Epurcitt : it not lament OA, even read th e 4 . kplorithle details of the late,clection riots at Louisville, icy? What patriot., What lover ,of his country, what truly American :l writ-but timst mourn over such scen e s In the words' of the ,great Webster, in his speech ,of July 4i1i.1851. on the laying of the corner stone -of the Capitol extension : '-More than all, fellow citizens, if the purposes of fanatics and distinionists should be accom plished, the patriotic and intelligent of our • • -aim' would seek to hide themselves from Me .‘ciffnqf the world and go about 'to find dis loolorable graves." In the -Baltimore Sun" of Aug. 10th, inst., it. is stated that "prof.iund regret was the pre vailing sentiment with all who assi•iated with such :-cenes. a 'most disastrous violation of the r putts a nd,character Of American institutions, The einlieSt , despatch was promptly followed b y t h e , declaration that the .aggressors in thi s _ ser i ou s outrage-were 'foreigners.' or in other words, naturalized citizens ; for it is hardly to " be supposed that lien.s' were engaged in , the all;ray. • The ;distinction is an important one o f en urse,,because the alien or amaturolized citizen, would be- an intruder as a partiai pant in the,,political. affairs of the - country, auid as such at his own risk." . Who 'the aggressors in those disgraceful se ,,n e s, were, tnne and impartial truth will cievulupe ; but the distin - e,tion between natnral-- ized and unnaturulized foreigners as made by the '•Suni," appears to me. rather an extreme one, for it.does not appear whether the either German or Irish, or of what ever other foreign country, shot, stabbed, burnt or beaten to death, were naturalized. or not, or whether the property burnt, or destroyed was that of naturalized ,or unnaturdized persons. 111 Pennsylvania the laws with the utmost liberality fully allow "aliens" or unhaturalized persons to hold real property, and_ were this not the ease it would in a great measure arrest immigration. I believe -this privilege is con ceded to "aliens" also in other States. But— to the de:Wine/ion made by the "Sun," and which it-calls an important - one, -I imist in a certain degree demur. - As I have 'before nic copy of the N. Orleans Picayune, of Aug. 20th, 1653, , which agrees with. my ideas in an article on this subject,and appears to me to be based on common sense, I shall transcribe it, with some slight additiens. • lii speaking of the -anir of Kosta, which made so much noise at the time. and for which Capt. Ingraham was So highly extolled, it says :--.- "We are glad to perceive; from the tone of thE Washington press, that there is-a strong probability the Administration -will take high giound relative to the Kosta affair, and will ni.sisLthat,the actual-residence of a foreigner in the United States anitat»itanendi, accompa nied-with his declaration to become a citizen of this Republic, entitles him _at home and abroad to all. the rights, humanities and pro tection of an American citizen. indeed, we do not see how it is possible for the United State, consistently with its own dignity, and the necessity of, its position, to entertain a differ ent doctrine. It must be remembered-that as affecting a question of this clniracter the Uni ted States is peculiarly situated. She invites immigration. and promises to the immigrantS the freedom and franchises of American citi zens. -Thousands and thousands of foreigners have availed - themselves of the invitation ex tended to them, have left the homes of their nativity forever, taken up their permanent residence in this country, renounced all alle giance; to foreign governments, and declared their intention of becoming citizens of the Uni ted States. "Now, betbre they can becoine dekg.e citizens of the United States, They must, in obedience to the requirements- o€ our locarlaws, go Xhrough certain- humidities and pass a.sort Of probation period.—But, in the meantime, are they nut.,;as to all foreign as our own, Govern nients,,eitizens defactu of the United. States ? forinalittes to-_be gone thiongh with are prescribed by th:e local ,jurisprudence tpt the purpose of entitling the beneti4ries to certain domestic priiileges,• as, for instance, that of voting. These formalities do pot change the attitude of these inchoate citizens towards for eign governments, having voluntarily left them; n iitlbeing strictly domestic regulations, which may at any time-be abolished at the. pleasure of the sovereignty of the country, they are in no manner cognizable by foreign powers or tiovernruents. ''Supposing .war were to arise between this and any other country, would not these proba tionary,citizens be liable to the same treatment by our own (..:I,oVerllll.lClit, as liable to inilitary duty and.payinent of taxes, anti at the hands of our helig,erants as citizens of full franchise ? \Voltld our own or foreign governments discri finite. ? It certainly could not be expected, and, strictly speaking, would have no right to do so. "Shall foreigners, after accepting the promises held Aiut to theta by our laws, after taking, up, their