- A - Jtti6 M=Mil t - 0 - 1$:011 TATE. of Hamilton ban town ship. has an inrmense HOG. estimated to Feign Five Hundred Pounds, which will he sbnt• for, at 11illerstown. on -- 4 Veto rear's _Day—the chailees to be taken in! , tiumbers, and one shot to decide. [Dre-10---.1 Collectors, Take Notice. M n C olleetors-Of--Ta se's-in-the-4 i-fferen townships of Adams crynty are hereby potilled that they will be required to settle up them Daplieate - 23 on or before Monday, the 3 let 'day of December next, on which Any the Com missioners will meet at their office. io give the, necessary exonerations, &n. If the Du 'pH-cater are not settled up in full hy . the above "irate, the _Collectors will be dealt with accord ing to law, without regard to persons. SarThe Collectors will be required to pay over to the Treasurer all monies that may be collected by the November Cohrt. JAMES J. WILLS, ) GEORGE NIYERS, Cones. - H. A. PICKING, Attest—J. ACOHIN2AUGIit Clerk. Nov. 5. 1855. td THE undersigned will attend promptly to the collection of claims for 13OUNTY LANDS under the late act of aacgress. Those %Vito have already received 40 r 80 . Acres, can now receive the halt -knee, by calling on the sobsciiber and making the necessary application. JOEL LL DANN ER. Gettysburg,, March 12, 1855. tf - - Bounty Lauds. S who ;served in an Q . 0 L D__KL .1„.7 .U. States a term no: less titan fourteen dap, are entitled to 160 ACRES' BOUNTY LAND, and in case of the death ofthe soldier. his widow or minor children, (if any.)- are entitled to the same quantity. in eases where 40.0r,80 acres have already been received, the difference necessary to male up the 160 acres eart,now be drawn - • - KrApply to,the subscriber, at his . office. iia Gettysburg, where persons having Land Warrants to jell, may, obtain the highest price lot these. It. G. fIVCREARY., March.l.9, 1855. 6n], OLD SOLDIERS. Bounty Land Act of 1855. MIRK ands-rsigned is now fully prepaied to file- and is rapirilp filing CLAIMS To OUN- Tv LAND' for soldieis of the War of•1:31e. and of AV, the warS of the ILStates—their widows and minor children. In -addition to his - long. experience and success, he would add, that, in all the many claims he has hitherto filed, (between 100 and 200) he has carefully pre :served, and has now every thing necessary 10 ,establish the righis of chi Ina nts—as also Rolls and Lists of Companies, and facilities for fur ntahin"z proofs in all cases that may be cu drustk .to He has made complete .arrangements for healing warrants in the Western States. War ranishoug,hl-;; Warrants sold. Apply personal itor by letter to' D. M'CON AUGH Y. Gettysburg., March 12,105. tf . 1 11 7 Itl. .B. r.fr Ckilan, - , 77 011 N EY 'l' LJITV . rIFFic.E -on the south side of the Public k_r Spiarti, two duors west of the Sentinel office. - •Aug. 22. 1853. CORONLITIN ART ASSOCIATION! SECOND YEAR.. RR NGF,UENTS.for the Second An ,llL. 'nual Collection of.thiss new rind popular institution for the diffusion of Literature awl -Arti have been made on the most extensive scale. • ~A- r oong the works already engaged, is the far-famed G 1: IVQ.4' CRUCIFIX,' which originally" best Ten' Thousand Drdlara. f ormi Bey.l ( 01 !vet the diffusion works .of Amen Can Art, and the ncourage nent of American genius, have nut" been over looked. " CoinniiSsions' have been isleutl - to Many of the • moat dis tinguished ,American Artists, who' will contribute' some of tW3ir finest prodeetions. Among, them are three Itia'rhie 13644, executed by the greatest living Neulpior.—llinAin POWERS : _ . .41g1)1,Cr., IVARIINGTOti, tho Father of his Country ; DV NI .1111gRif.t the Phi holopher ; DAN LEL WEUSTEit, the Statement). -A special agent has, visited Stirope and made careful and judicious selections of foreign works of -Art, both in Bronze and Marble; Statuary and ChOiee Paintings. The whole forming a. large and valuable collection of Paintings and Statuary, to be dis• tribeted free among the members of the Asso• ciation - for: the Second Year. - Terms of Memberzhip.