The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, February 25, 1856, Image 3

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    A Clay Whig, Speaking Out.
- i . •
- 111ARIUF D
A - - y .
1 ' Some Know Nothing editor' . in Ai:thitiba is
a On t 10, inth irot at Litriborn ',- 1 ••• .1- I
. making warfare upon• Vol. Figures. editor of th, itr , . J . Z1 , 010 .I) ' 1 . 11 , `A if'. ML l' .l . t " ;: , ;l .l : l l " ll cn CTZ tv' t l4 o ld Al l iZ
IS t A li t t il i , ji b e l:l t _!<l . o.l.Ell, :01 fortiwrty of Atinto4 county. Pa
the Hun tsv Hie Advocate, because the Colonel. ' i ist-i •by Ow 'lrv. Mr. Parhuyt, Mr. J.ll'oll
refusing to join_the KIIDIT NAIIIITTS. fierg - Ndli - f___ P 4 T Ti ' ll ' y t " : ' 11 " l ' i 11. A`\ LEN tNsrtNE, Nall or
---7 - -etcrtum--, un,-,-ari-ihrmeTh-rrt-A,L, -of-4-count ) . '..
- 01 2 -
from Liverpool, with Earopeon - datos to the ..,(i the
Democracy. - Col. Figures, in spookily lD -or 0 . ( 1, 4. 'Nth ^ 1 ktece'.lher: by the Roy. Ilftnry Aurally-I, Mr.
NAIL,' Et, it Yr_RS yo Mi,o, 1:1.4 ZABELTI UM/. Eit, both 'IL
ilia., a.rri fredtifiiiiiiiiniirfg; - exrz - lirost - t w As -z- This proscnt political association, says : •
1 this counts. • -
terms voyage. , 'We feel verreoinfortable in the 'Democratic - Ni . f :'',:,l-1 1 , 1 „.. it el ,.. r : . 1,: i t ', 1 . 3 '1, 1 , )3 N . i t i , h :Mr i * A. A i l i r ig i ' ( , ) A l l ( , l i N . e 1 ,‘,;,, t 1, 1-
We ri e lret to say that the Pacific had not and anti-Know Nothing party.' It is the only ; on the 15th nit :by the
Mr tiEntii'}; i.i'vfm;;;•:
ToN 1., mis.•;lztiti• - •.T11 C INRON IST Eli. both of %big ro•
returned to Liiverpool, nor had anything been party which can overthrow the Black Repub.. 1
i O n the ith in4t .by the 4,,,,e Mr J WOllll I EltrW of
'ward of her since the sailing of the Persia. licans, preserve the equality of the States, the ; York ronnty.• to Nfis: DELI LAI.I II CMNI ER, of : thi, yOut;ty.
The prospect of peace is stilt highly favora- rights of the citizens, and the Union. In its 1 Oh the' sane (111 Y by the ennui, Mr WILLIAM DEN 11,,
,, D A 7 t ll , F r Et r b u )
n 'A t l % i , ss MARTHA JANE EI.LIOT, of Hat
ble, and all accounts agree in looking. for a ranks we find thousands of old line-whigs.— optun,
speedy tei initiation of hostilities. The Peace jWe 'know that there is no danger to the cotin i on ow nu' init. ,by Roc'. J. II c. Doh. M r , JOAN W.
: N
Congress is to asetrible at Paris about the 17th try in the party. Under its control, the nation DIEHL. a V r.Lotclin tir,lVP, I:111101K, t. MISS CAT ll AM 1
. 11. E 11 Kt..1C.1 d-hter of David Chamultyllia, Es q . , all of tliii
of February, The admittance of Prussia' to a will continue as heretofore to expand; gmw , count ' aw *y. ..._
part in the, Conferentam, is thought to be doubt- and prosper. There is entire harmony in the I r,,, .-...--
ft,' party, despite all the exertions to snow dissen- I
Peace , Prospects Brighter.
London Morning ../Idveraver, has the following
announcement regret to hear that at
• ai l interview which Lord Clarendon 'and Mr.
Buchanan had together at tlidloreign office on
___rr t i es clay,_rery_angry, words passed bet Ween
them relative to. the Central Adierieair:ques-
Lion • •
of the Russian GoVerninent completing and
cord-liming the telegraphic announcement of
the unconditional acceptance Of Austria's pro
positions, were received at Vienna on the 23d
ult., and a courier immediately conveyed them
*to Paris and London.
A memorandum, embodying the proposi
tions, had titer' signed at Vienna -and sent to
Paris and London. -
It. is reported that the Congress will meet
at Paris on February 17, that very little time
will be lost in the discussion of the subject,
and that - the whole matter will be brought to a
conclusion, by February 25th.
The signing of the prelitninaries.priorto the
opening of the Couference, now only awaits
the arrival of the Turkish Plenipotentiary.
It is stated that Prussia refuses to agreelo
the conditions exacted by the Allies prelimina
ry to her admission into the - Peace Conferen
ces; and that consequently she will be exclu-
ded from the Conference.. but be, invited to
sign the final deed of settlement.
Baron Brum and Count Orloff are the Rus
sian Pleninotentiaries,.assisted by Messrs. Ti
toff , und Fenton. Lord Clarendon . represents
England ;Marquis D. Azeglio, Sardinia ; Count
Buol, Austria ; M. Walewski, France ; Dervish
Yacht, Turkey.
