The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, October 22, 1855, Image 4

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flitrphan's Court .tedlle. . I - Map of A darns Counls,,r, a i - D. 7111"Conau :v
D.j . viiito,- cf. an .artier. of the . Orphan's : rurott ACTUAL ME:ASUREAIPNT A T7'o lI.VEY Al LAD% , .
court of klia nig 64itii14', th(l Subscriber,
AND SURVEYS TllDtiraitOUT 111 K COVNTY, . (Mice removed to one dour West of Buehler's
premises, - *4
- AdelintstrAtor' , 4 Divio;:T,..__Eigittisati, de.c tt.,.- Under Ike direction r-ff'-07:-"geret-----------1-'&13°°k"1""e' • Chatnbersburg street,)
tVil.! tdrer-atPetoliC' 4i - e,'. off thir
' THE underßivsied vvin
- l publish shortly. pro- Attorney & SollieltOr for 'Patents
S. , fterday, die 274 day d' Oc/obe.-.inst., the r . vided a sulTicient ritsintaer of suhscriliera ! ,
N Mild 11.'ellS1011/5,
Rval EAA.t iif Said decedent, ioonsising of ibe obtained, a new and enTplele 411a_p (,f Adams , i)OUTY Land Warranter Back-Pay_stts
- A LTIT'II . F - 141 . 101ntt,11 1- , - eithate - Itf - Strafrang Benin fy: ATI . the pi - di - fie !teach, It _ ,
ai [roads, ! JO pended Claims, and all other claims
. joiriii 0
to wrs hip, Apl a u t s county, d d 1, the New i Crossint):s and Stations, Clan rehes, Post Of- ; a vin9t the Government at Washington, D. C.:
Citestert,wit lots, containing about 2 Acres, feces, School Houses„ Stores, Milk, Pahl le ? a l s o American claims in England. 'Land War- .
—h,'"i a , v - rh,• ke aan c erlted a T-wo-storyVA . -- I and PTivaTe -- 11ouses, - Cemeteries, Man-tifite-• rants located and sold, or bought; and highest
Weatherhowied;- it 0._1.1, S Ea", 1% ith at '
qt.i! ! ! tories, Shops, &c., &c., are to he shown on the prices given.
Frame Itic - R . ,building, ahrl Lou . Shoe- ' 'ILL! ! Map,' in addition to thew:l:al topography of Agents engactril in locating warrants in
-----Illali-er--!-'414144--attached.--4-41-81-altle,-36°-e-a-k--1?-ivers-,-Streatn-s-Pontis-and-Molintitillm,---The ---,
,owa,Triltroos, a ti - d - offier Western Slates; alid
culated, for Threshing Floor, and other, nut... I names of property holders generally, (includ- lands for sale the-e. '
boildi t i u ,...;.a well of excellent water neat the ' ing those to t h e „„„ ty w h o q ,o, 4cr ib e i,, ad,. . . Apply to him personally 'or by letter.
door, With a variety of choice fruit, Apples, ; vance for the Map)_ are also to be, inserted at : tiettp;burg, Nov. 21, 1553
Peaches, P:tillos, Sze. ; their respt r places, in the style of the Maps
. (4-`alts to,cotnineuce at 1 o'clock, P. 1 .1., exhibited by the canvassers
cnt r e •vy given
find terui4 made known by
Dy Ilte J. Baldwin,' Clerk.
at; lie same time 'and place. will
be sold, a variety ,of PERSO N A L PROPER
TY Iy - the idaw.
0.t.„ 1, 1 8 35. ts
Ophma's Court Sale.
BV virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court
of. Adams county, the Subscriber, Ad
nain6trator of Ptitur CoLL, deceased, will
mite a. puhtie. Sale, on the preniiSes,- on Fri.
day, th e 26 1 / a day 4e" October inAl., the Real-Es
-tate of-said decedent, viz : A - FARM, situate
in—Ltberty township, Adams county, three
miles - west of Ethmitsburg, adjoining lands
of Hon. James McDivit, Maxwell Sldeldsi
and others, containing 164 Acres, more or"
leas, about ,30 acres of which are cleared and
its a ,gnnd .state . of cultivation, and the balance
is 'w - 611..covered, with., thriving .Chesnut and
Krickoak Timber. The, improvements are . a
one :and a half story LOG .H 0 USE, , 4 '
E .
Log Barn;. a young Orchard of choice • iii
fruit, &e. There are two good Springs ' 11
near he dwelling. .
Persons, wishing to view the property are
reAnebted to call Anon the 4nbscriher, residing
tbereon., It will be offered undivided or bit
parts, -to snit purchasers.-
, Ake'Sale to emnineoce at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
on said, day, when attendance will be given
and tends made "mown, by
, . . . Wll. A. COLL, -Muer.
By the Court,--J. J. Baldwin, Clerk.
Oct. 1, 18.55. is
Real Estate!
TNpursuance of an 'Order of the Orphan's
Court of Adams" county, the Subscriber,
the Trustee appointed by said Court for the
sale of the Real Estate of DAvm HARMAN, de
offer at Public -.5;1 1 .e, - on the preel
t".e.S, to/ Saturday, the 27th dirt'' i f f October inst.,
the followtt embed Real Estate, viz.:—
A" F A , ; comainint,rl74 Acres, more
or "less. situate in Stratum township, Adams
county. Pa., adjoining lands of Isaac Brinker-.
hull, -Isaac . F., Brinkerhoff; Peter Mullion,
Abraham Lerew, John Brinkerhoff, and Wit-
Stallsinith. The improvements are a
Two. story Log Weatherboarded-
HOUIz,E, with Frame Kitchen, a
no-er Frame Barn, with Sht&s. Spring 'd
ii n 0 •
I:loose, and' the usual out-buildings ;
e well of water near the door never known to
fail.. (a pump in it,) supplying- also the harn•
. and nn excellent Orchard. • There are
abeut 33 acres of good Timber, and about 30
acres. of excellent Meadow. There are seve
rargood :springs on the Farm, and water in
nearly every field. .The property is within
half a mite of the York Tempi Ite,3 miles from
Gettysbortr, and 2 from I-Itinterstown. The
property-will be shown to persons desiroui of
viewing it, by Samuel Harman, residing on
the place.
