The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, December 15, 1856, Image 3

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    IP INV 1+ , 461,1 a si::.•tinur.l parz:v—,ie portion of
our Union arrave 1 i n p ) fiti , :11 Ivisliiitva7ainst
the Htlier. Titt: 0 1 ). 1 ,:t of his atiministratiun
would be to destroy any sectional party—
North and South—and harmonize aIL sections
of the Union under a national and conserva
tive 'government as it was' fifty years ago.
Unless this be done the time May come when
these sectional animosities which now Unhap
pily ,exist may break up the fairest and most
perfect form of government the sun ever shone
- But he trusted that the same Power
which had watched. over and preseved us in
the, past wilt continue to smile upin us and
'make us a prosperous, united and happy peo-
Fle. In conclusion, he said, that if he could -
In any degree be the -honored instrument of
allaying this sectional excitement and restor
ing the government to the principles and pol
icy of the fathers, he would then feel that he
bad not assumed the arduous duties of the
office in vain.
At the conclusion of Mr. Buchanan's re
marks, of which we have given a rapid out
line, his guests retired, each one receiving-a
cordial shake of the hand. After they had
re-formed in the order of the procession three
cheers were proposed and given for the
'resident of the Board of Franklin and Mar
ahall College and the President elect of the
United States.
S".A. man named Bill Blake was arrested
lately in Angeline county, .Texas, for the
murder of a whole family,named Moore, and
was immediately taken and executed by a mob.
Previous to meoting his doom he made a full
eonfes , lion of the heinous crime, and said he
was instigated to the - commission by others.
Large. (Vin.—Mr. Thomas McCarter, who
in lite weighed 527 pounds, died in West Ten
messee \t-ea. Ills c( tin measured 3i
feet aeross,the top, 28 inches deep and 7 feet
Sale (e" Lexington Ole
server has an account of sales of Durham cat
tle belonging to the estate of the late Ben:la
-lain Warilehl, of Fayette, Kv. The herd
was among, the finest in. the State, and the
sale largely attended.
Fourteen cows brovlit s3.2ls—average
price $23:1.2.1. The. highest price paid was,
S-155, by Dr. 13rceicinridge, fOr Lady
Fairy, imported in fzi3o bv the Northern Ken
tucky Importing- Co., and gold by them for
.z1..1.01 1 . Ten heil'er4 br , o!.-ht 52,855 sn—
ilverage s`ss 50. Highest. price paid 5605,
1 - or .Lade Fairy 2d, 18 months ,dd. Seven
bulls I,rougiit $1.3 iti—.lVora..,N price .` . 2.1)9.
The higho , 4 pri , 6 was $650. fur imported
Chilton. 110 cast in
The Demi) :ratik; State-Central Commit
tee will inef.,t at the Merchant's 11,trl, in
On Tuez“lav, ihe mgt., at
11 o'cl.ieic, X. M.
_Leer an,l 1 - epr
. from Ca47hritia!—:
elianao, 60,000 ; F.lhnore. 35,00 ; Fremont,
19,00)—the latter tee,:iving hut one-sixth of
the votes of his own State!
culaiics Nyruitu. t'SMUT .-0 LI the apprnsch
of white; the kquiri els store away nuts and !nuke their
teat., wtriner and wore (to:nfort44le:the bears get thicker
-coate of fur on their backs, and birds take the i ir flight
southward Men;upon the utter 'band, for the se.-
Note se•teoa hj laying in a etock of and by get
ting Ne.ison.tble garnient-t at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall
of Locklifli & ‘lllstsu, Nos. 205 und.2o7, Chesuut btieet
Phil ulcll .
.I . l.7j'll,lLLlox Or'S OiNTNL.:NS AND l'itts.—The strides
(.11 01 te.nper.ititre in au , cliatote hive .t term e ect
the skin. the tou,eirs. said the g,lttnds. .Ll..e..nce the
p evaletiou of salt :lieu billiel . th,U
-1111.(14:11. quilt .)• sit c throat., iitruy ether col..pitauts
fit frequently gellt.:ate I an , / alkv,ty+ ag:grayated tit this
colic Fort 411.1teiy, 110/I , ,w.tCe, we iLive the
Pietas of p. n.nptly re.w,t tog of 1 e tses. dud of
1.06;;.; ail the exterior organ, and
u wukLps prevent tliew recui'reoce Tize operating
in a y mit , uttia tue oi•it t. ° reg - tt:d.te tile seereiiiws,
nit I t out 1* of tar Ludy .1.15* Matter
FuJuce exit:m.4l itao.i.uuuttuu or taterna.l
41R - 40:), Flour, Wheat, *Corn and Oats, are
waiitt.;it itay.o.aela of
On, the 9th in-st 1;ov H 11. !I 'qr
is lllirlt 1 A \ G.IdA: of Me. Jw:opla Lade ; UL tul, f) , ,,:0ag0
IE7" file f2wtatt,:-.Lt cor,p3 tool,r a :1 . / 11/11UOUS VOte
thanks to the happy coup: e Fu; tha h to:L"Licr iu
which they }Lace been reinotaba:e4, an 1 wisii zhe a a honey
moon fits Sweet as their welling c : .nil a ruse of Miss
that only trite lacers know
On the '2d inst.. by the Rev. C C Culler., Her. E. A.
SIIARRET rzi, pa-ter of the Ecang Lutheran Chwelt at
Bluuffriburg, Pa . to 31i,4 tad i C, daught4r of Andrew
Creveling, Colunfhat co . l'a
Ou tiie 27tkult,itt
' ev. Jocut) 11. ' rust e. Mr I.UMir to 31i,4
ExatErrA KLEIN—LiIo( Ligaziore. York , De(!.. 15, .56
On tun Eitlt in a , by the Ilec Jacob Ziegler. Mr. A. Ai 1, ,„.
