The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, January 28, 1856, Image 4

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    ItLtiilOAD 'REPOZT.
To the, Slarkholde.t: i l / 4 e pOetlphurg
Railroad Co art •
ttaiti Rdard of Direcl
atrordiog to the requiretrienta of the
Latv,„ beg :leave to subtritt , the 'fellow ing
brief statement of the conditiou of the
Company. and its management during the
peat •Tothetise who co-operated with
us. ltt, the arduoas and, vexatious task,of se.
ectrip,reittnek ;iiib'aeitipticies refuru our
sk...rem:thanks; , And as it is au cuterptise
of so general interest, and one which in
anteesin its success the future welfare of
thp county, we regret that idler° were
some persons to be found in the tom
tititiity, 'who ,Would not lend a helping
~,T,C9551 ye and inderati,„„oable labor
we bave,suceeeded iu raising the ,re,quisite
amount of stock to justify 114 'in eoutract
inglArthe building of the Road.. We
leivelixed upon three points for the roots
of the, roa.,,—the sttirting point, at the un
eiiisteStfoik of the Gettysbnrg'extension•
of die i'entisylvania Railroad, at the grade
of said-road nt Carlisle street, in the Bor.
enghof Gettysburg—thenoe Nast, by the
most practicable route, .. through, the town
of New thiford, so as to out the town lots,
atidlatiee:to Hanover, to intersect the ,
Ilittiover 2- trancl, Railroad. The length
of the,Road is, limited; so as not to exceed
the Jeugill ,of the flue surveyed by Mr.
Banpt's corps of engineers, which was
seventeen - and one-seventh miles. This
renter althOugh longer than the- direct
route to Hanover; will only cost the excess
of the iren required to lay the difference
in the distance of the two routes —die gra.. )
. ding on' the direct route being more expen-' )
sive per tulle on an average, than via I
Oxford. The advantages of adopting the
Ater route are - thatit will accommodate a
larger portion Of our County,- secure - a
bout $20.00C1 more of aca subscription, -
end. above all other considerations, 'is 10
miles on a direct line to York, with Which
letter-place a railway connection is very
desirable. We have, in- the selection of
this route, thus kept in view 'the future
iiiterestsuf the Company—the probability
atitlitenitelY extending Op road to York
—withont in the least saoritioiog its Pres
ftglittiere)) Ls, bat in reelita; increasing its
rams to build the road.
A proposition was 'made; during 'the ,
fall, by bletitars. TAYLOR, to
pertorm the } work of gradation of the
road, by-the route adopted, for the emu
.4905,p4)0 1 , of which sum 820,000
would' betaken . stook of tbe,Oompany.
Aftertnature deliberatiou,,andalter giving
to the pubko the benefit of the- proposal,
so as to awaken a competition among bid
der - 4 the BOard ultimately chimed a contraet
with 4lesfirti. Irwin St Taylor on the turns-
PrOPOsed. The work of gradation is to'be
eompleted, under the supprvisien, if desi : . -
sed,,of the Company's own Bugineer,.with
in the Period of 18 mouths. The' Board
agree'to pay :them monthly, according to
the, bafimatert of work performed, which
k aay i *enta ore not to' exceed 85,000 per
- Month,land retaining 15 per cent of the
catedt,-, and 15 pee cent of, the stock pay
weals, as a security for the completion of
the work. But should the Board be matt
bled to call in their payments wore rapid.
than 'specified .iti the neuditions of
iMbrieriptious;the work is, to go on
pationally faster. Ancl 'in order to effect
the, mere speedy completion of the Road,
the . Board 'recommend that inducements
Shall be offered to stockholders to pay - iu
their atock int a much shorter timethau le
gally-required, by allowing a. discount on
!trick thui paid.
,' Stibequeti tly . a proposal was made by
the *ante party to famish the iron and lay
the traelt ofthe Road, at.a price to be reg
ulated by the cost ref iron. at the time it. is
purchased, which proposal has been tie.
ie - preaTk y _ greßoard nud,the coutract thus
-virtually. cOrripleted—the signing of it hav
ing b&iti deferred aiti' ace,ount of the- ab
',mice of one'of the parties ao the contrnet.
As soon it i§ sealed 'its specific terms,
it is intended., will be•iivtdckuowu by the
next tioard of Directors. • •
- ,
The „ amount of stock subscribed is
$130,200, uesrly all of which is available.
But' the Ctiinpany must sell' 'more stock in
order" to vuttipietc the" superstructure, or,
oit'S failure - to sell suffieient aliment of
stock,, secure a loan of, money, . They have
se promise of $5OOO mare of stock eubscrip.
than,' dependent on a . wary probable con.
ticgenhy t and it is confideutly hoped that
theysale of stock in the County will still
The land holders along the proposed line
of,the ; Read have been generally liberal iu
Tideesiag the right of way, and witha few
portions who are stilt extravagant in their
demands there is still rr prospect -of effect
ing, a isatisfactnry einii promise.
