The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, February 04, 1856, Image 3

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GOOD SLELGUING.—The sleighing in this
section of Pennsylvania was never better than
it js now, and, we think, Was never more en
joyed. The sound ofbeilsisiserdom out of our
ears, and everybody seems merry and happy.
There-is,-nothing.mnreniusical on the clear air
of winter, when a white mantle is over old
mother earth, than the 'sound of , sleigh-bells.
Pon has expressed it well in the following
verse :
' "The tinkling of the bells,
What, a world of 'merriment
_their 'melody foretells!
How they 'tinkle, tinkle', tinkle, •
In the icy 'air of night ; !
While the stars that ever sprinkle .
Ail' the he/liens, selini• to twinkle
With a crystalise delight, '
'Keeping time, time. time; - •
' In a sort of !tunic rhyme. -
To the tintinnabulation that so musically swells,
From the bells, bells, bells, '
Belts, belle, bells—
prom the jingling and the tinkling' of 'the bells."
quested to mention that there will be a "break
ing of ground" of the Gettysburg Railroad, on
Monday next, the 11th inst, at 11 s'clopk,
where the line of the Road passes through the
farm belonging to Mr. NICHOLAS HsizzEr.., in
Zelogptpleasant. township. Addresses may be
expected suitable to the occasion. The public
are invited to attend.
- SUB-CONTRACTS.—We learn that but two
tie.ctions or the Railroad were given out on Mon
t* last, although a large number of bids have
been received. Messrs. THOMAS WARREN and
ROBERT PAXTON, of this •place, got sections 9
and 1.5- - --the latter being the section nearest
'the borough. The other lettings have been
postponed until the line of the route •is definite
-, ly loc,ated, a few changes being thought desira
ble— Messrs. WARREN e 0 PAXTON will "break
ground" on section 9, on Monday, the 11th
inst., on the property of NICITOLAS BELTZEL,
about seved miles from this place, on the York
turnpike. Itis expected that an address, &c.,
will be had. the occasion. -
County Teachers* Association" intend having
a series of meetings in Christ Church, coin
. mencing on Thursday. 11. C. HICKOCK, Esq.,
- the Deputy State Superintendent, wi!l be pres
ent and address the Sssociation. We - under-_
stand that will be delivered by Dr.
Scamukauts and other gentlemen. School Di
rectors and all' interested
~in the su ject of
Common School Education are cordial y invit
ed' to attend. .
INGENTOUS.--AVe were shown, a few days
ago, an invention by Mr. D.. WARREN,. of this
place, designed to effect the detaching of the
coupling of railroai cars. It is a simple - but
ingenious contrivance, and must meet a -great
desideratum on our railroad -thorough : fares.—
The accidents from_ trains running off the
track have grown so frequent• that anything
calculated to guard against injury to passen
gers resulting therefrom, must command the
attention of railroad coin ponies.- - Mr. Wattaior
proposes to meet this want by a. very simple
.contrivance, which, by a self-acting. leverage,
detaches the coupling of cars the moment the
locomotive leaves the rail. - Mr. WARREN de
signs taking out a patent for his invention, and
will then bring it to the attention - of Railroad
ing Party of ladies- and gentlemen frotn Em-
Mitsburg, made its entree it this place, on
Thursday evening last, and drew marked at
tention as the cavalcade passed down Balti-
More street: to the corner of Uhambersburg and
Washington streets, at which point they baited.
and took peaceable possession of the "Eagle,"
where they remained, enjoying themselves by
'dancing. until the "wee small hours of mot n,"
and went bone with the horses, in the
morning. We leitinbat there were fifty-four
persogs composing this grand pleasure=seeking
On Monday our town was honored with a
'visit from the Female High School of Hanover,
under the charge of Miss liam.tmG ; and also
the scholars of the EmtnitAurg Academy, un
der the charge of W. FRANK. PAXTON.
STILL COLD.-=The mercury was down to
7 degrees below zero this morning.
READ.—Two papers worthy of careful pre-
Fervation will be found on'our •ou'tside' pages.
ANAT YzING Suit.s.—The following is a sim
ple method of analyzing soils:
• Weigh a convenient quanity of the earth to
be analyzed, say 1,000 pains, dried in the
open-air ; dry the same before a lire on paper,
ao as not to scorch the paper ; re-weigh, and
the difference will be the moisture. Roast the
residue : re-weigh, and the difference will be
the organic matter. Pour a convenient quanti
ty of: muriatic acid on the remainder ; when
stirred and settled. pour it off', and add oxalate
of ammonia ; the precipitate will be the lime.
Mix the remainder with water, and stir it well ;
when a little settled, pour off the turbid mix
ture, and the suspended contents are argillace
ens, and the deposite officious.
NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees
and other persons concerned, that the
Administration Accounts of the deceased
persons hereinafter mentioned will be pre
sented at the OrphanS' Court of Adams
county, for confirmation and allowance- on
Tuesday, the 2fitlt qf February next, viz :
105. The second account of George Wolf,
one of the Executors of Joseph Bitting - a,
10G. The second account of Jacob L. Chron
ister, David Chronister and John Chronister,
Executors -of the last will and testament of
John Chronister, deceased.
