The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, September 22, 1856, Image 4

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    'ew illardwarr Store.
THE stabseribers would respectfully an
sonnee to their friends and the public that
they have opened a Hardware Store, in Balti
more street, adjoining the residence of David
Ziegler, Gettysburg. in which they always in
tend to offer to the public a large and general
assortcnent of
Hardwire, iron, Steel. Groferiett
- - -AXLES.
g 1111) 1.0 1B• %.7
" (Arbar-tuare,
Paints, Oils, anti Dye-sttilis,
in general, including every description of arti
cles in the above line of buqiness, to which
they invite the attention of Coach-makers,
_Blacksruiths„-__ Carpenters,--Cabinet —makers i
shoe-makers, Saddlers, and the public gener
ally. Oar stock having been selected with
great care and purchased for cash, we guaran
teelfor the ready money,) to diaries.° of any
part of it on as reasonable terms as they can
be purchased anywhere.
We particularly request a call from our
friends, and earnestly solicit a share of public
favor, as we are determined to establish a char
acter for Selling Goods at low prices and doing
business on fair principles.
Gettysburg, June 9, 1851. tf
-Vett ysburg Foundry.
ARE undersigned , having entered into part
nership- to carry on the Foundry business
tinder the firm of WARREN & SONS,hereby
wake knoWn to the citizens . of Adams and ad
joiningcounties, that we ate prepared to make
every f l.4i* in, our line of business, 'We have
constantly on hand, the
Hathaivay and other Cooking Stoves,
the Parlor Air-Tight and .Ten plate Stoves, of
various Styles sin) sizes ; Pots, Kettles and
Pans. and all other Iron Cooking Utensils,
Waffle liens, Washing Machines, Ash-plates,
Ilootacripers. Castings for Mills and
other Machinery, Noma CASTINGS, of every
desetriiitiOn. leo. We make the Seylar, Block
ers-mott.tlifferent kinds of Witherow Ploughs.
We havealso got different patterns oC
Fenian; and nailing,
for Cemeteries, Yards and PurcheS, which
can't-be beat for beauty-and cheapness.
dill the above article~ will be sold cheap
for cash .or country produce.
thing still, Confirmed.
BRASS GASII:INUS and ov'eryilling in our
lint unideto order..
c S repaired at tie
idieridsL, notice. _Moulders durselvet4,
we will du our work .
Gettygimrg.,,May 14.1855. tf
Seconit Street lioiame,
No. 42 .earth Seeonq Shcet, Philadelphia.
ovERMS—SI per day--Single Mortla 25
JL centg. N. B. — Pleasant' rooms for Mies.
June 16,1856:' tf
ArIEORC . tE . and Henry %Vampler will make
VI House Spouting.avid putup the same low,
— oreULFOr country produce. Farmers and all
others wishing their houiies, barns, &0., spout
ed, would do well to give them so call.
G. '& U. WAMPLEIt.
April 18,1853.: ti
In'sura nee Company,
CAPI'T'AL 8139,586—effects insurances in
any part of the State, against loss by the ;
prudently adapts -US operations to its resour
ces ; affords : ample indemnity', and promptly
adjust's its losses. •
Adams county is represented in the Board
of tanagers ty lion. I‘IosEs'MGCLEAN.
WM. MeCLEAN. Agent.
' - Office of M. &W. McClean, Gettysburg.
May 26, 1856.
Jacobs & Brodher
AVE4ust received from the city another
Ailot ut elfo/ CP; NE I G' 0 0 DS', which
they-will-dispose-of-at-rates lowsr than ever.
if 7Give them a call—at the tld stand of
Abraham Arnold.
Nay 26;1856. tf
ilanover a. 'Railroad.
TVIRAINS over the Hanover Branch Railroad
1. noir run astollows :
. Hanover at t A. M.. %rid)
Passengers kw- York. Harrisburg, Columbia
liod Philadelphia. This Train also connects
with the Espress for Baltimore, arriving there
,• • •
Sedond Train leaves at 3 P. M., with Passen
gers fur Baltimore and intermediate places,
and returns with passengers from York, 4e.
April 21. J. LEIB, Agent.
Grocery Store.
THE subscriber continues the Flour & Feed
business. and has recently added to his
'stock 'an - excellent assortment of Groceries,
Spices, &c.. to which he invites the attention
f the public. • Content with small profits, h e
promises to sell as low as the lowest, and asks
a call in order to prove his assertion.
He has now •in store o prime Coffee, Sugar,
Molasses. &c., which can't be beat. either in
quality or price. Bacon can also be had, as
hood aa' the very best, and at cheapest rates.
Mc likewise keeps a full assortment of Con
fecttonery, Fruits, ,Nuts, &c.
'Call at his Store, in %Vest Middle street„
near South Baltimore, and examine his stock.
Gettysburg, April 21, 185 ti.
Ma y Want ed .
