The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, February 12, 1855, Image 3

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    Vonutititiltated. SVIT GaowlxG OUT OF TOR EXTRADITION OF
Procee .- or hie, Adant4
Teach- .A NTIION't Dedtra tn ( Mass. )i a
t rznp f
era' Associatial. zette States that' Mr. Wm. Ela, the young man
The mernberaeibe xamsCou .
nty Teachers' who was assa,ulted and stabbed bj the bayonets
Association nret iv; the !Lecture - Room of the .._of .941 g:, of the soldiery, in Merchants' Row, in
Boston, on the day of the return of Burns, German RefermeAClrnrch in obedienCe to a call
cause he chanced to_have I bottle in hi, hand
of ibe President titect, on Thursday. Feb. Ist,
1855, at 113 A. M. Opened with prayer by
—which was thought to contain vitriol or soitie-
Rev. Mr. Dosb. thing of the sort—has appealed -to his country
for redress, and his case will come on, in, Nor
reported- The committee appointed at the last meeting
folk county, at the February term of the Su
a revised constitution, was re
eeiyerl, and the committee discha`iged. Each Prelim Court.
article was taken up separately and after dis- '
cussion adopted. An opportunity WAS then
offered to those present to attach their namcs
to the constitution. The follo_wing is a list of
-the persons who signed it : -
David Currens, D. K. Snyder, J. Blocher, jr.,
U . is; Blocher, B. ,Snyder. J. 'A. Young, S. J.
Little, S. Lott; T.. F. Grammar, J. Irwin, J.
—Kit-finger , R. S. Taylor. J—Lott—D_McMillan,
J. McKnight, J. H. Scott, J. S. WitlieroW. 11.
D. Shriver; R. A. Lyttle, P. A. 'lr.:Derintul, C.
11. Austin. J. E. Smith, J. C. Ellis, B. J. Reed,
It. G. Harper, jr., G. W. Hildebrand, R. S.
p axto n, L. Chronister, R. 'lcCleaf, S. Durho
raw, C. W. E. Welty, W. B. Thomas, M.
Mickley, 11. T. Price, W. L. Campbell, J.
Biesecker, S. Powers, D. Wills, F. W. Orner,
F. Bailey. D. Delan,ll. H. °ram_ M. C.
Thompson, M. D. McClellan, H. E. McCreary;
A, 'McCurdy, A. E. Ueagen, H. E. Ueagen, M.
zdaler, M. McMillan, S. J. McMillan, J. Powers,
C. Powers, M.' D. Powers.
After a miscellaneous discussion. the Associa
tion adjourned to meet at 2 o'clek, P. M.
- After reading and approval of the minutes
of,t,he morning session, W. L. Campbell, Esq.;
delivered an able and interesting address, in
Which he gave a history of the Common
'School System, and defined the duties of the
Teacher. The suttject of Geography was then
taken up, and C. 1.1. Austin explained the
method of teaching this important branch with
Petton's outline maps. lie had a class of his.
pupils present who exhibited a high degree of
proficiency in this study.. W. B. Thomas ex
plat nedifis method of using the same series of
maps. Mr. L. Chronister also took part in the
discussion. lie was not :fortunate enough to
have the outline maps in his school, but sup
plied their place with the small maps, and had
succeeded in advancing his classes very rapidly
by using the rhyming Geography. Adjourned
to meet at tip o'clock, P. M.
Prayer by Rev. R. Hilt. Rev. Robert John
ston, then delivered an address to the Parents
„of the Children of the Common Schools. He
showed that the many defects in our school
;system are to be attributed to the total neg
lect and Want of interest in them on the part
of .parents'—that until _some meads can be de
vised to induce parents to interest themselves
instheir behalf the grand object of the schools
will not be fully met. Adjourned to meet, at
9i o'clock, A. AI.
FItiDAT, 91 O'CLOCK., A. n.
Opened with prayer by Rev. Jdcob Zeigler.
The subjtct of Orthography was then taken up;
and \V. B. Thomas gave his Method of teach
ing it.. After which Robert Lyttle explained
the manner ,he taught reading. lie was fol
lowed by C. H. Austin and W. B. Thoinas on
the 'same subject.• T. Titus then interested the
members of the Association foe more than an
hour with an able Lecture on the subject of
English Urannnar, explaining his method of
teaching it and the utility of this branch as a
study in our Common Schools. After this the
subject of arithmetic was taken up and Mr.
Austin entered into a minute explanation of
his plan of teaching, Fractions. Adjourned to
meet at 1 : i o'clock, P. M. •
1 t. o'cLocK, P. M.
After reading and approval of the minutes of
the morning session, Rev. R. Hill by request,
explained ins method of teaching Syntax by
diagrams. After which, Prof. M. L. Stcever
delivered a very interesting and instructive att.
dress on t 'The Teacher and the - Sellout."
The following resolutions were then discuss
ed and adopted:
.fttsaved, That the thanks of the Association
are hereby tendered to the Citizens of Uettys
buig for their kindness and hospitality extend
ed to its menibers on the present occasion, and
to' the Trustees ,of the (iern►an Refortned
Church. for the use of their Lecture Room.
!Imam!, That the tianks of the Association
he tendered to Messrs. Johnston, Stimver,
Campbell and Titus, for their able and very
appropriate addresses on the. present occasion.
Rtso/i,,ed, That the proceedings of this Asso
ciation he published in the county papers, and
in the State School Journal.
