The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, February 05, 1855, Image 3

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    Arrival of the Steamer Africa.
HALLF.Sx. Jan: 30th.--The citielPews of in- L.I.ST NOTICE TO SCBSCRIBERS OF
terest centres in the proceeding,: Of the Cott- _ , ,'/'Ol K. ,
gross of Vienna. There are sangume hopes of r _ , )
j 11-4 I. lastinstal Mem of the subscriptions to
-peace, yet fears are stilt entertained that the
I the C,lpttal Stork is now -due ; and Mime- •
tsar will continue. dial,• pay now in ail eases is required in ogler
The French and English ministers at Vienna
to the completion of the improvements cone
received the, necessary power to re-open nego
tiations. -- Gortschakuifis ,untlerstou.l_ to have templated. and to the meeting of the engage
received wiitteu instructions front his govern- , " w 1 . 1" °f Ihe C. " l/ 1 ) ""Y`
-fluent—which is he anxious for peace. ALEXANDER CoBEAN, appointed Collcctor of '
There are conflicting, biatements, as usual, the unpaid subscriptions, will (-all upon all in
about Austria : but they generally lean towarls arrears ; and IL is hoped that ilte response will'
the opinion that she sides with tit: Allies. Er _ , snake any further steps unnecessary.
forts are being made; especially by the Prus- , Deeds are ready for delivery to all such put
sian cabinet, to obtain the consent of the Al- chasers of lots as have not yet paid purchase
lies to an armistice. money, and it is requested that they make
The approaching Congress of Nations is more pay;sent and lift' them.
and more talked of: and good results are an- - -The thanl.s of the company are tendered to
.ticipated , if—the United States takes part in it. all who have already made payment.
- -Bavaria- has almost completed her-prepaya-- D. WCONAUUHY, Frcel.
tions for war ; and letters say that the iS \Velti S h
army will immediately be placed on war foot-,
fine,, reinforced by 65.00 troops.
for ' •
Spring campaign A dministra - toes Notice..
Russia is preparing the Spr
by re-organizing her army. ( . 1 EORGE HARTMAN'S ESTATE.—
The latest dates from the Crimea are to the l X Letters of administration on the estate of
"10th inst. Affairs are the satne as before.— George Hartman, formerly of Adams county,
• Reinforcements. are constantly reaching the Pa., and late of Cass county, in the State of
—.111.:' 111inois,'deceased, having been granted to the
' The Tiirlis in the Crimea are to be increased
,t 0 :60,000 troops, during January. Russian
mforceinents are advarci lig at forced marches.
IQ ° A is frosty ; and - the snow has re
tarded the *besiegers in their operations.
Private Vienna letters say that Gortschakoff
is instructed to accept any reins, except a re
duction of the Russian fleet, or occupation of
the Russian Territory.
BoL3L—An American, writing from Stockholm,
Sweden, says :
"Fire is a rare_ occurrence here, almost every
horse, even the very poorest, being built of
stone; consequently when it does occur there
is great:xcitement. Along every street a man
goes heating a drum violently, and every house
is obliged by law to send barrel of water,
which stands ready in each court-yard. This
rather slow and primitive method of extinguish
ing conflagrations would scarcely answer In
our tinder-box towns."
DtiOWNED Wuii.n SKAT I YG. A lad named
Francis Lyman. went out skating in Adrian;
Islichigan,• a few days ago. Just before the
boys - started for thii. ice, the mother of little
Frank called him - to her, and cautioned him to
be careful and not break through the ice. The
little fellOw promised lie would ; and, stopping,
a moment, he told his-mothor "if he should zel
drotimed,.not to let any_ of the boys disturb his
playthings, and to have them sent to his little
cousin in Cincinnati." Ile then kissed his
moJia and went to play. In a short time he
was brought home a corpse.
B:7The New Hampshire Patriot has reliable
'information from different sections of the State,
that the Democrats in the Know Nothing or
der are wigidrawing rapidly. and that many
Whigs are oing the same—all- disgusted with
the corrupt doings of its managers.
Wouta Fort 1855.—The attention of the reader is solicited to
the advertisement of Agents wanted for the series of Pictori
al books issued from th e press of llr sears. These books
have met. and are meeting with a large s.tle throughout the
Union, and the three latest publications, —Reset t
/N THE WARS OF THE UNITED ST %TES." are in every way
equal to the other works in point of attraction and hiterest.
