M it. Eorrou:—The editor of the Star is is an Itwkward predieatnefit, and lie feels. and tit t try, to Lille it. This accounts for the liaan:‘l --ojws stories that are to belound every ,week in his columns. By this means he endeavors to divert the attention of the public from his position and antecedents. If in his preserve, reference is made to "the way this rowdy word to Jr o," he at once calls your attention some .`Popish plot." If von inadvertently mention the name of . Col. Neely to him, he winks and blinks like a Star of greater nitt:mi tude and refulgence, and immediately turns to "bleeding Kansas," anti asks your aid in its behalf. Should you be green enough to 41.4 him who was, and what was W in. B . s'ou at the_tinae the great mass of the, Whig vo t e passed over to him, early in the contuse, that he cold(' not, and did not make this di,- e overyat the time of the 4)ecurrern - P, forth:- with he would startle You with the revelation that "Gizzard foot" Wise had- visited James Bueltanan, on gott/tPrn business—and so forth.- -There are some-yirlie-ttiars. o,onnocte,l with these subiects that the editor of the Star is trying to forget, in view of the 11101)1011- tollS questhms that he is now propoundin: , «,, the Ameriean pi‘oide such as wloi should rule America? Who struck Billy Patterson Frent.mt ? "All is well that ends well," and if the editor of the Star is content with his billingsgate. and abuse, in ltis defeat, while the Dent Brats are in possession of the spoils 4)f Vivi-B'Y and- success. I ton sure all hands ought to lie satisfied and — even grateful. The Star should remember that his party was fur a Ion! , time donfinant in this county, and that rotation in Milts, is an America a expression prinelPle, it is true the Sentinel charged him with the rams of baying turned the county ,)ver to the Democrats. But this we 3)emocrats do not look upon as a (Tint e, be cause this rerolution fully accorded with our sentiments and interests, and We will absolve the editor of the Star from the error , , provid ing he turned the enmity over to us in an open, straiHtt-out and honorable way. If lie can C l ot satisfy us that we obtained it thus legiti mately awl honorably, we will hold him ;W -c, fin tabli! for any and all the guilt that may attach to the ‘•httraiit and sale," while we will hold the couch- and its appurtenances as a sort a forfeiture _such times as the Yoiec imr the people way nthorWiNe enact anii. Ini*(1;1.111. 1 ant sure no tatryot can object no these terms? Mt' Du Fr. Politically Dead MR: EDlT,itt:—Tllo lit . Nts of party .prein diites- hay'!" risen to their ethel'inl home, col lentel into (lroos, unit replenished. citir land . with a shower of €;ttietit le. the einvarillv (Lotion, has loom' slain - by the sword. of Deatoora , -y, enshrouded in Noth.ingitt)- roll-e• 1 till Salt ItiV4-.' and ,in -1111 11 21 itlerY- Over its grave we .site no moon:neut.:ll no stately. pyramid, nor the 'trooping, houghs. of the \veining. wil low, p.ilhletuatieat of o. nation's snrrow,- - 110, Nlr. Editor. we see the proutl . hanner penmeraev, inscribed noon it —Buchanan and Bre'tkitiri'lge," waving over its defeat tti umnliontly. " Ni more will the inmates of the ‘•Star fdlice" lie disturbel in their niglitly slunthers lry the stUtap-eloquence of Black rtepithli,:an Kolow Nothing orators. Tile\ - ore (lead-- (le:: t to rise no more! -Ith of November_ was . itS ju'lginent dav—the }tit ode were its jinlges, death was pronotineed upon it..— sit been. cuusigne.l to its gr;tl e re main nIN-ver. 31 n::v.E.T. 1)0e. I f. , 155Yi For Christmas and New Year. The )latuntotlt Pictorial Double Brother Jonathan is already - in th.e . iield, 411141 is filled, ns 442.Kual,•with large , ttnil sui7'ite(3 Pictures fir the Christuta% Holidays. Published by 11. 11. Day, 4813eekman street, Nev York. Send 12 cents 11totttge, htattlit,4 or money I and you tt ill get this elegant picture sheet free of pos. tage. Niue Are, (p(3.•A-1•raill) fur one Doi la-r,-or.Eleven if nut Tore,,,diwieut: liriike.r-Yrs.—lt is stated the Sa preake Court of Vlrtlt Carolina has confirine,f titelh.eision of -Judge 31an1, that memhers of the Chnrrh are incompetent to t-!stify in courts of justice, according, to the laws of that State. COUNTING-HOUSE ALMANAC, For 1857. ,:, :.,.. ).,, EIMI J.vcriur,. II rEttIICAT.Y,.... M.% nen.) A rim., I MAr, I J JuLl, AUGUST, SEPIF.NE BEE, oi, TOBE R, NosrEURER, DE_E3II , En, Fu'r ttie F..- OA! Compiler ~~ ~, .~. c, S:Mill N 1 1 I 1 It; ' l O 0 - .