The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, August 06, 1855, Image 4

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    Sherigr't: sale.
IS lout :wince ~ f lioiry writs of Vilitlition;
Kxposta?,,anit Firen - Farms, out el-the
Court of Voinnion Pkast of Adams county, atilt
to tue (Ifwe tut!, will tin exposed to Public Sale,
;It I}u , COlio-heinge:initte Horotorli of GEtlysi-
Itutv:, on Surartlaq, air LIM ,fl i p , st flex ',
o'clock. l'. M., Ow l u
escri bed
Itoal litqate, viz :
, iitaintntr 6! ACR.I.!;S, more or less, situate
Cerniany tow ashiii, _Adams e , wnty,
aing the Maryland line, and hinds of John
Franklin Patterson, and other,,
l. , oiteled on the southwest by the Baltimore
turnpike—ou which are -erected a two-story
Plastered HO(ISE, with - a- two-story
1, 7 "' Back build I),lnk BMA, (till' 11 pv , r
e tory log,) Witv-on Shed, Wash floti-a;,
and other out-butldings— also, a three-story
Brick Geist Rifle ;
well of valet near the door of the dwolliiig,
and 311 Orchard.
No. 2.- 1 .4 Itict of Land,
contain in„ Gt; ACRES, more or less, adjoin
.l 1:4,z the Maryland line, and lands of GeOrtre
Palmer, (:owrge Bittle,•a/11; others, on which
ore - erected a one and a halt story LOG
a thfulde Lair Barn ; 'ono „:
and a half story Log Tenant Wi l cu .
and a one and a half story Log FULLING
MILL. and other improvements. Seized and
t.ll:en in execution as the property of Tuomati
A Lin
No 1.-4 Lot of Ground,
situate on the southwest corner of Baltimore
and Middle streets;' in the Borough of Gettys
burg, Adams county, on which are erected four
two-story BRICK .11 lA' 1.; L LING
1101LiES, Frame Stable, and other
fittlittildings ; with a large Cistern, and
two ,vvells of 'water. •
No. 20 . - 17 Acres of Land,
note or less, situate in Cumberland township,
Ad.nns county, adjoining . the Borough line and
Linda of David .MeMillan and others—tn he
nifered in LO'N. SeizPd and taken in execu
unn as the property Or JOHN BARRETT.
•••••• ALSO --.
The interest of George .Wampler in a Lot
of Ground, situate - in South Baltimore
street, in the Borough of Gettysburg, Adams .
rminty, known as Lot No. 15, bounded on
the south by property of Henry _Brinkerholl,
north and west by an alley—and having there
on erected a two-story Weatherboardod
'DWELLING HOUSE, with Back- 1111;
Jouldiog, a one-story Brick Shop, a
~!..od Stable; with barn floor, a well of water
the door of the dwelling, and a variety of
h rice fruit trees. _
• Also the interest of said George Warn pier in
5 Lois of Ground. situate on High
-,triset, in the Borough of Gettysburg, Adams
.•aunty. known as Lots Nos. 177, 17S and 179.
rho other two not -being numbered, bounded
dst by . Washington streetoind north hy an
.111ey. Seizes' am! taken in execution as the
,j , roperty of GEoutox WA 51 PLEIt.
HENRY TtiomAs, Sheriff.
'Ten per eent. of the purchase money upon
all.sales by the Sheriff roust be paid over int
owiliately after the property is struck down,
,aial on failure to comply therewith the proper
ty Will be again put up for sale.
July 16, 1855. is
lie moved a Few Daum South oftho Old Stand.
T 11. SKELLY respectfully informs his
old customers and the public generally,
:that lie continues the TMLOIIING
k:SS, near his old stand, in South Baltimore
-NI reel where be will he happy to accommodate
011 . who may patronize him. All work en
:unshed to his .care warranted to fit and be of
, uvwt Substantial make. Thankful for past
ivors, he solicts a continuance of public pa-
. 4 rein:iv
zii-t‘..The New York Spring and Summer
;Mallow( are received. Call and see theta.
tileityshilig, April 9, 1855.
Bounty Lands.
QOI,OIERS who served in any war of the
.0 U. States. a'tertrt no: less than fourteen
-fey.. are .entitted_Ao 160 AC It ES .B 0 UNTy
N 0, and in ease of the death of the soldier,
Ilk widow or .minor' children, (if Any;) are
.retitled to the same quantity. In cases where
An or 80 acres have already been received, the
difference necessary to make up the 160 acres
c.:11 now be drawn.'
n"-Appty to the subscriber, at his office.,
ill Gettysburg . , where persons having Land
Warrants to sell, may obtain the 'highest price
liar them. R. G. M'CREARY.
March 19, 1855. Gin
Teachers Wanted.
r~'IHI Board of School Direetiirs of Strabnn
township, will meet at the house of
won (I:
It ASS. ill VilllteriiinWn s on Solur
-414.4, die [WI if Jitiguxt ntxtott 2 o'clock, P.
711., for the purpose of employing 'Poachers
ffilr the fall terns.