PEESONS:;havia g Bay to sell will do well
by calling on the .subscriber, in GA:tiys•
burg, who is desirous of purchasing. The'
higheat market price will be paid at all tin.,.;
s.A.s he intends having the. Ilay—aftel lu•-
ing packed, hauled either to Hari - over lialti
tuore, the preference to haul will he glreu to
those from whom he may purr.l)
DeCetnber. 6, 1852. tf
UNaNift:L . ZIEGL Et; has just returned
from ";thel". City 'with the largest lot of
UIt.OdERIES 'he has ever ht-tore Opened. io
which he invites,the oral!, convint.ed lie taliotrei iimle BA G A INS. -Be has
o fine lot of HAMS, s HOULD Mfg, ;
t'l If of all kinds; Otam,ges, Lemons, anti
ocher fruits; Crackers., Nuts, ';
s;-g,trs, Tobacco, Snuff, and a generat'vtirttoy
of everything, “from a needle to an .oushor,"
almost. - Give him a call, :13 on o,4tA to ZAiy
u fiat's c6!'ap and, good. -
r . ,, , Couutry Produce taken in ‘A..lian(re for
I;riods. I :11 y 7:
IARBIAGE Trimmings eau al waye. he
IS .1 bought lower, and a lar;:41- as, , ,,ament
dua elsewhere is always to loe 11.141. at, --
Wm. 11.
.3ttararti at law.
OFFICE on the gotalt gide <( the Public.
Silitale, '2. (10(44 vck.4l 4.1 thp tiuutiucf 01',;(;k.
Gettysburg, August 22, IRS:;.
J. Lawrenco Hill, M. D.,
tiAS bin Office one door vreqt of the Li.athe
rnnnn church, in Clinnilwrsborgl.treet, nod
opposite Granitoer's Ntore. where those o
log to have *Hy Dental Operation perform
ed are respectfolly invited to call.'
itKittimEsitioi : Dr. D. Gilbert.. Dr: C. N.
13eilucIty, Dr. I/Hmer. P. Tit-mitt),
D. 0., Bev. IL L. Ithiugher. It.. Ikv. Prof.
Witham M. itcyriol4g,
Prof. Jl. L. Sever. _,„
Octtynbnrg, April 11, 1853. ✓ tf
David A. Budder,
3ttgrarq attut,
1/711 , 1 , promptly attend to collections and
all lao,iness entrusted to his care.
J;7 Office in the Diamond; aklping store of
A. H. Kurtz.
Gcupthurg, Feb. 4, WSG. ly
3l'Cona 'why,
3ttpriir4 nt
(Office removed to one door West of Mulder's
Drug Book tore, Uhambershurg s cruet, )
Attorney & Solicitor for Patents
and Pensions.
BOUNTY Lind Warrantm, back-pay SIJS•
pooled Ord ins,and all other claims against
the Government at Wardrington, ;
American claims in England. Land Warrn nt:4
located and sold. or hooght, and highest prices
given. Agents engaged in locating warrants
in lowa, Illinok and other Western Stater:.
ri - Apply to him personally or by letter.
Gettysburg, Nov. 21, 1853.
Bounty Land Claims.,
le\ITE undersigned will attend promptly to
1 the collection of claims for Bounty Lands
under the, late not of t;ongress; ,Those who
have already received W or 80 acres, can now
receive the balance, by cal;ing on the subsea
tier and making t t liepece.ssary application. ,
Gettysburg, March 12, 1855. a
. ..,,,i:C,c
;...'-i , d - 1 -
0 701'
Tin Ware, Ace.
QAMITEL O. COON inforing his Hernia and
k--7 the public generally, that he has on hand,
at his Shop nearly-opposite the Post-Oilico, a
.very large and troll-inade agkortment of TIN
WARE, which he will Hell at prices which
cannot fail to please. lie will also execii to to
order, with promptness. in a workmanlike
manner., and with the. hest materials, all kinds
ING, 11YDR..kNT WORN, &e.
Gettysburg, Nov.
_l2, 1855, if
Health or-NAO.:Hess?
Holloway's Pia—The Mood, furnishes
the material of every bone, uniscle, gland
and titre in the human frame. 'When pure, it
secures health to every organ ;,when corrupt,
it necessarily produces disease. lleu.ow.NY's operate directly upon the elements of the
stream or life, neutralizing the principle . of. dis
case,.and thus radically curing the malady,
the liver, the hovels. the muscles, the skin, the
orzny other 'Nth of the splem.
/Tv d .Throng7Hod iVorid`J
HoLutivAT's PTI,Ls are equally efficacious in
complaints common to the whole human race,
and in disorders peculiar to certain climates
and localities. •
-41 fir in big I li.vorer etrs
Dyspepsia, and derangement of the liver,
the.source of infirmity and stillerine;, and the
cause of innumerable deaths, yield to these
curatives in, all ca:;es, however aggravated,
actin.- as a mild purgative . alterative and ton
; they relieve the - taiwelti, purify the
and invigorate the systein And the conststution
at'tha . time.
General I reu kn g,v— ,'\7 rroits. Co »i phr int s.
When all stiiiiiihisits Nil, the renovating.
rind bracing properties of these MIN give arm•
nog): to thevinilting nerve 4 and enfvehicit
Cies of the victim. 01 general debility.----• - •
' Del irate .Feazal
All irregularities and ailments. incident to
the delicate and Sensitive organs of the ,es hiv
removed .or prevented by a few doses of these
mild, but intnibble alteratives. No mother
17 --- !int& 111. i
s iur own
,bhould. foil to have them within her reach...
scienti:/ie Etiettir.rin rids. •
The London —E,,aneit,' the London “Medi
enl Review," and the not eminent of the faz,-
ulty in Groat Britain, France and Germany,
have eulogized the Pills and their inventor. ,
Holloway's Pills are the hest render? ,q ba,uvi in,
the world fin. the ibn ow i i i ll 41 1,, 0 0f I,,es :
Asthma ' I/vbility .14vor Complaints
Itowvl Complaints Festic and Agno Lee 111, , ,S t)t . I•Ticits,
Cough* Fumalo Com- Vile.;
Colds 4 plaintA :scow, ILIA Gravoi
Chest Diseases lie,olactieg Fey on , lary :•:.) tap..
