The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, September 15, 1856, Image 4

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    .7toer Chzairt !
Itedirabl* & Valttable Farm,
Von SA E .
frEif Sobsort!•er. F,ti,eentar,c;ff Ptracn Fr.nuge.d.
decenst.4 . ., (dos 41. r tint:: the rullowii%
l ezr . ableatal Estote v'•
. A FJ II if .
late the !Irene Phiee of Mr. Ferree. sitnnto in
'Tyrone township. Attains• cotnty, adjoining
lands , of Antos igyers, Jueob Jr4•l ree, Jacob
.Arntsberger. •nnd others. containing
252 Acres, more or less,
lar,sd proportions W41(1(11:1114 ond'
Meado*. . The ilopenvenlient,: cotwist. tif S tti6)
story;-,,ceatherlmarded 111 )[:SE. •
a Sio/teitt,il,: , it , ii - ii; Wagon 51e,.(1
And Coin. Spring- house, ji 1 :;.
Stable„ e.,
4;6 tti*n iletei•faling syrilig or 'iit
divrelling, , and Apple Orehayil on the
ThIS has nlways been nrimitteittO Le one of
'the best grain.producing Parnie in the
neighborhood. Persons wishing to view •it
Aire requested is, call Upon Mr. Beek, residing
thereon. As the Farm it; siNeeptibl,e of Con
venient isio.n, it will he offered in i.wo parts
.or in whole. as pitrelzasers may desire.
4r the property is not scdd at =private sale
previous to s,tho•day. flit 20th dfly V,Cepfem
tol• next, it will he offered at puhlie, outcry on
that day, up o n the premise-,, Rt one o'clock,
r. 31. Attendanoe given and terms intik known
by • .J 0 ,EL B. DANNER,
July t. 7.1,
On Salm-Jay, the :20th elayil'fr,S'eptenther next,
ll T 1..p . c,1(iv):, P. M., on the premises. the.. tm.
11 1 C Executor of the estate of Jong
deceased; n ill sell at Public:
Sale, th - -
.V A U A I`, P A
of said deceaSed, situate in Butler township.
Adaiiis county, Pa., containing 116 Acres,
'mere 4.)i lei,s,'cif L Patentell Land, and adjoining
lands'AZ Yeter Penis. PeorolWeaver, Solininnt
Rontiong. and others. The ini,proyeinen
- which are 'in first ,rate Ludo., eont4iht of a
lvilb a largo Pad: Wilding,. a 'good
13ankjlarn, (partly Wag!,n' a , ;•, 1 1 ;1,
Shed, V,arn-tirs,
Smoke llottse.l)ry 110ti.9.,-,--Wash house, a largo
•IV(YRK-SIIOP, and - 'all oilier necessary, out
buildings. _
'There iS small but never-failing stream of
water runping,,through'the - Whole length or the
firth, and Pusses near the barnlartl. There
iK a Welt Of tiver= - failing
x vc, tt,putep,
in it, • nitdcr,roof, kit the. kiteh6n -deer.; also a
well it - ttio`borii-3;aril: There is on. the premi
ses an.....1pp1e Orchard 'of choice lUiit, about
100 trees. juglairly , i,onntiktullitt.toibcar, and
in a thriving state also =Peach'. Cherry and
Pluin:trec4 with!,Ornpes of alit kieilg: There
ar.e!ftill- proportions of Tint bee mud' illetidthin,
• The cleared: land is- in a -high State -of cu lti va=
tion,, the.greater, part. of it having been limed
over the second time within the few last yeari , i;
and the fencing is .in good, order. the gleaner:
part being ti tesunt rails. '1 Tropei'ty is
cortveniatitlyTocarted,' about 3, miles friu» evn
i•ntilelrointentre:Millsi-t'toile frnin
,District School - house, and tliur f ,
ilenotikttuttialisconv,ttnient, ::,• . • • •
and - ~►ce;~ vili be:
oidt a,Traott efaiMbet-land, , cooed lin;
Aeres, netni or! , a46Ut - 31 mile 'above-,l;en.
dersville. adjoinhig
-iamb; elVatkokil4lesis;.k---,l3entler,snd Others.
Tikisl.met is. welLoevcred writh thriviitg young
Chesnut Timber,
ng Aolvitkiv, the pirmisek,
ore 3 eqoalrted-,t04:a11-un r'tlio the i resi ding ou
thetkirstitiutrieti. ; ; • ,••• ;-
prupprty will positively bo
The Wins ;will , beAugtleratlyi intimlifi)btutallo
a ou. clay,ol sale J) - v
' F'aecut4r:l.: 1
July 23:1856;. , is r 3" f. , •
• Private Sale:
untleritigned:,sillital I ittt ...Private Sale
prnpert. I‘l,oherrvs
town, f2ollnit'agin to %F ttar
on.t pl4llle
place. - . 1 ft eantlijni,Te more
,or fess,.
of tiesfrrate tand.' r afijoinfpginn(l4
."er. Or. N.
,Sanniel And Stalitithat4g!f= . and
ciln•rg: is - finely • i tuin•ov ,Tltot•e*
i) %V re' t 211
B ilf.t ti ,
the'afreet, - nyarly.op-•
pe4te'the7Tiiilic i liolnie ;of
,jnini . ,l3i/shy
g0.4 , 11-i4`'lla,rn: an
‘ areha'rti 'cliblee . ;-filti t:.
ioiier; And: hiller itnilrlivernilnts.,
.tnay be It , not . solll= .l .
the' proliet T. - will F0tt,' , .1 ) ,: l';N T. .• : 1*
Peroos.wil4nnig, to view the 'pretni - sos *3ll,
Nciir::26,' 1855', ' tf
• • Re , wimites Notate.
VOW% is hereby given to nil Legatees and
persons concerned, that , the ..Iflur in-,
ißtratit.4l ; A I , Cli hereinafter ni - entiOnetl will
ue PreAnteil a 4 kh'e.orphtin's 44ourt of adonis
county, for confirmation and allowance, on
.7'aeicky, tile :2.3(‘ (lay cif Nt•ptern be). viz: 3
-18 i.• Min : - firSt account of - IjornelinS .1-I‘ess .
and Joseph' IRss, ll:ceutors of the last will
and te:•itninent ollsant; )less, late Of Aciiding
township; Adams' county, deeeat4oti.
