The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, August 20, 1855, Image 3

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    Foreign News
Are - have - 10er advices from Enrope by tw•o
steatntrs-'—the latest,-the America at Halifax,
With dates to the 4th instant, and altogether
seven days later. The most significant fea
ture is the intitnation of .ft contemplated raia:
in,g_qftkeege of Sebastopol, so long and f r ui t ._
lessly persisted in by the aliitd armies. and
at goch a cost to both England and cranee of
life amitieastire. ;
But while this comes as the latest intelli-
Bence by telegraph from houlon. the immedi
ate tolvices from the seat of war announce eve
rything as prepared for the general action
against that - stronghold of Russia. by sea and
land, fifteen days subsequent to the 20th nit.
If it be true, then, that the siege is about to he
raised, the only reasonable inference is that
'the allied commanders have, in the meantime,
reported their best attainalde prep-aratrons for
the object proposed unequal in the enemy's
counter operations and strength. We shall
see. In either case, however, the next ste
be taken is a desperate one, and anything but
success must, at this period, he most humilia
ting to the*allies.
The Distinguishing Genius of the Age.
Nature, now and then, brings forth such ge
tinges as Newton, Shakspeare, Talleyrand,
Milton, Nelson, Napoleon, Washington, Frank
lin, Jefferson. Luther, Cromwell and Jackson.
Their powerful intellects compelled the world
to - admire them.
The genius of the present age is thscovmtv.
In the progress of the arts and sciences, this
age is immeasurably superior to any former
one. The present century stayds pre-emment
for its wonderful discoveries in the sciences
and arts. Among thcse, the noble science of
Medicine has made great progress. Professor
nom.ow.t.r has 'discovered and prepared a
'remedy folotbe diseases of man in whatever
clime destiny may have given him birth. We
have:in a. former article, introduced to our
readers this distinguished physidian, whose
reputation is already engrafted on the world's
history. As a physician. he hat, copied Na-'
- lure, and aniong physicians, he stands the ac
ktiowledged Emperor. Both in the sale of his
medicines, and in the number of patients. that
have taken them. he is unrivalled. Professor
Holloway has labored to supply the hunian
family with - a permanent remedy for their,dis
eases, to which the alllicted may have recourse
with a•moral certainty that they will be cured.
There' is no disease to which they will not af-
ford relief. His Pills and Ointment, prepared
from selections from the vegetable kingdom,
with great care, will drive disease out of the
system. Thousands of the most intelligent
4niiids of all nations, men distinguished in
''every sphere of life--the statesman. philanthro
pist, compierer, and those whose highest aim
-is to do good to their fellow men, unite in their
praiseS of the remedies discoVered by Profes
sor Holloway for the removal of disease.
uniting- in this general recommendation
of the remarkable virtues of Ilolloway-'s-reme
dies we only perform a Christian duty, which
the press should never neglect. Those who
arc etifinnt. for the good they do in the world,
bave a just claim upon the press for aid in ex
'tendinn - 0 the good to the extent of th6ir power.
- Therefore, we have determined to express our
opinion that Hot mwAY'S PILLS and OINTMENT
are adapted to the removal of disease. and have
restored millions of the sick to health.--Vew
York .1711 as.
air,,URRENCX. — A circumstance of a somewhat ex
traordinary character, occurred a short time
since in one of the flourishing towns of the
'Midland counties. A clergyman died.' and liis
mother and sisters, on-the third day after his
decease, recollecting that no likeness remained
of the once cherished son and brother, it was
agreed ere the grate closed over him, that the
'body - should be enshrouded and a portrait
taken. A young lady of some professional ce
lebrity, was engaged for the task. She, with
the assistance of the attendant, took off the
. shrond, and placed the body in the requisite
postnrc; but other duties requiring the artist's
attention.--the—sketch_was_deferred till noon._
-About 12 o'clock, at the foot of the bed, the
lady commenced and went through an hour's
work on the image of death. At this stage of
the roceedings, by some unaccountable mo.
tion, the head of the death-like figure fell on
the side. Nothing daunted, the artist careful
ly took the head to replace it, when lo the '
eyes opened, and_ staring her full in the face,
"the dead" inquired, ••Who are you V' The
young "professional," NN ithout trepidation, ;
took the bandage from the head and rubbed ;
his neck. lie immediately saw the shroud,
and latighed immoderately. The artist quietly
called the faniti ; their joy may he imagined,
eirrinot, be described. That. evening, he
'who had lain three days in his shroud, be
moaned by mother and sisters with agonizing
tears, begladened their hearts by taking his
accustomed •place at their tea table, and at this
moment is making an excursion to North
Wales.—Firreign Paper
SrnDEN liEsTottATtoN corres
pondent of the Whig. writing , from James City
courty, says that Mrs. Martin. lli - ;hardson sev
eral years ago had a paralytic stroke, which
caused the total blindness of 1.1'0441 eye. La::t
summer she was prostrated 1;y ightning, and
upon recovering found her sight entirely re-
Komi'. The occurrence suggests , o the wri
ter the probable efficiency of electricity- in case
of blimilicr.s.
',IT - At the recent elections in tin S o uth,
such Democrats aS joined I lOW N,Alingimii
anti ran US it • cand:tlate44, Wet e
V. /H1:4.. KnO :\41.111/11 . 1 7 ., a . WLIC
lul V..(:Ve 11 1%/: ' S. la( rhap,crae:,,
exceptions, v. hu luc l / 4 c
concern, are it okeil 'oy
11 , <.•:e ' WCT!, W , , ,, ( 1 a hi] i1:41.%
But—nuns ,c) blind ,I 1 10.1 gee
NEw WHEAT —Sonic of the f:ii the' s in Lan-
castei• comet)', the 11 tloc.-hf .0 ,• I „, , „
Wit IA heal :inii -.410 II :n niarb,ct., wilt! lc) -,• tt
• - • 1 ••.,t,,re• !,,•-••,• • •,••. cic:
t ht. I , lLzt.ut bv,zll zqices. iy
Later from Mexico,.
