, . . atasemors and other. officers: whim duty it 1 • Read pniade Clothing. .- shall be to exercise the same Powers and au- -HE sn'tseriber, thankful to his friends and ---tholity-as--are-now-exerciA4.-by-nawnshipas -, i, - T patren . srfar - pa - st - la ii",ii - , - 1 - i - ei - eliii - iiificiiiii - Attesams generally, in the discharge of their du-- them and the public generally, that he has re ties in relation to the asaessuleitt- Of count,' cei a ved and !tax nnw open for inspection, a - very rates and levies. 1 - - - .- - ' larae and.beautiful assortment of SPRING - &arms It. That the twenty-ninth section AN I' , D , B U M 4l ER 17 LoT Fl ING, made up in . of the act to which this is aaippletnent. shall magnincent styles and ttie, latest and Mostap not t to construed to authorize the taxntion of proved fa I ' - ..Ina.eganl to workmanship, any oblect or property. fort rhool purposes.- theyH can't be excelled by any' customer tailor. 'which sitall not be contained in the copy of the aving enlarged my .place and steel:, lam last adjusted valuation of proper subjects and ! a b le to sell Ready-made Ctothirkg of every de- Things made taxable for state or county put- scription, cheaper than ever offered before in - pos e s, furnished to the board of direttors, or' this this or any other place this sloe of the Atlati _ controllers, by the county commissiotters. My stock consists in part of COATS, Sacrins 12._ That_ tax_collectors. are_town, ! tic. of all'sizes, prices, colors and kinds, made up _ ship, wani or borough of fi cers, within the true . in a superior manner, pf the finest Ena - ligh, intent and meaning of the g eneral school law of French and American Cloths ; also of Durk one thousand eight hund red and forty-nitre, ' and one' 'thousand eight huiedred and. fifty-four, i iprill Linen, Bombazine and . Itaiiarr cloth.— , .A ., NTS; in the latest and Most fashionable and_Lthatachoot directors slid treasurers_of the achool- - fund were and . are exempt front serving - c " ,3 ' si Y 4 ' s ' a ' the fiii-est-Tl f sl t it " d tian " is such collectors, within the mean' r,. s a id Cassimeres. of every color and shaile. also of Ink, of Linen, Ducking and' _Cottons. " VESTS, of SECTIoN 13. That the superintendent of beautiful fancy. patterns and ,silks richly ~ ' ethonschmils be authorized and directed to figured. Also, White Marsailes, Satins, 'and c re Velvets, of every descriptioe, made in elegant R ay out the . state appropriation to the respec manner. BOYS CLOTHING, of every (lis ten; school diatricts, for this present settool cript made up in good and tasty ,stvles. year, in all cases where bona fide efforts have been made to comply with the provisions of Ajar ge assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing g o ods, consisting in extra quality linen-boson] the law requiting the schools to be kept open Shirts. Suspemters, Gloves , Half Hose, Col four months, 'but failed from want of teachers Jars, Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, and an or timely knowledge of the late law, or other extraordinary assortment of black satin and cause which shall be deemed just and satisfac tory to the sup.aintendent.fancy Setradjustine• Stocks, and various other ..- HENRY K. STRONG. - fancy atticles; too•eiler with Umbrellas. Trunks, Speaker of the House of RePre,,entalives. Carpet Bags. Ha/', £vps, Bards arid Shots. My WM.. M. !HESTER, - -Goods-are selected and purchased under the speaker if the senate. most favorable circumstances. "wick Sales . AI i PROVEO—The eighth day of May, one Sm thousand eight hundred and fifty-five. d S e ter " mi l n l e ( I I 'l tec is a t r; i . Bal out, "y . a a a the st h if' ll l,lo 1 1 1 1 scll t t ! ' sa ir a e in r ; - : JAS. POLLOCK. Clothing; Emporium in York street. A personal . examination can alone satisfy customers of the cOmprehensiveness of my stock, which I am selling at least 20 percent. towel than can be found at any of my com petitors. MARCUS SAMSON. N. B.—All Goods-Nought of me will bees changed if they do not prove satisfactory. " ' Gettysburg. May 21, 1855. .'Ex-Passof .Sr' FILLMORE. —A con espondent of the Buffa , Democracy -(a whig paper) as serts that/ .iPresident Fillmore was initiated into the O 4er of Know-Nothings, at his resi dence, in that city, in January last, by a com mittee appointed for the purpose, whose names he gives. The Albany Evening Journal, in commenting upon this statement, remarks that Mr. Fillmore was fuFinerly an ardent anti-ma sonic politician, and, was of iginally elected to office by that rarty. ENGLAND AND SIIKIIICA.