• , In ac(:(itbdance with. these senti• ntcoti. P tnnsylvinia, true to the principles of. the act of r i ,~Q, slavery with:- - i a her' territorial limits—true to the gre it (I.n.trines of the Ordinance of ii 7, which dediesitAl tn. free.lont the north-western terri• tory of the Unian=---true to National faith and honor, asks and expects, as due to her own citizens who have, in go , ) 3 faith, set.) -1-14-in-the-territ Kansas and as due to the industry,Bll(l er:r* - of a free people, that K a n Alts should. be free. fa this eututecion, and as consequent upon the repeal of the Ntssouri Cmpromise. reference ton Proposition made oy some of the leadine Southern journals, and more recently sanctioned by hitth of. fiend authority in a sister Stine, 0) reopen the A • Inca . ) slave - trade. will nut be deemed improper.— That such a traffic, &dared to be . piracy and ex ecralot by the civilized world—so crowded with horrors in every stage of its pitratiii—.o revolting to'every sentiment of humanity—every impulse of pike - and no:4e feeling—Should be advocated , or a pproved,in this nineteenth century, with apparent sincerity, and iarged us a measure pt political econ omy and ofjastice and equality to the south , rn States of the Union,'are facts that find their ,ortly eiplainitina and .apoiogy in a wild enthusiasm - , or a still wilder fanaticism that overwhelms alike the reason and the -conseieace. The wisdinn and ha tniinity of a pioposirioi, so startling end monstrous, must seek their parallel and illtuor it ion in the dun geons of the Inquisition or in the hold of the slave ship, amid the horrors of the "middle pasmee."" Equally repulsive to the intelligent and virtuous sentiment of the South as well as the North, it should receive the indignant rebuke of every lover of his conntrv—of every friend of justice and hu manly. The history of the world and of crime does I to - reveal a trace more inhutnan;--an atrocity - more horrible. Against a proposition so abhorrent, and against , the principles it involves, ns the repre• senta:ives of a tree people. and in their name, you should enter their unontmous and emphatic protest. -The union of _the States. which constitutes 419 one people, shnuld-be_dear. to_vou_74t_o_e_y_ery, Ame rican citizen. In the heat and excitement ofpolit ical contests—in the whit! of isectirmal and conflict ing interests—amid the surging of human passions, harsh and discordant voices may he heard. thrent• ening its integrity and denouncing its doom ; but in the calm, "sober, second ihouitht" of a patriotic and virtuous people. will be found its security and defence. Founded in wisdom, and cherished by the iritense'affeetinn of pure and devoted patriotism. it Will stand, safe an rundistorbed. amid t he insane rage oh political detnagogtint, and the fitful howling of frantic fanaticism ; and when i t fills—if f a ll it mast—it will be when liberty and truth. patriotism and virtue. have perished. PennsylYanin tolerates tin sentiment of -disunion —she knows not tile word. Disunion ! "'tea an liner-thought—a monstrous wash—unborn till virtue The Union and the Constitittion—the cafe-guard and bond of Ame rican Nationality—will he revered and defended by every A merican treepian who cherishes the princi ples and honors the memory of the illustrious foun• ders of the Republic. fte.c.o.intzititt our responsibility to Him who con trols the destinies, of nations and of men, and limn king His blessing on your deliberations, may order and hormonv characterize your sessions, and with sttigle reference to the public good. may your teals lative action. in it character and results. promote the happiness and welfare of .the people. and the honor and _provenly of the Commonwealth. _ J lilts PJLLOCK. Harrishitro, lan. 7. 1557. Terrible Calamity in Wa6hington-4.1a , dy 13urned to .Death. w ASH INGTO Jail: 4.—T h e wife of Judge Daniels, of the 11. S. Suprenie Court, was burned to death last, night by' an, accident alt the rosideocemif her husband in Franklin Tow. The Judge and his wife had been out and oil r@turning home, he went into the'lihrary and she repaired to - her sleeping ,apartment, and Lewinenced disrobing preparatory to retiring for the night. Being very near-sighted, she did not• perceive a candle sitting on the hearth, nor the flames that communicated to her clothing until they completely enveloped her. She then ran frotn'the 'room shrieking for assistance. .ller rapid motion only. added stre igthto the flames and before any effectual assistance, could lie rendered, she.was terribly burned from head to foot, and her recovery was rendered hopeless, from having inhaled the fire. She died the morning after, linger -jag eight hours in dreadful agony. She was t most estimable lady, about 35 years of age, 'aniimleaves two children, the youngest being only six or 'eight niontlis old, , .She •was the dau..t,liter of the late jiones llarris, of Phila.