What he wishes to obt4n is, competent Agents in every sec
tion of the country. The readiness of their sale offers
great inducements_for__persons_to, embark in their disposal,
and as they are of a high moral and unexceptionable charac
ter, there are uoue but who can conseientiowdy contribute
to their circulation. Any person wishing to embark in the
enterprise, will risk little by sending to the Publisher tit.2s,
tor which fie will receive sample copies of the various works,
(at wholesale prices) cArefully boxed, -insured, and directed,
affording a very liberal - per rentage to the Agent for his
trouble. With these he, will soon be able to ascertain the
luost saleable. and order accordin4ly.
CAT I.I.O(XES, containing full particulars, forwarded to all
parts of the country free oPpostage, on application."
117'llutamway's the best Remedy
for Bad Legs. and all kinds of Wounds.—The surprising sale
of theseluvaluable medicines in every part of the civilized
world is one of the most convincing proofs of their efficacy
in curing bad I ez . s. old woiluds, scrofula, and diseases of the
akin. Theusan is of people who suffered from these dreadful
miladies, have been eared by their use after every other
reined v failed; as tis a fart beyond duspute that there is no
disease, however obstinate, but that tnay be shortly eradi
cated by these wonderful medicines, therefore the afflicted
should try Holloway's Ointment and Pills.
P 3" Tan HATIISS OF TED; HUY 1N Rtes form a very into
re-sting matter. of study. awl a well-habited man is alw.,vs
worthy of admiration. ewpecially among the ladies. The
best place in Philadelphia. or indeed. in any other city. to
secure u first rate fashionable awl genteel suit of clothes.
Is . at Rockhill S Wilnor:s chea4) store,, No. 111 Chesnut
street, corner of Franklin place. Jan. 29. 2m
11 . 7- Ittmgor.—Shriner's 'Remedy for
Dke.ises of the Lau;, still+tan,lYnuri vat led as the most ele
gant, agreeable ael slat, Medicine known for this --rh , Dgerowi
class of diseases. Try it! lm
(El)c Markets.
Corrected fre m the latest iialti mo re, TO rk & Ilartover papers
B t LTI NIORE-Nit.ii.) A: 1.
Flour, per barrel, 4Qi 50 to 8 62
Wheat, per bushel, 1 95 to 2 05
Rye, ~ 1 15 to 1. 20
Corn, 44 83 to 88
Oats, 44 52 to 54
Cloverseed, " - ~ . 650t0 7 00
Timothy, " 325t0 3 50
Whiskey, per gallon, 34 to, .36
Beef -Cattle, per hund.,, 450t0 6 00
llogs, ~ _ 750t0 8 00
hay, per ton, • " 18 00 to2n 00
tluano,Peruvian, per ton, 50 00 tosl 00
Flour, per bbl., from stores,
Do. " yvagons,
Wheat, per bushel,
Plaster of Paris, per ton,
YORK —Fat tr
Flour, per bbl., from stores, $9 00
DO. from wagons, 8 12
Wheat, per bushel, 1 90 to 2 00
Rye, 1 14
Corn, 46 78
Clorerseed, "
Timothy. ‘•
Plaster or Paris, per ton,
- On the - 18th ult., by the It. DurlAmcr. Mr.
JOIIN MUMPEIt Mis+ SARAH J.l\ F.. 111411b.:r
of Mr. Ilenjitruin Gardner: of Peter4hur , . '
In Itailianopolis. Indiana, on the titorniii.: or December
27t.h. 1)2, the Mee. C.G. McLean. 1) D.. Mr CIIAIII.ES N.
TODD. of the litliana Froutle :-..soin.try. to 3li. MAPk A
nET 3IeLEA.N.. daughter of the officiating clergyman.
On the 31st ult.. Mrs. MARY M tit;ItALENI; IVERT Z.
wife of Hears ertz. of St.ltt,ot tot\ ,tzs2,l rt
tuntithK er, ploa.e
t.. 'lllr, or( .01;i. ,r 1 n r,
Nd • (formerly ~f Ada'n. emoit , .) I 19 2 m , . e1.11.
an i 247. flity, retivtio..ere ;lit , • 7.4"e•i .Lt 1 / 1 •1114.41• , 11 th•.
Ztil. Her. IS:ttWrel 31111'r pie..urliii/g the Amend , etro.ou,
from . 7, S
SPECIAL M KETI NG of the Adams
County Agricultural SoCiety s ill take
plac e at the Coil rt-hou , e, in Geitychurg. on
Thursday, Me 22d 1 F t 6.. at 10 o'clock, A. M.
The examination of the sohjoci. "the applica
tion of Lime to land," Will lie continued.
McGIN L EV, Pres'l.
H. 1. STA FILE. Seey-
January . 2.9, 1€55. td
H. J. ST If 1.E., Sec' y
Feb. 5, 1e55. tf
undersigned, residing in 'rank lin township,
Adanis county, he hereby gives notice - to all
persons indebted to said estate to maiie itnnie
diate payment, and those having claims against
the same to present them properly authenticated
for settlement.