—An able nitiele in the last number of the IVestmintser Review, upon the Constitutions and Governments of the various countries of the earth, says that it is "no longer England, but Me Aura American Republic, that has become the pole-star to which, from all sides, the eye of struggling xlations turns." A significant admission to come from an English source. • BOUND FOR THE PRNITENTIART.—We see it stated that the -good people of Walden, Vet.- tnobt—not satisfied with having voted down the Know-Nothings at the -recent election—, have arrested the leader of the order in that town, and have had him bound over fur viola ting the statute law of the State, against the administration of extra judicial oaths. Ile ,is to be tried in June. RATHER. WINTRY.--The Albany (N. Y.) AT gu's. of Wednesday, learns from a gentleman who came from Clarksville, Albany- county. N. Y., the day before, that th ere are snow drifts in that neighborhood eight feet deep. U7' he fire department of Pittsburg have bought a Steam fire-engine •of Mr. Shank, of Tr7'Amid the pievailing cry of hard times it is a consoling reflection to note that hens con tinue to lay eggs at 121 cents per dozen. Oa - The main line of the Pennsylvania pub lic works will be offered for sale at auction, in Philadelphia, on the Nth of July. EL7 - s Plt I NIT httA, begun in earnest, and unless the equinox conies and spoils it. we shall :men ha ye the trees buddmg end the birds singing. In the meantime, gentlemen could scarcely do better than to prcivide themselves at t3ll(e w ith spring clothing. They will find the be.t, cheapest and most fashionable-garments at Itockhi II & Wilson's store. No 111 cheinut street, coruur of Franklin Place, Phila. mar 26. 2ux Eig"CERTkIN Cwu von EnYniPeL tS, FlDLl.rnr4lt's 3IENT AND PlLLN.—Remarkable ilDitanee of the efficacy of these Mediciues.—Charles Martin, Anthony-street, New York, was afflicted for three }ears with this disease. large blotches, purple, came out on his face, and different parts of his body. which very much irritated the system, and thus caused a derangement of his general health, al . though he tried many reputed remedies, nothing would cure him. Five weeks ago. he bought a quantity of Holloway's Ointment and Pills, and he has just Informed Professor hollowly, that heis_perfectly cured, and his face and com plexion are as clear as possible. • MARRIED. At Santa Cruz, April Ist, by the Iler. Wm. S. Turner, 11r. THOMAS PILKINGTON, of Santa Cruz. to Mimm MA RY CAROLINE GALBRAITH. formerly of .I.laom county. On the 15Th iumt.- by Rev. I). I). Clarke. Mr. M. VAN McDOWELLc.of Franklin"county. to Aim LIANN.kII 31A1tGAILLIT HILL, of Adams county. DIED. On the 12th inst., Mr, ,ABRAII AM ALBERT. of Mount pleasant township, Adams county, aged 84 years 11 months and 2 days. On Wednesday last. in Littlestown, after a protracted ill pegs, MARY EAItLIART, in the 59th year of her age. On the 4th inst., Mr. JACOB E. EYSTER, of !Senders villa, Adams county, aged 27 years 5 months and 9 days., On the Dth M.A., near Arendtsville, Adams county, Miss ANNA MARIA, daughter of Thomas Bittle, aged '22 years 10 months and 17 days. . - On the loth inst., SUSAN LOUISA. daughter Of Mr. Dan iel Lashe l l, of this borough, aged 2 years 2 mouths and 5 days. On Wednesday last, MAIIIkAItET ELIZALIETU d lush ter of Mr. Daniel Lashelt, of this place. aged 4 years 5 months and 7 da.ys. On the 7th last , in Macomb, M'Donough county, Illi nois, of Typhoid fever, Mr. WM. J. PACE, in the 49th year of his ago. T.l)c Corrected from the latest Baltimore,York&lltulocer papers BALTIMORE—FaiDAT LAST. Flour, per barrel, $lO 81 toro 87 Wheat, per bushel, 2 55 to 2 75 Rye, 44 1 45 to 1 60 Corn, it ' 1 03 to 1 06 Oats, di . 65 to 68 Cloverseed, " 6 37 to 6 62 Timothy, "3 87 to 4 12 Whiskey, per gallon. 38 to 39 Beef Cattle, per hund., 11 50 tol3 50 Hogs, 44 6 75 to 7 50 Hay. per ton, 22 00 t 024 00 Guano, Peruvian, per ton, 50 00 ir ANOV it it-TUCKS DAY LAS? Flour, per b 61., from stores, $ll 00 -Do. " " wagons, 10 25 Wheat, per bushel, 2 40 to 2 55 Rye, 4t. 1 37 Corn, 41 95 Oats, 44 62 Cloverseetl, " 5 25 Timothy, " 250 Plaster of Paris, per ton, 6 50 TORK-PRIDAr LAM? Flour, per WA., from stores, $ll 00 Do—, , from wagons, 10 25 Wheat, per bushel, 2 50 to 2 70 Rye, 1,4 - 1-40 orn, .i_ , -4 ,i5 Oats, '' " 60 Cloverseed, Timothy. " Plaster of Paris, per ton. . Wall Paper. -r-ETJTAR--4ZII-T - 7444 - 1 4 1*-3- 11 - , t"a-" l "rtticul-i 4 -- CTIN - P1.1: 7 anri ntfw - r — S,Thaur Is ~ne vt• en House-keepers and others, who intend dirt styles,'.) he had cheap at fitting up their houses this spring, to his ..tock Arr i , 9. SC 11 IC K'S of Side,.Ceilirg and Border Paper. :11;iy frt. . _ T r 111 :, A'hnulrferat, &e., Shad, 1100T.1-TOEq fur 311.. at the Intvect prosta 11 du.; iirrn,i 7 ., in t... ii:o al l: at E1 . ..1NV - 61, ZICGLER'S. i F.I I IANCEL ZILGLZR'S. .. Standard Lutheran Books. H E Lutheran Manual, on Scriptural Prin ciples; or the Augsburg. Cwifession.