political. Know-Nothing` Bets and Calculations. In summing up the result of the recent eke tion in- 'Virginia, the editor of the Washington Clobe tells seine homely truths. Ile says : "We have been a close observer of elections throughout-the length and breadth of the Uni ted States for thirty-one years, and never saw _ane_beforeihat_so convuls_td the' peo_ple of the 1/istriet. They used the 'fool's argument' free . - ly. and many of them have been ruined.—The •know-nothings' were confident of success, and het two to one on the result. It is belie.ied that they lost in this District more than $lOO.OOO on-the- result.- We are told- by persons who ought to know that those living on the square nest west of our office lost $41,000. They has -a-Weir bets - on caTeliTations that,they had 72 000 in their 'order'-in-Virginia; , whith,--w i thou t any outsiders, would give them 15.000 majori ty,over.the largest vote ever cast in the State. But the best calculations of wise men have of ten failed and, it is, therefore, not surprising that a 'know-nothing' calculation shall prove to be fallacious.' They had a brilliant calcula tion behind this, which was, that if they should carry Virginia, by a large majority, then all the drift-wood would float out. into their cur ..rent, and they would elect their candidate the next President of the United States. This cal culation would. have been a good one if their first contingency had happened. .But as that has proved erroneous, we think we may safely say that the 'Old Dominion' has 'scotched the snake' and killed it." The Examiner on Pollock Again! The Independent Whig took the Lancaster Examiner to task for criticising Gov. Pollock's appointments : and alleges, on the authority of the Harrisburg Herald, that Mr. - Darlington was himself en applicant for office, and feels sore because of his disappointment. Of course this is all gammon—and the Examiner of Wednesday pitches into them, Governor and all, in the following caustic strain : The Harrisburg Herald is published by the Rev. Stephen Miller, Goi. Pollock's Flour In spector. and is regarded as the Governor's-or gan. We now pronounce its assertion that the editor of this paper was an applicant for office under Gov. Pollock, a wilful and delib erate falsehood. If the Herald spoke -by au thors!y, we extend the charge -to its master, although we can htirdly be brought to believe the Governor has got, so low as to resort to such means of defence. Nevertheless, he is responsible for the language of his organ, and unless he causes it promptly to retract, we shall be oblig ed to exhibit the Governor of Pennsylvania in a very humiliating position. The editor of the Examiner did feel an inter est in the success of one or two gentlemen who were applicants for appoiuiment to in spectorships—gentlemen whom we knew to be qualified for the respective posts for which they applied—whose long and unremitted zeal in behalf of Whig principles, and whose un flinching.Adelity to the Whig flag in the dark eSt.hours Of adversity, seemed to entitle them to remembrance in the day of prosperity. They were original "Pollock-men," too : the men who "set the ball in motion" which car ried the present incumbent into the executive chair. When these gentleinen were all passed coldly by and the most lucrative office in the Governors. gift (leather inspector) bestowed upon a yankee, but a few years resid. nt of the State, and unknown as ipolitician—when the inspectorship-of flour was given to a canting, hypocritical preacher like the publisher of the Herald, to the exclusion of meritorious practi cal men—when other lucrative offices were bestowed upon locofocos who left their party because they were not considered worth the fodder for which they incessantly bawled—we felfvexed and mortified, and as is our custom, expressed our thoughts in plain language. The Governor's organ can only reply by fabrica ting the mean falsehood that our remarks wet e owing to disappointed-tersonal aspirations. If the publisher of the Herald holds the flour inspectorship in consideration of "bearing false witness" against those who dare to speak boldly their opinion of the acts of his master, it is perhaps well he got it. A high minded man would not hold the office on such terms and the Governor probably knew he was get ting a proper instrument for the duty required to be performed. Remains of the Past—Extract from a Whig "Hard Cider" Song of 1840. One of our democratic country contempora ries has recently come across a whig hard cider Song book of 1840 memory. From one of its etrusions it makes the folloWing eloquent ex tract, which we commend to the attention of our readers as a specimen of whig blarney of Irishmen then very common : .Ilere's to our fathers and mothers, tikewisc tip milt Ireland too, Down with Martin Van Buren, And up with Old Tippecanoe !" The whigs who sang - that song in 1840 are now know nothings; ? It takes the whigs to make political sonnets.