THREE DAYS LATF.P.'Fr.OI%I ErilOrE IMPORTANT FROM iak CRINEA 7 110 !CURT) RixOmAttNotir - The Mcimehtn and White . ..I:9tver Carried by the French , . ... . . . . lituF..t..x . , May, 20.—Th e Steamship ../lic at r ?lied ea - irk - this itoiriting from - I,iv-erpe,ol:-hav in,,cr sailed on the afternoon of the 9th inst. - The news (rota the-seat of war is _again highly exciting., The bombardment of Se bastopol was recommenced on the 6111 inst. On Saturday, just before the 'sailing of the Asia, a despatch was received from 1;o1(1 flit:T ian, dated Friday', June.Bol, 6 o'clock, P. M,., announcing . that : aft - er a fierce homlia rd tnent, the French attacked and carried the Mann:lon and White Tower. The4tifitit,was conducted :with thegreatest gallantry on both sides, and the loss of life lias been Nery„great,but no figuree. Uie,diteo. .frh o. , eva at exelted a ! gre:at buoyancy in pub lic feeling, and ceased a slight advance in Con- - cols. - ', - . : The- news, other than the above htilliant s eti n n,poSsesses no features of - striking impor- MAC&. , . The market for breadstuff's eghibitg no change-e£ moment. , corn has advanced is. since the departure of the Atlantic. ~.lietters received from the East mention the _robshilit of_ an _attack _on _A na pa_ by the al lied 'armies, supported by Mustapha Pacha's corps and tho Circassians. It. is probable that some'noticeOfincti an intention has prompted the new movement reported. - The, operations of the Allied .fleet 73 in the. Sea of Azoff'c,oritinue with unabated energy nod success. 'lntelligenee was received yes terday by the Admiralty, dated the 31st of May, from - Kertch, that the Squadron in - the Sea of Azoff had' appeared before , Genitch, landed a body of seamen and marines, which drove back the Russian_ forces, and' destroyed all the depots and vessels laden with corn and supplies 'for the Russian army., Lord Rag ktit's despatch of dui 2d of June relates to the -snaie.achievement, rind:states that ninety ires-: sets were found on this important point, laden with supplies fur the army,-all of which were sank or ileitroyed' to prevent their. escape. Another despatch,. which.' as we are informed, reached ,the Foreign Office in the course of yesterday afternoon, stalls that' no less than six. millions of rationseof corn and -flour, des tined for the Russian army at Sebastopol and in the Crimea, have been destroyed in the Sea of Azad, as well as 240 trading, virksels. ~,The following telegraphic despatch appears i4} ilAill'atrie of the 4th lost :- - -:,•'Vtp:rittn, June 3.—The Western, Powers, in Mieming-...thei.Austrian, propositions,..hav,e de elated that they consider the negotiations -as conipletoly exhausted, and that the question must now be Settled by the sword. _ RepOrteilL Capture of Fort Laramie. Buffalo, June 20.—Tho Missouri .Repnbli &an of the 16th inst., publisheS a letter dated Whitehead, I(ansas, May 9th—stating that an express rider had reached the Great Mawacha. Dlissiun ou the Bth, with the news that Fort Laramie had fallen into the hand's of the Indi ans. No particulars of the capture arc , given,. but it was stated that the Indians had assem bled about the fort in great ,numbers. . Messrs. Nate & McCord. of Rh Hollow, had been robbed by the Indians of 420 head 'of cat tle; 16 horses, besides wagons, mules; &c., leiving them entirely destitute. A Locomotive Electric Telegraph. Selena, in Italy. strange as it may sound, 'appears to be actually - outstripping "progress" in all other quarters. In the ma-tter7of-elec •tric, telegraPlis, we find that they are there even throwing the Oat telegraph theatre of the 'United States of_ America in - the shade, We Jearn, from, the. intelligent correspondent at,.tienoa.,of the Newark . AdVertiser that one eheValier Bonelli has invented, and had in May practically demonstrated, a loeontotiv'e electric telegraph. The problem was solved Under the patronage of the 'Sardinian govern- Went. on the„railwa.y . between Turin and Mon distarice.of,sikmilei—on:the after- Tronof,the 4.tti,iif May, when, for die: first time, a loconiotiVe running at hill speed repeatedly exchanged messages with ,the "station _whence Itstq,t4(l, ~The writer says : , . "The questieni and p.nswers were varied aud repeated'dUring Ouinerons trios, a leTaiilt; and'theinventor finally annotme cd his complete sticedis to "the Minister of Pub- I 1 Works at Turin, from a car running at the ,iate.qf a•mile4ri 'titre) minutes. .."Tie ordinary wire-linels thus superceded by thisdenionstratiOn'of''the practicability 'of using . the COmmori iron railttmy track as a con .electricity generated by a portable Machine.' But this' simple and ingenious in vention.ofltalian genius "has a still more im -pO'rtant bearing,. 