The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, March 03, 1856, Image 4

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- .
.4 , . r ~... , ,
roan-nov:4c -- Ai veal, VI'S. 1:O. Henry I-less. - 4 4 ii
—...... ; e 3. Jost , ph Itoserifeli "
Alibi. 'iliNiiiiiillt , i - ''C i iiitjp,' 'lrectisitiiei.;' I. 'I• Peggy Sicknaker '
•.44 i 1-'. , ' , ' w ith , ~,,,r . , r. , , Y
IN 41.00040 t 'l,OO fAiire'ivits 'is( th e 'p o( ( n f i n d '' 4 • 1 .' 11l ainflaii Itooir,
cifllie 'lionie a1 ) ,.4iktia . i!it.;i0,...;,('16.00i',.,ty 2 6 .! jiieolt Peters;
a Xd;liii*...!i*,-4.fig.f,.l4Pak:tlie-:ii-i-d-ay"b ( iaduitry, ' 4°:7 ' flu l3"
11 "''''
A..1) t ,',..15511',:r94ie 'NJ 4,,ii ur.VniiA4ri. A 1)
• ..,
--- 05:6•-,-'•
seill4mpc,n4, • 7 44 .
'Order. um Coouty Treasurer, 000,00
March 1,. •. • , 1•411, '
500 00
61 1 CIL .BRI O„ uo
Aprils,. 600'00
Ilday 71, ” „ , 400 00
~.0• dish recd of, Col, 1,1. Swope, ;.*:
.ti C,4. 4t rge.ei,re4 of. McCreary
for Cow, 42; 40
,0-4- Cash
,seeelved of S. :patio
, raw for James Miller,
for support of
Cloub..,Co. Poor "'Ouse, 17 633
Cash res, i'!..ti : of;Aud row; Polly,
A4tlProrWea,Wll,d4ied; ,
. Tar awe of MIS, - %Ike, ' 996
lame pider cu Coulity Titaiwer, 24)0 00
Jul) , " - -0 4 ' .‘ ' 44 ' 900 00
Caidi received of Jelin Scott,
- I.;sti. 4 Steikarrt: 37 15
Aoti,:-6, Order on Coupty Treasurer, 400 Ol)
; 66 Pail Of "Respifig Machine
• paid by Prior
Aogr'. 22, Itee'd of Mosesr,,,lll. Neely
-part- value 'of es:raya, 2 50
Septo:3;;Orsier-iiii Cod nty Treasurer, 300 , 00
.&:‘, , T;;;,,::.4t t ieNlOl'S.'lJiirlitoraw. for 13
vet's' board ;Of 1 1 .",„ Sample, 26: 00
orifir'orf County TreaSurer, 400 00
4 4" Rectified of 8, Dutboraw.
(3daiiiiitlee 'cif ' gbe Salo-
010. for hniird ' - .5.30
Nov. s,,Qtdtir,on County l'reasorer,, 600 00
14- - " 400 00
Jan. '7,
185#, 4n, balance in hands
• of" Trensurtir, tt.1291 445
• CR,
Merlbandizo aria Groperies 1337 183.
Out doocPaoper ellPPurg 014'99
lr",aneral -expenses of du. ' • • • 02 3 . 4
Alec:bailees' ,bills; • . - , 405 €Bl
Male Hirelings - • • • • IRO 00
CitorgtitgltViSoil_, „ 'B7' 60
llorsett,Stock, Beet Cattle aau3,Slseeit 627 '9O
Pork bills-mid Stock .1-logs 349 20
Flout, Grgiteitod:'Grintling.-. .1,01 341
Lime, Huitljitg, 14e. ,„ -,- 228 27,3
Stony Cua( ' • 84 00
• I'4 '71 , ,
Pulilisttity.,AeUoutits, &c. '4l 40
• 100 00
'PreaSureeti ee : AO 00
Chu' -
Di ittiorA extra service
Anew') linhies
Pay tn. Ateitialit
Guano. Salt,
Dried Fiuit ' 4 •
Payment mans to Board,, 8 50
Directors of Pone, Cumberland Co. 39 00
11;uttii, Vatioriery, &n. 26 673
Dalaseri litlliinds.of Treasurer 1291 443
. .
W :the anhseribers Andito ra to settle:and
thijitat- the MIN,' Aeedu nth, :de Merrily certify
that tie have elrainined the limns which eon,-
atioVe AeeOnnt, and that they - are' nor
and--itait-Aire is a •hrtiance of Twelve
Hundred and'Niriety One •-bolturi'and 'Porty-
Fon r Cents in- thestands of A leicander Cobean,
'ereasurer.=—being front the 3d day of Jannary;
ti.55,-in the 7th day Ofiiinuaiy, 1856
both tiayi.inbitiaive. .. •
-W wr,
John Scott, Esq., Steward, -
aee,onnt INillt the Directors or the Poor and
House of Nutployment.of the Vouoty of
- Adams, being from the 3d day of January, A.
18.55, to the 7th day of January, 1856.
Jart.,o.', Toenail for Lard
46 !20 , 44. 64
Mar. 7, ' for Horse,
Apr 6; - Cash, from John Gilbert, •
14, • from H. D. weenej , for
• •
;. • 16 • frnni 11 Jwurd for Cow; • •
Noi:14; z. '-for • •
ILJec: B*, " ; for Sheep W ilson,
- A
1856, Jan. 7—Balance In h a nds , - of
. fly Cask piad out as follows
itirrieeries - • ' 12 16
Vttetattles 29. 61
Vititiar 7 00
'ale andand ` f irkalr hirelings 41 87!
