• - VALtATILE F2tß4 7 _ - iorAnfinoi orate 'Of „the grpilnn's Vritlii ouunty: the .subccri hers, A.firnini4t mums t4.e,eAtate•of.Mou VIZ BO our, ,deisea.teLl. offer it,t Public &du, op ! the pro ihut..ufay, the 18th . day of L'#ceirt ,ber ne#. • . 4 "7,`"'" • aitc - offatid deceased , sitm,te iit'Grtrisvor towii 7 .ship. Adams county. 3 miles from Li Wes ',town. on the tcaid 'leading to butuitshurg. landS,o,t John 31sritiO. Jaccdi Trederielc'' BO.tiozer, other,s, ontai,uknir, 118 Acres, more or less. The improvements are alargo double 4.w0-stoT7 BRICK. 110. USE, "with a .. - - u i .two-story Brielc , . Back-building. two.ll, " !'. BArns, Wagon Shod ,' ,Corti Crib. , - 1 ; Spring Alonso. Smoke 'House. end tither out buildings, with , a never-failing , well, , of water At the door, and an ,ORCI-lARD of chtnce fruit. There are due propwlions of Woodland and Meadow, and more Meadow, can easily , be :made. The land has pearly aIl been heavily limed,-.and is in a high_ state.of cultivation and ,under food fencing. . It is highly probable! that .a RAILROAD will be constructer! in a few fearer within three miles of this Farm... .. ' • Persons wishing ,to 'view ,the property are requested to call on the tirst-parned A.dminis trator. .residing , thereon. po s session and a .clear title on the firt:t. of April next. Sale to cogrAtiencrit. I o'clock. P. 31..,0n said .day, "wheat attendance will..bo.given am' terms xnade known by PUILI.P BUDDY. FRANPIS M. BPDDY. Ily the Court-- . Administrators. J. J. Paldwin, Clerk. 3:71f the Farm is not twld on said day, 4 i Jwill then and there be offered for Rent. 'Som.otaber 24 . , 45ti. ts. RegisterN :Notice, VOTIVE is hereby given to All Legatees aid 1.1 other persons concernet,i, that thp Admin ,iatrcation Aceouuto bercinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphap's Court of Mains 'county, fur confirmation and 'allowance, on TnPrday. the 23c1 etuy of December next, viz: 193. The first account ,of Eliza Wintrode And Henry Thomas, E;e.cutors of William Wintrode, deceased. - ' - 192. The accountpf Jacob Gipo, Jl., Admit)- . istrator of the estate, f Jacob Gipe, Sr., deceas ed, late of Reading township. 192. The first and final acconnt of Christian Limier. Administrator of the estate of Catha rine E. Sinithideceased. 193. The account of Chriatian Cashman and George Cashman, 4secotors of the last will and testament of W illiam' Cashman, deceased. I , pl. F. WALTER, Rculiter, - Per Dom:, Deputy. 'Register's Office, G,ettysintig. - Nov. 24, 1846. ' • Ppti e 4D,ELPW4, 4 twmrisgistANT. Evans.' Fire & Proof Safes Fait Morchalits,:,..lo,4lwy,erp. k'armers , others, having Ikmoks, Papers .or othefi ralwiqm, to 'preserve from MP: or BO ttGr LARS., • Newell's (flo'hh's) 4ANK.LocKs. A CA PtwoF 'Sityp," tha,t preseA;ved our Books, Papers, be., riming the .4.C:rent 'Fire at wns pur, ehns‘el of OLIVER' EVANS, 6.1. S. 2nd St., - Refritreiratorm•lk Water .liters. EVANS' Prpilitina Vet4ated Refrigerators for cooling and preserving meats, buyer,' »tilk, - water and all article's for culinary purposes. or twrEgs, for purifying ortickish or muddy water, Whether affected by rains, limestone, marl or other Causes': can be bad separate or attached to' the Refrigepitors—a small qullititycfjec cooling the whole, in the wirmest_weather. PoßT.4st SllO ‘ti BATOS, for .the use of witrin. or coitl INATE-it Cooi.orts; for I lotels, Stores and Dwellings. Srutto isp.ccr.s. fur roovia ,, b o xes, bales, d , c,— ? SNAL. Pr.cssEs, COPT DRUGGIAT do. ouyEg Sculls S.cond P., i&orm Wow Chesnut. (Fsr.tnusitso IS 5.) Feh.ll. 186 . 6. ly 7i . emv 0 oodm - Agliin ; A T JACOBS'S Merchant It:stab -A. lielinient. Gentlemen. eftli in NO exam:. inn fur yourbeivcF. “Guuti and elte:tp." it their mo.tt.).• (Sept, g.:). I)resi G 09411, GO to see FAONESTOCK'S cheap and pretty assortment of Dress Hoods. if you want anything fashionable, Rhat's the place to get it. Arid a Little the Cheapest, QUSPENDERS,Cravats. Portmooies,Socks, i Kait'vf..