The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, January 21, 1856, Image 3

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. „
gentlemen of Emtnitshurg 'paid a flying, or.
rather sleighing visit, to titseplaCe; on Tuesday
. evening, and were hanksoineli;entr -L tained at
31cCIALLA.W3 Hotel* 'After siLlipei.l l "4e hop"
was engaged in, a:nuntber 4 i)fo to w folks
participating • and fine of the affit agreddlile of
parties we are told it"tras. They kept ul i the
amusement until "a; wee FtrokiraYirnt the
twal'," when wd Vippose there was a general
• - “seeing home 'g l ee in . the mornite."
, Talk of it as you ''?%:i t !l, pb,efillzk ,a4lds so much
to a sleighing.!s Such
at lout used to 01,11?.,,,eX4, , 1rience, and the
pleasure which othoi3 - 11;:tht ~,-..!"ntjoy under
similar 'cireunastanccklueVatv iikr
Our Sieve. , • Al
.. .12 1.. 1 ••• •
• : ,; • • •
LEAP YEAR fi79.lon,as
9, t 0 ,
- we n is "deOUil g i :j‘. t.ol At le lie led to
judge so fromh( ) - fra '•••.4t : that, , r )i t lday, a
party of six you_r-A, , ,
.ties C11. 1 : 64 i i . 0 - 161 , , , 41111M0-
tiio-is sleigh het! , -flitter , of
.xn, go C _7o 9: 1 110 .
• oung--gettts-to
,Acvn.lf? 4 `
3 781 t to
the country. ared e t . he youai i ~ , y,r .t,fß ot re
fusing—of coulcourt;:-trot---thehad'
That the occasion was - .vie re to
all, may well, be itn,4gtneu. if,iiu c -: , : jr the
sleigh was so much prc,;;40 1 7 ,,, , i t , ,t.,-,-4 1 were
compelled, as we have often. 9 4 „4-10( , :ti be the
case, to #it two deep, 'iind tin t z ,i L ,„ 4 , c l othed,
in order to carry out the . i. i j0,,„,..,,,/,ge,a, to
take what used to be the 1 „,,- 45 .1
we are not advised, and "not„i. ~t7.11. - . ? ;,eg, can't
say. anb-.
"THE OLD FOLKS."- - -'4 4 ; •'• 4rriftur mar
ried folks went sleighing to V• •(ifindtrg on
-Friday evening, and doub4 lo 94:cittiat r a. nice
time of it; but whether or fitibriAllutrot up a
"hop" whilst there is—nolYo-le , buginess;
wouldn't "mention it" if we it utir..^,',they had.
Cause why—it might be cortg. es coun
tenancing the rising generatibi 4itetr unsa
tisfiable propensity for "tripingstile light fan
tastic toe." Eu passant,we are about hAlf deter
mined to take ourself off to the . e. asks clever
'village some time shortly, to the'musie of the
4 ‘perrY bells,—and" have an
. where and how to secure thelelumper,",
Put the phei;ewithal to defray'expettaes ".0
ing, there, and coming"—tha r t's the l rub - l—J
Contributions for tho purp'ose will heiliceived
and properly acknowledged at this, slide, any
day doting the week, from 8 A. II; till 5 P. M.
Franklin Pierce.
The late Message of. the Presidshi t .ippne of
the ablest .documents that has ever sweated
from any executive.
It has received the commetidati.,4 Gl' same of
the most distinguished statesmen - of tht - c coun
try of all parties, and of every st,l4 l .t2lrorhere
is a frankness and candor in its tone as-welt as
honesty of purpose, that will commend itself
to the whole people. .
Upon a review of his administration is there
aught that does not commetid.the author to
the Democracy ofthe_Union ? ott
- Upon taking the place to which he was-call
ed without solicitation on his part, he cohilitu.;
tad a Cabinet of able statesmen. who have
filled their places creditably. and relniri • the
confidence of the Piesident as well as, that of
the people; I
Bow striking the contrast to that of the ('abi
nets of the Presidents in the Opposition', some
of them changing with every moon, and none
holding out a single term.
' The American people are not fingratetul.---
There is . safety in following; the example set
in the re-election of faithful Presidents. There
is a long list of names, each of which could
'be pleat. as a, precedent. Much of the ex-
Citement consequent upon the nolmination
of 'a new man would be avoided: - Let not
the senseless - jargon of the opposition avail
to cause our desertion of a man who has shown•
himself fit,„for the station, 9)11 an impor to the
party - which elected him.
It was a remark of an eloPeiliAQ.: , •2,llrPenn
sylvania that "the Detnocratitif-vs? 'esti the
tinily one in the country that into
deep ,waters."
E , r, o 1 sal 'atilt •
The - past history of tho • , ett of
the political parties nap. •, :i. , ;1 ;,1 ,1 , 1 . 0q . 1 . of the
remark. Whilst ever
. { } " . 6 as cal
enlated to benefit the ••.' l -'4. 4 44 been
adopted by the Demanotti , l•:.) ni• ,11:1tits turn
received the relentlesa ißi - twin, tlipse op
posed uf the Dentocriy, ;, , laic „ d Lo or
Whilst the scattered - ~ ..i,....oppe
sition are sailing in tt'"' they
never go far from short. if;es
eel is paddling in , lter
near die shore. the
flag of "Black Poiniblicar - mother
With the scarlet tia :l , , `..' ve--,!`t',',ireerretVio:srteti
tion," borrowed cf 47 -.,11 Al, - .;(f1 the
Louisville riots,
spirits' ofdd contented • the
other vessels, tt i - r _ . r 36. -:he is
destined soon to r. ,-t
The good old bri,„4 t`• " t ""' 'Plutfitur
in,g out. She isnot:ate 4 - ttroes9 IT,..o?rent.
