The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, October 27, 1856, Image 4

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    0000.•••••miww.....41r...•••••.••., •-• ••• • ••+•
t•h ellTy
11 7 'rri*•411H N:1 H.
---- rvt,:rt'. „.„10.1`,„: :e-(1-44-i-1-1- se.l-1-H-4-2.-44- , , , a4 ~ - , - --Sal . u _____
I._ that ii,:t.if4,141 , 4,41 . ..41414 - Iy. .i,.; , :‘,l ( :.z. : ,1, 2 ) 1 vs.
'...,,,v,•11, 1:44.4(iw0g0110w4:4.-i,ip. A 46.11,4.0 ent 4 itcy, I ia.,,
..;ving oil the, rzlilti; :.lar,l rioluitg !lirolegli s 144
plitCa. • it 'colit..viiab; Tra AcrP6,, 1141)34 , ,0r l,•-., '
of tir,:t. rate land. s'•i_irlining, 1,1%14.1A o' Dr . . H. N. Ti ; t 1 ,1 57 - 3.2'i. • 1 & c..
Lilly. Smne.el at.d Jost:pit '..;',1, tutilla ugh. aniA 4 6,1 lilt, - 1 , :1, t;. cooN: inf,,,,,,s bi t , friv;i(lc: and
„th e n:. and as finely improved,.
_. '.l',lp: re
.I ,t ►::-.„, . I 1 . i Ow pa,,ii . :l(l !_, ,, ,e1 al Iy. Lit,ll, 114! on 1ik.441,
;, a :arg, , e TIVO-Sjl)l'y r;iiii.(jK f I)11 ' reiii.,. ki.4 . At 111; - • 10. t• .7 - i:I.P11 kr; V 411,110,,11,11 the lint -M1j1.1.. .1..
i 51.; . , \nth a 'l' , ..,. , pstory 11:•01. .11.te,1,.-" — ''' 7 - ccrx 1 . 174;; :ini will-m:oe it,,ortintlit of TlN
,r,44,4iiiig. fi timing 4AII tile SiltuL, and ricprly op- i 1t .114 E. whir'', il t : \t ill -1 , 11; at prii7e , v4 . 14:4 . 41
1.446tte the poli,lio }lathe Of John 1 1 ',,,....42. 1 ,,
,Eyi.. D. I e3ollOt, it s ti t‘, : Will :11till u X (;(*.tlte to
' , rood Log Barn. an .017,:liaid of claa‘ll,, , l'i nu. a i ()Her. :‘ ICA p in a W oihnian-li'*e
.. .nocl well of water,' ilm of l oer intpi.rwm
r o ents. ', 11,41;1,14 , r, awiw WI 1.111! ilvrii, Mail:11;1k, 311 k ' IV/ .4
PLKSCSSIWII. giV(!ll 01),01. 111..fOrl! Lill' , tray, uf Of '440111 . 4: :jl 4 i )1 ;;; 11 . 1 : \ G. .11,NIALLIG 1.1.09F
„\ prii_ . ne.,Nt., as may It;,. ilt-iire(l. 1.,f not ht;l d , iNt;, 14 I'lll',,.l\ r ‘,, , ,, k );;,N, ,v,..
th e prop e rty will la; PAL ..10;IN,T• , , , • ; Clut.l.y.iisurg, Nov. .12.. 1 - i•)5. ."
Persons wishing' ti ) , v2 "w tlitS Piwilia i s wiii -
.c:111 tra John liu.o . y. 1 . .::(1.
. • Mi1."1.1.:';.1.;:r... 11E13..1NG.
Nov. 2G, L - 7"5.5. a
brA; 7 3/J2 I, E.l 1,
AND 3RIKAI, Teß4)s'64lltTst,
V 171,51 - 11\G to retire trent the farming and
v inillin. , busire.,s. 1., will se ll i. . 0 . ,, p r vale
Fale the fsrllowing N al ~ Lalik 1Ze41,1'.. , ,t41,e', known
,ttis LOCist Grolie, pitnate ;Jima one'and a half
miles S. Wit:61..11'014 Littlestown,, Ati,uns coo u
/y, pa:
2 : .1. , ./. , ' of lf 'airotr 7u / ffi,,-,, or et
superior qualil, 4 „ ; of red gravel sail, well -adapt
ed to timothy, 1 :NIJO humlki;ls of' limo havhig
been puton,,t. ' Ti.t . implot:ementstne a large
mAt.l very beam ti ful ::\I 4'4 C.A , 11.% NT ' —7 , " -, 1
111L1.., Saw . . 7,%1;11; Cooptir`lit . )P;(6, ,, =' lit'
two. Dwelling, W '11( SF.S, a Store i ,
,_auolu_,_ two 1:;1.e - Ovens. two Sta.- .....t.i,..' t. lf
files, three Hog Pens, Li ine-lt On, and all neces- '
nary out-buildings. TtiCt* . ',lill is bnilt
tho most tiitid, , ..trii and iinprotied phut. The i and race are not surpassed . by' any.—'
Your county roads ceiAre . aL this Mill.
..:\":). 2.,—.17 Afi.,,.. f .0f S/q/ , ' taia, ecry swi
,ceptible of a high State.of,eultivation.„ 8 or 10
' acres of which 'are 'heavily timbered, with
about 10 acres of meadow. The
improvements arc :t , I a fge ,
anu very,,,i,
. 0 ,
complete alc-,[zl nii,i, :,.(1,4),ve1. mi l :
ling IP/USE. This prt,perty ltd. -,,-yr: t• .1. '
jcins - .No. 1.. ~. -
\',). 3.---.4 P,e,...)i, e , ,,,, , (f , (7yitv jr)G, I
; ,..f cce ,
mostly tliere4 grave! Foil ~ all4l produces %tell.
40 to 50 Acres of wtt . i,t:h
‘ itr'e heavily tinibkrtitl '
and about'2o Am t:s 't'ii mea:loW button,. 10,-
000 to 1;2,00 nushels . ,6l, lime, have bt:en- put
upon the land: . An'•alam t tla'nee of fruit. trees
t11)Q11 ' Vac pre)iiises. The,iwprovin'ents: . , I
are a ;3:„(shi:e 1)1. , re! ring )10 C.l: - :It:, 'apcl r 1
Kik,,,,,.!,. sißii,:q 1,„„,,,,„,,,,„,.,,, ',at.
Bani, with Alt:gun ' '....iii:(l4;', 'Con' O i l ) , )-log I
Pen, and . al; 'leas's:try out-bitildings. This
,pioperty is ali.) ‘ a part of - No.-1. - , and known'it . : 7 :
above. There is 1101 a !hove 4 co v ii [4, pi• oli pr..
ty in , the county than J., wif,;/ hictire. v/l-her'
separately ur ingetittr. Call . and sccl it. TheSo.j
properties ty ill; sad st•p tratt.A v.oi , 'togetlnir, I
:J.; may best sait, 1:41 - fit - s - i.Tr;T i l --- ivill s'ell - inn 1
r.cenutinudittitig R ra s : , Antperson,tv is . hitig to : i
1 iew the property . \‘l:l dill
,on Kiward I
:Stable livings oil the 'ii:einise:!:, •or thyself in
tiettystiurg. • GEOl'a.'4l'.l, . 1 1l1NOLD.