-.4 1 I It; 23 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 The Condition of the. Weather. LA:n.A.ral t, Do - . Is.--The DeLitvarrir - Cr i. , fr , 0/.0:1 incr so that the Borlingt44l,lcam boat,: inua hail to roam. The cold i, very severe.—The thermometer is uow degree., abov e zero. W.tsuiscroN, Dee. inereury at 9 o'clock this morning was about '21,1 shot 0 zero. At nowt it was 2.7 tkgret...:+ alone. CA I. pis, Me., J)ec. IB.—Thermometer 17 de greeg heriiw zero. BANGoit, Me., Dee.. 18.—Thermometer 15 degrees below zero. NEW 11EDE041), Dee. IS.—Thermoineter 4 degrees- below zero. 'T. JonNs. N. 8., I)ec. 18.—Thermometer 14 degrees below zero. Cunt ,n erihte..—TheNew York Po/i , e Gq:o7., speaking of a late'_arrest lairg,lars in that city, says; “The -facilities which the thieves of Now York....haN for oonuni,tting crime are alta“st beyond J) lief. Their organization complete. - searehing 3loore's house after his escape the pollee discovered a nualLer of confidential letters whichAtQuul roveived front all parts of the country. Tiles(' letters it would lie highly injudicious to publish, as they implicate re spectable merchants out West and parties in this city, who are situp 1;• ' (`11, to jje, piviun. These letters showed the f ac ility tOrdod thieves in dispdAing of their property. —There were also letters frtun-t he owner of a' noted 'fence' in ntli street. In perut4n-g -these letters carefully it was •also discos urea that this gang, with ✓ which Moore was con nected, had much allit:S amid laborers in their employ, who furnish them with a full and accurate description of the houses they were at work upun. There were also f(illtld ee. HUM - her of diagrams of stores and dwelling::, of an innumerable numlittr of houses in this city, how—the various apartments Were oaf s and, if .a, store, where the safe or silks were Heposited; if-;t awoWng whero tikt the inoney t.r. the silver plate was located' : Who furnishel the this with these dia grams? There Is lint a stun) or 1“)tu-ze. worth hroaltiog into but is as \yell known to the bur glars as the owners themselves.- Even the very lurks en the floOrs are known..vet pre , sien Leen made with wax. Who • ! .ive,s .inforination of this character? New York. is, at the mercy of thie‘es:,ne porice. li , iw-ever effective, can aifertladequate,protee _ thin." :11%irhizet • 14). nu in:the Exchango, a working, m,(l+`[ of' a :at- chino for cutting down trees. It helongs to that cla of inventions' Nvhich are nianifet v practivni and elnint'lltlV useful, and ennvince the ohserver at a gllture that niventi‘e genius hasnehio oil a groat result from the Shill)lest menus. tii iron frank is made I'o tthi.Sp the tree, and , from this frame a ehisel shapol knife is 10-OT-ht into contact with the trunk. By the turning of 'a wrrnch,.thc elliSel is work round and round the tree cutting its to the centre. The inventnr claims for EMS =i four feet . diaineter in half an hour. As it cots only a narrow 1 2,Toove, it saves a considin.ahle polion of the lola of eacli tree. It will also rut so close to the grim rol as to lee ye no stuini) .above the surliice while it preparei A ~S1111:111'_ Int tt ready for the mill. - It is the invention (if Mt. Ehrsa in, and is well 'tvorthy the attention_of persons 1nt!,,,r4,4t4t41 in so vhluahle an in•strumototality of ',..,progrCis-U - -. 1.n this coun t ry., —4/1 at im'iire "';'n . .1111e , x/ UnottimeneN.—A groat *'f s" la;t4lo the Ito t alhlicatt pro , :.e:• hoeallSe aretr ilun (•e;Li,tthe South talk about re-upeping the Ail c tra4l4. The Southern Commervial Cnnvention is in sessinn at Savannah. " Nearly six hundred . del.%rates were appnintell to it, l member intrialueed a re:olution in favor of re-upening the slave trade. 11. OIL /he fable' by an ''«lawxl ?mut interns" vote. Is not that a "settler" for the South Caroli na rwvernor? What folly next.--e./r/iNfe Demormf, Dixtritimi id the Nwlk—The Boston Lilier ator announce. that a nr:u•d State Cott\ ention disunionists will he shortly held at W(wee:,- ter, :11:tss. It adds that the a•a11 has been nu uterottly signed. "with high satisfaction," and fp/lit - C.:, front the Charleston 3lercury to •dtow that the position of the disunionist , , N,irth and S , aith, is identical, and c loses with the t•rV, "Hurrah fur no union with 611.11-I.:- holders!" 11.?::r"Jalac , z :McDonald died at J'ort Stanley, C NV., on the '.2:A ult., at the advancc , Htge Of 11 1 2:Lis wife,:11)(1 3-e;trs eltl, still sunk-es. MA i) - ‘,liii(ei - = 4e.i)oi.fis. 17 0 4 ;11 Corrected frow the late .t & flAnover papers Ballimere—Ft iduy bbvi _ Flour, rer harrel. .