With a hardy creaT and, -f„ k .j
hearts on board, she fears no is
on the search for truth. H& 11 11-l-:"• 1 ' 1 1
Jefferson, Jackson ; and -i'PA 9 l' i4 r l -J ' !Ate , to
their rest ; but there is a tbarless'eipitrit i Wean'.
inand, who will bring Ahe -vtt§3ol ' , safe to
More. , C.
ALT,TED FLIgET POlr lAN'ATAN:-03ir last
advices from Havana that a' 4 ,.„pber of
English and Ffench verse k; of war troth t short
ly rendezvous at the port"of San Juan e A pri
vate letter from ,Havana contains' the 'yprmise
that Important news may soon arrive;: nn that
quarter. It can hardly be that either ~'iogland
or France contemplates a hostile ace. - - Allot' of
San-Juan and the adjoining territotlM ;it it is
not improbable that an effort may beuthade to
prevent the influx of emigrants from the Uni
ted States-to Nicaragua. Still, there is no tell
_ ild_strokeof policy Palmereton_an a
his French adviser are about to make in Cen
tral-America.—N. V. Sun.
HORSEPLI3M vs. BETif.—A famous dinner
was made-by a celebrated_bint-vivuot in Paris,
at which the comparative merits of beef and
horseflesh were tested by dishes of both vari
ously prepared. and the guests were loud in
their demonstrations of delight over a rump
steak of a fat horse immolated at the age of
23 years.
SITINPL'A,STEIt SWINDLE. —Some . of the citi
zens of Tiffin. Ohio. have issued a card, cau
tioning the public against the shinplasters
which have recently flooded the West, and
purporting to be issued by the •Ohio Savings
Institute." There is no such institution in ex
lirrune Coin TT SPg4KS.—The Democratic
Convention of Butler county met on the 1•:t
and trilipointed Gen. 'Fain N. Purviance
and ff..etvis Mitchell, Delegates to the
State Convention, with uu.ln'llt lux insCructions
,N tipp er - 1,31 r; Drukta_ta.l tor tin-Sidieticy.
For the Republican fkoppiler—
'''.Whainailroads are Doing for the West.
The Official returns of the new census of Il
linois have just been received. The entire pop
ulation is over 1 ,300.000, - which-is -a- gain of
about 50 per cent: upon the' census of 1850.
By comparing the increase through the several
decades and semi-decades since' the censusliks
been taken.; it will be seen that the gain has
been much larger during . the last five. years
than in any former period :
From 1810 to 1820 the increase was 42,923
1820 to 1830 " " " 102.234
" 1830 to 1835 " " " 114.982
•• • 1835 to 1840 " " " 204,756
•• 1840 to 1845 " " " 185,942
1845 to 1850 " " 189,335
" 1850 to 1855 " " " 448,781
The railroad system has been developed in
Illinois within the last five years, and one of
the fruits, we sec, has been double the popula
tion. A correspondent showed, the other day,
that another was to quintuple the value of her
lafid. Add to 'these the improved society, the
multiplied educational and moral influences,
such as the newspapers, cheap books, &c.,
which follow population,•and take advantage
of all cheap methods orCiiinm - unication, and
then one may begin to appreciate the advan
tages of the modern railway system as an en
gine of civilization.—N. Y. Pus!.
fr7Six weeks in session, at Washington, -at
an expense to the people of over $120,000=
and no Speaker elected yet ! What -Reform
ers" these Know Nothings and Abolitionists
are ! !
(J On the 7th inst. the Dettocrats carried
the town election at Smithville, N. C., where a
year ago the K. N.'s carried it..
concentrated at the great commercial points
of the United States is truly astonishing. For
instance, one-eighth part of, the entire proper
ty of this country is owned by the citizens of
New York and Boston. Boston alone in its
corporate limits owns one-twentieth of the
property of this entire Union, being an amount
equal to the wealth of any three of the Nev
England States, except Massachusetts'. In
this city is found the richest community, per
capita, of any in the United States. The next
I city in point of wealth, according to its popu
latiolb-is Providence: R. 1., which city-is-one
14, 0 ;-ine ri t chest in the Union, having a valuation
Of fifty-six millions, with a population of fifty
thousand. The bare increase per annum of
• the wealth' of Boston is equal to the. entire val- '
nation of many of the minor cities, such as
.Portland. Salem, New Bedford, Buffalo, Chica
go, Louisville, &c.—Bualon Tray.
—Some ,fellow who is go9d a t figures has
cyphered out "a room sixteen feet wide" for
every body that goes to Heaven. Here is the
way he does it :
1- "And he measured the -city with the reed,
twelve thousand. furlongs. The _ length and
the breadth, and 'the height of it are equal.
—Rev. 21 : 17."