• Stocks, Pocket Handkerchiers,"; Razors. Clothes Ikosbes, Woolen Smks,kiloYes. - Comforts. Musibt Shiite 4tici Shirt. Cyiixrn, ,are alwayt, to be round at. Flour fov Sale. IF you want n good barrel of Flour, call. at HOKE'S STORE. as 141 has made arrange ments to have always the beet, whiol4 ire wlit sell at 25 cents advance May .5 `rl NEsrocli BROTHERS have just re ceiveu and are now opening a. large and w4ried assortment of Dry Goods, Queensware. Hardware, tt.c., to which they invite the Jewel ' %men- lry! Jewe tiou of those wishing cheap Goods. As our ry • l stock has seen selected with great care. from L. scurcic. has now on hand it lar g e the largest wholesale houses of sew. Fork. al • and splendid assortment of Jesrelmcom. i Philadelphia,•ntid 13altimore, we are prepared !wising everything in that line--breastpins, 1 to offer inducements to purchase f.oni is, such Finger-Rings, Chains, &c., as cannot often be had. Jane and examine All of which he is sel hog at the iqwest living) our sieek, and w know you will not leave prof4s. Call And examine fur yourgelves—no lvitnout buying, trouble to tihOw gos. I . .. April 21. n CatedolOrt iron. F ATINESTOCK BROTHERS. having the exclusive sale of Caledonia Roiled Iron for ,Gettysburg;, would gall the attention of [Myers to this tn.ise of Iron—the best in the market —which will be sold at the lowest rates, We keep a large supply of Ilannnered Trnn popstautly un hand. Call at the kqgn of I h I),ec. : 10. RED VitON T. Matti, EMS& T""E in need of the above artirk.l , woui du Veil to girt us a - call, beforr purehas ingel,ewhere, for '...arusou cannot, be beat in giviug harizninc. CORN DR ERS.—rThe attention of NEL LAMS invited to a very superior article fur drying CORN, which cart be had at tal ?Ames at Jan. 14. WARR ENS' FOUNDRY. . _ CIENTLENIEN. do you want to select from a IA large and handsome variety of Cravats. Paudliqchiefs, Suspenders, &c. ? If yon d o , call at - SCHICK'S. A SPLENDID assortment of Qlipensware, AL China, Glues, stone and Eariht-n wit ,at LeS.DIES: do you wain. to bpy :p and 4shion4ble Robes 3 Irso. call at IOD NEWS. —The Beit arti;ie..ttf s au . .r4o, Cutters lo: 53:(e cheap t ()or : En of - • 404,)i SAMSON'S JOHN HOK CC/BEAN S ALA RG A ND crifr: A P I,OT 11 NI • N Pi IA re t" it - 1 • just re,t rncd from the city with the. largest lot of is ROC ERi KS . be has ever 114-46 re. owned, to .w hie h he invites the atteni,inti of all, convinced ,that he' eau offer snag RAKOMS4.. nt• triS also a till" lot of HAMS, SIi 3 OUI.I3ERS. &r.; FISH of all kinds ; Orantreq,, Letnottc, and ^OPT' Oracke,ri, 'Nuts, Con factions; l'ebacco, Snuff, and a general varii " y of ever.y.th.tng., "from a needle. to an anchor, ' altnit,t. Give him a call, ti you wap.t. to :Joy and goof). tl - ,r,C;ou fury Produce taken in evehanzn for Goods. lay 7,, 4655. Gettysburg; Foundry. A NEW FIRM! ripTIF, undersigned. having entered into part, ; nershi o to parry - t - )n .the Foundry itsiner4; ',under the thin of W AIMEN SO S, hereby .make }mown to the citizens of Adatns'and ad -I:ioinicg counties, that w,e are pi epared to wake !everything in .our line f' . f bvstuess. We have constantly on band, the 14tlan,way.and other Cooking Stoves, ! the Parlor Mr./Tight and Ten-plate Stoves, of Li/at-ions styles. and sizes; Pots, Kettles and! pans. and -all ,other Iraq Cooking Utensits,l Wai. C lie Irons, Washing Macidnes, Ash-plate., Boot-scrapers, Sic. astings for Mills and ; other Machinery, P 1.01401; GASTINGL;, of every description.. St.c. We crake the Seylar, Block• er, and differtcut kinds •of Witherow Ploughs. We have nlgo . gotdifferent patterns of Fencing and forMemeteries, Yards and Porchps, which cap': be beat for beauty and cheapness. frfAll the above article': will be sold cheap for cash or country produce. T7'Blackstnithing still contiwied. BRASS ,CASTINGS and everytinug in our line made tp order.. THRESHING MAC,Hrsgs repaired at th,e shortest notice. Being Moulders purselves, We will de.our work itiont THOMAS.WARREN, 1"d A RTIN W A.ItRgN, Mit 4,14 WARREN, THOMAS A - . WARREN, .Gettysimirg, May 14,1855. tf Itemov#l: !Removal - THE ORIGINAL (C. ONLY OLD STAND. 'Ne .1 wlyfitted, e- 4 11 - odeled, Resuxeituted, i f ind again truly Re-Opened 1, RNEY & B; O, reino.yed their biro 1:.4 and carefully seLected to Ole Qrig lital old House Orrperiy occupied by' th,etn, No. 07 West Mark 'et sire,et, adjoining k'rick 4c, Co's. Hardware store, and directly oppo.ite - ,tha re4jdelicp pf aen. Michael Pon d/A. York. This ho,use w*s.opeoed 1?)T them (r imr.inegs purpoKet4 some ten year 4 ago. * , 4 a sv 110h:sale candy factory, &reign friths, fancy goo4s. no &e., in very htrgu variety. Their superior and impLiunled Candy and Confectionary, personally mule by them daily, -and of emirs° always ,fre4h. has been Aglinowledged by a n long ago, the hest and 4nest _work e‘erolfered and told - in prk. Understanding their busi ness as they tin —in . t his branch especially= they have every facility for pi osectitirg it to