, rA I , VAX; i 6 • 1 14.0f•zpiliq 2 ;4 .I;4' ~ ::, . PRIVAT,E .5.4 1....,E .q F. Watsbington Illotel i i Aew;ffardware:Stoiv. A—Sin:lll fa.pm. ________ . AziArtyr.twi n T4taa.m..t_count i f,ave4.4.,44lll - sulluorthers would rex pectft:tl-13 -nuance to their ft ienils tend th e publid that ------ CCDringUlaiFlifignie , Eitt l i .4- 1 - . i "Big,SprAug ,T o iterary institute " - -- --- ,--,, , -:------A-T -PRIV ATE.45111...415. -.-"--, --- -'.--- 11E_ subscriber ', _offers at_ _private , sale .' ' (flemoved to, the - large amd cotmenient house, V - 1- a PR A C.;.l' OF I,A NO. situme ni 'Stratum i . . „ . ' 'ilirweily earns, oppo'f3ife the old they have opened' a/I ardware Stott, in Balti- , •:..„, ..,., I.) rue ~, ‘4,. 1 I„. _ 1 'gfilV4 tett ,ethic" troll'i 'the' fitouing , And ,:lr .„k) ~..: 0„,,,,;,,,-,,,,,,, ;v .„,ber1and Co., i 'a; W_7 - tiii - i i milli - ,- bl i giine. _, sB;l . v alt.l , tonl i t Pr . vnte l_township„A.lnsas county, aboot '...; miles from 1 _ ', • ato,r o l of COL licke),i.',) -' ' chore street; adjoining the residence of David Ziegler, Gettysbnrg, in which they always in. , I- . 11E atiliacrifaer re.iiktftilly ',informs the • ..) - I ,ElRANlramt, e'*ten,Kive sale of BOCK" S .Gattyk,bilig, ou the , e .,,,,,. .. sidttof the SttateAtiiari T tend ta offer:to the poblLe a large and general - ;-.P.ale'•theftilloveingvalaable Ileal EStafeLlaiown ' 2 .- - , 1 27 - 7" - D ~ , I VS' REAGISS'IIATS, AND (All EIIVA I. to Ilairisbutg, 11.11 i Oilli i,)g lalids of .the snliscri. 7 , - pub-lie - that he his'oPened a .Pulilic House .its Lti ISt, l'o'de „ sitll4le about-one avid it half ,' • -,'' --' : i 1.7A13 LE !PILCIP,EI3,4"irI "rite jiroeeeds of the illilec , s. ,, iv,est , frow Litaestuls ; j4. Ad , o ,, wurp :4 , ber, tn. IN ifile. I : 4, nr y :ti ti or,, fr t; and othefs, '; of Entertainment 'in the borough of !Abbott's- as, B"ttucnt of . Tin.Waref - &c. , ,;',. i ,sule to ‘ he deFiited.:o . /i4uiditting the debt of . , j IZOlNCllheillg 45 Acres,' tiloti.l , ,,r lest, silniut 7 1 town, where he will be happy to entertain all Hardware, Iron, Steel, Gretcrim .13, Pa.'' ,-• '' r Wittrii arti IVoodlind :tad 10 ;sere• ~. 1.-An Aero? of jr fai lmr. b a to o , a t' a : " Cre4 4)- , . , . ' 9 4 , .1 1 i/no may call with him. ./iiiiiJog"had many C UTI, glt 'V, 4";'(//,..C1-1 'PRI Q A'NIVEI, (i. i2051i informa his,friexidattlixol ',.dlio . :.i.nstitute. . . - ,supevior ordity ~f 1 , 0 4 giarei v . , , i1, vt . 4l sciap i,, , I tlirs ii t•rai l le i N . r lc.idow. 'llie . ii . ii i ri . t .... -tnietiud ; area:o4e - years' knowledge'of the business; Of notel-keep.. NI li/Nas i. 3 the public generally, that he 110,1)11 baud, . XtVir•lL'irPil Ritp,T.f.F;LED OP/,'()lirc_vlTY ! , • ~. ~ . , iog, he ft ;ttters 'hitz.iseif that his elforis•to please SPRINGS, AXLES.' , iat hk Soup iwariy opposite tio2: Post.Oflice, a „fro buy . ii. f? - 4triit;le /roalc, and become a Shari). .vtl to timothy; 2000 bashels of Time' liavnix tin . a la ; story raich.., utfoo., .... •. , , ",,, , „ , very large ttirl well-tuade assortthent,of TIN- ' holder - in„Mitc/t. ,I' . olitii..ble 4 1 11.0fiell y. been Fulton it. ' 'the iinProoeireritsate'elittge '"' ,Rfm-si ti11. ", h .. 3 "eve-rAliiti."ls.• well f`' .l ; 4 '.i ? i ; it.."P ' 'I . 44111 : 1 ,' e 64t:"filetil (I.iVe the " VVlt ' Thiw4 " lll" ---?'‘• ' l9l 44 / " 1 " ;) ' 4 " Yd " ''''""'' r i '' ) '.1:12 9 1 %VALLE , which Inc will :ell at pricei.f 'which ; --trerT. GITIVX00.:1"S GI?E_VP 11 - O.IIK AA vk;lter, alto- ;1' Nov I a / 6 / 63 6 44 ' , ..,4 , ',. ' A Call. ' E I R.tNG,IS J, toIiILSON. .' 1 !; . '--• ''''' dr • • .siel very beautiful 11,1161t0H ANT ,;,,,,,,, , , . ,s..- Cbar.oart Sloe ..ftvilinqg 'cannot fail to please: lk will also exeetite'to I).V THY: .110R9iii2CS .' at only oaf' tlollar ‘,II lA,. SAW ltill, Cooper ..1141r,, :.....4 , -, .. • _ • ; 1111 . On:hard Of diimeV fruit. '4P .4 - ' 1,...' . :•i; 4'i - February 18, 1,185 6, 'if • .• , ' - • ebo•en, 8 0 01-v for ttn thollars. 4'llll - the tO erty 1 ----- ---, -'---.__________ _ ~,,,-Persotts wishing to r / . .. .4 ) , p, .....,, ...... ~, Paints, Otis, and D y e -stinEY's ! order, with promptitetts in.. a workmanlike per C?py •,..„. .. fi , ~_,-• ._-‘ .. Lwo Dwelliii.4 IJOUSES, a Stare • ..` 'f t 1 . - in , lllltVr, and with the:best,:tnlterials allkindi ni.:o4.lini,tl,o/7/:q; the .:11»a01i.,., i:4 1)y far the . fill.qpiehannia Motel, in general, including every description a anti- I.