Costiveness .l tvligestf on - tools
lA's) ele , iit Influenza Venereal .Itrectionq
Dholitict Ittlaohoation IVut los of all kiwi:4
Dropsy 'lnward We.‘R.lles:;
'" * *Sold at the Alanufactories of Professor
ttu,owny, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and
244 Strand, London, and by all. respectable
Druggists'and Dealers in Medicine througliont
the linited States and the civilized world, in
boxes at 25 cents, ,fdi cents, and 61 each.
Einhere is a considerable saving by taking
the larger sizes.
N2l3.—Directions for the gnidance of pa
tients in every disorder are affixed to each buy.
Aug. 25, 185(. eowly
Tailoring - .
Remo v ed a Few flours smut lr ot't tic Ole Stand.
'l-1. SKELLY reApectfully informs his old
•' customers anti the public generally. that
he continues the TA/Imie/NU //USLVEsS,
near his old stand, in South Baltimore street.
where he will be happy to accommodate all
who may patronize him. All %%oil; entrusted
to his care warranted to fit and he of most.sub..
stantial make. Thankful for past favors, h e
solicits a continuance of public patronrge.
v ie Sew rork. Spring und .tiirrnoter
Filhiow are received. Call and see them.'
Gettysburg. April 9, 1855.
New Millinery.
.17 IL inform die - Ladies of town and-om mry.
that she is now prepared to ex‘•ctite
in all its branches, in,West Middle stivet, ►
few doors below ,Mr. George Little's sturc.—
Work done cheaper than elsewhere iu tuwn.
Please call and see.
pril 21:1_856.
lAI H LS, do you want to 'us' cheap and
N fabiunable Rotes ? nt
tit IX-NETB,--n birgi! variety, as tq Lind
-I- and price, will be found rit Ow 01l Maud
"\7 \l. T. Kr Nr; respectfully announces to
I hi.; friends and the pti }dig: generally that
hp continues the TAILORING business,
in the room adjoining the store nf.J. Law
enre shirk, fronting on the Diamond.—
wade arrangements to twelve regular
ly the T.AII;:iT FASIVNS, find it will be hi.s con
stant sits to give intim satisfaction to thohe
who may favor him - with their custom.
frj - Country produce will be taken in ex
change for work. ' WM. T. JONG.
Gettysburg, December 17, 1855. ly
Falinestock Brotherm
IpAVE just received and are now opening a
large and choice stock of GOODS, and
are prepared to sell to all in wanfoany_aLticl
in their line, cheaper than can be bought else.
,t% her: , . Having purchased our stock in New
York. Philudelphia 4k Baltimore. thus having
the advantage of all three markets, we can
oiler inducettienta which cannot he had (Ise..
where in the county. Our titock embraces
Dress Goods of every variety,
including Summer Silks, Challi Delaincs,
Berages; Brilliantines, Lawns, Silk and Lawn
!topes. &c., and everything 'fashionahle for
Ladies' wear: For Gentlemen, we have beauti
ful styles of Goods for Coats, Pants. Vests,
&c. Give us a call. We deem it. needless to
enumerate the variety of styles anJ qualities of
Our huge stock, ns we are prepared to furniNh
everything in our line at the lowest
Call early, at FAIINESTOCKS'.
Sign of thu itEll kItONT.
Gettysburg, Ipril 14, 1656.
Wally-made Clothing,
at the :,and—stuile Front.
WE have now on hand and offer for gale
One of the largest, cheapest and prettiest
that has been oWered in this place at any time.
They are nil our own'make. manufactured nut
of our own cloths. cassimeres. tlic. We have
Coats from to 820 t'ants from 621 cents to
`1(1: Vests from 62t cents to SU. Buys'
Clothing in great variety.
Our stock of_ Cloths consists of blue. Mark,
olive. brown, green. drab, claret, and all other
cokirs: Our Cassimeres consist of black.
brown, steel•mixed, and every variety of
shade of 'fancy colors. ' Also Marino Cassi
theres in great - variety. plain, plaid and fign'd
Unshmeretts. Tweeds. Jeans. Drabs •deTtte,
Silk-warp Alptieens. - Mad; Satins, b l ot, w hite,
plaid nod fancy Marseilles Vc stings, &c.
Call and see US. 11 Wtf ea D t!ol lit you, wo
will take your measure and make you 'gar
ment, oil' the very slairtet'notice, having the
very test Tailors constantly employcd,'cutting
Hill( making tip. We do thing: up in the
neaiest and - bust manner at life S'and-stone
Float, and are hard to beat. -
April 7, 1856.
~,,• ,
•, •
11 entova ! Ilenawvvil !
