The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, March 12, 1855, Image 4

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.sa ~,..:: S ..
-- .. -- Iti,,NttPAcTtiRER AND
• - • I, sarety Patent 'Still:ire Upright
SoNi r e Go,! .. .. , 1 Wood Box ',latches,
Ml'. Lrigh, n member of the New York Lo- i .., '
..i'ci. : lo6 .North Fourth St. (abuve Mace,) Philo.
gisla t a-re. ree.ently renounced "Know Nothing-1
ism; in The following.inngnage,:— . . ALATCH ES having heenme an i iul Is pe inia
-1.-.3111;.14.,,em ; 1 came h ere , en d stan d w ere) .ivi. hie -article, in' house k eepi rig. lite sole.
piu: Vie represeniatite. of 50.000 men, -1 -(16 scriber after a great sacrifice of time and ineney,
is enabled to offer to the Piddle an article at
lint' Airise - lierc - as the representative Of a bind i
once combining Vilify and Thu11) 7 1614. " The
icf, irlianitht consPirators, who assemble in'the 1
thiili Inn& (in Secret balls. barred 'end bolted, inventor knoWing the danger apprehended on
anti sewinedot ) 11 . 1101 good nun , are . at , the i account of r the, , flimsy manner in whirls
bitiiilt . fietteth.`or . engioretr in muSnits of:honest , Matches are generally parked in paper, has by
in - Mary; or works of ' . benevol eure end. mircy.l the aid of New Steam Nfachi'nery.of his own
•-ftr What I say, Mr. Speakei.',l-do not Wish i iventin,n. sneceeded in getti no. e p a ,ti Al.' ET V
to ln:ltlitilersiood us detionneinc , -alfwbo below. , ! is %TENT SQUA R E 1.; PR it.; HT WOOO
to this, Ordee. -114 did q;0;' .. 1 Ifinuld denounce BOX ; this Ems is .fits preferable, in as numb
IfisSelf : and eertniniy' a - man. shonld respect !hit it occupies no morn room than, .the old
hi mm .ifi..;:t 4.i 4tho n . i er y many i nb d . „ j i t iri ens _ round wood. hos, and ains hl Imit Two
t4mie: OP the' 'very hest)--.trha urea, attached to . Hundred • per,,Cent.. :co newMatch.s. 'm h kit to
that•organization4 an d it, was-nu ier the infill _ Shippers ist considerable ad ya tibiae .; it -is on
es* ,of, some -of :these. my
,warm personal.: tirely new, and serum mpinst moiaturo and
triendi,,that in an unguarded moment, I cor i_. spontaneous comlnistion, and dispels all clan
ger on
fleeted myself with the Order. Butt, as an transportation by nteart4-of Railroad,
atonement, 1 this Capitol and before the • Sl'Painh"at (Sr "" other mode of Conveyance.
fret representatives of a flee people. and in the I These Matches are packed so that one prows
be Shipped to any part of the
sightof hPitren; under the American in that ' "r "' re r "
nowrproudly wavesover us, and in the presence ' World AV hl) perfeei safety-, They_are, t h e
I . most desirahlo,ariicle for I loom Consumption,
of the great- Washington whose, memory
Sonihern and Western. Markets, that
revere; before .w.hOse POrtruit I -now stand, say, .' 3" ii I l iq
that in doing so, I did a dishonorable act, of ha ve ever been invented. .
which I most, heartily repent, and ask
.the I DEAL lilitS - n -- -nd' Sill PPE - IN will do well
country ~ .7to- -; fiirgive' me ;
,;,;nd. I here'.. b e f o r e to call
, prid eta mi ne for thentsel ve.,.
/4eayen amLniy canntryinen declare. In v;Self at,- .1 1 1*: ,- 7 belie' Matches are IVA It 1?.1 N'l'L l l) fel
- tiq' t i,:Tl
.Ir9iii . ' all 'Ocantectien with . and allegiance be Peri" In ( 1 "1/ 141 " 1 -r Isereti!ifwe Yfri . Pd It) llie
I,9.,ole!liateiit. _ Public. JO FIN DONNELLY,
~' ,A'.ho4`ce others who arc now restrained+ 106 Nrrlft - ,Pourlk St., Pltilad'a.
frotn,leaitry , the Order by the promises ori December 18,185 , 1. Si4B. •
:4 'ol.,s::tjt - f,y, i c 'tsVO taken, will' soon learn that a
,Vonti'Se or bob to do that which iN UllitlA iir
,111 i, is neither legally - iior morally bind
i9g,„'lltey will ;then hasten to repair the in
jory.„they 'did lathemselves and to society
wheii - they heeaute Inembers of • this proscrip
tive and anti-republican Order, by'renolinaing
I heir tneinbep;hipmid ,usin ,, ,tlieirinduence to
prcvent kis': diecting „ any -further Inisehief to
the coun try. '
... -
Er:el? tr,ED. 4RTICLES.-
Know Nothing . Objects and Tactics.
- It is'said there is mare rejoieing in-the -Know
'Nothing wigwams over the init int ion : into "the
Order' a one ileitinerril, then there is over that
'or ninety and-nine Whigs who need no renova:
tin , . e' 'process to, render them, enemies td popular
,We readily•believe.this. The.
great, object ofthe founders of K n'ow-Nothing 7
ism issodistracraUd - prostrate the Democratic
party, and_thereby destroy it -influence'end
crush its power.,,,,To . .accortiplish, this, they
have - not strut plefillo •tty the worst and
ttaist: ?Malignant 'passions and fpreintlices in
man's' nature;_and rather than fa+ ,
il in their on
hay •purposes, they' would- willingly array
against citizen in war of races or of
creeds. .They know that a large majority of
the federal party will.cheerfully obey their h e ..
bests: and follow where they lead, but to pros-.