$n 5o (:,-, 6 62 wh eat, pet j itt A ie l, ' . 117 r,,. 165 it Ve; _ . (1 () «i `- i, , , rum, ‘i r. 2 (ii, . 65 Oats, " • -lo la, 43 Clio er-4eell, ." 0 7 75 ("er 8 110 Timothy " " 3 25 ('t, :; 5o Beef Cattle, per littml., I, 5H - 0/. 875 11,,., -.‘ • 7 (111 «, 7 75 1 1 iny, !Wr Um, ls (,f 0 11 In) 11 . 16 , 4:cv. per - . :111en. :;1) Of :;I Peril\ Por t.)11, 60110 111 11.1,,,,rei• Tit iti•xfl;ty Fleur, rep 1,1,1., fr,w) walruit , , •.:,;1; 00 Do. '• fr , , iii ~,,tofes. , 7 00 IVi wa t, poi. hth.,liel, 1 3:2 (j, I -10 I:‘,.‘. . " 70 C,,rn., '' 50 "ii.S 1 , 1•,;(4 , 01, .• ' J~~ilh'lhv, Pia , tor. por tor', - f: II) IL F1..11r, por 111.1., fr,,:u wa t rpil,, • :.;', '25 1) , 1., " fr4im st. , ire,.. 7 Hi Whcat, per !iiisliel, I.Q! 1 4.1 Rye. 711 -.) EIM (' IVON - 01 , 01, " • In , .1 Plaqt: pf , r• *4m, 111.1;1.ives Aotice. VOTICE i. hereby given to all Legatees and other peisons concerned. that the .1 /mu,- I:fratioi, her einafter mentioned Will be presented at the t )rulian's Court of .lalains county, frr conlirin awn and allokvance,.x , n 1.9.10 i • .11 I/ y 11 , J:1. viz 21k. The fir.t awl final account of Michael verl 4 h, ; 11;ir nof Maria, Louisa, Cath arine awl Pius zs henielier. 211.. The and final acc:nitrit of John lover, Administrator of the estate of Sarah Hoover, '212. The first an I final acconnt of John Boyer. Ailtu:ll,trtt , ,r 'with the •will anne:fed of • Alaz , lan.vt 11;0.c:cr. F. 1S" 1 . ; j'• ( "'„ I t, - ,yj. - 7 " f, I==l 1 - orA—Fridity ki 0., 4 ,7 , 1i:r.—( , 11 (111' Illy "I,:b 4r,r -t.to Iv tv.S, on I nialcr.l.lseir tr , 1 , 1 . 1 . : Ito! 0.L., the bri.i r s g et zhi c t,,, r w 4,114 of fur ..1. 1 :1:41 141114 }aka . tit ir !light ether haul, prt.p.irtt for the •e. vere seam.n 1 . 1 i•r,: in -trick of/uithracito, :111113,y gl.t. tins ieooonalsle I.;.tr:lioits +a the triconla Stone Clothing' Mtn oC Itoculttli & Wtlson. Nes. "2115 tur.l:2o:. Chesnut street } phis, 1;)" vt‘l,l: ,ill p1,..3%e not ivo tilf• IL trerti 4 olllrnt 41e, , eriptive of fir Seat , ' l'o•tot tat rsittity Itit.le. an I tor thi. Printed ('At, loyte tef .dl our l IhNtrato! %York.. 1:J" To the tl'Ott , tiAt.e.! in the irre:tt art of Selling 8001;4, re ttoutd "Yi 1.11.tt t.a prio,at o .ctiotoe for looney makitv-r, - 13 r 11,.tter tit to .tlt the 1po;,1 •I,itte, of q.':ffir..l ui.t :ina tr , tha• Au' i , orto.o WI - 41111Z tai C'111,111( 111 the enter. prise, mill , rkl: little 1 to the ulurh In) Hilt SCI . VINt• S;(1111 - 14.• C. , I•11, of the it 0 ath,rdi3O, a very lil•er:tli , erctottal:o to the tt , ::ent for Ilk Vouble tit tite , eltv tritl ,00tt he Aldo to o.verttitt the ItlyNt saledt.:e, and order 2t t,or,tii i _ z iv pai,t) !OMER I' Itl 11 illiato Street, New York. Put —Tho e.i.e of (' \V. Di , hon; . a rem trk.thle 1, , V1 , 1k . 11 , 1' Of tho o! tl/e.e pill..iu di..e.let , l M r D i mo n re brio, et [h.. mouth of the e , eek, ir the Little , F,111. , of the l'ohrmat-. 'in the !Ili antlea . lt:tv, th tt 111 the ointl4A of 311 , 1 00.4Aser, h.tlf thr ttion Are ,oct; ittout (et er. lu October 1.1.4, r D et. le•oclontie.,l I , v phy•iLian wh, attendea death . .. door Cahunet :tut yituine, the -linhhie%'' ~1 llta faculty ia that re g ion. in %%ma A. a itei titer e.''rt. ,it the ih , tailee .or all i va l. o i .h.r a on o 4 yin. In three day. tiro read par.xv.ei.eea-ed in a we-!; h.• wa , tthout. the hots., tut . l 111 Onl, utouth atlit• to At 11911 it to 1/11::1/10,i, 1' V (01), Flour, wiwat. ('nt•n Oak, aro wanted at this Otlice, in int,2,-nient On tin. , Mtli of Oct,whisr. in Oregon city. Mr MT('[J. Et, y. tor,oc: Iv ton whip. Al m i . ro , I'd„ to Ali, M kn . ''' . I; it ET, county, lht the 4th hist ,b. the I{(f "A 11. Kronivi PETEtt :NI Lit t ot'larlinlc, to Al LAVINIA t;E: 4 l', of White,- tow Adam, co On the I , th hv tho Itev. P Srhenrer, Mr. (; EUIH 11 ASIIIM;TON HA: 4 ER. of AF L da., CAT LIAEAN E .0 Carton. c"ctuty. old. . ' n weelz. at Ii residence of lier • Fauna, Illair, in Ennoit , litirg. Airs. 'el.4l:l' \t . 1.1., to the titd t c . . r ut her uze On 111 , 111 e-day )1r Ii til at.itip„tizis.l 4) t Var.. II 111 ,, t1t11 , :tn.1 3 tIAN • • On t lie ,in on tit pleasant toiiti.litp, Mr. GKO RUE G ale!tit 7;; 'Oil :tot it tilt ,in But Iv:. tmi :%ir. NY 11.1 it ti~ilo :Ur i; the!. aloott 30 thi the 12th 111.4 at V.,11, :•pi .1.1).‘1,1NE LEY . daughter of Ftnnhim .1:),1 )largaret, lit duet at , Ne.tfs 11 month, ,tn I 2.1 days, SALE . 