_., r t,/, , .1 7/ i; ;;.'. I ,r„r : .s. 'i.' t ;'r; - Etenly-mr.vic . d - iol/titit4 , A '''; 3 Nlll.l. 'VA it' 1. 11 4; ..g. Tr,: I A T SAM i 0 ,S, 3 'AT Pit IVA T i ,. .. 5.11,E. 1 (1I l;.•11' C1.'.11',11.1. 7 G - b.: ;11'9IeIr lf. Iti T, 7 ISMS la ti' ,intite: co - on . iltp C z irtoln aw E l P wrist ynlt wrist a 'Mit (II it:1; thM y-NDF, ( . 1)ITIIIN':. 7 , 1 , 0 11„, :tr 1„ 1. ,,,, 1 ,,,,,.. I‘N in ! ...,11_41t, 1) 1 . " a t e i eointile to 'in every re.spect, of the 1.1t , ....t. ; 14,-,),. I b e 4,11,,,,,, v i 1i g va l g able Ite,,l;..tate. 4 nowti: ,'slyiL., .: , ..it , l elicolaer tb.:n they call he purcht).SP(l ON tiftr:tt'st, Orove, 1 , 4113 1 4 . ulitnit one and a )1,0,r, at :Inv ustabli-liment, iii the c o onty—can at 'iles $:. -- West fium 1.4114:5:0,1.4i, Adattis_coan:-.; :‘llnri's '`,..4 5 4_/Scrit'l, opposite thr liti.k, in I or!, • ty. Pa. , L strcet.. I ha v e just received friiiWthe l'.'l,ti.:o - ---,V% 1...::=:12 .1:1.4..q o /' ...i !, , 1 , 1 , , 1., bo'ioia of (r C;;ici t the largest and best assortMent of' i.i,,o , ht • 1 ' /41iperiQr " ,v4*tit,S . Of red gi.l% el :,o, %yell niapt. , t'\ er nfiered in Gettysburg. 'ln ofhti in g to sull 61.2 , 1 to timothy, '.... i 6110 lotsb , ..ls I ,f lime having. BEI i :,...i.:- Goons at LowEit prices tlviti other dcal- L eer : pot Ant tt. 'The imp! overn'ent s at nI% large , Cls. 1 ttlinrotY ri'lliest piirelno;ers to eall and :111,1 Ver;;.' beautiful NI El ,:.0 1 I .I.NT d iz----4,, sati , fy. themselves of the troth of, my olh.v. , 71 - ...L,* Saw Mill. Cooper 'hop, trt.4:,"l by a Verontal 12X:ttltill'atiOit' or toy' go(,(1, 111)1 4. wo, OFel 1 int; lIOUSES. a . Store '-'4 , :.= ., , prices. ' Buying eXcluNlvell ; 11 ) 1- .c Oll . I ran . 4 1. N 4 R.PrititetlYo - Bit); e 0i 7 4.41) , , tWO At !ii . ~., ilt ' boy t' caper and sell cheaper than any o'lwr I , les, th'roc 11 , P.; Pet ' s, LisrOi-l.iln, and , Olcecf..i.:. pm soh in the conntv. My. timid , are 111.01 e ,sary out-biilldings. Tlki Miil is built 'upon up i4,the be ,i style by exl,erienet..l worloocii, 1.1 - h• 'must 'modern and itnprtiv.ed plan.* 'Ow al:d Aan't be excelled by any costmaer Tailor. 41 un aria 1 race are not Julp:ieil . liy any.-- My :-:(6,.-.4%0;r1Ni,t:4. 111 par:- a Four ,:..iniaty roads centre at this Mill. , ,: , Coats of' all Sizes, -V. , - I - 1 .- 17 '-i'"ow f/ S'l'lli Lli nil. r , r , '. •.. " . prisees. (=Mtn's, and kiiillt, made up in a stint). teptible of a high state Of eultitation. 8 of 10 nor manner. Also Pants and Vests, of the .acre ~of which are heavily timbered, with 'latest anti most fashionable styles and every .ahont 4 10 acres 'of 'meadow. , The; ' kind of goods suitablefor Spring and Summer Linpror,einents• are a large and iiery, „••• . wear; : u 1,40 cornpittlt4n;(3 2 RlT mytr,,i'nd Ihrvt- 13: t BOO'T'S ~ /I,VII SllO ES, ling 'HOUSE: This 'property, ad- " • and a largo asor't»ent of GEN-rm.:mg:es - Aso 'I - . ,joins' :(''.!l. ... .„ , ~ . . Boys'-Fun.tilSilthin GOODS, Consisting' of extra - '21'0.,:i..---..,' 1 ',l*'(;i•iii,,' • *(*.(4ditiirlng . Iv, N,:' t .:,4. 