Ittie.Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, M.,
on said day, when attendance will be given
and terms - made known by -
S 1 Nt - IJ EL WIEST, 7 rustec.
By the Court--;1. J. Baldwin, Clerk. .
mil`' net sold .on said
. day, it will be for
It nt Ny the ticirs:
Oct. 1. 1855. to
At Public Sale,
TH'Slibscriber, intending to remove to
titer WESt, will otrer at Publir S:ale. on
thei>rentisos, - an Thursday, the 25111 day tye
October next,
situate in Liberty township, Adams county,
.adjuinimx hinds of John Miller, Adam Tress
ler, W istow Zollinwer, and the State line, con
tatnitit! 101. Acres; more or less, about 15
acres being Timber, and about 10 acres Mea
dow. The land is under gaud cultivation and
good fencing. The improvements pat
,;•;Aare a one and a half story LOG i •
HOUSE. Bank • Barn, Wa L ron
Shed; and Corn Crib. with other
out bnildiutzs ;- and two Tenant Houses.—
There.are three excellent SprinL,rs near the dif
ferent dwellings, and a stream of water thro'
____th e ___4;, f i n ;two f
the premises. with a variety
.of other fruit.
Persons to view the Farm, are re
quested to call on the subscriber, residing
0 - ,-Also. at the same time :ind place. will
be, sold: I I Jorse, I Colt. 1 Ccw. 3 Sows, an
exrA lent Buggy:Two-horse Wagon, Ploughs
and Ilarron s, and other farming implements
too nonrerons to mention.
0:7-Sale, to commence at 10 o'clock, A.
on, said day, when attendance will ho
give n and terms made known by
Sept. 17, 1355. tv - 'EZRA MILLER.
Fall Stock of New Goods.
1 7"- x SEASONABLE Shatvls,—Fash.
ionable Gnods, all
kinds.—Blonistls and Fla nnels.—Li nen and
Cott4a ra.—•Staple Honseheopi-g.
Goods.—(2 Cassimf les and Vestings.
Fourth.c Arch Sts., Philawn.
P. S.—St . nrelteepers and other net cash buy-,
ern znirplied I:ith searee and de . sirahlt. Dry
G0n.1.4 at futv rat..s. BARG Al NS from Ph ;,1-
phia.trtrlN ,w Vork Amel li ms daily.
cis French Nleri nors, color,,
wholt.:ale tis cents to
Sept. U), i:355. 3m
To Grocers and Coofeclioners.
Thu. 1111.1f.Nivied has in
s't•tre fur Slaii? at I;te I , lwost priePs.
Ttith a 11 i oilitt 44 3 por ertit for c.ish, ./9/-
ro, in Is, ;Valenti:l, nr crini__NON G riorttlel
Itlishir. ('i onz. f'runos, Darcy,
Fizs. °rang, x, 1. urunv, Sired Oil, ( 4 (fs'i
,Gump. 1:P - c. All ortivr: he pr..roptly .:1-
teiatleti PON I).
it n %Cate r Street. 1'11;14.
se pt.
Bush's Allegheny Houser
"To. 140 11 B[ll ..1 , Phi/a•
dr/p/arz. Terms, 5145 tier d .v.
- 4. 1855. I y G'. I. s
D(Vkr ESTIP Gt)(11)54
- firon t rltt u, (:041v.hur,z: I;11 , ! and set.,
atxl judge for yourseive. , -
J. S. GIL% 1'.11.1::R.
- -
;'S-r "rotiv,-4.1 An aßsnrtrzteoi of GROPE.
ittlCS.,a ttie 1, a ill he. Inky fat or
0.1.tuu., list GRA..11:111:11'.S.
Maps of Om principal villages e
berted, on a largo scale;ln the margin; also
engraved views of public and-private buildin , rs.
No expense will be spared to exceule the
Map in the highest style, of art. The plan
will he plotted on a suitable scale, so as to
show distinctly all the particulars above speci
fied, and make a large and ornamental ,M p..—
_To be engraved and delivered to - subscribers,
handsomely colored, so its to show the terri
tory comprised in each township, and mount
ed ern rollers. As the Map will contain some
Fourteen square feet of engraving, at a Cost of
several thousand dollars. it will he seen that
only A large subscription list will warrant the
heavy expense incurred.
The Maps are Fold only by Subscriplian.
No more Maps issued than subscribed (or.
The Map will contain tables of the Fmpt.lation,
productions, assessed val v e 6t froperty, re
ligious societies, schools, , numher of voters,
Ace., of each tow nship and village respective
ly, carefully made up from the latest authentic
Relying open a jest appreciation of nor of
by the citizens of Attains, to issue a Map
of their Coitrny, on the alio'''. plan, that shall
answer their proper expectaticns. and ht 0.11-
iinily satisfactory, stiliscriptiolei are . respect
fully solicited by
Sept. 24, 1855. Washia4l,m, - Pa.
Book and Stationery Store,
North 'Fest cur. If Sixth and .drch Sts., Phi 10.
