tAmadcjaeildsig.- virninp.-7 , 0 9,1i/um, ?.-, /,•', YtY wan a SU: t , AN:,.II,APT - M), 6l i I I..(#7irsci. ep,4p, ri,.spec -, latest they,c,l.tt puroinse.d. ii? 'ol'4 eptanty 7 .i-ctill at yrAV l !Wi,,Slg:B4l .4 '4.; . oppositt:.(lle:Tiank;'iiiYorit jliare just I+;'listern 'tfitie:; the t*efr4 be.,),.t*:Assotlment Gpod3 Tu to' sell ''''yiltTti qq:1 , 04 114, t,t,jwitt prices,tivo otliet• (teal .l4, - I .4 -1; . 1 , .:, a 17:1c ion. kil.:, . sinip y• rtquest pure: ia.,ers to ea .- and , , s4ti..l, fy, themselves, of. the truth' of tt.iy, ibtrer, ' S'''o,hatge - ,st from .50 cents to SIO. '''° t!t ifei;;:onlil eXatliination of toy , goods and s ' Flours ofoperating from 8A.M.t04 P. M. ''•'•••iriciiA. - BaPng r eke,' titiridy 'for', ca,h, ,i can 1, riln - dress avoid light, red, blue, ur lair . ~ . n!ky ch e a K r and sell ,11,,mtper, thi n , hilt . other , ple." I)ailt dress adds much to the beast,ty of " ':7pet:'-'oii' ini th . e.'Ootinty'.. ' "Aly• GOods are made , the Pie-t/IP, Feb. 4, 1856. tf '' , ilt;ithlie'llkt style by experienced wOrlimen, ---- (pul can't be excelled by,any customer Tailor. Get tyNblts-g• Fang! 4 ry. ps scip., c4ssist.s, in 1 1 Ift. or . A. N F., W , FT It .11! . ~.. _ COata tf: Pa Sizes, , ?I itiE undersign(d, having entered into part- I„ uership to carry on the Foundry busine s s ..-.4ttitesiololtil, and kinds, made uP in a sane- 1- • ,. .. , & , • . < riot, inatuter: , Also ?nuts -and Vests, v v ItREN SONS hereby of the : under the firm (I A . . ~. ~ latest and most .fashicirothle styles and every I make linolvti . to the citizens of Adams and a d. t • 'Mud Of goods sutable'for Spring and St/miner joining cioniniest, that we: arc prepared to make ,' avear; also " . • , , 4,, , e •erythilig in our line of business. We have Boors .eND SNOBS. ' ' c"stantlY on hand, .the -., <<_‘ ;Ind ,a, lterge; assortment of GENT.t.smsx's AND i , Hathaway and other Cooking Stoves, '..()ys' Fut,N(SiiiNtir Gours s'outh of thentii sit a nd, sKELLY r - espoorany - inrrin,` his old ir-Dra - '''bitstinners And the public; 14eitertilly, that. . he continues the T.IILONIAW 111-%`;LVESS, near his old stand, in South Balthnore street. wliere•he will tie 'happy to aceotuthodnte ll — .Who tnay pation* stint. All . v+o k entrusted to, his cure warranted to fit and be 01-ttiost. sub stantial nadal. ' Thankful for past favor::,, he solicits It: continuanee'of public patrourge. [X.J 'Pi?! (6,1 me received. Call and see them. Gettysburg, April 9, 1.856--Spring Stock of New Goods. rASIITONATII4O•SI,LKS—Ftti I line *of , 111 - ack - Si Ilia tity le Shawls---Dress goods do. can.—Linens of 'Strong fabric--Mullins or host long Staple nage keepi mg. Goods. Pdeir's Wfaa( of'tttl the new styks. - ' I':Y R 1 & Dlar.Tt, • FourtA and 3tch P. S.--,Stortikeepprs, Families t nd. nII C. o m t ett Push 1311yerbt are respectfully invitrd to exanrin.? this Stock of New Guods 10-fore par- chasirx,• as wt. prefer soiling low and, stllin.!: 01. the more goods: C*—Storeke - epers tints often kilt] rent jolts from A hello!), ns the tit tend dm -Auction Sales of Nekt.r York and Philadelphia. [lll reit 1.-3111 . . A illarvillons Ilemri}y for ii llarvullons Age; 101111owavYs .(14iti9difte.cot. • -7" 917111: GRA ND tKt - T ER \.ll, 11111.',1)Y. IL I , TIV the aid of a IlliCrUNClipC, WC see mil lions of little openings on the siirfare of ow. bodies: Through these this Ointment, when rithlaill on the skin, is earned to any organ or inward part. Diseases of the kidneys, disiie de rsoLtliter••-affections_of,Thlie_henrt • Bill., tr. !nation of the Lungs, Astlinitts, Coughs and Colds, are by its nwans effectually mired. Every liouse•wife knows that sal.t . pa s scs freely through hone or meat of any thitikiniss. This healing, Ointment far more n•adily penetrates through 'any lame or fleshy part of the living imily,-curing the intist. dangerous Inward coin plaints, that cannot be reaclad by other means. Er:•, ,, ipottistaltllly,iutne;;N:corbutic Humor/. No remedy has eVer done so much for the cure of di - st•a:,es of the Skill, to 11:IttNer form thi,•i• ma v a s sume. as this Ointment. No case of Salt. Rheum, Scurvy, Sore Heads. Scrolulii, or.Ery- - E sipel•s, can long withstand iti, influence. 