Parlef the Read , will pass through asec
tioti of eoUatry abeendaug i n , rich quarries
of lintestime.ahe transportation of which ,
to the country along the western end of
the Road. will wake it a 'tiouree of profit I
to the Coin!) - any, while the "superior
ity" of Gtailite itAaltain, the vicinity of Get. )
tYtatarg. will furnish , sanother , lucrative I
4-tade.fer the Boa
Your Prepideot and Directors have al
iirsittl-thethsellreis no recompense what
4irerlofAtte money expetuleil in
securikstock, and the remponatbility, ai,•f
.• , , • t , u
~---- titrire , fil - fiad attendant it.,
ou-thetirftdiutiary- capacity. Conseril lit
ly.the t,oth'pany'hititie been at tiOexpeti4e
during the ia4year,: Atithut the retiring
Boutkasli as . a recompense at ywir hands.
is your hearty alipruvat of their acts in
their aillciiipt at a• faithful and eittlitetelt.
tout; discharire of duly in their Official re
iationt tOtkaril you.
The' ulna la itci plitaaant one. . Rielter
hogs *lad atrife have 'beet* eite.-ntlered by 1
eonLetici Interests in reference, to life 1 I _
.tertnifitis of the IL 'mi. Plying, 111 A. NSINI V.R.ES, An excellent and desirable_ ; . Removals.
thisi'defe.renoe to the ittellic will , and u•ith ' ‘-'' 344(41 ' e n t, selling very cheip at
~ '
THE undersigned informs the public that i
• -April 16.. JOHN HOKE S. ' - he 8101 removes the remains of the dead . •
as A!v-e 'thole Pe , ate present. iiol future ! -, 4 . - J ' 1 April 18, 1853.
- and is prepared to go to any distance to hrino
-iiiieckiits of ilte'Oompanyinninstie4l ity ant- : - 1 - RON. and a . larg,e assortment of HARD- them here. His charges are lower than eve ;in ER FUNI ERYL - the:l;;rge - st - aqr. - ntl - m - ent in
seetierial preitiege-ea or feeljngs, we have I I Vi.' A RV, clip-,lr) at - \-and as low ad the lowest. 117 town will be found at SCI-lICK'S.-
liiia 7 o-the ilk ;silent terminus for the gr di. FAHNES . POCK BROTHERS'. --- '
A• W• PLEMMING• His stock etnuraces every article in the per
--- b - cfo'lif - iffk" It - Lir - lit - 04i - tit itiffnitWe . - U.l l - 1 : —'- - * - -
ot . the o,tivicture , TIOS'IRRY - .- A new.nrticle of SILK' and - Gettysburg. Sept. 10, 18!)5.
,14A.W1.5.-The largest and handsomest
- - - ' tu rn ery line-and lie will sell eheap.
_ ._ _ ---- - -- ---- -- / F All NEST° e KS'.
, 1 , 11 i ca _ o l . L o mz_and STiAte. SHAWLS
, I WOOL ilOsi.:. e nd silk I i nod HO s F., ' eO-A-L-ST-O--V-ESM-r-'"i"P"''Tf"-"I-W)'N-Nr;";p °°l3LS'"le"PlTet"Sillts.
' - ' _ . .
--- Elfrillkm*WQ -4014 . --41 " 1- "ePir s 'el' .- 7 -1 . 4 n l l""•''' for sale at ,FAIIN EsToc ii. BRaTFIERs. i sizes. constantly on hand and lo t .;,,h 3 . at
sad — will aathily ail .re..oonable .pfir- .445: : ort. ifr. .Sia nl'l4e Ilcd Enthl.- , Dec, 2a. WARRENS' FOUNDRY. found in unplralleled va:iety at SCHICK'S good and cheap at 6UHICK'S. I
4 ~..4.41,.4,4,4d6..
(in interest,) ant promote the, trtte_mt ter
-este of the Company.
.prospecta !for she entire co-nple
tion of the Road within 18 in;trith":4„ are
veil flattering. A - great and responsible
--task „devolves upon the .Board sb3ut to be
elected, and if -the plinal which have, bee n
,commenced are faithfully and impartially
executed during the ensuing year, suCcesa
may safely -be predicted, Without judi.
•cinus, skillful, and economical mantige.
intuit; The progress of .the work Will be
greatly, retarded: •
Weare moq ardent in our hopes, and re..
coinmend- to nil the friends of the Enter.
prise a concert of action, and a speedy
completion of the work will crown their
dim ts:
Attest—DAN-fn WILLS, Sec',/.
Gettysburg, Jan. 14th, 1858. .