Great, Ba rga Ins hi :
Poetical, Jiivenik,Miscellatleons,Stantlard and
Presentation Books, very Cheap.
► s uperior White Ruled Leiter Paper, SI,-
50 per Reßfll. Letter and Note Envelopes ill
great variety.. Weddings furnished at very
moderate rates. Cards Written and Engraved.
6illott's and other Steel Pens. Superior
'Motto Wafers, 323 Mottoes 611 a Sheet, fur
25 cents. Inkstands, Pen-Knives, Piper'
Weights, &c. Fine Turkey Morocco forte. , i
!.Vlonnates. Portfolios, &c. Card (vases,'
fiaekganonon Boards, &e. With a very la
and choice assortment of Toy Books, Games,
Diwcied . Yzcicrres, Or . c. .111 m too l.Scryp Books
and Eiwravings. P. 'l' HW.ISON:
'April 23, 1855: ly
Saving Filet d
Of the United states Company. •
At Third and Chesnut, Philadelphia, the
Grand Pioneer Sa'vintz Fond of the Untied
States Company is receiving' money daily ;
also Monday evoningrs, on deposit. This is
the oldest Five Per- Cent. Interest Payinti
Company in, ,r City anri The_money
is paid hack 'wiltout notice,. is_ usual.
June 4, 1855. tiro
Manure Excavaidr.
rriil 4l , sobscriher, purchased the
Patent Ffltht of If litt.Sll's PATENT
'MANURE-EXCAVATOR rot all o f Ada
county excepting Ox ford,Conowatzo, Item iek
and Mountjoy townships, will sell either the
machines or township rights. as purchasers
may prefer. The Excavator also answers an
admirable purpose in tioloadin, hay, by horse
poWnr, requiriog hat not'. horse and two hinds
to unload a load of hay in ten minutes, and to the highest part ol the barn. The
attention or rarmers is invited to this valuable
improirementos it is one of the cheap. st and
most useful agricultural rinfrements ever in
troduced. H. G. CARR.
Gettysburg, May 7, 1355. be i
Geo. Richardkon,
/17n. 111 IV. thonorof Street. 80/ inzore.
1 13"Yr . sit ',`",( l V it?'Ll?„ltlrlYLP(,rodllre;lltAlN :
1, 1111•r.11.
IV. 1114 11140 011 (owl a lartrtt U RU.
CP:RENS', Wholesale and retail. ;7=
Feb. 19,1855. 1 y
Now is the Tittle.
SWN.AV ER. respectfully announces to
e the Ladies and Gentlemen of Getty4burg
and vicinity, that he his resumed the. Ihioter
-., ttytie •
bersba-rg street, where he wiH he happy to re
ceive Visitors desirous 01 secant perleet
Darimerreotype:i of themselves or friends.
Being furnished with an entirely new a n d
costly apparatus, her is prepared to take pictures
in every style of the art and insure perfect
.tl.r.,i, — Charges from 50 centc to rEtio.
- VW - Flours of operating from S A. M. to 4
P. M.
ikeln dross avoid light. red, blue, or pur
ple. Dark dress adds touch to the heduty of
the picture. Sept. IS, ISSI. if
Wm. 11. WO flrsa,
371 . 0/INEY.97'
(1 4 FI CP. on the south side or the Public
Square, two doors west or tht Sentinel
The best System of doing Business
18 always to sell a good irrtieir ; give each
, customer the full hiS aw»e'y. I
that manner you will n 1 ways oi satislaotton
and e.eeur( a ettstotiter in titinrt.v.
WhO 't,ll to 'my a
sUPE t
!wide is the, mom fashionable v of the
hest materials, should erill upon the under
; s . .;!;iiell, as he defies ally other sari aufaittirtr
trod ttre , ette C. t! •
K 2 Orders from a di,u4nec tilanktoilv re
ceived, mid promptly. attendcd t I?(.l.,litior
don.- at :-Itort nruiCe and nst
tZr (....01.1ntry produce (..11,1•11 111 (•Xel),+n t. ti)r
work. CA
ink Strept. Ipp“sile Pus, q//7
Gettysbur!.;, :11;:y 7, 185.5. I>ut .
Slis)eonaliers, eivja this way - .
.‘IINESTOCIi. 111Z - 01 . 111 , :ks sell
you Mt/UM:COS (root ;15 e,eilts to
!!St 00. the cheapest 11,t ever . hrotti,ht to the
Co Cali 4. , ..0n at the
Sit:N (11.' TIIE FRONT.
15, 1855.
Ipay Baltininre priers in each for
Ruperlinit Flour.
I-- Sept. 17
1 UST reepived a la rut- and cplendid a:.sort
inotit, of Q N S \V A lit; ac
C11.11IA11;IC:.: &care. Oct. 1 :al 15L3.
-J.-Lawrence MD M. D
, Att..... 1 1 1 41r.1 ,1°
S hisofliiceonedoor westof the Lutheran
church', in C haw bersho rg street, and op
posite Cirittniner's,store, , where those wishing
to have vitly Dental Operalion performed
are respectfully invited tn call.-
Dr. 11. Gill3Prr, Dr. C. NJ. Ber)(why, Dr. D.
limner, Rev. C. P. Knuth, D.D., Rev. 11. L.
11,swzher, D. D„ Rev. Prof. William M. Rey
nolds, Rev. . Prof. M . Jacobs, Prof. iM.L.Sttever.
Gettysburg, Aprilll, 1853. tf
Look OW !
Second Arrival of New Goods.