— Llustrated and' sustained, chiefly by scripture proofs and extracts front standard Lutheran Theologians of Europe and America; together with the Formula of Government and Discip line adopted by the general synod_ of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the-United States. By S. S. Schinucker, D. D., one vol. 12 mn. • . Life of Martin fioher, edited 'by Rev. T. Stork, I vol. 8 vo., elegantly illustrated. Kurtz's Manual of Sacred History, transla lated by Rev. 0. F. Scheaffer. 1 vol. N mo. The Selig'letters of our Departed, by Rev. F. W. Anspach, 1 vol. El too. Life of Philip Melanothon, translated from the German, by Rev. G. N'. Grote-I. The t'bildren of the New—Testament, by Rev. T. Stork. Also, New Publications Of the leading book publishers, regularly received, and for sale at publisher's prices. The following just received : , Family Prayers for each morning and even ing in the year, with reference to appropriate Scripture Readings, by Rev. J. Cumming. Cumming's Signs of the•'l'imes. A large assortute.nt of School and Miscel alneous Books, Bibles-of every description, Blank Books, W riting Papers and Stationery,, for sale at low prices, at the Bookstore o f May 21,1855. - KELLER Jill FITZ. "Quick Sales & Small Profits. " THE subscriber would most respectfully inform his friends and the public general ty, that he ie carry - " on the ‘2, CARRIAGE-MAKIN G ness at the old stand of Leonard Stough, - East end of York street, Gettysburg, where he, has on hand and is prepared to man ufacture, at short notice, liocka wn ys, Boat- Wagons, Buggie4 § - c., all in the best style. both of—finkh and materials. He has also on hand a'numher of SECOND-HANDED CARRIAGES, of all descriptions, well done up, which he will dispose of low. REPAIR ING done at short notice, and at the lowest living rates. Country produce taken in ex change for work. JACOB TROXEL. May 21, - 1855. —4m List of Letters I - ) EMAINING in the Post Office, at Get. It., tysburg, May 14, 1855. Ready-niade Clothing, Bear David•••• • L DeWitt George B. VERY CHEAP.• lirhtly John L. 1 1., Homan Miss Elizabeth rst FORGE ARNOLD has just recerved at ""Berns Wilt* Linn Willit•s . • vr his Merchant Tailor Shop, where he . has Butlt•Allikantiel• ' McGinley&....A. experienced workmen constantlys 7 .ntyed, S vt, CassetW iI I iam Maki tipert making up, an extensive aqsortmeraN lack, - arl...E. Mr- 11. 14,MThrisaac • Blue, Olive, Green, Itreth a k 04.. cl are t Culbison Thiricat :"rbenielNichlos FRENCH CLO C, - stiiikant for* the seagtrn • Corilley Richbli," Rex Charles also, a large sto f plain and fancy Cae rover Eli • - Rick road Mr. merea, Tweeds, Cashmeretts, Summe%C.assi. j Eakins Cljftrm Stevenson Alex. metes, Silk, Satin, and every variety of plain Etker Attend - Esq. and fancy VESTINGS, Linen Drillings, j Eyster & son Messrs.Suider Mrs. Ann Maria Satteens arid Dress Goods, of every kinds for 1 U. S. Stover George - B. men's and boy's wear. Constantly on hand, i Feck Joseph S •ot.t David R. alarge lot of READY-MADE C LOTH IN G, ,• FonLey M rs. Elba_ Sheaffer Daniel and on short notice will make up a garment at Forney Marl Wisier Miss Eliza . .7 .- * any time, The Clothing is all of our own - ! H4feigh Miss Sarah Young E. E. making, and will warrant them to be done in Yeagy Leonard the very best manner:- And as to the prices, we challenge competition. Our Cloths, Cas simeres, &e, are unusually cheap. Give us a.call—our object is to please. ‘.Quick sales and arnall . protits," is our motto. April '2, 1855. ern GEO. ARNOLD. Removed a Few Doors South ofthe Old Stand. ;IH. SKELLY respectfully informs his 4 ; old customers and the public Er,enerally, that he continues the TMLOBING BUSI NESS, near his old stand, in South Baltimore strert, where he will be hapny to accommodate all who may patronize hinf. - All work en trusted to his care warranted to fit and be of most substantial make. Thankful fur past fanrs, he solicts a continuance of public pa tronaze Ae—rl'he New Ynrk Spring. and Summer l'ashion3 are received. Call and see them. Gettysbniv, April 9, 1855. A. if. Franciscus, rANUFACTURERofCOTTONLAPS, WADDING'. •1'IE; YARN, CARPET CtIAIN. COTTON YARNS. LAMP, CAN EILE AND FLUID ICES, which he of fers to sell at the Lowest Cash Prices, at N. 65 Markel 61. above Second. north side, Philadelphia. [Feb. 26, 1855. 6m Stovesi - Stoves! ON hand and for gale. a .great variety of kf criok sTov ES—very cheap. Call and f3Pe thPm. GEO. ARNOLD. _ Septendser 4, 1854. riASSINIF:RES, an excellent and desirable acsrtment, selling very cheap at Aril In. JOHN HOLE'S. 6 00 3 25 7 50 EENSW ARE.