The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, September 17, 1855, Image 3

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    R tieitoan Ems:et:ens —The report of the di- i REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY -1-- •--
rectors of the Harrisburg, Portsmouth. Mount I _. ..._ .._ . ___________ _ .._____L, _,, . .
THE BATTLE OP THE TCHERNAYA. Joy anti Lancaster Railroad Company, sub- At. Public Sale. - -
_ ( Ike a 1 E sla 1e ! •
• mitted to the stockholders at their annual._ .
• rpm; Subscriber, tetendine to • remove to JMIE r Subscriber, Assignee of JACOB Beam
aLD.esparate_an_d_Blogarly Engagemen t . meetine• on Friday ,sows the . Bross receipts I L . the West; will offer at Public Sale, on Ea, will o ff er at Public Sale, on the
4 'l' 1 -
The E n tsiish files by 'the .Arago, at New ; for the fiscal yea r 1 0 he„."-i343,743 68, and the . the premises, on .this,a - •sitey, - th - c -- ‘25 - t4dtry -- of -- pretrris - ese - taa -- teeurdrry - t - he-13t-k-__:rirry-ef-Oe--
d - kajis of the, b att l e o f th e . gross expenses :5•198. 840 41—leaving a pro. c pstoirce viext, , tuber nen', the following Real Estate of said -
York, have full_
fit to the stockholders, after paying the inter- ! HIS F. A-41: 11,1 , • .._. Assignor, viz; A TRACT OF . LAND,
, situate. i n Cumberland township, - Adams
Tchernaya,. of which • we have heretofore had_. . .
f rom est on the fended debt and current expenses, , situate in Libertvireivaship, Adatns county,
—l tr i e e raeeoun ts copy the following
''. - $l - 24 - , - 230 - Wased - a -- surplirs -- of - $18;929 -- 89 -afl"--adjoinktg-- f" -nds-of- John-Miller 4ilant-Tre_sas_,___' coaniy_eastjoining lan_de of Alexander Came n as.
the London Times : ,
ter paying a dividend of per cent on the cep-1 ler, Widow Zollinger, and the S tate line, oon:1 James Thompson, and others, containing 39
S''' j
;fat stock of the Company. . ' s taining,- 01011. acres, more or lose, ahont 1.5 ACreS, more or less, about 8 acres being
ofk-o food cultivation.
Encouraged, it may be, by the arrival of a 1 _ . _
.._. _
____________ . _
_, _ _
__ acres being Timber,"anit about 10 acres Mea
' of the Grenadiers, and probably urged
portion 1 frr Tin: Pot-r somewhere speaks of : "winter lingering ' dow . The land is under good cultivation and
a n Ln e4 o '
s:al Two-story lebrle N.til.ti:
r f ie G nsgi
isi li n l
g O ti U , S ti,eo b rr .: z , . ..:,..i :
i ."
.1,1. , 7 :1_
personages at St.
on by the impatience of high
in the lap of - sp;ini.” which it itee , la no poet to tell ' let is
good . • fencing. Tit; improvements
~,.,, , . :,,
Petersburg, the Russian General determined , the as.3e. this season, the la , t two days, have been decidedly ,
on an-attack on the allied . position, and made wintry. Nor floes ft need name. to inform the pnblic that area - one and a half - story LOG . .-,
for all sorts of weather there is a very abundant prow i 61,114 H 0 US K,Bank Bar n ,W a go n •- .
preparations .for manY•days, with a- disregard or suitable and fashion-dile elothincat aockhill & Wllsou's L .. i ~ . .' ' '
shed, and Corn Crib, with other ,-: -. Is a neyei-failing Spring of Water near the
o f ea -ne m , which revealed his plans, a u d, b ut cheap store. No, ill eile.l:3l street, corner or Franklin
Plilladelithia, July lit, 1835, •2ra i outbuildings ; and two Tenant Houses.— ititcheit" door—also on the premises, a variety
for extraordinary remissness, -should have i Place- _____7
There are three excellent Sprinee near the dlr. of Fruit trees.
caused their ; snore easy discomfiture. 11 -,-r - s en.t.s. an unfailing Remedy for all dia. ! , ef`
• At last,. on -the morning of the 16th, the Rtes- ' orders of the Chest an d Lungs -Oliver Thomp...on. of Little 1 ferent dwellings, and a stream of water taro ' . Se - Persons wishing* to view the property,
e .
e j an4 _ pouring down the sleep sill; tfieir po-
Full.. New York, was certainly in a mast deplorable Qtate the Farm ; two first-rate Apple Orchards on are requested to call upon Mr. Beamer, resid
er health ten weeks ago; hia itinga, so the doctors told him,' the premises,
a nion, and levelled by the mist, without cry were completely g one.'his. chest, and in fact his body gen. ' with a variety of ether fruit. ' ing thereon. .
or b e at of drain, burst upon. the -Piedmontese orally', bbl sca d re de l7 an 31 1 7 of flesh it, s h o thlt i c- 1 1:ad . he , - Persons wishing to view the Farm, are re- SiiirSnle to commence at 1 o'clock, P. 11.,
quested to call •on the subscriber, residing on said day, when attendance will he given
position;slriving in thenutposts, they reached -, 1
' p.eqe - 1 2 ., e - "Alta lets' ts t, ° ) u erec . es is ( . these aaresble:°4lll w hich c um-
the ITchernaya, forded •the narrow stream, and . has ju.t called on Profevor Ileiloway to inform him, that I . and terms made known by
• ' !alt these complaints have been removed by ilfdloway's : KrAlso, at the same time and place, will , A BIZAHAM SPANGLER, ....
nritwithstanding a heavy fusilade from the •
t rine after he had used them for seven weeks and two flays, ibe sold • 1 Horse,•l Cult, 1 Ccw„3 Saws, an Sept. 10, 1€1.5. as , ire.