• M-AIZI ) 1 F D
N r Amt. 13.-1' he steamer Non-
LV fhiv Jacob •=rchirr Mr. ZEPII l
tihis brings lirow nsv7llc dates to the Bth, anil i l A n i; ll . 4 ;t if i d .:ih i A n 't ! 'fiti: or NIE LAT
ulyeslon dates io the I.oth. The Delt,o''s cor- :741A11', eounty,
respondence embraces the official aecennt
the capture cif &dull° by the revolut)onists,
under Vidoorri, lifter two days fighting. The
god, ment troops were 1.2.04 i strong, nith five
peiceihif art illery.—Tl e rev of
38 men,
_whilst two-thirds of the government
troops were either killed, wounded or taken
The revolutionists were in folk-pursuit of the
1-treattni - i. army. General Wo - h
1 . 1 - sd reinli weed
Matatniortti from Tatopieo, awl hail destroyed
the soloirbs of the pho.e.. The revolutionists
here oinoimied to 3,000 men, with 'eleven pie
ces of :mill• ry, unde r coltwum.l of Lieut. - Dun
can, late of the I*. :S. Army.
. •
:Many of the citizens of Matamoros had left
for nrownsville, and the revolutionists were ;
sanguine of success:
CHOLERA. 1E , ..1111S NEAR PITT:M:11(4. —The ;
Pittsburg papers of Tuesday record the follow
in, d e aths from cholera:
Ilugh Cravhon. of Temperanceville, was
seized with cholera on Saturday morning, at 9
o', and died in the Mercy Hospital the
same evening at 5. Ile was a blacksmith.
Yesterday evening. two personS wet e at
tacked with cholera in Temperanceville and
rvere taken to the Mercy hospital. Their re
covery is donlitful. Michael Worth died of
cholera in Birmingham on Saturday. Mrs.
MeGillvery, an aged lady. died of cholera in
Temperanceville on Saturday.
We are reliably informed that during last
week there were 'fortrtt,;,en deaths from cholera
at., the coal mines of theq3liartiers 'Company in
St: Clair township.
On :4atul day last, the family of Mr. Johnston
Dinsmore, residing. near Cookstown, on the
Monongahela rit,er, partook heartily of cab
bage soup at their noon-day meal, and by the
next morning live out of seven of the family
•Itad died of cholera, and another was in a crit
ical condition.
r to
-I.Untsvu.LE num.—lt is now reduced to a
certainty that the whole ''plan of operations"
was concocted in the Know-Nothing lodges of
Louisville. In these dens of the - devil it was
determined by resolution. that naturalized cit
izens should not he pet witted to vote, and that
if they attempted to exercise this right, they
were to he cut down, shot, or knocked in the
head with clubs, their houses detroyed, and
their wiVes and children butchered. It was
resrlved, too, in the different lodges, that, for
the ptirpose of enabling every disciple of
to work well his part and carry out the designs
of the Order, that he should prepare' himself
with pistol and knife, anti thus armed proceed
to the places of holding the election. and take
possession of the pulls. The various lodges of
the city held lod!-,e meetings SUNDAY evening
tfefore the election. and at 11 o'clock on SUN
DA Y night they took possession of the polls. and
remained there until they closed on the evening
of Monday. We cannot, however, 'go into par
ticulars. Sidllee it to say, the whole thing was
deliberately planned before-hand. in the know
'ot !dug lodges of Louisville, and was execnted
without remorse and in cold blood. Every
scoundrel engaged in thiS massacre can he re
garded in no other light than a wilful and de
liberate assassin. —Carlisle rulunleer.
. Loi - tsvtLids Balm:lnv.—We have always
contended, says the Louisville Pcnwcrai, that,
Kentucky was in no danger of being taken by
threiguers. If we had ever felt, apprehensions
on that score, we should feel none now. We
have -- i -- Wenty-tive native citizens for every tin.-
epoter in the State, and the events of last
day proved 4Onclusirely- that, whenever_ the
occasion shall demand a di play of chivalry,
tmciity-fivf! merrcanx con knock dawn, heat, nnil
slny one foreigncr, whether Man, W 61111.171, 07.
SINGFLAIL C'utscrnENci....--- 7s ,The name of Clod
is spelled witli (Our letters in 'almost. every
language. It is in Latin, Deus: French. Dieu :
Theos ; (iii is hut one letter in the
(irtek language :) German, Scandirm•
vian,'Odin ; Sweedish, (.'odd ; Ilehrew. .‘don
Syrian, Adad ; Persian. Syra Tartarian, Idga ;
Spanish, Dias East Indian. Esgi or Zeui
Turkish. Addi : Egyptian, Auma or Zen t ; Ja
panese, Zain : Peruvian, Linn : Vallachian,
Zeno Etrutirtn. (Arm.: Tyrrhenian, El le r
I : Croation, Dopy : Magyarian,
Arabian, Alla ; Dalmatian, llogt.