the best advantage, and can oiler facilities sn perior. to any caber house here or elsewhere, as fisgards low pricea, variety and particularly superior quality. The success: and patronage w4h whisk they have inetlieretofore. iu gratefully appreciated, for which they return again, as formerly. their sincere acknoydedginenrs and thanks. and trust, by _strict and prompt attention to busi ness. a continuance of the liberal patronage hitherto extended to them; . Juno 11, 1856. New igood* NEW • ST A li, L S E T CAcons F,s 131 W. respectfully infZirm their friends and the public generally, that they have opened a illerchant Tailor hag Egtabliodpinent, in the room recetnly oc cupied by 4.. A timid, in Swab Bahti More street, near the Diamond, where they will at all tithes 'be happy to accommodate all wlw may .patrim ize them. Their' stock qf. Cloths, Cassimeres, Yestings, .eassinets. Cords, Summer Goods, &c., iv `large awl selected front the lest styles —all of which they will dispose of at prices as low as they can possibly attUrd. their ! system being to sell el-iNAP, fur car/4 or row). lry pr oduce. They - will make up onnuents of every de scription in the most sui r 'istantiarand ;.lesirable manner, tql warranted to lit and not to rip.— Goods bout ht of than not to he made Up to their establishineut will be cut free of charge., They are makingup a lot of REA Lif IAI) E CLOTH ING. in the best manner which I c - as cheap as the cheapest. They have also on hand n largo ngsortinent of Hosiery, .soxpeiiiierm, Vail Confirm, &c, to which they would call the attention of the public.: rPThe batest Fasllions regularly received. Cash or Colar . ) , produce always current ter goods or ww.k. Don't mistake the place. March 17. 1856. News tape• the people. Important. IE eitiz,ens of Getty,i)nrg and Strangers i who desire to know where to fin 4 a large and ha ndsointi .variety of Summer ATS and SHOES. are invited to call at 11. %V. PAX TUN'S Sl 04E, where they will find the most, e 4.1.11 t. White Beavers. and White Silk Hats, RH; tina, Canton and Braid : also, Soft French :at : 4, and a large stock of Gentlemen and 1.. het'- and - Summer - Shoes - and .tiers of every style and price. Call and see t~tti;cods. W. W. pAXTON. Jene 16, 1556. grouting kORGE and henry -Watnpler will make 14. ilotin Spouting and put up,thesatne low, f , r cash or country produce. Farmers and all CI, nets wishing their houses, barns. &c., spout , tt, would do well to give them a call. & ii. WAMPLER. _April IS, 1F.t53. tf Hanover B. Railroad. riIIRAINS over t h e Hanover Branch Railroad now. roil as follows : First Train leaves „Hanover at 9 A. U., with Passengers for York.,,Aarrishorg, Columbia and Phil adelphia. This"' Train- also connects t! Express for Baltirnorel arriving there at 12 at. Saco ;d Train le;yes at 3 F. M., with passen gers fgr Baltimore and intermediate p!aces, and returns •%vith passengere. from'York, Apra LEIP, agent. No of the Rod Froot D. ItlsCooa.faghl - 4 , • . .(01TIco rocroved to one door West of Bitchier's I) r '4•;Book-storc,Ebarn b,Orsbwg reel, ) AttoraerS;,Soilciltor for Patents; and Iseilsiyais, 13 0 t.7l , vir Land; Warrants, 43ack-pay. mia- ileuijed Clai us nd all other claim~ against th e . Government at Wash•ington. D.C.; also American eking.; in England. Land 'Warrants :located and sold'. or bought, arid highest prices given. Agents eilga ,, • 'n locating warrants s, ju lowa, Illinois al rer W,estern States. ' ..T:'.,'Apply to hi personally or by letter: Gettysburg, No . 21, 185.3. Bounty Land Claints. rr TIE undersigned will attend promptly to .1- the collection of claitns for Bounty Lands under-the late act of Congress. Those who have already received 40 or 80 acres, can now recei,ve the balance; by calling on the subscri ber 3,40 making the necessary application. JOEL B. DANNTR. __GettYsburg, March-12-1855. tt - -- -- David A..-Ituchler • 3ttornrti . ift ItTiLL'proniptly attend to collections and v all business entrusted to his care. rrOttice in the Diamond, adjoining store of A. 1,).. Kurtz. Gext;isburg, Feb. 4,185 G. ly FAw. 111. • Itturnrit nt Emu faithfully and promptly' attend to all business entrusted to him. He speaks the German language.. Office at the same place, in South Baltimore street, near Forney's drug store, and nearly opposite Data- ner & Ziegler'q store. Gettysburg, March 20. - • mucleigali f _annuli at aw. /AFFECT: on the south gide of the Public A-7 Square. 2 doors west of the Sentinel u#ice. Gettysburg. August 22, 1853. Lawence Hill, 11l D., le.VOl . 