Tits BALTIC.--Letters received to the 30th
ult., speak of Mild weather; and the resump
tion of navigation, more or less, at Pillau,
Metrel and Cuxhaven. The ice was breaking
Trn CRIMHA.—The correspondence from the
Crimea, from the "English camp, to January
18th, reports the army healthy. The Russians
continued to fire from the North Forts. Prince
Gortschakoti had handed over the command to
General Luders, and issued a new valedictory
to the commanders in the Crimea.
On the 9th of January the . Russians made
an expedition over the ice •to attack Kertsch,
but Gen. Vivian being on the alert, they retired.
Breadstulis have_ declined considerably.
An Awful Tragedy—A Young Wife Mur
dered by her Husband—Subsequent
We copy from the Memphis Whi g," of the
9th inst., the followhig narrative of one of the
most horrible tragedies we have ever heard of
"Ai r e heard, yesterday, the particulars of
one of the most melancholy tragedies• that we
have known. for - many years," which occurred
in Marshall county, Miss., about 12 milesirom
Holly Springs, on Nliednesday last. Mr. R.
R. Cox, a planter in good circumstances, killed
his own wife while she was lying asleep in
her bed, and then shot himself through the
- heal, killing himself instantly. This occurred
some time during, the-night, but was not known
until the next morning, when a negro man
went to the room to make tire, and found the
door fastened. Not. being able to raise any
one on the inside, the neg ro Called the overseer,
who carne and forced the door open, when he
found both Mr. and
.Mrs. Cox dead—she lying
on the bed with two biillets through her head,
and he lying on the hearth, shot through the
region of the heart, with his hand still grasp
ing the deadly revolver. They had been mar
ried but a short time, and it is supposed that
Mr. Cox was insane at the time, as -he has
freqnentlysuffered from aberrationsof the mind.
Both Mr.. and Mrs. Cox were known by
many of our citizens, he as the possessor and
occupant some two or three years since, of the
. dwellin t ' s in the southern part of the city known
as the •'Swiss Cottage," while the young anti
beautiful bride was, but a fear months since,
a gay and lively school-girl, attending Mrs.
—Armstrong's school-in - this-ti ty;sand-wil7-be
membered by many as the pretty Miss Sallie
Wilson. Leaving School, she married Mr. C.
sometime last 'all, and now she has been cut
olf from alli ly opus and happiness by him
who had .. I nu avowed to love and protect
her. Mr '. was a worthy young man, and
there can be-no doubt but that he was labor
ing under insanity at the time of this awful
calamity ; in fact, many circumstances• that
transpired a day or two previous go to show
that he was not in his right mind.
Much sympathy is felt in this community
for the cal - pities and friends of both the de
ceased persons—families of the first standing
in North Mississippi. May God be their help
in this, their hour of the deepest and most
heart-rending affliction.
The Memphis Enquirer, speaking of the
affair, says the parties had been married only
six weeks, and adds :
Mi. Cox is the third male member of a
'worthy family who has died a violent death
within the last eight or ten years. One, in a
fit of insanity, threw himself from the deck of
a Mississippi steamer, and. • was 'frowned :
another was slain by the accidental discharge
of a duuble-barreled shot gun, when starting
011 a camp -hunt; and now we have to record
the death of still another, and that of his fair
young wife, by his own hands.
Singular Acquittal of a Woman Charged
with Murdering her Husband.,
We copy the following from one of our wes
tern exchanges. It needs no comment :
"Mrs. Jane E. Ruggin, of Piqua, Ohio, has
just been tried and cleared of the crime of
murder in the Miami county court,. Mrs. Rug
gin poisoned her husband, and confessed the
crime in the presence of two hundred persons
—so_stated by,the cortespondent - --and yet, by
the sagacity and ability of her counsel, she
was cleared of the horrible crime. It appears
that she had for a long time entertained the
idea of getting rid of her hnSband, who was
an excellent person, that she might marry a
fellow whose appearance was very digesting.
She purchased arsenic. and after two attempts
succeeded in killing him with it. She was - -
cleared. because, her testimony being ruled
out, the evidence was of a circumstantial char
acter, which could not warrant conviction.—
Mrs. R. is represented as
... a woman of prepos
sessing appearance, young, and a church mem
ber; and her case excited the most intense in
terest throughout the whole of Miami county.
Her discharge is owing to the skill
__wi th which
her case was managed, for the very strongest
circumstantial evidence of her guilt - is said to
have corroborated the confession, which was
ruled out of court."
)LANhE7':', 7,11:1 Fir! v. ry t4RI)O - :./S i li/LA.•-•lCc, and 1, 1 1:1!4,
pu/ :/a.i Lit ' cheap at I) at E. ZIEULLICS.
7.—The steamship Canada,
Mons. Ohl issues are obsolete =-- they are by
gones. See the Montiomery Platform—upon
that the party stands, and it is the firm bond
of union."
Know Nothings Routed.
-On Friday, the. Bth inst., an election was
held in LO'cle Haven, which resulted in the tr-i
-urophan- election of the whole Democratic
ticket'. Last year the K.. N.'s swept every
thing before them in.that place, but there, like
everywhere,else, the power of Know Nothing
ism is fast fading away, and this year the
Democrats achieved an easy victory. Three
cheers for Lock - Haven. •
"You hake — Seen ' him (Sam) in Cumberland
county before, and will be apt to see him
again."—Lancaster lad. IT'hiti.