—Cita. Enri. Anourios BLASPIIMIL—Itinakes the blood curdle in the veins to read the horrible blas phemies of some of the Abolition Leaders of the Know-Nothing Order. Here is one that is rvally appalling, and we would not permit it to appear in our columns, were it nut to show the public the true character of these abomina ble infidels. Henry Ward Beecher calls Gar rison ••my dear brother Garrison," and Garri son publishes - a communication in his Liberator which • says,. "If Clod has the power to abolish slavery, and does nut, he is a very great 1-coundrel." Such are the blasphemous senti ments uttered by the abolition organ. and yet thousands of ministers of the gospel. are as sociated with this man in the Know-Nothing movement, and endorse his actions by their votes. This , is consistency.— Pennsylvanian. Tir7The Washington Union perpetrates the following. It is too good to be lost : ll.KTriarrlvE JUSTICE.— Blackwell. w ho chok ed the lady in the cars and robbed her of a ser vant girl, has been married to Lucy Stone. Justice is somewhat slow, but always sure. NOT PAUPERS.—The ship Leopold. of .1 fir werp. detained at the New Yolk quarar.tine oti Suspicion of bringing over a load of paupers, vk as boarded a second time on .'inlay, when, instead of finding paupers. the oilieer was as sured that there was at. lett - st `;;;: - .5t.Y.On0 - cash - in the hands of the passengers. and those families who were first reported as paupers, were dis ,,Dvered to be possessed of sinus varying from 570 to $2OO each. pi-1E subzieriber, having 'purchased the —t---!'-silent fliglit_of I-1111?SH'S P_A•rEN T_ %,1 A N ETRE EXCAVATOR for all of Adam. county excepting 0 x ford.Cuilowavo, Hero irk and Mount Joy townships, will bell either the machines nr township rights, as purchaser.; „,..------ _ I may prefer. 'llia Excavator also answers an MABBL•GE AMONG UTE _sora.BLEs.—A nier- ditiirable purposeln_unloading hay, by horse — f - i - leit - took - Pince at W - 04.1.1 - logion on .Nlonda N . al - i 4 , eri _„, i _ ti i_ r : ,t_wir.___bl44-orie-hor;e-antland-s -ternoon, in Str. - Miitpiew's Ca , tholicchtirell. ;le. parties to which Were Mr. G. De Boill«i, 'to unload a load of hay in ten minutes, and carry it to the highest part of the harn. The S.cretury te the French Legation, and Jliss :Ni t-ail, youngest, daughter of Thomas Hart Ben- ! : i attention of farmers is invited_ to thiA valuable ) t o o. of Missouri. A spleudid entertainment ‘, improvement, as it is one of the cheapest and w:ts given the bridal party at the resident:La most useful agricultural implements ever in (.r.l. J. C. Fremont. ' trod Lice& H. G. CARR. , --- 1 Gettysburg, - May 7, 135.5 - . fitti - - - - --- IEASURINGTHKWttiiks.—Vice-.:k4littiral Kreu- 1-T-TANts; Shoulders, &c., Shad, Mackerel .per , o f the Swedish navy, has in% y stied an in- 'II and Herrinffs, to he had at s iiii:lient by which the force of ih . winds can --- EN!. AN UE L — Z - 1 - E - - G - L - ER - S - .: --- b. , intus,arei with the gr , zver.t ex:,,;itode ; axd _ " 1" . 1, 1 1. Ts b‘ Oa 6ler Di thc king of St A C4C-13. it iS to be or- i T , 1 -.R..LL A.., Pl--..e,5. an?. Fins. tat a lublitgi in the Ctuveraal Exilibttion ofla.ris. d U idioCtS and qualittes, - a SC LilC-Ki.S. Bounty Linds. SO LDIERS who served in any war of the -U. States a term no: less than fourteen days, are entitled to 160 ACRES BOUNTY LAND, and in case of the death of the soldier, his widow or minor Children "(if any,) are entitled to the same quantity. lii cases where 40 or sa acres have already been received, the difference necessary to make up the 160 acres can now be drawn. -- ()::i-Apply to the subscriber, at his othce. in _ Gettysburg,__where_persorm having Land Warrants to sell, may ob:ain the highest price for them. R. G. M'CREARY. March 19, 1855. Gin Bounty Land Claims. THE undersigned will attend promptly to the collection of claims for BOUNTY LANDS_ under the late act of Congress. Those who have already received 40 or 80 Acres, — can now r..-civi.th - e - b - atance, by calling' on the subscrigtrand makingLthe necessary application. JOEL IL DANNER. Gettysburg, March 12, 1855. if Win. B. M'Clel lan, ATTORNEY AT 1.4 W, 1 - IFFICE on the south side of the Public Square, two ddors west of the Sentinel office. Aug. 22. 1853. 1). 