14111.1 P DON0111)1 , 1, Scc ' y.
Jiffy 23. 1855. - td -- •
- - Oliv - ceries.
m have just received a ?resit supply of
Groceries. to which we invite the at
purcitasers._Our stock of .Stitgarg
11.1:4 'been considerably increased, and money
I,e saved by giving us 'a call.
July 23, 1855.
Jtiii~---Rail. T
1111 K stibAeriber has between G,OOO and
7.4490 first rate Wbite Chesnut 'RAILS,
which lie will dispose of on Ole v.round, in
11.vailtonban township, about 4 miles from
V.li4liebt, at the lowest ii vim.% rateß.
July 9, 1853. 4t
Manure Excavator.
r. subscriber, having purchased the
Patent Itioht or Htl H'S PATENT
MANMt E EXCAVATOf for all of Adams
C , tll toy excepting Oxford,Conowatro, Berwick
Mountjoy townships, will sell either the
to +chines or township rights, as purchasers
ty prefer. The Excavator also answers an
limitable purpose in unloading . hay, by horse
power, requiring but one horse and two hands
to unload a load of hay in ten minutes, and
—4rry it to the highest part of the barn. The
Attention of t'arrners is invited to this trainable
itoitrovement. as it is one of the ehea pest and
sti wit useful agricultural implements ever 13-
(;. CA I:it.
Gettriburg, May 7, 1:455. bu►
• Geo. RiclirdNon,
N„. 141 N. fb•inaril Street Baltimore
;i11(1 ' 4 e113 FLOW?, (RAIN, HAY,
) a lid Country Pro 4 tleP (rpm , ral
tV. HIK akn nn ham( lart stock of f; It 4)-
wholesale and retail.
19, 1g55. ly
Bash's Allegheny House,
1% . " .. 4) 2.4(1 ,t., rthrivi , Sth czt.. PVlrs
'phut It, Pt ,{a'.
"mit• I. 1,5".
f':<1~j11 ~ ',~~,,~:~
~;. I. It('ti(i
1 .1
1114)Inagy Land Clainas.
Spring, & Summer 144,4)41%.
E, undersifned will attend proinpliv AUN O-LD IoA joist rourneql ur,m. 1114.
of f„, 1301 . N'IN A. „„, AND
LAN DS tidr;r the hite act of tiongres•-• EA PENT STOCIi. of S I N(i ti, Sl3ll.
Those who have already reefoved /11) or HO Mi';l? GOODS ever before , offercd to the
Acres. can now rcceivethe balance, by calling . clfizeus of the town or county, consi,•titni
on the sileicrtbur and tualtiin4 the nece.o.dry part of I.'renrh Orwuri. Illrte arld Olipe
application. .1O El, IL DANN ER. LOT/IS t
, 'uncy ufsfl Bthek
(;ettvsburg, March 1-2, i 5.55. Jlarsrilles and other V I*sl' I N
Ty.eeds, 1i:1-mucky Jeans and Satinets for
I ' Veafr; ItEItEG ES, Iler,*;f" /.rein,:.,,
Most:, Loinos, &c., for I/44 Mr
car. Al
so, a lar2e -y6.1111111 assort/net - A of BON-
N I.:TN, ',..'arasulp, (!iinton, - Straw and
Paint Leaf Ii .17`S.
114 , in); iiin„ ;di It) come and. examine I&
s.tock of (:owls..' lie letst•;l/rf°:, tilt": 11 fie' Wel I 6,:it
un rho solidside of the l'ohlic
7 Spurn!, Iwo (lours wi-st of the Senlinei
offick;. A of.f. '21,1853,
, A. 11. Francis('_tix,
TA I \
A N v
HU: AND FLUID WICKS, which he of
fers to :,e1 I at the Liiweit. Cash Prices, at
No. • 65 Markt./ SI. abort Second, norlli Aide,
'Felt. 2fi, 183. 6
Chinaf 41r4 lam 4 and 411.100111wai
11;dree, Sttreessrir in J.. C. n ti k et s te L i ,„
ar.d Deali , r in C, II 1N A ,
GI: AtiN and (IV El'IN SW ARE, 41 Nort /t
[Alvaro' no/ en Fay el It. 17 lid 141. r /lig •
(tan ,!rt, AO Milli more, 410'., respectfully in
vites the attention of Dcaiers to :In i.-xamilintion
of kit. , will itsortinl st.rtlc before iitirelidA rig
eistivvliere. [Feb. 19, 1855. ly
Spouting !
FORGE and Henry Wampler will make
House Spouting and put up the same low,
forcash or country produce. Fanners and all
others wishing their nooses, flarris; -
spouted, would do well tO wive them a call.
IL &. il. WANI I' ER.
April 18, 1853.
Carriages ! - 'Buggies !
111 P. undersigned take this method of in
forming their friends and the public gen
erally, that they have entered into partnership
in the Garriage-making business, and are pre
pared—lit their establishment, in Est Middle
street, one and a ball sainates froM Baltimore
strect—to put up CARRIAGES, BUGGIES,
in the very hest manner. .Their work,
they are determined, shall not be surpassed in
the place, either for beauty or durability—and
their ferns will be 114 easy as at any other es.
tahlishment. ,g.-Repairing - done low and at
short !mike. I). B. I.11"11. E,
J. A. L ITT L ti;
Gettycburg, Feb. 26, I t'41,55.
