The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, December 24, 1855, Image 3

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    Charles Dickens' Works. Tin Ware, &c. i
onthe 20th in:t., by Rev% Jacob Ziegler. Mr. NIANK : The Best and, ;limit • Papular .in the ;lurid. Q AMU EL G. COOK informs his, friends
, '
MN - C. Rice to mi., SOPHIA. E. CRUM, both or Men d- TEN DIFFERENT EDITIONS. . 0 arid the pul,lic a t merally, that he has on '
lea towci,hip. Sly* nearly - opposite the .Post-
On the 15thlast ,by the Rev. D. P. rtmtetwalter. tilt.
ISAAC PALMER ttolim LUCINDA LORAL both of mains : Reprinted fro - , - 17ilieTLonatrliaitiums-aod publeated by 0 ltiffP. a Vely l.trgti awl well-made assortment
county. ' T. B. Peterson, Nu. Xl2 (Acts Mit Street, 'of TIN-WARE, which he, will sell at prices - ,
On the nth_ lad. by itey. Mr. Gerhsrt. Mr GEORGE ; Whir!) 6 - ann.4 fail to please. Ile will also
IdARTZ - EN to Mi....MARY ANN 1.0.1110A.W--both of Meant- PIIIL31)ELP111.1.
pleasant township. . —Fgt. - cute to - o - rdPr, with promptness; in a work- i
On the 13th alt . by Rev Mr. Earnihnir, mr.'rtiom:ks pETERBON7B is the only complete and s inaii, i ike_manni , r,anii _ witii _ ote _ besvinator t l i. 3 _._
-.IIUSISIMAN-to-Miss-ANN-LOGISA 'ROWE, both-of-Ear. --- uniform edition ot Cliarliii—Diikens ,
' all kinds of 1 -101TSE SPOUTING, METAL-
Int tsburg, bld- Works published in America; they are re- , 1.10 ROOFING, HYDRANT WORK, &c. 1
On the ath inst.. by Rev. J. S. Faulk. Mr. JAMESic - il.-
VA IN LIY„"of the vicinity of Waynesbo col, to Mies MARIAN i printed from the original London edition," and_ Gettysburg, Nov. li2, 1855. tf
E. GORDON. - ate now the only edition published in this unto- _ _ -- ._--
in Hagerstown., on the 25th ult., by Rev. J. R. Kehler, . .. - . ----
C apt. ROBERT_ sWAN,__o_r_California. to bliss ELLEN E. try. •No Library, either public or private. can Stacks orliew.Goods!
iIACGII.I.,.of Hagerstown. be complete without having in it a complete
On the 13th inst., by the Rev. I. Seehler. Mr. JACOB The Cheapest —4he Prettiest the Best!
wr LD Esor,or Alyna ,:ounty,tu Mi3cAttoust LITTLE, set of this, the greatest °fall living authors.—
L. SCHICK has returned from the city
'or Gm - roll county, - ltd. Every family should rAsess a set of one of the
Oa_the_l3th_init—by the her. Nna. Gwina. Mr.-JOFIN - p di l i rir , - i - • with the largest and best selected stock_
DLICaItIOR to Miss CLARESSA ANN SUERMAN - -4.11 of - '-- -S. - The cheap eeition is complete in of FALL & WINTER GOODS he has ever
Oxford. Twelve Volumes, paper cover; either or all of of
the pleasure of °Griner to this community
• '-. . .... ,:. ~.1-,.....u.'-:-:.:4:.*:_..4.....:-:•..:1, 7 .:, : :::..., « :AL:1...A."- . - 7 :-... . which can be had separately. Price Fifty . • --.:, c L i t: , L .,-,..t" - -:., --'
c ... , M ist
in Portage county. Ohio. on the 19th ult., Rev. GEO. S.
COLL , / NS„litte pastor of the Lutheran church in Emniits-
Du rg, 31d.
This morning_ ?dm LEAH. wife of A. M. Townsly, aged
28 years h moat s and 2K days.
Corrected from the latest Ililti uto re .Vo r ka: Hanover piper
Flour, per barrel, $8 62 to 8 75
• Wheat, per bushel, 1 60 to 2 00
Rye, ~, 1 15 to 1 22
Corn, ~ ' 60 to 82
Oats, C 4 32 to 40
Cloverseed, " 9 00 to 9 50
Timothy, " 325t0 3 31
Whiskey, per gallon, 38 to 40
-Beef-Cattle,-per-hund., 6-00-to-8-50
Hogs, ~ R 00 to 8 25
Bay, per ton,. • 20 00.026 00
Guano, Peruvian, per ton, 55 00
H. A.NOVER—Taunspir LAS?
Flour, per bbl., from stores, s9 00
Do. " " wagons, ' 8 12
Wheat, per bushel, _ '175 to 1 'B7
Eye, ' " - 1 12
Corn, - ~ . ' 62 to 80
eats, it 37
Cloverseed, "7 75
Timothy, ‘,
Plaster of Paris, per ton,
Flour, per bbl., from. stores, , $9 00
Do. • ~ from wagons, 800
Wheat, per bushel, 1 85 to - 2 - 00
Rye, 44 1 16
Corn, ft 58 to 70
Oats, cc
CJoverseed, "
Timothy. 44
Plaster of Paris. per ton.
