List of F, filers )I.:NIAINING in the P,!:l'olliee, , nt (I,clt jk Ala . Dist l.i, f 855.. .I'-trop Esq, A-ILO', 1), Breni'Ler Mrs Kiz.tbeth, Iteltiner George, Benito; 1),16,1, -t:loi.irore George, 11r:o1y i.:.i z • i b t "*K.—;--I)or,aldson Charles- Ellre 1. •ri .11eolt, Eoliarti Joh - it 11, Visvil filar 11„ivoroe.-11orner Mk -A. 3 , -•nnic, Hoot Ilartzt.-:11 f:.s nary ii,, 1 y. tioriloolt old., n. I:o l ,,ert, :51rs !Willer John,' Sen.— Oppenheimer 1-I(;nry.—Rile Mis% :11 Jri.l, 1:c);. Jacob, Reins-el:pr . E, nalitcr - ,,r;stiati.--Sotkr Miss 11. SOWisril4Pr .I:lltieS, :41111112 .1 110 1 1killfii)11, .!4 Ge,orge .1, S'Argeata Moses., Shops() .1 .11ox. - moi,•r. -----Van Vleeli,Dr 11, lVollord Willer M tin, %N .- keno:in . • -1% -irrier Hettry.-- 7 -G rniats tette:, Druslicr WM. GI LI, ESTI E, I'. Nrsons calling for letter); in the above List will please say they are advertised. • A LARGE AND CHEAP VAT OF G OC ER I IES, &V. NI AN U ZIEGLER." has „inst. rein rned .j,+ J 4 frOm the 'city with the lareyst_ lot ot Il.001•;111 , 13S he has ever hefore "opened, to t.; - hick he iliViteß the attention of al!, convinced VIA he can ocrer ;Lulu HA aciAuvs. " He has alsn a fine lot of 'HAMS!, SHOULDERS, Fir; riS VI of all ktittis; Oranges, heinous. and other fruits ; Crackers, Nuts, Coateetiods Seimr.s, Tehacco, Snuff, and a gerkal variety of everything, "front a needle to an anelloy," aimoßt. - Give butt 11 call, if you want to buy what's eliettp and nm)d. • 0:7" - Country Produce taken in exchange for t;ontls. - [May 7, 1855. NEW GOOD*, .111 14 OLD ESTI 11 h 1511,17 ENT, N. 1. - E FRO If '{'ll E OFr DR Y , GOO DS, GROCERIES. Sze. f you want bargains, can and see we. 11,611 f. 4 ,11 as cheap as" the chna;)est, and as, to Cloths, Cassimeres, and Ready-made Clothing, we 01;1,11nm:re enmpetitinn. The Clothing are all of our own manutaeturimt, and waminted “right side op." Come one! COWL: al! ! No trouble to show them. 'GEORGE ARNOLD. July 30,(855. 4t LOOK HERE! New Chords itgain. S. GRAMM ER has just returned from Philadelphia with as band smite and rlitiap art asortment of SPRING 4- SII.IOIEII (;001).:4 as cSrer brought to Gettysburg - ,,eon Pi..:ting• in part of Cl,O rus, r,hio; arid Fancy t '.l....simers, Marseilles for Pants and Vests, itinetrs &c. Also Bareges, Barege do Baroge, Brilliantine Silks, Lawns, Gingham s, Calienes, Cloths, t4la Jackonet and Swi4s Flon Ron it &c. Also C. RO C JES & QIIKENSW AWE, which will be sold at I Mecca: prices, for Cash or Country Produce. To punetual customers a credit of - f-ix months. April 9, 1553. .if 3. S. GRAMM KR. 'Veva , FAQ'..,';: r 4fic Tobacco MANUPACTOItY. SA MU FAIIM r., would respectfully inform the citizens of the town and cone -Iv, -that, he has opened a Sear and Tobacco ,Imatinfaetery, in Baltimore street, next door to leorney's' Drug Stoll, Gettysburtr, where he wilt constantly keep on hand a larne variety ot* `Et: Ins, a the finest flavor, and at. the living prices. Of EWING TO• llii41( 1 0 he has the choicest loads—also va l uta' article of SNUFF—aII of which he offers as low as the lowest. Ile only asks a Ida% convinced that he can gratify every taste. Ile hopes, by strict attention to business and a tleqire,to please, to merit and receive a share of public patronage. • OLD solinigns. Bounty Land Act of 1855. tinder - signed is now folly prepared to 61(1 and is rapidkjillti CLAIMS TO HoIIN , Tv I.ANo for sobliioS of the War or 181'2. and ' , ,of A LI, the-wars of the U. States—their i l kow s rrinfiqainor children. In addition to Iris lon,g eKpi.riPriCe and sneeess, he would add, that, alt many chtimq "he has hitherto filed, - (bet wont 11W and :200> he has carefully pre served, au(' has 110 w every thing necessary to fights of el;ti mants—as 015.) Rolls Companies: and facilities for fur in tittle.; looms in all "cases that may he en ctn.:Led to h:m. ' • has tutnle complete arranizetnents for ,loratint; warrants in the Western States. /Var.. 1,),MZ111- Warrants said. • A pply personal 1y or by letter to U. M'Cl ON A UGH V. .(:etlystotr.r, Marelt 12.1855. 11. t tit ies ;117 I' t►ndrrsin~ned i7:11. - trt ihi, method of in , forming their friends and the public gen thoy, have enterer( into p.trtnertihip itt 1);e, Carria(re -nt.tkitel: business, and are 1/re plied—mt their establishment, in one and a halt .stin:iies from sireet—to put up (IA Itl: 111 t; ES, VW (:(; I EN, , in the lery• heir manner. Their wuris, they are deierniined, shall nut he suriii.sseil in pl.iee, either to or their terms will he as ea- , ,y as at any nther t kr,o-Itepairityz and , it r.bott notice. - 1), 11. 