The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, October 27, 1856, Image 2

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THE _ CO:111)1LIM.
i"; F.: TT ISB G, l'E NA"
Monday 00.-27,1856,
Damocr4tic National Nominations.
For President,
JAMES RIT II A NAN, of Pennsytromi a
17,e President,
JOHN C. TMECKINRIDG, of Kent-ucky,
De or Tar lc 1:71 ertoral T lac( -
Charles R. tuck:dew, of- Columbia -county,
Wilsun 3l e c ani lies.s, of Allegheny county.
nen.W. Nel bra ham I.,lflinger,
Pierce "Butler, 14. Real mil
Edward TV rtman. 15.4 u. A. Crawford,
t. William IL Witte, 16. James Black,
r). John McNair, 17. r}••1. Stable,
John IL 13rinton, 'toddy, •
7. Pavid. Lam v, 19. Jacob Turley, -
5.4 . 114 ries Knsslcr, 20. J.. 1. J. Buchanan,
9. James Paz , Ler:=on, 21. Willi an t , Wilkins,
0. I. , laite . Campbell,
31. Frs. W. Hu:Ylies, 23. Tlios.ennningliam,
Thos. Osterhout, 24:John Kealty,
25. Vincent Ploolns.
• vo. r
• •et
S. •
• • 40.*:.
Democratic Meetings at Littlestown,
McSherrystown, Hampton, Hun
' terstown, and Gettysburg,
RonEnT TYLER, Esq., of Philndejphia; (son.
f Ex-President Tyler,) and lion, WM. If.
WEl,sti, of York, among the foremost in
the ranks of able and, o?l,tinent champions of
111 - 01I.V,'N.TA.N and • 131-ICCKINRIDGE, will
.addr , .;s theTwo* of Adams county,
Or r.'elokk,"l)
itt'NT, at ... f (1 ' 600 C, M., and at SL.
IIYSTOWN in the s evening; of that day.
At HAMPTON, on THURSDAY next, at
1.1 o'clock, P. M., and at ITUNTERSTOWN in
the evening of that day,
ING next, at tiff o'clock ;
4E3 - Tally, Freamen of Adams, to each and
all of these meetings. You will not regret
travelling, many miles to hear Tyhmt and
- '7•A - Tie - inocrati - cMeefing I.riTT be - herd ai
3,anc Psnbinson's, in FAtinowl.n, on SATUIi-
PAY EVEN 'NG 'next, at (it o'clock. Several
:speeches may be expected. .
A, Democratic Meeting will come off at -Nnr
*beA's School house, in 3lountjoy township,
uu _Monday eveni rty next, (Nov. ,:3d,) at 6
Groot! speaking !pay be anticipated.
Let us KEEP l/P FIRE ! A lbw
more days, and the battle will be upon lid,
\viten ,Ivt.; must be prepared to do our whole
duty. o,:t. 27, WC),
The Democratic Clot) of Gettysburg will
plea WattleteN, To , moßaols , (TtEso.“ - )
EVENING, 8t 113- o'clock - .
(iIiORGE 13E1lin, Jr., Pre.'/.
Oct. 27, 1836.
Torch-Light Procession and
- Illumination..
A grand torch light pro - cession and ilium':
ration came off m this place on Thursday
evening last, in honor of the glorious Demu ,
er:itie victory achieved in the 0 j1 ( 1 K o pt . „ fle .
)ar Denfocratic citizens, appreciating the
; .;randeur of the event to . be celebrated, er4or
ed into the preparations with much spirit, and
tin rt”; asAlte_mus Lmagnifieen.t_tllutteitia
flint the town lots ever had. The proeessi
.passed from Wattles's througb .
Cliambersburg street, then Middle, York,
more, Breclrinridge, Washington, High,
Varlisle' and other stree'ls—omtained any
number of transparencies, flags, torches, fag
gots, pine knots, the whole constituting a
brilliant picture . . Most prominent in the line
vas an. immense transparency, nearly till) Size
of a wagon body, eight feet high, with a paint
ing of a monster Buck on one side, a 81“ituti of
tVe Woolly Ifurse on the other, the arch of the
l'nion On one end, and old Independence Bell
on the other. The Buck and 114rse were the
work of Hicknr, near Emmitsburg, and
were much admired, as they duserved to be.
He is an accomplished artist. Of 'that we
make no question. .