FItNEY '& BRO. have removed to their old
established house. Nu, 67 \Vest Nl,Crket
' street, adjoidt fig [Lutz, l't Co' s fl a r i ky d re
And directly opposite the residence of
Doedel, where they will ciontitme,
lieretorom, thetiiiihultclitrin•- .
e; of .0)Nl'El:-
11()NA ay. In .:111 its liv.incites--SVIWPS
at the lowest city pric'e.i.. Als6, a can:Wl
setecte_il stock, or
Wines and Liquors,
always on &allot, and for sale in quantitiem
to snit. Also—a superior article of TOM /
KETCHUP. in ,prime eendition. made by us,
and sold' by-the gallon or in any, qualatty, very
low —much less than city priees. The article
Is as represented. of SUpuiior flavor. - We also
have a large lot of —CURED _PICKLES," put
up - under our own sort vision and care, and
offer them to families low.
Jitne 16, 1856.
Now is 1h Thine,
1,1 EA VEIL rpspectfully annomiees to the
Ladies and Gentle-m . oi of Gettysburg and
vicinity, that he lm resumed the Daguerico
type business, at the old stand, in Chionbers
burg street, where- he will he happy to meek e
visitors desirous of„secui log perfect Daguerreo
types of themselves or friends. •
fitrnished with an entirely new and
costly lipparatus, he is prepared to tahe
totes in every style of the art and insure per
fect satisfaction.
LID - :(,:lizoge.; from rip ccflt to ,510:
11_71 lours of opel ativ, friml 8 A. M. to 4 p. 3f
K i i - 1.:1 tires. 4 avoid Itglit, fed, blue, or pur
ple. Dark dress adds nitteti to the beauty of
the plait/re'.Feb. 4, .1856. if
. .
F 14•041 - G 0011%.
1 1011 N 1I0K1•1 itro: jtl,4t *re , •eivfll fresh anlr
ply. of SOIMEIt GO(U):;. to whirl) he
! :al s tt. at hl lc: •
!sales and small profits," he is enabled to fur
nish Goods to the sati,faction of all who call,
Gettysburg, June_ 23, 1850.
11.. \t"1.1T:11,
Weise,a' & Ft
B an k er , s ., 1)ea!er•• and General
OEING assisted by eporienced Surveyers,
%vitt giVe partionlar attention to the, loca
tion of Land Warrants. All locationvmde
front a lo3Noord insprrlion of Vie lam!, aw l
with reference tO SI speedy increa , o in Value.
W o are provided with It full and eomplcte
set Of Plat-books, al)stracts, etc., to which we
invite attention. Laeations made in any part
of lowa, Minnesota, Western Wisconsin,
Kansas and Nel tra , z 1;. .
l&liefer to R. G. McCreary, - 1 , ',4_q.,_1). M e _
C o na l ighr E 4,1 awl. 11. J. Stable.
May 5, 15,56. Cma - 1 1 -
- ---- )
St.ltieli Always _Ahead !
Just from the with tire. Largest sad
p iT t l i est Stock of GOODS for the Spring and
Summer Season, to be seen in Gettysburg !
MONT; which will be found, plain and
nk fancy 1)/i /:SS SILKS, black Silks, all
qualtities and rites ; plain Wallies, plain and
figured Berne. l3erage Delaines,
liants. Lawns. Ginghams, Prints, SHAWLS',
Embroideries. Gloves, Hosiery;
Cloths, of all colors and prices%
Cassitneres. for• men and boys' wear, Vestings;
'Picking~. &c.. &c.
Purchasing at the lowest rates, I am pre
pared to sell at as low prices as goods can be
had at any other establishment in the county.
Li proof of which, I invite all to call and ex
amine my stock. when they will be satisfied
that such i. the fact• J. L. SCHICK,
Southwest corner of the Diamond and Balti
more street. 14, 183i3.
Caledonia Iron.
1 4 - lAHNEsTocK lmving the
5 eXchisive sale of Caledonia Rolled Iron for
Gettysburg, would call Ow attention of buyeis
to this wake of lien--the 14e , :t in the toarhet
_---whii7h \rill he sold nt the lowest rnteq.
11 e ! se ep a large supply of 11.unitictvti Iron
eofistan:lv im hand. Call at the z.itzti of the
Dec.•ll.l. 1:121) FRONT.
ralinTYKs. Caret Razs nod I•irdirellas, for
Call and Mee 1:04
1?13.111JY-1l..1111; (1.07111,VG.
