4te•liir. Fillmore, i n a speech, at Albany, 1 iVasi 1 ' W 111g1011 s arnilK Voice 'to (lII' Black Ite• Idler day, gave Northern Know Nothings 1 publicans. Mack Republicans several severe but de- 1 Gen. Washinelon hi his Farewell Address, rd "raps over the knuckles." ; In this i thus warns the country against the Black Re :ter they don't like the speesh "at all, at publicans : "The unity of government which constitutes —won't even allude to it—and. this 'even you one people, is rdso now dear to you. It is 're-part of the Yer_y_etlitors___who a-few''Justly so, fOr - it is the tnain pillal in the edifice months ago, were careful to publish every of your real independence---the support of your word that fell from Mr. Fillmore's lips or pc n. 'tranquility at home, your peace abroad ; of Among other things, 3.1 r. Fillmore said, at your safety, of your prosperity, of that eery Albany: liberty whiria you go highly prize. but, as it is But this is not all, sir we see a political easy to foresee that, from different quarters, party presenting candidates for the Presi- much pains will be taken, many artifices em tiency and Vice Presidency,. selected for the P.l"Yed, to weaken in your minds the convie first time from the free States alone, with the tion of this truth ; as it is the point in your olitical avowed purpose of electing these candidates P fortress against which the batteries of by suffrages of one part of the Union only, to Inkena/ and external enemies will be most .rule over the whole United States. Can it _be constantly and actively, (though often covert possible that those who are engaged in such a ly and insidiously,) directed, It is of infinite measure,' can have seriously reflected upon the momeutthat you should properly estimate the consequences which must inevitably f( 11 , 4,w, immeuse value of your National'Union to your 'sn case of success? (Cheers.) Can they have collective and individual happiness; that 3ou the madnesV4.;,r the folly to believe that our should cherish_ habitual and immovable at- Southern brethren would submit to be govVril- tachment to it; accustoming yourselves •to ed by such a Chief Magistrate ? (Cheers.)— speak of it as the palladium of your safety and prosperity, watching for its preservation'with 'Would be be required to follow the same rule proscribed by those who elected him, in mak- Jealous anxiety; discountenancing whatever ing his appointments. may suggest even a suspicion that it can. in If a roan living south of Mason andany event, be Oen idoMsl: and 1N MO N A NT- Pixon's LY FROWN INO UPON .14714111 Y ATTEM VP Line be not worthy to -be President and Vice TO ALI ENATE ANY PORTION. OP OUR President, would it be proper to select one COUNTRY FROM THE REST, OR TO I.lN from the same quarter, as one of the Cabinet rEEBLE THE SACRED TIES WIWI' Council, or to represent the nation iii_a foreieli country ? - Or, indeed, to collect the revenue - NOW - LINK TOGETIIER ITS VARIOUS rite o or administer the laws of the United States? P- t " '' If not what new rules is the President to And then speaking of Sectional parties, such , adopt in selecting men fur office: that the peo- as were lately embodied and represented at N. ((de themselves discard in selecting him?— York and Philadelphia, says: 1 are serious but practical questions,"ln conteinplating the causes which may 'These ere and in order to appreciate them fully, it is' only disturb our Union, it occurs as a matter of se rious concern, that any ground should have net. •; sary to turn the tables upon ourselves. Su +s; that the South having a majority been furnished fir characterizing parties by of the Electoral votes, should declare that geographical denominations—Northern arid they would only have slaveholders firs Presi- Southern—Atlantic and Western ; whence dent and Vice Presideet • and should elect ,deslyni ay men may endeavor to excite a be sult by their exclusive suffrages to rule over' lief that there is a real difference of local in us at the North. Do you think we would sub- terests and views. One of the expedients of party to[require influence within the particu mit to it? Nu, not for a moment. (Applause.)And do you believe that your Southern broth- tar districts is to misrepresent the opinions and ren are less squsitive on the subject than you aims of other districts. You cannot shield are, or less jeatous of their rights ? (Tremen- yourselves too much against the jealousies and dons cheering. i- If you do, let me tell you ,heart-burnings which spring from those mis that you are mistaken. And, therefore, you representations they tend to render alien to must see that if this sectional party succeeds, each other those who ought to be bound to- IT LEADS, INEviT 4L y TO THE DE- gether by fraternal affection." snuou lON OP Tiffs BEAUTIFUL FAB- RIC REARED BY OUR FOREFATHERS, CEMENTED BY THEIRVLOOD, AND BE QUEATHED TO US ,4 NRICELESS IN HERITANCE. • It seeins to tne in'l9B-1/)/ L,that those en gaged in this, can coht uLti : Re Lated the aw ful -conseluoneos B ticee,,,, c _cA, eep ..t it breaks asunder the bondr °ll r . Lii i i,a!