Philadelphia for Mr. Beehattaa. PnILADKLPIIIA • Feb. 6.—Resolutions were i reported in theDeruncrietia - City Convention to-day recomitiending , the delegates to the State Convention to use all honorable Means to se ewe the nom - inatien of Mr. Buchanan for the Presidency► which were adopted almost unani- Motley", those voting in the negative wishing the resolutions stronger in their expressions of preference for Mr. Buchanan. The candidates for delegates to the State Convention took an oath this morning that they were not and did not intend to become members of any organi zation proscribing citizens in consequence of their birth place or religion. Accident to Gew Cass. WASHINGTON , Feb. Bth, P. ,Al.—Gen. Cass' frame was much jarred by a fall on the Patent offi c e steps this morning. severely cutting his fae ,2r and rendering him insensible for some time. He is now sleeping.—Thi only danger apprehended is of inflammation coupled with his advanced age—were he a young man the injuries would be of no moment. This even ing his symptoms are more. favorable and his condition more comfortable. The genera'. im pression is favorable to . his recovery. Dreadful Railroad Collision. HILLSDALE, M ich., Feb. 7.—A collision oc curred on the 'Michigan Southern_ Railroad, near this place, last night, between the Eas tern and Western Express trains. The brake man, baggage master, firemen and another man were killed. Tim engineer, brakeman and train boy had each a leg broken. The baggage car of the Eastern train was burned, with all the _baggage and mails in it. . 11:7The friends of Messrs. Fillmore and Law, In New York, seem to be getting - a little exci ted. The New York Times says the friends of the former gentleman look upon the forth 'coming Philadelphia Know Nothing conven tion of the 22d as a device of George Law's supporters to force his nomination upon the American party, and tbey are not inclined to give it the benefit of their adhesion in advance of its action. It then adds : It is pretty well settled that Mr. Law will have a majority of the delegates at Philadel phia, and that he will be pain nomination by that convention. If Mr. Fillmore's friends shall not succeed in postponing action, we pre sume they will withdraw from the convention. At all events, they will not, urdes:s we are misinforinedr give their support to Mr. Law fieTs'nominated now. RaNOUNCIINTG BLACK RaPUBLICANISM•—Mr. Geo. A. Coffey, well known throughout the interior of Pennsylvania as an eloquent lavi yer, but who now resides in Philadelphia, has coo out in a long letter renouncing Black Republicanism, and denouncing the American movement. He has come to the' conclusion that every new State has a right to choose her Own institution, whether •peculiar" or not. Ever since the organization otthe republican party. Mr. Coffey has been 'an active, and eloquent advocate of its principles'. 7The friends of Mr. Buchanan, in New York, 'are making arrangements to give hits a hearty reception, on his arrival home. (11r. Dallas will take his whole family with him to London. His son will' fill the po sition of his private secretary. SRN/mitts UNSEATED.—The three Know Nothing members of the Louisiana Senate from New Orleans have been unseated, and their three Democratic competitors declared to be elected, notwithstanding the destruction of the ballot boxes on the night of the election. CENSURING A GovssNott.—The New York House of Assembly the other day passed a vote of censure upon Governor Clark. for certain language in his Message; to the effect that magistrates and judges had in some cases con- Spired to defeat the Maine liquor law. AN ADMISSION. —The , Boston Courier, a Whig paper, in speaking of the Sub-Treasury, which it formerly opposed, says are of the opinion that it has been the means of preserving the United States an average of nearly twenty millions of hard money, which, but for the establishment of 'this independent treasury system at the time it was formed, would not now have been present in the coun tr • ." A '.l3ou.."—The Legislature of Massachu setts last year, in their efforts to disfranchise foreigners, rather overshot the mark. They recommended an, amendment to the constitu tion `•that no person shall be entitled to vote in this commonwealth unless he shall have been a resident within the jurisdiction of the United, States twenty-one years, and legally naturalized." Should this amendment be adopted the effect would be that none but na turalized citizens would be allowed lo vole ! SHAD Fuss.