The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, September 01, 1856, Image 3

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    ' Prow Um Ne.r . VorlcP.(r4ll4'.::Stll µlt.
The Yellolv Ftwr at Fork Ihuniltatt. ,
I. —Noine.4'fir e 1)(10,
fhe iit-ms wo reveii - ed from hurt
late InAvev(tning wadi IWart-reading " 4 dm ex-
treine. ,
II i•rotofore the disease has been mainly eon
fifiedl to the cre - itlthy camilics living on- the
sea shore, but rio.,v it has brolteh (Mt at a Oleo
ktioiva •ag Irirhrown, pinomg a, 1)111mb:16)1.17K
very' poor' peopio, awl is reported to bo very
'O B sti t te:l:?.loo a. day are offered to nurses.
but even that exhorbitanc price will not in
duce them • to risk their lives by attending to
the. sick. The' whole labor has.fallen upowa
few persons. aiming whom are iMr. Paul Oii
vcr, Whoin. We mentioned yesterday, andlicy :
Sedtield, the -Epaseepal clergyman,
and the latterhas- been com polled ',t o re a re , du d
recr uit, so:ardUous andexacting hag beta his
filtends of those whit haverelatives flick
at Fort llaittilton . arer any money to physicians
and Mirses Who can ha pr,witiled on to go down,
for itis nOtorion that many wealthy persons
have died ersheer-uegleet,at this lilnee,.being
abandoned. to die a
. painful and lonthAtnue
death, with no one to retnufuti or attend them
in their last agony. .
The following is a report of the sick and dy
ing up to Tuesday night, as- far as We -coahl
collect Tully, dead : Mrs. Cummings,
died on Monday night Mr. Ctimmings. died
on Tuesday morning; Mr. 11. Green,: of Ilotel,
sick ; Mr. 4.lreen, Jr., son., sick ; Mn' Little,
sick ; Mr.' Little, brother, sick Servant girl
of Mr. °warnings, sick; Charles Doyle, sick ;
James McKnight, sick;• Maggy Bass, getting
better ; of the gardener; 'William, sick.
Last evening we learn there•
emes•reponed, as follows: Miss Tully, •tziek ;
Mis§Grager, sick ; Servant , girl of Mr. Gum
t:iek ; Servant girl of Gen. Staliton,
sick . ; a soldier, nameltotrep.iited, sick ; Jack,
a colored matt, one of the ittneh patrol, sie.k..
The two cennyanies of ljuited States soldiers
in the fort were ninrched out sonic two weeks
since, and are now enearnped, to. the ,number
of two - htindreil, •R•everal inland. .'There
are - only a few sentinels left in the fort; and
they • daily sicken. • -
nllow Forel. at-',.‘i!ateu Island.—Although
the yellow fever has: almost died out ,in the
Marine iloApital several - eases liiive occurred
in the di-arict Sauthlield. In Clifton there
are three case; reported, as,follow:
• - Silva.: it 1:IA4 - awe 14 years of age, re-;
ported ileadmil Ttle,-;dav night.
Daughter of Mr. Aspinwali's coalman:
quite - 0
M. Austin who is now recovering.
The utmost consternation prevails among
the. villagers. Und.,,there has been a regular
stampede from that part of the nsland. Over
tryouts fartnersi:have loft since Saturday laic,
tt:id thore.! . are , 'hardly teams enough to take
atwav - the goods- -
Gr6.lland:his• ECM are.lying.very Low,
Thoth is pKespPet , .of- any one who is now
.siek recerevin: , . Trey arc dying friar 'sheer
neglect. Every and p00r,., who
cut raise tuoißty in any Ar ay to get, away •filau
the place, are leaving„ eltr. Vellum - , of the ar
311V, t Mil Vph vsiv.ian in , th !dace.- Ail the
others have tied, .but hag done:all that one
mut ctth do; 4tas Leen up night and day; find
laryv the (Avon - in - wilt - Ira:4 ordered'. him to .Bed
low's 11 , 3 ir4 onhi waiting, to •be re
lieved—by theregular physician of the fort,. Dr.
Acittileys • ';
, .
r Ntivs , • from .1i ;arm
-•• ; ; •
11 I N (:Tp . N, .1.11 . 27 . —.lec'ording, to the
561111,01. ledve of Lit,-
sene,(.-.. • 116 1:1.-;1i,,t yc i respoirfleil"tu
znatuis et' the .-:(.eniqu.ry - of )Var, for
conduct. '
The •Black• Republican ,".11:Itler. Ruffians" at
• • it in Kansas. .• •
St. Lot:I:9, A l Leai - enwortb
City, fiaos'as,'Jimrnlo. tit tile llth a.
tehgthy iteconidor i another outbreak in that
Te:-ri tory.
• Orr-thi, BrOwn, at, the heart": of
300. free State. tna.k, • :tt•tackeil and, d ore a
l oily of CI 'corgi a,us, _located near „(:),sawalyinie,
ita4) Missouri—burning their ,kotuses, ,klddo7.
etroying their' property, •Thp,enlouy pte•
arnt4id.. • - • . .
Oa the- .Troo_4well's settlement,
in 1) ongla.; 'c:orti tr., numbering ,sottoi thirty
nieu, was-attacked by four hund i re4,free. State
inert, unde-r Wrd!rer, ; ,w4l armed
anti mita Bred, * . rhe :Freud vt , ol party- ere on
foot.. Thev sem rt. ov. :.:,: , : laturroit for aid, who
collie.' upon tilt.. E. S, troops,. but 11'1*(71y - refused
wit„ ;,*:ta,te own are 41vivill'_1311
the Tiro-slavery pe.rmaN out of I..)ouglas•cotility
null are destri , y,illg:titeir properly.... • ;
A fi,...7,ht took pktee 4..itt the 14th inp.t, ; war
o.sawatontie, betweeti:,2.oo, I:ree State ,Lind
--- pro - 18 1 ave - ry'vimz - rt latteriit T a—for hitit
resit' ed iu the killing tf fourteen free State
3areit-und the 7r.tsziuliug - of ffix +Alters.
. On the Luo.rtaing,or tho, 141t,Leeolopion. Scar
;ittsteketi autiuten 11,S00
The,U. 4. troor..ia,hat - igkg; Robivaon; brown,
.and ether , prisnuerg • : charge, surrendered
witiSw.ttfiritig tt gull, klturing, the q.lisenee.of
Col Titus, who ‘yent toAhe u.ssistanee of Tread-
His house 4....iti.4ated about amide front
Lekompt,in was burned. - Clowos editor
.of the Southera i,ll.droeate, and Mr., gysterre
were killed.
