The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, March 17, 1856, Image 4

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TU' the Court of Common Pleas of Adams
'.eounty—.No. Jantiary term, 1856.
Whersas heos TaDolce did file his
tion for Divorce a vincula ar l ainst
At:Nt, TH/313(R1t, tested the 27th -day of
r-4.plembeit4 A. D., 1.855, and made returnable
the 19th, day of,'A.. D., 1E55; And
whereas an Alias Subpcsna issued in said ease,
returnable the list day of January, A. 1).,
185G,the term of said Court: You, the said
Anna Mary Trimmer, are requested to he and
appear in your roper person, in the said
Court. en tie 21st dal/ if Jpril next, to ancwer
the - petition of your husband, said Jacob Trim
r.,ur! show calm?, if auy you have, why
to ch-itthi r,t be diyorced from the bonds of
r7NTIV T 11074 AS,
And rc , v, '24414 it 456, on motion,
in open Cocrt, i-;2sity. A. Picl,:isu, of Cul
sp•vmthiv of RelinqT,. ti appointed Commis•
bioner to tlizt , test:molly on the part of petitioner
nained,—..ten days notize to be given in
one of the nc-xspapers p4ll)!istied in Gettys;
rg, B 7 THE C 01.11iT•
'd'o ANNA N
. Any 'PRIMMER : )1 - Oil am here
by notified that the (lopositinns of witnesses,
:under the above rule. will takan at the
public-horse of.:Intol I.)fexs, in Hampton,
Saturday, '2.2c1 dog of ilarelt inst., A. D.,
1*.i36, at 10 o'elneli, A. L. of said day.
Ill; NItY A: Pie 1.: I N conyu'r,
Reading township, Aiiirch 3, ISiG.
Another New NoTel!
."5 TORT of fiction are now considered as
part and parcel of all intelligent house
holds; and scarcely a family will be without
our new novel entitled "The Fireman !"—the
most interesting, work of fiction from the press
of 1856. The reader's attention is caught with
the first chapter. and '"finis" stares him in. the
lace before the interest lessens, The book is
like a moving panorama of ever varying, al
ways admired succession of new and pleasing,
scenes and exciting incidents, each chapter
being more interesting than its -predecessor.—
A feature that adds to tts lasting merits, is the
uct-e its lig t moral tone—not a single senti
ment being ineulc,ited that the most fastidious
moralistcouid object to.
"The Fireman" will be a large 12mo.
volume of over 460 pages; illustra
ted—price w+l.---rintiled post free on receipt of
price. Sold by all-booksellers, and agents in
the cars.
Editors giving this (Mare advertisement a
few insertions, shall receive a copy irce of
postage. ROSS, JO ES Az. TO Cl SE Y,
2.;,',D 113 Nassau St. N. Y., matt N 0.25 Clark. titruet, Chicago.
Feb. 25, .1856;
Notice in Earnest.
frHE undersigned is desirous to close up
all his unsetticd accounts, and requests
ell persons indebted to him to call and make
Ertl lement on helot° the lst of April next. As
a- former notice was tiisrcgarded by many,
end as the undersigned .wishes to avoid the
necessity of imposing costs, he hopes that all
- indebted un - accoant for six months or longer
will'caft on or before the above duo.
ikAT'The undersianed returns his thanks to
friends for the liberal patronage he rehifore
extended, and invites the attention cat the pub
lic :his stock of, TIN 4 , SILEET-IliON
continually on hand and for sale at
reasonable prices.. •
Gettysburg, Feb. 25, 3t•
0,000 Pieces liktralii Paper..
BAN & PAXTON have opened an
• unusually large assortment of Wall l'a...
per. of every style and variety, frfAn 1;2.3 to
40 cents a piece. Housekeepers and Paper
Hangers are invited to call and' examine tho
*tock, is hich is superior to any thing heretofore
offered in this market. Only 12i cents a piece,
or I+ cents a yard, fur Wall Paper ! ,
Gettysburg, Feb. 25, 1856. . '
ITIHE subscriber, having been appointed by
1 'the Court of Common. Pleas of Adams
county, Committee of the person arid estate
of JOHN MILLER, (who has been declared
of unsound mind,) of Monmpleasant town.
ship, Adams county,. hereby gives notice
to all persons having claims or demands
tr4, - ,inst said Miller, to present the same to the
F‘lbscrther, residing in said township, for set
tlement, and all persons indebted to make im
mediate payment.
February 18, 1856. 6t ' Com/hi:tee.
4bbu'istown, Adarns C'ounly, Penn'a.
/11HE subscriber respectfully informs the
__public that he has openedaPublic House
of Entertainment in the borough of ts t ,, wn, where he will be happy to entertain all
who may call with him. having had many
vears' knowledge of the business of hotel .
kecpinv„ he flatters himself that his ((forts to .
plelase will besatisfactury. Give the .‘Wai.h
ington" a call.
February 19, 1836. ti"
Tin Ware, &c.