A UsErur, INvii:moN'.---We learn that an
ingenious German of this city has invented
a bed-stead which, in view of the musqui toes
that are to come, is one of the most useful in
ventions of the year. The frame of the bed
stead contains machinery at once simple and
effective, which being woun'l tip, will put
in operation a fan or fans, suspended above
the sleeper. When wound. up, the machinery
will move the fans limn seven to twelve hours
with rapidity, regulated at pleasure by the oc
cupant oldie bed, creating a briskir and stirring
breeze, or gentle soothing zephyr. The steads
are 'made at' trout to 7,;:sO.—Riclinumd (Va.)
,rr - 7 Since the enactment of the Maine Lignor
Law', says the Boston Bee, the bottle, fla.k anal
detnijuint trade has increased a !mufti ed per
cent., in our city. -They are sohl for Comore
tram e, and do is hardly a person or fantilT
who leave home on an excursion, but what
takes a pocket pistol, filled with halm, no
doubt, for a medicine in case of sickness. We
hear of one dealer in Washington street, who
sold nearly a thousand flasks since the 4th of
July. Is not this a little dangerous sucking for
young folks, and will it promote the tem peranee
cause ? We saw a family party in a radio:id
tram time other day,--probably-on a tour, 110
less than firer flasks latched "Cologne."
One of them was passed round for a smell, b
instead of smelling they nearly all tasted.
Importance of Right Emphasis.
A stranger.frout the country, observing one
Of — Carpenter's ('nutting -house 11.nles"
ing against a 'wall. lifted . it. and myliiing the
object, was ans%%ereil, —lt is a for count-
111;4 houstS Too AN - ell bred, as he construed
politeness, to ask unnecessary gor•stions, he
tinned it. over and ovt r. and tq and ,1 0 ,,vn.
lleatellly, and, at la:A, in a pat ox vsin of hatihd
Curiosity, inrluiled, "[low, in the name of lvt
titre, d t yon coma frwavex with this thing ?
There is another good illustranon of the impor
tance of emphasis. "Boy," said a visitor at
the hou-t: of a friend to hi: little son, "step
over the way, and Nt•t! lOW ' , ill shown is.''
potted, that .Nlrs. IiI , AN 11 1 11 1 : 1101 I*lll/W 1)1(1
11 . 111.1 that she did 1101 kitow ‘v11;11,
11e had to ask soch a (loc.-lion : that., she
said, he tui t ht fin,i 11;-:‘,:i learning.
11 , 1 L.A. V . , Pll.l n. t:,••
1:0 , 11 ll,r .1 I.: 0,
/. , / , ‘01:14 t
'lir. •.1,,
1 II I n•
s. n
T ,i•
.0:1: 11,14
~, ~ ~ ,
Ej,.. - I tit r
I -t
\ • 1 1 ii k.
1,1•• Zi, II !/, t•• ...,".•
On lien.lar. the 13th in t., nt lutr rettt.lenct in Pet eNtotrz.
(V. i••,-,) Mrs. It7t.11:1:1.1.A DAV I.:\ PtiltT, 3:All;e:tree.
hinst near Arnola', Mill. AtlLins eutent . v. Mrs.
E.111:1.1.N F., %%ire of lieurge I:itioltillar. :tut tl.ttlAille+ of
a.4e,1 t 1 ye.trs J twititli. ;trot 11 .inv.
I)ntin•C~tlittlt,V EIJI—NI:MIL tu;;ltter
Al.'•(ieolgt! tilt•„;111,Y, or thi, phee. tzlmitip;
11 C. 1.11 C .
Corror tett Crow the Ltto,t ItAltitttorr,Vttrk& ilaottver Tv\ i•or
Fl-cur. per I,:trret.. N - 75 to -8 87
Wheat, per busltel, 1 S 5 to 2 00
Tithoihy, " - • 400 to 4 23
Whisk . cy. per gallon. :15 to :19
Beer Cattle, pjr 1)0 to 9 50
11,), , 4i,
Ilav,ver ton, • 26 00 to 2S ( H )
Cinano, Peruvian, per ton, 52 00
H.kNOVER-T1117,1150 1Y L. kS?
Flour, per front 89 00
1)i). " " waBolm, 8 25
Whea, per liusliel, 1 50 to 1 NO
1 00.
I '4 wti ,
On.t 1,
(Im-er. , :cvd, "
Timothy, "
Plaster of Per ton,
Flour, per bbl.,-from stores, $9 00
from wagons, S ''s
Wheat; per bushel, 1 70 to 1 SO
9oth . y.
Plaster of Paris, per ton.
. . _ .
Nol ice.
t'IH E CO-partnership heretofore existioir
- tinder the firm of "Wolf, Anlahangh St
C 0.," in the Foundry business, is this day ills . -
solved by nautoal consent. The boats of the
firm will be left in the hands of Wm. Wolf,
fur settlement, with whom all persons ilow , --
inr themselves indebted will please call and
East Berlin, Aug. 14, 1855. 3t
- Notice.
THE nndersigned have this day entered
into Co-partmirship, under the firm of
"Win. W , oll& sun," in the POUndry busi
ness. The business will be conducted by
skilful hands, and all kiiids of Castings that
are usually made in a Fonad ry - cao-be had.—
A share of public patronage is most respect
tully solicited. IV NI 0 I,
.1. A. WOI,F. •
East Berlin, August 11. 1855. 3t
Asslgnee'm Nogjee.
MES IL JAM ESO :V. of Tyrone town
! P ship, AdaMs: county. havinir executed a
voluntary asgigzintient of all his estate and ef
fects to the subscriber, residimr in the same
township, in trust for the benefit of coeditors,
he requests all persons indebted to said James
Ja-rnes6n. to make im mediate payment of
theit respective dues, and all persons__b.,Witlfr
claims or demands'on him to present the same
for settlement.
JO HNLEHMAN,..ihsignee.
