WASHINGTON NEWS. -- - --WASITINGTOIC:4II-Aacli-21-,18 5 6—. Correspondence of the Republican Compiler.- The Kansas question has been laid upon the , shelf fora time, by the adoption of Mr: Dunn's'l resolution appointing a commission to proceed i to the territory to- investigate the matter of I dispute fietiveeiCklessrs. Wiritfteld-and-R-eed-er and-it is to be hopi:d_ that the vexed question is now in -a fair way for a permanent, if not a speedy, adjustment. ' The coinmission will consist of three members of Congress, who will have, full power in, the premises and whose duty it will be to travel through the territory "and collect all Alm facts in the case. A more onerous and. thankless duty.. never fell to the lot of a committee of the 'House, but there should be no shrinking or dodging now. The people have been long enough harrassed ,with the Kansas trouble,lnn it is their right-to de. wand that all the, causes which have led to the unhappy differences shall he properly ,investi gated and measo. es take i fur their removal.— Ttr. Committee will not be ready to report un til late in the sessiori` , A tuti L tterof ii‘ir,general interest to the peia• ple of this couriiirils now before Congress, in the shape of a ,proposition to subscribe for some thirty- thousand copies of Dr. Kane's forthcom ing history of the' American explorations in the arctic regions.. Dr. Kane made a brief re port to the Navy Department - upon.his return, but it. embraced only the scientific researches of the expedition, the Dr. having, at the sug gestion of the Secretary of the Navy, reserved the incidents of his travel, his adventures, &c., for a more finished , and elaborate work. This book is now in course otpublication by the en terprising house of Chiliii-& Peterson, of Philo'. del phia, under the immediate - superintendence of Dr. Kane, and will be issued early in the summer in a style commensurate with, its high national character and merit as:a literary production. The book will twin two volumes, octaVo. of 900 . pages. add contain upwards of 300 wood engravings.' besides 22 fine steel en gravings-and several maps, all engraved from the Dr.'s own'drawings. I have been favored with a view of portions of the letterpress and . have examined the embellishmentS, and do not hesitate to express that Dr. Kane's book will be - found the Most entertaining,- the most - in structive and handsome book ever issued from the American press ; that -it will - be sought af ter and read with avidity I have-no doubt.--- But in my admiration of the book l, must" not c.az 'if the ---- inch le )bieed- it iose sight af the causes w Ave pi . in its present position before , the country.. it should be recollected that our government sus tained but a small portion of the expense of the Kane expedition. while it receives all the credit of: the discoveries made up to 82 30. The burden of the expedition fell . upon private In dividuals, arid proved exhausting to the means of Dr. Kane: Thus far Our government has done nothing towards recognizing 'the services of Dr. Kane - or reimbursing hi. 4 outlays.— Money as a testimonial from his government the Dr. would refuse to accept—he has already declined' considerations from the English goy erment—and there is no way that he can be reached except in the delicate manner proposed by his friends in and out of Congress. The Dr. owns the copg-right of his- book and will —reali-ze-a-ha-ndsorne-suM---V-3F-thsed4;itb . scription, which he will.receive as a reward for an invaluable - . contribution to our national literature and not as a testimonial for services. The plan meets the approbation of members generally. The question of a revision of the Tariff Le agitated in a few weeks. We are enjoying beautiful weather, and the work upon the public buildings, so long delay ed by the protracted cold term, has been re sumed. Indisposition of your correspondent must ex cuse failures for the past two weeks. Four Children Murdered. SYRACUSE', N. Y., March woman 11 adued-Wavl,residinvv.nr son county, yesterday murdered her four chil dren by cutting their throats with• an are.— She then made an unsuccessful attempt 'to cut her own throat: The cause of the act is said to. be the neglcctand ksutality of her husband. Tit leging that the husband is a drunken, worth less fellow, says : It appears that the husband had neglected his fatuity and treated them in a most cruel manner. The wife and mother has threatened that. if he did not reform his' ways and help her to take proper care of the children she would murder them and take her own life. He heed ed not her threat, hut persisted in his brutality. Yesterday morning he left. his home to go_ fish ing on the Lake. and during his absence she executed her threat, taking an axe and with it cutting the throats of four of the five children, the youngest of whom was only two months old. The oldest of the children, aged about eight yelrs. escaped only by running away, she vainly pursuing him with axe in hand for some distance. She then returned to the house where she had perpetrated these shocking acts. and seizing her husband's razor attempted to commit suicide by cutting her throat.. Shedid not cut ri:.ep enough. however, to render the wouh fatal; and when discovered was literally covered with blood, and suffering the bust in tense agony. LADY IN COMMAND OP A U. S. FOP.T.= Lieut. Montgomery, of the United . States army, not long since lost his life in the service in Or egon. His death left his widow, formerly Miss Ic.orthrop, of Akron, Ohio, and one child, in comparative penury, as is generally the case With those who devote their lives to their coun try's service. She returned, and General Jes- sup. with kindness of heart and chivalry which characterise a brave soldier, immediately gave P3rtnershi P " 31143c11 " .4 between the P /31htlif and the late John Jacob Ator, has been tenni to her, it is stated, the trust of Fort Gra tiot, tutted by the payment of -1 - 5125 000 to Mr. O. now unoccupied by a garrison, a duty which dell. Mr. 0. is the father of Mrs. Anna Cora sh'e can fulfill, and the payment of which is Ritchie " Very fair. DEATH FR.031 LOROF(111.31. —T 11C Detrolt that the wile of I larrice ---ef—B t iimnriitikagawassiumatman from the effects qf takiii; chl.oroforni, allninis- It is sahl the cost of the new dome for tel to her by Dr. B cry, for the purpose of the centre of the, capitol at Washington will estr,icLing a tooth. ' \\, , ibe