CLIAMITEL U. COOK' informs 16.3 friends
LI: and the piiidie generally, that he los nn
Ira J. at his Slinp nearly 'opposite the Post
fFit.e, a vc.v larg,e and well-mode assortment
or TIN-WARD, whieb he will sell at priee
eann.:t frill to please. Ile will also
o•teetite to order, with promptness, in a v,0.1i
‘9:11:-Itice manner. an 1 tvith tho ho-st inateri
kitnis of '-T [J I; f.;POUTI NG, 'AI ETA I
Gettysburg, Nov. 12, 1553. tf
Neer Setae• & 'Tobacco
QAMUEI, PA 13 ER, Jr.. woutd respeetfollY
i.) inform the citizens of the ri and coun
ty. that he has orietiod a Segar and Toilacco
:I:•nufacir:rt - , in-Li:I:110:e -tree!, next door to
bru4 Store, ILiottyTiburir, wite,re Le
con--i.tutly keep on hal:•1 a larue variety
rd :SEG lilt ,S, of the fint'st flavor. and at the
.west livl:.g prices. Of CH EIVIN ti TO
BAcco i a has the choicest I:trirk—also a
-•irll orricle of Stit;PF---:lii of ‘‘. hielt he
.:-; iJw as the lowest. lie oi , ; ‘.• ,-.lo= a
r6,,1, contine.ed that lie can gratify eve
He hopes, by strict ;attention t 9
ir desire to please. to merit and receive a share
of public patronage.
illaY 7, 1855.
Lost and Foun,::
Fan & Winter Grouds,
Al? every description, will hp .zr;l(j ve r y l o w
NI for cAsit.. Alen a vartctv 4:11 A, LN,
rmi 11E.111Y CLOW f.VG, very
cheap, Cali and see,
Genys!)9s,,g, 9e,1,29,1555
IT OS . / n.w nrtiete SILK and \\, 0( - )1, Hos.t , , and silk
for "Ile at FAUN ;B'I'OPIC 131 ) ..0 . 111:•:It
get. 15. the lied Fr,,,,'.
T UST receivPi n IR rao and splPridiel
L(lrtlt of 14U I!;'S R l: :•f
it A. ‘1 N 1 It'S St
4. New Establishment.
R .N ITE S7' 0 IV, P, - Y D
THE undersigned respectfully inform - the
citizens of Gettysburg and the public
generally, that they have opened a GRANITE
STON E- YARD, on South Baltitun're Street,
opposite the residence of Geo, Shryoek, where
they are_ prepared to furni?lt Granite Stone,
dressed in every style, fur Monuments, Door
Sills and Steps, and every kind_ of building
and ornamental use. Also, Cemetery Mocks
always on hand, and a general variety of Dress
ed Gran:te. -
- _
undersimned having. had considerable
experience in their li.sinesa, reepectfully in
vite persons wishing . anything in their line to
give us a call— we are . prepartsd to (limbs -ft
the saute atticlo 011 EA PER than it has ever
been heretofore offered in Gettysburg.
JAL 7, 1856. 3th
Call and See Es
IIkTM. T. KING respectfully announcer; to
't 'it' Itii friends and the public generally
that he continues the T.411,0111NG -
B 1:
ITS7I , ;.S'S' in the _roorn,adroinintr thel
stem- of J. Li wrence Schick, and front
tag on the Diamond. ile itas, wade arrange-.
agents to receive regrilarly the LATEST FASII.
loss, and it will be his constant atm to give
entire'satistrtion to those who way favor hint
Kith their custom,
gt u rCountry produce will be taken in ex
ellanae far _work. WM. 'P. KING.
Gettysburg, Dee. 17, 1855 - .' 15
C. Nettifies,
LISIIMENT, S. IV. Cur: of Twelfth and Race
Streets, Phi ladelpkia,lmpowrit tt of tine FaENen
Tuusscs, combining extreme !Witness, ease
and durability With correct construction.
Hernial - 01 ruptured patients can be 'suited
by remitting; amounts, as below :--Sending
number of inches round the hips, a n d stating
side affected. Cost Single Truss, 8-2, tr 7 ;3,
$l. $5. Donble—ss, $6, $8 and $lO. In
structions as to wear, and how to eireet a cure,
when possible, sent with the Truss.
A Is° for a;ale,.i :I great va riety, Dr. Banning's
Improved Patent Body Brace, fur the cure of
Prolapses Uteri ; Spinal props and Supports,
Patent Shoulder 13raoes, Chest Expanders and
Eroctor Braces, adapter) to all w itit Stoop
ShOulders and Weak Lungs; Enulisli Elastic
Abdominal Belts; Snsponsories„ Syringes—
male and female. Jam` - Ladins' Rooms, with
Lady attendants. [Aug. 6, 1855. ly
Stauffer & 'Marley.
Wholesale & Retail, at the Ph i ladel!,h ia
Watch and Jewelry Store, No. Od North
Second street, corner of Qiiiirry. Philadelphia.
Gold Lever Watches, fon jeweled, IR caret
cases, $2 00; Gold Lepines, I ()care t, 00;
Silver Levers, Tull - jeweled, $l2 00; Sll4rer
Lepines, jewels, $9 00; So perior Quartters.