107. The first and final account of Daniel
Crouse, .A.dininistrator of Catharine Lauda
baugh, deceased. ,
1-08-.-The first and - final account of - Ariii6.l
Margaret Chambers, Administratrix of the es
tate cf Henry Chambers, deceased.
109. The first and final account of Samuel
Orndorff and Samuel Hollinger, Executors of
the last will and testament of Peter Iharlacher, NOW is the Time,
110. The account of Jacob Griest, Adminis- FOR CHEAP DAGUERREOTYPES!
trator, with the will annexed, of the estate of WEAVER respectfully. announces to
Israel Cook, deceased, late of Latimore town- the Ladies and Gentlemen.uf Gettysburg'
,!.arid that he has resumed the Daguer
-111. The guardianship account of Peter reotype business,-at_ the old stand, in Cham-
Millerand Adam Weigle, guardians of Rebecca bersburg street, where he will be happy to re,
Meals (afterwards Rebecca Whitrnor) now deceive : visitors desirous of securing perfect
ceased, Elizabeth Meals and Leah Caroline D.iguerreotypes of themselves or friends.
Meals, minor children of Henry Meals, decd. Being furnished with an entirely new and
112. The first and final account of Samuel costly apparatus, he is prepared to take pictures
Alwine. Administrator of Susannah Alwine, in every style of the art and insure perfect
deceaseTt.--, satisfaction.
! The first account of John Trostle and se-Charges from 25 cents to $lO.
AN Hoxesr Bop.—The Rev. John Pierpoint, Georrie lirostle,_Executors of_the last will and i see'Hours . of operating from BA.M. to 4
of - Pi erpw t - Ma gave a w ay his vest testament of Jacob Trostle, late of East Berlin, P. M.
to a ragged be Jr boy, who called at his house Hamilton township. deceased. lair n dress avoid light, red, blue, o; pug- '
the other day, to • . getline , altogether the valua- / WILLIAM W AlTER.__Regisier Dark-tiress-adds-inuch-to- the-beauty-of
F. e ,_
- hie gold watch - there was in one of thepodk-e per DAME!, PLANK, Deputy. the picture. - Feb. 4, 1856. .t{
The boy discovered the unstake.pnssibly a 8 Register's . Office, Gettysburg,
i - -
- -
quick,as the donor did, and returned the watch. February 1, 1856 • I ,a-JOB PRINTING 'DON.B. 'HERE:
PICKLING EvE.—The Eighth Avenue Railroad
Company sowed severalhundred sacks of salt
upon their track in order to melt the ice, and
have found it an easy method to clear the rails
airing—the—applicatioti. --- TIM sage o
Brooklyn Heights says that ice in pipes and
gutters can be speedily melted by the free use
of salt water, equal in density to the beSt
pickle—it is also a very economical process:—
A bushel of salt dissolved in water will 46 .a
great deal of work in inching ice, and is the
chEapest labor that. can be etoployed.—.V. Y.
EX • ress.
A few days since, a Man left his home in Bus•
ton, Mass.. leaving $4OO with his wife, who
hid it about the fire-place for safe keeping.
Upon his return, his
,wife was away from
home, and he kindled a tire which destroyed
the money before her return. The fragments
of about *6O were found. so as to be identified,
and that amount was saved.
: Arrival of the Steamer Arabia. , •
Highly .fasportant—.7'he Czar Accepts the
Propositions of the Allies as a Basis for IVc
gatiatiuns--Larke Decline in Breads:Vl.
HALIFAX.' Jan. 31.—The Canard steamship
Arabia arrived here this evening with Liver,
ToolAlates by_Saturday_the _ 19 china..., _beingLl
a week later.
The London Times' Vienna correspondent
telegraphs juicier date of Wednesday, the IGth,
at 10 A.:11:, that Russia has unconditionally
accented the propositiOns of the German diet.
This was reported to tie authentic, and
.caused an immense excitement throughout
England. but the government dispatch pub
lished the next , day put a different face upon
the affair—being in effect that Russia had on
ly accepted the allies' proposals as baiis of ne-
This slightly relaxed public confidence. and
less sanguine hopes were now entertained.
Doubts were expressed that Russia had merely
accepted the proposals to prolong the negotia-,
Lions and gain time. -
The above is about the snm of all the news.
=The prospect of a speedy return oT peace
swallowed up all else.
There was a large decline in Breadstuffs,
with a further downward tendency.
0:7'.N0 franking system exists •in England'.
—Even the Queen has to pity her penny.
. freHOLLOWAT'S OINTMENT AND Pizi.s.—Extraordinary
Cure of a Bld Leg, .communicated to Professor Holloway
by E. Merchant. Esq.. of the Gazette Office. Edgartown,
Mass. —llr. Daniel Nortown, of Edgartown, had a sore on
his leg, which defied all ordinary remedies. tad instead of
improving him he only became worse. At last, lie had re
course to Hidloway's Ointment awl Pills, a few applications
of the Ointment to his leg, effected a wonderful change for
the better . ; it loßt its swollen and angry appearance, and
in a very abort time be was completely cured; His leg is
now quite sound, and he
_is able to resume his work, al
though sixty years of ago! This astonishing unguent will
care wounds aid ulcers even of twenty years standing.
try- Mss. PARTTNGTON ON SUAKESPOARB.— , 'There Came a
certain lord, neat and "trimly dressed," read ' His
mother immediately interrupted her interestinr - ion.—
"Isaac," said.she, •'I know why Mr. Spokeshare defers to
in that telegraph, it is 'to old Zekial Lord's son Jearues,
who was awful proud and stuck op after - he got that nice
spick-and-span , bran.mew suit at Rockhill & Wilson's. 111
Chesnut street, corner of Franklin Kum !" Ike replied
that he had heard of the '.crib." arid that he was '•iu" for
a ' “Mew rig," himself, whenever it met the views of the
On Thursday, the 33st alt.. by the Rev. t Martin, Mr.
of Adams county.