FLA 1? "1 1.:1{8, look to your interests. If you
want to (vet hack the money you" lost. just
call at the Northwest corner of tine Diamond,
where you will save at least r 25 per cent. and
g et the full worth of your money, mind Avinere
you will not have to pay fur those who dint%
pay. Don't forget" to bring your money. Also
brio.! along anything a mi . evervthing you have
to sel l—sueh af. lb UTTER. EGGS, BACON,
I, A 1). HA GS, and everything you think will
sell—and I will Attat they are worth.
Just (mil ai the People's tore.
Stoel; votis:.sts fit 1)111r GOODS,
Grucerivq. (110ihint , : inadc to order,
11i Queen 4 ware. and 'obit- woe.
.101 IN 110111.:.
Gottysborg, July 2, I 555. if
obi etl uon ry.
tt • Furl/.
rilii E untlersigned, having enietod into part
nership to.earry on the Foundry business
tinder the fin ut of W A fi li EN SONS, liert-by
tro - .ke known to the citizens of Adams ntid 'ad
joining comities, that we are prepared to inake
everythititi in our liue ut binsitiess.
band, the I I ‘'.'l . ll AWAY and
(Aker Cllk()l4.6lag St(/6'd.4 the l'uflur
light and ten pirite Stocot, or various styles and
11:PUIVS el Prlflt, and all otin , i`
Iron Cooking Utensil:, Waffle Iron:, \Vasil--
int; A•dt-plati-s, Oont-ser.lrrs,
lOr Miieloovry,
PLOU(i I I ASTIN (XS 4 , ver)
; &E. We um ke t Blochrt,ond
Pbmgl4. e 11.tve
also got dilTereill Water r) ()I Fenchtf.t; ra Ind
11:.1911i2o;; for Cetneteries,-Vards and Poreltos,
wide!' can't be heat fur beauty or ehonpne,:.
(jr AII the. above arlieles will he sold - cheap
for U.ish nr Country Produce.
BLA CKS N 1 ITI N G still enntintiod
BRASS CASTINGS and every thing in
nor line inade to order.
le 1;811 IS C; ,;13(71.1 NES repaired at
shorlest notice. !kiwi oulders ourselves,
- Ave will do Calf k ituarr.
M A Jun N Alt BEN,
Gettysburg, May 11, 1555. tf
Bounty Land Act of 1855.
tint preparcd In
tile`ital is rripidlN ci,AI:I.IS TO IiOUN
TV I.ANI) for the War of
ill . ALL I hi` :Sta s
and minor children. lii addition to his
expero4oce and siineesi, li, xvould ; 1( 1,1, th a t,
in all lite 111 iny cl.sints lists hitherto filed,
(betw . non 100 -and -200) he has carefully pre,-
si . ”' veil. and liaq jloW tW0ry 7 .1.14:4 tiecess,ify to
cstablislt the riolisß of clakna itt.:—as also Rolls
and I.i,ts 4,1 - Goaipaai,,, and lacilitiPs h.r fur
or:ll4r proofs in all cases Oat inay he en
trustcd to 11:10.
lie lins tmole (.01111,1(1e nrratoreinenis for
117 , trl (1111 N In t h \Vestersi NtAtes. II
r unts h00.. , , , h/ fl'tzrra nts stilt!. A pply'per.ll:ll
- or by letter to I). I'C'ON 11‘..“:11 V.
(lvtly-tttora, Nl:lrett t 2, 1.;';55. tf
( - 1 li:01?(;1 and Henry 11 ampler will make
1 license 81)4)110'1 . i : 4 . am' ;Int nut the slime low.
for Nish or ronntry prod tioe. Fanners and All
others ‘vishina their I louses - , Barns, &e.
spouted, wuu Id do %% elf t o oi. , e tliton a Nil I.
April IR, 1853
r Co-Partnership hetwPen !lie
Sul) , ..cribers has been dissolved this day
hti mutual consent.
‘le are Hulett obliv,ed to our friends and the
pliblie for the liberal so:Tort extended to us.
Oar Books are placed ht the hands of Alex.
roheatt for collection, and we earnestly re
qtte.t those indebted to us call and make
turitediate paytuet.t. as vi
de z ,i re to settle the
bunittess of the Jinn wituntit delay.
\V . \v. x-ro\T.
Al, EV!? COB EA N.
Sept. 11. tf
w. W. Paxton
TN FORMS his friends and the public srener
alLy., that he %sill condone the hit & Shoe
Busint sq, at his old Stand. and always
keep on hand a larae and splendid assortment
of BOOTS & SHOES, HAT:'; & CAPS of
every variety , of style and price., which he is
determined to sell low 14 Cash or Country
Produce. Call and ice the Goods.
Sept. :21, 1855. tf
Fall Goods!
JNO. STUN & so N: „v„
le 45 .s . orith Second Street., Philitira.
0 n o o L to otre their enstowers
Dialatond Toilsm%
• 7 .` V . , ' rsit'neeptiolc B er
-&..Villiinlz vg - ,...... ,
.111 I In the trade, (of their own Importation.)
[lpri I •2,. 1855. I y t leer and Hair Dre.sser, can at all times
the and handsomest assortment of Mit. i _ _ _
__ ' be found prepared to attend to the calls of the
h nt l r y G00d , ,,, in this city—oonsisfiatr in Hart' chi na ., Gl ass an d q ueensware . ion Ile, the 7 empie. in the Diamond, adj o i n .
.c . 8 , ,,,,,, , Sl7l, - N, !editions, rcivriv, Fancy Feu- ! trio' the County Building. From long- eN p e .
