Arouse. theft, fello o w %citizens, rep. , ,:t rOlefts . ,lOf rtolvt dtlfflytti-t!s' ns to measures, of 'policy, and suit* , alliatc 7 thi . , the gtetit principin of olor th)vertittivttt:--fOe i t!teautionfif . ttizi..7Statesr-- 1 he rights and citix.ettsfor jiht9 ty nnrl religious tolcit'attee, reji..ethig theoqiihiie - or corrojn;iind denier:lle corii nat ion. barred i6hpriiielpletind pibtopted'hy ins rimNes nt vat innee with-all these sacred ft.atuti:S of ottr'Uovertment. Al. • S . . , Chnirman ,9171, t'enlral niumillee. .7. Zig Republican tompiler. GETTYSSURG, PA. MONDAY MORNING, OCT. 8, 1855 Por Canal foinmll3fainOr. RSOLD PLUNIEIt. of Venarig,o Co. Demooratic Cciunty Ticket. Assembly, ISAAC ROBINSON, of ljautilionban. Commit:stoner, lIE'NUY A. PICKING, of Reading. Ildrector.of the Poor, GARRET BRINEERII(iFF, of Strabar.. - * County ,Auditor. • . JOHN 1.1.11:1'111AN, - of Mottutpleasant. County Treasurer. J. LAWRENCE SCHICK, of Gettysburg. Patal casualty. We record with regret the occurrence of a distressing casualty at Mineral Mills, obi Marsh creek, nri Thuresy week, which resulted in the death of Air. JOHN Kouit„, It appears that he had gone down into the "pit," to examine the working of • Some part , of the machinery, when he became dizzy, and tell over upon shaftin motion, by which one of his legs, was crushed-fiern the knee to the ankle; and one of his hands severely injured. Ills 'death ensued on Monday rnorning. 'llis ago about 4 -years. LARGE .Avrt,es.-11r. Pena Boman, of &remit) tow . 9 - hip, the other day, 'upon (tor table it petrol' Apples,. the . !argest of which measured lA' inches in. circumference. and weighed oneimmd—and: the other'waa not far below it. They . were emphatically '.big ap. T!achors' AssoOatioy of Adams county hII sit ititeiosting snd no doubt highly instruetiv* seiniquumarniecting. in this lAA* during Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday lust. Several laNeets connected with the art of reselling' weie ably discussed, end excellent and appropriate Addresses were delivered by Dr. idausees,.of York Springs, and 1)r. STK% of eastitown. Thu minutes will be published, e undherAninti. • a - 7 The ItOr.- RimSAT : -JOONSTON' w ,Pastor- of the Presbyterian Chiarch in thii'place, has ac cepted * call to the First. Presbyterian -Church, in Petnini-1111tuyial-and will lave for his new charge towards - the lasi of this month. 71he Pleabyteryo Carlisle met in the Presbyterian Church, in thiaplace, on Tuesday evening lira, and continued in session several days. - t o'Bear in mind, that Mr. GOBRECIIT'S Sale will tape place on Tuesday, the 30th inst. r7Rerelltvt, Denpats, that the Polls close at 7 o'clock in the evening of election day. Be sure that you' are do the ground in time. .r.7-I.fetnoerats.of Adams county,, whether t. .1 RAINS or SlibiES, turn out to the eleetiou on To atountier, Tuesday, the 9th. Give-the whole, or it least a part of the day to your country—and thereby aid in putting down the proscriptive . heresy of Know - Nothingism. Then, when the' battle is fought and won, you Can rest from your labere, and have the pleas ingstflection bes'ide that you discharged your duty faithfully end well, and assisted in the glorintis ee.bierement. boasts dour enemies. This is their ga rne now. They boasted of 20,000 majority itt professing to,speak "by the book." Yet Wise beat them 10,000. So in Tennessee—and now SO IN GEORGIA ! They may know the number on their lists, but do nut know how many are reliable. In this county their lead ers are out daily and nightly, endeavoring to keep the fractious elements of their party to gether till the election. If they are so certain of success, why these extraordiu;ry efforts ? Metuderats, let their boasts pass as tho,idie wind. and vote, and teach theM that their system has lost its power. 'Thus you do your duty to your party and your 'country. tea State Convention of Know Nothings wet at Carlisle wi Tuesday. The attendance was small. although some three hundred dele ptes wero expected. Simon Cameron was the leading spirit, and managed "the wires." 7'he nomination of .Yichran was endoe.sed ! making him the Know Nothing candidate for Can tu au ssioner. :ysbu rgers. .. ate ' --- __ Nothings arc making ade Aerate etfort to get spent the summer. Mrs. Taney- di e d o f p ara . ' been tolerated for a single day. Both parties. Two FaxTross.