On the 22d ult., by Bev. Bishop .T T. Glossiwenner, Rev.
W. B. RARER, of York. to Miss SUSAN, daughter of Mr.
Henry 'Hopp, near Liverpool. York county.
On the 22il ult., by the Rev. D. P. Rossi:waffler, Mr. JA
COB GIPE - to MissELIZABETH HIKES troth of Reading
On the 15th ult., by Friends' Ceremony, at the house of
Win. 11. Wright,. Mr. HIRAM A. THOMAS, of Clayton.
county. lowa, to Bliss REBECCA WRIGHT, of Menallen
township, Ad ams county.
At the residence of Mr. David Wertz, in Quincy township,
Franklin county, on the 14th ult.. Mr. MATTHEW DOB
BIN, formerly ofthis place. aged about 70 years.
At Baltimore, on the 234 ult., WILLIE FAIINESTOCK,
son of Mr. Wth. Gillespie, formerly of this place, in the 7th
year of his age.
On the 25th . ult., in Adams county, Mr. JOSIAH BELEM,
aged 49 years 6 months and 20 days. •
In Indiana. Pa., at the residence of her brother-in-law.
E. P. Hildebrand, on Tuesday, the 221 ult., Miss MARY
JANE, daughter of Joseph and Sarah Woods. of East
Adams county. Pa., ,aged 11 years 7 months and 11 days.
'On the 25th ult., Mrs. BARBARA BEAR. wife of Samuel
Bear, of /franklin township, aged 60 years 4 months and 26
tie iflnrkcts.
Corrected from the latest Baltimore,York & Hanover papers
Flour, per barrel. 00 to 8 12 ,
Wheat, per bushel, 1 75 to 2 00
—Rye, :4- - 20
Corn, d 4 68 to 76
Oats, 4/1 -35 to 37
Cloverseed, " 9 00 to 9 25
Timothy, ," 325t0 3 37
Whiskey, per gallon, 32 to 33
Beef Cattle, per hund., 5 00 tolo 50
Bogs, {4 7 50 to 7 50
hay; per ton, . 20 00 t 025 00
Guano, Peruvian, per ton; 55 00
11A:40VER-I.atrßsn.or LAS?
Flour, per bbl., from stores, $8 50
Do. " " wagonS, • 8 00
Wheat, per bushel, _ 175 to 1 85
Rye, 44 1 05
Corn,- 14
Oats, lit
Cloverseed, ‘,
Timothy, 4, 300
Plaster of Paris, per ton, - .6 25
Pork, 6 00
Flour, per bbl., from stores, $8 75
Do. .. from wagons, 8 00
Wheat, per, bushel, 1 85 to 2 00
Rye, Ad 1 08
Corn, di 58
Oats, A II
Cloverseed, "
Plaster of Paris, per ton,
David A. Buehler,
w lt o* promptly e a o tt t c r n o d ste to d ctool!eiclitsioxreand
''Office in - the Diamond. adjoining store
of A. B. 'KVIITZ.
GettySburg, Feb. 4, 1856. iy
AGREEADIX to an act of A ssembly, * i;ntitled' 4 4AIi jict to raise County-.Rates,and Le-
Vies." requiring the Ilommiiisionerl of . the respective counties to publish a Statement of
.11 the Receipts and Expenditures yearly, We, the Cummissfoners ofTexes of said county, ,do
Report - as - follows, to wit: from the 2d , day ofJanuary, A. D. 1855, to the 7th day of January,
A. D.,lBs6—both days inclusive:' ". " '
GEORGE .iRSOLD, Esq.,' Treasurer, and
To Cash in hands of Treasurer at Fan
settlement, ' . 1303 56
I Outstanding Taxes and Quit Rents in
1. bank of Collectors.. ' 5,575 -3 5
l County Bales st ,. Levity massed for 1855.
Borough of Gettyiiburg. $l3Ol 43
ilo. c --- • Quit Rents, .178 50
Cumberland township, 1217 91
Germany , 66 743 .13
Oxford 66 ' 1030 54
Huntington 44 1163 70 •- ..
Latimore 66 ' 768 87
HeiniliOlibTsi — a
.- $ 6 ' 1406.87 .--,.
Liberty 64
Hamilton Gs, 902.01
Menallen 64 852 76
Straban 46 1241 52
Franklin ' tii. 1315 41
Conowago___ .. 66 —.