Dissolution of Partnership.
r HE. Co-Partnership •existing between the
Subieribers has been dissolved this day
by mutual consent.
We are much obliged to our friends and the
pnblio for the liberal stwort extended to us.
Our Books are placed in the hands of Alex.
Cobean for, collection, and we earnestly re
quest those indebted to' us to call and make
Immediate payment, as we desire to settle the
business of the firm without delay.
Sept. 14. tr
W. W. Paxton
INFORMS his friends and the public gener
ally, that be will continue the fat & Shoe
Business, at his old Stand, and will always
keep on hand a large and splendid assortment
every variety of style and prices,
determined to hell low for .Cash or Country
Produce: Call and see the Goods.
Sept. 1855.-"- tf
Stantrer & Unrlcy.
k..) Wholesale & Retail, at the Philadelphia
Watch and Jewelry Store, No. 96 North
Second street. corner of Quarry, Philadelphia,
Gold 'Lever Watches, - full jeweled, 18 care t
eases: $2B 00; Gold Lepines,-10 earet, $24 00;
Silver Levers,. full jeweled, ;$l2 00; Silver
Lepines, jewels, $9 00; Superior Qiiartiers,
*7 00; Gold Spectacles.' $7 00;. Fine Silver
dO., $1 50; Gold Bracelets, $3 00; „Ladies'
*GrAd Pencils, 181 00 Silver Tea Spoo - Aiswet,
$5 00; gold Pens, with Pencil - and Silver
Holder, $1 00
Gold Winger R Ings 371 cents to $80; Watch
Glasses', plain, Ili cents, patent 18i ; Lanni
25; other articles in proportion. All goods
warraniad to be what they are sold for.
On hand, some Gold• and Silver Levers and
Lepines, still ldwer than the above prices.
Oct. 1, 1855. ly, _
,C. H. Needle, •
LISH MENT, 8. W. Cur, of Twelfth and Race
Streets, Philadelphia, IhIPuRTBR of fine Feenna
'Palmas ,combining extreme ,lightness, ease
and durability with correct construction.
Hernial or ruptured patients can be •sitited
by remitting amounts, as below :—Sending
number of inches round the hips, and staling
side affected. Cost of Single Truss, $l3, $3,
Ott $5. ' DOAle—ss, $6, and stlo. In
structions as to_ wear, and how. to effect a cure;
when possible, sent with the Truss. -
Also for sale, in great variety, Dr. Banning 's
Improved Patent Body Brace, for the cure of
Prolapses Uteri_; Spinal Props and Supports,
Patent shoulder Braces,Chest Expanders and
Erector Braces, adapte to all with Stoop
Shoulders and Weak Lungs; English Elastic
Abdominal Belts, Suspensories, Syringes--
male and female. Ur Ladies' - Rooms,- with.
Lady attendants. [Aug. o;1855. I y
China, Glass and Queensware .
Geo. M. Bokee, Successor to T. C. Bokee 4e co.,
y MPO ItTER and Dealer in CHINA,
GLASS and QUE. EN SWA RE, 41 North
'inward Street, (between Fayette and Lexing
ton streets,) ,Rattinsore, Md., respectfully in
vites the attention of Dealers to an examination
o' his well, assorted stock before purchasing
elsewhere. . [Feb. 19, 1855% ly
Susquelsaptna notes,
Opposite Calvert Stat.len, Baltimore, Md.
qIHIE undersigned having leased the above
1 Hotel and put it in complete order, is pre
pared to accommodate his friends - and. the
travelling public. The proprietor will be
pleased to see his old friends, and promibes
to make - their stay comforitible and satisfac
tory. Baggage taken to and from Calvert
Station free of charge,
JO HN BAR R, (formerly if Penna.,)
• July 9. 1855. tf PROPRINTOR.
F. IL Smith,
TURER, N. IV. cur. of Fourth 4 , Chesnut Sta.,
Philadelphia, always
. on .haud a large and
varied assortment of
Port Nlonnaies, Work - Boxes,
Pocket Books, Cabas,
Hankers Cases, Traveling Bags
Note Holders, Backgammon Bags,
Port Folios, Chess Men, -
Portable Desks, Pocket Mem. Books,
Dressing Cases, Cigar Cases, &0.,
Also, general assortment of ENGLISH,
Fine Pocket Cutlery, Razors. Razor Strops
and. Gold Pens. Wholesale, Second and
Third Floors. F. H. SMITH,
N. W. corner Fourth & Chesnut Ste., Philarts.
N. B.—On the receipt of $l, a Superior
Gold - Pen will .be sent to aliy part of the
U eked States, by mail ;—descrihi ng pen, thus,
medium, hard, or soil. - [A Aril 2, 1855. ly
Franklin Inn.
Corner of High 4; Hilleristreets, Baltimore.
