The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, March 05, 1855, Image 3

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    •11• L
tie tlepublican ttompilet.
13.11,ev. Mr. GIESY will preach in the Ger
man Reformed Church on Sabbath morning
r7We - are under renewed obligations to
Mr. McCLEANI of the House, at Harrisburg, for
L e gislative favors. Also to Assistant Door
keeper \V inTs, for ditto.
We want a few cords of good Wegil4"right
on sight." No objection to its being dry—
Blank Deeds.
"' A superior article—printed on heavy blue
tinge paper, with large and clear type, now on
hand at the "Co:AE.II,ER" Office. Also blank
Common and Judgment Bonds, •&e.
National House of Representatives, on Wed
nesday, passed the bounty land bill which had
previously been adopted in the Senate. We
infer by the report that it has been amended in
some form, but not very materially, and that
the Senate will concur. Should the President
sign the bill, it may be considered that the
homestead and general land distribution
schemes are indefinitely postponed. The vote
was 135 yeas to 39 nays. The bill gives 16U
acres to every person serving in our wars not
less than 14 days since 1790, as well as to thOse
who were engaged in - actual battle for a less
period—the widows and minor children to re
ceive the benefit in case of the death of the per
son so entitled. The benefits ofthe act are ex
tended also to the widows of the officers and
soldiers of the Revolution, and to some others.
has amended and passed the bill from the
House which provides- that for letter's going
lesi than 3,000 miles the postage shall be
three cents, and over that distance it shall be
five cents, except where postal treaties with
other countries shall prevent. The 'amend
ment further provides that, after the Ist of
January. 185 G, all letters shall be pre-paid,
and that done with stumps ; also, that letters
containing Money can .be registered, so as to
show that they have been sent, but in no in
stance to make the department responsible for
them. The amendment must, of course, be
concurred in by the House.
1D 11n act has passed the House of Repre
sentatives. at Washington. reducing the duties
imposed by the present tariff twenty per cent.
on a nuinber of articles. The final vote upon
it Was 12G to 80. There seems to be no doubt
entertained of the Senate's concurrence.
Rate.—On Wednesday night last, a little af
ter midnight, our citiiens were startled from
their slumbers by the cry of •Fire !" The
two story building owned by Mr. Join: L.
TAT& on Railroad street, was found to be on
fire, and before effective aid could be secured
was entirely consumed, with all its contents.
The lower floor was occupied as a body-nialter's
shop by PERRY J. T4TE, and the upper floor
by - 5.41E0 . 8L BLAcg.—both of whom lost all their
tools, together with two or three bodies and
some lumber belonging to Mr. Tate. The cal in -
ness of the night and the exertions of our citi
zens prevented the fire from extending to other
buildings.—The loss is total—no insurance.—
ANoTnEit---AutosT.—Before day-light on
Saturday morning last, the alarm of “fire"
again resounded through our streets. The
north gable of WARItIi;X'S Foundry had taken
fire, caused, it is supposed, by a spark lodging
in the weatherboarding the day previous,
which wascasting day; but it was suppressed
before much damage was done.
13:7Gror. PoLLocs has commissioned RUFFS
K. SworE, of Aid-de 7 Camp with the
rank •cd Lieutenant Colonel.
Lyman Trumbull, elected to the
United States Senate from Illinois, says the
'now Nothings had nothiur, to do with his
election. That spoils some of their thunder.
the Lev. - istown True 'Demcrat says
that the Know 'Sotlaing victory in Lock haven
is just no victory at all—the Democrats hav
ing elected the Judge of Elections, upon which
office the test was made.
- - - .
CC7=1.41 the sth ultimo the Know. Nothings
were defeated at the tiiunicipil election in
Burlingtou,Thwa. by 119 majority.
rims f 1 ,t . an c ec.rt itlio4last
week in Hollidaysburg .. .our friends Traugh and
Jones, of the Standard, were candidates for
office, on the Itision ticket—the first for
School Director tuna the latter for Auditor—
and both elected, beating their Know Nothing
opponents. "Higher honors await them."
&WWI*: TtlEttt 113. --The Ir hi,. State
Conventiiin of Connecticut. on Wednesday.
nominated the ticket of last year, and passed
resolutions endorsing the Know Notkin , princi
ples, a Protective _Tariff, and a Prohibitory
Liquor Law.
Nearlv all the Democratic papers in the
Union. and tnanS• of the influential Whig and
neutral papers, adopt the reasoniipi , of the
President, and—fully justify his conclusions
in his veto of the French Spoliation Bill.
7:7l'm-ern-keepers intending to apply for
License, should, hear in mind that. the law re
quires their petitidns to be published three
wecloc,--and the last insertion tea days pre - 6°4ls
,11 I • 'e
Prohibitory Liquor Law has passed appcarance and vigor of a- man of 50. He hist
the Nevr Jersey enterfA °like lu 1807.