5 (lit:tiny I i lie n; bosom Shirts. SitspencieN.GlOVes, niOgity :th_OVed'frravel soil, and' produces ,i.i . ort, half flaw, Collars a , neck and poet, flandker rt' 40 to*so 4 dres of iirhieti nre'lwavilv rnnbireo chier4, and an 'extraordinary assortment of alle&b rino. ) 0 A &e's of mesidiiw bottom. 10,- i. black satin AO fancy Self adjusting Stocks, .000 - ttil',Z..',ooo linsitels of lime Wee been pot 'nod various other fancy itrtieles, together with upo l tilti n lati'd'. An tibutviance of: - fruit trees ' Umbrellas. Trunks, Carpet Bags. Hats, Calm, iitint'f,the premises. theiniproreinents4. Boots and Shoes. - ..ttr."'le Stone Dweill4'1101;:. and iri 1 fit't anti :11: 4 0 prepared to sell wholesall to Li) Kitchen, Siam:; - ' Yours, A brie:Bank . ~ country merchants desiring to .iellligaiti, Ready JAin,,' ',with ) I . l"`iiE;on ' :liials, ) Corn C: ,h,' . Hog l#ldt. Clothing 'At cur.A.ritit. it all:s THAN> CAN tiK Pen., b...tl' alV.ii9oes,saii ent-littitifftiks. ' l' o llis lllWlssit I'i. Tnt: tnTIY.. If you doubt it, call , prtitiert;,f is' :1156 apart of, No. I..ami k*Finwit,as and examine for yourselves: atnii'd. ;I',liere..is'i et ri'inbre 'ckaira l 1 . ) .e proper- , . ‘ .m.),Rctiti SA'MSON. ty ln, t u.?„, g oulay ... ,tha 4 ( r p Loc?,.. Ip e. either septi.rateix or toii,l.tt.b.c.r: bOlMu T l Sec it. hese changed if they do not prove satisfactory. p&iiiot* will die - s Old sepratelit or*,to4etlier, (..iettysburg„, April .1.1, 16:iti, i d , ' 1 ••t r ''' irefia - tr • I . will . 11 .2u.,y 1,(`:, ,51.1. , . .4,1 . 17. r r , ~ , , M., tin .-- . , acelnUfundiit i lig, coins", r ' Any persOr wisbilig to PiIILAbErA)IIIA, A IiVE4TISENIENT. . , vtew the lorttperty.Will4a , viloall, on .I . ;lward :.'t; Waits' rikp 4, Thier , l 2 l.cior satin; .Stohle thing' on the pretinses*, or iny;ieft in 4,NOR ' 441. n . i .,l ial it's, 'Lawyers. Farmers and kiettysburg. ': ti-EuittilL'' AIN O.LD. ..11: : other's, having 840„..4, Pripi.,..; or other Aug 1. ! 5,,.18.5'0„,5a r . , , ~ ... . ) , ./Tivit , / , .f8, to j tles,ervc from Flak: or BURG . ' • ; VALUABLE PR:OPERTY AT ' • filliEkluoder*Fied .Ntill'344l at .Private Sale that, tigt;iraßtt ,property,; in •hie Sllet ryti town, Conowago township, Adams comity, Jying on the roadruuning through said p,latic. It contains .stsote or .of ltfit rate I;i4doidjbining lands of Dr. 11. N. 'Lilly, Samuel and Joseph'Staumbaugh, and ether,, and; islfintly inirtived.", There • - a, largo Two-story DWELL. 11G, with a , Two-story fkovLintrom tht street, and , nestily op posite the public hotise of,Joliti Busby, Vasq., a 00 ;:o#rXl,l4oy.khicha.rd of choice • fruit, ,a well of water, and otlirr improvements. .gi vett ,on beforo , thel.st -,day of April •11.!1q, melting, be Aiesilvd. • It not bold, the property, E.0.U...8.ENT•L Porsons , wishing to vitiw:tho , premises will Rail on John Bushy. Esq. • .11t.;11A,.1.11.; ERRi .Nov. 26, 1855; • • is -- 7 - Aittuzii . .i.l4svilloa94 , 14:de. . -firit't; trwlersigunti i i i 1 for sitje, on • '''l l - 11 'sfit111,*:•..eieideolig:;' SO; at' the IliScso of Mrs; "Alib!'7, irti.b.eytamfottd,i'•:.tdants emiiity, ,300;.-Acres of.land, inatitifuily:'l.)