TowNsLEY to .11,P, MARV 1V II.:50S, Guth ot Gettysburg. i .-‘ il 0 ( - 1 LBS. Fla , : ern Cheese, of %rely
On the -Itii lust, by the Poem,. Mr. LEVI CA....4;E1' to 0. vij v prime., quality.
Mi 4, LOUISA LI t'LLE. boat of Gettpliarg t .
On the Iniz 10.1.. by the gone. Mr MICHAEL 'WM. i °lie ca.e `';IP "g u " I. e.." . "'n eiiee':e.
DEA L'itie,,i. in l' crone, L.) M :DA LLUI ANN 130 - ! 21 Tubs very p:itne S . A . i , ', cheese. For sale
St:It:MAN, ot Butler twain...alp `, yb EII.NEY k, 13!t0.,
Ou the 'Jul I n't . at York. by the lice Mr. Lilly, Mr i
WILLAAM biUlll.Elt, of Mountolei,int town-iiiii. to Miss , Fancy (grocers and l',lnfl•etintle s,
Id ,kit'i LUPE. 01 East Berlin. Ada 114 county. It ' I York:, Dec. 15, 5(. 67 West liar rket st
In /01).U...t0e o, on Friday 13,1, by Gl.' tire L. Gerhart,
Mr ..JACi/tt Sl' OLIFEti. to .ali,s GEUit(iIANA Lir ILE,
both of this place,
DIE. 11! :
On Thursday wpek, in Butte , township, Mr. ISAAC
RID DLE.UUrr tt, to the 31th ye it 11. s a4o.
Very iiutidetily, of Afection of the lie.irt, on Thursday
Last. Mr. JOIIN DEARDUI;FI, of mraban, aged
about 60 years.
un the 3,1 Nit.. IS IAC t , CIIANIi, of Beechereville,
-agel 34 year,; 3 mouth 6
tin the 11th in , it/ AC NEWTON' -L
\, son ot Jolm pencil, deceme/. aged 3 year:, 9 moot e
an! 9 dAyo.
On the 3d inst tountpie (+int tu4 n+h , p, Adams
county, .11r. U.EUsiGi.: tiL 7 l.lltii. , ;, aged abnut ;3 years.
i4f:lti(ci I,cpoil3'.
, Correeted fretn tile Tr , c,re. York L Hanover pa.pers
Bultim ,, rc—Friday
Flour, per barrel,
Wheat, per bushd,
Rye, ••
Clover-seed, "
Timothy a<
li, of Cattle, per
II )1;4,
Hay, per ton,
AV iii-key, per ;!, - all,ra,
Guatio, P4•rtiv;aii, trm,
IL it , , •
Flour, per bl,l_, from IA a•toro), 00
7 00
Wheat, per busIPH, 1 (a: 1 49
Tun ir h v, "
- 0
Finur, per V.A.,
D )., •• f:
live. '•
C,m ,
0:1t4. 4{s
c i , verseeci,
-Puster, p r 1132,
nil w•e
Frrieriek Lo 7 441 ,by the
86 5@ ( 5 , 1 6 62
1 43 (! . :1,3 1 60
70 (a., 8)
32 & 65
40 (a 43
7 75 pz S 00
3 23 or. 3 Si
At; 50 ,• , t, 3 75
7 01) ,cl; 7'75
00 co
30 ( . q; 31
60 UO,
2 5.)
6 Ell!
on , ;,
1 '):. ,I' 0 =‘,
1" (? 1 43
- ,_,
7 oj
Urf,'4' FraTIT, (rT
100 B9XES Layer and Bunch Muscatel
Raisins, in whole, half, quartet and
fancy boxes;
50 Boxes Mahon Figs.•
1 Case Figs in fancy boxes,
10 BBxes e TIOSt Ci tron.
20 do. Shelled Almonds.
10 do. Prime Lemons.
2000. Havana Oranges. (very sweet.)
5 Bbls. Boston Cranberries.
2 Casks Zante . Corrants.
20 Frails new crlp (vim Almonds.
-100 lbs. Bitter (shelled) Almonds.
500.1t5. Smyrna Raisins, (seedless.)
5 Frails Arabian Dates.
1000 Fresh Cocon7Nuts.
2 Cases Prime Prunes, in fancy boxes and
. glass jars — --
500 Bushels African and Southern Ground
500 I Lbs. Eastern Cheese—very prime quality.
2 Bags Eng. Walnuts.
5 Bags Filberts.
5 Bags Butter Nuts.
5 eases Licorice Siick-4) to the lb
2 Cases Calabria Licorice—large stick.
1.1.000 Lhs. CANDY. SUGAR T )YS GUM
Drops, Sugared Almonds, Jelly C a k e s,
F.inged Secrets. 3lint Drops, Nougal. Fig
'Paste, Cream Dates, Cream Figs,' Cream
Drops and a general assortment of emu Ed-1
nolss, prepared fol. the.llulidays approach
ing. Also, a large variety of Fancy Willow
Baskets, German Toys, Fancy 'goods, "&c.,
&c., suitable for Christmas presents.
Fancy Grricers- and t3onfectioners,
No. 67 West Market street.
Yoik, Dec. 15, 1856.