Ont !
United States Senator—No Election. *
The Convention which adjourned on the 13th
t.,-met-on-Tuesday hist - ;—artd•Qn motion—of
:AßLES FRAILEY, proceeded to a third ballot. '
the Vote stood as follows : —Gen.
NE HILO N 55, Mr. Buy KA LE w 23. and the bal
ance scattering:: upon the fourth ballot, Gen.
CAN.reitox had 54 votes, Mr. 131.. - cKAum- 23,•
and the balance• Scattering :upon the Mill bal
lot, Gen. CAMERON had 55 votes, Mr. Btx:KA
LT:w 23, and the balance scattering : where
upon, Wm. R. Mounts moved the Convention'
adjourn until the first Tuesday- in October next,
which carried, the vac standing yeas 66,
nays 65: ,
The ballots had on Tuesday resulted thus
Ist bal. 3d
55 54 55
23 23 23
6 4. .3
6 9 8
Simon Cameron,
C. R. Buckalew,
Thomas Williams,
Jose iTton,
James Weecli, --.. "
David \Vil•not,
J. Pringle Jones,
Win. H. Irvin,
, •o
J. W. Maynard, . 5 6 ' 7
T. Stevens, , 2 4 4
K ,loy Morris, - . 2 1 0
John S. ',lacll, . 2 - 0 5
James Todd, . --1 1 0 1 0
John 13._,Kunkel, 1 1 . - 1
Jeremiah S. Black, - 1 1 1
Henry M. Fuller, - 1 0 . 0
John S. Brady, 1 1 1
John J. Pearson, - 0 1 1
Win. Larin&er, 0 0 1
John W. Howe, 2 2 1
Mr. MELLINGER voted for Mr. STEVENS on
each ballot, and Mr. MuCLEAN for Mr. BCCICA.••
LEW on each ballot. • •
Tnb: BRIBERY COMMITTEE.—The investiga
tion of the charge of bribery against certain
members of the Legislature and others, seems
likely to result fn—smuke I—as was expected
by many, because a way is always found to
plaster such Likings
. over. But that bribery
has reigned supreme at Harrisburg this winter
we believe to he a . fact, and it becomes the
committee having the matter in hand to leave
no stone unturned in order to bring the guilty
to the light—and to publish the 'testimony
they may elicit, so that the public may also
make up its verdict. l'ite . honor of the State
demands that this crying evil be checked in
the most summary 'manner.
.9 - 17 The United States Agricultural Society
commenced their third annual session on Wed
nesday, at the Smithsonian Institute, Wash
ington. Twenty-six States were represented.
Col. Wilder's address on taping the chair was
warmly received ; and in the evening George
Washington Park Custis lectured on the ag,-
ricultural character of his father, by adoption.
George Washington. The session thus open
ed with favorable auspices. The agricultural
talent assembled has been seldom equalled.
o:'Senator BENTON'S house, with many
books and valuable documents, in - Washington
City, D. C., were destroyed by fire on Tuesday
afternoon last. Supposed uninsured.
Col. Benton lost, among other papers, his
data and notes for the second volume of his
"Thirty Years in the Senate."
FIRE AT lIARRISBURG.-A fire broke out on
Sunday afternoon in the large mill of the Harris
burg Cotton Factory, which for a while threat
ened the destruction of the entire building.
The fire was discovered in the cleaning room,
to which it was. principally confined. About
five thousand bales of cotton were destroyed.
Loss sn ppot,ed to be about ten thousand dollars.
It will probably suspend the operations of the
mill some two or three months, during which
time the employees, about two hundred and
fifty iu all, will be thrown out of employment.
[O - About one O'clock on Thursday looming,
one of Fisher's elegant 'black of stores on
Chesnut street, below Seventh, in Philadelphia,
tool; fire, and injured it to the amount of $.20,-
000. The different occupants lost about $lO,-
000 in goods.
—The steam ,towboat Thomas Mcl)awel ex
ploded her whole six boileis on Sunday below
New Orleans, killing seven persons and injur
ing others. The boat was rendered a complete
wreck, and two vessels in tow Were somewhat
A large fire occurted at Vicksburg last week,
involving a. loss of ;530,000. 25-c—busiuess
houses were burnt.
PrilLic SA LEs.—High Prices.—Notw itti-
standing the large number or public sales in
this section of country, so far, the most astonish
prices are obtained for every description of
' stock, farming implements .and furniture.
Horses sell from $l4O to $175 : corn from 1 30
to $1 40 per bushel ; bacon hams as high as
15 cents per lb ; hay 16 to $2O per ton, on the
ground, and every other item in strict propor
•, tiou.—Boonsboro' (Md.) Odd Fellow.