912 62
Tyrdne _ 66 , 646 28
Mountjoy 66 823 12
Moulapleasaut - " 1208 28
Reading- 46 1068 25
~ 7
66 511 03
Freedom . 46 395 95
Union at 1098 48 .
Butler 66 769 75
2.0.221 85
*Loan from Bank & sundry persons, 6,300 00
Lash from Myer Stern for costs, 20, 00
Ai4 torrent on State Quota for 1855, 659 85
Cash received from Estate:of Jacob
Myers, deceased, for Inquest,- 17 74
Cash received from Sherif Thomas
for Jury fees and fines for 1855. 164 06
Cash received from J. J. Baldwin,
'Esti., for Jury tees, lB 00
. from Water , Company, , 48 00
Additional Tax for 1855, 4 .48
Tax refunded to State, . 161 12
The' outstanding County Tax atui Quit Rents
appear to be in the hands of the following
• Collectors, to mit:
Years. - Collectors. Townships._
1853. George' W. Fickel; - Latimore,f, 32 18
1854. Eph. Martin, Gettysburg 8., ' 99 00
44 66 Quit Rents, 23 50
" Hugh McGaughy, Cumberland, 36 76
• 66 John E. Heikes, Huntington, 113 83
" Henry Hernler, Mottatideasant, 8 21
1855. Sarn'l.- Weaver, Gettysbum 8.,* 358 49
66 Quit Rents, 178 50
' 6 ' Jas. McCullough<Cumberland, 231 59
44 Solomon Sell, Germany. 345 44
6 * Michael A. Slagle, Oxford, 161 94
44 Benjamin Wcaver,Htinting,ton.* 621 To
Archibald Gerroll, Latiniore.* 268 87
" 'Nicholas Slaybaugh. Menallen, 260 16
- -66 Chilstian Rindlnub, Struhan,* 163 05
Crowl, Franklin, 69 25
-.6 George Heagy,' Conowago,* 169 64
" Samuel Sadler, Tyrone.* • 391 28
46 Francis Allison, Mountjoy. 'l7 66
66 Joseph Herman, M 4 tpleasanti* 427 37
66 ' Michael Brown, Reading, 127 39
" Pius linger, Union, 161-58
44 Henry Slaybaugh, Butler,* 240 58
o:THamiltonban, Liberty, Hamilton. Ber
wick, and Freedom, had paid in 101 - .before
settlement. 'Those marked thus (f) have
since paid in full. Those "marked thus (*)
have since paid in part. -
t0:::7-It may be proper in explanation of
of the last item to say. that in consequence of
a want of promptness of some of the collectors
at the beginning of the year, it herame neces
sary to borrow some money on Owl time, to
meet the orders on the County Treasury.
these loans, together with all the permanent
interest, have been paid in foil during, the year,
making- up the item of SI 1,0.30.93'un , credit
side of the Account. The county is now - out
of debt, with outstanding taxes due'thn county
of 84,508,00—and cash to Treasury_B69o,3B.
8 50
• To Me Ilonurabk the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas if Adams County.
AVE. the - undersignud, duly electod Auditors to , settle and adjust .tite•Pithlic Accounts o
the Treasurer and C:fitimissioners of said County., having been sworn.or affirmed
agreeshly to law,
,report the following to be a general statement of said ace , nints from the 2d
day of January, A. D., 1855, to the 7th day of January, A. D.,lBs6—both days inclusive.
GEORGE ARNOLD, Esq., Treasurer, and COMMISSIONERS, in account with the
County of Adams.
- 34
8 25
3 00
7 0(1
Cash in hands of Treasurer at last
settlement. 3,103 56
Outstanding Tax and Quit Rents in
hands of Collectors, 5,575 35
Loan from Bank and sundry persons, 6,300 00
Amount of Co. Tax and Quit Rents
assessed for 1855, • 20,e2.1 85
Cash ree'd Irom Myer Stern for costs, 20 00
Ahatement on State Quota for 1855, 65J 85
Cash received from Estate of Jacob
Myers, deed., for inquest, 17 74'
Cash rec'd from Henry Iliornas,Esq.,
Sheriff, for Jury fees 'and_fines for
1855, 164 06
Cash received from J. 13aldwin,
Esq., for Jury fees for 1855, 8 00
Dividend from Water Company, 48 00
Additional Tax for 1855,
Tax refunded to State,
W E t , e t i h m e r u s r u t
n e
e r s e g o n f e l d a , w A
(I nt e l
p o the
. 0
a n t t y w
e of m A e d t a m d
t s d .. a P e e d n i n t
sY se lv t t fi le ni a a4 n e d l : e d j te u d st a l n et
to law„ the account of the Treasurer and Commilcsioners of said Con my. commenciwg on the
:2d day of January, 1855, and ending on the 7th day of January, 1856—both days inclusive:
that said account, as settled above, and entered of record in Settlement Book. in the Commis
sioners' office of Adams county, is correct, -and that-we-find-a balance due to the County of
Adams,-by-George A rnold,-Esq,-,-Treasurer of said County. in Ca9h.SVg Hundred and Ninety
Dollars and Thirty-eight Cen:s, 0;690 38,) and in Outstanding Taxes, Four= Thousand Five
Hundred and Bight Dona's, ( *4 , 508. ) A. T. WRIGHT.. } Auditors.