—Accordiag to the St. Louis against these midnight plotters, and all the Herald or Freedom states that...this distiiiguish- i t - Their meetings, here and lysis, and the daughter of yellow fever. They would have frowne d upon all such base appeals De guest there ate two branches of Know abuse their speakers can fling at the editor of ed Democratic statesman, formerly Governor of "P a sensation. , th e re, throughout the city, arc thinly attended, were both buried in one grave, on the firm of to the religious passions of the popul a ce. And Nothings in liissouri—uses who follow Mai- the Oimpikr will nut strange popular o rms i au At Kansas, has written a letter, renouncing his noticeable as the dying kick of the Col. Segal, near Old Point, on Monday. In I hope the country has nut retrograded in the lion and the other Doniplian. At a: merit concerning them and their despicable doinas. etaineetiOn with the Administration, and favor- I and only meeting a propoisition was favorably entertain- I By the way ; the editor of this paper has llo t ing the principles of the American Party.o_ ! secret older. The know Nothings nay rant I this sudden and double affliction the venerable scale of morals and republican integrity. ed : Itst„ to secure a unnot ur the two faction : : ' the time nor spec now, (even had he the in. noir. ,'ti einnaen YELL, of Arkansas, has been about Catholics and howl user foreigners, but Chief Justice will have the united sympathies Honest Whigs cannot fail to see through the on U. S. Senator, and 2d. to establish a fooddin:akin—la Inch he has nOi.) to notice ev er y dcad fm• ~,aft tpfirs ! Ile served as Colonel of the the is cast. The honestmas--es suspected, 'of all our eitizens.—Bd a. S,g I un "ednesday. , w flimsy veil of bigotry with which the Whir is to send South . gtn n emigrant, to Kansas. Siting. sneaking cur that would snap at In.; heels.— -a regiment of vokinteei•s, under T (Gen. A1.1.,,u w h o , Know Not hingisin stns hi 01:, p aw I ;lit oot, that , . . ts 'lt-rzn..y, , varri t - I lafwr L. now endeavorin to blindfold them. They - „ . story of the pant what reliance • fellow & Co. belong to Li ke .t Ac hi son branch of 1k has more important. work on hand, arid in AleXico, and was killed at the battle of there must he something rotten in it . but now, Pnil.loSa.laill.- (let. 2. ---The State Liquor f romknow the m IL---.N:.a. auidtes_it_a_pui_ut_iseaci:_out_the_oltl_stia e-V K '._•'buSl- linemista.-- This nails another now Noth- since it has been ta led. since it haa,hankau p ted T I,:iw 55 tilt into Operation to-day. A fe w iv taverns can he placed in that deceptive sheet. and they -- ; ness lint. and pleasure atterwaids." ____ can judge from. that what it will resort to in, Massachusetts. ! , ~.,___ „ I ing fiasetio.A. ' Philadelphia, and causer the streets oil:mein ! have closed, but others continue in operation The Know Nothings of Mas;:iclovetis. have u„.. ./ .i,ew are of spurious tiekels. - See that I - - - Hall and Louisville to Bow a ith blood, the order to Gain its ends. 'fhey will, therefore, under their licenses. which run till May next, 4:5 Hon. Arnold Plumer. ! your ballots contain none but the names of ; had a blow up. Gov. Gardiner, tlic God of 1 'Phis gentleman attended the Agricultural die Democratic candidates.brand imposition.—Phi h.. .11 .ru.s. pro , erilition - tor con,eience sale,-under the their idolatry lastyear. has htten - over- _ ___ _._ _________.__________ ' Fair. at liarrisburg, and won phlen opinions _ _. •,. • Some others hat bCen arrested oil the char- ' ~e mask of set vin g the intere,ts and reputation of board, and Julio:, Rockwell nominated in his t.;-- - We regret that several communications, , Fr 7- The K __now Nothings of Kilo\ county, selling contrary to 1:oe. The cuii,.iiiationality intended for this number came to hand too , 'Min "ll ' b Y 1 " s " bane and g cnitel "" l Y de- the country. Protestants and Catholic-3 have stead. The Boston Ike, a' Know Nothing pa- late for insertion. . portment. Mr. P. has a fast hold on - The attee- I mliana, in stets of three hundred French o f t h e l as , w ill b e t c ,t e ,l. (),,, I ,,, vern hi , clic ,. Cat holies in and about Vince:lnes. who al ways ever been living in tins courtly in the most per, charge,: Henry Wilson, the Know Nothing, - Lions of die people of Penu,ylvania. as will lie is giving away lus stock of in older to n---,-. Vu:cd, the Whie ticket. are thinktua Aura this- intimate and soeial bowl, of fiat:al.:hip. r acy pen - sing with the Catholic test:. close busmeas. have, Cm ail ocr i , ma,. :late,' titer and (aim _ • .1.. o to , Mit oCti‘ ICM • • -1- • I.'