$7 00 ; Gold Spectacles, $7 00; Fine Silver
do., $1 50.; Gold Bracelets,-$3- 00; Ladies'
Pencils, Sint co ; Silver Tea Spoons, Set,
00 ; Gold Pens, 'with - Pencil and -Sillier
1-. older, $1 00
Gold ringer Rintrs 373 cents to .i.4RO; Watch
Glasses,. plain, I-24 . yews, patent 184; Lunet
25; other articles in proportion: All goods
warranted to he w hal they. are sold for. -
STA U F 1: & H A It
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and
Lepinev, still lower than the ahuve prices. -
Oct. I", 1855. ly
China, Glass and elacensware
'Gen..M. Bolece, Successor In J. C. Baku' ro.,
TNIPORTER and Dedler in CIII N A ,
GLASS and QU E EN S WA R E, II :Vitrlis
Howard SI e.l. (between. Foyelle and Lexing•
t un
. r, rt h more, Md., respectfully in
vites the litention of Dediers to an exinnination
of his _well ilbSO nod sto-k berfore liarchasiog
eliewhere. [ Feb. 19, 1 855. ly
Franklin ➢ten. •
Corner of Iltgli & Mien streets, 13altimore
C:10 L. THOMAS .1.1%1.E.50N,: (lately of
York', Pa.,) has lensed tho FitANKratv-
NN. corner af and Hiller& streets, Balti
more, Jll., and will entertain guerits on rood
oratp, terms . H tt hopes to,.give entire sari.-
faction, and will spare no effort to merit the
approval of all who can appreciate a well
regulated and home-like .11otel. jve him a
trial. [l3alt., Dec. 10, 1855. 3in
opp:isktc Cai•vert statiOn. Baltimore, Md.
THEiiiiiiersigned having leased the above
Hotel and put it in ecimpletVordel, is pre
pared to - necotninodate
.his friends and the
travelling public. TIM.. proprietor will be
pleased to see his old fricirds, and promises{
to Make their stay comfortable and satisfac
tory.' Baggage taken to and front Calvert'
Station free of charge.
JOHN BA It H, ( fornicrly Penna.,)
July 9, 1855. a pitovRIET.R.
lilla Hover U. Rai Iroad.
TRAINS over the llanover Branch Rail
road now rust as foilovvs:
First Train leaves Hanover at 9. A. M..
with Passengers for York, Harrisburg, Col
umbia and Philadelphia. This Train also
coniii:et:; with the E' press for Baltimore, ar
riving there at I P. :11., stopping at Glenruck,
Purl, ton and Cockeysville.
Seeund 'Train leaves Pr:2 P. M., with Pas
v4engers and intermediate places,
and returns with passengers (vn York,
.1. L Elll ,
July 23, 1855. tf
Caledonia. iron.
17,1ATINESOCK BROTHERS. havinz the
exclusive:4de oICALEDON IA ROLL
ED I ItON-IGr Gettyslitirlr,, would call the at•
tootion boyers to this of Iron—the
hest in the marl:et—which will be sold at the
low'st rates.
keep a lame supply of HAMMERED
conitantly on hand. Call at the Sigu
of lhi RED FRONT.
1) .0. 10, 1555
SCIIICK has on hand a more eonipleie' as
soriment of Cloths, Cassimeres,
Vest tangs, &c., than ever—and offers such
indlicem..tits to purchasers as cannot but be
ad yaw.= :cow; to thiun. Gentlemen will and
his st. , re %yell S pp ittd with all hinds of goods
suihei to their wear.
Jewelry : Jewelry !,
1,. SCHICK. has now on hand a larrre
•; I ind splendid assortment of Jewelry, coin.,
everythinv; in th it line—Breastpins,
E., itii n,s , pinger-Rincq, Chains, &C.
which he is sellino at the - lowest lin - 1,7
Call and evainine fur yourselvcs--•
r,tible to show Lrood:". Jan. 7, 183
ShOPMakel'S. CO 11( this «•a3•.
1 -1 :111 P.-4T( Tc. BROTHERS will still
vol t N1010)(;c08 front 25 cents:
$:1. 00. the ehenv=t evt+r br0t0,2.10 to the
Co toty. ~ , )n at the
LOVES /IL HOSIERY -4 lartre variFty
good FCE-lICK'S.
Now is the Time,
SWIiA V Kit respectfully announces to
4 , the Ladies and Gentlemen of Gettysburg
and vicinity, :hat he has resumed the Daguer
reotype business, at the old stand, in Cham
bersburg street, where he Suviti be happy to re
ceive visitors desirous of securing perfect
Dactierreotypes of themselves or friends.
tieing furnished with an entirely' new and
costly apparatus, he is prepared to take pictures
in every style of the art and insure perfect
sa tisfacti on.
•iCharges from 50 cents to $lO.
,e'Ho'iri of operating from S A. AL to 4
P. M.
Zeiy-In 'dress avoid light, red,-144ue„or pur
ple. Dark dre s s adds much - to the beatify "of
the picture., Feb. 4,185 g. tf
Stacks of New Goods! •
The Cheapest the Prettiest = the Best!