Trustees. sale
TH subscriber, as Trustee. by virtue of a
decree of the Circuit Court fur.Frederiek
county, Md., sitting as a Court of Equity, will
offer at Public Sale, on the premises, an Tues
day, the 151 h of January, 1856, at 11 o'clock,
A. M.,
That Valuable_ Farm,
orwhich the late Richard Cromwell died Feiz
ed and on which the subscriber has ever since
This Beautiful Lillie Farm is one of the
most attractive in the County fur a family
residence, beside being productive in the high-
est degree.
It contains, by survey, 122 Acres, 1
Rood, and 15 Perches ; about 12 acres
of which are finely wooded with oak and
hickory ; the rest is in the highest state of cul
tivation. It has on it a large and
and Peach Orchard, with a fine cistern of wa
ter, besides a neverfailing pump, close to the
house; also a neverfailing pump in the barn
yard. The improvements consist
ofa comfottable&roonty D W tA.T
LING HO USE, partly brick and . ..,. 4 19,1111, 7 ,
partly frame, with a Bath-house
attached ; excellent Stone Barn; Hay Barricks;
Stabling for 21 horses ; Granaries; Corn
hou ; Ice-house; Dairy; Meat-house; Pool.
try-houses, and all other necessary and con
venient buildings for farming purposes, in.
eluding excellent OUT- HOUSES FOR
SERVANTS. There are three Mills within
3 miles of the farm.
The farm is about sve miles from Freder
ick city and one mile from the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad.
tgarPersons desiring to examine the prem
ises can do so by calling on the subscriber,
who still resides there.
TERMS ()0 SALE, prescribed by the decree :one
third of the purchase money to be paid cash
on the day otsale, or on the ratification of sale
by the Court, at the option of the purchakr;
one - tlfireou a credit Of - two years, and the re
maining. third on a credit of three years; the
deferred payments to he sectffed by the bonds
of the purchaser with the security to be ap
proved by the trustee, and the whole purchase
money to bear interest from the day of sale;
and on the ratification of the sale by the,Court,
and on the payment of the whole purchase
mon.)y, and" not. before, the said trustee by a
good and -sliffictent deed to be executed and
acknofledged agreeably to taw, shall convey
to the purchaser, and to his or her heirs the
property, free, clear, and discharged from all
claim's of
. the parties to the decree or of any
person or persons claiininz by, from or under
De-. 24, 1855. is Trustee.
fla'Gettysburg Compiler copy till sale. mark cost. and
send a paper to advertiser at Frederick, 31d.—Famokillorc
s. Register's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees
and other persons concerned, that the
4dministratittn diccounts he:einafter mentioned
will be presented at the Orphan's Court of
Adams county, for confirmation and allowance;
on .Iflonday, the flint if January next.
101. The account of Wm. Gardner, Execu
tor of the Estate of John J. Peffer, dec'd.
102. The .first and final account of David
Fink. Administrator of the Estate of Barbara
Fink, late of Oxford township, dec'd.
103., The account of IL G. M'Creary, Ad
ministrator of the Estate of Joseph Lindsay,
104. The first and final account of C. B.
Hanes, Administrator of Adam J. Walker,
dec'd., who was guardian of latilda, Susan
na, Rachel, and John . Peter, minor children of
John Peter, late of Menallen township. dec'd.
Wll. F. WALTER, &sister.
Register's Office. Gettysburg,
Dec. 2-1, 1855. id
r7l[ll,lllV kr's l't Lt. F.. inv . :tinede to affliete4
with di.em.e., of the Liver an , l Stiiiiiaeh —rhe virtue of
these Pitt.. h tying' he.-ii tests' in alt parts of the
woil t d_ps rt v_bv_thit_citizene-of_the-I:nion.-ortyler•-it
neesiles.s; to etipatiaie upon their merit., the thous mil• who
have derived benefit from thew in each and every ono o f th e
States. Irrin.: , ttilir*.iont to e.otaa ince the most eve , istlou•s,
those who are ailliete I with liver .end bowel eomplairits; in
digestion. nisi - Ite+. and <listines , . ike use
of a reinedv so cert tin ID Its re, , tiit. -tr'e for
eietertniuAtion of tsloici to this hest their ettect it innatir
positive. They are at-n an unfailing rein. , ly for a..thzna. if
used in conjunction with iiiillowav's !hutment. %hien inuAt
be well rubbed into the elie+t ni;ht and mornilm.
ET tins: Platrvar , ) , : . ryv Sir iKE•iPF:-110 , —• • Then! came a
eertAin lord. ne trrnily di-eased." react Ike. His
rrother i•n•neh.ttelr interrupted her_ intere.sting___l•on_---
7 .1 . 'know why Mr. Si,k.•h Ir. rif.r..;l to
in that- tr...l , •zr apn, it to old Zekial Lord's 4nn
who w.Ls an 1 •=t'l-ti. Up atter asst thtt nice
Epiek-anl-4;LLn_br , n-n..-._l.__s42it at It‘ukhill-k-14i 1, 6 , - , n,L:.-11.1- - _
cile<nat -t--.1. r.srn•r i•f Frittlitlin PI see TIONN El' (.; 0() L)S. SilCh as Vri vets, Sithi,
tiitt lie hel ,t.. 11 of tm -, • , •-•h 111 trot h. , ••!11 .. for Ribbons, Flowers, &e.. will be
a ••n..e -4; : " tirn•eti, a - a:never it met sae views o: the
nutaci In unparalleled variety at SC I.llCli'..s.
cents each.