- 6314WERIES, &C.
VMANIII I.: ZI EH has just returned
JIJ from the city with the largest lot of
CROCE:11114;S he has over before opened, to
which he invites' the attention °fall, convinced
that he can offer RA nu fSAIMAINH. tie has also
a fine lot of HAMS, SHOULDKRS, &c;
-FISH of all kindS ; Oranges, Lemons, -and
other fruits ; Crackers, NULH, Confeniiods ;
Segars*, Tobacco, Snuff, and a general variety
of everything. "from a needle to an anchor,"
almost. Give him a call, If you want to buy
what's cheap and good.
(n—Country Produce taken in exchange for
Goods. [May 7,1855.
New Sear & Tobacco
SAM IT El. FA BER, Jr., would respectftilly
informtlie 'citizens of the town and coun
ty, that he has opened a Segar and Tobacco
manufactory, in Baltiu►ore street, next dwr to,
Forney's i)rng Store, Gettysburg, where he
will constantly keep On hand a large variety
o'.'S - E - G - A RS, of the Hoeft — lforn - r ---- wn - d — lit — th - e
lowest _living prices. Of (-HEWING To.
BACCO he has the choicest kinds—also a
capital article of SNUFF—aII of which he
utters as low as the lowest. Ile only asks a
trial, convinced that he, can gratify every taste.
Ile hopes, by strict attention to - business and
a desire to please, 10 merit and receive'a, share
of public patronage.
May 7, 1855.
Loss by Fire!
r 111 E onciersig . ,neil informs property-h-older 3
that ho has !wen duly appointed_Agent rrf
INSU RAN i'4l I *OM PA N Y,. and that he is
the only Agent in Ada . ms county for the same.
lie will take original and renew old luso
yances for gstid Company, which, since its In
corpotatiop, in 1813, has secured the perfect
confidence of the people of Adams and the
adjoining counties, (it being authorized to
effect Insurances in any part of the State.)
Its integrity and ability have hewn fully and
satisfactorily demonstrated. The gradation
of rates of Insurance is adapted to the mutual
interests of the whole Company and th e c l ass
of the insured • property. Every person insur
ing- becomes a n►ember of the Company, and
may act in the selectionof officers and in the
direction of its operations.
( Hon. Moo>: McCl.x.6 represents the
members in this county in the Bonn) of Man
agers. C. Holm, .Ir., is President, and JOHN
CA:nem:id. Secretary. Otlice in Illoomtield,
Perry county.
or m & \v . m e t; lean, Gettysburg.
December .:15, 1851. a
For Sole or Rent.
4ehscriber niters Inr Sale nr Rent the
111.:TIN'SlillItt; STEAM MILL. H.
will rein the !Lill only until the 15th el March
36. I y 55.
• -- -
Standard Lutheran Books.
rp E Lutheran Nlanual. on Scriptural Prin
', ciflles; or the J ii, r ,ffsdnira (:onfession.—
Bliistr,iteil and sustained, chiefly by scripfuro
proofs and extracts from standard Lutheran
Theoloomns of Europe and Aineriea; tooether
with the Formula of tioverninent and I)iseip
line adopted by the iceneral Synod of the
Lutheran )n the United
States. By S. S. Schinueker, D. D., one vol.
1 . 2 !no.
Life of Martin I.talwr, edited by Rev. T.
Stork, 1 vol. N vu., elepotly
Kurtz's II:Intl:11 of B , torctl Him.ory,
kited by I{i-v.. U. Ii . Si:hi-all - et'. 1 vol. 1 too:
The Supolehers of Our I)eparted, by Rev.
Angparli, I vol. 1.:2
Lite 01 . Philip Niel:the:lion, translated front
the Corfu:in, Grottil.
rhr Children of the Now Testament, :by
list,. New Publications
Of rhr Trading bot - di publisher., retrnlarly
rereiv,.(l, and for ~: de at publi-dier's
follntving - recci red :
Prayer , frrr e.telt morning. and evon
in:l i n O w year„ tvith refcrenco appropriate
St•liiiinre iZr tdin‘r , ,, by Hey. .1. ('ti
etwignito_C: Si(Tr4 the Time:.
A I.zrro , ; 1 , -.-orttileitt of Sc•lionl
Idc, of cvery
!Mid: All(1 Sldtiorwry.
1()1' hat -- prii•,.- :.t ‘,l
1.:1, I , 15. N id Elt 1\ ['UTZ.
I yilrr \I( 0. ;rolti,p4t
1 1.• , •11,11! .11
It: ''' S. .rt ,i 4
2 - 1
• • '4l/
:if) per (Fula, (Al.-dpur Lawn.
Apra :3, 1:-i55.
Ho, This, Way
NE ; ITT GOO/).5 111 '1i1! QU.INTITY
IA XTON&COBEAN have just returned
' from the city, w'itli a-splendid asr,ortinent
of Sprin:z4.7
.Suutaler Hat 4 ,-
s ~
Caps, Ila• 'I, Or Shaex, of every
descriptiwi, awl price. White '
Beaver Oats, White and Black Silk
do. Panama, Canton, Straw and Chip Hats,
Kossuth, C 'than, and every variety niSoft I lat.
