The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, June 25, 1855, Image 4

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    • • tortxcettliste..enom- reuse r.sen.l
affection, ailininisterieg to each other's wants,
sustaining each other in sickness, old age, and
death ; and this is liertutiful; any, 'it is more,
it is sublime, it - is . god-like 1 Methinks if
there was more of this' feeling in the world
than-there is there. Were more aseociation
4ifthis kind than there are, we would not have
as intickieufferitef and pain, heart-buntings
Arid dissensiorei,spiarrelings -and biekerill
bx k-hitings itod
. slander as we have. We
• teem to live in d strange period of the world's
history. We are playing . a great grab-game.
- ;Ind the best fellow is the must. The motto
or all him:in action more seems to be, every
nem for 'himself aed no thought of your neigh
leirkget,ntoney, gct rich, honestly if you can,
but' no, matter - still get money, ride over the
pier,' crush, them down, they have no business
hepoor ;even the boyteehoutent, at the cur
iteisi• of the street, "go it,'while you're 'young,
for:When yeiteget old you can't." Boys, did I
:tree 1 beg your pardon.- we have no boys. now,
we are all men. Alas!, 'there is too much of
thistrindVffeeling in the world. ‘Did - 'we but
remember that the saiites,great God is the ert'
ator and father of us',all, that each man iS but
a part rindpateel of the some vast lirother
hood, thit our - wants.atlit - rleccesities are all'
the same, that the t, me unkind - wordiongen
' crone 'action which causes your heart to bleed,
produCes•the same effect in the heart, of your
man methinks WO . WOlllll cultivate more
charity,' good - will, wed affection towards
each other than we do. And here is where
your society stands out in all its grand pro
-I""rtions, heantf,suidititity,—anil -- 14treligth-sse
llere is where it challenges the admiration Of
all, and commends itself to the ititention of
ere whele eammunity. But again. Your, as
' mention has a tendency to create a feeling of
irtmlekridenee,- and honest pride, in the breasts
of itistinembership: • I do not mean that low,
groveling, - antleonteraptilde pride which some
men seem to thick they have aright to enjoy
le...nese they are richer than their neighbor,
(and which is - always an evidence of an ex
certlingly small ineollect), I Jut I mean that pride
which springS froni some good action perform
- eml, benefiting your neighbor, and know i ng that
y o u have the means within your power to ac
complish your object.
• • .
- 1-Ative said before that your society is rich.
Yon alt have an interest directly,- jointly and
severally, in the funds of the association.
The thonsands; which you now have - on hand,
were placed there'by the initiation fee, and
monthly. contribution of each individual man.
in this way the'poorest min of your number is
placed' on . an equal footing with' his more
wealthy neighbor.. There arc--nn distinctions
in'Your seerety, there' can be none, you all
riteektin..the, same common platform ; and it is
right that it should so. Yon knota' that
should, Sickness
„overtake you, disease or'old
agelPxne upon : you,, you have a sure fund up
. on 'Whiehyon.bandraW, atidknowing and feel
ing tlit*tiiings;zitica.yeu a sensation of hide
pendenceand honest pride: We all like to
kutivr.that we. hitteaotnething laid up against, 4'o that w'e 'are not left entirely
to the mercy of the winds and waves of fortune.
I do riot sway thatany or you will absolutely
stand. in, 00 or. the benefits of your society,
thai:yoti don init thorn ist without thorn ; "but
iithe's often. cony
take to themselyes wings and flee
tiway'...",..„ The; rich ' of to-day is .° poor
ma nor to4nerrow..and the poor man of to-clay
is. the rich man - of to-morrow. A lbould adier
sityrreine, should your broad ac 's be swept
front you; - here. in your' association, you have
a sure means of snpnert which nothing can de
prive you of, aiufthts is a comfortable feeling.
Another-beeuty, ikthis association is that it is
ylarithin_ihe reach of all. Every man,
irosSitsiiirg a good ; moral ohmmeter, a citizen of
the :United Siatiti,.niay become a member of it. -
The man who' earns his fifty cents a day, by:
savieg a little every week, can soon snake trip
his initiatioufee, and so with his monthly con
tribution-of twenty-Ave cents. irate pennies,
trini AppenY-bits,' that we Spend foolishly,' were
laid away. if - we would dispense with seine
little.. unnecessary article now and then, the
sum would bo raised. ; "Take 'care of the pen
nies, and the dollars will take, cote, of them-
Now there are ninny things in this
life Which= a poor Irian can have nothing
. to do
liza wealthy neighbor may live to his
superh and costlym.stansion, iu all the pomp, and- glitter of a vain, -proud heart,
lint the jeacir man west live in Ins humble log
11141-4.ith-itaroof of straw. There are many
--gresX,epterprise,a-in which the wealthy are en
gaged that spier man can have nothing to do
because, :they require ;capital, means.
wealth... There are ninny associations,. - forined j
upon-the same basis which your's is, that the
poor 'CaririOtJol.ll, -because their initiation fee, j
null weekly contributions, are so high it is
Pla.cod .beyond his means. There are even .