DEI.II,QIII, 101 r.("
fr - 7-4o,000!,,,
Ness - Goods
- Y.,
"Big Spring Liter ry Institute," TAcons & Biro, Th..pectfully inform their )/
of ivi,,,,we, on, u,,,i (~., P a l. ~1 friends and the public generally, that they
Ct RAND an d ex t t i ns i ve sa l, o f Bo oKs , have opened a Merchant Tailoring
REAL E:-.TATE AND °T ', HE' yAI,.. Eidablisbutietall, in the room recently oc
,,lia,ll.ol),t(l:ll.;,eptiitioci;,(llo.;uylli,p_ili.dttliz.t,Lod,:i:tif,•ttiolet. copied by A. Arnold. in South Baltimore area,
near the Diamond, where they will at all times
the inhitit ate, , be happy to accommodate all who may patron
fle,y- / "SPA BA UK LED Oppoierr . \77 , l7 i ize them. Their stock of Cloths, Cassimeres,
'To buy as Vohoilde 11,g,k, and b e „„ n „ .. , a s hare - i Share-1, Cassinets. Cords, Summer Goods,
holder in ilfm.h. lViridite. P/opi r ty. I ilte- &c., if 4 a m
large and selected fro the latest
0 ,\ I-11 7 / " . / f ;f 7 : l. , ( I ' ; / l air \ -l OW ; R at (; ( l !ri l ly 'A : fai l ; ''(/(,),/1/IfAzr-
will dispose of at
prices as low as they can possibly afford, their
per (' Ty : rlee, a Books j'ar len lialla 1.3. Can- sYstent being to sell CHEAI', [(Jr cash or man
iti xra Y His tiny (!1' the Iformau l is by far the 1 t r y " fure *
mist :wear:Ale and reliable work we have of They will make up garments of every de
that deluded people. In order that mery, F,cription in the most substantial and desirable
Goods bought of them nut to be madet:p in their
Establishment will be cut free of charge. They
are making up a lot of ItEADIC-31ADE CLOTH
ING,, in the best manner, which they ';ill sell
as cheap as the cheapest._
They have also on hand a large assortment
of llolirry. Suspenders, ,Skiets, ,'qiirl Collars,
&c., to which they would call the attention of
the piiblre.
iri-The Latest Fashions regularly received.
Cash or Country produce always current for
goods'or work. Don't mistake the place.
March 17. 1850.
trttilll I na - . : eto I er, to prie::
of :L book and certitkate of ltwint)(q-411ii, of the
NAso:iation N.lll h only $l. Tim et:rt . :lie:lto
the h llt,r to an intorest iu the
4" ill n Vt./taut:it: //cal Bala f
C caul other
1 'Valuable Improved Farm, F;' , 1,500, with
all necc.:try Out-huilding,s, situ:Red in ('um
berland Valiev, near Newville, containing 125
acres. 1 Valuable harm, *3,501), a dj wii i i , , .. 4
the above, containing 125 avre.t. 2 Valuable
Timber Lots, SI,SOO, (4'50 acres each, situated
in Millln tp., Cumberland cu. S V a l ua bl e Ti m ;
her Lots, ti 3,500, of 25 acres each. 1 Splendid
New Brick House, $2,000, Two-story and
back building, adjoining the hall on the West.
3 11101 ly Improved Out Lots, $1,500, of ot tu. 3
acres each, within half a mile of Newrille,
at ssill) each. 200 orders for Herron's Cele
brated Writing Inks, at :;,;(i per order, $1,200.
1 Magnificent Rosewood Piano, *;-100, from the
celebrated Fai , tory of K nabe & Co., Bal ti um re
-1 Superior Melodeon, SlOO ; 2 Splendid Hant,
ing Case Gold Lever Watehe,t, at $lOO each.
:3200 ; 2 Sph.ntlid Ifunting_Cosr! ii,1,1 Lover
Watelm, at *87,50 each, $175 ; 5 Splendid
Gold Wat c hes, :$5O each, $250 ; 10 Splendid
Ladies Gold Watche-, at $5O each, $500; 10
Fine Silver Lever Watches, at *25 each, $25 0 ;
12 " Watches, at $2O each, $2lO
15 Superior Parlor ClOcks, at *8 each, 120
50 do .A ~ bie
0 144 150
50 do . , Cottage " 3 " 150
1 Exeelletit Family Carriag'e( latest stylcp.oo
I 6 i Rockaway 4. : at 175
1 ' ~ Top Buggy, at le);
I Excellent Spring Wagon, at 100
1 Superior Two Horse- itoirl Wagon, at 11H)
2 Sets Splendid I 1 arttess, silver mounted 80
2 Extra Spanish Saddles, 7C)
2 Superior- Walnut St 'las,lso
1 Magnificent Stla Tubli•,' • - 45
2 . Drezing Bureaus,• 150
1 Splendid Secretary, - 50
41)itting Tablet:, (extra Cherry,) •50
- 4 Bedsteads, BO
2 Sets Chair , t, at $l5 per set, 3U3
imported Carpets, 20 yards each at
•*2.0 nor carpet, G 0
2 I.louw-utatie Carpets, extra, each at
..;:.:.0 per carpet, ---'. 40
8 Parlor Stoves, at 15 each, - 120
2 Urtle . rs for suitt of Black Clothes, $3O, cm
•, ••
.., Silk Dresses, :7;30 each, 0
8 64 (:lothint,o, ' 15- " - 120
R) 64 Bats, 5 16 50
.12 " B oti, ' 6 " '72
12 " a ut's Shoes, 83,50 " -42
12 " - 4 Gaiters, 5.00 " (10
12 ." Lt, lies' Shoes, 2,00. " ')24
lilt) " GL. d Pencils, at 2,00 ": ,2)t)
•: 00 ~ " Peas, at tpo , " • !Jill
100 13oxe,i assorttd perfornery,l,oo " 100
100 Port Monnaies,ltt • • 1,00 " 100
40 Copies vvoll bialud Miscellaneous
hooks, at *1,50 each,6ol
15 Ladie:s' :I.lbutus; at
e$ S2;U, each, ;
500 Piec Popular Mosie, ' 1:25
This Association is founded upon honest
and fair principles. Each
. book purchaser
gets the value of his money In the nook, and
on account of the great number sold, becomes
a share holder in MUCh valuable property. A
certificate will be pre,ented to each book pur
chaser entitling tla holder to an interest-in
t he abuse valuable property.. - -As soon as the
hooks arc all soil, notice will be givCa to the
stockholders and a convention wilt he held at
Newville, :it the Institute's llall,.when a eihn
mitteu will he chosen, to whom the property
will be delivered-to he distributed among the
shareholders, All the articles that eau, will
be exhibited at the Institute-'s Fair onthe I:!,th
A.u4,ust. From the very flattering manner in this Joint Stock ASsuciation is received
and patronized, and from the number ui tick
ets already sold, it is etinlidently believed that
the property can he d:elivored to the share
holder,s in a few- months. Fttr the character of
TUTE,- ar l thos, connected with it, we are
permitted to reler to the following gentlemen:
Ilkon,--.lint(,~' Pt rit-at,k, t ion ,
Penn'a.; Ron. Thaddeus Stevens, Laucasier;
11 , )11. Judge Frederick. Watts, Carlisle; Sena
tor Wm. IL Welsh, York: lion. Win. F. Mur- ;
rv, Harris \l F. Emil, ' 'o
wore, Md.: Wm: i.Shearer, Esq., Pro's. Atty.