There was a large transparency represent
ing the (hurt-house, another the Alms-horse,
a • • ' " a Thq.-
were also well gotten up, and attwted
large share of .attention. Some of the Know
Is;othings pretended that they couldn't see the
"'tit" they ennvcyed--but as everybody knew
they felt it, expl4Nctions were not orife):6i
Early ir. tho coning, we had
note"- of sonic of the more n•,tn-Avor....
t'iy points iu the illumination. but npon pass
ing through 1 1. 1 e town, and foiling all the
I.,,uses so well, so tastefully li , 'lted up, and
.10, - tked out with f.owers. wr(':011q,
Ate "voted" it un'ust to sin , 1 , ! out
C., 1“..., a A• ..“,••.•• ~ . tait /Fet. 0 , 1 - 11, rice
, , --
- • ' ..1
tie Denim:rale par t\ 18 (le"'4l- 1 r 1)---- ing efflivnision! Come in- the name of i h,, : eontly defeated the enemy in two battles, and speech and Fremont" rowdies th ere , w h, d i d 1
•xclusion of others—and to inebutu :di would , , ~,
i t r ,',,A l , : "
—lkon, s e , i iTt o ,• li oreinor Hi,,iiiliat constitution and of the Union, now subjected his troops . are a , •:iin in the highest spirits.
have Leen a task of more ma; , ,•iiitu•le than we •, ,
1,,,,,,,i,L , 4
sio,cch, a the areal F ronvid ifictl i„ l to imminent peril ', (2%)nie in memory , if the i -........--
sug . , est, to tinnov our party (luring, its stay. I usually make" Knew ..,Ncithillf-c Pitlier'• If
had time fur. Muci2 praise is due to all our commin g l e ,' lA.,' of the North zind the South, ? p f dy - : •.Tiidge, Lewis, of Pa., denies that he has It is duo to respretable men, of all could i Fretliont'..rille'h:risgir•ool-13i:I'll,soutUa'sql;:it:Itiaes":•thi7;;-
fl, 1/,e Court-I(ouse in. York. „
nour,sl out on the battle fields Of the lievoln- ' eorne out fur Fremont. Ile says he will veto h 1 iel Connecticut gave her's at
party friends for the part taken in the demOn, -
Intim) '. Come in the name of- the liborties
Well, then, it certainly is the //
• for Buchanan. _ duct of these know Icotiiin ,, . blackguards. iu_t -- . a j e is ' 1
the town, to say that. they i l enoune , i i i 'L t r i t l i e e :: ol l , f :
s ti f t ,n e ,e re , t h urns fur . Fremont s , liall all lie in the
1 , 2 .,. cattle
' tlie — late election. the "ilistitigniSl I
stration. "Penelope inn" was fi red during; wri , se we ever, , , •
u'iu' see :—.1%.1/4. Gazelle. of tile wqrld, NV Iliell N.l 0111,1 ho crushed by the
fall of the American Unien ! Come with the ! ---..i- proper terms.
? he afternoon with ege...dlent effect. .
`lfo . ', 1 1 C111001 - ZIIS I 110 \V for BUCHANAN —we e•
Lirrac ..ipp.'o.—Our friend ARCHIBALD CUR- ,
The notice which the .S7ar takes of ~the de- Kass lifeeting at Hagerstown, farewell warning's of Washin.rtkui on -our ;
lip- and imprinted On 'our h7l•rts___•„ - t i n and DR F.CKI N RIDGE ! A clear field and a l in a thousand milos of the White n'
s ec t i,,ina i array
,t4onstration is too outrageolAy vio]tttive of I The Democracy ut Washington coupty; 'ALL '. , ,„. :`, , .•- •• , i ~ . ,
(if the Aortic ngainst the youth , TIES placed upon our table, the other diiy, at ! They are the kind that will put OLD BUCK
dealer” will never "find U path" leadin: ,- with
i„he truth to require reioin.dc:r. I intend to have a. !Vass Meeting and Barbeelie
--lint in the glorious panoply of our whole
,: tali. tight !
--- ---- SW- most beautiful Apple., measuring 13 inches in i there, certain—sure.