(lteii, having a tiontitern . aspect anti 'enjoining, thO e.ttysl..zr,tr, and Billtintore'lltiiiitoal, , • ' I,t)') Air:es ofAaid Land is-httat'ily'tintlteted a:atiNvili be offered in lots 7 to-tinit rill reit:trio rt , '. The roma iinkr'„wi II be divided 111 to two tracts. for par3iettl4s teiamiiie 4110 . 1;14o bill:4. • •:! ' -Sale. Le o cvnitutiton - at.:llo.u'eltiek, A. M.', owl said day kvlietilt he tering; whit:th Will - bo'niltile 1 to suit purchasers,' will beniadn kitown'l),y ..,-, 7 ~,,,,.--.,-; , - . •2' ;,'-, Tii Ni 'L1i1.1,,1,1i',11, -.' ..;--: , i r i .1., , t A "..tiMit,;s , i:Vi';-KEttit, , , .., ...- .-,-,-.1.,:i i. , ,,: to , ‘ , 4GEti: .171,..i>, , ; 23 -, ;..,t .A13'31 0 it , tFatorik-of,qie est 44 of .1?. ly in:. Atill l7nlo , itootimcl 4 ' 3, I.r ::..5 pt)G. 'I • ' , • '; ' ; • ; , 117 tir. IS. lAA el, I Or, ---.: -, ,--- ,--7 , _: ';------,---- , ',.M• ., '''''' ' 51fttftirq ll l'lfir . , ',. , ?...,,,, ~,.- 3 ' I ;; • . W i ll ttl 141,44/1)C A i 14,1 ' • prgrrivtlystteittl', to • ‘'', ;J1 P."l ll 4e,ss' , el4rPtitOd i Pt; lbw: ; / lie PsPc?•is, , o9,i ( is l ;ina. l );-lailgtiagq. 4 s.ofilt!e PA-, the :sante, , place,..; in South ltaltintore' strett; near. .Vor,i - kt,y',diug,f.Ap,ru,:at)if nearly opposite .I)an- ,'-,. - 91ei& 4le , :ltr, • styre ' • N E 'IV IV II 0 L i , , S . It E Go.tvsltutg larelt - 0 0 ' - - • : . ----7.77-----"-'"-r-tt---;.----,----7-1---7-- .', .. Ipilag Agoi•C. , ~ i Aiklitoes Aiolive, ~-,' • .. N. SPENCIiAL 'rIIONLNS, No. 9.6 South ~ , , ... „. -41-1-1-fli7xtudersigrritl"---A-uditortirlioinfLttl-Ar-- -Sevoi44—stre..t , 12tii1:1 ! 14'11.1$A„_tuiptale_r_._1 A-;t1112.00tIrt , - of -Ctiniipuil ~Ploilzi. of f Adattis I ' ;11.3ntibteturer and peeler in I)rtgs and ' B:o'.olftYi• to ntai : .e 'tlistribtiti on of tile balance re- :Ih:llU:ices, Chetni eals, Acids. 1)3 . e Stull's, l'a iii i s , Ina:lain:4 iu.,th,ebartils.uf IlAxtn. Cu.v.,lnit:ar;‘:iN, 1)110,, (:•0310rti. White Le.id, Freoolt and A inevi. ..UltniA.>.traOr. cf . tho.ostato'of Jolts -4. it rAtEar, • can 11' hi to 'Lune, 1V iaduw Glass, li lass ware, latei: K.l.i.awittoubliit;towiiKl3.lp, cle,eeai.eil,:,; to i - I'ornislies, I.: rushes, instruments, - Ground and Witopgst paxties legally entitled to rev,eiv,ei Siii.ees. ‘Vliole Spices, and all other artioles us, t i .n141.11 - 00,`wil1hit.-to disultarire the diitiotti.dils , i nal ly Nelit by .1/ttq.r,lpsts. inelotini;, , Elm ax, appoirrtmeut, .at.liis , Ailfiee,•in 'Jet t. , *4lolrg, oil.; Indigo, Critic, 'Shellac, Potash. &c., &t.... 4..e. , -- The 4 d 4, 4 l, 0 /'' 30th dui/ fil.S/Pc»thcf iri:il-; ttt hi', Ali ottivrs by Inuit or otliort‘ ise pi ualp!ly 'it -4).eioVicilt.t.. IV:, , when • anti -where all. t i er : was c, tended to.' Country .7\lei chants It re ,inviie,l to ,interested may attend. . ,„i gall and exaiiiinu 0.111", stuck beforg puicilasing. -, - - :',..:. •' E.--13. BUELILER, Auilitmr., , i elsewhere. ' Golds ,t;n, to any of the tcht:l'vt.N & rit,OutbOr 8, - 1856. .3t .. ~ , 'or railroad stations. Prices lost - and good:, .-- .. i.warranted.-, ', • . , ( Alareli , 17, 1,:l5kl. ly ', djourned Cottri, r 1 , ------- --- --- -.