The last time Sani was seen in this county,
was on the'morning after the second Tuesday
of October last. Ile, then left for parts un
known. • "We shall ne'er see his like again."
—Carlisle Denwerat. *
Landun, C. W., Feb., 16.—The steam-boiler in
the foundry of M. Anderson & Co., exploded
about 2 o'clock this. afternoon, 'blowing the
building to atoms and burying thirty men in
the ruins. Five were taken out dead, and
nine others seriously' wounded.
A A.IoNKEY TILICK.-A keeper of a restaurant
in the lower. part of the city has a ring-tailed
monkey for a pet, which he usually ]caves 'at
his place of business on locking it up for the
night. When the doors and Shutters were
opened - yesterday awning nothing was to be
seen of the monkey, but no aperture could be
discovered by which he might have escaped.
This tnysterious disappearance battled search
for some time, but Jocko being loudly called,
was at last observed peeping through the door
of the stove, into which he had crept for com
fort after the fire expired.—N. Y. Cora.
Tim Loss:or. Ocski4 KAM sits.—A writer in
Hunt's Merchants' Magazine says :
''Since 1853 twelve steamships. lest at sea,
have cost 1,250 human lives, and $7.250,000
Of property. The' 'lndependence' sunk with
120 lives in the Pacific, and the Tennessee and
St. Louis followed, total wrecks. The Hum
boldt and the San Francisco were wrecked in
the Atlantic the -satne year. The Franklin,
City of Philadelphia, and Yankee Blade fall in
the catalogue of 1854. City of Glasgow, with
480 lives the Arctic, with hundreds more,
precious lives, were the crowning catastrophes
of that year. In 1855 we have the sinking
of the North Carolina, and the stranding - of
the Golden Age,. which last, however, was
saved and repaired."
correspondent of the N. Y. Times writes, that
great events are said to be preparing for the
accouchment of the -Empress, which wilt take
place in about a month. :The-personnel of the
Tuillierics is to undergo important inklitica
tions ; - there will be a perfect shower of - titles ;
some changes arc anticipated in the &Flatus
Consultant, great fetcs will be ordered at the
expense of the State,, a political amnesty will
be granted, •hand the joy or the people will be
'lTottnvs.tiY's Pius, a certain Remedy for all Liver
and 'Stomach Complaints.—The daughter of Mrs. Farlow. of
Maideu Laue, New York. was for three years in a inM:t de;
Womble state of health, canon( by her liver and stomaeh De
tog Out of order. The mother tried a variety of remedies,'
but unfortunately the child was not benefited by the same,
on the contrary. hhe gradually became worse. Seven weeks
ago. she commenced to use Holloway's Pills In accordance.
with the printed directions, they have completely cured
her, atter every other remedy had failed to give her the
slightest, relief.
certain lord, neat and trimly dress.ed," read Ike. His
mothur---titowillately—ititarttittod—her_lntere-st big
"Isaac," KAM she, •II know why Mr. Spokesh.tie defers to
in that telegraph, it is to old Zekial z-,on .14>aines,
who was awfui proud and stitek pp alter hn got that nice
spick-an bran-new snit at Itockhill & 11l
Chesnut street, corner of Franklin Place Ike replifil
that he I:LIAM:aril of the ' , crib," and he wits 6 •iff for
a •'new rig," hi atielf, whenever it mei, the views of the
dibc illattets.
Corrected from the latest Maiti 'no re, rk & I.l.amver paper(
B.U,TIMORII— r. tsr
Flour, per barrel, $7 12 to 7 25
Wheat, per bushel, 1 50 to 1 60
Eve, 44. 90 to 1 00
Corn, Lt , , 56 to 61
Oats, di 34 to 37
Cloverseed, "
Timothy, " 3 25 to 3 50
'Whiskey, per gallon, 28 to 30
Deef Cattle, per hund., 6 50 tot° 75
Hogs, <, 8 00 to 8 50
Hay, per ton, 0.2 00 t0:.17 00
Guano, Peruvian, per ton, . 55-00
II NI V F.; R—Tit r: Its tY L
Flour, per 1)1)1., from stores, $8 50
Do. wagons, 0 75
Wheat, per bushel, 1 40 to 1 45
Rye, . '
Corn, d 4
Clover seed, "
Timothy, 44
Plater of Paris, per ton,
YO It I( —Fut t r t., sr
______c.,- , 4-o---,-
Flour, per MA., from stores, - ~,.. ...•
Do. •:, from waguus, 700
Wheat, per bushel, 1 50 to 1 70
Rye, o f.r,!,
Corn, a 4R
Oats, ,Il os
- Cloverseed, "
Tiznothy. 41
Plaster of Paris, per ton,
rillili under-,i!zned hereby gives notice. to
.Deasioeratic Meeting. -; i all indebted by note or book account to
Till,: Democrats 0( strmhan townsh i p ~.v e call and pay up thpwe i/o:fir:,/ day of March
rt - Vi"siPd to meet at ibc Noise of jACI ) 3 pert, at Which time 1 will place iov books in
L . Git „ sq. in II untprs . o)*li. on satur v ay „p er . the banns 01 Ed ward 13. 130-iiler for e.liertion.