Al'o—Gentleunr'n's and Ladies' Boots and
Shoes, Gaiter:,, Buskins,, Jenny &c.
All of which will be sold low, for CaA, or
I.; on tit ry Produce.
May 7,'551. PAXTON , * C()11 EA N.
New Goods Again.
JS. CRAMMER has just returned from
. Philadelphia with as hands.nne -and
cheap an asortmeot of SPRING csr SUMMER
GOODS as ever brought to Gettysburg, con
sisting in part of CLOTHES, Black and Fancy
CassimerPs, Marseilles for Pants and Vests,
Satinetts, &c. Also Bareges, Barege do
Laines, Chili i3arege, Brilliantine Silks,
Satins, Lawns, Ginghams. Calicoes, 'Cloths,
Sleeve, Jackonet and Swiss Flotincincr. Bon
nets, Ribbons, &c., &c. A Iso G ROC ERI ES
& EENSWARE, which will be sold at
reduced prices for Cash or Country Produce.
To punctual customers a credit of six months.
April 9, 1 855. tf J. S. GRAMMER.
The War Going On !
9111 E war in Europe is largely engrossing
- public, attention, and prices'generally are
going up. LI u t the ti mierhig tied woula
to his customers and everybody else that he
has- j - returned front the city, with the
cheripe..qt and bail
_stock of
1 - 7\ 5r,A r rA qe:1 3 '?6?n rIA
f, L'U Ll - L)2
Nuts, Confectionary, Fancy Soaps, &c.,
he has ever before offered. Call and judge
for yourselves, and if you do not-pronounce
his goods among thti cheapest and best you
have ever looked at, then is he greatly mis
taken. His stock comprises,in part, - Ceffees,
Suoars, Teas, U!hoeolates-, Syrups, Molasses,
Cnickers, Oranges, Lemons, Altnonds, Pahn
Nuts, Pea Nuts, English Walnuts, Filberts,;
Confectionary, ()la hundred sorts; Pepper,
Cinnamon, ClOVes, Soda Suleratus, Washing
Soda, a large variety of Fancy Soaps, and
everything else in.his
( reash or Country Produce taken in ex
change for Goods.
is continued. Iligintst market prices paid.
In Yn.k Sirert, at the P,,
Geityshiirg. April 24. 1854.
"Quick Sales & Small Profits."
111 1
F,. subserihei would most respectfully
ti pubs
ly, 'hat lie carrying.; on the
ne:,s al * OW oid stand of Lconaid
B'tough, East end of Voir!: street, Gettystiorg,
where he has on hand and is prepared to man
ufacture, at short notice, Bockaweyx, Buel
wfigons, lits4gies. 4+'e., all in the hest style,
both of finish and materials. He has also on
hand a number of SECOND-I IA NI)ED
CA RR lAG ES.•of all descriptions, well done
up. which he will dispose of low. REPAIR
ING done at short notice, awl at the lowest
living rates. Country produce taken in ex
change for work. - JA.COB TROXEL. -
May '2l, 1855.
The best System of doing Business
S always to sell a good article togive each
customer the, foil valtself his money. In
that manner you will always give satisfaction
and secure a customer -in future. „iv*
Gentlemen who wish to buy a a pt 1 .;:t0
made in the most fashionable style; and of the
best materials, should eall upon the under
signed, as he defies arty 0114er manufacturer
to produce a better Carriage at any price.
KrOrders from a distance thankfully re
ce ved , and promptly attended to. Repairing
done at short notice and on reasonable terms.
.0.-.„7-Country produce taken in exchange for
work. 11. G. CARR,
Furl Ntrect, oppimite the 1 ) 11,5t Officc.
Gottysinag, Nlay 7, 1855. Gm
Saving Fund
01 . the united Mate+ company.
l. At Third and Elwsnut, Philadelphia, the
Grand Pnineer Saving Fund of the United
States Company is receiving money daily ;
also Mond:iy eveniwrs, on deposit. This is
the oldest Five Per Cent. Interest Paying
Company in the City anti State. The money
is paid hack without notice, as usual.
Juno I. Nti7). bin
E. B. Buehler,
..17'7'0 I 1"/:1' .47' L. 41 1 7,
IVILT 11,14 faithfully and- rowdy attend to
if all business entru.:ti-l - trio hiin. llt;
the Gt:T.lll,ln latortirtge. ()frier' at the
SalllC pitlee, in South Baltimore street, near
Forney's I)rtio Store, and nearly opposite
Danner & Ziegler's Store. [Niareli
URN — A. TIEN DR & (74). No. ..2() North
ird r•w/ , :adciphia, MoKorco
oF VHF:N(111 t! I.F-SNINS.and Dnalers
February 1855. ly
Now is the Time.