Twelve thousand furlongs. 7.920,000 feet,
which being cubed, 496,763 - ,088,096.000,000,-
000 cubic feet. Half of this we will reserve
for the Throne of God and the Court of Hea
ven, and half the balance for streets, leaving a
remainder of - 124,198,272,900.000,000,000
cubic feet. Divide this by 4.096, the cubical
feet in a room, 16 feet square, anrthere will
be 30,321,843,750,000,000 rooms. We will
suppose the world-always did and always will
contain 900,000,000 inhabitants, and that a
generation lasts for 384 years, making in all
1,700,000,000 every century, and that the
World will stand 400.000 years, making in all
270,000,000,000,000 inhabitants. • Then sup
pose there were one hundred- worlds equal to
this, in number of inhabitants and duration of
years, making a total of 27,000.000.000,000,-
000 persons. Then there would be a room
16 feet wide for each person, and yet there
would be room.
('Which is the best way to make a coat
last ? Why, make the vest and tronserb first.
11:7"31116. PARTENGTON ON SH IIENSPE.ItE.—"There Caine N.
certain lord, neat and trimly dressed," read Ike. His
mother-,immediately interrupted her interesting sou.—
""Isaac," said she, •'I know why Mr. lipokeshare defers to
in that telegraph, it is to old Zekial Lord's son Jennies,
who was awful proud and stuck up after be got that nice
spick-and-span bran-new suit at Rockhill Sr. Wilson's, 311
Chesnut street, corner of Franklin Place "' Ike replied
that he had heard of the'•crib," and that he was 4 .iu" for
a '-new rig," himself, whenever it met the views of the
riOLLOIVAT'S OINTMENT .01Nn Piu.s. an unfailing
Remedy for Scrofulous Sores —The eldest sun of Anthony
Barnet, aged 14, of Galveston. was an awful sufferer, with
scrofulous sores on his limbs.. The parents took him to sev
eral doctors, and did all ih their power to him, but
he only became worse. A sister of Mr. 13.1 met, who had
been cured of a bad leg by Holloway's Ointment and Pills,
took the child under her protection. stating she would try
what effect a few weeks residence with her would do, no
sooner 11.54 she got him at her own house. than she tried
Holloway's Ointment and Pills, they soon canned an im
proved appearance in the child, and atter using them 101011 t
ten weeks, every symptom of his disorder hid vanishe I like
snow before the sun.—such is the power of theme wonderful
remedies ! They will also cure all disorders of the skin.
e „Markets.
Corrected from the latest Rattitnore,York & Hanover papers
Flour, per barrel, $8 00 to 8 06
Wheat, per bushel, 1 00 to 2 00
Rye, “. 1 18 to 1 20
Corn, it 72 to 78
Oats, di . 40 to 43
Cloverseed, " 9 25 to 9 50
Timothy, " 325t0 3 50
Whiskey, per gallon, 33 to 34
Beef Cattle, per hund., 6 00 to 9 50
/ 4
Hogs, 6 50 to 7 00
hay, per ton, 20 00 t 025 00
Guano, Peruvian, per ton, 55 00
Flour, per bbl., from stores, $8 50
Do. 44 " wagons, 7 50 ,
Wheat, per bushel, -170 to 1 80
Eye, 44 1 05
Corn, 44 56
Oats, 44 35
._ ,
Cloverseed, " 8 50
- - Tin — TO - thy, " -
Plaster of Paris, per.ton,
YORE—FR.ttIAr Lan?
Flour, per bbl.,from stores, $8 50
1)0. " from wagons, 7 75
Wheat, per bushel, 1 85 to 2 O 0
Rye, CS 1 14
Corn, - ~ 60
Oats, ~ 36
Cloverseed, " 8 50
Timothy. <4
Plaster of Paris, per ton,
Found /
TN this place, on Thursday last, a Gold !Ile.
I &Mon, containing: the DaolierrPotypes of
two g entiernen. Enquire at this office.
January :21, 1856.
Corn Dryerm.
PETE atter.tion of,MILL'HUIS is incited to
1 a very superior article for drying CORN,
%Om+ cmi be hid at all 'jaws at
Op Tueriny, the 15th inst.. by the Rev. Martin, Mr.
JOHN L F.F.CIf, of Be•lfordronnty,toMisa ANN MARGARET
REPLIER, of Adams county. -,
ealire RV. by the same, at the hones of Z. D.
Be'•ker. In Petersburg, Mr. OLEMENCE STUDEBAKER to
Miss MARY ANN MILLER. both of Adams county.
On the 3 , 1 inst., by the Rev--G. Roth, Mr, GEORGE
SI:BRIGHT, of Berwick township, toMisa JULIA - ANN
FOHL. of Menallen township.
On the Sth hut.- by the same, Mr. ISAAC ROTH_to 3lre.
ELIZABETH ROTH—both of Butler township.
On the 10th inst.. by the same, Mr. /4110E1A EL MINTER,
of Franklin township, to Miss SARAN MARTMAN, of
Metrdlen township.
On the 31 inst., by the Rey. J. G. Fritehey, Mr. JOSHUA
REIN LMAN. of this county, to Miss MALIN DA E. BROWN,
of Frederick county, M I.
'On the 9th inst. ' • by the Rer. J. L. Mors, Mr. JOSEPH
ORNDORPE'. of Admus county, to Mita ELIZABETH
KEMPER, of York county.
On the 10th inst., by tho Rev. P. Seheurer. Mr. PHILIP
STEPHEN to Miss SYBILLA TROSTLE, both of Adams
On Thurfulay last, by Re,. Mr. Hoff heins. Mr. WILLIAM
CASHMAN to Miss SARAH ANN 11111,T1NG, both of
Straban township.
Near York Springs. on the 7th ult., after a short illness,
Mrs. DOROTIIY MCtiDOIU S, in her 82d year. • '
in Carlisle. on Tuesday morning last, Lieut. JOHN BAN.