Ft-b. 5, 1555. 6t
Collateral Inheritance Tax.
QTATEMENT of the Tax on Collateral
10 Inheritances received by DANIEL PLANK,
Esq., Register of Adams county, during the
year ending Nov. 30, 1854.
Additional tax from Estate of
John Duncan, dee'd, $255 64
66 6 : Letitia M'Neely, 8 49
66 64 &let M il ler, 1 5 . 00
Ain't 4 6 Sain'LBmyth, 19 13i
" -" H. Overholtzer, 100 23
* 6 6 ‘ John & M. Patterson, 102 50
66 • 66 John .Dickson, 3 - 00
• 66 Marg. Runkle, 28 75
6‘ , 66
,Jaines,Ml3arron, - 12 - 50
‘ 64 " Mirriet Biehl; 45 72
46 - •' Julia A. Eckenrode, 1 97
6 4 -6 Peter Kitchen, 11 96
" Mary M'Connel, 95 00
4 4 Joseph Kitchen, 14'2 50
Attorney fee,-paid for servi-
ces in collection of taxes, 15 00
5 per cent. commission, 42 22
R. G. M'CREARY,Iuditor.
Feb. 5, 1855. 4t
7VOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees
_LI and other persons concerned, that the
✓Administration Accounts hereinafter mentioned
will be presented - at- the Orphan's Court of
AdamS county, for confirmation and allowance.
on — Tuesdyy, the 27111 of February next, viz :
3. Second account of Jacob Slieely and
John Sheely, Executors of the last will and
,testament of Nicholas - Sheely, deceased.
4. Second account of Thomas Bittle, Testa
mentary Trustee under the wilt of Thomas
Bittle, Sen., deceased, of Henry Bittle, Peter
Bittle; Thomas Bittle.
5. First and filial account of Alexander Co
lman, Administrator of Frederick L. Smith;
. .
6. First account of J. J. Kuhn, Adminis
trator with the will annexed of John Diehl,
7. First and final account of Alfred T. Hot.-
man, Administrator of Conrad Wagoner, de.
8. Third account of Jacob Diehl, Guardian
of John Diehl, Lavina Diehl and Daniel
Diehl, minor children of Daniel Diehl, di c'd.
9. Second and final account of Christian
Schriver and Lewis P. Schriver, Adminis
trators of George L. Schriver, doceased.
tO. First and final account of Martin 'rho
mas; Guardian of Henry P. Q•iieltel and Mary
A. E. Qnickel, minor children of George
Quickel, deceased. •
W 11. 'F, WALTER, Register.
Register's Office. Gettysburg,
Jamul - . 7 27. 1855.
ka'To Persons out of .Employment.4M
The nital Elevint and Ustful Vulumegf the Year.
TUST published, an Illustrated Description
t) of the-RUSSIAN EMPIRE. Being a
Physical and Political History of its Govern
ment sand Provinces, Productions, Resources,
Imperial Government, Commerce, Literature,
Educational Means. Religion, People, Man
ners, Customs, Antiquities, etc., etc., from
the latest and most authentic sources. Em
bellished with about 200 Engravings, and
Maps of European and Asiatic Russia. The
whole complete in one large octavo volume of
Alia 70:) pages. elegantly and substantially
bonnd. Retail price, $3.
This work has been several years in pre
paratioir, and wilLit is believed, meet in the
fullest acceptation of the .vord, the Want so
universally felt for reliable information on the
history and internal resources of a country oc
cupying so large a portion of the Eastern Hem
isphere, and holding so formidable a position
at the present time to the rest of Europe and
Asia ; but of which far less is known than of
any other European nation.
fl Aso, a deeply interesting volume. en
embracing the Romantic Incidents and Ad•
ventures in the Lives of .Sovereigns. States
men, Generals, Princes, Warriors, Travellers,
Adventurers, Voyagers, &c. eminent in the
History of Europe and America, including
Sketches of over fifty celebrated heroic charac
ters. Beautifully illustrated with numerous
engravings. One vol. 400 pages, royal 12mo.
cloth. gilt. Price, $1.25.
The subscriber -publishes a number of most
valuable Pictorial Books, very popular, and of
such a moral and religions influence that while
good men may ~afely engaire Fri their circula
tion, they will confer a public benefit, and re
ceive afair cwnpelisatian for their labor.
Clz:r To men of enterprise and tact, this
business offers an opportunity fur profitable
employment seldom to he met with.