—A large and complete assortment or Queen Aware poe=t received at FAHNESTOCKS &Ad. Tailoring. Gettysburg Foundry. NEW FIRM., -- 1 1 11 El undersigned, having•enteted into pat nership to_carry on the Foundry business under the firm - of WARR EN & SONS. hereby . mche known to the citizens-of Adams and ad joining counties, that we are prepared to make everything in our fine of business. We have constantly on hand, the HATHAWAY and j other Cooking Moves, the Parlor air . tight and lea plate Stones, of various styles and sizes. Pots, Kettles and Pans, and all other i Iron Cooking Utensils. Waffle Irons, Wash ing Machines, Ash-plates, Bnot.scrapers, &c. !.Castiug,s for__Mills and _other__ _Marhinery, PLO u_cm tIASTINGti of every desCription, &c. We make the Srylar.' Blocher, and differ ' ent kinds of IPithe'raiii - 7.. 6 /oughs. We have also got different patterns of Fencing and r ailling-for-Clouteferies , —Y-ards-and „ Poiches , : which can't he beat for beauty or cheapness. Kr All the above articles will be sold cheap fur Cash or Con ntry Produce. 1 trr BLAC KS MITHING still continued. BRASS CASTINGS and every thing in our line made to order. " . TH I?ESH ING MACH EVES repaired at shortest - notice. Being Moulders Outselves, I we will do our work RIGHT. THOMAS WARREN, MARTIN WARREN, I-11R ANI WARREN. • • THOItAS A. WARREN. Gettysburg, May 14, 1855. tf • "Oakeidge. o - - Airßs. F. F. siluurz, at th at delightful , L .ll "Oakridge," a few minutes walk Iron) the town of Gettysburg, Pa., win take tervor twelve City Boarders during the ensu ing summer. Tbe location is,one of the most healthful in the country ; and affords a de lightful view of the town' aid surrounding country. ThereAs a grove of majestic oaks immediately in the rear of. the bui!dimrs. Her terms will be moderate, and with obliging and attentive servants, she hopes to render her guests comfortable. For terms, address MRS. B. F. Sil II urz, May 14, 1855. 3t Getty. barg, Pa. fru-Phila. Ledger anJ Balt: f?nto copy to amount of 81 each, and Send bills to this office for collection. $5OO Apwa rd. REWARD 014500 is hereby offered for _CV such information us will lead to the de- tection and conviction of the person or persons who fired the stable of Geo: W. M'Clellan, E,q., on Saturday night, the sth inst. By order of the f;ouncil, JOHN CULP, Burgess. May, 14, 1855. St Bounty Land Claims. TIM: undersigned will .attend iiromptly in the collection of claims fur HO U NTY LANDS under the late act of Congress: Those who- haye' already received 40 or 80 Acres, can now receive the balance, by calling on the subscriber and making the, necessary applkation. JO MI B. Di+N N Gettysburg, March 12, 1855. tf Bounty Lands. QOLDIERS who served in any war of the 1J U. Stares a term no: less than ,fourteen days. are entitled to 160 ACRES BOP NTY LAN D, and in case of the death of the soldier, his widow or minor children. (if any.) are entitled to the same quantity. In cases Where 90 or 80 acres have already peen received, the difference necessary to slake up the 160 acres cr.n now he drawn. o:—Apply to the subscriber, at his (Ace. in Gettysburg, where persons having Land Warrants to sell, may obtain the highest price for them. R. G. M'CREARY. March 19, 1855. 6m you Will tneet for training and inspection at the public house of MOSPS Raffens perger, in M unt mash n rg, on Saturday, /hr 26M day (f May, at 10 o'clock, A. M., with arms and accoutrements in complete order. A full attendance is requested. By order of the Brigade Inspector. J. F. BAILEY-, Captain. C. DAUGHERTV, 0. S. May 14, 1855. Ilarshey Eliza 1 - Lirry Mr-s. Catharine W M. GIL LES PT E, P. M. Kr Persons calling for letters in the above List will please say they are advertised. Notice. TRESPASSN:RS, BEWARE!—The un dersigned, having sustained considerable damage by persons trespassing on their prem ises, hereby warn all persons against gunning, fishing, or otherwise trespassing on their premises, without their eon4ent. as they are determined to enforce the law to its full ex tent against all who disregard this notice. John . M yers, M cry -Albert, Isaac Myers, Howard Hikes, Gen. C 'monis ter, George Myers, Frederick Hikes, Elica Vale, El:as Deeter, Abraham Elicker, Jacob Shultz, George E!ieker, Christian Miller, Isaac Asper, Abraham Lichty, Isaac Hess, John Hartinan„ George Hiner, George Hi kes, Moses Myers, Ahr'in Livingston, Michael Scli.-iver, Jacob Sritzel, Joseph Snider, Joel Griest, David Herinan,ol G. Latimore twp., May 14, 1a55. 3t WITH the Cheapest DRY GOODS and GROCERIES ever offered in this place. for Cash or Country Produce. 