Bleak N'ouse,
David Copperfield,
'Nicholas NOcleby,
Pickwick Papers,
Donsbey and Son,
Marlin Chuzziewit,
Old Curiosity Shop, 50 "
Sketches h,y •'Buz," 50 "
Oliver Twist, ' "
Christmas Stories and Pictures from
Italy. Containing - a Christmas Carol,
The Chimes, Cricket on the Hearth,
Battle of Life, Haunted Man, The
Ghost's Bargain, &c., 50 •"
Dickens' New Stories. Containing
The Seven Poor Trayellers,Nine New _
Stories by the Christmas Fire, Hard
Daughters Fortune Wildred, &c., 50 "
A complete set of the above will be sold or
sent to any one to any place, free of postage,
for Five Dollars.
In five very large octavo volumes, with a
Portrait on Steel, of Charles Dickens, con
taining the same reading matter as the Wits
trated Edition, and comprising over four
thousand very large double columned pages,
handsomely printed, and "bound in various
Volume 1 contains Pickwick Papers and Old
-Curiosity Shop.
" 2 do. Oliver Twist, Sketches by
'Buz' & Barnaby Budge.
66 3 do. Nichdas ,Vichleby and Mar
tin Chtizzlewit,
64 4 do. DavidCopperfield,Bombeyik
Son,* Christmas "lories.
66 5 du. Bleak House, and Dickens'
New Stories.
Price of a Complete set. Bound in cloth, full gilt
back, PRICK, $ 7 60
44 4f it - .1 " scarlet cloth. extra, 8 60
{4 LI ti " • " library Sheep, - 900
,t lc 44 " 'half turkey morocco.ll 00
‘, t t 4f tt " half calf, antique, 15 00
3 00
5 75
8 25
8 00
3 50
7 00
This edition is printed on very thick and
fine white paper, and is profusely illustrated,
with all the original illustrations by Cruili
shank, Alfred Crowciiiill, Phil, etc., from the
- .
original LondOn edition, on copper, steel,-and
wood. Each volume contains a novel com
plete, and may tie hadin complete sets, beau
tifully bound in cloth, fOr Eighteen Dollars a
set, or any volume wily be sold 'separately, as .
Bleak House,: . Price $1 50
Pickwick Papers, 1 50
Old Curiosity Shop, 1 50'
• Oliver Twist,, 1 50
Sketches by "Buz," • 1 50
Bornaby Budge, 1 50
Nicholas Nickleby, 1 50
Marlin Chuzzlewit, 1 50
David C'opperfield. 1 50
Dombey.and Son, 1 50
Christmas Stories. 7 different ones, 1 50
Dickens' New Stories, -1 50
Price of full and complete set of the illustrated Edition,
bound in Twelve Volumes, in black cloth, gilt back, 1 1 3 00
44 Library Cheep, 24 00
44. l 4 nail Turkey morocco,27 00
- c• Half Calf, Antique, 36 00
ler.Bll subsequent works by Charles Dickens
will be issued in uniform style with the above.
Copies of any one, or any set, of either
edition of the above works will be sent to any
person, - to any part of the United States, - free
(f postage, on their remitti-g the - price of the
edition they may wish, to the publisher in a
letter post-paid.
Published and for sale by
NO. 102 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia.
To whom all orders must come addressed.
KTBOoksellers, News Agents, and all
others, will be supplied at very low rates.
Dec. 24, 1855.
Jurors for January Court.
Mountpleasant—Abraham Reever, John Me-
Straban—James L. - Neely, Theodore Taughin-
baugh. . ,
Huntington—John • Mateer, Jacob Schaeffer,
Thomas Stephens, Isaac Trostle, Daniel
Franklin—George Throne, Albert Vandyke , .
II a mil ton —George,Binder',. Era] rai m gy.
Hamiltonban—John Knox, Joseph Mickley,
Jesse P. Topper, Andrew. Low.
Liberty—Gregory P. P.. Topper. '.•
Gettysburg—Benjamin Schriver.
Butler—John Houghtelin. •
Cumberland—William Ross. •
Latimore—Samuel Fickle, of IL
Germany—William Staub.
Tyrone —Jacob Wolf.
Freedom—John McCleary, Samuel Moritz, Ja
cOb Myers.
Hamilton—George Schwartz.
Sir G. Brinkerhoff, Nicholas Schri
ver, Henry Hoffman, Peter Mackley,
Butler—Martin Thomas, Jacob Shank, Jacob
Reading—Joseph Spangler. Lewis Chronistee.
Gettysburg—Samuel McCreary, George Heck.
Huntington—lsaac E. IVierman, Peter Miller,
David Howe, jr., Wm. Leas, Michael Lear.
Franklin—Charles Sterner.
Menallen—Wtn. Bender, Wm. Morrison, Eli
jah Wright, Joel Wright.
Conowago—Jacob M. Wortz, John G. Morn
ingstar, Joseph Clunk.
Latimore—John %Vol:0rd, Jesse Leas.
Cumberland—John Butt. Sr., Joseph Sherry - ,
Henry Clutz.