February 4, 1856. 4t JOHN HAUPTMAN,
Dolls. Cts.
836.264 01
84.508 00
DR. •
Dolls. CL
4 48
161 12
536,284 0 t
he C9RMISSIONER47,in account toibitFic
a ► ailighava r
fly Oran* pail oat as follows, to wit
11,y auditing &settling public accounts, 42 00
R. C. McCreary, Esq., Auditor.
pointed by the quiirktii audit pub-
lie offices, - , 15130
Merchandise for Jail. &c., ' 18 23
PriiOng and blanks, &c.;, 307 74
Sheriff's Bills of Court costs, 403 57
Clerk's pay; 200 00
Abatement to Collectors of 5 per cent., 1452 15
Fox' anu 'Wild CM scalps. - 41 84
General Jury 'and Tip Staves'__pay, 1156 00
Assessors' pay, 489 00
Jai loeti fees for keeping prisoners and
Wood. stone coal, hauling, &c., for
public buildings, 106 73
Repairs at public buildines, &c., 159-04
Gragd„,,lnry and Tip Staves' pay. :330 48
Register, Nothonotary and Clerk of
Sessions' fees, 200 32
Tax refunded to sundry persons, 77 12
Court Cryer's pay, • 96 50
Certi6crites'of Constables' returns, 89 40
Counsel fees and extra suits, ' •4.0' 00
Treasurer of Alms House,: • 6800 00
Dockets lot Offiees, &c., 134 82
Stationery ,for Commissioners' office, 81 34
Notes and interest paid Bank and
sundry persons, 11,030 93
Quit Rents paid,George Hitnes' heirs, 2.00
Medical-attendance on prisoners, - , , 8 25 '
John. Mickley, Esq., Commission
-• er's pay.• 187 50
James J. Wills. Esq., " 190 50
George Myers. Eq., . 111 '" 183 00
• J. Augliinhatigh, in trust fOr standard
of Weights - 3nd Measures - for the
I County:of Arising,
Offieers'pay at Spring Election,
Justice and Constable fees for corn.
! ,ruitting vagrants,
Building Cistern at Lil.
Jonas RIM tzhati part payment on Ber
mudian Bridge,- ' '
, .930 00
Officers' pay at Fall Election. 526 15
Keeping Prisoners at Eastern Pent:, .
• tentiary, - 58 37
Directors' of the Poor pay, 6O 00
Road damages end damage views, 1893 50
Repairs at Bridges. - 565 68
Henry Thomas. Esq., Sheriff, rot •
, . summoning Jurors. 69 75
Etoneration to Collectors, 2 43 81,
Collectors' fees., 1362 99
-Outstanding Tax and Quit Rents in . •
hands of Collectors, . 4503 00
Treasurer's Salary, , • 439 00
Balance due County by Geo. Arnold, •
"Esti:, Treasurer, 690' 38
IN TESTIMONY that the foreininv,r State
ment of Receipts and Expenditarres
[Semlntl:oiled at the liffiee of the Treasurer
, -of said County, is - a correct and true
Copy, as taken from and compared with . th
original remaining in the hooks in this Office,
we have hereunto .set oar hands. and affixed
the seal of said Office at Getvslittrg, the sev
enth day Of January, one thousand eight hun
dred and fifty•six.
G Y 1S K:.
. COM M isaiunem
. A ttest—J: Atronma3uon, Clerk.
Dons. Cts.
. .
By outstanding Tax for 1853, 32 18
- •• • •• 1859, - 281 33
•• •• 1855, 4,199 49
MI Fees for 18 ' )2, 27 35
•• •• 1853, 289 64
•• •• 1854, 812 '2 4
•• . 4 .4 1855, 233 76
•• Ezonerations for 1832, 6 35
•• •• 1853, 53 56
•• 1854. 156 93
•• •• 1855, 26 97
Disbursements on Coun!y orders, 29,039 83
Treasurer's Commission, 439 00
Balance due by Treasurer, . 690 38
Corn Dryers.
THE attelition of MILLERS is invited to
a very superior article for drying CORN,
which can be had at all times at
Fancy Stationery.
CHICK keeps all kinds of Fancy Station
ery, and sells it as cheap, if not cheaper,
than anybody else In the town or the county.
II you &sift believe it, call in and see for you'
selves. Jan. 7.
Jewelry ! Jewelry!
JJ .
L. SCHICK has now on hand -a large
and splendid assortment of Jewelry. com
prising everything in that line—Breastpins,
Manttings,- Finger-Rings, Chains, &c. tke;—
all of which he is selling at the lowest living
profits. Pall .and ezarnine fur yonrielves—no
trouhle to show goads. Jan. 7, 1855.
Polls. CU.
