1, 4 ki1 l MEI t-._-*' E OF BFrEEP Tlik: lt is of more ildportatte.e to tile r .wer tlialt,iLrene4rtil)y sllpi'mse,i-;1 t eertain t p,rtiott of Lis ciins;' , At nt Aeep. this Fay, of Lyilt), re- I i•ently .ttt ittecqug - (as cporb.:4 in ; N,E,l 4 :trritairi) "Sheep iire a 44 r . stock, and Wild! p t tlie - entfie pastuve in good conditiou by b6.1.,i.g turned into .tlietu oecapion tc,"eat .the eottft.o.er plant, lea e been left: They will enrich Mlleland - , there mapure so .fer- tilizing-as that of sheep, and it does'not so readi r ly . Waste by exposure. as that of other niay be. Wade exceedingly userul iii help, iriZ 10 prepare, land.. fora eroj). • 0 - ernian agriculturist has ealculatQd that the droppings - from one thous, ,-sbeep, dining a; night, 11) auure-an- acre it', .13y that rule a farmer may detenni no how long to keep Any giyen number ,of sheep, on aparticularpleee of tali( l. Mr. 1 4 %V said lie was aeon:it - OmA to fold ids-sheep 'upon land which he ,41esigned. , thr corn and .otber ,crops; atO in so dojos he shut there by , a wire fence, which VMS (..11.1; 1 loved fromplateto pl floe. Tatlfis way }itsl was well Ijlanure(lwitltoutthe labor of shovelit ,, amLeorthl2 - ." !These ideas are worthreadb fr. by the farmer: Wre believe , anyfirm will bear a certain:number 0f sheep,- prdportiorito - the oflierstook.;' not old - withoutAoss-AU the,,anainnt c,l grazing whiecit ‘viii. yieiki 0 ilio cat- 1 tie and horses, Ina to the /nurtlm of the carte. :".Itr. Fay, hy jhi, inanage- lacmf, 'makes the lanibs and illltillire laic - l'i )r. r keeping -- Ow :sheep; • and the w 100 l is clear profit., '. . ' 41 , :ett1.',-.:;) - rr„, Juror,: tor ipinaa,, , y, A. -.., I: N% (' i 1: \I. '. Irlt 'NI) .IT'ltnittA Ilmniltonl4l.ll—John 1111 kh.v. 10 0 .% nt 11 lilville An I rnw 1 o‘, 1 Frg - n 1 c milt!! ..,12;1, a, It n': 11,... IMI I Oil Illin Trtrt- Niitlpljii) - • 1401 - kill ..111,11411, 1).tV111 VI I ll` , I / 4115. ', ill il ll I i - w. hel ' , hip 10 v:11: y Oh I h , • r.iti.t , lt % 1 !Hill( -0., now ,to 1 3 .relteet Fruit 'Trees injured il 1 II i i . al. 11117:1 1 11- -. ..elbrttf. gell'll 11 I 1 /.. 1111110 i 1E0)01 t. - - 11„1 , 1-1 . i t'll 111111 „I N 1 .\ i',i: 1,.\ (V, ,) \ , 1. , ii 6y by litiz,e. • , ).kivilloi-artcoh I'n4i, 1A.% 0 10A11.11., ''‘ 111 . -. 1 U.,11t. , W 1 KO I% MO\ n ii./ 1 ht, el, ./4.1P , of A (I.tor-, ::11 , 1 :i(l' I I/ 0010nr1 hp, 11 , ut Nr , 0.0000• , 1 4 1 ' A 1 . . Bradlev,l]sq., Of East lilootn •. , - ...,,•)01—Vi 0101,10 n ON 41i, loK(.1011 J !" , 0000(h. John ( mop pilling 0000 PI le, I iioil. ‘1 • olcpp t t 01'11 1 0 ill 11va, WeNterti •!•;tati...s. i () hi m I),_•l•,,(maily Or letter - . A,;(;,t.ty.,.1,111 , , , „ Nov. 21, 1•:53. 1 'Attnrin; Art Lnia. k r7l..7f:F, on th e south cide of the Piih!it: 2 ,i0or•-; we , :t Ut the *2l.ainel oftwe. (;city,lii,tr t. 4. Angus; 2 . 2; 1",-,5:;. 7 x Javiga - pronintly attynil Collpetions and . 