- lolphia. formerly chief of the bureau of medi cine; anil surgery attached to the Navy De partment. This terrible eat:unity has caused • much regret to a large circle of friends . and floe community at large, who deeply'sympa- Oise vt ith . the Judge on his bereavenrent. Ile vas himself burned, but not seriously, while etnleavoriog to extinguish the flames. The Intelligeneer says : Mrs. Daniels was sitting in her chamber at • low table preparatory tr. retiring for the night, haying on a cali,:o rube. From stone cause, now mutable to he assigned, the en wile on the table lay which she was lighted fell and entnntunicatt,si its flames to her robe, which she endeavored to put out, but in vain. In thus way she . screamed aloud, and ran into —the outride the ebm hnrst of air gave TIM force to the thoroughly ignited' robe, and before obtaining the..assist :lnce of her husband, who ran front his study, and of a servant from below, Mr-z. Daniels was )310 , t severely burnt. ller person was as quickly as possible en velopel with rarpetino, and such 'articles as ti. ere at hand, but the destructive element hail doae its fell work too completely, and, at'- . 1) om A of 11.'0 II V though jpartially alleviated 1 y medical aid, she expired. The Only words bv which she was enabled to indicate the manner of the ac cident were "the candle, the candle." Mc piece of machinery. - The cause of the ac- ungraceful act of eating eg g s-" K one yan.. cidelit was from some derangement in the re- i k "remarks that the poetcould lilagithenions If retch.—At a Black Repub- versing gear of the engine, as the fireman " . ' ' il. never have seen a lady hanging on by the teeth, to a Bean ineeting,held at South Dover, Dutchess says that when he jumped off the engineer was using every exertion to reverse the en- blazing hot con. cob! Depth from Fire-arms. 1 co., N. Y., a few days before the eleetion, the ine, but without avail. When he 11.: roscu- .. . . The mayor .of Newport, oppo: ite ei n- On New Year's day, a young man named Bererend B. IT. Davis, a professional minister. .rd from the wreek he still had hold of the re: einuati, received a magnificent Christmas James A. Richards. aged about 2:2 years, and !of the (b in the course of his "Bleeding versing lever. He was one of the most trust present of thiw fat bounein ,, babies from his i i ft hos muned Jacob Whiner, were engaged al li:Ltis,as"_ •speech, sa id: "_/_:rery rot . • , .' • e (a d t o , engineers in the service of the company, 121 r, ,fer thalt /Y .- - 1. fri -. /g - a Ifion•i-Ii:-tta - in -- tne - 3, - --,- -,-- - - . the conduetor—ot the train affirms_ki,h.”•;”.. wit*. ~,, ru„.: .._, attached to the residence of the latter, in SAutit Bedford. street. After -14-,•lxing.tired the pistol a number of times and as young Whi ner was in the act of re-loading,, it was prema turely discharged. The rammer, which was an iron one, struck the brick wall of the house, rebounded-and struck Richards in the head near the left ear, penetrating the skull and partly passing out at the lack cart of the . head. I)rs. Armstrong and. Smith extracted the ram mer.a few minutes after the oceurrence[ but the unfortunate young man died in a very short time. This is Bth other sad lesson to those who are in the hahit of carelessly using fire-itrin.;.--I,tli.lle. Drywral. Frozen to Death on the Prairie. The recent three days' snow storm which visited the West was one of great violence, and many persons were lost, and, some perish ed in the snow. Sunday evening before hist, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and son, of Pleasant Valley. were lost on the prairie returning from church. After struggling through the accumulated drifts fur several hours they left their team and wandered about bewildered and exhausted, till 31rs. W. sank in the \ cold euihrace of death. After fruitless and d e .per. ate-efforts the son suffered the same fate. The father struggled on, nerved by despair, till 3 o'clock in the morning, when he reached a habitation eight miles from his own desolate home. As soon Us p)ssible he - retraced his steps with friendly aid, but when his wife and child were reached they were cold in de a th. The agony of the husband and-father-may-be imagined.— Ciereldial Leailer. little girl in Waterville, Ct., more than a year ago t.w.