Zona ves, rushed upon the allied camp. They • and he now feels better than ever he did in his life. Them) , • - Sig/
I Pill, will readily remove all diseases of the stomach and ± excellent Buggy; Two-horse Wagon, Ploughs
a tti,leked Iwo -Fte{/eit regiments; in front -and
.1,-,e-sk. • • I and Harrows, and other farming implements
fl an k with a desperate bayonet charge, and a
hot eontest.ensued, in which Gen. D'Herbil- I ' MARRIED Or-Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A.
l -oir, with-10,000-inea r hatiste-sustain the-at e - - when attendance will be
tack of the 'Russians, who probahly by this given and terms made known by
tilde/lad brought a "much larger force into ac
tions ' . Sept. 17,1815_. is EZRA MILLER.'
The first rush did not-last more than ten
minutes. 'Tile Riissidns fell back, but - they
had scarcely gone a few hundred-yards when
they were met by the second column, which
was advancing a pas de charge to support the
first, and both-united and again rushed tor Ward.,
This second attemptwas more successful than
the first. At the. bridge they forded the river
on the right and left, and forced the defenders
of it to fall back; scarcely was the bridge free,
when two guns of the Fifth Light Brigade of
Artillery crossed it and• wok up. a position on
the other side in an open space which divides
two of the hillocks, and through which the
roads lead to the plain of Balaklava.—While
those two guns passed the bridge, a third .
crossed the river by a ford, and all three be
gan to sweep the road and the heights.
• The infantry, in the meantime, without
waiting . e• portable bridges, rushed breast
deep into the w er, climbed up the embank
ment, and began to scale the heights on both
sides. They succeeded on this point in get
ting up more than one half of the ascent, where
* . the dead and wounded afterwards showed
clearly the mark
. which they reached ; but
by•the• time they arrived there-the French were
fully-prepared, and met them in the most gal
lant style. -. Notwithstanding,' the exertions
and •thes.perseverance,-of- the Russians,
were, by: degrees, forced hadk, and-driven, af
ter an obstinate resistance, across the bridge,
• carrying away their guns.
' While this-attack took -plaee on• the bridge
the- other column again attacked the French
right, This - time they came on in such a
- swarm that they were 'neitheP kept back by
the . aqueduct -nor • cowed by the Sardinian
guns, which were plowing- long lanes through
• their scattered lines. .On they came, as it
seemed, irresistible, and rushed up the steep
hill with such fury-that the Zouaves, who
lined thesides of it, were obliged to fall back
for a moment before the-multitude. You could
plainly see- the officers leading the way and
.animatingtheir• soldiers. I. particularly ob
served one gallant fellow wha, at least twenty
yards in advance of the whole column, r w as
the first-across the aqueduct, and I could still
see him on the side-of-the-hill. This furious
rush brought the advancing eolitinn in an in
crenibly short time to the crest of the hillock,
where it •stopped to form. -
But the- French had not been idle during
the time that the Russians were ascending the
hill.—The Zouaves had only -Wien back from
. the side of theltillock to the mainbody, which
had been drawn up behind the top. Scarcely
did the column or The enemy show its head,
when the guns . opened on it with grape, and a
murderous fire-was poured down upon it by
the • French infantry. This immediately
'stopped ,the advance, of the column, w hich be
gan to-waver; bet the impetus from those be
hind Was so powerful that-the head of it, not
withstanding the unexpected reception, was
pushed forward a 'few *yards more, -when the
French, giving-one mighty cheer, rushed upon
the advancing' enemy, 'who, shaken already,
`finniediately • turned round and ran down, if
possible, faster • than they had come up. But
the mass was so great that all the hurry could
•not,saire them, and more than 200 prisoners
'were taken on the - spot, while the hillside,
the banks•of the aqueduct, the aqueduct:itself,
arid the river side were filled with dead and
wounded. The Sardinian and French artille
ry peered, moreover, a murderous crossfire
into the scattered remains of the column,, of
which scarcely a shot missed. .-It was a com
plete rout. The French rushed down the hill-
Side and drove them faracross the plain. The
'defeat seems to• have so completely cowed
them that nothin-gtdcgte-was-attempted-agaiiiii
this Side.
-Not so on • the bridge. Notwithstanding
the heavy loss suffered by the second attack,
the Russians concentrated once more all their
forces, collected the scattered remains of the
column Winch had been routed on the right of
the French position, and brought up all their
reserves to attempt. one more attack. They
again crossed the river, and the aqueduct too,
and tried to take the heights—but in vain;
the French were now thoroughly prepared,
and the tenacity of the Russians served only
to augment their losses. They were soon fly
inL.T, in all directions, followed by the French.
