,rilirE Members of the ...4(7nmc: /mil Insti).(iner. rowistroft." are here by notifieel that nn' Ekction twen ty.orie MANAt ;ERS will be held. nt . the °Bice of the Secretary. 'in Gettysburg, on 31 , ) , ) , 1ini, the 14 (lag orSeplemlorr iv'xt, between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock. P. M..;'--ctich member being ell titletitn-one vote!for each-policy held by -hint. The - Executive Committee' will meet at 10 o'clock. A. M. on seine day. • • 1/Managers having in hands - fees duo the Company will be , required to pay the game in to the Treasury on or before said day, to en able the accounts for the' current veer to be oTosid.' • ' •D., A BUT; H LEll.;' Seer/ • Aug. 11. 1850. 3t Administrator's Notice. QANMEL DROtVltE s' SE.tnte .— Letters of administration on the estate of Sant'l Drow. rey; lite of Conowago township. Adkins county, deceased, -having been granted to the nnder., signed, residing' in - the same town s hip, h e hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said-ettste- to make immediate payment, ,and -those haiirtg' elailitti against the' same to lire= sent them properly thenti cat ted for settlement. ;JO SEPII 'A . lIEAG!, - Aug:4. 1856, at ' , Reaid)'-made Clothing, aettie Saud-stone ''runt. WE have ,now on hand and offer fer,sale v° one of the largest. cheapest and prettiest, .STOCKS OF ,RE,2DY-k1.4 0,,e CLOTHING. that has been 'offered in this place at any time. They are all our,own make, manufactured out of our own cloths. cassimercs. dc,e. We have Coats from $1 t 0.520 ;, Pa nts from C 4 cents to $lO ; Vests, from cents to 66. Buys' Clothing in great v,ntieti. . Our stock of,Clotli.4 consists of blue,black, olive, brown, green. drab, elaret, and all other colors. _ Our .Cassimeres con,ist of, black, brown, sieertniked. and every variety of shade_ of, fancy colors— Also, Marino Cassi lneres in great, varietv, - plain, plaid And ,figo'd Cashmeretts, 32tVed't. Jeans, pribs, dam e ,. Silk-Warp _Alpaccas, Jilack Satins, huff.. white, plaid and Piney ,Marseiqos V A: stings, - Call and see us. ; we cannot• tit you, we will take,your measure and make you a gar. went on the very 'shortest not*, h a yi ng t h e very best Tailors constantly employed, cutting and making .up. We do. tint:o: up in the neatest and best manner at the Sand-stone Front, and 'are hard' to beat. April 7, 1856. Schick A was Ahead ! Jast froin the City. 'with 'the Largest and ;Prettiest Stock of GOO DS.for the Spring and StimMer Season, to be' seen in.Gettyshurg ! A MONG •*hich will he (bond; plain and fauey DRESS •StIk.K . S. hiack' Silks, all qualtities and prices ;plain , Delaines. plain, and liguro Berage, &rage Delaitivi, Chit 1 lies. Bril liants, Lawns, (iitigilatuk, Prints, - SHAW LS, Eutbroiderius. fithives o hosiery ;, - : , , .Moths,-of alleolors and priceil; Ca..s.§ltiferes. for' men and ',lore wear, Yesti T icki ns.' &Ai.; 4 1Nirchasing,.at the 11w6St rates. I am 'prt pirtql at - as lute prig es 'as goods can be had• it iinj- other esiat,bliShineiie lit the county. *Binh;' all 1.6 cap and ex win3ife- _tito . l6kLikheiLihtY_Will gatisfied: thtt Octiik '1110: Sancti a i ti itteert: 14, 1856: • .~~ , f., .~.i • r 4,al4dohist Iron. • th'e • ex.tlin‘tvu sale of CaLedomit . Rolled Iron for Cettl;s,boig, vironlit call ,the a(ten atm of buyers to tlii'in:ake 9f ',lroti-: 1 7 -tho best iii. the market will be' sold at the loaryst 'rates; We keep 4 large oopply of Hatt - uttered Tron const t lintly• (;all at the sign of the Dett: 10. •• • 104). FItP.N.I% Can and See IN AT 'ME NEW STAND. T : .l“iNt"ir respectfully a n nounces to his trtends s ikod the public generally that ieisunti►iues 11,0.10:S; G bliSi9VSni in tilb rOotO adjoining the,storcofJ, Law- ShiCl:,`lriniting.on HOlitts'ioa — dc artattgeinetits , to receive regular ly`tOe I.A.#Al' F.A.Sii p r N s, aod it 'will he' his C VII- , Acittit tO.giire Linke satisfaction to those 'wOo nifty Ptvor witli'their et/moth. . , :10 - A..lotlntry I.lroituou , w ill bo 'taken in ex. change for work.: 64tiM:)'Or'g,7,)edeinlier 17, 1855. ly • - `lPaihtle4 - 10 iligrolikers , . F,--jUsi—, reccii.etlittuti-Are-pow-opc.-oing.. . largt; and . choice stock of COPOS, and arc prep:111410 sell, to all in wan; of arty article ilt Oyu Upc..Cjieaper than can be bought.elsc wbia;..-. Itavio , : )urcbased our stock to.. New or tt t. e . phin Baltimore. thus having th the aantage)or all three markets; we can otter inducements which cannot be had vibe where in t h e. gcm,nty. (Aar stock embraces Dress; tioodo‘of every variety, iucludin Snininer. Silks,. (Mani ~ De ltinages, , ltyilliantines, Lawns, Silk and Lawn noties,...