Aug: 18 , - 1856. 85' ~
. - , •
. . , •
r ii.F.', SIIIMUItAII' Aclili!l,l rizlieeilizlly tan
'ihipnee 1u their ft ielitl:,, ini'l Alm PA/ bile ilia t
t i,
~.),„„i„,....Q,,„,,e4i.. ,1„ar4,..3; e Stot e, ill ii.i I Ll
nore_AL:cut ( ',,i WU t :Old rersitl.:nce (..C; ..I)4vid
'Zi eg ler, .Gqty h 1 airg, Iliw 10611 7 , 1 4y a : ,',..n.p. i it
tuld to utP,:r to tliv,l)Lblie a lar . 6.e ail 4 4 , ;! :1p..4 , 174
ttzpiimiyli, ul'
, . • .
Ilactl.,vai.e, Iroz ) Steel, Groceries,
SPRINtI:•;. E8 1 • 1: .
. . . .
12' -. ?:;',0 ,
erbar. ,, il.l , .trri tilycie. ifirbiagq
- r
. .ii 4 ;ll;ltt's, 'al is ati d i'l• e -s1 a; frs,
in geneCll..4,ncluiPng every, de,cription of arLi
clo i n .th t v, above .liiie of I)tiila4;skt, to whinh
they ,inviV i tho„attemtioll. of Ci.likQh-iiiaiiLas,
Bl.L.cksmith-:, Vatwit(l....„....oaltiact illal:10s,
,Yme-tttlit:, Satbilutls, Kati LIFT publit; geller
~Our s i&.k Aiayin beta', selactvti. with
treat eme and ptircha:;ed fur ea.;h t ‘ye guttian
tee (Isik Jae re:iitiy , intatey,) tmitkpoNe of any
Bart o f 11 ‘,ii a:.; ren,..4.lhabh.) term., as they Gan
- be 1nue.14:•,..:(1 any W IRre. '
We particularly reque , 4 a call 11:011 ell r
lii.,:nds. aigl pr . tiyi.vi3. o , : iii!it, 11: .sluts 0 ( 11 ,1 1 1,1 10 ;
1:c yor,,as w,e are 4Aclelesia c
ue,:tn• fur !..;oonts at ioW prieLbs and
Un fair,
1).AVII) ZlEting. .
Gettysbtrg. Jane 9.,. LSSI.. tr,
IZetno , :et
4: - 1.1.'5E.i . .;,LY infortwzhis ul4
ty,T; • custcanA•rs a- 1,1 i 11(4 1, 1C
lit. con ti t`.k. • T
ne ; n• ins uid ro.a‘.l(l, in ',•.nitir street.
iiorL.: In• m.;:1 Lc happy to accotnnioiluto all
who may pati9mzo ..%11 urk entrm,ted
to his c.0.,' he of Mtht
suit/chit. make. Illaukrat for past favorl;,.
solicit , :t coni.ilutti,au jt l llt l , li .ptiLrOtil
'J ,‘ ! ; :q ;r4 ((lid ,'t Id Mal
:11 - e and see ;hem,
Gettyshurg— Allit 9,.1y LP.
(Remove' ro the litt... ! i , and e, - ,!1\1 , -itent liou,n,
r0t.104 . 1,! , ' i'ari',, ,!!,.)-,..!- it, d
!he ol
s',311!!!, t , f '.`ol - , 1••• R- .) .
1 7 1 1 . 11!: sultsrilier tesp, rifully itirortni the ! ill; . :;',18 , 101"1*1* t.. 7 iiii i l ,& P :IT'ilE'C):ll4!.
it pilaw ilial hi' ha:: openo.l a Puldic House '
I , r ~\,.,„,„,..,.,,,,„•,,:,,„,ve.. lkatich Railroad
•••• , _tiV.("d. (21CII :Intl see ~,,,.......
of P i titertainnient in the horote ! th of' .1 hhe;t•:-
_ .. ...._ 1,,‘vii..!..% 1i.i . ...! Ili will he happy . 1!) entertain t i ll 1
now ro.i :14. tiillo%% •, :
w i to iii,i‘. tali „• iiii h iiiis ii,,,„ 1 , 4 h.„l mans. : VirSt l't :tin le.ive-, - I lanover at 0 .k. M., with
\ , , ,, 17 .... 1 , miwk „,i i. , , ,.. „i o w h ie . t i ne „ ot no:el-keep- ! 1)3 ' ! " . "` ! ""'" liir
itt.:,-, lio it 'h ers hitti , ,e4ilat his elrirts to 1 " I ' l 1111114(1Y11!}13 '
wili liesatisfactin v (:ivi. llie ••IVoslitiegina'' ," t
, h the ! 1!: 1 )ress fur U 'lL i t""re , arriving there
a call. , PI;%.Ni T..; J. \\ - ii . 5 () :‘,..., - ..! at t 2 m. .
- I!T! !l ;ruttry 18, - 1 S t(!)!. - t. r - ! Second Train leave:-at 3P. M., Wit.ll- P.1.;5:V11..
i -- - - - , - _ _
__ .
_______ i ger:, for nonillion. , and intrniiediate places,
'. , ..'piglaelr,:l2l?.llt EU1)1(q, i and retains sill) passengers from Volk ; S.c.
• pril 21. J. 1.1:11i, _lgent.
t),titi.,:t.• t' a „ ( . 1 •:, '4(41 lI. W it:lithlgiiVe. 111 4 . 1
, .!, , ,
1. ' ir i Ii V , tiltder`lleti Ravin g ]cried the rti/M (1- FLOUR. VEEI). -.1 N 1)
S. :late' and pit; it in complete order, is in GroOely tore.
1 ,,,, , ti to accominoilate his It tetitts and the ; 7 ,
trivvi ling 1 , 11( 4 % T: le Drew lvt „ i . ‘ ,.: 11 1 Le 1 1 rtill 1E subscribe] continues the Flour kft, Peed
bu s iness. and has recently added to his
pleased to , :el . hl; old ft iLliiik, itilll 111/IniSl4 to
stock an excellent assortment of Gtocurie•;;
make their sta. , ,•! conifort a .iti e and satisfactory,
ci i
,a 1.41 frvui ( jah
ell. s.,ati j )l i Spii.t.S. k:., (,41 %1 hich he invites the attention
, of the pulilio, Content \vitt/ small In'u'its. he
i1' 1 .%; tit 1..:1114rgi,.
JO', i N II \l.ll, f t:,i-itt ;-/•,, ~,' p „„.„..)' In kluii , cs to ,cll as low as the lowest, and asl:s
J,11,-0.1 555. tI . f iitoPßlE•roi:. . a call in order to' rove his assertion.
- __ . •
___. i IL- has now in store prime Collect. „Stigar,
{ills v W atztv (1. : 1;01:,, , e,., ,x:e. : , ‘ , k hick can't be h e at.. e ith er in
. w i l l' * . i:". C' C.' L 11: tri'sc;-r.?t-i, ,II Irdi tv I n. prlc t.. >. RWOII C:111 also he hail, as
!-- Di.:!,'StiN,',. /giving (lay to sell will do well ~ ,t .; • i i, , vet ,- heat , al l, ' • d i t. tt
..•4,47,!_'.1 . 5, D. (1,,•.• i i 1..:1.1,.i;i7c, (1.,L.1 (i ,:c t'/l(, i :L lit,' 0.1:11w; on the sol.N.:rihet, i ii c iettk ...; s' -!! •, ! , !,.., ... L :
- 1 . ill at
( 1(411C': , I.: ,
.....'''' lll' 1111'1% Nt` 1,11.1.1 , `: :I 11/ II :1 ,, 011.111t1it. of
• . .