.WatOtt expenses, Freight &Stage fares 29 73
Digging 8 00
tioc4liutd articles - 23 571
Poliaikat. and Stationery 2 75
etiiiltViltid to Paupers &sundry pLrsons "39 534
to 15
Wiiliif tti rig 10 75
6 75
Aicttei;'" 5 F2l
ll:irrie'' • 12 07
Straw 1 30
%w on sick 50
Powder„ 1 05
1856, lati. 7—By balince due Steward '2 35::
the subscribers, Auditors to settle and
v* , juSt the Public Accounts, do certify that we
fiave examined •:he items which compose the
aboveAcenunt, and do report that the same is
'correct—the sane embracing the account of
J•diScott i 'present Steward, from Ow 3d day
l'inisary, A. D., 1855, to the ith day of
A. D., 18.5 G—food. days inclusive—
le4viwr a balance iu bands of Said Stewar , !
wo , lluiLital,Thir ty-fi we and di ree-iourth et.llN.
Litd of OuPDroir Paupers' tend .74,:ount drawn
Yearly by Each.
2. Mrs.:W.le, _ _
rfetelo4, for N. We Acr, I'i - 1I 25) 45
itos4orm Qll
6. S. 20
7. 01aenlo Sit hderg, " 20
8. It. -Hildebrand, " 20
9. Sophia Burrell, $lO half yearly,
10. l'Ars Lriper„
11. Julia Elirlotrt. $6 3lalt yearly,
47 - 19;iepti . Weavi.r. $5 qr.,
stl: Jai:M.Blmb*. 44
715. I) ;Diet HA "
"Ili. Potty Ri4l4 .4
17; "Smuuel Hunter. $7 qr.,
IS, Jacob Lansin,geir,Ss sr.,
- 19. Mary Ikard,
et: Juil4l itUtilbit,
10 00
26 39
1200 00
67606 303
4O 00
GO 00
1 50
111 11
29 07
9 00
42 27
$7606 .3O
$1 65
10 07
65 00
45 80
68 25
36 00
14 00
:317 59
$2 35.1
$217 59
Kiimbrth Dpiert4 "
39. Thomas GriTy,*s linifyeatly ,
311.:111rs: Walla N , . S qr.,
I. .I(Arl_Lcorptr4l_
Wilhel,uign, 114pkey, , qr.,
Frederiel% liap 2Ukey, "
reb. 18, ltst; 4t
Inheritance Tax..
1.". WALTER. Esti., 12efik
ter of Adams ennoty,in amount with
the,Onnunonwealth of Pennsylvania, tOr 'rat
on Collateral Inlieriiances frout-ilteember 1,
185 , 1, - 4,M Novettsher :la, 1855.
rel;2V, 1855. For Tax receivell from 1110 PR'
jig 0 of John A rondl, ,f 5120 13
April 1. " Henry Grain, .2 50
6' „ 10. 66 . Nancy, Ulinniberlin,, 72.15
4 ,- 17. " jtooepli Kiteheii, — lOO 00
f• 21., 66 Magdalene Hoover, 25 00
41 .- it " Sarah Hoover, 55 0
May 12. " Pa'trick' Da uu ugherty, 963
" !23. , " Mary McOonnell, 15 60
29. " Samuel Boyd, 90 00
. -
66 31. i
6. Sally Darr, -10 00
Aug. 111, o' Jacob Miller, 71 25
, 4 17. ‘ 4 Jacob Best, 58 80
Sept. 20. " John Colhertsort, • 55 18
Oct. 19. fe Joseph lit.rtnan, 60 75
-. 6 15. ' Ann Stoner, - ' 22 35
$768 84
Deduct commission, 5 per ce t. 38 44
$730 40
R. G. !MCI{EASY, Sudilur.
Fcb. 18. 4t
_ At riablie Sate.
MflE subscriber, intending to remove to the
West, will sell at , public• sate, at his
residence, in Tyrone township, Atlanta coun
ty, on the old Carlisle road, two miles froM
New Chester, lin Tuesday, Me 26M day a f
February 71;.2 ; I: t* ' f6llO - w in . ,'" valuable Person
al Property, viz
A 0 - Eyi.4tAtile'itt Ara in ll* .
e ,good Cows. a Four-Joorse Wagon with ; bed,
a One-horse.War•oii, a good Buggy and Sleigh.
H 5,,,l I orso Gears,. Winnowiwr
M SIIOVeI 119U11,11; Core: !fork, Log sit 3
0;114f :Chaim:, Also,
household b'r. Kitchen Furnitiire,
soul as' Bureaus; Tables, Bedsteads, Chairs,
Cotner 'Clipboard, Clock, Carpeting,•l Parlor
and 2 Ten-plaio StoVes, 1 Cooking Stove,-
Nettles and •Pols, Meat Vessels, Barrels, and
variety of other articles, too numerous to
'AterSaleloieominence it 9 o'clock; A. M.;
on said day, when attendance will be given
and terms made kn6wn by _ _
Jan, 21,1856. id
Evante Firie 14. 'rider Irrupt' Sales I.
VOA, , Merchants, I.nwyers,' Farmers and
IP Others, !Elvin , ' Bouks, Popers of other
tiidualtles, to preserve (roil! FIRE or BURG
LARS'. ,
'buy & NeWell's(rlohOs) BAN Lac KS.