238 70
225 00
479 79,
5 03
144 42
1r36.2R4 01
VALVABI,E PERsolsa PtcolrAtillt
At - Public .
subscriber, intending to remove to the
West, will sell at public sidle, at- bit
reNdence; in Tyrone township,-Adatila coun.-
ty,on the old Carlisle road, two mites from
Nev , i Chester, on Ttiesday, the WM day if
'February next; the following valuable Person
al Property, via; -
An Excellent lenumlly, horse,
2 good Cows, a Pour-horse Wagon with bed,
• One-horse Wagon, a good 'Baggy and Sleigh,
- tr sets Harness, Horse Gears, Winnowing
Mill. Shovel Plough, Cart Pork, Log tad
other Chains, Sto: leo,
Itonsebold & Kitchen irtcrivilture,
such as Bureaus. Tables. Bedsteads. Chairs,
Corner Cupboard, Cluel4-Oarpeting, 1 Parlor
and 2 Ten-plate Stoves, 1 Cookiog Stove,
kettles and Pote, Meat .Vessels, ,Barrels. , and
a variety of other articles, WO numerous to
mention. ,
kSale to commence at 9 o'cloo.k,
on Raid day, when attendance will be. given
.and terms made known by
Town Proptrly
Fr HE subscriber Will offer nt sale, on
the premises, on Wednesday, the 20th doy
of February next, the following town property,
viz :
A tlalf Lot of‘Grauudt
situated on West Middle street, adjoininz
properties or Dr. study and Cotdort, hav
ing ,thereon a two•story, , F ne /
, r,,
Weatlierboardc4l',H .... with :F P ':
Kitchen attached, a good Stable, "4 , . '.
an excellent - well of water, &c.. ,- '.'''.,•4 ,,, , .;.- '
Also, roar Acres of Land, -•
more or less, on the Millerstown road, adjoin
ing property of 'M rs.'Shultz on the west, and
property of Samuel Fahnestoek on the east,
the W lin e being 'well•set in timothy and clover,
and having* thereon n fine lot of peach teens.
Kr Sate to commence nt I?, M.,
on said day, when attendance wiabe given
and terms made known . by •
Jan. 21, 1856. ; ' • • • -
Pal tale Sale.
THE undersig,ned PriVide• SRIC
that desirable ; ' property, in MoSherrys
town, Conowago township, Adams county,
Pa., lying on the public load running through
said place: It contains Ten &em, MOM
or less, of first rate hind; adjoining lands of
Dr. ',H. N. Lilly. Saltine! and Joseph Stattni
baugh;and others, and Vs' finely improved..-;
There is large Twa:Stnry [MICR "•
DW 11; M. NG, with It Two•story Brick um :
Back-building, fronting . on the street,
and nearly opposite the public- house of John
Busby, Esq., a good Lug Barn, an Orchard
of choke fruit, a good- well - of water, and
other im proveutents. •Possesston given -on or
bCtine the of April next. as may he
desired: If not sold,. the property will be
Persons wishing to view the'-prentises will
call on John Busby, Esq . . - -'• - •
. 1111011AEL HERRING.
- Nov. 26.1855: •
A small Farm,
PRE; subscriber offers at titivate tialit;'. a
TRACT OF -LAND, situate in Stint:inn'
township, Adams county. about 2 utiles. frnin'
Getty itlto rv„ on the east side of the State llond
to ilarrisbi;rg, adjoining lands of the sithieri:
W rn. Wit,le, Ilinry Mtnfort, and others,
dintaiiiili ~ 1 15 more ISss,,alit;itil
acres of Wideli"are' and lO'SCitts .
first rate MeadoW. The iin'proiletnents - tire a
one and a half BRICK "'
110 USE. a gObd Barite a' Over* 1
i n t, well ofwa ter, with a .
in it, and an . Orchard of choice / ~' •
fruit. . .
StarPermin's wishinit to View the",;propti - 4,
are requested to call; oil the subscriber, geoid.'
ing in Gettysburg. •
January 14, 1856; tf
11011IC IFI• • - , „
TOTICF is hereby Oven- to dip 5t00k
...01 lio!ders of the I . 4erryatinilo RAILROAD
COMPANY, thou .- by - a resolution of the Board
of Directors, the .first Instalment on each"
'Share of Stock (one-eighth of each Share)
will be required to be paid to JOHN IL' Mc.
CuELLAN g Treasurer, of - the - Coin pony, at his
office, at the Ilank . of Gettysburg, in theßur."
ough - of tiled ;Maki', the 114 day'
l'ebr4ary, I)., 1856. . The Act' of. A.
seedily relating to Railroads requires' that
upon two weeks public notice of the time and
p/oce of paying each Instalment, if the . notice
Le not complied with, the' 'Company can' 're.
cover one per cent.: . per month interest cm the
amount due and unpaid. •
• • lit) , McCURDY, Pita%
Attest.-. WILLS,
Gettysburg'. Jan. 2t3. 1856.
ixer-p. S.—The undersigned, Treasurerof
the Gettysburg Railroad 'Company, in order
to make it more convenient for Stockhidderti.
in the country, - has appointed the following
Sersons to' receive . the Instalments oil their
tock, andreceipt for the same, in his" name,
as his agents. Payments
,can be made to
them. (neither of them, or to tlieVreakurer, at
his office :--Messrs. Wm. D. Ilistcs . , - New'
Oxford; JAMES J. WIO,R, Bendersville;
FRF:DEIIICK DIEHL. Franklin township ; JACOB
Freedom township.
Tracherh , Atilsociation.