\V i?..% respett•,fully announces u)
Ladle. ;Old Cwittlenteii of and
vicinity. that he has - rustruted-the—Daguerrt..o.-i
type basinest-i, at. Llioollt stand, in
I)tirg• sirtA.!ti , htire he wiil ui receive
visitors tlesitotis of Set,it ring perlectbtiBtwritu
types of tilt.:l4Neives (iv friend,,, ,
Being, lit:..nisheti with an, entirely nevit'lnlti
cum.iy apparaLus., he is take pie
tur'ea in every Ntyle uf,itic art. ;:ild
:vat Nati,facoo:r. 1
la: — / -- Unaiges from 50 cents to i - Itt•
ILli oar:, of operating , ironi A: M. too P. M.
113r. , 0; avoid light. iod, bine, or pur
;)le. Dal wuch,to of
tile picture. FeJ. 4, .1.5 C). ti
11 .
Yor I
ill 1% . : lf I, Otig ' f1)0 1 .. 1•,(111( , 1 %*, F ro it s . Nuts, A:c.
I )i r: f jj, ILI. I.ll , _Cues , it I s i•t, vice ‘kti',l he at. a_ti :it Sion!, s i re o.
;:_.,„ I e "itt'r uktar South . B.iltittiore, attil hi, imi c k,
t i 't 1 ;Itg battle(' ',tither to llatiovv.t. It ' JACOB SIII.1),S.
u f 4 l;,..ti I c't I , li2ierviiee to haul tU Gt'tt V .0111 rt,',". .Ipril
_ ----4 , ..."--, ~ , J- 1 ,- -: siSICLI 1411 c „na n ., ll S eho..i-t, ('11)11!1, ell.,
. . •
1 i• -
4,raut, rc-41., and Bovor & Brt i a '' l L l . 4 . :r .. , j( l i l l a ii rri V a:
~...- u . reicre,“:'.! [A , :1 ,i:1•,.:1;,'N':.l -,; 1;1 ,:slur, i - . Nq'ei?Eta :'ticirect Eitße6ie, rahco,,,: very large stock of new Su iwk; ' ~ ~ - -
Flannels, Weh4l4, 2r;tiglish and _Alum ican ; 1 , 111 , 1 , t hitre increased their value four Or five (1,1 , 41.-
: rapid setffetnent of ale country WILT prooa my
ls`,, ; ar.• pr. - A 1•;...,1 ,‘1'....1 u full un.i e uoplc ,::, ; P , cem her 15, 1 55..1. If ; ..,... ~ , , e
. ...4.. , . -4'_ .% . , , ,(1, , -, ( , ,,, , m 1 S,';', , i, l'iiift , !, , , l ?)4;:!. ," ' 'lVilerl required an experienced person wil, ac,
) .:1.;-.A1 , rt.. , .Zll 4 . t..:::1('`..:••, ei.V., :. I W;llc., , o, , I n ' - • .--
- : ' ! ( 10:11S, VeSiIIIZS, and all kinds leti'k , , WlJar ; ' r' . ' 1
f:::::r"..‘liOrder.-. for 13.,0ks and Certificates Iry 1
CIL\ I-',. P. :_•••.!W INC., Puoilii;:roß,
~1,10/1. Loo..ti , a4s tua.l'• in any purl ~ Efo..4•Cp , 1 .3..)tr3, - ,, - Shectings, Tab - le 1,1111.115, TOWeling,;. &c.
! Mail 5h.,41.1.1 i.e. .lii'lre' , :•l.4l to .l_)I. ES .McK El.:- aid - in selecting lands.
company applicants, to give information and
- I `l - 1-i:;.tic - 9t:z., Western ' 1Vi,. e . )1 ,..,;•,,, A. I, :rv , „, z ,.,, r l iae nt o f Uml.t.clhts, :ti all pri- ! YIIEP, %I:----: I io•r dits.---:•;loc:le Me;ils :25 i , EIIIE & LAN DELL. ill.l N. Seco fury of tilt' - Biel Npriay Litercti'y '
, :1 ,, : - .11 , 1 N . .•:1:•;.1-1..... I %.t.. cua - , oat received :lad for aaly at ' : .z. 4 ',ii -. N. li. 1r.,•,,5u:.t nuiins for lalie t .. t'orri•'‘ •rii,/•_4,.-Ir sii..., ts. i', / ,',., i ,i,/,,bi‘ l .
‘ I . ,istitute," New ville, cmnberlau,l , :4 ,., Pa.
17 - 11 , :fer to IL t 2.. 2)lcC:•Lar,:,-, 1.;• , ;i., 11. I _ ,s.O4.sON'S. dam. iCI, 15.`,4',. tf 1 . ,. -- .7titorekeepers are invited to examine our 1
i- -- -:AGENTs W.I.NTE I) in meet 'rown s
w t.:
c i e r s c s u f la a rs fa .
r c t u n i i i t t l a g i , n s i i n g. g ue n d un h l y ero t t e is sr i e n e s t t a a b n i c e es an o c r
I Well - known farmers living in the neitthberhood
. ___ . ,
.... - • • - --- , New Goods. Fittnilies eau be well suited ill ---.--
.',-,, .4'..tgily., Eni t ., Z.1:1 I .11. J. ;aulile. ,
tioods• We Ilmlie rd"ck _in the 1 . 111 - ,.,1 stute - --. t l ;
1.;.. - ,- 5, .I'`Ji,;. 0311 , i i r '/ pep /l'argro.
; ir,)t)zili v....r ! every kind of, : Dr y
< PI"( ; F '
- t q have just reecivi.,l ;1. s pien,fil a ; :sortment 'er „„ , an d 11,• 11 ry W ~inpler will make S'ill,s and Stialv k leadin.: aerie es for 'whole- „ v k: ,) o, ti..l ,1. .. t . -
: ''
( T ! I' 1 1' 11.,)"1 ' } " 2 "b of harvesting,th •hi r) , l „ etc by contract -ur
a la i r s t. o he th ß e a c i a l s ro L a
o ( f i
c l e a n n e d in s, ,, tl p ir r o ic u e g o ll f o c u a t u t l i - e ic .
e S x t i a )e t4: l --- so
res ,„,
A __•;;lse Spouting and put op th e 5a 1 114.• low, salein„„ , t• P.. .S. --,Jobs receiveti U.II iy uotn the , w in j„, g i ven.
, ~ ~ t; '. )''''. -, to w4i. in :t .rioora, (....uninissiou
- r; - 41 )TES. do Pp" wl'llt t° 1 "Y cher.i' . "''' l 1 of Wool rinle• shirts :old DrawClS, vii Lll 1 - I i
r,..-.;.A.11 letters of Inquiry, I le
.-L.'....4 is ll.obes "? If so. call at
' )4 , ..411 be :sold low at . . Or (.:1:,11 t,r country produce. 1%4r-titers apil all Auctions in ...NeW York and Philadelphia.personally or by
F AIiN'ESTOC I; S'. 1- S A Nl',-. /N'S, olheis Nrishing their h,,,i. 4 ,5, haras. &c., spout, - : . --- TERMS \ FTT CA64. 1 t. , lmplillicij by I. 1. ) ,,,tag0 Stamp, w ill b o given, on application. either .
any other information-will be chic - jolly
letter, .in English, French, or German, ad.,
• promptly ails,,vored.
