The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, June 23, 1856, Image 4

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    Notice of I(ntraest.
'rcrilleg is hereby given to the heirs and
legal reoresentattves of ROBERT KING,
j ,"! of Fralik„lin county, Pa., deneasecl, viz
WilHank King., Caroline M. King, Rebecca
King, intermarried With Rev: hianc N. 'nays;
nlso,, the issue of Elmira Jane, King, who was
intertuairied with Ale-tender' Cathcart, de;
--4_:-easeda.l2,_;_liettie W. Cathcart, intermarried
'ith Aitiri E. Cobol, Robert Cathcart, Alii - 1; -
.42;lif . T. eatheirt; Thomas L. Cathcart, and
. :41.1 sn`ii'Vath`Ctirt---Lth it
AN INQ,I.TEST Will be held on a certain
tract of land, situate ia . Straban -township,-
A d aurg 'County, Pa., adjoining 'lands of Philp
Weal cr, Isalc 'Monfort, Charles Blish, Robert
31cItheany:, and others, eontaining one bun
,irt..;il-and titxty,Acres,, more or less, on which
;,,. erct.t.c.ta 'TWO-story Brick DWelling Tien se,
P. 1410nrni 'and other. improvements, on Sat.
If r&fey, as- 28f/o, day -ql -lune i,e.Xt, at I o'clock . ,
1 1 .4Lilpn . ,.said premises, to Make partition
zii erig) f,m 7 to • and amongst the-heirs and legal
repte4titittivesoof 'said:decedent, If the same
Aial -adtdit of -partiti oti ,with out p rel nd ico to,
A. r Ajlei ling. the 'whole thereof ; bntif the salve
will...lief. , admit of such partition, then to in
itoire,how,rnany of the said heirs it rvill con
~ vniently,- noomorn,odate, and.part •and divide
i lie t,..,upe i t°. 4T1(1 • among, as loamy of thorn as
tits I ONIA& will accommodate; but if the same
AN" tine emit Of division:4.oli; without pre
i'o,Fia,ti)".ot....t;poiling the whole thereof, then
.' valluit*l„appraise the 811 . 1 . n0. - : whole end un
it / • R lr g * 4 a Iql.lof all, persona • , - ,•
i. r I Interested' are
h erAr,y??,_o:aeil. -. v
. '' TIENT,V TTIOMAS, Sheriff.
Sher. 's Offwe, Gettysburg, I . '
June 0,. 4 18.t. 3t . . , . .
„ . 1
- itead y-snasle Clotiting_ -
you want a suit oflixaDr-742t.DE CLOTOING;
: *otoplete in 'every respect, of the latest
F.tylp, and cheaper than they can be purchased
at:'ttiy establishment in the county--call at
ItISSA:RIA SAMSON'S, opposite the Bank, in York
street. I have just received from the Eastern
Cites the target and best assortment of Goods
ever offered in Gettysburg. In offering to sell
BETTER Goods at LOWER prices than other deal,
crs, I simply request purchasers to call and
satisfy themselves of the Iritth of my offer,
by a personal examination of my ,goods, and
prices. =Buying exclusively for cash, can
bar cheaper and sell cheaper than any other
person in , the county. \My Goods are made
up in the by experienced workmen,
and , can't be' excelled by any customer Tailor.
biy stock. Consists, in part, of •
Coats of all Sizes, -
prices, colors, and kinds, made up in a supe.
rior manner, • Also Pants and Vests, of the
latest and most fashionable styles and-every
kind of goodmuliAble for Spring ad'Stimmor
wear; also ' •
and a large assortment of GENTLEMEN'S AND
Bogs' FuIrgIBUING GOOD% consisting of extra
quality linen bosom Shirts, Suspenders, Gloves,
lialf hose,' Collars, rii3ck and pocket Handker
chiefs; and an extraordinary assortment of
"M a& Satin and" ,fancy self adjusting Stocks;
and various otier fancy 'articles, together with
Unibtellas, Trunks, Carpet Bags , liats; daps,
z4z..„ ~, • _
*V a tam `also prepared to sell wholesale to
et - in:o try merchants desiring to sell 'again, Ready
Mate Clothing'at gnsresa italss THAN HAN HE
15013G41ii THA'HITIES• • If you doubt ,it, Cali
and eitathipo for, yourselves.
r.-Ait Goods bought t' t .t . me wilt be ex.
changed if they do not prove, satisfactory.
Gettysburg, April 14,1856.
C. ff. Needles,
'AlfeN'4,', S. Corner of Twelfth And, Race
otreth, TWORTRIL of, fine Fawn
durability with correct construction.
Hernial or ruptured patients can be suited
by remitting amounts; 'as- below :—Sending
number of , inches round, the hi' ' , and slo.Aißgo.
fide affected. Cost of single '1 rues. ,
ss."'-Thanble-45, $6. $8 and $lO. Instruo
\ tionaak to vroar, and how to effect a cure,
when 'possible, sent with the Truss.
also fur sale,in great variety, Dr. Bannintls
Improved Patent Body Brace, for the cure of
Prolapses Uteri :,- Spinal Props and Supports.
Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expanders and
EfeCtot; Braces: adapted to all with Stoop
Shoulders and Weak Lungs ; English Elastic
Abdominal Belts, Suspensories,- Syringes—
male and female. IL/Ladies' Rooms. With La
clyattendants. ' lAug. 6, 1855. ly
Stautrer & Harley.
V ,
Wholesale and retail, at the Philadelphia
Watch .and Jewelry Store, - No. 96 North Sec
street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia.
Gold Lever Watches, Intl jeweled. 18 carat
cage:s; $2B 00: Gold, LePines, 10 carat, $2.100;
Silver Levers, full jeweled, Sl2 OQ: Silver Le
jc‘v els,S9 00: superior Quartiers, Si 00;
GOd'Spectatiles,--67 00;,-fineSd-ver - do. -$1 50;
GoTtl Bracelets. S 3 00; Ladies' Gold Pencils,
i , "."1 00; Silver Tea Spoons, set. $5 00; Gold
Pens. with pencil and silver holder, $1 00.
:Gold.Fingcr Rings, 37i cents to $80; Watch
Glasses, plain, 12f, cents, patent 181; Ltniet
25: other articles in proportion. All goods
warranted to he what they are sold for.
On band, some gold and silver Levers and
',cynics. still lower than the above prices.
'Oct.o'ber 1. 1855. ly
any 11Wanted.
jitERSONS having hay to sell will do well
;by calling on the stibsoriber. in Gettys
burg, who is desirous of purchasing. The
bigheSt market price will be paid at all times.
, be intends having the Hay, after be
ing packed, hauled either to Hanover or Balti
more. the preference to haul will be given to
Lhosa, from whom he may purchase.
December 6, 1852. tf
Susquehanna. Hotel,
Opposite Covert. Statiou. naltimore.4l,l.
rirE: undersigned having leased the
Hotel and put it in complete order, is pre- f
pared to accommodate his friends and the
travelling public. The proptietor will be
pleased to see his old friends, awl promise.; to
make their stay comfortable and satisfactory.
Ongage taken to std frOm Calvert Station
ace of charge.
JOHN BARR, (formed,/ o f . P. m
July 9. 1855. tf PeoPatrron.
penti tr; !
i flcogag and Henry Warupler will rna!
- LA Mouse Spouting and put up the same
Jr ash or nouutry produce. Farmer,: and
others wishing their houses, barns. &c.,
cd, would do well to give them a call.
April 18, 1R53. tt
ACY STATION El? Y. —,S:..hick keeps all
kinds of Fancy Stationery. and sells it as
'heap. if not cheaper than anybody in the GettY , 6•47.-,..
r • . 1.4 to titl4-triak,:;? f;,l,
e,Ol alul 44es or your.,elafes. the lowest rates.
. I We keep a TargP inpply of Hammered Iron
A f i l;vE,Bic k a o
w f , St iv i i K r HAAxTroast
_constant} Dec. l it
41: , 013 14.14 - 11. Call at the sign of the, 113ARASOLS, Umbrellas,
RED FRONT. JL. tlem—st,
Edw. B. Buehler,
3ttfirlin at I mu,
STILL faithfully and promptly attend to .
all business entrusted to hitn. lie
speaks the German language. Ofii(!e at the
sinne, place, in South I,3altituore street, noir
Forney's drug store, and nearly opposite lla.a
ner-&, Ziegler's store.
Gettysh - urg, 110 7 (4.1 26.
Wm. B. WCieslan,
3ttorlirl nt fut.
OFFICE on the south side of the Public
Square, 2 doors west of the Sentinel office,
Gettysburg. August 22, 1853.
David A. Buehler,
!,4ttaruni at - EMU,
Avru, promptly *attend to collections and
V V all business entrusted to his care.
r7"Orfice in the Diann:id, adjoining storo of
A. B. !Kurtz.
Gettysburg,, Feb. 4,185 G. iy
D. ',Mona 'why,
3ttorani at law,
(Office removed to one door WeAt of 'Buehler's
Drug &Book -store, Chambersbur; street,)
Attorney ike, Solicitor, ibr Patents
, and rellSlolllN, ,
nOUNTY Land, Warrants, 13ack-pay sus
pended Claims,and all other'ciaims against
the Governinent at Washington. IL C. also
.American claims in England. Land Warrants
located and sold. or bought, and highest prices
given; Agents engaged in locating warrants
in Towa, - Illinois - and - other - Wo,tcrn - Statev. --
Apply to him personally or by letter.
Gettysburg., Nov, 21, 1853.
Mouldy Land Claims.
Pr HE undersigned will- attend promptly to
the collection of claims for Bounty, Lands
under the late act of Congress. Those who
have already received 40 or 80 acres, can now
receive the balance, by calling on the subscri
ber and waking the necessary
Gettysburg, March, 12, 1855. tf
J. Lawrence Hill, 111. D.,
nAS his Office one door west of_ the Dithe-
LA ran, church, in Oliambersburg area., and
opposite Grammer's _store, where those wish
ing to have any Dental Operation perform
ed are respectfully invited to call.
REPICRENCES Dr. D. Gilbert, Dr. O. N.