• 4;e,, and everything fashionable. for Ladies' wear. For Gentlemen, we have beauti ful styles of Goodii for .Coats, Pants. Vests, ate. Give us a cull.' We deem it needless to , einitrierate the variety of styles and 'qualities of our large n stoek, as we are prepared to furnish everything in our.lhte .at the lowest'price.— Call early, at , .FA liNEsToc 104'. • Si g° of the RED V)iONT -Gett3-o)nrg., ‘prit 14, •, Banoiver, B. Railroad. FIRAINS o,i•er the Hanover Branch Railroad 1 now mil a. follows : First Train leaves 11 anover at 9 a►., with Passengers for York, Ha rrisburg, Culun►bia and idelphia. This "Train also connects with the Express for Baltimore, arriving there at 12 t. Second Train leaves at 3P. 34" u;ith Passen- stud retnriib passengers from York, April 2L J. LEII3, Agent. ENTLE)IEN, do you want to select from a I' Nlarge and handsome variety of Cravat_~. Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, d,e. ? If you do. call at FA NUYS FAIRY'S Eta. - - Schick keeps all kinds of F.incy Soitioneiy. and sells it cheap. if not ei."tper than anyho.ly else in the town or the county. If you don't lielievi• it, call in and sec I•Jr yuutse.lveK. Jail. 7. (WAS" DES ERRS--The , attention of :0 I,ERS !LW/ EC) x very superior ari tele for drying CORN, which can be had at. all at Jan. 14. , WARR E NS' FOUNDRY. NL: X STOUT. of ae.dy omit. Clothing, and a great. vdnety of 1:.10,:1' A ruele.;. COBEAN PA XTON'S 13L, ASTER. OF PAKS.—This useful article JL can be hail in a'ny of Feb. 25 rINOBACCO.—A prime article just roeeived at, - S.l M SUN'S. G .. .k:RDEN I. 1:111 ZIEG I FIB Notice. GEO. ARNOLD. SCHICK, COBEAN 4-. PAX FO N. 11. S. 'WEISER, T. J. York, Pa. lowa City. .Weiser &Filbert; • Banl.ers, Dealers in El:derive, and General Land Auenty, .D C 0 it . 4 /4 1011'11. BEING assisted by experienced Surveyors, will give purtiettlar attention to the loca tion of _Land Warrants. AlLlocatioP.s. lo 4( lo fi'mu a per.qinial iwrpection of the land, rind with reference to a speedy increase in value. V 1 e are provided with a - full and complete set of Plat-books, abstracts, etc., to which we invite attention: Locations made in any part of L.rwa, Minnesota, Western. Wisconsin, Kansas and Nebraska. , o:7'Refer to K. Cr. McCreary, Esq., D. Mc ettnaughy, Diq„ and H. J. Stahle.. May 5,185 i . ,Gat NEW WII 0, L,E SAIs E , Drug Store. ' . • N. SPENCER TUOMAS, No. 26 South Second street, Philadelphia, Importer. Manufacturer and Dealer in Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals. Acids. Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Colors. White Lead, French and Ameri can White Zinc,. Window Glass, Glassware, Varnishes, Brushes, Instruments, GroUnd Spices, Whole Spices, and all other articles. us ua:ly kept by Diuggists, including Borax, Indigo, Glue, Shellac, Potash, 4c.. &c.. &c.— All orders by mail, or otherwise promptly at tended to. • Country Merchants are Invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Goods sent to any of the wharves or railroad stations. Prices. low and goods warranted. - • IMarch 17., 1856. ly DIMEDIATF, REED'S FOR THE Toothtiche gni F; is to be had at the drug stores of S. U. Buehler, Gettysburg. and James-A. ttritnitsburg. a most effectual remedy fin. the Toothache, which will, (if properly ap plied, according to directions,) cure the most violent Toothache instantancotaly. Should the pain in course of time reappear, the same app plication has to be made again. and after two or three ,applications the cure will be effectual: Please call for A. Ferger's Toothache Balsam. , :Ur - Price 25 cents per phial. , August 27,1855. - ly ' • David A. Buehler, .3ttornmi fit trinr, wiLL promptly attend to collections and v all business entrusted to his care. r7Office in. the Diamond, adjoining store of A. B. Kurtz. _ Gettysburg, Feb. 4,1856. ly 1111. 9 Conangisy, Itttatarti attain , • ' (Offlee retnoved to one dotir West'o f Bnehler's Drug & lidol4-store, Ohambersburg street,) 'Attorney & Solicitor, for _Patents • " and renS'ions, "LI OU:Si'lt Land Warrants, Back7psy sus.. Up e ctided Chit ins,and nll other claims against the 'Government at Wnshington. D.-C. ;" also American animus in England. Land Warrants locnted , and sold, or bought, and highest prices given. Agents engaged in locating warrants in 16111'n and other Western States. r_7Apply .to hint personally or by letter. Gettysburg, 1.1i53. MEM Tin Ware, &c. Q4A MtIEI, cll. COOK informs his friends and the pub • lic generally, that he has on hand, 'at his Shop nearly opposite the Post-Office, a ;very large and well-made assortment of TIN •WARE, which he will sell at prices which .'cannot fail to please. Ile will also execute to order, with promptness, in a workman-like manner. and with the best materials, all kinds of 1 10 USE SPOUTING, METALLIC ROOF isq, YDRA NT NN ORK. &c. Gettysburg, Nov. 12, 1565. tf* New Hardware Store. 