wpm next. to settle a township ticket. , 1 Feb. 11, 1-356. AI3M. A 1 HOLD
Feb. .25, 1556 f• t _ ..- _
frtestatnenlary on the estate ofioshoa BiPhi,
late of Germany township, Adams county,
deceased, having been granted to the tind Pr
sigmed, res'.diteg in Mountpleasant twp., be
herehy lives notice to :all persons indebted
to said estate to matte immediate p;lytnold,
and those ha vittg--,c_leiniS a;44iinst the grins to
present them properly anthem iczted for settle
(lo A L s-roy Es, c i f tiario es patterns-and —l' ESS-TRI b e -
sizes, constantly on hand and 1,,r sale, at j had at St: I(; ai cheap as the Gt
Dec. 21. W Alt R. EN S - k I' 01: N", Din% cheapest, If tg.d. el little cheaper.
A : A d
k; ,I.)ttiubirt, ry •P
11 ril l 6. JOHN 1191i.1. :D.
T UST rPepived a larry and splendid a..sort
ti anent of QUEEN - SW ARE at
G RAM M ER'S Store.
In this Borough, on Saturday last, .7AMP3 (4. REED. !
Esq., (District Attorney for the rounty,) aged about 45
YVVIN• fil- Et' Rerat at 10 o'clock thisinoruing, to proceed
I to Evertireeli Coloeterv.
On Ho" 17th inst. . in ItagDUN.
orstoen. ltd., Rec. R. R.W.W.
LAI'. Pastor of Ihe 1. - re,byt ell., n Church . in that place.
, On the 17th itr‘t , Mrs. MARV, wife of John Nlus‘er, of
lltitititte;toti ' towit , hip, and daughter 'or I; ! eimanl Bricker,
i aged 4'2 years an.l 1 day._
On the lhtli inst.. W 11.1.1 All EmvARD, Ron or:win:tam_
and zsarah Chritzloan, of this place, aged 4 months. - 1
E subscriber, intending to quit farming.,
I will sell at public sale, at his residence,
in Siraban township, Adams county, about 1
mile from Gettysburg, on 'Thursday, the 13//1
"day of March next, the following Personal
Property, viz :
Two Horses, a two-yearling Colt,
til tio pv • Cows and Young Cattle, Sow
.•:;-• 01179 ":';.7% and Pigs, 3 Shoats, Ploughs and
.4 .*„." • 1-1 a r row s, Hay Curia ge, yV nod
Bed, Horse Gears, elation - Box, Chains of all
kinds, and many other fanning article;. Also
:t variety of h ousehold Bt . Kitchen Furniture,
.seVeral vec .of Bees.
. to commence at 10 o'clock, A. NI.,
on +aid day, when, attendance will be givrn
and terms made known by
WtILL be sold at public sale; at the resi
(fence of the subscriber, in Franklin
townaip, Adams county, on the Cliambrs
burg- Turnpike, two miles - from Gas Mimi), on
Thursday, the 271 h day if March. t:.2.71, the
following, Personal - Property, viz :
One Horse, one Cow, one Hug, one
Carriage, Flay Ladders, Serythes and
Grain Cradles. &c. Al's°, Beds and Bed;
steads, tiltairs, Tables, Corner Cupboard,
Settee, Stove and Pipe, Carpeting, Looking,
Glass, Eight-day Clock, with a variety of
other articles of Household and Kitchen Fur
(`'Sale to- commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
on said day, when attendance will be given
and terms made known bv
MIII , I subscriber, intending, to ijuit 'farming;
will sell at public sale, at - his residence,
in Mountjoy township, Adains eounly, on the
road leading trcni florner's Mill to the Two
Taverns, on Tuesday, the 18th day ti March
next, the following valuable
florses, Cows and Young Cattle.
new four-horse Wagon, with
7 )1
' A and Bows,Wood . Ladders, a good
hreshing Machine, Screen, Cul-,
tivator, Ploughs and Harrows, and many other
farming articles. Also, a lot of Howmhold
and Kit Chen Furniture, such as Tables,
Chairs, Iron Kettle,' Pots, and a variety of
oilier articles too numerous to-mention.
rSaie w coinuiencii at 10 o'clock, A. if.,
on said day, when attendance will be given arid
terms nrade - I:nown
prr E RPLE
frlE H undersigned is desirons to close tip
all his unseith d ;lemmas, and requests
all persons indebted to him to call and make
settlemenLon beton. , the Is/of .April next. As
a former notice Was disr:44arded by many,
and as the undersigned wishes to avoid tlle
necessity . of ituposin:!,r cues, he hopes thia all
indebted on account for six wombs or longer
will calf on nr before the above dat.,
Kkgr - The undersived returns his ihanks to
his friends for the liberal patron a ge heretofore
A-tericleat i -aitef-ira' -v-ite t
Ile: to his stock of 'II .`'II ET -110) A'
I V./11? E, continually ou hand and for sale at
reasonable prices.
Gettysburg, Feb. :25, 18.5 G. 3t
2,009 Pieces Wall Paper.
00111:AN & PAXTON
.base opened an
unusually lar , re assortment of TrlV WI I * a
per q of every style and variety, from
40 Cents a piece. Housekeepers
,and Paper
Hangers are Invited to call and examine the
stock, w hich is superior to any thing heretofore
offered in this market. Only 12i cents a piece s
or l . i cents a yard, for Wall Paper !