Beiluthy,.Dr. D. Horner, Rev. O. P. Krauth,
I). U., Rev. 11. 1,. Baugher, D. IL, Rev. Prof.
WilliantM. Reynolds, Rev. Prof. M. Jacobs,
Prof. M. L. Sauver. ,
Gettysburg, April 11, 1853. tf
Illanover B. Railroad.
TVRAINS over the Hanover Branch Railroad
1. now run 'as follows :
- First Train leaves Hanover at 9 It. aC, with
Passengers for York, Harrisburg-,
and Philadelphia. This Train also connects
with the ,ress for Baltimore urrivin: there
at 12 M.
Second Train !motet 3 P. at., with Passen
gers for Baltimore and intermediates' places,
and returns with 'passengers from York, &c.
April „ • J. LEIB, Agent, .
/MERE is to be had at the drug stores of
S.' H. Buehler, Gettysburg. and James A.
Elder, Einmitsburg. a most ejPetaal remedy
for•the Toothache, which will, (if properly ap
plied, according to directions,) cure the Most
violent Toothachbeinglantaaeoasty. Should the
pain in course of time reappear, the same np
or three applications the cure will be effectual,
Please call for A. FergeT's Toothache Balsam . .
:U - Price 25 cents per phial.
Att!itat 27.1855...
A- Marvellous Retnedy for a Marvellous -Age !
Hollow:4N Ointment.
-By the aid of a microscope, we see mil
lionsq)f little openings on the surface of our
bodies. Through these this Ointment, when
rubbed on the skin, is carried to any organ or
inward part. Diseases of the kidneys. disor
der Sot the User, affections of the heart. Inflam
mation of the Lungs, Astlunas, Coughs and
Colds,. are by its 'means effectually "cured.
Every housewife knows that salt passes freely
- 11 r • ,
through bone or meat or any tliichness.
healing Ointment Car more readily penetrates
through any•bone or fleshy part of the living
body, curing the most dangerous inward com
plaints, that cannot be reached by other means.
Erystpeins,Sailltheutn&Sco bit tic 11 timors.
-No remedy has ever done ,80 much for the
cure of diseases of the Skin, whatever form they
- may assume, as this Ointment. No case of S.►lt
Rhetu►n, Scurvy. Sore-lleads. Scrofula. or Ery
sipelas, can long withstand its influence. The
inventor has travelled over many parts of the
globe. visiting the "principal hospitals, dispens
ing this Ointment; giving advice as to its ap
plication, and has thug been the moans of re
storing countless lumbers to health.
Sure Legs, Sure Wreasts, Wounds Ulcers.
Some of theinost scientific surgeons now rely
solely on the use of this wonderful Ointment,
when having to cope with the worst cases of
sores, wotmds. ulcers, glandular swellings, and
tumors. Prof, Holloway_ lets„ by command of
the Allied Governments, dispatched to the hos
pitals of the East, large shipments of this Oint
ment, to - be used under the direction of .the
Iledical Stuff, in the worst cases of wounds.
It will cure any ulcer, glandular swelling,
stiffness or contraction of the joints, oven of 20
years' standing:
Pite . a: and Fistulag.
These and ether similar distressing com
plaints'can be eff.:ctually cured if the Ointment
be well rubbed in over the parts affected, and
by otherwise following the printed directions
around each pot.
.Bith. the Ointddent and Pills should be used in
th e tblloteiny Cases :
Danioas ]'ilex Cores of all kings
Burn. Rheumatism Sprains
ChAp:sA Hands Salt Rheum St ide
Skin Digeases welled Glands
Sore 1.e.4,4 Mill Joint's
sarp BreaAs
1 4, A, e Ile vis
Lq hL, n
Ernptinr;a Sort. TbrultA oil nth. ot nll kinds
'.*So; , l at the Establishnient of Professor
80. Maiden Lane, Nevr York, and
2:44 Strand, Landon, and by all respectable
Yrn-.-i ! Atsami o_,4alers in Nle_dicines_througli
1, nited States, and the civilized World,
is a considerable saving by taking
—f):r(-ctions for therguidanceof patients
'l:,order are affixed to each Pot..
*T . 1655. ly eow.
Catedonia Iron.
rilA11:;;•':iTt)(2.1K: BPJYTIIEftS. having tho
Gtiedonia }tone.] Iron for
1 e.all the attention of buyers
1 .1:-/ . - I
. •
I ._ ~.., "*.`
.•,. ,& ir .
- ...." ~ .....
• , • , : /
. - "k5 , .. ,
.;..4, ' .: 0 •
44:1,1.4/4, I • ', Ap l . .
J ,
• A
1 t ''''* .: l6 , ' ."'"`.7, lA P 7 . 1. , • , d -.
4 A
i ii! — Baitimore; - woutti --- respect folly =iriforrwthe
public gt.nerally. that he has opened MAR
BLE YARD, in McSherrystown, Adams coun
ty, Pa.. near the Public House of John Busbey.
Esq., where he is prepared to furnish to order
in the most chaste and workmanlike manner.