'The writer 'aSserts that, by means of it, not only may running trains be instantly arrested by communication from the stations, at - whatever distance: not only may the central and' Way-side stationary agents hold 'intercourse with them at will. at a oint . of the route, or in any stage of theirogress, ' but the opposite trains. may communicate at any moment, without regard to' distance or rapidity of movement. with each other, before `or •behind. Thus, through communications between themselves, and with the stationary; agencies on the route, collisions may be dice • tually• prevented, and. warnings be given of Obstructions or derangements (Halle road." If all this be the fact, it would Seem impos sible to desire anything more for the security of passengers ; and we in the United States know better than any other people how . to ap preciate such a security, This plan of con verting railways into telegraphic lines, and making the clear° magnetic machine an at tachment and servant of the locomotive; opens ' new and bodless prospects of usefulness for both, while it serves to indicate that no limits. can be assigned to the progress of human skill ' and science. This Bonelli method of operating with the railway • telegraph is not yet made public, but; as an evidence of his substantial pretensions, it is mentioned that lie has lately 'received the medal of the London Society of Arts and "Industry for the application of elec tricity to Jacquara's loom, which effects a sav ing of at least 75 per cent. Ile is the govern ment 'director of the Sardinian telegraphs.— Sun. A NOTT11:11. BAND op ADV ENTrIt EttS.—The Louisville Courier speaks of the or of another bond of adventurers. Th'eir particular field of opertion is not known, but, according to the Courier.-thei-design-is said--to.. be_to tal:e possession of some one of the Mcxican States, to confiscate the lands and personal estate, and. so to reimburse themselve s for their 'iservices in the cause of freedom." The expedition is under the command of a di , ,tin4ukltod . Smith- positions o trust. netxpe itionkta are to have the sympathy and ct z , the support of a strong party i n Jl e p i ca. h e expedition liar so far htAli w/th the 1110:1t ab6u lUte secrecy, as uone of their movements have heretofore tranipired. ( 3009 OLD Next port 'l:ikode ).Irrru.y clAm:(1 its ninety-z- ,- ..- , "iti;ycrtr ttn lo t h It t.. S 11(11i. •• in hr Lit:A(:4 ,t r In Offs. Fa; 1V)1,) j'37tl' 4 R- 11. A Know-Nothing_atember of . Congress "Ruling- ADlerioans - -Th6 Way le doe. it ! The Now York_ I've has a report 'of a trial in the Queen's county court of Dr - . Valk. K. K. member of Congress from the First District, for an its,ault and battery on the lwrSoll Vary Peofohi. an -attractive- looking lady of '25. - The ass:Li:ll. - c sas :lily gLd to WI - ISAA 111 jl - 1.2-* I.NlysrtenfOd without her ciiment'A - ir which a..t of improper gallawry biti hniseked his hat otl with a bloom. The doctor hated Mr. Penfold's politics._but loved penfold's wife. The Jury brought a ver dict of guilty, and the hunorabie Know-Noth ing was taken—not to his lodge-room—but to prison, where he is to remain .for . sis. months. Before his, trial, came on the K.'now-Nothtngs made every effort to have. the jury composed'of members of thesworn order, but the counsel for flintily had a list: of all their names in his pock, - (that had been - Au-Ms - heti him by gentleman who had, been-a-7-thember of, but had left the order,) and as fast‘as their names were proposed by the jury, he challenged them, and they were rejected. Thus these conspirators - were forcd from the . .jury-boxt and a fair trial was, had, and the Know-Noth-+ ing member of Congress got his deserts. No doubt he is much better calculated for the penitentiary than he is for a seat in Congress. He and- Hiss, the Know-Nothing member of; AsseMbly in Massachusetts ( who is also in prison,) 4611 no doubt receive w vote of thanks from all the 'IO - dges of their respective. States for the hold ~and gall ant manner in which they -have attempted to teach Americans how "to , rule Americ.ans." They would tunke a strong team, and . we would not be' surprised to learn that the ticket of the K. N.'s in 1856, wilts tLe; —for President, Jiiseph Hiss, of MaSsachuSetts;fl for Vice-President, Dr. 'Valk, 'of New York.l They have 'both' become martyrs .because of their principles,' and their brothers should sympathise with' thernAn their troubles. To the President and Members if 114. e Pittsburg Synod qf the Lutheran Church. RSV FaiEND (.3 ENT 1 MEN AKn BRETH BY. We as_lay members of the Lutheran church, compliment' ourselves with your visit to our city to-morrow, and pray that during your so journ and session here, - yourlabors and delib erations- inay-be.acconipanicd with the bless ings of your divine master. The present political crisis in our country has created discord and dissension among the clergy and- lay members of several denomina tions of the ProteStant church, and ministers of our - owOdenotnination; in various portions of the country, have evinced-a disposition, by their zeal for, the so-called "American.cause-,' "Abolitionism," and "Maine Lawistri, , " to ad -vocitte their progress in -and out of-the holy Sanctuary of the Lord. We therefore, as lay members of the Luthe ran church, believing