Gettysburg, Feb. 'Xi, 1856.
8 75 to 9 00
O p l! ir r
m o id f it! I
( a r re il
I n o i
r t , v l
e c l
s a p s
holds; - and scarcely a family will be without
our new novel ernitleA "The Fireman !"----the
most interesting. work of fiction from the press
of IRaG. The reader's attention is caught with
the first chapter, and "finis" stares hint in the
faCe before the interest lessens. The ho6k - is
like a ftIOVin!L panorama of ever varying:, al
ways admired succession of new and pleasing
scenes and exciting incidents, each chapter
heina more interesting than its predecessor.--
A feature that adds to its lasting merits. is the
fact of its Inuit mom/ tone—not a sinole senti
ment beinir inculcated that the most fastidious
in,ira list conk) object
7 25
0 50
6 25
__ _6 75
"The Firein,in" will be a. lams Nrrin.
volume (Cover 100 ; be
sl—inatlefi 4rost free on receipt of
price. Sold by all booksehlersiand - ;I'll:ins in
the cars.
Editors giving- this entire advertwrnent
few insertiunK, shall reeei ye 4 COloy (VW of
pos ap. I{ ()SS, JO ec.:. TO I:S E
113 .^ . N V ., N0.2:0 Cla.rh 'ztrect . , Clucago
Feb. 16.56.
7 75
2 o 0
7 00
Piaster of Pa
rulllS useful article can he had in nny
quantity of
Feb. 23
SA V g E
(11RISTIAN '1314.1NNE12.
February 25, 1856. to •
Personal Properly
Foln-qary 25, 1856, is
PUblic Sa 6e.
February 18, Is5G. td
Notice in EarneNt.
Another New Niovei
Last Notice.
(70BE 1N & PAx.roN
N pursuance of an alias wtit of •Venditi.m
Exp ai m.,,„ jqstitqf out of the Court at 1;oni•
mon Pleas of Adams enmity, and to me direct
ed, will he exposed to public sale, at the
on Nil I viol( he Isl dny • ! 1' 4 11r7 rat nrx l,
arl — triliTelT - I ) 7lte toll - owing tic:it:W . )7d
Real Estate, vtz:
No. 1.--1 Tract or Land,
containing 65 ACRES, more or less, situate
in Germany township, Adams county, adj,dn
lug the Maryland -line, and lauds of John
Keeti , r, F.nutklin Patterson, and others, and.
bounded on the southwest by the Baltimorin
turnpike—on which aro erected
a Two story Plastered DOUSE, iett frit
with a Two-story $
i Bank Ilarn.(the.oppt•r story log,)
Wagon Shed, Wash noose, and ether out-
Imilding,—also,iThree story BRICK GuisT
M 11.1.. a Well of Water near the door of the
dwelling, and an Orchard.
No„*-2 ! --A Tract ofLand,
containing 6G A CR KS, more or less, adjoining
the Maryland line, and lands of GeOrge Pal.*
utter, George lii • •
erected a one and a halt story LOG
HOUSE, a Double Log Barn; a
one and a hall story Log Tenant
!loose,. and a one and a half story
Log FULLING MILL, and ether improve
ments. Seized and taken to execution as the
propeity of TiloA6s Ilt rmar..,
II EN RV TI 10 NI AS, Sherry.
Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg,
Fat. it, 1551. td
Ten per cent. of the purchase money upon
all sales by the Sheriff must he paid over im
mediately after the prOperty is struck down,
and on failure to comply :herewith the proper
if will be again put up for -
intendino to remove to the
West, Ak ill sell at public
. sale, al his
re,idence, in Tv roue township, Adams coun
ty, on the old . i!arlisle- road, two miles from
New (;hexer, on 'numbly, the i?Aith (lay y
February nrxr, the follow i lig valuable Person
al Property, viz:
An Excellent Faultily Horse,
2 zood Cows, a Four-hoto ‘Vazon with hod,
it One-horst, Wagon, a good Ilmrgy and Sleigh,
2 sets Ilainos, li urae GRao, Winnowing.
M ill, Shovel Plough, Corr, Vurk, Log and
other Chains, &c. Also, ,
Household & 1411.11(v Furniture,
such as litiri;ans, BOllS:ead4, C hal rs,
Corner Cuplep.ard, Clock, Carpeting, I Parlor
and 2 Ten-plato Stoves, I Goolim ; z Stove,
Kettles and Pots, \lea Vessels,' Barrels. and
a variety of other articles, too numerous to
:Y'Sitle to eooirnerwe ot 9 o'et (wk. A.
on said day, %viten attendance will •he given
and turn's - mode known by
Jan..‘,111,185G. tti
PriNate .4:1111e.