‘1'01 , ,v..:.1 anee Ho, and on New Year's day it cause out of ha kriae. COMPILER. "LIBERTY, TUE UNID:s7, AND TILE CW.SSTITUTION." ORT9'IS/1/ I'EYV'A Monday Morning, Jan. 12, 1857. The Legislature. . The members of tike State Legislature as senibled in the capitol; 'at Harrisburg, On Tae sday last, that being the day fixed by law for meeting. ' . , In the Senate, th'e Know .Nethings and Black Republicans fused, as usual, and elect ed DArty TAGGART, Esq.. Speaker—the Dem ocrats voting for lion. - W ILK INS. Mr. Tiwn-art, had 18 votes, and Judge Wilkins 15. The fusion also chose the other officers Clerk, George W. Hammersly ; Assistant Clerk, Judson Holcomb; Transcribing Clerks, D. W. Leas, Lucius Rodgers, 'and John H. Wells; Sergeant-at-Arms, Joseph It. Smith ;1 Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms, Win. P. Brady : Door-keeper, Jas. Freeborn ; Assist. Door ket persi_ Ly tle_an d_ Dan iel Neyh a rd 'Messenger, S. B. Hamilton ;- Assist, Messeu- 0 ' ger, John E. Blanc. • In the House, J. LAWRENCE GETZ, ESCI., (unanimously nominated in the Democratic caucus,) was chosen Speaker—the Know Nothings and Black Republinns voting- fur S. P. McC.totosT. Getz 52, MeCahnont 40. Capt. Jacob Ziegler was elected Clerk;.Wiri. S. Picking Was appointed Assist. Clerk; and tie,. Shada, James l‘r Kenna, J. A. Megee and E. R. Brady, Transcribing Clerks ; Ser geant-at-Arms, jacub Glassmyer---all Demo crats. gerCluv. - PuLtmcK's Annual Message will be found ou the prece ling page. its style is - of tl&e "4th of July" order—arid the author's reconnnendations, in the main, are a re-hash of those contained in his Message of last Year, his Knoyv Nothing and Black Republican pro clivities "sticking out" here and there. sA new counterfeit five dollar note on the York County Think has made its appear ance in Philadelphia. It is faithfully copied from the genuine, but the engraving, especial ly in the medallion vignette. The paper, too, is of au inferior quality, and is not likely to deceive any except the careless 'and unwary. 'The receipts from the Tublic Works of our State during the last fiscal year, were $2,- 000.615 66—the ordinary expenditures .$l,- 135,004 (Ai—making the net revenue over or (Unary expenditures, $871,011 titi, which at five per cent., represents 'a capital -of-- over $17,500,000. Under such cireumstances, it would hardly_he_w_ise_to_sell_ these _works_ for eight or teti milliJns, as is recommended in certain quarters. And yet from his Message we would infer that the great Pollock, in.his au,;ust Know Kothingism, would sanction such a measure.- rarAt a nearly - Intl meeting of the Demo cratic' State Central Committee, in 'Philadel phia, recently,- (Hon. J. B. DANNER being among those present.) a resolution wasadopt ed endorsing the.eall of the Chairman fur the State Convention on the 2d of „Nlareh. Dr. - Rlixha K. Kane..—The Pennsylvanian says : We . deeply regret to learn that this in defatigable explorer, whose faille tills the civ ilized world, is .now lying quite ill at Havana. His many friends and admirers will deeply, regret to learn that his health is in a critical condition, awl sincerely hope thathe May yet recover and live to enjoy the rich harvest of intre-and-hottor-he-has-so-faily_w_ :Ifismonri Bitities.—The result of the electi(in for officers of the Missouri State Legi,la tare seems to have been adverse to the Ben ton and American parties, who united, and were beaten at all points by the Union of the pro-.slavery Whigs with the Atchison party. This indicates the ability of the Anti-Benton- ites to elect two United States Senators. James JJuc/wuiin awl a . (pt ins, Alin mold, 18 a rote to inflict a •tripe upon the b a rk V . Asti.? Chri.q." What sort of religion Flu they have in puteliess county, where this lu natic bolds forth ? )3Z — lt will be recollected that something like ohm or ten'inon,ths ago, Lure Stolle and Mr. Blackwell Le,•ame parties to a matrimonial contract. The li,,ston lbst understands that di% idend has just been declared in the shape of a tine boutteing babY. We hope the 1%,.vt don't intern! to inZmuate that rink is u beini-anninil dividend !