111Tonatighy, .14 TT 0R N Y AT TV. (Office removed to one door West of Buehler's Drug &Book-store, Chambersburg street,) Attorney & Solicitor for Patents and Pensions, -I)OUNTY Laiid Warrants, Back-Pay sus ) pended Claims, and all other claims apinst the Government at Waohington, D. C.: also American claims in England. Land War rants located and sold, or bought, and highest prices given. Agents engaged in locating. warrants in lowa, Illinois, and other Western States; and lands for sale there. OtrApply to hitt) personally or by letter. • Gettysburg, Nov. 21, 1853. E. B. Buehler. - ATTOII4VEY AT LAW, h a i t l t n end li to e all b fa u i c th in ft e d s l s y a en nd iru pmp s r te o dt t o ly speaks the German language. Office 3t the same place,, in South Baltimore street, near Forney's Drug Store, - and nearly opposite Danner & Ziegler's Store. [March O. J. Lawrence Hill, M. H., - otivri c ( e , o h n ti e rr d l b o e o r r g t e l r s g t . o B f i r t e h e e t I. and uthe o rs p n TI .. Ach B uhrieVi n iri posite Grammer's store, where those wishing tohave any Dental Operation performed are respectfully invited to call. HEN * E RE:qe ES: Dr; D. Gilbert, Dr. C. N. Berlueby, Dr. D. Horner, Rev, C. P. Knuth, D.D., Rev. H. 1,. Baugher, D. D., Rev. Prof. William M. Rey. nolds,Rev. Prof. M. Jacobs, Prof.l4l.L.Stcever. Gettysburg, Aril 11, 1853. If China, Glass and Queensware. Geo. M. Bokee, Successor In J. C, Bnlree f• Co., TIVIPORTEJI and Dealer in CHINA, I. GLASS and QU EEN SWAIM, 41 1burll► Howard Street, (between Fayette and Lexing ton streets,) ..galtemore, Md., respectfully in vites the attention of Defilers to an examination ,of his well assorted, stock before_ purchasing elsewhere. [Feb. 19, 1855. ly Geo. Richardson, No. 141 N. Howard Sired, Baltimore, UYS and sells FLOUR, GRAIN, HAY, STRAW, and Country Produce general ly. Has also on hand a large stock of GI/O OP:RIES, wholesale and retail. , Feb. 19, 1855. ly Clothing—iCiothing AARNOLD 'hat) now on hand and is * constantly making np, Spring & Sum mer CLOTHING, to which he invites the attention 401 in the town and country. He will undersell any house is the town orroun ty. [Aj►ril 2. Leather. FRITZ ' HENDRY- & CO. M. 2.0 North ThirdSireet. Philadelphia, M9nocro MANUFACTVRERR, CURRIKUS and ImrnwrEue otifFREN/ CH CALF-SKIN`, and Dealt4rs in RED and OAR SOLE LEATHER & KIPP. February 2(, 1855. ly Spouting! FORGE and Henry Wampler will make ‘3l - House Spouting and put up the same low, for cash or country produce. Farmers and all others wishing' their Houses, Barns, &c. spouted, would dO AN ell to give them a call. &. H. W A Al PLEB.. April 18, IS"- Hay W:inted. jgIi.SONS having Hay to sell,windowell by Calling on the subscriber, in Gettys burg, who is desirous of purchasing. The highest market price will be paid at all times. (r....-As he intends having. the Hay, after being packed, hauled either to Hanover or Baltimore, the preference to haul will be given' to those from whom he may purchase. SOLOMON POWERS:. Dec:6, 1852. tf The best System of doing Business S always to sell a gum, to give each customer the psi/ Wur if his ntwacji. In that inamwr you will always give satisfaction and secure a customer in future. Gentlemen who wish to y a, ..*6% tilt PI;ItI 0 It CA It It 11(; E, ' made in the. most fashionahle style, and of the best materials, should Pall upon the under signed, as he defies any idler manufacturer to prod tire abetter Carriage at any price. flit—Orders from a distatire thankfully re ceived, and promptly attended to. Repairing done at short notice and on reasonable terms. Kr -Country produce taken iti'exehange for work. 11. G CAM?, y or k st r e e t, ipprisite the Post qffirP. Gettysburg, May 7, 1455. Brn Hantire Excava tor. Carriages ! Buggies Fr HE undersigned take this method of in- I forming their friends and the,publie gen erally, that they have entered into partnership in the Carriage-making business, and are pre pared—at their establishment, in East Middle street, one and a half squaws from Baltimore street—to put up CAR WAGES, BUGGIES, &e., in the very hest manner. Their work, they are determined, shall. not be surpassed in the place, either for beauty or durability—and their terms will be as easy as at any other es tablishment. lia - Repairing done low and at short notice. 1). B. LITTLE, J. A. , LUTLE. Gettysburg, Feb. 20, 1855. PROTECTION AGAINST Loss by Fire! TINE nniiersigned informs property-holders that he has been duly appointed Agent ofj he - TERRY - CO UNTY --- MUTUAL PI It l' INSURANCE COMPANY, and that he is! the only Agent in Adams countyfor the same. - He will take original and renewold• Insu rances for said Company, which, since irs In corporation, in 1813, has secured the perfect confidence of the people of Adama and the adjoining counties, (it being authorized to effect Insurances in any part of the Stale.) Its integrity and ability have been fully and satisfactorily demonstrated. The- gradation of rates of Iniurance is adapted to the mutual interests of the whole Company and the claSs of the insured property. Every person insur ing-hecomes a member of the Company, and may act in the selection of officers and in the direction of its operations. (Kr Ho'n. Moszs McCr.z.ts 'represents the members in this county in the Board , of Man- , agers. C. Rom, Jr,. is President, and Jonrr Civainezi.t. Secretary. Office in Bloomfield, Perry county. • WPM McCLEAN, Office of M. & W. 