Wady.rnade Clothing. THE subscriber, thank - fill to his friends and patrons for Past favors, hereby informs them' end the public generally, that he has re ceivertaritf has now open for inspection, a very large , and beaiitifol assortment of. SPRING ANO,St.IMM SR cLoTtiiNG, mmift up in — Magnificent styles, and thtlatest and most ap proved fashions. In reg,ard,to vrorkroanship, they can't he excelled by tiny customer tailor. Hiving enlarged my -ebbe - and - stock, I am able to sell Ready-made Ckithinz of every de seription;abesper than; ever Offered before in it this or tiny other prac . e htisiae of the A tient tic. -My ;stock eons sari pfrt of COATS, ofill)si*l,lirides:c re and kinds, mhde np is a inparior manner, of the'finest English, Frenelt and AmeriCan Olathe ; also of Duck ing - linen, Boinbatinelind. Italian cloth.—... p A ItirrS,oll` the, latest' and - mast fashionable city` 'styles. of the finest Doeskin and fancy Castrimeres. of every color and shads, also of Linen, DuCking r,nd Cottons. VESTS, of 'beautiful fancy pattern* and silks' - richly fit...tired.' Also, White Maistriles, Satins, and Velvet:4, &every description, made in elegant manner., ;BOYS CLOTHINO, of every dis criptiim, made up in good and tasty styles. A large assortment of-Vertaemen's Furnishing Goods, consisting, in erre quality linen-bosom Shirts.-Sesoattdertit, Gloves, Half H ose, Col lars, Necked Poriket'H2indkerchiefs, and an • extraordinary assortment of black satin and fancy:Se/rad jesting Stocks, and various other fancy tut:iciest together with triabrellai,Trunks, Carpc(7..pags, Oats Caps, Boots and Shoes. My Goridaitre,select;d i and purchased under the uttist-favorable circumstances.' - "Quick Saks # &stalk Prlfiti," is always the motto I am determined to carry out, at the Honey-saving ChitAingtrapariern in Yhrk street. A. - ,,perserial examination can alone satisfy custainefa of the .comprebensivenesit of my filstricky.svitich. I am selling at least 20 percent. • lower-than can be found at any of my, com.• petitors.- . . . ~' MARCUS SAMSON. .„N,, 8.--All Goods bought of me will be ex change& if.they .ifo net prove satisfactory.- ' Gettysburg, IllaY 21, 1855.. A s IoARGE AND CHEAP LOT OF -. O O6OOCERIES, &C. EMA.I4tIELIE :ZGLER has jest returned from the city with the largest lot of GUO-C.EtIIfCS he leas ever before tmened,_ to which_ hinivites the attention of all, convinced thatie 4n offer Rifle 111AEllAttie; He has also a 'fine let `of, HAMS, SHOULDERS, -&c ; FISH) vtsll kinds ; Oranges, Lemons, and ottivierritita; .Ciaikers, Nuti, Confection's ; Segfw i toliacco, Snuff, and a general variety of everything; "(ions a needle , to an anch'or." t. Give him . a iflott Want to-buy wlia•rs cheap and good. - - • OtfrenentrY P,rrSluca taken in .exchange for Gockht" • ' ' • - [May .7, t 855. 11•11 **Par*, Tobacco 1T041.14` olt Y: r: , QA.lllittatiqttEit,'lr. Would respectfully 4.3-1404iiilfiliiOneits o f town and cioun tY-,'ltriri tril .:44niti :Seger and Tobacco reacirfar.tery;iiillaltimere.streeti next door to Forney's - Alytteite*,,%ttysborgt.,-, where- he wilt44o,Wtaiiilyireep, tin' baud large variety ,otualits, .1,4 ire finest flavor, and at the 4 fi*ei f ellifilg,:fiikeii; ; Qf 'CHEWING TO EXC,C:O nda—al so a cap is articie:Cr'SNUlF-all 'of which ho lo*;e4. He only asks a' ri a He Vericvine4 , that ne. can gratify every, , taste 10400, by' strict attention to-business acid Ifeirint-jorease;,to - -cierit'and'receive a 'share kifbilepattnnage.: air 1855.; - ~ _ , .111 - 46 i. This Way: `"ArEir toons_BY .1710 VITARTITY. , . ... .... 71DAITON;&zotiniv,N havejust returned jE. : from the City, with a spiendidAssortment- A • -of Sprint; 0. Sursmer Hata sty. I ,Caps, ANA.* . 4.Nftoes, of every; • 1l• descriptton, and price. Whiter; e . l. : „ . f ., Boyer Hers, White and Black Silk ..do. ,PanamaiCantan, Str4w And Chip HMS, 4ossoth4Ouban,and every variety olSoft Hat. AlSO—Gentlenten's and Ladies' Boom and ;Shoes, Gaiters, ',Buskins, Jenny Linds, &e. MI of which will be sold , low, for Cash, or tonntry Produce. • 1 Atty 7,'55. PAXTON &CO BHA N. 1 Tailoring'. Removed a Few Donk'Smith ()fine Old stand. fi IL. SKELLY, respectfully informs - his ...:old'customers and the public 1,,r eneral Iy, tthat -he continues the, TAILORING BUS!