Mountpleasant--Joseph Wolf, Charles C. Smith.
Liberty—Abner Mills.
Shoemakers, come this way.
• you AIOIIOOOOS from 25 cents to
$l. 00, the chapest lot ever brought to the
Co:icily. Call soon at the-
SIGN - OF — l'llE - RED - FRONT; -
Oct. 15, 1855.
Ready-made Clothing,
coatinz, CasAiineres, Cri4sinets,
&e.—the largest variety on
hand and eonstduily inal;iinr up. The hest
hdroains in town-at the Clothing Emporiu m
g the sand stone front of
Nov. 19. G HO . ARNOLD._
URROOMS, Brushes. arid Backets. for sal
at F . ZIEGLEWS,__
Price 50 cents.
50 "
50 "
50 "
50 "
50 "
. .
He will not pretend to enumerate, his large
and attractive stock—the ,limits of an adver
tisement will not admit of it. But if yOu wish
to select from the choicest lot of Ladies'
and Gentlemen's !Press Goods,
your eyes ever beheld, go to Schick's.
j October 15. 1835.
New Goods, Cheap Goods.
received their usual Large and Hand
some assort:netll°f Fall and Winter Goods,
to which they invite the attention of the Pub . -
lic, consisting. o" ,every_ description of Dry
Goods, Hardware, Saddlery., Queensware,
Groceries, Cedar ware, Iron,o ils & Paints.&c.
' Give us an early call, and we will • show
you 'the Largest, Prettiest, and Cheapest
Stuck of Goods in the C witty -
Oct. 15. Sign of the Hest Front.
Now is the Time.
SWEAVER respectfully announces to
, •
.the Ladies and Gfintlemen of Gettysburg.
...,, vicinity, that he lilts res-unfethltel.htguer
re,Ty pe husiness i nt the old stand, in Cham
bersburg street,.where he will be happy to re
ceive visitors desirous of securing perfect
Daguerreotypes of themselves or friends.
Being furnished with an entirely new and
costly apparatus, he is prepared to take pictures
in every style of the-art and insure perfect
Ea-Charges from 50 cents to4lo.
Hours of operating- from 8 A. M. to 4
P. M . - •
SW` In dress avoid light, red, blue, or.pur
ple. Dark dress adds much to the beauty of
the picture. Sept. 18,1854,
Susquehanna Hotel,
Opposite Calvert Station, Baltimore, Md.
THE undersigned having lease e above
Hotel and put it. in complete order, is re
pared to accommodate his friends and the
travellicig public. The proprietor will be
pleased to see his-old friends, and promises
to make their'stay comfortable and satisfac
tory. Ilaggaire taken to and from Calvert
Station free of charm. •
JOHN BARR, (formerly of Peona.,)
July 9, 1855. tf PROPRIETOR.
Abram Arnold
INTENDS removing to _York, and must
1 therefore settle up his business. A ll.per
suns desirous of saving costs, especially those
whose accounts are of long - stet'nding, can do so
by calling immediately and paying up. Un
less this be done, without delay, suits will be
instituted without respect to persons ; a simi
lar appeal to them having been utterly disre.
garded, no further indulgence will he given.
June 4, 1855.
Diamond TOnsor.
TOT -IN W. TIPTON, Fashionable Bar
p ber and Hair Dresser, can at all times
be found prepared to attend to the calls of the
people, at the I emple, in the Diamond, adjoin
ing the. County Building. From long expe
rience, he "flatters himself that he can go
through all he ramifications of the TOCISO
ria I Department with such an infinite
degree of skill, as wil! meet with the entire
satisfaction of all who ,nay submit their chins
to the keen ordeal of his razors. Ile hopes,
therefore, that by his attention to business,
and a desire to please, he will merit as well
ag receive, a liberal share of public patronage.
The sick will be attended to at their private
Gettysburg, Jan. .8,1855. tf
RITZ, HESIDEZY & CO. No. 20 North
_U Third Street, Philadelphia, MOROCCO
of FRE:NC/ICALF-SKINS, and Dealvrs in
Febraary '2G, 1855. ly
LL persons indebted to JAMES B. JAMB
soxi--eitimr--hy note or hook account, are
hereby notified that if payment be not imme
diately made, the Vtcounts will he.placed in
the hands 0r H. A. PICKING, ESQ., of Hamp
ton, for collection.
JOHN LEHMAN, assignee.
Dec. 17, 1:855e 3t
Removed a Few Doors Mouth (if the Old Stand.
JKH. SELLY respectfully informs his
. old customers and the public generally,
that he continues the 7:OI.ILORING BUS!.
NESS, near his old stand, in South Baltimore
street, where he will he happy to accommodate
all who may patronize him. All work en
trusted to his care warranted to fit and be of
most substantial make. Thankful for past
favors, he solicts a continuance of public pa
glee' The New fork Spring awl Su:tamer
Faxhitms are received. Call and Eee them.,
Gettysburg, April 9, 1855.
Franklin Inn.
Corner of High Hiller' streets, Baltimore.