'The !inventor has trai• - elled over many parts of' the I, i globe. Vi',Ving the principal hospitals, dispense. ling this Ointment. giving advice as to its ap pHetition-,--and-lars-t-h-tr,4yen - the meaus -- of - tr.- ! • 1 ANUE I. ZI P4G 1 . 4 EU lia' .1 1 1"" TotilTt'ed ' storing countless numbers to health. ' 24 i 'rimrit ilw t;It Y with tit " 14t4 "` - ut of Z'iitt'd o . re lirenists, 'Wounds ei:. - Ulcer.;. GliOU 1.,111i ES Ile has ever before Opened, to ~. • - , ' . ,ule Of the most scientific surgeons; now rely which lie iny itos the attention of al!, t oti vin c y.,, 1 • i solely On the INC of this' WOlldtlllll Ojtitm etK . Oita he l l:ail kilter 1, A Ric UMIGAiNS. Hi' has star I . , • to Copt, With the worst easiest of a fine lot of 11 AM, Sll OUI. II EltS. • k 5 ,... ~ ! -Y4:1)(11- t 113 v i "": • i WO111111 , : uleet•s. glandular swellings, and FISII of an kiwi:, • Oranges, Lemons, and • sore.,. • • , ' 'tumors. Prof, Bollowny has, by command of other fro il k ^ , 'l'i , baconCLaukers, , i' V ' :11'4* . ( •" 111 "'" u ' l.:s ; 1 the Allied ti-ot ernments,dispatched to the hos egars', Snor,„wd :, gene' al vanotk I.* • , • . of everytton4, "I'roei a needle to an anchor," P lta ' s of th '' i '''' t • hir g' . - siti l tmulits of thht ()int ) merit. to be used under the direction of the alinost. ' Give him. a c:111, It sou rant to buy ,. , ' , ~, I ineutcal Stun., in the worst cases of ou n ik, what's elti!ali an.l good. It w „, iti cure tiny nicer. giandulai• swelling, ():/-Conntry P,lud Juni taken in evrhangfs for Goods. play 7, IS:iri, i stimiess or contraction of the joints, even of 20 • • , I years standing. ''. - • L .It s and 11•••s!ittas, To Those 'Who Wish. Pars.r,s. 1 ~' I hese and. other similar distressing cOm. TO ha it . eferi'il e 1, AN I) at a Mold price on I plaints can be eillietuaily 'cured if the thoiment, easy terms, your tittnntion is caller! to the i la.: well topped in over the parts 81.1•!cteil, awl RI DUWAY t" It 11 A'N 1) C 0 A-I, (;OM - . !b y otherwise following the printed directions P &NV. Tiorpty-five Jicr es or more in pen. , around each pot. portion, are given fur :i.,1:200, pnvaliki in t .11%qt Elie Hlit.'iii. of ...nil Pillx ~ l ivulil be v.s.iyl. in instal noonts of St 'per week or ,•ii , . I per ni.intli. It 1 ' m e i0, 1 1 , /i•iii t ; Gt../•••• : is located in I•llk calmly, Pennsylvania, and ! IlunintP4 'ril., iks,wii, "r all kinds 111+ , tmiat km :Trail!, has one of th.. be,,t markyts for its prod ;ice in i ( .I ;i: ! ,'',';„„ i 114 ,„ 1 , „..,..0,'.10.„,,, Scalds State. The si'iil is a rich luel nt , and iA not ' e1„n.;,,,,,, isk hi Disv.ous ,t , celled Clatidn 10 tIFI StlrpassvA lot for in.ir,- as examination '' ty,l--:ittl'''' sole 1.1 . :',, St 111 . 4111 t.:, - Foru Hie,), , ts V!, , ors will show. Ii fats Lie l o -'5t eltinents of true.. • L„,„K,,,,„ sopo Heats 1 q•ael eat Sum's perity, hein 4 nitderlAidthy two rich veins of meiviimit Eruptions suit, Throat, 11,,t,1,:i...,1 al: kinds Cora, and Will i';:loirtly be huorseet e d Ls ((fur i + x '',Sold :It the re^ta 1)1i:0111101t. of Professor railroads. The timber is of the most vainable B oi , Lo , v , k y, so, ,v,,,id" I, ti. .. New York, an d kind. Title unexceptionably good, and 'var- :24.1 straml, Loudon, and by all respectable rantee deeds are given. it prez.re's a good ',Drug:gists :inn Dealeis in Nledicities through and substanti,il opportunity t'4 emtif•l'llet' ! out the United States', and thLunviliZed World. firming. providing tor one's children or mak- i , - 1 -- _,r - Ilin e is a considera hie sA.ving„..b-y-ta-king"- i • lez an iiv, - o.lifient. Forttler ;) irticti kir - -; e - , - 61 the larg e :• sizes. he had from tit patnpitteLS wi . m'-!It ate sent 10 N. 8.-I):rections for the guida nee of patients loved,-err. I.wneN answered pr,ilun!iy. Ap- in every--ilisorder are allied to each Pot. pfy ..1; adAress SAIEI, 11h, cArtimi,„ 5,,,,... , , juis . 0 3, 1555. 1). eon'. • retarty. lti.s ‘V . .A ',NUT Street, north sid e b e - - • - twee!, Fourth and fifth sits., Philndelphia.