I l' rinke , ‘ QP-( f), :
,t/-rs, P,070,•(5. Laces, 4 - c• 4',.., which will he Gen- ' IL Thker ' S ""' B " r I". .. . - • rience, he flatters himself that he can too
through all the ramifications of the Touiso
sold ft the lowest price:, and on the most fa- , - 11 . NI PO irrEi? :nal Healer in CHI N A .
v ! 'a- Ade terms. {Sept. 17. 1H55. ?.In i I. (; I, NSS and QIIEENS WA 1{ I.:. II Ni , (//: r i a ! Depari meat with stteli an infinite
- , • -- -- . Howard Sir , tt, (;,, tw , cif E-V/tfit• "nd Le- I ' l w." dr,*.rve of .:441:,-as will- meet N 1 Ith the. (smite
.'itt'lllol - ::E .' . - tin s:reer 1 , -) L'ag'illeeeire., Md., respectfully in- satisfaction of all who .nay submit their chins
rill 1 E tinders-toiled informs the 1)10)1' that v i t o s t he atte n inq i ot Dealers Iii . 4111 . X•tiiii11:11I011 10 Ow It Ortit';ll of his razors. He hones,
In , 51 , 11 ri , m ,, vos . ii ,,, rein,lin,,,, lit ow )1:11)1, of his well assorted stock tWt.krt. !l'lrCh.ll•4llg . ther e tore, that .by his attention to business,
and 1. po•pared to , 40 to any distanee to firing elsewhere- [ l: eb• 1-9 .7 1 5 5-5 ; -1 Y - -and a desire toplT.. 7 a.e„ lie will merit as wert
them here. Mc eha -
roes are lower than eve , , as receive, a liberal share of puldie pfitronaor.
as low—and Ha 3, - 'Waal ed .
a s the lowest. The sick will be attended to at their prtvate
A. \V. FLEN111IN(:
Gettysburg, Ncivt. 111, Iti)s.
Kid 4!"; loves.
r AliTE"z' Iltiek. anti enloro,l 1 - ;".1D
T,( )v (*1.2 w, :ti;
it's do. at 771 1' , '111.4, ‘v,ir:ll
j0 , ,1 riwei VPrl rani N•• bIC — A . vfri . - .1 rtion
F'.l II .\' I3itt.YlllEllS.
New Si gar &. Tobacco PROTECTION .11(4,1111...5T
QA3II3EI, FA f 3 ER, Jr., would respectfully r H E iinnersigned informs property-holders
kJ- inform the citizens of the town and coml.. 1 that he has - been . duty appointed Agent of
ty, that he-has opened a .Scar arid Tobacco the PERRYCOUNTV 'NIUTLIAL FIRE
manufaetory,.in Baltimore street, next - door to INSIIIIAN - CE COtIPANI r , and that he is
Fornefs' Drug titar. Gettysborir where lie the only_Agent in Adams county for thesaMe.
tt iii constantly .keep on hand a large variety tie will gale original and renew old Insu
of BEG A RS, of the finest flavor,'and at the ranees for said Company, which, since its In
lowest living ,ne t s, Of CHEWING corporation, in 1813, - has secured the_perfect
ACCO u nts the choicest kinds—also a
capital article of 8 N FT—all of which he
offers as low as the lowest. Ile only asks a
trial; convince- tti s rheeanirratify every taste.
hopes, by strict attention to business and •
desirt. to please, to merit and receive a share
of public patronage.
• -
May 7, 1855.
„GROCEitiES - ,- &C.
.17 4 1 M . ANU ZIEGLEIt has just returned
J from the• ciiy with the lar4est lot of
GUOCEUIES he has ever tit-fore opened, to
which he invites tie attention of all, convinced
that he can offer RARE RAIMAIrM He •has also
a fine lot of HAMS, SIIOULPERS, &c;
FISH of all kinds; Oranues. Lemons, and
other . fruits ; Cr:at:kers, Nuts, Confections;
Segars, 'I
'eaacco, Snuff, and a general Variely
of everythlng., "IrOtri it needle to an archor,”
almost. Gi %re, him a call, if you want to buy
what's cheap_and m g
Ct:::r Country Produce taken in eNelranrce for
Goods. [May 7, 1855.
NeW Ha 2'4i ware S ore.
rut E subscribers would resee.tfuliy an
tuntnce to their friends arid the public that
they have opened NHW HA It 1) WA It 14;
STOl{ in Buttimore Street. adjoining- 7he
re4idepc‹ Dull id Ziegler, G ett ysburg., in which
they are opening a large and general if,ort
inftrit of
Hardware, Iran, Ste 1, Crorcrit's,
ns o 1.1])
Lllcbar—iture, blloe
Paints, Oils, and E)ye-sinfrs,
in general, every liesciiptionof arti
cles in thz above lines Of IJOSIOeSs, to %{, hich
they invite the attention of Coach-inakers,
Blacksmiths, Carpenters.. (I::binet -makers,
Shoe•titakers, Saddlers, and the public gen
er.,lly. •
o'lr a :took having boon selected, with great
care and 'MrHuts' d for Cash, we guarantee (for
the Reidy „o dispose of any part .of
it on as roasonalde terms as they can be pur
chased any where.
We particularly request a call from our
friends. and earnestly solicit_a share 01 public
fly or, as are determined to establish a char
;icier f o r selli n Lr•Goods at low prices and do
no IJUSiIIeSS Oil lair princi'ples.
.10E1, B. DANNER,
DAVID ZI 1:(~l.l;lt.
Gettychurg, -.Tone 9, 1851. ti
E. EL Mich Orr,
.r2TTO N 1 , 11 . .kIT . L. 111% '
and prompily att e nd to
ha , ,i-aless einnisted to him. jl e ,
ks rut rat littigurt!re. Offiee -it the
smile plane. in South Baltimore street, near
14'orney'S; and nearly opposite
I)antier & ZiPg,ler's Store. [March 2t).
ii(11111I1irr L:112141 Clairlin*.
midersitrned will attend promptly to
'hir, n o lle c ti, fit of claims for BOUNTY
I,AN}Y.: under the late art of Culture:4s.