Monuments, Tombs and Headstones, Mall
kinds ; as well. as all other articles in his line
of business, on as reasonable terms as any
other establishment in the country. He intends
-keeping conFtantly, on hand. Monuments of all
kinds, both plain and ornamental, Table Slabs,
&c.. &co.
' From his long-experience itt the business,
together with accnnm►odating terms and a de
sire to render entire satisfaction, he hopes to
receive and merit a liberal share of public pa
tronage. E. D. KEAN.
May 9,1856-: 3m
fi iv"
00 11.
Tin Ware, &c.
AMITEL G. COOK informs - his friends rind
k. 3 the publio generally, that helms on hand,
at his Shop nearly opposite the Post-Of - flee; a
very large-and-well-inwile assortment of TIN
WARE, which he will Fell at prices which
cannot fail to piense. lle will also execute to
order, with promptness, in a work mandihe
manner, and with the hest matetink, all kind
ING, HYDRANT 11,0RK, &c.
• Gettysburg, Nov. 12, 1855. tf
Removed a Peti , Doors South of the Old Stand.
SK ELLY .reapectfolly inform o.: his old
• customers and the public generally, that
he continues the 'PA I LORING BI`SINE
near his old stand, in South Baltimore street.
where ho will he 'happy to accommodate' all
_who may patronize him. All work entrusted
to his care warranted to fit and he of most sub
stantial make. Thanl,ful for past. favors, he
solicits a continuance of public patronrg,e.
7he ..Ncin York Sm.,' rig awl Sd m me/.
Fashions are received. Call and see them.
Gettysburg, Aptil 9, MIS;
SWEAVER respectfully announce.: to the
• Ladies and Gentlemen of Gettysburg nod
that-he has resumed the Dagni:rreo
type business, nt the old stand, in Gd u ,mbers•
Lung street, - where he will be happy to receive
visitors desirous of secnring perreetDaguerreo
types of themselves or friends.
Being •furutshed with an entirely new and
costly apparatus, he is prepared to take pie
tut es in every style of the art and insure per
fect satisfaction. - -
Kr - tlri dress avoid . light, icd, blue, or pur
ple. Dark dress adds much to the beauty of
the picutre. Feb. 4, 1856. if
1•A undersigned, having entered into
nership to- carry on the Foundry business
under the:tittu of WARREN & SONS, hereby
make knoWn to the citizens of Adams and ad
joining counties, that we aro ptepared to make
everything in our hue of business. We have
constantly on hand, the
=Hathawa~and-other-+Looking-~taves;~ --
the Pitlor Air-Tight and Ten•plate Stoves, of
various sty.let: and sizes ; Pots; KettilFg an l
Pang. and all other Iron Cooking Utensils,
Boot-scrapers, &c. :Castings fhr Mills and
other Machinery, Pt.ouon' C ASTI N6s. of every
deseription.- &c. We ;nuke the Seylar, Block
er, and different hinds of Witherow Ploughs.
We have also got different patterns of
Fencing* and Ralllng,
for Cemeteries. Yards and Porches, which
can't be beat for beauty and cheapness..
r,O - All the above articles will be sold cheap
for cash or country produce.
ryThiclismithing still continr.ed.
BRASS CAST [NUS and everything in our
line ►wade to order.
THRESHING MACHlNES:repaired nt the
shortest notice. Being Moulders ourselves,
we will do our work RIGIIP. -
'('110 I.l` A. WARREN.
Gettysburg., Xl:iy 1 , 41855. tf
Evans' Fire 'Si, Thief Proof Safes
kloa , Merchants, Lawyers. Farmers and
others, having. 13t,91,•8, rapers or ot het
ml ,,, thlos, to -preserve front EIRE or 13131tCr-
Dal & Newell's ( BANK LOCKS. -
A CA It I).—The l'ltoor SAFE." that
preserved our Boks, during the
, •Grceat Fire at Hnrt's Building," was pur
chased of 01,1VEll EVANS, 61 S. 2nd St.,
Philadelphia.L--(ictz d• Bitc/c.
Refrigerators & Water Filters.
EVANS' Premium Ventilated Refrigerators
for cooling and preserving )ne , rl, !miter, milk,
irate,- antral) articles for culinary purposes.
NVA'I'EIZ FILTERS, for purifying brorkisqt
or muddy water, whether affected by rains,
limestone, marl or other causes can be had
separate or attached to the - Refrigerators—a
small quantity of Ice cooling the whole. in the
warmest, weather. PORTABLE SHOWER BATus,
for the use of tr , rrm or cold water. W Ana
Coot.Eas, for Hotels, Stores and Dwellings.
STORE TRUCKS, for moving low-ev, bolo?.
SEAL PRESSES, COPYING do., Dm:Gotsl. do.
.S'outh SPro'nd Si., 2 ta , /ow Gliscsitut.
Feb. 11, 1856. ly
t•tlt. real Sore.;
TULIN W. TIPTUN, Ftwiipngide Birber
• awl DreNver, can at all times be found
prepared to attend to the calls of the people, at
the Temple, in the Diamond. adjoining the
Countylluilding. grOM—long—c_x-purience,—be—
flatters himself that he can go through all the
ramifications of the Tonsorial Department
with such an infinite degree of skill, as will
meet with the entire sati4a7,tion ofnil who may
Fulnnit their chins to the keen ordeal of Ina ra
_}le hopes, therefore, that by his atten
tion to business. and a desire to please, he will
merit as well as receive. a liberal share of pub
lic patronage. The sick will be attended to at
their pi ivate dwellings.