— iltlaallorral Ton Nor. Fit!! i.iformat ion is contained in the pamphlets. j 1 OFIN W. T11.120N, f t • , r/r 1 , ,ni , 1i1 , ' 11 , •r1,,-i• • Felt. 11, 1856'. :gut , e9,1, , 0i I/ (I d• /),-,...,...er, can lit all 'times be found -- . .. . "I-sito444-t-1 . . rev:trolls.) attend to the c)lls of the pc-4-ipl,•, at itt-t- - . Ole r',/ , 'n f '. ill the Dialnond, adjoining the ' T IZ..k INS over the iianover Branch Railroad County Buildinc.. Front long experience, he , . ;1,/ w rtin'as follows : - ll.ttu•ns• hitnselt that he can go through till the • ' First Train lea vc.4 Hanover ne 9 A. 31' , -- witii ratifilicationS of the Tonkrial Department „Passengers for 'York, litu•ristitirg, Ciiltrrnina with such all Infinite degree of skill, as will ; Riot Philadelphia. This Train also connects • nivet with the entiresatisfaztion of all who may ! wit u the Eitpt•ess for Baltimore, arriving there submit their chins to the keen ordeal of his ra- - at 12 st. , curs. lie hopes, therefore. that by is atten ' 8e , .....0nd Train leaves at,3 P. 3,1 , with Passen- lion to business.. aml a desire to please, h viii gi-rs fin. Bittimore and intermediate prAce:, ineriz as weft -as receive, a liberal share of p h aiel returns with passengers from York - , .tic. lie patronage. The sick will he attended to t April 21. J. I, f•Til B, A - gent.. their in inite dwellings. r 'V i . • -... .. (42tlyshurg. dun. z, 1 S5:l. if , l k. - 1, A RGE assiortitient of Queens ware, ehiars, - . ..._ i ... (,1.1 , ,5. Stunt, and Cro c ke r y W•tte. at • AI ll ES, do you wani to buy cheap and ut tBEAN &PA NTIIN'S. - A fashionable tfottes: ? Tr -- • i, A LARGE 'AM> CIIEAP & )Ao'l OF . ORIDCERIEN, iv. ,jrry/// , ,„, Lawrenoe Ittfte t , • INAS his office One , door'ireiit-of die Luthe- .. 111) ran church, in . ciharnbersburg ntreet, and opposite (ratarner's' store, where those . jag' to have any 'Dental Operation peribrui 't,i are respectfully invited local'. 'RFAPettusm , sl Dr.. D. Gilbert, Dr. a N. Bei lucky , Dr. 1). Horner, Rev. C. P. KrAuth, ; I). D.; Rev, 'IL Baught4, D. D., Rev. Prof. , r' aM. Re) . Prof. M. L. littpver, Gettysburg, April 11, 1853., if Bounty Land Claims. FINHE undersigned will aitend'proniptly to 1. the collection of claims for Bounty Lands under the late act. _of Congr - esii. Those tsho have already received 40 or 80 acres. can now receive the balance, by calving on the subscri ber and making the necessary application. JOEL B. DANx.E.e. ()let tysturg, March 12, 4855. tf Dalvid A. liTagehler, `Sinning nt Intu, %VILE promptly attend to collections and vall business etitrogteil to t it care. ri - Oilice in the Diamond, adjoining store of A. B. Kurtz. • Gettysburg., Feb. 4, ly Wan. B. NoCiellan, 3ttaurti at ,nut. FVICE c the south side of the Pablie Y Square, 2 doors west of the Sentinel tirttiy, , ,tr.urg. August 22, B. inTonaugrity, - .3ttunittl MEI r (Office removed to one door West of Bneliler's Orlig &.3001:-storv, Cimmb(:rsborg Al rect., ) Attorney & Sancilot for Patentri anal Peasfons, I,I)(iIiNTTY Land Warrants, I;:lek:Tay pended Claittis,and all other claims agaiii‘4; the Onatrninent at Washington, D. C. : also Ameri4:ao claims in Englantl, Land Warrants located mild sold. or bought, and highest priers given. .Ag.lits engaged in.loe a ting iu lowa, rind other 'llrestern Stmts. to him personally or by letter. Gettysburg, Nov. 21, 1853. /!;thT. B. :31tt.runi*nt latu; faithfully and promptly attend to - all: busines,;,— (iftrusted to him. lle speaks the Cierman language. - Of11(.0 at tie same - ',lra:, in South Baltimore strt et, 60711' Fornvy's drug store, and nearly opposite Dan ner S 5 Zu.pler' store. • Gettvskurg, Match 20. • Can. 11,304 wk AT T E, NE W. ;•;:I' A N 11711. T. KING respeculall,y annotinnes: to his friends and the pit Idic generally tliat. he continue:4 the TArr.ord ia the loom adjoining the store 01J. tA) rence Shiul,, l'rentin'g on the I.)i.ttilond. 