A CA It D.—Tutc . "Futr. Puoor S A terc," that
preserved our- lucks, Papers, 4-c.; during the
~ G reat -Vivi at Ilart's Buildings," was pur
chased of 01A V . ER EV ANS, 61 S. ;nut St.,
Philadelphia.—.Getz 43 ,- Buck. -
Refrigerators & IVater Fitters.
- EVANS' Premium Ventilated Refrigerators
foreCiolitig and preserving meats, butter;
water and alt articles for culinary purposes.
WATER FILTERS, for purifying brackish.
or muddy water, whether affected by rains,
limestone, marl or other causes; can be had
separate or Int:ached• to the Relrigerators—:a
small quantity aloe cooling the whole, in the
wannest. weather. P0w1..A111.14 SHOWELL BATIIS,
for use_ of warm or cuid water. IN ieceic
Coomsia4; for Hotels, Stor e s arid Dwellings.
Sroux Tsuexe, fir moving bh:res, (yes, &c.—
Stitt, (oPit IWO 110.. I) hI.II;GISTA O.
Alu.6l, , ,S'Utst/s Secant( 81., 2 duur's beloth Chesnut.
, Wish l'atras.
Pro, have fertile LAND at a cheap prim on
'J. easy serum. your attention is culled to the
- NV. `reveo/y-five --- Screg or more in pro,
portion, are given for .$2O - 0, payable in vestal
meets or $1 liar week or $4 per month. It
irt located -in Itllk county, PennsylVflrlill, owl
has one of the /WA markets fur its produce in
the State. The soil is a rick loam, and is not
to be surpassed for forming, as -examination
will show. h has the hest etc-Thetas of pros•
perity, heinf s r. underlaid by two rich veins of
Coat, and will shortly he intersected by four
railroads. The timber is of the most vaable
kind. 'Title unexceptionnbly good, and
nonce deeds are given. It presents a good
and substantial opportunity to- CMllitiener
firming, providing. tom one's children- or mak
ing an invostment. Further particular; can
be had /runt tire pamphlets which are beta to
inquirers. Letters answered promptly. Ap
ply or address SA WI; IV. CATTEI. I:, Sec
retary, 135 W ALN UT-Street, north ~,ide be
tween Fourth and Fifth Sts., Philadelphia.—
Full bilortnation is contained in the pamphlets.
Fell. 11, 1856. 3m
Removed a Few floors South ofthe OM Stolid.
il. Ali KLI.Y . respectfully informs his
• old custnin VS and the puhlie generally,
that lie continues the Y:I1i Oli VG BUSY
ESS, near It is old stand, in Soutl► Baltimore
street, where he will he happy toaceotirmodate
all who may patronize him. All work en
trusted to his care warranted to lit and be of
most suhtztatatal make. Thankful for past
Ityc:rs, he selicts a continuance of public pa-
-.r.The New narl.: Spring and Summer
141NItiuns are received. Call and see them.
Getlysbutg, %pr►i 9, 1855.
AdmigliSiratoo o pi pol ice.
TACO AR NS II te,l{ (4 ER, S
TATE.—Lettere; of administratiori on the ,
eutate of Jacob A ritsherger, late of Huntington
township, Ailants• county, dee., having. heen
grdoted to the undersigned, residloo
towtoship, he hereby gives notice to all
indebted 1 0 said estate to wake he
m, din te papiteht, 'and those having chalins
dg - dinst , the' saute to pti4Serit • LbOtil properly
duthentleated for siettleenent.,
$, '2O
Jan. 1 21, 1856. 3rfits'i
un.!orsujrned intlirrnst the public that
ll he felitioVeri die remain , (If deiid,
mid is iiropareit to 1,r,0 to any distatice 10 bring
them Gera. Ii iA 4:ll4rges are' luiA or than eve
low 14,w0..1„ ,
. G,
Getty7,litirg, Scpt. 10, 1855.
t• - •) -- :e 1 )13 Dt).N Fl.-
l'a i I oi• i n g.
. . , .
20 i , --- fillew establimlansent. i
20 ' COL/114 7 17'E 87'011 1 E 7 1ra BD.
20 ~- „,,,/ 6, • : A
20 , II // r„, undersigned respeetrully , itifOritt the
i , citizens of Gottysburg - and . the." public
z, t)
m•rwratty, that they have openod it GILA NUM
STO - Nl.l:VXlTD a iiii. "Siiiiifi — ThirtiiiiTrio -- S r liti;f,,.
opposite the re..idenee of Geo.'ltryock, where
they - are. prepared to furnish Granite Vane,
d r ,..„,„,..,,t,i 5in ev er y style, Cur M 0111111W1111S, 1)00f
t fls--anit---filtepirrand—overr-kintl- o (—hnif ding--
and ornatne.ntal nse. Also, n u Blocks
always on hand, and a general variety of Dress
/A 'lit:tune.
The undersigned, having had certsiderable
experience in their Ittnainess, reepectfully in
vite persons wishing anything in their line to
give us a call—as we are prepared to furnish
the same attiete CH lb-Prat tliym it has ever
been heretofore offered in thltysiturg.
1' ET Eli. BI;1TL
.I,ln. 7, 1856. 3m •
.11:. 11. Needles,
. - rt:- .-- "
I.ISH ENT, AS'. W. Cur. ty . Twelfth and Race
Streets,-Philadelphia, Neuters's aline Fassen
oss ts,
,combining extreme lightness, ease
and durability with correct construction.