York, Pa.,) has leased the I.:I:AN/mix
INN. corner (ff and flillen streets, Balti
ntmee,___Md., arid will entertain criit3l9 ran r t (
eratp terms. He hopes to give entire satis
faction, and wilt spare no effort to merit the
approval of all who can appreciate a well
regulated and home-like Hotel. Give him a
trial. [Balt., Dee. 10, 1855. 3m
TH ERE is to he had at the drug stores of
S. 1-4. Buehler, Gettysburg,. arid Innen
A. Elder, Eintin y,l)u r 27, a 1a , n41 edtctual remed,g
for the Ttrithache, %A:loch will,- of properly ap
let•,;f lily,. try directions.) ciire thp. Ir)xt
ri , rietzt ineantatoi,usly. Should the
in course of tune reappe,ir, the saute ap
plication has to he made aga•ti„ and after two
or three np;,;ir ration.. the en re will fie effectual.
pl enf o4 crll fur A. Ferger's Tootha.lhe Balsam'
re;if-PriPe -25 Petits per
.Au4.opnt 1855. ly
rIASSINI Eft 1.1 - 54-, an excellent and desirable
a:4 , irtiiient, selling very clip ip at
11)1',.Es:s; I‘l N(;S kiwi. hr.
had at SC lIIC as cheap as tht;
chelpest, if not a little cheaper. •
Bead y-neade Clothing.
T. KING respeetfullv announc es l l V M his friends and the' po . hlic vetterally Al A RCVS SAMSON has just returned
that he continues the 1 1 MO RING J . f rom New York, Philadelphia, • and ,
BUSINESS in the room the. Baltimore. with the I:ir!zest and hest. assmt
store of J. Lawrence Sciiick, and front- meat of 11E.19Y-Jl-1D 110711ING. ever
fn ,ott the Dianton_d—Lle_as-tnaile-arranle---Llaroutzirt-to--Gettyshorz - , --- noute'uvin lonia=
rents to receive - regularly the LATi!sT FASIi- cent styles, and most approved fashions. In
toss, and it will bo his constant aim to give Iregard to workmanship, they can't beer.: tied
entire satisfaction to those who may favor him I by any customer tailor.
with their Custom. Having entarired my place and sir
'"Country produce will he taken in ex- able to sell Beady-osode Clothing of
change for work. , M. T. KING, scription, cheaper than evtr otferef
Gettysburg„ Dec. 17. it?ss. ly this or any other place this sine of
--• tin. My stock Consi•ts in part of t\
New GAMIN. of all sizes, prices, colors anti kinds, 1 - 1.
G - EO. A ItNOLD has just returned from in a superior manner. PANTS &
the Cities with a laree lot of DR 1 7 of the latest and most fashionable styles,
DRESS GOODS. &c.: among which are
English and French Clad's . , Coatings, Cassi-
metes, Satinetts, Jeans, Blankets, Flannels,
and an endless variety of LADIES` DRESS
GOODS, together with almost ever. article
119 11113 o usiness--;1111 of which will be
sold as cheap, if 'not a little chytaper,"than any
other establishment here or elsewhere. And
as to Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts, and
Ready-made Clothing, we chal I enge com
petition. Having now furnished you with
Goods for upwards of 40 years, 1 have at all
times endeavored to pursue a straightforward
course, and furnish any and every article in
my line of business upon the very hest terms,
and will continue to do so.—Give us a call.
Oct 15, 1855. If G. A.
185.5. New Goods! 1855.
ItiE subscriber tenders his scknowledg
tnentA to his friends and the public for
the liberal patronage heretofore extended to
him, and respectfully informs them that he
has just returned from the cities with a splen
did assortment of N ENN GOODS, comprising
in part a tine stock of Delaines, Shawls,Ging - -
haniA, Gloves, Stockinus, Ribbons, Collars,
Muslims, Irish Linen, &c., all of which will
he sold at the loWest cash prices. He. deems
it unnecessary to enumerate the different arti
cles which comprise his stock. He would
earnestly invite all to call and examine before
purchasing elsewhere.
Oct. 15. tf J. S. GRA M M ER.
New Fi rill and New Goods.
r H subscribers, having bought the stock
1 of Boots. Shoes, Hats and Caps of KEE.
LER KURTz. purpose continoing the SuJi
ness, at the old established stand, South East
Corner of Centre Square, where they have
just received a fresh supply of the above goods
horn thee cities of Philadelphia and Baltimore,
comprising all the new and desirable styles of
Men's Boys' and Youths' Silk, Fur,
and Slotieh II Als:. Men's,
$ IBoys' and Youths' Fine Calf, "-
• Kip, and Grained BOOTS &
SHOES, with a large assortreent of Ladies',
Misses' and Child's Walking arid Fine Dress
SHOES, GA IT I!: RS. &c. Gum Dress-shoes,.
Buskins and Sandalls in every variety.
We would respectfully announce to the citi
zens of Adams coi:nty, that we have an earnest
disposition to please the particular taste of
every one who may favor no. with theiriratron
age, and respectfully ask all to Nall and see. _
- The Ittiginesm will he conducted under the
Oct. 22, 1R55.
M F.: subscriber having disposed of his in
" terest in the Boot. Shoe. Hat anti Cap
Business to Messrs. COBEANa P XTO N
respeetfillly asks the continuance of hi 4 friends
atm customers to patronize the New Firm.
Oct, 22, 1855.
Banover B. R:silroad.