Resolved,- That w•e solicit the editors of the
Press of this county, to take a more active
part in advancing -the cause 'of - educiition, by
adu►itting into their:columns articles bearing
upon the subject.
Resolved, That we recommend to the Teach
ers of thiS county, the propriety of subscribing
for the Pennsvlvania School Jol u •nnl
ar s id oc d, That we recommend to Teachers
and Directors to endeavor to introduce outline.
snaps into their schools, as furnishing the best
means for teaching Geography.
/kinked, That we unanimously approve of
the adoption of a uniform seriesof Text Books in
each District: and most earnestly urge upon the
Directors the strict enforcement of the section
of the School Law requiring a uniform series of
Looks—a feature of the new School Law which
will, if carried into- effect, greatly facilitate
t►e operations of the Teacher.
Resolved; That in the formation- of District
Associations, for the mutual improvement of
Teachers, a great impetus is given to the
cause of universal education.
Rem./vet, That the thanks of this Associa
tion are hereby tendered to those Directors of
this conn.ty who granted us the time we spend
in attending this fleeting.
Boophyd, That a committee of three be Rp-
pointed to call upon Rev. Robert Johnston and
obtain a copy of his able address for publics-
Mow-Comity papers—it being an address
to' the parents of the children of our Common
SchoolsAild not many of those from the coun
try being present, we think that this is the
most effectual w•ay of reaching those to whom
it was addressed. The chair appointed Miss
M. D. McClellan, Mr. C. IL Austin and Mr.
A McDermad. - "
ite.pdved, That a committee of three -be ap
pointed to consider the propriety of publishing
the addrses of Messrs. Campbell. Stever and
Titus in pamphlet form, and if found practicable,
to solicit thc:r speeches for publication. Com
mittee consists of Messrs. Austin, Lyttle and
Powers. W. B. Tuo.stAs, y
THE undersigned hereby notify - all petions
against trespassis on their premises,
either by gunning or otherwise. They are
determined to enforce the law to its full ex
tent against all who disregard this notice.
Jac , /I/ Fid/er, Jam Dieh/.
Daniel Diehl. L.:mantle/ Kensper,
11 7 fit._11'irt, Jr., S'i,nuel March,
3fartin liqbrenspergcr, Joseph 11ill,
.S'arattel Gilliland, J. L. 7'au , (hinhauf.fh,
Geo. Fidler,
- - ; --- .- -- . - .7 ------,, oniertril - Christian Ocerkfilizer,
Blind .gtber.,l
- %I'S ItiN7Ml.:Nr AND rlt 1.5.-- yr Thomas Ehrhart, Jr.,
Remedy tor 'z'alt Ithentit.-Copy of a letter from Charles jam Lehman,, Jacob {fief
A.,,,,,,tii. St. Clair. Passenger, per the ••Atlantic.'' dated. " • , , . ,
E-ra . 1 1f r
IN. I' .. ‘larch 17, 1ti54.-Tir. l'isifreor /lillua - ay.-sir.-1 left stt ..9e 8 9 .Liffe , iU./rn..Srierfier,
Rogl• iel. non, three ureks ago. sod for se% end day: preei- ititOb March, Peter Fidle - r's Heirs, -
4)U.Is- to tot C.llll4A2ti.itl. I felt 4 terrible stalle, , ill my Ge ,, r ,„ 1if: , 1 . 1 ,,,, ,
11. - J. Sp( •( •
2i - mits. act-loop mitil by the ut.lit,at paiLjk iienrt or i .tt,,,, p t_____ . + . '-ic"
, ! .. .-...: , 7
a.- ~. -, g re
ed to mote. with iti liiii;- :in 1 but uin.t. %. hill/ M ar . illillWit in. Lydia 1 , acktn4er, Bo it ze r Snyder, I under-igtieA, residing in Franklin township.
*olor.i.lile; hoaeler. ito ite.liately i got on lei.s.-ii. : telt. uorse Geo. Eichollz, - Jacob Hersh. !Adams con my, lie - hereby gives niAice to all rtes. and was codified to ink' chin for sic dti‘,, Is hen
...._, Jacob t'idler, Sen ,
a fell ,, Yr IVI/iarttg;CC (qr. ) lartiii. of It/iiltelelphi.f.) . liceserbi-, •I . persons indebted to said estate to make 'mow
ing. with s couple of boles of your Ointment arid l'ills. a hich F et) iiiir v 12, 1854. 3t
c"'"Pirterst cured me. aud I am now as well as es er I was in - - --- - ---- - ----
no life. - C. A. Sr. et mt. 1 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. th e !amen) present them properly authenticated
------ • fur settlement.
177 — rits H kilt TS 4. r tutu lirut .5 II si•E: forma retry into- ST - KMAT. M 1.'.1.:" 171 NG of the Adams
rr‘tiir.r. untie: of study. and a well-hshitesl man is alir 1.V.1 1 County Agricultural Society will take JACO II Il A RTM AN, aidner. -
w , ,,-tliv of a t iiinition. especially aiming the la licit. The ,
. „ .0 place at the C ourt-hauAts, in Gettysburg, on Ft b. 5, 1855. 6t. _
t..t place in l'hiltelelphia. or in-lee 1. in any other city
____. ..______ __ ....___
ee•u-e a first r*tAm fashionable ant 4enteel suit of clothes, Thursday. Me 22d (f Feb., at 10 o'clock, A. M. - -Ii r r I - '1
i. at Roekliill & Wilson's cheap store, tt. 11 / Clit'- out - 'rile examirwion of the subject, ‘.the anplica- r()VES --- S I OYES 1
Ftreot. corner of Franklin pla^e. .1.10. :W. 2tu
-- - tion of Lime to land," will be continued. fy,sl hand and for Pale, a great variety of
lis - aLt., tau: ItEmeim.—• , l2riner•c Great Remedy for JN O. McG IN LE Y, Pres'l. COOK sTov.Es—very cheap. Call
liiteases onto liiiing,-s "till stands unrivalled as the most ele- . 1 H. 3. s s o t , , 1. 7
TABLE, . c
. y. and see them. GEO. ARNOLD.