0111ce one door west of the I,t)the -11HH nib church, in Cliamherslitirg street, and opposite Qrapitner's- store. where, Those w)sh hig to hive anlv Dental Operation peitiirtn eo are respectfully invitexi. to call. : Dr. li, (:filbert. I.)r. N. :Bet fueltv • Dr. 1). Horner, Ito:. C. p. Kraotti. 1).0., Rev. 11. J,. liaug - her, l). Rev. Prof, William M. Reytiolos, itev. Prof. ,1,1. Jtigubs, Piot'. M. IJ. ,`",o3..wer. .6e;tysb . urz, April tf TII„ • • s 7_l"/ I) kS " C. ; Ci C-., • Tica WavP, &c, •Q ., {i. COOK inf t trins- h}Cfrien&t. and the pu bite generally, tha I, 1u.:1 - ptt,s on hand, itt his Shop nearly oppri4tte the very 13 rge WARE: which ho will Fell 'at ' t rice,: which carmot fail to - please. He will ids° execute to order, with pi onaptues, in * worhmimdike manner, and with the best inatpij.ll , :. of kIOUSIP, MET.I,I.IC G,IIYDRANT ‘'‘ ORK. &c. . Gettysburg, Nov. 12, 1655. tf Newt - glardware tiubscriber,; would respectfully an ". nuance to their friend, and Ote i liti idly that 'they have opened a H ard w are Slot e. in hi ii nao,re street. - adjoining- tip: residence of,' Ziegler, Gettysburg,. to t hey al w ay, in tend to offer to the public a large and general assortment of Hardware, Iron, Wel, 1 merit's, ofiTL (:():1('}I TiztmmANGs. SPRINGS, AXLE'S, (44 1 1 1 )• 1 :2) Oicilar-ttiarri Pallats. Oils, 0:342 Dye-sltnirs, in general, including every e ilescription of arti les in the above line of hii-;iness, to wilioh they 'invite th.• attentitin of Coach-makers, Ilacksitiii Carpenter-, - net - inn kers., Shoe-makers. Saddlers, the public gener ally. Our stock having he selecled, with great coin nn l purchaso fur "ca s h. we goaran . 'he re:10- ' ,ee (tor t. y money.) to IfficpoSe Of any part of it on as reasonable terms as they can Le pnrchased anywhere. We particularly request "a call from our friends, and earnestly share of public favor, as we arc determined to establish a char ag4r for selliirg - kionds at low prices and doing business on faar principles. JOEL B. DANNER, DAVID ZIEULEII. Gettysburg, June 9, 1;131. of Now is the Time. FOR CINAP DAGUERP4OTYTES! EAVVIZ. respectfully announces to the S • Ladies and Gentlemen of Gettysburg and xicinity, that he has resumed the Dagn e rreo. type luisiness, at the old st,ind. in Uhambers• burg street. where he will be happy to receive visitors desirous of securing pertect Daguerreo types of themselves or friends. Being furnished with an entirely new and costly apparatus. he is prepared to take pic tures in eveiy style of the art and inaure per (Act satisfaction. I .o'"G s h:rig.cs from 50 cents to $lO. C - 7* I )ours of o perating from 8 A. M. to 4 P. 3f. CC/1u dTFs.. avoid light, red, blur, or pur ple. Dark dress adds touch to the beauty of dip pie..ure. Zib. 4, 1556. tf Notice. LL persons indebted to me will please Alk call nod settle on or betore the 14th of November. After that date my books will be left in the hands of nn aticer fnr collection. GEORGE 11' AMPLER. October 20. 1856. New Millinery, 31 r i S n S fo l i4 ( i U t t i te SA Ll K dte l : E' s of L i]) . t 1 :1 1 1 '14, 1 E n d w c L ( s ) l l l . e n s t. r3 th : that she is row prepared to execute Millinery in all its branches, in West Midtjle stteet, a few doors below Mr. Geotge Little's store.— Work done cheaper than clscwhere iu to,vn. Please call and see. April 21, 1656. Over Coats. splendid assortment 0' nil ljnds, just op ened and for 91e, very chezi.p. nt if 1 ARRIAGE Trimmings can always be bought lower, anal a larger assortmeat than elsewhere islilways_to be had. at _ FAHNESTOCKS% IF you want a fine article of Dress Shoes q s ,iters, for Geptleinkn or Ladies, call at W.W. P.A.NTON... rs.„? 4 0,, ©0 01 .Ci) i Wit lIIIGGET ...oeOtlii, JOINT szooK AS...ociATI4R; OF TEE , nd-the-Chea - petg - I ---------- lersigned would inform 'the - m Big Spring literary Institute " , Of Newville, Cumberland Pa. GRAND and emtensive sale of BOOKS, REAL ESTATE AND OTHER VAL, 'LIABLE PROPERTY I The proceeds of the tale to be devoted to liquidating the d,ebr of the insatiate. UNPA A LLE LED 0 PPO R T UNITY ! To buy a Valuable hook, and become a Share holder in Much Valuable Property. LIECT. GUNNISON'S GREAT WORK ON 1 41:1E MORMONS! at only one dollar per Cop.y ; eleven Books for ten dollars. - Gun nison's History of the Mormons is by far the most, accurate and reliable work we have of that deluded people. In order that every person may become a shareholder, the price of a, book and certificate of membership of the Association will be only $l. The Certificate will entitle the bolder to an interest in the following Valuable Beal' Estate and other Property. I Valuable Improved Farm, $4,500, with al.! necessary OutThuildinb, sit - need - in Cum berland_Valtey, near Newville, containing 125 acres. 