, , , . • , •
Large bodies of men are organizingla, the
border counties, for the purpose of euter,ing
'Kansas. ,
It is reported that it is the nurpose. , .4 . thc
- pro-slavery party to ,burn Lawrence on the
20th instamt, fur which a large fureo had
Leaven rth.
Laue'e force is variously estimated from am
to 800.
Death of Harrison Wright.
one of the most' •able lowyers of Northe'r'nrennsylvania, died at. his - residence in this
burough, last lie was the leailin fi:
lietrmeta ici - 111 Qllll7er •or the It's ti e' ~lrctrirf
arid' had' been spoken of as a probate eandi
date for State Snat,ir ,it the ensningeleetion.
In the polirical„ professii!nat and business in
terests of Luzerne eotinty; with which be has
Leen prominently. identified, his loss will be
severely felt.
Fre;mont awl JEleve.—The Black ilernihli
can candithue for President seems to have al
ways kept a share look-out for Nu. I. While
in the C. S. Senate a proposition wag made to
allow no member of Congress west of
Rocky Mountains m!pre than - expenses
in the way of ileaae.2ol.. Fremont voted
against the! propo lieeause he was eut.-
tied to 5'2,511t) fifir mileage, although his ac
tual expert : sea were not more than one-fourth
of that sum.—During his short career in the
Senate he thus :•eeurci over one hundred dol
lars per day for his serykes.
ters of Administration on the estate of
Elwin C. - Sronesifer, - fare — of - 31oontpleatanr
town;hip, Adams county, decea , zed, having,
been granted to the undersigned, residing
in the same township, he hereby gives notieu
to all persunk: indebted to said estate to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
ag tin-zt the carne to present them proper!:-
, authenticated fur settlement.
tbe:puet, pay', a tax...,f ELIAS
oUtuething fur a put::. • Sept. 1,1 S 3. Gt
Den - lekT , ifir ot-Chien' - g - r) stiys
it it; authorized to publish the folkAs - i:4;: -
E •••%Ve bet $1,00(.) against 7.i1,01A) that Fro- -
moat Will not carry cll.! vote of the Stat.. 4: of
Illinois ; also, $1,60 to i:5U'), that:Fre:ll if i lt
will not be elected Preaithut of the Luitea
Dlsrinrge of 31rrhanici from ,the
Sen!Normin, Augttst -'3l.—Two huntlrea
men were ‘lis,:inirgell from the ljniteil State: . 4.
Armory to-Uov, in purstiattee Of atioillerfront
Co! Orditurice offlee. There , is great ex itc-
rtient auto . r,i . .4i the workmen tral
The' four prineipal unicer4 1111 d 81.1 E Wtttell7
WWII are :Llano retaineit of the Whole. foreri'ent
ployeil:" The rehailllitig of the' water Aerie%
department of the armory goes on wittanit
terrtiptietn fir the present. The flllloWillg 1:4
extritiq fronv.the , ortler from the ()rilnatice
offie , .! at Washington •to the' Superintendent.
e..,,nseritionee of the failure of Congres:i
the , far to„ . 49ke,a,„ppTotiriatious for file bupport
of the `tirAiy, pee . ,eaV lisieal year, and
of the nueertainty (if such apropriatiou,s4e A
iiio inetrle it beeutlieS' . necessary'ta' s briho.
expenliturel Qff:he, trinories,' tirenals tinel
ordnance tie ti t tit Viable tue:tritif
tile 'tfei,aiqUienr. - Yon tliti,:efire, on re.:
eeipt (it:this; diseliarple all 'the Woil:inen, and
tither eta ployees trolling missioas - from
the Pre , ident, whi:he 11 4 :1,,c, or Salaries
a re'ralteii fro la lb appru ilati on: for:tile iitau
,ufa eta"' re:4lf nrtusat the notiontli,urnwr:os."
i'lle,suileriutendeut t•iker,efore di r ed s
. compliatwe Avitlt the in6truetious ;I:oore
written, you ark , a(tvpral.l3-; .lay; ok
t:barged 'frkmi Yoiu t•,ill
porm it me, geutlenien, to
.a.dd ; that the ,War, as a, Whole, itud that ltruneti of it
with., wi.ti(At we are ,particularly :cotmeeted,
have_ to• my, pupsintai kuowli..tikge used, eNery
honorable effu t r,t ; deem. the ealuotiy
sumniary ait'tirret the 1 )1.6 );: i.c-ss Q t . our
op:U'ations the go'verniftent;
and to save Tint iitdirieluallj from the
dim tn
puintnicrtt alni . lass which must accrue to you
and these with whom - you are 'eoinected '
Immense Democratic' Mating:
PA„ August :27th.-4.11 immense
Democratic meeting, one Of the largost that
ever assembled in this seetio'Of Penn ylvania.
was held h t eveting this borough.' It
was addressed by .
,(Calkins, of Ails; C.
W; 'Carrigan, of Philadelphia ; and Win. 11.
Welsh, of York. 'The entlinsiasm was
Fork amnly, Pa.—The Democrat, of 'irk
eounty Inv a made the fullowing-eleellent nom-
For A.:Rociafe Judge—Adlun Ilbauzl). Ag-
F.embly—Col Julies itanvwy, Saninei 3Tonear,
,l sac Beek. District Attorney—Vtrilliain C.
Clutiunan. Co. Cominissioner=-Jesse YiTk
in,2,or. County Suryttvor—ChristiatiS. Gar
-1..0r. • *Direotor of the Pu'or—Joseph MoCreary.
Auditor—Ezra May.
srrooK.-:-o - n Tuesday:week sisteen
shares of Sttn:k inthe Bank W ettyslitirg, the
prf4perty 9f the estate of Mrs. MARI , liFJ
'A'tre - sold at pittaie tihic, for $(.16 T;er share, on
in-being 32 per cent. -premiuM.
r;L:r.A . n uuusuag)= fie lietid of Early-
Cabbage was last week sent to this office,
our exe , lient; . Detnneratie lady friewl, M r s.
CEotwEII: I 7..II..T ER. Its Weight was ih:CionliA
which ii . .i•ery . .heayifUr Yyrk. , , -
of South 13en0,
12 years Cjiairtuau of.he Conuniffec, it
puwerful,stump reakei, has come out boldly
Tor, Ifumh apan ana. 11 reAi Ire, •
1 4:' 11 . 1 .t/W OisiXE:NT _Ni)
,l'itts have . a.eostuo-
Aiollt iii - ref o utatl,OL In evrry: tin I. CI: rktian gataz,e.
to whieh-ttarrnerro has ethIPII them_ thev hat e.lieceotie
Ntgn.l;t r.l rinuud ie: , for tlu3 uni t painrul IN I ..I.olgerolla
'p{.rint. to"iciiirh 1111'P:171i '['h - e -- olntaient - is' :in
:Ark rf, nwcifie for h'. : l eruptier. tinuorhtrc . WO ttfriir• there" Is ,no or the Kt:tame:A tothe
lirpr or the hotels, that :nay not besuhilueylby 11 peri.teut
use of the
fik!•.+ Ow.