- ltier'A'Very pretty and interesting lady ha.; been doing a vonsiderable busine4s in Balti more. 21r1., hr claiming one man after anoth er as her husband. iii p isiti%e and pertina cious ;was she that she extorted Bnins of .73 10, $25, and - $5l), -front several boll% idnak,, to whom, fur these amounts, shits agreed to Tell n quish her legal rights. When seen,. she was starting for Philadelphia, to get evidence, as site said. of her marriage ;to old resi dent of Baltimore, whom she boldly claiined as her husband in the presence of Iris w ife awl daughters. . S. R. M,l.f,f)p,y, Dem., ! l ac },ern re-el (~:ted to tl,e U. S. Sedate from Florida, fur sll..)"etir , z. nusuiceeful attempt W 11.4 recently nuule to-a, ,, ,assinate the King of Naples, Fay solelier in the artily. The criminal was soon after executed. - • .11 6 2 - rGii,:ard o,llege, nt Philadelphia, nrcw supporta,and educatca regularly '615 bcys, all indigent orphans. I==ll==l I==l =:1 Anlbiexampleci, AeooFd. The New York Timor r,oluctatitly pays rt . ! tribute to the Democratic Atimirtistration of President Pierce, by saying: "The Annual Report of the Federal Treasury Pepartment, affords the highly satisfactory, and in the magnitude of the stun, unexpected information that the foreign trade of the country for the Tiea . sury year ending 30th of June last, shows a boionce in Amp of the United .Mates of $12,324,970. The previous semi-official returns had authorized the confident estimate that this valance would be At least five mil lion oldelrars ; but as the figures fur the port of New York, and as the general trade of the country during that period—April 1,, to June' 30—have gone ahead of the most sanguine cal culations, we have now the 'pleasure of con gratulating our financial readers upon a pre cise OFFICIAL RESCLT for the whole year, the uutyuitude-nt' which - has no parallel in the his tory of Gnrernmeni." , Why Was Fremont Nominated 7 Theodore Parker, in recent address from the pulpit, throws light upon the causes of Fremont's nomination. "The head of. free dom," said lie, "in the North was Fremont, a young, inexperienced man, W. choice of 001,0-dy. dy. As Tayl9r wits selected for availability, to the neglect of Clay. and WAster, so was Fremont selected over Seward and Chase 4 the Clay and Webster of the Republican party. Mr; Trenton r(reasoned his party ) was a young man, and could lie defeated without disastrous etmsevences ; not so f had Seward or Chase led the ranks. Under these circumstances t would be ruin." Mr. Buchanan's Cabinet. The last Chambersburg ,Spirit contains a letter from "Ilety Buckhandle," the cham bermaid at Wheatland, in which the followlng is given as Mr. Pichaitan's Cabinet—having been taken by her from a memorandum found in the left boot of the President elect. '.'when he went to bed on Saturday night and set his boots out-side of his toom-door to have them greased fur Sunday t" Secretary of State—Biggs. Secretary of the Trea,•nry—Diggs. Secretary of the Navy—Figgs. Secretary. of War—d Secretary ot the Interior—Piggs. .pm,t master General— .Attoracy General—Wiggs. Betsy, we. suspect, has :Ova, RS much► ground for her "speculations" concerning Mr. Buebanan's C"af►inet as the N. Y. Herald and .Greely's Tribune have. • The editor of the Saratoga (New York) Republican pertinently remarks: -The 3laitie Liquor law enthusiasts, not content with the popular repudiation of their attempt to coerce the mas: es to adopt their system of dietetics, are about to take advan tage of the Republican majority in the State legislature to supply us with a new prohibito ry net as 'early 'as possible. These pseudo temperance men have already tilled the Com monwealth with drunkards by their injudic ious endeavor to combine morals with poli; ties. They seem determined not to sb.p until they have disgusted sobriety itself into a pat r.m of tippling shops, and made common sense, in self-defence, turn tavern-keeper." Railroad Accident. . An accident of rather a serious nature oc cur r ell yesterday on the Notthern Central Railway, at New Cumberland, about four miles this side of Ilarrisburg. It was caused by a bridge crossing a stream at this place having been fired, as is supposed by a spark from a burthen train, and occurred to the train which left Baltimore at 8 o'clock in the morning for Harrisburg, nailer the charge of ('obtain Radcliffe. lie having been notified at ork, by Captain John Slade, of the down passenger 'train, of the latrning of the bridge, was approaching it very slowly, and carelidly, and being on the lookout he discovered that the train was approaching too closely and signaled the engineer to reverse his engine and • jumped from the train, falling down the enibankment and receiving some slight injury. At a l m ost the same imitant the engine wont over the edge'of4l -,e, old ,bridge, and breaking loose front the train tumbled into, the stre a m • • • • r r leer. Mr Jul n (ler brick, (low]; with it—the fireman ' , laving him- -elf by jumping off. A' the engine went ....Joseph Burke, aged eighteen -- years, lawn it front some valise