1: ~t .‘'e and s-tfc ‘lediciue. knowntor this lingerous
,r, - ... 11-c ve , Tli :I. 4 lin i January 29, 185.5. td 1 September 4,, 1851.
tr7Tlionuts Jefferson's grand-datighter is
.tenchitri , school in 11".ashingtott city.
61 1 o'cLoCK, P. M.
el)e Markets.
Corrected from the latest MI6 tnore,York& Ilanorer papers
Flour, per barrel,
Wheat,-per bushel,
Rye, '4
Oats, 411 52 to ' 54
Cloverseed, " 1-- 6 75 to 7 00 ,
Timothy, " 325t0 3 50
Whiskey, per gallon, 34, to 36
Beef Cattle, per hund., 350 to" 537
Hogs, .. 6 50 to 7 50 -
Hay, per ton, . 18 00 to2o 00
/guano; Peruvian, per ton, 50 00 tosl 00
Flour, per htd. i .from store;, $8 75
Do. 6 4 " wa ,, ons
0 , 7 87.
Wheat, per bushel; • 1. 85 to 190
Rye, 4 4 1 00
Corn, , " 77
Oats, ~._
.4 4 47
- .
Uloverseed, " 6 25
Timothy, " 300
Plaster of Paris, per ton, , 6 50
------- -- ----
YO MC —Ful n .te L, AST.
Flour, per_bhl., from stores, $9 00
Do. - " from wagons, 812
Wheat, per bushel; - 1. 90 to 2 00
Rye, 4 4 - , 1. 14
Corn, 4 4 78
Oats, -44 - 50
Cloverseed, " --G 50
Timothy, " - . 250
Plaster of Paris, per ton, 7 50
On Tnesday week, by Rev. Robert Johnston,' Mr. JOTIN
G. BRINKERHOFF to SARAH, daughter of Mr. David
Shriver—both of Straban township.
- On the - 4th inst.. by Rev Jacob Ziegler, Mr. GEORGE
Cumberland township.
On the Ist iust,, by the Rev. Mr. Roth. Mr. HENRY
WERNER, of Monallen township, to Miss MARIA ABET
CASHMAN, of Butler township.
On the 6th inst., by the Rev. D. D. Clark, Mr. RODERT
cG AUGHY -of Cu tube Hand. township, to Miss 1..:14 7. it. ORR,
of Hamiltonban township.
On the 3Sth ult., by Rev. C. J. Deininger. Mr. DAVID
GEORGE, of Adamicounty, to Miss SUSAN REED, of York
.On the 20th ult., in Straban township. IDILICIA
CLEMENTINE, daughter of John and Eliza Cress, aged 1
year 1 month and 6 days.
On Wednesday last. in this place. EDWARD JOHNSTON.
son of Col. Hamilton Longwell, aged 3 years 3 mouths and
3 days:
On the let inst., in this county, Mr. GEORGE BLAIR,
aged 6t years 8 months and 7 days.
In Greensburg. Pa , on Monday week, Mrs. ANNA B.
(11 EST. wife of Rev. 8. 11. Giesy, and daughter of Mrs
Smith, of this borough, in the 26th year of her age.
Near Emmitshurg, Md., on the 26th ult., of consumption,
GEORGE OLIVER, aged 18 years 6 months and 1 day; and
odtheSth inst., MBAR ANN, 'aged 20 yew-$.9 months and
13 days: son and daughter of Solomon and Mary Slaybaugh.
In Westminster. on Thursday morning, the Ist inst., Mr.
DAVID F. P AMNI ET. in the 53d year of hi% ago.
YOU Will meet for parade at the public
house of Moses RaffensPerger, in Mum
masbura, on Thursday,,--Ihe 22d if February,
at 10 o'clock, A. M. with. a rms and accoutre
ments in complete or der. A full attendance is
requested. J.- F. BAILEY, Captain.
Feb. 1/, .1855.
TH E undersigned will offer at-Public Save,
at his residence, on the property owned
by Amos. C. Myers, in Tyrone township,
Adams county, 2 mil es north of-New Chester,
on Tuesday, the 161 h of March next., the follow
ing personal property, viz:
and Horse Gears, five Head-of Cows, (three
of them fresh milchers.) six head. of Yourig
Cattle, in thriving condition ; a lot of Hogs; a
full set of Farming U tensils, consisting in part
of a good Wagon, with Bed, Ploughs, Har
rows, and Cultivators„ a gohd Wheat Fan,
and all necessary farming articles.
(bale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
on said day, when attendance will be given
and terms made known by
ANTHONY K. Nivßfts. Auctioneer.-
February 12, 1855. is ...
Remaining in Ike Past Office at Gettysburg,
February 12,1855.