. j• itt • acs - •• Ent gaping to 31r. - • abundantly inamfeNte.l the iinza i..11 , ;e vote are announced in the Carlisle papers to speak : c Itrigerg - itt, %Vnrcc_sicr; --- ••/'llbhic Ihr who!' thing - at a - Witioe Springs, ratic meeting at Boiling Sprin, lie \yid r.:ceivc at tilt Ck tion to uiw ruts, (A:aerie:in 'arty) 14 ii , Cumbtrlaadc , ,unty, 31un , ; 11.1 y , . . ANOTHER WORD! I'siEA , :its. m_%itTiN, 11ENIM'IL:1S' %.`ll WILLIAM ! The election is at hand. ,4o.niorrow (Tuts- ! • )r;oN WYrill*AWS i'iti - " THE MU), AN9 da y) 11 . 10 Pe 6 Ple 01 Atkins county will be called : ' . . . THOMAS NICHOLSON, upon to :exercise one of the dearest rights A RANK ABOLITION KtiOW NoTHING,-NOMINA TED MI: whjch belong to Freetnen. :Are you prepared i GANAL COMMI.'3MONER ! for perforating the,. duty of exercising .-this this -` , , . ..I / few of the 411einherS of the Central' commit great privilege TO you, Derwiciats. we have say, you are engaged in a confl'ct with ' tees of the Know Nothings' self-styled' Repub an enemy w nch will resort to any means to ii . eauT-and--Whig-s-rinet-i-tra-bmk-roonr of - Herr't, secure their ends. BE,ON YOCIt GUARD ! Hotel, at Harrisburg, on Thursday night week , Yours i; a noble cause. Be . not recreant to for, the purpose of concentrating upon one can didate fur Canal Commis:,ioner, in order, as )our duty. but go to the Polls to a man, and therefrecord such a x-erdiet against bigotry and they said, of making,sure to defeat/ Mr. l'l.i intolerance ns Will strike terror and dismay t o NEtt, the DemOcratie nominee. :'after a long the hearts of the enemies of our Constitution. Ilew•Nvow, they agreed to drop all the regular -TO-the honest Whirs of the county we wStad ly nominated candidates,and unite upon Twin say, you r have remained 'true to your party, AS :Nietiol.stis,_at. prtsent a clerk in the 'freas while thousands have deserted it, and turned my Departme,nt at — thirrisburg, and au old traitot a to its principles. But you have no office-hunter. , . ticket in the field, to which you may yield your support. Which will you_ vote fur ? The Know Notlfings profess to entertain as chief object the breaking up of the old parties, and proscribe every man who will not debai,e hiMself to enter their (kn.; oldarkness. The triumph of the Detnocraic ticket will he tho triumph of principle over trickery and dee,ep- tion, To all we sny, deposit your votes in favor of open, and manly political action—in favor of civil and religious liberty. Do this, and a victory will be gained of which the friends of law and or way well be proud. VOTERS. LOOK OUT FOR THE Emissaries of the Know Nothings ! At this time the county it travelled by a set of men whose daily vocation is to utter the most shameless slanders and unblushing ; lies against the Detnoctitic nominees. They ace pursued by • these men in a manner that can not fait to bring upon the authors of the slanr tiers the contempt of every honest man in the colinty. Wit CAUTION TM: PEOPLE AG INAT Taiessmats, and-ask them to treat these villitiers with the scorn they deserve. They have not, and cannot utter one word. in ti nth. against the ptivate or politi character of any of the Detnocratic candidates. This they know, and have, therefore, resortid to this -representations of every character for the [me ' pose of stealing from them- the cinifidence of the people. Such a eourse must recoil upon their . own nominees, and they - will find that the true and honest citizens . of Adams county -Committees On belodr of the Whigs, the Re pullicanN and Know„ Nothings r‘,=,toned to awt, for the independent yeomanry of the Keystone State, and, in the small hours of night, in some retired room of a Hotel, fell t h e p eo pl e w h a t they must do to defeat the Denmei atic party. Simon Cameron; as the leading spirit, aided hy cannot be influenced by such men and such Jegunel Todd, of Contht - nliintf county, repre miserable electioneering tricks. Again we—seined the know Nothings--Jessup. of Sus caution our frii nds to be on their guard—look i q uehanna, with smne kindred spirits. were the spokesmen of the self-st vied Repo 11l iettn.4.l4 out for them—watch titian at every turn —give the redoubtable editor, McClure, of Frat : • them no:quarter—and remember that theirlin, with a.sistants. acted for the old line object is to promote the ascendency of the 11Chigs. Kitove - N'inititigs led ()ll' for %Vitt. Know Nothing party at whateversacrifice of 15. Anderson, of Perry county 1 " a a fter a i s in , n . l c .) ,ste. l a c)ii.,, er(f wft 'e ( ct i i i ial7 Nmie , itLioa,n t h t truth, honesty and honor they may deem ne- ut u • oeSsory to accomplish that purpose. "Somebody Bound to be Cheated." '" assorted, without contradiction. that Mr. WILSON, the Know Nothing nominee for Assembly, has privatelit promised several