- NOTICE TO "G 1 . , , tit. tOolersigned hitrehy:vintify t ip pe l so n s , ,aitimit trespassing o,ttheir premises, I e.il. l .er b,y , et ! nnincr or_lothrrwise. illey are -- 7 6 d; , ..rOtinPil to enforce the; law to its, full ex.• -- Ciit. a intingt4lll - 10 - o - clistd - this - notice. ----- f .ivcoh.Fidier, , , John Diehl. i !Mae! Diehl. .l.lmanuel Kemper, - 1 I (m...11-7.0.Jr., . Samuel March, Martin- Ha . yrnsperker; . josefik 11 ill, ..'-roue! -Gilliland ' , J. L. Tnutzhinfinttet, ljeo"., Fidler. , Christian 0 verhaltzer, I t Flinil :filbert, - Thonms Ehrhart, Jr., - J 4, 3 Lehman, *kph IVtg, . , .P.:zen. :Myers, . - Jacob- .11easberger,. :1 „heal, j/dich, PrOr,Fidler's heirs, G -orgv .Ilirkity, H. 61; .17. - Sp7ol,fter,, . ' 14:lire Plickinter, Bather Snyder, ,- , GM , . EithrdiT. Jacob Lhrsh. .I , tv.h ridier, Sen., , . . , F.PhinArtf - 12., 1854. 31 II No. "MI :forth Fourth. SI. (above Race,) Phila. r ATCH ES_ having become an indispensa ,A,Yl hie article in housekeeping, the sub. , scriber:after a great sacrifice of to me and memey, is enabled to offer to the Public, an article at once ei'imbining „Utility and ('heapness. The inventor knowing the danger apprehended on acconet. of. the flimsy manner in which Matches are generally packed in paper, has by the aid of. New Steam Machinery of his own invention. stteceede4 in aet tiler up a SA F ETV PATENT SQUARE; BOX; this box is far preferable, in as much that it occupies no more room than - the 'old ,round wood -brix, and. conlaio at _least, Two Hundred' per Cent. more Matches, %%birth to , :shippers is considerable advantage; it is en "VOTICE is hereby given-to all Legatees . tirety new, and secure apinst moisture and ..,.1 -end other persons - concerned,, that the spontaneous combustion, and dispels all dan drimittisteation heeaunte hereinafter Mentioned ger on traespertation by means of ,Railroatt',' will . - -be presented-at the, Orphan's Court of 1 Steamboat or any other mode of Conveyance. A lams county, for confirmation acd aliniance, 1 These Matches are packed so that one gross on ,l'orstioly, the 27th of February nex4o4z : or more may be Shipped to' any, part of the T. -- Second account .ot - Jacob Sheely and - World with perfect - safety. - -Thevare - the John Sheely. Exiieutors-of the-last will and most desirable article for Home Consumption, te4tament of Nicholas - SKeely, dreea-ed. and the Southern and Western Markets, that 4. Second account - of - Thomas [tittle. Testa- • ---- - have ever been invented.. - tneOtary Trustee under the will of Thomas DEALERS and SHIPPERS will do well Millie, 9 Sen. deceased — of Henry Bittle, Peter] to call and examine for theinselves. - - - 9 ItgG(STEIVS :NOTICE. Mule, Thoinas 'flittle. .!;. First and final account of Alexander Co hean, Administrator of Frederick L. Smith, 11194.easitd. 6.,'FlratiaCrOnnt of J. J. Kohn, Adininin trator`with the will annexed of John Diehl, rit sed . 7. : First spa 'final account of AI frod T. Nor man Aaniinis_ttator of Conrad 'Wagoner, du 4.9;astd. . "Third account of Jacnb Diehl, Guardian f,i' Jiihn Diehl, Lavinia Diehl arid Daniel . . Diehl, minor children , of Daniel Diehl, di c'd. Second and final accouna of Christian Nehriver. and Lewis P. Schriver, Adminis vrators of peorge L. Soh river, deceased. 10. First and final account of Martin Tito. ma 9,, (4mq-bin of `.4enry. P. Quickel and Mary A. R. Quickel,, minor children of GeOrge Q ticket; deceased.' WM. 