Extraordinary Case of Hydrophobia. Mr. Stephen Lee died near Peekskill, N. Y., on Wednesday, the 10th ult.,, of hydrophobia. It appears he was bitten on the little finger by •a small dog - , in May last, but thought little - of it until the Ist ult., when his finger became painful. This be attributed to rheumatism, until he went to a pail of water for a dria.— The moment the water touched - his lips a, sud den convulsive and jerking movement of his throat and c hest - thit - w - hi - s --- han - d - ft - tMT - Kii mouth. .Surprised at such a strange -act be again carried the cup „to his mouth, and the -- same -violent - throe - eusued --He made the -third attempt, and with the same result. It then, for the first time, struck him that he had the 11 — '.di'lelYSentcffionie tydrophobia. .e rmrne l of his friends, one of whom writes : I -tried him with water -three times, but at each time it produced the most violent spas modic repelling throes of the throat and chest, and a suspension of his breath, with a sense of suffocation. -The total was so painful to him and his family that no further attempt to swallow water was made. Even the sight of water brought on the same feeling of repulsion and suffocauon,'nnd on Wednesday tie told me that even the thought of water Suffocated him. He could drink hot fluids, hotrever, When brought to his month from below- his chin, out of his sight, yet even these produced spasms in a less degree ;. but when he directed his eyes to some distant object above the fluid he could swallow ; but it rrq , iired to be done quickly, and it was followed by a sudden backward jerk at the close. For three days or so he often experienced Sudden spasmodic throes of his whole body backwards, as he was sitting or walking ; and . he expressed his fears that he should soon have general convulsions ; but he never bad them. -- If difhcu ,f tcli4r of swallowing gradually in creased, with now and then a spasmodic jerk Qtkishodybackward--nritilAlb tmsd-aynoom when they began to subside, and by Friday evening they left entirely, so from that time he could swallow even water freely. On Wednesday evening he complained much of his bitten finger and hand paining.him, and on Thursday morninc• ° his whole left arm was palsied. On Friday his right arm failed and was soon completely paralyzed : and on Satur day-the paralysis was universal and complete, except in the respiratory muscles. These maintained their integrity, for he breathed easily until the last-moments of his life. His mind was clear and calm. fie was pleasant, courteous and affectionate to all, giv ing no one a short word.' He suffered no pain_ after Wednesday, but he felt a constant and extremely strange and horrible sensation all over him. This was much worse at night, -so that he slept none the first three days and nights, and but little, the remaining nights ex cept the last twe Some nights his agony was so great._ that he was out and irr bed every ten. minutes the whole time. On Saturday morning, after a night of horror, and constant rising and lying down, he went into a, deep sleep. On Sunday morning his mind began to wander, yet he could always recognize coun tenances. His reason declined until Wednes day morning, when he became insensible : and at 8 o'clock, A. M., he quietly and without a struggle resigned his spirit into the hands of his Maker. Commercial Troubles of the War. England has felicitated herself that she could carry on the war with Russia, that !lather en dangered_her vessels on the high seas nor stopped any branch of ,her- trade with the world, without exposing herself to any of those commercial embarrassments or finan cial revulsions which experience has proved to be the unavoidable accompaniments of war. It must be confessed that the results of the war up to a late period had done much to warrant such conclusions, and that with her trade returns showing almost as high a state o_f prosperity as during a period of actual peace with money in good supply, low rates of interest maintained, and public -confidence seeming, to _gather strength day by day, she has presented the Heretofore anomalous , spectacle of a . nation whose-energies appeared capable of prosecuting an energetic war abroad without lessening , its devotion to the arts of peace and commerce at home. But precisely at the moment when such a result was- least expected, the cloud of commercial and financial embarrassment has risen ; the .shouts of triumph over- the fall of Sebastopol arc checked by considerations con nected with the financial future, and in the perspective are seen the menacing' forMs of na tional industrial prostration, national bank ruptcy and national stagnation, against which no bravev in the field or wisdom in the cabi net can ptevail. The itninediate cause now impressing upon the English .mind a clear perception of