---- - - - _ . - *:.O OTTCE is hereby given that an Adjourned i '•• ' 14511131 °11d T° 3l ' " ) - I '' .i.. 1 - Court of -- Cointaen Pfewi wil I :I}e in2iii at ! 7, OUIN 'W. l'11)ToN; 1;',1 vI. ; orn , hi , Pi .• rtiv 4.7(et,:ty&bu - rs, in , and-foi‘ the county of - Adanis,llblurt:l Hdir.!),.(..:5 . ; , i., earl at-all time:4he Ilium} and sores. is almost miraculous. It first discharges rthe—poisotr—wleich- prod uce Fi---su ppit rati on—a rid proud flesh. and thus the cures Which its heal ing properties afterward complete. are safe as - ell as permanent. I i "r,:,- ad B .s, rNb.es„ Burns, and ,S - calds. In cases of the fracture of hones, inju ries caused by steam expl,osions, . Bruises, Burns. Scalds:, Rheumatism, Stillness of the Joints, and contraction of the :,inews. it is em ployed and warmly roCollllllended by the fac ulty. This marvelous remedy has been intro duced by its inventor in pen son into all the leading Hospitals of Europe. and no private household t should be without. it. I'itdrni , ..ll , 7!-..,./ in,,,ny„ . The Medical Staff of the French and English Armies in the Crimea have o ltici a lly s i g n e d their approval of Holloway's Ointment, as she most tenable dressing for sabre cuts, stabs, and pain-wounds. It is also used by the sur geons of the Allied Navies. iloat the, (h n, ni • ii , On, I l'ilix ,y1, 4 1 111 1 ( 11„ , ..u5ej i ll ih; I,JI OWi , I . e/ ( (Lve• • : ' Ihnli•M`l ' Men nllOl , lll Sone Throalq RuroK Rin,:%vortn .Sures .Ir :al mods l'lntlq.e,l Hands 6.alt, 1:11eunl :genius Cliilbi,nl.l4 51:41.1 , , SI ili Joints Fik•tnla skin - Dkel , e4 • Tot tor thint :Lwelled 0 lan4ls rk..rs 1.11:11b.tv) . `'urn I.c , s Venereal Sores M..enrial Ernl,tinns Sore Ilre:t , ts 'Wound. of all kind; Pile; Sate Ilem1:4 ' ,'Sold at the 'Manufactories of Professor liom.ow.sv, 8(1 Maiden lane, New York. and :.:-1 I Strand, London, bv all respectable Drug , gists awl Dealers in Medicine throughout the United States and the civilized world, in pots. at :2 , cents, 621-. cents, and &I each. „;,?''.'here is a considerable saving by taking the linger sizes. 1 N. Lt:'—Directions for the guidance of pa tients in es cry disorder are affixed to each put. Sept. I, 1656. cowl 4 y - ' ~~~iZ~6~Q~~~~q• Removed a Pew Doors t ft he 0:d ?.tand. Ili. sKELLy respectfully informs his old 0 • customers and the public generally, that he continues the /Al/Mk/N(1 BUS/XL .•s, near his old stand, in South Baltimore -street,. where he will he happy to accommodate all who may patronize him. All work entrusted to his care warranted to fit anti be of most sub stantial Thankful for past favors, he solicits a continuance ut public patronrge. :Ci t , w Spr;H : i ,f 1 Miner 1.. o' are received. ( 1 -a-li-and see them. Gettp,butg, Apia 0. 1S1:). New Millinery. I,IISS LOUISA KATE LITTLE wishes to 11 1 .1 inform the Ladies of town and country, that slip is now prepared to execute Millinery in all its branches, in West Middle sweet, a few doors below Mr. George Little's store.