NISTER QLJISON, aged about 35 years.
Town Property,__„.._
THE subierifirerwtil offer at public sale, on
the premises, on Wednesday, the 20th day
of February next, the fullowing town property,
A Ilan Lot of Ground,
situated on West Middle street, adjuining
properties of Dr. Study and Cordori, hav
ing thereon a two-story Frame
Weatherboarded HOUSE, with
Kitchen attaciteH, a good Stable,
an excellent well of water, &c.
Also, Four Acres of Land,
more or less, on the Millerstown road, adjoin
ing property of Mrs. Shultz on the west, and
property of Samuel Fabnestock on the east,
the whole being .v ell set in timothy and clover,
and having thereon it'fine lot of peatzli trees.
(Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
on said day, when attendance will be given
And terms made known by _ _
Jan, 210856. td
At Public. Sale.
THE subscriber, intending to remove to the
West, will sell at public sale, at- his
residence, in Tyrone township, Adams cotin
iy, on the old Carlisle road, two Miles from
New Chester, on , Tuesday, the 26/fr day of
February next, the following valuable. Person
al Property, viz :
An Excellent Family Horse,
2 good Cows, a Four-horse Wagon with bed,
a One-horse Wagon, a good Buggy and Sleigh,
2 sets Harness, Horse Gears, Winnowing
Mill, Shovel Plough, Corn Fork, Log and
other Chains, &c. Also,
Household Si. Kitchen Furniture,
such -as Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads, Chairs,
Corner Cupboard, Clock, Carpeting, 1 Parlor
and 2 Ten-plate Stoves, 1 Cooking Stove,
Kettles and Pots, Meat Vessels, Barrels, and
a variety of other articles, too numerous to
Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M.,
on said day, when attendance will be given
and terms made known by
.lan. 21,1856. td
THE first account of JOHN LEHMAN, As
signee under a voluntary deed of assign
ment for the benefit of creditors, of JAMES
B. JAMESON, of Tyrone township, Adams
county, has been filed in the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Adams county, and will be con
firmed by the said Court on the 26th day of
February next, unress cause be shown to the
contrary. JOHN PICKING, Prothly.
Prothonotary's Office. Gettys•
burg, Jan. 21, 1855. td*
Administrator's Notice.
efi TATE.—Letters of administration on the
estate of Jacob Arnsberger, late of Huntington
township, Adams county, dec., having been
granted to the undersigned„.reSiding in Tv•
rune township, he hereby gives notice to all
persons indebted to said estate to make im
mediate payment, and those having claims
against the same to present them properly
authenticated for sett:e•nent.
Jan. 21, 1856. .9dne'r.
ALL persons are hereby notified that I gave
a promissory note to JaCob Minter, (of
Franklin township, Adams co., Pa.) for the
sum of ninety-five dollars, dated about the
middle of November, 1855, and due about the
middle of March, 185; that the consideration
of said note has entirely failed ; that 1 will
not pay the same, and any person or persona
taking an assignment of said note, take it at
their risk, and in face this notice.
Jan. 14, 1856. 3t
CIA ME to the premises of the subscriber, in
Cumberland township, on or about the
27th of November last, a BLACK BULL,
supposed to he two years old, with short thick
horns, and blind of one eye. The owner is
requested to come forward, prove property, pay
charges and take him away.
Jan. 7, 1856., JOHN BUTT, Jr.
Agricultural Address.
TAR. J. H. MARSDEN, of York S?rings,
will deliver an Address before the"Adatris
County Agricultural Society," in the Court
house, in Gettysburg, on I uesday, the 22d qf
January instant. at 1 o'clock, I'. M. The
citizens of the town and county are invited to
be present. JNO. McGIN LEY, Preet.
H. J. STABLE, Sec'y.
Jan. 7, 1856.
Ready-made Clothing',
CLOTH, Coating, Cassimeres, Ca.sinets,
Vestings, &c.—the largest variety on
hand and constantly making up. The hest
bargains in town at the Clothing Emporium
6 25
6 00
Nov. 19.
Jewelry i Jewelry 2
L. SCHICK has now on hand a 'large
and splendid assortment of Jewelry, corn
prising everything in that line—Breastpins,
Kir-Rings, Finger-Rings, Chains, &c. Ste.—
all of which he is selling at the lowest living
profits. Call and examine for yourselves—no
trouble to show goods. Jan. 7, 1856.
3 (;U
7 00 ADZES' White, Black, and colored KID
,‘ GLOVES, at 621 cents, worth 871 r.—
Geritlethen't4 do. at 75 cents, worth $1 2.5
just received from - IN.'"foa — VOM" -- /Viiction by
Oct. 15, 1855.
C!CUIICK has on hand a more complete as
sortment of Cloths, Cassimeres,
Vesling - s, &c., than ever—and offers such
inducements to purchasers as cannot but be
ad'vantazeous to than. Gentlemen will find
Lis store, tvel I supplied wi th-Atii-kinds -uf-goods
suited to their wear.
Se ray Bull.
Kid Gloves.
Public Sale.
11 1 HE American TM:Ariz Company will offer
L. at Public Save, on the premises. on Sat
urday,' Me 2d day el February nrri,
a Tur (pat Frame' W eath prima rded
HOUSE, with Kitchen, and the full.V;
Lot of Ground, located on Huth
street. one lot and a half west of the Catholic
Church, Gettysburg. There is an inexhausti
ble well of .excellent water near the kitchen
door—the well beiny; cobtetteted whit the cop
per mine on the properly.