—These harbingers of spring— SO regarded by certain entomologists—have i made their appearance in our city. As they are likewise unaerstool to be the acant couri ers of a most palatable species of fish, it mai , be taken for granted that ere ninny days elapse • the eyes of epicures will be delighted with a view of the announcement in the newspapers —"shad! first of the season."—ilichasuml Whig. (lg'in the marine court at New York last week a man was mulcted $75 for malpractice in horse•shoeing. tr7Fashion is the race of the rich to get sway from the poor. who follow as fast as they can. 11:7For a costly specimen of the style in Which "Americans rule America," count up the cost of the Speaker of the present lower House of Congress. riC7"A paper out west sports the following expressive motto at the head of its editorial columns :--If right, we pitch in—if wrong; We don't." That is certainly a very definite platform of principles. A REASON.—A lady, walking a few days since on one of the wharves in New York, asked a Pallor whom she met, why a - ship was (=lied - 1 "-Ale.:-I—T-he son-of -N ept u e - repl ied:th a t -- i. Cr a - !becauz;c: the rigging custs in3re thatt the 11411 :". Yrom time Laticostor Inland Daily Lamentable Occurrence. , On Saturday last, hew-etch 10 and 11 o'clock, - a tragic and unfortunate occurrence took place at thelteystone Housein this_city., which has produced' no little excitement. • 1 By evidence before the Mayor it appears that Geo. IV. McElroy. , Esq.. a member of the bar ' of this city; with his wife, and step son, a lad - of about 14 years old. named Edson- Shear. board at the Keystone House. About 10 clock McElroy came home intoxicated, and commenced abusing his wife. throwing a boot !. at her head,-&c. The lad, her son, interfered! to prevent him, when he seized and choked him severely. On releasing the,lad, McElroy again commenced abusing his wife and raised a chair to strike her. The, boy again . interfered , to save his another, and- McElroy turned on him, when he seized a pistol that was in the ' room, belonging to, McElioy, and shot. him, the balLeitering the right side of his face, passing through the upper bones into the cav ity of the nose. and could not be traced farther. As soon as the deed was done. the lad ran for Dr. J. L. Atlee,- Sen., under the greatest ex-, citernent, who immediately repaired to the spot and dressed the wound. which he does not con sider dangerous of itself, unless the ball haS lodged in the cavity of the nose; in which event theft would be danger - of inflammation that might prove fatal. But there was a strong presumption that the ball passed through and had been, swallowed, in which event there was little danger of fatality. • The boy •Edson Shear, was arrested Lind ta ken to prison on Sunday morning, and was brought before mayor Albright yesterday morning for a re-hearing, and re-committed, the Commonwealth's attorney, Patterson. ob- • jecting t 6 the taking of bail. During the lat ter examination before the Mayor the lad faint ed. He seems to suffer greatly' n mind, and we think that, humanity demands that he should be bailed, arid saved from the horrors of a prison, until public justice:shall demand it after a full trial. The young man who has been arrested for the commission of this deed, is remarkable for his civil, quiet and unobtru sive demeanor.. A DIFFICULTY IN DICKINSON COLLEGE.- Quite a difficulty existed for several days in the latter part of last and -the beginning of the present week-,--between the, faculty and stu dents of Dickinson College,' which for a time assumed a threatening aspect . . It appears some three or four students were charged with offences, such. as putting tar on 'the black-' boards, &c., and dismissed from 'the college. To this proceeding some seventy or more stu dents.touk exception and refused to attend to their college duties unless those who had been dismissed were re-instated. The faculty re fusing to aequies'ce in these demands, the . stu dents in a spirit of insubordination, held meet ings, made speeches and marched through the streets in a body. This state of athiirs contin ued from Saturday until Tuesday, when 'the matter was fully adjusted, and the students' have resumed their duties. --Car lisle Democrat. SUDDEN DEATH. —Tho Waynesboro' Record records