The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, February 23, 1857, Image 4

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    Edw., IL Buehler,
tt at fit,
faithfully and promptly attend to
ail bitKille , ,s entrusted to ltita. Ile
'speaks the German language. - ()Mee at the
; ;; L ine SCitith:l; : allibVere Stl'C'et., near
Foroey's,tlrtie, lure, anLi ;wally opptmite Dual
(iettystAng, Nlareb 20.
11 11',kB. 3 , l'CleVna l
O FFICEon the south side of the Public
Square, 2 doors west of the Sentinel nlliee.
• Gtty , burg, August 22, 1853.
. • Bannly Land Claims.
riptlE undersigned will attend promptly to
the collection of claims fur
_wady Lm'l'
under the late act, of Congress. Those i‘..11.1
have already received 40 or SO acres, can imq
receive the balance. by calling on the subscri
ber and making the necessary application.
Gettysburg, March 12, 1855. tf,
David A. Buehler, '
3iterlltli at Lam,
'[JELL promptly attend to collections and
all business entrusted to his care.
1: - Office in the Diamond, adjoining store of
Ai. B. Kurtz.
Gettysburg, Feb.. 4,1856. 17
1). 31Tonaiiighy,
3tturnmi at raw,
(Office removed to one door \Vest of Buchler'a
Drug &Book-store, Chanaberaburg street,)
Attorney 4. Solicitor for Patents
and Pensions,
OUNTY Land Warrants, Back-pay sus.
pended Claims,and all other claims against
the Government at Washington, D. C. ; also
Americau claims in England. Land Warrants
located and sold, or bought, and highest prices
given. Agents enmaged in locating warrants
Iu lowa, nlinois and other Western States.
Apply to him personally or by letter.
62ttysburg, Noir. 21, 1853.
Lawrence Bill, DI. D.,
Tim his Office one door west. of the Labe
l!. ran church, in Chambersburg street; and
opposite Grammer's store, where those wish
ing to have" any Dental Operation pafortn
_ elate respectfully invited toeall.
REF,ZRENCES : -Dr. D. Gilbert, 'Dr. C. N.
Pet lucky, Dr. D.,llorner, Rev. C. P. Krauth,
D. D., Rev. 11. L. Baugher; D. D., Rev. Prof.
William il. Reynolds, Rev. Prof. M. Jacobs,
ptilf„)T. L.,SLCOTEr.
Gat:tygbilrt, April 11, 1853. tf
- New Goods,
BS' experience in the credit busi
ness has satisfied me that it will not do,
and have now determined to adopt the CAS[I.-
system—and offer the following Goods for cash
or produce Only : Cheap CLOTS. blue,
black, brown, green, claret, olive. &c.: fancy
Oveicoatings. Beaver Cloths, Petersham, Cus
Bitheres, black and every variety of fancy col
ors; Cassinets, Velvet Cords, Jeans, &c.; Pan
taloons stulls generally ; Coburg Cloths, Me
rinoes, Debages, Delaines, Alpacas, Cali
coes, Ginghams, &e., with every variety of
Ladies' Dress Goods.
• i?'9+l4.ii-riza(le Clothing in great variety, well
made a n d cheap ; Domestics, fresh Groceries,
Orceitsioare; &U. 'CT.
- Please call, examine' 'and -judge for
selves. All will be sold at the lowest cash
prices. . GEO. .ARNOI.I.):
'October 64 185 G.
Said Out. Pay
HAVING disposed of - my 'Hat. Ono,. Boot
E.l and Shoe Store to Messrs. KUNO/ A N
A A 'TWA NBAUGII, who. will carry on the
busuieSs at the old stand, I reSpedfully ask a
continuance to my successors of the liberal pa
tronage with which the public 'have favored me
.durititt many years. As lam new mita bus
iness. it is necessary that my Books and Ac
counts be 'closed up at once; Ail persons.
therefore, who know themselves indented on
Note or Book Accounts are requested to call
vrithont delay and make settlement. I will
be found at the old stand.
Gettysburg, January 12, 1857.
New Millinery.
inform the Ladies of town and country,
that she is now prepared to execute, Millinery
in all its branches, in \Vest Middle st r eet, a
few doors below Mr. Getirgc Little's .itorc.—
Work done cheaper than elsewhere in tuwu.
Please call and see.
April 21, 185 G.
The Saturday Evening Post.
- , Yttniinii's /4r/tr . -Med, (;)•atis.— Exam hie tor
yourselves. 'Apply to the,
C( South Third street, Philadelphia.
February 2, 1657. 4t
Dere Ni.Ve Are -Again!