• :id spreads anarchy unit th rwitril -; ! :ate 'Ale:Laud, what is it less than ni0r 1 a1.: , VJ2 . 2: 3 .G,.1? law and cont- nion sense hold a man responsible for the vatural consequences Of his acts, and must not those whose acts tend to the destruction of the government,•be equally held responsible? (Applause.) And let me also add when this Umen is divided, it will not be divided into- two licpublics or two Monarchies, but broken into fragments and at war with .each - other. Who is John C. Fremont, the Black republican Candidate for the Presidency. !"According to Horne Greeley, ho is a native of South Carolina, and the sun of a Frenchman, who' had nut been in this country lung before he tiled, leavin;4,; (- his son then quite young. John's size and personal appearance, according to a member of the Philadelphia Convention, which nominated him, is much like that of our Hon. Billy Patterson, except that he is youn , r l' er. His chief pursuit in life has been that.ofa Surveyor and Engineer, and in this capacity, at the head of a corps of En gineers under the pay of the Government, he has distinguished himself by his bold ad-ven _tures in_explorium the country in the region of California and the Rocky mountains. But it would seem that patriotism was not the motive of his adventures among the gold. regions, fur instead of swelling the Treasury of r- eminent, le util regai'd to his own pocket, and has Made hiMsell a Jnillionaire, and ac cording to 80111 e reports, the riche.t man in America, by his speculations in CalitOrnia gold anines. What his political views are, or his political principles, if any he favors, has not been made known to the country by anything he has ever said nr done himself. It must be confessed by every candid man, that Fremont has uo Itualifications fur the dis charge of the arduous and responsible duties of the chief magistracy of this ,;rent Republic. —lf elected, he would of necessity be the mere Creature of in anagink_design ing andumprinci- - pled politicians behind the screen, whii would use him as a mere stool pigeon tbr their,pur poses of plunder and self-aggrandizeutent.— Ilis is a public demonstration of the humbuggery of the tricksters who hare banded together in the fusion for power. It looks like a "woolly horse" speculation all over. The people of this country cannot be thus bamboozled_ The Boston Post thus speaks of the Black Republican candidate for the Presidential Chair: Col. Fremont can no more stand a political canvass than Pratt or Mellen, and the sort of 3wlitie&l poetry which his rash adventures have invested hint with will fade away in the harnit.g light of truth and common sense. By the time that the people are ready to vote for the next President Col. Fremont's laurels will be withered and fallen, and he will be known only as a rash young man who sealed the Rocky Mountains, ran away with Col. Benton's daughter, and acquired a position in the political world through the influence of his captured father-in-law----a young man who did not well for others even iu his own special character and forte as an adventurer that can endure fatigue- awl subsist on dog flesh, hay ing sacrificed the men of his eemmand to his rash ambition. His gold mines upon the Mariposa have dazzled the eyes of the higher law politicians, but their stated value is somewhat apocryphal and the land is covered 'by sume thousands of settlers whom it will impossible to dispohsess. 'He ilJes not now realize enough from them to pay the taxes, it is said, and but for his I.aekers, Palmor, C.,ok & Co., at Sall Francisco, teuld not retail' titles to those esiates whirl: have given hint the rep utation of being "the richest man •in the world.”---Being polo - jenny in the hands of a corrupt set of INire-pullers and tinaneially the hands of his hankers, Ire will wake but poor figure as aeanclidate for the Pre-idenev. Mr. Fremont will I.f course, pledge lain~~clf to any platform which his political managers choose to place him on ; but his otpusition to the introduction of slavery into Calit;iruia does not amount to much, as an indicationi of free, soil principle. Slavery is adverse to hisin terests in California, as w c ell as th cal every miner, and - therefore he opposed it. If his . 