the sudden death of Air. PETER SHER MAN, whichOccuired iri that place, on Monday week. He had just arrived from Tomstow-n and entered the Hotel of Mr. H. M. STEEN? , 'when he was taken with sickness and stepped out upon the pavement. where he fell and al most instantly expired. , His death is supposed to have been caused by the 'rupture of a blood vessel. The deceased was an old - fiddler; nlO - , widely known among those who practice upon the •light fantastic toe." 0:7 - Mr. A. G. Miller, of Dickinson township. Cumberland county, who has been suffering very severely for several years from scrofula in one of his legs, had it amputated, on Thurs day week,within four inches of his body, by Dr. Rankin and other physicians. Ile was under the influence of chloroform during the opera tion. lie is doing well. EXTRAORDINFAIF - NUM:ER TRIAL.—On Thurs... daY week, at Auburn, N. Y.,,John Fitzgerald was arraigned before the Oyer and Terminer. for the murder in September last, in the town of Sterling, of his father, mother and brother ! He butchered them dtliberately with an axe, and intended to kill another of the family. SNOW TWENTY FEET DEEP.—The Buffalo Commercial of the 31st ult., 'speaking of the snow obstructions ou the railroads in that re- won, says : On the division of the Central road, between here and Niagara Falls, there is a pretty thor ough blockade, arid we understand that be tween here and Tonawanda the drifts are very heavy, and have caused more or less detention to trains. The Buffalo and New York City road has suffered more inconvenience than all the others. About eight miles . from this city and at Warsaw the snow is stacked up in, ' pla ces to the depth of twenty feet, so that a per son can step from the surface of it directly upon the top of the cars. Four trains are fast in the snow between here and Hornellsville, two of which are passenger trains and two freight— one of them is in a drift eight miles from here, with about one hundred passengers. U WHAT A HAT!—The Easton .Brgus tells about one of its subscribers calling t the office wearing a hat which he had worn fir the lag forty years. Of course he did not wear it every day, but kept itfor Sunday use, and wore it occasionally on holy days. It was still a good hat, and looked as though it would last 40 years more. The owner said that the changes of style made it a fashionable hat every five or six years. The January just passed is set down as the coldest month known for many years-1.61 degrees above zero having been the average at Philadel phis. PANY. 7'wenty-five Acres or more in pro- The time fixed fur the execu ti r ofJacob portion, are given tur $2OO, payable in instal a-7e' manes of $1 per week or 84 per month. It I Armbruster, now under sentence oT death at . is located in Elk county, Pennsylvania, and Doylestown, Pa., for the murder . of his wife, is has one of the best markets for its produce in Friday, 15th of February. I the State. The soil is a rich loam, and is not to he surpassed for farming. as examination C!'Since the organization of the Govern- will show. It has the beet elements of pros- perity, being underlaid by two rich veins of pros tnent of the United States, the Speaker of the . Coal, and will shortly be intersected by four House of Representatives has been selected . railroads. The timber is of the most valuable from the Massachusetts delegates on five occa- i kind. Title unexceptionably-good, arid war i rantee deede are given. It presents a good • and substantial opportunity to commence ~ --I t was stated in the Know Nothing pa- firming, providing for one's children or mak- - pers that Keys, the preacher-editor of the Ty- in!! an investment. Further particulars can tone Era, had withdrawn from the United be had from the pamphlets which are sent to inquirers. Letters answered promptly. Brethren. The Tyrone Democ, at says that he Ap ply or address SA.Nt'L % cArrELL, Sec was "thrown overboard, — Bisfioic - Glossbrenner ' retary, 135 W A l. NUT Street._oo_rth_sid_e_li e_-_ . _._ . sions thinking his case too scandalous to investigate." tween Fourth and Fifth sts., Philadelphia.— / Full information is contained in the pamphlets. ____l.i.__Of the Go - verrtors_of_tlie_Sta-tes Itz-----are , F- 1 .6.44, 1 g 56. 3 m ___.. . _Democrats, G Know .Nuthings and 5 Ittpubli• _ GLOVES At HOSIERY--a large variety cans. ' ' good and cheap at fiCHICK'S. • `rinse 3lst4.