# t t ' arc ei. o Ntedlo C• 11 Am the suktsesiber rebid- s Loom; two Bake u.ven, turn :eta- ' ' '0•• . •„...", I I i• d P , ,'of '4OI:SE 81 1 4 0 1.5'): l X CI, i\l'ET A ttli.:‘ ROOF- i 'llioi•it 'atteill'ate' and reliable - work we have of i),,.. , )0 11;ttlyslturg. . . • 1 (Ipolaite Calcert *tattoo , liattimare , '`id. clay inte a t l: l n e ve at i t i e n n e t o in f u li c a f , :ile „ % c s. lit_ornawicietiresh. .ilN ( ( l e , Lt ll ys l! u n i t ., , , ..N., sz - L o ' v A . l 4 4 12 ) 1 :• ) : 1 1 C- ,45 4 5 - 5 • 6 . • tr , bles. three Hog Pens, Lime-kiln, and all 111,90eit•Ltbat sicluilisl pt,lople. In order that every The motiertv will - be sold in one tract, or iii • , " invite nary out,build-ings. The •Afill' is 'built ova) , ~.• , , _. ripti F. undersigned having teased .the above : f i fty I .. ibickstuiths, .Carpenters. T'abitiet .: makers, :', _.- 0 , - I Pe at geittimil,.a,' slinrelii)blei,, ijie pri Ile to bUiL pUreglasireni; -, the 111 M bait:ern arid' improved plait. - Tile ••••'''. ~ , , , ,,..0 1. 1 GE wArli ,, ,it, sr. 1 X • Hotel and put it in ceruplcte order, is pre. altoe.rnakers, Saddlers. and the public t; with , - - - -- -- iof a book titid eertifteate of inenthership oft be .ti tin and ' racelire not surpassed by a ny.-- : I pared to' accontniodate 'his friemta and the atty. Our stock "[laving been, selected with ', Fall Stock, New Good.s. : Association will he only $l. l'he Certi fi cate Four county roads centre at' this' Mill.' - ' ' Oet. 6, l'-,G• it travelling ptiblic - . The proprietor iiill he we outran . ; i IIiqIIENCII I :klerittoes, all colors ; f as hi orn bi e !•‘,.., - ill ei . ititle the holder to out into in the ..."Vo. 2.-37 Arrea,l if Slate' Land, rory- 81f17. pleased to see his' old friends, and protnise , ,t to great care and purchased for cash. tee (or•the i•eady onev.) to dispose ..of arty t ~. . r . , . .. 1 ... y i : i fi , ) , 1 . 1 , ;) , \ ,,i l l ng 1 of uaye Real L'xtate on,l othcr eptible of a high state of cultivation. li' or 10 wake: their stay comfortable and satisfactory • part of it on as reasonable tt.triiiii as they cam . Cloak Cloths • Fall . Sili:s the new styles • i magniikent new ./et,aines; hest s‘y Is al i —.u-crk. , ,s--nr_w_liielt.'arel_heavilf__tinibered,, Avitii Ba ,,,, Arie taken to and from Calvert Station o)e.',e, he purchased anywlteret -- , .I Valuttble Improved Farm, -I,sttf/, wi th ~ , , _-_______ 4 ____ ('„lrenes: veil large stock of new Strtwls; cibuut It) acres of meadow. • Tte •,-• 'wee of . charge , • - .1-4,4- - JOHN E 1 RR, Vorinerio of Penn ' /.,) I'V.e particularly request a _call from our improvements area large and very „„.-::„,; - .complete (MIST MILT, and Dive,- ;;" / :!:ik .. , July' O. 1855. tf - • l'itoPitiezoit , friends', and earnoqty solicit •a share. of piiblic ling NO l' SE. This property' ad- - .. -': '''-':;: • ' _._______._ .._ .___ _____________ favor. as we,a re determined to establish u char. ac:er lot selling- Goods at row prices and doing • - vi I. ~ • : -*,,:. fra ilO it' irt'r ”,„ - • • • )Tins .. , oa. , So. 3.--A Par7ll. erf Ilta ;nine?' 1-541; .4:4: , eq, mostly the red grar.el soil. and-produces - 414i. -10 to ii . )o Acres ( - ,f which aro heavily timbtred ;and abodt2o ' A c rksl of to ). ,, itdo vir bottom. 10,- 4)00 to 12.000 ton....;heis of litnetave been put upon the' land. Au abundance of fruit trees upon the premises. 'The inoprovementv i 1 Are a Stone DwePang HOUSE: and ITIM Kitchen. Sinot;e House. v. I.argt• ' littiiio6-To": 'Barn, ‘vil.ll Wdra Sheik. (;o' rri OA, 1-log Pea. awl ull oi-e&sary Thixi properly is also a part 'f No. 1, und known ais above. There 'Snot n Inore'dl.44ll : 4l.lo' prOru.:l.. Ay in tht county - than 'Gr6pc. eilber keprirateiyor tngetht r. Call 811 , 1 ..,4ce it. These properties'wtii by 1.01(1 gi..paratt•lv,oi• together, 0t.4 thay plirt.i4mss. 1 'l,Oll hall . (? - rl >wCVtntpni;;it in it i'Utb. .411 y permia Wl.lllnh LO iew the prorrty will pleoe call ori I.l,lwilrd I ;:.stoille living premiso 7 . 1.),r IllYmbl I i" klettysborg.' ARNOLI.f. FLOUR. FEED, IND Grocery StOre. TIE subscriber .eoliiiuues the Flour Feed btmicess. rand Iv,: recently lidded to bin : rtrock nn excellent - assoytment of GrocerieA, ;Spices, :U., to which tbei attertliAm of the pn,) fir. Uontent wan sins • pro protnie.es to sell as low' ns the lotvost. W1(1;141:4' call in Order to , prove 11;4 ntisertioni has now in store prime (JoJtee, Sugar.' Muhl &c., which cAtn't be twat, either in , Bacon' !Ad,- 'as ,g ooi as the , very hest: ittut utAlbesitelt rufkl„ He likoN ise keeps,a fu,ll sissortnit;ol., 91 . Con. fectionery, Fruits, 4r• tt:nail-at his-Score, in %Vest gidlik street, pear South 411t1 eXatllifiu 'IIIA 'stot4:. • J.A.U0,11 SHE.II)S. Gettysburg,4iiril '2l, 1856. - sit: lll 3c! ; 11151114 Y. Uteop if Yatehvt ow/ ue) /0. IVEIOLES : ) .I.E. find Retail, tlhe Phitatfei VV - pina 14.:.tteh knd J-ewelry uk North , Second jireeet;;coi.nep JfQiiiiity', .-del pttizt.. :• : G o l t i,Lefer Watches, Nil jewelf!AL, 18 vim' -c;r,-cs. s'2B k,N3rUO4i4 t+i,trQ — lr -ritti 41,0t1 Silver. Levers. fula, jevveled..sl.;4V; Silyer pine.. jewels. .00; superior Quarciers, .