7 -4.....1.1 Inos 'wide arrang,cotents re.rtilar ly the LATEs ' and it, will lie his con stant ai1:1 to give entire satisfaction to those who :Inv favor hint with their custom. irj•Country produce will be -take!' ,in e x. change fur work. Vat. T. KING. (iettyshurg„ Decetn - her 17, 1 55. ly c MEM ruct;_s' -GREAT -A , TTRACTION - AT Frazer's,VhCap - Wal eh - A: Jew= viry Morel LEX'R FRAZER. respeetfully„informs the public, that he h,fs Just reeAved klirge "andr splendid assortatent , of rich and nevi sty le GOLD' JEWELRY of AR. • kinds, including Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Ear Ritts, of the most fashionable styles r fuh. vest and guard Uhains, Cuff Pins, Watch , ' Keys, Sm.' Also, Albata Spoons, Fancy Vases, Watch Guards, SmvSs. WATCHES: to with a large assortint...nc of Mourning Roods, s.tilt*.ble for persons in inourning, and numerous other articles in MS line—all of which, will b* sold at the lowest 'cash prices. as I have purchased all my goods from regular Jewelers, I• will WARRANT thern'to be what I proziouce them. Of this purchasers may rest asgured. •t, ATc ES A ti — JEWVIRY RE PAIRED, as heretofore. Give,me a call, in Baltimore strict, a few doofifrOm the diamond, if you want flood Jewelry, and the genufne'ar tiele, lower than the Waffle can be purchased any place out of the city. . • Gettysburg, N0v..5, 183;5. tt • ----- New Bardware Store. • Th 1'; subscribers Avoifld respectfully an nounce to their Ii iciid and the public that they have opened a hardware Store, in Bal nore stret.u # adjoining the residence of David Ziegler, Getty„ burg, in which, they always in: tend to oar to the public a large and general assortment of - , Haiti Ivami Iron„ Steel, Groccriesf C E It V, COACH' THDLIIINGS, SPItING:.>, AXLES, ) - -f" no • nu ik.:l l 4 ^r • -tar—rr, !-311oe 2"ain42,4, . business, to which they, invite the attention of ( I 'oacti-tnakers, ith ia k sn ii t i, s , Carpent ers , (:alii net - makers, •Sime•ii,akers, Saddlers, and the !while °O-eller ly. • Our strict< having. been selected with great (MN' 1511rehiled for cash. we guaran tee (lor _HA.; ready inonev,) Al) dispose of any part of it oil as reasonable 'term's as they can be anywfiztre. 'Nu particularly .request a call from our friends. and earne4tly solicit a share of public favor, as we are determined to establish a char acter for Re:41).4 Goods at low prices aild doing IltisinesB up lair principles. JOEI. P,. DANXI:11; DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, June (,), 1851. tf Nl.: 645 m 9,1) B 0 It. P, Alt NOLD ; AS j0 , ..t. returned 'Troth the city with as ;;;,:. hoatitanl a stock _ Goodg has hevit„, otierel to the at any:44ll' u among :,re llogiery, Gloves, 'Under sic( ves, Collars, Trimmings, - Opera ez Robe Lawns, Deßages,&e. (.looik in great variety : bind , 1;11:,,, brown, olive, claret, drab ; plaid, clooll ed 'and lii.lored Cloths ; k,lnck, brown, and failoy plaid and plain, or v vy 01 . cWIOI.A : Drab de'f ate, 8i I ii-warp Alpaccas. _ .VO.O I:va.l:v+maile - -t.lothing in great variety, wiLll a I.lrAe-stoel: of GrOCAlries, all of which will be•sold as cheap as they can he had at, any retail estahlishinent in . the county. The Ladiek will please call,, as, We ar e at ail times plea Ned to see.thiiii. The Gen-t-I-Errneir's - attention is invit e d t o our N eg ., as,ortinent in their line. In 'connection with the store CA.( iTIFING It the Sand-stone Front, where everything is watest and best wanner. We can rig a out 11 from head to font on the vely shortest notice-, Gall and judge for yourselves. April 7, L'•;5C. L Tire fOn.ve Them • Uti arri v. 4,1 from Baltimore. and Philadel ,itlldtia. Ow best ashGrunent of _ Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, that has ever . Imen offered in Adams county- J 1.111 c o lors and kinds, (some entirety new.). Call and see 1110111, at. the old Stand, newly fixed np, in Cliatobersburg :Arco., a few (loots from the curin.r. , March '3l. 15r) NEW IVIIOI,ESALE 0 N.. SPENCER TIIOI.IS, No. 26 South er--7- c*-•: 4 'Sorond strvct, 'lmporter, ,!7•1 ; .; nu ;act (INT and I)calrr in Dimz,s and :Medicines. ira is, Acids: live Stuffs, I,ead, French and A meti ; can 11'hile Zinc, 'Window (ila.;ssAilass w are, V a 7 1) isl 13rTishes. It.truments, Ground Spices. -Whole Spices, and all other articles us nany kept h Druggists, including Rot ax, 6 . 