Ati.),^ust '2O, 1855. lit
Raill oad Meeting.
rpHE Man.loers of the ‘• eettyshorg
1 reed Company" a..e reqUested to meet at
the Court-house,on WEDN ESDAY, the .2:2d,
at 1 o'clock, P. ,Nl. As nuttiest's of impor lance
will eland the attentinn of the Ito, rd, it is
hoped that every member will he present.
IZO I.l°l`. Mee URDY, Pres'l„6
August 13, 1855.
Ntitice in Eaiiie•t.
I_LL fernier notices having been disire
.lwaded, we give this last notice that all
accounts due its not paid before the 10/k of
Septembrr next. will he placed in Ihe hands 01
an officer fur eolleetion.
Aug:. 6, 1A55.
Laying of Corner-%l one.
1' 114 E (7ilizens of the tliwn and country are
1 invited to :mewl the Layiivr ofthe Cr,nier-
Sroile of the 11('W Eliifie:e at the Cemetery
(;rut; lids, on Stiturilay, Ihr Ist dull if NrJ>l.rit
brr tif:rt, at 17 -4 ; o - ' - dueli, A. M.,trITY. i appro
The Rev. REI•KEN litt.s, has acee,pleit an tin
viuition to dehver the Iddress, arid the other
Cleray of the Boron , rh viii partiripate.
e u t fng_fhe
day. Ity order of the 13o,ird,
I). '.11c1 . -ON A U
11..1. .I"tc'y. - [Aug 13.
elm ra tor's Notice.
Leiters of witilittihtration oil thy e , ,tate of
tters'oti, late of Itradirliz to‘i
ship, Atkins A.;outity, havtog been
g motel; to thy resi(ltstw: in thy
wattle towliship, heiterell gi notice to
-otos hotel, •d" s; 1 141 cs.tatt. to frial.t.
toont-iiiate. ',poem lid those litivinir claims
against tiff- .;tin. to prosont tleeltt proitorly
aulltrotirated for seillonteot.
.11(!()I3 AI'I,.IIIAUGII, .1/thit i r.
Atign-it 13, 1H55. 61
mfmibprs „row „AtlAing Crmnity
tnal Fir'. Insurance ('ompany" are herrhy
tu.lifietl that an Elet•ln t n lire t‘%puty-oar 11,1 -
AI:ERS %% HI 1)P held at tht. oirici the Sec
retary, in Getty shu pz, on Efilyky, Ike :ill day
Srplefitlicr lux!, hem( ..1) the hours ol I and
4 u'clucli, fornitn•r hrinrr en:nlc4l
to olie 1 ,- ,r each policy held by 111111.
The E \ceitlive Coltiskiitue trill meet at 10
o'c/rwk A. 7tl fat S'alne (
hands Pees dile
the I :ottii any will be r to pay the sdine
j o t.° lire treiP•llry Oil or before Krill! ,lay, tft
. ahlt• Tile tic...tomtit, for We ciirrPnt tear be
. 13, H 5.1. 31
risCoriatalion Wanted.
rio• •)1 . A11()S GI; OV El?, earpr•n
-1 to by tr,pb-, v,119 le•ft tbi-; colutly ‘-011,0
I Ciri
p•-nsoii; , " , , or
its r. it s .111 FliV - ). .Ir., a 1
tlit—i• will I.:itt:
from filly f,ilt , r rt•t• a., LI16• (XI , 11 . 11( .0 ;int!
Ally r)i the iifjrs t+. !yr.
ked. [
IF you ‘‘ d tat a 1111 , HI .I‘Cir ~ rst 1k HAT,
(.;ail wt. CUIJEAN.
LT I %1( sx i. %sr
1 08 to 1 10
87 to 95
:15 to 46
7 50 to 7 68
-8 to to 8 5o
\Mit K . -L . l 7 m 1Y 1. *MT.
‘V.Ii I :L.
PEN.V817.1'.1.173 COLLEGE.
• 1111 E IC tle I) IE P 'Ol EN T.
Ci 14,'%;510N-The regular
1. , Course of Leel ures will continence on
NI outlay, October 8:11, and will continue until
the Is! of March.'
DA VIP IT.RERT, M. D., Prof. of Obcaetrics
an d w i , ease „, eef W onwn an d Children.
ALFRED S1:11•LE. :VI • Prof. of Theory and
Practice of Nil rdlcioir.
J0nx.N.431.1,M. D., Prot.
,or Surgery.
.1 M At Lylkr, M. D.. Prof. of General awl
pticial A natimi v .
JOIIN D., Prof.- of :Medical
.44 11. Iftonty, M. D.. Prof. of Therapeutics
and M a teria Med lea.
FRANCIS G. Smern. M. D., Prof. of Institutes
JOSEPH :SHIPPEN, 11. D„ Demonstrator of
j Clinical Instruction will be viyen by Pro
fe,isors I3idd!e and Neill, at the. P/ijimielphia
Muckicy, Mirino the entire term of
the session, in eonitinetioe with other mem
bers of dm Iledie,tl Board Of the Ilospitaf.—
'rite Students of Pentisylv.inia flollege—b,//t
first -coarse and stroml-coursr—vvill he
ed trrfauilduN/y with the ticket to the Philadel
phia Iluspital. Second•emirse Students Soave
the option of reveivinir gratuitously the ticket
to tile Pennsylvania ilospit.d. A (31inie will
a!so ho held at the Colletre, r every Ntiednesday
and Saturilay mortiisn! thrOtighout the seasoa.