residence and castingtheir lot with us, renouncing all allegiance to. foreign goveru ria•nts, and complying with all the requisitions. of our laws, be denied the prn.Ccjon of .our government.? If these probationary persons are not. citizens of the U. States, pray, of what country are they citizens ? If the U. States does not. protect them al home or (Aqua, who will protect thetn? They 'have renounced all allegiance to other governments, and in accor dance with our laws, have in good faith de clared their intention to become citizens of this Republic. Shall we not protect Mew, their persons, pruperly and interests during the pernal which, we ourselves have prescribed as necessa ry for their instruction in the letter, and 'their baptism in the spirit of our institutions ? For, our own part, we can perceive, upon pr inciples _of_ititeruartionaLtatv, u • commouseJise, no prac tical distinction to be made, as to protection, on the part of foreign governments, or our own, between a citizen of the U. States in full enjudi no - :.at...0f all 'its domestic franchises, and a citi zen of the U. States in partial enjoyment, of 'Muse franchises. Under the peculiar circum stances, we du not see how the United States con 4find htowiobiy befine the world, or fulfill its implied engagements towards those who have sought a home for 'themselves and their children upon its shores, without th rowing. the nT.,is of its protection (wcr all who have iu good faith taken up their residence here with the full and declared intention of becoming Citizens of ibis Republic." But the same "Sim." in a subsequent arti cle, says, ••die political contest has recently milli:mat the type of internecine war. However the fact, may be disguised, we are now pas.,iinf; through an era in which the effort on one Laud is to abridge the civil rights and privile-cs of ti one portion ofie people, to the aggrandize ment of another.'"fhis is the distinctive fea ture of Know Nothingism. Its airected fears for the liberties of tins country from foreign iniluetwe. and especially from tile imputed sla vely and subserviency of Lu:nan t aihrdtc eill- ZLii s to Lhi.: Cellilooral Wvi' of OP.! I: ) ,.pc. ale simply based aceordni ,, to this sii.tple aei,ming- On the 111,0 of Know .Nothoy.i-on to wn - idge 11u. cirri ri Ponuali Caihnizt: na tives and f.rei-uers to it, wen,. 11:1 the 1111- , 42.1100(k, CarWd tUreS, false eoloii; e of the Catholw tel prie:,thond, micistrv. morality. by K. N. and ILS insolent and inaliciouN pervcr•ioa (.. , 1 the truth and a!)nse of the I.litc, will to l: time '1.1:-V lire ;1.1 . 4ik . 127 i :L pia;n .rile 1111 , It p; - , t; ) , 11. a, ,:. :L, ' , II . • 1 N 'Ali: :2 1.111L 4 1 - - 'litof1:;1:._. EMI i. ~ •~,! Ill' For ,t 11«: e.onspiler In Octolifiil.lct. at the reii , lence'of ilia Ann. Mr. Jo , teph IG•r,hoy, metr tletty,harg, DATIce cenoty, (dd.. MI formerly of this county—in the year of hi, a g e. Ui. li. t-t in rid.; county It) ye.tr , .. upon the farm now cevited by Mt: lienry lialt, creek. ;n.l removol frnru thr vntinty in the I' r.ll of 16,13. to 1).13-140 eennly. •.eliere lie has since reidded. Mrs. IL_ is still lip in..; at an advanced nee. 1)11 lit , t. in thford C.I'I'!LAfINI. 11..1t1;.1 Sl,.\ ‘ridor. ul tho 1.110 (ivwg.! Sla.4le, .P'ar• 11 !multi': .111 , 1 7 - (th the 17th in- t . in :1101mti.1,1,..tnt. Altni4 e‘tettl,. S.111("1:1‘. iul,int ,401 Age r. And On tlue tith :it Flatl , te.h. N. ' • 31r. JOSl.ilf. I; li-1:W.11:f1-Eli. lately a Auflont l'efirt.ylvania College iir Getty :11114.g. to the year of thi We.lne,l.i . e 1.1.4, 11i..111111 of thin ibLtee, 111 the 7(3111 'year or Ilk In Lognn•port. t3:l ,N e.ffinity, lndianl. utl the 7th 1.%1 Ig.ANK. of :gr. .Ih,-.(lni. Nr ,of Cumbei law! t9ivn,hiv, thi. cwanty, age , 1 ye...tr4 4 month.; :mil 19 On Ow lt;tit imt. , at 61.11,nd-burg. :qr. ELLIS L. 11.1.11EliSLY, for a littlu Witt) .t resident, of tbb.iaaeo.—.tgo(l about 31 years. TU — b - 110 h". 001.5. r lU E Public Schools of the Borough will he opened on Mwulall, .Nefilctubtr VA, and attention is requested to the following rules, which have been adopted liy the Board of Di rectors, and will be strictly enforced, viz : Ist. Pupils will be admitted into school only on the first 11onday of each month, and any scholars who do nut tahe their seats at the beginoint! of the month, must wait until the next regular admission day. 2d. Any, scholar who shall be absent front School any unnuiwr of times amounting in the whole to nine tveek in" any month, unless in case of ski:M.:SS, shall forfeit his Or her scat, and he re-admitted only at a recrular admission Acacletaly of lite IinEDERicK CITY, MD. 11 11 exercises Of this Institution will re commence on the lst. Monday of :Sept. TEIINN no..kitnEits : Board and Tuition, wiili the French Lan gild 4re. CI (lesirci . l.) $lOO 00 Sunionery, Washing, Mending, lied, 13e.d ding, Dortor\ Fee. &m. 00 ott the l'idno, Harp, nr Guitar forini ?n additional citarr.... All in the 1, ltdliari and Spaiiisli iiglid , „!(•: , , Drawing - and Painting are extra char...ft. % Entrar.ve lei., IsS5. 