1.11"I'LE, (:ourburg . , Fel). 26, 1853. Now is the Time. SNt• EA VEH recpectftt Ily anuouttees to . the Ladies and Gentlemen of (te•ttv.l, eer~r tnel vieinity, ;hat he Ith-; rest:toed the I}autter r Ifte,iflrtig, at the old stand.' in trim ! ". street, where he will be happy to re e, ive visitors desirous cot secori rif perfect I).ortterreoiypes 4.f the••eselve•s or hien/Is. Retog furnished wtth an eentire•ly new and costly apparatus. hr is prepared In t,ilsc to every style of the an and insure lee•rl , on. ,;...,- , C.l l :lr.r e , from 30 cvnts to $lO. of oper.itilog; frotiz .1. - 1/. to P. Nl. 1 . 6411 t. i/I" put 11.1r1, dress ittl(N two•',2 to Ho , 1o , 4411) , of ihe picture. sr-pi. IS, 1,851. :t Ld'•:Q~irt .•. 4 11:1:r6, IIENI) ICY & ). •:20 North 7 bird "NI 7•1: , Cuttittl I no 14 ,, P.T1 • "I , I' It EN t! I 1 1' A I,P-S I \::••4., •.: IIK•o1-41•111 ,••01,E LEATIIEIt Febrirary :2.6, I e-:55. 1 y I i ! / 1 FA ROE and I i ettry \\ * ampler will in , lie tionsp . I .r (Nekil nt ry prrnlinte. 1(1 a il their Houses, I. :,„, spouted, wtsirki 1.,) iilr 1;oril 7-53. k't.X. N + l / 4 .; 4 ;(,!11;.11'~. ' I. A. LITTLE. t:. IL V.. %. ER Loot: 0111 ° Second Arrival of Now Goods. CHEAPER. THAN EVER. - r - 1 R ERN,Ino!, to your ititPro , sts: If you ",int inorivy you lo.l, l "ust call at Ow NarthNt eorner of tly. Iti tmottd, idiari. poi Will tiriVe at (vast :25 pvr rrnt. 7:114 get, ;IF' 5111 u • „ritittt ytlllr Vt)11 NVIII Wit haVl+ in pdy tor tho , -g , who diqi's pay. 1)on•t lorf,z(•1 to brio2; v,,t!rtoorwy• Pm brirp.2 anytlsitly,•art.l evervtloiwy 'ls BA(.1)N, Y.M . 1111 1 11 , 5.C11.-•iitill I buy ;It titry ase wo; just c:111 ;it Pe.,1.1e% H oe k(;0(J.1)S, Clpthina timite to Order,-&(:. ..YeAT Vci..fens-vpirc tire! Crtlvr-zmire. • Gettysburg, July 2, 1805. tf V:i'a i r Going; (Dzi 94:‘111.; jp,trope; entljossing public attention, and prices generally are . Bet the iitidersivied 10 Itn, eft -lowers and everybody elite that he ha'. - i ti qt- 'returned front tht: city, with the city/fits! and b, I. smch al • Li f-") '"‘ Nuts, Co:li'oetioliary, Fa,iicy Soaps, &c., hi, has ever heiore offered.. Call and jillitre for yourselves, and not pronounce, his goolis atomic( the cheapest l'ind best you have eVI.I" l tnl,rd at, then is he (greatly tills tativn. ilis snick comprises, in part, Coffees, Snirors, inificolates, Syrups, Molasses, Crackers, (fringes, I,emorig, Almonds, Palm Nuts. Pe,i . Nuts, English ‘Valtints, Filberts; Confectionary, of a limn!red sorts; - Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves., Soda Sitleratits, Washint( Soda. a lartge variety of Pitney Soaps, and everything else itl his line. or . (:ounlry Produce ',alien in ex e.loth , ,ri• for Goods. .TnE I' Loo AND FEET) BUSINESS is continued. {ugliest market prieri-1 paid. ,W' AI . (: - 1 LI, Es PI V..., In Ylsrl: Strol, al Um Pud Office. GeityshiirLr, April It 1; 1A51.: Nell' Hardware Siore. MITI P. sah , irriliers w(iald respectfully an• non nee to their friends and the public, that hey have . opened a NEW HAUDW AB sToRI)a/!irlaurradjoining- the rc.lidrzire if David r, G ell ydn4 fg • , in which they arc opening a -large and general . asart. Inent of liantware, Iron; Sled, IlrocericN, U'l'L F It V, CoACII TUIIIMINGS, AXLES, (cbar-tucire, .151)oe Sivbino, Paints, MIN, am! 'Dye-sitars, in gt - 'IIMII, inrw.lir i every desetiption of arti cles in tbr, above lines of business, to which they invitc the attention of Coach-makers, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Cabinet -makers, Shoc.mak.ers, Saddlers, and the public en- Our stocic having boon selected .with fir Pot care and pit ro.liaBcd for Cash, we guarantee (lot' the Ready-Money,) to dispose of any part of it 'on as reasonable lorms as they, can be p4ir chased any where. e particularly . repiegt a call from our friends, and 'earnestly solicit a share of favor, as w e:nrc determined to establish a char acter fre.. gellinu Goods at low prices and do no on fair principles. lO Vi I. 11. DANN Mil, DAVID 7.1 EG ER. Gettysburg ; Juno 9, I H5l, If We Can't 'Be Beat! A111411(1' Allll'lll IF splendid New Goods EAVE the pleasure of announcing, to my it- 'friends and the ;odd ie. generally,that I have just received and - opened a large and splendid SlSpply of 8 !MIN G & M (;()()1)S. They consist iu part, of French; .English, and Anierivan CIMTI IS:, of all colors, Inuit 3 to $5 ; Plain and E d ruv Cussimeres, Twve(l, - :, (`asitinerclts, Plain ai s id Palley Litu'lls, I,),VT or with a great variety of- PANT sTUF from 13 ets. up, V ESTI N large variety. FOL Til LA have Stl,lN, Tkstie, Linen Etis;tri.s, Alpaca. 