T L. SC 1110 K has returned from the city
',J. * with the laroest and het selected stock
of FALL & WINTER, GOODS he has ever
had the pleasure of offering to this community,
Fie will not pretend to enumerate his hrge
and attractive stock—the limits of an adver
tisement will not admit of it: But if you wish
to select from the choicest lot of Ladies'
and Gesollemen's Dress Goods,
yoUr eyes ever beheld, go to Schick's.
October 15, 1855.
Evans , Fire & Thief - Proof Safes
r 4 iOR Illerehants, Lawyers. Farmers and
m i lers, having Brio/C3, Pllperst. or other
valuables, to preserve from FIRE or I 3 URG-
A CARD.---Tuk: "Tim?. PRoor SAFE, " that
preserved our Books, Papers, Via., (luring the
"Gre:it Virfl at lan's Iluildinfis," was pun.
Qbas'ea of OLIVER EVANS, 61 8. 7.4nd St.,
Philadelphia.—Gelz (fr . Buck.
Refrigerators kk. - Ziratter Filters.
EVANS' Premium Ventilated Refrigerators
for cooling and preservinir twrl's, butter, mill:,
touter and all ;irlieles for culinary purpnses.
I,"V FILTERS, fur purity i ter brackish
or muddy water, whether alTmited by rains,
limestone, marl or other causes ; can he had
separate or attaefied to the Retrigerators—a
small ipiantity-of Ice coolintr the whole, in, the
wannest weather. PoitTitm.sSuoweß BATISC,
for the use of warm or cold water. %V ATEtt
Coot,rms, for Hotels, Stores and Dwellings.
Srons: Tnucus, for moving -
SEAL PREssEs, CoPYING d Tikuouisir do.
01.1% 7 E4 EVANS,•
No. GI, South. Second St., 2 doors below Chesnut.
11, 1556. ly
ToThose Who Wish Farms.
110 have fertile LAND at„ a cheap price on
eas y t e r m s, your attention is called to the
PAN Y. Tweiaglire jicres or more in pro
portion, :tic given for payable in instal-.
ments of $1 per week or i.!..;1 per month. It
is located in Elk county, Pennsylvania, and
has one of the best. market~ for its prodi:ce in
the - State. The soil is a rich loam, and is not
to be surpassed for farming, as examination
will show. It has the best eti-ments of pros
verity, beinv onderlaid by two rich veins of;
Coal, and will shortly' be intersected by four
railroads. timber is of the most vainahle
hind. Tale unexceptionably good, arid war
rantee deeds are given. It p eseuis a good
a n d substantial opportunity to commence
ftrioirig. providinv, for one's children or mak
itig an investment. Further particulars can
he had from the pamphlets which are sent to
inquirers. Letters answered prompt/y.
ply or address SA \l'l. kV. C ; ATTELL, Sec
retary, 1:35 'V A I.N 1' 1' Street, north side be
tween Fourth and Fifth sts., Phdadelphia,—
Fit It infarmat ion is contained in the pamphlets.
Feb. 11, 1856. 3m -
Removed a Pew Doors south (tithe Old Stand.
SKELIN. respeetiltlly informs his
old customers and the public generally,
that he continues the 7',4 I LORING BUSI
NESS, near his old stand to South Baltimore .
street, where lie will he h a ppyri o aeconnuoddre
all who may patroolzu him. All work en
trusted to hic care warranted to lit and he of
most sttl=tantial make. Thankful for past
favors, 'he golicts a conttnuance of public pa
Ilk't. - \"*Tlie Net, }nark Siiring arid Stitanzex
Fits are received, (;,tll and bet) then'.
Getty sbutg, :Ipril 9, 1555.
el TATE.—Letters of ad in inistrat ion .on the
• wate of Jacob A rtisherger, late of Ilunlington
tukviiship, Adams county, dec., having been
granted to the a tide . residing in T''.
rune township, he hereby gives notive to all
persons indebted to sain estate to twice im
mediate pay meet, and those having claims
against the sante 10. pr seat them. properly
duilienticated for sutt!eulent.
.11,(')B ARNSBERGER, Jr.,
Jan. 21, - r.
• TOO a 111.41 CH SL:
/VII EERisto be had at the drug. stores of
JO_ S. 11. Buehler, Getty-sburg, and James
A. Elder, Eminitstburg. a 711 , 151 rtleclual remedy
Jr, the Toothache, wh , ch will, of properly ap
plied, areer, - *.logi to directions.) cure the noel
violent Taal/le - he instantaneously. "Should the
pain in course of time, the same ap
plication has to be made again, and after two
or three applications the cure will be effectual.
Please call for A. Perger's Toothache /..ialsain.
p.-—Price ...25 cents per phial.
August :27, 15 35 . y
!Flour ! Flour
I-1 E untlersitzned continues the Flour bus
- iness as heretofore. fie sells by the
barrel or any smaller quantity. By taking:
sm A Lt, pilot,-ITS he can buy and sell as
low as anybody else, and by always endeav
orin!; to keep none but tire best, he hopes to
merit and receive a continoance of liberal pa
tre:imre. (.ILL ES PI E.