I[l7 1T 11 the handsomest and. cheapest Stock
, NEW GOODS to be found in this
place. All the newest styles are to Le seen
n. the assortment, acid many of them are real
y magnificent, without being costly. N-o
time foi particulars. Call in and see for your
selves, at J. L. S.! 71 1
On the Public Square.
wids Az ain
T JAGt 11.1;='S Merehant Tailoring Estali
.l.-11- fish/no:it. G ent!Pmen. call in awl exam
Ile I >l' yourelves. "Good and cheap," is their
T UST IN TIM E E. large assortment of
Gentlemen's and Ladies' GU AIS, for sale
-cheap at BttlNG.Nux AuGuisisLcull Che(ip
1I awl Shoe &ore.
fit L-CLOTII and Carpet Bags, of an a.
fur sale at BRINGIUS & AUG 111 N I ~
UCC ,I / 1 ) Jitt and ShOC Sture.
WANCY IVorit J3askets and Willow
of every description,embracing.a large
: gem.? -al assortment—a greater part expie-,11.
fur Ciaistnvi.s presents, at ERNEY & Bitk
Fancy Grozery and Confectionery
York, Dec. 15, '53. 67 \Vest
uA rep 'Warm.
have just-- received a splendid assorun,i,
of Wool Undershirts and Drawers, ‘i
ill be Siild low at SAMSON '.. ' Second Train leaves at 3P. M., with Passen-
----- ' f. - ers for Baltimore and intermediate tilaces, l
PORN . D 1 0: 1 % 1 L' 14 - — The attenti°" 01 MIL' I:and returns with passengers- from York,' die.
- kJ LE RS is invited to a very superior:l: iiele ! April 21. J. LEIB, Agent.
or-drying CURS, which can be had ,Lt all - --
tinies at
Jan. 14
1(,) f7:.:1 I I.;!,•-; 'Top t
P . , i:v •".
•J &u)' t,;l - ut:e..ry--ise. •
Nvw Ilardware Store.
911111; sulisc,riberg would respectfully an-
nounee to their friends and the public that
they have opened a Hardware, Stioe,i in liatti
more street, adjoining the residence of David
Gettysbutz, in which they alway*-I*--
tad tO offer to the public a largo — and general
assortment of
Hardware, Iron, Steel, Groceries,
'.FJ) 1P- 9
dcbar—mate, firbings,
Paint -s, OfIK, and Oye-stullk,
in general including every description of arti
cles in the above line of business. to which
they invite the attention of Coach-makers,
Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Cabinet - makers,
Shoe-makers, Saddlers, and the public gener
ally. Oar stock having been selected with
great care and purchased for cash. we guaran
tee (for the ready money,-) to dispose of any
part of it on as reasonable terms as they can
be purchaud anywhere.
We particularly request a call from our
friends, and earnestly solicit a share of public
favor, as we are determined to establish a char
acter-for selling Goods at low prices and doing
busiuesi; on fair principles.
Gettysburg, June 9, 1851. tf
n sitra nc e Company,
CAPITAL sl3o,sB6—effects insurances in
k..) any part. of-the State, against loss by fire ;
prudently adapts Its.operations to its resour
ces ; affords ample indemnity, and promptly
adjusts its losses.
Adams county is represented in the Board
of Managers by lion. Moms MoCtmAN.
WM, McCLEAN, Agent.
Office of 3t.. & W, McClean, Gettysburg.
May 26,1856.
A Medical Revolution
IlolloWay'S Ointment. —TUE°I;nEAT COUN
TER. lIMITAN"r !—The virus of disease of
ton makes its way to the internal organs thro'
the pores of the skin. This penetratidg Oint
ment, melting under the hand as it is rubbed
absorbed'through the same channels, and,
reaching the sent of inflammation, promptly
and invariably subdues it, whether located in
the kidneys, the liver, the lungs, or any other
important Organ. It penetrates the surface to
the interior, through the countless tubes that
communicate with the skin as summer rain
passes into the fevered earth, diffusing its cool
and regenerating influence.
Skin Diva..m.v awl Glandular Sn'elliny.v.
};very spezics.of exterior irritation is quickly
reduced by the anthimllannuittory action of this
Ointment. Angry Eruptions, such as Salt
Rheum, Erysipelas. 'fetter, Ringworm, Scald
Head, Nettle Rash. Scabies (or Itch) &c., die
out, to return no more, under its. application.
Hospital experience in all parts of the woild
proves its infallibility in discs - sew of the skin,
the muscles, the joints and the glands,
(fivers. Sores, awl Minors.
The cflitat Of this unrivaled external remedy
upon Scrofula. and other virulent ulcers and
sores, is almost miraculous. It first discharp.s
the poison which produdes suppuration and
proud tiesh, and thus the - cures which its heal
ing properties afterward complete are safe as
well as permanent.
;Foam/4p J3r r,iseg, n,crns, a nd. Sralds.