Hernial of ruptured patients can be suited
by remitting amounts, as below :—Sending •
number of inches round the hips, and 'stating
side affected. Cost of 'Single Truss, $2, $3,
$4, $5. Double—ss, SU, $8 and $lO. In
structions as to wear, and how to effect a cure,
when possible, sent with the Truss.
.Also for sale, in great variety, Dr. Banning's
Improved Patent Body Bruce, for the cure of
Prolapsus Uteri; Spinal Propd'and Supports,
,Patent Shoulder Braces,
Chest Expanilers-and
Erector Braces, adapted to all with Stoop
Shoulders-and Weak. Lungs; English Elastic
- A bdotninal Belts, Suspensories, Syringes—
male and female. ;f' Ladies' Rooms, with
Lady 'atintlants . . - •4 A lig: 6, 1855. 1y
Staull'er.& Harley. ,
VI Wholesale '&
Befall, at the Philadelphia
Watch, and Jewelry Store, No. 96 North
Secclnd street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia.
Gold Lever Watches, full jew,ele,d,,lB:caret
eases, $2B 00;001J Lepines, 10 caret, $2l 00;
Silver Levers, full jeweled, $l2 00; Silver
Lepines.- - jewelS, $9 00; Superior Quartters.
$7 00 ; Vold Spectacles. $7 00; Fine Silver
do., $1 50; Gold Bracelets. $3 00; Ladies'
Pencils, $1 00; Silver Tea Spoons, set,
$5 00;' Gold Pens, with Pencil arid Silver
Holder, $1 00
Gold Finger Rings 371 cents to SSO; Watch
Classes,:plain. 1•23 cents, patent 1.8.1 ; Lintel
2:3"; other articles in proportion. All goods
warranted, to be what they are sold for.
-On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and
Levinei, still lower than the above prices.
Oct. 1, 1855. ly
china, Wass and olincenware
Geo. M. Bokre, Successor lo J. C. B o h e e 4- Co.,
mpoRTER awl Dealer in . C 111 NA,
GLASS and Qu EENSWARI:, 41 Ararth
!Inward Street, (lint rleen Eugene and Lexing•
ton s:reels,) Baltimore, Md., respectfully in
vites the attention of Dvaleri; [nail ex - eninalioe
of las well th.sorted stook before perchpsing
elsewhere. [ Vet). 19; 1855. ly
Franklin lons
Corner of High & llillen streets, Baltimore.
/1014. THOMAS .1 A''.l KSON,: (lately of
_./ York, Pa.,)_ has leased the FaitrititaN
INN, cnritri• of rind
inure, Md., Mid will entertain guests on mod
erate terms. lie hopes . t.o . give entire satis
faction, and will spare no ell'ort to merit the
approval of all who can appreciate a "well
regulated and home-like Hotel. Give him a
- [salt., Dec. 1(1,' 1855. 3m
Hanover VS. Railroad.
1110INg over tile flan-over Branch Rail
mad now run .g's follows:
First Train loaves Hanover at 91 .X.
With PasseOffers for York., Ilarrisbanr,
nml,ia and Philadelphia. This 'Plain also
connects with the Express for Baltimore, ar
rivite4 there at I I'. ill., stopping, at Clenrock,
Parliton and Cockeysville.
Seeond Train leaves at P. M., with Pas
s-etwors for Baltimore and intermediate places.
and returns with passengers From York, &c.
July '23, 1855. tf
List of Leiters
1') RNIAININt; inolie Post 01liee, at (iet
-111, tysikorg, rubrualy IS, 1856.
1-i-r-rwer N iel 01-as ll-ti-sset--.1-rn .
liatitz C. Norris iss Susan
13oAseritiati John Passa vain Hey. VV. A.
William G. Putt-retail W.
Misen!lart Sehilitedier Randolph Nathaniel
Forney \4 I lantiali I. Stevenson A. R. Esq.,
Frastire Stephen Sutler Peter
Guinn Catharine Sillily Dr. David
(:ostnatt I''r " drrick TaWney Abram
Fisher 1-1. L. Titzel Josiah R.
Fit-oiler A. 1) tiger William -
Hartzell 1111s..Catli..1. Wharton IMaria A.
Niue •I'. Wititr(ale Edwaid
Leonhard Prof. I. V hurley George
Ilikesell Peter 13.
WM. caLLEspiE, P. IT.
CLY- Persons calling fur letters in the above
List will please say they were ad veriised.
f Call and See Es
\ T. KING respectfully announces to
leis lriends and tl u public generally
that he continues the T. , 11 LORI
MIS NE SS in the Rant adjoining the
store of J. Lawrence Bchiek, and front
itt<, on the Diamond. lie has made armoire-
mews to receive regularly the LATRST FASH
toNs, and it will be his constant aiin to . !TiVfi
entire satklaction to those who may favor him
with their custom.
Ei-:•Y'Country produce will he token in ex
cliamfe for work. • WM. T. KING.
Gettyaburg,, Dec. 17, 1855. ly
Caledonia Iron.
I~ 'kIINESOCK BROTH ERS., Ravin, the
exclusive slle of CALEDONIA. ROLL
ED IRON l'or (eity9burg, would call the at
tention 11l buyers to this make of Iron—the
best in the market—which will be sold at the
lowest rates.