$7 Ok Gold.Spertacles. Si 00: flies :$1 50: .43014 BrAceleis,. 00; LadieslGul4 $1 00: ,Silver Tea Spoons, 00: Gold Pens: with pencil and ,Ai I 1101dgi"• Si . Gold f i nger jtings, 3T, Ck.41;14 ,to eNgO; ‘Y:Ltell -Glasses, '414 Cnidi;.ln4efic - /AularL 25: ntner. articles in propo4ion. All goods. warranuni Uitiv orasold for. . STA tiFVEii Et I On. band. some gold and silver 4,evers and Lepinps. Still lower than the taboo price:,. Oct. 20, 1650. Jy Goods CIOM E :this if . you wunt.to save it least.2o per rent. Of yonr mtnicy. Cobeit & Paxton 1 1 4kVeillAt received and arc: ;tow open•- ing the largest and hest selected stock of thAgiti in [heir line . of-business, kV:O ollip;ed birg, vi/ APS, BOOTS , . `IIO E {Over-sines and Socks: Umbrellas. Trim • Carpet- bags. bunny Window-blind% lireen ; 4;urn •4'l,9th for Windour'-bliudot.atjnnery, Perfumery, and a var;ety of nottona,.l Also, the larg,est stock or .(0.71.3 ENS' \V China. Glass. Stone and Barthen•ware ever offered in Adatng county of which" they are determined to sell lower than they can he 'Mail at au.) . r ot'likr establishment in 'the county; —Call .11 - 4..,,0rn6r of the Ditliond. No tt:O111.11c to sitcm Oct.. 6,1856. TILE RAILROAD SKUTT! Come to ilitiohE'S More volt cheap Fall and Winter (i 001) +.'a he -,11- is determined. to sell,,for t;.1:41 or Country Produce, at!iliort p Mits. Al."fteady-made Clothing.' (. 1 :77'..111 goods cut free of charge by an experienced Tailor: ember 10, 1856. • ' Fast ILMceftilAßY hasju . st 'returned from the eity, with a new and littudNotne -oortnten t or Borllik--&-Tancy Goolls.2wkiei she will open fOr exhil.itiOn 017 TUCSII3) ; , the 14th, and respectfully iiivite;4 the Ladies of fiettysburg and vicinity, to call and evlmine ,}ter assoroneat - , at bur Room.' in Last York' otreet, divectty ..pp.)site the Bank. October J. 4t panovmti. Filti INS over Ow liauover Branchitaitrood Inow run a. : First Trait lenve:, 11;inover.at 9 A. M.. with Pa:s:,engers ff.i• Harrisburg. f:0111 '[rain also conlkTt. with cLie APi I;' , ,ltirktur*. iVilr• c Owl C •nt 12 r. Second Train 1.. a re: at 3 P. n., with t..1-«Yers «Yers fur limitnuore and iiiternwiliAto , 1. •. , . .40.-) returns NlOl pu.,4ungers Iron, ) .1,, ,4e. April 21. J. LEI:ILA •Conte 7 .l":ty. Alarge nis;irtatotit f,v1i0,..' and Gaiters., lvt- If? at C. JI3EAN 1.: PAXTON'S i:E.teg► Dry, large acsArtglent of Ijinl.rellas. nt all pri. ' ces, just recited and for Prl rat SAMSON'S. BACCO. —A prime article jives reriveri at • ' SVI:SON S. VESTS, YES:N.—AI) wiusn.illy ar , ;( , sorturA)L, of every de:;cripr.i,o,.l) ,,,, ,yriced - at .4. 4 - TiE).E.E.Simrii. a4sore..m , .!rit Pants. IA- such .a; cannot plku.4e the cid iouF, Cali at -------- I k TTF,".CTION! 'Phase trho are fond (V inns4e. Frf'S la Lin's.. ; 4 Win tiod a large assortment of. Violins, W C0 , 031 _bt e ir b a; 4.,,ixpe, fur ,z ir p hi co ttpir ait s sing 4c , ,•orcievn% c:z z c.:-- .; . :4 C o hz ; art NEW W U. (.. ES A 1., E- R)raig store. N. spr,NcEit !DMA', No. . 1 2G South S'iceknid street, Philadelphia, importer, i 1 Manufacturer and Dealer, in Drugs and V. , 11 lei Res. Chemicals, A cids.l)y e Stuffs, Pal tits, c o l t os, 1 / 2 Vlrite Lead. French and ,Anieri rnn Zinc, Window Glass, Glass Brushes, liistriinient,.,„ Grimlyd wi A l e awl a ll ot her artielt.s ilany kept by IhtiggistiA: . 'inthgo„ Shellac, PotaNti, All callers by mail or other% ise promptly tende,J to. Lountry ,Nienlients - are in %, hell to 1:A11 anti 0,11 mine I mi. spuett curt: pi it ethusi lig ekewhere. (..;oods A:11,, to any of the whitrwes or ratlroad ht.i.tiutiz. Prices low and warranted. [)larch .17, 1855. 1.)- TEM BIGGViT STOCK y And tite Cheapest 1 tholeNigned viroul& in 6rth the goisi A4lnnis county, find the rehti, the world, that he has leceivetl un extra large supply of all kinr:r4 of MEN'S ...V. BUYS' CLOTHING, Biota, 7,,iboea. Ilat4; rapc, Bodido Robes. &e.. front Nee; York ; and although good 4 have ad vniteed in pricer. 1w i 4 able and determined to bell at a les4 price than heretofore. Country lier:lntnts sire irrciteil to call --,41c Will sill thelti tii)o4lS lulVel' than they can boy in the city. NO one can ,compote Avid) hiali. finless he, htty../ his Uood; as he Lbws : tiu,t i to sity, go to '',;ew York and stay thrce or four months, and wat6h the ellance4. A word to Ilitt Wi.?tct ;is sutlicient, If you d need bud' (food, uu go to ttim and tnat“; )oty porch:vier:. 14) ra ve thorny. .MAltn.l.'S SAMSON, 1. - tetober 20; 1&:311, GN 1, L'A t s l'alehted. rout .spli tidal Lar;,e P/at MIA e4MKINGfI l'or Coal ur:WO, - ,.1. Four Sizit...?c , ;. 