Dem... for
lat Hagerstown, on Wedni.‘sday next, :Our country, from North to South, from East to Pir'A Democratic Meeting will take place circumference, and weighing 14 ounces. 'We ;
Rejoicings. - weit : Let the thirty-one columns wheel in- lut .Eininithburg on Friday evening. nest. rs
1 3 '1 1 1 , i i s:s , the
1 friends across the line know how to ;rex. up , -have seen nothing like it this season. i
DsrlVe have tel by the. score, daily, i , • t „ I' ;ne , a nd with the saint! inspiring Ladle _ .....0..- ..--
---- -.......-_—___ , Mayor T uf ile Ne m w a a i ;:. itY
toings of this kind, and ice are sure the itp.tpt- , .
if the rejoicings of the Democracy, from one 4 • •. i , , (-1.3, pealing rank, re-eelioing f r o m s tate ,
_I Iraq , ' ar , 'n.—.l.ll oven has recently been Thait,',:viviny Ddll.—G,)rornor Pollock has for Di ,, elow,
first time the hist,..ry of parties, it is said,
iii' WM 1)e a brilliant demonstration. to St,tte, the ['idiot ( . 4) the rescue t lot u, t , ,- • ' • ' • 13 . 1 - y 1 , ,
pod of the niion to the other, over the result i ' I put in at in cool, ti, N. ~ calm. ~,e
. ~ set apart the 2iitli of November to be Olsen-- ;
; }Gelber march to - trio polk, as our fathers did. of turilin , out a h u ndr e d thoutami 'caves 01 .
. - 2f the election in Pennsylv4ai. Truly, the 1 10-0 - 9'l t i ; wi l lio 31.)nuta,us iii New Maori- ,i n th e hour of peril, to the uw,ic and llag of bre.l.l per ?. 'dtty, e4eu-ii tv supply-the 1111,11, ed. 111 this Stiite a., 4 day of than4t.ziving awl 1 Newark. The common c,•uneil sttinds 13 Dern
0 ,
X,eiotett heart is glad . ipilire are coveryl wi;11 suns, -, i the cuiou," • population. ',raps. A crats, 7 .I.Lue-Pi•zaas aa.: ...; Ropublicalas,
that the Der.tocrat iN s -. j ha " v iB e I I; 2ad39:he
We were much struck the other ( ay at, ayor
hy he intended suppvting James Buchanan,
n November, and mhy he bnd ,yoted the Dem
rativ State tigickt iat 0ct0h64.„. - Ile said, "I
have .lieen :a 'Whig 411 my over I'f
NVelister 41,04. Clay, 41 1 14 a fleeted
partizan. i live 13een willing even to help
the Anti-Slasons rather than 'Vote fur the
Democrats, to help . the Know Nothings, rath
er than support the Deniccratic party, and I
I i
Jtm ~ iiecidedlyopPosetl to the Institution of sla
very, and to its extension, but i am a Penn
sylvanian, and although James Buchanan has
not been a favorite of mine because of his pe
hidliar upiniyus, still lain his enthusiastic sup
porter, both because I am a Pennsylvanian,
and because the man who is his principal
cmnpetitor has nothing in his history or his
Old raccer to excite any admiration in me or to
render me as a Pennsylvanian anxious to give
him . my *tt pport." Il
There is, remarks the Pennsylvanian, in this
frank ren :son ing a volume, and it is what
thousands of men in Penn.-yi‘;:mi.i. think at
the present day if they do not speak it out.
The Pennsylvania feeling has never bcfinT had
a. fair 'Tim wtunity, and this is tite time to
give it a trial. It seems as if every circum
stance conspired to open a faiir field to its ex
ercise. The ~4 n ditltttes opposed to us, both
Fillmore and Fremont, are citizens of other
Skot.els. The best of them, Mr: Filtniore, has
no possible chance of election, and the worst
of them, John C. Fremont, has nothing about
him either in his limit - or in his present posi
tion,*either in what ho has done or what is
left undone, to attract intelligent and porse
\Trial.; advocates to his flag. Indeed, if there
is anything in him at all moro marked than
another it is that he f s iia th,e hands of 4 set
of mon whir, pre anti-Republicans, a set of men
who in Congress and in the press: traduce our
people and attack our institutions, a set of
men whose organs ore the New York fic,r,o/d
and the New York 'Tribune, both of which lire
the known representatives of the peculiar an
ti-Pennsylvania feeling, and both of which
have onstantly ;Wet - Opted 1.1) drag down and
depreciate the glorious city of Philadelphia,
and our other metropolis on the - Ohio river,
the great ,city of Pittsburg, The very fact
hat the•ie men are so ignorant of our people
as to fiend 1%) otoong us a i,et of 411;otitio
kces,i,how how htne they deserve our confi
dence or respect. 111 r, Buchanan has been
the associate and friend of nearly every dis
tinguished Pennsylvanian, of either party,
*at has lived, in our State for the last for
ty years, There is scarcely leading mer
chant, or lawyer, or mechanic in our'State,
who does not know Mr. Buchanan intiniately;
and there is none who, looking over all his his
-tory w
Mr. Bnehanan's opinions may be,
his bearing and his chi rizeter reflect credit up
on our St4te, aped I am proud to See that lie
has passed through his long career without
the smell of smoke Ripon h 4 garments : iii
other words, that he has occupied high and de
'served positions, and stands, after a fiery trial
of persecution and of fouptatiou, the same_ir
reproachable and upright-citizen."