In easei of the fracture of bones,. inju
ries, ctuased by steam explosions, Bruises,
Burns, Scalds, Rheumatism, Stillness of the
.Joints, and contraction of the sinews, it is em
ployed and warmly recommended by the fac
ulty. -This marvelous remedy has been intro
duced- bTits inventor In - person into all the
leading Hospitals of Europe, and no private
household should be without it.
Umiesiitbip Ths/ihiony.
The Medical Staff of the French and English
Armies in the Crimea have officially signed
their approval of Holloway's Ointment, as the
most reliable dressing fur sabre cuts, stabs,
and gen-wounds. it is also used the sur
geons of the Allied Navies.
-Both the Chub:will and 1 ills 871ould be used in
the lidlowiny
Bunions tj w ,,,,,tist u Sort. Thru:stq
ltnlne Elr4aconn Soros °rail kiiil4
Chappv.! /lauds dolt Rheum Fprai uF
Chit Surtlds Stiff Jointm
Fi,tutr 4 $4lll Di , nst“; 'rpttor
tinrr L 19414 Vmn•: c:~!
Gi ttt
slocurLd EruptiviNSoro Itrea , ts
Piles Sore nemls
","Sold at the Manufactories of Piofessor
Ilin.r.owAY, NO Maiden Lane, New York. and
244- Strand, London, by all respectable Drug
gists and Dealers in-Medicine throughout the
United States and the civilized world, in pots.
at 25 cents. 62 , 4 cent~, and 1 each.
tri - There is a considerable saving by taking
the larger
N. B.—Direetiong fur the guidance of pa
tients in every disorder are affixed to each pot.
Sept. 1, 18.51). wryly
74 . I.IW Ft 117011.1
IL Ts, / 00 7 ',I // ()LW. ,
IIHE undersigned having purchased from
_ Wm. W. Paxton. Esq., his entice Stock
01 Goods, will continue the business at the old
stand, in Chain hershurg stied, a rew doors
west of the diattiond, under the firm of ill; LNG
:II,IN „AUG! I I NI;z1 UGH, and 'solicit the.
patronage of their friends and the public gen
erally. We have made arrangements largely
Lu increase our stock of
Orps, Itoots awl
.S 11(.(,•?,
and will always keep un hand a foil assortment
of all kinds, suitable to the season, wl,; G h will
be sold at the low•ast possible pi ices. 'loping.
by strict attention to business, to merit a lib
eral patronage, we invite all needing anything
in our line to call and examine our goods be
purchasing elsewhere,
Gettysburg, Jan. 12, 1657.—tf
And Stall They Conic !
UST recived at 110 K E - S Store, a large sup
"... ply of Winter Goods, the cheapest ever,
offend in market. Call and Lee before pur
ehasin„,,, elsewhere, as he is determined to sell
cheap for th e
very cheap Millinery Goods. -
Goods cut free of charge.
~ . ..11y-made Clothing on hand, which
svill be sold very low. JOHN HOKE.
Gettysburg, Dec. :22, 185 G. tf
Hanover B. Railroad.
111tAINS over the Hanover Branch RailrOati
.1. now run as follows :
First Train leaves Hanover at 9 A. 31.,, with
i'Assenzers for York, Harrisburg, Columbia
:.,(1 Philadelphia. This Train also connects
with the Express for Baltimore, arriving there
at l2 M.
A SPLENDID assortment of Queensware,
China,,Glass, Stone and Earthen ware. at
g OOll NEWS.—Tho bet article of San-
4 -M saze Cutters for sala cheap at the_cur
:/.f.:r .of Jullti
Joint Stock Association.