'pi-iv._ subscribers would respectfully an nounce to their friends and the public that they have opened a Hardware Store, iw Ifaltt n,ore street, adjoining the residence or David Ziegler. Gettysburg, in which they always in tend to offerto the public a large and general assortment of Ilartlwa re, Iron, Steel, Groceries, _c_tur_LE_R __.IIUM MIN GS, SPRINGS, AXLES, • 2n) 21.1) - . 1 1-2 - ; `. milt at -mare,' t3lloc Sipbings, Paints, OM, nod Dye-stuffs, in generatlncltiding every description of arti cles in the above litie of business, to which they invite the attentiint of Conch•tnakers, Itlacksmithk; Carpenters, Cabinet - makers, Shoe-makers..Saddlers; and , `the any. Our stock , baiting; been selected with great care arid purchased for cash. we guaran tee (for' the ready money,) to dispose of any part of it on as reasonable terms as they can be purchased anywhere. We lstrticula rly request a call from our friends, and earnestly solicit a share of public favor, as we are determined to establish a char acter for selling Goods at low prices and doing business on fair principles. JOEL B. DANNER, 1/AVID ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, June 9, 1851. tf Now i the Time, - FOR CIIE:VP DAfMERREOTYPES! IN HAVER respectfully announces to the 'o' Ladies-and Gentlemen of Gettysburg and vicinity, that he has resumed the Daguerreo type business. at- the old stand, in Chutnbers bitr,,istreet, where he will be ha) v to receive visitors &Ts:Crow:of securing perfect Daguerreo types of themselves ov friends. Being furnished with an entirely new and costly apparAtiis. he is prepared to take pie tures in cvery ztyle of the art and insure per fect barges from 50 cents to $lO. ErTr'Fl ours ofoperating - front SA. M. to 4 P. M tr_fin dress avoid light, red, blue, or pur ple. Dark dress adds much to the beauty of thy picture. Feb. 4, 1856. if Fresh Good*. TOEIN hag just, received.d fresh sup *, ply of • MMF R GOODS, to which he calls the alt :otion of the public. By "quick sales and so i.,11 profits." he is .enabled to _fur nish Goods t the satisfaction of all who call. Gettysbuig. June 23, 1856. CARRIMIIE Trimmings can always he loffight lower. and a larger assortMent than cl , ewhere is always to be - had. at NESTOCKS'. I A DIES, do you want to I,Uy cheap and J fashionuble Robes ? If so. call at - 3;IX-NETS,--a large variety. as to kind ;auk katc..e., Will to found trw. i t qtani.l 3 Of . MII FASSESTOCKS' Wm. B. WClellan, littorurii at Taw. OFFICE on the south side of the Public Square, 2 doors west of the Sentinel office. Gettysburg, August 22, 1853. J. Lawrence Hill, M. D., k Ir ks his Office one door west of the Luthe ran church, in Chambersburg area, and opposite Grammer's store. where those wish ing to have any Dental Operation perform ed are respectfully invited to call. REPERENCICS : Dr. D. Gilbert, Dr. C. N. Bet luchy. Dr. D. Horner, Rev. C. P. Krauth. D. D., Rev. H. L. Baugher, D. D., Rev. Prof. William M. Reynolds, Rev. Prof. M. Jacobs, Prof. M. L. Stcever. Gettysburg, April 11, 1853. tf THE - PERRY COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE Insurance COmpanY, CAPITAL $139.586--iffects insurances in any part of the State, against loss by fire ; prudently adapts its operations to its resour ces : affords - ample indemnity, and promptly . adjusts its_losses. Adams county is represented in the Board of Managers by lion. Moms -McCl.Esx. _ WM. McGLE AN. Agent. Office of M. & W. McClean, Gettpburg. May 26.1856. New Millinery. MISS LOUISA KATE LITTLE wishes to .1:V1 inform the Ladies of town and country, that she is now prepared to execute Millinery in all its liranches,-in West Middle street, a few doors. below Mi. George Little's store.— Work done cheaper than elsewhere in town. Please call and see. April 21, 1856. Bounty Land Claims. .undersigned will attend promptly to . the collection of claims for Bounty Lands under the late act. of Congress. Those who have already received 40 or 80 acres, can now receive the balance. by calling nn the subscri ber and making the necessary application. JOEL B. DANNER. Gettysburg. March 12, 1855. tf Tailoring. Removed a Few Doors south (tribe Old Stand. 