its doctrines to be deci dedly. opposed to intolerance and proscription, and no less oppoSed to the introduction of pu laical questions within the walls Of the church, hope, and anticipate during your session here, to obtain from you a bold and. fearless; exprcs sion on that. subject, and also whether it is consistent with the doctrines of our church, for a Minister or lay member, to commit himself by an oath with a secret, mid-night, political order: proscriptive and intolerant in its charac ter, and opposed to the principle of ricrsons. "worshipping Goa according to the dictates of their own conscience ?" We .address you with the above„ nneramped by apologies, and solicit a like frank and pub lic response through the cblunins. of this, or any paper of this city. Yours, very respectfully,*r LUTHERANS Ok' STARK Co. Canton, June-6th, 1855. A Prediction Ten. Years Ago Fulfilled. 1.1:11e, late Dr. Duncan, of Cincinnati, who was known all 'over the nation as a thorough going and indefatigable Detnocrat. ten years ago made a speech in the House of Representa tives that contained a Trediction which is now in the Process of fulfillnient. Said 1)r. Dungan, in a spirit Of prophecy, speaking of the Whig party : „ begin with the unprincipled practice they have . of 'changing their name. They have changed their name with the periodical return of every Presidential election : and this for the purpose of concealing their 'principles and de ceiving the people, Their fast dame was whig, and that name they kept as long as it would answer their purpose ; but they will never fight another battle. under the banner inscribed g, again. Ilaving exhausted the political vocabulary, they return to the abuse and per secution of the Irish and Germans which char acterized the ,party in the administration of the elder Adams.. Nothing is nger to be feared from a change of name. `he people contemplate them as they do a swat Tr, who gives himself a new or'different name i every town or village through which he passes."-- A Picture of the Times ! [a - The appointment of Mehelm M'Glathery —an /risk Know-Nothing, to be an Associate Judge of Montgomery county, is bringing the •press down on Gov. Pollock, in all quarters. M'Glathery was a "kind of a Democrat," .sucked all he could out of the party, and when they shook him °W on account of his not being worth the fodder for which he incessantly *bawled, he went over to the right-hawks. and like all broken down political hacks and bank rupt politicians; turned out to be a first-rate "Atherican" and goes his death on the /urri nera! Robert. Iredell, Esq:, the modest and gentlemanly editor of the Ihrabl and l'ret Prem., a paper that supported the election of Gov. Pollock, was a candidate for the same office, and notwithstanding be was Welted u by a unanimous petition from the bar at Nor ristown, was not considered good enough an "American," notwithstanding he and his an cestors for many generations were born in Horsham towiiship. We - are happy to state that as soon as Mr. Iredell ascertained what influences were at work at Ilarrisharr.„ imme diately withdrew his applicatium—buylcdown Dcatocrat, May '2O. WHIG STATE CoNvENTtox.— The Democratic State Convention, for the Imrpose of nominat ing a crunlidate for Canal Commiisioner, will meet at Ilarri:,hurg, on the 4th of July. .1s yet w c have observed no "call" for a Whig ;.•itate Convention. There is certainly Siltite thing wrong somewhere our State Ceitral eormTrittelx--are—perfectly indifferent - , or have betrayed and : , ( - )141 the party' — l - 1 re:ret to believe that this were true—but. judging from the appearam-c of things, we can scarcely , come to any oth"r cunclusion.-11"amet- IC e2T%-*, (.1 t c .ofliiiinglWen. 2 are 4 . ouot le:•s too wt.ll foamier!. Tilt. adinini,tration and the ,tale Central' Committee have evidettAv been goilt.v of treachcr v to die 11 - 11i , z party not sInT9 , -ze.l in infants . 1)v that of John Tyler or Bene-rii,J A rno ld. Ifi,tory ill e•,las-, them all In the catalogue of traitors.—/,dticasicr Exqns iner. 1 1C 1 r C n ( 1,11 into the ri.,pr. at If iv •:ni;l..a day t 411 , / i.v n' --, , -. , JL.; 2:it_ WL: au UUih L From the stark. County (0.) Democrat Coming to a goint, EMI 1. .... ' ,..... A1 A .i 11..... ., SI 11 , The Nadhess of the noun: With all our ,l-woassted civilization there has arely been a period io th e hist,,,..y of t h e w rld when fanaticism has so eattipletelv_laid hold of nu.sseS,of the people as ,at present. In rt.