TRAINS over the. I-lanover Branch Rail
road now run a 5; follows :
Firs( Train leaves Hanover at 91 A. M.,
with Passengers for York, liarrisburtr, Col.
umLia and Philadelphia. This Train also
connects with the Express for liaitiinore, ar
riving thaw at 1 P. AL. Ktopping at Glenrock,
Parkin') and Cockeysville.
Second Train leaves at 2 P. M.. with Paii
sengars for Baltimore and intermediate places,
and returns with passengers from York,, &a.
J. LEIB, dgent.
July 23, 1.855. tf
China, Glass and flueensurare
Gen. M. Bokre,Sueeeasor to J. C. llokee ge
TNIPORTEIt and Dealer in CHINA.
[lnward Street, (between layette and Lexing
ton e'reets,) Baltimore, respectfully in
vites the attention of Dealers to an examination
of his well assorted stock before purchasing
elsewhere. [Feb. 19,1855. Iy
Stauffer &
Wholesale & Retail, at the Philadelphia
Watch and Jewelry Store, No. 9; North
Second -street, corner of•Quarry, - P h Haile p
Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, IFt caret
cases. $2B 00; Gold Lepineq, l 0 caret, $24 00;
Silver Levers, full jeweled, $l2 00; Silver
Lepines, jewels, $9 .00; Superior Quartiers.
$7 00 ; Gold Spectacles, $7 00; Fine Silver
do., $1 50; Gold Bracelets, $3 00 ; Ladies'
G.)1(1 Pencil, $1 00 ; Silver Tea Spoons, set,
$5 00; Gold Pens, with Pencil and Silver
Holder, $1 00 •
Gold Finger Rims 373 cents totißO; Watch
Glasses, plain, 1:23 cents, pdtent 181; Lune(
.25; other articles in proportion. All goods
w•arrantid to be what they are sold for.
On hand. some Gold and Silver Levers and
Lepines, will lower than the above prices.
Ott. 1, 1855. ly
F. U. Smith,
R N. W. co?. of 1 14 Clasnut Sic,
Philadel ,hia. always on hand a larle and
vane assortment of
Port. Morinaies, Work Boxes,
Pocket Books, Cabas,
Bankers Cases, Traveling Baas,
Note Holders, Backgammon Boards,
Port Chest: Men,
Portable Desks, Pocket Mein. Books,
Dressing Gases, Cigar CASe9I, &c.
Also, a Lteneral assortment of ENGLISH,
Fine Pocket Cutlery. R izorA. Razor Strops
and Gold - Pens. \eVimlecale, 4 :econd and
Third Floor,. F. 11. SMITH.
N. w er,rnoor Fnurth k Chi,.nut Sts., Philftia.
N. 8.-0 o the recaipt of ).,;1, a Superior
Gold Pen - will he s , •nt to ahy part of the
11 - eited States, by mail ;—deseribrna pen. thus,
inediii in, third, or soft. [ ‘Pril `- 2 - 185 5- 1Y
- ----------
Itlnnliet and Long . Shawls.
larrre-t anti etieapvtit lit town. Atc.n,
I LaiitisTh.v.l.4s_Goorl_4—thi---prettiegt-lot-iir
town—to he had at the store of
N0v.19.'55. (;EO. ARNOLD._
- - - - -
OS:IERY.—% ttew article of SILK 41111
1 1 WOOL, )s; ,tll , l lined HONE,
for N4le Tt VAILN E , Toc K BRO EitS,
' Oct. 13. Stun f ilec iic.d
NOW FOR 13.1110.11N5J
.very kind of goods snitable for winter wear;
Also BOOTS Sr., SHOES, and a Wile asßort
ment of Gentlemen's and Bnj' Furni,qhiPg
Gmds, conststinfr in extra quality linen-bosoni
Shirt 4. Su!Tenders, Gloves. ittlf Hose, Col-
lars, Neck, and Pocket Handkerchiefs, and an
extraoydinaly_assorttnent of black -satin and
fancy Self adjusting. Stocks, and various other
fancy articles-, together with Umbrellas,Trunks,
Carpet Bags, Hat% Caps, Boots and Shoes. My
Goods are selected and purchased under the
most favorable circumstances. t• Quick Saks
4 Small Prlfits," is always the motto I am
determined to cariy out, at the Moneysaving
Clothing Emporium in York street.
A personal examination can alone satisfy
customers of the co:nprebensiveness of my
stock, which I am selling at least :20 percent.
lowet than can be found at any of may com
Irl am also prepared to sell wholesale to
country merchants desiring to sell again,
Ready Made Clothing at CH-RAVER PATES THAN
it cal! and examine for yourselves.
N. W---All Goods bought nt me will he ex
changed if they do not-prove satisfactory.
Gettysburg, Oct. 1, 1655.
Gettysburg Foundry.
rlll-11.: undersigned, having enteted into part
'nershtp to earry on the Foundry husioess
under the firm of WARR &SONS, hereby
make known to the citizens of Adams and ad
joining counties, that we are prepared, to make
everything in our line of business. We have
constantly on hand, the HATHAWAY and
other Cooking 'SIOVE3?4, the Parlor air•
light and ten plate SiOUC3, of various styles and
sizes. Pots, Kettles and Pans, and all other
Iron Cooking Utensils, Waffle Irons, Wash
hog Machines, Ash-plates, Hoot-scrapers. &c.