11ie, Shellac, Potash, &c.. 4\ll orders IJV wall or othCrwisc promptly qt tended tu. Country Merchants are invited to call and OXilnillie our stock before purchasing elsewhere. (i.oottS sem, to any of the wharves or railroad stations. Prices low and good.; warraoted. plareh 17, 185 G. ly 4 1 sn' , ?:ANT HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, at least Twenty per cent (..k , appr than you ever boo -;ii before, remember it is at CUBE LX - , PAXTON'S. where they are-to be hall in 1 .-eat var;ety, consisting' of .Cient's and Boys' S,lk. Fur and Slouch Hats, of the latest style, all colors and sizes,—white, black, brown, tan, blue, drab, fawn. &c. Also. a large assortment of Men's and Buys' fine Calf, Kip. and Gi:Lin Boots & Shoes,—Gent's tine Cloth and Pa tent Leather Gaiters. ' careful, Ladies, if you, want walking and fine '-d-ress-Shoessuch - as-Jenny - Limis; - Buskini - atit Ties, zutd. Morocco Slippers : also a beau tiful article of Ladies' Dress Gaiters, with a large stock of Misses' and Children's fancy Gaiters and Shoes.—that you find Cohean tL - Pa at the suntl-east corner of Centre Square, before inn elet‘ing elsewhere, as they have by f - tr the largest stuck or sea,,,n,h!o good: in town, and are deternnued to sell very ievp a SHAP.,2 look out that you do not tnktake the place.- 10111(111)er Cobean P.txzon's new Sane at th oi(1,; ( Gettyzburg, 3larch 31. 185;3. cionx PRYERS—Mt! attention - 01 — M11;' 1 (-1 LERS i, invited to a very superior article for drying CON N, which can lie had at, all t lows at WARREN 8' FOV rmy, Jan 14 - EiLAs r OF PA:lN.—This u~cful article be had in :Inv quantity of Feb. 25. t7OIIEAN S PAXTON. _ --_ - - dt~A t:Tlf C.E Trimmings can always b e Levt com-.:—oiler of the lIIZ,III-.eetllt‘:!ltStli.):lt.-----1--_ec,. ttfti,•e it;., to the 1,4 or 313 y. A‘ettue, j()%%er, nt increased, cittc.‘(;‘). ILL.: utter that ‘.1..t- t!,, , t,eA tilatt ti) had, ftt., toot et:it:att.:: z , tzeet.. 111 , ' anything in this department, should trst, 0 -" 11R stoCli of- a l ff t ir nd r pe dm i z7r n e7h :b s:_li ci ep g o .o e r ry r _ c ln qu a ier h . ptuLC , i April lA, 1 3ti. Co:u 1 call anti see - FAIINESTOC KS' Cheap 6Lock. ALEX. FRAZER. W. W. P_IxToN " • " toT) X - 0•111' ' A . p,ciif - trilwibr - 7E - orTh cars - 1 : lr c I e or Etervii tt • r n • ‘-.( 1 1031g this way, if you want the worth of B FARM' AN to COAL, 2 LAND it) 'Elk co' nnty, en,, your naoney. I will G 7.00.00 ACRES of Odd sell you oods that ‘ will do you good to wear, such as , township,Peansyll, anis, for fiale,giving a „V tig io a r l m Spring and Summer Goods, 1 of 15 . lcl ' ' 't i' v e f el jt : . 6 o 2 r t} Cl ai P tl a i Y e a shaeinie in . rate,installmentsonth2B cheap as the cheapest, if nut a little CITEAFEII. l of I tpct Just call and !Ake a pet:lA:a them, and judge 1 inf. l ;x L i i i "m l ; ro n p f ( s ir g t i o T ri s . , I F_ Op le . l o l r Ea m mt ok. fi a .o 7 lt e s s r u t po 4t,„ ; for yourselves, at tlie-L'heap Xorth west Gornei , where you will be accommodated. with thy! road t tl 4 nY feet in width. /- greatest of pleasure. Also, ih, ,s',,ii is a rich 'limestone l oam, and i -',At 'it _ 4 _ . .es- - Ready-made Clothing, • arid (`.lothitig• 'Made. to order, which I will sell cheap for cash or country produce. JOHN HOKE. Gettysburg, April 14, 1.856. -•— - • . Farm]Lands for Sale The Illinois' Central Railroad Company • IS NOW PREPARED TO SELL. Over Two Millions of Acres OF FARMING LANDS, TN TRACTS OF 40 ACRES AND UPWARDS,, lONO CREDITS AND AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST. V 11ESE lands Were" granted by ,the Govern ment, to 'aid in the Construction of this Railroad. and include some of the richest and most fertile Prairies in the State, interspersed here and there with magnificent groves of oak and other timber. The Road extends from Chicago: on the North-East, to Cairo at the South, find from thence to Galena and Dunleith, in the North-west extreme of the State, and as all the lands.lie within fifteen miles on each side' of this Rda,d, ready and (imp means- are aflbrded by it for trans!Krting the products of the lands to any of these :,oints and from