Cumherland CO., Pa.; Mull Shelley, Supt.
Common Schools, Climb. cu., Pa.: John W.
Brant, Esq., and Buyer d Brother, Harris
burg. Pa.
order, 4 for Books and Certificates by.
Mail should be addressed to - JAMES MeliEE
-ILA N, ,SerreThrll tly• Liletary
Nywrifle, Cumberland Cu., Pa.
T. 3 runEr.T,
zi.r. - IP.AiI I:NTS WANTED in every Town
in the United States, to obtain subk..riptions
for Rooks, to whom a Liberal Commission
will he given. ;41 -- All letters of Inquiry, ac
companied by a Postage Stamp, wi ll 1 )0
promptly answered.
gr.4.q.,, I IEN ay' L ttnK_ts, Gettysburg: ha s
been appointed an Agent, of whom Certifi
i'.ates and Books call be obtained.
June 23, 1856.
N. SPENCEit THOMAS. No. 26 South
V" Second- street, Philadelphia, Imp or t er ,
et Manufacturer and Dealer in f►rugs and
Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, Dye Stuffs, Paints,
Oils, Colors:, White Lead, French and Ameri
can White Zinc, %Window Glass, Glassware,
Varnishes, Brushes, Instruments.- Ground
Spices, Whole , Spices. and all other articles us
ually, kept by DrnggiNts, including Borax.
Glue. Shellac, Potash, Lc., &,c,,
All orders by mail or otherwise promptly at
tended to, Country Merchants are invited to
ca ll an d e xa m ine our stock before purchasing
elsewhere. Goods sem to any of the wharves
or railroad stations. Prices low and goods
warranted. [March 17, 1851. ly
7 0 FIN %'V. 'I'II'TUN, PizAti , 'oii , rl,l, , llarber
,01 , 1 Ilair Dr. syer, can at all time be found
prepared to attend to the calls of the people, at
the I';'»irf , ', in the Diamond, adjoining- the
County Buildi From long experience, he
flatters himself that he can go through all the
ramifications of the Tonsorial Department
with such an intinite degree of si‘iti, as will
meet with the entire sa tkfaltion of all who may
submit their chins to the keen ordeal of his ra
zors. lie hopes, therefore, that by his atten
• tion to business, and a desire to please, he will
merit as well as rercive, a liberal share of puh
lie patronage. The sick will be attended to at
their private dwellings.
Gett'esburg, Jan.
chcaply d9tic this (liicc.
Drug Store.
Diamond Tonkar.
Ve - 1F ..pac
_cm ..gis
ii at least Twenty per cent Chopper than you
ever bought-before, rememberit is at COMAS
PSXTO.VS, where they are to be had in
great variety. consisting of Gent's and Boys'
fine SilL, Fur and Slouch Hats, of the latest
style, all colors and size.;,—white, black,
brown, tan, blue. drab, fawn. &c. Also, a
large assortment of Men's and Boys' fine Calf,
Kip, and Grain Boots & Shoes,—Gent's fine
Cloth and Patent Leather Gaiters.
careful. Ladies„ if you want walkingGMine
dress Shoes, such as Jenny Li nds, Buskins and
Ties, Kid and Morocco Slippers : also a beau
tiful article of Ladies' Dress Gaiters, with a
Large stuck of Misses' and Children's fancy
Gaiters and ShOes,—that you find Cohean-S;
Paxton's, at the south-east corner of Centre
Square, before purchasing elsewhere,- as they
have by far the largest stock of seasonable
goods in town, and. are detvrunned to sell very
ela.ap.—Take7care - , and - keep a
A R F'
look out that you do nut mistake the place.-
Reineuiher (.'uta•an & Paxton's hie* More, at.
the old stand of Keller Kurtz.
GeLLysburg, March L. 16,10.
X E G 10.'4
lAS just returned from the city with as
large. and beautiful a :stock of Loud* ad
has been . offered to the pubic at any time:—
among which are Ihisieyy, Gloves, Under
sleeves, Collars, Trimmings,
Opera &Robe Lawn a, Deßages,
Gentleineu'e,Goods in great variety : black,
hi tie, brown, olive. claret. drab, plaid, cloud
ed and figured, Cloths : black, brown, and
fancy Cassimeres, figured. plaid and plain. of
every shade of-colors: Drab deTate, eft:dime
ryas, Bombazines, Silk•%varp Alp:Lee:Ls, ‘K: C.