those clingers of the war that come as natural and inevitable consequences, and which foresight and prudence may lessen but cannot hope en tirely- to avoid, is the drain of specie that has been'going on in a steady and unceasing vol ume. In six weeks the bank of England has lost $15,000,000 in bullion, has increased its rates of interest from four to five and a half er cen and eon ols have falleu_frcun_924 874. These are facts that can be appreciated by the commercial mind of England—they are figures of arithmetic more potent than those of oratory, and worth at least a battle to the Rus sians. The London Times meets the question they present boldly and earnestly, admitting that it prefigures "that mitigated form of na tional bankruptcy•which consists in a suspen sion of specie payments." The effect of this adverse condition of mone tary affairs in England and Franco upon this country will be a question that will engage attention. With the intimate commercial re lations existing it is scarcely possible that we shall entirely escape ill consequences flow a suspension of specie payments in England and France. But the damage inflicted upon us will be more in the imagination than reality, and its influences can scarcely survive the-sub sidence of the panic that permits a cool exam ination of our own condition and strength. There is no probability that • Europe can do without either our breadstuffs or cotton, and, with these to keep the balance of our exchanges" in our favor, any large or permanent drain of specie from this country could only be effect ed by measures which, violating the laws of trade, would be promptly and certainly pun ished by an assertion of their itninutakility which those laws would• establish at the cost of their violators; Th . .Lthe United fates is cm tainly one of strength compared with what it was a few years ago, -and if Eu rope has to undergo the calamities which now appear so iintninont, we may grant to their misfortunes our sympathies, but will be under no necessity to sulkr with them. [l7, — r - Senator Archibald Dixon, of Kentucky, formerly a Whig. and inclined to go with the Know Nothings when they made an attempt at national organization, now announces, in a letter, his determination hereafter to act with the Democratic party of the l Ile says: "As far as 1 can judge. the Democratic party, although weakened in the free States. is :Am national, and still co•operates with the south ern Democracy in opposition to the .It)olition ists and Free Sailers of the North, who. to de stroy the ins . ,itution of slavery, would rend the Union asunder, and bury beneath,the ru ins of the Constitution the liberties of the ccuntry." a.177 - A California jury. in a suicide case, late ly toun(l tlus vcniiet : the jui,y, tiuci that 11.14. tit-et:a., tit a Juul." C .-- The first trial under the new Liquor Law commenced in the Allegheny County Court of Quarter Sessions, at Pittsburg. on Monday-- The indicttnent contained three counts, charg ing the defendant with, maintaining a house for' the sale of liquors, keeping liquor for sale, and, selling liquor. At the outset of the case ; the defendant's . counsel objected to the indict ment on the ground that the prosecutor,_ being of his a constable, was not a responsible Jerson in --Tr, his the eye of the law, as he cannot be held for cost. The Judge decided that the constable was perfectly competent to act as prosecutor, —as it-did not , follow - , - even — iflic — lost - the case, that the costs would be put upon him, the ju ry having the power to Say whether the coun ty, the dandant, or the prosecutor should pav them. Counsel then filed a lopg protest. r'acrainst the indictment. --The trial occupied three days, resulting in a verdict of guilty on the three counts, and the defendant, William Bennet, being absent, his bonds were forfeited, and a process issued for leis -arrest. SCARCITY OF 110R.ES is EI;ROPE.—A corres pondent of the Spirit of the Times, writing from Paris under date of May 31st, remarks on the state of the London horse market as follows : •'Ladies' saddle horses are not to be had, neither are carriage ,horses, which will surprise you. In thirteen days' search I could not find a decent pair for sale at any price. If this war lasts another year, the . Europeans will be importing horses from America,' and it would be well worth the attention of our farmers and breeders to raise large horses, fit to draw a heavy carriage, or carry a heavy. man,Good saddle horses - for gentlemen are still to be found by pityifig for them : a first rate one stands you $300." A Utica (N. Y.) paper states that a ,gentleman is now in that ci tfpurchasing -- carTrage - a - nd -- sa7ddre - b - Orle - S - for the Paris market.— Wool Grower. /FT' HOLLOWAY'S OINT.111:NT AND Pn.t.s ' a Certain cure for Scald Heads. —Henry. 