'Lawns, froth Ithrpiits up; Suisse 111uillv, Plain and Plaid .laonnei,, !\lOll, tic Laincs, Calivocs Irani a tip Tlircad Unit (7i)tion (dlivos, flusiery, and Cotton Lat., , s and Edgings. 130 N N Ribbon.; and Flower ()lir present Stock is Intro, and has horn selected %;:itli ,rent cart., both as regards (),11,1lity and ;V: our motto is Priji /Idol (r)u SI; WV hope :111 who xvi.-111 4rreat lar nllll hill give us•:t e;t11 hefore purchasin , r vlscwlicre. 1,. SCHICK. April 9. 1 _ i 5. tf , -The- Cslesp !t“crre ! NVE IlaVe 91)1.111'11, anti fIOW URI 1. to 111(' plibtir the best :Ind eheapo , ,t asNort went of NG, 111 Ni EN ;( )111/S evcr reveived in this llorolo-h• poroliast , d with great eare, and beite.2; dote; mint d to sell m-it Lou t-A4 , a-r-444--I=onii44--t-i tine, the laroof,t and Whist de , .iralde assortment at a else !per rate than ilwy e to he furnish ed in or out (lithe Itoruin4 ft. 11 e would ro spect Ily the altl'tltiunul our hiends and customois to our lino assortment of Blael: and Valley CLOTHS, rassluter , •s ;inif tiasittetts, euttotlades. t.turi• of evert 'J w(' Vor the La1110:4 WV can shun' - -- rdporild - vtiru-ty rd . Gt)t 111 N. Iterates or all colors. Ilera; 4 e Lamps, Moos do Bonnets., I:il,h loss, Fnit ,, , now l e SW ks, 0.% &A . • (; k ( )(: I . :111ES (\4: QmEEN:s\v.IRE hasp our usual kir.e supply. Grateful fur pa-d lavors, hope to merit a conttimativo of the satin.. Call and examine our stol.l, anti satisty you Nolves that. ours is 77, t , f Sforl:. tr,ll ilte to show Goods. 11EN 1310)T111i1S. April it, Is 5 : ). tt 1 1Vasa. Lt. 5 . a'.."1,4.rarvi1, .17'1'11ILVI:l . .17 1,..111'. AFT 1( E on the Poldir .t re, two duon, '2-2. .11fsralla Ai.511):41 y WE\ I)' rc•iiwvi irr in Y.,rl„ tlicrt•Cloro i,,• ! -- ,•7fIS • y4,.. 4, / pl 1:?:" . " \JIM(' I d Ltstt4 thi- 110 dune, t% ittittut %%id ho tt ill, to, re•-iICI.I z'; fui•th, ittl!ul 0. tire tvili I .3 !111 -1 r l ii. . I „,t ~t it_ IMMO I.' ljt()T.111;Ii.) !..Cy Cht":2l) :k0.41E e'% :4! Ri6l 3 !Vit. ESA L 1.; 1 iil;'IA1I:, at the Phil ' 'IV ;iiid if•tvt•lry Skin., No. ;.:I;emnd corrtf r Quorry, I.t. lIMME ,•• , 1,.01,41 MEM - - t,9 9 7 I / - - J) • ... - 3 It') C, I I 1.'9.4.11, . - . . 1 1 , 1 .5 9 I (~1,1 i''-9 . •,,,I9 1 . 4-1,•,1 ilrl ••ih, , , Hot 1-r, - - 2 I') ;;Id 1' I? ttyr-, :17:: : (-4-;i: , . irr :f4.-',O; NA ;.tett (thi:,sys.lll , i)ti, 172: : crnts, plttelit .1.8:, Liiiict 725; (olior 'arliclo:•:; Itt proportion. All goods t‘'ar ralltud to be what !boy -,tre Hold ttir. ,_., ,10 •Ir' 1%. STA fIF F El? (v, 11,\111-.44-V?;'• On lirtnd. some (Inlti and : , ;ilver Levers arid Lein tnls.„ still rower than the above prices. Sept. c 25, 1854. 1 y J. Lawrerive Qifl9 M. IV., ......... . ~,,,....,.......,. .. “rir „,.._............ : , - . T., s: itis Office oned oorwestof th e Liitti,eran I . c h II re 1) , i n .4'; Intinher,sim rg'm tre , et, :Ind of Grailitrier t B stow, w11(. - i . e tiioNe wishing, toilllyt. ;illy i';'')e)i 4 411 %.4t,,R;v:lfioi2 perfurme,ci sire respect rid ly i itviict! to c;41.1. K f* I: It ENCEA: Dr. D. i Ilion., Dr. C. N. f,rrlitchy, Dr. D. Pev. C. P. llf.v. IL L. Biil i gkwr, D. 1)., Itov. Prof. NI. 11i.37-, ov.Prof.Nl..heolisz. M.L.Siutver: (::L1).81)41r:4 - , April 11, 1553, tf Hav.iYanted. )1.:ItS;()NS having. flay to do well 3.. by calling on the Hutiqerilter, in Cent's : t ow ', who i . , d4 , 4irotts of ptirehasittir. Thu iliarket prier: will be paid at all times. he,r. intends having the I-lay, after bpj li tr on(hed, hauled either to ihnover or lithintore, the preference to haul wilt he given to those trout whom he may pilrt'haSe. SOLON/ ON POWERS. 1)0e. 0, E. H. Buehler, • • 117'7'011 AT Y .117 1 1,31 V. . ILI, .I;ii jlittilly and promptly attend to V II business entrusted to him. Ile sp'::ab. the (;trnimt lon,L , ifitize.