101,. THOMAS JAII,ESON, (lately of
• :-14ts-N-bmt
INN. corner af High and llen streets, Balti
more, .211 d., and will entertain guests on mod
erato ;ertns. He hopes to give entire satie
faction, and will spare no effort to merit the
approval of all who_ can appreciate a well
regulate) and home-like Hotel. Give him a
trial. [Balt., Dec. 10, 1855. 3m
Bush's Allegheny House,
..U. , 2,10 Market st.. ahnve Bth st., Phila.
delphia. Terms, $1,25 Per day.
Julie 4, 1855. I Y
Tin Ware, arc.
' k ° • informs hie friends
S A an i cl U th i s e ' p ll ‘ i ; cg °t en i eraily. that he has on
hand;-at his Shop nearly opposite • flit! Post
ogles, a ve.ty large and well-nude assortment
of*TIN-WAIIE. which he will sell at prices
which cannot ,fail to please. . fie will. also
execute to order, with promptness, in a work
man-like manner. and, with the hest materials,
all kimis,of ?JO US 1.1 SPOUTIN :11 ETA 14-
Gettysburg, Nov. 12, 1855, it
Stacks ofliew Goods!
l'he Cheapest the Pretties, the ;Best!
T L. SCHICK has returned from the city
•tt) • with the lamest and hest selected stock
of FALL & GOODS he has ever
had the pleasure of ()Grin to this Community.
Hs -will not pretend to enumerate his large
And attractive stock—the limits of an adtter
tisetnent will not admit, of it. But if you wish
to select from the choicest lot of Ladles'
and Ge ntlemen's Diess Goods,
your eyes ever beheld, go to Schick's.
October 15, 1855.
' Lost and' Found!
, ,Fall & Winter, Goods,
OF every description. will be sold very low
for cash: Akin a variety of SH A W LS,
cheap. • Call and see.
Gettysburg, Oct. 2941855..
Call and See_ IN
WM. T. KING 'respectfully announces to
his friends and the publicgenerally
that he continuos The TdilLORThrG
BUSINESS in the room adjoining the
store of J. Lawrence Schick, and front
ing on the Diamond. He has made arrange
ments to receive regularly the LATEST FASH.
ion'. and it will be his constant assn to give
entire satisfaction to those who may favor him
with their custom.
fie - Country produce will he taken_ in ex
change- for work. . WM. T. IiING.
Gettysburg, Dec. 17. 1855. ly
Frazer , s Cheap Watch & Jew
elry store
ALEX'R FRAZER respectfully informs
the public,' that he has just received' a
large and splendid assortment of,rich and new
style GOLD JEWELRY of all kinds, incln•
ding Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Ear Rings,
of the must fashionable styles; fob. 'rest and
guard Chains, Cuff 'Pins, Watch Keys, &c.
Also, Albata Spoons,. Fancy Vases, Watch
Guards, Keys, and. Chains, ''‘‘,
together with a largeassort•
;nen' of Mourning Goods, suitable fur
persons in mourning, and numerous caner ar
ticles in his line—all of Which will be sold
at the lowest cash pmts.
fl As I have purchased all my goods from
regular Jewellers,• I will: WARRANT them
to be, what I pronource them. Of - !his pur
chasers may rest assured.
PAIRED, as heretofore. Give me a
in Baltimore street, a few doors from the
diamond, if you want_fouti . Jewelry, and the
genuine article, lower tllitti the same can be
p.urchused . any place out of lfir city.
Gettysburg, Nov.s, 1855. tf
New Goods, Cheap Goods.
received their usual tarie and Hand
some assortnient:, of Fallout] Winter Goods,
to which they invite the attention of the Pub
lic, C0W3181./ila of every,; description of Dry
Goods, Hardware. Satitlli-ry, Queengware,
Groceries, Cedar wore;lron.Oils &
Give us an early roll, and we will show
you- the harvest, Prettiest, and Cheapest
Stock of Goods in this County.
Oct. 15. Sign t! . f Me Red Front.
Groat Attraction at the Sand-stone Front.
Ready-Inade Clothing-.