- 182, The -Soeond and tined account of Wm,
Young and Triter Cownover, Administrators
cif the estate ollVilliam Om:Rover, lato 'of
183: The first account of Joseph Power
and TheiTililus - Power, Administrators of the
estate of Al :older POwer, dectlased.
184. Second and final account of William
King, 1;73(1„ 4Exeentor of the last will and te;.
tument of David Troxell (of:John, sea;)
lxs. The first and final amount or (40()17e ,
Franklin .Atiministrator 01 . 111A,:;(11t1:1;la
tkieer, , e(l.•
Per 13.1Nve.i.
Register's Offlci.. Geltyslntrg. •
Aug. 25, 185(3. ul
E3.ecators' Notice.
oo the evsblu: of /'car 1. t,..
of the l3uroi4:ll Cettysl,or,
decea;:ed, having been granittl to 1,
signed, residing in the 54:1,/.
hereby give notice to all pri so:Is indel,te,l
said estate to make i mined tv ply
those having- claims against t 312 sznile' to 0;e
-sent them properly authenti,,:div(l, f u r
meat. ARIA Lt TZ,
- PETER n onfgAN,
August 4,185 G. Gt.
, Edw. B. krizEolei.,
3itarnrl nt KEif,
WiLL faithfully and promptly attend NI
all In:sines.; kntrusted ti) In::,. lie
Speaks .V.,te German language. 1; :le
oarne pi:see, in x South. daltiniDie Nueet. ot.nir
Forney s drug store; and nearly oppo:•ii... Dan
per Ziegler's store.
Getcysio;tg. Marel.t 20.
AtsUpEitlolt st)lc of SILK JIM' :it
W. tV.
riNIBACCQ.-A ptiwe artiOt: just 1,0, we d
. .
r,f I,l* .1'1: 1,1; I?' E.l I, " 1' S7'.l TA' . i
I.' ..1 NO linr,t, rgorEwfv, 1
( 4 1TISIIINC to retir4 front the': fariulng iiittf
V V' nulling biligiCeNhi' t Witt .0441 ot Pr vnte • - - "....
~.- , S , -•
; Sate the following 41al'uuble lleal',Estuti, ktuOcri,i ' ""--... ...
as LOctist' Grove, si Ware about one pad ft boil fC- " • Tin ifli'Are, Sie.•
iiiik, S. Wept, from LitilestoWn, 'Adams eoun- ,'
ty, Pa. . - -
01r, EL (;'. COO li infOring. his friends earl „ \ .. ,.. I
~_ . .. 1 2
~ ii ~ , , 70, r botwa
~,./.• r' : 1. the pnblie generally, that he has on hand.
at his Slim) ;tear; y opposite the Post-Office, a
superior quality of red firavel soil,'Well adapt
very large and well-mutcle asgorttnent of TlN
ed to timotnr, 24)011 bits/n.44 of lime having
IV.kItE. which he
. will sell at ,prices:' wide!'
been put oli it. The imploverneists ate a large
and very beautiful I,lEialf.l,...STcannot fail -thiplease. 114 4111 ntsO keen te lo
)1.11.3„ ;jaw ,110, Cooper 'hop. -• lit: it
. °- i
,' order, 'w .i
'with protuptueßs; n Avorkinati4ike
two Dwellim4.
. '
10 j u;:sEs, a k ,„ 4 ,, r0 , : .; 1, ; .; •,' manner : and frith the best materials, all kitobt,
thmin. two Linke Ovetv,' two ,s fu .,l:;* 0 f ......,,,,,,i; , (4, i -7 10i, SE 'SPOUTING, METALLIC, IiOOF- ,
hies, three Dig Pens, Lime-kiln, and id( nuevn-• IN”, II YDICANT 1 , 1, ()RIC, ice, ,
siri ont-huildingi. The Mill is , built uphill' 66 ttYsl'ol'g , Noy. 12, 185 tc -,,
the Milit• modern and improved , 'the'- ' ' '- ' '
(13in •aud rnae are not surpassed by ,nay,-- i :New nar4livare Sfore. .- -
Four county o droads centre ut this :11ilh i riIITE subscribers would regpeetfully .an-
Nit, 2.-47 itiv•ex of 1 4 .70,1, h ow l, !.Cry ,„..! IL , nonnce to their ft iends4irof the ptil)lte that
. ceptible of a high-state of cultivation. Kor 101. they litive<menett a llarduzare. 'Stare, in Bahl
',acres of which-era heavily , thrthered, with : more stret. *41)04161;r the reskience of David
about 10 acres o r mea d ow , Th e .: . , ; Ziegler, Gettysburg, in Which...they alway-4 in.
improvements area .larpo and veryl a ,',„‘ e... . I tend' to' olfer to' the publid a large and general
complete (;IIIST MILL and Dwel- Li: ' . A.:3. -: } assortment of .
hog' 110E7Sb% This property ad. .•. - , :".' r - 4 ',.' 1 '' ' Ilarlware;• Iron, Stiel, Ornbrirs, ,-
joins _No. 1. - • ' . . . • ~. ~'IcI7T L N' ti V', :color) ''TitIMIIINGS,
A',,. 3.—,1 Fdrin , corifiti ill ter, Vie ) i ler e , s , i ' ' SPII IN as, A X 1,18.,..
tnostly the red gravel mil, and produces well. 1 -
40 to 50 Acres of which at - c licattil2l Limbered ; LI: A
c g i il LI . 32 - .) IL ., 1, 23 ; gr,
9 . '
and about 20 Acres of meadow bottom. 10,- I • -.' 4 ' k g ) .
ct at -, , liar e' rilpc f iii'binge'
000 to 12,000' buglads or jibie. hate been put i : • I
• Paints, Oils c and nyte-statiN,,'
upon the land. , An abundance of fruit. trees!
upon the Tirelniges. , 'flee improvetheing ,g.---•.' •lin'gerteral, including every (loseription of arti--
are a. - -Stone I/welling 1.101.,'1:.r., atulf:ii ••i clesin the. above linc of btine , :s, to whieli.