32, Maria, 10, and John Ames. 9. of Apalachicola. Florida, were all three affected with this disagreeable malady; Maria, in particular, was in a wretched plight with it, and although there were many remedies tried, yet the malady did not seem to decrease. indeed, the disease spread itself all over the surface of the head, to the great annoyance of the parents and discomfiture of the child; the blood of the °diets was equally impure. At last the parents put the three under a course of Holl o w a y's Ointment and Pills, which cured them all in the spate of nineteen .days. Their health has since considerably im proved. These remedies are wonderfully efficacious in all diseases of the skin. ft?".‘fas. PARTINGTON ON Fri timsrg ME.—“There came a certain lord, neat and trimly dre,....ed," read Ike. his mother immediately interrupted her interesting son.— ••Isaac," said she, know why Mr. lspokeshare defers to in that telegraph, it is to old Zckial Lord's .son Jeames, who was awful proud and stuck up after he got that nice ,spick-and-span bran-new. suit at Itockhill & HI Chesnut street, corner of Franklin flare !" Ike replied that he had heard of the "crib." and that-Ire-was “in" fur a--"new rig," himself, whenever it stet - the views of the governess. .• ..... „. _.. .__ "(the illarkcts. Corrected from the latest Baltimore, York&Hanover paper BAIA.OIORE—Fai DAY L '.ST. Flour, -- per barrel, $8 87- to 900 Wheat, per bushel, 1 90 to 2 15 Rye, 44 1 13 to 1 15 , Corn, 44 60 to 90 ' Oats, 44 33 to 41 Cloverseed, " 7 25 to 7 50 . . . Timothy, " 350t03 68 . Whiskey, per gallon, 39 to 40 Beef Cattle, per hund., , 5- 75 to 825 Hogs, ,i 7 75 to 8- 00 , - hay, per ton, 2O 00 to2G 00 Guano, Peruvian, per ton, 55 00 HANOVER—Tacss DAY LAS?. Flour, per bbl., from stores, $9 50 Do. 44 " wagons, 8 37 . Wheat, per bushel, - ' 190 to 2 00 Rye, cL 1 05 Corn, ~ 75 Oats, ~ V ' 35 ClOVerSeed, • " 7 00 Timothy, " 250 Plaster of Paris, per ton, • 650 __. .. vi - sati—FlLl I) 'I LAWS. Flour, per bbl., from stores, $9 00 Do. " from wagons, 8 50 Wheat, per bushel, - 1 90 to 2 10 Ave, it - , 112 • Corn, ~ 80 Oats, . ~ 37 Cloverseed, " 7 25 Timothy. 4( 350 Plaster of Paris, per ton, 7 50 On tile 10th ult., by the Rev. George Guyer, Rev. WIL LIAM EARNSHAW. of the Baltimore Annuli Conference, to :11:S9 M.kGGIE A.. daughter of Benjamin Hutchibon. Esq...of Warrior's Mark. Huntingdon county, Pa. • On the :nth nit., hy the Rer. D. P. llo:Nentuiller. Mr. JONAS REINHART, of Adama county, to Miss MARGA RET, daughter of JoNeph Shutt, of Heidleberg township, York county. On the 30th ult., by the same. Mr. HENRY S. RESIT,' of Heidleberg township, York county. to Mis 4 LUCY ANN, daughter of Jacob Slagle, of Oxford township, Adams county. In Philadelphia. on-the 17th ult.. by Rev. J. R. Daleq, Mr. DAVID STEWART to 11is9 HARRIET LEEPER. (formerly of this county,) all of that city. Oh the 2Sth ult., in Arendtsville. of typhoid fever. Mr. 80 yea s an , l ays cea,,,ed wa4 o mamber of oettyl Lodge, t. 0 0. F., and his funeral was attended by a large number of the metutTrg of the orders At Alibottstown, on the 22d ult., SARAH, daughter of the late Gen. Tempest Wilson. •At Bloomfield. Perry county. on the 20th ult., after a long illness. Rev. JOHN DICK EY. aged 4S years, Pastor of the Presbyterian churches in that neighborhood for 2n years. On the 234 ult.. in Littlestown. Adams co.. Miss 18A - BELLA STONESIFER. aged 23 years 10 months and 27 darN. Adjourned Court. NTOTICE is hereby given that an Adjourned .1,11 Court of Common Pleas will be held at Gettysburg, in and for the county of Adams, on Illniday, the 101 h day ry'' neermber next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when and where all parties interested are requested to be present. U 1 N IT THOMAS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, Nov. 5, 1855. Teachers Wanted. Tr H E Board 'of School Diiectors of Strahan 1 - township, -will meet at the- house of JACOB L.GRASS, in Flunterstown, on Sairirticm, the 2 , lth of November inst., at 2 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of employing Teachers fur the, winter term. (*—Tlie County Superintendent will be present to examine applicants. PHILIP VONOWIF., 0v..), 1855 Consecration. THE Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fairfield, recently built, will be conse crated on Saturday, the 10th rf November —exercises commencing at 101 o'clock, A. M. Rev. J. M'Cnos, of Baltimore, Rev. H. BISHOP, and others. are expected to OfFici.ite. KrA Collection towards liquidating the debt on she church will be taken up. Nov. 5,'55. td OMMITTE E. E pp - myu m ER Y—the largest assortinsnt in town will he found at SCHIi. - .7li'S. His stock erne nices evnry article in the per lumery he will sell cheap. HAWLS.—The largest and handsomest 0 lot of Long and square SH AW LS ever brought to this town can be seen at SCHICK'S. _ TIROOMS and Cedar Ware JIL) - 1) . LANK ETS, Shawl , : and- Fla ri rirds. vr 1).