- NESS, near his Old ,stand, in South Baltimore -street, where he will be happy to aCCOM modate all who May patronize him. • All work en ttrusted to his care warranted to fit and be of •most substantial, stake. Thankful for past Tayors, he solicti , a continuance of public pa , ttronaze. Oarlike - New • York Sining and Summer ireunisions are received, Call and see theni. Gettysburg, A ptii 9, 1855. Now is the Time. 1Q "WEAVER respectfully announees to 1.7.3. the Ladies and Gentlemen of Gettysburg - and vicinity, that he has resumed the Drunter 70013tPe hasisess, at the old stand. in Chum hetelltngsivect. where he will beliappy In re valve , visitors desirous of securing perfect Datnerrentypee of themselves or friends. Being. furnished with an entirely new and "costly apparattfe,be is prepared to take pictures in every style of the art and insure perfect - satisfaction.. sarehateerr from 50 cent.; to ler-Hogts of Operating from 8 A. 14.2t0 4 garb dress avoid light, red, blue, or pur pitu Dark. dress adds tutt - eh to the beauty of the plume, - Sept. 18, 1854. tf Wall Piper. KELtblt FURTZ,invites the attention of House-keepers' and otlit.rs, who intend Elting: up their houses this spring, to his stork of Side,Ceilin. anti Border Pa er. Ma 21. irr4.MS, S.hrmiders,'Er.c.. Shad, Mackerel 11.. and Herrintrc. to he had at EMANUEL ZIEGLER'S CIRSSIMERES. an excellent and desirablp afmnrintont., selling very cheaP at April 16.. , . JOHN HOKE'S. UFENSW A RFi.—A large and .complete assoitronnt of Queptigwate just received et ' FAHNEsToc, KS Old Ssaad.- C , R APE and other Shawls, new and splen did styles, to be had cheap at - , SCHICK'S. Artt_VU alwitvti find of Gootip, men's, Ladies' And ettilAren'fl SIMES PAXTON & cOBEAN'S. OAPS.--"Fancy _and t'ommon Soap s , i n . eittiless.variety, to be -at. h I cheape at E. ZIEGLER's. ADIES erinite supplied with every variety of DRESS SHOPS. by ca ll; tpr ;It • PAXTON & COBEAN'S. IEr -yea Want" a fine 'Brave, or ti!k !TAT, call on ' ' PART ON & CoI;FIAN. „ - ROOMS Beigatiits, ;451 , 1 Bvions, Cif . sale at • BOOMS. E. ZIEGLER'S. ME J. Lawrence Hill, *~ R, J TTAS hisOffiee one drior estorthe Lutheran _lX:church, in Chatrthei.shorg street, and op posite Grammer's store, where , those wishing tnhave any Illeinital Operation performed are respectfully in - viied to call. IRE.FERENCES: • Dr. D. Gilbert, - D r. C. N: Berluetty, Dr. D. Hornet, R4W. C. P. Email, D.D., Rev. H. 1.. Bather, D. D., Rev. Prof. William M. Rey. noltis.Rev. Prof. M . Jacobs, Prof. M. L.Sto ver. Gettysburg, April 11, 1853. If' E. B. Buehler, . • , ATTORNEY AT LAW, IaTILL fuithfullyand promptly attend to , all business entrusted to him. Ile speaks the German language. Office it the same place. in South Baltimore street, near Forney's Drug Store, and nearly opposite Danner & Ziegler's Store. . [March 20. Win. B. ATTORNEY AT LAW. riFFICH on the south side of the Public 1 1, J Square, two doors west of the Sentinel office. . Aug. 22,.1853. D. 31Tonatighy, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Office removed to one door West of Buehler's Drug &Book-store, Chambersburg street,) Attorney & Solicitor (or Patents and Pensions, BOUNTY Land Wartints, Back-Pay aus ,•pended Claims, and all other claims againet the Government at Washington, D. C.: also American claims in England. Land War rants located, and. sold,• or bought, and highest prices giver.: Agents.' n 4 in locating warranta in lowa, Illi note', and other Western States; and lands for sale•tbe+e. KrApply to him pereonelly or by letter. 'Aettysburg, Nov. £3l, 1853. China, Glaws and Queensware. Gen, M. Bokee, Successor to J. C. Bokee Co., ImPaRTFA • and Dealer in CHINA. GLASS and QIIP.ENSWARE, 91 North limosrd Street, (between Fayette and Lexiek 2 ,.. ton ereeta,) Baltiowre, hid., respectfully in vites the Itention.of Dealers to an examination of his well 'assorted stork befOre pnrchakting elsewhere. •• [Feb. 19, 1855. 'ly Geo. Richardson, No. lel l AT:lloward Sired, Baltimore, TT IJYS.,and seIIs,FLOUR, GRAIN, HAY, I) STRAW, and Country Produce general. Has altui 'on hand a large stook of Gl O. wholesale and mill. Feb. 19;48.55. I y • elothing—Clothing•! AARNOLD has 4tow on hand and is . constantly making up, Spring & Sum mer CLOTHING, to'Nhich he mivites the 'attention plan in the town and ,country. He will undersell any house kr the town or coun ty. [April 1 _ Liatker. r RITZ. HENDRY & CO. No. 20 . 1 1 7 iwth 4 Third Slrtel, Philadelphia; MOROCCO M . ANUFACTURRRi. cURRIRRS find IMPORTRRS or FRENCH CALF-SKINS, and Dealers in Rem and Okx §OI.F. LEATHER & KIPP. February 26, 1855. ty Spouting ! FORGE and Henry Wampler will make N... - Jr House Spout' ng.and put up the same low. ("wettish or country prodnee. Farmers and all others wishing their " Houses, Barns, &c. spotited, would do well to give them a call. • G. &. H. W AMPLER. April 18, 1853. Hay Wanted. 1131T I RSONS having_Hay to sell,vvill dowel! JI- by . calling on the subscriber, in Ciettys burg, • who is desirous of purchasing. The highest market price will be paid at all times. .