—Also—leady-rima—Clothitrg - in - great
with a large stock of
Aneensware, GrocerieS,
all of which will be sold as cheap as they can
he had at any retail ostahlishinunt in the
county, The Ladies will please call, as we
are at all . times pleased to see them. The
Gentlemen's _attention is invited to our large
asAirtment in their line. In connection with
the store k our
at the Sand-stone Front, where-everything is
done sip in the neatest and hest manner. We
can rig a man from head to foe: on the vely
shortest notive. Call and judge for yourselves.
April 7, li iii. .
Rl..araval Removal
Newly Ilyitt , ,d. (Intl
RNEY lqto. have removed their large
1.41 and carefully selected Stock, to the Orig
inal sold 11ouse-34:alerly occupied by them,
No. 6 West 'ArlirketThireet, adjoining Ilantz,
Frick Co's. Hardware store, and directly
oppoite the residence of Gen. Michael Don-
York, Pa.
This house Was opened by them for business
purposes sonic ten years ago, as a wholesale
candy factory. foreign "fruits, fancy goods, no
u--v ery—l a-Tr-Nur-it; •
superior and unequalea
Candy and Confectionary,
personally made by them daily. and of course
. -- itheen acknowledged by a
long ago. the best and finest work ever offered
and - sob! in York. Understanding their bUsi
ness as they do-•—in this branch eSpecially—
they have every facility for prosecuting it to
the best advantage, and can oiler facilities si t _
perior to any other house here or elsewhere, as
regards low prices, variety and particularly
superior quality.
The nsl
. success a patronage with which they
have met heretofore. is gratefully appreciated,
tbr which they-return again, as formerly, their
sincere acknowledgments and. thanks, and
trust, by strict and prompt attention to busi
ness, a continuance of the liberal patronage
hitherto extended to them.
June 16,- 1 556.
Hour: .Four I
11111 E undersigned continues the Flour busi-
Ja. ness as heretofore, Hb sells by the barrel
or any smaller quantity. By taking SMALL
rsor•rrs he can boy as high and sell as low as
anybody else, and by always endeavoring to
keep none but the best, he hopes to merit and
receive a continuance of liheral patronage.
Oct. S, 1855
'Washington Hotel,
_Abbottstorrn, ..I.dants Petitea.
(Removed to the large and convenient house,
formerly Carl's, opposite the old
stand of Chi.
THE subscriber respectfully- informs the
public that he has opened a Public House
of Entertainment in the borough of A bbotts
town, where he will be happy to entertain all
who may call with him. Having had many
years' knowledge of the business of hotel-keep
ing, he flatters himself that his efforts to please
be satisfactory. re the Washi ti , ton"
February - IS, ISSG. tf
ou rt stock of Hardware his been very much
increased, and per,ons building. or requir
ing anything in this ikparttnent, should first
call and see FAIINESTOCKS' Cheap Stock.
oNNETs. Ribbon; and Flowers, of every
vallety, a-nd to suit,- every taste, to Le
found cheap at S(IIICK'S.
[sit:AL.—Flutes, Violins, guitars, Ae
col deuns, £C., on band and for
sale by MARCUS s'.oisoN.
, a F you want a fine article of Dress Shoes
Gaiters, fur Gentlemen or Latlies, call at
At the Post Office
w. w. vAxtoN-s
Farm Lands ibr Sale !
The Illinois Central Railroad Company
Over Two Millions of Acres
ririllESE.lands were granted by the Governs-
AL went, to aid in the construction of this
Railroad, and include some of the richest and
most fertile Prairies in the State, interspersed
here and there with magnificent groves-of oak
and other timber. The Road extends from
Chicago, on the North-East, to Cairo at the
South. and from thence to Galena and Dunleith,
' In the North-west extreme of the. Stare, and as
ft esc--miles-on-ea eft—
side of this Road, ready and cheap means aro
nllhrded by it for transporting the products or
the lends to any of these points and from thence
to Eastern and Southern markets. Moreover, .
the rapid growth of flourishing towns and 01-
loges along the line, and the great increase in
population by immigration, etc., atfiard a sub
stantial and growing .bome-deurand for farm
Th e soil is a dark, rich Mould, from one to;
five feet in depth, is gently rolling and peculiar
ly fitted for -grazing cattle and sheep, or the
'cultivation of Wheat, Indian corn, etc.
Economy in cultivating and great produc.;
tiveness arc the well known characteristics of
Illinois lands. Trees are not required .to be
cut down, stumps grubbed, or stone picked off,
as is generally the case in cultivating newland
in the older States. The first crop of-Indian
corn, planted on the newly broken-sod, usually
repays the cost of - plowing and fencing.
Wheat. sown on the newly-turned sod is sure
to yield very LARGE PROFITS. A man with a
plow and two yoke of oxen will break one and
a half to two-acres per day. Contracts can - be
made for breaking, ready for corn or wheat, at'
from $2 to 2.50 per act e. By judicious man
agement, the land may te plow ed and fenced
'the first, and under a nirm sTAT.E: ine cumn.e-
TION the second year.