This first attack was decisive, and immediately
the usual Russian preparation for retreat—
namely, the!advance of the artillery—showed
clearly tharthe Russians acknowledged them
selves defeated, and were on the point of re
Everybody now rushed to the battlefield,
and one look was sufficient to convince them
that the allies had won a real battle on the
Tchernaya.—Although not quite so obstinate
and ' sancruinary as the battle of Inkermann,
which this affair resembled in many points,
it was a pitched battle. On the banks of the
nrpteduct particularly the sight was appalling;
the Russians, when scaling the embankment
of the aqueduct, were taken in flank by the
Sardinian batteries, and the dead and wounded
rolled , down the embankment, sometimes more
than twenty feet in height. The French made
every possible despatch to collect the wound
ed. They were laid on the open space about
the bridge until the ambulances arrived.—
While there the Russians, who could see
plainly that the French were engaged in bring
ing help to their own wretched countrymen,
suddenly began to open with their guns upon
them. repeating the barbarous practice which
they had already - often - previously shown Lathe
Pennsylvania Whig State Convention.
A KRIS ISURG, Sept. I.—Tile W big State OM-
Velltioll has notoinattxl Joseph Ilemkr:>on, of
Washington county. for Canal Cotorms:,ioner.
the the first ballot ilend&rson receivetl 20 votes,
Passtoore 6, R. M. Lemon 1. The
whole proceolitrrs were very tame. Tltc reso
-hitiotm pled o . -
ly delegates were picz,ent.
great k to take place
Ilayrk,!) , ,r,;', Lid., 0:1 the '-:;?h1 1110
On the 13th inst.,-by Res. R. Hill, Rev- JACOB FRET,
Pastor of the rjr,t 'Lutheran Church of Carlisle; Pa., to Miss
ELIZ A JANE WATTLES, of this 'dare.
On the suno day, by 1.1 u; SAIIIP, Mr. HENRY 11,. WINT
RODE to Miss REBECCA WEI &CRT, both or Adams coun
On th - e — llth inst.. by Rev.J.Ulrich. Mr. JORN 11. YEA
GY to Miss HARRIET ANIANDA: JOHNS, all of York Sul
phur Springs, Adams county.
On the 9th inst.. by the Rev. /web Sechler, Mr. JOAN
On 'the 11th hist., by the Re*. Jacob Ziegler. Mr. Wf
York county.
On the 9th irrit. ' by the Be. c P. Rosetuniller, Mr.
GEORGE LOW to,Mitis LOUISA UNGER, both of Adams
On the 15th inst.. in thin Borough, Mrs. ITADESS A, wife
of Mr. David McElroy. aged - 66 years and gmonths.
On Wedne,day last, Mrs. 3IA RET, wife of George
Munfort, of Sttaban township, agcd'26 years 5 mouths and
26 dap.
On the 4th inst., in Mountpleasant township. Adams
county, EI,I7.ADETII, relict of Nicholas Sheoly, deceased.
aged SS year, , 7 mouths and 11 days.
Ithc illatkcts.
Corrected from the latest Ila . ltiutore,York&llanorer paper
BALT I NIORE--Fitt u.ix I. UT
Flour, per barrel, •$7 - 68 to 7 75
.Wheat, per bushel, 1 66 to 1 92
Rye, :, 1 00 to 1 15
Corn, Lt •78 to 89.
Oats, CI ' 33 to- , 40
Cloverseed, ." ' 737t0 7 50
Timothy, ".. 400 to 4 25
Whiskey, per gallon, 42 to 43
Beer Cattle, per hund., 6 00 to 8 50
Hogs, 4 4 -8 00 to 8 50
flay, per ton, - 20 00 t 02 6 -00
Guano, Peruvian, per ton; .53 00
Flour, per bbl., front stores, -* .58 00
Do. 44 , " wagons, 7 25
Wheat, per busliA, 1 GO to 1 65
Rye, 95
Corn, • * '" 80
Oats, t it 35
Cloverseed, " 5 25
Timothy, " 250
Plaster of Paris, per ton, G 50
Flour, per bbl., from stores', • ' . 88 50
DO 4 4 4 from wagons, 7 50
Wheat, per bushel, ' 1 70 to 1 80
Rye, 1 05
Corn, ,‘ 80
Oats, '4 37
Cloverseed, " 7 .00
Timothy. " a 75
Plaster of Park, per ton, 7 50
T WILL . pay Baltimore prices. in cash for
superfine Flour.
Sept. „. ..... ABRAM . ARNOLD,
- Stray Cow.
CAME to the premises - of the subscriber,
in Hamilton township, Adams county, on
the 22d of, July last, a large RED COW.
The owner is requested to come forward,
prove property, pay charges, and take her
away., ' LYDIA H EAGY.
Sept. 17, 1855. 3t
To Tax -Collectors.
THE; Collectors of State and County Tax
are hereby notified that they will he re
quired to •liay over to the County Treasurer, on
or before Friday, the 12th doy of October next,
ail Taxes which may have-been collected up
to that date. •
13y order of the Commissioners,
Sept. 17, 1855. td
-18%" , JNO. STONE; & SONS, No.