0::!7•1 will pay Cash for BACON, 9 cts— or 10 cents in trade. 6..7-Oats and Corn wanted. IHOKE.-- April 16, 1855. AVr . t O t u t :s o n ts world,chp a and d B t o h n e r 'P i t idie 3 P i n o b p l i a s r h tirukr. that' Fattnestockg keep the prettiest Bonnets in invin.-1140 Panama, New Style Leghorn, Straw, And every variety of Summer ta - t - F i =to -- --tw-shad - - • spien- IF you waol a fine Hearer or Silk ri AT, call on PAX PON & COBEAN. Nide keel MBR E Para s (41 E. and Fans, of all 7 l prices and Tialiciea, at 8C Marion Rangers. Just from the City, Bonnets! Hats! The. Sign y" tie fled Front. illigiAßGE AND CHEAP LOT 4:IF NI AN UEL ZIEGL Eft has just returned J. from the .city with ;he largest lot of GROCERIES he has ever before opened, lo which he invites the attention °fall, convinced that he can offer RARE RAROAMS• Re has also a fine lot of HAMS,* SHOULDERS, &c; FISH of all kinds; Oranges, Lemons, and other. fruits ; Crackers, Nuts,' Confections; Segars, Tobacco, Snuff, and a general variety of everything, "frouna needle to an anchor," almost. Give him a call, dial want to buy what's cheap and good. (nr-Country -Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Play 7, 1855. Ho, This Way ! NEW' GOODS By' THE QUiNTITY. , _,_ A - XT C ON - At — O BEAN have just returned Ifrill') the City, with asplendid assortment A- of Spring 4 anima,. Fiala ft t Caps, Bout il Nhoes, of every? i description, lid price. White - Beaver Hat , Whitennst,Biack Stilt do. Panama. Canton! i'itrayranci Chip Hats, K ossie " . - ' "... and every---variet-y-oiSrift Hat. Alsf and Ladies' i3onts and Shoes, Gaiters, Buskins, Jenny hinds, .Sto. All of which wilt be sold low, for Cash, or Country Produce. May - 7, '55. New Segal. & Tobacco ' MANUFACTORY: AMUEL F ATER, Jr., would respectfully inform the citizens - of the town and coun ty, that he has Opened a Serrar and Tottarco manufactory, in Baltimore street, next door to Forney's Drug Store; Gettysburir, where he will eno;tantly keep on hand a large variety of S EA RS, of the finest flavor. and at the loweit i ing'prreil - ii.. "Of ,C H 14.1W-ING TO hACCIS '' hats the choicest kinds—all:in a capital article of SNUFF—aII of which he otters as low as the lowest. fie only asks a trial, convinced that he can gratify every taste. lle ltopes, by strict attention to business and a desire to please, to merit and receive a share of public patronage. - May 7, ISt55. • New Stock of Dry Goods TIOR THE SPRING OF 1855.— EYRE & LAN DELL, S. IV. Currier of Pourtis and Arch Pkiladelphin,---are ?oily pre- pared to, suit buyers, Witobri,Amt & RETAit., with grondi adapted to Orli wants and at the lowest N CASH Pnießs.-BLACK SILKS, FANCY SILKS. NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW SPRING SHAWLS. Novimms IN LAWNS, 13RITIs11 PRINTS, PLAID GINGHAMS, GOOD LINENS,• TABLE LINENS, SHEETINGS, &c., Sze. N. B.—Bar ins daily receivpd freitti - the Auctions of "New York mid Philadelphia. P. S.—Oil Boiled. Black Silks warranted mit to cut .in wearing. Store-keepers stipplied with those goods regularly. March.s, 1H55. 3m • TIIE CIIEAP CASH Book and Stationery Sfore, North West car. of Sixth and .Arch Sls., Phila. Great. Unrcnins In RNukx ! Poetical. juvenile. Miqcel Inneous.Standtt rd and Presentation Books, very Cheap. CITA P L It; A N D FANCY STATION ER Y. Superior White Ruled Letter Paper, $l,- 50 per Ream. Letter and Note Envelopes in 'treat variety: Weddings furnished at very moderate-rates. Cards Written and Engraved. Gillott's and other Steel Pens. Superior Nlotto Wafers, :123 Mottoes 'ln a Sheet, for 25 cents. Inkstands, Pen-Knives, Paper , ‘Veiffhts, &e. Fine Turkey Morocen Porte- Monnaies. Portfolios, Ste. Card Cases, Baekgammon Boards, &e. With a very large and choice assortment of Thy Brook.. Gam's. nissrcted Pictures, .0/baaa+, Scrap macs and Eng-ravings. P. THO'. SON. April 23, 1855. ly PROTECTION AGAINST Loss by Fre! THE undersigned infoittA property-holder 3 that he has he.pn duly appointed Agent of the PERKY COUNTY MUTUAL FIR E INSURANI:E COMPANY, and that he is the only Agent in Adams county for the same. He will take original and renew old Insn rances for said Company, which, since its corporation, in 181.3, has secured the perfect confidence. of the people of Adams and the adjoining counties, (it being authorized to effect Insurances in any part of the State.) Its integrity and ability have been fully and satisfactorily demonstrated. The gradation of rates of Insurance is adapted to the mutual interests of the whole . Company and the class of the insured' property. Every person insur ing becomes a member of the Company. and may act in the selection of officers and in the direction of its operations. - Int—Hon. Moses McCLEAN represents the members in this county in the Board of Mao , nets. C. Remit, Jr., is President...lQC( ions C MPBRI,T, Secretary. Office in Bloomfield, li p.erry county. 