exploded, and is so son of John Burke; of Burke eounty, Ca., was vreeked as to he almost useless. The enoi- / killed-on Christ Ana. day by the aoeidental dis leer was so seriowly injured that but slight i l opes are entertai-ned of his recovery. He charge of a pistol, which he was earryin , r in was taken to a private house near by, where a side pocket awls coat. le is receiving every attention. ....Byron is said to have remarked that The engine was the new one lately put Upon _he road. theJobn H. Dune, and was a valaa.. "the greatest trial Nt9 a woman's beauty is the been running very carefully in approaching the stream, showing the accident to have been caused by the gearing of the engine not hav ing worked properly.—Baltinuoe - Suit ql Thu rsflay. Burithi g rir Vermont Capital Baibling ' MosTexi.wit, Vt., Jan. (1-8, P. M.—The Vermont capitol building is now on fire, with no hope of sits ing the entire edifice from de 7 struct ion. The ::apavious dome is enveloped in tiatnes, and die tire is spreading to all parts of the building. The origin of the fire is laid to some defect in the heating apparatus. s Eco.". DE: 4 l . .ault MosTrEi.ma, Jan. 7. A. M.—Nothing re "mains of the capitol lint bare walls. The ni;is:t serious Iwo., in the CI ten I's of the apart ments of the State naturalist, the destruction of which is total and irreparable. Dextrudice Fire at 'lrv. Taov, N. Y., Jan. G.—A. fire broke out at half past 12 o'cliAs last night, in the store 158 River street, occupied by R. Hateh, butter. The tire from thence extended to six adjoin in!; store.; south to the corner of Congress street ; ako burning t;itir stares ou Congress street, making ten stores. ArrillPul.—We learn that at Mon rovia lepot, iii Frederick county, im Miaidav evening. a man named Ilorace .Ilobberly, in the employ ofJohn Barth',low, E-q., a., a tam handl, in attempting to cross tlie . railroad track ahead of a freight train, fell with his neck acros4 the rail, and tire whole' train over Lim, completely bevering Jii s head front ! Ili. body. EAtroutrielislf L.Bi.:l4turce ; on last. c:r= PEN AND SCISSORS. Ilnehanan has definitely decided urin the first week in February as the, period' for his going to, Washington. Ile will stay at-the National, which has already become the head -quarters of u►any of his,i nti mate friends. ~The population of New York is dying away at about the rate Of one in every seven teen minutes, day and night, all the year round. , notice that several of our cotempo raries "find time" tt miss a week in the pub lication of their .papers, on aecowit of New Year's.. Someliow we never could do that.— Sick or well, the Compilo'iti bound to appear. ....The new State capitol at Colunibus. Ohio, will he opened on Tuesday. A grand festival will be given to celebrate the event. The notes of the Lancaster Bank are bought at gO cents: The Erie city Bank has closed. There are rumors afloat unfavorable to the credit of several of the Ohio and Loll atm flanks. - ....Add together . England, Wales, Scot land, -and Ireland, and the aggr gate El u per ficefl will yield almost precisely the area of Kansas ; which, however, is small when com pared with her sister territory, Nebraska. We know or a carpenter's apprentice, who, being too lazy to work, about once an hour bumps his nose against a post till it blends, And then sets down- to have a good ' - resting spell. - ....Which causes the most swearing, a horse that won't draw or a stove? ....The Madison (Wisconsin) Argus , says in that State and its county "support has been refused to a -Ivorthy Minister. for no other' reason than he(!ause be voted for Buelianan :" and it repeats that it is literally true that, "within the limits of that city, men were told by clergymen that if they voted for Bu chanan they would go •to hell." What Chri.stians! Notice is given of an application to the Legislature fnr a now bank. in Philadel phia, with a capital oftiti•e millions. with pinc er .ta increase it to ten millions. This bank is to be called the "Republican Bank," the - name probably being- the only thing of a re .publican eharneter about it. .Congress is now in the sixth week of the session. Thus far, little or nothing has been alone. ....The old line Whig and Democratic friends of W. N. 11, Ideman, the editor of the Louisville Courier, have presented hith with a magnificent and elegantly .wrought silvar service, valued ut some seven o 1 eight hundred dollars. ....There 'will be two eclipqes this year, both of the sun. The first will ocettr on the 25th of Marsh.. It ,will be in visible . in all that part of the United State east of the