; AIARRST. Or A CUT- PrRSE fellitut wag arrehte.t An Tnert
for cuiting,"ll.pttrse_sntLALt tr. t
tt. P latter collinl.tint;t - molk o - the .t.un.1..43 'in
leis unmentionable 4, when Al.o. rir.o.tx... 'mho is known us:
, oat of Littte. ativiitttt siiilktrer to ailit till A. liplLPe 41.tir
at Ulu rtrgwn Stone C 1,0111,4 II ill ttl' lull Wilson,
Nos. '265 xihl '.!U7 elt6snut street, Phi littlellilli3
~~~r~i4~fi~ ~~~c~jo~~~s.
Corrected from thelattit re. York £ I ittnover payers
, I.l , flti in6i.e.--Frirlay "last.
Flotii, 1) - er:barrel, ;' -' , :•36 50 (71, r, (19 - ,
Vill c eat,'pei!buid'ici; 1.40 ((y's . : l• 1: -- )
IZli-e, ,Al : . •, I , 73 , f ' 1 ,, ,, , 4t
Ot)1 6 11, " ' "";
. . 50 •61 . , - 60:
6ats; ' it 33 (ii , , ' 38
Dot& Cattle, per huncl., ' 7 00'(;,, 9 00 - -
g 44
110, .: , „ 7 :10 (, 1 •,, R 00 ,
)lay, per ton, ' • 11 00 (,7•18 00 ~
Whiskey, per "'alien, - 33 (a .; . 3T ---- ,
VI ulitild, Poi - fun - ion, iler ton, , 3t) 00
. .
' - - Ha rior(:)--1.'ll tr 1..(1 ay lad.
____Flcair„per Ibl..„l:l4..unzwa:rpni•4_ S 5 75
IM. " , froni,titores„ . GSU
Wheat, per bushel, 1 25 @1 35
Rye, , 44 70
- Corn; 44 ' ' . 48
OiLts,. lt 33
Cloverseed,. ." „ . 7 S R )
Timothy,. '," 200
PittStel, per ton. ti 00
Flour, per hl., from wa.p, , ms, ' .? , 6 00 .
Dii, " from Fture: 4 , 6 TO
Wileat, per lm.liel, 1 30 0 1 45
1:1-e, ' ' 4;7
Cfirn, 44 . 50
Clowtn.s4ced, "
Plaster, per tot,
M2133,1Z1ED :
On the 24th ult., by the Roy. Jt,e ,, tl Ziegler, Mr GEO.
SETTLE to Alit , s E. MAU LOA"MIeKLEY, both-of Frank
lin township.
On Wednesd:ty 1:1,4, Mr. J.1e()13 .I' , .I.IISESTOOR, at the
resi.tenee 'or hit% von. S ralint,to'ck, Erq., intiiia 1.14ee, in
thr s7ti) }err of his 12..0. •
Oo the 27th ultVlr. JACOB CA linA of7Franlilin
town-hip, n 70,1
On the d:tu'.:hler of Mr.
Crum. of 31eu.illen township. a r ced 7 months and
On the Ilan ult.,. in Lutler county, Ohio. Mr• 11 - 1 1/:";
WHITE. formerly of this oamrity. aged 62 ye:tng IneMths
and ,1 day.
On the 21st ult., in l'ittsburg. M. 0.11" Jol+D
B. Living-ton, formerly' of nib place—aged . 25 ye irs
Adjourned Court.
VOTICE is hereby given that an Adjourned
-LI Court of Common Pleas will be held at
Gettysburg. in and for_ the county of Adams.
opt Monday. tisN lid/ day of -October ncxt. at
10 o'clock, A. M., when and where all part:es
interested are requested to be prer•ent..
HENRY. 1:11031AS, Sher4ff.
Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg,
Sept. 1,185 t. tc
Administrator's Notice.
a CZ
8 0(1
3 (10
Va:trable ituni EAtate,
P1711,1r SALE.
1N rnr:Atttioee of itutliorit 11111'
ivlll,aritlte3tatriebt‘y SMITfI, de r 1 ,
m-111 1)e uttered afpublie shte;tipiiit the '
pteeiises, 014 •Sott(rdulf, the ttith. deg%
th(i 114al Estate, of saul deeeae(.l,'
situate in Mountploasnot township, Adams
aounty, adjoining landm of. Pavia Ilinuler,
Peter ;Millar, Andrew , Kerrigan, and others,
110' .Aeres, , more or, IeSN of lad:
The iniprovcruenta tire a Log Weather
boarded 11(1 F: 2 :11, Two. , :tories high. 5 1 1- 11 , 14 1
Stone Bank Barn, and Wash-lionse.,—
Alatt'. atats and a half, story- LOU HOUSE, I
Frame ..Stable, with a weft of water at etadt I
liousevasalane at , tha . Barn; , irith it Hutlieienev I
of Tirnher,•laiiii, ,, atid a g,5)11 , . propottion of
3letrodt►w,' pled Orchard. The. greater I
part 'of tha land. has .been limed twives :Ind is
n gool stale of , snitivation:: rogd ftvglt
kitattorstown , tolianover Tlllll4 past the,.
:nevi ithin 'one toile of the Ruil.
'mad frton. tiottrthurg to liai;over; whielvis
the comrse of eontrin.tion.
prtitierty AT . 1 '( ed in two ptirts:.
the ninzil hitiklitlgt: with Eight .lert of html,
or the-w1t:01g .togesher ay Illily beSt. Suit pur-
clin-4.. ,••
Sak to, voinuwvwe at 1 o'clock in. the lifter
nowl oi• stii4l'4;ty; irbt;niltiniian6 will be
giveu :iutl ternis made loiouu by ...,
, ,rxrEn. K. S1111:11, ..E.tfr..,
it; • ,
Sept- 1856.
vux..11.:411x, LOT
.P 11 1 1"; T SA L 12;. ; -
MILE- snbseriher otters la •rritetre Fate, a
1.401`,0F (111.4)U ND, immerty' of the late
()oNnAn deeeased, handsomely sit(
uate.l in Straban Actrans eonntv,•ea
the ehanthersharti.ron,f,'24 - milos film ilun
ierstown, rind 1 !nib! from •I,olt•eor'S•Mill, ad
:xing litnlls of 6..Nir!;•e 'Rover, llenry;
mor, and other:, eobtainin...l.o - Acres;
le:•,s. The ironrov . einonts larg.o
Tw " -st(lr y itmio).east lIatI.LE,
i;!.; .