This is the feeling which is doing its work;
and when we itdd to it that our principles Itre
pure, liar foundation the Constitution, inn' our
flag a flag emblazoned with all the stars of the
raion, and- that the invocations that stir us
onward, the great duty of maintainitc , and
ob.-;erving t,he libcrtibs achieved by our lath,
,era, where is the true-hearted Pennsylvanian
that will peruse to come for Ward aui support
the candidate ofTennsylvania and of the-Union,
The Fremont Oracle eivas It Up.
The purchased tool of the Fremont . Aboli
tionists, the editor of. the New York "braid,
ilpiresitatingly ntlin4s that the Presidential
contest is virtually decided in fa yor of Mr. Bu
chanan. In his paper of :Nloinlay inorning,
13ennett has the following
"The moral effect of the r;icent cleetions
will tell in favor of Mr, Buchanan and the
.I)emoeraey ; inn' it will lie felt inure especial
ly in the central States—New York, New Jer
spy, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois—all, per
haps,except Ohio. If, :it the grotonset of next
month, the administration and the .Deinocra
cy can follow up the advantage they have al
ready , i;airied. and bring their whole forces to
bear with vigor upon these central States, they
may probably carry them all, and thus )wt
enly elect 13nehamtn triumphantly, but also
fkle . .tta majority of Congress, pleilge , ! in sup
port of the views and_ principles_embrneed.
l)y the Democracy in. the presmn contest,"
To the Democratic party it is a mattor of
perfect indifference whet her the opposition
nnite or not. It is utterly impossible for them
to forma more perfect union than that which
t—o erth rown. "IVe — beat — th - en
badly cut the 14th of October, . and do what
they will, we shall beat them worse on the
4th of .Novemher.
.suelt- upbn our banner,
(~o) more ,slaN e states,' k ) gee shall go
through Pennsylvania, and our progress will
be a trnnuplial march l"—ltock/aud, .1 - .)
Heetild, Octoher 1.
. IL- A y-Went through, sure enough. Saw him
do it, tzt.s. Tuesday. Can't say we 'Oll W airy
thing of the "triumphal un !''
that they have little or no hope of carrying
Fremont into the Prosidency,"but are calculi.-
, ting upon and ~reparing to get in this county
a majority for the "eminent- cattle specula
tor," so that they may not be without hope
of f oarrying it hereafter—particularly next
fall, when the "county74ces" are to be again
filled.• Democrats and all who are opposed to
the bigotry And proscription of sworn Know
NothingisM, 13E ON- YOUR GUARD against
those desperate men and their infaonOus ma
chinations. Talk to y,o,a as they may, and
deny what they will, tliey. it KSOWS, and
their doings for the last two years, secret and
dark us they buret been, ARE KNOWN TOO!
Watch thein—follow them up--=and see to it
that they do . not impose upon the, weak and
ere!)tilous. B U,c,11 N.% ti" and Itur.eKiNitnipa; dw
ertia the votes of all lovers of their country.
Shall these platting dark lantern tri,,:kstc, , rs
take one from them ? We hope r t, but know
that they must be closely watched.
- The opj)osition papers, says the York, Ga
zette, in their "entuzzhnuzzy,", when they
supposed the people:of Pennsylvania had been
duped into the election of Ow Fre,inont State
Ticket, said amne queer things—queer and
straw r, for them we mean, bemuse frig.
"In Pennylviinia," HILVS the -llarilL:lagv,
Telegraph, "a defeat in October ih getwritiii
the procnno i r of IL worse defeat In Novkinbga.
TB IS-14 ,the majority bf r Francit;ll. Shrunk over
General Markle was 4,:;79 at the .oetober
eleetion. The majority of Col. Polk (,‘
41enry Clay 6,3:12 in November. In 184 S
the majority of Johnsto t rover Longstr o th was
211 the Iptober election. The majority of
General Taylor over Lewis Cass. was 1:1. - :158,
and over the combined vote of Cass awl' Van
Buren his majority was 2.,'74 in Novemlief.