— Work done cheaper than elsewhere iu town. Please call and see. Removal Removal 4 1 P.NTY BRO. Imve removed to their old 11..4 established hou s e, No. G 7 West 31,trket street, adjoiding wk & Co's Hardware Si ore. And directly opposite the residence of 6eu. 31. Dowlel, where they will rotitione..aa„ . heictolore, the Immo ficturing (If CON b'EC TIONARY• in all its braticlies----SV ; &c.. Re., at the lowest city. prices. Also, a careful ly fi,elected stock of Wines, and, Liquors, always on dt:iught; and for sole in quantitics to suit. Also—a superior article of TOMATO KETc. 7 IIL - 1 ) . in prime condition, made by us, and sold by the gallon or in any quant. ty, very low—much iess than city prices. The article Is as represented. of supo ior flavor. We also have a ttrge lot of U lrfr - EITES" - pu tip under our own stipei vision and care, and offer them to I undies low, June IG, 185 G. Itcady-made Clothing, at tilt sand-stone 14'ront. 117/7, hive mow on hand and offer for gide one of the largest. cheapest and pretue6t STOCKS Ok? .11/;, , )DY-mdog I.LoiwisG, that has been offered in this place at any time. They are all our own make, manufactured out of our own cloths, cassinieres, &c. We have Coats [tom $l to Ei•lo : Pants front 62t cents to 11) : Vests . from WI; cents to, U. Buys' Clothing in great variety. Our stock of Cloths consists of blue, black, olive, brown. green. drab, claret, and all other colors. - Our Cassimeres consist of black, brown, steel-mixed, and every variety of shade of fancy colors. Also Marino Cassi nitres in great variety, plain, plaid and figu'd ; Casbnieretts.. Tweeds. Jeans, Drabs deTate, Silk-warp Alpaccas, Black Satins, buff, white, plaid and fancy MarseiWes Vestings, &c. Cull and see us. If we cannot fit you, we will take your measure and make you a gar ment on the very shortest notice, having the very Lest Tailors constantly eniployed,'cuttino. e' ° and bilking hp. We do things up in the neatest and best manner at the Sand-stone Front, and are hard to beat. CEO. ARNOLD. April -7, ISSO. n. S. IVEJ:Eat, Durk, Weiser Fiibert, Bankers, J, tler.+• i,c E.:eel/et/1. / Y., lo i n Geiielyll 1,-,,,,1 A yen Is. DEC WL-Cll, .f() DEING assisted ex•pericull Surveyors, tirili givOnartioUlar attontion to the Loon tion of Latol ,- arrants. looations male /•/..,iii a peTwara/ la,protioa of li ! f Poo], and. with roforoo•.o to a spowir ii ; oron.-. 0 in value. IVe t"e proViol,4l with a full and .•friilloleie sot of Plat-b00k,.:, af,struots, oto.. to wuleii we invite attootion. I,)eations mute 111 artv part of lowa. 34;118es IVestel.ll Wise - onsin, Hansa- , and Nebraska. - 7-P.o.ior to E. Ca. 3L-Cmary, D. Mc- Con.ttrz,lly, May 5, -.185G. 6111 : 4 ‘ 1 tvalp.; _SLitvati Just from the _City. with the Largest and Prvttiest Stock 01 GOODS Pa. the Spring and . „ Slimmer Seip:on, to be lien in tivtlysburg 4 MG.NG which kill be foind. plain untl ri fancy - qualtities and prices ; plain Delaine.s. plain and figured &rake, lierage Delaines. ebonies. Lawns, Ginghams, Prints, SHAWLS, Embroideries. Gloves, hosiery _ . Cloths, of all colors and prices'; Cassitnervs. for men and boys' wear, Vestings; &c.. &c. Purchasing at the lowest rates, T am pre pared to sell at as low prices as goods can he had at any other establishment in the• count•. In proof of which, I invite all to call and ex minim icy stuck. when - theytt tll t c