—ln reply to another paper, ! . SHERIFF'S SALIN. - - which reconimentit , that the ,candidates for TN pursuance of an alias wilt of Venditioni office should be. men of eitried integrity.", the 1 Exponas„ ietioed out of the Court ofCom et Albany Knickerbocker says : - mon Pleas of Adams County, and to mchroct• rd, will he exposed to public 'ale. at the 4•This is being done in this connty. One of Coon House, in the Bgrough of Gettysburg, the candidates_ for the assembly • has been on S a turday, the lst day of March' tirxt, oricd' four. times-three times for swindling at I . o'clock, P. M., the following described and once for big,amy. I There-is every prospect— Real — Estate, v if: . . that u e shall have sOme - 'tried' men in our 1 No. L-4 Tract of Land, common council ere long." • containing 65 ACRES, more or less, situate in Germany township, Adams county, adjoin ing the Maryland line, and lands of John Keefer, Franklin Patterson, and others, and' bounded on the southwest by the Baltimore turnpike—on which are erected ' ~, .... ft-Two.story _Plastered HOUSE, 4 ',-'-', I Bank Barn, I with a Two-story Back building , . " ,. ' sa - (theupper story log t .) ..=., ' Wagon Shed; Wash House, and other out build ings--also,aTli ree-story BRICK GRIST MILL, a Well of Water near the door of the dwelling, and an Orchard: No. 2.--A Tract of Land, 1:1:7•A man writing to a friend from the West remarked—“ Pork is so plenty here that every third man you meet is a h0g,"..-pa remark which, unfortunately. may `be applied to socie ty in many other places. ' irrtiou.owtv's PO-La.—Astonishing Cure of a Hitioue Complaint.—Mr. Patrick 31'Heunan, of Columhus, Ohio, suffered for upwards of three years from violent pains in the bead, a foul stomach. but digestion. disordered liver, and general nervous debility, he tried rarions remedies for the mitigation of this compound disorder, but he only became 'Scorer instead of better, although tie.also consulted several doctors Finding that the medical faculty could 'not cure him. be had recourse to Holloway's Pills, by continuing with this remedy for a few weeks; he entirety regained his health, and ever since then be has not had the slightest re turn of his complaint. Ey- NUS. PARTISGiTON ON SHAKESPEARE 'There came a certain lord. neat and trimly dressed," read Ike. Ills mother immediately interrupted her interesting - sod “Isaac," said she, "I know why Mr. Spokeshare defers to in that telegraph, it is to old Zekial Lord's son Jeames, I who was awful proud and stuck up after be got that nice spick-and-span bran-new snit at Rockhill dt WilsOn's, 111 Chesnut street, corner of Franklin Place !" Ike replied that he had heard ofthe !.crib," and that he was s•in" for t a "now rig," himself, whenever it met the views of the governess. MARRIED. On the sth Inst., toy the Rev. J. Martin. Mr. 2ACIIA RIAU OSBORN. of Petersburg. to Miss ELEONORA. MA RY EBERT. of Huntington township. On the 3d iust., by the Rev. M. Lohr, Mr. JOHN JACOBS to Miss ADELINE MEYERS, daughter of Mr. Conrad Mey ers, all of Mains county. On the 31st ult.. by the Rev. D. P. Rosetuniller,44l l / 4 4A. , COB EPLEY to Miss CATHARINE HOF'FMAN, both of Mountjoy township, Adams county. On the 29th ult., by the Rev. J. Sechler, Mr. WILLIAM BOGEN to Miss MARIA RITTASE. both of Adams county. Clothe 15th ult., by the Rev. 11 S.Foulk t alr. ABRAHAM HtFER, of Cambtown, to Miss HENRIETTA HINKLEY, of Antrim township, Franklin county. DIED. - On the 4th inst • Mr. JACOB LADY, of Cumberland township, aged 72 years El nomthsand 27 days. On the 26 inst. ' Mrs, SARAH BALDWIN, wife of Jona than Baldwin. ofStraban township, aged 64 years 3 months and`lo days. On Monday last, Mr. JACOB SAUM, Sea,., of Franklin • township, in the 86th year of his age. On Saturday last, in this Borough, CHARLES DAVID, son of David B. Little, in his 3d year. ehe matkets. Corrected from the latest Baltimore,York Ze. [lawyer papers. BALTIMORE-Fitt DAY L IST Flour, per barrel, 68 00 - to' 8 12 Wheat, per bushel, - 1 75 to 2 00 Rye, " • 1 15 to 1 20 Corn, A I 62 to •69 Oats, - 1111 37. to 40 Cloverseed, " R 50 to 9 00 Timothy; " - 325t0 3 37 Whiskey, per gallon, 32 to 33 Beef Cattle, per hund., 650t0 9 00 Hogs, 14 7 25 to 7 75 Hay, per ton, '22 00 t 027 00 Guano, Peruvian, per ton, 55 00 it ANOVERTIIURSDAY LAST Flour, per bbl., from stores, 58 00 Do. " " wagons, • 7 50 Wheat, per bushel, 1 65 to 1 75 Rye, t 4 ______/ Corn, .4. 55 Oats, . " 33 Cloverseed, " .