'McClean, Gettysburg December 25, 1854. tf The Cheap. Store ! yur E; have just opened, and now offer to 11' the public the hest and cheapest assort ment of SPRING &SUMMER 6001/Sever received in this Borough. Having purchased with great care, and being determined to sell cheap, we can offer without fear of competi tion, the largest and roost desirable assortment and at a cheaper rate than they can be furnish ed in or out of the Borough. .%e Willi Id re spectfully call the attention of our fi iends and customers to our fine assortment of Black and Fancy CLOTHS, Gas-iitneres and Vestings, Casinetts, Kentucky Jeans, C ottouades, Pants stuff of every description, Nankeenette, 'Ewer tis, , &c.. For the Ladies we can show a splendid variety of DRESS GOODS; Berages of all colors, Berage de Lames, Mous de Laines, L4wns, Brilliantines, Silks, Bonnets, Ribbons, runs, new style Swiss, &c., &c. Of GROCERIES & QUEENSWARE we have our usual large supply. Grateful for past favors, we hope to merit a continuance ol,the same. Call and examine our stock and satisfy yourselves that ours is The cheap Store. No trouble to show Goods. FA UN ESTOCK BROTHERS. April 9,•1855.. tf New Hardware Store. - rjitiE subscribers would respectfully an nounce to their friends and tire public that they have opened a NEW !MAU E STEM E, in Baltimore Street, adjoining. if reAidence if David Ziegler, (iettlisharg,in which they are opening a large and general assort ment of Hardware, - Iron, Steel, Croerries, CUT L E RY, COACH TRIMMINGS, SPRINGS, AXLES, tebar—warr, 51)oc Paints, Oils, and Dpe-sif farm, in general, including every description of irti cles in 111 F, above lines of business, to which they invite the attention of Coach-makers, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Cabinet - teak i:rS, Shoe-makers, Saddlers, and the public gen en.lly. Our stock having been selected with great care and yr:whits. ti l'or Cash, we anaranice (for the Ready Money,) to dispose of any part of it on as reasonable terms as they can be pur chased any where. , friends, and earnestly ',Oki' a share of public favor, as we are determined to establish a char acter for selling Goods at low prices and du ng busines do fair principles . JOEL B. DANNER, DAVID ZI L ER. Gettysburg, June 9, 1851. tf LOOK HERE! New Goods Au;ain. JS. RA MNIER has just returned from O J. Philadelphia with as hands )WP and Owl, an asortinent of sPIIING SV.II.IIEII GOODS as ever broil obi to Gettysburg, eon sistinif in part of CLOTHS. Black and Pan . cy Cassinicres. Marseilles for Pants and Vests, &c. Also Barevss, Barege de imines, Chili Barege, 13rtlliantine Silks, Satiny, Lawns, Ginohains. Calicoes-, Cloths, Sleeve, lackonet and Swiss Flonneinir. Bon nets, Ribbons. &c., &c. Also (;ROC ['Ail ES & QIIEENSW ARE, which will he sold at reduced prices for Cash or Country Produce. To punctual customers a credit of six months. April 9, 1 h.is. tf J. S. CRAM M ER. F. H. Smith, - DORT MO NN Al K, POCKET BOOK, J AND [ U ESSING CASE MANITFAR •I'Ii It , .V. rf Four ('/u•smit sts., Nihau/ pun, always on hand a large and yarit4l as , nrnnynt of Port Monnaies, Worit Boxca, Pocket Books, Cahas, Bankers Cases, Traveling 11;)-rs, Note 1101(iers, Backvatoloon 13oartiq, Port Folios. • Chess Nlen, Portable Desks, Pocket INlent. Bonks; Dressing Chscs, Cigar Cases, &c. Also, a general assortment of ENGLISH, FRENCH & GERMAN FANCY GOODS, Fine Pneket Cutlery. Razors, Razor Strops and Gold Pens. Wholesale, Nw•ond an d Third Floors. F. 11. SMITH, N W. corner Fourth & Chprouut St, • Phi Loh N. B.—On the receipt of *kl, a Superior Gol4 Pen mill he sent to M. r pan( of the (!nitod States, by mail ;—fieseribtml, pen, thus, medium, hard, or soft. [April 2, 1555. 1 y =XMMI -0,. 53G North Front Street, chore Maiden, andk.N.&forner Front and ,tlaidrn Sts. PhiladeOia, MILLS% RIGHT and 131 . 1 M, MILL- STON E MANUFACTURER. Sole Proprietor of JOHN S ON'S highly approved and rar-h-rtrrlrroveti 5.x,01 rrnd &reining IThehine., ►lno, Improved Iron Concave Bran Duster, the Premium Machine for Millers ; Cocalico lLill Irons, Smolt Machines. Patent Lever MOT Bush and Stretched and Common Belting. Sguare'ilesh.ed BoNIL; Cloths, from the most approved Manufactories, al ways on handmade up and put on to ottler, cheap and warranted. NI arch 26, 1655. •I 3m 1r you want a tine Beaver or Silk . HAT, - calt - on PAXTON & COBEAN. ROOMS, Brus'aeb, an? B3i-koi. for slie 1) at - E. ZIEGLER'S. .. - . ......_ _____ ... 