'all lifiqincs:4 ono rusted to Ilk eare. /dirt , the Diamond, atijoihing store of I.;tlr:z. ly 114 arpl promptiy attendattend• to a4l - i - iitt - tY, -- (tivittt -, , It, I 10 sp , •;il;s lfu (;r•rii.:tit ()fliok.! ist 111 x, !;.11..1ttorc stri Bear I,V(i.o(y's &Jig stw osppoNit.c 1)a11- ; - Ill . !' ii ,/J('~:lty'.;• 4, t 1,611 ,(21) A 1,1::,(;1.: ,1NI) 1,()T (i‘; • <:; ,* . 111 knit tlt( t ettv. . wit fit GCE (itit)t:ERIIIS In- has evvr to-torn (11 whir;) lit' Illy Ihl',01,1111()11 uI,tII.aMVIIICIA-^ ' he van otror HARP: nAtioAroi. Ihis also is 111111' 1-1 A 'ALS, 8110.111.1.)El , 1S,Sr; 11.•411 .or all kinds ; Orittni,es, Letrion , ;, a w l !othor fritit. , l; Clacio , r.-1, Nuts, Co it iev(-„, ) , )s ; :•;t•trar., Snuff, and a ‘,4litteral yarn. , y of evorytintoz, "Irow a not , dle to an anchor," 1;.;v4 , hint a van, tl you ‘Va ihtl's elipap - ond I rond. • airy I'r oduee () in exehaturn f or IC; s. 11;ly 7,16.55. 41,19.34:?. N Ev; EsTAß!iisnmENT! A(;1>1»5 & I ItO. respectittily itilorm their frietels and the plthlic generally, that they have opened a 1106•4')D Prat!9l.,:if":" in the room recently oc cupied by Arnold. in Soot h Baltimore street. near the Piamoml, where they will at all times be happy to ac:•oin - inotlate all who may patron ize thew. Their Mock of Cloths,. l'ass.ittteres, Cas;inets. Cords. Sommer (;nods, &c.. is large and selected front the latest, style., --all of which they %% 111 disp(? , ,e ul :ti prtee4 as low as they c•tn possibly :Ilford. theirs: system being to sell CHEAP, for Cit,sh or try V; mittCe They will :Hake up gartwiritc; or ver3- de svr ipuon in the most, substantial and il e ,i ra til o manner, all \V arra lite(' 1.0 RC and n ot t o t (;tioils tioui4lit or thou not to ho inailei.p in their Pstalo,istinient will bo cut 1. oP of charge. They are iiialsingtip ahit of itd.:Al;Y-Ni.\ 1)E CIPTII - itt the hest manner, which they %s ill sell as iilicap as the cheapest. They have also on ha-ncl . ft large rts , 4nrt ment Sosittopiers, if/ &C.., to which they would ,:all The 4ttentiva of the puld Le. = , latest Fashions regulaCty received l'iiuotry pro‘h“.e al.vay: current lot g0(141 , .. nt Hsu" k. Don't In ktake the place. .\ I a 1 - (-11 17. 1.1(1 1,01"IS.\ 1.1 . 11: LITTLE vrilics town and country, io‘w locpaicd to exQcote 1:1 ail In West. ..‘li,l,lle slieel, ti •i,.(11, -1 ) ,..1.)w Mr. li(:‘ , l4;e Little 's ::•tore• V.0.11)v1 ttiao elsetAi:ele in tuts n. ea' I nll ,l , prt ht t .,l to me •,‘ pik•:"1,0 :11111 or hetwe N.,s, •ii her. (lilt. nit: I)C :Co.L 11 :11l l • f I 11, El Office - one door west of the finthe- '.vt , c(inan;vlll:l', nt-fattr, ILA %v._ 13;. 1 113 , :uv-Itit'vr s , qiintllClT Ili New Millinery. . c. I , i lIIM Ti'w. tl3 I UT, r) Es "I sT4l'D_Cii, '--, . G ALL.I.6 lIER!S - - . Ah d tilr. , , Cheap' ! - sux-rt:sr; A 3 n —TIM IZT, . .. pHE ilnikrsigneo ‘i•ould inform the gOlni Patented, 1..);)6. A — nrtr £H1(? spl‘ildifl Gorge zi- people of Adams county and the rest. of i 'ilt.,:t. F;(11 7'ird • • thc—AvorlTL - tirat hu - has re'teireil - an- estra- larie t . C IDlStit; I :VG VIVO VE. supply of all liimis of , For'Cual or Wood. Four Size-:, N0.4.,ti, 7, i 4, , MEN'S &' l'..