These hlieol demom,trate that the vote (d•l'enn
sylvania-ean be thrown against James Ba
ch anall by a hugely increased urtjiiritv. We
have woti One glorious vieniry. The nil:lkon'
of Buchanan is stormed in our pusses
shin. With harmony among the allies. s"-
bastopol must fall on the 4th Of November."
Sre'Yes --but silts it Wens /14.1 t that
. ).“41
have nol "won one glorious victory," and that
it is /hi; who have stormed and are in posses
sion of the Malakoff, and are about to storm
"yw Sebastopol, bow is it? Is it not slit/
true, as it 4vat when you wrote the above,
'that ''a defeat in October is generally the pri,
11 Eli ?" llow now ?
Tlie reJoubta - ble James Watson Webb made
as *bet the ON ening before the election that
PeUusylvauia would go, for fusimi by 40,000
"n Ni_tw 11 . % the mo
bef o re our State election had the following
prediction: "We halve good reason to believe.
that if there should be only- tol e rably fair
play', the ildehanan candidates will he defeat
ed by At Jeast 25,000 majority, and tw6-thirds
of the Republican candidates for Congress cho
sen." The impressions of both are material
ly altered since the returns are in.
Philadelphia .Vcir.v, which behin7 , 3
to the party that ettrr;e:d the election in MOO
n;nro, is tatlcit about FRAUD . ; in the late elec
tion in Pennsylvania::: /I has the eirronterv.
to prate about •itlw purity of the, batiot-hox!"
May as well be quiet, ye peu
plt intend to elect Ituehanan, fairly and
lionorit, without ON aid of "blood tubs, ,,
••plug uglies," "ballot-Lox stuffers," or any of
the scoundrel gang ilium Whom you so much
rely. THE SoVEREI“S PEOPLE will take care of
you- and them, and all your villainous appli
psices. Tossess your souls in patience, or
f`shrielf." away, just as you prefer—it can
make no difference row. You have done
overy thing that your lase—i.Kitincfs eouhlsug- .
';‘est ',l t v (1 e-y4)u
ParillSVllaili4 against thy friends , jthe Union.
That all your rascality has been jierpetrotoil
for nothing, is proya)king enough, to he sure
-L4.-liHt you cannot help it, you know ! Instead
of lamenting - over the past, prepare yourselves
to swallow, with as little grimace as possible,
the BITTERER In)SEI, / tat is to et4P; lOU iit2f:ll
have it, darlings !—l'orle Gazelle.
Elocitient Appeal for the Union.
Th e following e to quen t, appeal of tin, lion.
Robert J. Walker, for the ion, is taken from
his recent letter to the Demt;eratic.Con nii itt c e,
_ o f Pittsburg.. _ Let it he read by men of all
1 parifi.a in the spirit that it is Written, and . it
vannot fail to carry conviet , ion to the true
I lovers of our glorious and -induce
them to rally around the standard bearer
whose great soul burns with love fur "his
country—his wholecountry",,—.TANtEs BucuAN,
Ruttd it, fellow citizens of York county,
and then go forth and battle in its spirit for
the election of one of your brothers to that
post who will reflect pride upon your State :
t Cone Denwerats. come Whig', etuno
friends of the Union of every party, come to
the resole of that Fnion which ;lames Bu
chanan loves so wull, and to preserve which
tho patriot statesman of Pennsylvania has giv
en a lung life of devoted sell lee. Come my
brother, give me your hand ; let us save the
country first and thou sottle, at SoWe future
elcotion, the administrative measures about
wl : i c h we now differ. Come in the name of
our cu o r - now in the
The Know Nothing managers- in'our
Boromgh. judging From their mameuvres, Rye
monie ( ttrk }gumless. 1
xiEronz AND AFTT.,M,
- Fu6ioo---COUPASiOn
Tha bpp(mition Pa-cps 41.4! at
present in
,4 conditivn,
growing out of tip.: tact that a number of the
Fillmore kaders will not agree to merge
themselves and [wo). of thtir party as sup
port them onto Wooilydikal FremontisuL—
The state of the is about this :
Some. months a; ~•a Know Nothing State
C , 4nvil assembled at Ilarrisburg, and s e lo e t,
ed a Fillmore Electoral Ticket. The Fre-
InOlit Know Nothings did not like the move,
and hence set themselves to work to get up a
" union I.:lei:torn" Ticket," intending, orf
vourse, to have all the "union" on their own
side, as they had in the late :State ticket,
which was Fremont out and out. Ten days
ormore ago the Fillmore Committee in Phila
delphia, J o h n P. sawitsnion, of the Daily
News, - as.chairman, was solicited to /itsc with
the ,Fremonterm on one Electoral Ticket, but
by a vote of 14 to 7 refused to coalesee—and
subsequently, by a vote of 20 to 2, resolved
that it was inexpedient to make any alteration
in the Fillmore and Donelion ttc tin this
This at once put-P-41:0es Thadde.-
Stevens, at-rd other Black Republican Know
Nothings,. in their trumps ; rru getting a few
persons who lima previously avowed them
selves as Fillmore men, they wended . tlkeir
way to I,larrisbunx, and there e.vrcuro to
getbAr-n, I :uttion Electoral Ticket," to lit , V 4 A (14 1
l o ( h i , roment and-Fill inure men, the for
wet. to hive} Fremont at the head to. an „Gec
for, u.rid the. latter Dilin,wei in that position!