KrSale to commence at 1 o'clock. P.-M.,
on said. day, when attendance will be given
and terms made known -by
M. 8i Mee! LEA
Attornies for the Atuericka %huh% company.
January 14,1856. td
A -Small Farm,
TH E subscriber, offers at private sale,
'TRACT OF LA ND, situate in Straban
township, Adams county, about 2 miles from
Gettysburg, on the vast side of the - State Road
to Harrisburg, adjoining !ands of the subscri
ber, Wm. Wihle, Henry M unfort,
. and others;
containing 4115 . AVMS, more or less, rithmt 7
acres of which are Woodland, and 10 acres
first rate Meadow. The improvements are a
one and a half story • BRICK
HOUSE, a good Barn, a - neve--
failing well of_water. with pump ~;!:
in it, and an Orchard of choice
bar Persons wishing fo view the property,
are requested to call on the subscriber, tesid
ing in Gettysburg.
January 14, 1856. tr
Railroad Letting.
TIRO POSALS will be received in Gettya•
k burg, from the 22d to tite 26th inst., for the -
tysburg Railroad to Hanover. Profiles, Plans
and Specift§ations can be seen, and all neces
sary information obtained of the Engineer m
charge, at the Mike in Gettysburg.
iiirfnriners desiring to do (he work through
their farms wilt please notice the numbers of
the pegs at their boundarieA.
Nessus. TAYLOR &
Jan.• 14, 1856. Contractors.
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned, Aud i tor appointed by
the Court of qottimon Pleas of Adams
county, to report distrili - ntion of the fund in
the hands of JOHN EctocNitonE, Assignee, of
JACOB BOLEN end wife, to and amongst credi
tois, will sit to discharge the duties of Itls ap
pointment at the office of 'd. & W. McClean',
to Gettysburg, on Wednesday, Ilse 6111 day' of
February next, at 10 o'clock, A. NI., when and
where all persons interested may attend.
Jan. 14,1856. 3t
New Esisi blishment.
THE undersigned respectfully inform the
citizens of Gettysburg and the ' public"
generally, that they have opened a GRANITE
.STO N E-Y A RD, on South Baltimore Street,
opposite the residence of Geo. Shryock, where
they are prepared to furnish Granite Slone,
dressed in every style, for Mon►unents, Door
Sills and Steps, and every kind of building
and orr►atnental use. Also, Cemetery Blocks
.al ways on.hand, and a general variety of Dress
ed Gra tote.
The undersigned having had considerab)e
experience in their business, respectfully in
vite persons wishing anything in their line to
give us a call—as we are prepared to furnish
the same article CHEAPER, than it has ever
been heretofore offered in Gettysburg.
P E 13 TL 7, 1856. 3m
THE subscriber would announce to hip cus
tomers and the public generally, that he
continues to supply the various Magazines,
named below, at the prices annexed, per an
num, viz:
*Harper. $2.25 ; Putnam, $2,25 ; Household
Words, $2,00; Blackwood, $.2,-25 ; G o d e y,
$2,25 ; 11 orticulturkt, colored plates, $3,50 ;
Horticulturist, plain edition, $1.70 ;
Living Age, $5,00; Frank Leslie's Gazette of
Fashion, $2,25 ; Ballou's Pictorial, $2,50;
Ladies' Repository, (Cincinnati.) $1,63; Na
tional,,sl,63; Arthur's Home Magazine,sl,63.
lie !s -prepared also tb fill orders fur stand
ard and ruiseelLineous books and current lite
rature of the day, whether from the trade or
other walks of industry. Having had an ex
perience of fifteen years in the Book and Peri
odical trade, lid believes he can give entire
satisfaction to'all parties entrusting him with
Specimen numbers of the. Magazines sent
on receipt of 6 Post Office Letter Stamps for
the $3 or $2 'Magazines, and for 12 such
Stamps, a sample of the $5 or $6 works will
be sent. Letters of inquiry. must contain a
stamp tor the return postage. l3ooks sent post
paid on the receipt of Publisher's advertised
prices. Address,
Bookseller, n, N. J.
Publishers of newspapers, eiving the
above advertisement, with this notice. a few
insertions, and send a marked copy to the ad
vertiser, will he entittled to any une of the
above PefiVicals for one year.
Jan. 14, 1855.
Hanover B. Railroad.
TRAINS over the Hanover Branch Rail
road now run as follt7ws:
First Train leaves Hanover at 91 A. M.,
with Passengers for York, Harrisburg, Col
u►nbia , and Philadelphia. This Train also
connects with the Ex „ - - Balthnore,ar-
riving diem at 1 P.
Parkion and Cock'
Second Train lea M., with Pas
sengers for Baltimok :mediate places,
and returns with passengers from York, &c.
J. LEII3, Agent.
July 23, 1855. tf
R rrz HENDRY & CO. N0."20 North
Third Street, Philadelphia, Monor;CO
or FRENCH CALF-SKINS, and Dealers in
February 26. 1855. fly
ADZES, if you went handßome and cheap
1._.1 DRESS GOODS. call at.
Oct. 15. Sign of the Red &ant.
SOAPS.—Fancy and Common Soaps, in
endless variety, to be had 01Kip at
CA and see FA HN ESTOCKS' cheap
CLOTHS, Casiiineres, Cassinets, &c.,
if you want Bargain*.