j k ,
Kitchen, 81nolic I lunka,,, a large -I;titili'- ,, j f i Oey . invite the attention of Coach-makers,
Baru, with, Wagon Sheds, Corti Ctih, .ling',, Blacksmiths,. Carpenters, I ;ftbitiet - makers,
Pen, and ail necessary ont-buiblings. This , Shoe•makers, Saddlers, and the public genet.-
property is also apart of NO. 1, an d k nown as ,ally. Om* &noel:- having been seleeted. with
above, There is nut a mo r e d esira bl e Lropet •_ i great . cat e and purchased forcash. we ..;,narati
ly in the chanty illan, JA,,:),„ , ./ Cop - e, either' tee (fur the ready nioncr,) - to ilifi,pose ~i ;Inv
I. . ci f t wa v ly 6 1 , I og(Aluct, Call ;i11( . 1 see it. Th ese , : part or it on . as reasonable tertits, as they can
properties will
,he sold sep,tratelv ( fi r tp .get i, e r,.. l belin reba set I . any where. .
us may best' suit purchasers, I wiil ''.;4•11 on i W particularly request a -call—from our
accommodating teriiis. Any person Vi/ishing to- fri ends, ;111 , 1 ear riestly solicit a share of•paltlic
view the pi:OpeTity - Will,plea se call on Edward,l favor. to We are determined to establish -a char
f.:Lalire living Oil thin premil.;est, - o r ins o s i„lf in r act er "for selling (1110.3 , ; at low prices and doing
Gettysburg. Cl•'..ol',Gli' AILN'O.I.I), business on fair principles. ,
Aug. 18", 1850. ss' ' ' ' JOEL B. DASSRIt., - -
. .
. .
' • •• ' - DAVID '/,!ECI,EIi.. '
Gettysburg, June 0, 185t.' if , ~
t:Er,r,/114 ISTAT
, AT PUBI:1-C OR / './,' /1, i - ri..; ,c;:f LA',
1 N pursuance a authority given iii - the last
-wit I awl of Joni , : I ' , I , NNIIR. la te'of
Iliotintjoy township, Adonis county, deceased:
' will be ollercti a t public iilie.,oll - Jbe Intl(' ki-14,'
(unless, previously sold_ at. private snip.) on
NithiPio!/, (lii' 27/A ( ( ti!/ V.Seph-n;I:Hr. Ile .q, the
Iteal Estate
..of said; deceased v donsisting of
,A - I) 1..,' 1 / 4 . - N
T I Tit) ;‘,` , '- • -- -
of Patented 'JAM, 6ituate in said townAip of
at of , - ~, ~
i.'ionntjoy, adjOiaing !ands
_:,:loittei *fel:.
Frederick . Stocki:iager," Isaac I'azto - .1, and
- Others, 'ednia,iniog 'about 260 Acres; •frite
-iniprovernents are a :laroe, Two's' I , 2-',..-' O ., '.-
Mick Owclling 110C - ISE: with IA Wa Nill
JI oii Y•e 'it bd PA ke If 6u ste attached: Don-
, -11 '
hie Lag Barn and Sheds, Wiiii(ni - Sileil'& . l,'ortt
Crih, and other out-buildings.. There is a
never , failing - *ell 'cif irater,•nail6;s6of,'ilear
the iatchen door; 'Also a never-failing spring'
of water oiOlri , farni, and a - streant of miming
wilful: through it, alfgriling water ihnearlytill
Pia, Iltitdsii - .; !t'her'e :is a large.. rinantity.,af ;zoo('
Nliiii ( 4 )‘ ,;. on thefiion,,, and a f prOpOrtii)ll of good
Thither..? T.litire 14 . also a thriving I'oung.or,
Chard-or Choice 444 On the. Mace.. Tht%l,ll blic.
road front Gettysto ~ t,o, Tatitytown p a ss e s
through the pieinisei, 'being 'situate 7 , wiles.
front the former plaett and, li from - the latter.
The form will admit of oonv.enient divigion,
' ,Sile to'
,00tnuitincq at 11. 0 . 6?Oli ; P. ill.. on
said day, when attendance, Will be.givun and
tering tuado kquwo by
: - - ' „,"5, ; o.lll:gitY 2BEZCNEItt -
i, ' , • ,J(,)SiAli BENKIlatt
Aug. 18, 1850: :', F. ` ' ' :-" - Eiectinws.
4 , ! 4eit*RtArriv;kir. ,
is situated -allou to of n mild
FOoth of Getty,Antri.t . , and contains ul,out
gores at Lanit i •• Tho itnproveinviits are
,14.otthic 'l4o' , anti Frame i,llOl/:q1,e 7 .--- •
WeAtiterboard,e7l;• a-large:lWO: Batik
'114101:td •-other.- : ; two,-- 5
w e il l 4 'lf, vra 4 ter near the ilonse: with pumps in
:them; .There- is. an uscellettt thriving Apt)h:
Ort3hard of, choice ariety of . .other
frail„,,coitsisting of Peaches, Cherrits. &c., For
further .partictilars apply to the- stihscrilier,
in Gettysburg... - . 4‘• L'0131; AN,
Ati r ,4" , ..1.1.;4856, .'Gt :
N, ore:also 50 Acres of Land ad.
joining 'tile above property', which ,
eau, be
bought- at a fair
Agrictilttend !lorAcly•
I.(ii) Chesnut
P r OH 'Poiirth Exhibit the
' ••S Ive Bort r
11 . 11 c: at lac win,ToN: (Phi hviolphizt, ) uu
Wednosclay,"rhurathiv,' Frothy, and
Satitrday.Ootohor 7th, th, 9th, 10t h and
Pronjunist of Twvvrr-rtry, to Two Ilux
rdttOillot.t.mis; amottitting in the aggregate to
Fnetintio:'l,`flous.tsu Dom..tils, will be offered
for the rarioui e sKIAD m
Fruits, .Amoricatt l'e . 4otables, Otrains,
and Agiiettitural latidentents and Machinory.
Local Committee at l'hilndolphin, repro
sonting the Various branches of Industry, has
linen appointed 'to co-operat:witil the ofiloors
of the 'Society, in itarfecting .arrangetnerits for
theExhild'tion. And FIFTEEN TtiousANn Pot:
tr., hare been guaranteeil tll meet e.qmoses.
This Material abl, collided with theexeillottee
of the,selooted Itteotion, and the large amount
of Premiums oti'ered, indaces . tite exiitletation_
that the ilx-hiltition of ltisti, will be 6tii.orior
to any of its prethwessors.