CLI WEAVER respectfully announces to
l• 71. the Ladies and Gentlemen of Gettyshuttr
and vicinity, ;hat he tin.; resunied the I):nzuer
!Poly at the old stand. in C ham
lierslir2, -.lnset, %viler* , he Nvill he happy to re
eeiVl• VlSitorS desirous of seituriritZ perfect
I).iumerreotyptHof the.eselves or- friends. -
11eitt.2; furni , lted with an entirely new and
oostly :tpparatti- - , tte• t•.; prepared to take ptettires
i n evory 4.ty10 of the art and insure perfect
satt , :lorti on.
ro) eent, In XlO.
of oppralin g: frmil 11, to I
P. 11.
Ltnr I n r 01 , ; ,, avnid red., bloo, or plir
irlo. dre ,, .Idtk !,111 , 1, Le.itity "1
- :Nk It
c \l°
I. 11 , .•t
I.; et r Irt)ut (I s'y.
'1 A'Ell" 1,11131.
rim E undersigned, havinv, entered into part
nerslitp to carryon the Foundry birsine , s
under the firto of WARREN & SONS. hei-aiy
nr.he known to the citizens of Adatn , and
joining counties; that we are prepared to make
everything in our Hoe of business. We have
constantly on hand, the HATII AW A \ — and
othei—Cotik-i is g'i---Kiovers---iiw—Parb,r—air--
liAl and ten plait; Slimed, of various styles and
sizes. Piits. Kettles and Paris, rind all othf:r
Iron C:eihing Wattle I ron-..l~'rrvh-
Mtv h lieti, A , :h-p!,aps, Bont-serdrers, &c.
for arid other Machinery,
PLOUGH CASTING-Sof 'very dPscription,
p !wilco the and differ.-
Ptlt I; lir! • of ri pe ri q u ez h s . e h ave
-46 d MIN)! patterns of Fencing and
Railing for Cerneteries,Vdrds and Porches,
which can't be heat for beauty or cheapness.
All tho above articles will be sold cheap
for Cash or Country Produce.
BLACKSMITI II NG still continued.
BRASS CASTINGS -and every thing. in
our line wade to order.
repaired at
shortest notire. Being Moulders ourselves,
we will do - our work Rutter.
Gettysburg, May 14, 1855. tf .
" The Cheap
ITE have just opened, and now offer to
the public tile best and cheapest assort
received in Otis Borough. Having purchased
with great care, and being, deteirnined to sell
cheap, we can offer without fear of competi
tion, the largest and most desirable assortment
and at a cheaper rate than they can be furnish
ed in or out of the Borough. We would re
spectfully call the attention of our ft ien.ds and
customers to our fine assortment of Black and
Fancy CLOTHS, Cassimeres and Vestings,
Cas i netts, Kentucky Jeans, Cottonades, Pants
stuff of every description, Naukeenette,
Twef ofst &c. For the Ladies we can show a
splendid variety of DRESS GOODS, Berag,es
I 61 all colors, Berage de Lames, Mous de
Laines, Lawns, Brilliantines, Silks, Bonnets,.
Ribbons, Fans, new style-Swiss, &c., &c.
have our usual large supply. •
Grateful for past favors, we hope to merit a
continuance of the same. Call and examine
our stock and satisfy yourselves that - ours is
The Cheap Store. No trouble to show Goods.
April 9, 1855. tf
Bounty Land Act of 1855.
THE undersigned is now fully prepared to
file and is rapidly filing CLAINN TO DOWN:-
TV LAND for soldiers of the War of 1812. and
of ALL the wars of the U. States—their widows
and minor children. In addition to his long
experience and success; he would add, that,
in all the many claims he has hitherto-
(between 100 and 200) he has carefully pre
served, and has now every thing necessary to
establish the rights of claimants—as also Rolls
and• Lists of Companies, and facilities for fur
nishing proofs in all. cases that may be en
trusted to h:tn.
He has made complete arrangements for
locating warrants in the Western States. War
rants bought—Warrants'sold. Apply personal
ly or by letter to D. M'CONAUGHY..
_ Gettysburg - , March 12,1855. tf
Look Out
V ARM EILS, look to your interests. If you
want to get back the money you lost, just
call at the Northwest corner of the Diamond.
where you will save at least-25- percent. and
get the full worth of your money, and where
you will not have to pay fur those who don't
pay. Don't forget to bring your money. Also
bring along anything and everything you have
•to sell—sueb asiIUTTER, EGGS, BACON,
LARD, RA GS, and everything you think will
sell—and I will buy at what they are worth.
Just call at the People's Store.
„Strff'The Stock consists of DRY GOODS,
Groceries. Clothing made to order, &c.
New - Queens• ware and 1 'edar-tuare.