-1N1f;L BEITLER. X) cheap at FAIINESTO(;I‘.6.' I bet. 122, 1655. td MARRIED. DIED. SR IP_a_t____ FAHN ESTOC KS'. Railroad illeelings. . r.rucllltli Annual Rrport THE. will be ineetings of the friends ofOF the - "PERRY CoUN TY MUTUAL . FIRE TN -the GETTYSBURG RAILROAD at sveANce. COMPANY," for the year ending the folloWiri,q places: At the H NTERSTOWINT SCHOOL- • HO US E.', on Tuezda q evening next, Nov. 6th, 1 at o'clock; ai OXFORD, on Thorsdity evening, Nov. Bth . , at 63. o'clock, at the House of Mrs. WU:N .. ; and at Mr. DICKS', -H-A wening, .11V0T11)214'1 A-M-PPEIN,un Saitirdetue at 63 o'clock. The public are earnestly solicited•to attend theseivieetings—as-matters irnportance-will be introduced and Speeches made by persons skilled in build i ng, Railroads. TH BOARD, 1 — t i er o Nov. 5, 1855. It Collectors, 'Take Notice. THE Collectors of Taxes: in the different townships of Adams county are hereby notified that they . will he required to. settle up their Duplicates on or before Monday, the - 3 - st day frf December next, on which day the Coin intssioners will meet at their office to give the necessary exonerations,'&e. If the Du plicates are not settled up in full by the above date, the Collectors_will be dealt with accord ing to law, without regard to persons. zr- 13 The Collectors will be required to pay over to the Treasurer all monies that may be collected by the November Court. JAMES.I. WILLS, - GEORGE All EIS, Cum's. ' H. A. PICKING, Attest—J. AvouiNhAvett, Clerk. Nov. 5, 1855. td GREAT ATTRA-C-T-Wg AT " Tazerls-Cheap-Watch - & - Jew• elry Store ,-espeet-ft4l-y—infott -the public, that he has just received a large and splendid assortment of rich and new si le GOLD - JEW ELRY'of all kinds, inclu dii.fy Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, of the most fashionable styles; fob, vest and guard Chains, Cuff Pins, Watch Keys, &c. Also, Alhata Spoons, Fancy Vases, SPEQ "'TACLES,w•atch Guards, Keys, & Chains, GOLD and SI LV ER WATCH ES, together with a large assort ment of Mourning Goods, suitable for persons in mourning, and numerous other ar ticles in his line—all, of which will be sold at the lowest cash pries.' p.;;;:e^As I have purchased all my gnnds from regular Jewellers, I will WARRANT them to be what I pronouece them. Uf this pur 'chasers may rest assured.. %*--GLOC KS, WATCHES & EW EL. BY It EPA Ilt El), as .heretofore. Give me a call, in Baltimore street, a few doors from the diamond, if you want good Jewelry, and the genuine article, lower than the same can be purchased any place out of the city. ALEX. FRAZER. Gettysburg, Nov.s, 18.55. tf , --- Tower's , Speller AND COMPLETE ENCNCIATOII. ; AND • TOWER'S READERS. 117IRST READER, of Primary School XI Enunciator, Part 1. SECOND READER, or Primary School Enun ciator, Part 11. 'ffIIRD READER, with Complete Exercises in Articulation. FOURTH READEI24 R sequel to the Gradual. PiFT“ READER, with Principles of Elocution practically illustrated by Elementary Exer cises. SIXTH READER, with the Higher Principles of Elocution Explained and Illustrated by ap propriate Exercises. - - The Readers are prepared u„pon the plan of tellAiri7' only flue Hang' al a time, and they contain a full, complete- and oriuinal system of exercises in Articulation, to which the au thor has an exclusiye right. The Elocutionary matter is simple and com prehensive ; adapted to the school-room as only practical teachers know. how to' prepare and adapt it. The Selections for Reading are carefully graded from the . first step. to theithist. The pieces are chaste, pure, and freed from all low and improper expressions; they are designed to cultivate a correct taste. to refine. the feel ings, and to elevate the moral affections. Thoy were selected and prepared by the true teacher, who alone can understand the' practical wants of the expanding heart and mind of the school room pupil. Also, Tower's Elements of Grammar for beginners, and Tower's English Grammar for advanced classes. Teachers, School Committees, Clergymen, and all others interested in Education are in vited to call and examine these Books. DANIMI, BURGESS Publkhers, No. 60 John Ftroof. N. York. Crti—For Sale by A. 11. BUEHLER, Get tysburg, Pa. . Nov. 5, 185-5. ata • . ANT.I L re L m l i ) s e es offe , at n it/ P a u i t c he Sa i l , e l , o a n y tfi f e p November next, at 1 o'clock, P._11., that desi rable property, situat^ in the Borough of Get tysburg, on South Baltimore street, adjoining property of Henry Brinkerhoff on the south, and an alley on :the north, known as the "Wampler Property." The improvements are a :wo-story weatherboarded DW E FJLI N HOUSE, with a t ' Brick back-building and Pantry •% .1 1: I attached, a good Barn, Wood- 'L . stied, Hog-pen, &c., with a first•rate well