President of the several Courts of Com
mon Pleas, in the Counties composing the 19th
District, and Justice of the Courts of Over and
Tel miner and General Jail Delivery, for the
trial of all capital and other' offenders in the
said district, and SAIRTEL. R. RtyssEr.i. and Jolts
M'i;lN L y, El es.. Judges of the Crurts of Oyer
and Teintiner. and General Jail Delivery. for
the trial of all capital and of her oft nders in the
County of Adams--have issued their precept,
bearing date the. 9th day; of Nov., in the year
61 our Lord one 014q/Sand eight hundred and
1-JIN-six, and to me duetted for holding a Cum t
of Common Pleas, and Gener a l Quaritr Ses-
N 1011: of the Peace. and General Jail Delivery,
and Court of .Oyer and Terminer, at Gettys
burg.'qt Momtio I 7 /I ? ,;• 0 . (3.1. 0 a, 1 ,, / /r;
NoTtcH is HEREBY GIVEN to al; the Justices
of the Peace. the Coroners and Constahles
the Rttlel county of AdaLtri. that th4.l' he
then and tittle in their loupe,. Tel::ons with
their Records. Inquisitions, Examina
tions, and tither hemenitirances. to do those'
thine which to their offices and in that hind`,
appei tam to he done:And also, they who will
raw:l:cute :rgain•st the prisont rs that are or shin
he'ittthe Jail of the sad! County of' Adams, are
to he then.and there to prosecute against thew
As shall be just.
Sheriff's Office, Oettyi.hurg,
Dec. 1:), 1 F 456: tc
Independent Blues.
I- OL: will meet for parade, in full dress, at
'the 'A lino y..on Saturdall, ille . 2.oth
at 2 o'clock, P. M., with arms and - accoutre
tnent.sin complete order. 1
. 3y order of the Cap
tain. -CHAS. X. MARTIN, U.
Dec 15,18:U.
Administrator's Notice.
- 1 - -4 AN IL', SI PIA NG'S ESTATE.—Lettersof
-124 administration on the estate of Daniel Sip
hue of Berwick township. Adams connty,
deceased, haying been granted to the tinder
signe,l, residing id the carne too nship, h e
hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to
said estate to make inimediate payment, and
those having claims against the same to pre
sent them proper! v anthem lea ted tOr settlement.
Li \ N 1 - EL BELA ER, Adm.' r.
Pee. h., 1456.
1 ift an'l While Vinegar, Sweet
Cidor, Tomato
C.,i-rw Grovel s and Cunteccioners,
York, 14:n.15, '56. 67 VVest Mat st.
din S S L C RS G. A. Salt.
5 1 1 4ckages refined Table Salt--very
line for family Luse.
5 bids. aild paelinge:± fish—sneb,as No. 1
Mack:lr el, Scotch and:Salt Herrings Sardines,
I , &e.,'by ERNEY 1311().,
ane • Grocers'a d Cunft
tif;USTEN E DU, IAN-NE ikrites fur the
LA- Sttutday Eveilin Post. T Raidop
Bit r!oouly. a Tale of the 5w1,.., Cantons. ' See
Prospectus in another place. -
Fancy. S"gar Toys
Fancy Cnoft!cnuns of every de
scription. nt
Fancy Grocery awl Coilivetion.Ny Store,
York.. Dee. 15. 'st. 07 \ie-,L 31aikL1 St.
9 000 VANA Oranges, of d e l ic i ous
flavor. For ,nl,. nt
Fancy Grocery and Cunleci iouery store,
York, Dec. 15, .56. 07 We:,t Market st.
I.IBLS. Eastern Cranberries.
. t 1 5 1 0 Boxes Fl ,, s. part in Tilley packagei.
.5 Boxes Gctioa Citron. (pi i nit.)
.SUU• Lb,. LAnte. Currants, (new.) by
1;11.:r1:1" & 111;0.,
Fancy Confectionery and Giocerv,
York, Dec. 13, '53. ti 7 \A est. Mat ket st.
0,000 LB'S- Fancy Sugar an-1 F.lnry
Goods, C a ts.. Gull .;ewc.lry,
at - • - ERNEY &
F t Grocery and Colifyrt.i.riery .tore.
York, Dec. 13, 'SC. ti 7 ‘\ est Ma ket st
Prime Pi , -ides, in very
-11- putt tirder fur f
EitNEY & 1;110..
FotCy (;rorpt and rollft!ettoilPT Q.
York, De.e. '3l; G 7 0, ~t Mai ket st
i o n Boxe , ; cr.op 13 , 410) - nrul Llycr
p.i:L to taller tHO.ll_-:-. F.ll
ERNE!' & BRO..
Falli:l" Grocers uli.l (I.)lif,fettoiters.
York, Dec. 15. '56._ 67 11e,t Market st.
0 0 LB
. s . s o. di c . s , For sale by
EitNEY & 11PJ).,
F4nrn• Grfl,7ery slOre.
Yorti'rl)(c 15, 5,;. 67 West 1.,41.1,.,et st
00 lit - SliEL`4 new crop Gro , :orl
For EY & BR 9.,
F4n , , v c oo t; y
York, 11 2 , 7 % I '55. G 7 We,t, Let st.
large , Too.:: cil Loos and S;)ots. wiling at
Swill pr+•tth at
67 West Market st.
ply i _E
NOTICE is Ite'rt4.l. , t.iNv_n to the fleirs anti
Lt.gat 110.14. t. Sett la t eS Zs: SPA .N LE/1..
late of Be'tLt ick I.orough, Adams county. Pa!,
t cen sed viz : Chrisl ;aim :..pangler, widow ;
Emanuel Sp4nlder. Elward Spangler, Wen ms
Spangler, Henry ;:paioer. lbrriet, intermar
, vied with Jacob Logo's; Susan, intermarried
with Bdinia, intermarried with
1 Thomas Briggs; Agnes Spangler, and Jacob
Spangler, now deceased. and leaving issue, viz:
I Alien Spangler and Jacob Spangler —th4,t
Wt e , tcid on a certain Hou , :e an, ~ot
are d iniprovelasents. also three Town
to in said borough of Berwick . , on
ifyietry, of,faiwory, AA)... _185.7,
at lc) o'clock, A. M., on .said p em i se s., to make
partition thereof to nod aluotinst the heirs and
h gal teprcmlitltives of said deceased, if the
same wi!l ailinit of parthion without prejudice
to or spoiling the Och n t e .th eleo f: hat if the
same v,i:f not adinit of such partition, then to
ingoire how man, of the said hors it. will cop
vt niently accommodate, and part - and divide
the Sallie to and among as many of them as the
same will accommodate.; but if the same will
not admit of •division at ail without piejudice
to or spoiling the whole thereoLthen to value
and appraise -the same, whole and undivided
—whereof all persons interested arc hereby
notified. •
TTIO,NIAS, Shertr.