6,7, 8,07 111 ALLAtA.4.I4.,, 13.uti rise Ai r-TiO t, a beau tifut, a, s'ollir,a of new auk top Cooking; Sitove, t out, it. lady neve,.thary to say. that ailAv .r(Frg many years of t xperiene e. hand 1•1;dig;roily cook.' ertiztlit vit 1111 of the various lkinits t>f St•tiveri whieir have hoop taken advantage of every lotolVl.l ilill•I'W• e nlellt that -Imts from time -to time !won made, partietiltrly reference to lite eonhtruetion of tile flues, trliisth are Li:m[ly peeessAry to be,large, tit I -hitve fully !kindled every iniprftemant :Pit' combined them till io the "Ste itriee e,„)1,i.„„ '!'laic Stove iv !lade l ery heavy as l 18 a g,0041 :,,oh staatiftl rtiylo I have Imo'' , tliem P4-!)., , Leirry iil :Jar t h ere lon . g, eXperielicr 11:1N it u) 1 , 6 iLllll"rttillt. can ~, s ure vio.tom- 111, ler fIaISIS Il 1)41 i~ in tr"t:iiig it up; aini it will not I,#. rx- Celletl by Silly Stove now .loam-n, uP n i•haracter. 1 anroinilinsell tl4t it will ut oneo booont9 tt sta . nllard Sturk. hit% e fully trio(l 01(.14 erery . scity, with WOOD and 'COAL, arid !-.trosit.oy meow -1110nd-01:en) to the puhlie. Tiley operate isi the mustsatiAtotbrs' I. l ,it”Ntee: A.. 1. G.ii.L.ti - 011:ft, Phibtfl7l — pliia. For sate by A .N1)12%V 14)1.1,1N, Scpt..ls, 4:n adtyshurg, Pt. Cheap Fall & Winter ClothinT. 11/1; love viola' got up our Fall 2+ lid ‘VilueP stock of Iteady•ituule nothing-. coo,1;41,- itig of Over Cants, iu great variety : 1/reg. 'o:ItS, of every desciiption t(1141 , y 3;u-I:et'4. Vests. DrN %vers. Boys' Clothing, oral! - () IT rPi lOC , of Over Coatings, Cloths, Cassimors, cwonnet.st. Cot Vesting-4, Sc, &c., is large and full: and having ex periencol workout!' continually eutployed cutting oat nod up. ir we cannot please y o u with a (; ;Li l itt •i t z, read, v made. the can hell 'nu the inatt•rial. ialie, your tlleasllre and Inahe you op a suit on ii•ery notice. We sell (Ivor but owl( (nuke. 1111(1 warrant them well made. lii•oie a good, 11t or nu sale. Our prn.4.l: are low. our motto being "huiall profits and quick sales," for tie La sit. Please call. //e I)Pe , !.. The New York and Philadelphia f.ll at)d FASHIUSS just rt•c'eired. 6EOll.tiE .ARNOLD. _ Bret.% Gcoal,,, ct Cl to sc.e FAIINESTOCK'S (.6enp and 11 - pi c .qty rt.s.t intent (;,,,d s , if .1 vi ant altythinv faallion a bi e , mitt's ihe c;t: to get it. lunge stnek of Boots and Shoes, veiling at small urofizs at Ncy'sr Vl' lON EI? V. —Schiel: keeps all irs , l , . i',tn:y S l2 k dune) 3... an p.eils it as; if not cheaper shaft Itnyibthly.el,•(2 the t. • o: 1 1 the county. It' you don't. tielicve it, ca t 1 in awl ~ .ee for yourielves. Jai.t. 7. ;do you want to bt►}• cheap and -4-4 141.61/lona ble R.obe6 I If so. ,co 11 at F 111NE5' I Ur iiS'. FF:Ar NIORC LEFT. of jz.brocoe's Cisrclic :Chin a few good IVatollee at SAMSON'S. nkrois and Slio. large as:ortmeiit. and will be bold .cheaper than the ebeape , :t at SA 'S. t'OBF.AN & PAXTON'S. Sternal . ert I re w D , on son tit of the Old Q , tand. ir ELIA, reapecifit4 informs, Itis old • • eubtonwris and the public generally. that, he continue~ the TAIIMIIING 'war uld stand, in South Baltimore htfeet. whvre he %rill be bunny to necotninod:ite all %Om may pat,tuni4e him. MI uork entrustL-(1 to his- call! warranted fit and be of nao,t :sub. statitial make.' , 'Yltanlifur Cm• past ravor;., hit ni public patroarge. JVizu Suring and ..S`,.enloter l'"aqilionv are reveiveil. Call and sr..* them, “ettyi;lntig: Apia Q. Dia2lllo/Itl TO2ISOI`. 10I1K 'V. TIPTON,. P 1 v 4 ;ow( 1,1 e ;fn. w'r *Pun , / Hair Lip,•,/ler, van nt all thrieg be fmiiiil prepared to attend to ilia c•ills oldie people. :it the Twerdr. in (hL Diamond, adjoining the County Boililiii, 11"1:(811 long experience. I l e flatters himself that he can go through all the ramifications of tlii? Tonsorial Department with' .liell :to 'infinite .le , ree of iikill, as will meet with the entire i.st,isra. !lion of all who :nay salinait their elints to the keen ordeal ofinsr.t zurs. Ile lopes, theft:fort...that by his atten dono bilsinoN . and at derare to please, lii will llieli) as well as re ek.ive. a liberal share of pub lic, patronage. The sick will be attentled to at, their private dwellings. f:littysburg, Jan. 8, 1855. tt • /I. Q. IV lork,•l'tt 'Weiser & Filbekt. Bankeis, Deolces ond Gatercd bind - Sir ON. LTEWIII.III. 10)1".1 ;._. exporiktneeu will..g.„.LvyJkiirtkui attplitiim to On) tion of Land AVarritats. Ail marls froat perSi•;lol ircfprcilou /he 10001. a:141 wirlt refereurie to a iip:rva-i• in SYe are proylileil with a full and conykle, !set iir Plat•lnioks, ete.. 1. 