Oct. 8, 1855. At the Post Office.
fl.rilE undersigned informs the public that
I- he still removes the remains of the dead,
and is prepared to do to any distance to brim;
toart.. _lli s enar g , es are lOwer than eve
—and as low as the lowest.
Cettysburz, Sept. 10, 1855.
Bush's Allegheny Rouse,
Market st., above„ Bth st.,
Tertn§', $1,'25 per day.
June,4. , 1855. ly U. 1. BUSH.
()NN ET GOODS. gneh ac Velvets:.
Satin.:, FlokrvN, &e.. he
t'itnt.i in tin{mr.illeled variotv .it
C 0-1 L STO VI. of vArirms patterns and
cont,tnncly nn hand and for sale, at
I)t.r. C' 1.-
I)LANIi:ETS, Shawiq ,14 vf.ry
1) cheap at FAIINESI'OCI.S.'
...1; o w FOR R.IRG.IINS!
Read y4nade Clothing.
ARGUS SAMSON has- just returned
from New . York, Philadelphia, and
Baltimore, -with the largest and best assort
ment of RE3DY-MAIIE CLO7I.II.VG, ever
brbught to Gettysburg, made up - in magnifi
cent styles, and most approved fashions, In
regard to workmanship, they Can't be excelled
by any customer tailor.
Having enlarged my place‘lrnd stock, I am
able :o sell Ready-made Clothin2; of every de
scription, cheaper than ever offered before in
this or any other place this sine of the Attar:-
tie. My irtock consists in part of COATS,
of all sizes, prices, colors and kinds, made' up
in a superior manner. PANTS & V r,sTs,
of the latest and most fashionable styles, and
every kind of goods suit dile for winter wear;
also BOOTS & SHOES, and a large assort
ment of Gentlemen's and Boys' Furnishing
Goods, consisting in extra - quality linen-bosont
Shirts, Suspenders, Gloves; Half Hose, Col
lars, Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, and an
extraordinary assortment of black satin and
fancy Se/radjustins , .Slot/s, and vanons other
tie) , articles; together with Umbrellas,Trunks,
Carpet Bags, flat', Caps, Boots and Shoes. • NI y
Goods are selected and purchased under the
most favorable circumstances. "Quick Sales
4' Small Finals," is always the motto I am
&Vert - trifled to carry out, at the Haney-saving
Clalhing Emporium in York street.
A. personal examination can alone Satisfy
customers of the comprehensiveness of my
stock, which lam selling at least percent.
lower than can be linind at any of my com
0.)-1 am also prepared to sell wholesale to
country merchants desiring to sell again,
Ready Made C Nothing at CHEAPER. RATES THAN
it caP. and examine fur yourselves.
N. B.—All Goods bought of me will be ex
ch.ined if they do not prove satisfactory.
CArrysburg, Oct. 1, 1855.
New hardware S 1 'e.
II subscribers would respectfully an
pounce to their frients'and the public that
tiny have opened a NEW HARDWARE
STORE, in Ballinmre Sired. alljoiiiinz the
residence if David Ziegler. Gellysburcr,in which
they are opening a large and general assort
_ went of
Hardware, Iron, Steel, Groceries,
al Li>.
Tebar-lbarr, 51)oe
Paints, Outs, and Dye-stuffs, °
in general, including every descriptioirof arti
cles in Of, above lines of business, to which
they invite the attention of Coach-makers,
Carpenters. Cabinet -athers,
Sitoe-makers, Saddlers, and the public gen
- - - •
Our stock having been selected with great
care and pnrehas - «I for I.)tsli, 15,i - Trlarar.te (for
the Ready MOney.) to dispose of any part of
it on as reasonable terms as they can - be par
chased any where.
We particularly request a' call from our
friends, and earnestly solicit a share of public
favor, as we are determined to establish a char-
aeter 'for selling Goods at low prices arid do
ng business-on fair principles. - -
Celtvshura, June 9, 1851, tf
17 NI NU EL ZIEG Lk: it los just returned
.I,J Irma the city with the largest lot of
GROCERIES he has ever before opened, to
which he invites the attention of all, convinced
that he can offer IWIE rtAactuss. Ile has.also
a - ut U-L D &c._ ;
Fist! of all kinds; Oranges, Lemons, and
other fruits ; Crackers, Nuts, ;
Sooars, Tobacco, Snuff, and a general variety
of everything-, "front a needle to an anchor,"
almost. t Give him a call; if you want to guy
what's cheap and good.
f . gY-Country Produce taken in exchange for
Goods. LMay 7, 1855.
A Marvellous Remedy for a Marvellous Age)
lifollowa y 1,4 Ointment.
I. By the aid i.fa mien:scope, we see mil
lions of little openings on the surface of our
bodies. Through - these this Ointment, when
rubbed on the slcin, is carried to any organ cr
inward part. Diseases of the Kidneys, dis•
6 - Filers of` the Liver, affections o tie wart,
Inflammation of the Lumrs, AstliMas, Coughs
and Colfs, are by its means effectually cured.
Every housewife knows that salt passes freely
through hone or meat of any thickness.' This
healing Ointment tar • more readily penetrates
dm - nigh any bone or fleshy part of the living
body; curing the most dangerous inward com
plaints, that catino'. be reached by other means.