- earring to the past, whether it 'to the bloody --iSt'.elleS of rt - sligions per3eention. th`e at,surlotit•s the trial to droww ing of wiethes, and other kindred enormities of human folly, passion and dogreflat ion. wc. find some palliation in the fact that. the intelligence Of the people was only about equal to their practices. The most capacious intelleaq of the• times was almost invariably impaired by the illiberal principles - Which pervaded society, and it was very rare that any man rose snperior to the prejudice, bigotry; intolerance and super stition which surrounded him; When he did, however, it . was but to' beeeMe the luckless mark for the . arrows of persecution, to he 11611 7 ' ; ored, if at all, only by a pothumdus' fame. In . our day, and especially in our country, every -thing is just the reverse of all this, Whatever there may be et bigotry, intolerinee, prejudice, superstition aticLother absurdities, and however any of these things may he sus tained by the pulpit or the press or any other public institution. there arc pulpits :Ifni presses which are free. to preach a different doctrine, and do so every day. '['he broad, sound and substantial principles of free.government, tol eration, moderation, and all those elements of greatness essential- to the civil and social wel fare of mankind. are enunciated continually before the eves and-in. the ears .of the poople ,yet, notwithstanding, the - Most hideous fanati cism and the very profligacy of passion are ex hibited before large associations of the"people, .not only without rebuke, but ofter with fip liatise. A report is published in the New - YUrk.papers of a "Maine Law" meeting held it Williams burg, the other evening. The Odeon; a large building, was crowded with ladies and gentle. men. Addresses were delivered by, the Rev. 11. W. Beecher, the Reverend W. W. King, and the lion. E. D. Colver. The Neti• York Ex press in its notice of the meeting says : 4tltev. , Mr. King said that if our authorities were sustained by the people this law would be enfored. would rather that.the lives of 20,000 citziens of the city of New York should be sacrificed,' than this law should not be en forced, and' he, for one, was ready, should _UN exigency of the case demand . - it, to shoulder, a musket or wield a sword; and if need be, to shed his last drop of blood in the' defence of this cause, (Applause and hisses.") There were those present who had the hu inanity and independence to his:i this reverend, but most ungodly sentiment. And we arc con fident that few.persons could reflect upon it for ,a moment without rejecting it. Tt comprises a thorough abandonment of every christian principle, and - all. the moderation which is in dispensable to social order and the eiliCioncy of all - law. It is quite possible to go on with leg islationfrom one thing to the - other until civil war is inevitable. And it is just such men as this Rev. ,Mr. King iivinv are quite capable of pushing Maine Law principles to that extreini.; ty. Perhaps . the lesson which he may now learn from the indiscreet Zeal of Neil Dow, at Portland, may serve to admonish him of the posSibility of excess even upon tha - t subject. If not, it is quite clear that Mr. King is up for a fight, and. looks forward to the fourth of ,Inly in the State of New York as the inauguration of a grand military • struggle, in which the li quor law is to - be finally disposed of with pow der and ball, or at the point of the liltyonet. Mr - . King is probably an aspirant for the office of Reverend General of a Pious Division of "horse, foot or dragoons." - ATTEMPT TO RAISE A (JOAIN USED Ix 11E1, - 0- LVTIONARY 'PIED -Mr. Bishop, owner of Bishop's Floating Derrick, yesterday. at West Point, commenced the undertaking of raising the massive chain', which, under circlets from Washington, in 1778, we think , was made-- its weight being five hundred tons—and fatting across'the Hudson at West Point, to intercept the passage of British vessels above that place. The chain was broken at each side a fc.w years after it was put'up. and has remained undiii turbed since, though one or two of its massive links were, for years, on exhibition in the (late) Albany Museum. The dtipth of the river at the pOint where it lies is 125 feet. Mr. 'Bishop has sounded for it, and satisfied himself that he can raise it.—. Albany .firgua. CONTRACTS:FOR IV trEAT.—The Hagerstown (Md.) Chronicle, speaking of the wheat crop of that county, says : Contracts for the delivery .of the new crop have been, made with the millers by some• of our farmers, at prices ranging from 8:2 to 2 10, according to the time of delivery. Who hold the beat "clads of these bargainwemains to be seen. [C Rev. Elenzer Smith has been removed from the office of chaplain of the State prison in New Hampshire, and Rev._ Mr. Brown, Aiwa, Nuthing, appointed. REPORTED DEFEAT OF' SANTA ANNA.-=-A let ter dated city of Mex ico, June sth, says that Santa Anna encountered General Cony:awl, at Aria, on the 29Th ult., and was defeated and driven hack lo Weretia." RtPE NAcnms.—ltipe peaches are offered in considerable quantities in the Mobile market. The Advertiser adds that they had a lamenta ble appearance of premature age, as if their growth had been stimulated by unnatural means. jr7, - '• A T)ANGra , ini Eisrrri , )NoN ear, Flcrs. crltr:ll H' liol.• LOW IN hNTMcsr %N I. PI LT.S.--E tr.toi•litiary .4,-1;41- ard Fmaon, of !ktiltr-Atr , o.t. Ro.ton, ma. for I w,.lve Wilicted witir eruptions, m covered the whole- of hr , body, and even him face wa, blotch, like , 4:na,llpol:i he t: many roput,, , l r"toe , ne., y4 , t nothinz did him nny {tun.!. Al.out ‘ , .vmt montio. 