of Water and a number of choice fruit trees ; also a good BRICK SHOP, now occupied as a 'Pinner Shop. rAs this property can readily be divided, the part of the lot on which the Dwelling stands will he sold separate from that on which the Shop stands, or both together as may suit purchasers. Also, at the same time'and place will be offered, Si,x Town Lots. situate in said Borough, on the north-west corner of Washing ton street and running hack 140 feet, to An alley to be laid out; and three lots fronting 50 feet on High street and running back 180 feet to a public alley. (*—Attendance will he given and terms matte known on da of sale 1 • Oct. 22r, 1g55. is Valuable Land, AT PUBLIC SALE of Hamilton town- The subscriber, desiring to quit farming, of B "Anna"wine , late will o ship. Adams county, deceased, having been offer at Public Sale, on the premises, on granted to the undersigned, residing in the Saturday, the 23d day of December next, about . same township, he hereby gives notice to all herland township, Adams County, within a ' '24 ACre% of choice Land, situate in Cum persons indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment, and those having cl a i ms few hundred yards of the Borough line, ad. against the same to present them Foully_ joining lands of Mrs. Gwinn and Abraham The ,authenticated for sette , oent. Spangler, and Ever Green Cemetery. S A M I i E L A LW I N E, ddin'r. land fronts on the Baltimore Turnpike. The ' ikss E nil is of the best quality, being "Granite," ; Oct. 22, _ __,. __ gt than a hick there is none more productive. . SCHICK has on hand a more complete as- Tbe tract will he ()tiered in lots, or alto sortment of Cltothti, Casslmerem, geiher, to suit purchasers. A rare opportuni- vesting's, &c., than ever—and offers such ' ty is thus afforded to secure choicelots—snch ' i n d ucements to purchasers as cannot but be a one as may not again present itself fur many ' advantageous to them. Gentlemen will find years. , ' his store well supplied with all kinds of goods ! pe-Sale to commene_e_ '. P al I o'clock. M . - , s ,' - 0 - ri said — day, w hen attendance will he given utterl—to tbeil wear. ___ _ --- and terms in-tde known by WHOLE A NUCTUNT OF 'CAPITAL. A LOT OF GROUND, • , Balance due on Premium N0te5,51.28,763 25 situate in the Borough of Gettysburg, Adams. Real and Personal Property, 1,013 00 county, on the corner of East York and Liber. - Balance - in - Treasury, and outstand- ty - streets,• on which iS erected a two-story, lag on Assessment-No. 4, 7,903 15i BRICK II OUS E, with Basement, Bal. due by S. Nlierfythriner-dgfni, .35 90— ' Ite_Uouse arid W_as.ll_l4-use4-al-a. Wit S. 111 Percenta„cre in hands of Wm. M'- a - Blacksmith ' Shop, a large two-story --- - Clean Agent, 33 273 : building, occupied as a Wood Shop, Paint ' Shop, Trimmer Shop, and Carriage*House; also a Stable. There is a well of water. with a pump in it near the door of the dwelling.-- Seized and taken in execution as the property Of LEONARD STOUGH. _ Other Claims for whirbY &cies have bernissnrd. John A. M'Crockfq,Tax on Real Estate $3 0 0 John 11. Sheibley, Printing, * ' .11 00 Ntagee &Ktroop, 66 31 00 John A. Baker, . 66 26 00 ,A. K. M'Clure. i• 2 00 THE HEIRS. ---- cliepi..st, if not a little cheaper. ; low as anybody else, and by always —ende.av ..... - - - ---- . - - . --------- i mini/ to keep . none but the best,-he bones - to -- 4 111 EF>,F;, Sit , ,i rs. Riee.and every descry- 1) ONN ET GOODS, such as Velvets, Silks, ! merit and receive a continuance of liberal pa k j tiun of calou ERI ES. to be had at . Jr) Sarin,. Ribbons, Flowe s, &c., will he' tronage. Will. GILLE'SPI E. i FA II N EST() (.3 KS'. lowed in unparalleled varluty a S(..:llll3li'S. i Oct. 8, 1845., At tbe,,Frost Office September 3d. 1555. No. of,policies in force at _this date, Amount of Property insured at this date, to wit: September 3d, 1855, $2,180,013 99 Amount of Capital TREASURER'S AecouNT. David Lupler, Treasurer, balance in. Wind at last Settle:tient, $2,579 521 Cash of J. Campbell, per cent., on _ - Renew'als ♦ Cash of I. A. Baker, Office Rent, .1. Ni'Keelmn, Percentage, 82'2 12 Assessment No 4, 14,771 22 By Checks lifted, Balance in Treasury. Is_ 7.903 151 ~, imoTE.--It is dim to the Treasurer to state Ilutin,large amount of assessment Nom. 4 has not yet been co!leeted, and "that. no deficiencies or per centage have yet been allowed him on the collection of assessments Nos. 3 and 4. _EaSses_by_Eire-frr whiik-fheeks-have-been is— sued during the, year. Thomas Sutch, Perry county, $8 50 IL 22U- 00 J. G. lioniberger, 1.6 2,000 00 S. B. Winters, 380 00 Sarah Wallis, 1,822 33 Mary CuininPns, 66 1,130 51 .1. W. William on, 66 800 00 Lewis Grubb, • 44 1,216 86 Gen. H. Fetter, Moses Waggoner, 44 David Clarke, - ii A iftxn oder Johnston, Jacob Troxel, J. & G. Nl'Clelland, 600 00 Jacob .1. Ulsh, Juniata '' 1,085 41 .1. %V • Stniw, Mtilin 4 i 367 69 .1. R. :Smith, Franklin 46 .25 00 Whole amount of 140sses, -- . Ad in'r ot ‘N% ALIN - May, " 1 00 Daniel Myers,. • 'Wood, 2 50 David F 1 elutes, Cutting " . 