• . _ .. ..i. , __,..... ,
' .. • . I ed, '.l OUld ill 11 01 •,.0 givt• thvin a e3ll Switefilker 1, - 1. 185 d. Ilm
#. 1 ORN Dir.(Ell.S.—Thu atti,ntion of .70111,- ' "VIA N.CY ST t'lll ON EH Y. -Schick k ce p... all , . ' t' 3111:'1.1 TnottAs, F... , q., (lett vsl.urg, has
ti, , , je G. & 11. ‘VAll'f.r.R. - - •- ' decayed to
•.)L2 RS 1, invited to a very.:4tip4.rior;,4 ill'ln ;:kinds Of V47.lC)' SU4(.lo;lely , alto 5,..!;:. i t :la April I:'''' tf , , r . l . rx . rioN ., 1,1),,,
lc arc fon,l
music, beea apphinted an A4e,nt,
.01 - whom L'ertiti.
° '' .ant commissioner or the Illinois Central It. It en ..:.,
.r drying CORN, 'which eau be had at al) 1 Cileap• if :1.0 1 . ell-Apt'r tirtn .1113 -1 ” , 1:, cI.L• ili t,iit: - c:ltes awl Books can be obtained. .
... will 1111,1 a 13tgAz asurtalt.nt 01. Violitii, : Office up to the ll,t of 31.1 y. 52 Alielii , ..tu Avenue,
i:.:l.•si at town or the I•ill!ny. If v, II tl , id l lo: / ii've It, GILTE1.10!: 'maul fur fur sale liv I Jane •-':.; 1 '.51 . 1 ' clitcAuo. ILL.; after dtte in tli; now . 21 ",„ 4
i,:‘.,. ,1-1 Iv
.. i, /tit EN ,S' FO'.:NDRY. , ; ••;a!! in and , 54;c: Nr yuuNiclvi.::i, - .Jan. 7. . 1...) ' t..;Et_)..\.13..Nj1.4.0, i '‘ c C ji ` le "''' Fit-14; s' , ' Ex "; 4 c. , &.`'• 0 - 11 v: ") at• I - 4„,;) * __ ,..
jo - :, -
pdz . . i : ‘ : .,;/
awn _ at
t _ ili; _ c.., _ fii _ c _ .,: __ . i 43. ;:d .., 2 : i r , D i e 6 p 1 t. t.) ..rout 6 o ui r outtv w,tv; ztrt,
S:.QIZiON . ` 4 •
' .. .J♦ 4
i t:1 ::e itl.
J 'J N 1 ,
iJtlll 1 18.,;;;1 1 of new *flat top C0 , 11; . ;11 , 4*
Stov;,ite,t out. it 1:4 only neie,sary
that ;tiler
,t ery yo:tri Ul exp(A•ii.lico,
8.1111 u;i, 1;01lig; fully oenveraht whit all o t.:
r th
~f SLl,ve ; 1.1:i ye limn ill
vetttell I,n the tprittriple,that I imv•,
t :1 1, ; (, q , A dy;tilfa, ,, etif !:irolvtt itntirove•
Lica that bas frtati limit to tittle Ittooi made,
lairtlrot tarty in reformteu to the formation tiatti
caistruction or tilenro aiwavg
lieeoNgttry to he 11,,,fuily appliod
ev u ry iir li) Nyo D ic,ll ;II: in
('ordritty :-,/rwt,.." 'I Il ly
Stov,i) i 4 made. very heavy and a, ,;. , , - tod saot
:'l. hal e' m a de them 4, a ry
I , llll!exl , eriettee v roved
it to hi , Itliplirttri4,:tod. I eat, ti,:arentv ottstoto
er.i, that 1 1 , 1;1':tt •
;41);111..1 pain, ijor
itetts,e 111 g.;otting: it ap: anti it will MA tpo eX
any :rtove now dittolva, of 41 Si11111:1r
v ,,l iarn et e r, eonviteded that it Will of
be,:tlilo a stailtiard 'Stitke,
i have tunv tried t!teni—in-natatr-y-w-iy,-
tv'jtit 11 . 4 1.1) 410 1. - 7,()Ar,, otot
limn to thy,. 0 1 ,o,„,to in
the iry)st Pi:mirror.
P:tr , _ , l it oc
tV- , i)() ! Y z
'Sept.- 15, 1651 i: .ina -Utlttgatalrsi, It
UnitgaVti n ! F.:::Viit;s()l:.3 : :_-
- i
, I E4l-1116 1 -lAr.l-f, it--f-r- 7 \7-7} - o 1;0 sTA A"/),
TLIE Pl?..11.11.1r 011;Yry .murrt At, rum, ~
~: t, ./ J, u. ii ite,/, je...ji,„/,/,,,r, 1,',.. , 11,1•1/(1(-‘1 awl ,
1 IlbiltltlCt i , et)11411 1 n1111
-- 1 it , p/iii /rill,/ /, , ,-() 1 ,, , ,,, , ,/?
gr i.m.,m,r, ..jf./..;');,586- 7 (411..cts insurances in I, VILNEI . Sz BRO• hat's,! i•vtliovt.(l 11)6 r. larze •
‘l..."any ;):4i,or,1111: :jCate, it;4lllliSt lo s ,:rto,- liL c ; I '4 4 - 41 mill eltrultl:ly scit:'(!tol Sti),•k. t o O w o t lg. i
po:ntletttly ail.ipts its eptiratiens to its tesial. , , i in"l (till 111 "''''', l'"'" 1 " 1 3' "cc"l'lt'll by I 11 , :iii• i
i. , s ~' 4 1f, ot i i iimp i, i „l uilitl i ty , ala i p v01 4 ) .4 INii. 61
, ‘V(.: , t, Alarliet s.tior...t. adj,,iumy: Ilitilz.
adjosts i t ts losses-.
, F r i c k 6 . .., c u ' s . H an ky lit; ...titl e , Jul( directly
t. 11•4 re.utlence of tien. Micliael 1), u .!
A . :(latili euOitty is represented in the Buttra ul'1" 1- Ile
~,,, •
of .\.t.;.upger6 by Iron. f t 1i h 5r, ! ..,:t1.c , ,,!;,1,AN, lel. Vorlt. Pa.
‘V . :II, je1'1..1.1.1 N. ,f • This house wtwiopeitul by them for I;il , inoN.;
' - , `k !11, ::it.4l)i ('''lt'.-- lithVi`v---;o4i-HC tL i 1 - j - ell 1 --• 4. , l -,-- tt - ! ,-- t --- ‘,t - } 1171 C - 7 , :t tH
I . Y riiett , l'y, , lateign fruits, fancy vi.,,ilst no•
---- ' tioli'; , 4' , "•• &'".., in vi'l ',' hinge variety. Their.'