:!1,; - ten, , detnocrat, and by his defection weaken
The democratic party, they would traverse
tiothbeaven and earth, and leave nu stone un
turned. :•
Bitten: Sikh bold. bad men,.in a_ free and
enlightened country like ours, sueeed in effect
ing their nefarious designs, and in trampling*
upon the '..'Ci‘dand:' religions libertieS of it oti
terpos andtesi wet able body of citizens;? Will
.the_people aid in elevating to power hosts of
cotript„,and broken-down politicians,, * and,
windy . and . hypeeritical clerical - deMagogues,
.1010,only flatter to deceive and who only seek
for.puiver that.they may betray ?, they
perolit the old 'Democratic party, whiclt haft
faithfully advocated their interests and jealous-
Aygnarded their rights for .rnote than three
quarters, of it century, to be, prostrated and
trodden, underfoot. by horde of selfish and
unprincipled men, banded -together for a corn
nten put pose and . bound to secrecy by wicked
and unlawful oaths ?. .-No; God forbid the
dieople", may for a time be .deceived and led
"astray, erring thro' ignorance and not from any
ware of patrionsin. but when reason shall have
- . resinned its "sWity, and the "sober second
thought" sluill,inflinnice. men's .conduct, the
reaction' will be terrible: Then wHI the dcm a
tognes: who hive Sought to win for thernSelveS
, lumnts apd. power by:pandering to the baser
'passions of Litman nature, bigotry and intoler.,
;tineg.,. be driven back into'their original insit , -
licance, and' their'riames.eonsigned to merited c '
oblivion, dr only" renieinbered wins loathing
and Contempt., "
With , the disruption and prostration of
Know-Nothingisnr; thou again will 'file Demo
cratic party, purged of its rotten and Unworthy
members, and restored to its pristine strength
and purity.' go orri-as in days of yore, Conn:net.-
ing and .to conquer, advocating and defending.
as it has al WayS done,..the.rights end interests
of the peOple; as well as the true principles of
republics nisin.;---Cardx/r Veiun7epr.' '
Know-NOthings of New Illunpshire
havgaiontinated for (;o•ertior, ftalph,Nleteal ph.
Will it he, believed that this sameiindividual,
now 'the nominee of a party bwnd by secret
oaths to war against citizen tin account of their
.religion;,ftettially voted in 1832 for- the follow - -
.ing resolution
.102:solved ' by Abe ~Senaie' a tidllonse of Ilep
-resentatives in (iimeral Court convened, That
,the pi oYi.iiints of our State Constitution com
monly called the Rclitrioos l'es/, which nutkes
,tha-pitifession of a certain religious faith ail e -
renlialipialijicalitorfor certain offices, is aidjuso,
troar.nry to Me
prt,lettt age,,aoil when the proper Lilac arrives
fur agnin .CTO I ing tt ctiiiveinioli to revise the Cott
- sl notion, we will spare no induce the
people to assent to the abilllgatiort of a prisici
ple. whic4 nhuuld find a ace in 1/o.l.,usiditu-
Oen of a free
77":?Seliator ‘Vilson. of Massachusetts, has
again, fur the third time lately. '.(lelined his
()Ti jlie slavery (int-slims. The fol
lnwing is given as a brier prOgratnine of his
-princitsies"and intentions, as hvowed during
'the late t:ACiting debate in the , Sena le, on Fri
day night week. •Ile wishes the fugitive act re
pealed: ,slavere' in, the District of Col niatita,
abolished ; lisoriso esTaliti , he.l :
all new slave Fates excluded : all e4.11;1;e•I
between the general governinent and slavery
ii ) .o)imtied, and agitation of sl.lveny Clintintit
mad then: ohjecip; ;41V ar,eoelplizOlill. lie eli
4(•rslatpis theNe vietks ts, col reaiio , ;(l With tho , c
of the Kiaw-N in king, as a part v. :40 far
they ha‘e taken any laisition on the question.
L7.7 - Thc Moniiitt , lie, (rid tx111;.; over iv Eli,
Nothing victoty tehieveii in C
hi ll Cu., Pa.. IA the tclitor aware thin. tiin• Of
th e
s jiv.tiees of the Peace elected
xs an i.4hri - nin. but n turf (4 Erin. 11, I a
t .,id eat ( 4%1 1 .1 i; aholis. t-lvv - yeto ~:•
tr y And ir:he -o nlvaty lit all the
iia .iiralized citizens of Johiev.ov.ii
Kinii.v-Nothing ticket. f Th.ese la I : , rn i
inr to ill thitrale the
lii(;11 our neighbor boasta.—//ar,,,bu,•g
Prit nsy I v.:1(1i., Tem perartee.
—down on" the iir,tutititory
Notititiv.h. It
!,i1, 1 1 0 ,1 on ift , tto.lit tta,-y ..i.vjui:-rd It ~ vr,l ll ,i
3411,erl . vre is 4,11 v. i4:4t - ot Wi
tiove rot" soma titAtte thougitt the Truq.,.,
rittet. qui.;stiol; .s politic d in.ichine, and ti,„
York i'eurtsylvaciau gue, At towards
the suppobillon.
• :aches ! Matches!
French Trusses,
wricnisq i:kss T 11.0: 2); oubloks
_ For the Cure of Hernia or Rupture.