()flier , tiaute 1)1,1. inSrmtit Baltimore street, near hornr•y'S Dra , r Store, and nearly opposite Dinner & Ziegler's- Store. • march :20. ii4)1111110' Land Cialaa:S. filllE 11 udersigned will attend promptly to 1_ the collection of claiins for 13.0 UNTY LAN/)S tinder the late act of Uongrcss. Those who have already recidycil .10 or NO Acres, can now receive t,ie halance, by callin on tho subsCriber and inakinig• the necessary application. • it !';1, B. DANN Kit. (;pitysburg, March 1-J, 1H55. tf A. JD. B'reancl,scs?4, A , - AN Li PACT(' I? otiltYll'ON LA I'S, .1 \V A 1)1 /I N (:, TI E V kith, e %Rl' ET CLIA IN, I'AJTTUN VA I? NS, I', (;AN ANI) FLUID \ WKS, xvhieh hr of fer!, to sell at the Loive-1 Prices.. at A't). (t .IThrket 81. iiii;we yurlb side, I Vvi). Standard liti.theran Books. ri 1 E Lutheran lionual. on Seriptural Prin eiple6l or the A it2,shurj, (land hy , ;eripittru pro - ols mid exiraet* now standdrtl I,tithrran Theoloulans of Europe and Arneriea; to , oliter with the Formula of Government and Diseip li Ito ;I.lopitml by the • ireneral synod rd . the Evangolical I,titheratt Churelt in tl.e, United Statl-.4. l.y S. S. Sehmucker, D. 1)., one \Vt. 1•.2 mu. Lilo of Martitt Littlicr, t.(lited by 12ov. T. :Siork, 1 vol. fS vu., Hinz-orates!. Kurty.'; Slorotl Ilistory, trl 111- latod_by I2rv. t;. SelleallOr. 1 vol. Thu our 1)(11)4111i, by Itcv. V. \V; A ri-vdrii, I v‘11..1:2 Life ,If Alplatietbon, Innu.bited from tho Ccrmon, ity Iter. G. V. Growl. The Cbildren of the Ned" Ti•statnent, by Itcy. I'. ,Stork. . New Palbliczal ions '11)1 . tile leinliier huuh puldisher,, r e . 4 l :larly r e ceived, and f.,r s:ale ;it publisher's price,. following :ins! received : and ov''n ire) in the refereore t,5 iippropriatu lie;tdiiels, I)3' 1?ev: Cuisitning's Signs of the ' l ' lllll'S. A 1ar,21,3 as , ortliwitt ot St:llind and Misetd- Hooks, 1311)It--; nl evcry, I;l.tid I;imks, \Vritiwy' Stalifmery. ~ .„Alt:-;It Itl‘v pltt•c!.. :it Ihe I:imk,iore of "Qoick Sales Sr, Slirall i Ill; sitilsrribot ro-liert folly - - 14,6 , r;„ Ii is I rie.H.l-;4ltti—}-lie-pull-lio-gent-ra - I—' ty, 411:11 tie iirr utt t!it.i t ., l! .1 It' 1 1(; 1.3 - 1\(; lot :it Slow , (tf Yorls, hi! lids on prop:tri•il to wail- .11 sloor — nooka., - 1( 4 :1:ThH, ill! in Ilse hoth or linkh ;Ind materiak. lir ltd..: also on ha n d a nninhvr *of S t )N;1)-11.NN I) El) CA AG ES, (I:•seri ptions, etell 11,1(ke NVIlic•11 111 , 011(ixv. EPA I IL -1 NI; done' at short native, ;Inn at the lowost i vhor rate's. Country prn.ltiro Own in ex- Challiri , for kv ,, r h. ,1.1(.;()13 Ti?.()X v 1• 1 t_n The I) est Systen: of doing Business niwoys to ,1.11 „ I .; , I . on o i, customer the Jul,' p(,:talf ilia ii(ap . rj. In that manner you \\ 111 ultv,uy..(ive satisfaction and secure a cust , «per in . tut It Gendernrn who wish t() htty a`7- I; 10 It k E, tale in the ino:t Ce-. 116.11.11,1(• style., and nr titt best materials, (-honk' call ititon the undcr sig tied , a. he (Hie-, (my nt 7(;,:ifficitirrcr to in ()duce a better Carl tage at any in (i.e. ti:::„1-()t(lers 1 . 21(rn a dit.latioe t haul, folly ro e(!ived, ;111(1 pnalirtly attended to. li-pairing tli(ne at sli(qt 11«twe and uII r.•as ti•rms. ". ,- Couittly produce takon iu r\Chu I:1 ,, c ar 11. G. t'.\ Sir( „ o.ilicc Al.iy 7, I E)iagnit:lJ T072<.0r. Oil N 11. 1) r( )N . rry:l,lli . t; nltctid I!„ 111 1 thi Icto•r, • I.lu_ ILlLLcr_,;___liti,LlE ;.) ., .•EN:111:;1!(•12i 1% V.!' .iu !; an intinitu 1102rcp h, 1.1«•1 i eniirt, th, , !olm td • I i. r,hz.irs thcrt I l i:It by id,. lir au l d (11-stri• hi' \tII iin rit %,t 111=MOM=1 I ). ME 11; 111;Ja: r % ' 11,.• - II I lowz (-qv- _ _th.it___l/ u___,....,t ti___Ag... OtIN•t)-. th , iie.l)s uy tilt; t •... 11/:: L.: i ..1 6ILLEsPIL's, TitrssEs! TIZ ! "!• 4 SES ! C. VL, THUss AND Hi; AcE. IS'r_t ',I ENT. s. (nr, Tirplith )Hat lure Mr‘ I, l'lti;rtdelliAig.lmPt , RTKit H . fine Fr.:-:Nclt Tit u 6is , effrin tl iii lig txtre.riti; Falb!- arid dur,th:l;l7 %vitt; eorrvet. Iff.m4dill ruplured p:it; be 4(111(•il . by ;;;;:ra(tth-, :1, 1)f.: ', .'3`.4" , 11 Hifitid thg, (,:o-t of :-.41 1 1 ; ,,,th• 4 "1 ";.,41;, nitrl ;:: , .'10„ fructiorrs :o tve:tr,;lnd how to eti , ;(.l:i cure, it, - hen . .:;erit with the Truqc, A 1, 40 fnr to variviy, thwpoir '4l i'ii/Lizt fifore, dil; ell te Prohpsiiis p• r i ; Props awl Support ,, , Brave-. Chest I.:v:1)1111,1ov; :inil Hrector Braces, adaptf'q.l -to all wiih--!-:toip Shoulders :in] Weal.,Ters; EjaF;tic Abdomin,3l Belts, SuQpi , nsorie , ,, ;.1:1,1 IP:11:k% atteurfant , 3, [Ali;;. 6, 12:355. 