3lariposa estates were adapted to the cultiva tion of cotton and sugar, lie would d , übtle.s have no objection to slave labor in Calitiznia. A . , papt - tx. spPakinlr, .if thL , I)l3C,rtn -tty , : It i, an un- , t.at;. t• .ll , tot t i • , 11 plat it I/ I Lfl 1311a eit, - 3 thing vt.:6cll tli.. ,mil iv: in Iy thri, ju v u , 311.1 I===l:=3 The Mariposa Nilllotiaire. Good for Lewis' Cass---Letter to the Boston GENTLEmEN—I cannot attend your ratifica tion meeting on Tuesday evening, but I ear nestly hope that it will be a numerous and successful one. • We 'have fallen on evil times, and every true hearted American. should come to the reseue of the Constitution and the . Union in their. hour of danger. Ler a voice of fidelity to our glorious institutions go forth from old Fnneuil hall, us a voice of encouragement went forth in the days of our fathers and helped them on in the great work of which those institutions are the consummation; Their work, now our heritage, Is in peril. Let every Democrat conic to the - Ascue and the, Union will be safe. Our nominees are worthy of our claims; they are the representatives of that great party of Washington, and Jeffer son, and Jackson, which knows no country but the whole country, and no people but the whole American people ; and which believes that if every . portion of the Republiwere left to manage its affairs in its own way,'NKithout external interference, and if more charity and less virulence were exhibited ; more of the Gospel olJesns Christ and less of Sharpe's Rifles, issued from the arsenals of some of the churches; that the good old day of peace• and fraternal regard would soon return to cheer the land. I am, gentlemen, very respectfully; your obe dient servant - 1 -- --LEWIS CASS. Tlio Chieago Futons Einigrants. . ST.leuis, June 29.—The Chicago company yt-r-,rlrnt!, t„ , a — FT, ng• on Were aboard the Star of the West. When the boat landed, a committee of citizens came aboard and informed the captain, of the object of their visit. He introduced them to Mr. Andrews, the president of the company, who, stated in reply to the demand of the committee that he had sixty-seven men under his charge, who were going to Kansas to settle; that each one Of them had a gun and they were determined to keep them. The committee replied that they were satis fied that the intentions of the party were hos tile, and that they were recruits for the Lane Reeder party in Kansas, and the people o f Lexington were determined that they should nut pass unless they gave up their arms. Af ter considerable parleying it was agreed that the arms should be taken ashore and placed in the custody of a responsible merchant, to he restored when the present difficulties in Kansas shall be settled. The arms were then produced from the various parts of the boat, Ind proved to be Hull's carbines, all, loaded, and with bayonets attached. The Republican learns, 'reliably, that this company was to be paid secretly, by Chicago. $lOO each for going to Kansas, a part olTthe money to be expended in arms and ammuni tion, and the remainder remitted after landing at their destination. Thirty days' provisions were-also provided. After leaving Alton, the company found that the contract would not he fulfilled, which caused much dissatisfaction among them. Hon. Amos Kendall.—This able political writer, who enjoyed iu so high a degree the friendship and confidence of tien. JAcKsoN; is heart and soul with the Democracy in the present contest. • Corrected from the latest Bald rip , re.York & llanover papers Fl.iur. per barrol. ;;;I; 50 Wheat, per bushel, 1 3s ( , r, 1. 87 Rye, 44 58 (4r 72 corn, 111. 57 (,/, 1;l) Oats. Ai ` ) S (rr :',l) I ',eel' Cattle, per hind., 700 (4/ 10 00 1144g.4, 41 7 nii (44. 7 51) Illy, per tun, no 00 ( , i.)5 Hi) IVi l i,:l o .y, per gallon. 30 (4/, :;I. Guano, Pyruvian, per tun, 58 00 1 7 1 ,, ur, per bhi., l'r:an wa.....,•w . i.5, :735 75 I),). f'r,,in bture. CI 25 AVlteat, per bushel, ' 1 30 e . „.. I 51) Eye,' ~ 55 ('um, e. 41) OatQ, Cloversecd, " Pla,.!ter, por t 4 in, - iie r wa.zons, 7;) Do. •• Whedt, per 1 )11 , 1)1 . 1, \ I 7 ..( • 7 • MEMO •,i lill 1 , 0.: Ratification Meeting. TAsuINGToNy June 14, 1856. i)'_li4f t el ilepoi-1,-s. Millihmrc-Frithiq 11:•1 jirf T i in•.c,lnlust [COWMUNICATED.) 