4,:harebes, its our own laud, which a poor man
,eatt scarcely enter,; ,because none- but the,
haughty and aristocratic christians go there.
stinl,!the pews are sold so enormously high, that
the poor cannot buy them. and,if he is not - a
i mew holder be is pmetned tot have no business
in'tbc church-1 refer to some of the marble
.4;tittechee of our -large cities. A man is not to
hit despised because he' is poor. Our own lin
'‘triortisl Washington rose from comparative oh-
surarity: Patrick Henry, the Demosthenes of j
.Ainelica, was a poor boy. The great states-
man of the .west. America's brightest jewel,
was called the "mill boy of the slashes." A
long list of names might be mentioned. names
whicteWill ever shed a halo of light and glory
_upon the page of history, to show that the
poor and humble in life may rise to power and
lofty distinction if they receive the proper en
couragement, if means and opportunities arc
given aim of plaeing themselves upon an equal
locking with'the wealthy. And this your so
ciety does as I have shown. Here, every man,
lty ea little saving, may become a member, and
enjoy the same . privilegesand rights that any "Quick Sales & Small Profits.' ,
othertiiember does. In these money making, rutty. subse'riher would mast respectfully
,erasping,_avaricious times there is too much of infel.m)sis friends and the public general
a disposition to ride over, and crush down the ty, that lie is earl-ving on the 7, ipk.
boneet pour.. Too often are they ground to
powder -under' the iron heel of the wealthy. ' ness at the old stand of Leonard
,Too often are they - made to writhe in agony of i Stough, Bast end of Yorli street, Gettysburg,
spirit, by the taunts and sneers flung at them where lie . has un hand and is prepared to loan
•by the would-be aristocracy. Many a noble, uCaciure, at short notice, Itorkaways, Bnal
gvnerous, 'good heart has been frozen up . by wogo „,, 11„ 44 ,:,,, 0- e ., a ll t„ t h e b est style.
the cold treatment received at the hands' of both o f r in k! ' an d Ho hiss also on
the rich. To the (tond disgrace of even thishand a uninher of SEC:ON 1)-11 , 1N I )
lice, proud land be it. spoken, that numeg,now, C AIiItiAGES, of all descri pitons, nel l done
_ t s_tlie_ g _reat_tuelimvealf chat-sill-neon-f4l-dmv . up, which he will dispose of low. R F.l) Al R
worship. Where is the true genius. lofty , !NG done at short notice, atm at the lowest
)4triutistu, and Stettin , ' worth that e:iarattler- living rates. Country produce taken in ex
lAxl our venerable fathers in the best days of change for work. JACOB TRU x
the naMblie ? Alas! it is buried in the ocean May 1855. 'tin
Aif the past, and a man is measured now by his
, heaps of gold. I have •seen sonic men with
tuore.bair upon their face. than brains in their-
Lead, ntorerdd about their person, thaaideaS .
to their numskull, a mere dressed up do% baby,
because they wererieti. 2 .:l,Sickening Sight -
I dory in. that society:a-hi& likes the pour
titan,by- the-hand, andtlevates hint to a stand
puittimi,in the enjoyment of the same rights
privileges which the wore wealthy enjoy.
glory in that association which reaches forth
:Vint; and takes in the whole community,
Avtileh goes to the !ionic of the poor man. kv4s
• 1 8 tl at his' couch of death, Lays the son. hand
~t his cold brow, 'stands I..entinvl
hearth stone, throws "its strollg arms
4.11..tind his little ones, and gives the widow
the orphan a home.. 'I hi% 1,1,..4.•ty, th e n,
I.ltv.giio n e , and an honor to till:. ,rioto e mu .
as such titC
44,4;41.101) of all.. Every man bc.lour;
to a society of this lind, because by doing so
he is, inn great measure, contributing to his
own happine's, and that of his - neighbor.
To the young Men of this large audience 1
would say join yourself to this noble associa
tion. YOU are . now-in the vigor and stnaigth
Of nunhood. Long years of Asefultisss and
honor may be before von. ()tie by one your
fathers are moving off the stage of action, and
you are coming on to play your parts in the
grand drama of life. Soon the- institutions,-
the laws, and liberties of the great republic.
will rest upon your shoulders.. It will be fbr
you to see that no blot is made upon thesss
cutcheon of our proud nation's glory. To the
young men of our beloved land must -we look
for the perpetuity of all We hold 'dear and sa
cred in life. The far off generations of 'the
' Anglo Saxon race, as they rise upon the thea
-1 tre orlife, will look. wish - pick - and - wonders
upon' the monmnents of wisdom, arts, and
sciences inherited from you, the work of your
hands, or,- groaning under the yoke of tyranny,
will curse the day that gave thenfsbirth. 'low_
important, then, that you should occupy posi
tions in life, froiti - WhiCh you may sensrentsan
influence which will tell upon the future desti
nies of, mankind ! You owe a duty, not only
to yourselveg, but to your fellow men, and a
Part of that duty - is to alleviate, as far as in
your power, the , sorroWS and trials of suffering
humanity.around you. How can this duty be
met and discharged so well as through the in
strumentality of a society of this kind ? Sonia
of you have fathers who belong to the associa
tion. Some of them have been members many
years : they love it, they have built it up to its
present 4alth r prosperity, and greatness, and
when they die it would be a consolation to
them to know-that their sons are members,
and will still maintain and support it. Be
sides, though you now feel strong and active,
though your arm is sinewy, and full of might,
disease may lay its withering grasp upon your
manly frame, your stalwart arm may be un
nerved, death may: mark you for its. victim.