11e - STILII THEY COME 1.,gf4 Notice- to Tai-raverS New Goods-at Less Prices!! N OTICE is hereby given that the Conn. ty 'Commissioners will make an abate wantT'',lAßM F.:RS, look to your interests. If you .I ment .of five per cent. upon all 'State and Coon ' to get back,the money you lost, pal call at the Northwest corner of the Diamond. ty Taxes assessed for the year 1855, that shall be paid to Collectors on or before Sat getwh ere you wrlrsave at least 25 percent. and urday Me 23d day tf June next ; and Collec the full worth of your money, and where tors are hereby required to make . such abate you will not have to pay for those who don't abate pay. Don't forget to bring your money. A iso t ment to all persons paying on or before said ~ - • bring along anything and everything you have day. . to sell--such as BUTTER, EGGS, BACON, Seir•Collectors will be required to call on LARD, RA GS, and everything you think will tax-payers on or before the above date, and to sell—and I Will buy at what they are worth. Pay over to the County Treasurer on or before Just call at the People's Store-. - Tuesday the 261 h day of June next, otherwise ze,rThe Stock consists of DRY GOODS, no abatement will be allowed. Groceries, Clothing made to order, &c. iti,ry - Colleetors are requested to pay over to New Queens wareand Cedar-ware. • the County TreasUrer, on or before Monday Me JOHN HOKE. 15th day of April next, all Taxes that may have Gettysburg, Feb. 26,1855. tf been paid up to that time. By order of the Commissioners, -, J. AUGHINBAUGH, I:Ark. Marsh 26,1855. crimm war in EA' is largely engros • ncr public attention, and prices generally are going up. But the undersigned would suggest to his customers and everybody else .that he has just returned from the city, with the cheapest arid beat stock of <. t ; ) , ir k It, !tun 43044 Fu?,1,414, x-a,k Nuts, Confectionary, Fancy Soaps - , -- *c., he has ever beiiire offered. Call and judge for yourselves, and if you do not pronounce his goods among the cheapest and best you have ever lcioked at, then is' he greatly mis taken. His stock comprises, in part, Coffees, Sugars, Teas, ( %hocolates, Syrups, Molasses, Crackers, Oranges,' Lemons, Almonds,.Palm Nuts, Pea Nuts, English Walnuts, Filberts; Confectionary, of a hundred sorts; Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves, Soda Saleratus, Washing Soda, a large variety of Fancy Soaps, an everything' else in his line. Kr Cash or Country Produce taken in ex change for Goods: THE FLOUR AND FEED BUSINESS is continued. Hit/best market prices paid. WM. GI LLEsPIE,. In York Street, at the Post Office. Geityshurg, April 24, 1851. OLD SOLDIERS. Bounty Land Act of 1855. YIE undersigned is now fully prepared to T file and is ropidlg filing CLAIMS TO VOUS TV LAND for soldiers of the War of 181!2. and of ALL the Wars of the U. States—their widows and minor children. In addition to his long experience and success, he would add, that, in all the many claims tie has hitherto filed, (hetwilen 100 and 200) he has carefully pre served, and has now every thing necessary to establish the rights of claimants—as also !tolls and Lists of Companies, and facilities fur fur nishing proofs in all eas'e's that may be en trutsted to He has made complete arrangements for keating: warrants in the-Western States. ,War rants bought—Warrants sold. Apply personal ly or by letter to D. M'CON AUGHY.. Gettysborg:, March 12, 18,55. tf Standard Lutheran Books. THE Lutheran Manual, on Scriptural Prin ciples; or the A - ugsburg Confession-- Illustrated and sustained, chiefly by scripture proofs and extracts from standard Lutheran Theologians of Europe and America; together with the Formula of Governinent and „Discip line adopted by the general synod of, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States. By S.'S. Schmucker, D. D., one vol. 12 wo. Life of rl . ,lartin Luther, edited by Rev. T. Stork, I vol. 8 v0.,-elegantly illustrated. Ku rte's Manual of Sacred History. transhi lated by Rev. O. F. Seheaffet, I vol. 12 mo. The Sepulchers of our Departed, by Rev. F. W. Annpaeh, 1 vol. 13 too. Life of Philip Melancthon, translated from the Gertnan, by Rev. G. F. GroteL The Children of the New Testament, by Rev. 'l'. Stork. AINO, New Publications Of the leading book publishers, regularly received, and for sale at publisher's prices. The following just received : Family , Prayers. for each morning and even ing in the year, with reference :o appropriate Scripture Readings, by Rev. J: Cumming. Cuuttning-'s Signs of the Times. A large assortment of School and Miscel alneous Books, Bibles of every descri Lion, for sale at kw prices, at the Bookstore of May 21,1855. KELLER KURTZ. - Spring; & Summer G00d... AARNOLD has just returned from the . Cities, with the LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK of SPRING & SUM MER GOODS ever before offered to the citizens of the town or county. consistinir in par of French Black; Brown, Blue and Olive (LOTUS, Fancy and Black Cassimeres, Satin, assimere, Marseilles and other