(BAs he intends having the. Hay; after being packed. hauled either to Hanover or panimore, the preference to haul wilt be given, to those from whom he May purchase. SOLOMON POWERS. Dec. 6. 1852. tf A. IL Franciscus, IIA NUFACTU R ofCOT'I'ON L A PS, WAI)DIN(3, YARN;CARPET CHAIN, COrrON YARNS, LAMP, CAN DLE AND FLUID WICKS, which he of fers to sell at the Lowest Cash Prices, 'at Na. 65 Markel Si. abinge Seenrid, , linrlll side, Philadelphia. [Feb. 26, 1855. 6m Bounty . Land mHE undersimned will attend promptly to the collection of claims for BOUNVY LANDS -under the late act of Congress. Those who have already received .10 or 80 Acres, can now receive the balance, by calling on the subscriber and malcinithe necessary application. JOU 11. DANNBR. Gettysburg, March I'2, 1855. tf - - - - - Bounty Lands. OLDIER' who served in any war of the 1.1 U. StateS a term not less than fourteen days, are entitled to IGO ACRES BOUNTY LAND, and in case or the death of the soldier, his. widow or minor children. (if ariy.) are entiticql to the same quantity. In cases where 40 or 80 acres,have already been received, the difference necessary to make up the IGO acres can now he drawn. }-Apply to the aghseriher, at his office. in Gettysburg, where persons having hand Warrants to sell, may obtain the hi , rhest price for them. R. G. M'CREARY. March 19, 1855. 6m - ' Just thole the City, TITH the Cheapest DRY GOODS and 2.OOERIES ever offered in this place, for Cash or Country Produce. I will pay Cash for BACON, 9 cts— or 10 cents in trade. K . ) - -Oats and Corn wanted. " JOHN HOKE. April' 16, 1855. Bonnets! Hats', IVI-10 wants cheap -Bonnets t Publish it to the world, and the Ladies in per tinnier, that Fahnestocks keep the prettiest llonnets itt town.—Ako Panama, New Style Leghorn, Straw, and every variety of Summer Hats, to be had at --The Sign. of -1.4e-Red-Front. - -- .. Stoves Stoves! ON- hand and for .sale, a aniat variety of (.3001i STOVES—very cheap. Call and see then). GEO. ARNOLD. Septenslier 4, 1854. 'DORY MONIES.—The largest. prettiest I_ and cheapest in town, to be filo* at SAMSON'S ; from 25 cents to $2,25; and a lane assortment of Canes. MILTANERS.—SC,'HICK invites at ientinn to his lane and desirable as-Sort ment,of Goods. Ile can't be out done in' quality, style or price. Aiprifrig& Suurnoner Goods. ARNOLD bas just returned fruit) the With the LAIIGKST AND C PEST-STOCK of SPRING*, SU Nl ' Al ER 'GOODS ever before offered to the citizens of -the town or countl 4 consisting in part of French . Black, Brown, Blue and Olive (Lll'J'AS,Fancy and Black Cassimerts, imsimere, Marseilles and other vEsTiNGs, Tweeds. Kentucky Jeans and Satinets for Men' i i Wear; _BE REG ES, _Becege De taincs, Minis lk Ladies, &e., for Ladies' Wear. • Al so, a large and splendid assortment of BON,- N ETS, Parasols, Metes Canton, Straw and 'Palm Leaf FIATS. He invites all to come, and examine his stock of Goods. He : assures them he will sell 30 per cent, cheaper than any house in tovrn. April 2,1855. • We Can't Be Beat! Another Arrival of Siitendid New Goods HAVE the pleasure of announcing to my 1 friends and the public gerierally,that I have just received and' opened a large and splendid supply of, SPRING & SUMMER GOODS.' They consist in part, of Frenah, English, and American 'CLOTHS, of . all colors, from 2.t0 ; Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Tweeds, Cashineretts, Plain and Fancy,Linens, togeth er with a great variety of PANT STUFFS, from 12i cts. up. V ESTI N GS,in large variety. FOR THE LAM ES.—We have SILKS, Silk Tissue, Linen Lustres, 'Alpacas, Lawns, Gingham Lawns, Ginghams from to cents up; Suisse Willa, Plain and Plaid • Jaconets. Llama Plaids, Mons de Lainei, Calicoes front a fip up,—also, Silk, Kid, Lisle,-Thread and Cotton Gloves,, Hosiery, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Thread,, Suisse,. Cambric and Cotton ' Laces and Edgings. BONN ers, Ribbons and Flowers. Our present Stock islarge, and has been selected with great care, both as regards Style, Quality and Price, and as our motto is "Small Prqfils awl Quick' Sales," " we hope all who wish great Bargains will give us a call before purchacinv, elsewhere. J. L. SCHICK. April 9, 1855. tf PIitOTECtION AGAINST Loss by _ Fiat! MBE undersigned informs property-holdera that he bas - been duly appointed Agentof, the PERIIY 001INTY MUTUAL KIRI.: INStritANi:k: COMPANY, and that he is the only Agent in Adams county for the same. He will take original and renew old Insu rances for said Company, which, since its In corporation, in 1843," has secured the perfect , confidence of the people of Adams and the ; adjoining counties, - (it being authoriied to effect Insurances in any part of the State - .) Its integrity and ability have