1 Valuable - Farm, $3,500, adjoining the. above, containing 125 acres. 2 Valuable Timber Lots, $l,BOO, ofso acres each, situated in Miffin tp.,Cumberland co. - 'B - 1 7- alnatyle Tim ber,Lots, $&500, of 25 acres eto 1 Splendid New Brick IL - Aise, $2,060, Two-story and back building, adjoining the Ilall on tltc'W est. 3 Highly Improved Out Lop, $1,500, of over acres .each. within half a mile of Ncwville, e.t. $5OO each. 21.0 orders for Ilerron's Cele brated Writing Inks, at s:l' per order, $1,200. -I Magnificent Rosewood - Piano, $4OO, front the ,celebrated Factory of Kral*, 4- Co., Baltimore- Superior Mclod.'eon, glOO ; Splendid hunt, ing Case Gold Lever' Watches, at $lOO each. $2OO ; 2 Splendid Hunting . Case Gold Lever Watches, at $87,50 each, $175 ; 5 Splendid Gold - Watches, $5O each, $250: 10 Splendid Ladie.i Gold Watches, at $5O each. $5011: 11) Fine silver Lever Watches, at $25 each, $2 5 6; 12 " . Watches, at $;.!0 each, a c $"--10 15 Superior Parlor Clucks, at each, 120 51) do C‘. ; thie - 3 ' " - 150 50' do 'Cottage " - 3 150 ,ig;x.c.ellent Carriava(latest atyle)2oo 1 • Rockaway " at 175 1— " Top Buggy, at 165 1 .Excellent Spring Wagon, at 100 1 Superior Two ffOrse Road Wagon, at 100 2 Sets Splendid Harness, silver mounted 80 2 Extra SpanishSarldles, 2:Superior Walnut 5 fas, 1 Magnificent Sofa Table, _ 1 Sptei,llid Seeri.itary, 50 4 Dining Ta1.,11 - :.i, textro.. Cherry,) 50 4 Becisttal.k, . - - SO - 2 Sett, Chairs. 1 4 t. :,'" , 15 par set, 30 3 Ilt9orted Carpets, 20 yards each at :••.2:20 ner carpet, - . 60 2 Jlo'ne - made f-!tt rpets, extra; cacti at S2O per carlE • 40 S .1 1 4. 6 r10r stoves, it-15 each, 120 2 oy, L lf,sm.;fir .ttip of Black Clothes.s3o, {lO 2 " - Shlk DresAs, $3lO each, (111 . 8 • " Chthing, i 5 " 120 1(1 ~ II Its, 5 • ~ 50 12 " •' .B r;t.i, - ' . 6 4 l . 7') 12 '' 6 nt's Shi;csi, $ 3 , 50 " 42 12 " . “It!ters, 5,0 D " 00 12 " L Item' Sit, , ,em, 2,&h) " - 24 100 " 6, d Pencilq, at 2,00 •` 200 . 200 '' " . Pens, at, 1,00 " 200 100 B )xr.s.q assort' d perfutnery,l,oo " __ 100 PO Port: Munn3wi, at 1,00, -" - - J Q,O 4 1 ..)Copie,41v.eli i i ,,and Miscellaneous b , ,,,k5, at j.,50 each, I . ';. La‘lies' All,,tuas:, at :32 each, 51. E.) Plece.3 Pupular rftiSiel ,This Association is fount - 14d upon hopest tu . .o fair ..-principles. Each book pi4rehaser pits the value_of his money in the hook, owitccount, of the great number suld, oecioes a. share h.older in nmeh valuable property, A. e..?rtitiea;it will be presented to each book par i!.l.llLier plltitling - 010 111..1(1fYi' to an intefesp 111 the abi,we valuables property. As soon a,: the hooks ,tra all sold, notice -will. be given tif the stock:A/lei-841nd piliVentiOn beiletd ui ttt the .14.t;titItte..6 ilitll, when a eom mittttu Will be chosen,,to whQm the prio . ,,erly wilt he vered, ,n• be distri t i nted among the shareholders. All the articl e .;; that can, will he exhibited at the Institute's Fair on the hlth August. Front the very flattering planner in whi,.l) this .Joint Stock Association is received amid patronized, nnn from — the number of-tick ets already.. 60td, it IS continently believed that the property can b.,) , ilcliyereil t - 4) the share holders in a few months. For the character of the BIG. SPRING LITEitm.;.Y UTE." ammd those conneeted with it, we art p,.rinitted to refer to the following, geatLinoa: Jame;-i. Pollock, Gov. t d„ If, 'Thaddeus Stevens, Lineaster: iron. tor IVin. (f. IVclsh, York: llcp. Wm. 3Jur rv. Ilacrisburg.; F. Ktiahe Balti more, M . d.: Wm. J. Sheerer, Pro'q ; Itt:v. Cumlwriand co., I'll.; I)an'l Conitirm Stfllo , ))4. C.1111:1k. CO„ Pa.: ,fohn Brant, Eqtt., and I.3.ivei- Brtdher, llarrio burg. Pa. ,G.l-ity-.1.1 1 , Orders for I3,)01-..cz and Certifirates flail Kliotild he atldre4 , :pl ro 11I;ti\IcNI;F -II:~\. Serrettry ()I' the "lii? Spring .I..;, l Pritr!" Li,s.411111;:," Ni , vrvill,3,Cimaw.riand cu.. ,-.VIENTS WANTED in- every Town in tiro United States, to obtain subscriptions for 1 oks, to \Thom a Liberal Co mmi s aion will be given. letters of , companiei by a Posta: , .e Stamp, will be promptly au swot ed. Titom ts. Gettysburg-, has been appointed an Agent. of Nylo' Certifi cates awl ;looks can be obtained, Juno 23, .1.8.36. Call and Sty Us AT THE NEW STAND lir:M. T. KING respe.ctfuily announces to V his friends and the public generally that he continues the TAILORING business. in the room adjoining the store ofJ. Law rence Shick. fronting on the Diamond lie has made arrangements to receive regular ly the LATEST FAsmoNs. raid it will lie his con stant :lira to give entire satisfaction to those I,vho mar favor him with their custom. 