For weeks, and 'months, and even years, you
may be .stretched - upon a bed of Pain and suf
fering. for "we cannot tell what a day or an
hour may bring Ruth." Your society then
would be a friend indeed. In "Adams Divi
sion!, Sons of Temperance," of which I have the
honor to be a member, we_ had a young man
who was confined to his home and bed for up
wards of a year: all that time we paid
him his weekly benefits, and since his death
have paid to his widow sonic $55 00. Had he
not been a member of our division he would
have seen hsrd times, for he was poor, and
earned his daily bread in the sweat of his brow.
Ills is one case in a thousand , : it may be your
casts Ag,ain. I would invite the influenceof
the female portion of the community in favor
of this enterprise. Itis true, Ladies, you can
nothecomo members yOursolves, but you can
induce your husbands, fathers, and sons to join,
and it may be that some of you have even in
fluence enough to induce some crabbed old
bachelor to join, though that I very much ques
tionsfor it' female charms, and female loveli
ness are not sufficient inducements for them to
leave the horrors of single blessedness. I con
sider their case rather hopeless. In this coun
try the female occupies an elevated stand in
society, a position front which she may, and
does, exert a powerful influence upon the stern
er tex. She wields that lever whose fulcrum
is childhood, whose length is all time, and
whose sweep is eternq. The lessons, which
your boy learns at. your knee, in Walley, go
with him and follow him through the world.
When - he leaves the old family roof,and goes
down into the stern conflict of life. when the
big clouds of gloom gather thick and heavy
around him. and the star of his hope is almost
extin b uished in the night of adversity, metum-y
-carries him back to the home of his boyhood,
the voice of his kind mother steals o'er him,
like the soft whisperings of by gone ditys s ter
words of advice, admonition and comfort, again
sound in his ear, and under their sacred Wilts:
ence -lie gathers up his sinking hopes, nerves
himself again for the conflict. and presses on
to high honors and distinction. The home of
our childhOod, and a mother's care, who can
forget I Through the agency and influence of
woman; thrones and empires haVe been shaken
to their centre, monarclu have quaked in their
strong holds, dynasties have been overturned,
mighty revolutions in goVerttinent have been
accomplished, and some of the most stupendous
enterprises on record have been carried to a
successful termination. We all bow before its
power. Let the females of this community
exert their influence in favor of this association,
and, my word for it, where you now have one
hundred Sind fifteen members, in a year or two
you. will double your number. And why, La
dies, should you not exert your influence in
favor of the society ? It is greatly to your ad
vantage for when the member is sick the
benefits he may draw go to your support as
tvell as his ; when lie dies it is his widow who
draws the funeral benefits, and your Children
who are provided for. Throw, then, your in
fluence in favor of the association. In conclu
sion, let me say to the membership,—You have
a society. here which is an honor to our county.
and a blessing to you and your fellow men.
Nourish it with a parental care, guard it with
a vigilant eye. Let no root of bitterness spring
up among you, let no quarrelings or hick eri iss
enter its sacred enclosure. Cultivate one for
the other affection and kindness. Suffer no
wolf, in sheep's clothing, to steal in among you;
bad men exist in almost every department of
life, for wherever there is a paradise the evil
one is sure to come. Remember that even
the pure and holy cause of freedom had its
Benedict Arnold. Guard against: such men,
and may you go on in the future as you have
done in the past, increasing in ,num hers, wealth.
and influence, until you occupy a proud stand,
and - most exalted position.
Abram ArMild
~'INTENDS reittoviwz to York, and lutist
L therefore settle up his business. All per
ous_desi ruus-of-sa v tog—co sts, elte c ;Idly those
adLose (recounts are of long standing, eau do . S 0
by calling; immediately-and paying up. Un
less this he done,'without delay, suits will be
instituted without respect to persons ; a sitni
ar appea tem Laving men er y
n' further indulgence Will be given.
June 4, 1855.
tention to hip lane and Aesirable assort- -
went of Millinery Goods. lie can't be out
done in quality, style or price.
IF Non want a floc Beaver or Silk H kT,
I 011 PTI XTO Nk 013 It: 4N.
)11 1 )014,, 8fu...,h.c„, and - ;ale.
OLD S01,1)1 ER.S:
Bounty Land Act of 1855.
Tli E undersigned is now fully prepared to
file and i 8 rapidly filing (171,41.1 MS TO BM) N-
Tr LA . NO tar KOMOIS of the War of 1842. and
of ALL t he wars o9,he U. States—their widows
and minor children. In addition to his long
experience and success, be would_add, that,
in all the many clairns he lute hitherto filed,
(bet w ri--1 00-a nd- 200)-h ha y _ pm
-;erved, and has now every thing necessary to
establish the rights of claimants.--as alsoltolls
and Lists of Cornpanies, and facilities for fur
nishing proofs in all cases that may be en
trusted to b:m.
11e, has made complete arrangements , for
locating. warrants in the Western States. War
rants bought— Warrant:lsar/. Apply
by letter to D. M'CONAUGHY.
Gettysburg, March 10,1855. if
Bounty Lands.