been fully and satisfactorily demonstrated.. The gradation of rates of Insurance is adapted to the mutt9l interests of the whole Company and.the class of the insured property. Every person insnr ing becomes a member of the Company, and may act in the selection of officers and in the directiorvof its operations. (n—Hon. Moses McCLEAN represents the members in this county in the Board of Man agers. C. ROTH, Jr., is President, and JOHN Citmenv.m. Secretary. Office in Bloomfield, Perry county. WM. McO4.EAN, Office of M. & W. McClean, Gettysburg December 25, 1854. tf Watches, Jewelry, Sifreely:trip 611° Loewy Goods. Choice Assortment of the Finest Qual ity, for Sale at the Lowest . Cash Prices, at 'Win.. B. •Eltoiihead's, NO. 184 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Between Pine and Union,' West side, Phi Aura. r i i- E assortment embinces a Larpc and Se lect Stockeii* Fine Walches,Jewelry, Silver Ware, Albala Ware, plated with fine Silver, in Spoons. Forks, Ladles, 4'll.—del Goods, Ems and Fancy :articles of a superior quality, de serving the examination of those who dt-sire to procure the best goods at the Lowest Cask Price's. Having a practical knowledge of the busi ness, and alt available facilities for Importing and Manufacturing, the subscriber confidently invites purchasers, believing that hr can sup ply them on terms as ,favorable as any other establishment in either of the Atlantic Cities. C(rAll kinds of Diamond and Pearl Jewel ry and Silver Ware manufactured to order, within a reasonable time. Kr-W,itches, - Jewelry and Silver Ware faithfully repaired. • WM. B. Euro NH E An, IS4 Smith '.2d St., a few 1/00174 Above the 2,1 St. Market. West Vir In the South Winflow of the store, tnay he seen the famous 1311 W PLUCK, whi c h commands the admiration of the scientific and curious. October 2, 1851. 1y French -Trusses. II E'' 1 A RUPT U RE teFS F‘,ILI\'I ) and fort in by use of the elegant French Trusses, imported by the subscriber. and made to order expressly fur his sales. All suffering with Rupture will he gratified to learn that the occasion now offers to pro care a Truss combining extreme lightness, with aase, durability and correct construction, in lieu of the cumbrous and uncomfortable article us nally sold. An extensive assortment always on hand, adapted to every variety of Rupture in adults and children, and for sale at a range of price to suit all. Cost of Single Trusses, $2. $3. $1 and $5; Double, $4, $5, st, $8 and $lO. Persons at a distance can have a Truss sent to any address by remitting the amount, send ing measure around the hips, and stating side affected. For sale Wholesale and Retail by the Im porter, CALEB H. NEEDLES, S. W. cor. of Twelfth & Racr SU; Phibulelphia. • Depot for 1)r. Banning's Improved Patent Body Brace; Chest Expanders and Erector Braces ; Patent Shoulder Braces ; Suspensory Bandages; Spinal Props and Supports. La s'die Rooms, with competent lady attendants. April :2, 1855. (July 3. ly.) Notice to Tax-Payers. NOTICE i 4 hereby given, that die Coun ty Commissioners will make an abate ment of jiie7riereent . upon all State and Coun ty Taxes assessed for the year 1855, that shall be paid to Collectors on or before the day (If June next ; and Col lec tors, are hereby required to make such abate ment to all persons paying on or before said day. Se'Collectors will be required to call on tax-payers on or before the above date, and to pay over to the County Treasurer on or before Tueiday the 26th day if next, otherwise no abatement will be allowed. P'Collectors are requested to pay over to the County Treasurer, on or before Afanday the 15th day of next, all Taxes that Inv have been paid up to that time. By order of the Commissioners, J. AUGHINBAUGH, March 26,1855. CODA, Sugar and Water CRACKERS L - 71 Ginger Nuts, Scotch and Jrnny Lind Calves. (a new article, and not to be beat,) for sale, cheap, by the round or 14• Sc. at April GILLE6VIE'S. New Hardware Store. THE subscribers would respectfully sn nounce to their friends end the public that they have. owned a' NEW HARDIN AR STORE, in Bailin:ore Steed, adjoining. the residence of David Zieg/er,Getiffliburg,in wijieh they'are opening a large .