—The payment of three - dollars constitutes any one a member of this A'ssociation, and entitleslitn to eitherano of the following Mawazines for one year, and also a ticket in the distribution of the Statuary and 'Paint i n The Literature issued to subscribers eon igt,S of the following Monthly Magazines : Harper's. Patinto'g, Kilickprimckwr, Black. -wooryt,. Graham's. God - ey's Lady's Book, and Household Words. ''Peisnnc taking five meinlverships'are entitled -to any five 61 the Magazines furone year, and .to air, tickets in the distribution. The net proceeds derived from Il e 'ale of mettiberships, are devoted to the purchase of works of Art for the ensuing. year. The :i'derznfalres Secured by becoming a member of this Association. are— Ist. All persons retteive 01pp/1/value qii4 , ir autorcrip;lrms 411 Ike gar!, in the shape of sterl• log Magazine Litexa:ure. 24.: 1":Icli member is contributing, towards •purcha, ; i n , z L .,1 1 .,i ce Works of Art, which are to be distriip.l:ori among themselves, and aro at the same tioie encouraging the Artists of the , -country, disbursing thou. - lands of dollars thrus its ag,ency. Persons in rernillintrjamts for membership, will rlease give their post•efee addrexa inful!, -Mating the month they wish the Magdzine to co•Trrnettee, and have the letter registered at the 1.';);t Office to prevent loss ; on the recAirt -of wilich, a certificate nt membership, tog"( fivr With the Magazine desired, will he forwa d to any part of the country. rlroTse vino purchase. Mavazin• . stores, wilt observe that by kiiillll4 this A ‘so elation, they receive (heatco;.ine and Free Tickci in the annual distribution. all at the same price they now pay for the Mao .zine alone. Beautirully thnstrited C.:141 wawa giving full d.e-.criptions. i-ent free on application. FQr it,eniber , hip. address C. L. DI:1111Y. A etunry C. A. A. At either of ti;t , principal oldee , .--• "linickerhuoker Mnrazir. , " orriop, 318 proad•va t:L. N.. vi , Yuri(. Or. Western (Mem. • f GYVV , Iter stt-P • • D. 4ICCON4L6II V. E-q.. ilotic..rary Secretary 1 fir . Ad.tros fori4N:les of incsabersitip, Dec. lii. 0.155, 4t C 11.1 I'ue 10111'!"` 11/CSt O . lot of 1, osnz and 5q,;41 . « , 6roug,lii to doss town (*Lit, be beviLat _ _ . _l4ll_2_9eltil hrolicht from thy Fiviverg, 47,1 , will be rity by Ladieb, cal/ end examine -- bef4 iltitap - r4fie,a - r 4n - ciry iKC II I rit;':V - theM, _ t • GREAT ATTRACTION AT ' Great Attraction at the sand-wine Front. 1 Prazerls Cheap Watch & Jew- - .neady-made Clothing. ely) - 7 storel, - . EORGE ARNOLD has' just finished - R FRAZER respectfully informs G the public. that he has just received a" At E rmaking up, and has on hand, as - large a stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, suitable for the Fall and Wi n ter s eason , as large and-splendid assortment of rich and new style GIILD - TEWF,Lity o f a irk - tiat s , 11,efir.-1---1/AR-C-Wet—beeed- to the Public to this ding Breast Pius, Finger Rings. Ear Ili ngs.l place. His CLOTHING is all of his ()wit of the most fashionable styles; fob. vest and manufacturing, and well -made, of the very -goard-Citairm -- -eufr - Ping. - Watch - Keys ,-, -&c:- -13e.t_falit e rin I s,_a n d_rton e odour C i'll,' )IA,O EL . Also. Alhata spoons, Fancy Vases, Watch TRASH, which has been put together in a hurry by crushing the poor seamstress with a Guards. Keys, and Chains, 7 ' 4l 4rlsl._ GOLD &Sit VER WATCHES, ''ti.e'‘.. ' ' , : --- E mere pittance fur her laber, or done with the , , loop-stitch of a Sewing Machine, which Ilona together with a. large assort- _ e , stitch gives way the whole seam is gone.-- meat of "Iloursallng .Goods, suitable for W e give fair wages, have ou r wort, well done, persons in mourning, and numerous otner ar ticles in his- line—all of which - will be sold and made of the hest materials, and nor young . ladies come in with the garments with smiling at the-ow_est_ensh prima- ... „, , • • War As I ItAre porchaserl'alinny goods from countenances and - cheerful beatia.WiFiflie - : regular Jewellers, I will WARRANT them now on hand i to bo 'what: I pronource them. Of this par- Coats of all grades & colors from Ito 20$, i Pants 66 66 50 cts. to 10$.. chasers may rest assured. ve. WATCHES AND JEWELRY RE- Vests - 66 " • 623 lets. to 7s, pAiItED, as h er et o f ore . Give me a ca ll, imade of all .colors, and in every variety of! in Baltimore street, a 'few doors from the style. We have experienced workmen em- diamond, if you want good Jewelry. and the i ployed constantly cutting out and making up , trenttine article, lower than the same can be all kinds or Black, Blue, Olive, Claret, Green, i e. purchased any place out of the city. j Brown and Drab Cloths,Coatin ffs,Cassimeres, 1 , IT . : T - 6 - L. , 1 • . : Gettysburg, Nov.Nov.s, 1855; tf JPROTECTIOV AGAINST LOSS by Fire THE undersigned informs property-holders that he has been duly appointed Agent of the PERRY COUNTY INIUTUAL' FIRI INSURANCE COMPANY, and that he is the only Agent in Adams counry fur the same. He will take original and renew old insu• ranees for said Coll»allV,,which, since its Iv►• iwar of the corporation, in 1843, has secured the perfect confidence of the people of Adams and the aitioioing. counties, (it heine authorized to effect insurances In any part of the State.) its integrity and ability have been fully and satisfactorily demonstrated. The