landlords of the county, that if elected to the Legislature ho will vote tin* the repeal of, the -Jug Law.," This is of course done to get their votes. It so happens, hoWever, that whilst ho is making this, promise, the leading Know Nothings of this Borough are manamvre ing to secure • for hint the entire Temperance vote. an argument that Mr. Wilson has always been an avowed and uncompromi sing Temperance man c and that though he may vote for the repeal of the Jug Law, if he does, it will only• be v:=itir the - hope that 'he can secure the - enactment of a more stringent law. Now, we submit it to every honest voter, whether one side or t h a other is not bound to be cheated. It cannot be otherwise—for the design is such. What confidence, then, is there to be placed in a candidate, who, just before an election, occupies conflicting posi tions, to suit every shade of conflicting opin ions! The people will not endorse such low and among other reasons for standing aloof from the infamous combination., Mr. Wiling ten gives the following. to which -we ask the serious consideration of every Tax- payer._ Tlie eawasitacr says : I "'There was another reason why the Whig Committee could not recommend lii Nich olson to. the support of the IVhig voters of Lancastereoutity. His *iniecedents are not of the right character. It is well understood that when a Clerk in the State Tteasurer's ()Pict:, some live vents ago, he drew the salary appro . primed by law litr he,: clerks —the business of Beware of Lyino Documents ! the office one clerk to be dispensed with—but the pay was retained. In an office The Know Nothings, we are informed, are r,,0 important and pecoliar as that of Canal circulating in the country documents contain- uommiz.sioner, where temptatiou besets the jog the Address of their Elecutive Committee, incumbent on every hand, a propensity of the d - other artieles.of alt v verm ifor cli. - kind irldik-vd , --itt tilt - LIP/ 41 4n , itf kVl.'g corn ivas not desirable, and with his past ecter. Place no reliance upon its assertion:4— history beftwe them, they (amid not recommend Mr. N'icliolsott to public atippta t." There ate know Nothings even who will not : f ire in to the nomination of Nicholson.— The Daily Bulletin, the organ.ot the K. N's. in Allegheny Uity, boldly inotest.s against it, as follows : "We leant by telegraph this morning, that sell constituted fusion committee in curnung. for they are false and calculated to deceive. To prove bow little credit can be given the statements of the Address, we refer to the communication of "One who Knom s," on our first page. Ile proves then to be deliberately false. But the blackest part of the affair is, that Know Nothings, who pretend to have s'n nitich regard for outrage the holy 5.11114,1111 by employing it in circulating these lying doc uments! A pretty picture of hypocrisy, is it not 1' No Go ! We arc reliably inthrtned that the Know Nothing meetings which have been held in the northern and western parts of the county„ were very, very slimly attended, the Gettys burg "delegation" generally constituting ationt the half. At Bendersville they expected a monster demonstration—but: the upshot was that the attendance did not number more than a few dozens, and nearly the half of them Gettysburgers. The fact is, the PI.:()PI,F, Martin, Henderson and Williatnson hare therefore been withdrawn, to inahe room for a red-mmaked .111mItWim linnw 'Voila's . * "A titi- Nebraska" is the plea for this extraordinary proceeding, but 'Wiz Npoi/s7 arc at the bottom of it. • That Know Nothings and Abolitionists should fuze is not astonishing-, but that any %I'l►ig should take part or lot in the bargain, is strange. Indeed, we cannot be lieve that :my considerable number of that party will give a moment's countenance to it, much less endorse it by voting for Nicholson. We do not fear the result, but deplore the inoral baseness Anil pclitiral ':obliquity which characterize the doings of the opposi tion leaders. Thousands of Democrats' who were decoyed into the dens a year ago, will have their Tyes opened by this vile Abolition Know Nothing inanwuvre. and return to their first love; and thousands of honest Whigs, v‘ho have no sympathy with, Know Nothingism or Abolitionism, will de:,ert those leaders who have basely betrayed them, and vote with the Democratic party. which now stands al o ne, the sole champion of the , ,Cunstantion and the Union. The lhrrisburg Patriot road L'itb,n gives us I a sketch of the doings anti characters who um! 81 the caucus heaver, and now chief clerk of the State Treasury, and on a vote uf-sis to five. Nichol son was declared - the candidate of this most iniquitous of all the political amalgamations the country has ever heard Qt. The address of the Demociatie State Com mittee, in another,column, treats this subject with much truth . and ability. It should he carefully read. _ • _ _ Thomas Nicholson—ls He Honest'? 