114.0t;rirrellilED. vrEE Slli,. of Heal Estate advertised by Mr. ILIY I El. ViEITI,EIt has, been pOstponed on account of die Iveatlivr, to S , ant'd ,, V, 3,1 ‘1,1_,7 ,i1.1:1,111,7/7/ ,U'.l. at 1 07doeli, Y. ' OW p101;19 . h . CI InSISON of aU CNCCltent pleet, of 11C:11101‘ . ., .in this horool,:h. • and a tract of ( 'feared told another of NVood land, in CUlllber land township. .I•rare chance. 2:2, 1$ G. rr 'IF, subse - tilicr, ENtentor of the will. of VATMIisoN. ()creased, will' soli 'at ptibliti sale: at the late residence of said d e c ease d, in` 11•1otilton town.hip, Adams i.onn ty, 2 titilcs :with of !tampion, on the Turn pike. on 17, Hie' 1.4 (1(11/ rrl Jon 0,1 r:y lird 1, the following valtialrle Personal Proper(y,°viz: Three Tno Cnws and Heifeis, Sheep, 2 Fat tlogs, Sows. figs; a tirsl.•rate ltorlotwav 7arri age.-a hrotitUr‘+ heeled_kV ugoit, noise Gears. Mill. Cutting, Box, Ploughs and nal Forks anti other farming inipleint lits. Also . Ilav the ton : a lot ,1 wt. IN Iwo— (.'urn 1.,- 'tit, and Kilelicit as Beds and I.3ed ding„ Tali! e.. t'i,oirs. Bureaus, (lock, Carpet ing. (irliet Cuplinaiil, Stoves and Pipe, (line a I ;oolong, :44 tolie,) Copper and 1 1 o n Kettle; t toged a r ‘‘,. itli quantities of Beef and, Tracint, I and man) ()Biel artirles too nionerotiti to insert. Nate to cotptocnce tit, 10 olelock-, A----I‘Li-on i. said that,%Own attendance will be given and 1 Let IDS Ilia(IC kll4)Wil h ( ; El/116 l'', EIMEIIART, Er'r. r — . 7- The Farm of the deceased %% iil he offered fot B INC. at ti 011ie outcry, on said day. 4 Deeviliber :22, nifiti. ~ h hereby given t ki th e Stockhold t N C ti Of the Get tyst(iirg 11 . :tilroad Company, that w ill be held for a President and 12 Directors. fitr the ensultir , year. at the Court-house. in the hot (nigh d ' ettysbitrg, on JAittiefy. fh , I . /// 111/0 Wiry, I ; 4 . 7 ) I , be tt,yeett the liotior 21 ;111(1 o'el mg:, F. m. There will be a meeting of the Stockholders on Ali(' sante day, at, the sante place, at 1 o'- clock, 1 , . m. - DAVI]) W I LE,S. B. No Stoclz‘i(rl(l( r i.; C Ititlul., to a rote at the ahiive Election, who is in at- rears on rine of the instalments of stock which have been cater in by the Company. December 22, 18:G. ‘,... I I'IIATEI) away firm the premises of the WWl)Ship, in .lay last. a 11 LA 1;1:1, without a white mark, and now allollt thlue 1 ear) old. Any pel:-011 '\ ho IN ill give the suiiscriher infnna non of his whereabouts, -( word may he t, . a the ( napdri utilcv,) suitably rewarded. Jt/tilil'll A. ;Small. December 22, 18-.6. mrPti in They_ Come ! 5 1.7:-T recived HOKE'S e, a largesup- OY ply of Winter Goods, .the cheapest ever ()tiered in mail:et. Call and Nee before pur chasing el-ewheie, as he is determined to sell cheap kit Cash. very cheap .11,1/,', o . r y Com.IN cut free of charge. Ready-made Clothing on ham!, which will I,e sold very low. Getty g. Dec. 22, 16:36. utf •J•) e) :A) no (; 51) QA:\II7EI, B. PATTERSON'S ESTATE.— Letters testamentary 011 the estate of ..""ain lid B. Patterson, late of l larnilton twp, Adams county, deceased. having been granted to the undersigned, residing Ili SlT:than township, he hereby gives notictrfo all persons indet,ted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to pre sent them properly - mithentic,tted for settle ment. GEORGE I:aI:MART, , 110 = Dec. 22, I HAVANA Oranges, of delicious 1 " " flavor. For ".-alc at r_ EILNEY & BRO., IMIJ F,xncy Grocery and Cunfectionery store, Ycirk, Dec. 15, 'SG. We.t. Airket st A V iITSTINE DU:iANNE writes for the SAtuiday Evening Piht. m tri ,,,,,/g, a Tale of the swisi Cantons. See Prospectus in another place. 11 LBS. Seedless R a ising. F or sale by IJ I) ERNEY URU., Fancy Gro'..,ery,ftnil Co:ift.tctlonery ,tore, York, 9cc. 15, 'SG. 67 %Vest Jldrnct st. 10 BrSI{ELS new crop Grol:n1 For sale at Fancy Conl,ctione-y an.l occry , [ore, 1"), 7") , ;. 1;7 We-.t M a ket st. I= roI;A.CCO.—A panic artlL:le at, 6.1.N1 M A RRr E =3 DIED rtimuc sAtx! Eiection. 481raii - ed A ivay. Executor's Not ce. ' se '‘ -, '74 :A Gfk "Y ':%.- LOST. ~.. i CLA , 7,, , - I ~ L L I . . ' i— i -- nrln - Tv DoLL.Yes nior.l I? D. • 1 C., osmopel i tan Art Association Or PerSoll a 1 .. PrO1)( 1 Fry. 14 1 ,%T . AS ,LVST, on Tuesday, the 11th of No -1 • FOR THE THIRD YEAR ! • THE tiudelt.igrwa mill o if er at Public Salt, reinoer, between Trestle's tavern—in lS EE the Rare Inducements !