17"Coutary produce will be taken in ex change for work. W.M. T. KING. Gettysburg, December 17, 18;35.. ly Removal ! Reinnival ! RNEY & BRO. have removed to their old ..E4 established house, No. 67 %Vest Market street i mljoiding Ham 2. Frick S Co's Hardware Store. and directly opposite the residence of “en. M. Doudel, where they will continue. as heretofore, the manufActuring of CONFEC TIONARY. in all its branChes-6113.15P5. &c., at the lowest city prices. Also, a careful ly 8 - elected stock of. Wines and Liquors, alwayc on draught. and for site in quantities to suit. Also—a superior article of - TOMATO KETCHUP, in prime eundition. made by us, and sold by the gallon or in any quantity, very low—much IeSS than city prices. The article is as represented, of supelior flavor: We also have a Large lot of -CURED PICKLES." put np under our own supervision and care, 4nd offer them to I tinilies June 18, r Pfintaw cheak'y done Otis ojice, IMRE people_of Ad_anis county and' the rest of ,the Avorhl, that he has received an extra, laive 'supply of all kinds of MEN'S .' BUYS' CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Buffalo Robes. &e., fi;orn New York and although goods have ad vanced in, price. he is able and determined to ; sell at a less price than heretofore. Country Mc-rchants are invited to call—he will sell them Goods lower than they can troy in the city. No one can compete with hini, unless lie buys his Goods as he does: that is to say, go to New York and stay two, three or four months. and watch the chances. _ A word to the wise is sufficient. .If you need such Goods as he keeps, go to him and niai your purchasers, to save money. MARCUS SAMSON, October 20, 1850. PRIVATE SALE •OF A Small Farm. Tin: subscriber offers at private sale. a TRACT OF LAND. situate in Straban township, Adams county, about 2 miles from' Gettysburg, on the east ,side of the State Road to flarrisburg, adjoining lands of the subscri ber, Win. Wible, Henry Monfort, and others, R,ootaining, 45 Acres, more or less, about 7 acres a which are Woodland, and 10 acres &A-ate Meadow. The improvements area one and a 'half story BRICK 110UE, a g,ood Barn, a neverfaiiing:well ;4,11 of water, with 'a pump in it, ,and an Orcirird of choice fruit. [CY - Persons wishing to view the property, are requested to,cali on the subscriber, resid in'g iii GettyNburg. The property_ will be so;d in one tract, or in Lool, J 9 suit purchasers. GEORG F; WALTER, Sr„ Oc,t. G, ISSG. tf N E W O L, ES Drug sitore. N. SPI./..,NCER, THOM A:!.;.. - No. 2G South Second street, Philadelphia, Importer, 'Manufacturer and Dealer in Drugs and / Medicines. Clumnicals, Acids. Dye ( ..-4utl'.-,, Points, Oils. Colors, White Lead, French - and Ameri can White Zinc, Wintil/W •GlasS, 6iaSSWare, Varnishe.s. Brushes, Instruments, Ground, . Spires. Whole Spices. and all other articles us wally kept by Druggists, including Borax, Indigo. Ulue. Shellac. Potash, &c., &c.. &c.----- All orders by mail or othei,wisc promptly qt tended to. Country Meichonts are invited to call and examine out stock before witch:is:nig elsewl w re. Goods set:, to any of the wharves; -o r railroad stations. Prices low and good:, warranted. , I March 17,1856. iy 73 130 43 150 T..-J. PI lowa C:ty. 'Weiser ,S; Filbert, 11. S. %VP I S!..:l{, YurlF, 13(in1env, Dealow i,j Exch antic, ufid "Ceneral Lmttl .Iyrrits, 1)E0011_411: 10 as:Aisted 1,2; experienced Snrveyers, %di; give partiiailar attewion to the loca -1 tion d . Land Warrants. All locations made from a personta,itt s•potion ot . the land, and rpt'qretice +6 a_Rla3.4:dy_iw:risme..il_value. We are provided wic.ll a full elaid eornplote, get . 1 4 1Lit-b4lOkS, ctiPqr;aCtS, etc;., to which-we. 111 vice atteati , m. 1 4 pc4tions . mlid6 in any part ;if lowa, Minue4ota, Westem W . weow , " lll , T -1-.i.N.Tans,as and S'elyra - ska. IS"..:?'.lterer to LL 6, McCreary, Esq„ 1). Ac t Conaughy. Esq.-, and 11. J. Stahle. 'May Cur,. 