1;0.1 It DER>: pay the current Cll;lftre3 *---Cll3l - in ad %%nice. 1 /A. When it term has hoer) voininein-(d. it the pupil ate a iilidrdwn. the or Gliaidi , in the NH cYlivitsa 0! . term, ,:iclinez,n or ‘11,111i:,,,,i1 p'- fitiirf• th. reinovdl. Pi;1,1;-; arc rervired at any time duriirr Vl , :ir. And thi• eliar.:f. 1-z ut , tinidit'd Ir nt I•eildtf! i•ut:dtice. 3t kTIIINiNE I;A 1, SF, 1(; LE's 1.,...1'.1 . 1'1:;.-1,1.n,•r; of admini , trdto,t; tie ••••,1 op trhani (>kt. , rd to‘%;:d1 1 ), Adam.: (-minty, 11,4•:iii.r hell} vranterl to tio• 1 1 in( Ow) two. 11, or.'l)y v 4 11 ,,11,•,• :0 .111 ot , r. 00.... t•-•., :op ;ot. lii. ; , r MEIN And it is nothing 'melmitable in nrestime that K Nith;ng; papers awl c(!itniN. the (ailing: of a t frntit Ikaven. Tut , actuated by the spirit of this their _great prototype. fc,muimoirnt t STAM.K attention has been direct ed itifingifie_ pr( sent Court week to the bean- Val Railings manufactured by T. \\'. AMEN & Sons, of your place, which can he seen Around several lots in the . Cemetery and before the - doors of many dwelling,s of your town, and I , take this occasion to call the attention of the; public, and especially the Citizens of oar own ; county.to the fact that the :lles:.!rs. IV.tnitEN are prepared to furnish this beautiful and sub stantial article of Railing as cheap, if not cheap- • er, than they can be furnished in York or el-se where. And we "respectfully •call upon the citizens of this County, who' are in favor of supporting home manufactures against opposi tion from abroad, to patronise the enterprising and industrious gent above named, where they can be supplied with this article equal in beau ty of iimsh and durability to any manutact tired in the State. HAMILTONBAN. - flr:.c't•tt or Ex - •l3ovmxott Mrrems.—Locts vit.i.x, .Aug. 21st.---EK-Governor or this `+tat•. died on Saturday, of cholera, at• his Icsidence, Forest Retreat. -- FIFTEEN- MULKS AND 1101{SES Britxr.-11itis- Tor.. PA., Aiigh-o. 21..-ICharton's go stable with iirteeii mules anti horses, was consumed this morning. 11 o I.LoW (11STW.:ST Ixo i'mr.-; hale efreelel another Ilondeeful Cute of Sore Leg; —Annum). Ilarri,on Sean!, of :tLit virzinia milieter for twenty eight ye trs from ,me bad ;it time,. that human u.t ture could ,eareely belt' it. ai they were CON: l! CO/ wounds "an.l prowl ue,ht 111, frieml.• ILO t;hen Tip all hopes of hi- et ir 11- A :iitiing the use of Li, luntts. a, he masin ro pitiable :1 -tate. the mote e , p4•eially as the doctor, told him it was cnnakntinnat. lisvua heard. from ,euural people the good elfeetq Holloway's Pill, h.ol pro,lnced in ease, of nil, nature, lie mule up his minul to ;;it e them a trial; after übjaig than for a few weak, he felt touch letter, auk by coutumiml them for two loontlu; ,m 4 a hall, he war- perfect ly en; etl, alter heir years a cripple, con , ideted le }•un•l tin:nail :at (i. l C Corrected from the bitest nalti more, Vol lia - ilatioyer paper BA LT I AIOR Fl--:-Fitill 1 ir I. t:Ar Flour, per barre;, .s . :-:8 25 to 8 37 Wheat, per bushel, 1 70 to 1 95 Rye, " 82 to 1 00 Corn, 44 .• 85 to 'JO Oatti,, .44 37 to 40 Cloverseed, " - ' 750t0 - 7 68 Timothy, " 400 to 4 31 \Vhiskvy, per gallon, - • 40 to 41 Beef Cattle - , per howl., 7 00. to -9 25 llogs, 44 8 04) to 8 50 hay, per ton, - _26 to2B uu Guano, Peruvian, per ton, 5'2 00 11 NOV EH—lnuit:4D %Y" CtST Flour, per from st.c.rv.:, -" NV' agoas, Whcat, per bushel, ltye, Corn, Oats, Uloverseed, " Timothy, * " Plaster of Paris, Per ton, YORK --1:H0.% V Flour, per 1;14., from stores, F 9 00 4 4 Do. fr,)111 1Vag011:;, "5 Wheat,, per 70 to 1 ;40 URI Corn, . o:itg, - - '4 . ')r" .10 Clovvrseed, " • G 50 Timothy,- "3 50 Plaster of Paris, per ton, - ' 7 50 ikIAPPIRD On lilP 2841 11151... by tho Rev. Mr. Do , h, Mr. EPITTIAIM DEA 1;1)OU FF. 111 St 1 . “11.111 tiii%11 . 4141. of Ali:, ANN M. LOOT, of ,Nimmtllk.t.s-mt—holli of thi , 0.1114. On the ..4.une v. by the s inn; 11r. MI IMP SN'Y DIM to Mi., SA RAH - .I ANL:, 4l.mghter of Mr. Ephruiln of liCi.t.lll.ll:g. . , I)IEI). ay, am ,upon a written ortior of the Board of litrectors. R. G. McCREARY, i'rcs"/. Aug:. 1H55. *Alm ini ralor's Notice. ,t 1 I - 1 .- 0 .14 11 . i;E:lnkflE ..:7. , r ptlE Subscriber, Exeentor of the lastwill, - 1 - NT ptirsuanee of an Order of the Orphan's and testunent 4Pc rEtt Fiqutt,tx, deveased,. II Court of Ad,nus (-minty , , the Suhserilwrq. will otlt4 at Public: Sale, on the premises, en Expel l i or s -41' J o ," x I i Ett p, }ll . :l , , , does yell, will Oder at Public Sale, on the premises, on Sot l'riiitry, the :21 s t ,j' , S'eprj:tiolier Itp.r.t, the follow ing. Real Estate of said ,dereas e d, viz : terdny, do: 62-2 t/ ff Syli tieliv). lic.ri,,the 101 l ow, hig -.,-4---1 2 -4./---1-1- , d ef.e ritu•d_lt ea l_Kstatt , -nf—st,abl-iceased,- vi 7. : IntC the 11 orne- Pince tif :Mr. Ferree, Sittrator in i A rA in e " " 9 ; " 1 " 1163 A rl. " 4 11101 e nr less, situate n Cumberland township, Atltutt9 Tyrone township, A4Ainm count y ', m ii,,i„i n , county, adj•tinint_r, lands of Satu'l. Lola, Daniel lauds of Amos M vers,- larob I 11 tee. J.lrtil 1 )1, 110y dint! ( . ;e(bri4e Trostle. Marsh Creek A rntsherrer, and Others, nonfat bin& ' l s'2 - runs afoot; One side of the h'd on, ttntl the Turn- Alt. res, tnore nr less, ha vl no. lar2 - 4' proportions of lAenodland and Meadow. Th n -'i liii m i v',.