11” 11ft11tn1;ly 7 / 1 11intummt and he found inni,‘•ll bet ter ,it: fortne:ht, NO hr th , •r hail no return whatever of the co:dill:14U (row th a t ctl)c Illarketg. (1((rrec1(pl r((:n 1111.1.11(14 11attimore ,Yhrk. l % 11M Illlter paperg I,TI \101:1:-Fhi;) , v FIMIr• PCF Irart•c: , *WI 25 4 ,010 30 Wheat, her bli:,hel, " 20 to 2 25 nye, f. 4 1 6 1 ) tO 1 62 Corn, (A 1 02 to 1 05 ont , -;, • 4 . 4 - C 1 r 1 to GG Clovereed, " 7 50 r , , 7 75 Timothy, " 3 t() 1 JP'', 11'16.4:42y, per gallon, :;C , to 1:7 I:cef Cattle, her lung., H 60 toll 1 , 0 110;N, 41 7 rm tc, ;.., ,•)5 !fay. pm. trm, 22 0') to: 25 - 00 Guano, Peritvi:ln. per ton, 5o Ofi 1 N YL S .i? Fl utr, pur 1) 7 ,1., from -,tc.r. Ji). 11 iu:at, pt.:r ME Govcr , ct.d, ..1.11;1 , •; ria.-tcr vi I'.;i I.f.r to-a, }'r.1:1;1 , 1„ ;Ohl i. e r N't ; MI • • • . ..J.-..... .. . .:1. F l m. th' 11.ittuaark. Sun Wa.;011"2 I 15 to '2. '29 Al •'" f i fro ' =Me 51ti `,.) , l fl 227; 19 I IMI -,,,e , ,A At \ Jimot3l9tb, Mr ft EMLER. h •to list , Z Elf:\ SMITH, of-Martjuar huri4, v01u1t.2.-, Va. 0 Saliba 0 , '11 , 11 Jame 'rib, by Ult." EH. Mitt- Mr JOIEN rolcrro, Williams:part, La - cumin:: enOlOl l .Y. U. Mir', ..fe LS..I N GRON'E, of 16miltou tmcuship, Alarm. euttut 4 Y.' ''.‘ • • DIED. i,„ ,h.' 14th - irFt., Mr, PRIMP 'BLAMER, of Monallou im;ir•bly. agoi 1 . 0 year::: rro•nAli:.o.o •tn . ,•, rlh hr‘t., z•ALONII. Eh:4. , Imaglit , r 4 , f I• r .111,1.M.try of this pi:A.O.II4M 3ye.trs Itlri 1 , , lak*:, t) , l Mt`11 4 ...1V la.t, DAVIT), son of Mr. .101 in Uilbcrt, of thus. 111 tce. 'Lgl`d year 3 1 mortal att , l 1-1 kW,: On VimlN. LW, Mi. .11)11N CI71,112,111 Q :40N, of- llama tpw/mliip, agutlitbutit :30 • - Teachers Wattled. hI E School 'Directors of - Gettysburg Dis- I tfict will receive, applicat4ans, - until Sat urday, the 14th day of 'July ne:rt,l'from persons wishing to engage as Teachers of the Schools in said District. Those malting application must prOsent :their certificates, by the day named, to the undersigned, or to either morn. Inq of the board. R. G.. McC It EA R Y . , June 25, 1855. td President. /pH ERE will he a meeting of the members 1 of Gettys I.o d ge, No. 12.4, at am curly hour of the inorning of , the 4th of July, (the hour to he hereafter deSignated,), preparatory to joining in•the festivities of the day. S.. POW HIM June 25. Chairman qf Committee. _Sons of Temperance. A -DANIS DIVISION, S. of T., having, at its last meeting, accepted the invitation of the •Independent Blues," to unite in the Demonstration on the Fourth of only, notice is hereby given to the resident and distant members, that there will be a meeting at ti►e Kill, at an early hour on the morning of said day, for the ° purpose ol*joining in the Proces sion. J. P. HOPPMAN,. June 24. AdMinistrator's Not ice. AA HAM ALB ERT'S on Lemers of administration on the estate of Abraham Albert, late of Mountpleasant town. sh;p, Adams county, deceased, having, been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township, he hereby gives notice to all peisons indebted to said estate-to make itn mediate payment, and those haying claims against the same to present them properly au tln for settlement. .JOHN ALBERT, .Idner. June 25, 1855. fit. Adtoinisti•ttttu•s' Notice. TAV - 013 SELL'S .ESTATE.—LetterB of fpadministration with the will annexed., on the 'estate of Jacob Stkil, late of Union township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the sante township, they hereby give notice to all per Sons indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment, and those , having claims against the same to 'present them properly authenticated for settlement. - A litt.l H ERY S; L, ./lintrwAr4torti with tho Will atmesod Juno 25, 1655. 6t • - H. Stray Heifer.. - AMP. to the' premises c of the subscriber, .k.) in Pranklin townghip, -Mammas-. burg, on the tth inst.', a MIMI' about one year and a half old, !narked with a slit in the right ear—is red on the front Idienl ders, neck and ears*, the -balance white. owner is. requested to' come for Ward, prove propyrty, pay charges, and take her away. „lune 18, 1855. 3t ( Et). TE RON E. TUE subscriber, having been appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, Committee of - the person and estate of John 6minter; a Lunatic, of rranklity town ship, Adanis county, hereby :gives 'notice to all persons having claims or demands against said I;sainth, to present the Haute to the sub scriber, residing, in said township, for settle moot, and all persons indebted to make im mediate payment. NA 11l l / EL 13 Tie 11 KR, Commince. May 28, 1855. 6t • ITIFIE first and final account of- filicungt, Assitrnee of the estate and elf( cts Of!SIISAN SIikpIgFELTE . R, Of COHOWW , O town ship, has been filed in tie Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, and will be confirmed by the said Court, on the 200/ day ql-ault‘st next, unless cause be shown to the contrary. .1011N['((`KING, Pro' 114. Prothonotary's Office, Gettysburg, June 4, 1855. 