meridian of Washing,tou, and partially visible west .f Washingkin. * The second is an annular eclipse of the sun, which will commence cin the lith of September, at midnight in the United States, and therefore invisible in this country. It will -be ri.il,lo in a large.ploqiith of Asia., part of Africa, and the whole of Australia. ....The New York /Pratt/ begins to talk of "the /ate Itepobliean partv." There is something in that word "late," eoming as it dikes from the /Pre/d, that wonhl haoressime very forcibly with the idea that a dissolution hail taken place: that there was a ticeca.cfl organization to lIPOk after. • .... Fort Wayne,,ludiana, is a "bird Of place." One of its papers snyc people not only pay fhr their amusements in. c(nin terfcit money. but they pay their contributions t- their public charities in the maw kind of currency. Fort Wayne can take the banner ! temleney of the Parisians tonoliti cal change was not ill described by the French man when, Npvaking of them during the year of tumult, 1848, he said, "They' do not know what they want, and the will not fib) till tb y. have kit it:" ....The Indiana State Bank went into ope ratics' on the Ist!-rrst:---- It is to have 20 bran ches, and its.entire capital is fixed at six mil,- lions. The Pre+ident of the hank is Hugh McCulloch, and its cashier Jas. M. Ray. ....Foreign papers state that all the Eng lish mechanics are to be dismissed from the Russian service, and Americans to be em• ploy ed. ....For the, year ending March, ISS(, the lax on dogs in England yielded alma one mil lion do liars. ....James A. Bayard, Senatc.r from Little Delaware, is the list billiard player in the United State. "'Tie Angel Gabriel," the street preach er, died recently in Dem:tram C".:/"Ttlg itx•nrr.Nl r; or . TIM F,LAVF. TRAI)L—The intro duction in Congress of s. re...intim) con lemming the re ,p en . tug , or the slave trade. has eAnsisl some commotion. Re open the slave trade ! Why they might as welt agitate the "stop" trade in the fd.ce of the rut that such elegant garments ran be procured za. the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rock hill & Wd , on. Nos. 205 and Chesnut ritreet, above sixth. rhil.vielidlia. 1 . 11.1. S are the only reliable remedy for the ~equal rliii4bilitie4 awl rlicinlorl of fenialioi. In ca.aii a here the function% peculiar to the organization oft he l‘ex ha% e lwennupprpyke4...iaTended, or iu .1.10: way , li.or.lere.l, the 10.1.1 and couaerrat, en action tot' the I late ()f Berwick township. Adams county. deceased, having been granteit to the under signed, residing in the same township, he re-Lure tiregul.trai• The tornbie which rA -, heresy gives notice to all persons indebted to I. bit frwit a ne g ie..t do . ralqo?lll‘.,tlt.l, are wtil! k"" said estate to make immediate payment. and an it ~r th,t those having .Claims against the same to pre -1 0f ..11110n .. , t1,;,1 1 , 1 ,. .1 WU. 14.011 1.1 1 C...r..t 1, WI- sant them properly tithim ticattd for settlement. enlarz.. iu the , cr,1 , 14 - m4 of a n.,t.p wer. but rt , I).V.SIEL ra•,;no httlf• eo”.. fur tho,giffering of flat , . («obit:: kor- , t.ou v ( tau humanit over iu olleuce Des.,B, 1856. Cc ~~,oc~j ~l'~~l~~eh~. COURT. AND so ralrfii !---The January Term of Court, will eommtmeo On iltimilay next, (the 19th.) We 'mention the fact for two reasons. Firstly, that "all the world and the rest of mankind" may knowit; and, see °Wily, because it furnishes a seasonable cc casion to say to delinquent patrons, that many excellent opportunities will doubtless then be afforded for remitting money to the Printer. If the marry who owe us will but pay a small amount each, the aggregate will greatly re- Hove our present necessities. Those residing out of the eounty—many of them in the West —we 'hope will also take this kind hint to heart, arid do unto us as they would be dose .by. Our expenses. must 1.) paid, and su-rely the prweeds of Irbould , furnish the "where-with-all" to pay them. Is it not so, friends? Stai4•The Directors of the Poor, have com pleted their appointments,. which are as fol lows: Steward, Juno)) etilp_. Clerk, 1). C. 13rinkerkiiff: -- Treanaurer, .7. B. Pawner, I.l'l. l'hymieinn, Pr. .19ovA. Swope. Counsel, Win. .M4van,,Esq. • That -these- gentlemen will discharge the duties of the several posts to which they have thus been called, to the profit of the county and the satisfaction of the- tax-payers, we have no hesitation in predicting ; and all who know them will Cordially agree with us.