—Tbe managers at.' the Shops lately kycapied by Thomas Bonier townsbip, and Arendtsville, (by way ' hove the pleasure of announcing that the F.. Frazer, in the borough of Gettysburg. on • ,int Bendersville.) a small Butcher ACCOI . I.CT collection ofWorkm of Art ilesigned forilistri litr•vilaq. the 1.5.1 •ilay ~,,• ,brititary lOW, the ~.,- . )OR. A reward of TWENTY DOLLABSwiII button among the subscriLers, whose names following valuable Personal Property, viz : ii be paid for the recox.ery of said Book, by are received previous to the 28th of January,. A Charlotee Carriage. either Mosics OB JACOB RAFFENSPEUGEB. _ 57, is much larger and more costly than on a Rockaway (arriage, a Sqnanc Carriage, ) (all ' December 1, 1856. 3t any previous year: A Dating the leading works ____ __.. ___ the above are new.) a second-handed ]fuggy: --- '. — in Sculpture—executed in the finest Marble 1 llockawav Body,- trimmed : 1 Glass-door i PERLIC SAL E, . —is the new and beautiful Statue of the Rockaway Body, painted : 1 Boat Body, trim- i Yr 11F, undersigned will - offer at Public Sale, ' , W oo d Nymph," the Busts of the three great tned: 1 Chariotee Body, painted :ti Buggy Bo- i IL on the premises, on. Sottirditn, thr 271/, ,Azneriealk Statesmen, Clay, Webster and Cal dies, 5 Wass-door do.? 2. Donble-door 'do.' 4 i d a y (4 - Pecembre inst., a desirable property, }town, also the exquisite Ideal Bust, ‘t-:p r i ng y , township, , Adams corn- Apollo and Diana; in marble, life size. togeth- Boat do.; 2 Rockayrt. do., 3 -Square do. , 5 i situated in Germany Buggy do.. 6 ontinis , do., Itnnnine. Parts, it , tv, about one mile south of Littiestown, on the or with the following Groups and Statues in 4 sets of W h ee l s , , ints. oil . \-,, rit i s il, Iron. Baltimore Turnpike, 'containing shout 20 .Carrara Marble—of : the Struggle for the Steel, Patent Steps. 2.000 feet of PLANK. i Acres of Land, on which are erected ,4,,, w , heart, Venus and A pelo ; Psyebe; Magdalen; 2,500 Spokes. Trimmings, Lamps, Work 1 ,. a Two-story BRICK HOUSE, (with a Fie IX, I Child of the Sea ; Innocence; Captive Bird ; Benches and Vices, Paint MilL 2 sets of Mack - i Well of Water near the door,) a Log - ' and Little Truant; with numerous works in smith Tools. Drill. stuffing llay, 2 Stoves anal Barn : also a young thriving Orchard, with , Bronze, and a collection_ of several hundred Pipe, and Grindstone. ; choice Fruit Trees_: and 'about 5 awes of young Fine Oil Paintings, by leading Artists. .1/so, ern PxO. .'ver/ rernile/ ITO 11 ) SE. one of growing Chesnut Timber. - The whole of which are to be distributed the hest in the count v: 4 Cows, I steer, 3_sets f . Sale to coMmence at 10 o'clock. P. M.. on l or allotted am - the of Harness, Saddle n Brid!e, Ploughs. Har row, Log Chain. Mitt and Itreast Chains. Double-tree, Leather Ne!s, Cradle and Scythe, Forks, Nlattock and Shovel ; Conn and ('urn Fodder, stacks of Illy, 5 neres of t; 'tint in th e ground, Fencing Boards, 500 Shingles, Corn Crib. with many other nrticleS. Sale to commence at 11 o'clo,-14, A. M.• on said dav, when attendance %Yin be given and terms wade known by DANNER & 7dEt;LF.R., ANDREW PoLLEI, HENRY „December-22, Elatigoysnernt for the %Winter. Tne B-gt. Buok .I ! icitts. TO PE ISON OUT OF EnpLoyMENT. N F'e , rant (liftfiw a Father to present to Iris , fiend inn. „ opy. and t"y it among, 3our I t lends ! Wanted—Agents in every. section of the 1;311U:41 SINN , : and Canada, to circulate SEA LA lit ;v. 'l's rr. QrA RTo for Family Use—entitled - 11,' P• v ir'N boine•viir 1;11 ,1 c. With about One Thousand Fngra rings ! This tc4,.f0l hook is destined, if we'can form an opinion from the Notices of 'the Press, , to have an onprevedented cirrula tion in every section of our wide-spread cond. neat, :11111, to form a distinct eta in the sale of our %corks, it will, no aught. in n few years become THE F 11111,V BIBLE * THE 41.11EBICAN PEOPLE. The most liberal icintinertition will he al-' lowed to all persons; wl,o may be pleased to procure sobseViLets to the a hovi.. From 5(1 to 100 e:6l;les may ens ly he eircula toil and sold in each tof thy principal cities and towns of the Colon. IT 1V ILL B E SOLD BY SC BSCII. P TION ONLY. Appli c ation should be made at once, as the field wilt•soon be occupied. Persons wishing to 110,85 .‘gents, and do n s af e busin e ss, can send for a Stcohnen copy. 01) rceeij)t of the estahlidwd pr ire. Six D o i. lars, the PICTORI Al, FANIILY RIBLE. with a well bound Sithseilpi ion Book . , will he care fully boxed, anti forwarded per e xpir e ,„ s a t our Hsi; and expense. to any central town or viik:ge in the United- Stiiles. excepting those of Califiwnia, Oregon and Texas. ItegiAer your Letters, and your money will Come sale. In addition to the Pictorial Bible, we pnb., 1111 ariu — i - ;ti nunilier orks: we , y popula, , and if suelt a high moral an d un c xeeptiona I,lc CharaelerAilat While vial men ugly s,fely i'l)gPAPe i n Illvlr 1,110% , 1% ill mufti. a Public 1411( lit, :MIA receive a Fair Coopensinion for I.IIM labor. L . 