4t Atitninist rsttor's Notice. 11 AVI D P. 11 EIN ER D'S ESTATE.-- Letters of 'administration on the estate of David P. Iletnerd, late of Str:►ban township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the sa►nu township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make iunr►rdiate payment, and those having claims a (raj nst the same to present them properly tintheoicated for settlement. HENRY MYERS, ddia'r. June 11, 1855. 6t Administrator's Notice. TACO 13 INIJI,LER I :4 HSTATE.—Letters ♦ of administration On the estate• of Jacob late of Hamilton township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undeNiffned, - residing in the same township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebt ed to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them proprirly otlientieNted for sotle merit. SAM UELWIEST, .4dnt'r. Julie 11, 1855. 6t Executor's Notice. rARY It EHAtrps ESTATE.-- 111 Letters testamentary on the estate of Mary Eltreltart, late of Littlestown, Germany tow 111-.ltip,' .deceased, having hewn ;,wanted to Inc 11 riderii resid infr in I / nion township, hi- hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to ',lid estate to make immediate payment, and OSO hhvin 4. claims agaitt,t tiff; same to pre si to theta properly authentir.itpd f or settle trient. -A LI RAI I _ l'.ll 811 EELY, Ez'r. May 118, 1855. 6t I= It=l=lMil - . WINN'S KW!' • Hr the: o , :lte of i;ite of Metintjoy townAip, Adams c ., :;ro y s fl,ch th eil, having keen aranted to the rpsirl; og in Cetly,lonrti, ki4;:t by notice to all perions indebted G , u,Lite itutemhate payment, ' nnri ti.r”,.• having cle.luas a.gain...-4 the same to pp•—•at them properly attthentie.teri fur ~ett le .l. L. DAN N ER, E.r6ottf,r. Mar 11. 1-55. Gt EEO = ri in \T 11,1,1\ El;s.____s(• jr)vii.., at -1.) ill. ,;nu or J I MCVIIt.tV lic MARRIED. I. O. 0. F. R. :4 11 EA DS, A.W. FL KM MING, Conxmittee. Notice. Not ice. Sherilir's Sale. N pursuance of out Arra of Vonditioni Ex. ISSwid out of the Ounrt nt Common PlettSW - Alifirignottntr,-atttl-to Interposed - to l'uhlie Nale, at the Goint-house, in the Borough of Gettvslotrg,, on Sfriarthiy, thr 3011 t day ty"' Jirue ilight lt I o'clock. P. M., A I.ot of Caromed,' situate In the Borough of Gettysburft. Adams con oty, fronting on 'High street, adjoining _on_ the , west the property of John Plank:on the east the property of the :American Mining Company, - and" tho north an alley—on whi6ll is erected FRAME: BARN. - ALSO - A Tract'of Lan(l„ situate in Cumberland township, Adams county, adjoining the _Borough line, Robert Smith, David McMillan, and others, and nen wining 30 ACRES, more or less. Fhb said tract will be sold IN LOTS. Seized and taken in executionaS•the proper ty of JOHN RaionaT. HENRY 'THOMAS, Sh erT.• Ten per cent. of the pin:Crites° money upon all, sales by the Sheriff must be paid over urn-, inediately after the property is struck down. and on failure to comply :herewith theproper ty will be again par up for sale. June 11, 1855. ti Farm for -Sale. THE subscriber, intending to relinquish farming, would ofrer his TWIN for sale situated in Hamiltonhan township,. Adams con nty, Pa., five miles west of Gentyskulg and three fram Fairtiuld,,adjoining lands, of . ..John' .Knox and John Biesecker,containing , Flity, four Acres of hind, with good improyc-, ments, having Meadow and Timber sufficient, for the farm ; al so. a largo number ofTRUAIT The soil consists of Granite forma., tion, and is .in a gaud state of cultivation. There is an abundance at good spring yiratOr and a well at the door of the dwelling. ,Citr*Persons wishing to. purchase, are in vited to view the farm, as it will be sold cheap. DAVID AV. YOUNG. • into 11, 1855. Gt - Farm for''Salc. /11111 E subscriber offors at Private Sale, on very favorable tortes, his F.4/1/11, situa• ted in Hannhouban township, Adams county, five miles west of Gettysburg., adjoining lands of Israel Irvin, John Biesecker and others, containing 1414 Acres: There are 45 acres ; of Timber, about 16 acres of Meadow,,und the balance in a good state of cultivation, part Granite. The iinprovements are a good two story LOG HOUSE, pit a new Double LOG BARN, with . sheds, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib; Spring Rouse, with a good Spring; Beyond. other good Springs, and running water on other parts of the farm. Also a good TEN ANT HOUSE; two thriving 11 4 :!: young A PPLE 01W H A RDS ofabout , tour hundred trees of choice fruit; also a varie• ty of, other fruit. srpTlin property will be shown and the terms mado known by the sub• scriber, residing on the farm, JAMES S. WILSON. - Juno l ll, 1855. 3m Administrator's Notice, .FLIZA,BETH S -ESTATE.-0 Letters of administration on the estatoof Elizabeth Sheely,late of Mohntpleasant town ship, - Adamsoeunty; deceased, having, beett granted to the undersigned, residing- in the same township ! ' he hereby gives notice 'to all perqons indelitod .to stud - listate kr makir immediate payment, and those baiting claims against the same to present them' properly authenticated for settlement. _ - JU'.