A Grand Agricultural Banquet, in which
ladies a ‘1 ell as gentlemen will partivipate,
wilt take place on Friloy, O e Loiter 1.0;1 1 , w hen
distingubdied ~ ...mitlenien will addre.,s the as
1.'allo.:11.1ct I;rrams-.‘nit•,ll ,, With tua v;...Coals
raiirt;;pis, lor 1111 , 1
01;141" 1;!'t , 111 t 911 1 ,,
Nvl Ny, ;)I.) vo tho
Cho (,1
o•:,1 t s. Priwe.:llllly., lvjii 11(•
1.01: ,zink,t't ~ : :110 y
. •
thk• will Ito.
oi Jo, .1;', :111plitftiolt to _tit'.
6,...roLary of tit,
1.,;;•1:• - ditttri.1
riir~. tho
hy 1
ll I i .-L U
24.11 I: ILA LI, P. 1V11,1)I_:1 - t, V re ,'L
;1"!1.'..'.11; K 1 Sue'y.
1, 1- , 56. :It
S 7Pa . i 5 e
\N PAN:TON li: t ve
VL- 1 :1•• , •, 4)i-tmclit. of Wail kailt-'r,
c)1 style al ,(1 variety. limn 1:2!-, 41cciS. ,
pic•ckl. I oniel,L (pets :111/1 Pa put ! 1 angers are
invited to call and exitthinC tile stock. which
sti iwrifq• put-till licrctorore 011'cicd in
livri - s et.' Only- 1:2 1 , cents a piecc, tir
Icents ytr 1, for Wah .Prip, t ±t•
licttyshurg, PO). 25. 1856.
(Wt•xten , ,ivc assortment of )N & N %MS
• 114_ lint rcct:ivi:(l c,t FAUN ES l's)(' lil'S.
l'alit,uki fur :-ale icy
)3 (.3 I.;
~J` , ~ .
- 2111111111 at 1 -, nat,
WILL promptly' rit«,...nd to collections and
nil holiiness entrwised to his rare .
- , fl,llll - ICe in the Diamond; adjoini . ng store of
A. 1;, '
Gettp;burg,.Feb. 4,1856. ly
att1)111111 At rithir.
, .
(Offke von - loved tanne.rionr NVost, - of Buehler's
& ok-gtort; Chain hog hti,) t
, , .
AttOrties' S.; sollo.f 4,1 , 11' for, - 1 9 at en tsi
a 101 'l"oaks io us,
.11 1 )0(;,\;Ty Land NVlirrinlU; 'l;:tek-pny vug;- 1
_II ) penfloil elainw.,andall Other ciairp; apirNt, '
the Cii)veimic ; iit 'at Vhisllifigunv. 1). - C.: alkt
Anwriinii elsiim's in I.:ol.;Tand, Land iVarri tug
lo6titeil" mid '';iilil, or lyi.lou, nii(lll4r,liegt juices
gi(,'en... Agents "on'grt,t4(ql in loca'ting v.lirra'nts
".in lown, liiinoi:4 'and other,lVeNtern•StlitcY.
r.:, - :7'4pnly - tiffiitn - pu.;Oti:tlty - eo - i.yletti:i; ---
• aetty'sburi. Nov - . 21. 11.5:,
Grobort Store.
V trE subscribe! continnes,the !roil. & ECM
• I. business. anfl has" recently a4tle(l to his
Flock -an excellent. assortment of Grecerie*,
Spices, he invites, the attention
of thi'.! public. Content' witty sinall prOlits, he
pronliSex to sell as low toi tbelqWest, and asks
t4 call in order to prove his -
. •
bas now in store
,prime-,COffee, - Sugar,
`3lolasses. &c., which can,:i. 1 4 .V . beat, either.
quality or. price. Itieon can ,be lurid. 31$
go,od, a! the vory ,
Leer; n folk assortment of Cat-.
`fettionery,Fruits', 4L:
his Shire, in IVes't street,
near. St utli Lai tituore, . his st 4 kelt.
•Gretvsburtr,, .461.21.48,5 U.
Getlr ! i4llrg 11.Ntatondyy.
NI:, F fit M !
PrTIT, underSigiud.,having entered into part•
nership to carry on the Foundry business
under the thin of W 1 itItEN & St 1. 4 , hereby
make lcnotrn to the citizens or Aaanis and ad
joining counties. that we 810 prepared to make '
everything in onr 'hue of bo'siness, havu
constantly - Am il*t
Hathaway - and. other: Cooking Staves, I
the Parlor Air-Tight and Teo-plate Stores, of
various stylus aml sizes ; Pot., Kettles and ,
l ans , arid till oilier Imo Co ,Lit
Walk Irons, 11'a:41111g Machines, )
lout-si.tmners. &c. Castings for Mills and
other Machinery, Phoilt.nt rAsTINGs, of every
description, &c. We make the Seylar,
el., and dill:emit kinds of Witheruw Pl o u g hs,
%tie hare also got (Micron patterns of
Fent:in:4 a mud Railing>
for Cemeteries, Yards and Porches, which
can't he boa fur beauty and c,heitpnesg.
a: Ali the above articles will be sold cheap
for ca,h or country inodure.
cr'''l>htelcsmithing stilt eontin”ed.
BRASS CASTINGS anti everything in our
line otaile to oili er ,
T lIZ ESI lIN C INES repaired at flip
shortest• notice. 'Being ?Moulders ourselves,
we will_du t_.;ur work atknyr.
I\l A lt,Tl N Alt It EN ,
111 RA 11 11 - ARIZ N,E
'1'11011.1s; A. IN A
Getty4mrg, May 14, Wis. tf
nas.; WalllCd.
Hay to sell ill In
by calling. on the subscrt her. in lietts.
long. who i, desirous o f pur vi la; ', o) ,,,,, Th e
11:glie:4 mat Let prime Y he all ti»os.