gradation of rates of Insurance is adapted to the menial interests of the whole Company and the class of the insured property. Every person insur ing becomes a member of the Company, and may act in the EteleCtinfi of officers and in the direction of its operations. Moarts McCi,iiaArr represents the members in this county in the Board of Nlan agers. C. ItoTir, Jr., is President. am? Joust CrimPur.ta, Secretary. Office in l3loorn►ield, Perry.county. . AVM. NI eC AN. Office of M. & W. McClean, Gettysburg December .25, 1854. if Dismohilion of Partnerfthip. THE Co-Partnership existinakketween theg Subscribers has been dissolved this day by mutual consent. We are much obliged to cur friends and the public for the liberal support extended to us. Our Books are placed in the hands of Alex. Cobean for collection, and we earnestly re !pest th ose indebted, to us to call and 'Mike immediate payment, as we desire to settle the business of the firm without delay. W PAXTON, Sept..l4.. tf ALEX - IZ COBEAN. TN FORMS his friends and the pohlic gener 1-ally, that he will continue the tent & Shoe Businesa, at his old Stand,-and will always keep on hand a larg.e and splendid assortment of 1300 TS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS of every variety of style and prices, tvhich he is determined to sell low for Cash or Country Produce. Call and see the Goods. Sept. 24, 1855. tf Neu , :4'egor Cr, Tobacco MANUFACTORY. SAMUEL. FAI3 EH, Jr.,,would respectfolly inform the citizens of the town and coun ty, • that he.has opened a St!gar and Tohaeco Manufactory, in Baltimore street, next door to Forney's Drug. Store, liettyshurg, where ho will constantly keep on hand a lar,ge variety of SEG ARS, of, the finest flavor, and at the lowest living priced. Of CHEWING TO BACCO he has the choicest kinds—also a capital article of SNUlq—all of which he offers as low as the lowest. Fla only asks a trial, convinced that he can g•ratify every taste. I - b Iqpes, by strict attention to hnsinoks and a desire to please, to merit and receive a share of public patronage. M ty 7, 1R55.. ENEY ..1T L. 9 TV. AAT 111 riithrully and promptly attend to V all business entrusted to e speaks ll4e. Gcrni a "3' la rigurige. Office 3t the same place, in South Baltimore street, near Porney's Drug Store, and nearly oppo.ito Banner ez, Ziegler's Store. [March '2u. 11). ICNllonaeigh ~ 37'TO 1? A - 7!: Y AT tt e il TV , (Office removed to one door Wert of Buehler's Drug it-Book-store, Chambers burg :trect.,) Attorney X . , - li'attents and Tensions, I)OUNTY Land Warrants, Baelt-Pay sun 4-I..pended elainis, and all other clainis ay.,iitipt the Government at Washington. D. C.: also American claims in England. Land War rants. located and sold, or bought, and highest prices given. A,Tents enczaged in locating warrants in lowa, lilinois, anti other Western Staley; and lands for sale tlie•e. in . "Apoly to Ellin pergonally or by letter. tietty,;borg . , N0v.:41, 11353. lIAS his Office one door west °Nilo Lutheran 'church, in Clutulhersburg, street, and rt p - posite Uraromer's store, where those wishiva to have an} Dental Operation performed are respectfully invited to eall. Dr. D. Gillwri, Dr. C. N. Br rlneby, Dr. D. !I •.rnur, Rev. C. P. Knuth, D. D., Rev. IL L. D. D.. Rev. Prof. William M. Rey- Prof.ll.l4eobt4. Prof. M.L..Stir ver. (;.•ttyeburg, April 11, 1553. tf ay, anted. wrtsoNs having, Hay to sell,will dowel] .11.. by callinf4 - on the subscriber, in Gettys burg, 'who k desirous of purchasing. •The highest market price will be paid at AI times. r:r As he intends having the Hay, after paol;vd. hauled either to Hunover or Ballimore, the preference to haul «ill he'given to those front w hom he may purchase. SO [t) ON PO \ti EltS. Dec. 6, 185 4 2, tf i nt EollGg and Henry Wampler will mike ! eirse Spoutinz and pot I, p the same low, for cash nr country pmd ore. Farmers and all olhers wishina their ll. Mses. Barns, &c. epuoteil, would do wel I to (live them a call. G. &. H. IVAMPLER. April IR, 1853. W. W. Paxton E. 31. 17deelk J. Lawrence Rin, DI. I)., I REVERENCES: S p - ovt nw! HAW LS--a Et nd 001 . SIXTH REAuRrt, with the Higher Prineip!es of Elocution Explained and Illustiated by ap propriate Exercises. The Readers are Prepared upon the plan of_ leaching only one Ming . at a tune, and they contain a full, complwe and original gystern of exercises in Articulation, to which the au thor has an exclusive right. The Elocutionary matter I'4 Pimple and com prehensive; adapted, to the school•room as only practical teachers know how to prepare and 'adapt it. The,' Selections for Reading are. carefully graded front the first step to the last. Th , ?., pieces are chaste, pure, and freed from all low and improper expressions; they are desnjoed to cultivate a correct taste, to refine the, feel ings, and to - elevate tip:'.rt..ral-aGetions. They were Peleoted and prepared by the true teacher, who alone can understand the practical w a nt.. of the expanding heart and mind of the school room pupil. Also, Tower's Elements of Grationar for beginners, and Tower's English unu.rr for advanced classes. Teachers, School Committees, Clergymen, and all others interested in Educa:lon are in vitel to call and examine these I;‘,olts. DANIEL BUIWEsN rk: PubliAlorm, No #iU John Stri...t, 1. York'. nr—Por Sale by A. 11. 