7 0 ideis iespecifully solnao.d. For fur ther particulars, address t hy sn her, (post laid.) I, EIN — SENN - B — , Dee. 22, '5(3, bbl 11 illiuui st., N. Y. Allentioi 1 7 / I E.I 7' 8/(0 lV fq:II.EAT SEA-SE R PENT CAPTURED!" QA:IIU i;i, IV E \V ER having provided him `. self ‘vlth Lwily appa ralus, is now prepred to forniNh Ambrovypes and Daguerreotypes, in every style of the art, which he will war rant to give entiie sit; kfactiun: I cx• perierice Find siik.ri , ir apparatus give hin► advantages seldom furnished by Daguerrean establishments out of the city• Ile has•a large number of spscinien , at his gallery, in. liiitn liershiirg street, which the politic are request ed to C:III and examine. Charges from rin eclits to 10. Hours of operating flow 8 A.ll. to 4 P. 111. Cook] Lockets, Breastpins, suita))lc for Miniature's, alway.: on hand, at Jlie very lowe,:t price4.•4-. - r ' • • • I—aut iv; t.k.en for 14458-401 81110. !_j_7%.% I'E:4 taken from one dollar and upwards, and in the best. :style. Dec. 22, 1856. It' 1 4 1 REN(211 Brandies. Oin, 'Madeira, fort, :het ry. _Cihret, I 'ha in' pidgin: and filseat, kVines ; Jainalea and New En;land Ruin ; .Motiungalwia. fri,ti and S•otcli \ ; liutiiit , A roinutle 1,,; in, Tacit Bra,nd:es, &c., fur i,ale 1,1; EdiNEY (K-, BRO., Fancy Grocers and Confecuotters, Dec. 15, '56. 67 %Vest Alai het g if; 11T-I 1 iUSE LAN D.ati original Novel- ZIA ct, by the author of —7:lllnh,'.' \c„ Will Le published in the Evening Post. ec ospuetus in :Another place. RS. MARY .1. I/ EN f:SO.N vvx tes fur the Saturday Es Cliiitg Poq. 7' hp, Owl,er's 1'191,y% :Su e Prospectus in atioilier place. I.;IANCY Work Baskets and Willow Ware 111- of every description,ein bracing a large and general g asiortment —a greater part ex essly for Uhrktnias presents, at Elf.N EV & Elto,, Fancy Grocery and Confectionery store. York, Dec. 15, '56. G 7 West Market st. XtNE Case of Superior, Sardiaes—in whole, .! half and quarter boxes, will he scld low, by ERNE)," 1;110., Fancy Grocers awl I !onfeci toners, York, Dec. 15. '56. G 7 West Market st. 10 ' ) k(i Fancy Sugar Toys and rawly V - 1 tjoods, Ganas. (lold •lotelry, at MN EV & BRO., l; c'"•ul' i Fancy Grocery and Confectionery store, Yuri:, Dec. 15, '56. rii NVest 'larke Ft. bbls. Prime Pickles, in very iL good order for family use. by & HILO.. Fancy Grocers and Confectioners, York. Dec. 15, 'SG. G 7 West Market st. 100 Boxes new crop Bunch and _Layer Rai sins, part in fancy boxes. or by ERN EY & BRO, , Fancy Gi•ocers and Confectioners, York, Dec. 1 r SG. 67, WesOlarket st. T,J . )s:CaJvly. Fancy Soga- Tovi, 1-(47 4 , 1 - 0 4 7, - i• a ncy - conicctioni of" ry sct iption, at ERN EY rowy Grocery an , ' (;(01.eti(Titt:ry Store. York. 1),:c. 15, '.SG. G i NVe,t. Maria t st. k large stock of !:outs and Shoes, sell:log, at small prutits at CUBEAN S P.L\ION'S. tie Lig /bars. said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by JOT-IN A: SWOPF. %%Itli the will nutlexell „of Elizabeth Rider, Dee. is NOTICE. ETC TICF. is hereby given to the Heirs and 111 legal Representatives of Jolts SPAN - Gt.r.u, late of Berwick borough. Adams county., Pa., deceased. viz : Christiana Spangler, widow ; Emanuel Spangler, Edward Spangler, W earns Spangler, Henry Spangler. Harriet, intermar tied -with Jacob "Rogers; Susan, intermarried with Belinda, intermarried with Thomas Briggs: Agnes Spangler, and Jacob Spangler, now deceased. and leaving issue, viz: Allen Spangler and Jacob Spangler—that - AN INQUEST will be held on a certain House and Lot of Ground and improvements, also three Town Lots, situate in said borough of Berwick. on : l tundoq, Ho' 511 i .hotriary, A. D., jtis7, tit 10 o'clocli, A. M., on said emises, to make partition thereof to and amongst the. heirs and legal representatives of said deceased, if the same will admit of partition without prejudice to or spoiling the -w ht)le - thereof ; but if the saute will not: admit of such partition, then to inquire how ma n'y of the said heirs it will con veniently accommodate, and part and divide the slime to amid among a.c many of them as the same will accommodate; but if the 'RAM will nut admit of division at all without prejudice. to or spoiling the whole thereof, then to value and appraise the same, whole and undivided --whereof all persons interested are hereby noti lied. .11ENRY TIIOIAS, Sherif Sher es Offlct):Gettysburg. Decewber_l•i, 18A1. - td • co ME ONE! COME ALL! is ere lare Are Again • the handSomest and cheapest Stock 1 Y of- NEW GOODS to be found in this place. All .the newest, styles are to be seen M the assortment, and many of them are real ly in agulicent. without being costly. No time ftr pat oculars. Call in and see tor your _ selves, at Ocuiber 20, 1856. • Erney & Bro. A'Rir PROT, IVE 11r. ("T. 1 O ItOXES Layer and Bunch Muscatel " Raisins, whole, half, quarter and fancy boxes. 