' NovEL M.knatAGKCEREMONY.—A correspon
dent of the Staunton Spectator states that the
Rev.wn. of IlatEcounty, , t•
a couple a few days since across a river—that
is, the parson was On one side, a nd the bride
groom and his dulcinea on the other. This
mode was resorted to on account of the water
being impassable. The license was thawn
actress the stream by the bridegroom, after
having wrapped it tightly - around a stone.
CA mot. or Onto. Ever since the commence
ment of the year 1838 the State of Ohio has
been engaged in the business of erecting a capi
tol building at Columbus. It is hot yet finish
ed, nor does there seem to be much prospect
of its being soon. The money appropriated
for it since the r 'l'l 00 .. 1 tl c
arr , reo.ate to 5-.1'606,5 - it. IVhca linished'it will
be. the most superh State House in the Union ;
and so it ought to be, in view of its cost.
...177'Gen. Scut w•as confirmed as Lieut. Gen
eral by the U. S. Senate, on Wednesday, the
cuintnission to date from the taking of Vera
Palmerston was born in 1784, and
.. - , , Executors' NotiCe. - ,' i Ever Green Centetery.
TSA AC H ESS' .ESTATE.—Letters - itisf'L.4 : s7.l. - NOTICE 'TO SCESCAMERCOF4
It l e of ain L "l atli r itor t e )w tot e n - sh e ir , , t( Ad t' a r t - n i s s c a Zot il y! i4i tie s ; - I. T . ' -H; , -- ;i:;. - -.:' '''''''''''''''''-- '-'-''''''; '''''''
-,--eftaselli-litivinibeetrgranted - totheundersign - ecL i r - ----- 6 -1- e 4; - a pi n t a st-a s ' k, n t s i tit f • : i t ,", i y t e' 7'd il a N e s , e si r n i min -- e' 7 .
leges he conferred upon tb92,,Hanover Saving BURNS was about_ to'arrest TlittonoriE BOYD. , :.• • th •
= . - rt,'e•ni9g IR_ i"'sarn' 9v!"?l'll'itheyhert'hrgive - tliate -- pay* - Mein` in-all Cetieta - 4i: "'" - 4 - ' !- ' .! •a -
notice •to : off. peraoiis indebted -to- said estate tn'ths' n . , - ,,, tp - Win - a of li t e I ntr i c, e(l ,:i l l. n t lir e l . b i j o ti Pr .
Fund Society," under the name and title of for alleged noisy conduct the night previous,
- _, . ....
the "Hanover Bank." ' !when a scuffle ensued between them. Boyd to make immediate,payment,and those having 1 ten , t ,t, t yd. an d to the • c .• h - , i•--...t e
claims against the same to theft) --- , veering u t e engag .-
A retnonstrarce of citizens of Hampton wresting the Constable's cane from and felling
~ t 0 RN ELI US 11 ESS, ,
,presenttalents of the Company: ' ~- ,
t properly authenticated for settlement.
School District, in the county of Adams, , him with it, by a severe blow, Boyd soon
' ' the unpaid subscriptions; will call opn - n - till Sheriff Trumas, with JOSEPH HESS, in
against the repeal of the 5 - 24 section of the - after disappeared, but
arrears ; and iris hoped that the'responsewilt ,,
School Law of Bth April,-1854, so far as re- !others, got upon his track, and he was pur- I March 5, 1855. 6t • .-- • Executors. make any further steps it iineccss'erv. •- ' '
- , ____ -__ ____ ,, .
gards said District. , I sued up the Millerstown road some time - miles, 1-, - ' - Election. _.• • • Deedl are ready,for delivery tti'all stich psis
! chasersny o a r r le l fi lt a lgt;.% - te l.: ;vietdi paidl, Ult. 7ted- i -
On Wednesday, Mr. MCCLEAN,
• ,by unani- i when he fell into the stalworth hands of Jon:4 ' l. .
Oh:Stockholders of the York and Gottys
eions consent or the House, read in his place • BUTT, Jr., whodetained hint Until the Sheriff-. I bore Tornpil:e Hoad Company are, here- ! payment and lift them.
.. et the .1 / all who have already made paytnent:
presented to the chair. a bill relating to and E-Z•sLrrri,F. carne up, when he was se- by notified - that an Election for
and 1 The thants of the coni . pany - are tendered•to
the election of Constables in the Boiouoh of cured and brought to town. - Ile is now in iail.: Nlanagers for stud ruatl,.wil . e held
~. '. I. house of .Mickael Hoffman, In Ahhoitstown.,
• V - hetween the hours 6m li. :and 21 e i cleck7 - P7 l-- - 11. J. ST , &.c
An r ge .:64 . e ,y O . S . .W.ifY,...PritilY.
I- Gettyshurg—whieh -trill - was -considered-by- . - Bank or Gettleburg. - , ...
the House and passed. The following exhibits the state of the Bank! M. , m 211‘"ida.Y, March 9 ' 614 ' 1855 ' - Feb. 5; 1855. tt
. -
The petitions for the said Act were present- i l of Gott shorn being the report made by the I
b ,
ed on the following dsy by Mr. Mee.