-rs-ons - w
sale, will receive prow ptiv by mail, a Citia
lar containing - lull particulars.with "Directions
to persons di-yotd to act as A•relits," together
with term s - on which they will he furnished,
by add res..% no. the sitb.criher, post paid.
i'!"; Street, ..Vcal lurk.
Feh. 5, 1855.
oN hand and for sale,(r a resat variety of
CLIO K STOVE:S = I very che.lp. - Call
and see theta. VEO. ARNOLD.
Scptcl u Ler 1, 181.
$8 75
b 7
I. 85 to 1 90
1 10
6 75
3 Oil
6 50
6 50
2 50
7 50
. •
Moilvittiti.,4SWlDll4 140iiki$
Net balance,
AGn NEN 1" to an-act of Assembly, entitled ..An Act to'raise County Mites and.Le-
I vies." requiring Ow Commissioners of the respeetive counties to publish a.Statenient 'of
the Recri pis and Expenditures, We, the Commissionors of Taxes of said county, do Report
as follows, to wit'; from the stli day of January, A. D., 1851, to dm-Second day of January,
1. - D.. 1655 - -both days iticive.
GEOIiGE .IBNULD, l'reasurer, and the CO.II.IIISSIONERS, in account with tin
Cuunly of ~.idams, as plows:
To Cash from T. Warren, late Trea
surer, 2509 58
To outstanding Taxes and Quit Rents
in hands of Collectors at last set
tlement, 9416 24
County Poles 4- Levies astessetifur 1-851. -
Borough-of 6 et-t-y-shUrg,, *1238-0
do. Quit Rents, , 178 50 --
CumbeTland township, 1184 0.2
Germany " • 802 25
Oxford - 66 - 972 68
Huntington " - 1159 60
Latitnure 66 760 ell
Ha Itouban $' 1435 25
Liberty 655 47
. is :
Menalieu t f , . • 832 95
Straban « 1 0 52 (;3
Frankiin 66 ' 1338 Oft
Conpwago 46 925 87
Trope . 64. • 637 30
Alountjoy 64 833 84
l'ilountpleasont '• 1'209 71
Reading.' 66 11'28:35
Berwick 66 519 90
Freedom 66 385 57
Linton Li - 1069 34
Butler A, 787 69
--20,214 87
Loan 6'm Bank and sundry persons, 2,292 33
Abatement on State quota, 1854, 091 33
Dividend from Water Company, 24 00
A Tax for 1851, 18 52
Cash received from John Scott, Esq.,
- late Sheriff, for Jury fees -and fines
for 1854,
Cash received from L. Deitz, fine,
Taxes refunded to State
'1 he outstanding County Tax and Quit Rents
appear to be in the Igadis ( ye the jahnoi n g
collectors,. 10
Years. Collectors. Townships.
1850. Samuel Studebecker, Tyrone, $5 73
1852. Peter F. Smith, Laihnore,t 84 45
1853. John L. Noel, Oxford,* 3 11
" Michael Fissel, Huntington,. 201 93
" George W. Fiekel, Latimore, 76 55
' 6 Jacob Noel, Mountpleasttnt,* 113 94
44 George Brown, Reading,* -133 93
1854. Epli. Martin, Gettysburg 8.,* 401 50
4- Hugh MeGauthy, Cumherland,f37o 76
46 Benjamin Landis, Germany, 151 25
4 , James Robison, Oxford.t 172 68
64 John E. Heikes, Huntington, 535 10
Miehael Se hriver, Latimore, 156 28
R; A. Moore, Liberty, 105 47
Gcorge Baker, Hamilton,* 107 68
"- John Burkholder, rtlenallen,t 227 95.
44 Jacob King, Strahanit 264 62
" Joseph. Hartzell, Franklin,t 223 00
44 Joseph 'Clunk, - Coriowagn,t 277 07
6' Conrad Bream. Tyrone.t 172 30
" James W. Barr, Alountjoy,* 375 06
44_ R. Hetnler,-of H.,--Artpleasant.t - 5'23 71
" Samuel Overholtzer, iteading,t 328 35
44 Isaac Wolf, Berwick,* 59 90
44 William Girt, Union,* 169 34
" Henry Slaybangh, Butler,f 333 69
844 411
57 22
787 L 9
Hamiltonhan and Freedom had paid in full
mfore .Settlement. Those marked tiros (*)
iave since paid in full. Those marked thus'
f) have since paid in part.
atm,. ;oat-,
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Gintaion Pleas of Adams County.
E tl the
ie'rreas undersigned, urer a duly ndeni g e n i i :t i e n t: l
e Auditors d n i r f
_ said
and adjust lty i
having Peen
swornAccountsor atraffirmed
agreeably to law, report the fol lowing to be a general statement of said account from the sth
day olJanuary, A. D., 1854, to the 2d day of January, A. P., 1855—both days inclusive.