Stierifrs rtfice. Gettyshurg.
Dixemher 1:1; 181 G. s td
THE S A,,cribers will offer at puldie sale,
on tine *raises. kat TaeNday, tle 23(1 day
of December inst., the following• valuable pro
perty, viz :
A 'Fracl- f Timberland, situate in INfonallen
towndiip, A lams county, zoli.)ining hinds of
R. bent lileakney. rhsining Gilliland and oth
containing SO At:reA, inure or less, on
cli. is emoted a gold
(4 L iM , 7 st.? "7"
Also, a Tract of coLtaining 5
Acres, more or less. adjoining No. 1.
AL , o, u Tract u 1 Ti:i f ib'erland,atij , ,inin:z, Nos.
1 and 2, containing 9 lel'es, moce or
4413—At the i.anie titiiii pla,te,.will lie
offered the followiittr Per , t,atal Pr
4 bead (rl'Horses,
one of tliciu al, ex, fondly mitre; 2 Cows,
5 ,Y tine, l- rittiol of Hogs, 1
lour-It:krse 1 , 1 , 11,1-(rea , l 1Z :;u1 Wa : roti, tvitlt
I.rittr-lior,:e narrow
treatl Plow , ItA untl Ilarrows.'attil
‘taitiety i,the,t cal-lath:4 uteabAs. Also, a
largo variety of
liouseholti and Eitrifen Furniture.
Sale t(i roaanehoe'at 11 - o'cli)( . •ii. A M - 011 SAW
daY, W:1111 11M:11(1;111(.7C given and terms
'tattle kuuv, a by
December 15 1850.
Osage* Orange Premium. hedge.
V HE undo signed liav lug 'mule Iludging,
1 111Siiit.NN, IN 11(1W I/II
his extensive fdcilliks. to do oily uni ,, unt. or
rl j 9
en the innst . roasoilal,le IltS, in any part of
l'etins)tranta, New York, New Jet I)ela
ware,--Alarvlailti-, anti
f'range is twainiftll, olnuiherital:and
tiVe. 'proof against, stock, :high winds, back
mai r •t‘ c.
I a rli rurni , h Mins.. Plant and 'him until
the 114 dge 01 ion!. a Il . lsinds or tartn stock, at
low 61 10 5.; pet nd. one-third to be paid .
When planted. and the halance when . .it is de
clared a good fence h‘ di,interested pet sons.—
Those getting the Budging done; are required
to pieß.re the , ground by ducp 'plongliing,., and
cultivate the liedut , row a. dneeted.
to tr.) cents per i od,.pay went to he-trade when
the ilolge is se t..
ice_ PLANTS at Whidesnle ant? Retail, de
livered at the Railroad -Station at this place,
st ... e rir ely hoxed,.as follows: .
When 5' Isom are or der ec.l' in one finder. i. 4.5:)
per th, isn't& lot Nu. 1.—,;4.U+; for Ni. 2 t
fLoirtt i 1 one order ! . .-.5,10 for. No I --:;4.5 . for
'.\() 2 ess tii,ii s,Jou in one or de'r;• - ",i,6,..a) fur
N('. 1-4....:'5,;)1) fur 2.
I SEED. Or.qt 1, , ,/ quality, at
huleNale and Retail, at market !Jr
- The value tit the ()-;.1:24. ()range for fledging
is Hutt' settled, %yid.) pro . per man
agement,l:i bevot i il ti ml di) HEIL
work in mak' g It an impel vious fledge, if man
twill do Ills
lIET!.:IIENCES —Hon Ja•ia-1 (:on u. Pre‘ide nt Penn-
R . % Ivania Z:stat. ; Lei] Get, m
John floh:. l'a ; SKniuel
.110. ts . ;L li al ItTf a r rrt:7s - 7
Feu, t, fr 1.11111 ,en C
; (ien N to Bell, edtter:ton ; ; R • 4l A. Slol!.4,
Dec. 1.5. 'se,
119 re .V.ll - *il at• I:.
FRENCH colors : faqiiiorable
k: k):16 F.,11,5,1,0, ncti si% les :
litngnilicera nets :/eLair.t4.;
Caitcoe,: very I;trge sur.l( of tlew Si' ,%ds;
11•e1 , 11. Awe, icati
(1‘):11,4. Ve.ungs, itufl ail IVear ;
StictLitigs, 'rabic 1.11w11,, Totvl•lin,/s.&e.
i',/tr//‘ dre.le ,i/u,b•llih ia
~-- S twekeepers are invit , .6 to examine our
New tjoods. (:au he well s'utell in
every kind of Dry (ioolk. IVe ifrike Lack
SiL, and Silawls artwie, for who!e•
salving,. S rceeiverl daily flout the
Atietoms iti :New Turk and Plicatielphiu.
I kcerlitier 1.), f.itn
Fine Lidiasiir..
FRENCII Brandies, Holland Gin, 111;ideirst,
I. Lisbon. Putt, S,11(.: ry„ (71:,ret. Chain
paigne and \_lnes-: Jamaica and New
England Bann ; MononBaliela, Irish and S , :otch
; Kiuuuel. Aro:liatic fain, Fitht
Brandies, 6.x., fur sale I),
Fancy Grocers and ilo-nfeeLionerg.
York , Dcc. 15 . ' 5 6. 1,7 `A e?..t ket st.