THERE will be a meeting of the Adams
.Cotiniy Teachers' Association, coin
ruencing. on Thursday, Feb. 7/h, and contin
uing, for three days. On Friday,—day and
evening—the Deputy State Superintendent,
11. C. Hickok, Esq., will be in attendance.
and it is his request that all the Directors of
the county attend on that day.
re-Addresses will be delivered by Rev.
Dr. Seto:v(lm and others. A full attendance
of Teachers and friends of Education is re
Jan. 28, 1856.
TOE first account of Jonrr Lewis:T. As
signee under a voluntary deed of assign
ment for the benefit of creditors. of JAMES
B. J A MHSON, of Tyrone 'township. Adams
county, has heen-filed in the Court of Com-
Mon Pleas of Adams county, and will be con
firmed by the said Court on the 26trr day of
February next, unless cause be the
contrary. JOIIN PICKING, Protey.
Prothortntary's Office. Getty's
bortr,;.lan. 21, 1855. td*
Stray 81111.
CIA VIE to the premises of the subscriber, in
--k-1----(-414 0 be ria rul_townishi IN-on-or -a houl -tile
27th of November -last, a BLACK BULL,'
supposed to he two years old, with short thick s . v
i ro r rri ----a rrd-b lind-oHme-ey tt r • The o s nevi Hi-A-W-1.,-8-.---The-hrtgest- 7 -atsiVita mhozniest----
requested to come forward, prove property, pay lot of Long antSquars SHAVVIA.sveg
charges and laksvhiAst away. , brought to this lowa caa bl, *Fen, It . •- - . , - .:
I lan. 7,1816. .. . 34311217.8UTT. Jr. i . ~ 1. 6 4 , 9 111 g b : 8 " : *
-riverommiwitionemilr-Adanit tint's"! .
- by give -notieelbat they heirefutett 4406 1 4
1 the following thrive and I place. fortlitc'keitt.
;lug of appeals for the atiOrat, 130toUghi 41410
Townships of A da'nag county, when and -,wheriiir .
Ong will attend to hear , appeal.; betvirootruthlV''
1 hours of 9 0'c4t3610; A-: M.,-and'a oielockyv ft:r...
1 41.1,-,-0f each -dayont-fotiows : ~' : • . ', ..... v
lat. - For MonntjoY, on -Monday, the 29t6 7 !
of January, at the. hods° of Jesse D.`tiewteatt4- 1
in Mournjoy township. • - : '',, -`, 1 . , i„ , , Jl - ?1,
2d. 'Fur the tOvirwthipe•of Oennsoy and. U 4 . '
Ilion, on Tweeds,: thin' 149th 'of ittatdal. oft th, ,,,
house of Juieph Barker, In Littlestownie , w '''-- 1
3d; - Pot' the inventbips, or Mountpletnertil -- ;
and Onnoveado. on - We4itonde.y.'the'SW9r l3
January. at the pees* ofPouor , entith; - 11 1
Mounteleasant township. * ''': '' t . '—
4th. the township of Berwitik,ionl'hull.'
day, lhe 31sz'of January, at dui house: or/nista , , 1%•
cis 3- Wilign: in Atibottetawn. :• z
Bth. For the township of ,Hamilton t iarltti.'
day, the Ist of Februaty, at tbs bonne of David
Newcomer, in ,East Berlin. , :
-6t la For the township v Strahani oulloot'4 ,
day; le , 4th 'of. robrua tyi et - the house of •. - 414..
_,,--Stass;4l3--Huutetatown. . =
.7th. For' the township of Oxford, on Ttietia ,- '••
day, the sth.of February; atthe housi of Mai.
Mitey,-in °Mord. • - ."-
Biiii For the.township of Reeding:6ol7o4
, nesday, tit!) 6th - of Fesruary4.,itt the toile' of .;
John A. Dicks. In Hampton:.
• 9th. Fur the townships or Houtington:and.
`Lntiniore, on. Thursday - , thif'7lli , or-Pei:4ol4i;
at the house of Johii D. Hooker, ItiPstirsburg. - -',
(Y:S.) - • • - • '• ••• • • •• •
.10t11.-„For the toetnship4fTyrcine, ori raw:
day, the Bth of February, at-the iitiuite-48initi•;
net Saltier.' in Heitilersburt.,.•• - : • ,'•
.11th. For the .township Of Menallen,
Monday; the th - of February, tt 014111365 i-of ;;
C h *ries - M yers: , In • II endersvil Itt; •
12th. For thi.township'olßulerionTdeol;
day. the 12th 'of February, 41i the house
A. H. Readier.' in Middletown:
131 b ., ,Fur the ,tOwnellin or. : Franktm;
%V ed Lath of February, at_the hou4:!