1 . H. SKELLY respectfully informs his old • customers mid the public generally, that he continues the TA I t ()BING BUSINESS, near his old stand, in.Swith Baltimore street. where ho will he happy to accommodate all who may patronize him. All work entrusted 'to his core warranted to fit and he of most sub stantial make. Thankful for , past favors, he solicits a continuance of public patronrge. ID' 2he Non rPrk Spring and Nit gamer PaNhion.e are received. ('all and see them. Gettysburg, April t. 1815. - Important. rfin E citizens of Gettysburg .and Strangers who desireto know where to find a large and: handsome variety of Stnniner H ATS and SHOES. are invited to call at W. W. PAX. TON'S S FORE, where they will find the most elegant White Beavers, and' 11''•hite Silk Bats, Panama, Canton and Braid : also. Soft-French Ilats,---and- a -large—stock—of- Gentletnen and Ladies' and -Children's Summer Shoes and Gaiters of every style raid price. Call and sve goods. W. W. I'AxToN, June 16, 185 G. Susquehanna 'Motel, opp , rslte cat % , ert station,. na Minuet!. Md. T undersigned having eased the above lintel and put it in complete order, i. pre. pared to accommodate his friends and the travelling public. The proprietor will be pleased to -See his nil friends, and promises t o make their stay cc)rn and satrslnctory. Baggage taken to m.(l from CalVert Station tree - of - On rge. , . 'JOHN BARR, (formerly qf Prun'a.,) .July 'J. 1855. tr . PROPRIETOR. Removal Reenoval ' RNEY & BRO. have removed to their old ' established, house, No. 67 West .larket street, adjoidtng Frick . k. Co's Hardware Store. and directly opposite the residence of Gen. M. Donde], where they will contiime. as heretofore, the manufacturing of CON le I.T. TTONARY. in all its branches —SY IZU l'S. &c., at the lowest city pi ices. Also, a careful ly ,elected stock of Wines and Liquors, -always on draughty and-for-salc in quantities to snit. - Also—a superior a ruck of TOM ATO Is E'CCHUP, in, prime condition. made by us, and sold, by the gallon or in any quantity, very low —much less than city prices. The article is :is retn•esentei , o superior 'avor. e a ...40 have a forge lot of "CURED PICKLES." put up under our own supervision and care, and offer-them to families low. June 16, 1856• - Diamond Tensor. TOIIN W. TIPTON, If' , • Barber O and flair breNNer, ran at all times be found prepared to attend to the calls of the people, at the &nate. in the Diamond, adjoining the County Building. Front long experience, he flatters himself that he can go through all the ramifications of the Tonsorial Department with such an infinite degree of skill, as will meet with the entire satisfaction of all who may submit their chins to the keen ordeal of his ra zors. He hopes, therefore, that by his atten tion to business, and a desire to please, he will merit as well as receive. a liberal share of pub lic patronage. The sick will be attended to at their private dwellings. Gettysburg, Jan. 8, 1855. tf PHILADELPHIA- A DVERTISEM ENT. Evans' Fire & Thief Proof SOfes lit OR, Merchants, Lawyers, -Farmers and it_ others, having Books ; rapers or other rairrah/es, to preserve from FIRE or BURG LARS. Day Newell's (Ilohb's) BANK LOCKS. A CARD.—The .‘•Futit Plump SAFE," that preserved our Books. Papprs, &e., during the .I:teat Fire at Hart's Building," was pur chased of OLIVER EVANS, 61 S. 2nd St., Philadelphia.—Getz & Buck. Refrigerators & Water Filters. EVANS' Premium Ventilated Refrigerators for cooling and preserving tneals, butter, milk, water and all articles for culinary purposes. WATER FILTERS, for purifying brarkiSh or muddy water, whether affected by rains, limestone, marl or other causes ; can be had separate or attached to the Refrigerators—a small quantity of Ice cooling the whole, in the warmest weather.. Pon:rmax. SHOWHR BATHS, for the use of ry , trni or cold water. WATER COOLERS, for Hotels, Stores and Dwellings. STORE TRUCKS. for moving box s, haies, 4:e.L--- SKA PILESSE,S, COPYING do., DRt:GGIST do. OLIVER EVANS, V;). fil So uth Secopd SI.. 2 doors bc/ow Chesnut. ( ESTABLISHED IN 1835.) Feb. 11, 1856. ly A LARGE nssortirient of Queencware, China. G:as.s, Stone. and Crockery Ware. at coBEAs& rAx Nen' Goods NEW ESTABLISHMENT! ACOBS & BRO. respectfully inform their • friends and the public generally, that they have opened a Merchant Tailoring Establlalnent,in the mo th recently oc cupied by A. Arnold, in South Baltimore street. hear the Diamond, where they will at all times be happy to accommodate_all who - may patron ize them. Their stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Cassinets, Cords, Summer Goods, &c., &c., is large and selected from the latest styles—all of which they will dispose of at prices as low as they can possibly afford. their system being to sell CHEAP, fur cash ur cam try produce. They will make up garments of every de scription in the - most substantial and desirable manner, all warranted to fit and not to rip.