[IT-II ,UsEl N I).a ti orv4inal Novel-
J_4 et, by the utti hot. tit' • Zillah." se., IA 111
be V11111..11.1/ to Lite eiting PuA.
L'ee PlospeCLUS ill ,ttio.thet place. .
I.k fly DEN[N()N ‘vriteN for the
Saturday E% mind .e,
ot, jc. cwe Pi uNpecius anotlie place.
1 4 NANCY Work Baskets and Willow Ware
erety liescription,:e.till,ricing a large a rid greah.r i, rt exote-sly
/or At ERN EY SL BEV),
F.tey and i_l.olfeeiltaiery Faure.
York, UtC. 15, Gi West Mai ket st.
ONE Cage of Sipe ior SArdines—in whole,
hull and boKe.:. will he s , :ld low,
Fancy Grocers and :unfecLioneri,
York, Dec. 15 '56. 67 \' e MLl'Ket st
1 RS: E. I). E. N. SOTTII ‘VORTII writes
4 4 for the Satinday' Evening Pust. See
PrQspectus in anothe c i• p:ztre.
/1 1 0BACC.:0.—A prime article 111,t received
.1 at 6.4. 30.ti'S.
.I/j/tic ./',/
I._l-7: YOU. :•_Uis:-"A_TIIII;D IN l'llr,
Cosanerioi ilan Art Asmara:Men
FoR THE THllt i n YEAR i
• 1:1;', the ltare ncentent , t I—The managers
13 have the pleasure of announcing. that tbc
colleaion of Works of trt'designt - fdr distri
bution ainrlng the, subscribers, whose names
are received previous to the - 21.;th of January.
'57, is much: larger and more costly than on
t iny previous year. Among the lead' n . erworkt;
in 'S c ulpture.---exceuttd in the finest Marble
—is the attic and beautiful
_Statue of thtS
"Wood ISTymp'i," the 13u .t:: of the three great
.Ameriean Statom. , o, Clav, Webster a
also the osquisito 1,1ea.1 Bust, "SpOng."
Apollo fut4,l Diana, int marldle, hie -ire, toget h
er.with thetfollowing.l3.'ialps and Statues in
-Carrara Markle-, 7 iif the Strur,z le for the
II Venus of A rot, ; Psyehe ; Magdalen;
Child of the sea ; lonootooe Captive. Bird ;
nail Utile x) 11, nornorous workq--in
Bronze, - aml n o.,llyetion of -.event hundred
Fate Artist 4.
The whole, of whieh are to be diqtri,bntod
or allotted :11116lig thU S1.00 4 (1'11.1(.1r8 Whw , e
11:11110 tire re p;ve 1 r.rovions to the Twenty
ei Olth ,E . .J.intiary, '57, when the Distribution
will:ttike place.
serilwr of throe dollars is entitled to a copy
of the splendid Steel Engraving. "Saturday
or a copy of au of the following t. 7.33
Magazines one IN ear ; a ,•opy of the A r t
Journal one year, and a ticket in. the Annual
Distribution ief Works. of - Art. -
Thus, every ,`63 paid. a person not only
gets a heant Ifni 'Engraving or Maga;line one
y ear . h u t also reo , i‘OA the Art .Inurnal oae
year and Tkliet in the Annual Distribution,
making four didlars - worth - of reading matter
besides the tieket Lv Ar a valuable 'paint
ing or piece of btatintry may be received in
Th i ce who- prefer .I‘ift,4l?.ines to the I:Mgr:t
-ying ”Saturdav ig,ht," can have eith , er of
the rollovino mu , year: Harrier's Nlagazine,
i;odev's LaAly's Bii k. Unitetl Status Ma.a
zine. 13lack‘v,)11's Magazine, S.oulherti Lite
rary :11,.....5,,,eager.
No person is restrieted to ,t single share.
I TlJ , ee takino• "
five metnite.r , :hips. romitt ing $l5,
Itro entitled to six I , :ne_ravin o tls, and to six
,tiekets in the' tikteibotion, or nny five of the
31a , lazities, one year, and six tickets.
Persons, in reMittiier funds for member
;,ship, gill plea , e register ti :letter al the Post
i'Oltiee, - to prevent ; im reoeipt of which, it
oertitiente Memhership, tchfether with the
Fne-rivitr'he de , ,irel will be fur
war,leil to any part of the eathntry,
For further particuhivs, see the November
Arh.Journal. sent fry , . tin ni.plieation.-
For n. 1411.1.-04-
C. L. DERBY. Aetunrx - C. A. A.,
3-18 13roadway. New Y W i e , tern thbee,
It3i %Vater strew., 51 , 4,1u. , 1\ v, Ohio.
to 1). Yldt; N A tjlidl
Ilonorary Secretary, Uettvsburg, Pa.
-15, 1836.
Prosp-clus 'foa‘ )1557.
Eyiablisile(l Auyusl 4 . 1-321.
1 111? puhlkliers i,f this out and .firmly. es
t tahlished Int l er tithe
the attention ',Unit , pulilio to !heir programme.
for• . the year. SoriHte.l txith
the claims of liie:•,ttui'o tiiati etcr
apiire,;:atel liy the re•htiog NATelittve
-t-tenet',re,ttiretttly.---n44141-0---ttr t.g..tl4vtitri__vdt.l)
the followintr brirlont listrof writers I trr 1 . 4 En:41111414 A LICE CAIIY,
T. SorTlist - otail, ttiirstriNF
Ori:ANN M. A.. DLNisos, the author of
IVe eornmeneitig, in the first nornber
lit, January next, the following original
Novelet : c
Eillen,ryettn. or the Squotfrr'N home.