1}'•• rft.OTECTION AGAl‘ser -frar Dire! , • rr E unm-rsio,ned formstroperty-holder4 A h lust he has eel) dilly appointed Agent of the PE,RRY COUNTY FIRE INSU UAN IA) PAN V, and illiett he is the only. AM'llt. in Adams county for the saute. Ile will Like original and renew nid Insu rances for said Company, ire its In corporation, in IRI3, has seen redthe perfect cfmlidence of the people of Adams and the ;I dpi ii i mz counties, (it beims authorized to effect Insurances in any part of the Mate..) l's ime g,rity and ability have been fully and satisf:wtorily demonstrated. The gradation of rates of Insurance adapted to the inotnal interests of the whole Company' and the class of the insured property. Every person insur fmr becomes a member of the Company, and may act hi the selection of officers and in the direction of its operations. Mosi - s MueLi:AN represents tire metnlierf; in this Nuttily in the Board of Man aoprs. C. Rolai, Jr., is President. 'and Jowl CAmecr.m. Secretary. ()dice itt Bloomfield, Perry comity. Me(7I,EAN, Offir•e of '11.&, W. McClean, Gettysburg December `25, 185 , 1. if • For Sale or r 111 E nflors for Sale or Rent the (11 4 ,1"I'YsINTR(; 5'1 . 14: All will run the Alin wily until the 15th of March next. Feb. 26, 1855. rra ileinoYeti a VPIV f) oo rs ' ' 4,1 11111 llfthe ONI Sol tan d. FTII. SK HUY respectfully informs his 0 old customers arid the public fzenerally, that he contiimes the T.1.1[ I: ING BUSI- Ni2SS, 'war his old stand, in South Baltiinore street, where he will he happy to accommodate all %vim' may patronize him. All work en trusted to his care warranted to fit and hr of most substantial make. Thankful .for past flivor , 4, he solicts a..cunturuaucc of pa tronat•fe. • :Y - The New l'ork .Cpri trg fl 17 (1 Sti filmed 1 , '(“1 1 1 otis are received. Call arid see them. (;ettyshoitr, April 9, 1855 v 114:4414'11,.. C 4 NHS who served in um . y rpm- of Ihe St.ocs term no: les-i than ffltlriCt'll (111 , 7/S, are entitled to Hi° eI{ESBOII NT V I, A. N . I ), and in case of the deoth olthe soldier, hip widow or minor children,' (if any.) are entith-d to the satin quantity. In.cases where 10 or acres have already hens received, die. difference nocessitry to inu ke up the 1 tiO acres con now he drawn. afr Amity to the, snliseriher, at his office, in Gottyshorf. whore persons haviiin• Low/ IT'orronts to sell, may oh:•;ii - n the hinhest price fir thous 11:Irrh 19, !RV). Gin I , lx.cavator. rrsubscriber, Itaving - rurchased the Patent Right of El RSH'S PATENT M AN I XCAVAII)It for all of Adams comity excepting, 0 x ford,C onowatro, Berwick and Alountjoy townships, will sell ,„ etther the machines or township rip , hts, as purchasers may prefer. The Exeavaior also 'answers an mbuirableporpose in unleaditeg hay, by horse power, requiring but one horse and two hands to a load of hay in ten minutes, and carry it to the highest part al the barn. The attention Olt:inners is inVited to-this valuable improvement f as it is one of the cheapest and most useful' agricultural implements: ever in trud neod. 11. G. CARR. Gettysburg - , May 7, 1355. Get . _ Geo. inichanNon, No. 111 N. Howard Stretl, Ba More, 1) 1! and sellq FLOP R, ((:RAIN, HAY, 1) STRAW, and Cl(nntry Prod nee (general ly. 11.t(i ako )trlutild a largtl stock 01 . 6 % E (i wholcsalo and rotall. Vol): 1155. ly Bush's Allegheny Rouse, 11.trt,:{1. st., ah(lve Nth •zt., I'hi/.7 (11rbia. Terms, June 1, 1855. ly" C. I. BUSH, e!acs, .; ewe iry, Nvf,re?pirifec rciatey fifvoefx. A Chnice .kssurt theta of the Finest Qual ity, for ::;ale at the Lowest Cash Pt ices, at. IV:kit. IL Eainslikeati^.. NO. 184 Sol;TII SECoNI) Bel wren awl I: nit);2, I Icsl l'lt i /arra. I': r r li,r4sortniviit embinees a I,nr ! .. and ,Y ( /re/ II - a H.("hoer I r irl'ic": l lll)rtrii 'll ' p t ..`.); Irr, in Spilrnl", L(fil lo s , s yr t Gnuth. E ins and y i n y le at' a superior quality. rle servtnyr the exainiomion of thos-.4. who de sire to proeu the /,c../ owls at dn.. /q,.11 I' r Ih iv in , a prtirl Mri: i/ge at . the bu.i. 111' , `;. 1111 d all elV;IiI•11)1k . for liiiporli to r 11.inutariuritpr, the sl;l) , : erilwr youlidently 11117 - 110.; plirehlt` . l.l, belitsvitor th:11, c:in sup ply thorn on terns its I . ..Ivor:1)10 as any olher in either at Al!atitie kind, y,iDianlood and I't:trl Jewel ry and Silver \V.lrt• manufactured to order, ‘vilhin a rea,:onahlf• W,lty .It , v, ry and tiaVtr V are ru; \\ \l. Ef,•!•()N! E\ D. S•011'1 C.l St -t he '‘\. 