•IN HOUPMAN, May I 4 1855. Ot - ; . NEW STAGE lANET44I/161Eie.7 Fare 75 Ctnito. Tnclersigned respectitilly 'inform' the public that he iS'now. ru'nninga runningCottifert. able Coat:it, daily, between Gettyelnirg and 1-lanovnr, leaving Wattles' }lntel; at o'- clock, A. M., to connect. with llie'inornitig trains for Baltimore, York, (fOltlMbitt, I.4paeas= ter and .Philadelphia, an leaving litniovetet's I'. M., - inimodiatelyppon tho nOlvliref 'the Philadelphia pasiengers. The lard'is 75 cents only. thus enabling persen'S to, reach York 'at an expense of $1,50. lie takes the' ilifege route, by way of Itertangbtown. and MeSlinr rystown, Wok hut 14 He' hopes to reellivo u li4rals . bare of public patronage.lo4 will spare_no,effort, to deserve __June 4, 1855. .'Wil9. WHITE. The best System of doing Business IS al ways to still a good article.,; to give each customer the full value of hiq money., 4n that manner you will always-give satisfaction and secure a customer in future: ..• Cent!men who wish to buy a 0, 1 44. , SUPE It I 0 It CAILII I A 6 ' ."'"lmadlP made in the most fashionablostylo, and of-the hest materials, should call upon , the under signed, as lie &lies any _tither manNfaclurer to produce a better Carriage at any,priee.. 0......0ri1ers from a distance ihanlaully .re ceived, and proMptly attended to.. Repairing done at short notice and on reasonable terms. eg:r Country produce taken -in exchange for work. H. G, CARR., York Street, opposite the Pest Office. Gettysburg, May 7,1855. Gm Manure Excavator. , , THE subscriber, having purchased the Patent- Right of 1111.11,511 1 .6 PATENT MA N E EXC A V ATO Li; lot all of Adams -county excepting Oxford,Conowego r ilerwick and Mountjoy townships, will eell"etthcr•the ruachine.s or township rights,. as purchasers tnay prefer. 'llw Excavator also answers as admirable purpose in unloading hay, by horse power, requiring but one horse and two hand's to unload a load of hay in ten mint:Kea, and carry it to - the highest part of the barer. The attention of fariours is invited to this valuable improvement, as it is one of the cheapest and most useful agricultural implements ever in troduced. H. G. CARR. Gettysburg, May 7, 1355. Bui J list from the City, IVITU the Cheapest DRY GOODS'ansi fatOCERIES ever offered in this place. for Cash or Country Produce. - (1- 4 J-1 will pay Cush for BACON, 9 ets— or 10 cents in trade. and Corn wanted. JOHN lIOKE. April 16, 1855. Stoics! Sli.frres: AN hand and for sale, a great variety of c ()oh . _ STO VES—very ett p. . • ' . ARNOLD. erc J la Septetnber 4, 1854. 1.1 EENSWAirET=Niarg,e , and corn &hi assurttrinta of QnronQware just reeelvez at. - FAHN ESTO CKS Oli Stand. - - - RAPE and other Shawls, new and spien ki did 3:yle:s, to be had cheap at • 9. SCHICK'S. you will always find' plenty of Gentle _ men's, Larf;4,' and Childrvn's SHOES at P A N'n & corsErvs. L - 1011 1 N.---Fan , y and l, trerfliOn Si.),:p.s, in tAidit..oJ vdrit.ty, L'..; ti m 4 ZEgt;LEß'zi.. Gettysburg Foundry. NEW • . _ 11 HE .undersigned, having:ontefod,itithy:a,7 - s• ti -- /iArship - tovearr-y--on . ihe.foandrj;bttstnel - s under the flan of WA Xt R,EN &S,QN .g:hereby mke known to the eitizennot Adarnsund .0" 7 . joi n i ng counties, that wnerepfopared irrAe I everything_ in eur_line-ofhustmiss: ;We have. constantly on hand, the 'IIA.VIAWAY:-aill • other GoolOw,rStoviettoll4 Parlor air tight and tcn plate _ Slums, of„taliVaps styles and . sizes,. Pots, Kettles and2f,iins,,nnii , sly outer Iron Cooking Utensils, Waffleirons, wash ing Machines, Ash-plates, Deot-scrapors4c. Castings for . Mills . and other tlachinory, P.L.O.U.GH CAsTlNGS,olevory, dettotiption,- &c. .We make the qes qat,illyther; inor ent .kinds of WitAerms ,AtChs.tre-. .also,gotditierent.patte,rits reirretrigtity44ll'. fOr temettnies.Yni endy,OF,Otetv Which Can't be beat .feiheauty corelt4PTVlll!p. , or . A r ti the above Atiilos : w 60 ( 1.1014 ShO4P for. Cash orGotrntry, Ploduce. stal -BRASS' CASTINGS end 41704).14S fa ' our line made to, oirdS - r. " zwitEsurNp shortest notice. . Being Moutderi, Ontitptype, .we mill do our Wnrk„RIORT;, ~ , THVMAS. VV•AttRFA: • MARTIN w.itt.tuisrt;,: - .. 1-11 R W Pkikßllo4 . 1, TB 010 A g14.21 1 41015bi.. .; Gettysburg, May 14,,1855; ,; ------- gr the United States. Contwiy., ,- 1 IVE PER ENT. SA: 3 11140, FUND.I., At Third and Chesmtl.,-Philadelphia o that Grand Pioneer b'siing -Find or thOLlThiled States Company - is reeeiviniv mons, ;. also - Monday evenings, on .deposit., , "tin the oldest Five I mores! , toying Company in the City andfiitte. Tkillrariter, is paid back without notiee,4o.usnal,- Juno 4, 15: Gin Iflatc4o4 t p - ~ .. " 7 _o4* D o o_,. EXl :. _ ..: t L t ;' _ . , ,i, MANUrACTuRtik Asa mir,iprfoll r ,! &islet y: Pia tent . ifititsiStro; r ' - ilp ' iiiii , I 'Wood 110X - JabStthesk• ~ v No.l Q 6 North Atka' AV (obeit Rees;)' irilsiyia. it Ar ATC HI% hating. lik t iOfnie!tit'Endtaphilie. LTI ble article' In hbutiakOttiti,C* l b` scriber after a great suciVice'eti ' 10101101tiN is enabled to offer 'cif' ilte,"Puldrot *tf#lbl,46 once oornhining .qii/fisi and ! - fliiiimaife!