GEORGE ARNOLD, Esq., Ticasurer, and COMMISSIONERS, in account with the
County of Adatus.
Cash from T. Warren, Esq., late
Treasurer, $2,509 58
Outstanding Tax and Quit Rents in
hands of Collectors, 4,416 24
Am% of Co'. Tax assessed for 1851, 20.214 87
Loan from Bank and sundry persons, 2,292 33
Abatement on State Quota 1854, 691 33
Dividend fiom Water Company, 24 00
Additional Tax for 1854, 18 52
Cash received from-John Scott. Esq.,
late Sheriff, tor Jury fees and tines
for 1854, .
Cash received from L. Deka; fine,
Tax refunded to State,
g e n f e l d a , A %‘, d o i t i o t r F s ‘l o , f o t i b t e T C o ti u r n t ty w oef met , A d a
s tl y e l
t v t a l
e n i a a l ;t r. , I: d c
( e t d st 41
accordingsw rn
E i; th p
e u
r u s n ut r e s e i
to law, the account of the Treasurer and Commissioners of said County, commencing on the
sth day of January, 1854, and ending on the 2d day of January. 1855—both days inclusive :
that said account, as settled above, and - entered of record in Settlement Book, in
the Commissioners' office of Adams County. is correct, and that we find a balance due to the
County of Adams, by George Arnold, Esq., Treasurer of said County. in cash, Th me Thous
and One Hundred and Three Dollars arid Fifty-six Cents, ($3,103 5(i,) and in Outstanding,
Taxes Five Tuousand Five Hundred and Seventy.five Dollars and Thirty-five Cents,
($5,575.3 . 5.) JOHN DICKSON,
F M D F. BHO R IL .iuditors.
February 5, 1855. 4t
E partnership heretofore existing be
t tween the Subseriners, under the name
and style of S. Fahnestock & Sons, k this
day dissolved by limitation . All perstims in
debted to us will please call and settle. as it is
necessary that our Books should be closed
immediately. Either member of the Firm is
authorised to use the names of the Firm in
settling their business.
SAME.; 11 N EsTo
Jan. 1, I Bas.
E Books and Accounts - of A. El. KURTZ
I have been played to uty hands fair inittledi
--eirtiFoion, and none is herehy ( - en ln all
persons indebted to' to tke piyinpnt on or be
fore nue 3 ,lily, the 15'h , f February—M
ter which tl.ite all tilt,ettled aeenntiti will be
put in sittt, without respect to persons.
J td. It. G. licr.l{
L . :100 A, Swat and ‘Vater Clt ACK EHS;
1 (.ilyer Nuts. ticurch and Jeooy Lim)
Cakes. (a new article, and not to he bcat,) tor
sale, (flit-alt., by the pound or lesa. at
April 24.
nri K. N Gs, M Lt
I of thqse 111Jslitis. &c.,
base been re , :eiN 61 by A. .RN01.1).
Dolls Cts
94 00
20 00
185 12
$30.465 99
$5575 35
94 00
20 00
185 .12
lA 1851, 16 23
$30,165 99 Disburfietnents on County orders, 20,279 58
Treasurer's Connuission, 305 (10
I Cash in hands of Treasurer, 3.103 56
Dolls. eta.
By orders paid out is follows. to wit
By minim?' & settling public accounts, 42 00
H. McCrea:7. Esq., Auditor, ap
pointed by the Court to audit pub
lic offiCes, 15 00
Ai•sesiors' pay-, 485 00
_Clerk's pay, 200-00--
Counsel fees and extra suits, 45 00
Fox and Wild Cat scalps, 42 82
Abatement to Collectors of 5 percent, 1000 67
Wood and Sto - ne - 4ilial and hauling,
&c., for public buildings, 177 25
Repairs at:public buildings, &e., 109 55
N otes and interest paid Bank and sun
dry persons, - 2047 99
Tax refunded to sundry persons, 139 R 7
Treasurei of Alms House. 5712 00
Quit Rent paid to George Rime's heirs, 400
Sherifre Bills of Court costs, 720 27
Road damages and damage vietk,_ 803 28
General Jury andyip . Staveo pay, 993 88
.. .