GEORGE ARNOLD ha just finished
making up, and has on hand, as large a
suitable for the Mall and V% inter Season, as
has ever been offered to the Public in this
pla&t.. His CLOTHING is all of his own
manufacturing, and well inade, of the very
hest materials, and none of your CITY-MADE
TRASH. which has becn - put together in a
hurry by crushing the poor seamstress with a
mere pittance for her labor, or done with the
.loop-stitch of a Sewing Machine, which if one
stitch gives way the whole seam is gone.—
We give fair wages, have our work - well done,
and made of the best materials, and our young
Wies come in with the garments with smiling
coNtenances and cheerful hearts. We have
now on hand
Coats of all grades & colors from 1 to 20$,
Pants 46 •6 50 ets. to LOS,
Vests It 6 2 ~cts. to 7s,
made of all colors, and in every variety of
style. We have experienced workmen em
ployed constantly rutting out and making up
all.kinds of Black, Blue, Olive, Claret, Green,
Brown and Drab eloths,Coatings,Cassimeres,
Satinetts, Jeans, Vestings, Drawers, Shirts,
&c. Ste. ,
Having just returned from the East, we
have now on hand, in connection with our
Clothing Store, a very large stock of cheap
&c. &c. of every variety of color. We have
just received the Fall and Winter Fashions,
and if we cannot please you in a garment
made up we can at all times tuke your nied
suro, and make up a garment that
_will please
on short notice. We will not make the bold
assertion that we will sell .25 percent. cheaper
than anybody else, but that we will sell any
article -in our line as cheap as the cheapest, and
a little cheaper, and a good deal better. Give
us a call, exainine an judqe for yoarselves.„
Come one, come all, to the CLOTHING EM
PORIUM, a: the -
Sarxd-slone Front of GEO. ARNOLD.
to have any Dental Operation performed
Caledonia Iron. are respectfully invited to calf.
FAHNESOC BROTHERS, having the Dr. D. Gilbert, Dr. C. N. Berluchy, Dr. D.
exclusive sale of CALEDONIA ROLL- Horner, Rev. C. P. Knuth, D.D., Rev. H. L.
ED IRON Cot Gettysburg,-would call the at- j Baup,ier, D.-D.,- Rev. Prof. William M. Rey
tendon of buyers to this make of Iron—the nolds,Rev. Prof.M. Jacobs, Prof. M.L.Stcever.
hest in the market—which will be sold at the i Gettysburg, April 11, 1853. tf
lowest rates._
We keep a large supply of HAMM ERE() ' Spoiling!
IRON constantly on hand. Call at the sign G EORGE and Henry Wampler will make
of the RED
House Spouting and put up the same low.
Dec. 10, 1855.
for cash or country produce. Farmers and all
others wishing. their Houses, -Barns, &c.
spouted, would do well to a ive_ihPm a eall.
G. &. H. W AMPLER.
Haw Wanted.
'WILSONS having Hay to , sell,will do well
LL ,by ,eaning on the subscriber, in Gettys
burg, who is desirous of purchasing. The
I►ighest_-rnayket price_will_ be paid at all times.
0::)-As he intends .having the Hay, after
being packed, hauled either to Hanover or
Baltimore, the preference to haul v. ill be given
to those from whom he may purchase.
SO LO 510 N -POWER S -.—
Dec. 6, 1852. tf
Now is the Time.
WEAVER respectfully announces to
0. the Ladies and Gentlemen of Getlysbutg
and vicinity, that hehas resumed the Daguer
reotype business, at the old stand, in Chain
bersburg street, where , he will be happy to re
ceive visitors desirous of securing perfect
Daguerreotypes of themselves or friends.
Being furnished with an entirely new and
costl-wparatus, he is prepared to take pictures
in every style of the art and thaw() perfect
MiW"Charges from 50 cents to $lO.
t'"Ho•irs of operating from 8 A. M. to 4
P. M. .
stein dress avoid light, red,Nue, or pur.
pie. Dark dress adds touch to the beauty. of
the picture. Sept. 18,1854. if
Loss by Fire!
TIIE undersigned informs property -holdea
that he has been duly appointed Agent of
INSURANOE COMPANY, and that he is
the only Agent in Adams county for the same.
He will take original and renew old insu
rances for said cotnpany, which, since its
corporation, in 7843, has secured the perfect
confidence of the people of Adams and= the
adjoining counties, (it being authorized to
effect Insurances in any part of the State.)
Its integrity and ability have been fully and
satisfactorily demonstrated. The gradation
of rates of Insurance is adapted to the mutual
interests of the whole Company and the class
of the insured property. Every person insur-.
ing becomes a member of the Company, and
may act in the selection of officers and in the
direction of its operations.
(j-lion. Mom: McCLgAN represents the
members in this county in the Board of Man
agers. C. ROTH, Jr., is President, and JOHN
CAMPBELL Secretary. Office in Bloomfield,
Perry county.
Office of M. & W. :Vice lean, Gettysburg
December 25, 1854. tf
Bounty Land Act of 1855.
TH f. undersigned is now fully prepared 'to
file and, is rapidly filing cL*l,4s To Bouts:-
TV LAND. for soldiers of the, War of 1812. and
of m.. 1. the wars of the U. States—their widows
and minor children. In addition to his long
experience and success, he would' add, that,
in all the marl churns he has hitherto. filed,
(between 100-an-d - 200) he has carefully pre
served, and has now evert thing necessary to
establish the rights of claimants—as also Rolls
and Lists of Companies, and facilities for fur
nishing proofs in . all cases that may be en
trusted to 11:m.