- 1 pile lentlint.r from Gultrshurti to Chambers. J. L. G. ' merits con--ist of a Two Story Weather- ;e ; t - ho.uded 11 0 IT' Sh. , n Stone Bank Barn. 4V:won Shed, Corn Crib, Spring; rel9l, House, T t.:N ANT HO SE, Stable, &e., with a neverfailino spring of water at each dwell ing, and an AppOrelund on the premises. This has alwaYs been admitted to be one of the best grain -producing Fara& In the whole neigliiiorhood. Persons wishing. to view it are requested to call upon Mr. F. Fickes, .re siding thereon. As the Farm is susceptible of convenient division, it will he offered in two parts or in whole,as pureliasers may desire. gt,.-o—Salipi' to commence at I o'clocti, P.. M., on said day. when attendance 1 0: hi' given and terms ninde hritywn by - .10EL 13. DANNER, ,Ex'r . Aug. '27, 1855. td • Subscriber, Executor of the last will and testament of ikAlan DEA unotwv, de ceased, will offer at Sale, on the prem ises, on Sator ! /ily, Ilia 1314 of Othshrt nrxl, the following - described Real „Estate of said deceased, viz : A FARM, situate in lin township, Adams county, adjoining lands of Samuel Bucher, Benj. Deardorff, Albert Vandyke and James Ewing,-containing 100 it res, more or less, in (rood cultivation and a-der good -fencing. The improvements are a 'l' w tory Wcailterboarded 110 Li SE, a good Log Barn, an ex• cellent Well of Water at.tlie door, ;: 4 d, • and a thriving young OR(;11ARD, of choice Fruit. The inlet is well watered. (* - -Should the proVerly not Sold no said day, it will then be ()Greif for RENT at inn- lc outcry. 0 - ... - "rSalo to commence at,l o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms.made known by JACOB D HARDORFF, • August i?,7, 18i5. td Notice of Inquest. NToTic is. hereby given to the heir and legal representatives of JACOII MIL LER, late of Hamilton township, Adamq county, l'a., deceased, viz : The issue of George Miller, a deceased ()hither, to wit, Samuel Miller, (Wagon-maker,) John . Miller, Elizabeth, intermarried with Samuel Miller, ( -- artier,) lfeb.c.cr,i., intermarried with Moses 'Wallet, Susanna, intermarried ;A' 111 Philip Asper, deceased, Eve, intermarried - will) Solo mon Toot, Lydia, intermarried with Samuel Harman ; the issue of Peter 11 i Iler, a deceased brother, to vii, Iteob Miller, Peter hiller, Al ars A niki mermarried with Augustus it ritch er, Elizabeth ; Samuel Miller; Catha rine, intermarried with I Livid Harman, de ceased; Michati: hiller; and Lydia, inter married with David Sowers—that an IN QUEST will be held on the undivided moiety or half part of',ll certain Messuage or TraLt of Laud, situate in the township of Hamil-• ton, Adams county, adjoining lands of Sam uel Whit', Jacob 11'o11, - Reuben Wolf, L. Heag,v, Match and others, and containing - 100 ACres, more. or less, with the appurtenances, On illppday; the 24th day if Stpienther tart, at 10 - o'clock, A. NI., on said premises,—to make partition .thereof to and antontrst the heirs and legal representatives of said-deceased, it the same will admit of par tition without prejudice to or spoiling the whole thereof; Unt it the same will not adtnit uf such partition, then to inquire how many of the said heirs it will conveniently :teem modate, and part and divide the same to - anil among. as many of them as the same will ac commodate ; but if the same will not admit of division at all wiihout prejudiec to or spoiling the whole thereof, then to value and appraise, the same, whole and s undivided=--whereof all put sons interested are hereby notified. 11 EN 111 - 'l'll 0 11.15, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, Aug. 2i, 18:15. Register's lot ice. 59 Of) 25 1 50 to I , o 1 00 EEO 0 50 G 5U = NTOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees and other persons concerned, that the ./hlminis!ritlion di:cot:111N to-sreinalier mentioned will be presented at the Orphan's Court of Ada MS county, for eunfi 'nation and allowance. on l'ur , .thiy, the :35111 ry . September tir:rl. viz : 70. The first and final account of Valentine S. Feld, Administrator of - the estate of halt -Feld, late of Nleriallen township, dee'd. 171,7 - I•Wstil • rd final ;recount of - Vaten.: . tine S. Feld, Lxvotit - or (..:vorge Feld, late of Alcitallett township, deceased. 72. The first account of Thoriris T. Wier mad and ilamilton Everett, Executors of Isaac \Nieman. late of Butler townshio, dereaed. 73, The Guardian account of flow .) , Unti l' . ger, Gnarthati of Charles L. Btitinger, minor :4011 of .losvpil BIIIIIIgCr, late of. Berwick town ship, deceased. 71. The first and-final Gun rd ian accomit' of Henry lfillturtier. Guardian of .11m Maria Bit minor child of Joseph I;ittingur, late of Berw ick tort riship, deceased. 75. The first account of William Ilittinovr, testarornia_ry (;_n_anirail llowat4l minor son of .losepit liittin;, , ,er, late of Berwick township, deceased. 