11E41) 711 1 1 E871 MOS F ! The Lancaster Exfwaner fp Herald, the . leading Whig paper of the State, doe 4 not -and will not endorse the bargain between Cameron, Wilmot, Steven~ & Co., by which Nicholp,on is irinde - a — candidate for ('anal Commissioner ; CIEMI Philadelphia, has nominated a man by the 11:11/IC of :s.icholson, and that Peter Martin, the American candidate, declines the honor eon fermi-upon him by the American party of Pennsylvania. We hope, it' the report is true. that the American party of the West will not touch any candidate put in nomination by such a self-constituted crowd of political tricksters. There is still an American in the !ield who never flinches from his principles ; and if the American Know Nothing , party have droppial their nominee. we hope that the American party of the West will vote as one man for Kim tier Cleaver. AN I/Uhl/Oil/CM. tncu and Atiltle:MS, we of the West wall accept of no candidate 11 ho is the spawn of Philadelphia Committees." 11(1N. AttcnittAtm YELL.—The lia;-erstown LAST l;ASI , OP A. DTI NI; READ AND RVFLECT! TO THE EDITOR OF THE "STAR." . • ,Ills. smpi/E.v.;, 1 , ;(111G 1.1, v Know Nothingism again Floored! „.0,1 !VI e rue': en another plan to boa 7r .K.VU IV SUM LNG MN. 111 k WORK GOES BRAVELY ON the people of m this comity. It is soethiitg new, and you are intelligent enough to think. We find in the ~Iffscon (Ga.) ?efrgraph, a re.. A n ei c erion for Covcrnor, Members of Core. that lacuple in general ar e fond of novelty. so port of the speeches delivered at a grand inass gress. - and of the Legislature, took place in they are, ,f,ur yon cannot think, I hope, to Meeting of Democrats and anti-Know Nothings Georgia last week, and returns from more n i iakeany intelligent,mancla,ili i 1 ev i e , there is any tim:: new in 11117der tilIS 11WV Nothing in (;ji jui n , Ga., on Thursday, ,the Gth, than two.thild, of the State elterringlY -41114---I VReciitive Address which 1 am alluding to. 'fl ere 4 is novelty in the eionerr, I must confess, but we ate not Know Nothing enotigh vet (6 - think the same of the ityrtkr. Volt artoftcoil! se - te - 1 - 17v r the fit her of the whole ann.. and to give it an' air (al imeortanee and authority yeti have in duced the n• her gentlemen to give it the weight - . of their 11,1111 P,, /010tVing that the worth of t',eir charteter would also accompany that of tl sirs sienateres.• lint as for the stuff. every body 1, - eoa s t hat it is only a rcpititwn of e hat has appeared in the t Star," under different Ita . ds and shapes. 'from week to Week, ever :.itice you brlrtirel Neely and apostatized front' the Whig party. You feared that the people might suspect you of insiocei it y. the saint that you played off last fall in regard to poor Neely, and you struck upon this plan to convince them that this- time you mean what, you say, and that- you Will not deceive them any more, if they forget the past.' This shows what an ingenious man you are, and I am glad that you have made such a tasty selection in the forma tion of tliis your "Cabinet:" Of - course yen are-"the whole world,'' (in your own eyes.) and your 'companions "the rest of mankind ; " and of course we may expect something rich (tout your joint labors. I have not the pleas tire_ of being acquainted with all your Cabinet ; but 1 am sure they are congenial sprits ; men that are proverbial for candor and straightfor wordnep—men of veracity, who would not sign pledges lobe broken for the sake of nominations or ell - ices—who would not thrust themselves into Democratic*private meetings, under false pretences, and communicate to yen all they heard, at 4 'edit more. With such political saints as you are now associated, you cannot fail to do a great amount of good. ' Your coun try will fhrever revere your memories awl your set vices. Yon no 'doubt will have the gratification of beholding, with . your own eyes, munun.ents springing up in every gaunt it, and bearing - all sorts of noble and saintly devices, •in testimony of your unbounded worth, and fruitful and eomidentlabors. • - But, astute as you are, nevertheless, I per ceiye one grand mistake that has crept . into your Address. It most inevitably conflicts with the letter and spirit of the Constitution of the United - States. You should have Ameri