VESTINGS, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans and Satinets for Men's Wear; RENEGES, Berege 1)e Lames, Mous be Laines, &c., for Ladies' Wear. Al so, a large and splendid assortment of BON NETS, Parasols, Men's Canton, Straw and Palm Leaf HATS. lie -invites all to come .and examine his •steek. of Goods. He assures them he wi ll 30 per cent. cheaper than any house in town. April 2,1855. Another Arrival of Splendid New Goods HAVE the pleasure of announcing to my 1 friends and the public generally„that I have just received and opened a latge and splendid supply of SPRING & SU\IMFIi GOODS. They consist in part, of French, English, and American CLOTHS, of all colors, from :2 to ; Plain and Fancy Cassimer e s, T wee d s , Cashnieretts, Plain awl Fancy Linens. togeth er with a great variety of PANT STUFFS, from 123 ets. op, V ESTINGS,iiI large variety. FOR THE LA DI ES.—We have SILKS, Silk Tissue, Linen Lnstres, Alpacas, Lawns, Ginohain Lawns, Ginhanis f . roin 10 cents up; Suisse Mollie, Plain and - Plaid Jaconets, Llama Plaids, Mutts de ',allies, Calicoes from a fip Silk; Kid, Lisle, Thread and Cotton Gloves, Hosiery, Linen Cambric Ilandkerchiefs, Thread, Suisse, Cambric and Cotton Laces and Edgings. BONN ETS, Ribbons and Flowers. - - Our present Stock is large, and has been selected with great care, both as regartlb Style, Quality and Price, and as OUT Motto is 4.Sina 11 Prigits mu/ Quick Salta," we hope all who 1 - 1411 great Rarmins wiii gi-ve-us-a-enil-before poreha.:inv; elsewhere. J. L. SCHICK. April 9, ltiss. tf IT [FI E subscriber oilers for• Sale nr Rent the GETTVSI3I'RG•STEAM 'IIT. .e will run the Mill only until the 15th of March COM Feb. 26, 15.55. PORT MONIES.—The largest. prettiest and faheaßest in towil, to he found at SAMSON'S ; from 2i, ernts to $2,25; and a large assortment of Canes. (11 . )1. Stwar and Water CRACKERS Gin ,, er Nuts, Scotch and Jenny Lind Cakes. (a new article, and not to be beat,) for the less, at April:2lk. GILLESPIE'S. The Wqr Going On We Can't Be Beat! For Sale or Rent. C. W. HOFFMAN. ..ad y-ntade Clothing.. THE , usseriber, thankful w his fiiestds and patrons for past favors, hereby infotms them and the public generally, that he has re ceived and ham now open for inspection. a very large and beautiful assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, rnade up in magnificent styles, and the latest and most ap proved fashions. In regard to workmanship, they can't he excelled by any customer tailor. Hiving enlarged my place and stock, I am able to sell Ready-made Outlaw , - ' of every de scription, cheaper than ever offered before in this or any other place this sine of the Atlan tic. My stock consists in part of COATS, of I sizes, prices, colors and kinds, made up superior manner, of the finest English, . i nch and American Cloths; a!so of Duel:- Linen, Bombazine and Italian cloth.— AN'I'S, in the latest and most fashionable city styles, of the finest Doeskin and fancy Cassimeres, of every color and shade, also of Linen, Ducking end Cottons. VESTS, of beautiful fancy patterns and silks richly figured. Also, White Marsailes, Satins, and Velvets, of every description, made in elegant manner. BOYS CLOTHING, of every di's cription, made up in good and tasty styles. A large assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, consisting in extra quality linen-bosom Shirts, Suspenders, Gloves, llalf Hose, Col lars, Neek_and Pocket Handkerchiefs, and an extraordinary assortment of black satin and fancy Self adjusting Stocks, and various other fancy articles; together with Umbrellas,Trunks, Carpet Bugs, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. My Goods are selected and purchased under the most favorable circumstances. ."Quick Sales fs , Small Prifils," is always the motto I am determined' to carry out, at the Money-saving Clothing Emporium in York street.. A personal examination can alone satisfy customers of the comprehensiveness of my stock, which I am selling at least 720 percent. lowet than can be found at any of my com petitors. MARCUS S.A 11l SO N. N. B.—All Goods bought of me will be ex changed if they do not prove satisfactory. Gettysburg, May 01, 1855. A LARGE AND CHEAP LOT OF GROCERIES, &C. ANU EL ZIEGLER has just returned IA from the city with the largest lot of - GROCERIES he has ever before opened, to which he invites the attentiOn of all, convinced= that he can offer RARE - BARGAIN 9. He has also a fine lot of HAMS. SHOULDERS, ; FISH of all kinds; Oranges, Lemons, and other fruits'; Crackers, ,Nuts, Confections; Segars, Tchacco, Snuff, and a general variety of everything, “from a needle to an anchor," almost. Give him a call, if you want to buy what'S - Cheap and good. (o—Country Produee taken in exchange for Goods.