45 South Second Street, Philad'a,
are now prepared to offer to their customers,
atutte the trade, (of their own importation,)
the latOst and handsomest assortment of Mil
linery Goods, in this city—consisting in part
of Bonnet Silks, Ribbons, Velvets Fzncy Fea
thers, Flowers, Laces, 4-e. ic.,
which will be
sold at the lowest prices, and on the most fa
.terms. [Sept. 17, 1855. 2m
To Grocers and Confectioners.
p)ill' your goods from first hands and save
2il per cent. The undersigned. has in
store and offers for sale at the lowest prices,
with a discount of 3 per cent. for cash, Al
monds, Walnuts, Cream. Nuts; Filberts, Ground
Nuts, Raisins, Curransfs, Citron, Prunes, Dates,
Figs, Oranges, Lemons, Sweet Oil, C'asli le
Soap, sc^c. All orders by mail promptly at
tended to. THOMAS HO N
42 S. Water Strot,
Sept. 10, 1855.
Fall Stock of New Goods.
O r ,SEASONABLE Shavvls-.—Fash
] (IP/• ionable Silk , ;,--Dress Goods, all
kinds.—Blankets and 'Flannels.—Linen and
Cotton Slieetings.--Staple I I ousek eepir-g
(roods.—Clothe, Cassitncres and Vestings.
Fourth k Arch StA , lad'a.•
P. S.—Storekeepers and (Abet tact cazh Guy
-6 T-supplied with scarce awl desirable Dry
Goods at low rates. BARGAINS from Phila
delphia and New York Aueiions daily.
N. 8.--8 cases French Merinoes, all colors,
wholesale from 65 cents to $1,25. •
Sept. 10, 1855. 3m
Teachers' Meeting.
AM EETIN G oS.theAdalus_C °fluty:reach,.
erg Association will .he held in the
Methodist Elik.colial Church, in Gettyrditir2,
nn Ike 2d if (Wisher next, at 111 o'clock,
A. M., and rontirtie in Nession letir days.
Addrc,F;es will he delivered by Rev. R. HILL,
Rev. 1). D. CLARK, Dr. STEM, Dr. MAitsnt.N,
and ()I erS:.
f . " 7" Every Teacher in the Comity__ who
feels an interest in the profession, is expected
of tlip .loci:ttion
135 . order of thr C , lfitniictee,
C. iI. A US I'i N. uhaiiniun
P.R . /. A. I,r rT ,
27. 167)5. td
E Subscriber, Assignee of- JAMES B.
JAMESON, will offer at Public. Sale, on
the premises, on Tuesday, Ike 9th day of Oc r
tuber next, the following property of said As
signor, a LOTS DV GROG D, situate
in the town of Heidlersburg, Tyrone township,
Adams county, known as Lots Nos. 21, 22
and 23, upon one of which is erected a • . •
Two-Story Roughcast HOUSE, with tiv ::
Bark-huildmg attached. There is also -
a well of excellent water at the door.
Ki—Persons wishing to view the property
are requested to call upon the subscriber resid
ing in the same township.
Kr Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
on said day, when attendance wilt be given
and terms made known by
Sept. 17, 1855.
. Insurance Compatiy.
AT a meeting of the Managers of the
Adams County'Mutual Fire Insuranea
Company, Sept. 3, 1855, the following Re-
port of the. operations of the Company during
the past year, was submitted by the Kxecutive
Committee, adopted by, the Board,and ordered
to he published-:
Amount of Cash•on hand at last set-
tlement, Sept. 4,1854, $761 06}
Cash paid during, the year to Treasu
rer, on Premium Notes, 1022 13i
Interest on monies loaned out, 49 88
Cash paid out— as per Treasurer's
Itertrt, 71 221
Cash paid for printing Policies and
Applications, 30' 00
Cash paid Treasurer, (Salary) 15 00
Notes outstanding►, $1605 00
Cash in hands of Treasurer, 111 851
1716 F35:1-
Amount of Property insured as per • - -
last Repro., $361,194 24
Amount of Property insured du
ring year, 306.792 32
$677,986 56
Amount, of Property surrendered
during year, .2_ 3,860 00
Present liabilities,
Amount of Premium Notes in force
• as per last Report, $18,332 21
Amount Premium Notes taken du
ring year, 20,521 97
Surrendered during year,
Money invested, (Notes) $1.605 - 00 —
Cash in hands rof Treasurer, 11l 85}
Premium Notes uncollected, 36,406 57
$38,123 42i
Deduct surrendered Notes, 287 57
Ntrm er t( • °het'
es as per last Report, 6.2
lit during year, 267
Surrentiered during year;
1 - Nlicies now iirWe - e - ,
The undersigned, Executive Committee,
submit the foregoing statement of the opera
tions of the Company during the past yeat—
from Sept. 4, 1854, to Sept,. 3, 1855. t
ROB"I'. M'CURDY, Ex. Cora.
Attest—l.). A. BUEHLER, Seey.
Sept. 17, 1855. 3t.
Notice to Assessors.
THE Assessors elected at the last Spring
Election are hereby notified to attend at
the Commissioners' Office in the Borough of
Gettysburg, t 2 receive Wall Assessment
Duplicates and the necessary instructions, as
follows :—The Assessors for Union, Cono
wago, Berwick, Oxford, Hamilton, Reading,
Mountpleasant,Germany,Straban and Mount
joy, will attend on Wednesday, the 10111 of
October next ; and the Assessors for the Bo
rough, Cumberland, Freedom, Liberty Hain
iltonban, Franklin, Butler, Menallen, Tyrone,
Huntington and Latiinore, will attend on
hursday, October L la.