FIIHE tinatirsigriv•tt Will sell at Private'Sale
that desirable. propvilv, in Me:Sltcrrys
town, Corinwago township, Adapts county,
Pa., lying on the ptiblic toad running through
said glare. It eoniains Teil Acres, alortt
or less, of first rate land, - adjoining lauds of
Dr. 11. N. Lilly, Samuel anti Joseph Stamp
baugh, and others, and is finely improved.—
There' is a largo Tvvo-itory BRICK
D W 1.1 N ‘vith Twit•story
Back-building, fronting ttrillte' street,
and nearly opposite the public house o f * J o hn
Rushy, Esq., a good Log Barn, an Orehard
of (wlet} fruit, a good well of water, and
other improveinents. Possession von on or
hi4ore the -Ist day of April next. as may he
desired. If not sold, the property will be
roit tENT.-
Persons wiskinl to view the promises will
call on John Bushy. Egg.
Nov. 20, 1855. if
TE oticrs at private sale, a
TRACT OF LAN I), situate in.titrahi
township, Adams county, ahout - 2 fro! .
G sbu nr, on the east ) (ht of the State' Road
to liarrisburv, adjoining !awls of the soliscri
her, '%m. Vk - thlv, Ile9nry Monfort, and others;
containing 43 ICECS, wore or less, abut 7
acres - of which
. aro Woodland; and In acres rate Meadow. The improvententa are
a it-H I
11911 SE, a ;40041 Britt, a never
failing well of water, with a pomp
in it, and an Orchard of choice
gt?fy-Persons vtiviiing to view the property,
are requegiell . to rail on the subseritier,
tuo in Gettysburg.
(:I'.OLi(h, 4VALTEU, Sr.
January 11, 1856. tf
rr E subscriber, having bePri aripriinted by
. 1: the Court of Common Pleas of- Adams
county, Committer , ' of the petson and estate
of JOON MILLER, (who has been declared
of unsound mind;) of Mminipleagant town
ship, Adam's county, hereby gives notice
to all persons having claims nr rlemands
against said Miller, to nresent the came to the,
subscriber, residing in said tcwitship, for set
tlement, and all persons indebted to make im
mediate payment.
Ftligtrary 18, I R 56. 6t (, ilt »I i(fre.
liarasik inglon Hotel,
Shhottslown, Alums County, I'enn'a.
TE slibieriber respectfully ittlorms the
pohlie that be lois opened a Poldie floome
of Eniertaittutent in the borough of Ahb,,its.
town, where he will he happy to entertain all
who may call with hint, !laving' had !natty
years' knowledge of the business of hotel
keeping,!, he flatters himself that his efr)rts to
please wtll be-satihfactory. Give the "VN , ash
ing,tor," a call.
February 18, IHIA. tr
David A.. litachler,
31'7 (MARY 37' L.qW,
ILL promptly attend to collections and
Ir all business entrusted to his care.
ffty-OtTic.e in the Diamond, adjoining, store
of A. 13. KunTz.
Gettysburg, l''t•h. 1, 1856. 1y
EXCCSIt OV'N Notice.
Ai r ol iCe.
ienry ie9qt 46
'23. ReSeititit, "
Alex. Colman, - 1E04q.; - Ifreasurer, --1-21 - I) ''f - S -1 1"('r, "--
- . IN account with the Directors of the Pour mot 25 " 1 , 1 " I t t " I L I 11° " 1,
i louse of Employ titent - ol the County- 4 ; l 'j: -
---, of - Altautsviteltig - frottrtire - 34 - tlarotl - mrtrrry7 --- " ---3--( Y**lti
A. I)., 1855, io the 7th clay of January, A.D. 28. tilizabetto Dysert, 4l
30. Mrs. Wallace, .$5 tlr., -
31:. John - Leonard
311. liapkey, $3 qr.,
33. Frederick Ilapitey,
Feb. 18, 1856 41
1855—Jan. Ist. To balance duo on -
settlement, • $417 44
Feb. 1, Order on County Treasurer, 600 on
March 1, "_ .66 500 00
fib 64 300 00
April 1, " 66 800 00
- May 7;
i% Cash roc'd of Col. K. Swope, '2ll e 3
• - Cash re - cei - veif — of McCreary
for Cow, 4.2 50
" Cash teceived of S.' Dorbo•
• raw for James Miller, 10 00
" Cash reed of Israel' Clriltey
for support of IL Ernst, in
Comb, Co. Poor 1/ouse, 17 831
" .Cash we'd of Andrew Polly,
Admit. of Win. Bel I,dec'd,
for use of Mrs: IV bile,
July 3,
" Cach received or John Scott,
Esq., Steward, _ 37 15
Aug. G, Order on County Treasurer, 400 00
" Part or Reaping 1414cliine
paid by Poor House,
Aug. 22, Rued. of Moses M. Neely
part value of estrays, 2 50
Sept. 3, Order on County Treasurer, 300 00
." Rec'd of S. DurboraW, for 13
weeks board,of E. Sample, 26 00
Oct. 1, Order on County -Treasurer, 400 00
" Received of S. Dorb-oraw,
• ply, for boarding, 530
Nov. 5, Onlt'r on County Treasurer, 600 00
Dec . . 1, 46 - 400 00
an. 7, `•: 44 1200 00
1856, Jan. 7—To balance in hands --
of Treasurer, :.' . .1291 4.13
. C It
By Cax li paid out U 3 fUllo WV :
Mer .itantliv, and Groceries
Out door Pauper support
Fullers! expenses of du.
relia file bi Ifs
Alide Ilirelings
Female do. 18:1 00
Chopping Wood , - 87 60
li ur s o i, Sl o eli, Beef Cattle and Sheep 627 90
Pork bills and Stook H og , 319 20
Flour; Grain - a-id Grinding . 1171 341
Lime, Hauling, &e. 228 273
titone Clo 4.