QOI4DIERS who. served in any war of -the
1. I.l'. States a term -no:. less than fourteen
da - pr, -- a - re - entitlerl - to 1 - 60 A FM - KS - 130 - 131\9 1 Y
LAN I), and in ease of the death of the soldier,
his widow or minor children, (if any,) are
entitled to the same quantity.. lm eases where
40 or 80 acres have already been received, the
difference necessary to makeup the 160 acres
can now be drawn.
() - Zt"-Apply to the subscriber, at his office.
in Gettysburg, where persons having Land
tVarrants to sell, may obtain the highest price
for them. R. G. M'CREAItY.
Mareh 1.3; 1855. Gm
Bounty Land Clainvi.
pin; 'undersigned will attend promptly to
_L the collection of claims for BOUNTY
LANDS' under the lath act of CongresS.
Those who' have already received 40 or 80
Acres, can stw receive the balance, by calling
on the subscriber and making the necessary
application. JO EL B. DANNER.
Gettysburg, March 12, 1855. tf
Win. B. M'Clellan, •
.1.17T0 lINEY LS TV,
arAFFIC F: on the south side of the Public
ISquare, two doors west of the Sentinel
office. Aug. 2.2, 1853.
I). ill'Conaughy,
" 4 TTO aNE )1 aT 1;31V,
(Office removed to one door West, of llnelder's
Drug &,13ook-storc, Chamber.sburg street,)
Attorney Si. Solicitor for Patents
and Pensions,
140 p T e J I N 4 i e r d Y
( I „. Land W q a a rr n a d n ts a , i
1 B
o a c t
t i :e - r Pa c Y :l claims
against the Government at Washington, D. C.:
Hiss, American claims in England. Land War
rants located and sold, or bought, and highest
prices given.
Agents engaged in locating warrants in
lowa, Illinois, anti other Western States; and
lands for sale there.
CO—Apply s to biroperconally or by letter.
Gettysburg, Nov. 1, 1653.
- E. B. Buehler,
.WILL faithfully arid promptly attend to
all business _entrusted to liim. Ile
speaks the Gerinan langterige. Ofliee at the
same place, in t4olith Baltimore street., near
Forney's Driig Store, and nearly Niposite
Danner 'At, - Ziegler-'s Store. LAI-arch '2O,
J. Lawrence 1111111, M. 1).,
-rfAS his Office one door westof the Lutheran
chard', in Chatubershurg street, and op
posite Is'rantiner's store, where those wishinv
tollave any Denial Operation pi:rformis.l
are respectfully inviled to call.
ltt%r•r:itr:N ER
Dr. D. Gilbert, Dr. U. N. lierluely, Dr. D.
tiorner, Roy. C. P. lirantb, D.D., Itev. 11. 1..
Bitugher, D. I)., Rev. Prof. William NI. Rey
nol~ls,ltt v. Prof. M.L.Sttever.
Gettysburg, April 11, 1853. If
. _ .
Cfiina, Glass and Queens ware.
Gen. Al. niikce, Successor li' Bokee to.,
1111 ) 61C11•111. and Dealer in" 0 141 NA.
GLASS and QU 1.',1 4 :N SWAIM, 11 Aortk
110 ward :itreet,'(bel wren Poyelle and Lexing
ton s!reels,) Baltimore, Aid., respectfully in
vites the attention of Dealers to an examination
of his well assorted stock before putt:basing
elsewhere. Feb. 19, 1855. ly
Geo. Richard son;
No. 111 N; Howard Sired, ItoPinsore,
1)1 1 YS and sells FLOUR, (.VAIN, 11A Y.
11 STRAW, and Country Produce general-
Iv. Ilan also on hand a largo stock oT GRO
(S MRI ES, wholesale and retail.
Feb. 19, 1855. Iy.
ARNOLD has now on hand and is
"%Le constantly making np, S'pring & sum
mer CLOTHING, to which he invites the
attention of all rin the town and country. Ho
will undersell any house ir the tow-n or coun
ty. [April 2.
FRITZ,HENDRY & CO. No. 20 North
Third Sli"el, Philadelphia; Mnunrco
MANuienerinuots, Commis and IMPORTERS
PR EN CHCA LF-SK INS, and Dealers in
REn and OAK ;01.11i; LEATHER & KIPP.
February 26, 1855. ly
GEORGE and Henry Wampler Will make
House Spontingand put tip the same I ow.
for cash of country produce.. Farmers and all
others wishing their Houses, Barns, &c.
spouted, would du well to give them a call.
G. &. 11. ‘V AMPLER..
April IS, 1853.
11 1 [ ( I ; I\. ' I \ *( t o;l N T 0 ( N , jP (i l l)l, c l , ,
DLE AND FLUID WICKS, which he of
fers to sell at the Lowest Ca-11 Prices, at
..Vo. 65 Markel St. above Second, worth side.,
Philadelphia. LFeb. 1555. 13w
Bush's Allegheny House,
`'2Bo Market st., above Bth st., Phila
delphia. Terms, $1,25 per day.
June 1, 1855. ly C. I. BUSH.