Erysipelas,Salt Rheum S.;?.4corbutic ilunwrs•
No remedy has ever done so muck, f r the
cure of diseases of the Skin,w hatever form they
m assume, as this Ointment. No case ofSalt
Rheum, Scurvy, Sure Heads, Scrofula, or
Erysipelas. can long withstand its influence.
The inventor has travelled over litany parts
of the globe, visiting the principal hospitals,
dispensing this Ointment, giving advice a
to its application, and has thus been the meat s
of restoring countless numbers to health:
Sore Legs. Sure Breastq, Wounds 4; Ulcers.
Sonic of the most scientific surgeons now
rely solely on the use of this wonderful elm
ment, when havin' to cope with the worst
cases of sores, wounds, ulcers, glandular
swellangs, and tumors. Prp„f. Holloway has,
by command of the Allied Governments, dis
patched to the hospitals of the East, late
shipments of this Ointment, to be used under
the direction of the :Medical Staff, in the worst
cases of It will cure any ulcer,
glandular swelling, silliness or contraction of
the joints,.evren of 20 years' standing.
Piles and FAstnia.!...
These and other similar distressing com
plaints can he effectually cured if the Oint
ment be well rubbed t,t over the parts ati,-;cted,
and by otherwise folios% ing tire printed direc
tions around each pot.
Boaz the Ointment and Pills should be used in
the id/owing- cases :
mtnionq l' .•+ .ores of all kinds
Ruin: Itip.ottrit km Sp -a;113
Chapped Hands :Salt liht.titn Seal! ,
Cllll,ll.l.titas Shut 1)1 , e3 , es .ached Glands
:ore 1.t.-5.7.
it'' , •
I.lltlth Sot 1. , Vl•Ilo 'OA 50 , 0 , 1
:Nlercurial Eruption.; or ounds of all kin.ts
**• Nola dt the E.4tablizshment of Professor
llnt,t,ow A Y, SO, Maiden Line. New Y Orli, and
:244 - Strand, London, and by all respectable
Druirirists and De,tlers in Medicines throuoh
nut the United S tates, and the civilized \\ odd,
in Pot=, at !..),5 cents, 6 - .2i cents, and :;.7 . ;1 each.
`--I'hore is a constiierab . le saving by Lak
int, the larger sizes.
N. B.—Direction: for the guidance of pa
tiPnis in evt -, ry (itsorder are affixed to each Pot.
July :23, 1 3i. ly
R o o MS e.nd Cedar Ware., for gal , ' at
lir 9t ZII;GLEfi'::.,.
1855. - Itew.GoOds: 1855.
/1111 E subscriber tenders his acknowledg
-1 rnents to his friends and the public for
the liberal patronage heretofore extended to
him, and respectfully informs them that he
has just returned from the cities with a splen
did assortment of NEW GOODS, comprising
in part a fine stock of Delaines, Shawls,Ging
haMs, Gloves, Stockinos, Ribbons, Collars,
Muslins, Irish-Linens, &e.:, all of which will
be sold at the lowest cash prices. He deems
it unnecessary to enumerate the different arli•
Iles wifich comprise his stock. He would
earnestly invite all to call and examine before
purchasing elsewhere.
Oct. 15. tf J. S. GRAMMER..
New - Goodsii ----
ci F.O. ARNOLD has just returned from
J the Cities with a Inns lot. of DRY
DRESS GOODS, &c. ; among which are
and French Cloths, Coatirrs, Cassi
-metes, Satinetts. Jeans, Blankeis, HAnnels,
and an endless variety of LADIES' DRESS
GOODS, together with almost every article
in Ins line of business—all of which will be
Id • if -
so, a-s cheap,iiil not a little cheaper,:than any
other establish Rient here or - elsewhere. And
;is to Cloths, Cassiineres, 'Satinetts, and
Ready-made Clothing, we challenge com
petition. liavinr now furnished you with
Goods for upwards of 40 years, 1 have at all
dines endeavored to pursue a straight•torward
course, and furnish any and every article in
iny line of business upon the very best terms, ,
and wilLcontinue'to do so.—Give us a call. ^
• Oct 15, 1835. G. A.
New Firm and New Goods.
THE subscribers, having. bought the stock
of Boots. Shoes, Hats and Caps of K EL
LER II U icrz, purpose continuing the snai
ness, at the old established - stand, South East
Corner of Centre Square, where they have
Just received a fresh' supply of the above goods
from the cities of Philadelphia and Baltimore,
comprising all the new and desirable styles of
Men's Boys' and Youths' Silk, Fur,
,and Slouch HATS. Men's, : 4
Boys' and Youths' Fine Calf,
.1 0 ,01* ,
Kip, and Grained BOOTS &
SHOES, with a large assortment of- Ladies',
Mules' and Child's Walking and Fine Dress
SHOES, GAITERS, &c. Gum Dress-shoes,
Buskins and Sandal's in every variety.
tib r won ld• respectfully announce to the citi
zens of ,Vdains con nty, that we have an earnest
disposition to please the particular taste of
every one who may favor us wish their patron
age, and respectthl ly ask a' f to call and see.