$,2 0 . 0 0 0
kxfooirc of- Beautiful Enhings
rf 20,000 GIFTS, c a
PlllO be awarded by the Association as soon
B. as 20,000 Engravings arc sold. !
Magnificent Uifts and Valuable Pro
perty thr Distribution
1 Farm, 40 acres, more or less, with
large two-story House, part stone
and part frame, with stone back
building. and necessary out-build
ings, and Saw-mill thereon erected,
with water power for almost any •
purpose, situate in Freedom twp,
Adams county, Pa.. - 3,000 00
1 house and lot in Gettysburg, 1,500 00
1 Out-lot, near town, 5 acres, 700 00
1 Town-lot in Gettysburg, 600 00
1 do do • 300 00
1 Tract of land, 36 acres, 1,000 00
1 do 20 " 600 00
2 splendid Carriages, 8200 each, 400 00
1 Jenny Lind Rockaway, 200 00
2 Buggies, $75 each, 150 00
2 Gold Watches,extra fine,sl2s 250 00
1 do do 100 100 00
2 do do 90 180 00
17 do do GO 1,020 00
15 Ladies' Gold Watches, . 65 975 00
10 do do 600 00
20 Silver Watches, 30 GOO 00
22 do do 20 440 00
6 do do ' 25 125 00
10 Oil Paintings, 10 100 00
20 pair Gold Ear Rings, 250 50 00
5 do do 2 10 00
20 gold Pens, 2 40 00
25 gold Finger Rings, 2 50 00
20 gold Breast Pins, - 2 40 00
3403 Apples of gold gilt, - 2,505 00
1 Grain Drill, GO 00
S Hathaway Cook Stoves, 55 440 00
10 Green Mountain Feed Cutters, 150 00
. 10 Ploughs, Si 2 50, 125 00
. 2 extra Saddles, $37 50, 75 00
2 sets silver mounted Harness, 40 80 00
8498 Looks of Etiquette, 500 00
1 Part Folio, 5 00
1 Rifle, 20 00
1 ‘k onder of the World. 2 50
3 AdOentures of a Country Merchant, 7 50
5 Life hid with Christ. 25 00
2367 Family Receipt Books, 92 00
1 Silk Dress, 30 00
3000 Port Jlonnaig, - 1575 00
2481 Lithographic Prints, . 445 00
Irj - Per sons wishing to become Shareholders
in.the above Property, can do so by forward
ing ()NM ptiLLAR, on receipt whereof we
will send them an Engraving and certificate.
which will entitle the holder thereof to one of
the Gifts, As soon as the Engravings are all
sold, notice will be given to the Shareholders,"
and a Convention held in Gettysburg, when
Committee will be chosen, to whom the pro
perty will be delivered, to be. distributed
among the Shareholders. From the growing
popularity of these Joint Stock Associations,
it is confidently believed that, the property
may be distributed among the Shareholders
in 1, few months.
°Hos for Engravings and Certift
caws, by mail, should by addressed to
in every town and village in the United
States, to-Sell Engravings, to who►n a liberal
commission will be given. (a — All letters of
inquiry. accompanied by a postage stamp, will
be promptly answered.
Gettysburg, February 2, 1857. tf
"1;1(E.1'1' tit.1.1.-SERI'ENT CA PTITY11!"
(.2 Aml T Er, IV E.% VER haring provided- him
stn. Wttli an entire ne%% , and cuetly appa
ratus, is now prepared to
Ambrotypes and Daguerreotypes,
in every style of the art, which -he ill war
rant to give entire sat isl:action. His long ex
perience and superior apparatus give hint
advantages seldom furnished by Dagaerrean
establishments out of the city. lie has a large
number of spscitnens at his Gallery, in Uham 7
hersbut.g street, which the public are request
ed to call and examine.
11 uttipls or:0116.111,1s
[11,7 . 1: barge.; from 50 coils to $lO. hours
of operating from 8 A. NI. to 4 P. M. Vold
Lockets, JileaNtpins, suitable for miniatures,
always on hand, at the v e ry l o w e st r i ee s„
,t7 - "Children
. not be taken fo ness than
c - j -- -AMBROTYPES taken from one dollar
and upwards, and in the heA Style.
Dec. 22, 1.856. if
UWE. Ladies andlientletnen, can be found in
A. immense variety, and cheaper than ever,
at St.lllC K.'S. Step in and esannue the new
stock for Fall and Winter.
October 20, 1.36.
lOBEAN & PAX'I'ON have opened an un
usually large assortimmt of Wall Paper,
of every style and variety, hom tp 40 ets.
ii piece. flonsekeepers and Paper I h tigers are
inviteil to call and examine the stook, which
is superior to anything heretofore offered in
this market. Only 121, cents a piece, or 11
cents a yard, fur Wall Paper !
Gettysburg, Feb. 25, 1856.
Fine Liquors.
V BENCH Brandies, Holland Gin, 'Madeira,
11 Lisbon, Port, Sherry, Claret, Chatn
pipe and Muscat ‘V hies : Jamaica and New
England Rum ; Monongahela, Iri s h and Scotch
Whiskey.; _Kimmel, Aromatic Gin, Fruit
Brandies, &c., for sale tAr
Fancy Grocers and Confectioners,
York; Dec. 15, '5O. 07 West _Market st.
4gN.'SPENCER THOMAS, No. 9.6 South
Second . street, Philadelphia, Importer,
Manufacturer and Dealer in l)rugs and
Medicines, Chemicals, Acids. Dye Stud's, Paints,
Oils. colors, White Lead, French and „Ameri
can White Zinc, Window Glass, Gl a ss wa r e ,
Varnishes, Brushes, Instruments; Ground
Spices, IVhole Spices. and all other articles us
ually kept by Druggists, including Borax,
Indigo, Glue, Shellac, Potash, &c., &c., &c.—
All orders by mail or otherwise promptly at
tended to. Country Merchants are invited to
call and examine our stock before purchasing
-elsewlferk. Goods rcn to any of the wharves
June lu, 1. , ,o(). tt - .
or railroad stations. Prices low and goods; Hatters himself that he can go through all the profits. Call andl examine
Flour ! Flou r !
warranted. , Church 17, 1.85(1. ly - Tonsorial Department trouble to show goods.