satisfied that such is the fact. J. L. SCIIICIi, Southwest co:•ner of the Diamond aml Balti more street. April 14, Ihst3. Can and 'Svc , 113;4 Al."111E NEW STAND Ist t 7 11 : n KIN respectfully announces to • , his friend, a nd the pi t hiic generally that he continues the 'l' -111.01i1NG business,4l in the (tom adjoining the store of J. Lam- ' \ '!l;. ,- ,1 tense Shick, fronting on the Diamontk—... He lots !wide ay, tu:gements to - receive rtogular- I v the LATEST .PASHIONs, and it %VIII be his con siattt ait.i to give entire satisfaction to those who may fuvor hint with their custom. 7 - Couni ty produce will be taken in ex change fur work. WV 11. T. lit tit;. Gettysbuig, December 17, 1855. ly- - - IFfeintie.wlock Ila•olizers ITA - A,VE just received and are now opening a le- 0 - large and choice stock of 6001)S. and are prepared to sell to all in want of any article in their line. cheaper than can be Bought Ilitving purchased our stock in Nei' York, Philadelphia S. Baltimore, thus having the advantage of all three markets, we can otter inducements winch cannot he had else whera in the county. Our stock embraces Dress Goods of every variety, including Summer Silks, Challi Delaines, Ilerages, Brilltanunes, LINVIN, Silk and Lawn Robes. &c., and everything fashionable for Ladies' wear. Fur Gentlemen. we have beauti ful styles of Goods for Coats, Pants, Vests, Give us a calf. We deem it needless to en:tolerate the variety of styles :mil qualities of our large stock. as w•e are prepared to furnish everything in our line at the lowest price.— Call earl•, at PA I INESTOC KS', '4 , 1.0101 the RED ritoNT. Gettysburg, tpril 14, Ibst.i. Now• is the Time, FOR—C EAP_ DA GILERREOTYPES! G.l F, AVER respectfully announces to the ki • Ladies and Gentlemen of Getty: Marl; and victnity, that he has resumed the Daguerreo type business, at the old stand, in Chambers burg street, where he wiil be happy to receive visitws desirous of securing perfect Daguerreo types of themselves or friends. 'Being furnished with an entirely new and costly :Tparatus, he is prepared to take pic twis in every style of the - art and insure per fect satisfaction. 4C7='.Cliatges from 50 cents to 510. ea — flour:, of operating from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M dress avoid light, red, blue, or pur ple. Park dress adds much to the beauty of the pic.ure. Feb. 4, 1856. tf Fresh Goods. ¶OLIN 111)l . F. has just re-eived a fresh sup ply of SUMMER. GOt)l)S, to which he calls the attention ( , f the public. By '•quick sales and small profits," he is enabled to fur nish Goods to the satisfaction of all who call. Gettysburg, June 2Z, 1656. Caledonia . Iron. - VEINISTOCK having the k exclusive sale of Caledonia Rolled Iron for Gettysburg, would call the attention of buyers to this make of Iron—the best in the market —which will he sold at the lowest rates. We keep a large supply of Hammered Iron constantly , on hand. Call at the sign of the Dec. 10. RED FROM'. rIZI:NICS, Carpet 1132.3 and Umbrellas. ior - 11 - sale by COBEAN PAXTON. pAs just returned from the city vt itb ng latge and beautiful t stock of 0,4 d, OH has been offered