'F. WA LT ER, Register. egiste .Clf3ico..l ettysburg, January 27. 1855. collateral Inheritance Tax, :CTATEM.ENT 'of 'Abe. Tax on (16113 sera] inheritances received by- Writer; PLANK, Re inter' of Adaria'county, during the ' year ending NOV. 36; 054'. Additional tax front 'Estate_ 'of John - Dippin,Oeted, $255 64 8 49 Sam's Rliller, - 15.00 "Sara's Smyth, l9 13i 100 25 -John k M. Patterson, 102 50 John Dickson, , • 300 Marg. Runkle, , 28 75 isitries:M'atrron, 12 50 Harriet ,Biehl, 45 72. Julia A . Eekentode, 1 97 Peter Kitchen, - 11 96 , Mau; -WCotinel, 95 00 Joseph Kitchen, 142 50 44 . tfi 4Ifl~l„ y'' Ell WI Ein 30114114 V 1 0 , paid for servi ces in collection of taxes, 15 00 5 tercent.commiesion, ee Net bohoco, IVI'CREARY, Auditor. 11L;', (I,L. ism 1111171 r t,. wa ilti To Cash from T. Warren, late Tree -611 Ter, To outstanding TaNes and Qtlit Rents in bands of Collectors at last set tlement, 4IIG 24 Corsnly Rules $ Leviei rrt3esserffin. 1851. Borough of Gettysburg, $2238 00 (PO. - Quit Rents, 178 50 Cumberland township, /181 02 Germany iy 802 25 Oxford ~ . 972 13 . Huntington ' " 1159 60 La ti more " 760 213 f. Hamilionban " 1435 -25 - - hiberty ti. - . 655 'l7 83:2 95 1252-62 133 A 00 , 925 AT 6.37 30 833 84 1209 71 1128 35 519 90 3,:i5 .57 , 1069 3'4 787 69 20,214 87 Loan from Bank and sundry persons, 2,292 33 Abatement on State quota, 1854, 691 33. Dividend from Wale; rompany, 24 00 Add itional'Tax for 1854, 18 , 52 Catrih leeeived from John Scott; Flsci., tale :Sheriff, for Jury fees and fines for 1854, einsh reeei vest from L. Deitz, fine, Taxes refunded, to State, Mennllen St raban Frnnkl in 4,110%4( g 0; Ty rn ne M 011 i 1 . 1. 1 0 3 7 M tit.“ Leasout Iteoff 1.3; , r ie)s Frperlota 1J nin n Cf. 43 tg.l es. The riatArraing elount . ''ra.r and Quit Rent:l appear ?r, he in Ilse bands ry . - the jUlluwing uiketWs, 10 • Yearn, Collectors. 1850. Samuel Stlie/Piwcker, 'l'vrnne, $5 73 1852. Peter P. Smith, Litimore,t ti 4 45 1P53. John L. Noel. Oxlord, * 3 11 • Mich ael H 3 ontington, ear 9 " George W. Fir4iel, Latimore, 76 55 .'" Jacob Noel, Monnspleissant,* 113 94 " George 'Brown, Reading,* 133 93 1854. Kph. Martin, Gett)shurg 8.,* 401 50 " H out) AleUanghy, Cninberland,t37o 7.6 " Benjamin ',midis, Germany, 151 25 " James ttobison, Oxford 4 172 (8- " John E. Heikes, Hiantinglon, 535 10 " Michael Schriver, Latimore, 156 28 " ER R. A. Moore, Liberty. 105.47 George IS'aker. Hainilton,*• 107 68 " John Bnrklibltler, Ni nallen,f 227 95. " Jacob King. Straban,f 264 6 Joseph Hartzell, Frinklin i t 223 00 " Joseph - Klnnk, Conowago,t 277 07 " Conrad Bream, Tyrome.f 172 30 • James W. Barr, Mountjoy,* 375 06 - " Header, of H., Nl'tpleasant.t 523 71 " SaftmelOverholtzer, Beading,f 328 35 " Isaac- Wolf. Berwick,* 59 90 " Gitt, Union,* 169 34 " Henry Slay bitugh,'Ettitler4 - - _333_ (if). l-familtnolm and Freedom had paid it . full before Settlement. Those marked thus (*) have since paid in full. Those marked thus (f) have since paid in , part. 4"P t :k1) To the Honorable the Judges cf the Court of Common Pleas If lams County; lITE, the undersigned, duly elected Andittits•to settle tind adjust th , e Put:lk Aeeounts off * the Treasurer and Commissioners a said (Tounty, havino- been sworn or affirmea ag-reeably to law, report :he following to ?yea veneral statement of said account from the 5: - .1) day of January, A. 1) , 1854, to the 2d day of January, A. 11/., PBss—both days inclusive. GEOI{GE ARNOLD, Esq., Treasurer, and (.111.1311SSIONERS, in account with the County of Adams. - - • Cash frntn T. Warren, - Esq., late Treasurer, $2 1 .,509 . 