Gettysburg, Jan. 8, 1855. If
rrOBACCO.-A prime article justjeceivet
1 at S.ll{NO:sit
New FAtablishment.
111; undersigned, lately from the city of
Now is the - Tione,
Charges from 50 cents to. 810.
rill ours of operating from 4 A. M to 4 P. Si
Gettysbne* Foimdry.
Diamond Tonsor.
e litardsvare Store.
,1 subiCribers would respectfully - an.
I nounce to their fi ieods and the public that
they flaw. opene(l-: Hardware Store, in
more street, adjoining the rosirien t x of David
Ziegler, Gettysburg, in which they alwayA in
tend to otlZr to the public a large and general
I assortment of •
Paints, Oils, and Dye-Outfit,
in general ; including every description of arti
cle,s in the above line of business,, to Which
they invite the attention of Coach-makers,
Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Cabinet • makers,
Shoe-makers, Saddlers, and the public gener
ally. Our stock having been selected with
great care and purchased for cash, we guaran
tee (for the ready comiey.) to'diSpose cf any
part of it on as reason: le terms as they can
be purchased nnywher
We p4rticularly`lrequest a call from our
friends. and earnestly solicit a share of public
favor, as we are determined to establish a char
acter for selling Goods at low prices and doing
business on fair principles.
Gettysburg, June 9, 1851. if
- N. SPENCER THOMAS. No. 26 South
fiSecond street, Philadelphia, Importer,
Manufacturer and Dealer in Drugs and
Medicines, Chemicals. Acids. Dye Stuffs, Paints,
Oils, Colors, White Lead, French arid Ame-ri
eau White Zinc, Window Glass,. Glassware,
Varnishes. Brushes, Instruments. Ground
Spices, Whole Spices. and all other articles us
kept - by - D ruggi
Indigo, Glue, Shellac. Potash, &c.,
All orders by mail or otherwise promptly at
tended in: — Country Merchants are invited to
call and examine our stock before purchasing
elsewhere. Goods sera, to any of' the - wharves
or •railroad stations. Prices low and goods
warranted. Plareh.l7, 1856.
1 at least Twenty per cent Cheaper than you
ever bOught before, remember it is at COBEAN
& PAXTON'S, where- they are to be had, in
( great variety, consisting of Gent's and B__oys'
=liti~ Sills ittid — Slou - elFgatsTof - the latest
all colors and sizes,—white, black,
brown, Lan, blue, drab, fait • ••- • „
l a r ge assortment, of Men's and Boys' fine Calf,
lii r. and Grain : • i is —
Cloth aut.: l'atetit Leather Gaiters.
careful. Ladies, if, you want walking and fine
dress Shoes, such as Jenny Linds, Buskins and
Ties, Kid and Morocco Slippers : also a beau
tiful article of Ladies' Dress Gaiters, with a
largo stock of Misses' and Children's fancy
Gaiters and Shoes,—that you find Co hean &
Paxton's. at the south-east corner . of Centre -
Spiai.e. before purchasing elsewhere, as they
have by far the largest stock of seasonable
goods. in town, and are determined to bel I very
cheap.—Take care, and keep a
71 - A - 111 3
look out that you do not mistake the place.—
Remember Cohean & Paxton's new Store, at
the old stmd of Keller Kurtz.
lIIAS just returned from the - city with — a - .
ik".l i n , g is a nd beautiful a stock of Goo,is as
has lieen offered to the public at any time
amotlg which are Hosiery, Gloves, Under
sleeves, CoPars, Trimmings,'
Gtmletnen's Goods in great variety : black,
blue, brown, olive, claret, drab, plaid, cloud
'ed and figured Cloths ; bluck, brown, and
fancy Cassimeres, figured, plaid and plhin, of
every shade of colors : Drab deTate. Cashme
rens, Bombazines, Silk-warp Alpaccas, &c.
Also Ready-made Clothing in great variety,
with a large stock of__
Queensware, Groceries, &c.
all of which will be sold as cheap as they can
be had at any retail establishment in- the
i county. The Ladies will please call, as we
are at all times pleased to see them.. The
Gentlemen's attention is invited to our large
assortment in their line. In connection with
! the store is our
at the Sand-stone Front, where everything is
done up in the neatest and best manner. We
can rig a man from head to foot on the very
shortest notice. Call and judge for yourselves.
April 7,185 ti.
lUST arrived from Baltimore and Philadel
iti delphia, the best asscrunent of
that has ever been offered in Adams county.
c,r7Ail colors and kinds, (some esmirely
new.) Call and see them, at the old stand,
newly fixed up. in Chambersburg street, a few
CORN DRYERS—The attention of MIL
LERS is invited to a very superior article
for drying CORN, which can be had at all
times at
Jan. 14.