canized your feelings and habits a little more , by perusingstudying and that immortal doc ument', before you issued your KnowcNothing dectees. You should know that all panties- in thesd. United States should adopt the Constitu tion as„ their paramount platfonal, and build up nothing_that has not that "Magna ('harta” as its foundation. This you have oyetlooked; iloubtless, because you'aie unacquainted with the' laws -of AineriCa. You should, by all 'means, have put some legal men on your com mittee, so that. your proceedings might square with law, as well as logic. For your edifica tion, I will now inform you wherein you vio hued the letter and spirit of the Constitution. The Constitution declares that "No relagious , test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the "United States"—and - that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishmen t of religion, or ohiliting the free exircise thereof." Now, if the Constitution of the United States were fa vored fur one moment with animal life and speech, it would rise up against your bigoted and proscriptive hypocrisy, when you say you wage - no war against any man because of his political or rekeioas belief, but you decline hieing Catholics your support ;—when •you• say you accord every man (magnanituus generositY !) the right to. worship God accor ding to the dictates of his own conscience:" anti yet tel! the Catholic in advance, no matter what his civil qualifications may he, that you can never support bun for any o(ice, because his ronscience may dictate the worship of his God in the Catholic. chinch, Your • platform, too, how beautifully does it square with the ConstantiJn, and these (potations from your Address. Of course your ()rler is founded on • the Philadelphia plat tOrm, and you arecertain ly aware that, respectable melt were excluded from participating in a political Know Nothing CO:mention. at the City of "Brotherly Love," some time ago, and when your present plat-. form was framed, on account of their religion ;• because they chose to worship God according. to the dictates of their own conscience. In the' face of this, you and your committee brethren have the till-outcry, the hypocrisy; to avi.ivr that you accord to every ratan the right to wor- -, L....hip God according to the dictates ut his own consci e nce .- - The lions tit here shall he no religious trst—the Philadelphia pla.tferin says there ohall be a, religious test, and conse quently excludes Cathuhes ; you mast subscribe to the platlbrin ; and hence your hypocrisy itt saying you accord to every man the right to worship God according to the dictates of his conscience. froth w h ic h we clip the following extract‘z from the remarks made by the I n. A. 11.4ephens, n candidate for re-elect ion to Congre'ss frmn that State. The remarhs of Mr. Stephens will be read with great interest. Ile has long been known as a prominent ‘Vhig SN•pheus said he want.Tl the penplo to hear his words and icuiember them, lle came to speak not, to their passions, I ,ut to their reason—not to their heart;, but to heir heads. Ile had confidence in' the; people and their ca pacity to govern tht•in.,elves. The..• need e d n o 4 -secret dictators, vicl he ha i l n o Mean f or t h e result when he saw them, as - then. feeling an interest in public affairs, and determined to • examine into them. The question was merely • this. Were they willing to live under the Constitution of their fathers, Or did they want another ? We have formerly diffored about measumv, but now the difference was about a firm of Currrnncnl. The Know Nothings propose to substitute their supreme council for the present.t , loverninent" and their Constitu tion for the Constitution of the country.' Let th e peql e elmose. Which - would they have— the Constitution of their Fathers, oythat of the Kuow Nothing Conned ? That was the real question. He hail the Know Nothing Consti tution in his kind. It was genuine and he knew it. It declared that the ,Supreme Na tional Council should -'decide all matters_ap pet taining to 'National politics," that it should have power to ••mx" and power to • 'punish" 4thotit limitation or restriction: This was more power than was claimed for Congress.