He has made complete arrangements fOr
locating warrants in the WesterdStates. War
rants bought—Warrants sold. Apply personal
ly or by letter to M'CON A.UGHY..
Gettysburg., March 12, 1855. tf
Bounty Land Claims.
H E undersigned will attend promptly to
the collection of claims for BOUNTY
LANDS under the late act of Congress.
Titose who .have already received 40 or 80
Acres, can now receive the balance, by calling
on the subscribei and making the necessary
application. .1014:1, B. DANNER.
tieityshuru, March l 1 . 855. tf
E. It. Bateldery
W 1. ,0
i t; fbaui and
siness ea ir
u p s r t
e o d rn pttol yhaitmtel4fithe
sp.aks the German language. Office at the
same place, in South Baltimore street, near
Forney's Druo. Store, and nearly opposite
Danner & Ziegler's Store. [March 20.
Bounty' Lands. •e
OLDIERS who served in any war of the
I.i U. States a term nut less than fourteen
days, are entitled to 160 ACRES BOUNTY
LAN D, and in case of the death of the soldier,
his widow or minor children (if any.) are
entitled to thesarnequanrity. In eases where
40 or 80 acres have already been received, the
difference necessary to make up the 160 acres
can now-be drawn
Oz:7—Apply to the subscriber, at his office:
in Gettysburg, where persons having Land
Warrants 10 . 8511, may obtain the highest price
for them. " R. G. M'CREARY.
March 19, 1855. -6nr
D. M'Conaughy,
(Office removed to one door West of Buehler's
Drug &Book-store, Chambersburg street,)
Attorney R. Solicitor for Patents
and Pensions,
- 13 0 UNY Land Warrants, Back-Pay sus
pended Claims , and all
against the Government at Washington, D. C.:
also American claims in England. -, Land War
rants located and suld, or bought, and highest
prices given.
Agents engaged in locating warrants in
lowa, Illinois, and other Western States; and
lands for sale there.
0:Or-Apply to him personally or by letter.
Gettysburg, Nov. 21, 1853.
Win. B.
OFFICE on the south side of the Public
1.1 Square, two doors west of the Sentinel
office. -„Aag. 22. 1853.
J. Lawrence RIM, M. D.,
HAS his Office one door vrestof the Lutheran
church, in Chambershurg street, and ap
posite Gramtner's store, where those wishir•,R
New Hardware Store.
THE subscribers would respectfully an-
pounce to their friends and-the-public that,
they have opened a NEW HARDWARE •
STORE, in Baltimore Street, adjoira'n7..ilie"
residence of David Ziegler, . raich
they are opening a large and general - assort- i
tnent of ,
_—___Hardware,_ Iron, keel,' Groceries,
IL Lklß
Olcbar—mare, 151oe
Paints, Oils, and Dye-stuffs,
'in general, including every descitption of arti
cles in the abov,e lines of business, to which
they invite the attention of Coach-makers,
Blacksmiths, Carpenters. Cabinet -makers,
Shoe-makers, Saddlers, and the public gen
Our stock hiving been selected with great I
care and purchased for Cash, we guarantee (for
the Ready Money,) to dispose of any part of
it on as reasonable terms as they can be pur
chased any where.
We particularly--request--a--call--from---o
friends, and earnestly solicit a share of-public
favor, as we are establish a char
acter for selling Goods at low prices and do
rig business on fair principles.
Gettysburg, June 9, 1851. tI
Gettysburg Foundry.
TINE undersigned, having entered into part
nersajp to carry on the Foundry business
under the firm of W AR R EN & SONS, hereby
make known to the citizens of Adatns and ad
joining counties, that we are prepared to make
everything in our line of business. We have
constantly on hand, the HATHAWAY and
other Cooking Stoves, the Parlor air
tight and ten plate Stoves, of various styles and
sizes, Pots, Kettles and .Pans, and all , other
Iron Cooking Utensils, Waffle Irons, Wash
ing Machines, Ash-plates, Boot-scrapers, &e.
Castings for Mills and other Machinery,
PLOUGH CASTINGS of every description, .
&c. We make the Seylar. Blocher, and differ
ent kinds of Witherow :loughs.- We have
also got different patterns of Fencing and
Railing for Cemeteries,Yards and Porches,
which can't be beat for beauty or cheapness.
Cc,- A II the above articles will be sold cheap
for Cash or Country Produce.
Otr-BLACKSMITHI NG still eontinued.
BRASS CASTINGS and every thing in
our line made to order.
shortest - notice. Being Moulders ourselves,
we will do our work RIGHT.
Gettysburg, May 14, 1855. tf
Ready-made Clothing..
MIARCUS SAMSON has just returned
from New York, Philadelphia, and .