For the cntite GourAc of Lectureti, $lO5 Oi►
!Matriculation, (paid once only) 5 00
Graduation, 30 00
2 50
fi 50
The Dissecting Rooms will 'he gjiened in
September, udder the direction of the Proles
sot of Anatomy, and the Demonstrator.
Prelinnnary Lectures will he delivered dur
ing the fortnight preceding the opening of the
JOHN J. 12 EES t, N. D., Registrar s
No. 12 ..`.!;. Ninth Streot,
Aug 20, 1855. 5t
6 50
.; 50
A Chance for . Farmers.
7 5(1
E Subsc ri her, Exeentor o John Stewart,
1 deceased, will sell at Pithlie Sale, 1M
urday, the 15/h 'lffy if Seplcughfr luxl. at 1 0%
cloch, P. M., on the promi.-es, the Roil Estate
of said deceased—a very
situater Free dom township. Adams con wy,
aAjoinin g la n ds ~r Abraham li:rise, the
heirs oh James Dig !tam, and Georgo Toot. de•
ceased. containing; of-IS Acres and 49
Perches, of Patented Land. in an excellent
state of cultivation. The- improvements are
good, consistiwr Of a Two.siory Brick
Eitehen,Hrielt Smoke nii
house, Washlionse, a neverfailing well
of water at the Kitchen door, a large and con
venient Bank Barii, built of stone and frame,
Wacron-shed, torn-crib, and other out-build
ings; also a good Tenant lloose, with a well
at the door, a ',nod Stable, a thriving Apple
Orchard, and other fruit nee's. Allow 1(1 "acres
of th e Farm are in . good 'limber, with a fair
proportion Of excel lent Meadow. FPfle
i rig is in excellent order. being prini.ipally re
built and repaired during: the present-season.
Persons. wishing to view - thee premises will
call on the sithseriher.
Au;;. 6,1855. Is
A. Good Farm for Sa ie.
Mil F:Subseriber intending. to remove, ofrers
.1_ • his FARM at private sale, and will sell
on very I:east - nu - ode terms. It is situated in
Motmljoy township, A , !lains county, 3 mit e
west of the Elaltinthre turnpike, adjoinitor
of Nliehael Trostle, Nlieltael Fissell, George
Iln simian, and others, containing 1146
ACIN!!4I, more or less. The, land is in good
(milli/mint', part havitur been linted--is tinder
good fi.nriiiir. an (I If. 1% . 4-11 watered. About' 30
acres are Woodland. and about 3(1 acres hot
tom lam(, ',.10 of which are now in exeellent
rrraqs. The improvements are a large Iwo
story lIRIUK. HOUSE. B r ick
Bank Barn, ‘Vagott Shed, Corn 4 i.,*711
COI), Ca! riage House, Smoke t 'j, 1114 0
flonse, two exeellent wells of f j •t• ) :-,.72';
water at the huildin.; - , and a young ()relad of
‘ thriving trees. - -
k J —Persons wishi to view the uremises,
are requested to call . upou the sobseriber, re
siding thereon.
kV 9, 1855. 21n
I.IIIIIK Subscribers, Exvoulors of Tbrircoe;
I Ebritlutrt, Sen., deceased, %%111 offer at
Public SAle, The pretia-ws, in New (Nies
tor, Stribao township, Adalflei county, on Sat
urday, ilqg of Silo mbrr it,
• .11 I,ol' OF G 11(117 Art),
in New ChoAter, cout;iininv nearly an ACRE,
the iitiproyiltilmts hi,iipi ;,t twi)• , -;l4,ry_
16,1201vdst E
110FS, -- a Shop atfdat• 71?",
rd, a :•:t.iiile, a iteverfailiril wf.II of ?; I
water at the door, tit choice Fruit trips.
Sal,. to ewhinence at I o'cl o ck, P. M.,
rm S3i(i day, 'M. hell will be givcit
GEolif:E Edit Ell 11C1',
July 9,3, 1855. ' Efreaf,,rs
i'Bl•Dl{ lira• Sale.
rill II K. Subs(tribor, to. relinquish
fartnittg„oflers at PrlVilie :*;ale, on very
favorable terms,
11 U A R :NI
situated in Heiler tom. to:ltist, Adam , : enmity.
Pa.„ on the pttbite road ie;rliiitvr tp , nl ilnnterA.
town to the l'inegrove Vitrotiee, all4nit 3 wiles
(Pito the former 1)1.1(.4., ailjt.iniett.
and faint.; et Atf•nn &
(;artliter, Jelin 1/1111, and taller-, containing
134 ..401Tes. :11)041t all nervc ul u Inch are
Tettherlatel, with a tleepropnrtion rrf Ileatlovt;
the halanee tit a :tstintl :it if t•
of It li:ts 'openll"if. The are
a two , norr ST()N E lo t a
Bart; lietltliteg-,, a large liattli
NA . ,erort tilted, Corn Crib. Carrift,e."-'7l
House. and other Oilibuildiorr"; ; ritirniter water
in the I),lttly.trif. a well of exerd!ent %%titor at
ih+ I it.e, and ronnin r water thr , ,• th+ farm ;
4 - 11 , ,0 tl..rivino• v. ) ti w r Orrhard of choiett
(I - D - 1'1;k iiroporty is virry harn!.r,u~ely and
ronve-nirutly Stu nli ci. mifi oft. iitriiiro
['lents to) plirdriserA. It will ii‘• shown Arid
tutus wade kii(il.vti ht !Ise slitiseribor. rosiding
on the farm. .1 El? E \IIA 11 1)1E111..
July 30. 1855. ff.