; Cashier to the Auditor General, in_Novetnber i•
- - 111 . arcli ' 5 - ,-. 11355. CH AS ' W l ' -illS E R9 •ReC'y. . ---_____ __.
The bill to allow Gettysburg two Constables i l. tam. ~ .
has passed both Houses.
On Monday last, Mr. Nit:CLEAN . presented There was quite an excitement in ottri Bo
three petitiets — frem — citizens of York - .and — rouglron 4 -Saturday - morniegibtSt4 — ec - casionedT -
Adams counties, asking that Bdriking prtvi- Ire are informed, in th.is_wsyi Constable
5 4 4
4 G 5
4 4 4
p - 771.1 ions were presente , 'among of ers, to
confer banking privileges upon the - tlanover
Saving Fund Society ; for the repeal of that
part, of the School Law relating to County Su
perintendents ; for and against_ the establish
ment of five or six new counties ; one relating
to the weight of oats ; for the repeal of the law
relating to Scalers of Weights and Measures ;
and fora Prohibitory Liquor Law.
('Gov. Pollock has signed the Sunday Li
quor Law. It 'goes into effect on the Ist of
April next.
Lr'Three 'hundred of the hest citizens of
Salem, Massachusetts, have called a meeting
of all persons opposed to secret political organ
-WHOLESALE: ROHBERY.---Tht: barn of Mr.
PHILIP MORGAL, living about 3 miles - west of
Waynesboro*, was entered on Monday night
last by some unknown 110 carried
away 13 bushels of cloverseed, hu . 6hels of
wheat, and about 2 bushels of corn, all of,
which was in bags, ready , for. marl:et. No
clue to the party was had ailaat accounts. •
Ingram, who , was elected
School Superintendent of Dauphin county, last
fall, was taken sto the Insane Asylum. a few
di►ys since. He was an estimable gentleman,
and -much sympathy is manifested, fur his
Ni w IlAmpstintu PALrrws.—The Democrats
held a mass meeting in Manchester, on the
27th, the attendance being quite large.—
Speeches denouncing the Know-Nothings, and
predicting the success of the Democratic party,
in the -coming election, were made. Ex-Gov
ernor—Steele presided, - and great enthusiasm
was manifested.
WAR WITH THE SIOCX.-It is stated in the
St. Louis Republican that General W. S.
llarney',W.- S. Army, has been selected to com
mand the military expedition against the Sioux
Indians during the ensuing season.
IVrnnii Id WINTEn.— The Elmira (N. Y.)
Republican says, a marriage took place at
Ilorseheads last week, the parties to which
were respectively about . eighty-five and seven
ty-eight years of age, making an aggregate age
of one hundred arid sixty-three years!
(31, — r - Nevi• counterfeit 45 bills on the North
Western Bank of Virginia are in circulation in
The season for planting corn being at
hantFin Georgia, newspapers advise the put
ting in of large crops.
O :7 - Gov. Pollock refuses to pardon Dr.
Beale, a did Goy. Bigler.
• 0::r Gov. Pollock has appointed his brother
grain measurer for the city of Philadelphia.
CATHOLICS Hoi.triNG OFFIcE.—The Senate of
Massachnsets ( Whig and Know Nothing) hare
passed, in concurrence with the House. an order
directing the committee on constitutional
amendments to report an amendment prohibit
ing Catholics from holding office in that com
monwealth. The order was amended by in
serting Roman before Catholic.
* SEVERE STIOCK OP Ax EAnTrtQrAtc.n. —On the
night of the 13th ult.. two distinct shocks of
an earthquake, accompanied by a heavy rnm► , -
ling noise; resembling ,diem-nt thninler or
heavy cannonading. were experienped at Kin
derhook and S:uvvesant Falls, N. Y. It is
said they were sufficiently severe to shake the
houses and produce considerable consternation
among the crockery•ware. The next morning
the ground was discovered to have opened, in
several places, two orthree inches in width.
—The Trotting Club of Ogdensburgh, we learn,
have completed all their arrangements for the
approaching. annual meeting on the River St.
Lawrence, in fron tof our village. The promise
for gond, thick. strong ice. was never better.
and the note of preparation among expected
contestants for the purses raised by the Chi!)
comes up on every side. The pm ses are all
liberal ones for a village of the size of Ogden 4.
bur.rh and the purse for the last day —the 5500
races commenced on Monday last. Feb. 2.5., and
will continue live days.—St. Lawrence (N.Y.)
SitocKtxG Arringvr.—A man named Mat
tocks, from Philadelphia. while engaged in
tiring a salute in Richmond_ county, Va., on
the 22d ultimo. was dreadfully injured. The
Richmond Despatch says:
His left arm was broken near the shoulder,
and again between the wrist and elbow ; his
right arm blown off just below the elbow : his
right eye destroyed. and the sight of the left
very much impaired. if not destroyed. and his
whole face very much. mangled. He was alive
at last accounts.