Baltimore, with the largest and best assort
ment of 8E.9.1471f.t7DE CLO 7 HMG, ever
brought to Gettysburg, made up in magnifi
cent styles, and most approved fashions. In
regard to workmanship, they can't be excelled
by any.customer tailor.
Having enlarged my place and stock, I arn
*able :o sell Ready-made Clothing of every de
scription, cheaper than ever Offered before in
this or any other place this sire of the Atlan
tic. My stock consists in part of COATS,
of all sizes, prices, colors and kinds, made up
in a superior manner. PANTS & VESTS,
of the latest and most fashionable styles, and
every kind of goods suitable for winter wear ;
also BOOTS & SHOES, and a large assort
ment of Gentlemen's and .Boys' Furnishing
Goods, consisting in extra qmility linen-bosom
Shirts, Suspenders, Gloves. Half Hose, Col
lars, Neck and Pocket Ilandkerchiefs,and an
extraordinary assortment of black satin and
fancy Self-adjusting Stocks, and various other
fancy articles; together with Umbrellas,Trunks,
Carpet Bags, Hat+, Caps, Boots and. Shoes. M y
Goods are selected and purchased under the
most favorable circumstances. "Quick Sales
s ir Small Profits," is always the motto I am
determined to carry out, at the Money-saving
Clothing Emporium in York street.
A personal examination can alone satisfy
customers of the comprehensiveness of my
stock, which I am selling at least 20 percent.
lower than can be found at any of my emu
petiiors. •
ilia-I am also prepared to sell wholesale to
country merchants desiring . to sell again,
Ready Made Clothing at CHEAPER RATES THAN
it cal'. and examine for yourselves.
N. B.—All Goods bought,of me will be ex
changed if they do not prove satisfactory.
Gettysburg, Oct. 1, 1855. .
THERE is to be had at the drug stores of
S. H. Buehler, Gettysburg, and James
A. Elder, liltnitittsbiug, a most effectual remedy
fur the Toothache, which will, of properly ap
plied, according to ditections,) cure the most
violent Toothache instantaneously: Should the
pain in course of time reappear, the same ap
plication has to be made aga4), and after ..two
or three applications the cure will he effectual.
Please call for A. Ferger's Toothache Balsams
Se-Price 25 cents per phial.
August 27, 1855. ly.
Flour i! Flour
THE undersigned continues the Flour bus
iness as heretofore. He sells by the
barrel or any smaller quantity. By taking
SMALL PROFITS he can buy as high and sell as
low as anybody else, and by always endeav
oring to keep none but the best, he hopes to
merit and receive a continuance of liberal pa
tronage. WM. GILLESPIE,
Oct. 8, 1855. At the Vest Office.
-- Tailoring.
Removed a Few Doors South ofthe Old Stand.
• , •
• old customers and the public generally,
that he continues the T.,1 !LORING BUSI
NESS, near his old stand, in South Baltimore
street, where he will be happy to accommodate
all who may patronize him. All work en•
trusted to his care warranted to fit and be of
most substantial make. Thankful for past
favors,, he sOlicts a continuance of public pa
gThe .New York Spring and Summer
Fashions are received. Call and s see them.
Gettysburg, April 9, 1855.
Blanket and Long Shawls.
THE largest and cheapest in town. Also,
Ladies' Dress Goods—the prettiest lot in
town—to he had at the store of
Nov. 19,'55. GEO. ARNOLD.
1 - 11 - fEESE.-Sucors,-Rice,-and-every-descrip
V lion of GROCERIES, to he had at
n y_s l t li z iO ,w lW E a_ s Y ere 's
the lot of the human race to be weighed
_by disease and Buffeting.. HOLLO
WAYi..S PILE'S aro specially adapted to the
relief of the WEAK, the - NERVOUN, the
DELICATE, and the INFIRM, of all climes,
wires,. sexes, , and constitutions. ellife_ssor---
Holloway personally superintends the titans.
facture of his medicines in the United States,
and offers them to a free and enlightened peo
ple, as the best remedy, the world ever bas
tOr the removal of disease.
These Pills Purify the Mood. •
- These-famous-Pit Is- aie expressly - combined
to operate on the stomach, tite liver, the kid
neys, the lungs, the skin, and the bowels,
correcting any derangement in their functions,
purifying the blood; the very fountain of life,
and thus curing disease in all its forms.
Dyspepsia and Liver Complaints.
Nearly half the human race have taken
these Pills. It has been proved in all parts of
the world, that nothing has been found equal ,
to-them in , cases of disorders of the liver,,dys
e.sia and stomach cow >laints e , c
They soon give a healthy tone to these orians.. 4
however much, deranged, and when all other
means have failed.`
General Debility. .111 Health.