— Know Nothing disappointed of ce•seekers may grumble at every step - taken by the Board, now that two of the three Directors are Denmerats: but they would be equally dissatisfied if the purest saint were to distri; Leto the patronage nod Hot put it in their pockets. Verily, they die hard—but there is no hell► 'for them, and there should not be, for so proscriptive, intolerant and grasping a crew. of-Jurors for Adjourned Court, to be held Pehroiry lti, 11857 Mitnalleil—Jates J. Wills, Jacob Bear, Muses Smith. 31ountjov—)fieltael 'frostle, Jesse I). New iffitil, Peter Bushey, John Hoffman. (jernintly—Antlrew Ltatg,Jonathan c.Forest, Ilenjankin Lamlit:. I tent i I toll—lit:lvy halter, Daniel Lynch, John Hoff. ~ . . ilantiftintbart—David . Stewart, josepli Kit tin,,er, Samuel Eiker, Jaeob Plank. linntington--(vane ...Sadler, Jacob Sheaffer. steithao—Williattrillitantat, of C.,, Samuel If unger, 301)11 Bender, rnistroug Titugh. inhatigh, Howard. • Liherry-;--Natlitilliel Grayson, Joseph ltiddlo.: ntoser. Uninn—lnenli Sterner. Mount - pimp:not —Sebittitittn -Weaver, Samuel Cashiaaa. Gettysburg—Art(ll.nm , Schick. Clinliwago—Satiatol Schwartz. • .. licachag—Snmact Oriaturtr, George Brown, Ahrahaat litig.. , Ivront.---.l.,hti Diehl. . . ViTeettotit—Wm. l'iuss White. - -.. , QE-11inalt, son of ILr. ELI Covet:, lately of this Ware. met with on neeident,,on the 25th ult.., at the residence of his . father, in Knox county, Illinois, which, sad to say, resulted fatally. It appears that, he was on horse baek, in chase „f-a' hog, 'which had eseape(l from the pen. The bog ran under, the horse, causing him to stumble and throw off the boy, upon whom the horde then fell, injuring,hint t • so severely as to enure his death . "Ii toe Lay ft after. If.tl Wit* only 15 ,year., old, and was i fine, promising boy. F II01; $.--Mr. Illicriol,AB Constar, of this place, some weeks since, slaughtered two Ihigsone of which weighed 410 and the other 301 pounds —their age being about 17 mouths, —:oni on Monday last he slaughtered a third of tlw the weight of which was -125 pounds Certainly, heavy pOrk for the ago. Vig—The odd was intense on Thursday all (lay. lii the la:wain at 7 o'etoek the mercury w a s r below zerio. On Friday taimtiog it was 4° above—during the night W.lew fßhy-31r. IlEsity Itrrr intendm pitting up in the Spring a large and handsome brick build- lug upon the corner of York and 'Stratton . reLts, tiw_lot now occupied. 1 y _it will be a decided improvement to that portion Of the town ' • 4 .1.••.. • giir Election fn. Pre - and Directors of the Railroad camp: iy TO,-DAY, ut the Court house, between 21 and 4 o'clock, P.M. '.lndependent Blueg" paraded on "Iwthday,illeever•nrotncrable Eighth of an nary, and made a tine appearance. e-Rer. ADAM LONG, late of the Seminary at this place, has located at Chester Springs, Penn. • MARRIED : On the 30111 by the Rev. .51r. Daugherty. Mr. LETT t,t Adams enunty, tip Mins ANNA ELIZABETH w Carroll comity, Md. On the Sth I I :N;ovelliffin-. Isr,ts, by the Rev. J, Enders, Ni. IA ILIA AM M. 'FA YLOit, of St. Mary's enmity.. Md., b. Mb 4m REBECCA, eldeA 4f.ttightur of Joint Eng., e,f 11e: 4 horrsAtimn, Adam* county. thi tho 40t11 ult., at the Onnowaito Chapel. toy tisil Bev. 31khael Daugherty, Mr. Pll ' s w l Growl lapi.l4, lieut CARULINE RUBINSON, Oxlord Maion county, l'a. DIED : On Tueaklity lagt, JI:S1?•E: scuctlEn. can of Mr. Jacob Mime, ortqra,bart township, nod 7 years 11 zuetitlis Etud See Israel's gentle Shepherd stands With 411-enengin,, ,, (.114reel ; 11ark, hew he eat Pi the tender Larnbl, And folds tliein in tii.4 On the 3. at New Oxford. AIAGDALEN. daughter of Win D. and 31.1.gd.den IL [nem, aged 7 yo.ara utntiv+ and *i IF) Columbiana county. Ohio. on 0u 0 2014 utt.. ‘lr JUH N WEAVER, tintioirly of thid county, aged 76 years and 10 rninith4. Administrator's Notice. IA A N I El, SW UNG'S ESTATE.--Letters of I administration on the estate or Daniel Sip- - 4epoisis. Corrected from the latumt lialtialore,York & Hanover papers. Balt imoro--Priday • - Flour. per barrel, . S 6 37 _a-6 94 Wheat, per h u 1 40 (0, 1 52 R ye, 70 6 75 Corn, • 4 4 60 (4 63 Oats, . ~ Clover-seed, " Timothy " " 3 00 CO 3 50 Beof Cattle, ver bond., 700 (40 50 Hogg, " '7 75 CO 8 25 18 00. p 9.0 00 pPr ton, Wliiskev, per gallon, Guano, Peruvinn, per ton, Bet to , re t.— T hit rstlay twit. Flour, per Mil., from wagons, •$5 87 Do, " from stores, 7 00, Wheat, per '1 28 ® 1 37. Rye, 65 Corn, to Oath, $1 . Cloversnedi " Tinwthy, " Plaster, per ton, Ptirk, 100 lb , liirk—Friflay la.vt.; Flour, per bbl., from wagons, $5 .75- Do., " from stores, - - •'6 G 2 Wheat, per bushel, .. 