11111 , 1% 111 , 1 V I l; 1 1:1) (:1.0( ' , till/iii of and CZLI' .1/, h,•r :2, 1.", 1.. I v ('l9ia3;t. and CZei(•;, , ,ltN -,-, ,i - are. , • 1;4:14 4.4 4:—(--4 1 .‘1 k) EN I), , ,eicr in (7 i , kz . l . le: le; s k le:, 11 e 1, (e'e , , we , r tind t, I'ol I v the Dealets It, an t vtittitt.tttoti 'di- v. - , li as,urted t I • e:—.lS' lie re. j I t 1,. ly it ,:rol \\ .thsr 41Z \ Cli ENS .01)1. No 1111 I 1111 , \I .11111 ,4'..(111 , .1140 In ill• joi Jo: C. W. HOFFMAN. R. G. WCREARY. 11 llarvdlons Itemi fur a 31anyllous .1•4 ! . I;atkrivav's EVinisatent. TEGIt AN D EXTEItN E'tl EDY. Ey the aid of a tairreseope, we see rnil lions' of little openings on the' surface of our hodiits. Through ti e-a:Anis Ointment, when rubbed on the SI:111, is ediried to any organ Or :rd it. Diseases of the Kidney-, dig. :'-'uolors of ti+++ Liver. atiections of tue'vneart, nihinirrition of the A-dhnia.s. ! ; are by it, 11111-: efloCtitdily oured. = Every housewife know , th„t passes freely threterit b net or m e at of any Thiel, n 045. This ' Intalinn Ointment tar more readily penetrates throto.ji any bone or fleshy part of the livi n g body, curing the most shtnaprous inward c++in catunot be reached by other means. sipetits.salt ithc um ,N,-; - -:cortitic ;tumors,. No reuelly has ever doge so much for the cure of diseases of the hatever form they way assume, as thi+4 Ointment. No ease ofSalt Rhea :it, Scurvy, Sore H cads, Scrofula, or Erysipelas', can long witlistond its iniluen . ce. The inventor has ;ravelled over many parts of the globe, visiting the h "tripal hospitals, dispensintr this Ointment, rr advice as to its application, and has thus been the means of restoring countless numbers to health. Sore Legs, 'ore nrcasts, Wounds Uteers. - Some of- the most, scientific stimeons now rely solely on the nr , ,e of this wonderful Oint ment, %ki!erl 11.11;eg to cope with the worst eases of sores, wounds, ulcers, glandular swellings, and tumors. Prof. 11 ol o way his, by command of the Allied Governments, dis patched to the hospitals of the Fast, laige shipments of this Ointment, to be used under the direction of the Medical Staff, in the worst cases of At. will cure any ulcer, +glandular sttellingr, stiffness or contraction of the joints, even of 20 years' standing., Piles and Fistulas. 'l'hese am! other similar distressing enm- plaints -can he - clieeinally cured if the Oint ment be well rubbed in over the parts'affeeted, and by otherwise folio,' ing the printed direc tions around each 'pot. Both the Ointment rind Pills should be used in the fullowiug cases: Pilos Noce: of all lauds Thinions lUieurnativn Spr;:in4 Hands FAL Ithown Ch;LU4auis Shin F«eUel (ilan.l r,,tiii•ts Fu re e:s o,,ut laill.1)1,o Buie I;reasts Uleor,4 Fore latadi Venereal Sores * • Sdid at the Establishment of Professor flom.owAv, SO, Maiden Lane, New York, and 241 Strand, London, and by all respectable Druggists and I)ealers in Medicines through out the United States, and the eivilized .- World, in PotA, at 2. cents, 6.'33. cents, and $l .- each. (;* ---- There is a considerable saving by tak ing the lamer sizes. N. B.—Directions for •the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are alliKed to each Pot. July 23, 1855. ly cow TM MU Book and Slationery North West cur. if Sixth and „arch Sts., Philo Great rgit ins in 1;i-io6o, : Poetical. Jnve e, Miscellaneous, Standa rd lid Pr Ilan n Books, very Cheap. QTA PLEAN I) FANCY STATIONERY. 1.71 Superior 'White Ruled Letter Paper, $l,- 50 per Ream. Letter awl Note Envelopes in great variety. Weddings furnished at very moderate rates. Cords \\ ri ten and Engraved. 6illott's and other Steel Pens. Soperior Motto Wafers, 32.3 Mottoes nu a Sheet, for 25 cents. I listands, Pen-Km ves, Paper Weights, &c. Fine Turkey Morocco P( , rte- M ounaies. , Portfolios, &c. Card Cases, Backgammon Boatds, &c. IYith a very large and choice assortment of Toy B u nk s , G owes , Dissected Pictures, 4ft. .111buins, Scrap Books and En.Lrrurings. April ',13, 1355. ly F. . 1. Stttrita, FORT \IONNAIE, I'OCKWr BOOK; AND ON EsslN4 E MAN UE.ku• TU 14:11, N. IV. cot. Qf Fonrik Che,situt Phi/Me/phi - a, always on hand a large and varied as,ortment of Port. Monnaies, Work Boxes, Pocket Books, Calms, Bankers Cases, Traveling Bags, Note Holders, 13aeliglintnon Boards, - Port Folios, Chess Men, Pnrt;lhlC Dqsks, Pocket Mein. Books, Dressing 17:istis, Cigar Cases, &e. Also, a general assortment of ENGL ISH, FRENCH ^& GERMAN FANCY GOODS, Fine Pocket Cutlery, R.; , zors, Razor Strops and Gold Pens. Wholesale, (:coorl and Third Floors. F. H. SMITH, N. V. cc,rner Fourth Az. Chesnut Sts...Phi hula N. 13.