,supo .j ui .- 3 " n d ulietria r,: ( l .
15;11';014S,a Virt) Si. 'l'llzficif i'av9cr S:4 RI ! I Candy and Confectionafy, - I
rollNlercilittittg,. Lawycfs, Farmers and
4 , I personally made I,Y themdaily. and of course!
taticr:i i . ltaving!, , ii, , ,/,..1, i'd;wi'.: or ()Ill" ' alwap; lii s . ie . has; been itolini , syle,l;ied hr all •:
r.lirttlidi..y, to pit:serve froth Ictio.: or BLit G- ' low , tie:U. the best ;Anti hi ilet•A Wild.: lt er 4)llCrCli
L A 11,.•5i, , I t' .
1 alt,', sok! i'll A ,
orli. 1,11( tftt.lll..,lig- then
,j).ty & Newell's ( flohb's) l',,kl;K. I,otn;s. ( ness as they
,do --in this branch esTecially—:
' ,11,.'-'4, li 11,—Tilu -Film ri,o()F sAVE,"* ti a ra !they haVe cvt•r , ( f.IOIIIIV for pro:weolll..4 It to
pri.:;:erved oily ./},qi/,.,N, P ip , 0 ,.. d,., 4 i l i t iag Wu the IteNt advant) , ( , . awl C:111 okra' f•telllttlk nll-'
•-(4(.1;1t. l'is'p' at {ha's liniltling,'-' ,t,,; put- 111,114 to any ~ ther louse here or el ,e'S I le!'0, AS !
ellaStA Lor 01-1• V Fit Ey AlV'i. CA 8. ,210 BL. : legartli low picot, variety alai particularly I
Philastiolplita.--:fici.: its /,:te, L. . , I sal tiertor duality. 1
. .
---- , - Til, 5uc,,,,, :,:iii 1 ,,,,,ti.,),m g ,, NV itll tV lIIMI the TIW ell; et of this - unrivaled external remedy
1it494'.444 . .;:'P:1•40214 0 4 ., Y :t r in.lVl' 5 7 11;tvt'N- . hate met la retof.ire. is gratifuTly .ipPreciqied, ti1 ,,1 . 0 S , !rof,ll:‘, -and other virulent ulcers and
EV I,N:.i . Premilnu Ventilated Refrigerators fur U luch they return---a . .. 4 ,,M,a...h01u e riy, th ot • fi ITS. I. 1.1 /21 ,,, it ininteulo„. It tirst disch; „.. es
f o r coo h u , 4 alai 0rt. , :yreim r .,.,•0 , 11.,., 101 , „- ' Air . " suwere -aano\vliAsments and thanks. - and Hu e poi:on Which prorlueus supphration and
tr,ll, r ;ill arttelk , for.mitiltary put po::( , :,. irtt' 4, l'Y "LvieL 41 1;1 Pv"iilla 101-t'lltion iii inn' proud Itysli, and thus the (sures \vhieli its heal
' WATER PIT,TER.S, tir irlrfl'i.iii,.; t„, , , 4 ,-1,-,'/ nt:s:, a cootinimuce of 111 lther,4l patiunage im,z p uperties aft:r,vaid complete art: safe as
or, 7 , q uifiii 'water, whether aiFeeted IT rain:, hitherto eiitendetl to 'helm I ‘vell_;I: permanent. -
litile , :dime, marl or other muse-: eau he hail . June i CI, I i", 56. 1r,11,1.1
Separate'fl"' attilMiCfl to i le lelrtgelatol: , .—a
small of ice cooling the i% hole_ in the
WartllVSl. Weather. l'oitTA:o.r.SnowE . , t li.t pus,
for - tivrrni or .cor,f,'-• watfer.
COO 161.'1 hitels. Stores. and Dwellins.
ritrctzs. for toovitt...; rht,
t.:oPyiNf; 410.. do,
Id Stand.
__AIL. i'l I r LW,
T: J. FILI3I:%T,
„:f %
" t - •
1, L A G 11 E it '
SCA-UV' , RE-TR , G irrp
l'utoikil; Mir (t n Srfrii(ti' bl /VP
Fla( 7%.1)
capo g 4 '1411)
FU r Coal ot:IVo,p1. Four Sizr.;, (; 7, 8,9
Vt. *iall IrL I a lit. tr-
ni;Nit Et) 1':5.)
Fel). 1 y-
.Z.`4"aAzir);viorz 1.12910,,
)21t 'N 1 1 01 V EIZS
,-.^.. ~.. j
0, 01. - +.,
1 1, 1 4 - 4$ F
( '44,10
,21 ••
tYg 04,
01.1 VA.:ft \ NS,
. Eh) 10,1) (: ' ,4 snit(
A!..,`; E El It .\I I
iil , r,igtit et, pilfered
iii: y Tle•
"I'l'l firm "I \\.
I,lei,vil 0) the of
that ue /A to iA.1.1'1 , 0;
:•r•r ytinu jn ur 1111 V Of 1..W.71. 1 / 1 C:•.-.1.;, \VC hzvc
coli-,1:,111,1y Oil 11'411 4 1, the
liathaway arid other Cooking Stoves,
1114' lor Air-1 ight Ten-pl a t e f t ! Love ,, o f
v•triwis style, awl Pots, Ecitt les Itnil
Pew:, And ;All other 1.:) ,- ):1 Coohing
W 00... Washing Ash-platt-4,
Cio:tings, fur and
other Machinery, Pi.orini CA.TINGs. of every
de,cription, &c. NVe make the Seylar,,Block
er. dlit; , rent liintls of ‘Vitherow 1'1611 , 8h: 1 .
Wu have a1.,0 got different patteinti of
Ireinchs g - a tad Ilta I ling,
for Cemeteries, - Yards and hurdles, which
can't be for beauty and cheapness.
"I'A II tile above at ticles will be wltl cheap
for cash or country potluck.
•rlitel;stiiithin;. , , still erditirv:ed.
BRASS CASTINI.,;S and everything, in our
dine_ net , te to_oriter.
TILI t I (NG fIN ES repaired at the
Shortest notice. Being Moulder;) ourselves-,
s'e will ilu.uur
'll I O.M AS A. WARR EN,
Cettyshtirg, May 14, tf
lirialr Goods
- 1 - Acolls l;111). respectfully inform their
44 It tends awl the public generally, that they
el'C'lll4ll -T-Zt kW
INIa 11.21141(41i, in the room recently oc
cupied by A. .:kroolil. in South Baltimore Otreet.
near the where they will at all times
be happy to acctoinitiodate all who way
theut. Tlieir' OCko f UlOl6,
eassinets. Sommer Goods.
(Cte., &e., ;is large and selected front the latest
styles —all of kA.liich they Hill ttistdo,e 4 , f at
li mes as low as they eau afford, their
system tieing. to dell for, ca/i or cowl.
lry p
, Tiivy till nin4e lip- garments of evert' !lc
scripiiou in the most side,:iintial and dc~irahlt
inanner, all warranted to lit and ilia Lti r lit,—
not Ltt lie Ittade :1p totheir
establishment will he cut free of charge. They
are nialiin up a lot of REA! Y- I.\l/1.; CLOTII
- in the heti,. lII3IIIIQI', W111(41 t h an will sell
as cheap as the cheapest.