Bli rit i I
Ulaf:ks,inith • Shop. ;aid 7 other , i)ifthuiliiingtt.4. - -
A ne'vi:rrailing of. ex - et:Dent water Ikt•
the door, Vitt it pump to it, .ttl,nl
Apple , trees.hesittesl).4l);andP4un trees,
Tha-land, is .ollt first-rata quality, anti iu an
exee'llent state of •eultivAtion. .A.Atie propor
tion' is 'Meadow, and all,under•good , feneing.
The property Nvyuld wake a first-rate
f,,r tt inechanie.,
- Persons wir,hing to view : tie: preinies are
requested to itall'on the undersigned residing
- in the inune.di'd.te
i) V 11) : ( 1 1
Agent Tot tig*lToits of Ctnirad Sehriver, ilevvaArd
Sept. I, 11)a1. m • ' -
A Mealier:l
THE wor,m)
Ointment,—Tils ; R E A,nr.
Tjcit, jiIPITANT !--4 110 virus of disease or.
'ten makes i's way to the internal organs thro'.
the pores of the skin. This penetratfilg that-
Ment.4inelting under the hand as it : is rulined
in. is absorbed thronglet he stone channels:and.
reaching ,t;lie neat inflammation, womptly
and invariably subdues it,. whether luemed in
the kidneys, the liver. the ltings.oratty.,other
important organ. It penorntes thertturface to
the-interior. through the countless tubes that
communicate 'with, ..thR, skin' as :Summer ruin
passes into the fevered ei,!rth, diltusitig ; its cool
and. regeneratin:g . Thtittence.
EverS• species of .exterior irritation is q u let; ly
reduced by the anti,iinflatottiatory action of this
Ointment. An g ry Erotitions, such- as Salt
Krysiptd-a-s:-Tetter, l,tirt;:tt'ot lit. 8 I:: t Id.
flead, Nettle Posh. Scabies (oritch) the
out, to return no inure, under it's application.
rhispital'experienCe iti all >liarts of the wot hi
preiv,.!S its infallibility in di.eaSos 'of the
the'intsdes. thejoints atid . the glands.
The clicct of Allis unnivaled external.remeily
upon Scrofula. and other viroknt iilcers. and
sore:. }s alin?st. Jilicapt)otta.,
, Itlirst.ctisctiofges
the - pi&on 'which prodoCes; Suppitration" and
ni'ottd• fleAh. 'and thus the cures which its
iirh properties aftenlvald ciiinpleta are Safe as
Wrli as peruitinent.
, l,t vu l4N, , cod ,§calcl
' case:- of the fracture of bones, inju
ries caused by steam explosions: 13ruisys,
Bulmns. Scalds; IthetunntiNnt, Stflfness of the
.loitits,• Anti eontractiott•of the sinews. it is..etn
ployed•and warmly ,r-eointmended hy the fac
ulty. Thisinttrvelous retoedy has been intro
duced ,;by ts inventor. inlperson into all ttu
leading, Hospitals of Europe, and: do rive
housel.old -should be without it. -
'The Medical': Staff of the French and :English
Arinies in' the (r•irnen have official' ,
tlwir approval orliollov,tay's Ointtnent.,as tbv
most fvliahlh drowsing' for sabre cuts, stabs,
and•go - n-wrmods:'ls also , 'used by tbt site
geong it Allied Navies.
Both the Ointment foul PM should be liged
raloiri nt i
''• Rheilmatism Pore"rilmat
1:1111, I:inl;unrin
lliAppecl IlaruN S;Lit I:ll , sum
FiAtttla • :zkill I)i , e t.e4 ' 'Fetter'
liout ST„el le I , b; 1.; lentil; . .
Luirilo_ro Sr ,, e ,1,e...:4 N'eltereat Soreq
32 en ridl E ptioYe; :=e ro lt , c , e:ti ' ll'ouibl,+ Of Lill kiul
l'oeN :-0:‘, LI e. 01.8 •
•fr - 'Sold at: , the Manufactories of 'Profes,.or
)M - Av. 1e ri Lautt, tie'- York. and
:244 Strand, London, by all respectable Drug 4
gi,t s; an d De de in Medicine througinint. the
United Statch and the civilized %% orld, in ,pots.
at 2;) cents, CD. cents. and each.
l':,_) — Thcre is a curi.iderablesayipg by taking
the larger sizes.
N. t.--:-Directions for the guidance of pa
tients in ev'ery disorder are allied to each put.
Sept. T., 1.6 - 56. eowly
Adm9ri2lsirailorN l Sale.
Tlff) irnder.ijirnr?,4l .witi 6filv for sale, on
Tnaiday, Scp', , mbrr 20, at the holi‘e elf
Nlilev, in Ne‘v. eonntv,
300 Acres of Lanai, beautifeiliy 10.10p,f,
having 1 amd adjoining Otii
(;, t ; \-- 4i),lr g • and I , ,,lltitil,ri•
Lrrll .teri•, or salo Lan(l
fin,l will 10 ! ~ I fernfl'in lotF. to Gnit Inrelia-er:4.
The rennti at ler will-he divided. into two tratte:
For phrtieularA filo large
Sale to .e.lrnro6:ive at 1% o 'l loek, A. M., nn
said darwlien the terniM, which will be iniold
to suit pareliasers,, will be nutilfl known by
- "I'. N. ILA LLER,
P. Jr..
A dininiittraturc of the eqate of 'Dr. Win. 31* Il r:iiu, deceased
:tun 1r;.);1. -
Exeintoi 4 s Notfee..
L'ARATI ESTATE.—Letters te4ta
-7 mentary on the estate of Sandi .P.A,
late of Conowago township, .Idarrig corral',
Pa., deceased. having been granted to the
u - ndersigned, resithig iti the . same township.
he hereby gives notice to all persons Milel.ted
to said estate to wake immediate payment, awl
114 ing claims agaitiz,t the Sallie to pre
sent them properly alitiwtiticited fqr settle
ment. GEORGE ;:;" 1-1(
Aug. 23, ISSG.
4 --
i t ZtvER.LoD. Parasols for sale 1)3- ' 13 / 4 , Noxtensive •Lsott.lnent n 1 IttoN (1,-; NAILS
i L.) C.; EU. AIZNI)LD. just received at FAUN ESrUCIi'S.
Sores 'of till ki:Jad
J;o rul vt.
1.0. itgricailthral iriety.
ogicp, 161) che,vmr.. 57., Philadelphia.