- -- _• r
111 HE undersigned continues the Flour busi- : degree of skill, as will
1 ramifications of the
100 Boxes new crop Bunch and Layer Rai
sins, part in fancy boxes. For sa!e by with such an infinite
meet with the entire satisfaction of all who may
1. ness as heretofore. Ile sells by the barrel
or any smaller quantity. By taking smAii.
ERNE & B submit their chinslo the keen ordeal of his ra- OUR stock of'llliirdware has been very much
tors. Ile hopes, therefore, that by his atten- increased, andpersons building or requir
. Fancy Grocers and Confectioners, _ ritorirs he can buy as high and sell as low as 'Lion-to business, and a desire to please, he will ing anything in thss department, should first
York, Dec. 15. '56. , 17 . west Market st. , anybody else, and by always endeavoring to
keep none but the best, he hopes to :nerit and
nierit as well as receive. a liberal liare of pub- call and seeFAII: !.:STPC ICS' Cheap Stock._
._ ' '
li IIESS.AND. FR)CK' COATS of J ceeive a, (7,0116 nUallCe of liberal
t ..b.ade and quality, and cheaper tha L ii v( L y - ! their pi ivate dwellings.
WM. GI LLESPI E. do yr n want to buy cheap an d
Cr at o 6.0 IU.N '5. ' Oct. 8, 1633. At the Pint ()lac. Liettysburg, Jau. 8, 1853. tf ' FAHNESIOCKS'.
L A f D as I h E i S ol ' iable litobes 3 If sr,. call at
it,l)vip.3vl' COBEAN..S-C'y.
Gettysburg, Atbuns county, Petth'a.
A 0 ENTs ILI Y7'F;l).
Attention, One and All !
GREA 7' SllO 11-.
I)ltViS (44i011).5,
Wall Paper.
Drug Store.
Osage Orange Premium Hedge.
E undersi g ned havin g made Hed g in g his 1
JIL exclusive business, is now prepared, with
his extensive facilities, to do any amount of
tGiA r).4.
C ' c!.J 1.4 a 9
on the most reasonable terms, in any part of
Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Dela
ware, Maryland, and Virginia. Th . ; Osage
Orange is beautiful, ornamental, and protec
tive, proof against stock, high winds, back
water, &e.
I will furnish Plants, Plant and Trim until
the Iledge will turn all kinds of farm stock, at
from $1 to $1 50 per rod, one-third to be paid
when planted. and the balance when it is de
clared a good fence by disinterested persons.—
Those getting the Hedging done, are required
to prepare the'ground by deep ploughing, and
cultivate the hedge row as directed.
Hedges set and Plants furnished at. from 50
to 60 cents per rod, payment to be made when
the Hedge is *set, •
1117" PLANTS at Wholesale and Retail, de
livered at the Railroad Station at this place,
securely boxed, as follows:
When 5Q,000 arc ordered in one order, 84,50
per thousand for No. 1-54,00 for No. :
4,000 in one order $5,00 for No. 1-84,50 for
No. 2 ; Less than 5.000 iu one order $6,00 for
NO. 1—55,00 for 2-
SEED, ji•exk and of the best
,quality, at
Wholesale aiid Retail, at market prices.
The value of the Osage Orange for Hedging
ig now settled. Its success, with proper man
agement, is beyond doubt. Nature will doElt
work in making it an impervious Hedge, if man
,will do ins in its culture.
ItEFM:EXCgS.—II , m. James Gowen, President Penn
otylvatlia state Akrieultural : 4 ociety; Cen. Geo. Sl. Heim,
Reading. ; C4.m. John notes, .Mereytown, ; .Sameel
Wagner, Canbier York ti.tuk. Pa; llon..Win. Bigger, U.
Senator from Pennsylvania; Gen. It. C. Ilale, Philadelphia,
; Ueu. Wm bell, Patterbon, Pa ; Wm. A. 814.4te5, Esq.,
Greensburg., Pa. -
Add! CSB, 'SG.
And the Cheapest '
T HE undersigned would inform the Bond
people of Adams county and the rest of
the world, that he tras received an extra large
supply. of all kinds of
Boots, Shoes. Hats,• Caps, Buffalo Robes, &c,,
from New York ; and although goods have ad
vanced in price, he is able and determined to
sell at a less price than heretofore.
Country Merchants are invited to call—he
will sell them Goods lower than ;hey can buy
in the city. ..No one can compete with him,
unless he buys his Goods as he does :' that is to
say, go to New York and stay two, three or
four months, and Watch the chances. • .
20.000 Ut►
A word to the wise is sufficient. Ifyou
need such Goods as he keeps, go to him and
ma}:: your purchasers, to save money.