They have also-on hand a large aizs6rtinent,
of fitisirrti, Suspenders, Shirts, :shirt (Wlttrs,
ac., to %videli they call the attention of
the puhlio.
/ - The Latest Pashions regularly received,
I,';‘,li or Comm..). prodin-e 0 1 14Teni lur
good:, or v% ak. 1:011't mistake the place.
larcli 11. 1X56.
C AN!) (11.E.11 ) Lti'r (1r
ti l a'.llP,l2lZTi [1:1 1 i4
1 %111. N 11E1, ?,I Et:LEH juz.t returned
‘l4 „
Irmo the eilv with :he lorire“ It,t of
G HOC El? I I , :s hi 11;18 byer twl(ire oiwntl, to
‘o,ieh theattenti , w qptivineed
that he rail offer It4-11E li.ts alsti
' ii „ h it i 11`4 111 W_LIIE_R-S-,—&-c •
PSNII of Lemmis, ;Ina
ether ; Nut,, (;witerlioos• ;
Ne4,1r , ..,-Tch.teel), Snuff, :tntl
,I",•ent•liti variety
,)( everviltin:r. "front net.,1;1.• ti, ;In anohor.,"
diutoNt. VU Mitt Cl (*All, it 3 oil want 'why ,
It.%z etkoop and
Ij,', ,— (;oll,ltry Pl OdUCt. ill VNOII IA tre for
\l,ty ihss.
J. Llitircu.:•...3 Hill, Dl. 8.,
,o; cs ttiti ()Wirt o , te floor west of thy Lollte•
ran cliwttli, (11,1:111J...rtsborg -treet,
opprp,it- e ;raillint , r'; :,tore, where lltuae wtsl4-
jog to have any Dental Operation
ed arr. respt Jrtvitecl to call. pet form-
: Ur. 11. (iill,ert. (".
Builuct'),. 1). IJ nncr, Jtev. (2. I'. li.ratith.
Itcy. 11 L. ELtigli..r, RA:v.
Itt.:v. Prof. :11. Jacuth.,
Piol. :11. L. ,-;!(1.1,-(:r.
(e.t.).;)11:;.;,...10:1 11, 1 1 ;53. tr
3jtnnifq fit nut,
(offi ce reT i inve ,i to one door \Vest of Etteld(T's
I hit g Att liook-sttore, (..lianCher s burg street,)
Allorney &Stint:lll9r far ratentri
And Peinsiowl,
pocyry Land W n
Warrants,, ack-pay sus
pended Clainis,am: all other claim.; against
the GoVerltillelit at Washington, 1). C. ; also
Arne' kali ciaints in England. Land ‘Warrants
located and sold, or howglit, and highest prices
; 41 Yen. .Vg , •is ungag,et) in locating warrants
in lowa, liho ji, and other Western States.
to bun 'personally or by letter
larnitt. ft..lll'ClelEan,
3ttaracq at rm.
PVICE on the south side of -the Public
ittiare.2 floors west of the Sentinel office.
(icti.y 7 sl):lrg, August 2'2, 1853,
g'-' ,1 111". Rae Wier,
3ttururtr At nu,
IVII;T, faithfully and promptly attend to
all In:sines.; entrusted to him. Ile
speaks the German language. offiee at the
same place, in South lialtitnore street, near
Forney's drug store. acid neatly oppumite Dan
ner & Ztei.:ler's store.
(;e:(ystang, Jlareit 2ul.
-David A. ItaachKeri
11T ILL promptly attend to collections and
Y iiiNiness entrusted to his care.
) tli.k:e in the Diamond, adjoining aWrC of
A. B. }till I.Z.
Gettp,Litlig, FA.4). 4, P•;SG. ly
Et9lEttly 11 4 anal 1D1 ,4 •
tin(lcrsi.tierl will attend promptly to
la the collection of l'or Bounty I,:tmlN;
miller the late act of I:un g ress. Those who
have ahead). leceiviA -10 or 81) acres, Can ni ., W
reocivc the balance, by calling. on the sith:,cri..
her and making the ueet- , nary application.
j()EL I).I.NNEIt,
Gettysburg, March 1.2., Lt.
; olio way's Ointment.- -Tu Coux.
ittitti.‘Np he virus of disoase of.
tkl's its way to the internal organs thro'
the pores of the skin. This penetratilg Oint
nitort. ntcltiii tinder the hand as it is rubbeil
absorbed through the same eliannek, and,
le:0.11111g the seat of inflammation, plomptly
and iiivarlahly subdues it, whether located in
the Isilinesri, the liver, the lungs, or any other
liii_portain_or,gan—lt_penut ra tits _.t he_stritia ce to
th e interior, through the countless tubes that
communicate. with the skin as summer rain
p a ,ses into the fevered eartli;dausing its 0001
anti regenerating influence.
(rod (I.l,fll , ltrlar
Vsery exterior irritation is quickly
redueed by the anti-iiiillanimatory action of this
Ointment. Angry . Eruptions, such :is Salt
Itlryiiipelas. 'Fetter, Itingwortd. Scald
Head, Nettle Rash, Scabies (orlteli) (Int
tits to return no more, Under its application.
Hospital experience ua all parts of the world
prov,:s its iiifillitntity in diseases; of the Attu,
theilluseles, the iCAIIILS and thvglands.
;re..., a lit/ .11 *
J• 11; rn.e , ftnil 1,1..
Itt case; *or Ira, fradiure of buoys:, inju
ries enti;ul, ay steam exp!o-,i0n , ,, BrLikes!,
Burns, Stiffness" of • the
ana rontraction of tin) sinews, it, is !iii
ployetl am) \varuily'r. CO:lllllenduti by the fac
ulty. 'flu:, inarvelou,rvuietly has been intro
iluoed byit, hlVelaill* itl per: -.011 into nil the
leWhng llo:Titals of Europe, awl no priva4:
The Medical Stan' or the French rimi
officially signed
aiTpri)val -of litillowAy Ointuicilt, :IN the
most rel table tircs,ing fiu 2;:lbre cuts. SAILIA,
: 1 )/ , 1 w,en-tvoun(ls. It is also used by the sur
geon. of the Allied Navies.
rec Olbtowitt Piths shiptbl Gc lt serl in
(olle,orivq ram,
ELvtrltnt ism
I' ••111 1
Si.u; 1)i,o
~ , , , •1;e. I 1. L~u,ld
:••• ~, I. • •••
1 ect:: tal Ez uptlons : , prkt ISm t,ts
talc llr.ul~
'S) hi at the ,Nianufactorie, of PI °lessor
Ilol.l.owAv, Si) Maiden Lane, ..New York, and
244, Strand, Lon d on, liy all rubpeetal'ile Drug
giSlS and Dealers in It.-dieine throughout the
United States and the civilized world, in pots.
2:1 vents, 62'.. cents. and 1 each.
,:_, -- r — There is a considurable saving by taking
the - laiger sizes.
N. B.—Directions for the guillatice of pa
tient; in every disorder are affixed to each put.
&pt. eowly
- -
New Millinery,
.3.1. 'Piot in the Ladies of town and country,
that she is now pePal cd to execute Millinery
in all its blanches, in Weitlidille sueet, a
few doors below Mr. tieor , r,.? Little's store.—
Work' (lone cheaper wan Li.i here in town.