— I fur thretathers guarded our liberties with checks and balances. It minle the Senate a check upon the Clouse—the President a check upon the Senate, and. the Judiciary a cheek upon the President. Ent this party claimed all these powers for its secret National Coun cil alone. Licre was power to decide our na tional politics—power to tax and to runtish— power over Lhc swm d and power over the purse ShOrt, all the great powers Of government in the hands of a few men. and melt riot cho•en by the people at that. What then was the use of our Constitution or of OLIF government ? This party made another Constitution and gov ernment fur its. NVonld a freinnan acknowledge the right to ///x hint ? To punish him ?, To decide all political questions for-him' What was the question'? Ihd the people want a new government Were they _tired of the Constitution of Jefferson and Washington _and Flauldin ? They must choose between thew. They must say whether they Wanted another form of liovernment. • Ile held in his handAlle two Constitutions.. The one made by .our lathers, the other by the Know Nothings.— Choose ye, this day, which of the two ye will have. " Let the people •think of this K. N. Constitution. Let-them remember it • - powers to decide national - poli tics --powers - to 0\ the people—powers to punish, yes to pah lAll the irremoi of these. ['tilted Mates. Fight :igailist this nionster—tight thr the Constitu tion of yoitr eon nt ry. Don't stop with beating it Cut its head clean off iu October nest; so that it will trouble you no snore. lie had corn fidenee in the people, and he knew they would do it. 6o out, front now till the day of deo t ion. ,spiced you/wires tier the Constitution.— To the old and young man, the rich and the poor Matt. lie would soy, yretid y,nst.o lie ivollid eVell appeal to his to come Into the contest. Let no. , i • their sons—the V 1 tell their 1.. i• - damsels tt•IU Owl!. sweet Itear.s to Lattl(•. -and pier((! I htaiseleev. ••1 .(Ives. i say. fur liherty consul.. the t'uo:,ut otion ut their country. CONSISTENCY ! Know Nothing editors and speakers have the assurance to ask old lino Henry Clay Whigs to vote for the dark-lantern candidates, "for the love they bore the Sage of Ashland :" Were Henry Clay alive he would scorn and spit upon the midnight plotters nod their prin ciples,' as does his gallant son., But how do the Know Nothings of Kentucky revere the memory of the departed Statesman Why, they elect to Congress front the Ashland district, Dr. A. K. 'Marshall, who declared that he Wed Mr. (lrry he leis "hear! of hearts"— who wished he !yeti ••t coo hearts" /hut, he might hale ! This is no fancy sketch —hut the honest truth. "Americanism." fAs its name implies, the American Party seeks to .iniericaniz,. the fteliugs and habits of I_,A4A.c." . Prim- • h dress published in the Slue and Me Sentinel. (ll7'Ainericanize". them after the Know Nothing fashion, We suppose. To make theta take wicked and uneimstitutional oaths that they ‘vill deprive fellow citizens of just Tights, and proscribe alt who. do not endorse the cor rupt doings of unprincipled political aspirants —to make them scour pightill the high-ways and by-ways, to seduce the honest and unsus peeling into their dad: dens short, to school them itl falsehood and deceftioln, and end by sweriling theca to lie. Ilea en pt;escrve this Republic from such lutcrieai Tsui a -- .)-A bold attempt has been made to trade oil the old Whig party, "body and breeches," to the Know Nothings ftnd Abolitionists, by the nomination of Nicuot.sox for Canal Com inthsioner : and they are expected to acquiesce in this bargain, which a few ur the leaders have made with Cameron, 1V il mot Co., with out halting or objecting. But will they do it ? We think not. • rit,s, tlic tirne JUG .1(.. 1()1-16 at Laud. rate the election of JOHNS+ ).):, Democrat,' for (gym error, by from 7.0(u) to 10.000 . mkjor ity !' and :he defeat of nearly every ,•--- Notltinr candirlate frr Con.2,tes:, !! Messr.s. Conn and STEpny.xs ate elected by large joritits. Nw,v, I\t‘. sTioNE voi - u 1:Low The majority for Pea , ;e, ( , 1 , .m,) - for Gover nor, is 7,237 : for 'tunnels, (dem.) for Lieut. ( ;nvernor , 3.250. Against —the r. S. Cong.ICSA Debt Lill. 1.474 majotity. lion. P. IL (diem.) majority for Congress, is 5,94. Hon. Matt. Ward's (dem.) majority. also for Con gress, so far, is . 