J)II MSS TIN 11 11i N G S_.of 21! kinds can be
h a d at SC HIC K'S av cheap as the
cheapest, if ttot a little cheaper.
BRtIO - 31 - 6 - zard - 'l, i
ofar :are.
rig at G lea roc k ,
P*'iva le Sale.
THE titniersigned will still at Private - Sale
that desictbje property, in' Meitterrys'ii
CnnowaLo township, Adarris -county,
Pa..lYttiv on the public toad running through
said place. 4-. It contains Ton Alcrere, more
or less,.of first rate la"nd, adjoining lands of
Dr. 'H. N. Lilly, Samuel and Joseph :ileum
bough, and others, and is finely iittpr , ved.-.—'
There is a large Two-story BRICK
D i 1• i:LILIN G, with 4 r u•atury 13rkk
Bach-building, fronting on the street,
and nearly opposite. the pu'i lie house of John
Bushy, Esq., a good tog Barn, an Orchard
of choke fruit, a good well of water, end
other improvements. I Possession given on or
before the Ist day of April next, as may be
desired. If not, sold, the property will be
Persons wishing to view the premises will
call on John Busby, Esq.
Nov. 26,1855. tf
iliew_Segar & Tobacco
would respectful Iy_
inform the citizens of the town and coun
ty-, that he has opened a Segor and", Tobacco .
manufactory', in Baltimore street. next door' to
Forney's Drug. Store, Gettysburg, where he
will constantly keep on hand.a large variety
of SEGA RS, of the finest flavo r, ,.and At the
lowest living prices. Of pIiEWING TO
BACCO he has the choicest kinds=also a
capital article of SNUFF—aII. of which he
offers as low as the lowest. He only aslo 'a
trial, convinced that he can gratify every taste.
He hopes, by strict attention to .business and
a desire to please, to merit and receive a share
of public patronage.
-May 7, 1855.
Fi . lM AN E
EL ZIEGLR has just returned
from the city with the largest' lot of
GROCERIES he has ever before opened, to
which he invites the attention of all, convinced
thatile.can offer HARE BAHOAINS. has also
a fine lot of HAMS, SHOULDER'S, &c;
FISH of all kinds; Oranges. Lemon's, and
other fruits; Crackers, Nuts, Confections;
Segars, Tebactio, Sfflufll'arid a general variety
of . everythinv„"frOnn a needle to an anchor,"
almost. Give him a call, tly on wantlo Lay
what's'elloap and good. - •
Ozy, Gauntry Produce taken in exchange for
Goods. - • - - [stay 7;1855.
New Finn and New-Groodg.
Rciuhscribers,having b 6110,14 ;tl)6. mod(
of Bouts, Shoes ,,as and Caps;or KEL
LER KU urrz, purptise Continuing the !mai
ness; at the old established stand, South East
Corner of Centre Square. where they have
just received a freai 'supply,ot thcabove . goods
from the cities' of Philadelphia and Baltimore,
comprising all the new and desirable styles of
Men's Boys' and YOuths' Silk, Fur,
t r‘ aud Slouch HATS. Men's, ;
Boys' and Youths' Fine Calf,
Kip, and Grained BOOTS &
SHOES, with a large assortment of Ladies',,
Misses'and Child's Walking and Ftne.Dress
B+IOES, GAITERS. &o. Gam Diess-shoes,
Bus king. and- Sandal is in every variety.
We would'lespectfully announce to the citi
zens of Adams county, that we have an earnest
disposition to -please 'the particular taste' of
every one who may favor us with their patron
age, and 'respectfully ask all to call and see.
- The . business will be ‘eondueted under •the
Finn of COB NA N & PA XTON
Oct. 22, 185. ' •
E subscriber having disposed•Of , his in.
tercet in the Boot, Shoe, Hal and Cap
Bosimpss to Mews. COl3 FIA - Nik, PAXTON,
respectfully asks the continuance of his friends
and customers to patronize the New Firm.
- Oct: 22, 1855. ~ ! • •
• Holloway's Pills. • •
ARE E SICK 1-4 t has been
T the lot of the human race to be weighed
down by disease and. suffering. 114014L0-
WAY'S PILLS are specially adapted to the
rulief of the WEAK, the NERVOUS, the
DELLO AXE, and the IN FIRM, of al I clime#,
ages, sexes, and constitutions. Professor
Holloway personally superintends the Manu
facture of his medicines in the United States,
and offers them to a free and enlightened peo
ple, as the best remedy the world ever saw
for the removal of.disease.
Tit6se Milo Purify the
These famous Pills are expressly combined
to operate on the stomach; the liver, the kid•
neys, the lungs, the skin, and the -bowels,
correcting any derangement in their fUnctions.'
purifying the blood, the very, fountain of life,-
and thus curing dfseasiin all its forms.
Dyspepsia and Liver'ComPlaints.
,half the human race have taken
these Pills. It has been prpved in all parts of
the world, that nothing has been found equal
to them in casks of disorders of the liver, dys
pepsia, and stomach complaints generally.--'
chivy soon give a healthy tone tiithese organs,
however much deranged, and when all other
means have failed.
General, Debility. 111 Halth.
. of the, 'most despotic Governments
have opened their Custom Houses to the in
troduction of these PIN, that they mayb e- come the medicine of the maases,, Learned
Colleges admit that this is the hest medicine
ever known tor persons of delicate health, or
where the system has been impaired, as its
invigorating properties never. Jail to afford
relief. „
Female Complaints.