'X%T. McC 1, 14: A 11. Office of M. & W. McClean, Gettysburg December 25, 1854. tf Eli New Goods, AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. EORGE ARNOLD has just received kJ' from the. cities, as large a stock of new goods ss has been offered to the public at. any time, among which are. cheap CLOTHS, Black, Blue, Olive, Brown and Claret—plain and fancy Cassimeres ()revery variety— Vest ings—Ready•made Clothing—Ladies' Dress Goods in great variety—Men's wear of every description—a cheap lot of Domestics—also, Dehage, Alpaccas, Poplins, Alapacca Deha ,, e, (;ins„ hams, M. De!aims, Calicoes, Silks, Satins, Bonnets, Hats. Groceries, Queens ware, &e. &c. Being determined not to he undersold, we pledge ourselves to sell as cheap as any other establishment in this place, or elsewhere. Please call. examine and judge for yourselves. GL'O. ARNOLD. April 2, 1855. 2m PORT MONNAIE, POCKET 1300 K, AND DRESSING CASE MANUFAC. `NI R ItR „V, W. cur. of Fourth ee'r.',hetuat Phila4lphia, always on Band a large and varied ktororttnent of Port Monnaies, Work Boxes, Pocket Book 4, Cabarr„ Bankers Cases, Traveling Bags, Note Holders, Backgammon Boards, Port Chess Men, Portable Desks, Pocket-Mem. Books, i)ressintr Ch.4t.:l, Cigar Cages, &e. Isto, a oeia-ral asaorrutent or ENG I.ISH, FRENCH &GERMAN FANCY GOODS, Fine. Poeket Cutlery, li,ezori, 1147:or Strops and Gold , Pens. Wholesale, - Sec on d an d Third Flonr. F. H. SMITH. N. W. corner Fourth & Chennut Stu., Phila44. N. B.—On the receipt. ofsl. a Superior Gold' Pen will — he sent to ar.y part or the Uf.itoil States, by mail ;—deafribin - pen, thus, medium, hard, or Soft , „ [Alvil 2. 1855, 11 I)0 R' lat.:test. prettiest att.( elteaprt in town, to he I,,,ind at SAMSON'S ; from 25 cents to $ . ..t,25; and a large assortment of Citric*: PAXTON & COBFAN. F. IL SHiEth, J . - Administrator's Notice. Letters of, administration nn the estate of Margaret Bender, late of Berwick township, 1 , Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned.'resiclinz in the same ' township, he hereby gives notice wall persons indebted to said estate to-make immediate j payment, end those having claims against the 1 same to present them properly suthenticated for settlement. jI w?drier. April 23,1855. 64 Administrator's Notice. T Immo on :WNW'S IiSTATE,--140- 1.4 tent of ariministnttinn on the estate of Ludwig Gminter, late of Franklin-township, Adams county, deceased, - having been granted to the undersigned, residing- in the_same town ship, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate= to make - immediate_ paymenA t and those having claims against the WIMP to present them, properly .authenticated for settlement. BERNARD DEARDORF, April 23, 1855. 6t ". Administrator's_Notice. QARAH REED'S ESTA'rk-4.etters, of administration with the will annexed. on the estate of Sarah• Reed, late of Hilmiltonhan township, Adams comity, •deceased, hauling been granted - to the undersigned, residing in the seine township. he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said'estate to make Inc; mediate payment, and those having eleitas against the sane to present thew properly authenticated fur settlement. • WILMA 'T. REED," mintnixtrAtur with tbe With annexed. April 30, 1555. 6t . Administrator's Notice. TENRY HERRING'S KsTA I.ll.—Let telq Of adtninieetration. on the estate ot o ut elify Herring, hie ot. McSlierrystown,. Con; owago township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, re- - siding in the same place, he hereby gives notice wall persons indebted to 'mill estate to make immediate payment, and Those having claims against the same to present them pro perly authenticated for settlement. JOHN BUSHEY, ildm'r. April 30, 11:1,55. 6t Administratco's Notice. BARBARA N WZIIR'S usTATM.--Letters of administration on. tlieestate of Barbara ilyzer, Pete. of Liberty .township, Adams county. deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township, be hereby' gives notioe to all persons indebt ed to said estate ,to make iminetliate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly au thew irinied for settle ment. . JAM 1:1*$ 13 QW adr. April 30, 1855. fit Administrator's Notice. 'el AT II /MINE E. SMITH'S ki Letters of administration on the estate of Catharine E. Smith, late of :Motintjoy town• sh;p, Adams county; deceaSed; having been granted to the undersigned, residing in Mount. pleasant. township, be hereby gives notice lo an persons indebted to said estate to make ku• mediate payment, and. those_ having claims against the same to.present them properly au thenticated for settlestient. CHRISTIAN HE:IIOE% adnair. April 30,1865. 