— Goods bought of them not to be made up in their establishment will be cut free of charge. They are ma king up *lot of READY-MADE CLOTH ING, in the best manner, which they Wilt sell as cheap as the cheapest. They have also on hand a large assortment of Hosiery, Suspenders, Shirts, Shirt Collars, &c., to which they would call the attention of the public. -13:7' 1 -The-Latest Fashions regularly received: Cash or Country produce always current for goods - or wo-k. Don't mistake the place. March 17. 1856. Washinglon Hotel, Altholtstown, Adam County, Penn'a: (Removed to the large and convenient house, formerly Carl's, opposite the old ° - ° stand of Col. Icke4.) THE subscriher respectfully, informs the public that he has opened a Public House of Entertainment in the borough of Abbotts town, where he will be happy to entertain all who may call with him. Having had many years' knowledge of the business of hotel-keep ing, he flatters himself that his efforts to please will be satisfactory. Give the ~W ashington" call. FRANCIS J. WILSON. February - 18, 1856. tf IF :orsr U 4.7. M WANT HATS, CAPS. BOOTS & SHOES, V at least Twenty per cent Chvlper than you ever bottt before, remember it is at COBEAN & - PAX JON'S. where they - are to be had in great variety, consisting of Gent's and Boys' -tine Silk, Fur and Slouch Hats, of the latest style, all colors and sizes,—white, black, brown, tan. blue, drab, fswn, &a. Also, a large assortment of Men's and Boys' fine Calf, kip. and Grain - Boots & Shoes,—Gent's fine Cloth and Patent Leather Gaiters. B • careful. Ladies, if you want walking.and fine dress Shoes, such as Jenny Linds, Buskins and Ties. lid and Morocco Slippers also a beau tiful article of Ladies' Dress Gaiters, with a large stuck .of Misses' and Children's fancy Gaiters and Shoes.—that you find Cobean & Paxton's, at the south-east corner of Centre Square. before purchasing" elsewhere. as they haVe by far the largest stock of seasonable goods in town. and are determined to sell very cheap.—Take care, end keep a SHARP look out that you do not mistake the place.— Remember Cohean & .Paxton's new Store, at the old stand of Keller Kurtz. Gettysburg, March 31.1856. NE W GOODS GEORGE ARNOLD HAS just returned from the city with 'as large anti lieautiful a stock of Goods as has — ifeen 'offered to the ptiblit rit any time— among which are Hosiery, Gloves, Under sh.Tv es—LTollars. Trimmings. - Opera & Robe Lawns, Deßages, &c. Gentlemen's Goods in great .variety.:,black; blue, brown. olive, claret., drab, plaid, cloud ed and tigored - Cloths ; black,. brown, and fancy_Cassimeres,_tigured—plauLand every shade Of colors ; I)rah"de'l'ate, Cashme retts, Bombazines, Silk-warp Alpaccas, &c. Also Ready-made Clothing in great variety, with a large stock of Queensware, GroCerles, all of which will be sold as cheap as they can be had at• any retail establishment in the, count•. The Ladies will please call, as we arc at all times pleased to see them. : The Gentlemen's attention is invited to our large assortment in their line. In connection with the store is our CLOTH DIG EMPORIUM, :►t the Sand-stone Faint, where everything is dune up in the neatest and best manner. We can rig a man from head to foot on the very shortest notice. Call and judge Mr yourselves. Removal BCIIII0 7 4111 - THE ORIGINAL d OYL r OLD STAND, Kew?, _lie " • qtryain - truly Re-Opened ! ERNEY & BRO. have removed their large and carefully selected Stuck,' to the Orig inal old House former, occupied by them, No. 67 West Market stree Uantz. Frick & Co's, Hardware store, and directly opposite the residence of Gen. Michael Don de!. York, Pa. This house was opened by them for business purposes some ten year. ago, as a wholesale candy factory, foreign fruits, fancy goods, no tions, &c.. &c.. in very large variety. Their superior and unequaled Candy and Confectionary, personally made by them daily, and of course always ji•eA, has been acknowledged by all long ago, the best and finest work ever offered and sold in York. - Understanding their busi ness as they, do—in thisch especially— they have every facility for prosecutirg it to the besradvantage, and can oiler facilities su perior to any other house here or elSewhere, as regards low prices, variety and particularly superior quality. The success and patronage with which they have n►et heretofore. ig gratefully appreciated. for which they return again. as formerly, their sincere — ac •now a gmen s an. t anks, an. trust, by strict and prompt attention to busi ness, a continuance of the liberal patronage hitherto extended to them. June 16, 1856. Flour! Flour! THE undersigned continues the Flour busi ness as heretofore. He sells by the barrel' or any smaller quantity. By taking SMALL. PROFITS he can buy as high find sell as low as anybody else, and by always endeavoring to keep none but. the best, he hopes to merit and receive a conti nuance of liberal patronage. WM. GILLESPIE. Oct. 8. 