Those )yho have already reettived 40 o.r fell
. can now receive thr btrhittee, by calliog
on the. subscribtir mutt{ titakintr the neeet4sary
.apolic:itimi. • .10 B. DANNER
11t.ttp.buriz, :larch 12 , 1555. tf
'Ft:II:Ss AND BIZ ACP; EST 1 13-
I, Is II .1I EN I', S. , 1g - Twrilla and Race
reqs, 1 'hiladelphia, ImpArrE 111', FRP: N rki
TRUSSES , Cuff( hini rig exl re are ease
and durability with correct rowlruction.
Hernial ot ruptitrell pAtirittF. elm be snited
by remitting; amounts, as' below :--*Sentlitiv
number 01 inches round the 111114, anti stating
side affected. (.;o:t of Singie
$1 $5. Double— 5, 86, r'a4-1 and $lO. 111-
st ructinus, and how - to t•lTt:ct a cure,
when poLtsihlt , „ sent with the Tru ss .,
A Is° for sdlo, in great variety, Dr. Illunning's
Iwproverl littlei4/ Emig Brtrce, for the core of
Prolapstig Uteri ; Spinal Props and Support , ;.
P a te n t S1)0 11 1(111 Braces, Chest Expanders and
Erector Braces, adapted to all with Stoop
Shoulders and Weal, Lungs; Enf4lisli Elastic
Intoinitt.d Belts, Suspensories, Syringes—
el le and fe:n.tle. 41,4` ; `'-I.adies' Itn,unc. with
Lady attendants. [ xu.r. ti, 1855. 1 y
I , ll4llAaleaelaztsti9a tgistet,
opplsite Cah•ert station.; llaltiittore..Thl.
. _
Hotel tind It n noontime order, i.; pre
p,ired to anew/mm(1441 his frientis•awl the
travelling pul,lic. 'rite proprietor will be
pleased to Sio his old friends, and promises
to make their stay ttomforl:.ble
tory. liatjgmre taken to awl trout Calvert
Station free of charm..
II N 13 \U U.
.(furmerly r,l Penna.,)
July 9, 1855. If P imPitiEr on.
F. its. F4Hilitit.
TIT RE R „V. 11% cur. iy* Filllrrh (10..vm1
Pleiferth al vays on hand a large and
varied asorttnent of
4 Port Momuties,
Pocket Books,
Bonker; C;lse.;,
Note II old Ors,
Port Folios,
Portable Desks,
Drt.ssinLr . C;rws, &c.
Also, a 4,reueral asqortment of ENGLISH,
FUENCII GEii}lAN FANCY (;1)(11)1,
Fine Poeliet Cutlery. It tzar=-. I?,tzor Stroll";
and G,)1(1 Pens. Wholesale, `.:ooo n d an d
Third Floor=.
N. \V (...rner Fourth k Clie•ntit
N. 11.—On the tveript of a :•itweriur
Gold Pen %rill he sent to ahy part of the
•1 t ,
medium, bard, or Noti.
111ER807%;.S Imviu, Ilay to sell.wil;do well
by ealtin , r on the suhseriher, in Gent's
hut;, wlio -is desirous of purelt.tsitor. The:
hiHieqt inarket price, will ho raid At all
icj i ---as he intends having- the flay. artor
hi Iny 0,,,:k1.(1, hauled either to ii, m over or
the iireler-itee to haul +ili 1)e
to tlioNe lte mat
Dec. G, 183:1. LE
Work 13 ox es,
Tra ve I i nit I3a , rß,
11,1 , ti!..r.itt),Ivmk Boards,
CIR.,: Mom,
I'„ckrt II VIII.
adjoining counties, (it being authorized to
effect Insurances in any par of the State'.)
abilfty - hatte - beerr - firtly - ii rd
satisfactorily demonstrated. The gradation
of rates of Insurance is adapted to the mutual,
intere:,t4 of the whole Company and the class
O. the insured pupytty. Every per , ,on
int/ becomes a member of the Comptitty. and
May act in the selection of officers and in the
direction of its operatiotiS.
(* - Ijon. MosEs NU...CLEAN repregents the
nteothers in this county in the Board of Man
agers; C. RUTH, Jr., is' President, and JoHN
CALINIF:I4I, Secretary. Office in Bloomfield,
Perry contity.
_ -WM. NIcet.EAN,
Office of M.& W. Mee lean,.Gettysburg
December '25, 1H54:
Botiniv Lands.
.2 4 0 LT)) ENS who served in arty war of the
U. States _a trrifl no: loss, than fourteen
((alp, are entitled to 160 ACRES BOUNTY
LAN D. anti in ease of the death of the soldier,
his widow or minor children. (if any.) are
entitled to the same (pi:nity In cases where
90 (Jr 80 acres have already been received, the
difference necessary to make up the 160 acres
can now he drawn -
- VrApply to the stibscriber, at his office.
in Gettysburg, where persons having- Land
Warrants to sell, it/ ay obtain the liioilest price
Alarch 19, 1855. Grn
Sia - ssiVer r liar ley.
%\ holesale & Retail, at the Philadelphia
batch and Jewelry Store, Nri. 96 North
!....4votoid street. corner cif Qaarry. Philadelphia.
.G , dd Lever \' atches, lull jeweled; 18 caret
eases.s72B 00; Child L( T ines, 10 earet.s24 00;
Silver Levers, full jeweled, $l2 00; Silver
Lepines, jewels, $9 00: Superior Quartters.