F.xTe.tonntNAny ArcintisT.—We find in the
g h S •“: MU ie uirsting o a
railroad engine, which had just arrived at Ulou
cester with a train. The explogion was ter
rific. One large piece was carried a distance
of a quarter of a-mile over streets and houses.
while a massive iron ring. about a foot in diam
eter, was carried a distance of about 2511 yards,
and. striking the corner of the new market in.
drove a hole comp!etely through the wall and
destroyed numerous articles of furniture in the
room, some of the bricks being projected fifty
-ards n a narrow. lan
the engine wassplintcred into a thousand bits. Uloverseed, "
--The 111n , t miramilnnq part of the iitoty is Timothy.
that uo life has been ,act diced. ; i'LL,Ler of fart;, per ton,
Tn the House, at Harrisburg, on :Monday,
To Capital, • • .•
Bank notes issued.
Bank notes under act May, 1841,..1,249 00
Due to other- banks 4,077 94
Due to depsitors, 31 669 36
ni v tdetids unpaid, —1,653 88
Discailts received and rents, ...12.116 63
Contingent fund, .. .0.579 53
Cr. Nor. 6, 1854.
By Bills discounted . .$317,863 00
Specie, silver and , rold .. .. . 64345 80
Notes and checks of other banks, 18,496 57
Due from other banks, .. .93,991 67
Judgments, - , 38,105 00
Real estate, * 5 925 00
Stocks. State and co., 25,129 70
Stocks under act 1841, ....1.249 00
Bonds and mortgages, ...10,091 05
.Expenses,.247 55
Dividends declared—May 2.. .$3,716 19
Do. .Nov. 7.. ..3,716 19
The steamer George Law arrived at New
York on the 25th, With One Million One Hun.
dred and Thirteen Tfwuband Dollars in Gold
from California.
The steamer Daniel Webster arrived at New
Orleans, on Wednesday, with California- dates
to the 9th ult. The Cortez brought down on
the Pacific side Half a Million in 'Gold.
Gov. Pollock is roundly rated by many
of his party friends for his
s appointment of the
notorious Thomas J. Power as Adjutant Cen
eral. The Lancaster Examiner is indignant
at the appointment, and says "Power is one of
the.most notorious borers and •snakers' that
has infested Harrisburg during the past ten
years, and has a celebrity in that line not at
all to he envied by those who admire fair and
~rinltre legislation." It is thankful, however,
that his office . is •one of mutely nominal im
portance. The Executive has but few offices
in his gift, and thus far his appointments have
given but little satisfaction to any of the fac
tions composing_the great "fusion," or con
fusion party. ' Before he gets through with it.
he will no doubt find that "politics is a hard
toad to travel."
seph Peck died at Monson, Mass., on the Bth ult.
The deceased was engaged in the.war of the
Revolution, and was one of the gallant number
who struck the first tdow at Lexington, also at
Bunker Hill. Ile was, during the greater part
of the war, under the command of (general
Washington. He was born in Ashford, Ct., in
the year 1755, Aug. 14, and was therefore in
his hundredth year.
fr7 - *The Boston press is not at all . pleased
with the sentiments of Gen. Ileuston's slavery
I[ iDITS ()V THY: HI:11%N RACE form n very late•
restimt matter of stndi•. aml a well-liabited man Is always
11'0 rthY of admiration. egiverially rtmong . the talks. The
hest place in Vhiladelphia. nr indeed, in any other city. to
v,•cure n tirq rate fashionable and gatiteel suit of clothaY,
iv at Itockhill &. Wilson'Y cheap store, Zio. 111 Chesnut
street, corner of Franklin place. - Jan. 29. 2in
lEr TUE ATTKNTpoN or•a %MAO; i 4 CAC.] to 'Profes
sor lfolleuay's Advertisements in another part of our
minions. The world wide renown of his Pills and Ointment
ar too well known to require ?With comment front ; but
Plrey are, without doubt, the most ellieacions nonetties fur
many fool phtints. 3lury of our reAders have derived
meu+e he Rea t front using the Pi:ls in eases of bile. and
general derangements of the et mach and htuvels t anti no
cuttneous iine•csc• ran resist the en r,tti Ve powers of the Oint
nent.—The effect it has on the human frame is certainly
On the lst inNt., by the Rev... Jacob Ziegler. Mr..IOIIN W.
LOTT. of l‘loonti.letuctut townAllip, to l.ttAltY ANN PI.
LAITY. of Franklin townqhip.