Gland Jury and Tip Staves.' pity, 317 13
Court Crier's pay, 85 00
Justice and Constable fees for com
mitting vagrants, - . 36 67
Prothonotary, - Register and Clerk of
Sessions, fees, ' 183 51
Conveying Prisoners to Eastern Pen-
, - itentiary, 59 50
Certificates of Co - ratables' returns, 87 44
Printing and blanks, &c., 310 81
Officers' pay at Spring Election, 341 47
, Directors of :he Poor pay, 60 00
, John Scott, Esq., late Sheriff', BUM. '
moiling Jurors for 1851,
Officer' pay General Election,
Repairs of Bridges,
Abraham Reever, Esq -, Commission
er's pay, . - 177 00
John Mickley, Esq., - _ 174 00
.James .1 Wills, Esq., 174 00
Coroner and Justice's for Inquisitions, 33 56
Jailor's tees for keeping prisunersand
Turnkey, _ _ , . 248 28
' Geo. Cliritzman, pay in full on Marsh_
Creek Bridge, - • 1975 00
Jonas Routzahn, pay in full on .
,sum Creek Bridge, - 1456 00
Keeping prisoners at Eastern Peril
• tentiary, 29 32
li John C. Ellis, Ecq., in trust for sur
vey of State Road from Gettysburg
to Buck Ttivertf, Lancaster coutay, ' -
one-third of entire cost being pay
by Adams county, as pet Act
of Assembly, 422 66
Medical attendance on prisoners, ' 10 50
Stationery and Postage for Office and
Courthouse, 66 44
Exoneration to Collectors, . 208 03
Collectors' fees, , 994 47
Outstanding Tax and Quit rents, 5575 35
Treasurer's salary, 305 00
Balance in hands of Treasurer. • ato,L3
! IN TEST MON Y that the foregoing Statement
of- Itecei pts-a ntE-Ex pent! i tures exhibited
[sEAL]at the. Office of the Treasurer of said
County, is a correct and true copy, as
taken from and compared with - the original re
maining in the:boots in this Office, we have
hereunto set our hands, and affixed the seat of
said Office at Gettysburg, the second -day of
January, one thousand eight hundred and fit-,
ty-five. JOHN MICKLEY,
AtteHt—J. AuoutsßAuatt,'Clerk.
By out-standing Tax for 1850,
66 • 66 1852,,
Exonerations for 1850,
66 1851,
Fee's for
6 4
Exectitorml Notice.
ttestamentary on the estate of .1o!in Dellone,
late of Hamilton township, .Adams county,
deceased, having been granted to the under
signed, residing in Paradise township, York
county, they hereby give notice to all persons
indebted to said estate to make immediate
payment, and those having claims against the
same to present them properly authenticated
for settlement.
PE I*ER 1.11,1.0 N
January 15, 1855. 6t Executors.
INectitone Notice.
TORN LL'S EST AT E.—Let t ers tee
op tamentary on the estate (if John Dt
Tate. of Buller township, Adams county, de
ceased,--14viiiig been granted to the ultt!ersigned,
residing in the same towlisliiii,they hereby give
notice to all persons indebted to siid .estate
t o make immediate pyrnent, tud those having
el, tins a2,iiiist the vame to present them
properly authenticcted for settlement.
Jh;ssh: DULL, .
January R, 1855. 6t EXecrl fors.
171011 CIIII.ISTMAS.-7'he G rta t n.,„1, I 1(1 13F.:NS C
.1 II rnllvr J•mat hum copies received . ‘-1. A. ARNOLD is now receiving. a larze
Price 1-2 i cents. or 10 copies tor e I . Forlot of Queensware, which he will sell low.
at KELL KU ItTZ':!: BoOk:Auro. Call and Doc. Oct. 2.
55 50
489 50
347 71
$30.465, 99
Dolls. cu.
5 73
84 45.
529 46
4955 71
27 63
68 60
103 60
704 38
90 26
5 53
12 23
38 34.
135 70
$:30,465 99
Valuable Personal Property.
1M 1 Sahaeriher. intemling tn quit farming,
- will-aell et- Public _Sale, at his residence,
iit Uninn towushin. Adanin - county, - Pa.. nn
Wednesday and l'auraday, the 21st and 22 1 1
tor February next, the following Personal
Property. viz
(1(1) 0 2
Seven Cow Nine Head of Young uatlie,
Hogs, two NarroW-tread Wagons, (one nearly
new.) one Grain Milt, Pennock's Improved,
nearly now; Lancaster Winnowing Mill,
,new ; Grain Rake; Roller, Corn Shel
ler, Rolling 'Screen, good as new ; first-rate
Cutting Box ; Wood and Hay ',millers, Stone
Harrows, Cattira - tors - , — Co - rir
Fork a, Grind Stone, 2 Jack Screws, an excel
lent Cross cut Saw, a lot nfShop Tools, Horse
Gears, Log Chains, Sixth Chain's,. Cow
Chains .and Halters, Bream Chains, Bntt
Tmcvs , (a good article') 3 Spreaders, a first
rate Feed Trough, Rakes and Forks of all
kinds, with many other Farming Utensils.—
Also, a large variety of
hold &KY It F . "IV
.ousehol _ :tohen
viz ; a large Cook Stove, Pipe, Sec., a ten-plate
Stove and Pine. Er k illos, Beds and Bedsteads,
one Kitchen-Cupboard. Iron Pots and Kettles,
Meat Stands, Tight - Barrels, and other articles
of Househ - old and Kitchen Furniture too nein-.
erous to mention. Also. a quantity of Apple.