();"S' (11,fiT II NO, - - 1 ' - - Boots, Slioes, 11,U v, Capg, 1.131d0 Robes; &c., ' from !..;el.l , Vorl: : awl although goods have ad- vanced lu price, k able awl ,deterrnined to .b 1•11 at-a eSs: price than heretofore. Country Merchants are invited. to *call—he will sel,l erten) (jowls kwer than. they can bury in the city., No one ran Co in !WIC With link, unless he hors his (;runs as he does that is to say, go to .:C:evir 'lurk awl stay two, three or 4,trr months. awl Witleh the chances. A to the wise, is snflicient. If yin need such Goods as he .keeps, go to hiw and, ma4c; your purchasers, to save money. M?d SAMS, ;N. October 2d. 180. I . 73, - ;10,./tg. . , eal ved a of Om 0) e.7;talicip H. 8K E 1.1,5" re:per:if:ll l .v itif4u•in itix old C",f • co , -;;topicrs and Che pubitc generally, that he font i nitetc the 7'. ; /1,1)/d i /I/ near );iti Ohl stand. in wrtnth ria) LllllO-1%; Htreet• vc. bere lie will he happy co ac , .....uoiroodate all who may fmtronize L% ()t i-enc:lv:W(l to 1)18 care warra.:tte , l fit awl be of rtim;t sub stantial make. Tii;o11,111 1.,,e• past ['viers, he sol.;ien.s a A:maim-Canc.,: of puibl ie. pa tronrge. 7 0: r 11 , 1 F,H, 1 11 , )/t..; are received. (;sill and sou thew. Gettysli,urg, p; it 9, .15:1;5. u)).1 (' 'l. •1 r7,1i1 , : 111,,criber r(•sp,( : (. 1 full v inFortn , i t l int tie. that he Iris 'lolled 1 1 10111 C 11-011,e . Enit'l't3lllllli'llt in of • 1 , ,, W 11 . alt to ' II(' 1,1"111 liapjiy LI) CZ7;('1;111.1 - 1 kIVIng 11:111 Heiny years' isnu , •o( flge of the I)i,iNin(.4..; nig, lie il•ttler , inity4elf 111.,i Ilia effort , : to ille;i•-• , _• gill hC :•,Lit.i,f,teLorv. Givo the " on" cBll, • I'v-1)111:in• P - ') ; Ll' • izis , c,t,lsi.;l:;c4ltk./ i'il,:vdi.,2l t 4. ..1 r ,:vt. "413.4 OM, 13.;1 ; firlturC. )/ 11•LVIIIT, the above l Itilt.l oit , t put f 6 in l'•miitlutt , order, is titirctl, to aottomittothte his frit•ntt , 4 aml the itavt.llim2:s Tlm prop' toto'r will 14.: Itlyns"l See.iliS tool promises to r rotofttrttil , lt• mitt stlit , lnctory. ttoto•tt to ttml front t S:z41101/ [l've eh'11: : !Q NINZI rig /J j''''q'rt,) .Ij 7 i ti P 1V A 'l' V, Al, I) /?4, 11.:%11v.Fin. ! /7'l! I.', cn!,...1•‘ihr... 1 . ofrors . 'privnte it, :I. t L %ND. Y;Ltintis in ',.-4it:;1):Iti con,t;ty,:ll., , ;ni. inik•-:. - ftorn ; v it % ,I,10:„.•-„, on Ow cuLt ••;I•t'e 1:1).1 , 1 to I Li! ;I,lj , :i;t:tip, 1 in.l:; oi . the ..?p1).: ri k \\ t„wil ntll,,q.s, cnto.littitt , z Aeres. riwie .it 01,)ot - lc , is; .ti r .. t roc. e.,41.0v,... wipto l / 4 Qttlent.s 4re p? .1 11,1 1 1 :--Thry : , 0(),1 1 mt. Ineverfdi ‘‘ :tor, tt'llll pinup - in tt., angl i t . ft - y nit 0:4 1111 , 1" r 1;11, , :1`(' frit)_ ‘vi:.11I11-4. to view the _property, .;110 u 1) ills subsci 11l hu sold in:one tract, or ;JL L'L'Elt, St.. o , t. G. IV 11 LE ti A I, E N E NV ?W S T I 1 .\ S. No. '6 f•oti.tli ;4, t•vt., iitivirtvr. nil , ' iir ;164 M kk i•tiCh artrl t.