130 :JO j 23 TIE 1 1 1 , 411,Y COUNTY MC,'TUA€4 FIRE lllrtatrance-ComipairlV, 'l'4 A PIT.A 81a9.586 effects insnrances in J any pirt of the State, lii4illllSt. loss by fire; prudently adapts its operacions to its resonr. ces ; afThNis inckftiaity, awl oinptly it st Adlois euwity is represented in the fluvici of M4nagers 'by Hon. MosEs W NI. Moll E.\ N-: A -, 00. -• • Office of M. . 3 W McClean, e ttygliu Is,f3y 20.1856. %. • E 1 1 .2.1011 9141114 . 1, Min 'u (IteniVoll 19 tho large and convenient houso, fornicnly re old : , :and of Col. leke-4.) subscri her respectfully informs the pithlte that he has opened a Public House/ of I','ntertAinmenr. In the horough of A hhot.L.3- town, where he wilt he happy to entertain a!1 who mar call with hint. Having had mans- years' knowledge of the husine:s of hotel-keep ing. he flatters himself that his elforts to please will he soti.sfiletwy. Give the •‘ Wad-hington" L R Febniary IS, 117;56. t 111 Pculquehanna Hotel, op.) .iiatil/11 Ita muler , :igned having leased . . the above hotel and put it in emiliplete order. is pre pared to accommodate his friends and - the public. The propnetor 'v dl pleasud to see hi; old friends, and. promises to make their. tay comfortable and satly-factory. Bag . ,:age tal;en to at.d from Calvert Station ace ul cha rlze. .1011 N BAR R., (formerly elf Pi'nri'a .,) July 9, {655. tf PfIOrRIETOR. Tai loving'. Removed r Pew Eluttrs; Sou; h oft 11c 01d 4 4tand. 81i. ELIA" respectfully informs his old 0 • customers and the public generally, that he Continues the TAIL HR.T.VG BUSL.NW,sS. near his old stand, in Smith Baltimore street. where he will be happy to accommodate all who may patronize him. All work entrusted to his care warranted to fit and he of most sub stantial make. Thankful for past 'fAvors, b solicit:, a continuance of public patronrge. ir . ,"" Me Yew York pring and ,`.4unmer Fa,hiwts are received. Call and see them. Gettysburg. April 9, 1555. Diamond Tonor. itol-IN W. TIPTUN, Fz,drioaablr Rarbrr IPand Hair .o).erad . , can at all times be found prepared to attend to the calls of the people, at_ the Mimi'', in the Dimmind: adjoining the County Building. From long experience, he flatters himself that he can go through all the ramifications of the Tonsorial Department with such an infinite degree of skill, as will n-wet with the entire:satisla'tion•ofall .1-ho may submit their chins to the keen ordeal of his ra- Zors. lle hopes, therefore, that by his atten tion to business, and a desire to please, he will merit as well as receive. a liberal share of pub lic patronage. The sick will be attended to at their private dwellings. Gettysburg,'Jan. 8,1855. tf Ladies, Come This Way. large assortment of Ladies' Dress Shoes it and Gaiters, fur sale at (201.1E.4S & PAXFDIC'S. Keep Drs-. large assortment of Umbrellas, at all pi, ces, just. received and for, sale at - SAMSON'S. 'VESTS. VESTS.—An unusually large as gortmeut, Of every. de6eription, just re ceived at L - LAGITER'S - Patented, 1856.—A new and splendid Large Oven,--rat-Tv • COOKING STOVE. For Coal or Wood. Four Sizes, Nos. 6.7, 8,9, TM GALL ItillEß'S Sunrise Air-Tight, a beau tiful design of a:new flat top Cooking Stove, just out. , It is only necessary to say, that ofter very many years of experience, and being fully conversant with all of the' various kinds. of Stoves which have been in vented on the dawn-draft principle, that I have taken advantage of every well known improve ment that has from time to time 'been made, .particularly in rererence to the formation and construction of the flues, which are always necessary to be large, and I have fully applied every improvement and combined the m all in the "Sunrise.Air-Tight Cooking Steve," 11113 Stove is made very heavy and is a good sub stantial article ; I have made them extra heavy in all parts where long experience has proved i t to be important, and I can assure pay eutitoru_ ers, that I have spared neither pains nor ex pemie in getting it up: and it will nut ho- ex— celled by any stove now known, offieinnilar - chnracter. I an? convinced that It will A t once become a standard Stove. - 110 4 1 have fully tried them in exery way, with WOOD and COAL, fled strongly recom mend them to the public, They operate the most satisfaetory manner. Patentee; A. J, LIALLAcirIER. Philadelphia, fife- For sale by AI` , .;DREW ro Sept. 15, 1856. 4m 6'ettyslntry, Nett ,- Good §3 l AND THE CASH SYSTEM. I" YEARS' experience in the mtlit hosi e; J ness has satisfied me that it will not dr, and have now doereoined to adopt the CASE system—and offer the following Good , : for cash or produce only,: 'Cheap CPTIIS. 