of Henry litickiny,in Caihtnwn, •
Utih. Fur the townehilmof Hamiltimbanand:
Liberty, on Tborsitay', the:l4th , of Febratryi.%
at the house of 'save Robinvoii, in Fairfieblos',l
1611 i., For the -rtOwnslifitir of Ctititherjenttli•
and Freedom. on Friday,llM , l6th.of Fehrotuyi'•
nt the Commisibionere office, io'Getqr,slitniti
16. ;For the townshipsgtif - Contherla'od', , trati-1
Freedom. on Fridnyirtite 15iit a FebruaryiAtV ,
the Comminsionere office. 'lntiettyebuip - - ';,: ; -4 '
16. For the -floronch; of Gettiettnifei - on - -$8610 ,. -
u rdny,-the 16th of Febionry; at-tire Cortinilo;': ,
sioner B,offiee.:ls rGettpittric.'' --,,' '..• '!",'. '''''''')
' • J ANIES - -..1.' 1% ILLS, ,--,, ;.'' ~I. , '-'-'.. - - ' , :il
- ' G'ItIORGE : MYERS , "1.. , : 'Zotartrrlf ! ;" l
. ' HENRY ;A:TICKING; , .- :1! , ,, , :: , t„
A ttestl.'. , Avon IPi Hill li II '•'; Cierki' ..,' 3 '
Commissia tiers! OffiePt' '
'Gettys.borg.:Jin. 7, 1856:: td: - •
- a Tower's 'Speller
AND' COMPLATS 41 4 tU,NCI0011i' :
• ,2 1, 94V - A7O 7 .'S
:T7138'1.` lt HAD .."4titg*:
Ilinineintor, 3 Pitt
Stictinti'Reintetti oil Primary
„ School E nn Y
Titian ltittlicri, 'With CitinjiletC2.l4rnip.:lol,,,
Faders' Iti4oeit iectitef
Firrit'lttAncn, with'Prtriciiiiettlof;B,‘44*
of Elacutirintliplitined and 2Husitatt_ee ':b
. prom:laet Exereiserti
' Readers atititifin red
,01% -
thitking'orit,y 4iie"tillimt at ai''time, aid t
contain 1.'6°644044nd' 4).0004..1,0 . 01, 4
of eiteiclaini; in A tticturlittoth
ihnr ruts an.eticlusive ti ........
• The itintiet fit
prefienitiel • adapted -
only practical teachers'
and, adapt' it:
' - Seleotionifor Itai(dli* . ; nibrti i rtiAt:
".gindn'tf, (rim' •thi'fitse tiep4.'to ' 'Po;
pieoa are chaste,,,Turvjy.prid freed-100141
eti'd imp roper p't•elit 0141'
to oftrvitti•tr" correct tilde:lir' telliiiiA4o.lenr.,
ing's; and 'to elevate the tit Otif nifeettiniit l'Ett4 :3
werii selected 'and' titivated tiy:ttietitin'ti4i .cli t t o
Who" carrunderitarid
or the'expandinthearyand .
room -
"niiter'i Elements if .6entnotai.',Egt,,,
bettiniers, GrapfOittiok ,
advanced clatienti:" ''s• - •• - •
,Teachers,,School Committees, Plitlitittntn;
'and all Cotheta iniernated Ediicatfini,strbirt.„.
vited 10' Ca I I and. examine'
D Et. 17 RGItSg. &
Pittilishere,l4: JobtiStritit.
irr For Side by A; Fad LElti•Cket.'
tysburg, „ 36,
New Egtablishmente
GRANITE S T'O'N E - 4 F 0:
HE undersigned:
.oiapeitfailjr' itifitt** - 'thek l
chizens of Gett y sburg arid' 01414',
genPrall)Obet they hive, * nod 'aGRA Nrl'Et.
STONE-YARD;'en'Sottitr BeitilittOre. SirCe.4'
opposite, thereikideitee , '"Orpich`ShiTeik . W,herril.,
they are
dressed in every..ityle;ll4 „M ~titin►eiita.;Door
Sills and Steps; and every kind' ix' 4,064.
and ornamental nse. Aiio,`4q4miter:y 111 *k's:
always on handond getietaliariety otbrigia.",”;
ed Granite. -
'rho 'undersigned :h4tringf 'had ',airtiaidOictilo'
experience in theii bnitiness, respectfully in-
vile prisons wishing anything iii their: 110'1 - 20y
give us a ea are prepared to' far,4l . ,att,
the same article CHEAPER than it Nis ey e !'
been heretofore offere&iit'Gettishurg.
San. 7,1856. 3m.
. ,
New Segar & Tobacco
CA Mll EL FA BER, Jr. Would respectfallir
10 inform the citizens oethe town and court*;
ty, that he has opened a Seger and -Tobacco
manufartory, in Baltimore street, next'deor
Forney's Drug Store, Gettysburg, where -be.
will constantly keep on hand a largo•verietr.
of SEGA RS, of the fittest flavor, and at the
lowest living prices. Of CHEWING- TOs
[MCC° he has the Choicest kinds—saloon
capital article of SNUFF—AtIi of :which' hs
offers as low as the lowest. He only asko-ti
trial, convinced that-he can gratify -everytastO.
He hopes, by strict attention to-Amainess , and
a desire to please, to merit and receive a shati
of public patronage. - - . :
May 7, 1855. •
Administrator's Notice.
TA'l'E.—.Letters administratiOn'citi t the
estate of Jacob A rnsberger, late of , liatilitiOcM
township, Adams county, dee:, having' been
granted to the undersigned, residing in•T3ti,
rune township, he ,hereby gives notice teall
persons indebted to Said' , estate to mate int=
mediate payment, and- those basing 'tibinti
agtlnst the same to *Sent thent property
authenticated for seteement.
Jan. '2l. 1856. • Wier.
. . l •a