We keep a lailre supply of 11.1:11M Ell ED
IF O N constantly - on hand. Call at the sign
of tho
Dec. 10, 1955.
QUI - lICK has on hand a more empiric. as
Isortint.lll of Cloths, 41:.assitk1eres.
&c., than ever—and Lifters such
intluevaiviits to purchasers us cannot but be
idvitotaizeuus to them. Geutlenien 'anti find
his store %veil supplied with ail hinds uf goods
spited to 11:k it wear.
Shoe:0:00ms, conic ‘valy.
I ,
AHNENTOCI. I U Hill sell
you NIOROUCOS from ceuts to
ti;:i 00, the the lot ever brought to the
CoJuty. soon dl the!
-1)1V.2).4.:115, Liru.)lics, and BaPkelq, for sale
, 4. E0,. ARNOLD has just returned from /, the . with a lams ;lot of DRY
' GOD 04.. cru'ES'.=4 u EN SW A RE.
I 11A DY',IVt'AD :GLOTIA ~ oims•
- rmutrs-;16: - .1-a - iFtreirrir
hand rtt:•oeh'Clothc Vl6,,ti o ir 4 ; V ass t.;
t and an e tut ItisS variety: Of LA DINS' DUS
i n his li ne of Inisinessall whieli wilt be
Bold as cheap, if not 'little elleaper, than any
other establishment here or elo-eW herr. And
to Cloth's, Cassinieres, Satinet's, and
Readyquade Clothing,' w e
challenge coin—
; petition. (laving now furnished you Willi
Goods for upwards of 40" years, I 'rave at all
tunes endeavored to pursue a -straight.forward
course, and furnish any and every tirtiete in
my line of business upon the very best terms,
and' will continue to do so.-*Vive as'
06:15, 1855. ti
1555. New Goodsl - is 55.
gni E subscriber, tenders his ncknoWledg
merits to his friends and the puillic s fur
the liberal patronhae heretofore extended .to
him, and respectfully informs Otero that_he
has just returned from the cities with a, eplen
did aslortment of N GOOD, cOmprislng
in part a fine stock of Delaines, Shawfs,Oing
hams,. Gloves, 4.itochin;zs, Ribbons, Collars,
Muslims, Irish Linens, &c., all of which will
he sold at the lowest cash prices. Ile deems
it unnecessary to enumerate the difforent,arti•
cies which comprise his stock, lie w o uld
earnestly invite all to call and examine before
parchasi rig .else where.
Oct. 15. It . J. S. GRAMMER,
NvOr. nein mid Iliew 'GOods.
rpm; subscribers, having bought the stock
I •of Boots. S ices,. Hats and Caps of KEL
LER. KU RTZ, purpose continuing the !mil
ness, at the old established, 'stand, Smith EaSt
Corner of Centre Square, where they- have
just received a fresh supply of the above goods
from the cities of, Philadelphia and Baltimore,
comprising all the newand desirable styles of
, - hen's Boys' and Youths' Silk, Fur,
,and. Slouch HATS. Men's,
Boys' and YouthS'Fine'Calf; ,
VV Kip, and chained• BOOTS &
SHOES; with a large isiortrnent.of Ladies',
Misses' and Child's.Wathing and N'tne Dress
SllO ES, (;', A ITE &c. - CI um Dress-shoes,
Buskins and Sandalls'in eirery variety.
We would respectfully announce to the citi
zens of Adams county, that we haven't earnest
disposition-6 pleithe the particular taste of
every One who may favor us-with their
age, and respectfully ask all to - call and see.
The business will he'condacted under the
Finn of CO fl EA IN" & 'PA XTON
Oct. 2.2, 1855. " -
suliscriher having disposed of his in
tlqum--i a---1-14-e„--11oot
Business to Messrs. COB EAN Q P AXTON,
respectfully axis the continuance of his friends
rrw'custuwcrs to patronize the New Firm.
Oct. 22, 1855.
Vrazerls - Chiap i'Vrittt!h & jeVsr-.
LER FRAZER respectfully informs
1-1. V
the public; that he has just received a
large and splendid assortment of "rich and new
*,style COLD JEW ba.tar'of all kinds, inclu
diter Breast Pins, Etager Rings, Ear Rings,
of the most fashionable styles; fob. vest and
guard Chains, Cuff Pins, ‘Vatch Keys, &c.
Also, /Mom Spoons, Fancy Vases, _Watch
Guards, Keys, and Chains, *afro
GOLD & Si, vcit w A 're "I Es, -
together wily a large assort-
went of. illoornism Goods, suitable for
persons in mourning, and numerous otner ar
ticles in his hne—all of which will be sold
ut Ile lowest cash prim s.
cr•-•i"'As L have purchased all my goods from
regular Jewellers, 1 will WARRANT them
to be what 1 pronetmee them. Of this- pur
chasers may rest assured.
PAIRED, as• heretofore. Give we a call,
in Baltimore street, a few doors from the
diamond, if you want good J ewelry, and the
genuine article, lower than the same can be
purchased any place out of the city.
Cetty'burg, Nov. 5, 1855. If
F. fl. Smith,
Phdadedphfct, always on hand a large and
varied assortment of "
Poll Monthlies, . Work Boxes,
Poeket Books . , Cahas,
Bankers- (%ases, Traveling Banc,
Note lrolders, 13aekgaininon Boards,
Port Folios; Chess Men,
Portable Desks, Pocket Mew. Borbks,
Dressing. Cases, 01-es
s • &e.