AC Feti 6 tiv EDG El) by the highest flied
leaf authorities of Philadelphia,- incont
pardhly'sitperior to any other In iNe. Suffer
ers .vial' he'l.;ratifted to learn that rho occasion
now offers to procure not •oniy the /Wired anti
infest eusy,but os durable a Triism IN any other,
in lien of the cumbrous awl uncomfortable.arti
cle; usually sold. There is difficulty auto
ding, the fitting, and when the pail i u located,
it will retain its position without change.
Persona at a dtsta . nce unlit& to edi on the
subscriber, can have the Truss sent "to any
address, by remitting RV' DuNnrx for the sin
gle TztAss. or 'Pen for the double—with mew:-
ure ,mund • the hips and Bt2tliip; Side airt.,CtPd.
It will be-excluinged'to suit it not • fitting, by
returning it at once, unsoiled.
For sale only 5y the Importer.
Car: Twelft kiifr trace Philadelphia.
L A ntER, regiiiring thel . ienefit of Alechnn•
ieal Supporfr, owing to derangement of the -
ternal Orirans, of the Womb,
Vonat, Ptilmifmaey, Dyspeptic, Nervous and
Spinal Weaknei3s, are informed that a emnpe
tent.aild experienced Lvov will be in atten
&nee at the itooths, o, , t_apriri for' aid). caltht-
Rite wie,) N. 111 TIN street, first
door below
_Race. - [July :1, 1854. ly
yirateheNi, Jewelry, •
Silverware ir "Wm?, Voods.
ja:),puk Choice Assortment of thel'inest
for Sale at the Lowest - Vasil Prices, at
Wan. i 3. Eltonheadvsl,
Between Pine and Union, West side, Pk lod'a .!
rim E assortment etribtaces a Large and Se
" lect - Stfielt - iif I ,4 iiieWatches,Jewelryilver!
Ware, Jllbata 14'are, plated wills fine Silver, in
Spoons. Forks, Ladles, f'r.—Jet Goods, ; Fans
awl, Fancy Articles of a superior quality, de
serving the examination of those who desire to
procure the best goods at the Lo west Cash Prices.
„Having . a practical knowledge of the busi
ness, and all available facilities for importing'
and Manufacturing, the subscriber confidently
invites purchasers, believing that he can sup
ply them on terms as favorable as any other
establishment in either of the Atlantic Cities.
0: 0 r-Al I kinds of Diamond and pearl Jewel
ry and Silver Warn manufactiared to order,
within a reasonable tiniti.
Watalies. Jewelry and Silver Ware
faithfully repaired.
W.:11. 13. 1.31.T0N1 - 1
No. IS4 South 24 St.,
row doors ahove the 2d St. Marko', West Sido.
6 :5"1 o tlto South foiOW of the store, may
be seen the fornowi BIRD CLOCK, which
cornotailds - the admiration of the scientific and
October 1854. 1 y
Administrator's itiotice.
1 EC) G E 11 A RTNI A N'S EST AT E.—
I,( Leiters of adininist onion on the estate of
George iiartatait„ formerly of - Adams county,
Oa., and late of Cass county, in the State of
111inois, deceased, having. been ,ranted to the
undersigned, residing . in Franklin township,
Adams county, he hereby gives notice to all ..
persons indebted to said estate to make imme
diate. payment, and those having claiuisairainst
the *amen) present them properly authenticated
fur settlement.
Feb: 5, 1855. tit
Loss 1):4; Fire!
Fr unaersigned inrorni9 property-holder;
that he has been duly appointed A ! „,,„ 1 ut
the PNRIZY COUNTY M (ITU:\ 11 I? I , '
INSURANi:I 4 : CONIPANY, and that he is
the only Aff en, in Adams enmity int Ihecunte.
He Will tale nriginal and renew old insii
ranee!; for 'aid enutprtny, w Welt, 'shier 114 I ll
enrporation, in 180, has secured the perfeet
confidence of the people of Adams and the
adjoinient conntieS; (it beina authorized to
effect insiirances in any p.irt of the State.)
Its inipority and ability have hen f o lly a ted
satisfactorily demonstrated. The variation
of rates of Insurance is adapted to the nintilal
interests of the whole ConipAny and the class
of the insured property. Hvery person insur
in!,. becomes member of the Comp:inv. and
may act in the selretion of officers and in the
direction of its operations.
K7—Hon. MIKES 111cUtiv.AN repro seitts - the
mem b er s in this county in the Board of Nlati
a.zerS. liwrn, Jr., is President, and ions
Secretary. Utlice in Ellowni i eld,
Perry county.
IX M. Me(' 1,1-1 N.
Office of 11. & McClean, Gett 3 sbtiv!
December 1851. tI
Itla v Wanted.
13MISONS; th:vit4LT, ILty ill do A% ell
by railing .111 thr ,tili•-orthor,
1,111-fr, ‘O,O 1!,•-irmis Th,
higlisnit t Five %% ;II 1 11 ,,.--
irY"As he ititellik
11•1111 , d tAti., , t., II „,„„ r
p wit,r,•,"•,. ire
to tliobc from 111
lhc. 6, 1n32. U
COMEONE 4 COII EALL! —To sec 111 Ur e'
cht-ap uod,just reet-wed ivy
ATIT.NTR)N ! have n,, hmoi ‘vel 1
tielectvd stoek of tE;ils, r)5;. itek.o
and Slia•es, to which I invite ilit• attortinn
of buyeTs. So. come fh.ii
me .ita (Ippeite the Ban'..