1 1 11 I:EN A. LI., .1 une '23, 85#1. At a, speeial meeting of the l'ltrenakostnian Society, the following preamble and .resolu tions Nrero; unanimously adopted : Whereas, it has pleased I /ivine Providence, in His infinite wisdom, to remove from our midst our worthy brother : Th(.refere, L'esoirc,/, That we have been deprived of one much esteemed for his frank and manly.dis position, his gentlemanly conduct and piety, and one whose memory we will ever affec tionately cherish.. Pcso/red, That, we deeply synipatlike with the parents and friends of our deceased bro ther, and yet rejoice with them in the conso lation that our common loss is his eternal gain. Re.s•otr , d. That out of respect to his memo ry, our nail be elotheil in mourning, and that the members of this society wear :the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. ReSOIIYII, That these resolutions be pule lisped in the Gettysburg rapers, the 'West minster paper;:, the Lutheran 4)) so r v et-, and the ..3lisslonary, and that a copy of the same be'suut to the parents of the deceased. BENJ. D. ADAM HOY, - E;. B. KNA'mmett, IV. Milt tmutie.:Ett, E. 11. Al: ' - Penna. College, June 23, 1856. At n. meeting of t),,, Senior Class of Penna. College, held the 25th of June, 15fi, the fol lowing preamlile and resolutions were Unalti 111011tily adOpP`a inasmuch as th - rough the providence of an allwlMi God, our worthy awl esteemed class mate, DANtri. L. McanisG, has heert re moved front us; Therefore, - Reso6ed, That whilst humhly sulunitting to the will of Him who doeth all things well, we deeply deplore his melancholy-death, and unite in offering , our sincere sympathy to his relatives and friends. Re.volrol t That we Will wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. Resolred, That the proceedings of this meet ing be published in the .Lutheran Observer, the Missionary, the Westminster America Sentinel, and the Gettysburg papers,•and that a copy be sent to the parents of the deceased. - A. HOY, l'ecsident. JACOOVIEf)HAN, Serrriary. . On Sunday evening last, just before sun down, in East Pensborough township, Cum berland county, Mr. John Kissel, an old bachelor farmer, - was shot dead while carrying 'his milk to the spring -house. The perpetrator of the deed must have been behind the spring-. • house, and when Mr. Kissel came within a few :feet of him, he discharged a load of shot in _ his brain, and relieved him ,f 4 his nnoicy. No ,clue has as yet hue i obtainel of the villain who did the dead. Tile deceased was a very eccentric man, living entirely alone, and sonic distance from his neighbors. lie was a man of some means, and'uarried all his money, upon, alloeca sions, in a large Kallet fastened upon the inside of his vest. It is said by his neighbors that he had at the time some four or five hundred dol tars and perhaps a great deal more. tr,,7"4/01.1.owsr's Ptid.s. the - most powerfot Remedy for all disorders affectite , the intestines —These are pro nounced without hesitation by all who have tried them to ho one of the exist efficacious remedies ever made known, they act so directly upon the affected parts that it is impossible arty disease of the stomach or bowels cdn resist their ,earch lug in:Moire. and so they thoroughly pass through and cleanse the system, removing all traces of dkease. It is a remarkable fact. that these Pills seldom fail to restore tho atient to health even alter every other remedy has boon used unsuceessfully. Tntr SEClerr TuKiTie.—lty the Baltic we learn that Rus sia is much exercked respecting rx secret treaty entered into between Franco, Great Britain and Anitria. We hay(' it in our power to explain thi-. treaty, which is InOwl a limbed obligation between the parties named to patronise the new Brown Stone Clothiw Hall of Rock - hill & Wilson, Nes,2os and 207 die.flut Street, Philadelphia. On tho 29th nit., Mr CITIOSTJAN MOE, of MonaOen township, aged 74 years 4 months and 'l4 days. On the 1.4 instant. Air , . ANNA MARIA, Wifu of Mr. t0 , e51,44.4, r a1-6211.,t112 i wootiv.. EOM and 2 day; 1 , (in the '..?:"ptli nit 7 in Littleatown Adams county, ISA I AIL j AiiltA.ll.l.M, infant ,sOll of Mr. Levi ii rep. aged 5 days. IF: undersigned will open a School in Gettysburg, on the August, to continue till the first of October, la which in struction will be given in all the branches us ually taught in Commou_Sehools, nod in Alge bra; Geometry, Natural l'hilosophy, &c.._ The School Room Will 11e supplied with Out line Maps, Globes and Blackboards, which will be constantly used. They will their undivided attention-to the Pupils placed un der their charge. Every opportunity will be - given to those who.may attend the School for the purpose of preparing to Teach during the coming winter. To this class instruction will he given as to the best methods of eonduting Schools, and imparting knowledge to the young. Those who wish to attend should apply soon, as the number will lie-limited. The charge for the term will be ti'2,lo. TWO horses were stolen f-ont. the fields of the subscribers, residin , between Me chanicsburg and Co.:web:lm, Md., -on Friday night lost, (July. 4th.) One of die horses is a heavy iron grey, 9 years old, a small Niece broken out of the left front boor, ;tint left hind foot white.