70. The first and final account of Philip Wainer, jr., Executor of Philip Beauter, sen., who was Gil:Milan of S;111111C1, Mtry, Israel and Antos Omer, minor chilthen of • Felix Omer, late of Nlenallett township,-deceased. 77. The first and final account of Michael Dit:trick. Executor of the last will arid lA:sta men! of John Ziegler, late of Strallan tuts livevaSt.d. 7r. The first accOunt of Joseph Fink, Ad• ministrator of Jacob Beat , late of (:I , rittarly township, tecrased. 79. The first arv , , , llit of John C. Mceallion, ldmtni , trator of ('orneliti , , MeCa I lion, late of Liberty township, drcea , ed. \V NI. F. \V.II,TER, /Icgialcr. Register'-• Wire. (;ett)sburg, A li o-, 1555. td I31.)1E1)1.1TE BELIEF FOR TIIE TOO iCHE "INHERE is to be had at the drivr stores of S. 11. Buehler, Getty,buro, and James A. Ehlt r, Eitiotitshprg, a mg. , / '/referee' re multi N't !Orli will. ( If proved . ) , ;I(•,".rdlo_f to dirceLlon,,) curt! /kr taw,/ o !. 7*, , , , i0f,h, ;to ',lot/op flo-1, 7 . the pin in riii,r , t• of tom: rt.. 11,11.• ,r, tin sAilit• ' plir,opori has to h.' ;VI 4: Atid dirt r tt or three applications hit, riltc Will . 111 . / frt . ti.t I PI ( ~1 i for .1. Ft-p4ct's 113,41144111. Pric , • .2.5 cents per plital. .1 (Igo st H. 1 , 55. 1y , N()1 ice ill Cal.:l a.‘l. lit)I ict...l %COE, %, i • t 1.1;‘ form , r n•tti , ,•:-. li,tvirt.r 1.,4 ii di-ro- THE sitl,,erilicr liert.ll% .:tvoc, Toowl-tri all .11 1 ,11,i 13, 1:-;:t.). tit A V _;.,r,1, ,I, ‘‘.. ~,,,,. ~ 1;; - 1 ...! :i..it.-c 111..1 HI Il pt , •,,, ii. li , •• p•i . , mrt.2.m% Itt--. prrini ~... A Alt . Ainnu11.,,,.. , .;. , - • i‘l. •J 11 , 1 p 11.! 1.. t..i , 1i.4 10 ": 7 'l , o'•.ii ill , 4 , t "Ott, ‘t i.oA, ho %%11l poll lito• 1.1vo; ) ()HT 114 5N I E:4.—The 1.1 t, pretrtf-A i .11 tii( ii.:4.1.1 ,I 'I! 1 .!..-• .1_ , .,;,,- , " It .i, , 'l.l ri , . .1111 .11 , ,tp...0 lii t,,11.11, to he tifittpi ot ( i .1. s.SI NI ii I: ES, ail <4olrnt and desimbhks ,„,.: L . . • • _- 11: - .1)N .• • , Inor, -1, 0 ,., 0 ,.. to ;; ; ,„,,,,,z5, ~„,j a k , .1 , .. , -.4lftlllt Ili, •.:;elltfig vr ,, t:y . irweir at _. :.,r : lf2 1-:. •is ot. --- I , ' • , t 4. .111.:-.- ) Aprtl lot. iotiN - tidiCE"s: PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE Real Eqate Public. Sale OP A DESIRABLE FARM ME 1 R . Public Sale. - • . hang thromth it. It is also within a dktanee ot TrostW.: MU. There are ;rood proportions of Wtuniland and _Meadow. The improvement' are a Two-Story tH , ' I,OG HMIs Log Barn, ai Spring !louse, Smoke House, &v..; -Young thriving OM:HARI) of choice fruit. and a w ell ot water near the door. (1.... tr Persons wishing to view the premises,, are requested to call upon' Mrs. Hershey, re siding thereon. (v.„7 , sale to cotntneoe at I o t elock, 1 1 ; M., on snia (Jay, when attendance will lie ,given and terms lii:1111• known by ELIZA II ERSTINV. BENJAMIN DEAItI)OIIFIi7, Johnl: re etelurs rrr ikrAry, By the:Coort—J. J. lIALDWis, Clerk. A twust IS 55: td Valuable Farm for S,ale: TII E Subscriber, ititemliutz to remove to,the otrurs at Private Sale, his VA I. LT A 11 L, lt,' F A lt M., situate in Cumberland township, Adams eonn ty, *on Trostlo's .Mill Road, !.:3 mites from Gettysburg, adjoining lands of Mark . Forney, Daniel Pulley and Frederick Herr, containing IS4 1.2 Acrem, more et less, about .10 acres of which arc Woodland, and about 30 acres Meadow. The land kin a high state of cultivation, under good fencing', and well watered. The i 111 provements are a good 0tt.,.. , , 10.1 . 11 W eadwrboarded 110 I.JS 14,1, Double hog ti, : iftl Baru, with Sheds all around, Wagon 1 1 11,„ Shed, Corn Crib, Smoke House, and tether ontbutldings; a nover•failing .well of water, with a pump in it, near the house ; three 'springs about fifty yards from the barn; two Orchards , of choice fruit, 'Ste. Persons wishing to view the prrmises are requested to call upon the subscriber. residing thereon Aug. '27, 1555.. 4t Timber-Land, A,T-PIJKLIC SALE. E Subscribers, Executers of the last will . and testmnont of M. LounoN, ih!ccitmed, will offer at Public. kale, on the premises, on &third° du: 1 29/It ff September next, the fol lowing property of. said ,deceased, viz : A Tract of excellent TIM - , situate in Liberty township, Adamg county, adjoining lands of Gregory P. Topper, James Moelrey and others, containimr abort 25 Acres, about 6 Acres of wltiAlare cleared. Ile t Y"Persons wishing to view the tract are. requested to call on either Of tho Ettt:etwirs, the first named residing in OPityshurg, and the last named in Liberty township. Sidi: to continence at 1 o'clock, P. M., On said day, when attendance will be given and terms inaole . known by EL U. DA NNI.III, W %I. L. McNKE, Aug. 27, 1855. td EXCCUMrs.* Tc:, eh ers 7 Mreti Al ETIN Gof the Ada ens County Tenet"- ers' A ,tsoeiaiion will bo hold in the !It et hod isf Episenpol Church, in Getty sborg on the 2d if (Mawr next,, at 10 o'clock; A; M., and will - eontirtie in-session four days. Addresses will bo delivered by Hey. U. 1111.1„ Rev. 1). I). CLARK, Dr. STEM, Dr. MMISDICN, and other's. Kvery Traeher in_ the cletutty who feels an interest in the prod's•inn. is expected to be present and aid in keeping up the interest of the Association, By order of the Executive Committee. C. I-I. AUSTlN,flairman. Rory?. A. if Cum. August `2i, I d. 55., Notice. 