1 ..0m 0 0 m po
T is art ESTA B LIS fi ED FA CT that ma
! .I ny persons lost money by -riot nurchasihri
__i,,nt , .1111ade__ - : 4,9rde_
_Ri T I
___ c ,,,„ (l , at ,_th e , w oi k n ow, t...H_EAT__T_ORP
rip HF: undersigned takes pleasure-4a-infr-Han- o-f—Aitrarii--A-r-re'llik-at4 - friii — stand, on it, iratOSrlintri4ly and sincer - elfil — Makyn n - f f .4. -- Irr-aertount with The-Directors ArLike-r-Peor and
of the House nf Employment of the County
Int! the Plthern n-f GellY- hang and the - -Smith East corner of the Diamond where lie the immense patronage which yoa have L
(. 1 1 ; u 4 II I I I I( 1 17.: N IPr i : s 11 %; , ht: 11 1 - 1 1 " i 'i l sj i r s eP r it o r r el ; t 1 : , : N rI : I i r . 1 1 1 . i; 7, 1 - 1
i i:s. e 7;i t o s t ie r; t e e e l i i v s ir i t ( cr ek th: r c heap es t, in - . 6 , - i t i e i t , anc „ bestowed upon my Pills. - 1 takc_Tibis oppor, i ° - Adams ,- hPirtl:t fr'oull- h " -th i rct-da y - °" 3l P' -
4.ltitity of -stating that iny - Ancestdrs were all ! uary, AD: 1854, to the first day of January,
NUEN'S EA t., at the shortest notice, and ~ American Citizet s. and that 1 entertain for all' A. D. 1855.
hi the latest possible style. - 1-1-avin., opened • Fall and' Winter - Goodq, .
e . (lor lief ore offered to the c - t i zenS of Adams
a Merehant Tailoring establishment; int:ham:-that concerns America and the Americans. the
most lively syril palhies, so InliCh so that I ori
bersi ta street, opposite the Lutheran church, county, eonsisting, in part, :19 irli if.IN s :
g k
;.;itiaßy compounded these Pills expressly to
and secured the services of experienced work- i 111-ir • rilie a c v} Brown French Cloth
:Black and Fancy uasst•
men, he leek c o n fid cn t, O f p i tti ,i,, g a n w i,,, Fancy, Felt and lleaverCloths for Over Coats, snit sour climate, It'abits, constitutions, and
ma Y favor him with
~r, you, whic h have now done,.by taking
try produce taken in exehange for work.-- i 'wires, Tweeilq, Jeans, Cassinets, &c. &rt., for
J. S. ciitAmmm u Men's wear., Silks, Mons de 'Lain?, Alpacas, prpinises in New York.
- 1 'I'}4011:15 HOLLOWAY,
Merinoes, Plain and r anev nark Flannels,
• ...,_
___ : also a beautiful assortment of Satins and Silks 38., Corner of Jon and ..I . asNa'a Six., _New York
: ;NOW !tend y. . for 13ortnets, Bonnet Ribbon, and a great- va- ,PU F? I FIC ATION OF THE BLOOD,
"L'ELI, ER KURTZ'S Holliday Stork of riety of other articles. all oil which - the public AND LIVES ANO P.ILIOUS COMPLAINTS. .
Pre rt ,,, petfully refluesacd to call rind examine The citizens of the Union suffer inueh from 0,. t .--, J.
- F%. Elegaol - v Illimiraied and Standar'd Li it
BOORS, a d al , o : 4 l r m . :( - jh r i staia ,,' and. New for themselves, lwlieving that it is only neeessa.' disorders of the Liver and Stomach, scarce N ; p i; 6 . .4.
any are free from, these s tlestructiee maladies, D,,,,.. 1 . if,
Year P resell t- , , the Drawin.r.ltoom 1.A1, , ' lI'Y In see our goods, price them, and examine, to
iudoce persons 10 110 rehase, A -'an i se h o t. o f hence life wears fast._ The fair Sex, perhaps 1 sr.": '
Szt!., a ri ,--- ni, w road} , for'exantioation. Also,.'
C ii i imitEN , B Boo l o..; ; -i a eadie , B
voriv . " ~..
Trunks also received, which will he sold l ow . the most handsome in the world, up to a cur
' AI3RAM ARNOLD. lain period when, distressing to , say, many
Kiire;'s is a perte - et storehouse -of delight fcr i lose their teeth and good looks, while yet in
the lithe ones, where they eati 'purchase from ; (1 ` . .- 1 ` ) - Iler 2 ' /85 /* '.'
the simplest Toy Book up t t o u r e h e e . n l i s o . st i mr:n. I I - ch,o i ce mad valua b le nooks.. the tieyday. of life ; such sad evils may_ lie ef
fectually remedied hy.continualiy keeping the
sive colorerfertilion. . .
__ i -- y - I-I AV E just received from Philadelphia an d blood pure. and .the Liver and Stomach in a
•: :::- ---:7:1
NE W EST A 111.1811 M ENT
101 l
December 4, 1)35 t.
List the Facts be iiikOWll. •
1111.1.1 t _ARRAN! ARNOLD - has just
tc from the Et , aern cities, with the
largest an I. best selected stock of goods for
Me-n and Boyte wear ever before offered,whielt
he is w.w making up, at the Old Stand, where
he iovitos all who wish to purchase ( LOTH
inlde of 00 0 MATERI AL,
and by flood workmen, to call and e,xansitte
stoelt ht-fne pnrchasing elsewhere, as lie
is deterolioed to undersell any clothing Store
or Hop Shop in thnlown or country.