Also,. a L E,eneral at . ortur - ent, of EN,GLISH,
Fine Pocket. Oran:Ty, Razors, Razor Strops
and Gold Pens. \Vhulesale ‘.. , ..eentid awl
Third 'Floors. P. ,
N. W. et.ruer Fourth C.he.,nut PiLii:oi:t
N. B.—Ott the teeeipt of $l, it Superior
Cold Pelt will be sent to airy part of the
IJnited States, by wail ;- 71 eseribing pert, thus,
medium, bard, or soft. [April 2., 1855. 1y
Diamond Tonsor.
TOFIN W. TIPTON, Fashionable Bar
t" her and Hair DreNser, can at all times
be •fou tul prepared to attend to the calls of the
emit le,at the 'I csnide, in the Diamond, adjoin
ing the County Building. From long exile-,
rience, he flatters himself that he can go
through all the ramifications of the Tonso
rial D 4 pa with such an infinite
degree of skill, as wil! meet with .the entire
satisfaction of all who maystibinit their chins
to the keen ordeal of his razors. lle hopes,
therefore, that by his attention to business,
and a desire to please, he will merit as well
as receive, a liberal share of public patronage.
The sick will be attended to at their private
tiettvsburp;, Jan. 8, 1 855. tf
hid 410 et.
T A DIES' White, Mack, and colored KID
iJ 1,31.0 V -ES, at 6.24 cents, worth 871.
Gentlemen's do. at 75 cents, worth $1 25
just received front NPW York Anctlon by
Oct. 15, 1855.
II ea 413 •IDit de Cloth jinx,
Unatin!z, Casstlitcrt-s, enQsinets,
Vest i & t.—tlit largest variety oil
1141141 and constantly :11.11:int , up. The best.
baroattis in town at. the Clothing Ittiporittna
at Ire sand stone fronl. 01
Nov. 19. • GEO. ARNOLD.
►chempcs: U,) \1 ESTIC GOODS ever
I brought. to Gettp,buq.,,r. Come and sue,
and judgo fur-louisci‘es.
ESS TRINUNIINGS a al! kind:l can h&
I_ 7 had at SCIIICK's as cheap as the
J. S. (.; ii.ll )IER.
Neu - Hardware Store.
tfott l/11.: suhueribers would respeetfulli an
!. oce to their friends and the ittihlip that
, IL
they have opened a NgW 11 A 1; DIN All F.
i STORK, in Datil more Street, mt . joititn,k (kr_
(hey- are oiiening a large and general assori-
I nut of
-Hardware; Iron ; Steel; Groceries,
ONe It -- )11Nci
21 , 1, 1 1 , 1
&bar —ware, Aloe
Paints, 011 s, and Dye-stuffs,
in general, itteltoling every description of_arti
cies in the above lilies of business, to which
they invite the attention of- Coach-rnakers,
_Carpenters, Cabinet -makers,
Shoe-makers, Saddlers, and the public gen-
Our stock having lwen sehleted with great
care and purchased for Cash, we guarantee (ler
the Ready Money,) to dispose of any part of
it on as easonable terms-as they can he pur
chased any where.
We- particularly_legriest. a 4
friends, and earnestly solicit a share of public
favor, as we are determined to establiSh a char
acter for selling Goods •at lots
,prities and do
ng business on fair. principles. • ,
Gettysburg,'June 9, 1851. tf
17 MANUEL ZIEGL ER .has just returned
..124 from the city with the largest lot of
GROG Eli 11:5 he has ever before opeced, to
which he invites the attention of all, convinced
thatlie.can offer RARE BARGAINS. He, has also
a fine lot of HAMS, SHOULDERS; &c;
FINN 'of' all kinds ; Lemons,,Oranges, and
other fruits ; Crackers', N uts, Confections ;
Segars, Tobacco, Snuff, and_ a general, variety
of everythintf, "from a needle to an anchor,'.!
al ino,t. Give him a call, dy oil want tip I.,uy
what's cheap and good.
4 . l.—Country Produce taken for
Goods. [May 7,1855.,
Read 3'-made Clothirig.
1% ARCUS SAMSON has just returned
111 from New York, Philadelphia, and
13altimore, with the largest .and best assort
ment of IiEiIDY ALIDE 'CLOY HISG, ever
brought to Gettysburg, made up in' rtin-nifi
cent styles;•and most approved fashiond.. In
regard to workmanship, they can't be excelled
by any
,custotner tailor.
enlarged my place and steel:, I am
able to sell licatly•wiatle Clolking• of every de
scription, cheaper ;hap ever .offered before in
this or any other place this sine of the Atlan
tic. M Stock consiits in ifrt of COATS,
of all sizes, prices, colors and .kin si ma e op
in a superior manner. -PANTS & VESTS,
of the latest and most fashionable styles, and
every kind of (roods suitable for winter wear.;
also BOOTS c k. SHOES, and a' large assort
ment of Gentlemen's and Boys' Furnishing.
Goods, vonsisting in extra quality linen-bosom
Shirts, Suspenders, Gloves, Half* HoSe, Col
hrs. Neck and Poeket II tnilkerchiefs, and an
extraordinary assortment of black satin and
fancy Self-adjustiro• Stocks, and various other
fancy articles; together with Umbrellas,Trunks,
Carpet Bags, HatN, Caps, Binds and Shoes. sl y
Goods are selected and purchased under the
most favorable circumstances.' "Quick Soles
4 , - Small Pryils," is. always the motto I am
determined to carry out, at the Honey-saving
Clothing Emporium in York street.