\ 7,;(10. las,,w ;l re. kV holt. :t;pice:,, otht-r nt tieh'S 11S. ?" ;IL hy (VC.. t\'..l%-..".• ordol,- or tahol \vise prottiptiy Ite. • (.otIIIII'V Melch;1111: Iltle 11161.1.41 CO ~ 1 . 1 ;111 , 1 CXBlllill4' 4)1:1' , 11)(:1 iwfute : , cll6 14) 1111 or the wivi,", 14, , „..,z low 1:4.1 . 4:0h IT. lti,il. ly GMla yliN W. TIP r0...c, can at all times he found prepareil to attend to the calls of the people, at the 1 . in the Diamond, adjmning the C o unty Froin lon4 expenence, he fiatuls hunsell that he can go through all the of the Tonsorial Departmeut with , such degree of skill, as will Meet Avith the entire Sati.-da Mon of all %%10 :ViOy sithwit their chills to the keen ordeal of his ra zors: Ile hopes. theiefore, that by his atten tion to ha:Mess, aU , i a •l e sir e U, pl,• ase , h e w il t merit as well as receive. a liberal share of pub lic, oatromi;_re. 'Cue sick Nvill he ateilt.l4.(l to a L their luivale dwellings. Gettysburg. Jan. S, 1535. tf (L'(Dsya:. Ltr 4 .4t . a'Z'`.oll:llellt ~ f LAtlise:,' Dress Sirius sale at ‘N P XTuN'S Fresh 144:Rte, WOOD burnt Lime, ror whi.e-washinz liar sale by ti. POWEK:i. R;koe:ditti a5rA A lar:_re asNortinvni, jta opened. and ‘vill . than the cheapest at SAMSON'S. p;ays, ;;1t1,..\("1 , :. Silk and Slouch I iats of the latest 11) stylu and at re , lto-"il prices for saks at CO BE N P - A.XTON .S• 44j I:,ST received, atiti-10,- sale ellen p :it fl~7a~tw. Qa.ZG.. rg[4_lll, )sr ill need of the above article, wonla (1,) well to give tv-: ► call, btfore pnrciia.- in , ) - elsewhere, fur :Satn::,on cannot, be beat to 11011;2, bargains.' NI) FI',OCK CO of ever} ' sha,ie and quallty, anti cheaper - than ev .:7,,A)i,'St):'N S. MED )1)1) Nr,WS. —The best article of Sau '4 Cutters foe sale cheap at tire• cor net of jullN II( )NIE. DID acortment ft (2yeelisware. 11,. Chiiia, :one : , n4l 1:-trth( ii %vnlc. at. . 1 .c., PAXTON'S. yo'f: - w•tut chem) and 1.4 'Lobes .? , •;111 at Cal pet 11.1.1.-z ;1:1.1 I ":0 1, for I I k 4 loi;N —The nut•n;:, , )ll 7\111,- C(,)1? %%;t:ca ca.li be !Lad at ail I-I y;, ~. ,~ Fill fl , l f'l! rffnil ~R F f ALLA ; 1,1 1);:an , I 41.. X tiral (14.4h,_;.11 of a new p C ,4 fiat. toookin just; ugly tioce4 , ary to av, that ;Ilter very many par. , ; ui' an l b ( si lj a. eialversant AVlth ail Of e l rjO;V: 14'1;1+4 (.:1 - O't 1%111(11 liV( heork in veut (211 on the 41;;wri-draft nrlileif, - ;14. that I have . 1 taken Wl' , OVT_`ry known ito”rove that. I:;.•; from time time 1;e;n1 moll , I ;:irticularly lit r.ereren;:e to the lormation,and eonstru;:tion. of the tineq, which are ral , ...:ays to ho largr., and I have ar,r;lied ' t , very i;enr,;;;Pluolit and Joilil,;110 , 1 thion all in "Svari:; , i7OOl, Sh;re." This Stove ;.%., ma l e - 1 0 7 v ho:LVy :1;P. k It u'ln(l i;1l arti.-1;1: I ilav* - - ola , le ;hem p,rtiakparg io all .dart-; lting experliolce has pn,ved I i t to and I (a;1 My CU:40111 - til:Lt I ;II: ti'd:C" . Tl OV:filer rialaS rfoi it up; :Lod it will !lot 1,44 ext by any ;- , tuve nn.; known, or a similar, character. Ia a , eo,lvincol that it N 1 ill at once 'Stove. tHIA th;•111 over way, V, - ;;;; nnd and ;4„ti.,»yrly reeoni ' ntr-nd d o to the pohlie. tho :•-ati4a;•tory luanno •„1. J. 4; ‘1,T. , .;.!ir,r, ;•;:i I,y Pt/LI:EV, 1:`, I i 4,- ) e): . 