[May 7, 1855. • New Sear & Tobacco MANUFACTORY. Ci AM WM FA BM, Jr., would respectfully U inform the citizens of the town and coun ty, that' he has opened a Seger and Tobacco manufactory, in Baltimore street, next door to Forney's Drug Store, Gettyshurg, where he will constantly keep on hand -a large variety of SEGA/IS, of the finest flavor, and at the lowest living prices. Of CHEWING TO BACCO he has the choicest, kiruis—alsO a capital article of SNUFF—aII of which he offers as low as the lowest. He only asks a • 4,-sattu-i ni • • • He hopes, by strict attention to business and a desire to please, to merit and receive a share Of public patronage. May 7, 1855. Ho, This Way ! NE IV GOODS 131' THE QU-INTITY. 01 AXTON & COBBAN have iust returned _ from the City, with a splendid assortment of Spring' Summer Hats er . PS;'' ' Caps, Boots.o- Shoes, of every/ / 1 0r4,3 A . description, and price. White Beaver Hats, Whiteand Black Silk do. Panama, Canton, Straw and 'Chip Hats, Kossuth, Cuban,and every variety of Soft Hat. Also—Gentlemen's and Ladies' Boots and Shoes, Gaiters, Buskins, Jenny Linds, &c, All of which will be sold low, for Cash, or Country Produce. May 7,'55. PA XTON &CO BEAN. ' Tailoring. Removed a Few Doors South of tit e Old Stand. JH. SKELLY respectfully informs his . old customers and the public generally, that he continues the B INC BUSI NESS, near his old stand, in South Baltimore street, where he will he happy to accommodate all who may patronize him. All work en trusted to his care warranted to fit and he of most substantial make. Thankful for past favors, he solicts a continuance of public pa tronage. ri...y . The New York Spring and Suriamer Fashions are received. Call and see them. Gettpsbu►g, April 9, 1855 Now is the Time. Ci WEAV I F respectfully announces to CI. the Ladies and GPialemen of Gettysburg, and vicinity, that he has resumed the Darruer reotypo ht-iness, at the old stand, in Chant hersburg street, where he will be happy to re-_ eeive visitors desirous of securing perfect D‘wnerreotypes of t i hemselves or friends. Bring furnished iiith an entirely new and costly apparatus, he. prepared to take pictures in every style of the art and insure perfect satisfaction. -aliaraPs-from -50 peritc-to-,m ; -------- mtge.Eloiirs of operating, from B.A. M. to 4 P. M. dress avoid light, red, blue, ur pur ple. Dark dress adds much to the beauty of the picture. Sept. 18,1854. tf liVal 1-Pap EI,I,LR Kt; wrz invites the attention of IV House-keepers and others, who intend fitting . up their 'rouges this spring, to his stock of Side, Ceiling and Border Paper. May 21. Bonnets! Hats! W H it ° lo wants the n v r 1 1 ' d en a P „ the nnn e L t ti (i 7 l e s in Pub lish par_ ar ticular, that Fahnestock. keep the prettiest Bonnets in town.—Ako Panama, New Style Le-tlicirn, Straw, and every variety of Sun.mt r Hat.›, to be had Tie. S;gn of the lied Front . it4e !Au nt= ,frinilif. liolloss'ars Pills. To the Citizens of the United Stales: I MOST humbly and sincerely thank you for the immense patronage which you have bestowed upon my Pills. I take this oppor- tunity of stating that my Ancestors were all American Citizei s. and that I entertain for all Oat concerns America and the Americans, the most lively sympathies, so Much so that I ori i,ginally compounded these Pills expressly to suit your climate, habits, constitutions, and manner ofliving,intending *.o establish myself among you, which I have now done, by taking premises in New Y ork. THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 38, Corner of Jinn and Nassau Sta., New York PURIFICATION OF THE BLOOD, AND LIVER. AND BILIOUS COMPLAINT'S. - - The citizens of the Union suffer much from disorders of tne Liver and Stomach, scarcely any are free froth these destructive maladies, hence life wears fast. The fair sex, perhaps the most handsome in the world, up to a cer tain period when, distressing to say, many lose their teeth and good looks, while yet in the heyday of life; such sad evils may be ef fectually remedied continually keeping the blood pure, and the Liver and Stomach in a healthy action, when life will flow smoothly, and resemble plants in a genial clime, where an eternal spring -appears to reign. As it re gards the preservation of the human _frame, and the durilion of life, much may be e ff ected, and I say fearlessly, t hat health and life cam be prolonged for many years he 4 , ond their or dinary limits, if Holloway's Pillk: are taken to purify the blood according to the rules laid down for health, contained in the direetion which aeco:npany each box. A CASE OF WEAKNESS AND DEBIL- ITY, OF 10 YEARS' CURED BY HOLLOWAY'S} PILLS. Copy of a Lellerfrom Capt. John lohnmn,..lBtcrir House, 14'etv York. dated Jan. sth" x 854. To PROVRPSOR HOLLVIVAT,3B, corner of Ants and ; Nassau Streets, New York. Str,-lt 19 with the most heartfelt pleasure I have to in form yon that T have been restored to healtb and strength by taking your Pills. For the last ten years, I suffered from a derangement of the Liver and Stomach, and was reduced to, girth an extremity that I gave tip my ship, never expecting to go to sea any more, as I had tried every remedy that was recourtnendo - to me. 