100 U:l3. North, caz,h refunded on assess- . ment No. 3, , 300 Paper for Blanks and Blank Books, 6 95 Stationary,6 00 . Executive Committee, approving Ap- pl ica - 27 54 Committee making Assessment No. 4, :32 00 Alanaars' pay. 39 80 President,exarnining &signingPolic!es, 18 36 Committee in ca,,es of Lcss by -I , llre, 36 15 John Mlieehan, percentage and fees, 95 12 John Campbell. Secretary's lees, 40,75 1. N. Shatto, Postage, 10 36 Treasurer's Salary, 50 00 Board of Managers far the.presenl year. MOSES MCCLEAN, CONRAD Jr., Ck:o. SS*. ZEIGLER, , JAMES F. McNKAL, R. C. GALLAHER, B. r. JUNKIN, Me,CLuitE, *W. A. SroNnalt, J A Coo 131XLER, R. R. Gtrriiiim, JoHN S. DEMA REC. WILLIAM MCKEE, E6RGE U. ARNOLD. - Officers. eoNeu) ROTH, Jr., PreSMCDI. 11. C. MILANs, Secretary. - DAVID LUDEEK, Tread Oren JOHN McliEtclinri, General .ftgcnl., Eseetshre Caminit lee. B. F. J JNKJN, Esq., VV It. A. Esq., WILLIAM KC Agent (or ,Adams county. ILLIA McCI,Fra.N, Gettysburg. Nov. 5, 1855. Lost -and Found AT TIIE CHEAP CORNER, Fail 4k. Winter Goodt4, (IV every description, will he sold very low N. for cash. Also a variety of SHAWLS, ajfit - li L Y MADE CLOTHING, very cheap. Call and 'see. JOHN HOKE. Gettysburg, Oct. 29,1855. Not ice. Tit ESP A SS" E 8, 13 EIN - A R !—The un dersigned , having sustained considerable damage by persons trespassing on their prem ises, hereby warn all against gunning, fishing, or otherwise trespassing on their premises, without their consent, as they are determined to enfoice the law to its full extent against all who disregard this notice. James S. Wilson, D. W. Young, Joseph W. liiitinger, Israel Irwin, Jesse P. Topp9r, John McCullough, John Biesecher, .1. Dobbs. Hamiltonban tp., Oct. 22,'55. 3t Adininistrator's Notice. A DAM LEA K E'S ESTATE.—Letters of /1_ administration on the estate of Adam Leake, late of Latimore township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township, she hereby gives notice to all persons indebt ed to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for.settle &Eat . LEAII Oct. 29, 1855. 6t Administrator's Notice. QUSA NNAII ALWIti WS ESTATE.— 13 Letters of adminigtration on the Pstate 139,586 02 38 76 15 00 6',31 10,323. danls county, 3w 33 9,647 13 613 53 T Npuistiance of uildry writs of venditioisi esponas issuing out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Adams county, and to me direct ed, will be exposed to Public Nate, at the 'Court-house, in the Borough of Gettyshtirg., on Saturday, .the 10th day of Nforcsitber 3 t 1 o'olOck. P. hi., the following described Real .Estate, viz : 1795 -- ALSO -- A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Hamilton township, Adams county, containing 51 Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Solomon Hoke anti Conov%apo creek; Conowago creek passing along one side of it —on which is erected a two-story Bradt I)%tehl og 11011S}•„ - with Brick Back- Efir, :; building; a Barn, (part log and part - frame,) with other nece s sary out-buildings.— There 1 , , an Orchard on the premises, and a well or water near the door. Also, 10 Acres of Woodland, sithato in said - township of Hamilton,edjnmuing lands Of J ()shun Huover, David Bollinger,nnd others. Seized and taken in execution as the p roporty of AnitAtt AIM •M Y KS. • LSO - A FARM, situate" in Union townshi coniaining 138 Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Li riab .1. Baugh_nian, John Beeker, Frederick Lohr, and others, on which is creel. ed a one and a hall story Log H II S double Leg. Barn, Spring H Huse, (with l i r ijt a um/el - failing spring .of water,) near the door, Hog Stable, and other necessary out- Buildings. There is an Orchard of fruit trees, consisting of Apples, Peaches, Cherries and Plums, on the premises—also a sufficien cy of Wood land, being mainly black oak and chesnon. A neverfailing stream of water runs through it. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Jacos HAIM. 25 00 100 00 2 50 '2O 00 ALso A° LOT OF GROUND, situate in Franklin township, Adams county, containing. 2 Acres, more or leSs, sdinining lands of Barnhard Deardorff, Albert Vandyke, Jacob NI endear, and others, on whieh isereot ed a one and a half story Log HOUSE, Log Stable, &e.—two first-rate springs near the dwelling. There ore Apple, Peach, Pear and Plum trees, on the lot.— sviied and taken in execution as the property or DANIEL PoliNNv. Amm On Monday., the NIA of November next, on the premises, at 1 o'clock, P. M., • A FARM, situate in Liberty township, Adams county, containing 211 Acres, more, or less, adjoining the Maryland line, and lands of incob Shover, - James 0' Brien, Adam. Fessler, and others on which is erected a one and a half story l 01,.' Log Dwelling HOUSE. Bank Barn, iPiii Wagon Shed, and Corn C. 11), with other At " out-buildings, and two Tenant Houses.