4111 11111, ' I .f AND TfIE C S::73TElyr .c.xj,(lic.7,ve i n 11, e e r c .dir bu s i tie: has :,:ith•llt.(l.tilv that it will not do now it:milted to, adopt. r CAS() sv-sittio—and !1R; r)I low imi r()0(1:-: fur cnst) ler pri,dlWe : (:11121111 YIP l'Hus, blue, Idacl;, liro‘% n. green, ell ret, olive. sic.: fancy overeoating:•:, I;cavur Cloths. Peterlinto. t'as iiitieres,. black ifoil every variety of fancy col '>r,: V -giver Cords, Jeans. &c.; Pan- Laloons ;,f.eilei.:oll ; ( . 01,(Irg Cloths, Ale laii.c,,,Alpticas, Cali coes, Liinglintos. &c:,-t.vith every" va,it.ity of I.3(iie.ii k-s Cut,mis, Tic: v. well elnin: i/rt , (f:'( en;l, exlnli:le and judge for your . - seives. All will bo sold the lowest cash (k•zokr G, 1):0 Citoal Winter Clothing. E up Our Fall and IVinter %I ° .. r- stork of. !tenth...made Ulothing• in,“- of Over -Coat-:, in great variety Dress of VVer% dt-zylipti , “ll7, Monkey' Jackets, 1)a 1!t:1!1.01;:: f..-4htl tc, Drawers, &c. &c.— Also iloys' Clothing. of all sizes.- Our stock of 0;_ Cloth 3, CP.ssimers, dn. Vcstings, &c.•&c.. is large and : and, having e.:kperienced workmen contimutilv employed cutting ilia and making up, if we caunOt pea-so you will) a (;arment scatty 1.1 , :1(10. we c In sell you the material, take ywir i)casnre and make you up a suit ou the very ‘,110.-test, notidc. We sell none but our lcal,e, and v: at rant them well made, and te ..c.:e a Good Lto no sale. Our pri•A'S arc our motto helm.; -small 'profits and quick 541.-4," for the c.\:,11. Please, ail. Jle ciot7 Vic New Yorl: nrel Philadelphia fall ani3 wilder I IoN.-3 received. OEOlt(i E ARNOLD. (I,;lnher 6.•11,-;7,1! ktf!, rat d bfl F ;T 11' E N it EllI . rAiour.y's if s.—'('he blood furnishes r =t tht• 111;tlerisl . ! lit eV i'ry Lone, inte-tcle, g;:ind antl tihre itt the hunt:tit frame. When pure, it I)e,alth to ervry organ : Nt Iwn corrupt, it neceggcriiy prodttees tlisease. 1)1;.;,;•,• o pz•rat i , dt ectly upon the elements of the streatni of life, 11(.1111alizing the principle of dis cage. tte. , l thug 1-3 , J:rally coring the notlatly, Oter in the nerveg. the stomach, t ity • th e hit;vels, the ttincte,•:. the the Cif()OS1:, tram, or any other part or the systetn. 7 — , /he 0',;;,//: T.l.oi.i,oty.tl I)ti,Ls aro egiially elti , iaciotts 111 complaints cottonoo to the whole human race, :11'.1 111 peellilar to curtain clituates and local i tics.. Pyspep , :ia, awl derangement of the liver, Lire son: et- of ullirtnity and s•tdrering, and the .caul- , e innuntcrahle deaths, yield to these enra , ..ive; in all ea:.es. hthvever aggravated, a ("ding as a wild pnrgative, alterative and ton i(t : they relieve the hovels. purify the [loins, and lin.igonne the systein and the coirst:aution at, the thne. 117'4 Ctlol,olff bib% \\*lien :111 ~ tunulant..; fail, the renovating and in•ilei'.L_ 1,1,. lefties of these Pills give firm ness to the shaL mg nerrec, a.ud enfeehied mus cles or the victim of general debility. irrct.tatlarities and ailment* incident to the delicate and curative orAtnts of the :sex are removeil or prevented by a few doses of thesu mild. hut infallible alteratives. :No mother who re ,, ards her Ovv n or her children's health s hould fail to have them within her reach. Eotdoe,em. The London —Lancet," the London ",Medi cal Review," and the tnn:t eminent of the faz u!ty in Great I;riiain, France and Germany, have eulogized the Pills and their inventor. /'r/is (rie 171" hi (sir in v•,,r1,1 1;,;• : ' • nt:lnf ty • et:Compl.,ints Cu;nplainti r And Atz . no Lua n es ,i 1.t2.11, rei , l"lle Goni- - , WilZ, Stoll' , and ro. el :":44 ond.try nip ( II.IiLT•115/11 D . S enPreal I frvet ions 11. kinds Dr.p4y lns•;trd 11 v.i,ilesc ~ r "')olrl at the AI aMI la CLOrleti of Professor v. tits .Yniiticn Lane, New and 244 S, rand, London, and by all respectablu bair . ,,ists and Dealers in .letlicine throtorhont -th e t t id e d :state: and the civilized tvorld, in boxes at :25 cents, 62' Cent:, and ;: - '1 ell,•11.. 11'llere ]!.; a considerable Faring .r by taking the larger siZes. l;.—Directions for the guidance of In.. tunas inevery disorder are affixed to each box. Aug. 25. I.rsti. eowly Ylny tlVatssed. Ilay to sell will (lo Drell c snli:eri'.cr, in liettv , - 1,1:r:::, wlio ;..11 11 , ; r;-)a.:1n:-. The ninrlstq 1.! we ‘vill at all tinos. • \ he 1:8c, nf:Qr he in - uzi. it I l'He; • to I Ilti , •ver or 11 itti r!le ' ' ti j),. ,iiiht _ - -;4. - 7 - o r-1 3-- - • Py, , Fre _ . ,u , ra.cl i (, *: t e..7-1;-, , li)2 ~ l i ' ?K - V„i t„41,4.,,1, FA ll= Tiley operate in GEO. ARNOLD =I lung T - HE subscriberq would rePpectfullv . an nounee to their ftiends and the public that they ha-ve opened a Hardware Store, rtt Balti nore street, adjoinitvz the recidence (-). David Ziegler, Cetty,,burg, in NI - h ch . they Llw-ays in tend to otter to the public a large : and general assortment of Hardwire, Iron, SIM, Grorvriis,. • CU i' f.. ii It v., (I (3 : 1.. e I-1 T ILI NI '..1 IN G -."+, SPRING 5.,, AX L ES, , c. 6., 5,\"... r) : . : D ~, r., ~..: A _ . _ .- cllctiar-war; .r.iloc firbiligj. Paints, Oils, and 111?3•er -st [lfni, . in general, igclthlinz.every description of arti cles in the -abovo Tire-of I,ii , iw,ss,. to whirh they invite the attention, Ilf Cg)aell - firtli l2l /4, ' lliackstoi 0 ,s. Carpenters. .Ca hilie t - Iflil het S, Shoe-tnalars. Saddlers. awl the public 0-ener 'al Iy. Our stock having been selected '' with . great care awl purchased for cash. we glia.ran - tee -(for the ready monev„) to diApo'se t,f any ' part of 1 t on oi-rea4iuna ble - terms as they can he purehased anywhere. - 4,, '' t•,:... ,„ , • • . We pa rticti larly'-'reqn,e,q. ft ,t 4 li from our fri ,, nds. and earnestly solfeffi a shire of public; ,'favor, as we are determined to est A , - t char : actor for selling Cii - hids at low pri ~ ,..., i mildoing 91- 1 business on fair p'rineiples. 