Ila vina- secured the services of one of the
hest (177. 1 TERS in the country, lie is prepared
to make up elothirer 4lt the shortest notice and
In the hest style. I lis motto is Qaick Sales
and Small Profits,
()eviller 1854. tf
Aew Goods
‘s jost oliPtit•4l onii of the largest, 00.
tiost and di ahest stocks of 14 . t1 1.1, &
A\ INTER. 0001)S ever brought to Gyttys
at'd In- invites the public to call, ex:un
ine hurl iinige for thl.llo4rlVPS—no trouble to
sh r v (i,lolls. I Its new... Stock embraces a very
huge vuriety of
L. 4 D E.S' P,' SS GOODS.
Rite)! aq Silks, Til S,nins, Mons - Drlane; - .
Bombazines, Prenelt Nlerinoes, Deliaues,'
Aljoireas, Color; Clotha , Uinahants, Cali-'
enes, &e. &r.
In the line of Gentlemen's Wear, hn
has seleete4/- a ehonie lot, of all styles and
prices : Cloths, Unssimeres. Vestings,
nets, Keinucky .Iran~, &v. &v. •
sioeli of GOOD .5'
_is also very
fine, and Lou numerous to. einAmerate.
and ;It. •
Thank In! fnr paq'i favors, SC 1110. N
o.oitilittance publii• p.itiomue. Ile will
always voileavOr to desi.rVe it, by si!llito22ood
(;,, 0( 14. ; , ; ,,t t h e l owes t Itvil itz prints. " Quick
Niles and Small Profitb," is his motto.
October :23, 1851.
Aa a egheny glo Ilse,
280 Market sired, ahore HA, l'hiludelphirt.
C. -1. Ilessla Ltro., li-ropriel ors.
9111118 House has a cootial loeation,'on ono .
I_ of the principal thrarowlif,.res ',f the city.
No effort spared to make vibiters comfortable.
Juno I'2, 1854. ly
- - -
Pa locr-liffa atgi ings.
IVIIOLESJILE ~1 XI) 11E7'317..
H E subscribers are daily adding to their eN
tensive assortment:of Paper-Mang
iings and Borders; some new and bean
:it'll styles for their Spring sales, to which
they at, lc the attention of the trade and the pub
lic in tre uera f. The assortment efll hraces new
gold, plain and rich eplors; also. handsome
designs for Passages, Dininty [looms, &e.
Also, a large variety of common and n o
quality Satin and Common Papers, of new
and tasteful desigt'rs." Our city and coun
try friends am invited to view the assortment,
confident they will find it the largest in the
city, and prices as low, as we have ureatly in
creased our facilities, by introducing many new
improvements in our factory.
HOWELL & IMT111 , 31?8,
2u7mothuore fit., between Charles and Light :;ts
May 8, (85.1. ly
Looking Glasses, Picture Frames.
E invite the public to examine our !,o
perior stock of Plain and Ornamental
AND I'ICTU E VI? Alt ES, %V Nl)) ‘N"
COtt'lc: ES, finite NATI' T.AIILES; &e.
care ma till filet tiring every, description or Gilt
Work and Furreg 11;4,m1 Frames, Oil the most
plelsino, terms. Also, Importers of Freneh
and German Lookinir misF Plates. Old
work //e-Gill with neatnoss and • despatch.
Persoos vi'ilin^r Baltimore will do well
to evdmine nor assnrtu n ont. Offieri from the
roontry will he attended to faithfully and
M. 13 A HI? ETT ; s: BRO.. Cilthrs,
opp, , ito • • \V u,torn Rotel," 13.thimortt.
Mai• 8, IRA
Hanover Branch Rail Road.
rrHAINS over do , Ila - nover Branch road
now run fidiovo.-,
Ist Train will_leave I Linnverat 9.15 A. 11.,
with Piissem4ors for Yuri*, 11.irrisliura, Colum
bia :millolphia, alai return to Ilanover
with Pa.:o4eitgor.: from It.,Dimino at 12 M.
This Train conttertlt: 111 SO %%1111 the EkTre , ls for
ii,:ith E rnire, arriving tit-re as I V. :11.. slipping
at (flonroelt. Parl,oui and (Thelo.)•,viPp.
will leave. llatiover at 2.15 11.
N% !Ili Pas•riuffers f(ir lla arriviticr Own.
.11 t; no ; and return with Pass, cc.
vet. fr~uu Vorli.&r., at 5-15 P. :11.
:3(i Train will leave II
iiinver al I 3-I P. \I.
Pri.z.wiwers for 1 . 4,1 k ; turn %t lth
rs (row 13.tlttnt tr nt R,-.P. 11.
Tloi• lAtra train tall le.tve
Ilaliiiitore re-iaril -di 7. :1. M. °
1.:1)1VAitl) K. TUNG, .I:zent.
Hattover; 011. I Ir. I
- 311timore & Susquehanna Railroad.
\\ ( ;,E ()l '' 1101 'w .4 . — \%. 11.
I'r 1111 I s q..10)11 dl t'‘.l./ A 1;
~ 1 1.-• it
Trditt Colvcri
~I II lii n
r '• - • t 01
I%r. r41V1 . 11.!" . :t•ITIMI 11 , I". 1
\11;6.,.11, .1f
efLit 11 di icave.,
Vt.rl, It P
l':v1"i'•-•-• 1r 1 , f dvt“; at h -15 a It
A rr.s , )01, At 9. ) 1 A NI
1. \A I N (*: t: rt.:lz. svcr•t.