— There are three excellent Springs near the' different dwellings, and a stream of water through the farm. Two first-rate Apple Or' chards on the premises, with a variety of other fruit. Seized and taken in 'execution as the property of EZRA MILHei. HENRY 'THOMAS, Sheriff. Ten per cent. of the purchase money upon all sales by the Sheriff must be paid over im mediately • after the property is struck down, and on failure to comply :herewith the proper ty will he again put up for sale.. Oct. 22, 1855. is New Finn and New Goodm. E subscribers, having bought the stock of Boots. Shoes, Hats and Caps of KEL LER KURTZ, purpose continuing the busi ness, at the old established stand, South East Corner of Centre Square, where they have just received a fresh supply of the above goods from the cities of Philadelphia end Baltimore. comprising all the new and desirable styles of Men ' b Boys' and Youths' Silk, Fur, rt and Slouch HATS. Men's, Boys' and YOutlis' Fine Calf, Kip, and fir4ined BOOTS & SHOES, with a large assortment of Ladies', Misses' and Walking and Fine Dress SHOES, GAFFERS, &c. Cum Dress-shoes, Buskins and Sandalls hi every variety. We would -reapectfolly announce to the citi zens of Adams county, that we have an earnest disposition ,to please the particular taste of 'every one who may favor us withtheir patron age, and respectfully ask all to — ca_ll-and see. The business will be conducted under the , rirni-of - ettß - EA N & PAN 0. . LNXANDEIt COBFAN-, DUNLOP PAXTON. Oct.- 22, 1855. /FM qiihßeriber having dispaged of his in terest in the Boot, Shoe, Hat and Cap 13nginess ti) ME!SPN. CO BEA N of PA X'rON , respect(oily visits the continuance of his friends arei customers to patronize the New Firm. KELLER KURTZ. Oct. 22, 1855. New Goods, Cheap Goods. 1. 4 1 A N EST() C K B ROTH ERS have just received their usual Large and Hand some assortment of Fall and AvVinte4 Goods, to - which they invite the attention of the Pub lic, consisting of every description of Dry Goods, Hardware, Saddlery. Qiieensware, Groceries, Cedar ware, Iron,Oi Is & Paints,&c. Give us an enrly call, and we will show you the Largest, Prettiest, and Cheapest Stock or Goods in the County. FA H N giTO 0 K 13 E RS, Oct. 15. Sign if Me fied Front. Stacks of New Goods! 7'he Cheapest the PreWest the Beet! SC H ICK has returmllll;city el • with the larregtan best selected stock of FA LL & WINTER, GOODS be bas ever bad the pleasure of offvring to this community. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES! He will not pretend to enumerate his large and attractive stock—the limits of an adver tisement will not admit of it. Hut if you wish to select from the chnicait lot of Ladles' and Gentlemen's Dress Goods, your eyes ever beheld, go to Schick's. October 15, 1855. --sp-tend and 1 fashionable article—just brought from the city by SCHICK. Ladies, call and examine them. LIALL and see FAFINESTOCKS cheap k .. ) CLOTHS, Cassimerem, Cassinets, &c., if you want Bargains. pFIESTRIIIIIINGS of all kinds can be S / had at. SefflCK'S as chea. as The Sheri ir's Nale. Card. /Y 0 /V FOR 8.91?6 , 1114r.5'1 . NEW SITPPLY.OF F-ALL AND WINTSR. . Read pinade, Clothing. ARCUS. SAMSON has just returned -1 j New 'York, Philadelphia, -ma - Baltimore, With the largest and best' assort ment of READY;MADE CLOT ILLYG. ever brought to CienpAturgonade_m_p_in-rnagnifi-,--- cent styles, and most approved fashions. In• regard to workmanship, they can't be excelled, by any cash:Wrier - tailor. Having enlarged my place and stocl:, lard. able to sell Ready-made Clothing of every del scriptlon,e.heaper-tban---ever-offered-b ef,.re this or any other place - thrs*sioe Of the - Mint-, tic. My stock consists in part of COATS, of all sizes, prices, colors and kinds, made up. in a superior manner. PANTS St. VESTS, of the latest and most fashionable styles, and every kind of goods suitable for winter wear also 1300 TS & SHOES, and a large_ass_orti. went of Gentlemen's and ..W - • FueniNAing Goods, eons:Sting in extra goaty linen-boson/N. Shirts, Suspenders, Gloves.. Half Flote,'Cok lars, Nick and Pocket Handkerchiefs, and an extraordinary assortment of black satin and fancy Self adjusting Stocks, and various 'other fancy articles; together with Umbrellas, Trunks, *Carpel Bags, Rah, caps, Bunts and Shoes. My. Goods are ,selected and purchased under the most favorable circumstances. "Quick Sales Small Profits," is always the tnotto t min determined to carry out, at the Moneysaving ('bluing Emporium in York - street. A personal examination can alone satisfy customers of the comprehensiveness of my stock, which I am selling at least 20 percent: - lower* than can be found at any of My cow _petitors. -11 am' also prepared to sell wholeimle to country merchants '.desiring to sell maim_ lady MadeT - Clething 31.CHEA.PER RATES THAN CAN BE BOUGHT IN THE CITILS. If you doubt it cal; and examine for yourselves. MARCUS SAMSON. N..8.