Nutter—and a lot of seasoned Mill cogs, (a
good article.)
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.. on
each of avid days, when attendance will be
given and terms Made known by
J. F;: KMIMER. Auctioneer.
January 1, 1855. is
HE undersigned respectfully informs the
Farmers of this, and tho adjoining Coun
ties, that he continues to manufacture more
extensively that ever,. O. Hussey's celebrated
Reaper and Mowing Machine,.
now so generally in uce, at his Shen., f. of a
mile . North of Hanover. Farmers wishing to
engage a Reaper, or a Reaper and Mower
combined, tor the next season, can have their
orders filled, by sending theta, on immediate
-I,v, with promptness.
T-be'prices for these Machines are as follows:
For a Reaper, $lOO
Fur . a Reaper and Mower, from $lO5 to $125
Address. tne throughu tYte Hanover Post
Office, York county, Pa.
January 22, 1855. 51
E under:signed have this day formed a
Co partnership, under the name and style
of FAHNESTOCK, 8120*01ERS. Hoping
for a continuance of the liberal patronage here
tofore extended to. the 'old Firm, they will in
return do their utmost to merit the confidence
reposed in them by the public.
ED W. G. FAHNEerocK.
Jan. 1, 1855.
17 ARM ERS, look to your interests. If you
I.` want to get back the money you lot, just
call at the Northwest corner of theDiamons
where you will 'save at least 25 per cent:, and
get the full worth of your money, -and - where
you will not have to pay for, those. who don't
pay. Don't forget to bring your Money.; Also
bring'along anything and everything you have
to Sell—such as Burrim, EGGS, BACON,
LARD, RA GS, and everything you think will
sell—and I will buy at wikt they are worth.
Just call at the People's Store.
Vir The Stock - congsts, of. DRY GOODS,
Groceriesrefothing - made tagauL4, Ste.
Gettysburg, Jan. 15,1855. tf
T r soi you can he a4Pommodated by calling
on ,MARCUS SAMSON, who has just
opened and is now selling rapidly_ at hin Store
in York street, opposite the Bank, a very
large, choice and cheap asdoittnent of
Fall and Winter Goodm,
to which lie invites the atter•ion of the public.
They 'have been selected with great care in the
Eastern cities. have been bought cheap tar
cash, and will he sold cheap for cash—cheaper
than at any other establishment in Gettysburg.
His stuck consists in part of Blank. Blue,
Olive and Green CLOTH COATS, with
frock. dress and sack coats; also Tweed,
Cashmere, and Italian cloth ; also a large stock
of 0 V Elt COATS, which can't be beat in va
riety, quality or price, not of the cities; also a
very. superior suck M PA N'l'A LOONS. con
sisting In part- of excellent and well made
French Black Doe•skin Cassitnere, Fancy
Cassimete, Satinetts, Velvets. Cord, Linen
and Cottonade. The stock of VESTS corn
prises every variety of manufacture—fine black
Satin. Silk, Velvet, Italian Silk. white, fancy
and buff Marseilles. Summer Cloth. &c. Also
constantly-on hand a large lot at TituNKs,
Hats, Carpet B ga, Umbrellas, Boots &Shoea,
Window Shades, Violins, Accordeona, Gui
tars, Flutes, Fifes, Melodeons, Mirrors, Re
tors, Spectacles, Spoons, Watches & Watch
Guards, silk and cotton Handkerchiefs, eta
vils, Suspenders, Gloves, Stockings, Spring
Stocks, Shirts, arid Shirt Collars, and a splen
_did_ assortment of JEW ELItY —in fact every
thing in the way of Boy's and Men's furnish
ing line.
Oz:r First-rate Chewing Tobacco always on
hand--a rare article, which chewers are re
quested to try.
November 13. 1859. —ie
MEETING of the Stockholders of th e
/16,_ ..Gettyaborg Railroad Company" will
he held at the Court-house in the Borough of
Gottysteurg. on Thureday, the eid of February
next, at 2 o'clock. P. M., to console! the pro
position in regard to the building of the Road,
'made to the Board of Directors by Mr. PAT•
mew tYlicti.v. of Reading—also the proprie
ty of contracting for the grading and bridging
of saki Road.
lharThe Directors are requested- to meet at
the Conrt-lionze, on the same day, at I o'clock,
V - S - 1
Jan. i. 12, 1855. U. CItD V, Presel.