October 20, 185 G.
Gettyslmrg Foundry.
MILE undersigned, haying entered into
nership to carry on the Foundry business
under the him of WARREN & SONS, hereby
make known to the citizens of Adams and ad
joining counties, that we are prepared to make
everything in our line orAlusiness. We have
constantly on hand, the
Hathaway and other Cooking Stoves,
the Parlor .Air-Tight alid Ten-plate Stoves, of
various styl e s and sizes; Pots, Kettles and
Pans. and all other Iron. Cookino b Utensils,
W a ffle Irons, Washing Machines, Ash-plates,
1100 i-scrapers. &c. Castings for Mills and
other Machinery, PIARIGII CASTINGS. Of every
description. &e. .We make the Seylar;
et-. and different kinds of Witherow Ploughs.
We have also got different patterns of
Fencing and
for Cemeteries, Yards and Porches, which
can't be beat for beauty and cheapness.
L — r - A II the above articles will be sold cheap
for cash or country produce.
9 - 7 - *lllacksntithing still confirmed.
BRASS CASTINGS and everything in our
line made to order.
THRESHING MACHINES repaired at the
shortest. notice. Beingl,•Muulders ourselves,
we, will do our work mum'.
TEI 0 M AS A. WA R 11EN.
nettypUrg. May 14, 1855. tf
EVitllS' Fire bi, Thief Proof Safes:
1,1011, Merchants, Lawyers. Fanners and
Hif others, having Pltpers or other
r,l/,',1i,/ w, to preserve - from 1.11/E or DU RG-
Day & NOVO 's Hobb's) BANK LOCKS.
cA It D.—The "•I'uth: PitooF ..AFE," that
preserved our prrs, tr.r•., during the
"6re:a Fire :it Hart's Building," was par
chasva of OLIVER EVANS, 61 S. 2nd. St.,
d Burk.
Re111:4 - erators Water Filters.
EVANS' Premium . Ventilated Refrigerators
for cooling and preserving ineWs, butter, milk,
witlcr and all articles for culinary purposes.
W ATER FILTERS, for purifying ootrkix/s
or mmbly water, whether affected by rains,
limestone, marl or other causes : can be had
separate or attached to the Refrigerators—a
small quantity of Ice cooling the whole, in the
warmest weather. PonTA tux SUOW ER BATHS,
for the use of iroriu or rob/ water. ATEh
Coot,Eits, thr Hotels, Stores and Dwellings.
STORE TRUCKS, for moving boxes, ha/c.<,
SEAL P.ass.sEs, COPYING do., I)ItUM:IST do.
61 s o uth, Seon i mi 2 4/o,7rs twhqv Che...;aut.
Feb. 11, 1856 . 1Y
1 4 11 RENCH Merinoes, all col Ors ; fashiorablo
Cloak Cloths ; Fall Silks, the new styles :
magnificent new DeLaines: best styles Fall
- e - i - affoes; - "very large stock of new Sh.twls:
Flannels. Welsh. English and American ;
Cloths, Vestings, and all kinds Alen's Wear ;
Sheetings, Table Linens, Towelings. &c.
Fotrth and Arch streek Philadelphia.
_';'Scorekeepers are invited to examine our
New Goods. Fatuities can be well suited in
every kind of Dry Goods. We make I;lack
Silks and Shawls leading articles for whole
saleing. P. S.—Jobs received daily from the
Auctions in New York and Philadelphia.
December 15, - 1856. 6th
Second Street House,
.LVQ• 43 North Second Street, Philadelphia.
riIIEIMS---"1 per day—Sing:le Meals 25
cents. N. 13. Pleasant rooms for ladies.
21b; reytown, Mifflin co., Pa.
More New Mock.
FOR 1856.
AGR E F.A RLY to an act of Assembly, entitled "An Act to raise County Rates and Le
vies," requiring the Commissioners of the respective counties to publish a Statement of
the Receipts and Expenditures yearly, We, the Commissioners of Taxes of said county, do
Report as follows, to wit: from the Seventh day of January, A. D., 1856, to the 6th day a -
Januar3r, 1657—both days inclusive.
J. L. 6enicl:, Esq., Treasurer, and the COMMISSIONERS, in account with
the County of Adams, as follows:
• Doug. ctg.
To Cash in bands of Treasurer at last
settlement, 690 38
Outstandirur Taxes and Quit Rents in
hands of Collectors, 4,508 00
rowdy Bales (t-levies assessed for 1836.
'Borough of Gettysburg, $1,239 59
do. Quit Rents, 178 50
Cumberland township, 1,129 34
Germany 66 729 98
Oxford 66 1,226 56
Hontipgton " . 1,167 17
Latim ore 66 -• " 895 74
Hamiltonhan " 1,413 66
Li b_ert_y_i 66 . 895 64
Hamilton 66 903 85 •
Menallen . 6, 837 55
Straban fi, 1,270 37
Franklin -6i 1,180 34.