Gettysburg, July 2, 1855. tf
President of the several Courts of Com
mon Pleas,in the Counties composing the 19th
District, and Justice of the Courts ot Oyer and
Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the
trial of all capital and other offenders in the
SAMUEL U. RessEm, and Jourg
M'Gm.tev, Esqrs., Judges ot the Courts of
Common Pleas, and Justices of the Courts of
Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery.
for the trial of all capital and other offenders
in the County of Adams—have issued their
°precept, bearing date the ltith day of April,
in the year of our LORD one thousand eight
hundred and fifty-five, and to me directed, for
holding a Court of Common. Pleas, and Gen
eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Gen
eral Jail Delivery, and Court of Oyer and
Terminer, at Gettysburg. on Monday. the 20th
of .higusl next—NoTtcE is HEREBY GIVEN to
all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner awl
Constables within the said county Of Adams,
that they he then and there in their proper per
sons, with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions,
Examinations, and other Remembrances, to do
those things which to their (axes and in that
behalf appertain to he done, and also, they
who will prosecute against the prisoners that
are or then shall be in the Jail of the said
County of Adams, are to be then and there to
prosecute against them as shall be just.
11 EN I? V TIIOII.IS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg,
July - 2., 1,‘7,35.
Bonnets! HatS!
NNT - .1 Ilit o to% V 1 i
L.t: I.
1 : - ri v. rld, and the Lathes in par.
tirular. that FahnostAwks keel the prettiest
Bonneti: in town.—Also Panama, New Style
Letzhorn, Straw. And every variety of Summer
Ilat's, to be had at
The Sign ty . the Red Front
Abram Arnold
r WENDS' removing to York, and must
I_ therefore settle up his business. All per
sons desirous of savituz costs, e.gpeerqlly t/v'.e
w i o n te neemints art' Of lung .11a7141;1W, can do so
by callinv, immediately and prying up. Un
less this be done. Without d suits,will be
instituted without respect to persons 7,ta -siini
hr appeal to them having been utteily disre-
Llarded. ru, further Int - Warmer' will he liven.
Now ,ELLING ovt , AT cos r.
June 1, 1.:65.
from the City,
WITH Ow Chv,ipest DIZY GOODS and
t;R(WEIZIES ever offered in this
plaeo, for Cash •Ir Country PNldare.
will piv Cash fa 11ACON. 9 ct,s—
or 100 e, nl ,, In
O 11, Ind Corn mr am. d.
" New Hard are Store.
•T H E suliserther, would respectfully an,
n•!unev to their friend , : anal the public that
+hey have opened a NE W HAftl) W A n E
STOR E, in /3///tinvwt Sli-tet, adjoining. the
re ,,id effic , ~!/' David Zirz/er, adtpburg-, in whirh
they are opening a large and - getteral assort
ment of _ . ..
Hardware, Iron, Steel, Groceries,
qiebar-mare, Slios fiOinga,
IPalnls.'olls. and 'Dye—stuffs,
i n iteneral,lnclud i nu" every description of_arti
cies in tik - . above lines of business, to which
they invite the• attention of Coach-makers,
Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Cabinet - makers,
Shoe.untkerS, Saddlers, and the public gen
erc.lly. -
Our-stock having, been . selected with great
care and purchased for Cash, we guarantee (for
the Ready Money.) to dispose of any part of
it on at, reasonable terms as they can be pur
chased any w here.
We particularly request a call from nor
friends. and. earnestly solicit a share of public
favor, as we are determined to establish a char
acter for selling; Goods at low priCes and do
ng hu,iness on fair principles.
Gettysburg, June 9, 1851. - tf
We Can't Be Beat!
Another Arrival of Splendid New Goods
IHAVE the pleasure of annonncing to my
friends and the public generally,that I have
just received and opened a large and splendid
They consist in part, of French, English, and
American CLOTHS, of all colors, from 2 to
; Plain and Fancy Cassitneres, Tweeds,
Cashmeretts, Plain and Fancy Linens, totreth
er with a great variety of PANT STUFFS,
from 12 1 1 cts. up, V ESTIN GS,in large variety.
Silk Tissue, Linen Lustres, Alpacas, Lawns,
Gingham Lawns,
Ginghams from 10 cents up;
Suisse Muffle, Plain and Plaid Jaconets,
Llama Plaids, Mous de Laines, Calicoes from
a tip up,—also, Silk, .Kid, Lisle, Thread and
Cotton Glove's, Hosiery, Linen Cambric
I - land kerchiefs, Thread, Suisse, Cambric and
Cotton Laces and Edgings. BONNETS,
Ribbons and Flowers.
. Our present Stock is large, and has been
selected with great care, both as regards Style,
Quality and Price, and as our motto is "Small
Prifits and Quick Sales," we hope all who
wish great Bargains will give us a call before
purchasing elsewhere. J. L. SCHICK.
April 9, 1855. tf
Clothing—Clothing !
AARNOLD ham now on hand' and is
. constantly making up, Spring & Sum
mer CLOTHING, to which he invites the
attention of all in the town and country. He
will undersell any house it: the town or coun
ty. [April 3.
c t z,o,r\ ,-, , ,, \''(-. Nn AQ T , - r
tc) z L.A. ,u “1, J, ,-Pjlt) .Jr ' r.:,Slr.a.:-.2/42.7 4 0
Cheap 'Watches and Jewelry,
AIT, HOLESA LE & RETAIL, at the Phil
-1 V adelphia—Watch and-Jewelry Store, No.