0 „ attetition. Locations in any part if 1I kV it, o ln, \i ti.ltern-.lViscoit.,:iii, (t id NelivaAka. ii.7 - 11efer to IL G. Esq., 1), C. intiv . rtiy, and 11. J. Stall Removal! ! Beanova 1 ! THE (lie/fa:N:l Ltt-0-VLY eILD ST.I.VD. Resiowila(oi;:oul 8.0.4) iva 4 1 11,NEY & BRO. have removed their large and rarePhdir selected :Stook. to the (big-- i n : I I old !loose formerly' occitpieth by them ; No. CO - IV,.st - Mirizet street.audj imn g M i ntz, Fmk r 1 L'it's. Hardware store, and directly opposite Illy repiitkilee of -Gen. Michael Don , TLIE PERRY COUNTY NIUTVAL FIRE This house wag openoi by them for business, Insurance Cotiopsany, purposes ten years stgoi—lis a • wl/f)lt.‘ale ,1 4 APITA I; 5139.586 eir" lB insurances in candy lac:lore. flotign fruits,. fancy goods. no any part of the State. against ht lire :b•.,iu very large variety. Their prudently adapts its operations to its tesonr• „ ii d u ,,,, v o y d ties allOrtk ample indeoinity, and proliptly Candy and Confectionary, udjusts it,c • made be theta daily, and of course *Adttults cututtY k represented in the Luard Ivrt , ntlaUy. vl ;11.41,0gurs by Hun. Mosns always . 17.,-;b. has been • aelsnowledged by all M e CLE I loop: a g o, the irra awl nest wr)rli u v ei iffered . ---------------- - IV. 3 oc C1e..11. I; e I 01 - 1 , 1 sold CO VOrh. Understanding then' la; , :i rw o or . .‘,t . t.:. 1,: A) 11. iii.,:. 'day '26, Itisb. I liyA.l ag Ow) , do—in 'this lir:inch epeciallv—':- -....• _._. .. ___ _ ___ . - --- • th e y have L•CCIT ideili I - for prosecutirg it to A litedienrs Etevoialtiogi 1' , ilie-hest alt./Ant:tee. and can ofler facilities so . TILE 1V01:11) CVANI)I()US! plinr to nu' other . !zoti.46 , hero or elsewher!, as 11 oiloway's Ointilent.--THE ‘ , REAT ( . 01'N- " ;" 1. ' : 14 .1"1 ‘ . T r.L2C ''' ' VI rie . l ) ' a li d partie" ll4ll y . TER. I latll'A NT 1 .--.1 iIL.• V I l'il, o f .fi selim , 4 4.. sliho'''''' YlUlitY• ~..,- th , . , , ey The sucoess :nil pitronage wi w hi c h th tea iii 11. es its 11 . :ty (I) OW i:I Willa I organs ilir.,,' the fiure-: of.the skin, This Penetrating M. l'at'e ino 114- retofqrv , i'gr , )tefilliv :ll , Prt-01h , V(1. t 1112114., Illehing, malty tin• hand as it is rubbed I '!'' wlll'iitllt'S. r e aler) 11;;;31..11,111 4- fornierl) • their in, i.., ,ths . rhed till „ ugh cii , ~.0, 1 1..e ehahne6, awl, sineer.• sick nowledgnients and Lim iil:4, and ieuelthig , the seat of Ihthilinwiti , int in eihrill .,.. u_iust._by_. SI.IICL • MI pr 4inlibt :Mention to hu,..i. !less, a contiii_inn.tee - of the liOerul ildtiottage ii A , hic. Oilire ivie door Weqt of the I,nthe and itiv:o'iat - iq subdiii•Sll. ‘t !wilier !wined ili linlierto (Nielided LU Lillti'll. , the kidneys, the liver, the lit u t . , s. or ant- odic/. • rAii elit.reh. i. , Cliaitthershurg utreet. and 16, k , 56. - iin pirtm , t organ. It penetrates the surface II) Just opposite I;r:twiner's store, where those wish _ the interior. through Use eotititless tubes that, --- --- --- --- • 11 ,, to 11.1 N e any Dental Operation puliOnn colitmulmntte with the skirt as summer r.tin . GOIDILS-: 1 el r 'ai e iesZi,c(Artllls; f l its to 'ettil. visses into the fevereii e.lrtli, diffusing its Lou! IC F. IV F, STA il !.. ISII M. I": NT ! RErNati.:Noits - : :- Dr. .I.i.'• A filbert, Dr. C. N. and regenerating irtlutnee. IAC()BS & BRO. respectfully inform'-their I Dennehy. Dr..l). Horner. Rev.re. P. liranth. S.'.:_i,/ nis..rf v 4 it/u•I (r1,1,01r112. Sw,,ffin:p. 41 '- 1 frkticis and the pilidie generally, dun they , 1). if., 11.ev. 11. 1, &nigher. O. 1)., Rev. Prof. - "...vim ,s, .ev. io • J.l: , Jacobs, Ed Every species of exterior irritation is quit y re Weed hy thu anti-imflatfifiraory action of tins Ointment. A ngry I..;:nipti‘nis. such as Snit itl,eolll. raysipt:', as. 'Potter, itingworm. Nvult2 (,or hell) &c.. dtt oat- to reoern uu more, under its apvlicatioll. JoApital experienet! 111 all parts of the ).voi!d prov,:s its Mfallthility in diseas•,N of the slim, the muscles, the juin'ts and the glands. It'ers. anti Fite 1l ct of tin,: unrivaled ex:l , nm' remedy 01)011 Sl'al/11, :111 , 1 ()OUT V11111(1:I ilirt2l , :, 211(1 ...sores. is 116r:willow:. It. tirst. tlisehtuges the which prlalticeA :.tippuy.ttion• and proud 11... At, and thus the CtlreN which Its / :11 . 1%!/ . 1rala cumpleto are safe. veil :IS permanent. T, 111 case: Or the fracture of l Ills, Juin rics caused by t:Leskill e X p l o:.ions. /3 rui:-vs. Burns, Scalds, Rheum:l 11 . 1)t:so. ed the joints. and couthictton cif the sinews, it is ,:tll ployed and \vartilly r.cominendvd by - the lac, silty. This Mill velous remedy has been intro duced by its inventor ill person into all the leading Hospitals of Europe, and nu private riousehuld . z.should be without it. Umb.niabir The Nledical Stuff of the French mid English Armies in the Crimea have olFeially signed their approval of liolloway's °intuit nt, a s the most reltable dressiing for Sabre Colt.. hiat)s, anti gi,:tl-I.V ()WV'S. It iS :tiSt) used by the stir ' geout. of the Allied Navies. Pah tic Chntlawit crud .q,Yrwild. sir used i n the /(d;oiriag cases: rcssa;nos _ 'Biwa mati-du Sore Thrmfa jitlri•s ono :4,N...a ali kinds ed Mandl SKIL Itlieucn ;:pimsis ScalJpi snit - Jolnts E kta Ski:a act( Totter Gout. Swelled I. feel. ego :St/re Leo Venereal Soren Iva.u t ial Bruptions :Sat casts It tuitad. uf atjt4nda. Vasa Z.