Many of the most despotic Governments •
have opened their Custom Houses to the in
troduction of these Pills, that they may be
come the medicine of the. misses. Learned •
Colleges admit that this is the best medicine
ever known for persons of delicate health, or
where the system has been impaired, as its
invigorating properties- never tail to -afford:
relief. .
Female Complaints.
No female, young or old, should be without
this celebrated medicine. it corrects and reg
ulates the monthly courses at all periods, act
ing in many cases like a ehatta. It is also.'
the best and safest medicine that tan be given
to children of all ages, and for any complaint ;
consequently no family should be without it.
Rolltrway'.s Pills are the best remedy known in
the world for the
_pa ' --
Asthma Debility
Bowel Complaints Fever and Agy
Coughs Female Com, -
Colds Headaches
Chest Diseases Indigestion
Costiveness Influenza
Dyspepsia Inflammation
Diarrlaces, Dropsy Inward Weakness
* * *Sold at the Establishment of Professor -
HoLLowair, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and
244 Strand, London, and by all respectable
Druggists and Dealers in Medicines through—
out the United States, and the 4ivilized
in Boxes, at 25 cents, 62f cents, and $1 each,
air There is a considerable .saving by tak.
ing the larger sizes.
N. B.—Directions for the gaidanec of pa•
treats in every disorder are affixed to.eaeh Bus.
July 16, 1855. ly eow
New Principle ! NO Poison !
Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure,
FOR the Prevention and Cure of FEverc
and ether INTERMITTENT and R &IinTENT
FEVERS; also of BILIOUS FEVERS. accompanied ,
DEBILITY, !GET SwicATa, and all other forms.
of disease which have a common origin in.
Malaria or Miasma.
This subtle atmospheric poison, whiCh at
certain seasons is unavoidably inhaled. at every
breath, is the same in' character wherever it.
ex ists,—north, south, east, or west,—arid l wilt
every where yield to this newly di:saw:era
ANTIDOTE, which neutralizes the pa son,.
completely parines the system, and thus en—
tirely removes all the cause of disease.
The proprietor distinctly claims these extra—
ordinary remits for its use:
It will protect any resident or• traveller..
even in the most sickly 01 swampy localities,
from any Ague or Bilious disease whatever,
or any injury from constantly inhaling Malaria
or Miasma:
It will instanitly check the Agde in persons.
who have suffered for any length of time, from
one day to , twenty years , so that they needs
never to have another chill, by continuing it*
use according tad ireetions.
it will immediately relieve eh the iiistresse
mg results of bilious or ague diseases. such ati
general debility, night sweats, etc.—The pa+
spent at once begins to recover appetite and
strength, and continues until a penile:tent and
radical cure iseifected. And as a pew' that it
is also
Because of its
Singtektr and EniiTe Harnalessnest,
The following certifieat - e from one of the ,
most celebrated chemists in the Ignited States
is. attached to every bottle
New York, Jane 11, 1855.
"I hare made a chemical• examination of
"llHones t FEVER AND Alikti CURR;" OT "AN.
TIDOTE TO MALARIA," and have tested it for
Arsenic, Mercury, Quinine, and Strychnine,
but have not fourftl a particle of either in it,
nor have I found any substance in Iva corepco.
salon that would. prove injurions'io the eon.
JAS. R. CHILTON, M. D., Chemist."
This allow. s of its
by which all persons.may thus be sure of en
tire freedom from the above named diseases, no
matter how sickly the season or swampy the
PROOFS OF EFFICACY are frequently'
published, and the confidence of the public is
asked only , in proportion to its actual merits
wherever introduced. and used. These only
are relied upon to prove its worth.
One or two bottles will answer for ordi
nary cases; some may require more. Direc
tions in German, French and Spanish, accom
pany each bottle. Price one dollar.
Prepared and sold by the proprietor,—
JAMES A. RHODES, Providence, R. I
For sale by druggists generally.
Nov. 12, 1855. ly •
Diamond Tonsor.
TOHN W. TIPTON, Fashionable Bar
e ber and Hair Drerser, can at all times
be found prepared to attend to the calls of the
• . • • . • • •
ing. the County Building. From long expe
rience, he flatters himself that he can go
through all the ramifications of the Tonso—
rial Department with such an infinite
degree of skill, as wil! meet with the entire
satisfaction of all who way submit their chins
to the keen ordeal of his razors. He hopes,
therefore, that by his attention to business,
and a desire to please, he will merit as well
as receive, a liberal share of public patronage.
The sick will be attended to at t
dwellings. ,
Gettysburg, .1 . 4 n. 8.1855. tf
Shoemakers, come this way.
ynti NIOROCCOS from 25 cents to
Sl 00, the cheapest lot ever brought to the-
Cornty. Call soon At the
• SI Glsl_o4."ME RED FRONT'
"Venereal Adfectio a
Worms, of all kinds,
eir private