AA.) G Fa_ and __enth u s ias tic _mee ti n
.1 - 1_ lately held to devise ways and means for
the better protection of the people from impo
sition, various plans were proposed and dis
cussed, and after mature deliberation 4 they
most desirable, best and cheapest G(X)DS of
every variety, you must oto
o irr, MONIES.—The largest. prettiest
and cheapest in town, to he found at
SAMSON'S ; from 25 cents to $2,25'; and a
large assortment of Canes.
COl4 A, Sntntr and Water CRACKERS
“in,fler Nuts, So)(ch and Jenny Lind
new attwle, and not to he heat.) for
che.fp, by the pound 01 lesc, at
_teal .21.
WillllS cheap Bonnets t Publish
Il i it to the world, and the Ladies in par
. titular, that Fahnestocks keep the prettiest
Bonnet, iii 16wil.—AINo Panama, New Style
Str.ip', at} every varictv et•Suintuer
to b 11,171 at
Tla ../1;74 :hi. Un:.
New Goods Again.
OfS. CR AM. NI It Fas just returned from
• Philadelphia with as handsome and
cheap all asortment: of SPRING 4 811'411.11ER
as ever brottOit to Gettysburg,-crin •
sisting in part of CLOTHS, Black and Fancy
Cassimeres, Marseilles for Pants-. and Vests,
Satinetts, &e. Also Bareges, flarefre de
Laines t _ _ Chin - iiarege, Brilliantine 'Silks,
Satins, Lawns, Gingham?, Calicoes, Cloths,
Sleeve, lack/met and Swiss Flouncing. Bon
nets, gibbons, &c., &c. A Iso GROC Eltl F.S
qUEENSWAItE, which will he sold at
reduced prices for Cash or Country Produce.
TO punctual customers a credit of six months.
April 9,1855. tf S. GRAM NlEft.
Nen , Segar Tobacco
SAMUEL FA BE R, Jr., would respectfully
inform the citizens of the town and coun
ty, -that he has opened a Segar and Tobacco*
manufactory, in Baltimore street, next'door to
- IWrwy's -- Ortrfr; - Store, Gettysburg, where he
will constantly - keep on hand a large variety
of SWABS, of the finest flavor, and at - the
lowest living prices. Of CHEWING TO
BACCO he has the choicest kinds—also-a
capital article of SNUFF—aII of which he
offers aslow as the lowest.. He only asps a
trial, convinced that he can gratify every taste.
He hopes, by strict attention to business• and
a desire to please, to merit and receive a share
of public patronage.
May 7, 1855.
110, This Way !
)AXTON & CO BEAN have just returned
from the City, with,a splendid assortment
-- sa of Spring. 4. Swim& Hats
Cops, Boots 4- Shoes, of ever)/ I
,0 0 "")., description,and price. White
Beaver Hats, White and Black Silk
do. Panama, Canton, Straw and Chip Flats,
Kossuth, Cuban, am! every variety of Soft flat.
Also—Gentlemen's and Ladies' Boots and
Shoes, Gaiters, Buskins, Jenny Linds, &c.
All of which will be sold low, for Cash, or
Country Produce.
May 7,'55. PAXTON & COWMAN.
Ready-made Clothing,.
TUN subscriber, thankful to hit; friendsand
patrons for past favors, hereby informs
them and the public generally, that lie has re
ceived and has now open for'inspection, a very
large and beautiful assortment of SPICING
magnificent sty les, and the latest and most ap
proved fashions. -In - regard to workmanship,
they can't be excelled by any customer
Having enlarged my place and stock, 1 am
able to sell Ready-made Clothino• of every de
scription, cheaper than ever offered before in
this or any other place this sine of the, Atlan
tic. My stock consists in part of ATs,
of all sizes, prices, colors and kinds, made up
in a superior 'manner, of the finest English,
French and American Cloths ; also of'Duch
ing Linen, Bombazine and Italian cloth.—
'PANTS, in the 'latest and most fashionable
city styles, of the finest Doeskin and fancy
Cassimeres, of every color anti shade, also of
Linen, Ducking , and Cottons. VESTS, of
beautiful fancy patterns and silks richly
fiv - nred. Also, W liite Ma rsail es, Satins, and
Velvets, of every description, made in elegant
manner. BOYS CLOTHING, of every dis
cription, made up in good and tasty_ stv
A large assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing.
Goods, conststiu. in extra quality linen-bosom
Shirts, Suspenders, Gloves, Half Hose, Col
lars, Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, and an
extraordinary assortment of black satin and
fimcy &if : adjusting Stocks, and various other
fancy articles; together with Umbrellas,Trunks,
Carpel. Bags, Bab , ' caps, Roots and - Shoes. M y
Goods are selected and purchased under the
most ftvorable circumstances. "Quick Soles
4.- Small .lerlfits," is always the motto I am
determined to carry out, at the Moncy-savirw
Clothing Emporium in York street.
A personal examination can alone satisfy
customers of the comprehensiveness of my
stock, which I am selling at least 20 percent.
!owe] than can be found at any of my corn-
petitors. MARCUS 8.1 MSO N
N. 13.—A1l Goods bought of me will be ex
changed if they do not prove satisfactory. ,
Gettysburg, May :31, 1855.