-um Heads , "Sold at the Manufactories of Ptufessor int.i.owAY. 81) Maiden Lane, New York. and :244 Strand, Lornion, by nil respectable glts and DettletS Medicine_ throughout the ' s Laurel States.and the civilized world, in pots. at 2. 62t cents. and each. is a considerable saving by taking the larger sites. Bs—Directions for the ,guidance of pa tieii to every disorder are affixed to each' pot. Slit. 1, Iz-tsti. 4:4m 1y the our CM 'Sutra No Robes. JEST received; auti bi.• sale cheap at S I:\ISON.N. -A SPLENDID assortment of Queens ware, , i i 1 Chioa, glass. Stone andEtrthen ware. at T. J. FIIMIE,ItT. I,mx.eity. COBEAN ft PAX Oct. 10; 1536. 041 fair ,JOV,L 4 T!ANNErt, 1).1 VII) Zi EU 1.E.11. ' Gettii.shurg, June 9, IXSI if Getilysbzirg Foundry. A NEW FIRM! n viE undersignoi.'having entered into part nership to carry on the Foundry brisittessl under the Ihttr of & SONS; hereby inalce . lorown to the citizens of Adams and ad joining counties, that we are prepared to 'slake everything in our line of busine34. We have constantly oil hand,-ehe liat'aaway and other Cooking Stoves, the Psrlor Air-Tight air) Ten•plate Staves, of various; styles an+) sizes: Poo., Kettles awl I'att+4.,.ais , l all other Iron Oooliing L7tensils. IV, A llie [run:, Waslisng 31-reltiri++v, Boot:ser;ipers., ,N:c. Casting.: for Mills and other Inl whiners+ , rvery ili.ko the Se"ylar. Insrk cr. +lll , l dill;uent kinds of Witherow Ploughs, Vie have alSik girt dilterent. patterns of relleilllßT and itailiatx, far Cearkteries. Yards avid Porches. which can't he beat for bean IN Bud elleapness,, ciltAll the shove Will he ruled cheap :roe (-ash - or- en t r-y-pt 0111 re. - i'l;l:l~k;nlilhin_ .rill contin , :e+l. _III{..ISS I'.ISTINGS and tverythitig in our lilt" nod,• to order. 'ff f ItEs!IING rtmnirol ntthe .shori est . Mouiders will do our work lit.;llT. Tl] ()II A S W M TIN It 1{ EN, . Hilt 111 II'AIMEN. TIIOII It. \VAIiIIEN. (lettyg.burz. :\lay 14. 16r,5. lf cave notated a Mere Inept 'l l 7 - ilitoring I V Ilimm , ‘. l - ". . ENlar3l iNEilin Cid, in the room recently oc• Pr, , C. M. L. S:.4.).'Vt r. e .,pi e d by .1. Arnold. i n •Sinttli Baltimore st teet. Getiy bum g. Apt II 11, 1553. tf near the I)iamond, where they brill at all times - - lie happy to areotnimulate all who ma v patron- I l re'2ll. H. Nintleilan, izo theta. Their stock of Cloths, Cit , :simerev., A estings, Cassinctst. Cords. Summer (loot's, • litarniq nt 11`11111. 5,,,,Le.i.; lltrge and sel e cted from th e latott i er I FFICE on the south gide of the Public style,-all of whirl thew will flisprw.e of a I _., Still,it e. 2 do-•s vet of the Sentinel °nice. prices as low as they cin poQsibly allord. their Glettvsbar4, Augast 22, 1853. system Lett,,; to MI CHEAP. pr ca ~h. or CW/3.. - - -- fry p Omer. . li 9W 141 Me T ime, They will :mike up garments of every de- l FOR CHEAP DA (;UpaREeTyPES ! set rptinn in the nitst subs:tantial and dr sirablel tA E k VER respectfully announces to the tit timer, all %‘ nrranted to fh and not to tip.— S. 'Anti—; and Gentienien of lietty.4borg and Goods bought of them nut to be made Op in theirs vicinity, that he has resumed the Dagnerreo establishment will be rut free of charge. 'I hey type bio•iness, at the old stand, in Chrontlers ,,, o rt _L t n r. ni, 2 lo f I t o. r.;.1. ii i -31. A DE (.2 Tor li , h . , rTm - strire - r; --- w - h ere - he - m . iii - be - Im p py- - nrrecei Ye -INtl. in the hest manner, which they ivii! bell vistrois &streits of securing perfect Daguerreo as cheap as the cheapen. types of thoniselves or friends. Th e y have a l s o on hand a large assortment t - .-- being furnished with an entirely new and of Hosiery, SaNpentirrs, Shirts, Shirt' Calars„ costly apptratus, he is prepared to talc pie &e.. to which they would call the attention of tomes in every style of the art and insure per the nu Idic. feet satisfaction. r' he Latest Fashions regularly-received. f,„:7-Ciunges from 50 cents to $l.O. Cash or Coun try Dont mistake the place. produce always current for rry'll on rs of opet a Ling front BA. St. to o P. 3i. e oods or wt k. r.