\ • he Intends .swing the Ll:.ty. after be
ing 1,ae;,,e,1. hauled either to Hanover or 1141ti
more, the Preference to haul will be given
1.1.0 Nu from whom he may purchase.
; & PAXI'ON'S,'-w here 'they' are to be haiLin
great eariety;.-eausisting of tilents und Boys'
;line 'Silk, Ilsor'and Slouch ...Hats, of the lateSt'
the poreS'OltheSOn. Thisienetratidg Omt- stele, all coand --- sTxes,—white; IThick - , -
ment-sine'lting.under the hand as it is rubbed. brown, tan, blue. drab,. fawn. &C. Also., a ahsorlied thiough the saint channels, and, large as.sortmeTit,:of Men's and Boys' tine C-dr,
reaching, the seat id' inflauunation, pi omptly ' Kip. and - Grain Boots tqz Shoes,—Gout's line
and invariably:sUbdhes it, whet:l l er located - iii I Cloth and Pitt-cn-t--17ea-t-her Gaiters.
sire kidneys, the liver, the lungs, or any other I -
0 ,
important organ. It penetrates the surface to
,• careful, Ladies, if you tvant walling and fine,
the• interior, thrOugh the countless ,tithes that
.. dross shoes,
communicate 1601 thi.:.,skin as summer rain • Ti,,, Ki,j „ ai l m on ,,, L -. 0 sit
:melt asJefiny Linds, Buskins and
dipers :also a beau;
paSses into the fevered earth:dilliing, its cool iitul 'aikiele of Ladies' Dress Gaiters, with a
and' regenerating imluence. : large stock of Misses' and Children's fancy
.N.',7, / /),.(••((s, .; ( o‘ ,/ witivii-thir Rtr , ' 77 ln'ig• - (falters and Shoes.—that you find Cobean &
F.Yei y species of exterior i rrita t im. is. tpiidit Ty - Vaxton's, at the soutlt-ast corner or Centre-.
reduced by the anti•iinflammatory action of this; , s Epu u: (. ..-
Ointment. Angry Eruptions, such as Salt, bethre purchaSing elsewhere, as ther
hare' by far the largest snick of sensOnal4 .
Rheum, Erysipelas. 'fetter, Ringworm. Scald
, ' goods in town. and are determined to sell very
Dead, N',ettle Rash, Scabies (or Itch) &c.-, (lie
'cheap.-'lapse care, and keep a
out, to return 110 Iliore, under its application. ' l '
S H A. B P
hospital experienc , .? lit all parts of 'the woi Id .look nut th at y ou do not mistake the rdade - ...--
plaives its . , inlallibility in Au-eases; -nt the skin,'emernber Cobean & Paxton's new Store, at
the muscles, 'the joints and the glands..
' •- i the old stand of ik - eller Kurtz.
t - l'i';•rs,, ',,c,(0•4, #III,I Tumors;
1 Gettysburg, March :11. 1.50.
----- "Phe -- 01. - cl - bribis - irmira - k-il - ex - t-ernal-rtantll-34---=-_-_---------:—. _
upon Sciofula, and other virulent ulcers and I •
.ores, is alniost miraculous. It first discharges ,
the poison which produces suppuration and
proud flesh, and thus the cures which its heal
ing prope.rties aiterward complete arc safe as
\t ell as permanent. ;
; r ~,, 4 'IS; fl irti i.,.i, - g'.: I f'i'n:` , ei;vl .':';1. is.
In caseA of the fracture or bones, injo,
ries caused 'by steam eNp'osions. Bru:ses,
11uens,Sealds,'Ptheumati-m, Sittfiless or the
.mints,ond centiaction of the sinews. it. is eat
plo \ (al and warmly r coilumnikii by the foe
ultye This marvelous reniLily lots Lent intro
(hived by its inventor in :pet soli into
leading Hospitals of Europe, and no private
household' 's.tiut t l be without it.
December (, 1552. all the
reol( iii (i,;',l. r:•-•.-?;,,,,,, , ,,.
A LARtIE A"`.:1) Cil EA PLtYI oF , The Medical Staff oldie Frenelt and •English
'Ciii.{l.WEl3i ii:::-,, 4,5:: i'. 1 Armies in the Crimea have officially sn•ntal
' their approval of 11.(lloway's Ointment, :a, the
- 4 111 A N L'; EL ZI EG LEI{ has just returned
most ren able di rssing tbr sa Li e cuts, smlis.,
__l front Mc city with ;he largest lot of
and , en-wounds. It is also used by the sin.-
GIZO C EIZI,ES Itt; ho, ever hi fore opeilal, to n
tr. Ofh of the Ailied N.tvies.
il• hletChe invites the attention bralL'iAiviitred - I. ' • . „
( ' I,,;(iin..tritt Qi.a/111, Jo on!! i'.4l. , :shoui(i lie ti.l. #1 in
ttlat he'ean offer a Altl: a.tlt(i:‘,l7o.l. fie lilts _aisti ' - -
the P/11 , 11.111!I efitY.,* :
1 el r"'ln t ' 01 If A ,Ni , ' II 0 1-1 I.IYERS; &,c L:: ni , ,i ,; , ,,
. biwumati,,,, :,,,,, Thu-mak
Fistl of all 'l;i inis ; Oranges, Lembns, and la 1,-( r,:rc„. s t,.,r(a' ;-..i-,,,,1 ail kuril
other tru its ; CI acl:ers, N. - a ts, Contentions ; • un , ei , -lilaas ' , Lit• nhea•a ;-. 1 ,,,,,,,
thaida,a.-, ;••,..aa. ..--mr.i.,,ats
`r, .irs, T, sauff,'and a general vallelY
,r,,t,,i,, smiiniss.t , e--(-., Tr:t.or
of .t, , erythin(r, "Iron( a needle to an - anchor," nifin s,,,.(u.Amaiia-: 1100 IN
a l tno st• Give _him a call, If Olt Wilr4 to o'uy "I"t l 4'' ' Sire i•V ,
V t4101%d Slre , C
NVitll . s ehra Itltd ,rod. ;1.•arhar , :( 4 ,.01.:, , re 1..v.i , t4
_hoot:, of all k iwi, , files ~ re iiid ,
"Ct'Y'ljullat.f2,' Product . > taken in exert,' n7e for 4 , `,,,1501it at the Manufactories of ProfesQor
(Goods. ' . l'Nlae 7, 1P(55.. huut,owiv - , F4l) Maiden Lane, New Yrirk. and
--- ''' - - - -' - - - ---- "44 Strand. London,)v all respectable Drug- DONNE:TS, Ribbons and Mowers, of every
Jewelry! Jewelry! g ists and Dealers in'Medicine throughout Lite 0 variety, and to su:t every taste. to I,e
L. SCHIrK has: now on hand rt* large l United States:tad the civilized world, in pots. found--eh •ap at SCIIII'K'S.
o and splendid assortment of, iat 21 veins. 021 cents. and '7...1 each. /74., I lCst(7.‘ L. --Flutes. Violins.. Gni - tars. AC -
prising everything in that line•-llrsastpin.:4, [t„, - ) - 'fliere is a considerable:saving, by takine.Y cordeams,,JifeS - , $.:(-. nit piano and - tor
Ear -Rings. Flfig:el'lnligti, Chnins, &c.. kn.— • the larger si'Les. ' . sale by - 31 ll:CI'S S OLSON.