—The other is a bhiek, (inare,) 5 years old, a star on the forehead, and a pim ple on the left shoulder. A reward or `•`,ls will be given on the reenr dry of each iii,theariinals, if taken in Preder 0± county, and s-14► on each, if taken out of the said county—and on the couVietion 'Of thp thief. ARP M 1:01) 1 / 1 ", JACOB HESSUN. July 7, 1856. 4t . Executors' Notice, LICE'S" ESTATE—Letters k.-) testamentary on the estate of Christina Rice, late of Menalien township, Adams county. deceased, having been granted to the undersigned. -(the flint, named residing in the same township, and the last named in thlford town.diip, Franklin county. Pennsylvania,) they hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having clahusagainst the same to present them properly authenticated for settle ment. HENRY P. RICE, 11 OLIN ILOKE has just received a fresh sup *" ply of SLIM MElt GOODS, to which he calls the attention of the public. By .-quick sales and small prollts,"rhe is enabled to fur nish Goods to the satisfaction of all who call. Gettysburg, June 23, 185 G. 5 Oi ) 2 00 G 00 Jacobs 4k, Brother 4 persons arc hereby notified not to trust ; „. _11:1.' just it.r . vived—from-4-11e-eity—ttniYtim. ISA wrrr:fi I 01 O e. fir account, as we j Paxton 11 lot Of (71.(//CR NEW OOPS. which are determined not to pay any debts contract- , Balance in hand of S. Weaver, they will dicpose of at rates lower than ejer. cal by hun Gtve them a call—at the old stand of A bra limit _Arnold 1 30,{y,. 1 :"01 Col 44) .\lay 1 4 ,51; ..1. =I MIMI WM [(7I)IDIrNIC \TRI).I Horrible Murder. DIED : iligh Street Seliooi. July 7, 185(; .1101:SES STOLN! 11EILVY .RE E WARD IILUHALE P. - R I CE, Ex.v.:atwe July 7,165 G, Gt Fresh Goods. IV W. 1'.1.V1()S:-.:. U. 11. AUSTIN, R. A. (ATTU,: Valuable Real Estate, P 1,!, 11. N pursuance of an Order of the Orphan's I Court of Adams county, the , Subscriber, Executrix of Die last will and testament of ly'ujainiu Untorneh.; deceased, is authorized to sell; - mid - - hereby - ollZirs at - PrivategaTe, the Real Estate of said deceased, consisting ail Ekotation, or Tract of Land, situate in Franklin township, Adams county. adjoining lands of John Bittinger, Samuel Wolf, Jacob Claimer, M;chael Schlosser. and others, containing • 193 ACRES, more or less, of Patented Land. Thu immovementS are a double LOC DOUSE one and a half stories high: Log Barn, Spring se !louse. Dry House. and Log Shop.p. - There is n line spring of water near the house, and an ahundint supply: of Water on the farm. About 25 acres are well set in good Meadow—about 60 acres of excellent Timber. such as Chesnut, Bock Oak', Hickory, &c. There are two-good Orchards, having a great variety of fruit. 'The Shippensburg road passes the buildings, which are within' . one. mile of Arendtsville. II 71 f the property is not sold at private sale previous to B r o/PllRdliq,ille VIII day (tf .11fat(q . yext, it will be offered at public outcry, on that day, upon the pi einises. at one o'clock. P. .1\ InGIA G ft A M M Es'x. By. the Court--J. J. Baldwin, Clerk. • , July 7,185 G. is Valuable Farm, AND MOUNTAIN LOTS, For Su le (11. rub/le . Veiulne. WILL Ito sold at Public Vendee, Da the . premises, en Saturday, the 9th day (!! Anyunt next, That Valuable Tract of Land, Etta the Estate of SOLOMON HA RTMAN, deeeased, situate in Met:allot township, ono mik northwest of .Iretolisville,. adjoining lands of ilzotzer El minter, NI:10mA Hoffman, David Stewart and others, containing' 175 Acres, more or.less. The Farm is well ma - „.,• tom', with a good LOI; 1101ISE, weath cri warded, Bank BA It N .- , '.IIIIF Smith-shop, SAAV-M I LL, ANT ILOUSE, and other out buildings; a goml,A tilde awl Peach Orchard, and a great v:irtuty of other - Fruit Trees. The Farm is in . a good state of ettltivittion, Avith - a good proportion of Meadow and Timber. -At.so, Lo.rsor •, .41f OUN T.l IN 1: ND. N0..1, situatoMenallen town, hinds of Henry On= nor, Sartmel Slothour, and others, eontaining, about 1t ACRES, well covered with young CheanutTimber. No. 2, situate in the same towtothip, adjoin ing; lands of Samuel Slot hour and,lohn Stoin our, containing 11 ACRES' 0nd.75 Perehes, also well covered with thriving young Cheb nut Titither. N 0.3, situate in Franklin township. adjoin ing lands of Geo. I . a.ndyke, Sit 1111/0.1 &others, containing 20. AC It r,S, rnuru or loss. Any persott wishing to view the preinisos, will ho shown the sante, by' applying to Bain nu! Hartman, residing on the Farm. - Sale to commence on the Mansion-Partn, at 10 o'clock on said day, when attendaiwe will be given and terms made known by TIIE June 23, 1856. ts Small Farm, AT PRIVATE SALE. Trig subscriber offers at private sttlo, a TRACT 01? LAND, situate in Straban township, Adams county. about 2 miles