Think of it, both to be Elc t)rs, and 1)(44 re
sidiog: out V the .Slatv! It looks like one of
Simoffi Varneron's sharp tricks.
The opposition, then, Lava . two Elo : inral
Tickets in the field—one straight-out Fill
more, find :the other a fusion of Woolly-he:o
- and Know N , ;thingism. Whether both
will remain in thii field until the election, is
yet to he soon. But the fight is ivarming up
betivezm the. commander:; of the respective
forces, Oharles Gibbons o r, the oni; side, and
'Jan P. Sander:on on the other ; and the
strong prod ability is that—we shall see what
WO shall sre!
"Thera were over 4;7,600 votes p died in
Jinst. Tnes4ay, which is sonic
brr(re 14,,u5e , a , / ti); - I.n thfo vote ;It
thV 1+Ie; gory in , The eolonizing
business a:Tr, ',cars .ta have been practiced tv an
enormous extont."..,--Mar.
ThurN ! But instead. of it loving
Been don: fur the Democratic sido, tIS you
would hare your reathrshelieve, the "collar is
on the other(the woolly) horse," As part proof,
we quote one of your _ (mu' party' papers,
wide!) is for Preno,ot in particular, and
fur any Ludy who will bent Buchanan in gen
eral. 'WA. 1)1Na the ,fylapt.l Oh last
trundler of which sav6 : •
".. hott-t-1;8,01'0 N (!i - i'S — Nt'eff" - 141 - 1 - 1 - 111
11011)111:1 un Tne,dav; Lein ,, nearly 12,000 Inure
than \VITO vv:yr ionlioll'iwfore. Sin:a; Hui
)1:1:vor'.;; elet•tion in INlay •tilo Dontooratic
vtito haq inerotv(ti ovt , r 5,01i1), awl. t h li typo
What say vial to the veracity of the Sim
pow, hunest reader ! •BifreWiing, islet it?
reiyDef•MH/ Couoty.—We have the Ai
vial vote by districts in lierkscounty. and-we
cl a d, oil looking at tiff , figures, that in the fif
ty districts which compose the county, Otero
is a Democratic majopity in every one, • We
doubt whether there is another county in the
State which shows so deeideflly tt onc-sided
„ins.—Phitailiiphia Ledger.
Tho bei7ger is sl ig !dill wrong—only slightly,
One district—Mheson—gives an opposition
majority. but it is so muelt reduced • as tri be
scarcely xv . orth taking into account. The oth ,
er flow distrietK—Uaernarvon, Otitelaunee
and Union—which- NvEre usually 'against us,
have this year wheeled into the Democratic
line, where we believe they will rouniiii in all
time to come. There is only one county that
can compare with Berks in* showing a solid
front fin. the Democratic -ticket, and that -is
little ',11 4 04. She gives a liemocratio ma or,
ity iu errry district, and in some ten or twelve,
throws a u ! lanimous'Democratic vote.—Reud-
GazclE , '
The "War" in Kansas.
"',fi r e are out day and night, seeutin (Ivor a
country where al/ is rce. W e h a ve no thing
to tight but rumor. I►„ .•.,u real the - paper„.!?
It' you do, don't believe the stories published
in them," Thus wrote an officer in the army,
in a private letter to his friends in Conneeti
ont, front the camp Dour Leeontrtun, Kansas,
on Ow ',29"th of Aug,-ust.