1855. At the Post Office. Hardware. OUR stock of Hardware has been very much increased, and persons building or requir ing anything in this department, should first call and see FA iisEsroc KS' Cheap Stock. nONNETS, Ribbons and Flowers, of every A_JP variety, and to suit every taste, to be found cheap at -SCHICK'S. usrc L. —Flutes, Violins. Guitars, Ac- JIL cordeons. Fifes, ttc., on hand and for sale by MARC S AISON. IF you want a fine article of Dress Shoes Gaiters, far Gentlemen or !Aches, call it Spouting ! !GEORGE and Henry Wampler will make House Spouting and put up the same low, for cash or country produce. Farmers and all othets wishing their houses, barns. &c., spout : ed. would do well to give them a call. H. W AMPLER. 11".__1V, PAXTON'S. April 13, -tf A LARGE AND CHEAP LOT OF GROCERIES, EMANUEL ZIEGLER has just returned from the city with the largest lot of GROCERIES he has ever before opened, to which he invites theattention of alLconvinced that he can offer RARE BAHGAINR. He has also a fine lot of HAMS, SHOULDERS, &c; _FISH of all kinds; Oranges, Lemons, and other fruits;_Crackeri, Nuts, Confections; Segars, Tobacco, Snuff, and a general variety, of everything, "from a needle to an anchor,'' almost. Give him a call, if you want to ;fruy what's cheap and good. KT-Country Produce taltervin exchange for Goods. [May 7,1855. Gettysburg Foundry. 'A NEW FIRM! THE undersigned, having entered into part nership to carry on the Foundry business under the firm of WARKES & SONS,.hereby make known to the citizens of Adams and ad joining counties, that we are prepared to make' everything in our line of business. We have constantly on hand, the Hathaway and other Cooking Stoves, the Parlor Air-Tight'and Ten-plate Stoves, of various styles and sizes; Pots. Kettles and Pans. and all other Iron Cooking Utensils, Waffle Irons, Washing Machines, .Ash-plates, Boot-scrapers. &c. Castingi - for — Mills and other Machinery, PLOUGH .CASTINGS. of every description. &e. We make the Seylar, Block er. and different kinds of Witherow Ploughs. We have also got different patterns of- Fencing , and Railing, for Cemeteries, Yards and Porches, which can't be beat for beauty and cheapness. ryAll the above articles will be sold cheap for cash or country produce. rrtßlacksmithing. still contintied. BRASS CASTINGS and everything in our line made to order. THRESHING MACHINES repaired at the shortest notice. Being Moulders ourselves, we will do our work RIGHT. THOMAS WARREN, MARTIN WARREN; HIRAM WARREN, THOMAS A. WARREN. Gettysburg, May 14. 1855. tf .Iteatly-made Clothing. AT SAMSON'S CHEAP CLOTHING EAIPO R IFyou want a suit of READY-MADE CLOTHING, complete •in every respect, of the latest style, and Cheaper than they can , be purchased at any establishment in the county—call at NARCCS SAMSON'S, opposite the Bank, in York street. I have just received from the Eastern Cities the largest and best assortment olGoods ever offered in Gettysburg. In offering to sell BETTE'S. Goods nt LOWER prices than other deal ers. I simply request purchasers to call and satisfy themselves of the truth of my offer, by a personal examination of nay goods and prices. Buying 'exclusively- for - cash, -I--can buy cheaper and sell cheaper than any other person in the county:. My • Goods are made up in the hest style by experienced workmen, and can't be excelled by any customer Tailor. My stuck consists_in part._of t Coats - of all Sizes, prices; colors, and kinds, made op - in a supe rior manner. Also Parits . ana Vests, of the. latest and most fashionable styles and every kind of goads suitable fut_Spriug and-Summer wear; also BOOTS AND SHOES, and a large assortment of GENTLEMEN'S AND Buys' FUIINISHING Goons, consisting of 'extra quality linen bosom Shirts; Suspenders, Gloves, half Hose, Collars, neck and pocket liandker chiefs, and an extraordinary assortment of Illack sadly and fancy - :self - adjustirw-Stocks, and various other fancy articles, together with Umbrellas. Trunks, Carpet Bags, Huts, Caps, Boots and Shoes. (r_7l ain also prepared to sell wholesale to country merchants desiring tosell main, Ready Made Clothing at citKAPKR HATES THAN CAN BE BOUGHT IN THE CITIES. If- you doubt it, call and examine fur yourselves. 