• - 750 • Timothy, 44 . • 3 . 00 Plaster of Paris, per ton, 6 25 Pork,. 6 00 YORK—Fier DST LAB! Flour,-per bbl., from stores, 88 75 . Do, " - from wagons, 7 62 Wheat, per bushel, 1 75 to 1 05 Rye, 46 1 08 Corn, 411 55 Oats, Cloversced, 66 Timothy. .1 Plaster of Paris, per ton. Last Notice. THE undersigned hereby gives .notice to all indebted by note or hook account to call and pay up before the first day of March next, nt which time 1 will place my books in the hands of M.& W. McClean for collection. Feb. 11, 1856. ABM. ARNOLD. Wall Paper. COBMAN & PAXTON Invite the attention of House-keepers and others Nv ho intend fitting up their houses this Spring. to their stock of SIDE, CEILING and BORDER PAPER. • Feh.ll. PHILADELPHIA A DVERTISEMENT Evans' Fire Si. Thief Proof Safes! I'IOR Merchants, Lawyers, Farmers and others, having Books, P (Filers or other valuables, to preserve from FIRE or BURG LARS. Day &,Newell's(}l ohh's) RANK LOCKS. A CAR D.—Tue "Fitts Nog*. SAFE," that preserved our Bunks, Papers, ffv., during the "Great Fire at .Hart's ;dings," was pur-, chased of OLIVER EVANS, 61 S. 2nd Philadelphia.—Getz 4 , Buck. Refrigerators & Water Filters. EVANS' Premium Ventilated Refrigerators for cooling and preserving meals, butler, milk, j water and all articles for culinary purposes. WATER FILTERS, for purifying brackish or muddy water, whether affected by rains, limestone s , marl or other causes ; can be had separate or attached to the Refrigerators—a small quantity of Ice cooling the whole, in the warmest weather. PORTABLE Slowest BATES, for the use of Warm or cold water. WATER COOLERS, for Hotels, Stores and Dwellings. SToRs Timms, for moving b.zee, bales, SEAL PRESSES, COPYING do., DkUGGIST do. OLIVER EVANS, No. 61, South Second Si., 2 doors below Chariot. (ESTABLISHED IN 1835.) P.b. 11, 1856. ly To Those Who Wish Farms. rpo ha vefertile LAND at a cheap price on I easy terms, your attention is called to the U'AV - A - Y vmot AKU COAL COM= containing 66 ACRES, more or less, adjoining. the Maryland line, anti lands of George Pal mer, George .Bitile and Others, on wiitc li are erecteda one and a halt story LOG HOUSE, I Double Log Barn ;,a one and a half _story Log Tenant. ; House, and a one and *half story Log FULLING MILL, and ether improve ments. Seized and taken in execution as the property of THOMAS HENRY 'llloMAS,..Slierfif. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, Feb. 11, 1856. td .Ten per cent, of the purchase money upon all sales by the Sheriff must be paid over hit mediately after din property is struck down, and on failure to comply :herewith the proper ty will be again put up for sale. Town Properly AT-PUBLIC SALE. THE subscriber will offer at public sale, on the premises, on Wednesday. the' oth doy of February next, the following town property, via: A Salt Lot of Ground, situated on West" Mid(l.l6 street, adj9ining properties of Dr. Study and COrdori, bay. ing thereoti n 'twc•story* Frame Weatherboarded HOUSE; with Kitchen attnched, a good Stable, ail an excellent well of water, &c. : Also, Four• Arres otLand,- more or less, on the:Millemtown , road, adjoin ing property of Mrs. Shultz on the west, and property of Samuel Frthilegtock on the east, the whole being well set in timothy anti clover, and having thereon a tine lot of peach tret•.e. to commence at i o'cloc10 ) , M., on said day, when attendance Will be given and terms made known by GEORGE CIIRITZMA N. Jan. 21,185,6. td VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY At Public Sale. THE subscriber, intending to remove to the, West, will sell at public sale, at his residence, in Tyrone township. Adams.coun ty, on the old Carlisle road, two miles from New Chester, on Tuesday, the 26th day if February cirri, the followitivaluable Person al Property, viz: -7 Ca in Ily - 11. 2,.g00d Cows, a Four-horse Wagon with bed, a One-horst 1/Vagon, a goat Bulgy anti Sleigh, 2 sets Hartwig, Horse Gears, Winnowing Mill, Sluntel Plough, Corn Pork, Lug and Whet Chains, &c. Also, Household & Kitchen Furniture, such as Bureaus, 'Tillles, Beds!eads, Corner Cupboard, Meek, Carpeting., I Parlor and 2 Ten-plate Stove 4;• I - Coulon!! liettlesArni Pots, Meat Vnssels. Kurds, and a variety of other articles, too Huisicrous to 33 7 75 Ilki'Sale to commence et 9 . o'elnek. K. M., on said day, when attendance will he given and terms made known by JOHN LEHMAN. • 21,1956. td 2 g 5 7 00 India: Or, The Pearl 1 Pearl River. BY the distinguished A meriean Authoress, Mrs. E. 0. E. N. SOUTHWORTH, author of" The Lost Heiress," "The Deserted Wife," "The Missing Bride," "The Wife's Victory," &c. Kr Cotnplete in one large duodecimo volume, 'neatly b.rund in cloth, for One Dollar and Twenty five Ceots; or in two volunieS, paper cover. for One Dollar. • rhe Publisher takes great pleasure in being able to announce another new work by this celebrated and popular American Authoress.