- apd" generbi assOrt men% of Hardware, , Iron, Steel, Groteries, C UTL E RY. COACH- TRIMMINGS, SPRINGS, - _AXLES, _ az 9 acbat,mate, Paints, Oils, and ye-stuffs, in general,.including, every description of arti cles in the above lines of bustness, to which they invite the attention of Coach-makeis, Blacksmiths, eilrpenteis - , -- Cabinet; makers,- Shoe•makers, Saddlers, and the gen erally. Our,stock having been selected with great Fare and purchased for Cash, we guarantee (for the Ready Money,) to dispose of any 'part of, it on as reasonahle terms as they can be pur chased any where. We particularly request a call from our friends, and earnestly selicit'a share of public faint., as we aredetermined to establish aohar acter for selling Goods 'at low 'prices and do ng business on fair principles . ' JOEL B. DANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, June' 9, 1851. tf LOOK AKRE! New Goods Again. T S. GRAM M ER. has just , returned from • Philadelphia with as hands.tme and cheap an asortment of SPRING 4 , SUMMER GOODS as ever brought to Gettysburg, eon sisting in part orcLoTHS, Black and. Fancy Cassimeres.- Marseilles for Pants and Vests, Satinetts &c. Also Baregeti, Barege de Laines, Chili • Barege, Brilliantine Silks, Satins, Lawns, Girighams, Calicoes, Cloths, Sleeve, Jackonet and Swiss Flonneintr. Bon nets. Ribbons. &c., &c. Also GROCER] ES & QUEENSWARE, which will be sold at reduced prices for Cash or Country Produce. To punctual customers a credit of six months. April 0, 1855. tf J. 8: GRAMMER. The Cheap Store! AITE have jest opened, and now .offer to t' the public the best and cheapest assort ment of SPRING & SUM M ER GOO DS ever received in this Borough. Having purchased with great care, and being detetthined to sell cheap, we can offer without fear of cOmpeti- Linn, the largest and most desirable aSSortroent and at a cheaper rate than they can be furnish-, ed in or out of the Borough. We would re; spectrally call the attention of our filends and i customers to our fine assortment of Black and Fancy CLOTHS, Cass - imeres and Vestings, Casinetts, Kentucky Jeans, Cottonades, Pants stuff of every description, , Nankeenette, TWff ds, &c. For the Ladies we on show a splendid variety'of DRESS GOODS, Berages of all' colors, Bei:age- de Lathes, Mous de Laines, Lawns, Btillianti nes, Silks, Bonnets, Ribbons, Fans, 'new style Swiss; &e., &e. Of GROCERIES & QUEENSWARE have our usual large supply. Grateful for past favors, we hope to merit continuance of the same. Call and examine our stock and. satisfy yourselves that ,ours is l'ite Chilli) Store. No trouble ro sifiiik Goods. • PAHNESTOCK BROTHERS. April 9, 1855. tf F. IL Smith, DORT MONNATE, POCKET BOOK, 1 AND DR ESSING . CASE MANUFAC TURER, N. W.cor.,,rf Fourth sfr Chesnut Sts., hiladelphia, always' on hand a large" and vqried assortment of Port Monnaies, Work Boxes, .. Pocket Books, Cahas, . ' 2 -- Bankers .Cases, Travelinif Bags, Note Holders, Backgammon Boards, Port Folios, Chess Men, Portable Desks, - Pocket Mem. Books, I)ressing CRSes, Cigar Cases, &c. Also, a weneral assortment of F:NGLISH, FRENCH & WERMAN FANCY GOODS, Fine Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops and Gold Pens. Wholesale,. ..:peond and Third F100r , .. F. H. smrrn, N. W. cornor Fourth & Che-nut Sts., Philzoin N. 11.--On the receipt oi ii sl, a Superior Gold Pen will he sent top any part of the United States-, by mail ;-=describtn,t; pen, thus, medium, hard, or soft. [A pri1%.1855.- Samuel IV. Mecutchen, it TO. 536 North Front Streit, above Maiden, and N. E. Cartier Front and Maiden .Sts. Philadelphia, MILLWRIGHT and BURR MILL STONE MANUFACTURER. Sole Proprietor of JOHNSON'S highly approved and much improved Smut and Screening Machines, also, Improved Iron Conrave Bran Duster, the Premium Machine for Millers ; Cocalico Mill Irons, Smuit Machines, „Patent Lever Mill Bush and Stretched and Common Belting. Square Meshed Bolling Cloths, from the most approved Manufactories, al ways on hat - Manacle up and put on to order, cheap and warranted. March 26, 1855. 3m THE CHEAP CASH Book and Stationery Store, North West cur, of Sixth and Jrch Sls., Phila. Great tiarr,atus In Books I Poetical, Juvenile, Miseel laneous,Standa rd and Presentation Books, very Cheap. QT.-M..li AND FANCY STATION ER Y. k 7/ Superior White Ruled Letter Paper, $l,- 50 per Ream. Lotter and Note. Envelopes in great variety. Weddings furnished at very moderate rates. Cards Written and Engraved. 6illott's and other Steel 'Pens. Superior Motto Wafers, 3'23 Mottoes on a Sheet, for 25 cents. inkstands, Pen-Knives, Paper Weights, &c. Fine Turkey Morocco Porte- Monnaies. Portfolios, &c. Card Cases, :lid:gammon Boards, &c. With a very large and choice assortment of ny Mml cs , G ames , Dixx.ded Pictures, 4 - e. allnunv, Scrap 13oults and Erwracitigs. P. THOMSON. April 23, 1855. .ly Diamond Tonsor. TOHN W. TIPTON, Fashionable Bar t) her and Hair Dro.ser, can at all titres he found prepared to attend to the calls of the people,at the 7easple, in the Diamond, adjoin ing the County Building. From long expe rience, he titters himself that he can go through all the ramifications of the TOMISO sIat Department with