Fremont's claims on the govern
ment fur services in California maounted to
5989,1:5 '29 the government- allowed
only -,:zl47,Sllo'.—leaving a balance of•" 8-11-
385 which still remains mulcted upon!—and
which Mr. Fremont and the other partieb iu
terescod, dare nat pres.; f ,
'The New York Commercial, one of the.
mlst - reliable Whig journals of that city; iu
reviewing the re4ult of the election in Penn
nes oleetion is re
sylvania, says "Col. Fmtno
and without controversy, entiroly hope
1;z7. - ifllon. John Zincing, of VineenneS, Indi
ana, formerly a Whig member Congress.
nonneos his determination to vote for Buchan-
W-Gen. Walkor, in Nit%ragint, has re-
Fremont .;Corruption Fund--
Frauds !
1 , ,t, (if the political deqpert.tioeß who
had the "Union" or Know: Nothing ticket in
charge at the late election in this ;.State, are
now,leoking onf, Bennett, of the New York
Herald, (Fremont.) sacs himself that ONE.
SENT INTO THIS STATE, from the State
of Ntw York, to carry the October el.lxtion
for his party ; and Iliad, (here's a rich joke,)
of Ilecn/y thopipt,u/ dollar 3 sent to Philadel
phia alone, only (4.0/cot thou:gnu/ have been
accounted for, blaming the Fillmore leaders
I;ir pocketing, the rest ! When rogues fall
out, honest men often—learn a thing or two'.
The opposition presses in the interier .talk
of frauds ot., the part of the Democrat , in Phila—
delphia, &e. These conscienceless scribblers
sliould- know that their own side is the guil
ty party in the frauds and illegal voting which
occurred at the late election. Th.; Courts
will show it to the satisfaction of all men, if
the returns have not alreinly served tii - do so.
The;/ talk of frauds 1 1 Safan reproving sin !
- Democrats—you- have enlisted during the
: tvAr. There can he no suspension of hostili
ties until 0111' already raropiii,hea foeA; are com
pletely swept from the field, Not one must,
be left. Charge upon their broken squadrons
from every qnarter. Let there be no sleeping
at me out posts. No laying off our armor.
We have another battle yet to tight—let it be
a oath te: pqrt to that of tlw eighth ofJanuary,-
11,1, at New Orly:lmi. Let it he 3 Waterloo
overthrow. h‘ljp tjuar(h, and at thew."
Maet,hester (N. 1.) Inirm publis:ies
roqu!,:t of a. correqoAident, the folltywing:
"We learn from a gentleman in the town of
Stockton, in this eounty, who sp.att some
years in California, that ho saw 0,1, „;,,h ii
'Charles Fremont stake and lose in one !tight
at a gamhling tuhle in San Fl;lncisco, .the
Mint of lon- thousand dollars, Our inform:ln t
a man of veracity, and has for many years
residod in Stoektc n."
This is nOthing new to many people of our
city. There area numlior of gentlemen in :11i3
city Ivho suen Feconont g%ttuhle,
ly, largely and recklessly. It is a fact NMI
taisA.,ed fr, that Br ant, the keeper of
the largest gambliug—lntl-1-In San - Fraltrisco - , -
who was. thi• warm Rirsonal and p ilitical
friond of Vol, Fro.nont—that Bryant had a:.
many as bin faro-lumks in his establishment,
Witt Fremont has been known to gqinble at
them freely, largely and recklessly.—The fact
of his thus g,anibling can he substantiated by
many wino respectable, witnesses of this city.
yet :inch a man re..i:! , ivcs the support of
many o'F 7 tlie clergymen of oit,. erLy, and'other
wen Will) set themselves up as exaat phis in
Revolting Case of Amalgamation.
The New York. Tribune still - insists—and
in the face of accumulating proofs—that the
old-line Abolitionists, those who believe in
tint perfect social equality of the black and
white races, have DO sv i pathieH with Black
It: publican Thu following- 7 from a ('raw
(Indiana) paper, we feel quite sure
will never !Anti its way ititu the colnntu , i of
the Tribune;
"The doctrine that has l i nen 30h''1'1ad
vocated by the leaders of:the -abolition party
during the ear, Vi,,at N, ai.wro was. as. , rood
f ix f: (44 ,' 1111:4 h t leoine with a nnijority
of th e m o m hers of that party a l tixed-fact. No
longer than Iwo; week a man residing in the
vicinity of Oberlin College, in the State of
Ohio, gavo his only datif.*prin , Marriage to
a sooty . : fricar who h 4 4111
41 '{ t
2th-dawn institute. This man, we under
stand, is State elector on the rremont tick
et, And 'ward): the negro as his canal, Tho
young holy described as being extremely
iwantifill, and but sixteen years of ago;while
her dusky lord is blacker • than the darkest
h'elifor refihr Compikr understand that
a report pro\ aiD: in some quarters that I have
tie•erted the Democratic party and intend ,o
it for Fremont. I tako this occasion to say
thiit fie report is untrue, and that if I live t.n
til the Notenil,er election I will deposit, Illy
ballot , :1;1.1 13:4,zeicoNKI1)GE, •
Peterslairg, (Y. 8.) Oct. '2l, 185 G.