all of which he is selling at' the lowest living I N. li.—Direetions for the g,nidance of pa- 1K P you want a tiao a rti,:le of it:t;s Sli a,•••;
p i # i 11.... ', all and examine for yontNelves --nu Cents, in'every disairder are athsed to - Ltidi I'4. ~.I. 111
—.1.11.,1 - 44 . im...a1.1(.m. - :( er Lady,. ea,l ~t ,
tiot. ( hle to show •d,o,Als. LAprd 21. :0, Sept. 1, .U_<)(3. cowly yr , W. NV. I'AX.rON-Z",..
. _
Evans , rire Thiel Proof Safes '1
11:4101r, Merchants, Lawyers, Farmers and
others, having Bw,/,'Y, 1 1 010 •r,v or other
r(thmides, to preserve from FlUI; or MAG-
Day ilk Newell's (Hobo's) BANE Loots.
A" CA It D.---Theiw•Filtic PILOOF SAFE," that
,pregerved our 80 , ,,/.s, Pirp , rg, 4:e., eluting the
HGrkat fire nt Hart's Building," pur
elinweil of OLIVER EVANS, 61 S. 2nd St.-,
p - elfrizerators liVater
VANS r c i itv.Ve..totitstimi.,l44ris
for cooling and 71'
1170 ,, i- and all arti4lc4fa
or muddy water, whet:
limestone, marl or other causes ; .can he had
;separate or attached to the I,?efrigerato!s— r a
;small quantity of Ice cooling the whole, iu the
'wfirlnet weather. Pon.:t SuewEn. Bivrqs,
for the use of ',wen/ or ~ o/, / water. %V ATI:IC
Coot,mcs, for 'I I we! , Stores S and Dwellings.
STu g itE; Titucks. for ruirwing
SEM. PLItiiSKS, visr; do., Drtrr;Gwr do.
Cl Sow!, ,ti/,
(1,,; - !,llEl) 1835.)
Pei). 11, 1856., . ly
Wish 113.
nt tam
I)FICE- on the south gide of the Public
.Sq wtre., 2 doors west ol the Seutitiel office.
Gettysburg. August 22, 1!.7:53.
L Lyvvrear. , ,,l Hill, Df i
• one , floor we .t of tho
rail elittritli, in Cliattibt.t4org ;street, and
opo6site Gratilitll.r's suite. where Jill's('
to hav any Dental Open:.tion perform
cirllre resperrtfolly invited to e;:11.
it.mt4titt , ..Ncy..s; ; 1)r. I). Gilbert. 1)r. C. N.
Beilticry. Dr. D. llg orner. Rev. (;. P. Kratith.
1).11., Rey. 11. h. ke•,.. , :lier, I). 1)., Rev. Pra.
Williato M...Reynald, Rev, Prof. M. Jacobs,
Prof IVl'. - 'l/..filtt vet'?"
April 11,1853: tf '
Frio laity to nd (Alai 511 S.
F'lrtilS' undersigned will attend prompilj , to
the collection of claims RA. Bounty Lands
under the kie• act. ait 'ungre.s.i. ThOse. who
have already received 40 or SO acres, can now
reeci ve. the \, hy,cal mug on the SilbScri
ber_rind making the necessary apidieation,
. _
Gettysburg. 11.1 arch .1z455. tt
'.rzt i oril-z.-
Removed a 1.4 e tv utoer.s.s,itst h of theOid ! ,, tt a ttd.
11. SKE'LLY re:tpectfolly infortnit htis old
pP- • elistolnerssand tits puhlie generally, that
h e contitme)i the 7.IILOUIIVO IV I SISYN ,4 I
Dear his old stand, jl t South Baltitnot'e street.
tilicre he trill be happy. to accommodate all
who'itttly' remottize.him. All AN ork entrusted
to his c: 1 At' Rai to lit' aml .he of tlfoA sifb
14tantial hotte.: Thanltful, for past favors, he
euutinuance' puhlie patrourge..
. 2.lw_ ...k ,110, .2,‘;tieLo /4,1
%Mil are. received. Call and see there..
• _Gettyslmtg,?Apri9:4
1.1(ti4. ,
. • 'New Millinery:
Lpt,AsA IoTE Ln•TLE.wities to
inforni the Ladies' of 'town and 001:ntr,r,
slie is noW" prepared to execOto'
in all its branches.- in West Alittille sheet, a
few iloorebOow Mr: store.—
Wo rlcAcheaper
Plea io:; call nd, see. -
April -` 21. • 1856:,
- '
• - •
r@IFIE 0.4 rg d _Strangers
!velle - relto,lit*a. Inge
find handsoine. varlet y . ol.Sttiutne - iqTAIS and
invited to . •calt at W. IV:- PA X
TON,'B:B 10111.% Wherii they will and,ll,4;nost
cis' .jilt iyhite• Lea vers;. - inid 11 hite-.sll< Hat:,
6-rifin and P,rafil , v.iiliti. , Soft• Vrenell
Bats. :and a large stock of . Gentlemcn . and
Ladies' and Children's .Snintner Sh o es anti
Gti tors of , every style v.nd price. • Call and sue
the .goods. W. W. PAXTON.
June 10,185 G, • .
- AMedical Revolution
Lll NA - NimOus
, ,
ollo,w4's,olrittnent--'ritf: (:RE.yr
'rEH. IIiRIT4NT 1 .-1 he virui,or !liscase of
N GI 4")(11)S
GE GE, A It N.. 0 I. I)
AS jllgt returned from the city with as
lathe and beautiful a stock of Goods as
has been offered to the public at ,any time—
lamong which ti re -finsiery, Gloves, Under
lecres; Ckitlars;'!frittittlings,
Ppeki'oSe Robe . Deßages, &o.