: 81.00
Exi-culing orders 1.4 71
Publishing Accounts, Ste. - 41 50
Physicians salary 100 00
CIIA'S tfi
Directors, extra service
A 'tending II orses I 50
P.iy to :Stewardll I I I
Guano, Salt, &c.
.. \----)
29 07
Dried fruit . 9 00
Illber . . 4:'.1 27
Payment made to Mari), 8 '5O
Directors of Poor, Cumberland Co.' 39 00
Drugs, Stationery, &e. :16 675
13alance in bands of Treasurer • I:19 1445
\VI, the subscribers, Auditors to settle and
adpv,t the Public Amulets, do hereby certify
that we have examined the items which com
pose the above Account, and that they are cor
rect, and that there is a balance of - Twelve
u mita and Ninety One Dollars and' Forty-
F4mr Uentl in the hands of Alexander Gobean,
Treastirer,—heitu; from the 3d day of Janoary,
A. D., 1535, to the 7th day ofJanuary,,
both days inclusive.
A. T. ‘VIZIf; I IT,
Jolla Scott, Esq., Steward,
IN acematit with the Direetora of the Poor and
liiftiAe. of Ettoitioyineet of the County of
Adams, tieing from the 3ul day °flute:try, A.
D., It;;bs, to 1.110 7th day of January, 1856.
Jan. 9, To cash for Lnrd
" 20, 4 * •
Mar: 7, 66 fnr tlorsn, 65 00
Apr. 5, Cash from John Cilhert, '45 80
" 12, " from It. D. Sweetiny for
Tallow, 68 '25
" frill,' I I iWard for Cow, . 30 00
Nov. I I," for Lanl, Gs 2
Ike. 8, " for Sheep, K. W ilson, 14 00
185 G, Jan. 7 —Balnnee in hands of
Sim wart - 4
By Cada paid out as follows
Groceries • 12 46
Vogetables ;29 61
Vinegar 7 00
Main a 4441 ivismir. fiireling4 41 8711
I,Vagon 4.x141.44 , 44;5, Freight &SlaEo fares 4 29 73
Grave Digrvitig
Household articles 2:3 573
Stamps., l'ostaot , act! Stationery 2 75
(:a4ll paid to Paupers St. euudry persons 39 533
Veal. /to. - ' 10 15
Wood (Jotting 10 75
Tailoring 6 75
5 I'2
Lime L. 07
titraw / 30
Attendance on Fick 50
Powder. i 05
215 ..:31
1856, Jan. 7—By balance due Steward 235
WE, the, subscribers, Auditors to settle and
adjust the l'rthlic Accounts, do certify that we
have examined the items which compose the
above Account, and do report that the same is
correct—the same embracing the' account of
John Scott., prcsent Steward, from the 3d day
of January, A. D., 1N55, to the ith day of
January, A. U., 1856—both dal s ye—
leavin9; a balance in hands of said Stewart: of
Two Dollars:l'li iity ve arid th rec. fourth cents.
A. 'l'. INI-111;11
.101 IN RAU ['TM IN,
List of Out-Door Paupers and ✓lnwunt draw',
Yearly by Each.
1. McJunkins, 85 qr., .
,__. $2O
2. Mrs. Wade, " :20
3. IL Fletcher, for N. 'Wester, [sll 25) 45
4. !Livid Gardner, $5 qr. 21 ►
5. Rosanna Sheets, '• 2t)
G. Susan Ford, 46 20
7. Jacob Sanders, " _ 20
S.ll. fliid.l►rand, " _ 20
9.' Sophia Born , ll, $lO hall yearly, 20
10.- John ',riper, S 5 qr., 20
11. John Ehrhart, SG half yearly, 1 2
It 2. Joseph Weaver, S 5 qr., 20
13. Witty Swope,
I 1. J-u•ob Shank,
13. 1) t lii•l Hartzell, "
[IL I'oll Roth,
s a :J owl II uroivr, S 7 qr..
1,1(! u il 11 , 111;;C:15
\I try I
Committee of 1 4 . be Sau►-
Collateral Ktalteritance Tax.
ii.u.AM F. WALTER, Esq., Regis
ter of Adams
.county, in afteOlitla with
-' on Collateral Inheritances from December 1,
1854, tali .N ovetuber 30, 1855.
Feb. For Tax received from the es
tate ofJohn Month,
. 4 4120 73
" tienry Grafe, . 250
" Nancy Chamberlin, 72 15
" Joseph liitchen4 100 00
" .Magdalena Mover, 25 00
Sarah 11410vor_ • 11(1
April 4.
440 10 .
4' 17.
" 21.
66 it
9 9G
May 12..
►• .23.
" 29.
900 00
4' '3l.
Aug. JG.
•' 17.
Sept. 'AI.
Oct. P. 4.
a' is.