(In the 11th ult , by ger. Mr. Driningor. Mr. .10/I)..IPII
111:::iS. of L.t.tionmi, towtr.ltip, to :11im POLLY (=tome-
TER. of 141:0; ng township
on tint 271 b nit . by the. Rev. R. 11111, PETER BY
LEV, of Liln.ty tmwnsbip. Mann; county. Pa,, to Mimi AU
NKAH.Cr RR EN 4 . of Carroll county,
On the 130 i ult.. by 01.. )to' L. Cro,liart. Mr. HENRY
MYERS, of Oxford towubliiii, to Mis.t SUSAN REIF, of
Ul/1011 TOt111:411P.
On the 24th' ult.. Mr. ISAAC HESS, of Latirnore town
ship, in the year of his age.
On the 2tith nit., Mr. WILLIAM DETRICK, of Tyrone
tots uship, agel 34 years 2 months and ;23 days.
on Tue'day week. in Reading township, Mr. SAMUEL.
SPAHR, ag.-d 43 years and 7 m i ni um '
On Friday last. Mrs. MARY M ACKLEY, wife of Mr.
George Jla•kley. of Tyrone ttrnship.
In Viol:, nit the 25th ult.. Mrs. ELIZABETH Me
( RATH. wife of Thomas McGrath, dee'd . in the tlitti year
of her age.
on the I Ith ult., Mr. JACOB ItOCAIBUSII, of Hunt
ington township, aged about L 5 3.l,e,trs.
Corrected from the latent Haiti more,York& Hanover wipe rot
X LT I MO It}-Fx.tumr 1, %MT
-- ------ - -- _.. 1 roweling_
The F our, per barrel.
1 90 to 2 05
$8 50 to 8 62 )
the Court-house, - louse, on the, same day, at 1 o'clock,
fr i y--The Directors are requested to meet at
Wheat, per bushel, t I
Rye, , ~ 1 10 to 1 18 . P. M. By order of the Board,
Corn, 44 86 to 80
Feh. 19 ; 1855. .R. M'C URD V, Pres%
Oats, 44 . 50 to 52 -- ----------- --------
Cloverseed,, -" 6 50 to 6 62 A illisinimtratotom Notice.
Timothy, " 344t0 3 75t . I FORGE; 14 A RTM A N'S ESTAT l':.—
Whit.,l; ey,- per gallon, :12 to • 33
)r Letters of adtninistration on the estate of
Beef Cattle, per hand., 750 toll 50 George Hartman. fortnerly of Adams county,
llogs, la 6 51) to 725 \
Pa., and late of Cass county, in the State of
Hay, per ton, 18 UU to2o 00 Illinois, deceased, having been granted to the
Guano, Peruvian, per ton, •5U 00 undersigned,'residing in Franklin township,
--- FiANOVErt-THL:I44:IIr , ~sv, Adams county, tie hereby gives notice to all
Flour, per bid., from stores, $8 75 persons indebted to said estate to mate imine.
Do. " " wagons, 8 00 diate payment, and those having claiinsftif,AlSt
Wheat, per huAtel, 185 to 1 (Jo the garnet° present them properlyauthenticated
Rye, 1 0 5 for settlement.
Corn, /4
77 JACOB HARTMAN, ...dn'r.
Oats, " 47 Feb. 5, 1855. 6t
._______ ___
Cloverseed, " - 6 04 1
Timothy, " 300 bought a large lot of thus above articles at
Plaster of Paris, per ton, 650 auction; which I ran and will sell cheaper
- --- -
voutt—Farrary I.‘sr, than any other House in this town dare to.
rter bid., from so 1 Remenitier that SAMSON gets and gives
Bargains. [Feb. 26.
_ _ _____
Flour, per bbl., from stores, s 0 00 '
Do. ~ . from wagons, 812
Wheat, per bushel, I. 90 to 2 - 00
1 10 ..;
76 1
Rye ,
Notice or Inquest.
Nov. (1. 1854. NT, PTIOF, is h.rehy given to' the heirs
.8123.873 00 , 11 and legal re:)resentatives of .10:...EPH
..389.025 Nr ;•• • .•C
I „ . 14 • darns
Specie Coming!
county. Pa..--dereased, viz : The widow, and
issue, four children to wit : Mary.
married with Conrad Aiwine, Shafiter,
S;osannaSheffter.and Peter Shaffter—that AN
INQ 1i EsT will he held nn a Tract or Piece
of Land, situated in the townships of Oxford
and Berwick, Adams county, adjoining lands
of John Roland, Henry Gin and others, con-
iaining 41 Acres. more or less, on which are
erected n Log Ronglicast House, Log !Lim.
w ith other improvements;—also a
.Wood Lot, on the Pig,enn Hills, in .Adams
county, adjoining lands of Jecoli'Diehl, Esq.,
and others, enntainino 5 Acres. more or less,
on Friday, the 30th chi); of March inst., et 10
ciclock,•A. M.. on said „premises,—to make
partition thereof to and amongst the heirs and
legal representatives of said deceased, if the
same will admit of partition without prejndiee'
to or spoiling' the whole thereof; but if the
satne'will not admit of Stich partition, then to
inquire how many_ of the .said heirs it Will
conveniently accompineate,and part and divide,
the same 'to end among as many 61 them as',
the seine 'will accommonitte ; het • if the same
will not admit of division at all witliont'pre
intlice to or spoiling the whole thereof, then
to wane .acid appraise the same, whole and
nod iv ided—w hereof all perions interested' are
hereby notified.