to,the public at any Hun:— anion: which are. flusiery, Gloves, Under sleeves, Collars, Tritothings. Gentlemen'F Goods in great variety : black, Llue, brown, Olive, claret, drab, plaid, cloud ed and figured (21ottis ; black, brown, and fancy Cassimeres, figured, plaid and plain. of every shade of colors ; l)rab deTate, retts, Bombazines, Sille : warp Alpaccas, also Ready-made Clothingin great variety, with a large stock of ittateensware, Groceries, Sce. all of which will he sold as cheap as they can be had at. any retail establishmat county. The Ladies will please cal Was we are at all times pleat.ed to see thun. 'The Gentlemen's attention is invited to our large l t,,,i)rtinent.in their line. In connection with the store our CU/1411NC; EMPORIUM, at t h e s an d. s cone Front, where everythinro is dune up in the neate,,t and .I?est, manner. , can rig. a wan from head to foot on the s'ily shortest notice. Call and judge for yourselves. April 7. 1556. oiliu d• ONLY( )LP :mix X I , al Ryil I Re-Yid d,yl, es?, t ate(l, 1;1 , 1 (11;11 1 nil y (1 pen ed ! & BRO. have'removed their large A and carefully selected Stuck, to the Orig inal old House formerly occupied •by,thrm, No. G 7 'West Marl:et street, adjoining Hantz, }'rick & Co's. Hardware store, and directly opposite the residence ,of Gen. 11lichael•Dun del, York, Pa. This house was opened by them for business purposes some ten years ago, as a whole Sale candy factory, foreign fruits; fancy goods, no tions, &c., ecc., in very large variety. Their superior and-unequaled • Candy and Confectionary, personally made by tliem.daily, and Of ennrso always fi•Ph, has' been acknowledged by all lung ago, the best and finest work ever offered and sold in York. Understanding their.husi ness as they do—in this branch especial:y— they have every facility for piaectitirs it td the hest atlantage, and can °tier facilmes su perior to any other house here or E.6kWIX-re, as regards low vices, variety and partizuholy superior quality. The success and patronage with which ..hey it ,.i have i tet heretotbre. is gratefully appreekted, for ‘ iich they return again, as formerly,. their ,sir . e acknowledgments - and. , thank,, and tr .1, by ' strict and prompt attentim'i lo blisi ne!-;s, a continuance of the li bend patronage hitherto extended to them. June 16, 1636. I'. J. FILIIERT, lowa City. I'4 1 .7 AST HATS, CA PS, BooTs',.*. SLIDES, Cl' Vat least Tumid!) pc r cent h-r.rper :hail you ever bought before, ren!ewber it COitEAN 4-, PAXTON'S, where they are to be- 11;:4 m great var;ety, consii;ting of Gent's an.l tine Silk, Fur and Slouch Hats,' of latest style, all colors and • sin-s,,,white, brown,- tan, blue, .drab, fawn, &c., Also. rt. large _assorment orMen's and Kip, and Grain Boots & Shoes,--tutu's line Cloth and Patent Leather Gaiters. - careful, Ladies. if you want walkin` g, and fine dri:ss Shoes, sued as Jcnnv Buskisis 3111 Ties, Kul and Morocco Slippers : also a 'how- - tiful article of Ladies' Di ess C.aiters. Etta a. large stock of Misses' :anal Child) en', f-aue,. littittu.s and Shoes.—that you rind Colse:tzt Paxton's, ttt the s - onth-east. 