A personal examination can alone satisfy
customers of the comprehensiveness of my
stock, which I am selling at least 20. percent.
lower than can be found at any of my com
r,b." , y-I am also prepared to sell wholesale to
country merchants desiring to sell again,
eady Made .(..; ot h ing CHEAPER RATES THAN
it cal: and examine for yourselves.
N. B.—All Goods bought of we will be ex
changed it they do not prove satisfactory. "
Gettysburg, Oct. 1, 1855.
A Marvellous Remedy for a Marvellous Age
lifolloway's Ointment.
By the aid. c.f . a iniercscope, we see mil
lions of little openings on the, surface of our
bodies. Through these this Ointment, when
rubbed on the skin, is carried to any organ or
.p-it-r-t-,----D4-setises of the •
orders of the " Liver, affections of the heart,
lotiammation of the Lungs, AStlanas„ Coughs
and Colds, are by its Means effectually cured.
Every housewife knows that salt passes freely
through hone or meat of any thickness, ' This
healing. Ointinent Mr more readily penetrates
through any bone or fleshy part of. the living
body, curing the most dangerous inward corn
plaints, that cantw. be reachrd by other means.
as,Sa It tt Ileum Scorb u II mitinri.•
No remedy 'has ever done so much for the
cure of diseases of the Skin,w hatever form they
may assume, as this Ointment. No case of Salt
Rheum, Scurvy, Sure Heads '
Scrofula, or
Erysipelas, can lung withstand its influence.
The inventor has ;ravelled over many parts
Of the. globe, visiting the principal hospitals,
dispensing this Ointment, giving advice as.
to its application, and has thus been the means
of restoring countless numbers to health.
Sore Legs, Sore Breasts, Wounds ti,.; Ulcers.
Some of the most scientific su rgeons now
rely solely on the use of this wonderful Oint
ment, when having to cope with the worst
eases of sures, wounds, ulcers, glandular
swellings, and tumors. Prof. Holloway has,
by conimanil of the Allied Governments, dis
patched to the hospitals of the East, huge
shipments of this Ointment, to be used under
the direction of the Medical Staff, in the worst
cases of woouati, It will cure any ulcer,
glandular swelling, stiffniss or contraction of
the joints, even of yea's' standing.
Pates mid Fistulas.
These and other similar distressing com
plaints can he effectually cured if the Oint
ment he well rubbed in over the parts affected,
and by otherwise folio.. ing the printed direc
tion:44round each pot.
Bulk. lite Oittliltrttl ayid Pills should be uscd in
. I , ll‘)tving- cases:
Itttnion3 l'ilea ;Sores of :i.ll kinds
liarip-; I:lleumatisni Spraint: -
l'lcipio , .i ll.Lipls : , .11t. laiouni Scithk
l'litt.ll.l.LinsZ. 4 kin DiNe.t.,ei :celled fli.tuili
:ore Leg, :1111 Jtants
Sole Itreaqts
I I.itillk..-.
I,,titipap) z•orkt
Met - 1111)31 Frill - 1111111 , Sore) Tin oats
Id .It the I , :4t.itilish mein of Professor
I oin.ow v, f;O, Maiden Lane. New 1 ork, and
H Londoir, and by all respectable
Drin.mist-: and Dealers in Medicines through.
nut the U lined States, and thecivilized World,
iii Pots. at - .2.5 cents, 6-.2 1 , cents, and 1 each.
' - r - Tilore is a considerable saving by tak
iirr the lamer sizes.
N. R.—Direetiung for the guidance - of pa_
tients in every disorder arc affixed to each Pot.
July :33, 1655. ly cow
OSIEIt Y.—ti new article of NI and
wooi: Fr.. aim Nirk -- n - Fwa - iI UsI,,
for sale at FAUN ESTOC BROTH ERs,
) Oct.. 1). tit licd .Front. .
. •
irr A S'his Office v'ebst of 1114tothrk,
_.l U trinreirci Pli nth bef,hintg•ttiacelOittd,fip.,--
ptp,jte qrapotner7s
'to have ally lii , iiiallipe;jrkillonyerftlin t a .
are respeetkilly invited tei ;
1/1-.11 - 1 )err, rr. .• . • t.r iy, r.
11 oilier, Rev. C.' P. Krantb,
Uangber, D. D., Rev. Prof. William M.. Rey
noltls, R ev. Prof. NI ..lacob:4, Prof. M.L.Stcever.
Gettysburg, Apritll; 1853. if
- D.
.'47 4 .ronlver ✓IT - L/IW,
(Office retrioveil to one 'door West of llnehler's
Drug &Buok-store, (.luunbcf§buig'street,)
. .
Attorney, soficmor ,for patentq ,
„-__ and Pensionti,,
T)OUNTitz Land 'Warrants,,,Back-Pay sus
) -pended Clairtis, and all oilier claims •
(-against the Government At Washingion,D. C.
also American claims in England. Land War-
rants located.and sold, or bought, and .highetit
• .
Agents engaged in locating- warrants
lowa, Illinois, and other Western /States ; and •
lands-for-sale there,': '
(*--Apply to hint personally or by letter.