13y \Viiliuur Hewitt, :tutlffir "R init i Life i n
"11.)tnes i)f tAw Pootr.,"
Ifewitt huviiig visitcd A ustralA,L expresA v
with the object of action :1 Isinn4ell . Keith
the novel nod roman:An lthpeoG nide!' which
naturoand 4,,cieLv es,eut thernhelves in that
yi Ivrtl,al -
„•"? :
i II CIOS NV:i] thell bi! given,
tin;tig l .l p'1 , 1,:1111 . 1 lit tlo: here
Stui , / of
;By Alice Cary. .1,1 o:tiginal Noviiict, written
expt''"- for t
171,1 Witb, red
An -original Novelet, written fur the
Post, hy T. S. A.-..ti,ttr.
I/ f ib/hot/set ./N1,414.
An original Novelet, If, Ike alithor of
"My c oj
(;11i1 , 1 At••.
- T 1 1 ,.! che , L47l.'.v
i byti, watitor td...11.,trk, 11,e I-.) , :tott,"
"11 tine
B , o7potdy,
A TALI: or 'nth rol6. origi
nal N o v e l, ; , t, hy tganne,
)..t id: tut;
I 11:1 ":11`1 , ) a. - Shunt and
N I. I. S . 7 , , lrorth
to ru n tilh,u4:llo ) ).lt a,s "r lik11111)(!rS (If
ill ;t P. 04.
F y n -f tt ad lition to the. algovo list ($r
,ve Lho, ti,Lvd
s loi t .s• J 7 (On 1111 ~ 9 11 111 011
ir'kbf Ge!)LCIVi ,1110.119e"i.
r, ill of thq Prod 'me, (1, 1 (1 -
reouiti ,If Lixt,
&/!.. hf;ifig trl ;,•i
C,iint)iee Jtr! , :orl," far gi our Einit.i will Elll
-t, f/f . t (“! real WI
ENiir,AVINGS.—H tlif, way of E.l7,rav
' 111;1 -, , \S!; •;:;;. ivratly ),, i•. 1,! 0 t":;/
of ILI e, and the ,ther utnnorou ,
ctia-a' or.
I , ,, , tage on the P to any part of the
United Slates, pith! quarto; iv fir early
:wee, at the idice where it iy received, i i on
ly 2t; cents a 2:Pmr.
Tr. it afivaneej—Si a 2.1 e eopy vont.
4 cot ies 500 d. ear.
8 (Aryl one to the irctter up of the Clus) 10, 0 ,0
13 ‘• (Ant one to tne vlttpr up of toy Club,) t•
2U '' (Ant one to the getter up of the Club,) 20.00
I)EA(,ON kt PE CEI-1: 4 ()N,
Ni. 6( S ) i.vh Third Street, Pii
aarS.I.3IPLE NUMBEUS gratis to
• when requested.
Derr. 15,
11 , ,wyrr. the celebrated Eng au•
thor, « • cite, for the Saturday Evening
pl OH ; ,vritltr . . l flume.
Sec Prospectus in another place.
t LICE CA !: EY , ite - S for the Saturday 1 - -- - ------- ----- --
:It Evening Ptist. Tim S 0,' , / ,;( a Country i TWO THOUSAND PIECES
Gh.l. Ste Plospectos in another place. - i Wall Paper.
'll S. ARTHU it writes for the Satur dn y .
_da COMA'S & PAX ON have opened 'an un
woially large assortment of Wall Paper,
I • Et, ening Post. Ti,' !Vdim, -, _lll/.-f;
of every : , :tyle to,ll varitty. Croat Ili to 40 cts.
Sec Prospectus in another place.
- , ____ a piece. ilonseket-pits and Paper hangers are
TTENTION! Those who are fond of MUSIC, invi feti to call and exanytne the stook. which
i will find a large—ass°, tment of, Violins, is superior to anything heretofore (Jet ed in
Accordeoni, Fliites, Files, &c.. &c.. Ch ea p at this market. Only 121: cents a piece,, ur I i d ,
SIMSON's, cents a yard,'fOr \A:all Paper
Gettysburg, Fel). 25. 1856. •
- TRENIENDOCS - --n ,, sorzruent -of—Pants,
such a. eatue,t-f.til to please the fa:4-
Call at - S. %1 SON S.
it) UR stock_ of Hardware hNs been very much
FEW MOUE LEF r. ..I,lloine's Clucks tnciea,e4l, building or requir.
AL also a fes:v - put.l Watches at • ing anything, in thl.4. department, should first
I SAMSON'S. call and see FAILSESTOCKS' Cheap Stock.
ElfiE undersigned Will offer at Public Sale,
on the piemises,- f rie grhadail g , -MP 27th
( i fif; f ) . I' , R, desirable property,
t-i.tuated in Getninny township, - Adams counsi
ty, about one mile south of•Litth stovrn. on ho
Baltimore Turnpike. containing flitollt 20
Acres. of Lend, on .which are erected
a Two-story BRICK HOUSE, (with aIIRT
11 - ell of Water nt ar the door.) a Log -
Barn also a yt,titig thriving Orchard, with
choice Fruit Trces • and about 5 netts of young i
growing Chesmit Timber.
Sate to c4.lintence at 10 o'clock. P. M., o_n
said day, wiletiattendance will be given and
terms made known by L.
Admin'r, with the elll annexed. of Elizabeth Rider, dec'd
Dec. 8, 1856. Is
TFE.v7I - Dot, Li I,'S RETVAPD
117 . A
% S , T n; () O. S . ,
r. t o w n (
% T e l
t i , t 11 n
. 11 r 3 r , t;
, t t l;
e e
'4 l I t
l it h v e (i r r n
Nro i
Bo tier tow o , hi p, • nod - .1 u ( hy way
01 Benclerhville,) n small Botcher ACCOITNT
130i)K. A reward TW EN TY 1Y )1,1, AILS will
he paid. for the re(‘.overy of said'" Bonk, by
December 1, 185t1. 3t
11 °TICE.
underqignegi; as :Igtint for the Tloirs of
a A 1113-A, It A 1 1 / 4 ' 0 I{ f), t e .of. Mount
plcas,lint town4in. Adams county, deceased,
beteby gives notice to all persons indebted to
said estate to make immediate payment, and
all having claims against the statue to p esent
theta properly authenticated for settletnent.