Gentlemen'e'Coods in great variety :
blue, brown, olive, claret, drab, plaid. cloud-
Yd figured Cloths brown, and
j fancy:Cassini : ere:4, figured. plaid and plain, of
every, shade of colors: Drab'deTate, Cashtne
rettS, Silk-warp Alpaccas, &c.
:Also rti.!atiy-made :Clothing in gfoat - variety - , --
•ge stock of
h will be sold as cheap as they can
he had at any retail establishment' in the
. county: --The Ladies will please call, as we
are at all times pleased to see them. - The
Centlemen'lc attention is - invited to our large.
aggortnient in their line. In ; connection with
the store is our
nt the. Sand-stone Front,• vhere everything, is
d u ne up in the tteateg °and hest manner. We
can rig a man from- head to foot on the very
shortest notice. (Jail and judge fur yourselves.
-April 7, 1856.
TlfE 1?1 INA L (r, OYL (IL II STA 117/),
Nciviy hVitted. lle-ifurtripit, llowsrUitictl i aad
& BRO. have:removed, their large
IA and carefully selected Stook, to the
*lionse_f_hrtnerly occupied ht• them,
.Market, atreeC, inljoining
Frick it Cy's,. -store, and directly
re,idenCci, of Gen.' tljcilacl Dod-
‘vas opciud be them for business
prirlur;cti ~Dole ten teats tr4re, as a i.,•holeale
candy good,z, ilo
lions, large rari . ety,
bur t 2.1 iQr tkI1(1
_ •
Candy and Co'nectionary,
personfilly Mode
,by them di:illy; &ri i nrcourse
aln'tlys (pc.l',, has heen 'a'cltnowledge(i2by all
long ago, the hest aael tinest work (se! cdietcd
an: sold in Y'o'rk.' Understanding; their
nesi.; , thisATanch
they have every facility : for pio:•ectitil.l:,.it to
the het adyiiiitage, and can oiler facilities sil
perior to any other %wise here or else•Alte-e, as
regards low iicices, variety and particularly
superior (polity.
• The 'success and patronage with•which they
have tiaq loretorore; is gratefully apprecialeib,
for whichthee return again, ii.fortuerly. their
Fincere• aektrowhilginents and thanks, and
trust, I' suicv and prompt attention. to biNi
'less. a continuance IT the liheral pationage
hitherto exivioled to . them
Jiine,.l6, 1656.
7i;etv if,;Zood , 4 !
NOBS & 1.11.10. respectfully inform their
C 4 ' , -frit:ll , ls and the public generally, that they
have opened" a M 4.trlV 11 a TA igaor ttg'
Est ahllislanz emit, in the r(loin recently 'oc
cupied by A. Arnold, in South Bid timure street,'
near the Diamond..where they will at.all times
he, h ippy , to acemunicalate all who may patron
ize them. Their stuck of-.Cloths,Cas,simeres,
"Ve,t l ngs. (.'assinets. Curds. Summer t.4oods,
&c., is large -and selected from the latest
.styles—all of wbidi
,they will. diiiust..- ul at
prices-as low, as they can a third. their
F yst eta tieing to sell CHEAP, for cash or coun
try pi wince. - ,
They will, make up garments of every de-
Fcription in thy most suhsaintial and desirable
'wanner, all warranted to fit and not to rip.—
tipods bought of.thetn nut tit, wade up in their
establishment will he cut free of charge. - They
ore Waking up a lot of ItEA - DY-11:11)11.; CLOTH
in the best wanner,__w_hich they will sell
cheaP as the,eheapest; : • .
- They have also on hand alarge assortment,
of limisicry,,,;s4.ipencirrs, Shictii, Mitt Collar*,
to which they would call the attention' of
the .publie.
lAtegt, Fashions 14.'111m -1y receive a.
Cas.lE or 12,1utityy pvotittce al w.a ys encrent.,iK
goods or wirk. mistake ; the place. -
Mach 17. 18:16.
J • , i P:
r ..,c7 , 1 .427,
1 3 t ATANT • ti'ATs, (. I ,VPS,-Brol's
if V itt, It n t 7'wenl ypf r cent 'I 11;fsper• than *4llf
ever Ilotight hefore. - re!iietriber it is at 001"4.7.1::4
( Mr -110% 01 to tho nod convo lient house,
formerly Gaffs, oppic4ito the old
subserihor respectfliNy inrorms the
tlntt lie Ins o:pinvil ll clllce
of l'Aucrtaiameli, in the burt,;:gli : 1 1);,t i tl.:-
t0v..11, where In; will tic happy to entertain all
Inay ea' 1 I 11.1:1 mlny
year:C knowledge LqLtu,. husino:s of :tote l-kt
in z ;,, he thAt lily er:r,, to p! e r t . e
:•aLisllt.::korv. (;ive the. \\:1. 1 1;:!Lvon"
- February 18, 1556. tf
il4 , :zia•! r-;•114c.1:*!'
rrqi E undersi,gned continues the Flour
nes.; as heretofore. lit. sells be the barrel
or nne smaller uxintity. Itr taking
I.l:Awn's he eau bov ns hn h and sell as lew as
anybody el,e, and by alv.ays endeavoring to
keep nune but the hest, he hopes to :nerit dud
receive a CohLiauatiCe of It ht I al Patronage.
Oct. S, 1
i:2 .'li rd wa r e.
!I:OCR-stock of Hard Ware I:AA k'en very much
increased, and per , :ons building or regnir.
ing anything in this deparsment, should first
call and see A 11N EST() C in Steck.
- roc I es,-.
At the Post Ott cc.
Rea 41 y!nead ,01; lotp
, at the . Saud-stone Fr!itit.
AITE hose now on hand and offer - for
V V, one of the jargest, cheapest and prettiest
gTocgS or
"I?Esn - 1 - -.11.1DE (I,orgING, •
.tha.t has teen off}:.r . vd'in this_ place at any time.
I:they are all our oWn make, manufactured out
of our own elothg; crisitncres'. &C., We have
' ('`oats from $,l to S'in' : Pantsfrom Ci2J'eents to
$lO ' VestS froM cents to 6. Boys'
Clothing in great variety.