, 1.,rt.11:26. 1
!I \ V\ \ ~f
; t• t
• .111,1
'• dl
New Voilt, Ifie wst %nu is i andineri
can e ditions: of the lu.,t Authors in every de.
partment ItiterF.ture, known as st-tridard
Anther. of value, and BOUND IN A MOST
PEUJOit MANN Elt, in the chnice
library steles of calf extra, lialf (tali (lilt and
'Turkey Nlorormo t &c. &o:, forming
altotr,et her the most superb collection of 13o:ohs
which i have ever had the pleasure of ofTerippr,
niv numerous friends and customers; and
which, together with an unrivalled stock of
Elegantly Illustrated Works, "lam
233 1 - 1,
Pruger and Hymn" Boas, Superbly BHund
Books. and best Editions in Library Bindings,
now displayed in templin;;( array on numerous
_loaded counterS, form altogether an 'endless
variety lion) which to select Christmas and
New Year Presents, as to fully keep un imr
well-known reputation O; ofterintf . the finest
assortment of de.irable Book; in the riel.est
tind iif , st substantial hirultnEr ; The tter
si,xned invites the attention of everyllidivitinal
in Adams county to cBll and visit, now, while
the assnri went is - lull and enitiplete.
to suit the times.
K Er, Eft U RTZ,
Book -oiler and Stationer,
(7or..tientre Square.
rir 11 E sobseriliers wonld respectfUlly an
to their friends and the pnblic that
they have opened -a NEW HA R DWAR
s rOU E, in &Ninon. Strer/.. niliVining• the
r(..sideber of David Zierrier, Cellgsbur,, in whirl)
thoy aro opening a large and general assort
moot of
Tcbar—mare, 1 .-711)oc
Paints, ittils, and fiye-stniTA,
in oPneral ; every description of arti
cles in Orr. above lines Of business, to which
they invite. the attention of. Coach-inaliers,
131,1cl:smiths, Carpenters, CAinel, -makers,
Saddlers., and the public gen
err.l I y.
Oor stock having been seleeted with great
earn and pnrehast d for Cash, wt ra wrev (for
the Reedy Money,) to dispose of any part of
it on as reasonable terms as they eau be Per
chased any where.
e particularly request a call ,from onr
friends, and earnestly solicit i a share , ot public
fivor, as wr are deter.mined to establish a char
acter for RellinLf Good 4 at low prices and do
ing business on fair principles.
Gpttyshur,z, June 9, IHSI.
Look. to 1117011 V ilinterest. •
rpri E undersigned has just returned from
Philadelphia with a large and fashionable
which he will dispose of at VI':R V REDUC
ED PRICES to all who may favor him with
His astiurtment consists of the fol
RIBBONS, . V E 11.5, ke.
Also. a lot of — Groceries and Queensware,
which were bought low and will be sold low
for ('ash or country produce. To punctual
costumers a credit of six months.
October, 16, 1854. tf
1-I AVE 1/1;:110\'11) from 12'2 W est Lorn
bard street to the now, and con•modious
W a rill ou se. Ne. 11l Irest Pral I street, near
I,iLt•hl, opposite the Maltby 11,,u,e. an d w ill
continue my (;EN ERAL CO 11 I1!-4I() N
N for the saje of TOB A(`.CI).
all kinds; and will attend to the execution of
order for purehasing.
I -hall continue my Guano tprency,
having increased lacilities fnr sopplyin;; the
articlo. as usual, at the LTovernmPrit's
luwest price—the ton of '2210 ith a
moderate ch.unre of commission lot parcitabing
and forwarding'.
I am havingtpatotfartured Phosphate
of ',hide. a superior article; which I will
warrant to be pure.
I have connected with my business, and
shall at all times be supplied from the most
celebrated twintifiletoties in the Union. :1 1, 1 pT e
supply of tigrictilturallentesits.
of every arscription, warranted, to N% hieh I a•-:k
p,:rtieularly the attention of' Pr:raters ;Hid
1 rie•tite.4, by strict attention to :dl buNi
nes: conti :ell to new eharge, I shall merit tite
p a ir,,nage o' the public,
- I S uou• tuot.roti to ihr lothing business
!pip"! vol vti
EN P!;1? lEN ' El) \V OR 1; \tr.'s;
!..! - 1
I. 11
.-1 . 2 1 , •.!
111 CLvii,l co lo n „ on t ant i
1111.00 t 01\ 11 el .111 S. ()v -r
ko. &e.
(of 410111iE1.:: tintle to .)rdor. rnt
V ,tn 11. ind and for
varietv, , if o‘N 11
1.e111111,-r. u, r l i , rip fit! ",71 , ,5t. C.lll aloi
11..• \Ver'.111110; he Ili .t.
(1‘.1( !),‘r
I'2 P NI
Ino( 4, 1",, , c„1 town. to
k N':. 4 Frnm to .1
of Cstr.::s. . -
a1.)1!•,4 . 2
Dor. IR.
Mirdware Store.
llarilwarr. Iron, Steel, Crorerirs,
13.dt— N,veniber 1:31
Bead y-made Clot i ng;.
George Arnold
11. NI. r; turn Es.
;r .i 't
• iiiol2oWairN Pill .
the F,arzens o the 1771 . teitS lat e's
and resemble plants in a genial clime, where
an erKnal spring appears- to reig - n. Ifs it rc
gfirds the preservation of the human frame,
and the 4nration of life, much may he efrected,
and 1 say fearlessly, that health and life can
be pr.ilonged for mato , years beyond their or
dinary liutits, tf flulloways are taken to
purify the blood -accurdintr to the rules laid
down for health, contained iu . the directions
which accompany each box..