11l P. Co-partnership- lieretnforn existiiqr, under the -firm . of "Wolf, & in theyoutolry business, is this day dist• selved by mutual consent. The hooks of the firm will ht.' left in the-bands of Win. Wolf, for seitlennem, with wlinat all persons I,llow ing themselves indebted will please calf - and settle. WILLIAM- WOLI, 3011 N 11. AU LA BAUGH, MICHAEL .11011 N. East Berlin, Aug 14, 1855. 3t Notice. .91TIE undersi , rned have thiS- day Petered 4 oliaane rs lid er tire ji_r_r_n__ol s•Vtirn. & Sint," in the Foundry ness. The business. will be eoniltieted by sltille.l ltdint . s, and all kinds IA • that are usually wade In a Foundry can Ile had,— ' A si t ar° of public., patroria” - e is'ino-4-respect ' tally VV "11. 1,1 , 01,F, J. A: WOLF. East lirrlin, flipl,ttst 11, 1i455. :it ASSigllell','S Notice. 1A NI ES IL .1 ANI ENO N, of Ty rent , tow n- Oship, Adams county, havitify exerutuil a v6ltintary as , --i!.;taiii.nt of all hi:: estate and ef flrts lo the, subscriber, residing in the sante township, to trust for the benefit of creditors, he re.iiiest-i all persons indebted to said .I.tirics make Intnt, dime payment of their respertive (Ines, and all liCr'ilMS ila it jug elaiins,.or (1.114111(1s un him to !treat:sit the 3aitie for settlement. - JOHN LEHMAN,.ishigtic.c. Atif4ust .21), 6t _ Laying . of Corfter-%tone. EvER (_;REEN CEMETERY. rt. , ' 1 I F, Citixtp: 01 Ow town and country are I i n vited attend the Layne , oftiiii Corner- Stone of the new Edifice the Ceitii•tvry Ground 4, on Suturilrf , thi; 14 "N of Syltirt int •o'cloch, NI., with appro priate ceiettionies.. The 11ev. 111,,1 ll. Chas arrentot an in vitation to 'deli Vi•r the .I.4l4lfVnS, and the other 421er ,, y of the. 11oroii411 will liartit , ipitto. Sale of L”t, Will oectir during the day. order of the 110.trd., AiotA)NAUGIIY, Pre.4%. H..I.:•;TA }ME, SL.C ' Se• [.lng 13. In fl)rnia iit)i) 'EF of .I\loB (,',liOV carpen ter by tr,,,10. w 1,9 loft thi , , c.f. - Idy some yedr., ;old 1•,e.,t, , ,1 in kr•olotli., lowa. fill \ditch 1/I•ICA' tie -41, , ,1 in %%All ribi k e thl w ,. lye, ktio‘k pi•r s oluilly or by lett, r, .1(111N 1!11 NS, Jr.. Ht ,y v„ lila I . 4/1 Getty,,hori , , they ‘r ill Iparn ot then. itltvre e t. Information sporre 8S to the Nii , terwe ri•-1 , 1e11 , ••• of ;my of the 11cir - tclll be thank if:el IV, 1 1 _ [ A iig• 1. ",I •nt: 41~.c:aitr ABRAHAM PLANK. = 14)IIN Ii.I;ERT 1._,1 OM A Chance for Farmers. K Snhse.riher, Execntor o .141 h n Stewart, eltscon-setl, sPII ni POllie Nato; on SO 'sedgy, lisp I rvfli tirty n f Srp!radio flex,. p i t I c l oc k. M.. nn the pretnt:•es, the 144.11 [:Mate of said dereasrd,---a vs ry - VA 1. 1.1 A II L l 4; F , situate in I''eeed - tern — triwnstvip - ,- -- Alains men v, I'a., adjoining lands of...Abrahams Erise, the heirs Of 1111111 l fig ham. and George Toot, de ceased, cent:lntim* lIS Acres and 59 Perches. of Patented Land, in an excellent . state of cultivation. _The improvemeos are 000 d, consisting. of a Two-iktory Bride I)svetliltr,llrii 1. Kitelien,Priele Sandie- r 7. ;i house. Waslehruilse,- a neverfailing of water at the liitchen door, a large and ron yenieta flank Barn; built of straw and:trame, Wagon.shed, Core-crib, and .other out-builel ino.s; also a good Tenant llonse, with 21 well at the el.air, a good Stable, a thrivino . Orchard,-and other fruit . teees.' About let acres of the Farm are in good Tinther, with a, fair pr,,oportion of excellent Meadow. The Fenc• lug is in excellent order, being principally re built and repaired during the-present. season. • Persons wishiner.to view the premises will - call on the satieriber, JAMES CUNNINGTIAM,../Wr. Aug. 6, 18a5. t 5; Valuable Farm at Private Sale. r ' llE 'subscriber, intending: to remove' to. the ,West, offers . at Private Sate, 11 IS I'-1 1, (14 131,E FS JIM, situated in Reading township, Adams county, Pa., on the hanks of Big, Connwatro creek, being' the hest of Conoovago land; and in rr high sumo of cultivation. It enntains 136 Acres, more or less, and adjoins lands of Dr. C. Rlish, Wm. Picking, Ilonry Spangler and John Lavdom.- - The - improvements are. two-story BRICK HO U , • (nearly now,) a Bank Barn, Shed, Cant 'rib,Gratiorics; an excellent well of water be. • tweet; the house and barn, and several springs ou the premises. The land its Under good fencing, and well watered; part of it has boon limed.: with dne proportinitsAd Woodland and , Meadow, and all kinds of Iroitand is within a mile of two Grist Mills. There is upon the premise:4 an excellent LIMP: KILN, and a AGSTON K QUARRY not to be surpass. elf in the State. This property offers tunisual itelueements to purchasers. Si: .Persons wislii3g to view the firm ate T ./veiled to call on the subscriber. tegiding thereon. THOMAS N. WOKS. . July 9, 1855. Stn . ' Farm for Sale. ~ ~ . 11Th t subscriber offers at Private" Sale, - Oh I very lavorahle terms, 'his 114.11 M, b RIM.