'ant all' to no puvose ; and had giver) myself tip to despair, when I was at last re. : commended to take your Pills. After usingti them for three - months, the result is that 1 ata now in better health - than I have been for eleven years past, and indeed as well as ever I was in my life. Yon are quite et liberty tao make this known for the benefit of others. 1 remain, Sir, yours respectfally, (Signed) JOHN JOHNSON. These celebrated Pills are wonderfully efficacious in the following complaints:— Siebility Mead-ache - Dropsy Indivestiost Cotriptaiatm Erysipetan Janudiee Ague Asthma Biotclies ()A . Jim Sk in Fe male I rregatarites Liver Complaint* 24 - 4iiiiComplaints Fecei•s of all kinds Piles Constipation of this Gimt, Reteatienof Urine Bowels Scrollsle y or King's Stone and Gravel Secondary Symptoms Evil Venereal Affection, Worms of stl kinds Weakness, from whatever cause. * * *Sold at the Establishment of Professol HoLi.owAv, Stl Maiiihn Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, London. and by all respectable. Druggists and Dealers in Medicines through out the United States, in Pots and Boxes, at 25 cents, 621 eeuts, and $1 80 each. Eby-There is a eonsiderable saving by tak ing the laFger sizes. N. B.—Direetions for the guidance of pre tients in every diserdes are affixed tweaelt Box. June 26,1854. Iy eow PROCLAMATION 4 trig 14r eitirtm of Orthisharg. Putvermacher's Hydro Elec tric Voltaic Chains, CONSTRUCTED to be worn neat to that skin, pr`o - dueing a constant current , of !ix* INTERRUPTED ELECTRO MA6NETI6M--effeeting IM M EDI ATE RELIEF, FRO 51 ALL A CUTE PAINS, and a Permanent curs e Neuralgic Diseases t Pulverruaeher's Electric Chains were first used in FTtce, three years since, for the cure of Verrou3 Diseases, and after being submitted) to the most thorough trial, in every hospital to Paris, by the most Narita professors in hat-ei , • • • a - he Cov ernment of Vranee, who granted'' a patent for the discovery. During tbe years 1851-2, they were introduced in Germany, Austria, Prussia and England, and one year since, introduced; and patented by the finite 4' States Government 6 tires of Illeunnatism, St. TittiA , ' s bance. Piriufutand SiveYlE4 Joints, Palpitation of the Heart,. Newel:7lo of the Ftwe, Periodical Headache. Deufnes4, lllin.lue s, Pains from; 1 ncif gotion, Llymcerics, llysktp4.2, titerie Every Disease, termed Nervous, is quickly and rapidly cured, by, simply weaP• ing the Chains for a' few hours: each day. The chains were first introduced in the city of New York, where they were exhibited to. Prof. Valentine Mott, Van Buren. Post, Car nochan, and others, who readily discovered that they possessed Strange and Sir grarrr Power of Instantly liesin whenever applied, and by their recommenda tion and influence, they were introduced into. the different hospitals of New York, and are now in daily use in those instifutions. in the treatment and cute of the above named diseases. 3o Other Metihanical Sgent, in the world, can produce so many well au thenticated certificates of cure, from scientific Physicians and intellio.ent Patients, as may he. found to each pamphlet, which may he obtain ed gratis at the Drug Store of S. H. BUM-I-- LER, who is the sole Agent for Gettysburg, and who will explain the manner of use to at who may apply. In the city of New - York, at the Genera? Office, 568 Broadway, there are being sold daily, from forty to siz ty CH:IL:VS, and the sale and demand in Boston is as great in pro portion to the population, although they have only been introduced three months ! The CliAms are easily worn, and are equally applicable to_all classes of persons, the child: as well as the adult, and are alivays ready for use—never get out of repair, and are as much an article of ornament, as they are a valuable means of cure. CAliTLON.—Ladies who are enciente are requested not to wear them. The prices of the Chains are $3 and S 5, 18 and 30 Links, and can he sent by mail. to any part of the State, by addressing S. H. BUEH LER,- only - A oent for - G - ertycburg. 1. STEIN ER'!', 56A Broadway, N. Y., General rent. For sale in all the principal cities in the United States. July 3, 1i451. ly Just ti•o3u the City, WITH the Cheapest 1* GOITTLS and GROCERIES ever -nffert-d in this place. for Cash or Country Preduce. 01 will pay Cash for BACON, 9 cts— or 10 cents in trade. oZ:7—Oats and Corn wanted. JOHN HOKE., April 16, 1;55. Stores! Stores! ON .; hrind and for gale, a zr.ia , Vei rli of cooK STOV ES--vPry i•,, 1:1,1 •' ' . (1 :1; N Or U. J6S~_Clal.~~i : 1?~: Di STANDING,