from Gettysburg, on the east side of the State Road to Harrisburg, adjoining, lands.ofthe subscri ber, Wm. Wible, henry :Quid - ell...and others. containing 45, Acres, more or less, about 7 acres of- which are Woodland, and - 10-acres first-rate Meadow. The improvements area one and a half story BRICK HOUSE, a good Barn, a neverfailing well of water, with a urn in it and an Orchard of choice fruit Ir:7 — Persons wishing to view the property, are requested to call on the.subseriber, resid ing in Gettysburg. EORG 1: IVA LT Ell, Si. The Pi•O)irii:trioill be soul in urea tract, Or in Lo/e, to snit 7) , 0-chaser& January 14, 18.56. tf VALUABLE PROPERTY AT :Private Sale. riv.w. undersigned µ•ill sell at Private Sale 11- that desirable property, in MoSherrys town, Conowago townAnVAdams county,Pa., lying on the public road running through said place. It contains Ten Acres, more 'or less. nf first rate land, adjoining lands of Dr. IL N. Lilly, Samuel and Joseph Stautobnugh, and others, and is finely improved. There is a large Two-story BRICK DWELL- 5 ;11 ING, with a Two-story Brick Back, - • building, fronting on the street, and nearly op posite the public house of John Busby, Esq., a good Log Barn, an Orchard of choree . fruit, a good well of water, and other improvements. Possession given on or before the Ist day of April next, as may be desired., If not sold, the property will he FOR RENT. Persons wishing to view thu prethises wQI call on John Busby. Esq. MICHAEL II ERRIN G. Nov. 20, 1855. tf Executors' Notice, WvWILLIAM ESTA TE. —Let ters testamentary' on the estate of ‘l . d liam Bricker, late of Butler township, Adams county, deceased, haiiing been granted to the undersigned, (the first named residing in Para dise township, York county, and the last named in Butler township, dainseou ri ty.) they hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to pre sent them properly authenticated for settle ment.. DA N Eh BItICKFIt, 1)A VII) Bltle'l( 1•13 , 26, 1856. Gt J.:p.:4-m frr.,r FLOUR., PEED, AND Grocery Store. riIHE subscriber continues the Flour lc Feed business, and has recently added to his ' stock an excellent assortment. of Groceries, Spices, &c., Co which lie invites the attention of the public. Content with small profits, he promises to sell as low as the lowest, and asks a call in order to prove his assertion. has now in store prime Coffee, Sugar, I Molasses. &c., which can't be beat. either in !quality or price. Bacon can also be had, as good as the verS- best, and at cheapest rates. lle likewise keeps a full assortment of Con ', fectionery, Fruits, Nuts, &c. I_l7 - Call at his Store, in West Middle street, near South Baltimore, and examine .his stock. JACOB SIJEADS. Gettysburg, April 21, 1836. Notice. PETER. G IN TLING. - /11111 E , zIC.-eri . ,(‘l.-sale :I few nwre 1 I toetuit and Chesnut Tim: L 1 ,10.11t.\ Utz/Int:llas, Fans - •. . . 1. 11. PAliraN, AR.Nji,D them --at (ktt• BONI J 'lllO 2:I • Eirm ALM NG in the rest Office; at _Pet tys- IV 14.1rg,:July 7,1856. Alpha J. tr, ink.]: .1", , p1, Bu g ler ;11rs. Sarah Irwin His lion. Juilo.e Bran don- M isr.4 Sarah. E.Kelley Thomas lip,i‘lk.'.r-J-ntrn Him .laffiezt C:1 , 11/11a ti .11)Iiit Long' Ilvnry Clark Dr. 1:,:111e, S. M g Ili 1,1 Jas.,or his h e i rs Cunningham John 2 Miller Mrs. Mary . Cris Miss Isabella, Moore 1'..1• Dietrich Miss Mary A.Moorehend WahorMrs. Eckert Miss M. J. Monts Actins Everliart Jaeol) 'Musser George Felix IVill holt Myers henry , . Forsyth William Niltsv Alton Frantz Adam _ Peel.Aes Nat Itaniel W. Frazer W Mimi' li. 2 Itehert Jonas . . Groope John . , Reinke Clenteny ll:tines Ilex. James M.Seltzer Gail. Leo 2 I larrkan John 2 'l'hompsort Missgosalia, 1 I aNV 11 M ISS Eli Zit Weikert Jacob ll.ollinger Samuel White William WM. 011.1.E.SPIE. I'. Al. .1.71 - Persons calling liar Letters in the above List will rileuse say they were advertised. Removal Reauoval 1 - 4 4 RNEY.& lIRO. have removed to their old IA established house. No. 67 NVest larket street, adjuiding {Lintz, Frick & Co's hardware Store. - And -directly opposite the residence -of (;en. lf. Doudel, where they will continue. as heretofore. the mannfacturing of CONFEC TION A KY. in all its branches—SYßUPS, &c., &c.. at the lowest city prices. Also, a careful ly selected stock of - Wines and Liquors, always on draught, and for sale in quantities to snit. Also—a superior article of TOMATO K ETCIIIIP. in prime eunditien. made by us, and. sold by the gallon or in any quantly, very low—much less than, city prices. The article is as represented, of snperior flavor. We also have a large lot_of,“Cli KED - PICK LES." put up under our own supervision and care, and offer them to families low. June 16, 1856. rr„„ citizens of Gettysburg and Strangers. who desire to know where to find a large and handsome variety of Summer HATS anti SHOES, are invited to, call at W. W. PAX. TON'S STORE. where they will find the most elegant White Beavers, and White Silk Hats, Panama, Canton and Braid : also, Soft French flats, and a large stock of Gentlemen and *Ladies' and Children's Summer Shoes and Gaiters of every style and price. Cal a n d see the goods. * - • W. W. PAXTON. June 16, 1.856 Washington fold I, Aar/I/401m, Adams' Connty, - Rentov oil to thelarge and convenient house, formerly 4 (.