0-? , "4: , • i • . JOEL B. O..ANNER, • 1 I)AVID ziEGLEB,. Gettysburg, June 9, 1851.. tf , ~ rr. - 40,0 0 0 ! 1,3 • JOIST STOCE ASSOCIATION o.F:TFIR 1 " Bic , - Spring Literary ir-stitufr " .4 kip (1/' Yrtcrillp, Crunbrclonil (V., I',/, i pit AND ILA - e.-.filisivr ;;; 10 o r r i ooKs 4-fir ELEA L EsTATE ANI) oTiit;:u - vAL: I 1:113144:. PitOPEit:TI" : The prok:k9As of the' sale, t(i 1.,e devoted to ii q uiduting - the deot of the inAtifitte. gLED (,)111)ll'i'U_VI7'17 ITo ba t , 1 - ,thirthlP R00f.% and l i ty , , lne a e- ro /Hold!' Provo; 1.11-.71'1: I; S E.l T B - (1 I O.V 'l7l E ,VOILIT(INS . 111: ciil;: IpiT Copy: e l,?,•en„ ror le;t [qrs.: (;)13)- 111 dory, of tho ,31,rnows is Ly Car run nu - Ht accurate and. reliable Ac,;rl: 'Nt e hale o f tl:at .1;le. orrlcr f.cry •lec:-;;;;1 Ilia': Shrreht , l4N - , a a 1),;(0 , . and vertiri;•ate (if facialwr , ilip el' t)iu ; Nvill lit! only 'Vln• E't•rtilicto :"..utitle the hotiltr to Pl} interC•st in Cno 4 :011;;wing Reg/ uhri I•i•op , rt'', 1 Vitlmillle I nprovo(l Yarn:, , ix int all tieve-:lry ()tit-imii.lin:, ittialt•ii iti Cm la‘rialid Valit - y, 'war Nt•ll..vilir.,.(altai)lirtg . , 125 acre;. 1 1 - :l4inible I'll-iit, ...3:;..rif10, ivtioliiiii:_; tho ;, - 1) , :\ 1., (.01 - It:Lining 125 avriss. 2 -5 . ...:0nab1ei Tililli , •?•,!,,,ts, :::4.Btit), 44'50i:err:: o:',,•1:, Htt::t, il in 31;11 - 1:1rp.,( 1 1iiilbev1ttnol r 0... SY:An:el ;,i'ifiti..- 04. 1,0 1 . I. o +-4, N',2,5(10,uf ;25 iti•res eit,, l l:. 1 •-: , ,, 1 .1.i . :11i , 1 Nev,•• Rrick 11 , .u•-(', s2,(til)„ 'UI N --44.-4,f‘,- ;11 ,,i. 1):+)tk 1);iililit),::,.:1:1;•:illim,r the llztli ~11 Ow 1V. , ..:A. • :; Ilighly-laiiiN , t - ; , 1 Ora Lot, , , :: 4 1...1‘;5), of ovf;•: - 1 . itrri‘,:: =loth, wi!liit) !laic •11, milo of Nr•lv t ill!', Pt 1 . : . .:10li (:t.e.h. 214)- order:4 for iferroL., c0i,,..• 1),•nt...1 Writi , :?, 1:1 1 .-; , , itt st; ilor ordyr. $(.(lo, 1 ?Ilngililierntro)4eNvi,,,,l Plain:, r'44 . 0.1i, 1":•,0,11 till: rviel:ra..f.4 rictory qt . 1 , ;':•.:11•, , &;`,.',,.. r,it1t . •.:,:0: e -1 Staoo -- ,.-ior Nt01,,, , 1e ,, :i. SIN): 2 ••-i,lisloli , i ilit ,, t, 1114 1. 1 :Isc.''(: ,, 1(1. L,••-i - i , ,. IV:itchvo, at '--:.tiiil ks:Leil. 17 .0 .2 0 (: 2 ,Sii;en,ii , l Eiunting ''.'it,:e• i; ,lit LP\ er \Vnt,•',w , , it - ;„ s.•,T.rit‘ rni:•ll., :71175 i 5 S- 0 1,-.1,1' , 1, ;olii Wntrhos, '.... , :0 i•nott, -" - ‘,..).:10: 1:J 7 . 4 1:1i . ? “!1 , 1 I,a(tie4 l i.) : :ti ‘Vatt , ll(`S - , :it ' i`: ,o enCils . ''' 3(lO ; 1 -‘ ) --* Pine sio•er I.. P i -of -)Vateho. , , at $25 1: 1 1,.11,..- 4 2:0t;.F -- 12 "\Vati•!te::•, at ,3-. ) (f (.1 , .:•Ii, i 42. 0. 15 Sttperior I'zircer t.. - Thet-, , , , „ at Z'S 42'W:11, ' LI) fir) au Git Lie ;; I --,,', s+) itt, G:tl,_ro " :,., k• s. - .;) I EN.,,nelit .i , :tini I v ('„,i,,:i-a,<. , ,,', , -.lyk.:-0-) 1 - ” .11oel-.:1-,vitv ". ut ' " 175 , I ilb T. ip rolVIIT• ;Ir. I.t • I Exoellent Si:iiin- ii'it•. , .r... nr - 14,). • I :";q.l)lWii II: Tw;t , I 1. W;•• ;' I Z.. -,,..1 V1';..