-- A celebrated critic, who has read the work in manuseript, says: " 'lndia ; or, the Pearl of Pearl River,' taki•g it all in all, is the best work Mrs. Solithivorth has yet written. It is one great merit in this lady's fictions, that they faithfully- delineate lire and manners, without - emerin,g on vexed social, religious or political issues. In India.' the reader will find a vivid delineation of lire South West.- 1 But this is not all : The characters are h - oloy driiwn; the incidents natural, and the nation of the story rapid and absorbing. The two hero. ines are finely contrasted. The hero is i no ble creation; strong in will, earnest in purpose, firm for the right, and persevering to the end in whatever he believes to he justice and truth. We cannot recall, in any late work, a character so ideally lofty, yet so faithful to reality. The heroic spirit in which he goes west, abandoning the luxuries he has been ac customed to, and settling down in his rude ' log hut, determined to conquer fortune with his own good right hand, is, indeed. the trite type of a self-relying American. No fiction of M r. South worth's bears such`` proofs of care ful finish. It ought, on these several accounts, to have a popularity unrivalled by any of her former works, spite of the immense circula tion they have attained." (}Copies of either edition of the work will be sent to any part of the United Stattis, free of postage, on remitting the price of the edition they may wish. to the publisher, in a letter. ger Published and for sale at the Cheap Book and Publishing Establishment of T. B. PETERSON. Ntvlo2 - flitin - u - 1 - street, - Philadelpftia. February 11, 1850. Executor's Notice. TOSHUA !MEHL'S ESTATE.—Letters t• testamentary on the estate ofJoshua Biehl, late of Germany township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the under signed, residing in Mounrpleasant twp., he hereby gives notice to :all persons indebted to_saidestaiaiomake immediate pay_ment, and those having claims againstthe same to present them properly anthsnticated for settle ment. DAVID BIEHL, Feb. 11, 1856. Gt Executor. David A. Buehler, .971ORNEY .97' LAW, 'VITILL promptly attend to collectioi. all business eutrustcd to his care. OTflife — in — the of A . B. KURTZ. Gettyshurz,_ Feb. 4, 1856. ly the picture. 11110 LA Kwrs, Shawls and Flannels. very cheap at FAIINENTOCKS.' gariol3 PRYNTING DONE HERE. To Cash in hands Of Treasurer at last settlement. — 3,103 56 Outstand log Taxes and Quit Rents in hands of Collectors, - 5,575-35 County Rates sc. Levies assessed for 1855. - , Borough of Getty:shun!. .01301 43 do. Quit Rents, 178 50 Cumberland township, 1217 91 Germany 743 13 Oxford 1030 51. Huntington . " 1163 70 - • • • . . t. - t•lt may bri proper In explanatina of Hof the last item to ear.. that in consequence of a want of prmotilness o some of the Collectors at the beginning of the year, it became nacos. nary to borrow some tnoney on short time, to meet the orders on the County Treasury.' All these hcans. together witlt - all the permanent interest, have been 'paid: in full during the year.. making tip the item of *11,030.93 on riedit• side of the .Aceonitt.. The county is now out of debt. with outstmiding taxes due the county of $4. 08,00—end cash In Treasury $690,38. dilyeleetf(lAod rs!l stl at d sadaat ePoblieteeoarts: O tw the. 'l'rrasurer d,oinisailnprs of elaiToutthajincteenswornrsinrne agreenhly to law, report the following to be a general .staternent of said ace. unts fiota,the 24 day •)f January, A. U., 1855, to the ith,day of January,.A. D,,lBs6—both days,inelusire.• GEOILGE 'Treasurer, and COMMISSIONER,S v in account with , the County of Adams. assessed fir 1855, 20,221 85 Path ree'd trout Myer Stern for costs, 20 00 Abatement ou State Quota for 1855. 