Castings for Milk and other Machinery,
PLOUGH CASTINGS of ever} description,
&c. We make the Scylar. BlochEr, and differ
ent kinds of Wit herow Ploui4lm. We have
also got different. patterns of reaming . and
Railing for Cetneteries",Yards and Porches,
which can't he beat for beauty or cheapness.
0:::77 A n the above articles.will ho.sold cheap
for Cash or Country Produce.
oz: r BLACESMITHING still eoatintled•
BRASS CASTINGS and every Oleg in
our line made to order.
Afileil INES ' repaired at
shortest notiee. Being Moulders ouiselves,
we will do our work
Gettysburg, May 14, 1855. tf
New Hardware Store.
E subscribers would- respbctfully an
t flounce to their friends and the public , that
they have opened a NEW HARD . WARE
S'I'OR K, in Baltimore Street, adjoining. the
residence (f David Ziegler, Gettysburg, in which
they are opening a large and general assort
ment of
liardwart,4ron, Steel, Groecriel,
gcbar—tuare, Sipe .fitibingo,
Paints, 011 m, anill)ye.stuffs,
in general, incleding every description of arti
cles. in the, shove linos of business, to which
they invite the attention of Coach-makers,
Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Cabinet -makers,
Shoe•makers, Saddlers, and the public gen
Our stock having been selected with great
care and purchased for Cash; we guarantee (for
the Ready Money,) to dispose of any part of
it 'on as reasonable terms as they can be peir
cllaged any wbere,.
We particularly request a call frorti our
friends, and
_earnestly molicit . e share Qi public
v or, as we are determined to establish a char
acter for selling Goods at low prices and du
ng business on fair principles.
Oettyshurg, June 9, 1851. tf
J. La rerice Hill, M. 0. 1
jAS hist)!tee onedoor westof the Lutheran
L church, in eliatubershurg street, and np
mosite. Grammer's store, where those wishing
to have may Dental perat ion performed
are respectfully i riviied to call.
Dr. D. GilbrJt, Dr. C. N. Berltichy, Dr. D.
Horner, Rev. C. P. Knuth, Rev..H. L.
Bauglier, D. D., Rev. Prof. William At. Ray.
nolds, Rev. Prof.M. Jacobs, Prof. M.L.Stcever.
Gettysburg, April tt, 1653. tf
D. 11°Cona ugh y,
71'0 R Y AT I,A W ,
(Office removed to one door West of Buehler's
Drug 4.: 800k -store, Charnbersburg street,)
Attorney & Solicitor for Patents
and Pensions,
11)0UNTY Land Warrants, Back-Pay sus
) petided* Claims,_ and all other claims
against the Government at Washington. D. C.:
lso_Ninfi-rican claims in- ringla - mh - 1 - 4: -- in ar
rants located and sold, or bought, and highest
prices given.
Agents engaged in locating. warrants in
lowa, Illinois, awl other Western States; and
la n ds for sale thee.
Kr Apply to him personally or by letter.
Gettysburg, Nov. :21, 1P.53.
11. IL Buehler,
_a '.1"1'0 11 NE Y AT Tr',
Air 11, L faithfully and promptly attend to
iv all basiness entrusted to hint. He
timaks the German language. Office 3t the
same place. in South Baltimore street, ne;, , r
Forney',4 Dfil Stow, and nearly opposite
Danner & Ziegler'as Store. ( \larch .20.
pERFUMEI2V—the larzest assottment in
town will he I'l,olo at SCElitAi l B.
Ilk stock (movie's every article in the per
teotery-line—and lie will sell cheap.
WEN. if von want handsome and cheap
ESS_GOODS. call at
FAUN EsTori: BRoTHER , ;.
Sign of Mc .Red trurst.
Oct. - 15.
Great Attrattlifii at the' Snnd•rtoer Pi not.
• Iteady-made - Crottotrig.
1401:GE - "KRNOLO hurt just ftraithecl,
and has nn trawl; ars (attek.a.
!noel: 'of• ft NADI' M A 1)1 , ;- C LOTtrrN,G;
suitable „for the N ali and W inter. 'Season,' to,
tlaß ever been offered to the • Public in this
place:Al ts - 0 LOT HINO - Ts — tilf of his own`
manufacturing, and well made. of the very'
best materials , and none of your (MTV-MADE:
TRASH, which has bei.h pot together in ti
hurry by crushing the prior seamstress wish a
mere pittance for her labor. or dons' with the
loop-stitch of a Sewing Nlacitine, which lions,
.stik:il gives way the whole seam is gone....
We give fair waves, have - our wor‘ well dune.-
and made of 'the best materials, and our young
ladies come in with the garments with ato ding
countenances and cheerful hearts. We heves
now on hand
1 am
every tie
boron) i n
0 A'l'B,
N alp Op
- lid
Coats of all grades & colors from 1 to 20*,
Pants S 6 •
" •59 its. to 10$, •
Vests 41 G2 cts. to 7s, •
made of all culona, and ~ ta every. variety a,
style. We have experienced workmen eio-,
ployed constantly cutting nut and making up
all kinds of Black, Blue, Olive, Claret, Green,
Brown and I /rah Clotha,Coatings,Cassinteres..
Satinetts, Jeans, Vestings, Drawers, 'Shirts,
&c. &c.