26 39
Deduct commision t 5 per
Feb. 18. 4t
Evans' Fire & Thief Proof Safes
FOR Merchants, Lawyers, Farmers and ,
others, having Books, !'opera or other
voli‘ablesou preserve from _FIRE or BURG
$7606 306
Day & Nowell's(floWs) BANK LOCK%
A CA lit).—TH,hl"Ftue . Pitoor SAFE," that
preserved our Books, Papers. gtec., during the
.. , (roat Fire at Hart's Buildings," was par
idiased of 01.1 y KIVP.V A NS, - 61 S. 2nd St.,
Philailelphia.—Getz 0 , Buck:
1337 IFI3
9:2 31i
495 08. i
180 00
Refrigerators Si. Water Filters.
EVANS' Preminea Ventilated Refrigerators
for cooling and preserving meals, huller, milk,
water and all articles for culinary purposes.
WATER FILTERS, for purifying brackish
or muddy water, whether
. affected by rains,'
, limestone, marl .or other clumps; can he had
- separate or attached to the Retrtgem - tors—a
small quantity of lee cooling the whole. in the
warmest weather. PotrrAut,e.Suovyr.R RATE'S;
for the use of warm or cold water.. - .WATtII
VOCPLICR9 I for Hotels, Stores and Dwellings.
_STOWS TRUCKS, for movie boxes, bales,—
SmaL PRIMO:Si COPYII4O t11). 4 DitIMOIRT db.
40 00
40 !►0
60 (10
Nu. 61, &ma Second Si., '2 du9ra below Chesnut.
Feb. 11, 1856. 1 y
-To Those Who Wish Farms.
TO have fertile LAND at a cheap price on
easy terms, your attention is called to the
FAN Y. Twenty-five acres or more in, pro
portion, are given bur *2OO, payable in instal
ments of $1 per week or $4 per month. It
is located in Elk county, Pennsylvania, and
has one of the best markets for its produce in
the State. The soil is a rick loom, and is not
to be surpassed for•farraing, as-examination
will show. It has' the best elements of pros
perity, being underlaid by . two rich veins of
Card, and will shortly -be intertiected by four
railroads. The timber is of the matt Valuable
kind. Title unexceptionably good, and
rantee deeds are given. It presents s good
and • substantial opportunity to commence
firming, providing, tor one's children or mak
ing an investment. Further particulars cart
be bad from the pamphlets' which are sent to
inquirers. Letters answered promptly. Ap
ply or address SA M'h W. CA'ITELL, Sec
retary, 135 WALNUT Street, north aide be
tween Fourth and Fifth sus., Philadelphia:—
Full information is contained itt the pamphlets.
Val. 11, 1856. 3m . .
$7606 3o
81 GS
1 0 (r 7
Removed a Few Doors South of the Old Stand.
T H. SKIMLY respectfully, informsshis
ti • old custosters and the public generallY,
that he continues the 7:111,011ING BUSY'
SS, near his old stand, in South 'Baltimore.
street, 'where he will he happy toaccommodate:
all who may patronize All work en
trusted to his care warranted to' fit and be of
most substantial ',make.. Thankful for past
fivers, lie Ballets a coutinuance of public pa
itie'The New York Spring and Summer
Fashions are received. Call and see them.
`Z, 17 50
$2 35.
Gettysbiiig, April 9, 1855.
8 00
THERE is to be had at the drug stores of
8. H. Buehler, Gettysburg,. and Jantes
A. Elder, Enituttsburg,,, a mast eflestual remedy
fur the 7'uothuche, which w ill, (►f propetly
aceording, to ditectiens,) cure the must
vinlent l'uollutelle instantaneously. Should the
pain in course of time reappear, the same ap
plicdtion has to be u►ade aga.n, and after two
or three applications the cure will be effectual.
_Please call for A. rerger's Toothache . Balsam.
AttrPrice '25 cents per phial.
August 1.7, 1855. I y
()pposlte . Calvert Statiou, 13aitltnere, Md.
Tull', undersigned having leased the ahove
l lute) and put it in complete order, is pre
pared to accommodate his friends and the
travelliwr Embirc. The proprietor will be
pleased to see his old friends, and promisee
to make their stay comfortable and satisfac
tory. 13,tgga(re taken to and from Calvert
Station free of eh-arise.
`s2l7 5:1
_l_OllN-1.3.11t 11, (former% Penna.,)
.idly 9, 1855. if - PROPRIETOR.
TATE.—Letters orildiniiiistration on the
estate of Jacob Arnsherges, late of Huntington
township, Adams county, dec., having been
granted to the undersigned. residing in Ty
rone township, ho hereby gives notice , to alt
persons indebted to said estate to make im
mediate payment, and those having claims
against the same to present them properly
authenticated for seneement.
Jan. 21, 1856. - Jqns'r.
pH I.: undersigned informs the public tha;
he will removes the remains of .the dead.
and is uppared'to ari to any distance to
them here. His erviraes are lower than eve
......._tutt-as_l=--as the ll.l.west.-,
‘2'.4 A. W. FLEA' MIN G.
; Gettysburg, Sept. 10, 15,55.
4201 _
3 4 ) Lehr W.ire, flit. F-110 at
, 20
" Patrick Daugherty, 963
" Mary McConnell, 15 60
" Samuel Boyd, 9O 00
" Salty Barr, 10 00
44 Jacob Miller, , 71 25
64 Jacob 13est, 58 80
" John Culbertson, 55, 18
" Joseph Herman, 60 75
" Ann Stoner, 22 35
$730 40
R. G. MoCREARY, aluditur.
.4dmixiislrator's - Notice.
------ 2O
$768 84
38 44