'MARCUS SAMSON. N. All Goo bought of me will be ex changed if they do not prove satisfactory. Cietty,sburg, April 14, 1856. T WO THUGSAN D PIECES `Vaal Pape r. VOI3EAN & PAXTON have o pened . an un usually huge assortment of wall Paper, of every style and variety. from 121 to 40 cts. a piece, -- Honsekeepers and Paper Rangers are invited - to rill and examine the stock. which is superior to anything heretofore offered in this market. Only 131 cents a piece, or cents a,vard—forLAKaLLP_aperA Gettysburg, Feb. 25, 1856., _ Bay Wanted. FAISON'S having Hay to sell will do well y calling on tie su sett r, in ettys burg. who is desirous of purchasing. The highest market price will be paid at all times. (a — As he intends' having the Bay, after be ing packed. hauled either to, Hanover or Balti more, the preference to haul will be given to • those from whom he may purchase. SOLOMON POWERS. December . 6, 1852. tf Jewelry ! Jewelry ! I L. SCHICK has now on hand a large •7 • anti splendid assortment of Jewelry,com prising everything in that line.—Breastpins, Ear• Rings. Finger• Rings, Chains, &c.. &c.— all of which he is selling at the lowest living profits. Call and examine for yourselves—no trouble to show goods. [April 21. Edw. U. Buehler, Itttornni nt raw, WILL faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted to him. He speaks the German language. Office at the same place, in South Baltimore street, near Forney :s drug store, and nearly opposite Dan ner & Zie_lees stare. • Gettysburg, March 20. - Stauffer & Marley. CHEAP - WATCHES AND JEWELRY, wholesale and retail, at the Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store, No. 96 North. Sec ond street. corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches. full jeweled, 18 carat cases, 828 00; Gold Lepines, 10 carat. $24 00; Silver Levers, full jeweled. $l2 00; Silver_Le 'l pines, jevvels.S9 00: superior Quartiers, 87 00: Gold Spectacles, $7 00: fine Silver do. SI 50: Gold Bracelets.' 83 00; Ladies' Gold Pencils, 81 00;_ Silver Tea Spoons, set. $5 00: Gold Pens, with pencil and silver holder, 81 00. Gold Finger Rings, 37i cents to 880; Watch Glasses, plain, cents, patent 18i: Lunet 25: other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. STAUFFER & HARLEY. On hand, some gold and silver Levers and Lepines. still lower than the above prices. October 1; 1855. ly Farm Lands for Sale The Illinois Central Railroad Company IS NOW PREPARED TO SELL , Over Twin Millions of Acres OF PARMINC , LANDS, IN TRACTS OF 40 ACRES AND I.7I"WARDS. ON .LONG CREDITS AND AT LOW RATES OF. INTEREST: /MESE lands were granted by the Govern. meat, to aid in the construction of this Railroad. and include some of the richest and most fertile Prairies in the State, interspersed here and there with magnificent groves of oak and other timber. The Road extends from Chicago. on the North-Fast.- to Cairo at the South. and from thence to Galena and Douleith,-- in the North .meat extreme of the State, and as all the lands lie within fifteen miles on each side of this Road,• ready and cheep means aro afforded by it for transporting the precincts of the lands to any of these points and from thence to Eastern and Southern markets. Moreover, the rapid growth of flourishing towns and vil lages} along the line, and the great increase in population by immigration. etc.. afford a sub stantial and growing home-demand for farm produce. The soil is a dark, rich mould, from one to five feet in depth. is gently rolling and peculiar ly fitted for grazing rattle and sheep, or the cultivation of Wheat. Indian corn, etc. • Econotny in cultivating and great produc tiveness are the well known characteristics of Illinois lands. Trees are not required to be cut downi stumps grubbed, or stone picked oft as is generally the case in cultivating new land in the older States. The first crop - , of Indian corn, planted on the newly broken sod, usually repays the cost of plowing and fencing: Wheat sown on the newly-turned sod is mire to yield 'very LARGE PROFITS. A man with , a plow and two yoke of oxen-will brehk one and a half to two acres per day. COMMIS can bo made for breaking, ready for corn or wheat, at- Irmo $2 to 2,50 per acre. By - judicious man agement, the land may be plowed and fenced the first, and under a HIGH STAIR OF CIILTITA;- TION the_second year. _ Corn, grain, cattle, etc., will. be forwarded at reasonable rates to Chicago, for the Eastern market, and to . Cairo for the- Southern. The larger yield on the cheap lands of Illinois over the high;priced lands in the Eastern and Mid dle States, is known to he - tench Aimee, than -sufficient to pay the difference of transportation to the• Eastern market. Bltuminons coal is mined at several points along the Road, and is a cheap and desirable' fuel. It can be- delivered at several points along the Road at $1,50 to 84.00 per ton; %Vuod can be had at the Same rates per cord., Those who think of settling in lowa or Min nesota, should bear in - wind, that lands there, of any value, along the water masses and for many miles inland. have been disposed of : that for those located in the interior, there .aro culivenienc..s for transporting the produco to Market, -Rai!roads not having been intro duced there. That to send the pwoltice of these' I ait cis - . - oite or two hundred-miles - hv - wagon - to market.. would cost. much more than the ex pense of cultivating them : and hence. Govern- Ment lands thus sittiated, at per acre, are not ,0 investments a.