13 UE l I 1.1 , ;lt,• Get tysl.) LI Ig o Nov. 5, 1t155. 3111 I-1 I.:N It Y Ttim SA erg Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, Dec. 10, 1855. Of the United "itates Company. iVE PET VENT. SAVING FUND 1' At Third and Chesnut, Pliiincielphia,the Grand Pinneer Saving Fund of the United States Company is receiving money daily ; also Mouthy evoninfrg, on deposit. 'rho; id the oldst Five Per Cert. Interest Payine: -- • ' CIO X L sTo E s„ of varjou2 palterni; and ; 1—) sizes, ccinst.intly on hand and t r c:lte. at W Dec.V ARRENS' FOUND!Y. - *. &e. &e. Havintt just returned from the East, we have now on hand, in connection with our Clothing Store, a very large stock of cheap Cloths,Cassimeres,Cassinets,Coatings,Jeaus, &c. &e. of every variet=y of color. We have just received the Fall and Winter Fashions, and if we cannot please you in a' garment made-up we can_at_ alLtioues take your men sore-, and make up a garthent that will please on short notice. We will not make the hold 'Ol-Sertirm-that-we-wit-I-sell-25-per-cont—cheaper than anybody else, hut that we will sell any article in our line as cheap as the cheapest, and a little cheaper, and a good deal better. Give us a call, examine and judge for yourselves. Come one, come all, to the C 1,011 7 1 IN G EM PO R I 1.1 M, at the Sand-stone Punt ci GEO. ARNOLD. Oct. 15, 1855. tf 'Tower's Npei ter AND COMPJATF: ENCNCIATOIi ; AND TOWER'S BE,ADER-S. FlRS'[' REA DER, of Primary School 1 1 Enonehtor, Pdrt 1. SgeuND READER, or Prit - nary School Enun ciator, Part IL THIRD Rh:Am:ft, with Complete Exercisos in A rtieukti on. = FIFTH READER, with Pritwiples (if Elocution:, practically illustrated by Elewentary Ex r- 1 1 100 C'S ariianaengall fls i W - _ Ridge .?venue, Philadelphia. mill!; attention of the public is invited to the extensive manufactory and ware•room the subscribtr. who is prepared to tarnish, at the shoocAt notice, IRON RAILING of every description for Croteleries. Public and I'rirate Bui i mrs, also Verandahs, Balconies, Potirdelins, ,Selle es, I hairs,' Lions, Do4s. and other Ornamental Iron ‘Vork of :1 decora tive cliaracter. all of which is e N e emod wick the express view of pleasing the ta-ite. while they entnbine . al the requisites of beauty and and substantial construction. Porehaseri Indy rely on imyino• all articles boxed and shipped to theirplace oldestination. A hook of designs will be sent to those who wish to ink a ['election. ROBERT WOOD. ]ti4ro Avenue, below Spring Garduo St., OlttObel ti, 1835. 3in Courl Proclamiii ion. - TATA lER CAS the (lon. Romorr J. FISHER, f Prest.leitt of the several Courts olCot mon Pleaa.in the Counties composing the 19th Distriet.•and uglier of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jatl Deliv-ry, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the said distri.nond SA:erFt. R. livssEta. a Oil JOHN Nl'Grsit.Etv, Esqrs., Judtzes of the Courts of Common-Pleas, and Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terininer,and General Jail Delivery. for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the County of Adams—have issued their precept, hearintz date the :21st day of Nov., in the year of cur Loan. One thousand eight hundred and fifty-live, and to me directed, for holdhpr a Court of Common Pleas, and Gen eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Gen eral Jail Delivery, and Court of Over and Terminer, at Gettysburg, on Mon./0 . ti,7/ir - 2lst of .In ;war y next—NOTICE Is !Irani:l4v GIVES to all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables within the said county of Adams. Lhat they he then and there in their proper per sons, with their Rolls, Records, Inqukitions, Examinations, and other Remembrances, to do those things which to their offices and in that behalf appertain to he done, and also, they who will prosecute again s t the prisoners that are or then shall be in the J.lll of the said County of Adams, are to he then and there to • trains! fluent as shall he 'list. Saving Fund ompiny in the City ant; Suate. The money Is Paid Inck without notice-, ds usual. June i, I•• - ;55. tint Swintq. 