11X111; • Poiretll Alll'lllllll Ex fi .te
.11-;•l[Nrixt) STATIN tt AT; SWIEICV,
\yin Le 11010 at Pon - rxvoN, ( Phi 1 tutelphia,)'on
`l'nesday. I.Vedia”-,lday, Thursday. Friday. Anil
til Ootkitier ith.l2th,Sttli. , .llllth ittoi 1 lth.
Vreinintan of ~.I.'wrN•ry....!tvt: to Two
TutEr) 1'1) 1,1 .A Its.Akaountillg indite agg-rega to to
For wri: EN TIIOE4‘.iiN f) 1 ) 01.1,110, \VIII be of
for the various . elasNes'of Ihmaciatio
Fruits, .Anterienn \Vines, Ve, , ,4ervililtis,
and Agricultural •Ituplententu ilittehittery.
L,4.4Committro titiahiladolphin, repre
senting the various brittle:lms' of: tudiistry, has
atrpctitttexi to el w.nperate with thn otikers
of the.Sootety, in perfeininir:trrangeulents fat
tluvExhibition. A,ntl FIVT'EES I w ItiItISANIX 1)01.-
LARK EaVe,l)ool2 'gttarttliteott to meet ONTCIINCR.
nutterial . aid, coupled with tlieexeellettee
of the ,elected lokiiitioit,• and thit lexgn atnount
of Premiums offered, iinlitees the expectation
tiott„the,Extlibitiglt of 18i6, ; I)6'64Perior
A tiratiri"..l.!_rtlfstiltaral which
litrlie :t4 , w 441 • yliteriAfuftt
phiee.ort , I(lth, , * heft
riigtingttighed gt!titielnen •Will:ti4iiire9B . the as-
sentihlag,g.i .
Fa.t,rahle nrran, , :, , ements with the variAbia
thetrattsr , irtti!iiin , ( If Swoole , liii4
whiell will 1,6 g ren i.•;n apvlieittion at the
offivi , . •
The Li:4 of Entries, the _.-kiN:ztrz - N'of
ozzzl the 1 ) 1 . ,90.111.11;;F,Ayilk , 1)0
in the Jon 4)r t1i.i14, - ,0•IetY1I)i- 1 1 856.
'rlt tho-Ri,;llTiiejo l fp,
mid '4)r the' 'NibikitioP,'lvitt
foroklie4l oh- ithpliezttien 'th; Jon?: 10.
Azi§b4tiint: NoeretnrY tvr the
Stores' Agrieliltitrift 5z5,44,v, Ukt
fztifeet, ( Hone. , of
Seciely,) or by azhiritstliog , the Secretary ;
tt JitlBtoil. . . : .
P: 11,1)E It, Vesl, -
Sept..l, 18511.-
TT' -Tr it - ", 7,'T
• • Q,ra':><ltf3 Jat ry Ile par&
7'o fhe ./EO/,/,.i.4 of Vitt (lotpt of
0;e1 Heel elf thi ' . 740
y +l:_rfrianti+ 4 :
c:p : flii,litllryl)off, leave report to your
. lionotioldf..Cntut,-4hiq
the Jail and ila!s r .Liott:•,e,„ ;44 that it of
them pletalatt4 fostiritonv to the
tion; ill! 'which wifitihrd'ttf; l / 4 ' Fttirit;;
arid--the -,1201 Alia diligeOt
and faithful ettre:of the :Ater:E. Iteary Thoro
and his faultily, over , the pri3nners4'
and of .the,-Steward, John suot.t, and fatuity.
ever the .v.ari.,.uti be i fur the poor
sielt trailer •their. ,charge. aft the: latter, w#,
.W'ert' much , . gratitiod
tae's or the bulls: and the *MITI:it' Yeattilation
of the mpartineo;tf , ,, Jiverything - that, (mute
antler our ilh.-er‘ation at 14.011 - placeN'evinoes
the pradetteeltiel hinilitwp, of their reviictive
oftioel.q. W . ;.t would also herktby express our
gekti4wii.ulgnietits for the politytiess
t,otiou of the Stu:riff:pad, k;teslsird in their re
o Ttiou „., , I
. ; 11.rNj: I 1,1", ;14)tcqt,t,ta.: 1 : -
Behser, .
John Sheffer, • , , r
Joh)), A. I YJOk:I4, 1 „,,
Sa/114(4 ; lne j ti . `i- WA;CP . ,,. 0(
Ethrtijd ,J(11111.
1)r5d4),,,„ • I. 7 .riali (,harsher, -„.
Sautuel F. ,
(iofirgy, Jae‘,l,
Thoinits, John Nturin ,,
Cr I,utt—_
Sept. 1,
l'a 1 ?it 7)14E., Fa trgli
1 , ;,11
7111f1F, ' : itesir ing "to • iii,: c e,ntinti e
'fitrioing. fur sale the. FA11,31
riNifie§; :innate in tit rallttn•lTAVifsiti . t'
Allnfos - count
- y, adjoiniiti.*, the liOronghline;—'
R oc k c ree l; mooin g : 1 10: 1 g one s,ide it.' There .
:Ire 'l5O. Acres, inure' or less; in thi• tract;
plenty c)fTittiber and kle:olittv. • The inifirtii,e
mats consist of a STONE 111)US1.1;i:(#:- -
Stiote tjane iSi*Dice- 1 30084CitIf iii• ,
/111 1 ,1 Qther with a ; A:el.l rigalL
spriogs of vyater nor t I te : 4ol,(lng k ,
Thece , is : an exce119 . 4.4k . 0p1ep17.4ar4,,0n the
prl'll7lScS. Vk'j Vnit4y, llf ,141 , 1*, 1'044, such
as Peitehes, Plunw.i'e3rs, xlcp•
- th'l'Sl,l)B ‘ Vioy , 1114:! ' 1 1 %rin,., re-.
(ple,stol to. call
.on ,s,l4b4eriber, rqstditt e g.
, •
thereon. .
l'hertn Sold in one 1)0d,r ) ,.0r
•cd so )) t o putchasers:' If the
fields alonofllfe 'ere& *ill be sold sepa
-1 •
If not -dispostyl of ; 9t private Rale before
TrrPstfity; the 2.:;11,'5,,iy 0 . 1 Nrpipitil;iir • i t , ; ier;
prolterty on that day We offerol pnblio,
cafe; onthi,,prentise.4 At I 9:Cloeli.'P. 111. ;when'
artvilifanco.'-w iireirnawi tertng -- in a
knOwnliyi • ' , DANIEL PA:SNELL
Ang'..25,185.6.-; •
I - 1,1 U.IB 1..7.1 t 4.1 S PA l'E '
AND ,-BillidT4
4 ' 7 1.91:11N(il to' retire from the farining rind'
9 •• trolling business'. , I will ,sell at: Pr -ate.