A Sinn k f 1 4 .1.opert
AT J'lt!V
..n.oierlh,r r , Pri v:out
property %% hie!, t),. now 0.•rupi4.4....,
to 1;1111 , •1" tirWri , lllll, ,\ , 1•1(11.. r nutty, liPar I.nw
,.r•, I I:, ;r 1 .1 , ,101111:2 1,1 o• ;Ind N.l
T,„,„,,,,. ter of :re' GPM(' :\ I)
;:hr Arri 4, imprr.vod tt Ith d
t%%() no.a<l II i 7
‘ ll ,lO l Shry. and (di : vr
bi:CH•1;;;! 4 *; , 11)(•%. ri:11 1 11cr %%;.1; of •..v:iler 4 -
, 21 ilir diyof ; and a hr-t r Orchard of rtit
t, it'd, Thy
frolt. rrhpe•riv ‘‘lll 1(4.iti.41
I,r any k;llti ref tit. elsautv. 1 ) (1-,1,
tv vit.w It %% ill ran ;It 111.. hoti-r.
.Tlss E 1„1 YBAI, G H.
Aligut 13, 18,7,5. 3r
Pleblie Nair.
-11 tea I Estail tb ibr Sa kr, - , - Valuable -Farm . -at Private Sale.
fru E ;subscriber offers at Private Sale the firlilE subscriber,"intending to remove to
. I following portions of his Real listate: , 1 the West, offers at Private Sale, .
I. ,t Two-SiorY Brick Dwelling, , 111 8 VS I. U.• 9 B I. £ PS 11 a'(l,
in South Baltimore street, opposite .1....r4a:i. ' situated in Reading township, Adams county,
Pierce, with a Back Building, - Pantry. %Nilo ,
• lei n t I a., on the hanks of Big Conowago creek,
t i ze ., Frame St. with a half Lot oft/tilt-IL. beino. the b est o f c onowag.,,l;thd, , - ltd iu'a
(:round; also about 40 Perches of Land in the - -
limb slam of coliitaiion. Lt. contains 113,6
mai of the same. .
i Acres, :sore or less. and adjoins. lands of
11. Two DiVelling• gnomes, ..f . t 4 4 4 ' 1 Dr. (;., Blish, Wm. Picking, Henry Spangler
with extensive Back Boililinß., &e,, in .;tliniil and John Layton). The ImprovementS are a
oppositf.2l,l l l two-story BRICK HOUS F. , . ....m,
South Baltimore street. nearly
the residence of the subscriber. This proper- (nearly new.) a Bank Barn, g 9, A: 31
iv has on it two tine Wells of water, atm the Wagon Sle.yl,Corn f'rib.GranarieB; -' i s ;
owitil A
situation is a very eligible out, for public !nisi- an excellent welt of Mawr he- .A. , -....• ‘,
!less of any kind. . tWeCn th nose a n d barn, and several springs
ii i . 15
~Acres o f L an d . i n t wo „ ii . .nit tie premises. The land is cider good
eirent re's, on ; - .;:c New ville, near the Imtrott, and well watered; part of it has been
liorotijili Itmil, rrnAt of which has iftell lilted, IhaPti 7. iVith doe proportions of Woodland and
and is in a good slate 014tultivatiDn. i 7 ‘ivadol,v, and :Of kinds of fruit—and is within
t a mile•of two Grist Mills. There is upon the
iwr l i ‘ ii 7. l . l,l . l lo ll - , :t o l s 1 . 1 1 1 p 1 , ( i )f in V o 9 l . l. 4 l4 l ; t h %l • i i i n isr, C m i g l T l : -I : l l i; i e , ri ( s ; : s •s Tt a l li N e F x : excellent
. 1 : I . N . Ili KILN, and a
itt Y not to he
. surpass-
whieh the I\linitnial4 "" l Torn i ti " ,ed in the Sioue. This property offers' sensual
Tons. A portion of the land has been limed. inelm ,
i ements to purchasers. -
The farm is kid out in litids of COnVotdent
rt" Persons W•ishilir to view the farm are
size. There is a large quantity of eXeeitent
, rr 'nested to call on di; .iiliscriber; residino
1 ead ow, and a portion of Thnber onAhe tract. ci
, thereon. THOMAS N. DICKS.
There is a farite portion of the place, set witn
July 9, 1855. 4in
Board and Post -ail Rail Fenees. There is .
On the p!,:„yce an Orchard r.)f choiec fruit of
every variety ; a nevertmling Well 4)1 wa
ter near the dam., and /minims,' water in the
learn yard. #l . llc Buildings are convenient and
iu tamed repair.
To a person desirouß of having-a good farm
eonvenient io town, the lattor puiperty oilers
rare inducements.
Aug. 6, 1855. 3: •
1491 of_Crotind.
Vt l ll.l. he oll'cred at Public Sale, on Std..
urflug, Use 131 dtqf rf Srplember nczt,
at 1 o'clock, P. Mc, on the premises, -
.11 1:07' 01.' GROUND,
properly of the late Conrad Schriver, deceased,
hmelsteriely situated inStrahantownship, Ad.
inns com i ty, on the Chambersheig road, ;23
miles from Ilenterstuwn, and 1 mile from
Lower's ;Mill, adjointeg lauds of Or.o. Dover,
Henry Wittnor; and others, containing. TEN
ACRES,fiTioore or less. The ithnrovements
aro a large tn.e.story Roughcast - 2 ....
E ..,
I . IOUS, with Bari:-Building, Log
Barn, C Irlr-tt
i t
H i g
Ki, orn Crih, Blacksmith Shop, i ge „.
an d ether outhoildings.; a neverlittling - 04.4, -
well of excellent water near the door, with a
pump in it; an Orchard of Apple Trees, be
sides Peach and Pleat Trees. The land is of
a first rate quality, and in an excellent 5t.....te of
cultivation ; a due proportion is Meadow, and
all under good fencing. TIM property, ,would
make a first rate fgration for a Mechame.