12 iep. and (”.f.ry ciescrip- Vi lion of GROC ER I EN. to he had rtt 1.11-VI.:S:110-1-;-1.-S` .MU S end Cet iSil IMI , r inr - sml; l :it -- - --- F MIX ENT() GN,S Get I roburg Foundry. A NEW FIRM. T-PII-11...undersigned, Waving entered into part ! _I nership to carry on the Foundry business under the firm of WART EN & SONS, hereby' make known to the citizens of Adams and ad joining counties, that we are prepared to make • everything in our lineal bustness.---We_have constantly• on hand, the HATHAWAY and ,other Cooking Sitoves .. „ the Parlor air- S7l light amen plate &ova, of various styles and S i zes, Pots, Kettles and Pans, and all other Iron CoOking Utensils, Waffle Irons, Wash ing Machines, Ash-plates,- Boot-scrapers. &c. Castings for Mills and other . Machinery, PLOUGH CASTINGS of every description, &c. We make the Seylar. Blocher, and affer ent hinds of Wilherow Ploughs. We have also -- got - difrerentTatterns -- of Fencing and - Raising for Cemeteries, Yards and Porches, which can't be beat .for beauty or cheapness. C*-- All the above articles will be sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce. I 3 LAC ICS MITH ING still continued. BRASS CASTINGS and every thing in our line made to order. THRESHING AMCIILVES repaired -at shortest notice. Being Moulders ourselves, THOMAS WARREN, MARTIN WARREN, HIRAM WARREN. THOMAS A. WARREN. Gettysburg, May 11, 1855. tf - - - New Hardware Store. r HE subscribers would respectfully an nounce to their friends and the public that they have opened -a NEW 'HARDWARE STORE, in Baltimore, Street, adjoining the residence qf David Ziegler, Octlysburg,in which they are opening a large and general assort ment of • Hardware, Iron, Steel, Groceries, C UTL E 11 V. COACH TRIMMINGS, SPRINGS, AXLES, g Lta 9 cbar-warr, Sirbincia, Paints, Oils, and Dye•stufs; in general, including every description of arti cles in the above lines of business, to which they invite the attention of Coach-makers, Blacksmiths, Carpenters. Cabinet -makers, Shoe-makers, Saddlers, and the public gen ern! iy. Our stock having been selected with great care and purchased for Cash, we guarantee (for the Ready Money.) to dispose of any part of it on as reasonable terms as they can be pur chased any where. We particularly request a call from ot:r friends, and earnestly solicit a . share of public favor, as we are dtterinined to establish a char acter for selling Goodf , at low prices and do n; business on fair principles. JO El. B.'DANN ER, DAVID Gettysburg, June 9, 1851. tf _VOW FOR .13.91tG31 NS ! NEW SUALY or r.,ALL ASE) WINTSR . Really-made Clothing . . "Ivi AHe us SAMSON has just returned "VI from New - York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, with the largest and best assort ment of 11E.NDY 31.4 DE (I,O'.IIIING, ever brought to Gettyshoro. made up in magnifi cent styles, and most approved fashions. In reerard to workmanship, they can't be excelled by any eust outer tailor. .11.iving enlarged in); place and steel:, I am able t o su n! Ready-made (Volhino- of every de scription. cheaper than - ever elfered before in 'Hill or any other place this sine of the Atian tic. My stock corisi,ts in part of COATS, Di all sizes, priceT. colors and kinds., made up in a superior, manner. PANTS & V ESTS, of the latest and most fashionable styles. and ev,c,p7 kind of ,hods suitable ,for winter wear; also BOOTS & 5110 ES, and a large assort ineut of Gendewll'S and Buys' Furnishing Goods, coma:ling in extra quality linetr-bosom Shirt-7, Suspenders, Gloves. Half Hose, Col lars, Neck and Pocket II tridkerchiels, and an extraordinary assortment of _black satin and fancy Se/f rifljtoting Vocks, and various other fancy articles; teg,etber with raihrrllas,Trunks, farm., flags, 'lab?, (ups, Boots and Shoes. My Goods are selected and purchased under the most favorable circunistanees. "Quick Sales Smut/1 Prips," is 'always the motto I am determined to carry out, at the Money...saving Ctolhing- Emporium in York street. A porsonal examination can alone satisfy customers of the comprehensiveness of my stock, which I am selling at least 20 per cent. lower than can he found at any of my com petitors. Wel am also prepare 3 to sell wholesale to country merchants desiring to sell again, Ready Made Clothing at CHEAPER RATES THAN CAN HE BOUGHT IN THE CITIES. If you doubt it Cal: and examine for yourselves. MARCUS SAMSON. N. II floods bought of me will he cl ef) urged i f they do not prove satisfactory. Gettysburg, Oct., 1, 1855. A LAM;F: AND CIIEAP LOT OF' G ;ROC Eat ES, &V. : 4 1 VANUEL ZIEGLER has just returned IA from the city with the largest lot of GROCERIES he has ever before opened, to which Ite invites the attention of all, convinced that he can offer RA NE BARGAINS. He has also a tine lot el HAMS, SHOULDERS, &r; FISH of all kinds ; Oraittfcs, Lemons, and other fruits ; Crackers, Nuts, Confections ; Sega rs, Tobacco, Snuff; and a general varte!y of evi rytlitng, "from a needle to an anchor," almost. Give him a call, if you want to 'oily what's cheap and good. Kr(3uuntry Produce taken in exch. - intro for Goods.