136 ®il' 42 Rye, , ' " - ;- • 66 Corn, 114 .50 'Oats, di ' 40 , - Ohiverseed, " T 50 Timothy, .4 • .3 (10 Plaster, per ton, :6 75 AUCTION ! TE subscriber, intending to discontinue, Storekeeping, will' ball off at Auction, commencing on Monday next, at 1 o'clock; P. HIS ENTIRE STOCK, consisting - or Notions. Spices. Ohms, Oil, Baskets, Brooms, , Wooden Buekets,..Washing slactnnes, Brush es of all kinds, Soaps, lots of m Barrels., and thousands of other articles. EMANUEL Z ' LEE. January 12,1857.' PUBLIC SALE. THE subscriber, intending to remove, will oiler at public sale, on the premises. nn Saturduy , the :NO day qt" Janua'y it‘diant, A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Cumberland township, Adams co., on the Chambersborg turnpike, 3 tulles from Gettysburg, containing 20 Acres, more or less., adjoining lands of Daniel . Polley Dsvid Wis ler and others. The improvements are a one-story Log 110'W-E, a Log Barn; a never-failing well of water, and Apple and Peach Orchards, with other .frunt. Also, at the .sate time and place, will. ho sold, tWg,good COWS. . 'Sale to- commence at 1 o'clock, r. m., on Raid . iliy,,when attendance Will, be given shit kerma made , known by • . . . LEWIS I IIOOI I PE... January 12, 185 T. . . . Adjourned Court. VOTICE is hereby gitin, that an Adjotirn.! ed COST% of Cowmen Pleas will be :held at Gettysbuig, in awl fur the county, of Ati , ! ! 411111. on Monday, 1/u itVh dayof Felnwahi next, at 10.1j 9 CiOCIC, A. in., When and where all; parties interested-are requested to he prosent,; HENRY. TIJOMAS, Qettybburg, t -- January 12, 1857. - NE_ lIT FIRM CAPS B OTS AND SHOES. • IMF, •Mulersigned having purchased-from JL Wm. W. Paxton. Esq.. his entite Stock of Goode, will continue the business at the old stand, in Chambersburg street: D few doors West of the thaniond, under the firm of BRING. AN & AUG II IN HAUG and • solicit Abe patronage of their ; friends and the public gen. orally. We hare Hunk - arrangements largely to increase our stock of H a rk , eaps."ftocita and'Aloes, - and will always keep on band a full assortment 01 all•kinds,ffinitable to the season, which wili be . sold at,the lowest possible prices. Hoping,. by, strict attention to business, to Merit a lib eral patronage, we invite all needing anything in our hne to Call and examine our goods be foie purchasing elsewhere, 4 - CEO. E../IRINGIWAX,. . . 11. AUGIIINBAUGH: Gettysburg, Jan. 12', 1857.—tf ' ' • Sold Out-ray "Up! ILIAVING disposed: of my. Hat. esp. Boot 1.1 and Stir;.a Store to Messrs. BRINGMAN r—AITC, 111 NB A. 9 3 It c s-r-r3Lon—the-- business at the old - stand . ; I respectffilly ask a continuance to my successors of the liberal pa: tronage with which the public have favoredme during many years. As lam now out of bus-. Mess, it is necessary that my Books and Ao counts be closed up . .at once. Ali persons: therefore, who know themselves indehtei: nu Note or Book Accounts are requested tO cart without delay- and make setticulent. I will be found at the old stand. W. W. PAXTON. Guttyaburg, January 12, 1857. Jacob !!iiheads pONTIN tl ES the /!1 , 'r d'• Feet/ busitless, nt his old stand, in West Middle street. He keeps the best: and sells as cheap as, the cheapest. Give hint a call. January 12, 1.857.. Anditoeß Notice. HE undersigned, Auditor, appointed by T the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, to report distribution amongst .cretii tors of the, fund appearing in the hands of Jong LAILeAN . , Assignee of JAMES B. JAMS: SON, upon the second account as confirmed, will sit to discharge the duties of his appoint ment, at the office of. M. & W. , AloCt,sas, in Gettysburg, oa TuxBday. the nth. day y* Jan uary next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when and where all persons interested may attend. December 29, 185 G. _ COME ONE! COME ALL! here We Are Again! IVITH the handsomest and cheapest Stock V of NEW GOO-DS'to be found in this place. • All the newest styles are to he seen in the assortment, and many of them are real , : ly magnificent, without being costly. ICti time for pa: Oculars. Call in and see tor yonr 6lves, at J. L. SCllicics. - On the Public Square. A Dark Brown MARE, - Q YEARS old, good under saddle or in har: net's. and a very pretty animal, for sale LOW by JOHN L. lIOLTZWORTII. Gettysburg, Oct. 20, 1856. CARRIAGE Trimmings can always honght Ina er, and a larger assortamit than elsewhere is always to he had, at ' A HN ESTOCKS'. . - . l .l UEN T LF:I EN. do you want to selectfrom a large and handsome variety of Crit . vat, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, tk0..1" - Ityvit 4 g , call at - - . . lialiClCs 3 ,,, - 60 700 725 25 ® ?6 62 00 50 35 6 25 2.50 600 650` WM. Mt:e LEAN,