Conowago 6, , 947 66
Tyrone . 46 627 21 -
MounljoY 4, 866 13
Mountpleasant " 1,219 24
Reading 66 1,067 79
Berwick 46 " ' 543 '54
Freed out _ ____ 64 ..
391 34
Union 64 1,113 65
Butler 66 876 33
----20,751 28
Loans from Bank & sundry persons, 4,800 00
Cash from Thomas Blocher, Esq.,
1, .. 150
.n State Quota for 1856, 684 21
41 from Henry Thomas,
Jury fees and tines for
134 00
KI frOm J. .1. Baldwin,
..ory fees. 12 00
Cash received from Samuel G. Cook
for Sheet Lead, 27 50
Cash received from sundry persons
for Lumber, 21 67
Cash received from Additional Tax
. ..
tOr 1856, 88 18.
Errors and 'raXes refunded to State, 95 58
.The mitstaniling . County Tax and (init penis
appro.,. In be in the hands ty' the jbllowiltY
Colfectorx, to trit :
Years. Colletorg. Town.hi ps.
1854. Hugh NlcGalighy-;Gulnbefland, , S36-76
" John E. Heikes, Huntington. 8 58
1855. Samuel Weaver, Gettysburg-8., 43 07
" Jas. McCollough, c;umberland4 66 0!
Solomon Sell, Germany,' 59 44
Nicholas Slaybaugh, Menallen, . 131 16
" Michael Crovvl, Franklin, 59 25
" Samuel Sadler, Tyrone; 166 28
1856, Samuel Weaver, Gettysburg 8., 743 81.
" James Black, Sr., Cumberland,' 339 49
" William Staub, Germany. 'll9 98.
" Leonard McElvee. 1-I,litington," 572 17
" Peter Stevens, Latiinore,* 295 - 74
Natli.iniel Grayson, Liberty. 340 74
Daniel Eltrettart, Hamilton,* 158 85
" Henry %%inner, Straban, 189 37
Erederick Stcever, Franklind. • 161 63
44 Levt Eindig, Conowago, 177 66
64 Steven Weidner, Tyrons,* 249 2(
44 Jesse Clapsaddle, Mountjoy,f 366,13
• Nicholas Heltzell, M'tpleasaat, 239 46
" John Miller, Reading,* 252 79
44- Jacob ?flyers, Freedom-I. 31 34
"' David P. Bair, Union,* • 273 65
" Henry Slaybaugh, Butler,* .522 33
$5,617 90
(*--Oxford, Ilamiltonban, Menaßen, and
Berwick, had paid in full before settlement. -
Those marked thus (f) have,Sinee paid in
Those marked thus (*) have since paid in
a.-27;^The County, is out of debt, with ont
standing taxes and due the County to 'the
ampuntofss,6l7 90—and cash in Treasury at
settlement, 6815 90. • (Since the settlement
the suns of 5::;,5•12' 35 has been paid into the
Treasury by dillerent.Colleetors.)
" ‘Ck °4l ". ;l - ' o;4' • T. 44.34 V - "`"
4,) .4 4 4 0: 4 ±1 -4k 4 si c„„,
~; fie t)a t t,
• 40.45.
11) the Lloitoral , le fhe Judges of the Coarl (9 4. Common' Pleas of Adams County.
E, the undersigned, duly elected Auditors . to settle and adjust, the Public Accounts or
V the Treasurer and. Commissioners of said County, having been sworn or affirmed
agreeably to law, report the following to he a fftneral statement of said accounts from the
Seventh day of January, A. D., 1856, to the Sixth day of January, A. D., 035 , 7—b0th days
J. L. SCIUCK, Esq., Treasurer, and ComMISSIONEBS, in a,eecaint with the
Cash in hands of Treasurer at last
Settlement, 690 38
Outstanding . County Tax and Quit
Reins in hands of Collectors, 4,508 00
Loan from B .nk and sundry persons,4,Boo 00
Amount of Co. Tax and Quit Rents
assessed for 1856, 20,751 28
Cash received from Thomas Blocher,
F e .q., for 14:strays, 1 50
Abatement on State Quota for 185 G, 684 21
Cash received from Henryfrhoinas,
Sheriff, for Jury fees and fines
for 1856, 131 00
Cash received from J. J. Baldwin,
Esq., for Jury fees 1856, 12 00
Cash received from Samuel G. Cook
for Sheet Lead,
Cash received from suary persons
for Lumber, 22 67
Additional Tax for 1856, 88 18
Errors and Taxes refunded to State, 95 58
$31,815 30
11TE, the undersigned, Auditors of the County of Adams, Pennsylvania, eleeteiland swor n
in pursuance of law, do REPORT, that we met, did audit, settle and adjust according
to law, the account of the Treasurer and Corn missioners of said County, commencing on thG .