Copy rf al LttlerftwaVapt.jidill Jukaso.7l,3slor
Npuy lark, dated :An. 511, 1851.
l i a.FE:4Soa HOLLOWAY, 38, corner of Ann
and Nassau Streets, New 'York. Str,—lt is
with the twist heartfelt pleasure I have to in- .
form you that I have been restored:to health
and strength by taking your Pills. For the
last ten years, 1 suffered from a derangement
of the Liver and Stomach, and wati reduced
to such an extremity that I gave tip my ship,
never expecting - to go to sea any more, as -1
had tried_ every' remedy , that was_reeotriniended
.to intr, --- out all to---no purimse ; and had given
myself up to despoir, when I was at last re
curniu-e-nde:l to take your Pills. After using
them for:rhreo ntontli - S, the resultis that I am
now in belle' health than I have been for
eleven years past, and indeed as well as ever
I was in lily life. you are quite at liberty to
wake this known for the benefit of others.
I remain, Sir, yours respectfully.
•(Signed) .101-IN thiliNSON.
7','tese cciebe feed Pills are tutnzderfully rfficacious
its the fidboving
.\-thrtia rh,p.ty
. . •
1)•-Sk rri. , trula rit erComplaintF.
!i11111 , 111111 , 1 Fl•% on, of all kinds
t:Loi-ti patent of the tiout ltett9stitat of Urio•
1i,0,e1. 1 , ,,,rit la, or liing's Show and lit steel
Scoot‘l,u y Sylophon , Es 11 ' Vtow;e.ll Altection•
I‘ urns. ol all lc.' trlA NV eat; ne,,,, Ix um Nr hates et cause. •
x* *`Sold at the Establishment of Professor
UuI,I,OWAV, SO Maiden Lane, New York, and
!211 Strand, London, and Ly all respextable
Drug, , Tists and Dealers in Medicines: through
out the United States, in Pots and Boxes, at
:25 cents, 1;:2 ceuts, and $1 tlO each.
ktrl.t:6—There is a considerable saving by tak
ing- the large! siies.
.N, fo. the (guidance of pa
tients every_disorder are affixed to each I3ox.
June 2G, 1854. ly euw
eitienn of 01111151mq.
Puivermachees Hydro Elec-
Inc Voltaic Chaim"
PiONSTRUCTED to be worn next, to the
skin. producing a constans current of 1; fc-
T fißtirrE D ELECTItO :11 G NETBM—Offecl ing
Permanent cure',f ~Yeuralgie Diseases!
Pulvortnaeher's Ffiectric Chains were first
used in France,- three years since, for the cure
of .Yrrytnis Dieusts, and after heing submitted
to the most thorough trial, in every hospital
in Paris, by the most learned professors in
that city, they were recommended to the Gov
ernment of I.'rance, who granted a patent for
the discovery. During the years 1831-'2, they
were introduced in Germany, Austria, Prussia
and England, and one year since, introduced
and patented hy the United States Government.
Mos/ ./IStinliShity2 litres (V'
i:hcnmati m. SI Vitips' , llanN
Painful? 1111 Swi.llo.l Joints, Pal pit•tti,.nof Heart,
Neur.tl4i.i.of the P e ri".
De.tfri.,.. I ti Pahl, I 11111,41,0,11,
fty.terw , , ' _ t:teric Pains
Every Diseas.e. termed Nervous,
is quickly and rapidly cUred, by simply wear
int, the Chains for a it'll: hourP each day.
The ehains were tir ,, t introduced in the city
of New York, where they were exhibited to
Prof. Valentine Mutt, Van Buren. Post, Car
noehan,.and others, who readily discovered
that they pos:esQed
Strange and Singa 7 ar Power of Instantly Re
lievin. Pains,
whenever applied, and by their recommenda
tion and influence, they were introduced into
•the dillernt hospitals of New -Ynrh, and are
now in daily toe in those institutions, in the
treatment and cure of the above named diseases.
No Other Mechanical .dgent,
in the world, can produce so many well au
thenticated certificates of core, from srientic
Physicians and intelli L fent Patieniss may he
I,. nn d in each pamphlet, which may he obtain•
ed nratts at the Hrua Store of S. H. BUEH
LER. who is the sole Agent for Gettysbnyr,
and who will explaintlte manner of use to all
who may apply.
to th e city of New York, at tvne General
Office. 56R 13 mutt% ny, there are being sold
daily, from forty It/ si.rly CII.3INS, and the
sale and demand in Boston is it.; (Treat in pro
portion to the-popuh•+tion, although th e y h ave
only been introduced thr e e month,
. The CnAtNs are ca,ily worn. and are equally
applicable to all el tsses of persons, the child
as welt as the adult, and are always ready for
use—never get nut of repair. and are as Mlleh
an artiCie of 071111117ftli, as they are a valuable
means or cure. A UTION.--Laill et ho are
en(' 1 -,, ntr -are regnosted not to wear them.
Th e feelers of the Chains are $3 and $5, IP
and 30 Linhs, can he sent b . ! until. to any
part of me State. by arldrPssino - S. H. BU
ER, only Agent for Getty , .hurg.
1. STEIN ERT- 56s I:roadway, N.
Aoent. For sale in all the principal
cities in the United States.
July 3, 1851. ly
_ _
't~'.e i i ~ria~M.
T - IT. rocp«‘'cifilllv informc
tip • eld 4.ll• , •loinesk; 111)(1 thr ,
that the T.111,e) ,V#3
.1' Sat his old cztand, In Soniii
‘v l i r, r , i.e will h. II•1pov In ace, llllllo ,l,,i t s
I I)h,. in :v p :;rootzt• Nvorli ( • 11 -
trn,..rt•.l t cart` Nvarrant , (l to fir and be of
nlfal indke. '1'I1,114;1'1:I tor past
1 . :v• 7-, fit , s , l!let, a continuance of public pa-
(me- .C * 711,11,, , r
1 ,, e , 1 Vr 4 3. ( r.t.e 111L1.1.1•
" 1331.