such an infinite degree of skill, as will meet with the entire s a t is f ac ti o n of all whoJnay submit their chins to the keen ordeal of his razors. He hopes, therefore, that by his attention to business, and a desire to please, he will merit as well as receive, a liberal share of public patronage. The sick will be attended to at their private Gettysburg, Jan. 8, 1855. tf T A LARGE and enthusiastic meeting _ft lately held to devise wars and means for the better protection of the people from impo sition, various plans were proposed and dis• cussed, and after. mature deliberation, they unanimously Resolved, that to secure the most desimble, hi..t and cheapest GOODS of evi.ry vartily, you to FA HNEsToc KS'. Matches! ITllAtches; /OEM DONNELLY, MANUFACTURER AND INVENTOR OF Safety Patpsit eStinare-tpright Wood Ik Itiathes, No. 106 North Fourth $l,. (above Race,) m A b T i e C a n t. 1. 1i: e l eh n in o l u become p a i n 'n g i n h i s e pe s n u g b a : scriber after a great sairifice of time and mcney, -is-enabled to--offer to the Public an article_ at once combining Utility and Cheapness. The inventor knowing the danger apprehended on' account of the flimsy, manner: in which Matches are generally packed in paper, has by the aid of New Steam Machinery of his "sWn invention. Succeeded in getting np aSA Frl'Y PATENT' SQUARE UPRIGHT WOOD . , BON; This hoxls far _preferable. hi as much that it occupies'no more room than the old round wood - birt, and contains at - lea - st no° ..flundred .per Cent. :mare Matches; VI high to Shippers is considerable advantage; it is' en= tirely 'new,And itPCUre against moisture and spontaneous combustion, and dispels all dan ger on tranSpOrtation by means of Railroad, Steamboat'or any other mode a Conveyance. These Matches are packed so"that one gross or more may be Shipped to -any part "Of the World with .perfect safety. They are the ' mist desirable article for Home Consumption, and the - Southern and Western Markets, that have ever been invented. DEALERS and SHIPPERS will do well to call and examine for themselves. Vii`"These Matches ore WRREANTED to be superior to anything , herettfore•nffered to the Public. JOHN DONN Min', - 106 .North Fourth SI., Phi/ad'a. December 18, 1854. $B. • OLD SOLDIERS. - Bounty Land Act of 1855. E undersigned is.now fully prepared to file and itt ropidly filing ClitlhlS TO BOUN TY LAND for soldiers of the War of 1812. and of At.t, the wars of the U. States—their widows and minor children. In addrtion - ro• his long experience and success, he would add; that, in all Hie many claims he has hitherto filed, (between 100 and 200 y he has carefully pre served. and'has now every thing necessary to establish the rights of Ali mants---=as also Rolls and Lists of Companies, and facilities for. fur nishing proofs in all cases that may be en trusted to -b:rn. • He has made completq arrangements for locating. warrants in the Western States. War rants boughl—Warrani4 sold. Apply personal ly or by letter to 1). M'CON AUGHY. Gettysburg, March 12, 1855. tf Standard Lutheran Books. /THE Lutheran Manual, on Scriptural Prin j_ .ciples; or the Augsburg . Confession.— Illustrated and sustained, chiefly by scripture proofs and extracts from standard Lutheran - Theologians of Europe arid America; together with the Formula of Government and Discip line adopted - hy the general. synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, in the United States. By S. S. Sulunucker, IL, D.,.one le, mo. Life of Martin Luther, edited by Rev. T. Stork, 1 vol. 8 vo., elegantly illustrated - . Kvi rtz'aManual of Sacred History. traosla. later! by Rev. U. F. Se'leaner, I vol. 12 mo. The Sepulchers of our Departed, by Rev. F. W. Ancpach, I vol. 12 mo. Life of Philip Melanctbon, translated from the German, ivy Rev. G. F. Grote!. The Children of the New Testament, by Rev. I'. Stork. • Also, New Publications Of the leading book publishers, •regularly received, nod fur sale at publigher's prices. The following just received : - Family Prayers for each morning and even ing in the year. with reference to appropriate; Scripture Readings, by' Rev. J. Cumming. C miming's Signs of the Times. latte assoriMent of School and Miscel alneous Books, Bihles of every description, Blank Books, Writing Papers and Stationery. for sale at low prices, at the Bookstore of May 21,1855. KELLER. KURTZ. " 'TREY Neil's , GOMIS—at Less Prices ! - -FARM ERs, look to your interests. If you want to get hack the motley you lost, just call at the Northwest corner of the Diamond, where you will save at least 25 per cent, and get the full worth of your money, and where you will not have to pay for those who don't pay. • Don't forget to brin'g your money. AisO bring along anything and everything you have to sell—such as BE r EGGs,•BACON, LAIU). RAG'S, and everything you think will sell—:and • I will buy at what they are worth. Just call at the People's Store. 