Having just returned from the East... we'
.have now on hand, in connection with our :
Clothing Store, a very "large_ sleek of cheap
C loths,Cassimeres,Cassinets.Cr.atings..leaos„
&c. &c. of every variety of color. We have
ti l
just received t le Fall and Winter Fashions,
and if we ,e nnot please you in a garnieht
made up_ w can at all times take your mea
sure, ant!, Ike up a garment that will ,please
on short notice. We will not make the bold
assertion that we will sell 25 per cent.'cltrapor
than anybody else, but that we wilt sell am
article in our line as cheap,as the cheapest, ae4
a little Cheaper ; and a good deal better. Give
lIN a call, examine and jtnize for---v.trselves.
Come one, come all, to the CLOTHING IM-
P° It I ri NI, at the
Sand•stone Front If GEO. ARNOLD.
Oct. 15, 1855. tf
Framer's Cheap Waith &Jew
dry Store ! •
4 LEX'R. FRAZER respectfully informs
i_ll 4 . the *public, that he has just received a
large and splendid assortment of rich and new
style GOLD JEWELRY of all kinds, inclu
ding Breast Pins, Finger Ring,s, Ear . Rings ,
of the most .fashionsltle styles; vest and
guard Chains, Oa Pins. Watch Keys, &c.
Also, Alhata ,Spoons, Fancy Vases, Watch
Guards, Keys, and Chains, is u
Got.o & Str.vcsW ATC H ES, -;
together with a large assort
meta of Illourning Goods,' itaitablelor
persons in mourning, and numerous otner ,ar
ticles itt,his line—all of which will be sold
at the lowest cash pmts. "
fie-As I have purchased all my goods from
reveler Jewellers, 1 will WARRANT ill, in
to-he what I,prormece tbeM. 01 this poi . -
chasers may rest assured.
PAIRED, as" heretofore. Give . me a call,
in 'Baltimore street,; a few doers rutin. t 1 l!o
diamond, if you want good, inwelry, and the
genuine Article, lower than the same, can be
purchased any place out 'of the eity.
Gettysburg, - Nov.s, 1855. tf
Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure,
rOft the Prevention and eitre of Fern* •
and /tone, or CHILL losvart ; Dente A our, •
rETIMS,; also of Baotou& Favaint. accompanied
DatiltaTv, Ntouir SWEATR, and all other form&
of disease whlcli - have 3 common origin in
Malaria or Miasma.
This subtle atmospheric poison, which st'
certain seasons is Una voidshly :Inhaled at every
breath, is the• same in' character wherever it
exists,--north, sOutk,.east, or west,--and will
every where yielu to this ne,wly
ANTIDOTE, which neutralizes the 'poison.
completely purifies the system. and thus en
tirely removes.all the cause of disease.
The proprietor distinctly claims these extra
ordinary results for its use:
ft will protect any resident nr traveller.
even in the most sickly or swampy
from any Ague or Bilious disease whatever.
or any injury from constantly inhaling Malaria
or Miasma.
It will instantly check the Ague in persons
who have suffered for sny length of dine, from
one day to twenty years, so thst, they nerd
never to have another chill. by continuing its
use according to directions.
• It will immediately relieve alt the distress
ing results of bilious or tine diseases, such as
general debility, night sWeats, etc.—. The pa
tient at once begins to recover appetite and
strength. and continues until a permanent Dud
radical cure is effected. And as a proif that it
is al:•0
Singular and Entire Harailasness,
The following certifietee from one or the
most celebrated chemists in the United States
id attached to every bottle :
New York. June 11, 1855.•
"I have made a chemical examination of
TIDOTZ TO MALARIA," and have tested it for
Arsenic;, Mercury, Quinine, and Strychnine,
hut have not found a particle of either in it,
nor have I found any substance in its comp°.
sitinn that would prove injurious to the con
JAS. U. CHILTON, M. D., Chemist."
This allows frf its
by which all persons may thus be sure of en
tire freedom tromthe above named diseases. no
matter hoW sickly, the season or swampy the
Pitool , 'S OF EFFICACY are frequently
ablished, and the confidence of the public is
asked only in proportion to its actual merits
w ere ve r in trodated--atui—ased. These—enty--
are relied upon to prove its worth. -
One or two bottles will answer for ordi
nary cases; some may require more.. Direc
tions in German, French and Spanish, accom
pany each bottle. Price one dollar.
Prepared and sold by the proprietor.
.1 A NIES A. RHO D ES, Prnvidenee,R. L
For sale by druggists generally.
Nov. 12, 1855. ly
Bush's Allegheny House.
NTO. 280 Market at.. above Bth st., Philn•
delphia. Terms, i11"2.5 per day.
June 4, 1855._ ly U. BUSH.
SCITICK has on hand a more complete as
sortment of Cloths, Cassitueres,
Vest logs, &e., than ever--and offers Such
inducements to purchasers as canpot but he
ad vantaveo ! os to them. Gentlemen will fihtl
his store well supplied with all kiwis of goods
suited to their wear. , •
RON. and a iarae assortment of HARD
IN-All E.- rhea It :it-
fit LOVES & HOSIERY—a large variety,
good .kud cheap at SCLUCK%.
New Principle ! Nu Poison !
Because. of its