thence to Eastern and Southern markets - , __Moreoier, them'apid growth of flourishing towns and vil lages along• the line, and the great increase in population by immigration. etc.. alibrd a sub stantial and growing home-demand for farm produce'„ The soil is a: dark,:rich mould, from. one to five feet in depth, is gently rolling and peculiar ly fitted for grazing cattle and sheep. or the cultivation of Wheat, Indian corn, etc. Economy in cultivating and great produc tiveness ore the well known characteristics , of Illinois lands. Trees arc net required to he cut down, stumps grubbed, or stone picked off; as generally the case in cultivating, new land in the, older States. The first crop of Indian corn, planted on the newly broken sod, usually repays the cost of plowing and fencing.' Wheat sown on the newly-turned sod is sure to yield very LARGE.,ritunrs. A man with a plow 'and two yoke of oxen will break one and a half to two acres per day., Contracts can ,be ma - de for breaking, ready for corn or wheat; at from $2 to 2,50 per acre. -By judicious man agement, the land may be plowed and fenced the first, and under a DIGII STATE OF CULTIVA TION the second year. 'Corn, grain, cattle, etc.', will be forwarded at reasonable rates to Chicago, for the Eastern market, and to -Cairo for the- Southern. The larger yield on the cheap lands of Illinois over the hih-priced lands in the Eastern andllid die State's, is known to be much more than sailficjerit to pay the difference'uf transportation to the Eastern market. Bituminous coal -is mined at several points along the Road, and is a cheap 'and desirable furl. it can he delivered at several points along the' Road at 61.50 to x 4,00 per ton; Wood can be had at the same rates per . cpr;l. Those who think of settling. in lowa or Min nesota, should bear in mind, that lands - there, of any vnine, along the water courses and for many miles inland. have been disposed of ;—_ that for those located in the interior, there are no conveniences for transporting the produce to market, Railroads not having been intro duced there: That to scnd'the produce of these lands, one or two hundred miles by wagon to market, would cost much more than the ex pense of cultivating them ; and ,hence, Govern ment lands thus situated,- at $1,25 per acre., are not so good investments as the laud of this company at the prices fixed. The-same - remarks hold - good in relati• the lands in Kansas and Nebraska, for although vacant lands may be found nearer the water courses, the distance to market is far greater, and every hundred miles the. produce of those lands are carried either in wagons, or inter- , rupted water cornmUnications, increases the expenses of transportation. which must be borne by the settlers,"in the reduced price of their prOduCtSl and to that extent precisely are the incomes from their farms. and of col se on their investments, annually and every year reduced. • The great fertility of the lands no* offered for sale by this company, and their consequent mid Over those of the Eastern and Middle States, is much Inure than stacient to pay the difference in the cost of transportation. especial • .a.--view--of—thtt-fitc-ii_itie load, and others with which it connects, the operations of which are not interrupted by 'the low water of summer, or the frost of winter. Pvic , 3 rerlibeJ of Payment. The price will vary from 85 to 5.25, accord-. ing to _location, quality, etc. Contracts for Deeds may be made during the year 1856, stip ulating the purchase, money to be paid in five annual installments. The 'first to become`due in two years from the date of contract, and the anthers annually thereafter. The last payment will become due at the end of the sixth Year from the date of the contract. .ri - 7lnterest will be charged at only Tnnmi' per cent: per annum. As a security to the pet form ance of the contract, the first two years' interest must be paid in advance, and it must be, understood that at least one tenth of the land purdhased shall yearly he brought under cultivation. Twenty per cent. from the credit price will ,be deducted for cash. The Coin; pany's construction.boads will be received as cash. rf-'READY - FitAmzo FARM BuILDINGs, which can be set up in a few days. can be Obtained from responsible persons: They will be 12 feet by 0 0 feet, divided into one living and three bed-rooms, and will cost complete set up on gftourid chosen anywhere along the Road, 8150 in clsh, exclusive of tr_nsportation.