By order of the Commissioners,
Sept. 17, 1855. td
Moves Stoves!
ic a l i t so tl rt ie mert
attention of
n i of
`1 the public to our
flails, Churches, Parlorz-, &c.,—warranted to
give more heat with, one third the fisel, than any
other Heating Stove in use. The large number
which have been sold in this and other cities
and the constant and increasing demand for
them, is stiffieient gurantee of their superiority
over-all other Heating Stoves, and' we cheer
fully invite—the-strictest' investigatinn of our
claims to the most perfect article of the_ kisid
in use. We also have a superior Cauldron,
for farming and chemical purpohcs, made on
the same principle, tor which we claim only a
trial to he appreciated. W e keep constantly
on hand an assortment of the leading COOK
and PARLOR sTov ; and arc sole A rents
rip E .nbscriber offers for Sale or Rent. the
in this State for Queen's Portable For4es-= - ' .1 Cs' ErrY SBU RC; STEAM MILL? lie
will run the Mill only dintil the 15th of March
Buck's Patent Looking Stoves, and Barstow 's
71777* — lik — Prlr titer ..,.
I),..t:yr, %%di !,e , Supplied at the loweqt foomiry Feb. ' 26 . 1955 -
N ENI k Vt kU\ ti•K, - - - - -
kSSI EIZEti, exeellent and de.,iralile
p. .
Cor S. as ',or! int..llt, :telling v. iv chew
Sept. 10, 1o."3. 31u 1 April 16. JUIIN IIt)KE S.
THE Subscribers, Executors of GEORGE
DEARDORFF % deceased, will offer at Pub
lic Sale,-on the premises, on Saturday, Use 6118
day of October next, the following Real Estate
of said deceased, viz: A FARM, situate in'
Huntington township, Adams county, one
mile from Ileidl'ersburg.,,on the old Carlisle
road, adjoining lands of Peter Millet, Michael
Fissel, John Bolen, and others, containing
1 75 ALerem,,more or less, with good proper
tioni - of Timber and Meadow. A considera
ble part has
.been limed. - The improvements
OE a Two-Story LOG HOUSE and
Shop, a- good Barn and Sheds, an ex
cellent Young Orchard, and a never- d 4 -I
failing Welt of Water near the door. •
Ir:l—Persons wishing to view.the property
are requested to call upon George Shank, re
siding thereon.
(t}—Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, V. M.,
on said day, when attendance will be given
-and terms made known by
Sept. 3, 1855. is Executors..,
Pottery for *ale.
MITE Subscriber, desirirur 4o change hi-4
1 business, offers his PO'IVER V at private
sale. It is situated in Washington street,
Gettysburg, Pa., adjoining William 'Wysotz•
ky on thcl North. The lot is 60 feet front by
185 deep, with an alley on the north and west
f or
—the improvements bongo Two-story
Roughcast HOIISI.I, with a new TWo- LT I::
sto r y Roughcast Back-building; a Two
story Shop, 30 by 20 feet; Kiln, 9 feet in
4liametin, under roof ; large Wareroom ; also a
good Barn and Stable, Spring Douse, and
other out-buildings ; a well of excellent water
near the kitchen door, with a variety of Fruit
Trees on the premises.
If the property is sold ,before the first of
November , next, it will he for Rent.
$1833 08
IN pursuance of. an Order of the Orphan's
Court of Adams county, the Subscribers.
Executors f.. 1 JOHN HERSHEY, deceased, will
offer at Public Sale, on the premises, on Sat
urday, he t2.2d of Scpcinber MK/ the following
detcrihed Real . Estate of said deceased, viz:
A FARM, containing 165 Acres,. more or
less, situate in Cumberland township, Adams
crunity;:atljqining lands of Sam% Lohr, Daniel
Polley and .George Trostle. Marsh Creek
runs along one side of the Parmeand the Turn
pike leading from Gettysburg to Chambers
burg passes through it. It is also within a
short distance of Trostle's Mill. There are
good proportions of Woodland and Meadow.
The improveriients are a Two-Story
LOG HOUSE, Double Log Barn, No
Spring House, Smoke House, &c.; a - •
young thriving ORCHARD of choice fruit,
and a well of water near the door.
81833 OH
8664.126 56
- $38,854 18
302 70
Oz:7- Persons wishing to view the premises,
are requested to call upon Mrs. Hershey, re
sidina thereon.
--(Sale to commence-at-I-o'clock,
on said day, when attendance will be given
and terms made known by
Executors qf John Hersluy, dee'd:
By the.Coart—J. J. BALDWIN I .Chirk.
August 27, 1855. td
V 38,551 48
$37.835 85}
Teachers Wanted.
'VIE Board of School Directors of Frank
lin township will meet at the house of
Henry. Mickley, in Cashtown, u; Saturday,
the 29th day 1 . 1 Seitemher at_lo-&-clock,
the iiinriiinge-palp_ofic_o_f_einplo_y_ina
teachers for the winter term of the Scheele of
said township. •. All persons interested are
requested to attend. The County Superin•
tentlent is expected to he present for die per.
pose of esau►inind teachers.
•By order of the Board,
E. W. STABLE, Scc'y.
Sept. 10, 1855 . . 3t
TSchool Directors of Hampton School
District. wish to employ a Teaclier to
take charge of the Hampton School. Liberal
wages will be given. Apply to
H. A. PICKIN G , Sec'y.
Sept. 10, 1855.