Boncan Calvin Mrs. Police of Gettysburgh
Brand Bernhard Paxton Isaac
Bell Mary Mrs. Peason,, Mr.
Bigham William Paigne Eliza Miss
Bushman Amelia Mrs.Randoll Nathaniel
Commons R. S. Rode Tobias
Cary Jno. Rumple Geo. H.
Cary AndreW Sunday Cornelius •
Cary Elizabeth Shihnon
Cunningham James '/Smith Peter K.
Maine! James S. Trust Wm. E.
Gump Gariel Walker Wm. J.
Grnegory James P. Watson Henry
GTiscom Win. M. WariMan Nickolas
Hill C. Mr. Weaver Mr.
Hartzell Barbra Mrs. Wisler Conrad
Hoffman C. W. Wierman Ellen Miss
Johnston Benj. or Wm.W itiner Gen.
Morrison Yeagy Leonard
Maedoll Uriah G :rnsan !Ater.
Minter Daniel Schindler August
.• WM. GILLb.'sPIE, AL
oz;v-Persons calling tor letters in the above
List will please say they are advertised.
Fehroary 12, 1855.
PUBLIC SALE . I . PI. MMt V A 11. ' - 1 p ECEIIITS & Fx - p - uNDITuIIEs
1., _4 .4,..d A.. , .
' Ut . i I HAVE REMOVED from 122 West Lom- ! -
Valuable Personal Properly., bald street to- the new And con•modiousi - - --_ OP ADAMS COUNTY, FOR 1854.
. „
. . ,
jinn F, sohseriber, Wending to quit fanning, ' Warehouse. No. 141 West -Pratt street, roar. • . . .
• .
GREEA BL Y to an art, of Assembly, entitled .
j will sell at Public Sale, at his residence , Light, 'opposite the Maltby House, and - Will t i __. :(
p n .,.,„, continue . my GENERAL_ COMMISSION_
in Union township. Adams county, ''An Art to raise County Rates and Le- -
Wednesday and Thursday, the 21st and 224 BUSINESS, for the sile of To_paCCO. .
. 4. A . vies," requiring the Commissioners of - the respective mantles to . publish at Statement of
the. Receipts and, Expenditures, We. the Commist•ieners of Taxes of said conitiyido Report -
P ro 1 :1 1 (1 1Y to t P he ßl3 ex n e E C T .U l tit ; n l of 'of as f o ll o ws, to wit: •.from the sth day of January,. A. D 1854,.t0 the*Second day of January,
err Fe-hi-wiry next, the following Personal .
a G il ß u A in lN ds; a a n n d d C w O ill U a N tte '
perty, viz : ..,
orders fur purchasing. A. D., 1855—both days inclusive. ,_. . , ..
IrDD (00e32/. -_1 shall continue my Guano AgeneY, GE ORG E ' • . . . _• ..
• •
,and the COMMISSIONERS, in account with 3e „,
having increased facilities for supplying ti
. C.:014.0y (f Alums, as follows: -.- -
,Seven Cows, Nine Head of Young Cattle,
best article, as usual, at the government ' s . _ -
lowest price—the ton - of 2240 ibs.—with a
Hogs. two Narrow-tread Wagons,(ene nearly• moderate charge of commission fur purchasing
new.) one Grain DIM,- Pennock's Improved, and forwarding.
nearly new; -Lancaster Winnowing Mil I. - - I - am having manufactured Phosphate
nearly new; Grain Rake, Roller, Corn Shot- of Lime, a superior article, which I wilt
ler, Rolling Screen, good as new ; - first-rate warrant to be pure.
Cutting Box; Wood and Hay Ladders,-Stonel have connected with my business; and
• ed. Plows.-7--Alairows.—Ciiltiriitors,.'Corn shall at all- times be supplied frorti-the'-most:, ,
Fork's, Grind Stone. 2 Jack Screws, an excel -, ; . celebrated manufactories in the Union, a large 1-
lent Cross-cut Saw, a lot of Shop Tools, Horse supply of Agritaltural Implements,l
Gears, Log Chains, Sixth • Chains, Cow of every description, warranted, to which I ask
Chains and Halters.-- Breast Chains, Butt I particularly the attention of Farmers and deal-
Traces, (a good article.) 3 Spreaders. a first- s:rs. Trusting, by strict attention to all busi
rate Feed Trough, Rakes and Forks of all i ness confided to my Charge,- I shall merit the
,kinds, with many other Farming Utensils.-- '
' patronagea o f th e pu bli c ,
Also, a large variety of . - - , - B. At...RHODES.
t 1 -41 hold dc Kitchr Furnit Balt., November 27, 1854.
$8 56 to 8 62
1 90 to 205
1 15 to 1 20
82 to 90
viz: a laige Cook-Stove, Pi pe,2ke., a ten-plate
Stove and Pioe. Taliles, Beds and Bedsteads,
one Kitchen Cupboard, Iron Pots and Kettles,
Mat Stands, Tight Barrels, and other articles-
ofHousehold and Kitchen,Furniture too tam
erOus to mAtion.. Also, a quantity of Apple
butter—and' a lot of seasoned Mill Cogs, (a
good article.)
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.. on
each of raid days,. when attendance will be
given and terms made known by
J. F. KMILER, Anoioneer.
January 1, 1855. ts"
Collateral Inheritance Tax.