— Larger buildings may be contracted fur at pro portionate rates. Speciil arrangements with dealers can he made to suppl v - those purchasi tig the Company!s. "ands with fencing material;:, agricultural tools, and an outfit of provisions in any quantity, at the LowEsz wilousALE PRICES. ;;f It is believed that the price, long; credit, and low rate of inteiest, charged fur these lands, will enable a man with a kw hundred dollars in cash and-ordinary industry, to inal;e himself independent before all the purchase money becume.s...dpe In thP mean-lime ; —th-e• rapid settlement of the country will probably have increased their value four or tive fold.— When required an experience i person will ac -•cmpaY • • . • 4 • - on—anr" id it !lectinfrl-ulds. ai, .1 Se. .ig AaL.— i Town Cotiricil of. St. Nlary's, - Dli county. and, Circulars, containing numerous-instances 0 ; that the above irS'their hand and signature. successful farming, signed by resrectable and l, in-teAtittion-y-whereof I.- have_ subscribed my well-k„own farmers living in the neighborhood ; name, and caused the Seal of Otli,c9 to be at of the Railroad lapis, throughout the State— , tached thereto :;and I fully Concur in the above 'also the cost of fencing, price of cattle, expense • recommendation. . . • of harvesting, threshing etc., by contract—or . L.5E.11,. I ED wARD BABEL, i, (-• any other information—will be cheerfully : (.7 0 '. , Rptqco.s of act. .1.1 , 0 4 . , '• ..• p I , " (A. Pa. .. given, on application. either personally or by ! Et. Mary's, October 30,1855. letter, -in English, French, or German, ad dressed tv ; = 01•• • 4 1 IS net ,e r hilly nor stony.: but gently lolling. Or finelable land. -Around, and through this' property there,are.alreadyseine 20.000 acres under cul tivation, and its fertility has been established from the crops PradilcC(l. 'Upon this subject it is easy 'to be' fully satisfied. ThereAs a reedy err.th market for produce which is much better.-than trade.- It is the (*apesi, as, land' of a similar quality. is much'selling', at much' higher prices adjoininm, and 'especially such as contains roa I. Cual.—Thitiin particular the Coal District ? several reins underlaying the _whole property, and'" attention of miners, and those acquainted with coal lands, IS specially called to it. It has the advantage of being the itlare.yt to the great lake:market., with which it will be connected by the Simbury, and Erie Railroad now under contract and in coarse' of completion from Erie *to,, '.T Ridgeway, with de scending grade - the whole.way: he*soil over bituminous coal is the best, for instance:Eng land and other countries.' t . ):he price . per acre is trifling for the coal ti7one, as it will certain ly, in so favoiable a legations within a short tithe pay' largely, This is important as , an immense coal trade will soon open.- Four coal companies have already been started to work mines iii-the-vicifrit-y7a-tul - t - here ure no teen openingsrs also receive;;— 27,en a irn o ti tti e t n d S is t t i oc A k l a h ry's. olde There is no.reservatioo whatever either ber or cool. 'lt, is very valuable,.and will .Pay for' a great part of the land. On accaihnt of the excellence of streams there are fine opportuni ties for mills: Fir Ilealtli, the, location is much recomMend led by Physicians. The chills andfevers are it'illcuotra, also paln'antary' complaints,' being prokete& from the' north east winds by the Al leghenies. The water is pure and ainongsr, the best, the land aboUnding in fine springs. Ferittr Railroads will =shortly completed, connecting it. by a (liri!ct commtinication with New' York", Philadelphia, Pittsburg, -Erie, Buffalo, and all the cities on the Lakes. They are the Sunbury and Erie, the. Allegheny Val ley, the Pittsburg,and Buffalo, and the Venan