VMANU EL ZIEGLER has just returned
j , / from the city with the largest lot of
GROCERIES he has ever before opened, to
which he invites the attention of all, convinced
that he can offer RARE BARG' 6is. Ile has also
a fine Mt of HAMS, SHOULDERS, &c;
FISH of all kinds ; Oranges, Lemons, and
other, fruits ; Crackers, Nuts, Confections ;
Segars, Tobacco, Snuff, and a general variety
of everything, "from a needle to an anchor,"
almost. Give him a call, if yon want to buy
what's cheap and good.
(*—Country Produce taken in exchange for
Goods. [May 7,1855.
tiOss by Fi re !
f II E undersigned informs property-holders
I that he has been duly appointed Agent of
INS TRANi3E COMPANY, and that he is
the Jily Agent in Adams county for the same.
He will take original and renew old Insu-.
rances for said Company, which, since its Iri
corporation, in 1843, has secured the perfect
confidence of the people of Adams and the
adjoining counties, (it being authorized to
effect Insurances in any part of the State.)
Its integrity and ability have been fully and
satisfactorily demonstrated. The gradation
.of rates of Insurance is adapted to the mutual
interests-of the whole Company and the class
of the insured property. Every person insur
ing becomes a member of the Company, - and
may act in the selection of officers and in the
direction of its operations.
(*-- /ion. MosEs - Meet.KAN represent.; the
members in this county in the Board of Man
agers. C. 'tort', Jr., is President, 'lnd Joan
CANtem.l., Secretary. Office in Bloomfield,
Perry county.
Office of M. & W. McClean, Gettysburg
December 1-z ,
51. tf
trarriag:tssi ! !
rrlkE undersigned take this method of in
jj their friends and the publi c , gen
erally, that they have entered into partnership
in the Carriage-making business, and are pre
pared—at their establi s in nen r, in E a st Middle I
street, one and a half squares from Baltimore
reet-Lto put up CA R lAG ES, IitIGUI
&c., in the very best manner. Their work,
they are detennined, shall not be surpassed in
the place, either for beauty or durability—and
their terms wt. ne as easy as at any other es
tiiblishment. fi4y-IZepairing done low and at
short notice. 1). B. LITTLE,
Gettysburg, Feb. 26, 1855.
Bonnets ! Hats !
NeW I fax tin as e Silos e. We Can't Be Beat!
r 1 E suhsCriliers wtosild respectfully an. , 1
Another Arrivat of s'plendid Neir Cools
nounee to their friend;; and the public that i
they have opened a NEW .HARDWARE ' AR.DW A R E _ 11A v E the pleasure of announcing to my
STORE; in Dula more Street, adjoin;,..... the friends and the public g,enerally,that I have
1 and opened a large and splendid
residence of David Ziezler, Get! ysl PIING & SUMMER GOODS.
they are opening alarge and gt in part, at French, English, and
went 'of
/ American cLoTris, f all colors, from ...', to
Hardware; Iron, Steel, Groceries, Is 3 ; Plain and Foley Casr-iineres, Tweeds,
C-U TL E R-Y, COA CD TRIMMINGS,' Cashmerests, Plain am! 'alley Linesis. tr,oeth-
SPRIN GS, AXLES, _ er with a great variety of PANT STUFFS,
from l ?? ets. iip.ii EsTINGS,in large variety.
_ A r''' 9 't, ;c - 4 -.' \ 1 : 1 ED EL .. 'l' 'ES 0 FOR THE LADIES.—Wo have SILK'S ,
7 -4 &bar—mart, c3l)oe iinbincig, Silk Tissue, Linen Lustres, Alpacas, Lawns,
Paints, Oils, and Dyer-stulfs, Gingham Lawns, Clinallinns from 10 cents up;
Suisse Muille, Plain and Plaid Jaconets,
in general, including every desefilnion of arti- •Llama Plaids, Mous de Laines, Calicoes front
Iles in the • above lines of business, to which
they invite the attention of Coach-makers,
a fip up,—also, Silk, Kid, Lisle, Thread and
Cotton Gloves, Hosiery, • Linen Cambric
Blacksmiths, Carpenters,_ Cabinet -makers, Handkerchiefs, Thread, Snisse, Cambric and
Shoe-makers, Saddlers, and the public gen- Cotton Laces and Edgings. BONNETS,
erally. - Ribbons and Flowers.
Our stock having been selected with great Our prilsent Stock is large, and has bees
care and purchased for Cash, we guarantee (for selected with great care, both t.S regards Style,
Quality and Price„and_as-our motto is "_± , Szogit
the Ready Money,) to dispose of any part of
it on as reasonable terms as they cart-be-pur- Prigils and Quick Sale.s," we hope all who
chased any where. - wish great Bargains will give us a call befor&
We particularly request a call from our purchasing elsewhere. 3. L. SCHICK.
friends, and earnestly solicit a share of public
favor, as we are determined to establish a char- __ April 9, 1855. tf
cter for selling Goods at low prices and do
g b usiness on fair principles.
Gettysburg, June 9, 1851. tf
The Cheap Store !