O,TATEM ENT of the Tax • on flollaSeral
0, Inheritances received by DANIEL PLANK,
Esq., Register of Adams county, during the
year ending Nov. :30, 1854.
Additional tax. from - Estate of -
John Duncan, dec'd, $255 64
Attorney fen. paid fnr servi
ces in collection or taxes, 15 00
5 per cent. commission, ZZ
NT - i °TICE is hereby given to all Legatees
/ 1 1 and other persons concerned, that the
ridm bile ratio ti ..liccqun Is hereinafter mentioned
- will — be — presented at the Orph - an's - Coo rt — of -
Adams county, for confirmation and allowance,
on 7'uesday, the 271 h of February next, viz :
3. Second account of Jacob Shealy and
John Shealy, Executors of the last will and
teqamenf of Nicholas Shealy, deceased.
4. Second account of Thomas [little, Testa.
mentary Trustee under the will of Thomas
Bit tle, - Sen,,geceased, of Henry Bittle, Peter
fitttle, 'Phonons Bittle.
5. First and fin al account of Alexander Co
bean, Administrator of Frederick L. Smith,
6. First account of J. T. Kuhn, Adminis
trator with the will annexed of John Diehl,
7. First and final account of Alfred I'. Hor
man, Administrator of Conrad
,Wagoner, de.
8. Third account of - Jacoh Diehl, Guardian
of John Diehl, Livina Diehl and Daniel
Diehl, minor children
_Ol Daniel Diehl, d. c'd.
9. Secoa and final account of Christian
Schriver and Lnwis P. Schriver, Adminis
trators of Georffe L. Schriver, deceased.
10. First and final account of M.trtin Tho•
mas, - Gu:►rdiau of I .lenry P. Qnickel awl Mary
A. K. Quickel, minor children of George
Quickt I, deceased.
Wli. F. 'W ALT ER, Register.
I?egisteep, Obit e. Gettysburg, t
Jantkary 27. 1855.
/TINE last instalment of the subscriptions to
1 the Capital Stock is now doe, and imme
diate payment in all cases is required in order
to the coin pleti , m of the improvements con•
templated. and to the meeting of the engage
ments of time Company.
ALEXANDER COTTEAN, appointed Collector of
the unpaid subscriptions, will call upon all in
arrears ; and it is hoped that the response will
make any further steps unnecessary.
Deeds are ready fur delivery to all such pnr-
Chasers of lots as have not yet paid purchase
money, and it is requested that they make
payment and lift them.
The thanl.s of the company are tendered to
all who have already made payment.
I). WCONAUGHY, Pres'l.
H. J. STATILE, Ste y.
Feb. 5, 1855. tf
4 m Ern NG of the Stockholders of the
"Gettysburg Railroad Company" will
hr held at the Court-house in, the Borough of
Gettysburg. on Thursday,lhe :21,d if February
flex/. at 2-0 9 41 k, P. M., to consider the pro
position in reffard to the building of the Road,
ir r ide to the lioard of Directors by Mr. PAT •
Reel R etix ,of Reading—also the
ty of contracting for the grading and bridging
of said Road.
tiiiy-The Directors are requested to mePt at
the Cnurt-hou-w, on the same day, ill I o'clock,
P. M. By order of the Board.
Jan. 22, 1853. H . M't.:l.ll? D Y,
A thiiinistratorN Noliie.
r Letters of administranon on the estate of ;
George 'Hartman. ((Innerly of Adams county. ;
Pa.. and late of Cass county. ;n the State ofS:
~‘ 4 : Letitia M'Neely, 8 49
'66 66 •S:tut ' l Miller, , 13 00
Am% "_ Smyth, 19" 13i
" " FL Overholtzer, 100 "5
John & M. Patterson, 102 50
" " - - --John Dickson, 3 00
" " Marg.
.11 nk ' • 28 75
" " 'James M'jlirron,
__, 12 50
• " . ht Harriet_Biehl, 45 72
" " Julia A. Kekenrode, L 97
" " ' Peter Kitchen, 11 96-
" " Mary' M'Connel, 95 00
" - " - Joseph Kitchen, 142 50
Net balance,
R. G. M'C R RAP Y, Auditor.
Feb. 5, 1855. 4t
_ azimmaaoz -
Balsamic tong!) ..C.inrup,
L. Lamborn, M: U., Proliorpetor..
114.V1NG purchased the above Medicines,
so generally known and justly celebrated,
the undersigned takes pleasure in stating to
the Public, that , he has fitted op an extensive
LABORATORY, and is now manufacturing them•
on a niuch larger scale than ever before, in or
der to supply the constant, vincreasi ng demand.
Having been extensively and successfully
engaged in the Practice of Medicine for years
—and having visited all the principal Hospitals
and Medical Institutions in this _country and
in Europe, and become familiar with the
Prescriptions and Preparations used in the
practice of the most Eminent Physictlins and
Professors of Medicine throughout the World, -
he has no hesitation in asserting that ho has
found no Medicines so uniformly efficacious in
the - rliseases.for which they are recommended.
A fair and impartial trial is all that is needed.
The Medicines recommend themselvei where- -
ver used.
All orders sh.ould he addressed to DI?.
L.9tllßOltN,. Sole Ma niffaiturer arid Proprie
tor, We.stininster, "or to his authorized
Wholesale Agents, of whom they can always
be had at the same raters as of the Proprietor.
Baltimore—Wm. 11. tiro rn & Bro., 4 S.