go. Energetic e,tertions are also being made for the buildincr b of the - Tyrone an& Clearfield, which also passes through this property. The effect of this upon trade, and general -develop ment, as well as the coal,' ; may be The large and flourishing town of St. Mary's is in the eeutre of the tract;' numbering near 3,000 inhabitants. It has Hotels, good public schools, saw, and grist mills, stores, well stock ed and every thing desired. There are 235 half acre lots in the town of St. Mary's, which will be sold - and- the proceeds eqUally dixided amongst those who buy farms. Ridgeway, the county, seat, where an extensive business is. done; adjoins the tract 66 - the west. The Whale district is intersected- by' good turnpike;and other roads. This is a rare opportunity offered-to those who wish ,to , tarrn or have a good investment for the future. By, making proper, inquiries, and considering the ,advantages of good soil, an abundance of coal, healthfulness of elithate, Railroad facilities, and its location, a correct judgment may be . fortued of its present advan tages and ultimate increase. .. By Writing, to the office directions wilt be given'to those who'•wish to visit the lari. A. system of excursions will shortly be adopted. There is an excellent opening for• varions. branches of tneehanicat business,- especially tanneries, whee!wrights,,axe handle makers,. shoemakers, carpenters anal others. Farms can he bought by enclosing the first, 'nstalinent. IA die ear* hold avesin—their , own :right.. Title unquestionably good,_ and warrantee deeds given. Address or apply to. Samuel W Cattell, Sec'y, 135 Walnut st. be tw•t;en Fourth and Fifth streets, Philadelphia. IktiYerterB Henry'. M. Watts, Esq., 148, Walnut st., Phila. John C. Cresson, . President of P,hila. Gas. Company. ith st. shove Chesnut, Philad'a. George Wiegarid, Esq.. Inspector of Coal, City Gas Office, 7th - st. above Chesnut, Phila. has. been over the land and examined the coal. Hop. Geo. I'L• Barrett, Cleatfieicl, Nana., has. teen over the land. Henry Schmitt, 'Esq., U. S. Mint, residence, No. 652 North Fifth st. Phila., has examined the land. Win. F. Boone, Esq., south, side of Walnut st. below Fourth Phyla. examined theiane Hon. Alexander - L. - Hayes, Lancaster, Geo. Walmsley, Esq., St. Mary's, Elk co., a recent settle'', Richard Gardner, E:41., 636 . Poplar st., Phila., has examined the land. J. 1.. P,arrett, Esq., Prop; of the Moont Vernon House, Second St. above, Arch, Phila., has , examined the land. • . ~. E. C. Shultz, Esq., Justice of the Peace, St, Mary's, Elk county, Chas. Lti hr. E , q .Pres't of the Bor. of St. Mary's, J. S. Weis, Esq., St. Mary's; __ Geo. Taylor, Esq.,Dep'y Post:naster,St.Mary's, Mr. %Val. Lyons, St. Mary's, , Mr. John Miller, Coal Min u, St. Mary's, Mr. John _Corbe, • " - li E.H.Stone,Esq.,\Vellsville,Ohio,Coal operator, L. Wilma:all. Esq., Pittsburg, Pennsylvania., Borough Council r,t S. Afiry's fo the Publir. This is.ta certify that. havirie , been over the tract owned by the Ridgeway Farm and Coal Corn any, and ,given it a thorough examination, 6 nd the representations of that Company to be correct. We find the soil to be the most fertile—the Coal and Iron .Ore to lie in inex haustible• quantities, through the. whole die t" ict—the Farms in excellent order, and the intelligence and prosperity of the people to be of the most gratifying character. We know that there is no healthier locution in the State, and we. consider it a most. desirable place of settlement. We make this declaration, as we believe there may be many persons who are unac --quainted-with-these-lardi,-and-we-are-satistie., from our knowledge of the subject, that infor 11:nation upon it, will be a public benefit. Jacob F. Shafer, Elk co. Surveyor, St. Mary's, • Elk. county, Chas. Lahr, Pres'tof the Borough of St. Mary's, j John Beetch, member of the Borough Council, St. Mary's; . has. Brooks, member of the Borough Council, -a - ry , H.J. Wriggl e,metnb.offlor. Mint Jabal), mew b. of lior.Council, St. Mary's. This is to certify that the above five gentle lea are :it resen Alenibers of th— '..llay 5. ISSG. 2m ram CMS