- i-May 7, -1555. 1 RUSSF,S ! TRUSSES ! ! TRUSSES ! U C. H. Needles-, RUSS AND BRACE ESTA B IAS HM ENT, s, ,t nerlilh and Thee Slreet.•:, Philadelphia, IMPuitTErt ()flint. FnEsturi TRusgEtti, ennibininv; extreme li4la7Jes, rase and durability ‘vith efirrect eoustruetion. Hernial or ruptured patients can br stilted by remittimy, amounts, as bvlow:—S(.ntiing nutnher 1)t inches round the hips, ami staiintr ciiir n Wee t Co.t of siuole Truss, :;;;-.2.A3 $l. $5. poubic—ti 4 s. $6, titif• and $lO. in- 00. le !rst ant nal account cf Jacob A. s structiuns as to wear, and how to effect a cure, Myer -1, Administrator . of the Estate of Ca Om. when possible, sent wall the Trusß. tine Ross, 100 of tluntington township, decd. W NI. F. WALTER, Re. , istcr. AIo for s,tl , „.in are t 1 vari. , t y, nr.flontlng.'s Impr ,, red Pufrril Mid!, Bract. for the cure of R egist er' . € Offic , .....lnettysburg, Proldp,ns ljteri ; Spinal Prop, and Supports, . Dec. 3 . 16a5. td Pr,ires,Cht , Fit 14:11ander-z and i Erector Brace.:. ad 'pied to all ti lib Stoop I Notice. Shoulders and Weak Lnii.2:s; Ettoli , ll Elastte, V P PI - le, A TIO N eras made at a Court of A lttl dm i nal Belts, So s:ir tisortos, lSy ri naes--- A cow iii „,, p loas of Adatio, count, , t , , on the male and le:nale. 4,.. t ;,Y-Ladies' Rno m s, w ith - --.- 20th day of November, 15.5, for a C'hartt-r of Attendnts,.___ [A.u.,, , ,,_ti, LS.).'"). 1 y Incorporation of an al:sociation a . person, nn. --- - der the name. style and title. of "7 hp rrmj s b- .11 ry . Mc Gtriliall niffiruirri ( . 1,71, 2 -regrili un o f M ar k' s ( Istirch. i,f Min,i'djoii ii)lonship, .7,1e10v: county." By order of Court, said application was filed in the office of the Prothonotarv, and no tice thyreal directed to he given by advertise ment in one newspaper printed in the Boronah of kilettysburr, for three successive weeks prior to the third Mond.ty ~ f Jar/14,7r Removal THE underquroed inform , : the, public that he aril: rrnif.va: the rt,lll einc cal the dead, and is prepared to (TO to any ,lisianoe to bring thew here. Ili% eilarl,es are lower than eve _—and as low as the lowFst. A. W. PI.EIIMIN C,ettysburz. Sept. 10, 1:355. T('S•l' ren.4 veil an aqsortment of (;11007 E -11--it ESi — whirh -- will - bu - sold low - fnt na , :n r r T'rothonor-rv• Country produce at - - Nor- - ....-r. 0 ....) r.; tx, , ..., ...r. 71 'v' ""' r . = - ..- ' - o = r .. • ivi Pm . I rz. 7 . e . : : .1 , , , ..i .... ... ..... --• , e ' 7 op ~.. " C.C. = ..- ....t 0 t CT = .". :: "... .m. ", .T. ."' ='t .... 7.7.= Z. . :•• 7 `-' 7 .7, = = •-• ...' 7.. .... "" •"D , =. * "" 0 , p ••• tr = Z.. •-• ..... • * _.... , E l ... ~..k iT . 0 Go "I. ... = = r-•• ... ''' = '''''' " .. " . .2..q . - 0' .. 'Z' ' . .'" 2, ' , 41 : ..:: .-• = = .• .. 7, .-,e . cr • 7 0 ` - ac GC C. '" 7 - ' 7 - .7. aa 1 ..,7 e) r r tp t^ t.7rr pm t 2 pP &V pm pp pp CI C. CP.' M. 'Z 0.2 CZ' 2 , 3 CI m. 4 .Ph. X 0, ltv c. 3 C.O al a. co, C. 71 tra C. tZ CP , X , --1 C. 4 X IC tO C.: P. PP. X. V, C 0 mt tT r.,Cp „ . „•- - . pp Pp m. pp 0, pp m. pp pp pp pp a. 7, A.. cr , 9c CO et ce ce -4 c: 23 V. V. 12 V. C't , 5.2. 1.2 C 4 7 4 V. 1 ' 5 ' l)'. 1.0 m I 0: t 2 C. 3 th. t:atto t . ”; 0 ' t 4 CO . _ _ Pii.' C 0 Clvi... 6D ZO :0 40 .:-.. to ... 6: ... C 0 G 7 t 0 6: -.rt el. C - - - 44 c... c CJ x fA 00 cf to CJ CD CO ...4 = 0: C7.C3 (0 ... cc—, - - - - - - - • " " ' - - " 4 - 'c- 4 1:-. s 1 30 f '44 .... a, a, = CJ C 4 TZ ...4 C: GO "j 4. .....p 111.7. pp ( L. ...., Ci, (6 = 6: i•-• G: Li: i:t Ca it.: CZ 6: 6: Tijt .. 0 LT I 6: .... t 0 ....4 06 ...i. c,O -T, :CI 1:: LZ 6: mi. , ti: i... CD 7d tiCi CZ .'" = "' Ca itti C C> ...1 -_. - - its ez tZ Ct 10 rM . , W; tr) G."l tn , a :Z. Ct. trd Cr: Crs -3 7E, C. a W C.; ,, GCCvtiCC C.CCT OCC GO .10.0 CD CD D.D.W fD CO CD w. to ••• :10 CP 7,•-• tti C X tto CP X Co: C w. Oz to c 4 CD C 4 X :0 CP 44 C;) C 5 c ...... " to 4 N. ...... " • J -wT ri) Z.Ol co ;• ;.• • ,s • • nm . • — 17 4 • ••• .1 4 c• EMI ....: - 3 rt , ... . ca e. _F m g 6.0 IN. ors CD C 4 W lA. at =. 0 ,I; C.. 71 0 C. 71 C.I. --- LIN C7l C. 3 0 .0 0 C,71 CTt .a = ce 0 . 