Lilferty Sirret ;
- 64 C. P. Rogers & 8r0.,. Corner
11 oward and Baltimore ats.;
York-0. A.lll , 4ris & Co.
January 2:3,1855. 4m
844 41i
57 22
F so, you can be accommodated by calling
on MARCUS SAMSON, who line just
opened - and is now selling rapidly at his Sture
in York street, opposite, the Bank, a very
large, choice and cheap assortment of , •
Fall and itinnter Coodr4,-
757 19i
to which he invites the atterlon of the public.
They have been selected' with great care in the
Eastern cities, have been bought cheap for
cash, and will be sold cheap, for cash—cheaper
than at any other establishment in Gettysburg.
His stock consists in
,part.lof Black, Blue,
Olive and Green CLOTH COATS, with
frock, dress and sack coats; also Tweed,
Cashmere, and Italian cloth ; also a largestuck
of OVER. COATS, which min't be beat in va - -
riety, quality iir price. mit of the cities; also a
very superior stock of PA VITA LOONS, con
sisting in part of excellent mid well made
'French Black Doe-skin Cassimere, Fancy .
Cassimere, Sati netts, Velvets, Cord, Linen
and Cottonade. The stock of VESTS con ,
prises every variety of manufacture--free black
Satin, Silk, 'Velvet, Italian Silk, white, fancy
and buff - Marseilles, Summer Cloth; &e. Also
constantly on hand a large lot Of "I'llUN KS,
Hats;Carpet 13 gs, Umbrellas, Boots & Shoes,
Window Shades, Violins, Acconleona,
tars, Flutes, Fife., Melodeons, Mirriirs, .iia
znrs, Spectacles,. Spoons, Watches &. Watch
Guards, silk and cotton Handkerchiefs, Cra
vats, Suspenders, Gloves, Stockings, Spring
Stocks,Shirts, and Shirt Collars. and a splen
did assortmetrt of .IE W ELRY —in fact every
thine in the way . cif Boy's and Men"s furnish
ing line.
- (* - -N irst-rate Chewinis 'Mace° always on
hand—a rare article, which chewers are re
quested to try.
Novemher 13. 1854. tf
FARMERS, look to your intert-sts. If you
- want to get back the money yon loot, just
call at the Northwest corner of the Diamond,
where you will save at least 2:5 per cent. and
get the full worth of your money, and where
you will not have to pay for those who don't
pay. Don't forget to bring your money. Also
bring along anything and everything you have
to sell—such as BUTTER, EGGS, BACON,
LARD, RA GS, and everything you think will
sell—and I will buy at what they are worth.
Just call at the People's Store.
1 - The Stock consists of DRY GOODS,
Groceries, Clothing n►ade to order, &c.
Gettysburg, Jan. 15,1855. If
THE undersigned respectfully informs the
Farmerb . ot this, and theadjoiniug
ties. that he continues to manufacture more
extensively that ever, 0. Ilmisey's celebrated
Reaper and Mowing Machine,
now so generally in use, at , -his Shop, 4-of a
mile North of Hanover. Farmers wishing to
engage a Reaper, or a Reaper and Mower
combined, for the next season, can have their
orders filled, by sending these on immediate
ly, with promptness.
The prices fur these Machines are as follows:
For a limper, slue
For a Reaper and ,hewer, from OA 105 to Sll5
CON R A I), MO CT 1,.
C6r:Address me through the Hanover Post
Office, York county, Pa.
January 22, 1835. 5t
_:: tindersiffned have this da formed a
T ai Co partnership. under the name and style :f i tamentdry on the estdte ot John trot
of FA H N Ks•roc,•K, BitoTui KRS:. H (Ting, ' late of Butler township, Adams county, de.
for a continuance of Om litter - 41 patronage here- . ceased, havingheen granted to the undersigned,
tofore extended to the old Firm, they will in res!ding in the same township,they hereby give
return do their utmost to merit the confidence notice to . oll persons..indebted to said estate
reposed in'them by the public. ; to make immediate payment,and those having
.I.tIIII.ES F. FA H N IF:STOCK, !cl4inis against the same_ to present thetu
. HEN RIJ.FA 11 N ESTOCK, . I properly authenticated for settlement. .
Jan. 1, 1855. 1
. - - -- --- - --- - - January 8,1855. 6t Executors.
FOR cm RtsTmAs.—The Great Double ' . .. . .._
IrtIiCKINGS, MU. . , , . . ome more
44 L1 NIS Scc —s
Brother Jonathan.--.AO copies received.
ill_ of those cheap TiCkings, Muslin% &c.,
Price 12 1 1 eents,_or 10 copies for I. For
sale at KELLER KURTZ'S Bookstore. i have been received by A. ARNOLD.
To Cash from T. Warren, late Trea
surer, . . . , 2509 58
To outstanding Taxes,itnd Quit Rents
in hands of Collectors at last set
~ .. 4416 24
f min ty ft iti t e s f t_bity ice menet! fur. 1851.. __._ _
Borough of Gettysburg, sll3Boo —
do. Quit Rents, 178 50,
Cumberland township, 1181 02
Germany • " , • 802 25
Oxford • • " ' 972 68
Huntington 66
~ 1159 60
Lattimore - 66 ' 760 28
Hamiltonban . "' 1435 25,
'hotly 46 65 5 _4 7 - •
Hamilton 64 - 907 68
Menallen - ". 832 95
Straban - - 66 1.252 .6/
Franklin 66 , 1338 00
Conowago 46 . 925 87
Tyrone • - 66 - 637 30
Mountjoy 44 ' 833 84
Mouittpleasont 66 1209 71
Reading 46 1118 35 . .