The business will he conducted under the
E subscriber having disposed of his in-
Business to Messrs. CO B EAN P AXTON,
respectfully asks the continuance of his friends
atm customers to patronize the, New Firm. '
Oct. 22, 1855.
Frazer's Cheap Waich & Jew
• eiry Store
LEXII FRAZER respectfully informs
I - 1 the public, that lie has just received a
large and splendid assortment of rich and new
style GOLD JEWELRY of all kinds, inclu
ding Breast Pius, Finger Rings, Ear Rings,
of the most fashionable styles; fob. vest . and
guard Chains, Cuff Pins, Watch Keys, &c.
Also, Albata Spoons, Fancy Vases, Watch
guards, Keys,- and Chains,
GOLD & Sitv . Ea WATCHES, A.
together with a large assort-- -
merit of Mournfu l ; goods, suitable for
_persons in mourning, and numer_o_us_atner_ar-_
titles in his line—all of which will be sold '
at the lowest^cash print s.
I have purchased all my goods from
regular .iewelr's, I will WARRANT them
to be what I pronounce them. Of this pur
chasers- may rest assured. - -
A.-,: i rwgredEs AND JEWELRY RE
PAIRED, as heretidore, Give the a call,
in Baltimore street, a few doors from the
diamond, if you want good Jewelry, and the
genuine article, lower than the same can be
purchased any place out of the city.
7'U R Eli. N. IV. cor. of Fourdh eltesnul S/s.,
Philadelphia, always on hand a large and
varied assortment of •
Also, n o•eneral assortment of ENG EASH,
Fine Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops
and Gold Pens. Wltolesale, Second and
Third Floor , :. F. H. SMITH,
N. W. corner Fourth & Chesnut Ste.. Phi
N. 13.-011 the receipt of Z.•;1, a Superior
Gold Pen will be sent to ahy part of the
United States, by mail t—tlescrihtng- pen, thus,
medium, hard, or soft. [April '2, 1855. ly
TOHN W. TIPTON, Fashionable Bar
g) her and Hale Drtwer, can at all times
he found prepared to attend to the calls of the
people, at the 7 ewple, in the Diamond, adjoin
ing. the County Building. From long expe
rience, he flatters himself that he can go
through all the ramifications of the Tonso
rial Department with such art infinite
degree of skill, as wil! meet with the entire
satisfaction of all who iiray submit th eir chins
to the keen ordeal of his razors. lie hopes,
therefore, that by his attention to business,
and a desire to please, he will merit as well
as receive, a liberal share of public patronage.
The sick %yin he attended to at their private
-Gettysburg, Jan. S, 1855. tf
T ES' White, Rlacii, and colored Tan
_1,4 GLOVES, at 63.4 cents, worth 874.
I Gentlemen's do. at 75 cents, worth
jnst receives from New York' Anction hv
Oct. 15, 1555.
Stitt J"iiits
rILOTH, Coatings:, Cassitneres, Cassinets,
Vestings, &e.— the largest variety on
hunt and constantly makinff up. Tie hest
bar , rains in town at the Clothing Emporium
at the sand stone front of
Nov. U). 6EO. ARNOLD.
- - .
E enprs: DOM r.STIC GOODS ever
hrotßritt to Getivshopz. Come and bee,
-and-judge-for-you rscl-ves.
ADI r,` 4 .. if Vim went handsome and cheap
1D; EsS 'PR MU f; ril- n 4.4 ea r . he r D
E-;-Si- GI) 1 )11, I at
h.l At s: • asaiF FAUN tI;STO('N: BROT/114`,RS.
o'a...sprst. If AO: !mid Ctrit'apt r. Oct. 15. Sin qf :he Red e r4ne.
Oct. '22, 1555.
Gettysburg, Nov. 5, 1855. tf
F. H. Smith,
Port Nlontmies, Work Boxes,
Pocket Books, Cabal,
Bankers Cases, Travelino• Baas, -
Note Holders, - Bacligammon''Boards,
Port Folios,_ Chess Nien,
Portable De'4: - S, Pocket Mem. Books,
Dressing Chess, Cigar Cases,•&c.
Diamond Tonsor.
Kid Gloves.
Read3•-made Clothing,
J. S: rz-A---rn-
Great Attraction at the Santl.ostone P Ont.
Ready-made Clothing.
GEORGE ARNOLD has just finished
malting up, and Was on hand, as large a
suitable for the Fall and Winter Season, es
has ever been offered to the Public in this
place. His CLOTHING is all of hirloiNq
manufacturing, and well made, of the very
best materials, and none of your CITY-MADE
TRASH, which has been put together in a
hurry by crushing the poor seamstress . witht:
tnere pittance for her labor, or done with the
loop-stitch of a Sewing Machine, which if one
stitch gives *way the whole seam is gone.