50 Boxes Malaga Figs. I Case Figs in fancy hams. 10 Boxes Genoa Citron. 20 do. Shelled Almonds. 10 do. Prime .Lemons. 2000 ilavana Oranges. (very sweet) Hu • Jt• Trf ~oston Cranberries. Castc.s 20 Frillls new cr.w ivien Almonds. 100 lbs. Bitter (shelled) Almonds. Silo lbs. Smyrna Raisins, (seedless.) 5 Prnils A raltin it Dates. 1000 Fresh Cocoa Nuts. • 2 Cit.ses Prime Prunes, in fancy boxes and glass jars. 500 Bushels African and Southern Ground Nuts. 500:1 Lhs. Eastern Cheese—very prime quality. 2 Rags Eng. Walnuts. 'MI liens. fi Bags Mater N 111 S. 5 Gimes Licorice Stick-41 to the lb. 2 Cases Cal - abria Licorice—large stick. 10,iii)0 Liss. CANDY, SUGAR Divs, W3l Drops, Sugared Almonds. Jelly Cakes, inged Secrets, Mint Drops, Nougal, Fig Aar. tev---C re ao v---Do ter+ r-Gren ni-Figs:--Crea Drops and a ptieral assortment of Cotintc- TIONS. preparCil fir the Holidays approach ing. Also. it large variety of Fancy Willow Itio‘kCts, German Toys, 'Fancy goods, &c., &c.; suitable fur .Christimys presents. EItNEY Fancy Grocers and Confectioners, No. ti 7 West Market street. York, Dec. 15, 1856. A O'rICE. 9: 1 11E undersigned, as Agent for the Heirs of I BARB AR% WOLFORD, late of Mount pleasant township, Adams . county, deceased, hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to mAke immediate payment, and - all having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. jEssE %Vt./1,14'01W, Of 31/mntpleaqatit tAnythiltip, Agent for the Lleirs. Nov. 24, 1656. 6t Administrator's Notice. Ilk A N El, SEPT,' 'S EST A TE. --Letters of 19 administration on the estate of Daniel Sip ling. late of Berwick township, Adams county, deceased, having been gr'anted to the under signed, residing in the same township, he here'l gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to pre- sent them properly authenticated for settlement. DANIEL BUCHER, Aflut ) r. Dec. 8,185 G. 6t 100 11148. Cider and White Vinegar, Sweet Cider, Tomato Ketchup. itc, by ERNEY Fancy Grocers and Confectioners, York, Dec. 15, 'SG. 67 \Vest Market st. 1 S.N.CKS G. A. Salt. s'n) Packages refined Table Salt--very fine for family use. bbl,. and package.; fish—such as .No. 1 Mackarel, Scotch andr,Salt Herrings. Sardines, &c., by ERNEY BRO., Fancy Grocers and Confectioners, York, Deei 15, '5(.; r "c ri LBS. Eastern Cheese, of very •1 4 , 011 prime quality. One case sap sago, or green cheese. - 2-1--Tutine Swi s c kheese. For sale by f Fancy reemrs and Confectioners, York, Dec. 15, '56. 67 West Market st. Bjil.S. Eastern Cranberries. 0 . ) o Boxes Fig.;. part in fancY packages. 5 B o xe A G‘.nf)a Citron. (prime.) 5 )0 Zante Currantr:, (n e w.) by EILNEY & Fancy Confectionery and Grocery, York., Die. 15, '56. 67 West Market st. J. L. SCHICK'S. Oti the Public Square. 67 West Market st HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED -_-song the subscribers whose names are received previous.to the Twenty eighth of January, '57, when the Distribution will take place-. " • TE RMS OF S ÜBSCRIPTION.---E very sub-, scfPner of three dollars is entitled to a tOpy of the splendid Steel Engraving, "Saturday Night," or a copy of any of the follinOng $3 Magazines one year ; also a-copy of the Art Join•nat one year, and a ticket in the Aunuul Distribution of Works of Art. Thus, flit'', every $3 paid, a person net only gets a beautiful Engraving or Magazine one year, but also receives the Art Journ a l one year and - a .Ticket•in the Annual Distribution. making four dollars worth of reading matter besides the ticket by which a valuable paint ing or piece of statuary may be received in addition. Those who prefer Magazines to the Engra ving "Saturday Night," can have 'either of the glowing one year: Harper's Magazine, llodey's,lXiy's Book,' United States Maga zine, Blackwood's Magazine; Southern Lite rary Messenger. • No person is restricted to a single share. Those taking five memberships, remitting 515, are entitled to six Engravings, • and to six tickets in the dititribution, or any five of the Magazines, one year, and six tickets. Persons, in remitting funds for member ship, will please register the letter at the Post Office, to prevent loss ; on receipt of which, a certificate of Membership, together with the Engraving or Magazine deinred, -will. be for . warded to any part of the country. For further'particulars, see the November Art Journal, sent free on application. For membership'. address C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A., 348 Broadway, New Yorkoir-Western Office, 166 Water street, Sandusky, Ohio. lie. Apply to D. McCONA A (J(iIIY, honorary Secretary, UettYsbnig, .Pa. Dcc. 15, 1856. Osage Orange Premium Hedge. rivitE undersigned having made. Hedging his exclusive business, is now prepared, with his extensive facilities, to do any amount of EU-M . 