Berwick 66 ' 519 90
Freedom . 46 355 57
Union a 1069 34
Butler - --+ 6 -
.787 69
*20,214 87
Loan from Bank and sundry persons, 2,292 33
Abatement on State quota, 1851, 691 33
Dividend from Water Company, '2l 00
Additional Tax' for 1854, 18 52
Cash received from John Scott, Esq.,
• 'late .Sheritr, for Jury fees and fines
for 1854, 94 00
Cash received from L. Deitz„fine,. - 20 00
Taxes refunded to State, . 185 12
The outstanding Counly Tar and Quit Rents
appear to be' in Me hands if Me following
Tollectors, to wit r • .
'Vows. Collectors. Townlihips.
1850. Samuel Studebeeker,:Tyrone, $5 73
1852. Peter F. Smith, Latimored B'4 45
1853. John L. Noel, Oxford,* • 3
-66 • 111ibliael 118134, Huntington, 201 93
" George W. 'MAO, Latimore. 76 55
66 Jacob N.0e1,-Mciuntpleasant,* , 113 94
-" George Brown. Reading,* 133 93 -
1854. Eph. Martin, Gettysburg 8.,* 401 50,
Hugh McGaughy, Cumberland437ol6
66 Benjamin Landis, Germany, 151 25
66 James Itobieomilxford.f • 172 68.
66. John E. Heikes. Huntington, .535 10
" Michael Schriver, Latimure, •
,156 28
6 4 Eli R. A. Moore, Liberty, • 105 47
66 George Baker, Hamilton.* 107 68
66 John Burkholder, Menalleiht 227 95
. 66 , Jacob King. Straban.t. - 2114.62
66 Joseph Hartzell, Franklin, t - 223 00
Jumeph Klink, Conowagod . "277 07
66 Conrad • Bream: Tyroned 172 30
" James VV. Barr,7Monntjuy - ,* - 375 - 06
66 Hs Homier. of-H., M'tpleasant.t 523 71
66 Samuel OverhOltzet.-Iteadingd 328 35
66 Isaac Wolf. Berwick.* , 59 90
66 William Gitt, Union, * . 169 34
66 Henry Slaybaugh, dud .333 69
Harniltenhan and Freedom had paid in full
before Settlement. Those marked thus (*)
have since paid in full. Those marked thus
(.1) have since paid in part.
To the ilonorabli the Judges of the ~ totirt of Comtnua.Pleas of .1111ama:Catsilly,
n a e n d ii ,
ru duly ‘o
i tl i e i e s t i e o d oe A rs u d o i t f o s r a s i A d o ,
i r o n: t e sty % And
IL-P s u w hl o i r e l ' t A c c r a oj r ? r t a s l l.l
W " tit e th ' e l'r ti o n a d sU r r s e i r g
agreeably to law, report the following to
.be a general statement of maid aOcntlitt front lhe1 , 5111':;i
day of.lanuary, A. D , 1844, to the 2,d day of January, A.- I►., IRS --both dark inclusive. ~ ~.:',
U.F 4 ORGE ARNOLD, Egg., Treasurer, and COMMISSIONERS, in account with the
.. ~ ..
County of Adams. - -
Dom. co.
Cash from T. - Warren, Esq., late By out•standing Tax 'for 1850;
Treasurer, . $2,509 58 ."., ' • " ' ' 18.52,
Outstanding Tax and Quit Rents in . • , Si 1853;
hands of Collectors, 4,416 24 11$ ' ' 1851,
Am't of Co. Tax assessed for 1854, 20.214 87 1850,
Loan from Bank and sundry persons, 2,292 33
Abatement on. State Quota 1854, _ 691 33
Dividend from Water Company, 24 00
Additional Tax for 1854, 18 52 ,
Cash received from John Scott, h;qq.,
late Sheriff, tor Jury fees and fines • , 1
for 1854, 94 00
Cash recoiveil from L. Deitz, fine, 20 00
Tax refunded to State, lB5 12
itrE, the undersigned, Auditors of the County of Adams.. Pennsylvani a, elected and sworn,
11 in pursuance of law, do It El'OWl`, thia we inet,4l.itlaudit, settle and aditter according
to law, the account of the Treasurer and Commissioners of said County, commeneinzon ilia
sth day of January, L 854; and ending on the id day of January. 1'55--butte days inclusive:
that said account, as settled above, and entered of record in Settlement Book. -in. !
the Commissioners' office of Adams county, is correct, and that we find a balance due•tu Ate..
County of Adams, by George Arnold, Esq., Treasurer of said County, in cash, Three Thous
and One Hundred and Three Dollars and Fifty-Rix Centel. (ifit3,lo3 56,) and in Outstandinw e
Taxes Five TIM/Sand Five Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars and Thirty-five Cents, ,
($5,575.35.) JOHN DICKSON,
14.1) NI CND F. SHORB, ',Auditors.
Feb rua ry - 5, 1855. 4t
Executors' Notice.
T 0 111 N DELLO N 'VS EsTAT E .—Letters
tv testamentary on the estate ot John Dellrme,
' late of Hamilton township, All•IlliS county,
deceased, having been granted to the under
; slotted, residing in Paradise township, York
county, they hereby give notice to all persons
indebted to said estate to wake immediate
payment, and those having el.tinis against the
same to present them properly authenticated
for settlement.