5€3 , Outstandim , Tax and Quit Rents in hands of Collectors, 4,416 24 Ain't of Co.'rax assessed for 1854, 20.214 87 Loan from Bank and sundry persons, 2..292' 32, Abatement on State Qtiota,lBs4, 691 3:; Dividend from Water Company, 24 I Additional Tax for .1854, 18 52 Cash received from John Scott. Esq., late Sin tor Jury fees and lines for 1854, - Cash received from L. Deitz, fine, Tax refunded to State, WE, the undersigned, Auditors of the County of Adams, Pennsylvania, elected and sworn in pursuance of law, do REPORT, that we met, did audit, settle and' adiust according to law, the account of the Treasurer and Commissioners of said County, commencing on the sth day of January, 1854, and ending on the 2d day of January, 1855—both days inciusiVe that said account, as settled above, and entered of record in Settlement Book, in the Commissioners' office of Adams county, is correct, and that we find a balance due to the- County of Adams, by George Arnold, Esq., Treasurer bf said Comity, in cash, Three Thous and One Hundred and Three Dollars and Fifty-six Cents, (*3,103 56.)- and in Outstanding, Taxes Five Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars and Thirty-five Cents, ($5,575.354 JOHN DICKSON, E D UN D F'. SHORs, Ruditors. • A, T. W RIG HT, February 5,1855. 4t READY-MADE CLOTHING. George Arnold - f p, s no; i i h a s eriteredinihe Clothing business EXPERIENCED NNORIOIEN in his employment, constantly Cu nitivt t and utak lin , up. out of his own al sths. Ovpr Coals, Dress Coats, Pantaloons, Vests; Monkey Jackets, &c. All kinds of Clothing inade.to order, on short notice. Constantly on hand and Cor sale a arevit variety of Clothinvr, of his own mann facturin,z, us cheap 419 cheapest. Call and see them. We cannot be beat. October :30. 1851. 0.-PAILICTNEEtSIIIIII'. ~111. linve this day braVe Ow 11 fFAIiNES!OCIi.IfIBHOTiI ERS. 11 ,, pinu (or a e , ialliiii,qlCe..ll the iiht- rd pittrona(re hero tot;,r, e‘tert.leti t(i the oid F'trio. they u ill to retorr. lin their ottiv , st to torrit the eonfidence repoaAl In tio•tal ho; the poWie. J 111:;•4 I'. 1 2 111 II t EDW. G. P.lll/\ ESTOC jut. 1 ioliE ()V.:!(':)%ii.; fir, !—ToiPethq.e t ir t A. Alt . FTMEWPIII MEM OF_ADAIES_C_OU DR. 'DOIbI eta 2509 59 34 00 .i?.O , 00 IHS ll' $:t0.465 99 $5575 35 DR. CR. -. By out-standing Tax. for 1859, 1853, 1854, 1850, 1851, /85'2, 1853, 1854„ Exonerarions for 1850, 46 1851, 185'2, 66 1853, 64 1854, *4 , 30.465 99 D; , ;hurseinents on County orders, I reasureeg Commission. Cash in hands of Treasurer, D'ollc. Cta_ 91 00 '2O 00 185 12 MMEMME2I forint-II a la 611 111011011111 1111111 11 * .FOR 1854. Ek-72 MI By orders paid out as follows, to wit : ' Iffy A1)111143(1 . Ar selt)jilc; rabra. aeenifatS; - 49 - 00 -- R. C. MeCrea:y. Esq., Auditor, ap pointedliv the Court to audit pub lie_ offices. • 15 00 Aissespr , 4' pay,. ~ 485 00 ele_re.*-pay, - . ' 200 00— (1.01311. M fees and P[tra„tlll49, 45 00 Fox arid,VVild Vat sealps, 42 8e A twi tethentrneorteetors of 5 percent, 1000'67 Wood and stone coat and hauling, '. &e., for pnhlie liniltiiiitts, Repairs at public hnildinos, &e.. Notes and interest paid Bank and san dry persons. 2'647 99 Tel- I Prand-Pft t 0 qna , lty persons, 139 87 . Treasurer of Alms Honse. 