TE is to be had at the drug stores of
S. H. Buehler, Gettysburg. and - James
A. Elder, Fin intt,bnrg, a mint elltelaal remedy
fin. the Twdhache, wlocli will, (tr pi414 7 0s ap
plied, according to directions,) cure the most
vbilctit Tmdkache itudatdancously. Should the
pain in eouNe of time reappear, the to/me ap
plication has to be made aga;n,.arid after two
or three a lout , the cure will be effectual.
Please call for A. Verger's Toothache Balsam.
Ittiy-Priee 25 cents per phial.
August 27, 1f155. ly
Letters of administration on tl►e estate of
Susan Patterson, late of Reading town
ship, Adams county, deceased, having been
granted to the undrrsigned, residing in the
same township, he hereby gives notice to
all persons indebted to said estate to n►ake
immediate payment, and those having claims
against -the satue --- tu present them properly
authentiedted for settlement.
August 13, 1855." a
Public Sale
Sept. 10, 1855.
rfiblic Sale.
Teacher Wanted.
idniinistrittor's Notice.
For Sale or Rent.
Public Sale.
T HE Subscriber, Adminisirator of JOHN
;will offer at Pub-
STA tn...smini, - deceased,
lie-Sale.„-on---tb.e_premise.S.,-on___Saturd a y, die
22t day -of 'September following,42 ea
Estate of said deceased, viz : .
A F A R M,
situattl ip Strthan to_w_nabip: Adams count
adjoining lands of Daniel Lady, Joseph I
Weible, and others, within, -sight of Coups
burg, containing 232 Acres, more or less,
_with good proportions of Meadow and Timber - 7
land. The improvements consist of
a Two-story LOG HOUSE, with
Brick Back-building; double Log ti ; 1 ; . 11 1!
Barn, Wagon and other'Sheds, Corn
Crib, Spring House, and other-out-buildings.
The land is in a . good state of cultivation and
noder 'good fencing.
Also, A Tract of Land A situate in the
saute township, 2 - , miles.from tgettysburg. ad•
joining lands of-Henry Eckert, Toseph,Weible,
and others, containing- 27 Acres,_ -more
or less, a portion being, good_ M endow.
The improvements are a double Two
story Stone HOUSE, with Back-Wild
ing, Log Bain, .Shop,__Spring House, end
other out-buildings. There is an excellent
well of water near the doot. '
- Also A Tract of taitifi l , situate in the
same .township, half a-mile-_,sontlt-of the last
mentioned place: adjoining lands of George
Howard, Daniel :Spangler, and others, con-,
raining about 15 Acres, of which 5 - acres
are cleared, and the balance Woodland.
Also, 43 Acres of Mountain Land, in
Ilaaniltonban township. „
kirSale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.
on said day, when attendance will be given
and terms made known by -
Sept. 3, 1855. ddner.
Public Sale., .
rpH E Subscriber will. offer . at Public - Sale;
kon Tuesday, Mc 2.5 a Seplember next
on the premises, the following Real Estate, viz.s
A FARM, situate in Cumberland township:
Adams county, on the Chatnbersburg 'Turn,
pike, 23 miles from Gettysburg, adjoining
lands of Daniel Polley, David Wisler, and
others, containing 60 ACRES, more of less,
improved with a Two-Story STONE
HO 11:7; E, Bank Darn, &e„ all new; a
well of water at the door, and a young
Orchard.. 'The Anteing is first 'rate, and the,
land in good cultivation. This is a most Oe
propetty, anti offers a rare chance to
Also, Five Wood - Lots; containing
from 3 to 5 Acres each, and all heavily tint-.
hi-red—situate on the Turnpike, a short -dis
tance east or thu above Farm.
Also, 60 Acres of Land, more or less,
in tlio same township,'on Trostlo's.Mill Road,
adjoining lands of Dr. Dail, Abraham Plunk,
and others, havit Pi , thereon erected '
Two-Story Irritate ll 0 1.1
S 1, and a
• t l o
Stable; with a well of water male dour.
About 5 acres tiro Timber.
Also, 43 Acres or Land, more or less,
on the same road, a short Alistance oast of the
last-mentioned tract adjoining lands of '.tit
an Herbst, lir. lid, and Allred Hass, about
14 acres being Timber. •
Persons wishing' to vibw the property, will
please call on the subscriber.
0..7.8a1c to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
on said day, when attendance will be given
and terns made known by
D Ellie K. R K.
.September 3,.1855. is
Real Estate at Publie.Sale.
TN-pursuance - of authority given -in the last
will,and testament of JOHN BENNER,'
late of Mountjoy township, Adams county,.
deceased, will be offered at public Sale, on,
the premises, on Saturday, the 291 h day of
S'eptentber next, the Real Estate of said de
ceased, consisting of
.11 PhaNTATIO . N, -
of Patented Land, situate in said iownship of
Miintjoy, adjoining lands bf Samuel Reck,'
Frederick Stackslager, Isaac Paxton, and.
others, containing about 6 260 Acries.—
Tho improvements are a large ,Two- -
Story Brick DWelling HOUSE, with a t ii
Wash House and a Hake . House attach- -- 3,111
ed; Double Log Barn and Sheds, Wagon
Shed, -Corn Crib, and other out-buildings.