-;411 Goods bought of me will be ex: changed if they do not prove satisfactory. .. Gettysburg, Oct. 1, 1855. Groat Attraction at the Sand-stone Front. . • Ready-made Clothing. GEORGE ARNOLD has just Waked making up, and has on hand, as, faro a stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, suitable for the Fall and Winter Spasm), as has ever been offered to the Public in this place. His CLOTHING is all of his own, m'anitfacturing, and well made. of the very best materials, and none of your CITY-MADE TRASH, which has been . put together . in n hurry by crushing the poor sear stress - with mere pittanve fur her labor, or dote with the' loop-stitch of a Sewing Ma chine, Which Irene— stitch gives way the whole \ seam is goee;—..- We . give fair wages, haVeourvtiorli well done; and made of the best materials,tind out young' ladiei come in with the garmentiwith smilitt countenances and cheerful hearts: We:have' now on hand . • Coats doll grades & colors from 1 to 20:3, Pants Vests t 6 44 62i cts.-to ' made of all colors, and in every variety or' style. We have experienced workmen ,em pinyed constantly cutting out and maklng'up al I kinds of Black, Blue, ()live, Claret, Green, Brown and hrab Cloths,Coatings,Cassimeres, Satinetts, Jeans; Vestings, Drawers, Shirts,' &c. &.c. _ Having j e st ' retu rned 'tiorn the 'Fast; 'we have now on . hand, .iri connectiOn'tvith our Clothing Store, a very large stook of cheap' Cloths,Cassimeres,Cassinets,Coatings,Jeans, &c. Rte. of every variety ,of color. We have just received the . Fall 'and Winter Fashions, and it We cannot please you in a garment made up we.can at all times. take your med. sure, and make up a garment that will please on short notice.' We will' notmake tlle bold, assertion that we wilt soli 25 percent. cheaper than anybody. else, ha that we Will sell any article in - our linear; cheap as the chea pest, and,. a little cheaper, and a good'deat better.- " us a . call, examine and judge for Yourselves. Come one, come a11,.t0 the CLOTI - 4010 EM,..- PORIFJM, at the • • . , Sand atone Front of GEO. ARNOLD Oct. 15, 1855. If. • • „ . New Goods . 104, 1 . riiHE subscriber: tenders his acknowledg 1. memo to his friends and the public for : the liberal patronage heretofore ,extended to him, and respectfully informs thein :that has just returned from the:cities with a spten. - . did assortment of . NEW GOODS, comprising in part a fine stock of Delaines, hams, Gloves, Stockings, Ribbons, Collars, Muslins . ,irish Linens, St.c., - all of- which will be sold at the lowest .cash prices. He deems it unnecessary to enumerate . thedifferent Rai* cies which comprise his stock. He would earnestly inkiite all to call and examineliefor# . purchasing' elsewhere. • Oct. 15. tf J.'S.. GRAMMER; EO. ARNOLD heti' just returned from Vl(' the Cities with a large..lot of DRY: GOO DS, G ROC ERI QD ERNS W A R 11; READY MADE CLOTHING, 'LADIES' DRESS.. GOODS,- &e.;' among which' are English and French Cloths,Coatings, Cassi metes, Satinetts,, Jeans,Bankets, Flannels„ and an endless variety of LADIES'. D RESS GOODS; together with, almost every article in his lino of business—all of which •_will be sold as cheap, if not a little cheaper, than any other establishment here or elsewhere. And as . to Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts, and Ready-made Clothing, we challenge com petition. Having now furnished you with Goods for upwards of 40 years, 1 have at all times endeavored to pursue a straight.lorward__ course, and furnish any and every article in my line of business upon the very best terms, and will continue to do so.—Give us a call. Oct 15, 1855._ tf G. A. Election. BANK OF GETTYSBURG, October 15, 1855. 5 IvitliTicE is hereby given to the Stockhold• erg in the Bank of Gettysburg, that an Election for THIRTEEN DIRECTORS, to serve one year, will be held at the Banking House, on Monday, the 191 h cfrly of November next. J. B. McPREIBON, Cashier. Oct. 15, 1855. td Administrator's Notice. ELIZABETH SHEELY'S ESTATE.- Letters of administration on the estate of Elizabeth Sheety, late of Mountpleasant town ship, Adams county, 'deCeased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in Union township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate inent, and those havinuelaima against tbjeaate to present them properly authenticated for settlement. JACOB SHEELY, Rdne'r. ' October 8, 1855. 6t Flour ! Flour I rri H E undersigned continues the Flour hnit t tiles@ as heretofore. He sells by the barrel or any smaller quantity. By taking Al.r, PROFITS he can bu as hierh :ell mg 50 - cts. to 10•'x,