5712 00 Quit Rent paid, to George,Hirne's heirs, 4,00 Sheriff's- Rills of Court costs, 720-27 Road damages and dainage view, 803'2K, General Jury and Tip Staves' pay, 993 8B Gland Jury and , Tsp. Staves" ray, 3.17 13 (;'ourt Crier's pay, 85 00 Justice and Constable fees for. corm va,crants, Prothonotary, Register and Clerk of • Sessions, fees, ' Conveying Prisoners to Eastern Pen itentiary, Certificates of Vonstahles" returns, Printing and blanks, &c., ()I - ricers' pay at Springy. Election, Directors to :he Poor pay, John Scott, F..r. tate Sheriff; sun, mooing Jurors for 1854. Officers' pay- General . Election, Ile pairs of Brillues. Abraham Reever, Esq. „Commission- . er's pay, 177 00 Jolm' Mick ley, Esq., 174 . 00 .Tames Wills. Esq., 174, 00 Coroner and .In , tiiie", - ; for Tnroisirions, 5& i I nr'rA fees forkesping p oistaners and . Turntiev, G'-o. Chritzman, pay in full on Marsh • Creek I.3ri due, • .lon.as - Rout2alin, pay in foil on °pos._ anm ("reek arkipe, 14 . .56 00 Keeping prisoners at Eastern Peni• tentrary, Job: C. E 1 I k, E.g., in trust for sits vey of State Road from Gettysburg to Bock Tavern, Lancaster county, one-third of entire cost being pay able by .Adams county, as per. Act of A ssem b I y, M cat a tre n d'a nee art prisoners, Stationery and Postage for Office aad Court-house, 66 ,44 E...voneration to Collectors, 208 . 0.3 Collectors' fees; 994 '47 Outstandinw, T'itx and Quit rents, 5575 35 Trea4n rer's salary, • 305 00• Balance in hanis. of: Treasurer, 3.1'03 'sti• IN TEST:IIONY that the foregoing Statement of Receipts and F:x pendit tiles exhibitett [sem.jat the.Otlic-e of the Treasurer of said County; is a correct aria true copy, :as taken from and: compared with the re-, irrainrng in-the honks in rhis Office, we haver hereunto set our hands, and affixed! the seal of sard Office at Gettysburg, the second' day og . January, one thonsand eight liandred andi , fit,- ty-five. JOHN Mrc L ' 3A 11 ES J. Wl[, LS, G Rana; E . Attest.—i. .AUGEFINECAUGH, Clerk. cr azz4 .. ) * t.ir% zit Fees for 44. DI%SCLITTION. THE partnership . heretofore existing be tween the Subscriners, under the name land style of S. rilinestock & Sons, is this iday dissolved by limitation. All persons in debted to us will please settle, as it is necessary that our Books should be cros-ecr . immediately. Either member of the Firm is authorised to use the names of the Firm in settling their business. SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK, • JAMES F. FAHNESTOCK. HENRY J. FAHNESTOCK. , J.tn. 1, 1855. I. 0. of R. M. _ A ri)U win meet. erery Friday everthrg,. at I _ n'elork, in 411 P Wigwam, (Nleenn. alivll 11-111.) Pnneinal aitentiance is ,V - t a rrrz. C. of 12, IrieNit t , ,c4hinect. themselves whb till.; Tribe, will please apply lA a n y o f the ihentbers. Gettysimpr, Nov. 13. 1E64. 6ri3 — SPOUTING! SPOUTING! I I I.:01;(1E and Henry Warnpler will make ncr 3 lid pin tip the sarnelow, fur cp,sll 411" roil ntry pro/lure. Farmers and all coiiers \.15111112 - their Houses, Barns, S ze . d Al 011 t.) r then n tc... 11. IVAIPLER. rg. I W Fill LE WI CR. Doll.. Ctn. 177 25 109 55 36.67 193'51 5 , 9' 50% 87'44 310'81 341 47 60 00) 55 501 4'89 50 347 7t 218 ea' 1975 oe, 293 a .12.2 66 ro 50. 100.465 99r Doug. cis_ 573 84 4.5. 529 41; 4955 71 27 63' 68 60) /03 61) 704 .38- 90 2G 5 53: 12 23: 38 34 115+ 70► 16 2X 20,279 58 305 00• 3.103 50: $30.165 99'