6t Administrators' Notice. TEHI ELL BRINK-ER HOFF'S ESTATE. tl —Letters of administration on the estate or JabiNl J. - Brinkerhoff, late of the Borough of, Gettysburg, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, (the first named residing in nettyeburg, and. the last named in Strahan township,) they hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate ppyment, and those having chains against the same to ',regent them properly authentieated for settinment. HEN R Y S A 1:1"ZOI V ER. ISAAC F. BEIINKERHOrr. Api it 23, 1855. 6t adners, Executor's Notice. TORN GW IN N'S ESTATE' Leiters' ttestamentary on the estate of Jnhn Gwinn, late of Monntjoy township, Adams county; deceased, having been granted to the mulersigneii, residing. in Gettysburg, - he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly anthenticr.terl for settle ment. J. 13. DANNER, Executor. May 14, 1855. 6t Administrator's Notice. LIZ A R 14711-1 811 I.;14: ESTATE-- .4 Letters of administration on the estate of Elizabeth Sheely, late of Mott nt pleasant town ship, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing. in the same township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. .10 1 .-IN HOUNVIAN, Adm'r. May 14, 1855. Gt Adminlostratorm 9 Notice. Cl Boße r k; greffinTws ESTATE.— kJ . Letters of administration on the estate of George Eicholm, late of Tyrone township. Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, (the first named residing in Reading township, and the last named in Tyrone township,) they hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment, and those having' claims awainst the saute to ',resent them properly au thentimited for settlement. siNGLKTos Err ilourz, JOHN EICHOLTZ. May 7, 1855. 6t .rninsinintratarx. Exec°lvo' Notice. WILLIAM CAUMAN'S KSTATR, Letters ,testatifffntary on the estate of William Cashman, late of Strahan township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, (the first named residing in Menallets township. and the last named in Strahan township.) they hereby. give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment,-and those having claims against the same to present them properly au thenticated for settlement CHRISTIAN CASHMAN, 'GEORGE CASHMAN. May 7, 1855. 6t Executers. SODA, Sugar and Water CRACKERS Ginger Nuts, %nich and Jenny Lind Cakes. (a new article, and not to be brat,) for sale, cheap, by the pound or less. at April 24. GII,LESPIE4S, OAPS.—Fancy and Common Soaps, in 0 endless variety, to be had (-heap at E. ZIEGLER'S. ROOMS, Brushes„ and Backet4, fnr late 4 at' E. ZIEULER'S.__ "kr 0(r will always fina 21.n:y nt Gentln - cwri's, Ladies' and Children'+ SFIOK•S t PIXTON & , .. To Dri d ge llitultidori, S - RAtED - Pliip - katinvitt.4 teeetiiifitTite office orthe COrninfosinnOs of Maws cf.anty. until Tiesubtsb4ile29lli inat;. - fOr build-- infra WOODEN iittiliG,Kecroinßatutodtan creak. on the road lesiiiii from tlettysbilrit to Harrisburg. near Peterstharg. (Y. S.) The Bridle. is tn'be of ow' Span, :5 reet, and haft& atter the , style of the- bridge across Rock f creek, on the road leading fives Getty.itherg to": Hanover. , 'Plans and specifications fer the Bridge ran he seen -by persons wishing to bid, en the day of kiting, or by application to 4:'Atiatii:r- - BAUSU, Clerk to the.Boani of Gornmissioners. ' JOHN MICKLEY,. • JAMES 1. W I LLS., Cower*. ' G KO. ht Y51.04.'-'' ' T ... • Attest-4. &venue/won t Cie** " ,-, • . . _ May 7. 1E45. ;td • , ' , • - Notice to Tax-Payers.. NO'1: y 1V on i ll char ih Coro.' i h s e s iv ien b e r rs gi tv:;l maR9 as Mate merit of floe per cent: upon all State , anti Ceerer ty Taxes assessed for the year 1356, thitt shall be paid to Collectors nri or before Sat urday the 23d do • - If June fiat and Conte-, tors are hereby required to make surit'abate... ment to all persons paying oat or before' Said' day. iter-Colleerom wilt be required to eall tax-payers on or before the aboVe , date. and pay over to the County Treasure/ on or befors, Tuesday the 26th day 'I./sine. next, otherwise • no abatement will be allowed. yap—Collectors are reqeested to pay' otter to the County Tre.;astircr, on or hefore Mendaji the . 15th day if ii 4 tirit next, all Taleithat way has,' been-paid up to that time. • 137 order of the CommiaSioners, J. AIJOHIN DAV GH, March ga, 186.5. The heat System of doing Business' IS ulivays to _sell tt good article ( tolgive ea: 1i customer the full value or his stoney.' that manner you will always vire saiiifaction' and •sectire it customer in fitture:.