28. The counties of Orange and JefierSon are yet to hear from, though one_ paper gives what purports to the entire vote, making ,Ward's majority 230. This is not Matt. Ward, of Louisville, but arilionol able and able man. Trouble in the Camp. It apiears that the Know Nothing National Council is "in pecuniary trouble," and wants the brethren to make prompt payment of "the semi-annual assessment." Where do these assessments go 1, Is money used to control elections, or do the TIYrANI : S and the Gwrouns of the order find it, a profitable thing to act ns Presidents and Secretaries of Grand Councils? The following Circular has been sent to the various subordinate Councils SECRETARCS OFFICE, S. C. or• PA. Philadelphia, Sept., 1855. thtorrrEit :—Ynn are hereby notified that a stated meeting of the S. Q.. Will be held on the 211 of October next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at Marionllail, on Main street, in the borough of Yon are requested to inform your, colleagues of said meeting, and conimunicate to them the P. W. You will bring with you or foi ward the quarterly report.tif -your Council, also tho semi annual assessment due October 2d, as the term ends on that (late. It is hi: , hly impnrlaril that you should pay the t‘enn-an4al as,,Fessinent, AS WE ARE LABDr.i.y . INDEBTED 4) TnE NATIONAL COI•Nell„ AND THEY ARE IN PECUNIARY TROUELE. The Puss NVord by which you will he ad mitted is 20, 2, 25, 10. 9. 17, 24. 11. 12. T. 1,. G IFFO Secretary: The Coast il ail() of the U. States, • _V .u.sus KNOW NOTHING OATHS. "No religious test Anil ever be required as a qualification to any ofli•e ox public trust un. der the Un ted Stiles. •'—Constiiution,: Gated Stales. "Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise the' eof."—Cunstitution. United Ist. Ile \, ' \ • L L :'1(/ ,•li lic+l, 1 , 01 1' y;Fte, nor 1:4111. tr, , -.l;y luau. Ir , i fogy office L;.. l u iie he an -9azer -1,, . ~ y i . • ,Xtilt.ticans ruling \ ! , •.r twr ii be lie a Raman eathrilic."- 1, - ,,,,,t• ' ~;,l igalian, degree (nuucil. ' ‘)‘". do solemnly znal sincerely swenc *. that, if it may ).,e clone legally. you will when elected o r appointed to any official station,- conferring on you the pow er to do O. remove all foteigners. aliens or . Iron!, oth.e or fita& - t — and that you will, in no cle-e, appoint si , cn to any office or place hr your gift." --Kimu, Sol/zing 2nd degree Council. 1 1.7 - If the above does not PROVE the objects of Know Nuthingism to be violative of the Con stitution of the United Staten—thy very *Char ter of our liberties —then we would like to know what the plain English of it is. EDITOR. these days of strange events, one ought lint to be astonished- at any thing : but I confess that the •course of your neighbor of the "Adams Sentinel" for some time, bet for the la4t few ‘‘ . •evkl - ; in - particular, has struck I Inc as Moro titan ordinarily won derful. --T4nin 016 NW - issues o ns paper previous tip the last, I was led to hope traekr. Harper had ,t last, (at the eleventh" hour th o u g h it he,) determined to stand up like a man for his long avowed principles v. but his paper of Monday last dissipated every gleam of sunshine thus ailuriled, and - I am - 16 reed to look upon _him as designedly and knowingly playing into the hands of the Know Nothing party. Else why so avillingly allow hid jour nal to be the vehicle for spreading Know N 9• thing electioneering articles ? Wherefore, I say, do this, in the face of Els pretended all one-sided affection for the old Wing party ? The matter k unsolvable to me, and. I call at tention to it "more in sorrow than in anger.'' Mr. Harper has lost more c onfide nce i n a wee k titan Ite can repair in months. PATIV)N, VEATiI op MRs. TANEY AND DArGuTEE..— Wc regret to have to announce that the Nor -6)1I; boat yesterday brought the intelligence of the death anil burial of the wik. and youngest daughter of Chief Justice Taney, of this 61) ANS MEM 1),:,11,) 1 / 4 ;t V. ,11.‘; 11l Si Irrh; GEORGIA O. K, ! Texas Elections Mrni,hty God, Bud promise l'or the rotnpilor EMI OE The Editor of the Star, I observe, is driven to wonderful extremes, by the violence of the, malice he seems to entertain for those that dif fer with him in his proscriptive policy. 'An occasional perusal of his columns, I think, will have a beneficial tendency at this particular period of political madness. It will serve to show the danger that is to be apprehended, and t he evils that must result. from an order tint swears its adherents to suppoit such Men and Illeft,lllTA as a majority of the secret coun cils may dictate, "though it may conflict with their personal preference." It will have a beneficial tendency, I believe, in dissuading men of al! parties from joining this anti-repub lican and anti-christian order—and from giving it the aid of their support. It is high time. for all who have the reputation of their country at heart to be up and doing. When the Whig and Demociatic .parties were the only political partivs of the land, uo such proscrip tive measures and practices as arc resorted to 23.• , air ro. vocatic Lits new or fir, could have MGM iuiuglcd In the true It , Jf tt,;tceably ttttil tic ictietr 411t1 tutt:uttuttz, ofouz For till , Cosniaer For the CompEer