% it!li in Hamiltonban township, Adams county, live miles west of Gettysburg, adjoining landg of Israel Irvin, Jobtr.llieseeker and others, containing Mit. Aic rex: There are -Hi erre§ Or Tinilter, about ft: acres of Meador{', and the idanee i n a .rood state 'of cultivation,--part Granite. The Intprovements are ~...• - - a good two story LOG H 0 USI4:, G 7; :, n - • a new Double LO RAHN, with c 7. i s ., , - II ~ sheds, Witgon Shed, Corn Crib; :. ; - 4.-,.' . v,' - Spring . House, with a good Spring ;'• several other trond Springs, and running water on other pit'rts of the farm. Also a good,, 'IsEN A N 'l' 1101JS 1.: ; two thriving fl 11; tlt young A P PL B ORC H A IiDS olabout four hundred I ret.s.of choler fruit ; also a -varie ty of other fruit. .0.7-The property will be sh ow a and the' terms made 'known oy, the sub seri tier, residing . on the farm, . • JANI PS S. WILSON: June 11, 1855. . Sap ' • Public .Sale. rrnE Subscribers, I , ;xecti tors of • Thomas 1 Mirehart, Sen., deceased, will ofl'er at Saie,*on the piunises, in New Ches. ter, Straban township. Adams county, on &ti . . urdoy, Bllvdny of Sipteniber next, . ..4 I.ol l ' oF GliQusn, . - in New Chester, containing nearly an ACRE., the improvements being a two-story. • Roughcast 410 U P . :, a Shop attach. 4 ed, Stable, -a. nevertitiling. -w it of i ` " f!t. water at the dooraV...chtlice Kruit.trves! . Sale to - commence et - I o'clock, P. on said day, when attendance will be given and teens made known by MOW; I‘.; kiftli: IT A Wry 1)A.11114;14 July 23, 1855. Executors. . . ..._ A tiiood, , ,Farisi• iror.fainte;* 7 -2, , epti re S ithf;ft ri he r, i!!‘ead,ing,torATtflitOiotArr4.ll I. 'hit; PA,ItM at.trivage sale.. kid' *ID t..ii tin very' m0;0;110)11 lei n 9. ' tt - ia. alftiatetrin' ‘Motintjoy inwnihip, Adarna - Outinty; -I - sailb I' ENNSYLV.II NM COLLEG B. .woo, or the If aft itan,4l.tarrOite, atijoittittg - lar.4iit ' M EDIC A. IL DEP MR't aticy.F. -of Michael 'Erman), mioimpi Fiatioll,`, Vteorga , Onsisman. and '-'atharni, ' egitadiiii!tigf; - 1414: 0 . KSSION 01 ' 11855—'56.--'rhe regular A cres . , osrs., in . l oo p , „..„. 4110.0 . 141 , „lit.0;0(4. K - 1 Course of Lectures will commence on cu l t i v; i ii ' on, part h al i ng t ovit 4, 4 4,....i f widei, t.‘l,,mlay„ 0et0144 Stli; and will'coutiuue until good i u and w6o.:wateri.it.' .'ktirint'ap. t. _ . the Ist of March. '' acres are -IN goalatul; andl about ,- 31i' aerealliAl - le A e II i.,1" V . tour land 4 .20 Of ' which - ant,.:#oti - ifie*c e1t.f, , ..t -, Onvto C.II,BF:ItT, M. 11., Prof. of Obstetrics grass., Tito innurova!nterus air, ~a largo ,tivo . al"' Disuas" of W`n a vrt' and .Lt,ildren. ,story MUCK itoilsB, Oriel: ~ ALrimo--.tittla,t4,--,M-t)-1),--P-rof.--of Theory—and i hilk .---- thric -w. } 4 o - 0 --. Bhed. c4 n - , . . 14 . 1 ., ____ practice Of Nletlicitte. - t-t Ne if - Crib,, Carriage nottz, L ,'lt4,,e , , ...',. , , John Ny113., M. D., Prof. of Sur,,,Pry. liouse. I.oro .eicellett W Ils of ~:'''''''!'.--..- . J. Al. AI,I,VA, M. It., Prof. of General and water at the building; and a yabotgbinhartibi s l ipcial A tatomy. thriiittir - trees. .1())15 J.- Itcy.:ix, M. 1)., Prof. of. Medical 0.::7- Persons 'wishing to. viPW ' Ow 9rainisea,, Chou:Wry. aro regokteit 'to edit firm the' sobsilriberire- J Oll5 B. ii ii , i , LE „ M. I)., Prof. of Therapeutics s idi ng t h ereon. . anti Materid Medieti. . Fit,ts/I , i G. tilliTis, M. I)., Prof. of Institutes of 1131icitie. jimP.l , ll M. 1)., Demonstrator of Instriietion will he given by Pro lessors and Nein, at the l'hiladelphia Hospital, tierne! the entire iternt of the: sossion, 111 ItUrlillll4tliolr with other of the Meiheal Board of the, tlositital.--:. The Sitidesits of Pennsylvania College—boa first-cow:cc and bccosid-cuurm---vvill i)4 grotuibiliily kV Itil tilt! tieliPtto 1111' Philadel lehi,e 0111(41. Seriontl-eourse Students tiave the option of reeeivinir ttratititolisly tlie'tieliet to the Pennsylvania lir - militia: A Clinic will ako held at the Collegv, every Wednesday and SainolaY tuurnin ihroughunt the be-astir). I : 11r th e entire (;curse ut LerturcH, $lO5 00 fl.nriett Litton, (paid cnce only) ' - 5 00 30 00 The Disriectin2 Itooms will he opened in Septmither, tinder the direction of the Proles- Sur of A11:11.0111y, altil the Dvitionsirator. Preliminary Ler-tures will he delivered dur ing the fortnight preceding the opening (Attie sest:ion. JOHN J. REESE, 31. D., licE;;slrar, No. 122 S. Shalt Street, Aug 20, 1855. 51 PHILADELPHIA. AdinlimistralorN Not left. ‘ll S.IN ATTEITSDN'S 7 Letters of oi‘ttittistr;ittou on tilt; eslon of tin ~tst Patte.r,on, halt: of Redd i rown ....141ants crow:s, tieeea:,e.l, having been granted to tilt: otode•roitrmtl, rvsitling, in tilts s.one township, Ina lo•ril , y 21vils notice to nll per•-:‘,/is Indebted In s.tld ( ~ lati• to wake it:ion-11We payorcot, and those knivint; Clnlnttt 40,,ni , ,t the saint; to present them property anittentwateiftor settirment. AudlulHy. YKVS raw= Evegider4 l , Sale . OF. A. VA Yuri SithsetibEini, Kietticti)in' itte;#4l* yAll - Wid kettia foetifs!P der(sam.