.11LiiLAsTER OF PARIS.—This useful article
can be had in an titt3ntity of
. ! Fe_l3, C 0.13.1—N,";---
v • _ _
u ARR,TAGE Trimmings can always be
_ I bought lower, and a larger assortment
Fans:—stacks of than elsewhere is always to be had: at
__Ltaritware,,_iron,__Sletl, Groceries,-
s 7 o_ 4 21?) cZ, D
t 'Pr' gebar—wart, Z1)oc
]gazer's Chen pliVatch & Jew
- eiry store
ALLEX'R FRAZER respectfully informs' the
public, that he has just. received _a large
and splendid assortment of rich and new style
OOLD JEWELRY of all kinds, including
Breast Pins. Finger Rings, Ear Rings, of the
most fashionable styles ; fob. vest and guard
t7hains, Cuff Pins, Watch Key 4, &c. Also.
Albata Spoons, Fancy Vases, Watch Guards,
Keys, and Chains. GoLn &
SILVER' W ATI:IIES. together '91, 1 .
with a large assortment of
Mourning Goods, suitable for persons in
mourning. and numerous other articles in his
line—all of which will he sold at the lowest
cash prices.
SAS I have purchased all my goods front regular J6wc-lers, I will WARRANT them to
he what I proimuce them. Of this purchasers
may rest assures;„
PAIRED, as heretofore. Give me a call, in
Baltimore street, a few doors from the diamond,
if you want-ywei-Jewelry. and the genuine ar
ticle, lower than the same can be purchased
any place out of the city.
Gettysburg, Nov. 5, ISt. tf
DI • ar •
111, Rltoil
SL F .431t1
U 400
6ettyshurg, March 31. 1856.
N 1 11 tb: 001104
Opera & Robe Lawns, Deßages, &C.
Now We nave Them !
Hats, Caps,,Boots and Shoes,
March 31. 185 G
Giltocumnsi &C.
WM AN U EL ZIEGLER has just returned
front the city with the largest lot of
GROCERIES he has ever before opened, to
which he invites the attention of all, convinced
that he can offer RARE BARGAINS. He has also
a fine lot of HAMS, SHOULDERS, &c;
FISH- otall, kinds:. _Oranges, ..Letn ons, and .
other fruits ; Crackers, N uts, Confections ;
Segars, Tobacco, Snuff, and a-general variety
of e . verythinv„ "from a needle to ar. anchor,'
almost. Give.him a call, If you want to ;Jay
what's cheap and good.
- Kr-Country Produce taken in exchange for
Goods. IMay 7, 1855.
I'arni Lands for Sale
The Illinois Central Railroad Company
Over Two Millions of Akres
WHESE lands were granted by the Govern
ment, to aid in the construction of this
Railroad. and include some of the richest and
most fertile Prairies in the State, interspersed
here and there with magnificent groves of oak
and other• umber. The Road extends from
Chicago, on the North-East, to Cairo •at the
South, and from thence to Galena and Dutdeith,
in the North-west extreme of the State, and as
all the lands lie within fifteen wiles on each
side of this Road, ready and cheap means are
afforded by it for transporting the products of
the lands to • any of these points and from thence
to Eastern and Southern markets. Moreover,
the rapid groWth of flourishing towns and vil
lages.along the line, and the great increase in
population by immigration, etc., afford., a sub
stantial and growing hove-demand fur farm
produce. •
The soil is a dark; rich mould, from one to
five feet in-depth, is gently robing and peculiar
ly fitted for grazing cattle and 'sheep, or the
cultivation of Wheat, Indian corn, etc. '
Economy in cultivating and great produc
tiveiffSs are the well known characteristics of
Illinois lands. Trees are not required to he
cut down, stumps grubbed, or stone picked off*,
as issenerally the case in cultivating new land
in the older States. The first crop of Indian
Corn, planted on-the newly broken sod, usually
repays the cost of plowing and fencing.
‘Vileat sown on the newly-turned sod is sure
to yield very LAitGi,.; PROFITS. A man with a
plow and two yoke of oxen will break one and
a half to two acres per day. Contiacts can be
made for breaking; ready for corn or wheat, at
from $.2 to 2,50 per am e. By judicious lua,n
ri,vernent, the land may be plowed and fenced
the first, and under a mud STATE OF CULUVA
TION the second year.
"Corn, grain, cattle, etc., will .he forwarded
at reasonable rates - to Chicago, fbr the Eastern
market, and to Cairo for the _Southern. The
larger yield on - the cheap lands of Illinois o%er
the high-priced lands in the Eastern and Mid
dle States, is known to be much inure than
Sufficient to pay the difference of transportation
to the Eastern market.
Bituminous coal is mined at several points
along the Road, and is a cheap and desirable
fud. It can . be delivered at several points
along the - Road at $1,50 to $4,00 per ton ;
Wocid can be had at the same rates per cold..
Those who think of settling in lowa or Min
nesota, should bear ia wind, that lands there,
of any value, along the water courses and for
many miles inland. have been disposed of ;
that for those located in the interior, there are
no conveniences for transporting the produce
to tuatket, Railroads not having been intro
duced there. That to send the produce of these
lands, one or two hundred miles by wagon to
market, would cost much more than the ex
pense of cultivating them.; and hence, Govern
ment lands thus situated,' at $1,25 per acre,
are not so good. investments as the land of this
company at the prices fixed.