659 85 Cash received from E4tate of Jacob Myers. deed., for inquest, 17 74 Cat4sree'd from Henry Thomas,Esq., Sheriff, for Jury fees and fines for 1855, 164 06 Ca'.h received from J. J. Baldwin, Esq.. for Jury fees for 1855, 8 00 Dividend from Water Company, 48 00 Additional Tax for 1855, 4 48 Tax refunded to State, 161 12 ...==== E, the undersigned, Anditors of the County of Adams Pennsylvania, elected and sworn in pursuance of law. do REPoirr, that we met, did audit, settle and adjust according to law, the account of the Treasurer and Commissioners of said County, commencing on the, 2d day of January, 1855, and ending on the 7th day of January, 1856—both days inclusive: that said account, as settled above, and entered of rteord in Settlement Book, in the.Commis sinners' °ewe of Adams county, is correct, and that we find a balance due , to the County of Adams, by Georg. , Arnold, Rsq., Treasurer of said County, in cash, Sii . Hundred and 'Ninety Dollars and Thirty-eight Cates, (51690 - 3a;) - a - n - d - irni ' out - ousan. ' 110 nd red and Eight Dollars, (81,508.) A. T. WRIGHT, February 4, 1856. 4t JOHN HAUPTMAN, } judib-rl* FOR CHEAP DAGUERREOTYPES WEAVER respectfully announces to Os the Ladies and Gentlemen of Gettysburg and vicinity, that he has resumed the Daguer reotype- bufriness, -- at — the - old - starrrfrin — Chav& - bersburg Street, where he will be happy to re ceive visitors desirous of securing perfect Dlgnerreotypes of thelcselves or friends. Being frirnishecl with an entirely new and `costly apparatus. he is prepared to take pictures I in every style of the art and insure perfect satisfaction. * and ; sia-Chartrea from 25 eel - ajai - 01410. lArHo.trs of operating from 8 A. M. to 9 store ' . • gre,e-in dross avoid light, red, idnp, or par . le. Dark dress adds much to the heaatyof — eb. 4, 1856. ti REGEIPT , S--k.-FAPF.NDITURES , - • CODIMIBSIONERS' OFFICE, Avila Cutibtk r •PA: GREEABI.V to no net of:Aolsenthly, entitled m'Ati ,Piiito'neits County RAMO anti L4*. A_ vies," requiring the flormniieinneri of the tense ve cou ntietinL ". . "utetnent_of-- the keceipts and Expendttores yearly, Wecth Report as fb)lows, to wit; from the 2d day ofJa A. I)., 1856—both days inclusive. GEORGE 4RSOLD, Eq., Treasurer. and - County if Ara Ilamiltonban as 1406 87 Liberty a . 665 44 1 - lattkilihn___. " 902.01 Meriallen 44 852 76 .Streban " 1241 52 Franklin " 1315 41 Conowago .4 - 912 63 Tyrone 64 646 28 Mountjoy 64 823 12 - Monntplea:mitt " = 12118 28 Reading . 14 1068 25 Berwick r . -511-03 1 ----- Freedom 64 ' 395 95 Union 4' 1098 48 --I Ruder - .66 769 75 - • - A daeliSere l pay, . . ,- . ._ -. , 489 00 Jailor's fees for keeping prison.» and Turnkey: . Wood. stone coal, s tunting, &c., for public building., . Repairs at. public buildlngS, fic., ;-, 159. 04 Grand:Jury and Tip.Stases' ay, p. , 33.-49 Register,. Prothonot a ry aud.clerk of .. , . Sessions, fees. . goo 3*, Tax refunded to sundry persons, , ••••-` . 37 .12' Court, Ctier's,plit - . • ''., • ,96 ,50, --Oertiftwites-of-Constables"-returnw-----59740-, T Counsel fees and extra suits, . , ,t 40 :00 Treasurer of Alms Howie, , , ; . •5800 00:. Dockets for bffices. &cr. ' , . . : . . ; - 134.82) Stationery for,Comniiasionere i, oilice. . 81 - 34 Note! and intcrisst paid Bank . ,and • .. - ~.:-', sundry persona, -', ' 11,030 93%. 'Quit Rents - paidOeorge Mimes' heirs. - • .4 00 Medical attendance on -prisoners,. .- ' 8: John Mickley, Esq... Commission er's pay. James-J. Mills ' -Esq.,. . U• i • . 1 George Myers, Es q., . e in 800 J. Aughinbaugh, trust-for standard 48 002 of Weights and Measures !or , dm -448 'County of Adams, - • 161 12 Officers' pay at Spring Election.: ,• . -.-- Justice and Constable fees for corn - 1036.284 , * 01, patting vagrants,- . , Building Cistern 'at Jail. , • '- -, •, ' The outstanding County Tax end - Quit !lents Jonas itaittzhan part payment on Ber appear to be in the hands 6f the following ; mu di an B r id ge . „ . . . . Collector*. to wit i • ' ' ' .. i Officers' pay . at Fall.Electiort.' ~' . . . lours, ' Collectors. ' , Tpwailllps. . - • ! Keeping - Prisoners at Eastern. Pent. - ..,- . 1853. George W. Finkel, Latimore,f 32 18 ' .tentiary t : ,' -' , -1. - :' . ," --. ''. '`'. jag:33 1854. Epli. Mania, Gettysburg 11.. 99 00 Directors of the ' Poor pay, - • •-, ~• :- ~.t .60 , oak Quit Rents, _23- 50 Road damage. and damage views,. -, 1893 - 50 . " Hugh McGaughy, Cumberland, 36 76 Repairs - at - Bridges,.. „ , ;. ~ ,: „•, .. - -605:410 - 6 1 John R. Helices, Huntington, 14 83- Henry Thomas, Esq., Sheriff,.