(l; 451 Tel , nt nreini:era,-cnislttterritiyijikelliEeffey 65:prifii•V ber I+(xJ, the Real Istate of itaid decedent, n-nsimill6 (if A V A Lir Ah L r FARM; "' situate. in Heading township, AdiunStrinfity, , ": 7 Pa., adjoininir of Vankt • BORRentlattif" . "' lienrge Baker, Mielmel,_ Bushey, Miellael Brown, and others, containing ISO Atncleg, more or less, - about '2O - aert!r: of whieh - are Meadow, and about 35 acres Ttmber Part of the farm - has been' limhtt. -- it in. a (rood state of -cultivation, and -under •gonif 'Fencing. Tito itnprOvetnenti are a one' and a half story Double Log HOUSE, new Bank Barn, Wagon t•ilted, Corn Crib;-taiul other ant-buildings., There-M on the premises a thriving young Apple Ornbard, With r a variety of other fruit trees,' each $llll Peach, Pear, Cherry, A humid, &e. There are- two neverfailing springs near the [rouge:— a well, with a pima in It, in the,barn-yard—• . several other springs, and a neverfailing stream through thetartn, making It one of the best watered farina. in the county, eersona wishing to view it are requettted to call upon either of ,the Executors, one of whom TOShles niftily:premises, and the other in the•itinne , sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on - said day, when attendance willhe given and icons wady known by . -JOH N' BROWN. - L'1"411 B. KA UtWALA N, • Angnstl3, 18,55. ,E.rceuhrt4.- Lot of GrOiliad,, A PUBLIC Ai-A,l, ; WILL be . offered. at - Public. Sale, on Sal ' iirritry, the ist , thts of September »e. 74 at 1 o'clock, M., on the ,preinises, .04 /.0 7' OF 'GROUND, - , . property of the late Citnrad Schrivc-r, decetsen.,. 1111,ilsuntely situated inSiratein tnwosisip, Ad s cotnity,-nn . the Chanittertiburg r ioati; miles freak II iiriterKinw and talie ! ` rani Loner's Mill, itiljoiniiiitlniiiis,uf.Pso. Henry •Wititior, and - others; c0f044-kr,,,T.r07` 4 AC RES, more or less. The iiiiproy - eittents:, are. a 'largo • HOUSE, with Barn, Corn Shutt,' gr: and other outhoildini% a licOnititiling ,well of excollerit water nearAliti'dirrit.,-*1110!; panty i'n it.; an Orchard of Apfile sides Pearl, and Plain IWes.' - , I'ha ra'ttit in of a first rate quality, a I'l e'n f'`Staite — i cultiviiiion'; attire prep - Oahu' is " Ate:Moir", anti all under good fencing. pitnimir woe Id wake , rate !twat tonjorii Persons wishing' to - view the piiaise arts .: requested to call on the in the rlrtfiilUprfttU vicinity y: - AMVI,I), ' Agent for the Heirs of honied StAritter", ftri: July 13. 1855. - - - - .11P:orns tbr fiat . slthsciitter, - , intonilintr to e e ti l ioo k T- olrers at on ,'very` favorable terms, A , shunted laW fl Sjlll ) 4 . +Halt epla Pa., on the titiblie read' {railing 'froati Itottlers,. town tri the - Pinegrave alunit:"3inil4" froin the ft : inner Once, 'adjoining#, , klytahain Fisher's ,N 1 ill, 0;4 lands Ot, G ar d John: 1)011 6 : amt otheriit,:,,ekuibtAiligq.-_ 135 Aciiis, about 30: aereg :of „which aril"' 11 41 the 'balance In menet) stetwof einttiOutinn#4onrt of it has been 'input._ l'heititt;ro•fiTonits..ore-• a two, story STON K tl OIT 301 'lock Buitilitti; lar#e Wagon SlitO4'.' 'Coin !louse, nod. other otiftoultilings,,i, rtinning*v4er., - . in the barnyard, a.,,well',of,elteellent,'*ntipOtt the liOnse,..and riirntlpir winer thrn,'.l*faimi alsri teikriiini. young Orchard 'of AtOlcii fruit •,„ • Crtr 'prOp - 047' is hiltutanntely - and conveniently 'situated,' a 4:irk mrsnte - to to purely News. Jr - terms, mule knovrn by thc A11411'1401; reshlint,' ; oni the farm . • j Kitt; ''July 30, 1853.. - If I'AMS HS 8 C HAV A UTZ. July 9, 1855. 2m A Small Property, AT PRIVATN SALK; , rri i 1 , 1 Subscriber offers at Private Salf, the • j property which he now oecupies, sitnaie— in Butler township, Addis's eofinly. fume' Low: , er's Nllll, adjoining lha•te Myers - and Martin Thomas, consistintr ofa LOT OF GRP U ND, cootai oiwz alwin 3 Acres. imprOved ,with a two story Rottirheast HOUSS; sink!, Shop, Stable, and other Out ; a neverCiiling well of Wate at •the door ; • and a first rite 'Oreltaril of Ml' kinds of fruit. Thu property is well located for any kind of a mechanic. Persons wishing to view it will call at the house. JESSE SLAYBAUGH- - August 13, uBas. 3t Notice. ulers of the "Against enmity Mu " teal Fire Inset:ince Company" are hereby non fo.(1 !hat an Kleytion for wetity-otie MAN.: A EIS will tic' held_ it_itlte office of the Ste,- rem ty, in (;etty shorg, nn illnnday. 04 3d day ' plember ntri, betrecen the homy of I and 4 o'clock, P. M - .—each member heist; emitted to one vote far each policy.ttelil by _Min. The Executive Committee will meet et 10 0 1 4-Ineli, t. M, uti "ganke day. Kr Managers tiavitig in hinds; Pees • due the Company will he requited to pay theaatne int - nllle Treasury li - Olrliee SalirdwyTwini. ahle the aceuunts for the current year to be closed. I). A. nil Ell LER-I.Bte3f•- August 13, 1855. 3t . • Notice. xx - rtiEREAs no. wife, MARY, has, ittft i Inv anti hoard without. riay L it!sll cause, this is to warn all perAntig a~►uilpit 1- Iter on mv iteCt)iillt. at; I ant pay no 14. fts 01 ler conttartlit , r. r .1() 1 I Nl' F E tsit R. (11o4nred.) 4 tp.,..141(Y. 13, IS5r; 3t z! , .5.5. . =