Sale the following valuable 11.1..114;:tate.known
as Locust; drove, Situate alum, one mid a half
miles S. 'West, frourLittlet4town; Adanis-coun
ty, list:':-• - Lt. . ' ~;, - ~- 3 . . , :. ..: ~
,y,,, 1,....23 1 2 it "rib (4 .:Tfea , fr,tr -bottom Irlir
Ruperior q'ual'ity of red gravel soil: well, adapt.'
eil to. timothy, 2000 hdshels 'orlinie having,
been put ou it. , The iinpiovements'are a large.
and very beautiful - AI Ell( ;BA NT ' • A.: 7 , 2 r , •
M I .1.1,, Saw dill, (;Doper Mi0p,4:14, ~,, t
-11 A
two , Dwelling IMUSES, a Store . i,,7/24 7 .41 pr.
foonl, two Bake ()veils. two Sta. ..)..Yr40i0N . ,,,
Ides, three Ilo;g1't us, Linie-kiln. and silt neces
sary out-buildings. The Mill is tunic upon .
the most modern and improved plan: 'The
d - stn.and race are n0t„ , .., surpassed -by, any.,- , .
Four count , 'J roadti . centrp at tins Mill.
, -
' ldit , !
ceptilile of a high slate Of cultivation. 8 - 1 - 113'
acres of whiCh me heavily timbered, with ,
about 10 acres, of meadow. The ,a :
... „41, , ,
a . fie improvements are large aryl very 4,,,,. 4
complete GlitiT M ,
ILL and Ihvel- V i l: 1.--,••
ring WA: SE. This property ad ! .
kakis No. L . ,
No, 7,---A 1" ,-ii:. 'roidoining 15/1 efrce,
mostly the red gravel soil,- and produces well,
40 to 50 Awes of 3 whiell, sir e
. heavily iiinkred
and abriut 20 Acres 'of ine`ado`w - botteM. 10,-
000 . to 12,00 bushels, of lime have been put
upon the land.- An abundance of fruit trees
upon tse premises. The iinprovenrent34 ,
are a Stone Dwelling, 11015.47.. and ilr
Kitchen. Smoke House, it large Bunk
Barn, Kith Wagon :Theds. Corn Crib, Hog
Pen, and all riecess-iry out-buildings. This
property is also a part of No. 1. urill' known as
abort. There isnot :1 fume desirable proper
ty in the Vitliity than //woe! gi /1. , . either
separately or togeth(r. Call and see it. These
>ropertres mil lie-sold separately or together,
as may hest suit purchasers. I -will -sell on
accommodating terms. Any person wildlife.: to
view the property: will plerise call - on Edward
S',..llile living on the premiseA. or niy,elf in
6ettysburg. GF,DaGE ARNOLD,
Aug. 1556. E 5
; )1.•
it Rao' (ha
S A r. 11 , ..
filzteett,tor l'ETnit
A (Ivregst;tl. offers foi• sale Ute 'following., de
sirable Itenl Estnve bf skid ileceitent, vii :
. •
, ,
late the'llotne Place of Mr. 'Ferree, situate in
Tyrone, township. Adams county, adjoining,
lands of Amos, ,Myers, Jncoh Ferree, Jaoob
Anitsberger, and others, containing .
252 Aores..more or less,
having liiige . lpropoi4ions of 'Woodland and
Meadow. The improvements eonsist pd . Ittvii
sorry ' w eatiierboa MUSE.
rr Slmie ll rrrk Peery, Wiigon Shod
and Corn Crib. Sinin House. ,
TEN NT lit IITSE, Stable, &c..
with it; sieverfaling spring Of water it each
dwelling, anti. gn.„,:Apple, , ,,,trchard on the
pretnisept. . •„. „
I;4.'ort . ,atitiritted to he otti,.of
the tekt'graiii;proi4nc,iiio in the ;Whore
to view it.
brit retinegtednport ri.: l :diting
thdebil. s ttio',Pano ,
etiieit . ifilikstinit, it Will be tilrerett in two parts
hi' \rhole, itA"p o chlisers tnriY`destre.
'at Sold pri'vate
preCio us : 13' li' ', l) ,', :rder:ri„4hr '2.0/b,(
• I'h,y (f' ,ceplein -
ho'r'dii•rt, it will he'difefeti'iat dutclry'ori
thittqliy, tipint tlitipietnise , :; at. ono' o'clock,
.4N4teittlatice`giVett arid te , ints indole known
by . "t. •• ,roTA.II: I)2t N Eft, - Kree ir to P.'
Jiff 1850: " .
' PttenitO. Sak.
Qpy.imo-0141.1 4 REA fie ii.sTATii.
rrillE SubseribrytT,,,,Exerutors - of the last will
, IL
an t i testainept olt4 - . 13iiix.n. i ffekr;,ea,
ii) pnrstiatice, of notboryy einitZA•ed tin iiiegn
by Ihe'said last Wlll titai Vt:',nuielit', vAlr 'oircr
at Public Sale; pit the pretnii;eH, 05 . kltitiii,liit . :
3th, ;Peg 6./', l / 4 4:pkotti6; ni'.ll,
.. ' :
~. .
~ . .• 1i ILE P 4. R V.' ' " ' '
late ef•said deceased, sitttate in the .townships
of ! Butt- c r ifi n t i t Tyrone. Adattot eeittak r,adjoin.
ittg itillils ,of Jacob Rebert. Peter Trimmer,
4.lllinkkliettroduilleury kilayOutugh.nrulothers4
containing 196 Aarqs; of Patente'd Land. more
or ltss, in - it's-oml state of cultivation tir.d.fonc.
itie..-trit-iv bleb ate erected 4 Two•story -
sTo . N-F, litykrBE, tith smile kiidiokt
:, ~ 1
stone spring ~I iol.lle, ft tone, f Smoke iiii l i,
noose, Bunk 'llitro,. Wagon' Shed, ~. -,'...,.,„;`,„.,
int .-and ,(:)orti:, Crib: ,-n. 1 4 04- ,TEMArp
, ii
vii 7 ti , HOUS,ll,;i3ti•a Log Stable.Stable.';Theril
, :. .. are two , uprings ofonever-failing water,
one at cac t i set of buildings, and-Ail. good
ORCHARD, with every variety of .Fritic,,eon
sisting-of Apples. !'ears, Plums. - Olierries and
p e ach k , s. Abokt - oue,:thiri.V fit thit. Farm it.
e.)v (wed wit It gpocl 'timber ;„and there arc about.