—0 n the tecnipt of $l, a Superior Gold Pen will be sent to any part .cif . the United States, by mail ;—desCribin , r pen, thus, tnedilllll, hard, or soft. [April 2, 1R55. Iy. XI nttover IL Railroail. rr RAlNS*ovpr the Hanover 13 ranch Rail -1 road now run as follows : Train• 10:1V4'S -H:inover at 9i A. AI., with l'assen , rurs for York, 11;trrisbnr•r, tinWia and_ Phil,tdclphitt. Thi , , 'Flail; also c• , sttnt.cts with th. , ExprPss for I;•, , ,itip o or e . riving thtm; at 1 I'. 11 stopping at Gittnrock, trkt.)n and CoPlit•ysville. " • • p. rl;l=7. sengers for Baltimore and intermediate places, and !owns with passengers from Yurk, J. LEI B, ..114 nt. July .9,3, 1535. tr Saying 'Viand Qf the United .itate , ; Company. 1 - 1 -1 IVE PEI?. CEN T. SAVING Ft:NJ) At "I'hird - and Chesnut, Philadelphia. the Grand Pioneer Saving Fund of the United States Umnpany is recei,vittg ntonoy daily; also 11011(1 3• evenin , rs. on deposit. This is the oldeSt Five Per Cent. Interest Paying Company in the City and State. The money is paid hack without notice, as usual. June 1. I 535. Gin Admianistrator's Notice. TACA)II W PE'S ESTlTE.—Letters of ep Amiiii,traiion oil the estate uf Jacob Gipe, lau , of Ueading - township, Adams county, deceased, haVillfr been :Trallted to the reshilug in 'the s;itne township he !tun_ by !lives notice to ;ill 'pf.rso n ,s Indehi ;•d (0 said i•stait , to inalie rnyinent, :Intl those havin , i.lainis ;T:linst the saint. to prcsclit Lbetii proporly , - iiithentiexed for suitle wool. JACOB 61E 1 E, ./Lbri'r. _lllg. 6, 1t35. 6t ttimini+itralou's Notice. -1 3„, T II \VII,. VA ESTATE.— honi, ton) on t;:e , 1.4 - 11;yard, of Li m 1 1101,h:in tow Adam , county, dn., eon;1, 1 „ icon (Thum-el to the talc:rsota u,l, 1.1 - 1,41 - leAr tt,hip, h& iiern by (rives nlnire to .61 p, rson, 1)1(11 to said io 141 , 1 h t, [ray went, , /td lit OSO /I s tt tt 1 ;0 ' WIS. (1" . 4111 , 1. ~.7, C 1 MA! t p reSe them pryperrly ?..tit;ement. .1 ()El 3 ll Silk: 1: VI - , July 1;:;."). tit I V 1111E1: (;()i)lls .17' 11.12111'c'E Pll.l - rE5....._\vi... ; , 111 , romil for Fall . preltie6.t . , .:/F( to 1)t. I ,, un(i at :II( II: (0 S.:•11110 I Catio(i, eili.11(( 111,111 d ; l',((111 :11b (0 azJd Ul4 !J 1.11/1C - stlir Joints 1,4 4,1 ;ill kinds Min P. I . IIOM .SON -FGs:i:3l', .r r I E lhankfni it, hi frk.nrl-: and 1 1:it rnw; 1 , 1 r 11v"r?Vir itiellll and t'ne !retn-rrilly. ticast—lit has r e . enived and IldA !lOW 011 1 •11_PrillSpke;i9i1,:1 VPrit lame" and beautiful assortment r, SPli r; AND Sfllr lr h:1? CLOTHING, made op i n nrpriii . ficel.l styles, and the latest p M•dliroiLi. lit ri•ffilrd to work man Ship, they call% be excel led bv any customer Aatior. FLlvitor enlarr.-4I Ynv place and stool., I ma able :o Nell Ready•fii., I t every chi seription, cheaper than ever — offi;iiA before irt thii or any ratjer plane this sine at the Atiaa tic. My stock coiNi,ts in part of C0.1 . 1*, of all sizes, prief - . 1 4, c o lors a.nd hinds, made op in a superior manlier, of the finest Eitelish, French a rid A merican Cloths ; also .ofk i og, Litter], Bombazine and Italian PA N Ts, in the latest and most fashionable city styles, of the finest Doeskin and lanc.y Cassimeres, of every color arid shade, also . of Linen, Ducking and Cottons. VESTS, beautiful -- fancy patterns and richly figured. Also, V% hire Marsalles; Satins., aid Velvets, of every description, ma e in f .h." ( i• ant manner. BOYS CLOTH I NO, of every dfs.. cription, made up in , good and tasty 'stylcie. A large assortment - of e. tot lemen's Purnixhing G w a,,-e on sisti n g in extra quality Shirts, Suspenders, Gloves. half Hose, Ccil lars, Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, arid an extraordinary assortment of black satin and fancy Self-adjustin, , .Sioc/oR, and various othe r fancy articles; together with Undirc/hrs,Trun4; arpel Bags, Hall, Caps, Boots and Shoes. My Goods are selected and purchased .under, the most fa v °table circu nista lieeS. "Quick Soles 4- Small Pregits," is always the motto I ant determined to carry,,out, at the Money-saving Clothing Emporium in York .street. A personal examination can alone satisfy customers of the comprehensiveness of my stock, which I am selling at least i).O percent. towel than can be found at any of my coin petitors. Al A ROILS SAMSON. • v. B.