-for= • " Henry Fletnier, Mountpleusant, - 824 I summoningJtirors, • . •- 1855. Saiii'l. Weaver, Cluttyshiiii-11.,*.358 49 Exoneration, to. Collectors, - . - , . 66 60 . " Quit Rents, 178 50 Collectors'..teei, . .;:.,, - - _, , '" Jas. McCullough. Cumberland, 231 59 , Outstanding Tex and Quit Rents in s ,.- ' 4i S 4 " S* l lllllloll Sell, tierniallYt'. , 345 44 - 1 bands of Collectors, '- . . -..: 45 001 " Nlichael A. Slagle, Oxford, 161 94 Treasurer's Salary. ':-. F -. ~ - , -43 p 4* - - • ".• , BenjaminM6aver,Huntington. 4 621 70 Balance dui County by 'fie.. Ainold,:::::'..,. - .,- 6 . Archibald Gerroll, Lttimore,* 268 87. Esq., Treasurer, , .. , ... -.... ' , _ - 690;0 " Nicholas Slayhaugh, Menaillen,.26o 16 , , ~ .... ~. " I 'intim) Rindlaub", Strahan, 163 05 , „ '• Michael Crew!, Franklin, , 69 25 - , " .George Healy, Clunowago,* • -109 '64 ._. " Nnitt-tiel Snillpe 'l'..---- 4' P 5 t Loan front Bank &sundry liersotts. 6,300 00 4 'ash from Myer Stern for costa., , go' 00 Abatement on State Qttotit for 1855. 659 85 Cash received from Estate, of Jacob . Myers..civet-a:3O, fur 1n nest. .17 74 Cash received. from Sheriff Thomas for Jury . fre* and fine® for 1855. 164 06 Qash.rreeived from J. J. , Baldwin. Egg., for Jury fees, Dividend fr4on Water Company. Additionnt Tax for 1855. 'Cat' refunded to Ptak. •• Francis Allison, 1 ountjoy. . 11 64 Joseph llonnan. hrtpleasent,* 417 37 la Ni t chael Bouwn, Reading * 127 39 " Pins Unger. Union. 161 59 4 * Henry Slayb4ugh t Butler.* 290 58 11=3C 9120 ==:l _Oz!; 0 7 Li a mit to nh n. Liberty. Hamilton. lier• wick. and — Preetlffin, had paid. in toll before settlement. Tiinse marked thus (f) have since paid in Atli. l'hobs parked thus (*) 114 Vlt since paid in part. 31, - 4 44 p 1 : fe To the Honorable the Judilea of the Court ry" Common Pkg. pf Adainit - Cpta' nty“ Cash in hands of Treasurer tit last arttlement. 3,103 56 OutstandinT Tax and Quit Rents in lit.& of Collprtorn. 5,575 35 Loan from Bank and sundry persons. 6,300 00 Amount of Co. Tax and Quit Rents Now in the lime, Or ADAMS COUNTY, POR 855. DIL Dona. Cts 04:508 00 DIL Della. Cta. *36,284 01 -C ornmisttioners - of - Taxes - ottatd — county. — do7 harp, A. D., 1855, to the 7th dui!' of January, COMMISSIONERS, it) account vi 6 Ells a cis foams By orders Paid oat ss follows, to wit _: By auditing & sett! i ng public account*, 42 00 . R. G. McCreary, Esq., Auditor. rip ! pointed by-the Court to audit pub= lie offices, • - $5 - 00 Merchandize for Jail, dac., ' 18 23 Printing.end blanks, &c., ,307 74 , Sheriff's Bills of court costs, 403 57 Clerk's pay. • 200 00 Abatement to Collectors of 5 per eent.,l4s2i 15 roz and Wild Cat scalps, 4l 04 , • i•• L./ in • u 1 - 1 IA fallitbliall4lll IN TESTIMONY that the foregolng State. merit of Receipts and Expenditure, ekl.. tscatiliiibited at the Office of the Treasurer of said County, is correct and, true, copy, as taken from 'and compared with this original remaining in the hooks in, thisOffice s ', we have hereunto ettA, our. hands. And af f ixed.. the seal of said Office at Gettysburg,. the 1101 r• v 11l It day'of January, one thousand eight him... died and, fifty-six. _ „ , JAS. J. WILLS, „ GEO. MYERS. 11 EN-ICY A. PICEING,, Cgransissium" Attest--J. Annameation, Clerk. DotU. Otte • By outstanding Tan for 1853. '39 18- 0 *4 1854. ' 281 46 1555 0 4,194 49 *, Foes for • 1852, 97 35 0 ' 1853, • 289 64' . 1854, sta-2; 66 " 44 1855. 233 76' Ezonerations for 1852, 6 35 116 64 1853 9 53 56 64 . • 1854, 156 93 64 46 1555; 2b 97 Dishursenients on County orders, 69,039 83 Treasurer's Commission, - 439 90 Balance due by Taessurer, 690 38 Corn Dryers, THE atter.tion of MILLERS is invited:ls - - a very superior article Tor drying CORN, which can be bad at all times at ' ' • Jan. 14. WARRENS' FOUNDRY, Fancy Stationery. CHICK keeps all-kinds of Fancy _Station , . 175 erg, and sells it as cheap, if not, cheaper, than anybody else In the town or the; county. it you atm% believe it, call in and sea' foryoa selves. Jam"; . 1.. SCHICK has now on hand a latga . • nll---asooftntent-of---.141w0ur.-- prisina everything in that line—Breastpin/. Eer-Rang . s. Finger-Rtnf a of iihieh he is se Tine at the °west liars* profits. Cali And ertraiue fur yooraPiewenie trouble to whew gtodill- Jam?, 11114- CL Dons. Cot. 030 70 : 187,60 190 60' 193'01V 225 , ,00 479. -79 .144 43 930 00 t 526 15 '69 113 1364.99 A130:24 `,(it` CR. $36,289,01 r=====i=it 5, Chains, dr.c. lita— ME =I