5. 4 2PThe Stock consists of DRY GOODS, Groceries. Clothing made to order, &c. New Queen's-Ware and redar-wore. - JOHN' HOKE.' Gettysburg, Feb. 26, 1855. If The War Going On! rr E war in Europe is largely engrossing public attention, and ,prices generally are going up. But the undersigned wouln suggest to his customers and everybody else that he has. just returned from the city, with the cheapest and best stock of .1; St 4.1,1 cIL Nuts, Confectionary, Fancy Soaps, &c., he has ever before offered. Call and judge for yourselves, and if you do not pronounce his goods among, the cheapest and best yon have ever looked " ' at. then is he greatly mis taken. His stock comprises, in part, Coffees, Sugars, Teas, Chocolates, Syrups, Molasses. Crackers, Oranges. Lemons, Almonds, Palm Nuts, Pea Nuts, English Walnuts, Filberts; Confectionary, of a hundred sorts ; Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves, Soda Saleratus, Washinif Soda. a large variety of Fancy Soaps, and everything else in his line. 0:::-Cash or Country Produce taken in ex change for Goods. THE FLOUR AND FRKD BUSINESS is continued. Highest market prices paid. WM. In Ynrk street, al the Post (.Iffice. Gettysburg . , April 24, 1854. "‘f . .) ,t ) Q4.'49 ' Cheap Watches and Jewelry, ;, 1 ; i s a . 1:t :11 t i r d a l . rr v a t s t i h- e ad&r N o . 96 North Second street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever 'Watches, full ,jewelt.l, IS caret eaNes., ,F2S 00 Cold Levities. l'; caret. - - - _lOO Si/ver Le, en,. full jeweled,. - - 12 00 • Silver Lepines. jewels ) - - - 900 Superior 41u:triter's, .. - . ,=,; 00 . Gold :Spectacles, - - - - - .i . OO Fine Silver do. - . - - - ISO Gold B - Bracelets, - - - - 300 Ludic'.' Gold Pencils, - - - - 100 Silver Tea 5r,0401 , . wt. -- - - . kW Gold l'eus. with Pencil awl Silver Ilolder, . -- "I 00 • . Gold Finger Rings 311 rents to 5,480; Watch Glasses. plain, 1:23 cents, patent Lunet 23; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. STAUFFER it, HARLEY. On hand', some Gold ;aid Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than the above prices. Sept. 25, 1851. ly P°TATO Es rnr. I hr. I , vwest protits at E31.1N UEL ZIEGLEWS. IMM!! PROt'LAPtlAtiolli tljt Citi tnslifu6tthisharg. Pulverinather , g Hydra Elee tric - Voltaic Chains, - CIOrsiSTRUCTED to be wotit next to the: skin, producing a . constant entreat Of. on. : INTE RR UPTP:n ELF:It:TRU AOKkTII.II —fifeethics IMMEDIATE lIP:LIEF, FROM ALL A.. CU'T'E PAINS; and a Permanent cure of Neuralgic Diseases! ' Pulverniacher's Electric Chains were first used in France, three years since, for the cure of _Nervous Diseases, and after being submitted. to the most - thorough trial, in every haspital, in Paris, by the most. learned professors in, that City, they were recommended, to the,Gov., priunent of France, who, granted ,a patent for, the discovery. During the years 1851 , 2, were introduced in Germany, Austria,- Prussia: -and England, and_One_ year since, introeinced and patented by the United States Government. Most Bstonishing Cures of Rheumatism. St. lorltWa Nice. Painful nod Swelled Joints, • Palptintfon or the Heart, Neuralgia Ai the Pace, Periodical Ifenditche. Pokiness, Blindness. Pains from jadigesvion,, Hysterics, Dyspepsia, tterir Paine. Every Diseeiie.;-ternsed . NervonS, is quickly and rapidirinied, by simplytiear• ing the Chains for a tei‘t - hours each day. ° The chains were first introduced in the cite of New York, where they were exhibited to. Prof. Valentine Mett, Van Buren. Post, Car.; nochan, and others,' whit" ceadily discovered that they possessed - • Strange and Singular Power. If Instantly Ite% lieving :" ' whenever applied, and by 'their reeemmenda 4 tion and influence, they were intrOduteds into , the different hospitals of New York; him' o r e now in,dai/y use in those institutions. in the treatment and cure of the above named 'diseases. No Other Mechanical .9gent, in the world, can prodaceso many Well an. thentieated certificates of cure, s trom_ st:ientifis Physicians and intelligent Patienti, ag.may be found in each pamphlet, whiehmay"be obtain. ed gratis at the Drug Store Of S. H: 131.1 EH. LER, who is the sole Agent for Gettysburg, and who will explain the manner of'use to all who may apply. In the city of New York, at the General Office, 568 Broadway, there are being sold daily, from forty to slaty MIMES; and thet sale and demand in" Boston is as great in pro= portion to the population, althongh they have only been introduced three months !. 