No female, young or old, should be without
this celebrated medicine. It corrects and reg
ulates the monthly courses at all periods, act
ing in many cases like a charm. It is also.
the best and safest medicine that can be given
to children of all ages, and for any complaint ;
consequently no family should be without it.
. •du 1,--
_ ts. , are the best remedy knot,
the world for the following Diseases :
Asthma. Debility , 7.lver Complaints
Dowel Complaints Fever and Agne Lowness of Spirits
Coughs Fenmle Cotnplait3ts Pilex
Colds . ' Headaches . Storm and Gravel
Chest Diseases Indigestion Secondary Symp.
Costlienesx Influenza tons
Dyspep4ia Inflammation Venereal Affection •
Establishment Abram Arno,l4 : , :•., ~
Diarrhce4, Dropsy Inward Weakness Worms, of all kinds
* * *Sold at the of Professor NTENDS removing. to York, and -attest
Hou.owAi. 80 Maiden Lane, New York. arid I .therefore settle upliis business. . All: per
sons desirous of;saving costs, egpeeially! them
244' Strand, London. and by all respectable
D ruggists and Dealers in Medi eines through-
whose amounts-ere of long - standimgc - citcitirbo
. up. -
out the United States, and the civilized world, ", b y
eallin2; immediately and paying
' Uri
in Boxes, at 25 cents, 6 cents, and $1 each• less this bJ'done. without delay. suits - Wili be
ifte'There is a coasiderable saving by Mk ! instituted u ithout respect iq persons: e sitiii•
ing the larger sizes. . tar appeal to them having been utterlyeisfe-
N. B.—Directions for the guidance of pa- : gamed , u" furt h er itu i ti i gunce *pi ir,,;, .
gents in every disorder are affixed to each 'Box. , -a&• 1-1 t: is . NI a w sigtmr:::a oi 4 Ar's? ices?. • .•:".'
July 16. 1R55. ly eow ~.
__l _ Join -4, 10.-,5.: ,••• „ „ , .
)RocHE SH AWLS—a splendid and I Taney Statleneiry.
--- •
I) fashionable article—just brought from the ' SCHIP - K - keers - ait - iiires - of Font y - Station,
city by SCHICK. - Ladies, call and exatnine l i, erv. and Delis it ac cheAp, if - noh
t ryttiwiv
then" -
_ _....L ___ • -1 than Any holy el'e In the town' ~ . ~, • -
- 1:0 R. 00.'Cl 5, - sti
137ues, and lliiket. for "iftTt you don't bglioye it, call in ap4 icis fos.yea 4 1r
. 1.) At E. ZIEGLER'S. hoellig• • - Jan. F..
TH E Commiintlonere efAdirrieteitt ns4 hen•
by give notice that thett• havalPftxed.,epilat
the following,. tittles and.'
ing nrait ‘ ileale for the several Ifori*litti:olol,',.,.
Township of Ad:Miss:minty; wiiet
they will attend to, hear appeala.:'heisiteilitn • the
hours - of 9 o'lllock, eM.; and 3,,o'cloOrlF, P:
M., of each day, as folloi'S •
. •
Ist. For Mountioy,• on Monday. the.-2Rlb
of January, at the house of Jesse D,;?.4,oW•tualt,
in Nlountjoy township. • • •
2tl. F.'r the tuvrwthips'of Germany r.r.. -
nion, on Themlay. the 4 29th of Jartintrot the
.house of Joseph Barker, in tittleatokit';
3d.. •F`Q••, tho township!' of..l4loUniplia'asant
and Conowago, on Wednesday. 'the , 29th of.
January, at the house or Peter in
,Mountpleasaut township.
4th. For the township ofßerwickominturs
, day, the 31st of January, atthu houseof'Fran.
cis J. Wilson, in itibhottstowri...'
sth. For the township of Hamilton, ntir Fri
' day, the Ist of February, nt the 'house of David
Newcomer, in East Berlin. • •
6th. For the township of Strahan t on More.
day, , the 4th of reltruaty. at•tlte, house of Ja
cob 1,. Grass, to Hunter:town.,'
7th. For the town -
Ship of Oxford, *Mites
day, the sth of February, at the house of Mrs.
`,Miley, in Oxford. ' • .
81h. Fur the township . of Readini,43Ved
,nesday, the 6th of Feo-uary. nt the,.Wwie of
John A._Dicke, in Hampton.
9th. For the townships n( Millington and
Laranore, on Thursday, the 7ih of .Feltruati.
at the house ofJohrt D. Becker. ip Paterihts,rg,
lOth. For the township of Tyrone, en-,Fri
day, the BthplFebroary„ , at a-Sam
uel Sadler, in HeidiersbutiT.- - za
. _
11th. For the .toivrittliip.vf. Menallen.; r on
Monday,' the 11th of Fehrtrary,-et the bonse of -
Charles Myers, in 13endersyille.., . , ~,..''
, 12th. For the townshipvf Buller, on tees.
day, the 12th of Fohreari t , at - the hotise ,Of J.
A. H. Reather, in Middletotrin... • 2-: -
- 13th. For the township : of, ~Ftankltet,.,, On
Wednesday, the 13th of Fehruary v it titeliciuse
of Henry Miektey, in Carhtovr-rt.., '.= : -.-7
14th. For the,toninshipti a Hainillein,s44.4nd
Liberty, on Thursrlay, the 14th ofreitteery,
at the house of Isaacs - Rohintion, in "F#lffictil. '
15th. For the townships "of Ctitiabeiland
and Pie eticiii,'Ort - Friday,' the 1511 iiflitalirtitifyp'.:
at the Commissioners' office, in; Pell,yehntr.