25 Acres of Nteml„w:. -'„, , ..
, . I t: is situated. in the ',neighborhood. of three
Mills—being but a mile distort, front twcy•of
9 ItAt ,4 *- 1.,f .' , 6 ' ;••'' l ', ” . 3 . ~
le . 1 : t1 611 ' AV,.1)!:k 1 )P:- ' 6Q4/ ' -p9tire: . or in. two
parts, to. soit: pit rcbitseis,' as A is susceptible
of Ictineetiielie di visioti;v 1 '••- • • 1 . - • A.. f.t e ,
- , .
' i 1 r,l'fie . itorC;nartiett P,Kecutor. 'residing tip n
. tbe‘iiropOtY. wi 11,4:h0W 'tactPit ten' tO 'persont
.Ivistaiigt`o'idew 11,ntire•.' '' •'? ' ' '' • - -
• Sate 'td ei)hiltiened at "10' o'cllYck, `,'A. 'll..
telieti .ititeinta'nee' *ill' bee:given' OR. terOis'
made linoWn 'by ' - .
, ' • • 1 "r
. 2 "' • ._1• ~y
.:.',"/ :(t 1 1 " -11; ' DA NT F,Ti IlitTeKtit,
'DAV I D• glt I el< MC' ' ' '
- A itiTst 4;-1856. ts , , •
Bligisterls Notice.
N7,O'rICE 'herebrgii - ert- to all Legatees and
; Lll', other persons-qacerned, thnt the
ixtr f itirso .I;7:fptilibt li*velanfter n,intinnetl. veil]
he prt4;eitteti at the Orphan's Court of Ailnins
eon iity. tuntion - allowance,
me racy, 111.7 2:0 dug of ,4'e,i)/('/Itbeil. /0.4, viz ; :
' 1 I The ii,',t of I I Lipe
an d j i ";6 4 ,1 1 11 0 41, V 4 X(YilifirS 'cif the htst ,
and lii§'tainteli of lsoao' Into Of Reading,
Tomo, rotor 04;mAitIve.r,
of esiaN of latrY'di
' "
Fi:f: The 'first accoaat Power
an:l'l'ltcul►hilus Miainistratoi of tlu
ta (3 of Alevaialor Po war, '
; amt. ) f
Laing, Esq.,' F, IttA will` and 'to
tatheat lir Tr(Mell "(td ikt: 4 ll,
185. The first nn,l film) acetaint of Georgt.
Piitaltlitc4lllllorr„l.4lminiz4trator of,:lalena
WM. P.' IVA I,Tmrt. Rev/4,r,
Pci• PA Slit!, I'LANIC, ph )rely.
ItegiAter' Oftice..(;e4p ! ttrii,
25;.1856; td.t.,
7•7 - " 7 '
4 -
Fltiltrtli 111113;' , Fc
riti.)..friP A I. l, ..h*tas. Rt.:Lsr.ce.t - aNY.NOpS EYSTER. r l
rl,l,ll l ,lsaititatiort t haviag now : , palP.l4l :
the Intnils EvsTint; aided lise
her. h &blind; .. is gifidu„ Ali,
coffin twine the Vali term, 'Monday,
,7:4lktozu her. ( Sept', 22,-,1846.).
The , militiew - Pnrsuini, in 'thiN big( itu tion em
i)racu,ull thostrhranel.pi;pf the mental, moral'
and,"tursi i iTieneos,,,unnally :taught .in any. of •
our ferliuto ,AeatlAinies nr.Voliegutij,r, the first.'
order„. together ~ , with
.the Latin. French anti
Germ an lane triages. , an 4 ()riming. ,
As tht, it , 41vNii!secl to be a Board..
;of!. as well as /hry the Princjpalff.are
prepared to reeeiyo y,ot,mg ladies from a din
t:Luc itito their - Ca ; Awl oreut:4,ancl , guar- ,
dimes too he nsyired tliat,every. Arrangement
v<ill 1)e made for their co:nfort.t ,
The mot al i ty, refinen►an6 and intelligence of
the pommuttity, together; with the remarkable
o f i ts clin►atc. contribute to make
UctLyslitirg n twintion p►•culixrly well 'adapted
for an iustitution 01'0144 kiwi.
For terms per ec•ssion; last of studies, and
referktnce;+, see eireula6 yr , inquire of the
k3ettysburg, Ang,.lB, 1856.
,rniroti zit Private Nalle.
Frl.lE Farm
j is situated about / of a milo
11. of rietty.shurg, and contains about
44 Acres of Laud. The improvements arc
a Log and Frame 110U•E.Z .T ,
wcatheiboardt.d ; a, large Brick Raul. oFrg;
Barn, aid other outbuildings; two
clls of water near the House. with pumps in
them. There is an ex'cellent thriving Apple
of choice fruit, and a variety of other
fruit, con,i,ltuo of PLaches, Cherries. &c. For
fur titer particulars apply to the suhsicriber,
in (iettysburg. A. COBEAN.
Aug.' 11. 185 G. Gt
N. B. --There are also 50 Acres of Land ad
joining the a'hove property, which cau be
bought at a Lir price.
Jacobs Air, Brother
7:11 AYE just received from another
rt. lot. of C/PECE ..\7: 1 1" GOODS. which'
they will divose of at rates 'own than ever.
them a call—at the ;Id stand of
Abraham AT null.
1 May 26, 1656. tf
Y wife, ELTZABETII, having left my bed
-1,1'; and board without duct cause, this is to
hive notice that I will pay no debts of tier eon .
tracting• All perNuni are therefore hereby
wainegi nut to truNt her un ac , !ount.
Titom.l:3 G000.1.1.%N.
Aug. 25, 1556.
Olt Sfittirday,' ihr q'Seplembi'l• m
T. I o'cloeli: P. M., on the riretuiA”;, Ibe mi
(iermigtiell. Executor of the c9tate of .Erna
117. Norfirrio.lN, tleeviuied, will sell at Public.
Sale, the ,
' "AL ti B E FARM'
of said deceased, situate in Butler township,
Adams county, Pa., containing 116 Aereti,
more or less, of Patented Land, and ndjoinirpg.
lands of Peter Fenis. George Weaver, Solomon
Routsong. and others. The itnprnvements,
which are all in first rate order, consist , of s
Two.story Brick Dwelling BOUM
with a large Back Building, a good ! 7
Bank Barn. (partly new,) Wagon
Shed. florn Cribs. Cnrriia a House. , ii
'S woke Ileti4. Wash House. a large
WOIX-SIIOP, and all other necessary out
There is a small but never-failing stream of
water, running through the whole length attic
farm, AO ,passes near the barn-yard. There
is a well of never-failing water. with a pump
hilt. under roof, at tlte kitchen door; also ap
well at the barn yard, There is on the premi-,
se; nn Apple Orchard
,of choice fault, about
100 trees, just,. fairly' commencing to bear, and
in a thriving state ; also Peach, Cherry and
Plum trees, with Grapes of all kinds. 'Ter©
tire full , proporeons oCrielber .and **(low.