96 North Second street, corner of Qudrry,
Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 caret cases, :?t2B 00
Gold Lepines, 18 caret, - • *2.4" 00
-Silver Levers, full - jeweled, .. - 12 00
Silver Lepines. jewels, - • . - .0 00
Superior Quartiers, -- - . - 700
Gold spectacles, -c - . -
-- 700
Fine Silver .10. • . . - 150
(lola Llraeoh-0.6 7 - 300
- Ladies' Curld - l'eneibr; . 1-00
Silver Tea :ipeen-.. - 5 00
Gold Pees. with Pencil and Silver Holler, - 00
Gold Finger Rings 371 cents to $80; Watch
Glasses. plain, 121 Cents, patent 18i; Lo net 25;
other articles in proportion. All goods war
ranted to be what they are sold for.
STAII F 1.1.; it'6z, HARLEY.
On-hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and
Lepines, still lower than the above prices.
Sept. 25, 1854. ly
J. Lawrence Hill, M. D.,
vrat t ..
outz 12,745 9
AS his Office onedobrwestof the Lutheran
church, in Cliambersbni,g street, and op
posite Grammer's store, where those wishing
tohave any Dental Operation performed
are respectfully invited to call.
Dr. D. Gilbert, Dr. C. N. Berluchy, Dr. D.
Horner, Rev. C. P. Kranth, D.D., Rev. H. L.
Bangher, D. D., Rev. Prof. William M. Rey.
nolds,Rev. Prof. M..lacobs, Prof. M. L. - Stcever.
Gettysburg, April 11, 1853. tf
D. ill!Cona ugh y,
(Office removed .to one door West of-Bnchler's
Drug & Book-store, Chambershurg street,)
Attorney St. Solicitor for Patents
and Pensions,
-11)0UNTY Land Warrants, Back-Pay sus
) pended Claims, 'and all other claims
against the Government at Washington, D. C.:
also American claims in England. Land War
rants located and sold, or bought, and highest
prices given.
Agents engaged in locating warrants in
lowa, Illinois, and other Western States; and
lands for sale there.
to him personally or by , letter.
Gettysburg, Nov. 21, 1853.
Stoves! Stoves!
ON hand and for gale, a groat variety of
COOK STOVES—very cheap. Call
and see them. GEO. ARNOLD
-eptember 4, 1554.
Hay Wanted.
pERSONS buying flay to sell,will do well
by calling on the subscriber, in Gettys
burn, who is desirous of purchasing. The
highest market price will btl" paid at all times.
11*-- As ho intends having tli 'Hay, after
! w i n o packed. hauled either to Hanover or
Bithitllon', the preference to haul will be given
to those from whom he may purchase.
Dec; 6, 1652 - . tf
Diamond Tonsor.
TOIaiN NV. T I PTON, Fashionable Bar
t/ Iv- and Hair Dresser, can at all Owes
he prepared to attend to the calls of the
poopleot the 7 cuiple, in the Diamond, adjoin
in,r the County Building,. From long - expe
rience. be flatters himself that he can 1 2:0
through all the ramifications of the Tonso
rial Department with such•an infinite
degree of skill, as will meet with the entire
satisfaction of all who may submit their chins
to the keen ordeal of his razors. He hones,
therefore, that by his anent - Con to business,
and .t desire to please, he will merit a's well
ree•.ive, a iifu ml share ut odic patrun.ore.
The sick will he attend,d to at then - private
(;efts'sburg. Jan..-;55. tf
ril ( ) mif . l,l\ ERs . _sciff t. ';
tfltDoli hi lir- I't: •1' Ht' 1111 ":u. 1.
11; „; v IL ) 1 . 21 •
~ .t.
.Reinly-malie Clothing.
THE su!iscriber,.thankful to his friends and
patrons for past favors. hereby informs
them and the politic generally, tint he has re=
ceived and hap; now open for inspection, a very
large and beautiful assortment of SPRING
' AND SIIM M It:11 CLOTHING, made up in
magnificent styles., and the latest and most ap
proved fashions. In rerrard to workmanship,'
they can't be exeel led by any customer tailor.
Having enlarged my place and stock. I am
atile,to sell 11 , a,1y-mode Clothing- of every de
scription. cheaper. than ever offered before in
this or ally other place this sine of the 'titan
tic. My stock consi,ts in part of CO-YTS - ,
of all sizes, prices, colors and kinds, made up
in a superior manner, of the finest .English,
French a rid American Cloths ; alsO of Duck
ing Linen, Bombazine and Italian cloth.—
PA NTS, in the latest and most fashionable
city styles, of the finest Doeskin and fancy
Cassiweres, of every color and shade, also of
Linen, Ducking and Cottons. VESTS, of
beautiful fancy patterns and Silks richly
figured. Also, W h ito •MarsaileS, Satins, and
Velvets, of every description, made in elegant
manner: - BOYS CLOTHING, of every .dis
cription, made up in good and tasty styles.
A large assortment of Cien//'s Furnifihing
G oo d s , conststing in extra quality linen-bosom
Shirt, Suspenders, Gloves. Half Hose, Col
lars, Neck and Pocket Handkerebiefs, and an,
extraordinary assortment of black satin and
fancy Self-adjusting Stocks, and' various other.
fancy articles; together with /Tnibrellas,Trunks,
Carpel Bags, llatQ, Caps, Boots arid Noes. My
Goods are selected and purchased under the
most favorable circumstances. "Quick Sales
p Small Prqfits," is always .the motto I am
determined to carry out, at the Money-saying
(hilhiug Emporium in York street.