Sheriff's Office, Gettyshurg,
'March 5, 1855. 3t •`
575.244 34
575.244 34
Fl EREAs the Hon. Ronxter J. Pisuxti,'
1 . 1 President of the several Maine Of Coln
mon Pleas,in•the Con tit composing the 19th:
District. and Justice of the Courts apt Oyer and
'Permitter. and General Jail Delivery, for the
trial of all capital and other offenders iii the
said districiond Ittissam and Jetts
Esqrs., Judges of the Courts . of
Common Pleas, and Justices or the Comte of
Oyer and Terminer, and General..lail :Deli very.
for the iriarof all capital and other offenders
in the enmity of Adams—have issued theii .
precept, bearing date the 17th day of Januarv„
in the veer' of nor-Conn one thousand - eight
hundred-and fifty-five, and to me directed, for
holding a Court of Common Pleas.'and Gen
eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Gen-'
eral Jail Delivery. arid Coen . of Oyer and .
'Verminer,iai Gettysburg, on Monday, 14f,16111
of „Ipril oext—NoTios is Flenrav Giiiitc to
all the Justices of the Peacel the Coroner and
Constables within the said county of Adams,.
that they he,then and there in their proper per;
sons, with their Rolls, Reeoiilto, Inquisitions,
Examinations, and other Remembra fl ees; to do
those things which to their, nfliees and in that
behalf appertain to be done..and also, they.
Who will prosecute against the prisuners.that
are or then shall be in the Jail of the said
County of Adams. are to he then and there to
prosecute against them as shall be just;:' I
HENRY 'THOMAS, Sheriff.:.
Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, 2
March 5,1855.,
, .„
New Stock of Dry' 'Goool,4s
I ' OR TUE SP RING OP 1855; 1 —E YR II
& LAN ELC., S. W. Corner of Fourik,
and .srrh: SIR., Philadelphia,—a . re folly pre
pared to suit buyt4s, RETAIL,
with goods adapted to their wants and at the
N. B.—Bargains daily received fratt,the
Auctions of New York ,and Philadelphia.
P. S.—Oil Boiled Black Silks Warranted not
to cut in wearing. Store-keepers supplied
u:ith those goods regularly.
March 5, 1855. 3m
For Sale or Rent
r'lUl.l colmeritier otters for Sale nr Rent'the
will run the Mill only until the 15th of March
next. C. V. HOFFMAN.
Feb. 26. 1855.
rrlliF. meeting of the 'Stockholders of the
I "Gettysburg Railroad Company" which
had been called for the 2241—ittst._,_has_hee,.
postponed; and notice - is hereby given that a
nice lino. of said Stockholders will he held at
the Conn-house in the Borouirh of Gettysburg,
on T ues d a y, /he GM . if Marc(. next. at 2
o'clock, P. M., to consider the'proposition in
regard to the !wilding of the Road, made to
th e Board of Directors by Mr. PA.TitICK 0 0 -
Rett,t.v, or Reading—also the_propriety of
contracting for the g rading, and bridging of
said Road.
st&-The lion. T. SreveNs, of Lancaster, is ;
expected to he present, and will address the
LOVES and Siciekin
sizrs. at
G J 0
3 10
7 50
Railroad Meeting.
PP me w nr iko ahrivrs article .nn et the Gttty.hurg Sted U he cru , n.l at NINO Vti. Alto, 11 .true.8-tlfty
*ad 30 ti)ur Clucks.
IlitEt Subscriber, in ()Mar to make room for
-Spring and Summer Goods. is determined
to dispose of his exteriii've stock of OVER
COATS at prices thatwillically astonish - the
oseatlatyorn. Thia_affordis-a4l-e-aeel
Portunity to persons who are in want or, the:
above articles; - and are &strums of buying
Feb. 26.. • - Opposite the Bank.
Carriages r Buggies!
PIM Undersigned take this method
_ A t forming their friends and the public gen-
erillyi that they have entered into-partnersbip :
in the Carriage-making'husiness, and are Pre
pered-4t their establishment, in East Middle
street, one and a hatf'sritiateslrom Baltimore'
street-=-to put up.CA R IA:G BUGGIES; ,
tte.-, in the very hest manner. - Their work,
they are determined, shall not he surpassed in
the place, either for beauty or- dtiribility—and'
their terms will he airettsy'rrat' any other 4 1 0:••
tabliehment. *O-Repairing, dene -and , at'
stunt notice.