11 09 on the most reasonable terms, in any part of Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey. Dela- Ong Orange is • beautiful, - ornamental, and protec tive, proof against stock, high winds, back water, &c. I will furnish Plants, Plant and Trim until the 'fledge will turn all kinds of farm stock, at f °in $1 to sl'sl) per nxl,,,one-third to . be paid when planted, and the balance when it is dii% dared a good fence by disinterested persons.—;- Those getting the Hedging done, are required to prepare the ground by deep- ploughing, and cultivate the hedge row as directed. j ►4-1' e a tom to 60 cents per rod; payment to be made whe the fledge is Set. I:I2"PLANTS at Wholesale and Retail, de livered at the Railroad Station at .thiS place, securely boxed, as follows: When 50,000 are ordered in one order, $4.5', per thousand for No. 1—54.00 for No. 2 ; 4.000 in one order $5,00 for .No. 1—54,50 fo No. 2 ; Less than 5,000 in one order $6,00 fo N0..1—55,00 for 2. SEED. fresh and of the hest quality, at Wholesale and Retail; at market prices. The value of the Osage Orange for Hedging is now settled. Its success, with proper man. agement, is beyond doubt. Nature will do innt work in making it an impervious Hedge, if wan will do ins in its culture. mosumer.4.—lion, James Goiren. Prosblent Omni). syl vaniii State Agricultural Society: Gen. Geo. I. Kelm, Reading, l'u ; Gen John Huss, Ille Veytown, Pn.; Samuel 'agrtr,_Cashler—Park P Senator from Pennsylvania; Gen. R. 0. Mile; Ph ilailelvhia, Pa.; Gen. Wm null, Patterson, ; Ww. A:Stokes, Greensburg, Pa. Address Dec.ls, '56. A. LIAIISIIBARt;EIZ, .11ferrytowit, hlilJliic Co., BE Proclamation. WHEREAS the Ilan. ROBERT J. FISITER, President of the several Courts of Com mon Pleas, in the Counties composing the 19th District, and Justice. of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General - Jail Delivery, for the trig{ of all capital and other offenders in the said district, and Samuict.R. I? t7SSEL.I., and .fotrs• 111'th:sax, Esqrs.. Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Tertniner, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other oth.nders in the Comity, of Adams—have issued their precept, bearing date the 19th day of Nov., in the year_ of our Lord one thousand eight .hundred and fifty-six, and to me directed. for holding ,a Court of Common Pleas, and General Quarter Ses sions of the Peace. and General Jail Delivery, and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Grays burgoit ifolulay,thel7lkrlay ( ! f:ltiartary rfrxi ; NOTICE IS BEREBT GIVEN to al; the Justices of the Peace. the Coroners and Constables within the said county of Adams. that they be then and there in their proper persons with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, Examina tions, and other Remembrances, to do those things which to their offices and in that behalf appertain to be done, and also, they who will prosecute against the prisoners thatare or shall be in the Jail of the said County of Adams, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. HENRY THOMAS, Sheriff: Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, • Dec. 1.1, 1856. tc LIVERY. IHE undersigned takes this method to iii form his friends and the public, that he has opened a Livery in Gettystni.g, and will ;1 .- 2,01 ,* b i L e happy ts to v :le f t; u te with o 1 ES & LE,_, all 1 who may call upon hint. His stock is first rate, either for saddle or harness, and in cludes a pair of match greys. His stable is on the premises occupied by John A. Little, on East !diddle street, where, or at his resi dence in East York street. he may gene. ally be found. He will at all times strive to please. Terms CASH. DANIEL S. LITTLE. -October 27. - 1856. 3to A Dark Brown MARE, 4 YEAR,-; old, good under saddle or in ha- ness, and a very pretty animal, t.altt LOW by .101IN'• L. TIOLIZWURIII. Gettysburg, Oct. "0, 1856. IN_THE