'Fhe - s - anie - remark - S. - Thad - goo3in relation to
laud; in Kansas and Nebraska, for although
-ant lands may be liamd nearer the water
the distance to market is far greater,
mired miles the produce of those'
-lands . are carried either in wagons, or inter
rupted- water communications, increases the
expenses of transportation, which twist be
borne by. the settlers, in the reduced price of
their products ; and to that extent precisely
are the incomes from their farms, and of course
on their investments, annually and every year
The great fertility of the lands now offered
for sale by this company, and their consequent
vteld over those of the Eastern and Middle
States, is much more than sufficient to pay the
differetpie in the cost of transportation, e sp e cial.
Road, and others with which it connects, the
operations of which are not interrupted by 'the
low water of summer, or the frost of whiter.
Price and Terms of Payment.
The price will vary from sto $25, accord
ing to location, quality, etc. Contracts for
De.eijs- M.iy be made during the year.lBs6,
- 11 •
annual in The first to become due
in two years from the dale of contract, and the
others annually thereafter. The last payment
will become due at the end of the sixth year
from the date of the contract.
17 - Interest will 'be charged at only TUREE
per cent. per annum. As a security to the
pet formance of the contract. the first two years'
interest must be paid in advance, and it must
be understood that at least one tenth of the
land purchased shall -yearly be brought under
cultivation. Twenty per cent. from the cr e dit
price will be deducted for cash. The Com
pany's construction bonds will be received as
can be set up in a few days. can be obtained
from responsible persons. They will be 12
feet by 20. feet, divided into one living and
t h ree b e d-rooms, and will cost complete set up
on ground chosen anywhere along the Road,
Sl5O in cash, exclusive of transportation.—
Larger buildings may be contracted for at pro
portionate rates.
Special arrangements with dealers can be
made to supply those purchasing the Company's
lands with fencing materials, agricultural tools,
and an out lit of provisions in any quantity, at
It is believed that the price, long credit,
and low rate of interest, charged for these
lands, will enable a man with a few hundred
dollars in - cash and ordinary im:ustry, to make
himself independent before all the purchase
money becomes due. In the mean time, the
rapid settlement of the country will probably
have increased their value four or five fold.—
When required an experienced person will ac
company-applicants, to giveTinformation — and
aid in selecting lands.
Circii:ars. containing numerous instances of
successful farming, signed by respectable and
well-known farmers living in the neighborhood
of the Railroad lands. throughout the State—
also the cost of fencing, price of cattle, expense
of harvesting, threshing etc., by contract—or
any other information—will be cheerfully
given, on application, either personally or by
letter, in English, French, or German, ad
dressed to
. . ' NILSON,
Lanii Commissioner of the Illiniii:, CentrAl R. R Co
01 i i ,„ , to ' a , i s t o f ,Ic-. 52 Mielpzin Avenue,
• COW. .100. ILL.; alter that date in rho 1:10W awn. L ADIES, do you want to buy cheap and
PaA , Depot, foot or South Water Street. .• fashionable . Robe4 ? If so, call at
April 2.1, 1856. Gm I . EAHNESTOcKS'.
- -
' Farms, after thelst of June, $3OO.
Of Every:Man
27 000 ACRE § of good FA113.1 AND Cow,.
LANti in Elk county, Benzingec
township,Pennsylvania, for sale, giving a.Farts.
of 25 Acres far $2OO, payable in installments
f $1 per week. or at the same "rate monthly,
Farms of 50, 75, 100, or more acres adjoin-
J 1 g in proportion.' Each Farm fronts upon s
road thirty feet in width.
Th e soil is a rich limestone loam, and es
pecially atin pted tb cultivation, asitls neither
hilly nor stony. but gently rollinr , or fine table
land. Around and through this property
thereoare already some 20.000 acres under cul
tivation, and its fertility has been established
from the crops produced. Upon this subject
it is easy to be fully satisfied. There is a
ready cash market for produce which is much
better than trade. It is the • •
Cheapest, as land of a similar quality is
selling at much higher prices adjoining, and
especially such as contains coal.
Cool.—This in particular is the Coal
District, several veins underlaying the whole -
property, and the, attention of miners, and
those acquainted with coal lands, is specialty
called to it. It has the advantage-of being the
nee/res./ to the' great lake nrrketi----with which
it will be connected by the Sunbury and Erie
Railroad now under contract and in course of
completion from Erie to Ridgeway,- - with de
scending grade the whole way. The soil over
bituminous coal is the best, for instance Eng
land and other countries. The price per acre
is trifling for the coal alone, as it will certain
ly, in so favorable a locations within a short
time pay -largely. This is important as an
immense coal trade will soon open. Four coal ,
companies have 'already been started to work
mines in the vicinity, and there are now fifteen
openings around St. Mau's.
The Timber, Stockholders also receive.—.
There is no reservation whatever either of tim
ber or coal. It is very valuable, and will pay
for a great part of the land. On account of the
excellence of streams, there are fine opportuni
ties for mills.