„, I% inventor Wit ovri ng 'the - danvi ' amiritheddeordi account of. the, filutiO ! rtansitot -An iiiiitio'N Matches are generalty jolted In, pap= the' aid of Pteitii gottiam'Weliittisti otit ' /At* invention. aucceitted hi kettlii lap , taA PAT EN,l# S9UA 11117 U OW . 0 BOX; this, t'Ffx.Pi ,t 0 0* : tilVtif::# riiii 0 , that at 0:0 11 1)10 Ito = 'ixittfe. if ft AO: "AI round ivied, box, ' - ancl, vO4ll ' ilf ' '''' t +iiitli Hundred 'per; fiiif..tut is": cha t ''''* itthli, Shippers is v*10;11018 ifi 10 6 se i tAiWti; ti rely ,pecv, at ; sOars, iiitilat% - -titiiiiiiiiel4 spontaneous :oopihustiO 4 *Of..:4liipois 4 Olin. ger, On , trortopmpittori - by., €iodeis 'Otiriiiiiiiiiii i , 8 teonlimat or , ani atiir:lnfsprotllssiga4oii I hese atolirig are POsic 4,vi SO, lis*: 6 4100 0 . . Nrtr— ~ , ,j.: i'.. Or ni a re'"'niv , be: : qhiptied Ito 4,0 1 7, r a t! Akita World : with' pearl oceety;, 4 The :, ictii, most deeirabli.orthile,fei tteitftrgt*., - . i' l end the- Samthern 'and Weeitiii!iSlO/Itill, :I,l'l have •ever been , lovflintoit, 4 :" -: '....''' ) ''' •"- - - ' ' D11A.1411114. ihil, fift ritssiporik - iiien # 4 to call and elmnilne forth/04T 1 1 4' t"-; . „,.: .• ;...; , sorlhescilfnyk`e's Tire . : lkiff'4, be eareriot: 0 angthirnr'*eiftaii ' ' tir* Public.. . _ 30104 DONN, ' "'Y.' c .., 106 ,ioth - , pbsiiik 814' Strieqi. Decimber 18,1854' te -- ' ' '' - ' _ . . .. . - :'wistilieli, elitik t. er * 4 —„,_ . ~. ssiveiware,dr _.lPitticit .- f' ' 0111, . ,.... , atrA ',Choice Aisortrecut OtheilltnelsTh'cliiiiii fty, for Selo at the LoWeei*4lo4l4ksiemioisi *M. iii;:*ltoottoti , p-: . , , -- , - ikto.' : 10 sqoll:44:EdAlpt ='- 1- , ': ii ' . ••-‘-- iletteieic*Pitii'dni: tiniejei k , ,44 Ix ',;;' ' . . His aisorttneni euibt seal, ' 41 iseri.oo. I: lectStack iir FitscW4k4figoiatiadkiis 0 vip , . 14 7 06411mA I'M'o're E .platgUibithjf iti',ti4.4oo FOannit,'' Perks,, Lod 1ei1a00 4 .4.11 -6441644: and' Pariii.v ,:ii4i,tleg' era . sitOnfor g l l osst - 4vrvtng ihe'e'sanaiiiadoilufitheisei ' ' ° -iik peers ore the be4goCiis et the Lowelitelts. Having' ''practicellsneseiedgc of •,414: - .lteieii, nese;' . and' all totitiblelsei !Mew ftie 1 , - Niss and Manufacturing; ifielubfitiitiflifig , . , , *stip invitok purchasers, bet telriVatitis• ply then, on - terme ittAA* l 4 . ot4o - 4 robed, estahliShniens In eitfittr?if di* Alltreeite ' .., at.',All kinds el fib* oThhistfitP44ooollll l oo ry and - Silver .WrirbJnithtfirptifirifAti4peihr, within "ti rep,ionabls tire& ' -FiLil tz- Ira , '.,,,'. , ..21 , ,, ' oe Wetoiii3 l / 4 •'.leWeW ; iitYd 4 Sillerlitierlo fa/14/114 rmiireil.. : ''.'• • ',,,,!, , . .10 , 7t , 41 , - .1 ., .- , . a • • - - ' -WM.' ityfif/TO •-- Nflfgatti. , , 4 ;,„ ~ 4,{ TA, I N. 6 41 ;13 1 AithOlik.t - .- . , , g tow:door); above 99 34 3t0 1 33016 VOW Virtu:oe Southy V, ind9ler i gibitpariM,n._ ho aeon the Ittinume . ; -1i1t0Y• 0 4! ) ,:.... '$ 14 4 uoinniande the 3 dmiratimk OE. tfikectentipe, curious. , .-_„ -,_ _ 7 - •Octoiker 9, 11364,., , .1y !, ... 4, . , '" TUE '01E41,0 OASIf ' Hoek and Statinisen; **We, North Wed if-Six_th , *id Phi& Crent psi:galas tit Book* Poeticaloliivonile,bfiseellano4s444 . oo Presentatipn Boo ks, vnote.,, QTAPIA - AND FANOV,STAIiONSKY., 13 Superior ite: Ruled Lettirzraper, Ste. 50 pet Ream. .Letter and, Nuts in great variety. Wedding* fortagingitilainAl moderate rates. Oards;Writlettandßnparis4 Gillott's and other Steel--Pens, 4Spetior Motto Wafers, 323 SlotWor avti• 25 cents. Inkstands, , Npit -Weights, &e. Fine Turkey Morocco Pomo Mammies. Portfolios, Card- CM% Backgammon lioar7Karz, With verre and choice assortment of Tot Books, Gem" Dissected pictures, Oc. Rlbbnls, &rap Book and Engravings. P. THomsoN... April 23, 1855. ly Diamond Tonmr. J 011 N W. TIPTON, ' Fashidiia&k B ar.. ber and Ilair Drmeer, can welt toms lie found prepared to attend 1.0 tho'callti people, at the Temple, in the Pitmond,*titino mg the County Building.' .Ft!ial, Jaaltioitps rience, he flatters firtnit :the , ;1101'- cats" o through all the ramifications of The , Iroviso. vial Department -each iteiriairlie hegree_orskill, aa_win—ineet 2 nlttii l -16-'nfitiftl satisfaction of alL:whn may sninnit Built chins to_the_k_een_o_r_deal therefore that h • his 'attention'-'to= htishiess and a desire to please, he will-nieritiOvell as receive, a liberal share of fiddle Riltrotiage. The sick will be attended to at their piiftto dwellings. , Gettssburr,r, Jan. 8, 855.. tf, fIASSIM RR ES, an eseellentanit tietsitsble ki assortment, selling very , olzaapAti. •April 16: ' - '4OllWHOlirEt. • • _ 1 - A D 1 ES can be sm_pilligid *J. ,eirry l rariety 4 1 of DRESS Sll o • I.;', 4 PAXTON 4, . ; , 5 ' i" • , .‘ , Z . . , , . , „ ~ , . Airi vi ft ik ---- ' " ' ". i . ' r 74 7.- * I'M it R. EL - L - /i - S -- ; - Paritiillii , • ' a pria:s and qua lititiB; a '-•-, iiiB:: MIMI