Seventh day of January, 1856. and ending on the Six th day of January, 1857—both days in
clusive : that said account, as settled above, arid entered of record ih Settlement Book, in the
Corn inissioners' otlice of Adams county, is correct, and that we find a balance due to the
County of Adams, by J. L. Schick, Esq., '1 reasurer of said County, in cash, Eight Hundred
and Fifteen Dollars and Ninety Cents, ($Bl5 90,) and in Outstanding Taxes, Five Thous.ind
Six Hundred and Seventeen Dollars anti Ninety Cents, ($5,617 90.)
February 2, 1857. 4t
- Jewe/ry . ! Jewelry!
Diamond Tonsor. •
JOHN W. TIPTON, Fashionahle Burlier jj L. SC HICK has now on hand a large
an /fair Pre,lser, can at all times b e found es and splendid assortment of Jeyrelry,com
prepared to attend to the calls of the people, at prisin ,, everything in that line—Breastpins,
the Tenipte, in the Diamond, adjoining the Ear-Rings, Fingee-Rings, Chains, &c., &c.-
1 4 nt Buildinp. From lon experience,_he all of which he is selling at the lowest hying
$31.815 30
c)o- JO
Dons. CU.
By Orders paid out as follows, to wit :
By auditing & settling public accounts, 28,00
' R. G. McCreary, Esq., Auditor ap
pointed by the Court to audit pub
lie offices, 15 00 ,
Printing, Blanks, &c., • 482 62
Sheriffs bills of Court costs, 914 28
Clerk's pay, 200 00
Abatement to Collectors 5 percent., 1,018 71
Fox and Wild Cat scalps, 91 30
Central Jury and Tip Staves' pay, 1,200 77
Assessors' pay, 688 00
Jailor's fees for keeping prisoners and
Turnkey, 152 03
Wood, stone coal, hauling, &c., for
Public Buildings,
Repairs at Public Buildings,
Grand Jury and Tip Stares' pay,
Register, Prothonota:y, and Clerk of
Sessions fees, 126 74
Tax refunded to sundry persons • 43 58
Court Cryers' pay, 82 75
Certificates of Constables returns, 100 01
Counsel fees and extra suits, 40 (4
Treasurer of Alnis House, 8,090 50
Postage and Stationary for Commis
sioners' office,
Notes and interest paid Bank and
914 16
sundry persons, 5,
i Quit Rents paid George Hirnes's heirS,_ 2 00
James J Wills, Esq., Commission
er's pay. 186 00
I George Myers, Esq., u 186 00
i Henry A. * Picking, Esq., " 186 00
Officers' pay at Spring Election,! 926 76
Justice and Constable fees for. Corn
mi sting Vagrants,
Jonas Routzhan Colanact in full Ber
mudian Bridge,
George and Henry Chritzman con
tract in full Swift Ran Bridge,.
Officers' pay at State and Presidential
Electiors, •
Directors of Poor pay,
Daniel. Minnigh, Esq., cost °lnqui
sition, 55 75
Coroner and Justice fees for inquisition, 17 69
Road damages and damage views; 6RI 59
Repairs at Bridges; 61.16 47
Henry Thomas, Esq., for summon
tug Jurors,
- Exoneration to Collectors,
Collectors' fees,
Outstntalinw Tax and Quit Rents in
hands of Collectors, 5,617 90
Treasurer's salary, ' 350 00
Balo nee due Ctionty by J. L. Schick,
Eq., Treasurer,
IN TESTIMONY that . the foregniniz Stabs"
meat of Receipts and ilipendifores ex
[scaL]hillied at the office of the Treasurer of
said County. is a correct and true ropy,
as taken from and compared with the orig - ainll
remaining in the books in this Office,. -vre
have hereunto set our laands and affixed the
seal of said Office at Gettysburg, the Sixth Ilit
of January, one thousand eight hundred and
COMIIII4I4f iinaer,R.
Attest-3. M. W ALTER, Clerk.
Dollft. cts.
By outstanding Taxes for 1854, 45 34
ill " 1855, 53S 21
,4 61 1856, 5,034 35
" Fees for 1853, 38 40
111 64 1854, 68 86
66 11, 1855, 523 27
116. -6, 1856, 202 81
0 - Exonorations for 1854, . 39 13
~ - 1 8 5 ,
66 106 25
66 6, 1856, 21 77
Disbursements on County Orders, 24,030 95
Treasurer's Commission, 350 00
Balance due by J. L. Schick, Esq.,
162 29
221 36
352 87
1 06 50
412 00
439 94
60 00
73 50
16T 2t
833 31-
531 . ,815 a)
815 90
$31,815 30
(April 21.