$7 00 ; Gold Spectacles, $7 00; Fine
do., $1 50 ; Gold Bracelets. $3 00; Ladies'
G•ild Pencils. $1 00 ; Silver Tea Spoons, set,
$5 00; Gidd Pens, -with Pencil and Silver
Holder, $1 00
Gold huger Rings 373 cents to SRO; Watch
Glasses, plain, - 1-2,3 cents, patent Lunn
25; other ;wicks in proportion. All goods
warraioud to be what they are soldlor.
sTA Ct t i+:u & tiARI. EY.
On baud, some Gold and Silver Levers and
Le pines. still lower than the above prices.
De:. I • 1833. ly
Abram Arnold
UNTEN DS removing to York., and must
therefore settle up his business. All per
sons desirous Of saving costs, especially those
wirime (,ccutz a : ore of long standing-, milk do so
by canon , 2 - immediately and paying up. Un
less this he done, without delay, suits will be
ingtituted witiMitt.repect to persons ; a simi
lar appeal to them having heen utterly. disre
garded, no further indakienre will be given.
, June 4, 1A55. -
• .._
Standard Lutheran Books.
r 1!] E Lutheran Manual, on Scriptural Prin
ciples; or the Augsburg Confession.—
Llustrated and susuined, chiefly by scripture
proofs and extrarts from' standard Lutheran
Theolootans of Europe and America; toueiher
with the Formula of Governmeot and Discip
line adopted by the general synod of she
EvAngelical Lutheran Church in the United
States. By S. S. Schtnuclter, I). I)., one vol.
I:: mO.
Life of M'Artin Ltaher, i dhed by 12Pv.
Stark, 1 vol. 8 vu., illustrated.
Ka rtz's Manual of Sacred History. trlasla
fated by Rev. t). 1 vol. 12 mo.
The Seimldlers of cur Departed, by Rev.
W. A n•zpdell, h vol. 1.2 tau.
Life Melanethon. translated from
Ow German, by Rev. G. F. Grote!.
The f of the New Testament, by
Rev. 'l'. Stork. •
Also, Ncw Publications
Of the leading hook publishers, regularly
reeeiv-d, and fur exile at publisher's prices.
The fo!lowing pod received:
rimily Prayers fur each morning and even
im.! in the year, with reference to appropriate
Scripture Itendinus, by lies% .1. Cumming.
rummilor's Signs of the Tunes.
A larire as , ortnient of School and :‘,llseel
alitious Books, Bibles of every description,
;Mink 13 lis, tittioz Papersand St3tionery.
for ~ ale :it low priers. ;It the Bookstore of
Nlay '21,1855. KELLER KU UTZ.
Ta i lion-flaw.
Ite . m.ovett a Few i)ours South I.ltheOtaFitamt.
SKELLY respectfully informs his
old customers and the public uenerally,
that he euntimie the T.:111,0111 AG BrSl
- neme his old stand, in South Baltimore
:greet. where ire will he happy to accommodate
alt who [nay patronize him. All work en
trusted to his care warranted to fit and he of
mist substantial make. Thankful fur past
favors, he solicts a ennttnuance of public pa
t r 0 nacre.
` . 6...?"1'11e New York Spring and Summer
Ftliiims are received. Call and see diem
(;eityshing,, April 9. 1855
rpriEß E is to he 11.1(1 at the drug. stores of
S. El. Buehler, I.7ettyshurff. al d /IMPS
k.:lticr. Ent in itslni rl r r„ a nviNt Pt/Pettit:l veiny(' fi
j ,„. th e not harke, w ill. of properly ap
p.ied. apc , r lin r to directions.) cure the twiml
1.1‘,/, tit nut/write insiaidrinetius.,y. Should the in cwirse: 01 . tirnr reappe tr, the siine
plieation has to he wade auam, and allot. two
tile 011101 ili be etlvetual.
l'icosn c.tli for A. Verger's Tnotti4ulte
Trite eeins per phial.
A ii, , uNt :27, 15155. I V
I;plivlf)tirfr. Jon. c, 1P55. if
I -1 1Z ITZ. II EN I)1 & .Vl. -20
.V or h
%'/e Pbi iphi nitor,-;,)
)1+ NVF*AI"rt:FIERS, ( 4 1.'1!1:1 and
4 4 . il. , \ S..', I1(1 ttn, tlttit•r., t‘h , . ihtend i
Urr) (,) ,1 / 4 ii E 1. E.VTIII.I? (S. ICI !ittiliz tip str , rk _
I l't.:l);t:ary :26, 1;7;55. 1 y of Snit:, Cciiirg anti Liordur :11,ty
anus ant
ii4iiiloway"% Pills.
11V A WE SICK has been
the 'lot of , the human race to be weighed
down by disease and starling. I - 101,L0-
A r's I'ILLS-are specially ;Ida-Med to the
of the' WE .11i. tile--N_EILVAHILS. the
DELICATE, and the IN FIRM, of all climes,
ages. sexes, -and constitutions. Piofeiisor
pers o nally_s_u_perimerids the maim
facture of his medicines in the Unitiil States,
and offers them to a free and eitlighiened peo
-33 the best remedy the - %mid ever saw
fur the removal of di-ease.
These Pills Vitrify the Bleed.
These famotis Pills are expressly combined
to . operate, nn the stomach. the liver, the kid
neys, the lung,the shin, and • the bowels,
correcting' any doratioeoleid in their functions ,
purifying the blood, the very fountain of life,
and thus curing disease in all its forms.
Dyspow.itt and - Liver Complaints.