•erl's, opposite the old F .t a wl of Col. lekem.) rr subscriber respectfully idioms the I public that he has opened a Public house of Entertainment in the borough of A bbotts town, where he will he happy to entertain all who may call with him. Haying had many years' knowledge of the business of hotel-keep= ing, he natters himself that his efforts to please will be satisfactory.. Give the " Washingt on" a cell. RANCIS J. WILSON. February 18, 1856. tf Coutnion , Sehool Report. S. M'CREARY,' Treasurer, in account • with the School Directors of Gettysburg I 1855, June I.:—Bnlance in bands of _ .John Brown. (Du- . - plicate of 1851,) Al • Thihineo in bads of It. S. Paxton, (Du—. ollssU 138 knee in hands *of Sarni Wenver,(l)u -. plicate of 1854.) . Balance in hands of 2592 88 1856, June Ist•=Balanccduo Treas'r, 168 59 . . Ixo.r.s. mi. B 7 balance nn Pettletnent, June 1.'55, 134 38 133 , orders paid for Tuition as follows : C. 11. Austin, $2.10 R. S. Paxton, . 50 . F. M'Dermott, - Robert A. Little, 175 1). Ciirrens, 175 1). !WAIN!). 80 Miss M. 1,. M'Clellan, 226 . . Miss A. M'Ciinly, 180 . Miss 11. E. M'ereary, 180 •' Nliss M. Nl'Millai, 24 Miss M. Scanlan, 108 Miss E. Sheads, B4 S. Fahnestock, rent, S. 11. Buehler. 2 years do., C. P. th, rent, _ S. li)own, rent, I). i‘lussolman, wood, J. Quickie, J. Snerfv, "' 2 50 It. G. Nl'Creary, " 500 I). Schriver, Id 77 (7 J. Kitzindler, sawing - do., 17 44 Garlnch & 'Primmer, work, V:1 Peter Weikert, 14 14 43 11. Denwnidie, G 50 l). i.:►Shcl, A inie I)evan, it. Peck, M. Geist.lman, U. Sweeney, P. Krickser, J. S. Paxton, fees and releases, S. Weaver, fees and releases, John Brown, fees and release. Geo. Shryook, interest Ull note of $401), (two years,) D. A. Iluetiler, printing, G. Harper, 11. Kurtz, merehandize, S. F.ihnestock, " Keller Kurtz. Sd M. Ilaily, desk, S. Weaver, quit rents, Treasurer's percentage, (1 yr.,) 1'56, June 1.--Balance in hand of List of Important. ME pliento of 1855,) To eni4lvree'd of Ad am Wirt for tuition, 6 50 Tu cash reed of 1.). M. Myers, . 50 To enslt ree'd of IVOi. Donglasq, • 1 0 5 State appropriation, 174 30 M $4 00 44 9 50 SO 1 00 tt 12 50 44 494 41 .1 75 S. S. 'C'REARY, ri./ 40,0 0 0 ~/- ; 1 ' am NIT ,STOCK , AS 4 OI.I.ITION llr Tfl " Big Spring Literary Institute, " Ctinibcriand l'a. flit - AND orui oxtoomive 9:tle of BOOKS, VX Eli, -- 1 - irrE, A ..\ll (Tl l ll En, VXi I,' A 131,E 19 Ol'E ! Thy procee&- 1 1 - ; r1le m I mile toe ley ()tell to tzidatii g the debt of thy institute. irr.ztr .1 1,1, I.: 1,1,'D 011'0 It rI 'AITY! To lmy a Iralitrilde Rnol,•, and 'Leonia! a Shure -11(01ler in ;lbw lairrabli,', ProPerllf. LIK I' T. Olt ;V.VISOY'SGR kirl WORK oy mor,!.iroxs! at only, oie rbd/ur leer Copy : eler , T Mmiles lot tea 41WIlars. Ouit iii.son's iLlor+Lor fief' Nin'infills is by far tb-e !(,$t neenrate and relialde work we have of that doluded iwople.: In order that every pe r son m a y heenme a shateholde,, the price of ti book and certificate Of menihenship of the Association will be only $l. EL,. Certilittate will entitle the bolder to an imucest in the followiug Vcduable Real Ellate anvi otke 1' AT:thane Improved .Farm, $4,500, 'with all necessary Oat-buiblings, situated in Cum berland V4tliey, near Newville, coutaiaing 125 acres. 1. Valuable raria, 5:1.500, - adjoining the :t hivre, containing 125 acres, 2 Valuable Thnher Lots. $l,BOO, of 50 acres each, situnted itibMillln tp., Cumberland co. 8 Valitable Tim ber Lots, $3,500, Of 25 acres each. 1 Splendid New Brick Rouse, 52,1100, Two-story and hack In:Wi ? ",no . adjoining the Hall On the WeSt. 7 3 hi g hly 'improved Out Lots, $1,500, of over 3 11,e1 , 8 each, within half a mile of NeWl Hie, ~ at $5OO each. 200 order:4 - for - Herron's Cele: brated Writing Inks, at $6 per order, :'.*:1,2110, 1 Magnificent Iloscwliod Piano, i.;100, from the eelebrated Factory of Rnabe & Co., Balt itanpe. 1 Superior Melodeon, 5100 ; 2 Splendid Hunt ing Case Gila Lever Watches, :it 5100 each, S'2oo; 2 Splendid hunting Case fold Loser Watches, at $87,50 eaoh, 5175 : 5 Splendid Gehl Watt...lloA, $35() each, $250 ; 10 Splendid Ladies ,GoJil Watches, at, $5O each, *500; 10 Fine Silver Lever Watches, at $25 each, $250; - 1.2 " . Watches, at $2O each, - , $240 - 15 Superior Parlor Clocks, at $S each, 120 50 , do . Gothic 14 3 " , 150 50 do Cottage ." • 3 , iii liiit 1 Excelleat Family Carringe(latest , style)2oo 1 411 . ROCICI/Way " at . 