Of Nfount i pleasent township, Agent fur the Mira.
Nov. :24 - , 1856. GE
One Itr ; ound -pap Howard.
ir k AN nwny from the subse,iber. residing in
Moutep:easaiit town h ip. Adattiscounty.
an apprentice boy by tln. , none of DAvln Wtb
soN, to the carpenter business.. I therefore
.all persons' not to trust or harbor the
same on my account, its I am determined to
pay no debts contracted by him. Whoa last
neon he was oinking for the Two Taverns with
might and main. lle is ilboots feet-10 inches
hi g h, stout built, black hair, very still, great
aversion to motion. in fact he is the very pies
tore of idleness. The above reward will be
paid but HO thanks for his return.
Nov. 24,1856.
lalere We, A r•e Swain
I 11' urti the ha rel somes t and cheapest Stock
4 of NEW GOODS-to he lound in this
place. All the neweit. styles are to - he seen
in the assortment. and many of them ere real-,
ly magnificent, withont tieing costly. No
time fo pa.-ticulars. .Cull in an d see to your
_ _ _
selves, at
October 20,1856
TIJE second and rind account. of Amos
- Lsr-Evnit. As , :ignue of .the estate and er•
feets of TtloatAs Birrt.lo, and 'W(fe, formerly of
Certnany township. Adatto4 comity, 118$ been
filed in the ('o - itti of - Cowmen Pleas of said
ciitinty, and will kte confirmed by the said
Court, th e 23 , / fly ti e) DeNclizber next, unless
cause be shown to the cow' tirr.
.1011:s1 . 14Cli.ING, Protley.
Ge.t.tys- -
Oet. 31, Itis6, 4t
ADa irk Brown I RE,
YEAR 4 old, good under saddle or in her.
CI Lind u very - petty animal, fur- mile
LOW by
Gettys . lT-g, Oct. 20, isrio.
11.1 VERY.
TIE uneersigned takes - thin method to in-"
l'ortn his hiends and the public, that' he
has opened it Livery in Gettyhu .g, and will
-be happy to m'contitriodate with
• tr.,' VEU WLES, ail who
ma • itn His stock is
call upon .
lirst rate. Ching. fut satidle or hairless:and in
chyle", a pair of watch greys. Ilk stable. is
on the premises twettpital by John A. Little.
un E:o:1, Middle struet, where, or at his resi•
denre i,ast York street. he way generally
fund. lltt will at all times strive to
please. Terll/:, CA,M. . _
October 27, isra Stu
I,IF. . IN stouT
FOIL ritely Winter Gooos. aft he
sell, for (7.lshor Country
Produce, at mlrfrt., p ()fits. MAO Ready made
CI oth :1 giuoS cut frce of charge
ar, exi,,, , ric0 , ( , 1
Ud“,her 10,
ICS M , :CIIEIRY has just returned from
iN 2. the rite, with a new and - handsome lute
sort wen t of Bounets & Fancy Goods, which'
he Open for exhibition on Tuesday, the
141 h, and respectfully invitee the Ladieg of
Gettyshurg and vicinity, to call and erAtnino
her lissortment, at her Rospo, in East York
etr e t-A. directly opposite the Bank.
o c l o l,,er 10, 4t
ir , 'll.ou r ! Flour !
rt-THE continues the Pinny. busi
ness 11% lit sells by the barrel
Het . Tiatitity. B taking SMALL
puorrrs he can boy as high and sell as low as
any hody eke, and by always endeavoring to
keep none but the hes . t , he hopes to merit and
eetnve a continuance id' li liberal patronage.
Oct.B. 1855.
Keep Warm.
I have jolt received a splendid assortment
of Wool Unde shirts and Drawers, which
will be sold luw at
To those who are Indebted to me.
11MING. now adhpted the Cash syslem in
my business. for the purpose of settling
up my old busin e ss, all those indebted tn. me
of long standing, either by note or book ac
count, will please call and pay the smile.
October 6, 18,56„
On the Public Square.
At- ttie Post Office.
%VISITING to retire from farming AO'
v 'milling heNicess. i will POI at Pr:vitti
Sale the following taluable renastate.known
EC Lout Grove; -- o't nate tamotone and a half
miles S. W go - fr itu
Sliest froth Littlen,,Adas coun
ty, Pa. •
• No. 1.-32 vielcre.r. iltetphow 6 ,- ttriin of a
superior quality of red gravel soil. well adapt
ed to timothy; 2000, - bushels . of lime having
been put on'it. The improvetnentai are a large
and very beautiful rd-EII:CHANT '
MILL., Saw' Mill, Cooper nor);
two Dwelling HOUSES, Store ~ 7 4 R *
Roots.. two Bake Ovenis,- , two tl• - •
ides, three Hog Pens, Lime-kilnyand nal neceir
story out...buildings. :The Mill is built upon
the most-modern and improved- plan. The
dam and race. are not surpassed•
Four county•roadts centre at this= toil.
No. 2.-37 Arm , of , "Slotc 'l,Ortd, rely SW
ceptible of a high state of cultivrition, 8 or, 10
acres-of which are, heavily , timbered, with
about 1.0 acres of meadow. - The
improvements are ti large and very .';';; 1
complete GRIST MILL and' :11/ 1 11 1 11 1 , 4
ling 1101.;Sg. _ This property
joins No. 1..
No. 3.—A Farm; containing 156 Acres;
.mostly the red gravel soil, and produces- Well.