-' n - la ritess avoid light. red, blue, or pur- March 17. ISSC). p i e. Dal k dress adds much to the beauty of - -- -- the pic.ute. Felt. 4,185 C). tf A LARGE AND CHEAP LOT OF - - . (7; SZOCERIES, &017. Notiet.. El "1 ANU EL ZIEGLER has just returned L i LL persons it m uiehted to e brill please ir,4 troin th e ei.v with the largest lot of : call and settle on or {refie the 14th of ti 14.J:;E RI ES, he has ever he-furs opened, to November. After that date my books will which 1w invites the attention of all. cony !need he left in the bands of an ()Weer for collection. tli•ti he can olfer adanE EIA.itGAtNs. tie his also (;EORA.; E W AMPLER. a rise lot of 11A CIS, SHOULDERS, &e; OcColter 20. 1556. FlBll of all kin•is ; Oranges. Lemons. and of [wt. fruits; CI ackers, Nuts, Colder 1 :0.•.;4 . ; g 1140.5, Hats. Segars, 91 1 110:31.,' in need 4 the above article, would Tottacen, swat - , and a gel tem I . variety 1. no well to give us a call, before purchas of everything., ”Irour a noel to an , inc l iar .” Mg elsewhere, for Samson catmet he beat in alisiost. Give !tiro A call, tf) nu want to 'oily what's elipap and good. giving bargains. - . I_o-Country Produce taken in exeh incre for tr,PR DRYERS.—The attention of MIL- Goods. ( Vlay 7,1855. iLERS is invited to a very superior article Administrators' Notice. , fo - rdr) mg CORN, which can be had at all i DAM MOWREY'S ES'I'AT times at E.—Letters of - Jan. 14. ..1. administration on the estate of A (Lou Mowrcy, l ate of Oxf or d township. Adams co., CARRIAGE is deceased, having been wanted to the ti nd e r_ _ bought ,ower, and a larger tiSnortWent .signed, the first named iesiiltio- in 0 x ro. d than elsewhere is always to be had. at township. and the last named in Mourtrpleas. _ FAIINEFrucKs% ant township,' they hereby Cite notice to -I F v on want a fine article of Dreg+. Shoes all persons indebted to said, estate to make I • ri:,iters, fur Gentlemen or Ladies, call tit Immediate payinent, at.d those haviog claim, - W. W. PAXTON'S. against the barite to present them properly aa• I _ -_ --- • ____ thenticated fur settle_ment. , ~ CIENTLENIEN, do you want toselect from a JOII N MO WREY. !..N large and handsome variety of Cravats, &BRA 11,,01 BIX L Eft, ' ilandkercbiefs, Su4penderi, Lc. ? if you do, :12th.7,..e. call at 6CEIC Ii 'S. \ . .\ \ A mars Flannels. U'cl'h. English and Ainetican : Vestings,"nnd u 1 I kinds Men's Wear ; Shectirigs, 'fable Linetni, &c. roarfli and Arch Nltertg, ry, -- ",'Sforelteepers are invited to examine our Nev (ion - ik. Families; can be Well suited in every kind _of Dry Good,s. W& tuake Black Sifts and Shaw k leading articles fiir whole salting. 1' S.-4011:4 received daily from the Auction?: in New York and Philadelphia. itg - l'Elots NETT CASH. SptenA ker.ls. 18.5 G. 3in New Millinery. . vgISS LOUISA KATE LITTLE wishes to ITinlurin the' Ladies Of town and country, that she to now prepared to execute Millinery in all its bianelles. in West Nliddle stteet,,, ‘ a. few door. bel o w Mr. t;eorg..e Little's store.— Work dose cheaper man elNinihet . e in town. Please call and April 2J, Icsi): Over Cfpals. 'lnca or all jutd•op .enci and fur sale, very cheap. at SAMSON'S. Ed VV. lilite3lllser, Iftarunt at law wMr, itldu!-ly and promptly attend to all 'la.:nests entrusted to linn. lie 1 , grwaks - the 311 - rr iiilagir: --Offive-at 2 t he- f f-41qtie tiltwe. in South li7tltiniure street., near I Forney '-'1 rug More. and nearly oppo s ite Dan tier & .tote. 6ektyshill Mulch 20. - David A. 1141011er, 3ttarartt at ram, ytTILL ~ pr,,,iptly attend t collections and V v a l; entru ;tea to his care. in the Diamond, adjoining store of A. B. Inriz. Gettysburg, Feb. 4, ISSG. ly . . l trC9llltlt 1 , 1 gill 3,r,. ::11tarara at Lam, (Office removed to one door Vet of T3nehler's Drug & LIJol.:-store,Uitatitborishttrgst.reet,) Alloratei`& Sulk:110r fur 'Patents :19:11 ts'isuriioats; • 11 sty La ni! rtalits, nac-pRy sus. to) other the Govt.] nitient at Washington, 1). ; also American claims in England... Land IV: Willits located. ;Ind sold. or hoiigitt, and highest prices given. Agents eit , ,ouzed in locating N 311111116 in lowa. ll:tin and other W t •stern '.:77 Apply 0/ him' personally or by letter. Geitybbusg, Nov. 2L, 1.853. • Bata iv Land CM iIBS. Fru E .unclorsigned _atteinLpromptly_to_ R_ the rolleciion of clahns for Bounty Lands under the line act of Congress. 'Those who have already leceal 40 or 80 acres, can now receive tho halancP, by calling on the snhscri her anti waking the necessary applicntion. JOEI. B. DANN ER. . . Gettyslturg. ..larch 12, .1.55. tt' J, Liwrenn Hill, IYI. D., WARRENS' FOUNDRY. ' ll ll' ~: ~~~ I_' .~J .• EliEiiii • I r . ? ' 4 0 , '0 0 0 ! • JOINT STOCK ASSOCLIMON OF TUE , . berland Valley - , near Newville, vontaining 125 acre:. I Valuable Farm, a 'di„i n i ng the above, containing, 125 acres.: 2 v a l ua bl e Timber Lots, $l.BOO, (11'50 acres each, situated in lliflln tp—Cumperlanil co.' 8 v,,l nu bi e Ti m _ ber Lots, 53,500, of 25 acres ea i• 11. 