* the land of chi* *company a at the prices fixed. The same remarks hold good is relation to , the lands-in Kansas and Nobrask.a, foe although , vacant lands may be found nearer the water courses, the distance to num ket i, fae greater and-every-h nd red mil es- -- the --- produce - ot - t how -- lands are carried either in wagons, or inter rupted water communications,' increases the.. expenses of transportation. which lima be borne. by the settler, in the reduced price of their products ti and to ,that extent prreisulk are the incomes hour their farms. and course• on their investments, 'annually and every year The great fertility or• the lands sow offend' for sale by this company,and their - el oiseivient• yield over those of the E:uiterti. vial Middle States, is much more thitu:.aitieitot to) the.. (femme in the cost_oLtralLsporiat I; )3 0, ts peel a ty in view of the facilities* foriiiKhed by this Road. and others with wilieh it . evnnecis, the operations of which are not interray.vtl by the. low water of bummer: or the frvm.,,f wicker. Price and Terms of ra)rurnt. The 'price will vary from Z. 15 in 52.5. accord . - ing to location.- quality, etc. Gontracts fur Deeds may be niade duriug the yt•ar stip ulating the purchase money to be paid iii five• annual installments. Thelixst w l.ecome duo in two years from the date of contract, and tho others annually thtrealter. The last pa►ment will ,heroine due at the end of. the sixth dear from the date of the contract. fr - ltiterest will be charged at only per cent. per annum. As a secarity to Iho performance of the contract. the first tvro y ears' iuterest - niu - st - b - e - paitt - in -- advancezi - it nmst -- be ituderstood that 'at. least tote toed) of the land purchased shall yearly be hiought under cultivation. Twenty per cent. front the credit _,rice will be deducted for cash. The Cum- pany s construction -Ixinds will be Iteeiveil as cash. f.-4 .Ii.EADT FRAMED FARM BUILDILIES, which can be set up in a few days. can be obtaint d from responsible persons. They will be 12 feet by 20 feet, divided into one living and three bed-rooms, and will cost complete set up on ground chosen anywhere along the Road, $l5O in cash, exclusive of transportation.! Larger buildings may be contracted for at pro portionate rates. Special arrangements with dealers can be made to supply those purchasing the Company's lands with fencing materials, agricultural tools, , and an outfit of provisions in any quantity, at the LOW EST WHOLESALE PRICES. E - ft is believed that the price, long credit; and low rate of •interest. charged for these lands, will enable a man with a few hundred dollars in cash and ordinary inr:ustry, to make himself independent before all the purchase money becomes due. In the mean time, the rapid settlement of the country will probably have increased their value four or five fold.-- When required an experienced person will ac company applicants, to give inlormation and aid in selecting lands. v • kII I ' l . l II II II ' I - •• • successful farming, signed by respectable anti well-known farmers living in the neighborhood of the Railroad lands, throughout the State— also the cost of fencing, price of cattle. expense of harvesting, threshing etc., by contract—or any other information—will be cheerfully given, on application, either personally or by letter, in English, French, or German, ] ad dressed to JOHN WILSON, Land Commissioner or the Illinois Central It. R. Co.— Office up to the , Ist of May. 52 Michigan Avenue, CHICAGO, ILL. ; after that date io the new .tons Passenger Depot. foot of South Water Street. April 21, 1856. 6:n Flour - for sale. IF you want a good barrel of Floor, call at HOKE'S STORE. as he has made ange tnents to have always the best, whisth he - will sell at 25 cents advance. May 5. Second Street 'louse, No. 42 North Second Street, Philadelphia. CHAS. P. SWING, Pitorßirroß. 11ERMS--1. per clay—Single Meals 25 (....nts. N. 13. Pleasant ro o m s f, Jame 11%; 1556. tf rr I; NK . S. ertr e c't, Bags and 'Umbrellas. for saleby „*_ PAXTON. JOHN HOKE