- Getalemen who wish, 14 ,, b0U SUPERIOR, C-A-R,RIAGE, „" , mute in the moat f a shionable lad of the beet materials, .should opon the. under-. signed, as 'he defies :ass Jather ,SSairofaciorrir to . produce a 'better. Carriage atiLanyltfice. " o::rOrders from-a' distance' thankfully' re-, ceired, and. promptly •attendet to:. liqnstript-- don.. at short notice and on - reattoritdAr,it.sms.: (Country_ prod sea : taken 'in esti e hrilWfari work. . -t741,120: --; York Mreet, - npp - as' the - Wee Gettysburg May 7, 1134.5!, Manure ,Eicarator., fr HE subtreriher, having purchnsiTh' 1 Patent Riled of }HIRSH'S PATENT: M AN URN EXCAVATOR fox elk& Album, county excepting Oxford,Conowatto. lllixtwiek and Mountjny, townships, Wm •01 otter the, machinett - or township rights, as pyrehati,Sti ti may prefer. The EJteavator also answers art admirable ptirpose in unloading hey, by' hrirtty power, requiring but nne horse and two hse.tit to unload a load of hay _in ten minutes, hod: carry, it to the highest -part of the baro. The, attention of limners is,insited to this trainable : itnprovemtint, as it is one of the cheapest and most useful egricultural iraplementr ever 'reduced. H. G. CARE. Gettysburg, May 7, 1355. Ent` • Carrthges Buggies ! F undersigned take this: method- of , in.i: forming their friends and the puhliarm... erally, t h at they lisse,entered into parinership .: in the Carriage .making business, and anS,pie.., pared—at their establishment, in East. Middle," street, one and a half squares from Daitimniir street --to put up CA R lAG ES, II U GGI Ste., in the very best, winner. • Thetr they are determined, shall not be surpassed in; the place, either for beatityor durability—ind, their terms-will be as early as at any other Pito, tablishment. p Repairing done low umf short notice. D. B. LITT4E,• J. A. LITTLE. G'ettyrbtirg, Feb. 26, 1855. ' _ Spring & Surraner, Goods. ARNOLD has. just returned from the 4 1 with the LARGEST., 0 3 CHIC 4, PEsT STOCK of SPRINT* gz . !$l l 11 N;R GOO D 8 ever before - offered 'lp. the : citizens of the town or county. consiititig in part of French Black, Brawn, filue - and , Olive CLOTHS, Fancy and Black Cassiniere4 lossimere, Marseilles and other VESTING.,: Tweeds. Kentucky Jeans and , Satineta fur Men's Wear; BBREGFA Brrege Dtiaines,' Maus De Lanes, &e.. for Ladles,. Wear., AI-. an. a lore and splendid assortmer m t of DON- . NKTS, Parutolit, Men's Canton,' Straw' Palm Leaf HATS. , ' He invitee all to come and exarnins.hin /kiwi; of Goods. He assures them he will sett 30 per cent. cheaper than any house in town. April 2, 1855. . , Samuel M. fltreutcheop - • 10' O. 536 North Front Street,*cibove Marlon,: 11 and N. E. Corner ,F'rotit and Maiden. Si,.' Philadelphia, MILL•W RIGHT and BURR MILL STONE MAN ill FA CT WIER. — Sole Proprietor 'of-Jourisosis . highly approved and'' much improved Saint and _Screening .Vaeltines., also, Improved iron Concave Bran Duster, the Premium Machine for Millers ; Irons, Smutt Machines, Patent Lever 'Mill Bush and .Stretched and COMMOiI Square Meshed Bolting Cloths, from the* most approied Manufactories, al ways on hadd,made up and- put on to order, cheap and warranted. March 26,1855. 3m Diamond Tonsor. .IOHN W. TI P'I'ON, Fashionable Bar. ber and Hair Bremer, can at all times be found prepared to attend to the calls of the. poop le, at the Temple, in the Diamond. adjoin ing the County Building. From long eipe rience, he Litters hhuself that he can _go through all the ramifications of the TOON°. rial Department with such an infinite degree of skill, as will meet with the entire satisfaction of all who may submit their chine' to the keen ordeal of his razors. He hopes. therefore, that by -his attention to business. and a desire to please, he will merit as well as receive, a liberal share of public patrorotee. The sick will be attended to at their private dwellings.% Gettysburg, Jan. 8, 1855. tf • Now ig the Time. SWEAVER respectfully announces to . the Ladies and Gentlemen of Gettysburg and vicinity, :hat he has resumed the.Dagnsr. rentype business, at the old stand, in .Chant bersbarg street, where he will be happy to re ceive visitors desirous of securing perfect Diuznerreotypes of themselves er friends. Being furnished with an , entirely new and costly apparatus, he is prepared to take pieturel in every style of the art and insure perfect satisfaction. AtEir nmrges from 50 cents to $lO. tar H 0 ,114 of ,opettting from 8 A. M. to t P. M. ste-tn dress avoid light , red, blue, or pur ple. Dark dress adds touch to the beauty of the pietdre. Sept. LB, 1854. tf I A DIES can he so pitlied with Pvery variety 4 of DRESS SHOES. by ealtioff at PAXTON & COIMAN'S. El