There is a never-failing well of water, wish a
pump in it, under roof, neer the- kitchen door
also a never-lailing spring of water ow the
farm, and a stream of running water through:
it, affording water, in. nearly all, the fields:
There is'a large quantity of good Meadow on
the, Farm, and a proportion of good Timber.
There is also a thriving Young Orchard of
choice (Nit on the place. The public road
Irons Gettyshairg to Taneytown passesHirough
the Farm, being situate 7 miles ,from the for
mer place and 6 from the' latter.
0:7-Sale to commence at l o'clock, P. M.,
on said day when attendance will be 'iven
an; terms mu.e - Hewn )3r
Sept. 3, 1855. is Eseitslors.
Subscribers, Executors of the last will
1 and testament of Whl. LounoN, deceased,
wilt offer at Public Sale, on the premises, on
Siaurdely, Me 29Th- rf September-next, the fal
lowing property of said deceased, viz : A
Tract of excellent 7.'IMBER-L.II2VD,
situate in Liberty township, Adams county,
- adjoining lands of Gregory P. Topper, James
Moore 'and • -others; containing about .24
crest, about 6 Acres of which are cleared.
veer Persons , wishing to view the tract are
requested to call on either of the Executors,
the first named - residing in Gettysburg,'and the
last named in Liberty township.
sr& -Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
on said day, when attendance will be given
and terms made known by -
N' M. L. McKEE,
Aug. 27, 1855. td Executors.
Assignee's Notice.
TAMES B. JAM ESO N, of Tyrone town.
el ship, Adams county, having executed a
voluntary assignment of all his estate and ef
fects to the subscriber, residing in the same
township, in trust for the benefit of creditors,
he requests all persons indebted to said James
B. Jameson, to make immediate payment of
their respective dues, and all persons having
claims or demands on him to present the same
for settlement.
JOHN I.F;lJMMAN,✓lsddgnee.
August 20, 1855. 6L
AdministratorN Not Ice.
ESTATE.—Lettes of administratior. on ,
the estate of Catharine Barbara Slagle, -late of :
Oxford townsh;p, Adams county, cibcpis,url,
having been granted to the t i tit irsi 4 64-.:1,f61.
X ,
ding in Conowago tow m.sli i it, he 10.04' '•ii~ !t' B I
notice to all persons indehted• to said* " . ofitt
make immediate payment. arid those:l, „ g
clajmis tig4inst the same to present thetirefrop
erly actlirmiated for svitlyan,nt
(;1;;01:GE SL.%(i),E, ddra'r.
koc!.. t 2 7, 16 v.). tit,
kr,i-J01; I'RIN EING DUNE 11EUE.
Election Proclanfatiori.
HEREAS, in and by the Act by the
General 'Astietlikli
„M" tftie:-,State, -en
_4 4 oact to eikra I Klee
firms of
_this -Coniniorivitiafti4" , 'enieted oii the
4 enloWeit. coo, to gi
Public Not ice CiCifaclV'Eleetkiir Jp,ti'e Wit s -and,
.to enumerate iti_.Seet afft
to be Elected : T, tilDlHlASVSlicilfl"
of - tir oun y o Adams, do, therefmr,--Irere
by give this .Public notice to thti , lEleetors.of
the said County of Adams, thata GENERAL:"
ELECTION will he held in said County,
On Ike Second fuesoloy of October 14e.rt,(1be911,,)
in the several Districts composed of the fol
lowing Townships, viz:
In the First disttiot,'"Cornposed srthe nor
..migh of Gettysburg, township of
Cumberland, at the Court-houlm in. Gettys
burg. - .
In the Second district, composed: of the
township of Germany, at the house now oc- ,
copied by Levi Creps, to the town olLittles
town, in the township of Gerniany:
In the Third'ilistrict, coniPosed of the town
ship of Oxford, at' the house o f 'Widow Miley,
in the town of NeW Otford.;-
In the Fourth distrieti composed of the
townships of Latimoreand - iluntint.-106n, at the
house, formerly oortipied,. by Anthony -Sitanu .:
brook, in.the the toWhshij► - off Remington.
- In-the Fifth district. eampi-eind 4 of the town
ipa --- of , itantiiton ban and
Public SChoril-house in Millorstown.
In the Sixth district; composed of the town.
ship of -Hamilton, at the house now orcupied
by David New.commer, in 'the town of East .
In the Seventh district, - ioiriposed of , the- ,
township of Antal-len, in the public' School ,
house in the town of.llendersvilte.
In the, Eighth district, composed of the -
township of Stniban, at . .the house of" Jacob L.
Gras's; in If unterstown. • •-•
In the Ninth district, composed
. of the town- ,
.ship -of Franklinott the house tortnerly•
cupied by Jacob Stallsmith, in said township.
In the Tenth disttict,composed of the town- ,
ship : of Conowago, at the house *of Joltri
Ilnsbey,in McBlte.rrystowe, '
In the Eleventh llistrict,:composed of the!
township of - Tyrone, at the house of Samuel
Sadler, in Ileidlershutg.:.
In the- Twelfth distlici, comp6Sed - of Limo
township of Mettntioy, the:hou.iteof Geo.,
Snyder, in said tow 'lshii)... .
In the Thirteenth district,' compos'ed
. 91 then .
township of Mountideserant, at-the . :publje
School-house in said township, situate it the
cross reads - ; the no leading ,trOn . Oxford
. to
the 'Nig Taverns, the. other float, Hunteystown
to Hanover..