16. For the townships:" orCuiriliklina end
Freedom, on Friday, the 15th of February. et -
the Cam cuitioncpe office, in Goirkb tug, '
16. For,the gorongli, of Pii,3 1 :j1,4k..ri.-9P.57.14- f
urday; the .14tli Of February, et, c titept:inititis,",, ,
Siollei fl Office. in Gettysburg. ' '., '''' ' •
. ;
~,-,:.1, 1 .
, . JA - MES - J. WILI.S r , ~., ..,,- ; ~,i . .--, .
6 Et) IiGE Y4Y ER g, ~
_....,-- 1.4.4f4),* . ~: T
' . HENRY A. P.M lON U.' s , , - ; . ‘-,;i6; .:
- Attest-1, AII3OIIINB4UGH t eterkf., , ,,,,T4,;-,, '4,- , ;..; h, - ,3
Commissionere,Olfire-,;:r ; ;.:f.'43,,,,,,.. ' •-1.
Gettysburg, Jan..7i,1856. 't,t1:,,, 4 „...,;:dy .,,,A,...,,,
• • • ; • • ,
AND COMPLKTD, sNtiNpts . rrnkt .4 4ll) , '•' -
7'o Hi:4li' Sr!R,l:O
:0 4 ift , - A'mur : 0
-11 Ettunelstur, Pertly, -0 1;
Sit:men ADCR 3 - Pliplary.
minor, Pettit.-- . • • ;
irt . A rti co teflon.; . •• •
• FunnTil Ri/ADKR;
.1 0 trett ReADlen, with Principles. ofEjec_ntion
prectically Illustrated- by . -,Elementary i ,Atter f :'
()lees: -
- Strrn Rltineft, With the' tittrherrtTleteir
of Elocution Explained and Illusitated by. ap
pro priate Melville*. ;
~ T he Readers arelprepareit ripnwthit=pleit-of
leaching , only one- /hint:fitly iistie,t•tindritelt,'l
conhtiri'a• full;•crim plot. and.'oriirinsLeystentr.'
of-exercises 'in'Artieuhrtioni",‘ to-Witteit/the
'herhsstin exilusivecrigitt.
The Elocutionary, smiler i+ siroplitsiderone,il
prehensiie4 - adopte d- to dui 'gehapt-tenni ;:itti!i•
onlyy praittical tettehers :knew h .lo prdptif :y
and ltdoptit:' =
- The 'SelectiOnte for .Reading , ittreeiretelly'
graded- from the first step - :- to .theila e tti fr all'i f e-i
pieces are chaste, pure,Tood freed_ frosil . 111110),
and improper. eipreeilons; hey 'Are d esigned_, •
to 'cid ii vete a correct, Mete .
: tn
i n and, to elevate die literal affeetinits;',l:lkeit
were 'selected arid, prepared by' 'MO rititOthat,
who. alone can
. underetand liiiittohl 4 ,:ctfilts":
of the 'expandingheart and' 'Mind ritAbeyielthol='
room pupil.. ,
'l'o.Wer's,Elemente of Gta t
mar for
beginners, And Toiver's'Engli's;ll,Cm ri tiliiittilrix
advanced classes .,. • • '
'Teachers;Cenintittees, toergyttnn, r
and all others interested iii Edricti ots .a re fit=
vited to call and examine
p AN! E B
Publishers; X0."60 inhiStreet:
o:fr Foe Sale 'by ,'A. D . •:''I.II.IKIIPER,:..IOiet:.•I
tyaburg, ' • ''NUV; 5; 185$;'Siri'
• ,firt
ff subscriber , 'render:4h te setieuvrieng7..
inerits to 'l4l — friends end
the liberal-. PatrOns heretofore `,,eX hided 16 . 1 .
him, - and :Iretipietftilliliifornie'them tliet7he'L
has just returned from tte, - eit r iek
did assortment pf N ENV 'GPO)*
in part,a fine !Una ef,QSlaines,,,s l hraills..Girg...;
hams, loves;. Stockings,
M uslins; Irish . .Lineris,,,Sic:"; all Ur
be sold it.the lOWO,te4i t .pricrs. , lie
tirineeessari to - enumerate the ditTereitt.arti-,.
cies lsrhicb 'Coniprise his Mork. He.,woithl )
earnestly' invite all to'call and examine before
purchasing elsewhere.
, .tf
rIEO. ARNOLD' has just returned from,
-the Cities with -a large lot of , DRY
DRESS GOODS; 4Stc.;• ninon' which Ain't
English and French Cloths. Coatings; Ctissi.
metes, Satinetts, Jeans, Blankets, 'Flan'nels,;
and an endless variety of 'LA DI ES' `DRESS
GOODS, together with almost- every. , artiekr
in his line of business--nil of which will be
sold as cheap, if not a little cheaper, thin any,
other establishment here or elsewhere:- :VW
as to Cloths, Cassimeres, , Satirtetta, Itrid t
Ready-made - Clothiug, we rhal - Ifnge enn3-'
petition. Having-- now furnished you With:
times endeavored to pursue a stritioht.tormiid
course, and furnish any and' every artielitin
ray line of business upon the very hem:lo6lr;
and will continue to do so .— Give u 1 a call.
Oct 15, 1855. If '
J. Gft A 44,git.