1 Splendid. N ew prick ll4,aie. 52,000, Tu - o-story hack huililing, letioining.the 1101 on the West. 3 11i.glth ; Improved Out L0t5,.51.5(10, of ocer 3 acres each, within half a stile of Newi at $5 ll O each. 200 orders for • llerron's Cele brated 'Writin g Inks, at sill per orde r , si,000„ 1 Magailkent aid Piano. S-11 1 0, from tlie ce.lebratedFaviory of linalie & Co., Baltimore ] Superior Melodeon. S 190: 2 Splendid Hunt, Cave Gold 'Lever IViUelies, - at S.lOO each. S2OO ; 2 Splendidhinting Case Gold:Lever Watches, at SS - 7,50 each, 5 Splendid. Golil Watobes...S.si) enoll , II) Spl en did Ladies (1014 'Watches. at :.;50 caeli. S 500: 10 Fine Siler Lever Wocclie , , cavil, $250; 12 IWatelte , . at S2O ezoli, 15 Superior l'arlor Clocks, at SS•eaolt, 'l2O 5l) 1 10 " 3 " lilt) 5 0 to It (_ 1 ) 1 . t " 41. 51) Excellent Family Carriage(latest style)2.oo 1 "at 175. 1 " .I'op 165. 1 Riteellent Sprint!: Wa,r,on. at 1(n) S,ll)ol'itir TWl)ll..rs , e 'load tV - amts, tt I.iNW 2 Sets Splendid Ilarne , s, silver mu-tinted St) 2 -Extra Spa»isli 2 Superior Walnut `.tits. • 1 Magnifweat S 'f a 'ral)le, I)ro,sing 11,irfnus, ..‘-I)l(riditl Sq-eretary, 4 Dining Tahies, extra Chem - 4 4 13 , 1:.4tea(15, 2 Sots Coairs, at uer set. 3 Imported earoets, 110 y ar ds ear l,. at. ::t2() - Der carpet. ii )1.1.10-wacle Carpets, extra,. each a.t pin. ea Tett; S Stoses - :2 Orilers few -Ittit: ‘.ll3lllek('lotite.;.:3,ll), Col ' " 5.11. k are,ses,. :;i3 l ) tmeli, !iii 8 {f C.A.illg, 15 " LI) lO• " - B tts, 5 " ;ill 1:1 " 13 , $ It:4,- 6 "- 71 G SllOfft, Gt d az at . 1.10 12 IIIt) 'ill. u. 13 , sx . esassext , dpertlnhery.l. o o 1'.,rz1,.,U": lit 15 All,tams.. 72. 5 . 00 Pieces Pl./pular unit fair Each gets the vtive. of histthlicy Li/. aine account of the great diviii..:sr I.4:i:owes a 'share holder in much. viihiliMe-rc...p.erty.. certificate will he inoy.eittel - chaser the aho've valuable !ironerttr . e honk ,, are r. II sold, notice NV:11 1,1;" is en stockinilders and a bkelei New vine, at the ItOetit tit 12 s alt,.wheil i-Ami iiiittee \cal be chosen, to wbion, will be deli% ered, to be distribut the ,littiod.tolilers. 111 the article.: that risa, %% he exhibited at the Instil we's, Fair on raze L.th Froin the very flattering 111:01.3‘121' iii Avhi; • it this Joint stock Xsocintion 1:- cii. and teltronizeil, and from the iluml,or et s already sold, it is ciudidently believed chat, the property ati he ikli‘kit'Vol to tht• holders in a- few tuoirdis. PO.; t lit oharuoter the " SPII ;1Z 1". N . STI- Ttin," a tt sl three (.4)11I/13l-t0 I With it. we arm.: iiennitted to refer to the ll . sll;riving J,tveles k xrii _sif Stevens:, IVatts, Carlisle:. St na-- tor Win. sI, • it Mt. . • LllV— ry, llarrisharg: iintibe 4 C,L, 1;;:1:i— -nu.re. M. 1.: Wm. -J. Shea) or. Pro's. Ali v... Cumberland co., Pa.: Dan'l iCpt- Coll1111)11 schuols, Cua,. .. 1‘ . .. I. 4 ehi,. and- tk. BYlithor, burg.' 0;-..47^.kli Orders fir }took Certiaente:- by Mail should he M S IPA S, , t•J'elf ;f1 'L . !! ,Cll, :iiy it.Vi r . ..NOW Ville. t'und,erleilit co., -3 7 . E WANTE i u T ,, NI in the I . ted State, nlitzt for 11 iek , , ti, wiwwn NVIII hr gilen. All lot tttr:-. Iwinill, ne etenpani4id hy 1'o:-.taq4e tu... - „5-'l,liEsitv 'NomAs. Esq., 1 - ;iyttv-lairfs, has. Leen app.)inted .A , zent. of IN iloia Certifi cates and 111;oks van l i e übtaine,(l. Jame 1856.- Can and Svc t;ii AT THE NEW STAND. VIT.II. T. KING respectfully annnunres to hi; friend; and the pithhe generally that he continues the TAILORING . hosiness, in the room adjoining-the store or J. Law rence Mick, fronting on the Diamond.-- lie has made arrangements to rceeive regular ly the LATEsr FAsidoNs. and it will be his con static aita to give entire satisfaction to those, who may favor hint with ',heir custom. .'ri — Cotnitty produce N% ill he taken in ex change for work. WM. 'l'. i Licitysburg, December 17, 1855. ly Removal ! Relates-21 VRNEY S BRO. have rei»oved to their earl " 4 estethshed home. N. (17 w est N,irket street, adjoidin Llantz, F; k Co's Hardware Store. And directly opposite the_resitience ot s lien. M. Doudel, where they will cuntiline, as heretofore, the tnantifactuting of CONFEC TIONARY. in all its branches—SYßUPS. &c.. at the lowest city prices. Alst', a careful ly selected stock of Wines and Liquors, always on draught, and for sate in quantities to suit. Also-4 superior article of TOMATO E( ETCH UP. in pribie rundititai. nidde by us, and sold by the gallon or in any Aludtay., very low—touch less thdu city prices. The article is as rent esented. of s.upeluir it i vor. W e a l so have a l irge lot of !.(..fU; It 1: I) P ( jiLES," put up under our own super's sou and edit', And, offer them to'fiiiiil;es June It, 1.5 - d'.' 154 tok ;Slit 41) T_r.► () li lik , ti )0, ;:t)4 RE 0 or ee !„,,,, - • •