'The CHAINS are easily 'Nom and are equally applicable to all classes of persons, the child' as well As the adult, and are always ready for use—never get out of repair, and are as Much an article of ornexrient, as therm a valuable means of cure. CArriori.—Lidies who are enciente are requested not to wear'thern. The prices of the Chains are $3 and $5, 18 and 30' Links, and can be sent by mail: to any part of the State, by addressing S. H. BUEH LER, only Agent for Gettysburg.' I. STEL VRT, 568 Broadway, N. A' 43eneral AMlllt.-*For sale in all the principal! cities in the United States.' July 3, 1854. ly ' 3 'Can far 311! Holloway's Ointment. Citizens ry' the Union,— yU have done me the - honor as with one voice, from one end of the Union , to the other, to stamp the character of nu - Ointment with your approbation. It is Scarcely two yea i rs since I made it kn'own to you, and alrea dy it has obtained• more celebrity than,any other medicine in so - short a period. .THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 38, corner if' Snn 4- Nassau els" New York. ASTONISHING CURE OV,SORE LEGS * . .A FTER NINE YEARS' STANDING. Copy of a Letter from 34r. J. W. Langley, of Narramille, . . raelkir co., North Carolina. dated Nov. , READ 1115 OWN vvoubs. To PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY Sir. o =-Itis not my wish to become notorious, neither is this letter written for the mere sake of writing, but to say, that your,Oiniment cured me °rove of the most dreadful,cutaneous diseases that• flesh is heir to, and which was considered . ..by all who knew me, to be entirety beyond the" reach of medicine. For nine years I was' afflicted kith one of the most pink! and troublesome sore leo that ever fell to the lot of man; and after trying every medicine I had ever heard of, I resigned to despair all hope of being cured ; but a friend brought me a couple. of large pots of your Ointment, which cansed , the -soreeon my 'legs to heaLand I entirety regained 'my health, Leroy agreeable surprise and delight, and to thwastnnishinent of my friends. - (Signed) J. W. LANGLEY. . AN EXTR &ORDINARY C.URE OF A BAD BREAST, WHEN NEARLY AT THE POINT OF DEATH. Copy of a Letter run Mr. R: Durant, New Orleans, No- vember 9th. 1853 To ,Paortssott Hot,LowAir,' 38, Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets, N.Y. - Dear Sir:— It is with heartfelt gratitude I have to inform you that by the use of your, Ointment and Pills, the life of my wife has been saved. For seven years she had a bad breast, with, ten running wounds, (not of a cancerous na ture). I was told that nothing could'vive.her: she was then induced to, use your Ointtnept and Pills, when in the short space of three months, they effected a perfect cure: to the astonishment ()fall who knew us. We ob tained your-Medicines from Means. Wright & Co., of Chartres -street, New Orleans. I send this from '"Hotel des Princes;" Paris, although I had written it, at New Orleans, before we finally left, at that tithe, not know ing your address at New York:. (Signed)* , DURANT. The Pills should be used conjointly with the ,Oiniment in 'moat of the Following ruses : • ' Bad Legs 13nd lireasts . Burns Contracted and Mai ibago Store-throats titirl Joints Piles , Skin-diseasea Fistulas niatism,ollturry' Gout • Salt Ilheunf:Attire-heads C hi I b hips Glandular Scalds Ekers' Chapped hands Su-el hugs * * ' Hold at the Establishtnent.of Professor Flot.t.t:vAy, SO, Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, London, and by all respectable DruggiNts and Dealers in Medicines through out the United States, in Pots and Boxes, at 25 cents, 623- cents, and $1 00 each. CJ—There is a considerable saving by tak ing the larger-sizes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each Pot. July 3, LB5l. lyenw • Carriages! Buggies rriiii - umWsifrited take this neTb - ciii ortn -1 forming their friends and the public erally, that they have entered into partnership in the Carriage-braking business, and are pre pared—at their establishment, in East Middle street, one and a ball squares from Baltimore sir-4341—w put up- GARRIA G-ES.,. 1 1)1:.C;IF:.' &c., in the very hest manner. Their work, they are determined, shall not be surpassed in the place, either for beauty or durability—and their terms will be as ea..4v as at any her es tabli•liment, jk'l-liepairtngstione low and at short notice. b. B. LITTLE, .1. A. LITTLE. Gettysburg, Feb. 26, 1855. For Sale or Rent. subseriber,ptlers for•Nale or Rent the T (;14:1"I'Yslit_tItt; STEAM MILL. Ile will run the Mill only until the frith of 'larch next. C. ‘‘,. HOFFMAN. r • ab. 26, 1655. For,rNipples -{Vounds 2