Please call and set:.
Apra 21, Iz.S-56.
Fall Stock, New Goods.
iz.Exci I Jlcrinoes. all colors : fashionaLle
'IL Cloak Cloths : V.ill Silks, the ittn% st‘les ;
11\;1:4' I .11 " . • _ rimoved to their old
• • •,;.4.1.1 6-7 --VC-4.
street,-;141;,:,1111- Ittrthware
Sion!. mod d•lt.;:liy the r v.adence• of
Doodel, where they 1.6 1 .! arutiuue. a$
thy iii..aoftcmiring ‘,f CON 1.12.:.
TION.I ,111 1 rfo,:lle3
,Vc., at t IOW1•1.1 'lv prices. . Al3O, a careful
ly belected sto0( of
Wines and Liquors,
always on 411 aught, and fur sale in quantities
to suit. Also —4 s,upel n,t article of T0.11.1T0
1 ET(' 1:P, in pr,toe eontlition; 'nude by us,
and sold by tlo , gallon or in :lily quantlty, very
low —touch less tutu city priet:i. The article
',l; retwesentel, of supoior fLivor. We also
!luxe a large lot of —CURED PICKLES," put
up under out' own ..;opervisiva and care, and
'offer thew to faind'ea, 'WS.
June Ili, 165 G.
ifolTM. T : KING reNpect filly annotincrs to
V his friewls and-the finlike generally that
he contiimes the T.\ ILDIZIN G bohiness, ,-
in Ow' room alijoiniii4 the :store of J. Law- A
tenor: Sind:, fronting on the !Munoz/11.—
Ile haS made arran:rements to receive regular
ly' the I.,kri:sT FAsimiss, and it will be his can
smut aim to give entire satiNfaction to Altuite
who may favor him with their custom.
!, — ) - Country ifruduce win be taken ill ex
change-foi work. WM. T. KING.
•Liettysburg, December 17, 1555. ly
rr - i - 4 0 , • 0 0 0 ! ..Ff)
" Big Spring Literary Institute, "
le, Camlu:ll(na4l C'o., Pa.
a,of e:tterisive sale of BOOKS
C.I.IILE PRON.: ILT The proceeds of the
sale ti ) hp (krillitUit to liquidating the debt of
the institute.
1 . 14 14 EL El) (111 , 0 117:1 - Nir7 , 17
To liny a I;6Ni/re /;o0 1 1 ,•_, alt4l become a Share
hohlur ill .11•1 it 1 . 1111(1A , Property
1,11: 1 ".11 (it rArN/s(),\T'S ILtr WORK
e)Ar TILE J/r)/,',1[0..\ - S; at wily unc dellar
CI( ( I . ol' ten //.//lnes. Gun
.jl,,e)umm is by far the
most ai•curate awl reliable Nvork we have of
that llcluded people. lu tinier that e\ cry
person may becAilli , : 71 sharehuhler, the price
of a l,ut.K and ceriilicate or•nieniberst.ip of the
Assuciation N % ill liit only *l. The Cectilicaoi
NV: ii u7ttitic Ilse h(l irr ti) an interest iii the
fdlowing 1;//a/1/,/ , ; (rat other
1 Valuable Improved Farm, 54,500, with
all necessary Out-ouildings, situated 111 Caul
lie:-land Valley, near Newville, containing 1:5
acres, I Val Liable ('arm, * 3 0) 011 ,
the alio\ 0, containing 1:!5 zwres, 2 V,lluable
Tiu l her'i, u ts„ (4'50 ileZeS each, situated
ip,,Ctiailicrialid co. Zi Valuable Th.ll
- Lot', S:1,50 1 1, i '25 ;tort ri each. 1 Splendid
New Irick 1 I carce - ; Two tor v am'
back la,ibling, n3:111'1161114- the hall ill the'W est.
Improved Uut Lots, sl,iit.)(), of over:',
within half a of NeNvville,
at each. :100 ortior.4.flw lterrou's Cole
lamed Writing Inks, at *6 per order, $1,200.
Magni Ihnint Piano, s4o(i,..f roto
voleln . ...tid Factory of iiitabe I;alriinorc
-1 ;?file:'-rior *Bit/ Hunt,
illy C,ise 1i.,L1 1.,)\ - 21*
S::(1:); :2: R an ting Cas t ) (i o t,i i on - or
at '13'5750 czwil, *IT - ) 5
La hes (I.,1;1 Watuile.4, at :•.330 each, $ollti; lU
F, \ ! I r.\ er ;Vatehe:-, at $25 each; $25 1 ,1:,
" IVatches, 1t .'';) - each, *2.40
15 Superior Parbir Clocits, at 1u each, 120
50 (Ili
511 do Cott:lgo
1 Excellent Fatuity Carriage(latest st:•,1e)•_100
1 " - • " a'
1 Top l_hig:2;y, at 165
1 ExcellontrSpriii ,, Wagon, at : 100
I S.iperior Iwo irse 11-al Wagon, alloti
S-is *olontlid Harness, silver niouuted tiU
lal.s.tea. s a .l k l4 e s, g 1;)
Supori4 'Walnut Solis, 'l5O
,\Ll: , nilieont- S , )ra Table, 45
I),•essiog Bureaus, 150
1 Splettll , ll‘‘,.l'etary,
4 iLiting (es.tra Cherry,)
4 110 , 1 , teatl-:,
_ 2 Sws at $l5 per set,
Ittitt‘trte.l I.2ariett,, 20 yards each at
1,017 . earpot, '
.;--11- , -rtll-ki-,h:L-c4-tt---Cnrltt..tts;---e-:z;trzrT-e;.reh
per carpet,
F 4 Parlor St,vt'. at 15 each . ,
2 Orders fur u i ts Clothes. $3O, GU
sal each, 00
15 " L.O
10 li tts,
L I ots,
12 " 11 L's Shoos', $3,50 "
12 1 4 -- 4 ' •(rilitOrti, 0, 1 )11 "
" L lie's' 2,{)0
I' ,
_atilt U L ,
11.)0 aperfuniory,l,ol) "
Purt :,a , flutaiv,.at L((tt "
h Piks, ::51.5() each,
All)tul(s. at caeh l
- - )00 Pieces rtpatar
ole Tlin. ita
i•••• tall
This A..soeiation, i. , funded upon honest,
and fair prioeiples. Each liool; purchaser
th e value of his money n the book, and
ou veethit of the great ,oici, heeonies
si;are holcier in teach VzLitlabie property, A
certili...ato will lie pro,outed to each tp)ok
1 1 ,,1c10r to an interest in
valuzil.ti:.; property, As soon 45 the
liiroks are ;d1 sold, notice will be given to the
:41)H:holders and a Con\ ention Nvili be 1161(.1 at
.Ne..vvilli % the Institute's Half, when a cotu
tante° trill he chosen, to whom the property
deli . vcreil, to he distrihnted among the
All the ttrtieles that can, will
i.e exhibited ;tt. the Institute's Fair on the 12th
AiLmst. From the very tlatteringmanner ill
v,-16,41 1 tlii?; Joint Stock ...issociation is received
anti natronizeil, and from the nundier of tick
ets already soil, it is confidently LroliON : eti that
the proliecty can he delivered to the share
holders in a few months. For the character of
- UTE." and those connected with it, we are
, ii‘rontteil to reler to the follow i- ir
Janys Pollock, Gov. of
Penn'a.: Hon. Thadilcus Stevens, Lancaster;
Freiloriek Watts, Carlisle: Sena
tor Win. 11. Welsh, York: lion. Wm. F. Mur
ry, Ilarrislairg: l' nape Cu„ Balti
more, Wm. •J, Shearer. Esq., Pro's, Atty.