The cleared land • in a *gh state of cultiva
tion, the greater par o it having been limed
. the second time Within the few last gears;
mul-the 'fencing:is ingood Order. the greater
part being Chesnut. rails. This property is
conveniently leCatedi nhout 3 Miles from Ben-,
Milefrom'Centre t Mile from
the DiStriet School - Muse, and Churches of all
ria tioliS. convenient.
dine and place, will be.
sold:' a Tkftnt'ef containinn. 5,
Acres, more or less, abmii:3" miles above Tzren
dersvilbi.' in • Menittlen ,township, adjoining
lands tifiaceb I3ehdrr, and others.
This- trtnrt tis wrli notiered with thriving you n
Chi.siit 'Timber. "
riin'ersetts wis!t i ng to view the premises,.
sre requested tti.eult oft the heirs, residing on
the tirst nantini. ' '
-(C7 The property will 'positively
The terms will belneiterate," nnd - will be wade
knew'rt On thtillny . 6f SA Ili 11V
JO Erectiton'
'July 28,1956: is '
AT PUBLIC OR - Pitll'.:'l7'E SALE.
IN plosttpnce of: tunhority given in the last
will and testament. of JOHN IIgNNKR, late t if
Mountjoy township, Adams- county, deceased:-
will lit Ql4reti pnbiic pile: on he firemkes„
(unless previously, sold at private ; sale.) ant.
tbe .) 7tk.(7o:fq r next the
itCni Estate cif said deceased, consisting of
1?..1.1N I.TIO .• •
of ,Patented in'saiti , towriahip of
Mounkiny,. adjoining , Itinds . .or Reek'."
Frederick" , Stoektila ger,' Isaac • Parttriti,; and
others' , containing: aliont.._l6o_, Aores. The
improvements arc - .I large.Tiiro:story-fr ; ;
Brick Dwelling ,1101, 1 :4111,-.-with a, W. nt.lllr / Pi
douse. and ffortse,rittriched; 1)011.. 4 .-... •
t;lef,rig T arr atitts!,. Wagon SIRtI &
Crib, ,fting 0010__ There A
llyy'eirfatting well ef, 'W 4 nter l . itntler reek l " pcar, 4 .
the, :Al telit4t, 00047,;,gtif)
o( water on the farm, anal streaul of runuingl
vyaker through , it, igordhi rt vater, nerirly,Bß,
_the4lelati t ,,There i ls a_largeltiantity of.good
rilettlloW on *the and if
,prepgrtion ofgrat ;
Titithe'r, .alSo a thri yin:Young pr.
Oratlf of clieice fruit-On the place. The public
road from
,;Git.p,hu,to I,o. k Pipeytown passe s
thrugh the preuitsea, being,situate; 7
from the
,former 'place 6 `front the; hitter.
The 'farm will aditiik-of:cedvenient
_ Sale ieLenriiirtOtep- -at 1-''look,
saitfileY, When attendance( Will be'givert,and
,teruis •
' littsitr DtNNF e R.'.
Aug. 1:8.:1R*
rirtlf: undersigned will, sell at Private Sgilo
that desirable property ; , in: firicSherrybe
town, Conowngo to m
a nship. Adams county, Pt, e
I) log on' the public; road running, throtigh
place. It contains Ten Acres, more j or
of first rate land: radjoihiug. lands or ur.
Sainuer antirloseph Btauinbaugp stri,d
others, and is finely improiled. There
is a large Two-story lfideft 'DWELL: Eff.l4.
'NG, with 1 4 `l'wo-s tory "B r ick 13rick- „
building. fronting on the street,"and nearly 'op
posite the' public honse'of Johntiusty. illsq„
good I,og Barn. on- Orchard:of elm c+ fruit, a
good well of water, and other iiiiproveriieriv.
'osse2sion_l4-iveit_on or_beforr , the_Lst,
April next, as may be desired. If riot heir],
the property veil; be‘FOR
Persotts Wishing to view the premises Will
era, on John Busby . . Elq:
vMic,ll,k F 4, II ERIIING.
Nov. 26, 1855.* tf
A. Nmail Farm,'
.iihsCrihet offers' at ;private , tate; a
TRACT OF'-LANtt, situate 'in - Swabia
township, Achy/la:county: ' , abOutaniilea•frnni
Gettysbargy on the 'east .aide of the State Road
to Harrisburg, adjoining lands of' the sithseri . -
'her, Wm. Wilde,' Henry Monfort, and , other4.-'
containing 45 , Acres,, , morb of , leaq, about -7
acres , ' of which , are Woodland, and 10 acres
first4rateN dow.• 'rho improvements are a one'
and a half story BRICK 1101:$E,
a gOnd' Barn, a neverfailing well
of water, with a pump in it, and • :
an Oreliard-ofChoicefruit.
al.) - - - Pers'ons'wilOting'td view the 'propertx,„ .
are- requested to eall on the subscriber, resid.'
lug in Gettys6ur, , .
W•6‘"The Pro,»iyty will be sold in cite tract,'
or i n Lnbr, to mill pi/rt./fusers.
January 14, 1856. -tf
Administrators' Notice.
ETTERS of -administration having been' "
1.4 granted to the subscribers, residing, in
Petersburg. (Y. 5..) Adams county, on the
estate of WILLIAM. GARDNER,- dedeitsed,
late or the same place. they
give notice !:
to all persons indebted to said estate to Make, -
immediate payment," and those having claims_
against the same to pre i <arthefu properlyau
thenticated for settletuen
Aug. 25, 1856. ,-„Gt —Watt' ttiviratet4,
Executors' Notice,
DETER LUTZ'S ESTATE.--Letters testa
mentary on the estate of Peter Lutz. late
of the Borough of Gettysburg,. Adams counts-.
deceased, having been granted to the-under
signed, residing in the
place: they
hereby give notice to all persons indebted to
said estate to make immediate payinimt. mut
those having claims against the - same to pre
sent' them properly authenticated for settle,
went. MARIA I,IrTZ.
PETER. 1-10FRILIN, E.'r.
6t -
August 4,185 G
C .
• LL :In a see the new style ()I . Bl a s, , k,
Brown, Like a lid 'Pearl lilt.. at
M urell 31. \V.
.A . S::L'11.:1 1 _)1:, :style of SPA 11A'r
W. W. L'.lX l'i)N '