Persons vvishing to view the premises, are
requested to call on tie undersigned, residing.
lii the immediate vicinity.
.7gely for thr Heirs rf Conrad Sclirivcr, de' c'd.
July 23, H 53. is
Executors' ?sin le
?"111 . 1i: Subscribers, E-xeentors of the last
I will and testament of Abraham Bumf),
deceased, will offer at Pub'ie Sale,- on the
premisea, on tinlurrlrry, lhc. tt-Mtlay " &piens
byr nfri, the heal Estate of said deCtident,
consisting of
rdhud7 1? 1 E F.9 11:5!,
situate. in Reading township, Adams county,
Pa., adjoining lauds of Daniel llosseranan,
tkorgel Baker, Michael Bushey, Michael
Brown, and others, containing ISO Acres,
more or less, about 10 acres of which are
Meadow, and about 35 acres Timber land.--
Part of the farm has been litned. It is in a
good state .of vultivation,
,and underi-:good
fencing. The improvements are a one
and It half story Double Log !MUSH, Mg
a liew Bank Barn, Wazon Shed, Corn
Crib, and other 011 I/110(1111p. There is on
the premises a thriving young Apple Orchard,
with a variety of other fruit trees, sueh sas
! s ear,
,Cherry, Almond, &c. There
are two neverlatling springs near the house--
a well, with a pump in it, lii the barttlard—
seveml other sittings, and a net , erldilinu
stream through the farm, making It one of the
hest Walerod farms he county. Persons
wishing to view it are requested toy call upon
either of the Executors, one of whom resides
on the premises, and the other in the imme
diate vicinity.
Sale to commeece at 1 o'clock, P. M., on
said day, when' attendance to ill be given and
terms made known by
l'ET 1 .:11 B. AN,
August 13, 1855. • Krecuttirs.
Procla mat ion.
WII Eli EA S Ihr Hon. nottgtri• J.
l'resident the. several (;rttirtrt ()Wen's.
num it the II 'oti tit ics composing the 19th
District, :.ttirl Justice a 11.4 , (Intirts Oyc r ;Ind
Terminer, and (;erteral D. livery, for the
trial of all capital and other offenders in Ole
Haiti (ii'•416 , 7•1.P114) SAMIIMI, it. H 11 1 ,001.1, and
ind.res of the Courts rd
rottitioni Pleas, arid 'Justices of the Courts Of
)-yer-initi 2 l 2 l-rrit i-rier T at trl--(4,erie-ra I.I rli LI 4-41 V t-rY
for the tried of all capitid and other offenders
in the County • of A,.airis—have whit - it'd - their
preeept, bearing date the IHtli day of April,
iii the year of our Lotto one thousand eight
hundred and fifty-five, and to we directed, for
holding a Citurt of Common Pleas, and 4.;en
r. al Quarter Sessif.ris ol the Peace, and (;eri
era Jail Ih:llvery, and Court of Oyer and
Tern 'tier, at Geo y yr, on ,l/ondoy, the 201/ 1
./r/ L ...“1 n,./I—N tater: 14 II t:WiV4::‘‘ to
all the i11'.11r1.4.1 the Coroner ;1 11 .1
', O ft‘rettilf'S cc !thin the said county of Adams,
that they he then and there In thei, proper per
son', with their !tolls, Iteeords, I'oli6l'664mq,
E‘airriliaino.s. a nd other Iteineriolirartees, to do
those things which to their affiers and in that
behalf* appertain to be done, and also, they
who will prosecute against the prisoners that
;Ili- or Own shall lie to the Jail of the said
County of Adams - , are tor he then and there to
prosecute agaitt,t them as be Just.
Il EN it }' 'I'IIONI AS. 8/gcrly.
Sheriffs Office, Gettysburg. 1
July -2, 11155. 5
I;xecutiprs' !V of Ice. ,
11)F,TElt. 11 Alt LACII EH'S ESTATE.- -
Letters testatiwiltdry on the estate of '
Ntyr I larlaclivr. lion of I Limilton township,
Atktos county, deceased, liavitiv been tmitit
ed to the undersigned, (the first naltdd re
sitlinty in Wading. town-liip. and the .I,tst
named in I-Fitniiton townsltip•) they hereby
give notice to all persons indebted to said
estate to roake immediate payment, and the
ha vilify' eldims aoLift , t. 1111' s:iltie to prevent
theta properly an:lt ,, ,itieated for .:.efttement.
• SAlll' El, 01IN Di)
s,k Ml' EL 1101,1,1 \ t;
July 9, 1155. til i:J•e.ea/firm.
DIEN r,tn lw qoppli.-41 ev,•ry vrtriety
ij 01 l)1?ESS edilifer
[Ali %PE and othor Shawls, 11('W ;111(1 spit:ll
V . ro be hod cheap ;a.
Apri! 9.