P D I. 1.0 N
January 15, 1855. 61 Executors.
Executor's' Notice._
TOM N DULL'S HST:VlT.—Letters tes.
Dolly Ct.%
1530.41.;5 99
$5575 , 35
64. ba 18514 . . 16 23
Disbursements on County orders, 20.279 59
*314465 99 ,
=,,,= Trensurq's Cuinti&Oion. - 305 00
i Cash in handkof Treasurer, 3.103 56
By orders paid out as follows, to wit:
By auditing- &settling public acconntsi - 42 00
It. G. McCrea:3r. Esq. ; Auditor, ap
pointed by the Court to audit pub
lic offices,. 15 00
Nesessorsi_pay _
, 200. 00
Counsel fees' and extra suits, 45 ,
Fox and' Wild Cat actilps, , 42 82
Abatement to Collectors 0f,5 percent,loo,C, I 67:
.Wood- and stone' coal and hauling,
& - c., for public buildings, •
Repairs at public hiiiitlings,-&e.,
Notes and interest paid Bank and sun- -
_____dry_lwrsons,., , ' • 2617-19
Tait refunded to sundry persons,. • 139 87--
Treasurer of Alms House, .571.2 Ott
Quit Rent paid to George Hiene's heirs, • - 4 - 00 ,
Sheriff's - Bills of Court costs, 120, - ur
Road damages and damage view, ' 803 28-
General Jury and' Tip Staves' pay, '993 88
Grand Jury and
. Tip Staves! pay, - 317 13
Court Crier's pay, *- 85 00
Justice and Constable fees for Com'. `. -
muting vagrants,* •
Prothonotary, Register Mid Clerk of
Sessions; fees, .
Conveying Prisoners to Eastern Pen
itentiary, ' - 59 50
Certificates: of Constables' ;Vans,- - .87 44
Printing and blanks, dac., 810.81.
Officers'pay at SpOnt,Electiliti; 341 47
Directors of :her.. . 60 00
John Scott, Esq.. late 'Sheriff, 'anra- •
irioning , Juicirs for ''-
Officers' - pay General' Election,
Repairs of Bridges,
A brahrun ReeVer, Esq. f
er's pay, • • 177 00
John Mickley, Esq., 174 'OO
James— -
,`• '174 .00
Coroner and - Justice's •fer Impiixitiont r :33 56
Jailor's fees for keeping pri sutlers and • , •
- Turnkey,
Geo. Chritzman, pay in full on Marsh •
Creek Bridge t 1975 00
Jonas Routzahn, pay in full on Opos- • . -
soin . Creek - Bridge, .
!Seeping prientiere at Eastern . Peci-'.
tentiury, :
Julio C . . Ellis,
.Esq., in trustfor sur
vey_ of State Road froni-Gettysb,urg
- - to Burk Tavern, Lancaster courtly,
- one-third of entire .cost .being -pay- ,
able- by Adams county, as per.Aot- .
of Assembly, -
..Medical attendance on prisoners,„
Stationery and' Postage for Office : aim" ,
Exoneration to Collectors; - .208 03.
Collector's' fess," . 934-47
Outstanding 'nix .and Quit rents, = 45575 , 30' 4
Treasurer's salary, 305 00
Balance in hands of Treasurer, 3,103„ 56,
1 - N - I'ESINION - Y - tion - theforegoing Statement
' of Receipts and Experiditure*othibilid:l
- the Office
_of the Treasurer of said ;.
.County, is a correct and true copy, as
taken from-and compared with the original- iv
maintng in The books in thii Ofiree, ws ,hover
hereunto setnur bands, and affixed the leat'ot
said Office at Gettysburg, the spoon& day of *-
January, one thousatiffeight 'kndred and -JR
ty-five. JOHiV MICELICY4'
Fees for
Nxonendions for 1850,
I' 1852,
GA - . 1853,
ging partnership heretofore existing he
jl_, twee!' the Stoltseriners, under the name'
_mid style of S. Fahnestock Sr. Sons, is this
day ili.sulved by limitation. All persons in
debird to us will please call and settle.** ilia
necessary, that our Books shoald ba closed
iiiiiiiediately. - Either member of the Finites
authorised to use the names of the • Finis in
settling their business.
Jan. 1, 1855.
H E Books and Accounts Of A. B. Kum
J have been plaeed in my hands for immedi
ate collection, and notice is hereby given to all
fiersons indebted to make payment on or be.;
fore l'homulay, the 154 ,y* February nest—at
ter which date all unsettled . accounts will be
put in suit, without respect to persons.
22. td It. G. McCREARr.—
101 DA, Sugar and Water CRACKERS.
Ginger Nuts, Scotch and Jenny
Cakes. (a new ankle, and not to be beat,) for
sate, cheap. by the round or lesit, at
April 24. ES PI Mc.
DONN ET Velvetb, Satins and Silks, vary
1) Ivw, as, . GUAM NI EWS.
Dulls. Ctm
177 2,5:„
109 55,'
183 51
989.50 2
347 71
4 29' 32
Doffs. eta.
' 5 73
84 45
529 46
'49'55 71
• 27 63
;68 '6O
103 60
7(tl 38
90 26
12 23'
38 34
135 70,
$30,465 99