"I[TE have just upend, and now offer-to
V the public the best and cheapest'assort
men/ of SPRING &SUM M ER GOODS ever
received- in this Borough. Having purchased
with great care, and being determined to sell
cheap, we can offer without fear of competi
tion, the largest and Most desirable assortment
and at a cheaper rate than they can be furnish
ed in or out of the Bdreugh. We would le
specifully call the attention of our ft iends and
customers to-our fine assortment of Black 'and
Fancy CLOTHS,-Cassimeres and Vestings,
Cat; inetts, Kentucky Jeans, Cottenades, Pants
stuff of every description, Nankeenette,
Twectis, &c. For the Ladies we can - show a
splendid variety of DRESS GOODS. Berages
of all colors, Berage de Lames, Mous:de
Lai nes, - La wns, Bri Ilianti nes, Silks, Bonnets,
Ribbons, Fans, now style Swiss, &c., &c.
have our usual large supply.
Grateful for past favors, we hope to merit a
continuance of the same. Call and examine
our stock and satisfy yourselves that ours is
The Cheap ,Ntore. Nv trouble to show Goods.
April 9, 1855. tf •
The War Going On!
r HEI war in Europe is largely engrossing
public attention, ant! prices generally are
going up. But the untlersiuned wonla suggest
to his• customers and everybody else that he
has just returned from the city, with the
cheapest and best stock of
, r) r. 4 T,A 7r) '•+' IC -4
v.s; t7.e.f: • ),Ll.llt.'y 9
Nuts, Confectionary, Fancy Soaps, &c.,
he has
.ever before offere(E Call and judge
for yourselves, and if you do not pronounce
his goods among the cheapest and best you
have ever looked at, then is he greatly mis
taken. His stock comprises, in . part, Coffees,
Sugars, Teas, - Chocolates, Syrups, Molasses,
Crackers; Oranges,- Lemons, Almonds, Palm
Nuts, Pea Nuts, , English Walnuts, Filberts;
Confectiona - ry, of a hundred sorts; Pepper,
Cinnamon, Cloves, Soda Salemtits, Washing
Soda, a large variety of Fancy Soaps, and
everything else in.his line.
Kr - Cash - or Country Produce.taken in ex•
change for Goods.
is continued. Highest market prices paid.
In York Street, al the l'osl Office.
Gettysburg, Apri,4•24., 1854. .
New Goods—at Less Prices!
F 4 ARM ERS, look to your interests. lf you
want to get back the i?koney you lost, just
call at the Northwest corner of the Diamond,
where you will save at least 1Z per cent. and
get the full worth'of your. money, and where
you will not have to pay for those who don't
fipay. Don't foriret to bring your money. Also
ring along anythin , r and everything you have
to sell—such as BUTTER, EGGS, BACON,
LARD, RA GS, and everything you think will
sell—and I . will buy at what they are worth.
Just call at the People's Store.
$, The Stock consists of DRY GOODS,
Groceries, Clothing made to order, &c.
New Queens• ware and Cedar ware.
Gettysburg, Feb. '2C, 1855. tf
Spring & Summer Goods.
AARNOLD has just returned from the
. with the LARGEST AND
MER GOODS ever before offered to the
citizens of the town or county, consistimy, in
part of French Black, Brown, Blue awl Wiv e
CLOTHS, Fancy and Black Cassimeres, Satin,
assimere, Marseilles and other VESTINGS,
Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans and Satinets for
Men's Wear; BEREGES, Berege Dc Laines,
Maus De Laines, &c.. for Ladies' Wear. Al
so, a lame and splendid assortment of BON
NETS, Parasols, Men's Canton, Straw and
Palm Leaf HATS.
He invites all to come and examine his
stock of Goods. He assures them he will sell
30 per cent. cheaper than any house in town.
April 2,1855.
Tai Lorin;.
Removed a Few Doors South of the Old Stand.
H. SK MAY respectfully informs his
Pl • old customers and the public generally,
that he continues the 7:7ILORING BUST-
E SS, near his old stand, in South Baltimore
street, where he will be happy to acconimodate
all who may patroni'im hint. All work en
trusted to his care warranted to fit and be of
most substantial make. Thankful for past
favors, he solicts a continuance of public pa
re.,r The Se York Sprine, and Summer
Fashions are received. Call and see them.
Gettybbuig, April 9, 1555.
F. 11. Smith,
TV RER, N. tr cor. 1'0ur112 . 4 . - Chcsnut
Philudelphia, always on hand a large and
varied assortment of
Port Monnaies, Work Boxes,
Pocket Books, Calms,
Bankers Cases, 'Traveling Bags,
1 , - oi - dus, BaT:kg,aminon 1
Port Folios, Chess Men,
Portable Desks, Pocket Meni. Books,
Dressing Cases, Cigar Cases, &c.
Also, a general assortment of ENGLISH,
Fine Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops
and Gold Pens. Whole,,alo, Second and
Third Floors. P. H. SMITH.
N cGrtier 'Fourth S. Che‘riut Phil via.
N. B.—On the rucaipt ttf a Nuperior
Gold Pet! %%111 he sent to 'ai,y part of thn
n itrel ;--114;:oithill. , ~
LwAltuui,itatil, yr ult. , 1:3:).): iy
Standard Lutheran Books.
rut H Lutheran Mannal,on Scriptural grin
eiples;' or the Augsburg Confession.—
Illustrated and sustained, chiefly by scripture
proofs and extracts from - standard Lutheran
Theologians of Europe and America; together
with the Formula of Government
line adopted by the general synod of the
Evangelical Lutheran (Thumb in the United
States.. By S. S. Schmucker, one vol..