Gettycbutg, Feb. 26 4 '1885,- - : "7
t Barrett dir
PICTU It EFR A M Mnsefsettirartii
75 Ilaltimore .Street,-Nittlii7Are l 4l4 4 PMlh four
OrnatiiirntarFrames for Portraits Engravings.
Needle Work, ale., Bracken, Portraits, Engravings.
end Window •Cornie,es in Jill tlteir Tartly.
Fancy WoOd',Finmes,' I ,l4onlatig 'Glees
Plates b'y'the WOXiff single Plata. Old W,Offe„
with'neatnisti 'and' ttesiniteh;
Moderate terms, ' 'Febt';' 19,1855: . ``Gm
Geo. Richairdson,': - '
No. 141
PU VS and *tells FLO UR. XIN;,: - ..itAi r :
:•iTRA W,.and Coustry Produce rltier.3l.
Iv. nailhnnd a iargt ♦ stook of Ull.O.
eiHRIES. wtmlp,sllq and retail.
dub. 19 4 1855. ly
China, Glass andißneensware.
Geo. IV: Bokee, Stmer-stairlto J: Coßokee*CoAf r
TMPOIerWt. nrat DPnler' in O H N I A
Howard' Sired,' tbetivien''.royette cord - 411g•
too ereets,) Baltimore,
,1114, respectfully' n =
tef!, the a ttention NI - eters to,an,e,xerni ant ior4
of his'well assorted stoo tkofere porettisfrig
elseivitere. [Feb:1141855.-
- • Hurrah;
the Retid - f-Maile. , Clothingt MAR:
CATS MSON has just revaived a most
magnificent stock of Dress Coate,Froek Coate,
Sack Goats, and Busi.opss Coats, ofevery dis
cription,l 1 : 0 ' w 4 ltiets, he, is.,Asterralivd to sell
cheaper; than they have ever been offsretl4
Remember the place, in York street. oppyiltet
the Bank.
;'' l ;
" A.
it i lrANUFACTUßEßof,cprror xov:Ps#
D 1,14,1 AND FLUID WICKS, which,hti ; o4
few,to Sell at the Loweat,Vaah
No. 65 Markel Si. above &pa& mei ,aides
Philadelphia. [Fah. 26, 18554'4 6*fr'.
Leatheis. •
I[4l R tft. HEN DRY & CC). No. 20 North
Third Strttl. Philadelphia, Monncoo
MANU rA 0T,1111101.111. C UR11;11 4914 ,441Rywreas
or I. 4 RIiNCH CA li4V-SKlNN,44tlnalprii ill -
Ran and OAK. swim LKATuptf NOM
Fpbruary 26, 1 0,45. ' I Y ' •
1464 •
TN retiring from business, the euKscriber
desires to re,turnb i re 'grateful artkuewledg•
meets to hie - file:rids; and tlinpUbliC g t erif,tlPlv
who have so liberally patronized, him duilug a
period of a quarter of a ceptury, rind ,solicit:for
his' Sons, in the NeW Firm,ihe generods
port sO lOng extended to him. As It is neces
sary that his business be closed, he hereby
gives notice to all pereorts knowing themselves
indebted•tohini by note or
.othetwilie that his
accounts have been placed in the hands of R;
G.. Mec'reßrv., EQ9., for collection, to.whoiii
all persons indebted will please make inamed=
isle paYyment. He hopes this will he the GAST
NOTICE regoired, as Ie lonit indulgence
given them should prom* them to discharge
beir - obligatiflßß immediately:— -
Jan: 15, 1855.
CP HO) wife, of Cumberland township, Admits
county, having executed a- voluntaryassign
ment of all their estate and effects to the Sub.?
scriber, residing in the same township. in
trust for the benefit of creditors, he hereby re-
Ruests all persons indebted to said Jacob
eamer and Ann Maria, his wife . , to
mediate payment respective dues l anil
all per3onS having claims or demands on the
same to prerrnt them for settlement.
Feb. 26, 1855. 6t ef
Administrator's Notice.
['IL ARA E. BOY FarS. I.:TATF...-
ki Leiters; of administration on the estate
Clara H. Boyer, late of Cumberland, town
ship, Adams county, deceasei, - having been
granted to the undersigned, residino. in the
same township, he hereby gives- notice to
all persons indebted to --said estate to make
itninediate-payment ; and those-having claims
against the same to present them properly au
thenticated for settlement.
JACOB BEN ER, Stina * r.
February ,19. 1855. 6t
ATTEN'TIONI ! have on hane a tietl
selected stock• of (fats, Crips. - 1111 , PotO
and Shoes, to which (invite the attention
of buyers. So, come along, and, you
me in York Street, opposite the Bank:
fIHEWING TOBACCO:—A first-rateab
ticle,on hand and for sale. ho
all sorts and
Gi•eat liiduCemehts r
Assignee's Notice.