• Get.tysburg, Nov. f2l, 1853.
VITILL faithfully
,and, prome,,tly attend to
IV • all business. entrusted, to him. Ile r
speaks the German 'language. - Office it the '
.same -place, -in s, -South_ Battitnoie-street;-fneats--
Torney's Drug Store, and nearly opposite,
, Danuer & Ziegler's Store. . (March 2.0,
• ATTORNEI I , - T L.qW,
OFFICE on the south side of the Peqic
Square, two doors west of the Sentidel
office. Aug. 22. 1853..
PRSONSlving,flay to sell,willdowell
. by calling, on the subscriber, in Geilys
bu'rg, who is. desirons of .purchaSing. The
highest tnarkerpriee will be paid at all tines.
.KrAs he intends having- the Hay, after
being packed,, hauled .either to Hanover or
Baltimore, the preference to haul will be given
to those from, whom he may' purchase.
Dec. 6, 1852.. tf
RITZ, HENDRY' St; , CO. No. 20 North
_r- Stp!it; - Philddelphia, 51 011oCCO
NUANUFPLCTITReFtB; C URA! 13 FS 'and hiPowrins
of FRENCH CA I. F-S INS,; - ayd Dealfts in
February 26,1855. ly:: -•
63-11421-111enry \ Va m pter will make Ur House SpOUting and plit'up the same low,
for cash or country produce. Farii n and all
others wishing their Houses, Barns,: &c.
spouted, Would dU well to give them a call.
April 18,185.3.
THE undersigned, having enteied into part
nership to carry on the Vound ry huz-ioess
under the firm of WA it It EN & SONS, hereby
irmke known to the citizens of Adams and ad
joining counties, that we are prepared to make
everything in our line of business. We have
constantly on hand, the 11 ATI] AWA Y and
other Cooking Stoves, the Parlor air
tight and ten plate Stoves, of various styles and
sizes, Pots. Kettles and. Pans, and all other
Iron Cooking Utensils, V‘allhi. Irons. Wash
ing Machines, Ash-plates, Boot-scrapers, ISzc.•
Castings for Mills and other Machinery,
PLOUGH C ASTUN GS of every description,
&e.. We make the SeNlar, Blocher, and differ-
ent kinds of Witherow Ploughs. ,We `have
also got different patterns of Fencing* and
Railing for Cemeteries,Yards and Porches;
which can't be beat for beauty Or cheapness.-
the above articles will be sold cheap,
for Cash or Country Prodnee,
( --- -1 - 3LACKSMITHJNG still continued.
-BRASS CASTINGS and every thing in
our-line made to order.
shortest notice. Being Mpulders outsehreS s
we will do our work.itiGHT.
—4 1 11041-A-8 A. W-
Gettysburg, May 14, 1855. tf
Great Attraction' at the Sand-stone Front.
Ready-natade Cipthing. - •
GEORGE ARNOLD has just finished
making up; and has on hand, as large a
suitable for the Fall and W inter Season, as
has ever been offerrd to the Public in thiS
place. His. CLOTHING is,all . of his own
manufacturing, and well made, of the very
best materials, and none of your CITY-MADE
TRASH, which has hecn put together:in' a
hurry by crushing the poor seamstress with 'a
mere pittance for her labor, or done,,with the
loop-stitch of a Sewing Machine, which Hone
,stitch gives way the' whole Seam is gone.—
We give fair wages, have our wind well done,
and wade of the hest materials, and our young
ladies come in with the garments with smiling
countenances and cheerful hearts. We have
now on hand •
Coats of all grades & colors from 1 to 20$,
Pants , 50 cis. to 10$,
Vests it ' 62 3 eta. to' 7s,
made of all colors, and in every variety of
style. %%e have experienced workmen em
ployed constantly cutting out and making up
all kinds of Black, Blue, Olive, Claret, Green,
Brown and Drab C loths,Coating,s,Cassimeres,
Satinetts,.Jeans, Veetings, Drawers, shirts,
&c. &c. •
Having just returned from 'the East, we
have now on hand, in connection with our
Clothing Store, a very large stock of cheat)
C lothS,Cassi eres,Cassi aets,Csatings,Jeans,
&c. of every Val iety of color. We have
just received the Fall - and Winter frashionS,
and if we cannot please you' in a garment
made up we can at all times take your mea
sure, and make up a garment that will please
on short notice. We will not make the bold
assertion that we will sell 25 per cent. cheaper
than anybody eke, but that we will sell any
article in our line as cheap as the cheapest, and
a little cheaper, and a (rood deal better. Give
us a call, examine and judffe for yourselves.
Come one, come all, to the CLOTHING BM
POR I IT M, a: the
Sond-stone Front (If GEO. ARNOLD.
Oct. 15, 1855. tf
1' eit.• oat Soreg
of 'hind%
__Blanket and Long Shawls;
9 - 1 HE largest and cheapest in town. Aldo,
Ladies' D-resit Goods—the prettiest lot in
town—to he had at the store of
Nov. 19,'55. GEO. ARNOLD.
N rS it cote *ant" ha ndsome and cheap
t :S. Hi I I :t t
Sign rl_ Ecd.brunt.
J. Lass' re4e 4111,1111,-111; U.,
If E." Wit It 1.4
L. B J u.ehter,
Win. IL itirCtellitit,-
!'!y Wanted.
Lea ifier.
Gettp.butr?,; . • Foundry.
• .11 _NEW FIR