Tho Pole Raising on the premises of Mr.
Adam Weigle, in lluntington towitship, on
Saturday afternoon
_last, was a - spiritetl gath
ering. The Pile, a boautiful hiekurr, with
- .•Buchanan, Breekinridge and the ( 7 nioh,"
upon its flag, was oven raised, an.l greeted
with many hearty uheors, when the assem
blage organized by stalling PFTt;R Mt 1.1. EU to the
chair, & selueting a Of Vice Presidents
and Secretaries, which we give from memory
as correctly as wo can, the list having been
mislaid. Vice Presidents, James N. •Pitten'-
turf, ;drum iglu. Jamb Bream, Fred
erick Pillard, John Butt, Sr„ Jacob Sheafer,
Jonas Johns, Eli S, Myers, George Shields,
Rattan C, Kennedy, Secretaries, Josiah
Fiekes,- Jacob B. Miller, tieorge F. Ecken
rode, Win. E. Myers. Marks Bream.
Dr. John A.-...;wipo addressed the meeting
at some length in an effective manner, and was
followed by 11. J. Stable, wlich it adjourned,
with three cheers for Buck and Bre,..k, and
three more for Mr. Weigle and his good lair.
The tilettvsburg delegation then took their
leave, and went through Petersburg en the
way home. When We it to that place, drum
anal fife were of coll.:NO struck up, and th e
street kept lively for a few moments,
however. was too much f)--
us k t. ate, SW.
Adams . ,
A mist rung.
Bed ord,
Berfts. - _
(l int bria i ,
Erie, •
C; reene,
I hint ing.t on,
1 um, •
J viferscon,
i.a licAster,
:11 ,, litg9tnery,
Per. y,
h uy
Sullivan, ..
S4 , u-nuet,
U n inn,
V ;men,
Way ne,
aNhintring t .
y i Ir,
11; (-4tapurelanci2
The •counties are alLtlgicial exerpt Elk,
Gyeene, Juniata, Sullivan, Wyoming, Craw
ford, Forest, Huntington, Imliana., Jefferson,
Lebanon, riqe.Kean, Potter, Sustiuplumna, and
Warren. .
. I,I.TEII.—ITARRTstxita, October ‘2', —They
foliiiwing are the fisotings up of the re
turn.: of all - the cunittics in this Stsite v.cint
Elk ailitMoKean utwaties I)eup•i•rat ;
•212,1-10; Union, .I.)enw
The next Legislature et' reen.ylvania will.
sta,ml P-Illows:
DOTI. mai..
TT /ei~te sernres , a Democratic United State&
,Senatar !
Lsos- 1,.41-, tho Democratic( can
t • ' qur____Cang,4uxis,_ll.3,4-.ds-rnajtmiV----1-n-ev-ery
oountsin : Adams 41. Frnnk-.
Ain 43. Pultlm 262, Bk:o,fordl23. Juniata
making 5Q9 in all. CEo. Nr..llar.wEa, E,q.;
for Senator, has 51 imAilani: an-11.42 maji rity
in rrankiin, making 03. Prelty -wt , ll done
for districts clainnsll. , the opposition.
The Democrats have vleAl-.ii'their (I.‘vernor
and Lieutenant (,:ovirnor majo:ity of
over 7.000. have t , (l 7 of the
11 members of C,,ngrez,,,.,(being a gain nf
five,) and a majority in both bra:win:l6 of tinl
-0 , 1;;Izit tii•c;
Although our friends lost the state, they
novortbeless succoodo4l in electing wren mum—
hors of Congress. This is a cleargain,
the present Congress the whole twenty-ona.
members aro either Black Republicans or-
Know Nothings.
Reported returns from all the connties in
the State 'show that tha Republican majority
in the State will Le about IS,tuitl, not 30,000
ur -10,000, a, at firn reported.
N,,t so bad after all, and Ohio will d much
Letter on the 4th of Novell; i)or. Indri-d our
friends there arp confident of earryin! , tlu.)
State for BUCHANAN AND BlUrIC1:11\.:-
n 5
L 699
1 ,001.
I 60
' K. N•e
5.3 i)
47 -