We give fair wages, have our worl% well done,
and made of the hest materials, and our young
ladies come in with the garments with smiting
countenances arid cheerful hearts. We have'
now on hand
Coats of all grades & colors from 1 to 20$,
Pants 41 "
• 50 os. to 10S-; -
Vests 13 /I 62.1 7s,
made of all colors, and ,in every variety of
style. We have experienced workmen etn.
ploved constantly cutting out and making up
all kinds of Black, Blue, Olive, Claret, Green,
Brown and Drab Cloths,Coatinas,Cassim2res
atinetts, eans, estings, rawers, Shirts,
Having just returned from the East, we
have now on hand, in connection with our
Clothing Store, a very large stock of cheap
C lats,Cassimeres,Casiinets,CGatings,Jeans,
&c. &c. of - every variety of color. We have
just received the Fall and Winter Fashions,
and it we cannot please you in a, garment
made up we can at all times take your mea
sure, and make up a garment that will please
On short notice. We will not make the bold
assertion'that we will sell 25 per cent. -- elieapet
than anybody else, hut that we will sell any
article in our line as cheap as the cheapest, and
a little cheaper, and a uood deal better. Give
us a call, examine and judge for yourselves.
Comp one, come all, to the CLOTHING
POIll NI, a: the
Sand-shine Front of GEO. ARNOLD.
Oct. 15, 1855. tf
Gettysburg Foundry.
E Undersigned, having enteted into part•
nership to carry on the Foundry busineii
under the firm of WARREN & SONS, hereby
rake known to the citizens of Adams and ad
joining- counties, that we are prepared to make
everything in our line of business.. We have
constantly . on hand, the HATHAWAY and
other Cooking Stoves, the Parlor air
tight and ten plate Stoves, of various styles and
sizes, Pots, Kettles and Part, and all other
Iro i- n - Cooking Utensils, Waffle Irons, Wash
ing, Machines, Ash-plates, Boot-scrapers, &c.
Castings for Mills and other Machinery,
PLOU - G H CASTINGS of every description,
&c. - We make the Seylar, Blocher, and.differ•
eat kinds of Witherow :laughs. We hive
also got different patterns of Fencing* and
!Railing for Cemeteries. Yards and Porches,
ea or eau yor c wryness.
(r—All the above articles will be sold cheap
for Cash or Country Produce. •
*K7 — BLACKSMITHING still rontinurd.
BRASS CASTINGS and every thing in
our line wade to order.
shortest notice. Being Moulders ourselves;
we will do our work RIGHT.
Gettysburg, May 14, 0.55. tf
GEORGE and Henry Wallopler will make
House Spouting and put up the same low,
for cash or country produce. Farmers arid all
others Wishing their Houses, Barns, &c.
spouted, would do well to uive them a call.
April 19, 1853.
Hay Wanted.
j)ERSONS having Hay to sell,willdowen
by calling on the subscriber, in Gettys.
burg, who is desirous of purchasing. The
highest market price will be paid at all times.
0 -- -As he intends having the Hay, after
beim./ packed, hauled .either to Hanover or
Baltimore, the preference-to haul will,be given
to those from whom he may purchase.
Dec. 6, 1852. tf
_J. Lawrence 11111, M. 8.,
AS his Office onedoor westof the Lutheran
church, in C hatnhersburg street, and ap
posite Grawiner's store, where those wishing
tohave any Dental Operation performed
are respectfully invited to call.
Dr. D. Gilbert, lir. C. N. Berluehy. Dr. D.
Horner, Rev. C-.-P. Kranth, D.D., Rev. H. L.
llauglier, D. D., Rev. Prof. William M. Rey.
nolds, Rev. Prof.M Jacobs, Prof. M.L.Stcever.
Gettysburg, April 11, 1853. tf
David A. Buehler, -
- .4 'PTO/I/VEY .9T LAW,
ILL promptly attend to collections and
I r all business entrust3d to his care.
'Office in the Diamond, adjoining store
of A. 13. KURTZ.
Gettysburg, Feb. 4, 1856. Iy
H. ill'Conalighy,
(Office removed to one door West of Bud)keit
Drug &Book-store, Chambersburg street,)
Attorney Si, Solicitor for PatentS
and Pensions,
I)OUNTY Land Warrants, Bac1:-Pay
pended Claims, and all other claims
agdtnst the Government at Washington, D.C.:
also American claims in England. Land `W'ar•
rants located and sold, or bought, and highest
priees given.
Agents engag,ed in locating warrants in
lowa, Illinois, anti other Wester° States; and
lands for sale there.
(-Apply to him personally or by letter.
Gettysburg, Nov. 21, 1853.
E. B. Buehler,
%7 ILL ILL faithfully and promptly attend to
y all business entrusted to him. He
speaks the German language. Office 3t the
same place, in South Baltimore street, near
Forney's Drum Store. and nearly opposite
Danner & Ziecrler's Store.
[March 20.
Win. B. MTlel lan,
.ITTORNEY 1-11 r,
(AFFICE on the south side of the Publio
Squ►re, two doors west of the Sentinel
office. , Aug,. 22, 1853.
I Blanket and Lang Shawls.
11E latv,e , :t and cheapest in town. Also,
Dress Good.—the prettiest lot in
town—to be had at the store of
N,)v. 19,'55. °GEO: ARNOLD.