For Health, the location is much recommend
ed by Physicians. The chills and fevers are
unknown, also pulmonary complaints, being
protected from the north east winds by the-Ar
leghenies. The water is pure, and amongst
the best, the land abounding in fine springs.
Four Railroads will shortly be completed,
connecting it by a direct communication with
New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Erie,
Buffalo, and all the cities on the Lakes. They
are the Sunbury and Erie, the Allegheny Val
ley, the Pittsburg and Buffalo, and the Venan
go. Energetic exertions are also being made
for the building of the Tyrone and Clearfield.
which also passes through this property. The
effect of this upon trade, and general develop
ment, as well as the coal, may be imagined.
The large and flourishirig town of St. Mary's
is in the centre of the tract, numbering, near
3.000 inhabitants. It has Hotels, good iinhlie
-schools, saw and grist, mills. stores, well stock
ed and every thing desired. There are 235
half acre lots in the town of St., Mary's, which
will be sold and the proceeds equally divided
amongst those who buy farms. Ridgeway, the
county seat, where an extensive -business is ,
done, adjoins the tract on the west. The whole
district is intersected by good tuinpike, and
other roads.
This is a rare opportunity offered to these
who wish to farm or have a good investment
for the future. By making proper inquiries,
and considering the advantages of good soil,
an abundance of coal, healthfulness of climate.
Railroad facilities, and its location, a correct
judgment may be formed of its , present advan
tages and ultimate increase.
By writing to the office directions will be
given td those who wish to visit the land. A
system of excursions will shortly be adopted.
There is an excellent opening fog• various
branches of mechanical business, especially
tanneries, wheelwrights, axe handle makers,
si •raker' -
aoemakers, carpenters a,
FaTins can be bought by enclosing the first
insta I ment. Ladies._ can _hold _shares_in:_their___
own right. Title unquestionably good,. and:,
warrantee deeds given. Address or apply to
Samuel W. Cattell, Sec'y, 135 Walnut st.'be,
twee❑ Fourth and Fifth streets, Philadelphia.
Ire . ' (Tenn es :
Henry lA. Watts, Vq., 143, Walnut st., Phila.
John C. Cresson, Esq., President of Phila. Gas
Company. 7th st. above Chesnut, Philad'a.
George IViegand, Esq., Inspector of Coal, City
Gas Office, 7th st. above Chesnut, Phila. has
been over the land and examined the coal.
Barrett, Cleat&ld,. Penna., has
been over the land.
Lienty Schmitt, Esq., U. S. Mint, residence,
No. 652 North Filth st. Phila., ha. examined
Win. F. Boone, Esq., south side of Walnut st.
below Fourth, Phila., examined the land.
Hon. Alexander L. Hayes, Lancaster,
Geo. Waluisrey, Esq., St. Mary's, Elk co:, a
recent settler,
'Richard Gardner, 4.3(1 Pviarst., Phila.,
has examined the land.
J. L. Barrett, Esq., Prop. of the Mount Vernon.
louse, Seep} I a., has
examined the land.
E. C. Shultz, E.sq., Justice of the Peace, St:
Mary's, Elk county,
Cha s. Luh r. Esq. Pres't of the Bor. of St. Mary's,
; J. S. Weis,•Esq., St. Mary's,
' Geo. Taylor, Esq., Dep'y Pust:naster,St.Mary's,
./ Mr. Wm. Lyons, St. Mary's,
Mr. John i‘llller, Coal Mintr, St. Mary's,
Mr. John Corbe,
E • Stone,Esq.,Wellsville,Ohio,Coal operator,
L. 11 , ilmarth, Esq., Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
Rtirotwh Council .ii" AS?. Mary's to the. Public.
This is to certify that, having been over the
' tract owned by the Ridgeway Farm and Coal
Company, and given it a thorough examination,
we find the representations of that Company
to be correct. We find the snit to be the most.
fertile—the Coal and Iron Ore to lie in inex
haustible quantities, through the whole dis
tiiet—the Farms in excellent order, and the
intelligence and prosperity of the people to be
of the most gratifying character. We kno'
that there is no healthier location in the State,
and we consider it a most desirable place of
We make this declaratio% --- as — we — helieN
there may be many persons who are unac
quainted with these lands, and we are satisfied,
from our knowledge of the subject, that infor
mation upon it will be a public benefit.
Jacob F. Shafer, Elk co. Surveyor, St. Mary's,
Elk county,
Chas.Luhr, l'res'tof the'Borough of St. Mary's,
John Beetch, member of the Borough Council.
St. Mary's,-
Chas. Brooks, member of the Borough Council,
St. Nlary's,
I-I.J. riggle,memb.ofßor.Council,St.Mary'S,
memo. of Bor.Council, St.Mirry's.
This is to certify that the above five gentle- .
men are at present the Acting Members of tha
Town Council of St. Mary's, Elk county, and
that the above is their hand and signature.
In testimony whereof I have subscribed my
name. and caused the Seal of Office to be at
tached thereto ; and I fully concur in the above
Burgcss of M. Mary's, Elk Co.: Pa.
'45 Mary's October 30,1%55
May 5,185 G.• 2m