Alex'r. Cobean, Es. Treasurer
1854—.1Rn. 3. To balancethke on set
. tlgment. 5276 74-4 .
Feb. G. Order on Co. Treasurer, 200 00 '
March 6. ~ le 64 300 00
c.. 7 . .64 14 6.4 .112 0t) '
April 1. 44 lA, ' s i 600 00 •
May 1. 11 46 , 300 00
.lane ime 5. .. 300 00
July 1. t, 4.4. 400 00
Attizust 1. " 46 400 00
Sept. 1. 46 46 350 -00
4)vt.-2. Li, 250 00
N ay.; 6. .---- "---- ---- 300 00 — ' 2
Doo. 1. 44 400 00
lEtss—.lzin.l.“ 1800 00
By Cash paid oat as failowv
M ereha n d ze. SIR 9 56
I; roeeries 399 fn
Out door pauper support,
Funeral expensee• of do 4
Men44nies' --
M Hirelings,
Female do.
Harvest hands,
Heel, Cattle, and Sheep,
Pork bilk and Stock Hogs-,
Flour, Grain and' grinding,
Payment on laud,
Stone Coal,
Executing Orders,
Publishing Accounts, &c.,
Physician's Salary,
Treasurer's do.
Clerk's do.
Direc,tors, extra service,'
Medicines, &c.,
A ttending horses,
Pay to Stinvard,
Attuiney Salary,
Balance in hands of Treacitirer,
We, the stiherihers, AntMors to-settle and
adjust the Pnb:ie Accounts, do certify that
we ha vp:eicamined the items; which compose
the above _Account, and that they are correct.
and that there is a balance of Font Hundred.
and seventeen Dollay and Forty-four and a 7"
half Cents, in the hands Of Alexander Cohean.
Treasurer—being from the third day of Janu
ary, 1851, to the second d ny of January, 1855.
A. 'l'. WRIGHT,
Samuel Cobean, Esq., Steward,
In account with. the Directors of the Poor and
House' of- Employment of the County of
Adams, bernt,r from The third day Ja'huary,
A. 1)., 1834, to the 25th day of October,
Jan. 9. Cash,
Jane 5. Cash for Wheat,
July 3: Order on ,Treasurer,
August '25.-Cash for Tal tow,_
'Jan. I,'ss.order on Treasurer,
Liz/ Cash paid out as follows :
Flog Feed,
Cash to Treasn re
Male H irelin g s,
Female do..
Cash to Paupers,
Difrairur Graves,
Stage Fare,
Wagon Expenses,
John Scott, Esq., Steward,
In account with the Directors of the Poor and
House of Employment of the County of
Adams, Wog from the twenty-fifth day of
. Octobt-r, A. D., 1854, tu the 2d 4.:ay of
January, A. D., 1855.
nv • '2O. Cash paid for Boarding, $3 90
Dec. 8. " 2 00
65 051
Ai 94
Jan. 1. Order on Treasurer,
By Cash paid out as follows
Queens ware,
V iti e gar,'
Balance on Beef Cattle,
ovv, &c.,
lanli Books,
I.lle Hirelings,
Female do.
IN,igon Expenses,
One Dray,
We, the subscribers, Auditor% to settle and
adjust the Public Accounts, do certify that
we have examined the items which conitine
the above account, and do report that :hey are
correct, and that the account as settled with
SAN:I; COSEAN, former Steward. fiout the 3d
dAy-of January, 1854, to the 25th day of Oc
tober, 1854, is square: And also the account
of J 011 N SCOTT, the present Steward, from the
twenty-fifth day of October, 1.454, to the
second day cf January, -1855. and the same is
A. T. %V MG HT, '
Feb. :G, 1855. 3t 3udifors.
Now is the Time.
CT! \V Elk Elt respectfully announces to
the I.adies aid Gontlenten of Gettysburg
and vicinity, :hat he Iti, resnittud the Dogricr
_reotype business, at the olitstattri, in ('ll,:rn
beritror street, where he will i e G.jtjtti to I,
ceive vi=itors de,ireus ot seroritn2 pr-riect
I).:. , e.trr"otvpe , et the.u:74-Iv4 .4. I,r. t r i en d....
furt,i-hed with tru entirely lII.W rind
co=t.y apparatu,, hr 1, prepared to take pictures
In every style of the art and insure ve z i ec t
Charoes from 50 reol,Q to tr• 10.
Flows of oper,t,i — fi•oto R A. to 4
Ii 4ir.t.:As rf pLr.
pie. nark add tnitrit to Ih. hp,t Lti, f
the 1,31. It
$5988 7 l
693 84
64 50 ,
177 59'
/55 00
112 87
132 50 '
92 57
1094 79
446 11
40 00
638 ea •
168 5G
95 20
42 50
15 15
41 37
100 00
40 00
40 00
60 00
10 89
14 18
'395 83
10 00
$5571 30
_ 417 4-“;
S.S9FH 79 I
.disditors - .
$3 00
10 00
100 00
.29 50
$237 50
$2l 00
8 50
13 75
10 00
30 00
6 00
133 6?.
3 50
6 00
6 75
. 2 50
2 88
$.17 50
$152 R 93
42 10
19 98
6 00
10 50i
4 14
6 10
6 00
13 65
16 00
7 60
I 753
5 Si
1 503
6 3Hi.
5 00
152 s9l
3 00