Corn, grain,,cattle,, etc., will be forwarded
at reasonable rates to Chicago,Tor the Eastern
tnarket; and to Cairo for the Southern. .The
larger yield on the cheap lands of Illinois over
the high-priced lands' iu the .EaSiv!ii and Mid
dle States, is, known to be 11711a1 MOW than
sufficient rpo pay the difference of transportation
to the Eastern market.
Bituminous coal is. mined at several points
along the Road, and is a cheap -and desirable
tuel. It can he delivered at, he% eral points
along the Road at 1,5 U to y4,UU per tun;
Wouti can be had at the satiresattes per cord.
Those who think of mauling in lowa or Min•
nesuta, should bear in wind, that-lands there, -
ot any value, along the v ater courses and fur
many miles inland, have been disposed ut ;
that fur those located in the interior, there are
no eutiveniences fur transporting the produce
to roarket,_Bui!roads nut having_ been intro
duced there. That to send the pi Lance of these -
lands, one or- two Itundreal,miles by wagon to
maLket, would cult 'name than the ex
pense of cukivating thern ; and he n ce, bluvern
meld lands thus situated, at *1,25 per_ acre,
are not so guard investments as land vl 1.114 -
company at, the pritre's fixed.
The same zetuarlts hold good in relation to
the lands in Kansas and Nebraska, for although
vacant lands may be' Iliund nearer the water
cuursos, the dr lance to market' is far greater
and every - huhdied - miles the produce or - ttiose
lands aro carried. either itt: wagons, or inter
rupted water communications, increases- the
expenses - of transportation, which Must be
'borne by the settlers, in tile reduced- priceof
their products ; and to that extent. •pmecisely
are the incomes from their farms, and of course
on their investments, annually and every year
The great fertility of the lands now offered
for sale by this-company, tod them consequent,
yield 'over those of the 'Eastern and Middle
States, is much inure than sullictent tu pay the
differance lu the cost or transpOrtatrun, especial. -
ly in view of the liteilitre.s turnished by this
Road, arid - others w nth winch It connecas, the -
operations of w inch arc nut 'inter litlavti by the
low water of stammer, or'the Lust of Winter.
Price aca.l Terms-oft Fa 3 went.' •
The price u ill vary front '65 to,r;›2s, accord
ing to location, duality , etc. ColaraeLS fur
Deeds may - tie toaue during.the year l o, stip
ulating the purchase money to be paid in live
annual installments. The first-to Liecouie due
tWo years trout the date of cotta net, and the
others annually thereafter. The last payment
will become due-at the end of the sixth year
from the date of the contract.
Interest will be. Charged al - only Trisun
Per Cent. per annum. ' As a
to the
I performance of tire coutraeC; the 1.11.1. 111 0 years'
s Tarsi - be pald - lii - a - iMirceTatiti itTharst
I be understood that at.' least one - ttntla ut the
laud purchased shall yearly be brought wider
cultivation. Twenty per cent. trutuAlre
nice Wan- he-deducted fur cash.-11-14c--Cm
pany's-eunstructi o n bonds'Will be received as,
' cash.
can be set up in a lov days, eau tie obtained
from responsible persons. they sill be.l2
feet by 20 feet, divided into one living ,and
three bed-rooms, and will Cost complete :Al. up.
on ground chosen anywhere 'along the Road,
in cash, exclusive of triiiispurtutiou.--=
Larger buildings may be contraetvu fur at-pro- . ..
portionate rates.
Special arrangements with dealers can he
made t o su pply tho se p u rehiisiti the t:ompaily 's
lands with !elicit% materials, agr ieultui al tools,
and an outfit of provisions in any quantity, at
is believed that the price, , long credit
and low rate of interest.. charged fur these
lands, will enable a man with a few hundred
dollars in cash and ordinary nit!ustry, to initi%e
himself independent before all the purchase
money becomes due. In the mean time, the
rapid settlement of the country will probably.
have increased their value four or five fold.— . -
When required an experienced person' will ac
company applicants, to "give information and
aid in selecting lands.
Circulars, containing numerous instances of
successful farming, signed by respectable and
well-known farmers living in the neighborhood
of the Railroad lands, throughout the State—
also the cost offencing, price of cattle, expense
of harvesting, threshing etc., by contract—or
any other information—will be' cheerfully
given, on application, either• personally or by
letter, in English, French,' or (lumen, ad
dressed to
Land Commissioner of the Illinuin Central It, R. Co.—
Office up to the let,. of May, Atouue,
CUL CA( ill, ILI.. ; that date in the new DIU/10
l'aieetiger Depot. loot ut.;iuuth Nt ate r rzta evt.
April 21, 1b56. • Cali
Saviquehatina note!,
Opposite Calvert Station, Baltimore, Md.
1 E undersigned having leased the above
Hotel and putit in complete order, is pre
pared to accommodate his friends and the
travelling public. The proprietor will be
pleased to see his old friends, and promises to
make their stay comfortable and satisfactory.
Baggage tahen to al.d from Calvert Station
tree 01 visa rge.
JOHN BARR., (fin•indyN Penn'a.,)
July 0, 1853. tf • PILOPItIk:TOIL
,t LARGE assortment ofTheentrare, China,
• Glass, Stone. and Crockery VV:tre. at