated for settlement. JACOB WISE, Executor. March IG, 1857. - For ;BO Cents Only! 1. 4 1 0 R 50 cents I will sell a Receipt to mule Honey which cannot be told from that made 4y Bees. SatisfactiOn guarantied or the money refuthleil. Sent by indil on receipt of 17 three cent pogtnge stamps. A. .5. PorTe,nyi no, Gettysburg, Pa. March 10. )8'..")7. 11.4 name-Brad e ors LW A\ ore hand and welt: to order by %. the het of 'workmen, at Colic-an & Pax ton's :heap Hat. Cap, Loot and Shoe Store. .letrcle It, 1657. Wail Pa per. LA ItG E stoct on hind, of the latest style, _II and selling from to 50 cents by the piece, at Com;As & PAXTON'S. 1 1 - nariOlt Witral,..),Troi. 1,7017 will meet for .training rat the public ; --,,, ~-.— L t . I.ItAIION! Those who are fond of 1 , :o. ; ; 11. house of l"saac Boyer, in Arendtsville, on will rind a large a,,sortinvat of, Vi-4 , 4 ,-; o' ,,, irly, Ill' ''''"',:i 111 . .ir I l' , 'N if“ir I , If. :1t 10 " L Accordeons, Flutes, Fife , ,, ac., &c. , Citc . ‘) , o'clock, A. M.. with arms and accoutrements i i • 1 111 Cuilipie Lc Order I=lllll ._ U. O. , 111(11:::. , E lIINIIII' for sz. Iv.v , 1. _II Ggo.“:1-: E. I;;;UN,.N:t I. The Wierld's Great Exhibition Prize Meil,•l AWARDED TO C. MEYER, For his Two Pianos, London, Oct 16, 11',f)1 G MEYER respectfully informs his U• and the public generally, that he II constantly on hand PIANOS equal to ;hi, for which he received the Prize Medal in Lon don, in 1851. • All orders promptly attended to. and grt.- care taken in the selection kind packing of 1! same. (alle has received during the last I years, more Medals than any other maker, ft t, the Franklin Institute ; also First Premitit: , at Boston, and Premiums at New York A; Baltimore. Warerooms removed from 52 S. Fourth to N. 180 A lit; II street, below Eighth, south si'.' Philadelphia. March 16, 1857. 3m omrysl3ußG. Joint Stock AssOciation. $20.000! , Extensire &Ile of Beautiful Engrarin!,. , 0:720,000 GIFTS.. 1110 be awarded by the Association as sun as 20,000 Engravings are sold ! Matcruiticrent Gifts au(l Valuable Pr, - • — Telly tor Distribution : 1 Farm, 40 acres, more or less, with large two-story House, part stone and part frame, with stono back. building, and necessary out-build ings, and Saw-mill thereon erected, With water power for almost any purpose, situate in Freedom twp, Adams county. Pa.. 3,001) on 1 !louse and lot in Gettysburg, 1,500 rin, 1 out-lot, near town, 5 acres, 7044 (lit 1 Town-lot in Gettysburg, 601 n 9 1 do do 300 1.0 1. Tract of land, 36 acres, 1,000 no 1 do 20 " 600 2 splendid Carriages. $2OO each, 400 no -' 1 Jenny Lind Rockaway, 2011 1:0 2 litiegies,.s7s each, IP! 2 GoldW atches,extra ime,Sl2s 250 1;f1 1 do do 100 100 ,410 2 do do 90 18tt 14? 17 do do 60 1,022 t•f! 15 Ladies' Gold Watches, 65 975 0 10 do do 60 6011 t;tt 20 Silver Watches, • 30 600 1,0 22 do do 20 440 no 6 do do 25 _125 i 0 10 Oil Paintings, 10 lOti' 0' 20 pair Guld.Ear Rings, 250 51) ito 5 do • . do 2 lo tto 20 gold Pens, , 2 40 tin 25 gold• Fi n ger Rings, 2 ful tat 20 gold Breast Puts, 2 3403 Apples of gold gilt, . ' lO Grain Drill. - • 6o oil 8 Hathaway Cook Stoves, 55 441► rte) 10 (To een itlountain Feud Cutters, 1:11 00 10 Ploughs, $l2 50. 125 (.0 2 extra saddles, $37 50, 7 ott 2 setssilver mounted thrums, 40 I1;i no 8498 Books of Etiquette, Son tist 1 Part Folio, ° 5 00 I Rifle, 1 , 0 1 Wonder of the World. 5.1 3 Adventures of a Country/lb/chant., 7 5o 5 Life hid with Christ. , 2n . 4/ 1 1 236 F'antily Receipt Books, I Silk Dross, 3600 Port Mormais, 2414 Lithographic Prints, 20.000 fryPersonft wishing to become Shareholtlt t, in the above Property, can do so by forwa , ii• ing ONE DOLLAR: on receipt' vrherelif tic will send them an Engraving and certiliewi'• Which will entitle the holder thereof to otie the Gifts. As . F.oon'tts the Engravirws are sold, notice will be given to the ;Shijeliold. ntitl a Convention held in Gettysburg. wilt o '4 Committee will be chosen, to whom ,the . pl , ,• perty will he delivered, to be' "distrihott..l among the Shareholders. From_ the grow Ing popularity of these Joint Stock Associntiotts, it is confidently believed that the propvt-,y may ho distributed among the Sharehuideri inn few months. aj - All orders for Engravings and Col -;I catos, by mail, .should be addressed to • ROBERT COBEN.I, Gettysburg, Adams county, Pciii) A GEYTS IK/1 NTED, in every town and village in the U0it , ..1 i States, to sell Engravings, to whom a lila commission will be given. tr'All letter: , Or inquiry, accompanied by a postage stamp, v.ll , be promptly answered. Gettysburg, February 2, 1857. tf 1 ~ To the rolilie: i T rIE undersigned, having renewed his 1i..3,P of the WESTERN HOTEL, fora term ut I I years, tenders his thanks,to his many frig; ml.s fir their liberal patronage. and asks them i.' Istill - call and see him, when they will lii• , ? ;many improvements which will add to tlivir comfort. JACOB SANDERS. Baltimore, March 2, 1857. Queensware. ALARGE and elegant assortment of Quetnswaro just received and ready for sale. Persons. wishing to commence how:— keeping or to fill up sets of ware. should c:•11 early. Also a great variety of China Vrim. , , all of which are offered at very low rates.— Call and select from the beautiful ware at Store of FAIINESTOCK February 16, 1857. Removals. %gill: undersigned, being the authorized per I. son to make removals into Ever Cr v ,.,, Cemetery, hopes that such as contemplate h. av:naval of the remains of dec'eased relative: or friends, will avail themselves of sea,.:• of the year to have it done. Ilis term:::,: moderate, and every effort is made to PETER 'THOR'S, Kecper of the Cent“., February 9, 1857. 111 a rdwa re. OUR stock of Hardware has been very mio , increased, and persons building or rt.yoli ink; anything in this department, should !i. call and see FA uNEstoc KS' Cheap Stock UEENSWAILE, China. Glass and %. .-n-aexseetinent-7nni-se-111-7-.7 .4'2 1:0 8u .ko 157 im 20.000 ca► COBEAN & PA-XTOX'