,40 t r 0 Acres of which are heavily timbered
and a out' 0 Acres of meadow. bottoni. 10. 7
000 to 2,000 • bushels of lime hare been put.
upon t land. 'An abundance-of fruit trees
upon OW premises. Theimprovein ems
are a Stone''Dwellttig • 110U....E, and aim
Kitchen. Smoke House, a large Bank ;a m
Barn,- - with- Wagon , -Sheds: -Corn -Glib, Hog
Pen, and all necessary out-buildings. This,
property is also apart, of No. "and known as
,above, There is not a mor• desirable' proper
ty in the 'county. than L , c'L "-Grove. either
separately or together. Ca and see it. These
- properties wtll7be sold separateli. or together;
as may twit suit purchasers. - will sell on
accommodatiatterms. Any person wishing to
vview' 'the property will please call on Edward -
Stehle living on 'the premises, or myself lin ,
Gettysburg, ' GEORGE ARNOLP.•
Aug. 18, 1856. .
. .
Public Sale.
Pr sui,seilber offer nt Public Salk.
on the pr'etniseN, &thfragy, th e , vih.
day of Deccatbur the ibilowiug Real
tate, viz.,:
A Tract of. Land,
. .
hi Cumberland • township., Adams conntv.
a bont,one hundred rid's, limn the Bpree i lt t
line on 'the lialtimoro . turnpike, , adjoining
lands of Capt. John -Myths and . 'Abraham
Spaugleri tontaining 7 Acris and 69 perelits.
A part is Woodland. . ,
. ,
Also, A Traot of Woodland. -
in the sante township. near David, F....-aieWs,
containing s6out 4' Aces. 4 ' ,
Also; 'A -Tract of 'Meadow Land,
0 the Iterouib of Gettytdoirg. in tlw rear of
the residence of the subscriber, containing
about 3 Adrea.'
• Sala to commence . a(,l .o'clock. P. M.. on
said day, when - attendance' will be given' arid
terms made known l'ir
_ .
Nov. 10.1856. td ' -1,-'
staufrer & Haste
Cheap Tatches aarl Jewelry,
IVIIGLESA LE and Retail. at the Philadel
,T phia - Watch and Jewelry Store, No. 9d
tiCith Secand street, Corner uf Quarry, Phila
Gold Lever Watches. (till jeweled,' 18 Carat ,
cases, 828 00; Guld - Lepines. 10 carat. $24 00; r
Silver Levers, MI jeweled. $l2 00; Si 1ver,1 0 ...
pisessje wels, 89 00; superior Q 1.14 niers, 67 00
Gold Spectacles, $7 00 ; fine Silver do. $1 50; .
Gold Bracelets, $3 00; Ladies' Gold Pencils.
q 00; • - 11 - L 00:-Gold
ver . ea peons, set. *T)
Pens, with pencil and kilver holder. sl'oo.
Gold Finger Rings, 37i.cents to $80: Watch
GluBNes. plain., 12 cents: patent' ISt: Laitet
2.5: other
~articlea in propw don. All .goads
warranted, to be what they are sold for.
.0n hand, some gold and silver Levers and
Lepines. still lower than the above prices.
, Wt. •2,U,
.1856. • ly
New Goods; !
GOIIE this way, 'if you want to save at'
least 20 percent. of your money. Cehean
& Paxton have just received and are now open
ing the largest and best selected stock of ciood.s
in their line'of business, ever pfkrect in Gett.Vi
burg, viz: HATS, C APS, BOOTS, SI1OE: 4 .
Over-shoes and Socks': 'Umbrellas, Trunks',
Carpet-bags, Fancy Window-blinds, (liven
Oulu Cloth for Winfin.qt -
Perfusitery, and a Tflr.e . ty of notions. -
Also, the largest stock of QUEMNSWARE,
China„ Glass, Stone and FArthen.ware ever
ofkred in Adams of which they
are determined to sell lower than-they can he
had at any other establishment in the county.
Cull at COBEAN & PAXTON'S, ~ o ut'n.ea,t
Corner of the Diantond.. No trouble 'to G row
Clooda. ' Oct, 6. 1856.
DRESS 1 1 , 400D-i:1
1` OR Ladies and Gentlemen, he f;mini in
immense variety, and cheaper than ever,
at SCIIIO.K,'S. Step in and esainine the new
stock for Fall and Wlnter.
October 20, 1856.-
Grocery Store.
rrißE subscriber Continues the Mom & Feed
IL business. knd bus recently added to his
stock an excellent assortment of Groceries,
Spices. ac.. to which he invites. :he attention
of the public. Content with small profits, he sell as low as the lowest, and asks
a call in order to prove his assertion.
lie has now in store prime Coffee.. Sugar,
Slulasses, &c., which can't he beat. either in
quality or price. Bacon can also be had, ftS
good as the very best, and at cheapest rates.
lie likewise keeps a full assortment of Con
fectionery, Fruits. Nuts, &c.
at his Store, in \Vest Middle sine!,
near South Baltimore, and examine his stock.
- - COB-
Gettysburg, April 21. 1836.,
Hai' Wanted .
:DEMONS having Hay to sell will do well
IL by calling on the subscriber, in Getty-s.
burg, who is desirous of purchasing. The
highest market price will be paid at all tirms.
0 - As he intends having the Hay. after he=
ing packed. hauled either to Hanover or Balti
more, the preference to haul will be given to
those from whom he may purchase.
December 6, 1852. tf
Second street Unwise,
211. 42 Ssrth, Second PiiPqrlelphia.
per dttF—Single :.Nlfl.os
it cent., N. B. - Pleasant. f•Jr Lucifer'.
Jane 16, 1556. tf
SPLENDID lot or Trun'zi:,
qIRUNKS, Carpet B Ca.!) ci:Rs. for
i 1 sale 44 COBEAN d PAXTON'S.