—All Goods bought of me will be ex changed if they do not prove satisfactory. Gettysburg, May 21,4855. Getip.hurg Foundry. .# NE FT' FIRM. rpHE undersigned, having entered into part nership to carry on the Foundry. business under the firm of WARREN & SONS, hereby known to the citizens of Adams and ad joining counties, that we are prepared to matte everything in our line of business. We hallo constantly on hand, fliti 1-1 ATH AW A Y artd other Cooking - Sloves, the Parlor . air ht and ten plate Stoves, orvarious styles add sizes, Pots, kettles and Pans, and all other lion Cooking Utensils, Waffle Irbns, Wash inLf Nlachines, Ash-plates, Boot-scrapers, &c. c asl i a ‘rs for Mills and other Machinery, 1 3 1.0Cial CASTINGS of every. description, &e. We make the Se7liar,-..l3lacher, ornt tiacr ent kinds of Withe.row Ploughs-. We. har al so 'rot different patterns of fencitag,and Railing for Ce.meteries,YartlG and Porche4, which can't he beat for beauty or cheapnest4. Kr . All the above articles . sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce. ey,::7-111;1f!liS\11 . 111 ING still eoatinneJ. BRASS CASTINGS and every thing in our line wade to order. 771 SO :111/ICILLVES repaired at shortest notice. Being Moulders ourselves, we will do our work atom.. vAnn EN, MARTIN 1 , Aftßi4;N, HIRAM. WA U fl 14011A` A. XAllltli.N. Geitysburq-, Max Id, 1R55.. iliFe l 'Tlas laray ! NE Jr" GOODS BY -TH E QUA NT.I7 1" . . I 3 AXT 0 N & CO BEA N have just rokurned from the City, with a splendid assortment iikr, „ .4 .1 of ,S'pring- OE Sti , m mer Hots 4 v i t. . .e.. Caps. Boots 4" Shoes, of every '1; • • - , deseri pi ion, and price. W hirer Beaver 1 fats, W hite and Black Silk do. Pain-qua, Canton, Straw and Chip Hats, Kossuth, Cnhan, and every variety of Soft Hai. Also—Ci s entlernen's and Ladies' Boots . and Shoes,. Gaiters, Buskins, Jenny [Ands, &e.. MI of -which will be sold low, for Cash, or Country Produce. May 7,...,55. PAXTON & COBEAN. Arthur's Patent Self-SealingCans: rJI ESEIi VI N G PRES II FRU ITS, To)! AT() ES, &e., by Hermetical Seal inL f. These Cans, \; hick are sealer; by the Housekeepers, without the aid of a linnet;, nJ open easily without injnry to the can, are rapidly coming into general use. Full direc tions for potting up - fruit accompany the cans; and the work is so easily pertoraid, that by their use, every family may have Inuit and tomatoes on their tables _at all tunes, at MIZ=MI P, ices. —Pint Cans $'2,00 ;, Quart $2,50 . ; Half-Callon $3,50 ; Three Quarts ii 54,25 ; Ual— lon, $5,00 per dozen. The different sizes ne , t, in order to secure economy in transpor— tatinn. C.,untry will find this' pew artiel'e (WO uf ready sale. AlanUfaetured and sold by A IZT11411?„ BURNHAM & CO.. No. GO Tenih qtcel, July 30, 1535. StEsci . l\eilaixi - ta Hotel oppnsite culvert station, Haitimore, Md• und - ersigned having leased the ahovlb 'tote( and put it in complete order, is pre pared to -flwoutmodate his friends and the travelling ithlic. Tie prnprietur will bC pleased to see his old friends, and promises to make their stay comfortable and satisfac tory. Floirvire taken to and froth Calvert •itation free of chance. , .101 I N BARI?, (formerly rf Pcnim.,) July 9, 15,5; tf PROPRIETOR. Nikipper & Bei - 1 - 10 .‘ 12 l) I G and (*ner) Commissionl 11 merchants for the sale of FLOUR, GI?1, N. a•id all descriptions of 1'1{1)1)11 t!E—lltoad :Circe!, nbrive .7ech, l'hila (l, Iphifi. Consi(rnments ri.;speetfully softened, on which liberal advances will be made. Re fer to Merchants moterally. VILA CIS' K. SHIPPER, j A 8.1t.1N1 H. DE ILEI2. Ang. 6, 1E33. lm . New Brick laid. 4-011 N 1.1.1 V r. CO. most resnPctlfilly in ? form Ilw pohlie. that they have commenc ed t h e 19 ICK ImNiness, at their yard, in the torntiel.h of Gettysburg., and offs r a first rate article of Brick. at the lowest living. p r i ces . Their Brick are .an inch larger than are usually made ; their clay is good. and their workmen nut to he snrp tssed. Willi , a deter nein:ett 1u to do ark, and sell •on aceora modatinr, terms, they !love to merit and receive a lihera! , -hare of public favor. can at all times he had at the Nilir, they will be delivered, if su videred. tiy :23, 1835. 3t Si oyes rAN hAnd and for :vile, izrAat variety of k Cfloli :iTOVES—very elwap. Call .4141 tlivm. GEO. ARNOLD. Septewl,er 1, 15.51. IE2I