12 me.
Life of Martin Luther, edited by Rev. T.
Stork, 1 vol. 8 vo., elegantly illustrated. , -
Kurtz's Manual of Sacred History, *ramie.
latest by Rev. C. F. Seheaffer, 1 vol. 19 me.
The Sepulchers of our Departed, by Rev.
F. W. Anspaeh, 1 vol. 12 MO.
Life of Philip Melanethon, translated from
the, German, by Rev. O. F. Grote).
_The Children of the New Testament„
Rev. T. Stork.
Also, New Publications
"Of the leading book publishers,-regularly
received, and for sale at publisher's prices.
The following just received
Family Prayers for each morning and even
ing in the year, with re , rence to appropriate
Scripture li&adin,es, by Hey. J. Cumming.
Cumming Signs of the Timid.
A liige assortment of School aud Miseet.
alneous ' Bibles of every descrillition,
Blank Books, Writing Papers and Stationery,
for sale at low prices, "al the Bookstore 01'
May 21,1855. K. ELL ER KURT.
3 Curt lot 311!
Holloway's Ointment.
Citizens if the Union,---
yO U bare done me the honor as wish ens
voice, from one end of the Union to the.
other, to stantp the character of tny Ointment.
with your approbation. it is seareely two
years sinee I made it known to you, and alrea
dy it has obtained , more celebrity than any
other medicine in so short a *period,.
38, cqrner of Ann 4 - Netssein sts., New York
Copy fl a Letter from Mr. J. W. Lawlvy. of Hunt
Tadkiveo., Dior th. Car alma. dated Nee. 1it,15•53-
my wish to become notorious, neither is this.
letter written for the mere sake of writing. butt
to say, that your Ointment cured me of one of
the most dreadful cutaiwons diseases that &sit
is heir to, and which was considered by aft
who knew me, tchehe entirely beyond the reack
of medicine. For nine years 1 was aillietc&
with one of tte most painful and troublesome
sore legs that ever fell to the lot of man ; and
after trying every medicine I had ever heard of,.
I resiza to despair 411 , hope of being eared ;
but a friend brought me a couple of large pots
of your Ointment, which cussed the sores on
my lees to heal, and I entrrely'regaitted my
health, to my agreeable surprise and delight,
and to the astonishment of my friends.
(Signet) .1. W. LANGLEY.
Copy of a Letter frorin )Ir. R. Iltarant, Neu Orley e, No
rtombes: 9bls, 1853. "
PROFICISON Hea.r.owAY, Corner of
Ann and Nassau Streets, N. Y. Dear Sir :
It is with hear:felt gratitrade I have to inform
you that by the use of year Ointment and
Pills, the life of my wile has heen saved.
For seven years she had a tad breast, with
ten running- wotindi,.(tiot.of a cancerous na
ture): I was told that nothing imuld save her :
she was then induced to,use pun. Ointment
and Pills, when in the short space of three
months, they .effected a perfect ewe, to the
astonishment of all who knew us. We ob
tained *Jr , Medicines from Messrs. Wright
& -Co., of Chartres-street, New Orleaus.
send this from "Hotel des Princes," Riris.
although I -had written it at New„
before we finally left, at that time, not know
ing your-address at New York.
(Signed) R. DURANT.
Tho Pilla should ho u-ed conjointly with the_ Ointment - 13
most of the following eases :
Contrasted and Lumbago
stiff Joints Pile.
Bad Legrs
Bad BreaArt
Mt Ili tlis
Chapped hands Swelliws Sure Nipples Woinvis
* * ** :Sold at the Establishment of Prolesser
H obLowAr , 80, Maiden Lane. New York, and
914 Strand, London, and by all respectable
Druggists and Dealers in Medicines through-
out the United States, in Pots tad Boxes, at
25 cents, 621 cents, and $1 00 each.
C* - -There . is a considerable saving by tak
ing the larger sizes.
N. B.—Directions for the guidance of pa
tients in every disorder are affixed to each Pot.
July 3, 1851. lyeow
C! WEAVER' respectfully announces to
L the Ladies and Gentlemen of Gettysburg
and vicinity, that he has resumed the Daguer
reotype business, at the old stand, in Chain
hersburg street, where he will he happy to re
ceive visitors desirous of securing perfect
Daguerreotypes of themselves or friends.
Being furnished with an entirely new and
costly apparatus, he is prepared to take pictures
in every style bf the art and insure perfect
rk , Y-Charges from 50 cents - to $lO.
•l-fours of operating from 8 A. M. to 4
P. M.
^ln dress avoid light, red, blue, or put.
le. Dark fireßs_ade.f, to thf , beatify 0
the picture. Sept. IS, 1H.5-1. tf
F Sale .or Rent.
TnE subscriber ()tiers iser -Sale or Rent the
will rue the only until the 15th of March
nett. C. W. HOFFMAN,
Feb. 26, 1855.
t •.. t h e . attproi ,, ri
„,,‘,l ill/ !Ph ti i
hltlll2 ill , 111. Ir tilt to lii
to/ Jarl
Rheumatism Se ivy
Salt Rheum Sure-beads
Glandular Feal•ls
Now is the Time.
Wall Paper.