A personal examination can alone satisfy.
customers of the coarprebensiveness of my
stock, which I am selling at least 21) percent.
lowet than can be found at any of my com
petitors. MARCUS SAMSON. .
N. B.—All Goods bought of me will he ex
changed if they do not prove satisfactory.
Gettysburg, May 21, 1855.
Watches, Jewelry,
Silverware IPapey Goods.
QA Choice Assortment.of the Finest Qual
ity, for Sale at the Lowest Cash Prices, at
Wm. B. Eltonhead's,
Between Pine and Zillion, West side, Philad'a.
rri E assortment embi aces a Larizc and Se.-
1 lect Stock of Fine Watches,Jcwelry,
Ware, Albalu Ware, plated with Jine Silver, in
Spoons, Forks, Ladles, strc.—.let Goods, Fans
and Fancy Articles of a superior quality, de
serving the examination of those who di sire to
procure the best goods at the Lowest Cask Prices.
Having a practical know/edge of the. busi•
ness, and all available facilities for Importing
and Manufacturing, the subscriber confidently
invites purchasers, believing that he can sup
ply them on terms as favorable as any other
establishment in either of thel Atlantic
• CicAl I kinds of Diamond and Pearl Jewel
ry and Silver Ware' manufactured to order,
within a reasonable time.
(* - •--Watch6, Jewelry and Silver 'Ware
faithfully repaired. -
No. 184 si.uth 2d St. )
a few doors above tbo 2d Si Market, West Side.
Var.ln the South Window of the Store, may
he seen the famous. BIRD CLOCK, which
commands the admiration of the scientific and
October 2, 1854. ly
Matches ! Matches!
Safety Palen' Square tpright
Rood iSox Matches,
/Vo. 10t North Enirth St.(abore ...11nce,)
ATCIIES having become a'n'indispem;a
hle article in housekeeping„ the sub
scriber after a ,great sacrifict of time and money,
is enabled to offer to the. Public an article at
once combining Utility and Cheapness. The
inventor knowing the danger apprehended on
account ) of the flimsy manner- in _ which_
Matches are generally packed in paper, has by
the aid of New Steam Machinery of his own
invention. succeeded in getting u p a SA Flirty
BOX ; this box is far preferable, in as notch
that it occupies no more room than the old
round wood box, and contains at least Two
Hundred per Cent. more Matches, 'which to
Shippers is considerable advantage; - it is en
tirely new, and secure against moisture and
spontaneous combustion, and dispels all dan
__ger on transportation by means of Railroad,
Steamboat or any other Inode of . Conveyance.
These Matches are packed so that one gross
or more may he Shipped to any part 'of the
World with perfect safety. They are the
most desirable article for Home Consumption,
and the Southern and Western Markets, that
have ever been invented.
DEALERS and St-UPPERS will do well
to call andexamine for themselves.
g6) - *These Matches are 11 . ./1.111?..1 NTE D la
be superior to any/hi:lz hrrettfore offered to the
106 North Fourth SI., Philud'a.
December 18, 1851. $B.
Book and Stationery Store,
North West cor. if Sixth and Arch Sts., Phila.
Great Bargains in Dseks
Poetical, Juvenile, Miscellaneous, Standard and
Presentation Books, very Cheap.
Superior White Ruled Letter Paper, $l,-
50 per Ream. Letter and Note Envelopes in
great variety. Weddinirs furnished at very
moderate rates. Cards Written and Engraved.
GiHon.'s and other Steel Pens. Superior
Motto Wafers, 323 Mottoes on a Sheet, for
'2s_ cents. Inkstands, Pen-Knives, Paper
Weihts, &c. Fine Turkey Morocco Porte
'ltonnaies. Portfolios, &e. Card Cases,
Backgammon Boards, &e. With a very large
and choice assortment of Tog Buoks, Games,
Diwcted Pichirts, -11buni.,N, Scrap Buda
and Engravings. P. THOMSON.
Aprtl - 23, 1335. ly
F. IL Smith,
TURER, N. W. rur. rf Fourth 0 , - Chesnut Sts.,
Philadelphia, always on fraud a large and
varied as:ortrucnt of
Port Monnaies,
_ Pocket Books,
Bankers Cases,
, Note Holders,
Port Folios,
. Portable Desks,
Dressimr ('ayes,
Also, a treneral assortment of ENGLISIT,
Fine Porket Cutlery, tin:Lori, Ita'zor Strop s
and (;nld Wholesak, Seennd a n d
Thud Floors. F. H. S‘lllll,
N c,ru , r F 111 tb ..• rut S.
N. B.—On the teeript of•;•f) . 1, a Superior
1 1 ) • %•;1 be ~ e nt to dr.V , rt of , •
r ri
Work Boxes,
Traveling. naffs,
BackerAmmon 'Boards,
Chess lle n,
Pocket Mriii7Books,
Cigar Ca•e•. &e.