'corner Ur Square, before purchasing el...evt•iiere, :Is they hAve 'tty tlitr the largest monk of svnsonable gOotts iu teti-n. and are 'determined to bell very cheap.—Tape earu", and keep a SLIn i ) look out that you du not mistake the [Amos, -- Remember Colieuu & Pamon's fle VS" Swre, at Ow st:hutl of li.Qller Aco Bs BRO. respectfully inform their si, - ) friends and the public gtherally, that they have iTeued a i1...A . (i. - :2Laßzt 1 2.slabtitsIsn)*.att9.. in the room temntly oc cupied by A. Arusild, in South Baltimore street, near the Diamond, Where they will at :111. tithe& be happy to aecututuodate :111 who u V pa.zr‘m.- ize thew. Their :stock of Cloths, Cas.sumA;4, Yestings, Cassinets. Summer C;s, &c., is large and selected Flom thy latest styles—all of which they will dis-pose t prices a s l o w a s th e y eau pussiblya front. their system being to sen CILL'AP. fur cubic pr cuttu try produce. They-wiA :Bake up garments O'every de scription in the most . substantiarand desirable manner, all warranted IQ; tit and nut Goods bought of them not to be made up in their establishment will he cm free of charge. They are mai:in.-up a lot of h.EADY-MA ULM 11- INI , L. hest tua"nner, which they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. They have also on hand a large assi , i to ent of hosiery, 6:i.4pend'ers, .Shirt tollar., &c., to which the) would call the att.e33ljoll the public. Latest Fashions regularly received. Cash or Country produce always current fur goods or work. Don't mistake the place. March 17, 1856. AT , b , dislown, hails County, B . ntea. (Removed to the large and convenient house, formerly Carl's, opp'site the old - stand - oftiot. leices - .1--- THE --- übseriber respectfully informs the public that he has opened a Public House of Entertainment in the borough uf Abbotts town, where he will be happy to entertain all who may . call with him. Ilaving had many years' Isnow ledge of the business of hotel-keep ing, tie flatters himseil that hist:irons to please will be satisfactory. GNe the a call. FRANCIS J. NVII6U.N. THE undersigned continues the Flour busi ness as heretofore. lit sells by the barrel or any smaller quantity. By taking, s.m.u.t, rnomrs he can buy as high and sell as low as anybody else, and by always endeav'ning to keep none but the best, he hopes to :nerit and recetve a continuance of libtial patronage. 101. GILLESPIE, At the Post el:lice. Oct. 8, 1855. - ; t 'Mardi - I - are. • I; D un, stock of Ihrdware has been very much increased, and persons building or requir. 1 ing anything in this department, should first call and see — FA lINESTOCKS' Cheap Stock. IPUNNETS. Ribbons and Flowers, of every g variety, and to stilt, every . taste, to be found cheap at - SCHICK'S. CSICA L. —Flutes, Violins, Guitars, I cordeous, Fifes, &c., on hand and for sale by 'MARC; CS SAMSON. F you want a- fine article of Drl.ss Sho es Gaiters, for Gentlemen or Ladies, call at. NIPAIT GOODS! GEORGE ARNOLD Opera & Robe Lawns, Deßases, &c. Ri.movail ! !Removal ! I P -QV Gcttysbull.t, March 31. 1;-,5:7) • Nevi , E F. S A !, 1s I! T ! UT :Isla ng 1o a 57101 February IS, 1550. tf Flour: Flour : W. 'W. PA.X.ION'S.