In the Feerteenth- 4istrict:Cetutiiktied - ettito
township - ot Heading, at theintlqic Seheol.;
house in` }Tampion.: ' - - _.- --:. ' -, A ''. c ,
In she fifteenth distriet, - composetl of, the
[Through sand township' of Berwick, ,at the
public' t..iehool-heitse in:AbbottshiWii":" . ..:' -. '
In the SixtecntWtliSitict, cornpesed. - or she
township of Fruited:lo4;olo ituatmof Nichtilee.
!Moritz, in said township.. .-. .' ,-,--.,:.,
In the - Seyeetnettitt distifet, 'composed of
the township - of union; aVtlie'llatkille or EiMelt
Lefever, in said township. . ' , •
• •Iti•titc EighteentiLdistriot,,compoed..of the
tow nshi p*of Butler, nt the public School hens!)
in itilidttletewh, in Said tothishici;-`- , . "
At winch time rind• plices-witi , , befetec ted. -
ONR Mcmeen or Asseteut.v3
Ose COUNTY Tauttse.extt 4. : . : ,
ONE flemittssioNe...ei - - -
, .
NE DIRECTOR' Or . Trip,..Pona:.. •
'articular attention,iadireCtett . : 16 the ;ict of
Assembly, passed iheinth .day of February,
1849, entitled-" Art. hot: relative, to voting at
elections in Adams...Patiptiin e . York,
etim b erlad, Bradford, I)mile:4, Green 4
end Erie, viz t •
Soweto! , I-- Be it enacted bylliTeSenote. and
House of Representative's of the COOMlOn
wealtit'of iiennsYlvania in Geofiral
,net, and it is hereby enacted by the ainhority
of the. same=-that it ,shall , :he lawfiti„for. the
qualified voters of -the cpantire.
.tancaster * •Da ttphi n. York,' Prank! in, - in
hertand, Bradford; Centre,,Greettet:and F riot,
'from.and after the passage Or ittis.Fo,4 ,Vote
On ail candidates for the various otli*t,tO be
filled at an- election on one-,4lo,et :
Provided, The offiao for whielt, every,Candi
date is voted Tor,' shall I),E, 4..Hgligitattql, .re.
quired by the ettrsting kayis'of this Common
wen I th.
"Stitritom 2. -Thai any frand- ennisnitted-, by
any person .voting-in.iheinstinerabeve
scribed, abaft befriiunisfied :by . the 'existing
!siva of this Commonwealth.", -, ,
ALso—ln and by viitue of the: littheection
Of the act aforesaid, .every - lictsdn.:-exCepting
Justices of, the Peace, -wit&tehull - hold,, any
office or appiniatment of profs' or. trnst.endor
the Government, of the .11nited Slates,. o r of
any city : 'oi• inccolirated, - district, , whether a
commNsioned officer or otheni iae, it-siffolonli
nate officer or-jigent, who is, or shall he.ent
ployed under the legislative,. executive or jrl
- de a t eat' of this. State or 'Ol the
United Statis t or '0 any city or incorporate
district, and. also that, every member, of Con
gress and of the State LegtsWere, and of the
Select Or Common Council of Ony 'City, or
'Commissioner of any incorporated disttlet.-is
by law incapable of bolding or exercising at
the same timei the - office pr appointment of
Judge, Inspector, or Clerk -of any election of
this Commonwealth, and that no Judge, in
spectur,,or other officer of, any . such election,
shall be eligible to any office to be then voted
for. - •
' ALso—That In the fourth section of the Act
of Assainhly entitled .",Ati Act rc.latiter to ex
ecutions, and for other purposes," apifroved
April 16th, 1840, it is enacted that the afore-
said 13th section "shall not.. - he. construed, as
to prevent lay militia ot4ieei or borengli
officer, from serving - as judge., inspee.tar or
clerk, at any general or special election in this
Commonwealth." .• •
And in and by an Apt or the General,As
sembly of this state, passed the, 2tl, day of
July, 1839, it is directed that inspectors
am/ Judges he at• the places Of their" districts
on the day of the General Election aforesaid,
at 9 o' the forenoon, to do.and perform
the several duties required and enjoined on
them in and by the same act. '
And be it further - directed, in and by. the act
of the General Assembly of this stn., afore
said, that one of the Judges of each of the dif
ferent districts aforesaid,• who shaft have the
charge of the certificates of the number of Votes
which have been given for. each candidate for
the different offices then and there voted for
at their respective districts, shall ineet on 'the
third day after the election, which be on
Friday, Use 12th uf- October aforesaid., at the
Court-house, in the Borough of .Gettyslirg,
then and there to make a fair statement and
certificate of the number of votes. which shall
have. been iri yen at the different alistricts niche
CO'J ivy of Adams finally perbon or persons for
the offices aforesaid.
- , • 4.1$ Xtfi7 I'l-1 0 11AS. Sheriff.
Sheri ff's'
Sc pt.: 1:1!;-•
OVa 1
TIIE nntiersignd informs the _public that
he stir. removes; the rentaino of the dead,
and is prepared to go to any di4tanee to bring
thew here. His eii.trgesrare lower than .evu
— an d as low a 3 the IoWeSI.,
_ A. W. FLEA
Gettysburg, SQL. 10, 1.855. • „