Nearly half the human race have taken
these Pits. It hare - bee-trpt6willii - all pails of
the world,"that nothing, has been found cilital
to them in eases of disorders of the liver,i4s
pepsia, and stomath complaints generally.—
They soon give.a healthy tone to these organs,
how , wer much deranged, and when ail other
means have failed.
Generai 111 Health.
- Many of the most - despotic Governments
have opened their Custom Idolises to the in
troduction of these Pills, that they may be
come the medicine of the masses. - Learned
Colleoes admit that this is the_best medicine
ever known for persons of delicate health, or
wh e re t h e system has been impaired, as its
invigorating properties never tail to afford
Female Complaints.
No female, young or old, should he withont
this celebrated medicine. It corrects and re g ..
clams the monthly sours nit all periods, act
ingjn - many cases like a charm. It is also
the hest and safest medicine that can he given
t o children of all arre, and for any complaint ;
consequently no tralmly should be without it.
114111,,upsy'.1 are the hest remedy kihouni in
the world
.. p,r the following Discasl:3:
Asthma Debility er Compinints
Itow.rl Complaints Fe% er nod Ague Loa ne:q• el spirits
COVIVAIS Ye:ita.te.l3oiiiiilailits
lit-ail:la es
I !Mit.: e.t. Lou
13)if uenza
Chc,t Diseases
D.yspepsia Inflammation 'Venereal Affection
Diurrlara. Dropsy luwarg 'Weakness VI I ninzi, of all kinds
* * *Sold at the Establishment of Professor
lioLbowAy, 80 Maid , :n Lane, New York. and
24.1 Strand, London. and by all re•spettabho
Druggists and Dealers in Medicines through
out the United States, and the civilized world,
in Boxes, at 25 cents,. 2i cents, and $4 each.
frkis-There is a considerable AaVingil tak•
ing the target sizes.
N. B.—Directions for the guidance of pa
t!ents in every disorderare'alExed to each liox.
July 16, 1855. ,ly eiw
Rhodes' Fever and Ague Clare,
FOR the Prevention and Cure of INTER
AGUE, CHILLS and FEVER, 1)I:11113 A ta'r, GEN-
1011DS of-disease which have a common origin
in Malaria or Miasma.
This is a NATURAL ANTIDOTE which
will entirely protect any resident or traveller
even in the roost sickly 01 swampy loCalities,
from any Agee or 1 / 4 5ml:A disease whatever,
or any injury front constantly inhaling, Maiaria
or Miasma.
It will instantly check the Agne in persons
who have suffered for any Length of time, from
one day to twenty years, so that they need
never to have another ,chill, by continumg, its
use according . to directions. The paqpnt at once
begins to recover apfietite and strength. and
continuer a permanent and radical cure
is effected.
rE2y- One or two bottles w ill answer for ordi
nary cases; some may require more. Direc
tions in Geismar), French and Spanish, accom
pany each bottle. Price one dollar. Libeial
disoomits made to the trade.
J AMES A. fi HOPE'S, Providence, IL I.
• New, York, June 11, 11355.
"I have made a chemical examination of
TIDOTE TO MALARIA," and have tested it for
Arsenic, Mercury, Quinine, and Strychnine,
hut have not found a particle or either in it,
nor have I found any substance in its compo
sition that would prove injurious to the con
JAS. R. CHILTON, M. D., Chemist."
"Llnvisnulto, Union Co., Pa., Mnv 2.1855.
11 e. J. A. UtionEs—Dear Sir : box of
medicine yon sent the was duly received nn
Lice I of April. I have
. sold about o ne h a lt
of it. and so Mr the people who have iNied it
are sattAed hint i ca
certainly stopped the Ague in every one who
has used it; and six of the eases were of long
standing. My sister, who has had tt for five
or stx years .back, and could never get it
stopped, except by Quinine, and that only as
ha w as she would take it, is now, I think, en•
tirely cured by your remedy.
Take no more Arsenic, 11,1-e-r--ry, Quinine,
Strychnine, or A nti- Feria its or medicines ,
any kind, the virtue of which is ow big, to such
Poisonous drugs. The most they can do is to
"break the chills", for a short time, w they
are sure to cause con-littitional maladies that
cease only with lite. Remember -that the
only Fever and •Ague remedy that is harniless
as well as sure, is
For sine hr drug.,4ists generally.
Aug. 6, 17:133. ly
OVes ! SIOTCS ! !
WErezipectfully solielt the alteration of
the public to , tur as-iortinent of Mae
1 Halls, Churches, Parlor,. &e.,:--warranhd lu
ire ;Imre heat with one third-lhe I, /horn any
oili t i• Healing 61,,ve in use. The large number
' which have been sold in this and other cities
and the constant an tnereasinfr etnain or
them, is shiTicient gurtintee of their superiority
over all other Watt nir Stovec, and we cheer
fully invite the strictest investigation of our
claims to the most perfect article of the Lind
in use. \\e also have a superior Cauldron,
for farinimr and chemical purposes, made on
the sante principle. tor whiell e claim only a
triatio he appreciati.d; e keep constantly
on hand an ass,-, l i m e u i of the leddiwr COOK
and 1 3 1 R 1,01? ST() V ; and are sole A gettis
1117.4 ' $ Prl !Lid nflki7l2: MI/7'LS. and 13', show's
rari va ( 0 1,- 0- P a r lor 6/,,res. holesale
D"aiers Vi ill be supplied at the lowest f oun d ry
prices.. NEM \ fi. \V ft
IZeLtil STA it 1/..0.1..ra.
N. E. Cur. liace clidad'a.
Sept. 10. 1855. 3:1:
ELT, k I • lUI'Z thP attentinn n
tone awl Grarel
teconclury tiip