Our stock of Cloths con4ists of blue, black,
'olive, brown; green. drab, claret, and all other
c° l ''''s- Our Cassiuieres conAist of blilac,
brow 9, steel-mixed, and every variety of
sT.ade' of fancy colors.. 'Also Marino Cassi
,' ' ll . l s 4 Tgreat - variety,' plain. phdd and ;
Cashmeretts. TwetlA, Jeans, Drabs detate,
;3ilk4arp Alpaccas, Mad; Satins, buff, white,
Plaid and fancy Marseilles listing',
Carl and see us. If sec cannot fit you:, 'we
will take your measure and make you a gar
ment .on the very shortestnotice. iniviiipite
very best cuttingailors constantly employed,
}! and making up. Ale do things up in the
neatest and best ,manner at the Sand-stone
Front, and ate hard to beat.
April 7, 1850
Schick Always.Ahcad
Just -from the City. with -the_ Largest and
Prettiest Stock of ,GOODS for the Spring and
Summer Season, to he seen in (itiAlysburg!
_which will he found, plain and'
faney nieEss• SILKS, wadi. Silks,- all
~naaltilies and vrices : plain Dela isles. plain and.
Al:Lured licia;.. , :e.l;erage'l/elail Otallies, brit.
haws.: Lawns, (~iognatus, nits, SHAW LS,
, •
Embromenes. f)'.(wes, lio•siery
bicOas, of all colors and prices';
t i-es, for ' ne n and Loys' Wear, Vestings;
Mosims, 'Pickings, &c.
Purchasing. at the lQwest rates. T am pre
pared to sell at as low prices :IS,'',4'o6ilM (no ho
had at any othvr 'estlti;hz.linient in the county.
In pi:oa of whi(!li, I invite all-to call and ex
ano::e toy stud:, when they will he satisfied
that such is the fact._ , L. SCHICK,
Soot invest ci;rner of the Diamond and Bald
naire street. = April 14, 1856.
Ca 3 '7 eon ia t" rola.
- A 7-7 .ltlNEcuticK - 1;1;ItTlIEW-i, having the
exclusive sale ot Iron for
Gettysburg, would call the attentiun of I,llyets
to this make of Irolv—the hest in the market
-wlii:h kill he sold tit the rate. 4.
\Ve,keep : a largv•supply of Ilatnniercd 11 on
con,:tan'Ay on hand. ('all
"at. ht. sign or the
Ike. lU. ED I'llls\ T.
CaU fund ET:.
1;A 7 :1. T. RING ivspeartilly antionnres to
•Ins-friends and the pnf , iic -4.nerally that
he eoritilliles 0(1 1'
i Jai le atijOillilYg t he store of J. I ,aw
reliec Shielc, fro/14111:f on the Diattion(l.—....lL
I hi, has lillide 3111iPtreluellis to rveeive regular
ly the LATErvr FAsiiinNs. anti it - wit--I he iris con
siant ti) give ttitire satishre' to those
who mar favor - hint with their etistrgil.
- 11:11' , olintry .proattee' will - he taken 'in eX
charige fin. crnrl 11'.1I. -T.
Getty:o3./14, lieeember 17, , 1h55. ly
FilliAneA twi t : t her ;
VW A 1114: jitst. -recei'vecl and :ire now ofieriing
large and 'elk( .tillick h "GO( kS, a nd
arr prepared to sun to allin want of :I ny
in their line..ohen'perthan vnn, broollit f•lse-
Whert.. Having pnrellist2(.l our- stork in Nv‘sr
York, Philhdelplna thoA basing
the advantage cif',, we 'can
011421 - 110 ttcOttieilt not
where in •the counts':' 't)nr sttick ottin:ter
Dregs - Goad of every variety',
iTictuding Sumincri, I)chiines,
Berages,, Br,iiliatitiltes,l,BW,lls. 4;111i ,
13.0 1 )vS: ..191!! - 4;vexy thing I,:;,l:llii, fur
Ladies, `wear. Fur lientletians,,welpt .cn -
rut ;styles Quods for ,C,ont:... Vci•ts,
tte.. Give u,4 a call. 11c
~(1c.r . 111 IL ' IR 10
enuincrale t4c, variety or:Ntylv:-;
our 1:44.1p,i4 sluck • as %%e• Arc ;.1.1 niritish
JLI iitie it 1.1,k , v\''cs.i.
Cali cally, at 111
;- , i 4 n of
GettysTirg, 11)11 . 1 14; 1?,56
Ez.'elt - 3<)1:41Z ! !
itsEy & 1.1R(1.
tstahltsholl ., \\,
str e c. : ::, ailjuititss4 thiniz. Fitch p,tware
Store. tor , t
,tifrecctv ofodosite the re:ollence of
(:co. XI. 1)owlel, ti, here [hey rootitore,
R. in its hi - ,stwhes--SYUL:I',S
the lo,\re:it city to Al.s6, a cart:Psi—
ly selected. :.tock of
Wines and Lityl4 —,. .
always on- di aught:and fir sac in frmneitivs
'to suit. supc•rior ,Irticle •TIY.N.I.N.TOt
I?, in A qipe cmulitio, non -by us,.
and sold h the p,,ifion nr in :m' tinarit•iy, very
' low —much less than city prides. The article
renresented. or , : tip erior ildvor. We also
have a lirg . e lot of :RE I'InKIES." put
no nntler our own supervision and care, and
ofror them to fainiFes
June hi, 185(i,
Now i§; tie Time,
1.1 - I•:AVEIZ respectfUlly announces to the
CY ° Ladles anal Gentlemen of (;ctly-shurg, anti
victnity, that be has resumed the I).lguerreo
husizaess, at the uld :stand: in Chtonbers-
V — " it'-
street, whereppy - TO / eeetVe"
V tors desirous of securing perfect Daguerreo
tyru:s or themselves or friends.
Being furnished with an entirely new mut
costly apparatus, he is prepared to take pie
till es in every style of the art mid inure poc
ket sail-faction.
fri,m cv r—nts 4 . - 0 rlfl.
— 1 A. M. to t P. ?if.
avuld blue, or pur
ple. Dar:t dress atic6 tuttch to the hi:auty of
pic,ttre. Feb. 4, li , st:). tf
r lw~it ~~ :~4l~i~is tr~•
TWIN - frisi) sup
sfi c>f ',107' , 1):•z, to which he
the attun:ion ttol,:ic,;.
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