00 0 - 60 0 0 0 000 0 New Principle ! No 'Poison ! Rhodes' FC'VCi' and Ague Cure, OR, ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, FOR the Prevention and Core of FEVER and AGUE,OT CHILL FEVER ; DUMB AGUE, and other INTERMITTENT and R E 111 ITT ENT FEVEI,S; lIISO of BILIOUS FEVERS. accompanied by TYPHOID SYMPTOMS; TYPHOID FEVER, )(EL.. LOW FEVER, SHIP arid JAIL FEVER, GENERAL DEBILITY, NIGHT SWEATS, and all other forms of disease Hhick have a common origin in Malaria or Miasma. This subtle atmospheric poison, whick.at certain seasons is unavoidably inhaled at every breath, is the same in character - wherever it exists,—north, south, east, or test,--and will every where yieln to, this newly discovered ANTIDOTE, which neutralizes the poison, completely purifies the system, and thus en tirely removes all the cause of disease. The proprietor distinctly claims these extra ordinary • resit Its for its use: It +•ill protect any resident - or traveller. even. in the most sickly or swampy localities, from any Ague or Hiltons disease whatever, or any injury from constantly inhaling Malaria or Miasma. It will in s , antly check the A gue,in persons who have suffured rurally b-ngth of tittle, front one day to twenty years, so that they _need never to have another chill, by continuing its use according to d tee t nits. - It will immediately relieve alt the distress ing results of bilious or agile diseaseb, buch as general debilit•-, night sm eats, etc.—The -pa tent at once begins to recover appetite and s!rengt h. and Continues 'until a permanent and radical cure is cliecte d. And as a pre/if that it is al-o WORTHY OF PUBLIC CONFIDENCE, Because of its Singular and Entire Harmlessness, The following rertifica'e from one of lite most celebrated chemists in ihe United States is attached to every bottle : Ne% 1 7 6r1i, June 11, 1855. "I have made a chemical examination of "1111 ODE S. FEVER AND AGUE . CURE," Or ...AN TIDOTE To NIALARIA," and have tested it fur Arsenic, Mercury, Quinine, and - Strychnine, but have not,fontid a particle of either in it, 'nor have I found any substance in its compo sition thht would prove injurious to the con stitution. JAS. R. CHILTON, M. D., Chemist." This alloy+•s of its FREE US'E AS A PREVENTIVE, by which all persons may thus he sure ol.'en fre«lom from the above named diseases, no matter how sickly the season or swampy the Locality. PROOFS OF EFFICACY are frequently published, and the confidence of the public is ashed only' in proportion- to its (Waal merits wherever introduced and used. These only are relied upon to prove its worth. One or two bottles will answer for .ordi nary eases; some may require more. Diree. tions in German, French and Spanish, accom pany each hustle. Price one dolLtr. Prepared and sold by the proprietor, JAMES A. It HODES, Providence, R. I For sale by drugg,ists.generally. Nov. 1•:., 1855. ly Register's Notice. NTOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees and other persons concerned, that the .ddminiszration Accounts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphan's Court of Adams county, for confirmation and allowance. ou Thur.,clall, the 3d dog ff January next, viz : 9-1. The second account of John Wolford, Executor of the last will and testament of W. Holzinger, late of litintirorton tp., deed. 95. The second account of Wm. Bittinfrer, one of the Executors of Jusoph Bittinger, de celsed. 96. The first and final account of George Black, Administrinor of the Estate of Polly 131ack. late of Menallett township, deceased. 97. The first and final aecount of James Administramroftfte Estate of Barbara Evzer, late of LibN rty tp., dec'd. 98. The first account of (eor g e Baker, Ad ministrator of the goods and cattels, riohts and credits which were of Dr. Daniel Baker, late of East Berlin. dee'd. 99. The first aid "final neconnt of John Al• pert, Adminoorator r)t - the Estate of Ab'm Al bert.. late of Monntpleasant dec'd. JOHN Proth'y 01lirP. cd _ _ QO . O ERI t.n t.. - 1 .7,% s x,cnw o c. 7.• C.ll Se - LET US REASON TOGETHER !AEgo- Holloway's Pills. WHY Ala; WE SICK I—lt has been the lot a the hnman race to be %Neighed down ,hy. disease and suffering. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS are 5 pecia)ly adapted lo the relief of the WEAK, the NEB VOU,S, the DELICATE, and the INFIRM, of all clime's, ages, sexes, and constitutions. Professor Holloway personally superintends the manb facture of his medicines in the Unitud Statett, and offers them to a free and enlightened pee,. ple, as the best remedy the world ever baw for the removal of disease. These Pills Purify the Blood. These famous Pills'are expressly combined to operate on, the stomach, the liver, the kid neys, the lungs, the skin, and the bowels, correcting any derangenient in their functi(,us, purifying - the-blood, the very fountain of lite, and thus curing disease ix all its forms. Nearly :, half the human race have t:,,ken the-Se P( . N. It has been proved in all pat ts.of the word, 11. at nothing has been for,ind eqaal to them in eases of disorders of the trfr,d}s pepsia, and sit mach ern plaints yeller:illy - - They soon give a healthy tone to these org.ns, ht.wever Much deranged,.aml N 1 hen all other means have tailed. • General Debility. ill Health. Many or the most despotic Governments have opened their Custcm Houses td the in troduction of these Pills, that they may be come the medicine'of the masses. Learned Colleges admit that this is the s hest medicine eves wit tor persons of deliette health, or w here the system- has been impaired, as its invigorating properties never fail to afford relief,. No ft male, y onng or old, should be witbent this cell prated n.t dicine. It corrects atAi reg- Hat rs the int,nthly courses at all petit ds, act ing in many oases like a charm. It is also the hest and safest medicine that can he given to children of all ages. and for any ccn:piaint ; cons( quently faintly should he without it. flolloway's Pills are the best re - 711111 . y klii trll the world for the fulluwist Diattises: AFthma • Debility • Lix er Cctrrlnints Bowel Complaints Fel er and Ague LOUness of I, 4 piriti Cuughs • Female Complaints Files Colds Ileadacbes stone- and Grarel Chest Di , easem Indigestion tostirenesm I nll uenza Dyspepsia Inflammation 'Venereal Afrectio - n Dian hum, Dropsy Inward N 1 eaknenn Wei ins, of all kinds . * * *Sold at the Establishment of Professor 1-10t.LowAr, SO Alaickn Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, Loridon. and by all respectable Drug - irists arid Dealers in 'Medicines through out the United States, and the.eivilized world in Boxes, at 25 cents, 62-3 cents, and $1 each:' SJY - There is a considerable.saving , by Lak. ilia the larger sizes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of pa. gents in every disorder are affixed to each Bux. July 16,1855. ly eow New Firm and New Goods. E subscribers, having bought the stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps of h EL LER. KURTZ, purpose continuing the ness, - at the old established stand, South_ East Corner of Centre Square, where they have just received a fresh supply of the above goods from the cities of Philadelphia and Baltimore, comprising all the new and desirable styles of Men's Boys' and Youths' Silk, Fur, aVV nd Slouch H ATS. Men's, str $ I Boys' and Youths' Fine - Calf, • - Kip, and Grained BOOTS & - SHOES, with a large assortment or Ladies', Misses' and Child's Walking and hne,Dress S 1-1 0 ES, GAITERS. &c. Gum Dress-shoes, Buskins and Sandalls in every variety. We would !-speed - 101y announce to the citi zens of Adams county, that we have an earliest disposition to please the particular taSte of every one who may favor us with their patron age, and respectfully ask all to call and see. The business will be conducted under the Firm of COBEAN & PAXTON. ALEXANDER COBEAN, DUNLOP PAXTON. Oct. 22, 1855. THE subscriber havin g dispnqed of his in terest in the Boot. ;hoe. Ilat a n d C a ) tessrs,E('; 4B1:A N P--A-X' respectfully asks the continuance cif hi , friends an customers to patronize the New Firm. KELLER hUkTZ. Oct. 22, 1855. 1555. New CoodN! r 5. kE subscriber tenders his neknowledg"- meniA to his friends and the public for the liherdl patronarre heretofore extended to him, and respecifally informs them that he has just returned from the cities with a splen did assortment of N EIN GOODS. comprising. in part a fine stock of Delaines.Shawls.Ging. hams, Gloves, Stoct,inos, Ribbons. Collarg, Muslins, Irish Linens, &c.. all of w %Nig Ie sold at the lowest cash prict s. Ile der me it unnecessary to enumerate the different arti cles which comprise his stock. He would earnestly invite all to call and examine before pnrchasi off elsewhere Oct. 15. if IMES 1) LIN E • TS, :•31)4%% ye r —I I A-1-1-N-E-STO C: S: tr rib et . .z A. 2 _ . `Sit. to 0 0 0 C"' aho 21 Cr. El, 1.4 Nol 0 :4 4- :.."" F. u. 0 C tr. n 0 Pr Ig a, -r ••• L . n 'V 7, l Pa. ; e l: a, Fr 8 go' • H co r 8 2, e s tsD as , n am Ze CA: CZ p NO RE Dyspepsia and Liver Con►plaints. Female Complaints. Card. cheap at c. -cr4 C. MU m i w C ~ _ =• no "L` to •-• 21 o )- r.' FC.' a 9 a c • - • .„ Cr' ?^I X .- .0 7C ' 6 01 1) • cn F. j 0 •0. ; 123`1 ti ‘";•. = ~Aa to p z 0 C :;:- ...... n . P ' 3 - m et 3,4 ft .V.• ez ao =- 1 - -- ~, t.,' =Si MO c =- • C- S co mc ..L. os 0 t t . 1 .t , , V Y ."1 -., .... tir: •-• •••••• co —• CD'......" . 3 C c -, - ,--, c 0 CD ..: .-=, .tl CZ' Ci- = 1.1 G CI, a F."i W.... , cr . =.. —3 2 .-. mw CI a. -; --" ..< .= :7 ... :::. , -; 4 • .a- o cr. ..,,-3 :m&lndary Spup tuum .1. S. CR A \INTER 0 or CC .