*:', ! 03, - ,.. :It 1:',!) 2 Sers Splt'll , liti 11-wl.e- , .,..,...111•:.1:;,•, , i.:.k , .. , 2. ,. -'•.) 21:xtrii 61,::•;;;••41,' , :, , ',111e:-., - ,-) _ 2 Supnior S., alt41:1 ;•••.. fit '.l,:p • I ',lngiiitii•ent. S•,r it T• 11 , 1..,•, 9 '4 4 Illi-;-...-iit,;; l';urcvnti-Fi 1.1,g 1 Spiv:Oil - I '''f - 1•4.1:1) . V, 4 Dieilvi.r Iltl,lo, (i.:trii, (.',llc:ri.v,'::, 4 tlot,:tenil • 2 :••;: , t. , .: t1ia..,..., vackls ea,;es 3 linport.,:.l t'arVot 11.);ai•-::::) , 1 , ! C ;:.!Tut i 7. (•. ezwl7,, at: 44' S Ba:,•lor Silo. (.., at 1.5 elich. . 11.1), 2 t.lcilevsi'or -nit: I)f"l',la(7k Clotlits.s . -.:;(*), i' , G . . 2 .., *;(),...acii,. i 16... .4 ; I, 1:!•)t1 ing, ' 15 " 120 , 'l)► 11 .11 ItEz. . 5 " 5a . 1 .. ) " B otc, 6 44 7 . 2 . 1') 41 G tit's Sikw.Q, $1,5 4 .1 - ..i:-') 12 ' g , ' Gail k•rs. rolo " is.: G. d Pouf: l .ls, at :2.1 ..2+ Pens, at 1.(1 " Ito 11 , )x,b , s :tcsnrt , perfumer.l.i rte " 10: cat 1,01 " 4i) Cop;os well I,outtd 'liseellaneuus looks, at $1,50 each, La,tios' Albums:. at :4:2 each, 500 I'lauo6 Popular Mitsir, This Association in foitruled u r irm and fair princi t des. Each _hook. letrelit-er guts the value of his money in the hook, the. on aceount of the great ittiniher sold, iteconic3 a slaty(' holder in much luaide proveriy. cei•tific;:te will ho l'tre..ented to en:dt fulr-' chaser entitling tin; holder to au iiiter.est itt the alto's valtzable property. As soon as the Looks are all sold, notice will be ! , :iNen to tin) sto,".;:letitlors and a emit tuition will Le livid ;:t .Ntnvvilltt, at the all, 1, , , - heo a. mow irtir-,•e Ite chosen, ti Idiom the properly 1611 delivered, to he distril;uted am.aw the shareholders. All the articles that can, will eNhiltited at tho Institute's Fai con the l'2lll. A - From the very fiatterint: , icaniter in whi this Joint Stoek Association isreec:trtl and to:AI-tail 4od, and from the nuniLer Itt tiek- Os already sold, it is confidently hclieved that tho property . ettn ht‘ deliveretl to the in a low months. For the chr, -actor of the •, LITEItA STI - those conttected with it, WI: at e pernittted to refer to ti! t,, danies Pollork. Go. of Ilon, Tliaddeits Stevens. Lane:it-ter; Bon. judg,e Frederick Watts, Carlisle; Sena tor 11. Welsh, York: lion. WW, - la. F. Mar ry, llarrisltur , : F. 1.11:11 more, Mil.: Win...l. Slicarcr, Pro's. At ty. ('uniherland c o., Pa.; I%lll'l t!-liellev, :" . .111 , t• common Schotls, ett.. Pa.; dell:, W. n-ei and BA\ er 6: Ilrother, bur ; ,!;. Pa. fnr P,. inks and Certifivai 0 , 1. y JLrtl : , 11 ,, a1 , 11w atloire , : ell to J..1.1\11 - ;;" AN, N, , ( td . Bi;1 r , " livit 01110A:rho' id cu., Pa. WA:cl.:I) in evory 1.4 itt th "fi)r. Lili(a-al \vill I' . "I\ on. v, ;w _ TH•of:c•-, (;(•tt..)kllr". ho (•0 11,2 ulit3ined, 12:;, ENTLENiw,N7cio can waLlt to so i t .,, f r „ in a , 41 fit I, trqo 11 , 1.01t1e r"; , _ tV of Cravat , , Sasixudcia, do, c::11. at Ltig4llcl,,* 11l k j . 141 i 4 r - Q11(1 '—il' s , 11'0. iik.) 60 ib la