131*.e, blaA., brown. green, claret, olive. S:e.: fancy Overeoatitigs. 'leaver ChAbs. Pvterstam, t'ag sitiferes, black and every variety of fancy col. ors: L7a , :sinets. Velvet Cods. Jeans. &c,: P a n.. •thloons stuffs generally : Coburg - Cloths, Me times, Debages, M. 1), laines, Alpac a s. Calk cops, Ginghams, tto., with every variety of Ladies' Dtess Goods. • .11,Y.Rly-morle Clothing in great Valiety, well made and cheap : Domestics, fresh Groceries, f.,), , Pen.strare, d.c. (f e. Please call. eY,atiiine. and judge for yonr selve:. All will be sold at, the lowc , ,t-ca;s.li prices. ARNOLD. Oct6ber-C, Cheap Fall & Winter Clothing. V -E -have now w.),t up oar Fall anal inter stock of Ready-made con,ist ing of Over Co:its, in great vaJiely : Dress 4. every desctivio.a : Jackets, Pantaltwns, Shirts, Drawils. &c. Also Boys' ClTxt - hi fig.. of - all sizes. /c,r stpel., of Over Coatings, Cloths, Cass,iniers, Cassinets, Coeds, VestM,gs, &cr. &c.., is I,4;ger - and and having experirirerrl . trorkiervit cottlinunlly employed cutting out a; r 4 king. up. if we caunot please yvu with n, Gat orriit ready wade, we can sell yeti the material. Ink e your measure and make you up a suit on t ho very shortest notice. We sell none but ou.r own make. and warrant them Well marle. aid insure a good fit or no sole. Our ptii,'es ,ize ' sales," for the (.I.l,sit. Please call. be Leal. The New York nnd Plidadelnhi3 winter If ASIIIONS just received. - GEORGE ARN 41111). ()etcher 6, 1556„ or CuousE E \TI , ]I; N 1 I ;; 'i. olloway's fills.—The mood furnishes, -- . t 4 niateriAt of e-cefr hone, ionscle. gl awl , l fibre in the. 4uthan 6anie. loVht.vl pore, it ml ~.cetne.,; health to. every organ.: when con opt, it necessariiy pxoduees disease. 11(i41.,LowAy's. pti.i.,s opera le iiii,i:ectly upon•the eleto,ttits of she stream Of life, neutralizing the prin.:4)le of dis, ease, and thus radically ou.ving--ihe malady, v. }tether locates in the nervm, the stomach, the liver, the bowels, the Inuselvs, the skiti, tae V . c. l • 04VS 7 7 /n.°4l.g/unit .Ifie IVV-1 , 1!. Plus aze equally 4 , 6:a0.i0us ire complaints conktnon to the whole IRIIIIIIII nice, and in msorders pectAliar to certain climates. : and localities. Afrirmiitri Disnrclerm Dyspepsia. and derangement of the Ever,. the •anuee of Infirmity and suffering. aad ttvi , cause 'or innumerable deaths, yield to the Curatives in all eases. however. aggravated„ acting as a mild purgative, alterntive and tone is : they relieve . the bowels. petrify th,v and invigoratelhe system and the cualtstution, at the same lime. Prat IfreaknevB—Nerrons Comple'r - aO. When - all stimulants fail, the renovatirpg and bracing properties of these nil, give tin,- nez,s to the-shaking nerves and enfeeb;ed ll6- des of the victim of general debility. icate Few ale.. All irregularities and ailment*, incident to. the delicate and sensitive organs of the sex, ale , removed or prevented by a few doses of these mild: hut infallible alteratives. No mother who regards her own or her children's health should fail to have them within her reach. Endorgene eats. The London •Lancet," the London "Medi cal Review," and the most eminent of the faa u!tv in Great Britain, France and Germany, have eulogized the Pills and their inventor. Holloway 's fills are /lie best rciiirdy known. in the world for the l'ollatrini diseases : Agthma Debility tirer CAmpbtintA Rowel Complaints Fever and Agne lowness tit 4irits Coughs Female Cons- - Files plaints t..'tozie. and Gravel Chest Diseases Ilearbelles Costtreness Indigestion . Dy.yrpsis - 1 romenza Diarrhoea I EVlaimoatiori Dropsy IDNrArd \\ edir..ness _ . -,,,*&)H at the Manufactories of Professnr Boi,LowAy, 80 .I:iiden Lane, New York, awl. 244 Strand. London, and b\• all tespectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throug,hoot the United :States and the civilized world, in boxes at 25 ceras, b 24 cents, and 61 each. I:77here is a considerable riving - by taking the larger s t z e s, N. B.—D:rections for . the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each bux. Aug. 25, .1856. eowly FANCYof STATION Schick keeps all kinds of Farley Stationery, and sellb it as cheap. if not cheaper than anybody in the town or the 'county.. If you don't believe it, call in and see for yourselves. J. 7. St:PEI:110R ,Parasols for sale by G i:O. ARA' 3LD rrOBACCO.-A pri►ue article just received ;S„,:kM.SON'S. Eecor.da: y Syu.p -2Vi119 Verer.".al A ITeetiowt urin3 of 4111tia,13