175 1 " Top Ba...gy, at . - 165 1 Excellent SprinkriVagon, at 100 1 Superior Two Ilersc Road IVagon, at 100 2 Sets Splendid Harness, silver Mounted )0 _ 2 Extra Spanish Saddles, 75 . 2 Superior Walnut Sofas, ' - . l5O . 1 Magnificent Sofa Table, ' ' 45 ---- 2 , it 1 tressing - Bureaus, ' 150 -- 1 Slendid Secretary, - •' - ''so 4 lining Tables, (extra Cherry,) 50 4 Bedsteads, ' , ' , • ' ''' .80 2 Sets Chairs, at $l5 per fief, - .' . 30 3 Imported Carpets, 21.1 , 1trdci'etich at . .2tl nor carpet, ` • 60 2 Home-made Carpets, extra, each at 20 per carpet, dtt S Parlor Stoves, at 15 each. ' . 120 2 Orders fur suits of Black Clothes.s3o, 60 2 ' " Silk _Dresses, $3O mob, fir, 8 " Clothing, . 15 " ' 120 10 <4 hats, - * 5 _so 12 Al BOOtic .. • ' ' A ‘‘' ' 72, - 12 - " ' Gent's Shawl, - $3.50 ` 4 42 12. " • " Gaiters, 5,00 ". -12 " Ladies' Shoes, 2,00 " 2.4 100 " Gad PeneilS, at 2,01) '" .200 21)1) " - Pens, at • 1,00 " 200 100 ,Boxes assorted per fumery, 1,00 " • 10)) 100 Port Mummies, stt IMO " -1100 40 Copies 1 Miseellauntnis books, at $1,50 ouch, 15 Ladies' Albums, nt $2 each, 500 Pieced Pulplnr 31usit,, DOLLS. CTN. 20 27 This Association is founilo4 upon honest anti fair principles. Each boisk purchaser gets the. value of his wont:27lu the book, mid 231_59 on. account of t ie great 1111111 : +er No 1 , la:noun:4 a. share holder in much valuable property. . A cer . tilicate will be presented to each bo4 pur chaser entitling the holder to an inteyerit ig 245 04 books are all sold, notice ;sill be ,olven,to.tlio stookholders stint iti ennventien'will he held at Newvi lo; 'at 'the Institute's I lull, wheti a, coin. mittee will he chosen, to whom the property will be delivered, to be distrihnted 111/1011g the sharelsoblys. All the articles that can, will , be exls ibi Led at the Institute's Fair on the 12th All!2,118L, From the very flattering, innoncr whisih this Joint Stock Association ls rCeelVt4 mid patronized, and from the numlier of tiek ins already wild ; it is confidently believed thi& the property can be delivered to the share - holders in a few months. For the charnctcruf IN I. I: TUTE," and those connected With it, we are permitted to referto the folloWing geatlininen ; /I',:ferenreB:—llon. James Pollock, Gov. of Pe»resi.; l fon..Thaddens Stevens Lancaster; lion. Judge Frederissit, Watts, Carlisle; Sena tor Wm. IL Welsh, York: Win. 'Win. F. Mur ry, Harrisburg; Knahe & more, Md.; Wm. J. Shearer, Vani., Pro's. Atty. Ctimberland cu., Pa.; Pan'l Stint. Common Schools, Climb. en., Pa.:. 'John ,W. Brant, Esq., and Beyer & Brother, Harris bur., Pa. 1913 52 -Allorders for 'Boas and Clertifiiates 1)y should he addressed to JAM Es 11 AN, nf Mc "Big ,s'priny Lilcrtery. Institute," Newville, Quinberinnti eo., Pt. $157100 te.'3l-AGENT 'WANTED in every Pawn in the United States, te , obtain tilricrivtions fin• linok:4, to whom a Liberal Conumssion. will be given. Atli letters of hiquiry, ae-• eompanied by a Postage Stamp, will be prompt - Jr ansiwered. June 1K)f). 4550 60 25 $l4l 00 PLO (11? 10 /NA f' ONLY OLD ST., NT), Newly Rtlitteg, Re-Modeled, Resusviitated, and again truly Re-Opened! RNEY & BRO. have removed their large -a A and carefully selected Stock, to the Orig inal old Douce formerly occupied by them, No. 67 West Market street, adjoining Ilnntz, Frick & Co's. Hardware store, and directly opposite tha residence of Gen. Michael Dou- - del, York, Pi. $lOB 81 - This house was opened by them for business purposes some 'ten years ago, as a wholesale candy facto, y. foreign fruits, fancy goods,,no tions, &.0.. in very large variety. Their superior and unequaled Candy and Confectionary, Si :►ti 22 140 ()4 4 00 personally made by them daily, and of courso - always has been acknowledged by all lung ago, the best and finest work ever offered and sold in York. Understanding their busi ness as they do—in this branch especially— , they have every facility for prosecuting it to the best advantage, and can oiler facilities ska pet ior to any other house here or elsewhere, at; ' regards low prices, variety and particularly . superior quality. The success and patronage with which they have met heretofore, is gratefully appreciated - , for which they return again, as formerly, their sincere acknowledgments and thanks, and trust, by strict and prompt attention to busi nexr-con-tilt 353 ' 5 - hitherto extended to them. -18 4 June 16, 155 G 47 4F 110 10 50 1 (H) - 1 69 6 39 4 88 150 2 50 $2336.3K 23 36 27 RPIIIOVaO ! Removal ! Wood Lo lizi::4. May r), 1556 EMI