ATE)(, will always find plvnly of bilentle
nieti'el, 'lllll Childrim': SHOES
I ~5(;111(~I~'ti
Valuable Farm at Private Sale..
rinix Subscriber, intending to relinquish
tarming, offers at Private Sate, the I" A I? M
on which he resides, situated -in Oxford town
ship. 'Adams - county, Pa., within half a mile
of New Oxford, anjoining binds of Ilenry•
G J ;mob ith, and ,tr.w.n lots, , ertmainim;
21)0 Acres. noire Or less. The land is in
fi r st Tate state of cultivation, having been
heavily limed—is welt adapted to gritsing,
and is under gond feneino. The improvements
consist of a two story double BRlch
1101.1 SE. with llarl“bitilding, Com.
Woe Hank Rom, with sheds at hail
ends.. lALarttor Shed, flern Crib, and
Carriage House; Spring House, Stnolte
House, AA'ood'. House, Smith Shop-; a never
failing well of water near the house, and run
nin.r water on both sides of the buildiogs, the
Cum being thereby well watered. Two ex
cellent Apple Orehards, besides Peaches,
Pears, Plums,. Cherries, Grapes. 451,c., all
choice, fruit, on the premises ; also a new Ten
ant house, and a Lime kiln. About 60 acres
are heavily Timbered.
This is one of the most desirable Farms in
the county, and offers an opportunity to'por
chasers rarely presented. Should purchasers
prefer, the tract will he divided.
• July 30, 1855.
Vaiin. for
rll P. subscriber offers at Privaie 'sale; nn
I very la v oraide 1.011115. iris ?JR fir, '3 , limi
ted in liamiltonbau township. Admits county,
five miles west of Cettyshonr, adjoining lan J 3
of Israel Irvin, John 11ieseaukr---and-•---Oftters,
containing 154 Acres. Thtire are 45 aercs
of Timber, about 16 acre's of Meadow., : lid the
balance. in a' frond state of cultivation, part
Granite, The fropro - vernents are •
a good-two story La
fI OC HOUSE, - ,'.- I tF;
a new Double 1,0 A RN, with );" ; .',l' ;.•
sheds, Wagon Shed, Corn Crity; ~L',",:-- ; : ' :
spring. House, willi in good' Springl : several
other gond SPrrags, and running - weer on
other parts of die farm. A tso a good
TENANT' HOUSE; two ' din ving ian,::
young A PI? 1.1.; OH(' II A It 10.4 °fallout
four Int mired V.v.'s of ehniee ; aleos varie
ty othrir. fruit. C<rThe propertY will be
shown a n d the terms tnntie known ny the sub
scriber, residing on the farm,
June. H, 1855. 3m
Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure,
VOZ,the Preveminn anti Cure of Isma
!OTT: NT and RPM rr PENT 14:vra and
Amu:: ( and FEvuo. Dume Arnie. Geri
fq RA I. Ni CHIT !CATS, and all other
forms -of disease,which have 3 common origin
in Malaria or NILIF:Hgt o
- This is a NATURAL ANTIDOTE which
will entirely protect any resident er traveller
even in the most sickly or swampy„localities,
from any Ague or Bilious disease, whatever,
or any injury from constantly inhaling Malaria
or Miasma.
it will instantly check the .Ague in peT4OPS
who have suffered for any lenoth of time, from
0111 e day to ,twenty years .so that they: need
never to have another chill, by continuum , - its
use accord rig to d rec 'oils. The wield at pace
hey; tics to recover appetite and torertaltr. anti
continues until a permanent and radical cure
is effected.
ca . .v•One or twn bottles' will inswer for ordi
nary Cas44'S some may require morn. Dirre
firma in German, Frettelt aod Spanish: or coin.
pang each bo 4 lltt. Prim , one dollar. ' Liberal
disenonts made in the trade.
JAM ES A. RI-101) KS. Providence, K. J.
Nev, York. itinn 11, 15455.
"I have made a chemical examination of
"It noDEA.' FEviER AND ADM , : CUR/C., " or • 4 A Tr-
Titurre 're MALARIA," and have for
A r4enie, Morenry, Quinine, and I.trych nine,
hii have no: loom! inuttiAT — hf - TiTher in i ,
nor have any 144Ittstanee in Itx COM po
tina v.ould prove injorions to the eon.
J AS. R. C 1111. TO ti, M. D., Cliernis:."
"T.Rwisucito. Union Co., Pa,. Mrty q t ) 1A55.
Mu I A HnonEs—Dear Sir: Tbeibrrx of
medieine-you---sent-ine wan duly- received on
the I Itir of April. 1 have sold about one half
of it. and tin tar the people who !save used it
are satisfied that it has cured them. lt' hae
certainly stopped the Aone in every one who
has nsed it, and six of the c.ises were of long
rti y sister. who has hail it for five
or_ %ix veaN b.ich, and c ne Vet get it
stopped, except by Quinine, and that only AS
IMltr as Shit would take it, IS now, 1 think, en.
tircly cured by your remedy.
J. C. McGIN 1.Y."
Wore Arsenic... Mereary,
Strychnine. or A nii-Periiiiiies nr medicines of
any kind, the virtue of ‘vti ids is nwitio-tb such
driers. The innst they can ito is to
"break the chills" for a short time. wh - le they
are mike con tit etional malailies that
cease only with life. lieincinlier that the
wily Fever arid Ague remedy that is harmless
;is well as sure, is
1011)1)ES' I:EV Bit ANT) AGUE CURE.
For sale hv drtig , Tists creiterally.
Aug. 6, J 553. t y
Nol ic•e.
Ik7HEI,II:%S: n vt ire. MARY, has left
itiv bed and hoard %%iihout any just
ratisi", thi Is t.O Wdrn ill 111.1 , 41)11S tI;VIISI !Mgt
to!. arcmint, as 1 am determined
pay Ili) dl - h1:, of hor eoldr , rfloLf.
f Elt. (colored.)
tp.. Atv7. 13, 1855. '3l
lAssf E:tEs', an exce!ttsnt and desirable
VPTI7 chew ) frit -
shoulders, &c.. Siartd, Maekert
and In he hail at
Aril It;