Coinhorland co., Pa.: Dan'l Su it.
V Ire!
c(»/(( r(((tI Snf•pc
11 blid, ()I' all 1:ix),I)-,
DteistoTal " liemovA ;
Call and See Us
ot_Caleduniaßolled. La0....t0r
GettyAing, would call the attention hoyei
to tint; make of Ii nn—the best in the in ar 1.1. A
—which will be hold at the lowest rates.
11re keep a large supply of limumered I ro n
con:4tantly on haul Cull at 11le .ign of tlw
Dec. Di. LED F.r.ONT.
A - F yon want tt gootl.,bartel of Flour, call at
HOKE'S STORE, as he has wade artange
thews to have 'al wnvs the best, which he will
sell at 25 cents adcauce
May 5
The Illinois Central Railroad Company
Osair Ttvu Millionm of .icre4
mArrs or 49 Acims AND UPWARDS. ON •
rinny,sv, lands were granted by the Govein
i. inent, to aid in the construction of this
Railroad. and include some of the richest and
most fertile Prairies in the State, interspersed
here and there with magnificent groves of oak
an d ot h er timber. The Road extends front
Chicago, on the North-East, to Cairo at the
South, and from thence to Galena and Dunkith,
in the North-west extreme of the State, and as
all the lands lie within fifteen miles on each
side of this Road, ready and cheap means , are
afforded by it for transporting the products of
the lands to any of these poi ntsand front thence
to Eastern and Southern markets. 11101eover,
the rapid growth of flourishing towns and vil
lages along the line. and the great incieas.:e in
population by immigration, etc.. allOrd a sub
stantial and glowing home-demand for faint
The tail is a dark, rich mould, from one to
five feet in depth. is gently rolling and peculiar
ly fitted for grazing cattle and z;heeir. or the
cultivation of Wheat, Indian corn, etc.
Economy in cultivating and gt eat---pkodu
tiveness are the well known characteristics of
Illinois lands. Trees are not requited to he
cut down. stumps grubbed, or stone picked off,
as. is generally the case in cultivating new land
in the older States. The first clop Of Imlian
COM. planted on the newly broken stab tr.,ually
repays the cost of plowing and fencing.
Wheat sown on the wly • tun ed soil is sure
Co yield vets' rttont's A man %%it)} a
plow and two yoke of oxen 1 in brettk one and
a half to two acres per day. Conti ;tut , can he
made for breaking,_reatly for cut n or wheat;at
from *2 to 2,50 per tune. lly judieiou,
aoement, the land may he plowed and fenced
the first. and under a num :,TATE OF CULTIVA-
Tiox the second year.
Corn. grain, cattle, etc., will In forwarded
at teas:An:hie rates to Chicago. for do:Eastern
market, and to Cairo for the Southern. T hu
larger :ti e dd on the (-heap I:trAts of Illinois over
the Itigli•priced lands in 01(1'4:stein and Mid
dle States, is known to be img t; I hall
stitlicient to p:ty the difference of transportation
to the: Eastern
Bituminous coal is mined at several points
along: the Road. and Cheap atut dtsirahle
fuel.- can he delivertti at several, Imiiits
along the lload at; to ,5 4 4.01.1 per ton;
Wood can be had at the :•••aknie rates per emd.
Those who think of ,ettllng in lowa or .Nliti•
nesota, should hear in mind. that 1.111«: s there,
of any vatue.along the water Courses ;ind Tel
many tulles inland. have been di,pe•etl of
that for those located in the interior, tli v re a re
no conveniences for transporting, the produce
to market, Ra P. roads not ;ring been intro
duced there. What to send the ptedlnee of those
lands. one or two hundred )U; es t v wa.,;,on to
market, would cost ranch -more tba the ex
pense of cultivating them ;• and lamer. Govetn
went land,: thus sttuated, at ;11.25 per- aere,
are not so good investillents as the this
company at the vices fixed.
The saute titlarks hold good in relation to
the lands in Kansas. and Nehi tn4.v. tor art hon:411
vacant lands May i)e found nt-arer the wa.R.r
courses. the distance to mat het is far weater .
and every hundred miles :lat.: protinee of those
lands are carried either in 1% u.g,e..ns. t»r inter
rupted water eon) tuti meat ions, 'nu:teases the
expenses. Of transportalle4n, whit-t.o" must l)e
borne by the settlers. in the , re4h.ced inlet, of
their products : uint to thr,4:, - 4txte::4 t•ei:.4.4"
are the inttotite:4^frout their ta•Jxus,. ;maid eoor-e.
on their investments,. annua,LlA: and. tl.t.ry year
. The great fertility of the tazds cir eE ed,
for :sale
,by this compatly, and liestr 4.l)P•t4'Llt. , uG
yield- over those of the iltstenw and, Niaddlt;
States, is snitch more than sullieklu to pay the
ddreretive in the cost of transpoi t:4.,qcntl
ly in view of the tacilities furnished. slits
Road, and others with wb.ich it connects, the
operations of which are no.: ;,yr..twzrr , pleti by Oa::
low water of :it/miller, or the frost of a inter.
5 ‘'
6 ''
` 3 11.1
Price IU)4 TCPIIItIS of Pay v.ienr.
The price will vary from;:•„5 accord
ing to location, quality, etc. Contracts fur
Deeds may he made during the year 1: 4 5G. Nup
ulating purc'hase money to he paid in U.No.
animal installments. The titst to bt:Cl , llle
in two y e ars from the (late of contract., anti the
annually thereafter. The last payment
will - Lc - ouine due at the end of the sixth 3 ear
from the date of the contract.
rilnterest will be charged at only
per cent per annum. .As a seciirity to the
Pet Influence of the contract. the first t'\
intereSt must be'paid in adva lICe, and it must
be understood that at least one tenth of the
land purchased shall yearly be bicught under
ctiltivatiOn. - : - Twenty per Cent. front the credit
price will be deducted for cash. The
pany's chustruction bonds will be received ag
ARE ADY FRAXM) FIRM &Thom s, which
can be set up in a few days. Cali be obtained
from responsible persons. They will be 12
feet by 20 feel, divided into one living and
throe bed-rooms, and will cost complete set up
on ground chositn anywhere along the Road,
$l5O in gash, uNclusivo of transportation.
Larger buildings may be contracted fur at pro
portionate rates.
Special arrangements, with dealers can ho
made to supply those poraasiug the Compa ny:s
(lands with fencing materials, a B lieultural tuuls,
land an outfit of provisions in any quantity, at
the LowEsT winn.EsALE plticES.
5:7 - di is believed that the price, long credit
and low rate of interest, charged fur these
lands, will enable a man with a few hundred
dollars 14 cash and ordinary ine.ustiy. to %nal.°
himself independent before all 'the purchase
money becomes due. In the mean time, the
Caledonia !Iron.
Flour for Nate.
Farnitands for Sale