Fl A W LS.—A big lot of Bay State Shawls,
0 lon and Square; Broehe and Thihet
Shawls—a splendid variety, and going at the
cheapest rites, at SOH ICK.i.S
romp: 0 !CO %IN ALL !—To see those
V) cheap Goodsjust received by
Oct. A. A. ARNOLD.
aramilisram9L ,
Balsamic Cattail - 425nrup,
L. Lamborn, M. D., ProprirtOr.
ITAVING - purchased the above Medicines,
so generally known and justly eetelnaterf,
the underaigned takes pleasure, tn statiug __
the. Public, that he has pied up an extensive
LASOPATORY, and is now menufaeinring them
on a much larger scale than everbefore, in or
der to supply the constantly increasing demand.
Having-been extensively and successfully
engaged in the Practice or Nirdierne for years
—and having visited all the principal Hnspitals
and Medical Inatitntions in this country -and -
in Europe, and become familiar with the
' Prescriptions' and Preparations; used in the
practice of the. most Eminent Physicians and .
he has - no heaitation in asserting that lie has,
found no Medicines so uniformly efficacious in
the diseases for which they are recommended.
A fair and impartial trial is all that is needed.
The Medicines recommend themselves where
ver used.
AII orders shoold , be" addressed to PR.
LAMBORN, Sole Mnnufnerurer and Prnprie
tor, Weabninster, Md.. or to his sothortzpd
" o esti e • gent*, of whom ihry can Always
be had at the same rates as of the-Proprietor.
wHOl ! EPAti—itintrlTs.
Baltimore—Win. - H. Hymn 431: Bro., 4 S.
Liberty - . Street ;
• " _ C. P. • Rngera• Br, Pro., • Ccrner
Howard and Baltimore ate.;
York•—C. A. Morris & Co. ,
January 22.1855. 4m
T VE - REMOVED from 122 Welt I.m
-1., bard street to the new and tetiAtiodions
Warehouse. Nu. 141 Weal "Pratt slreet;. mar
Light, opposite the Maltby' Hottie. and will
BUSINESS, - for, the 1141 P Ot TOBAC4;(),'
all kinds; and Will attend t O lle T 'exectition of
orders for purchasing. '
I shall 'continue my Guano Agency, ,
having increased facilities for supplying the
best article, as usual, at the government's
lowest price=the ton of 1240 irk a
moderate charge of commilisiOnfor purchasing
'and forwarding: '
l am having-
of Llme t a superior article, 'which - I *ill
. Warrant to be pure. - ' '
l have connected with my ,businegit'inid
shall at all times be supplied from theitioat
celebrated inanufactefles in the Union, it large
supply 'of Agricultural linplementm,
or every description, Warralitell.loWlderil ask
particularly the attention 61Frirniers tind-'deal.
era. Trusting,' by 'strict atte n tion' to sii'inisi
ness confided to my charge, 1 strati merit the
'patronage 'orthe
Balt.:.November 27, 1854.
TB P undersigned informs property-hoiders
Mai he has beau July appointed Agent of
INSURANCE COMPANY, and that he is
the only Agent in Adams cbunty for,the sante.
lie will take, original and renew old Insu
rances for said Company, which,:since
corporation. in IBM has secured the perfeet
confidence of the
vA people or-Ada:us mid the--
adoining 001111114 1 11. (It being authori to
effect Insurances in any Ilan of the State.)
Its integrity and ability have, heen fully ar..l
satisfactorily demonstrated. The gradation
of rates of Insurance is adapted to the mutual
interests of the "whole Company and the class
of the insured property.. Every pert.on
ing becomes a member of , the Company, and
may act, in the selEction of officers'and in the
direction If its operations. - ,
Kr Hon.. Moss IlicCi.cspr represents_ the
members in this county in, the Board of Man
agers. C. Rolla, Jr., is President. and JOitiw
Ossteart.t. Secretary. Office in Bloomfield,
Perry county.
WM. Meet:NAN.
0 flide.of M. & W. MuCira!, to uriburg
Decomber 26; 1854. " tf
Will Wonders Never Cease
FTZIS.Zna 17A1,Zli
rIF the Original Emporittm.• of (71sear
l_./ DAG U ERR HOT P 63 Bul tt-
More street, Baltimore, M 4.. would reopen
fully inform the citizens nf ,t4etLystiorg, that
he has taken the i:oonts now occupied by
8. Weaver,' and will remain for a short time
only, and all who wish
,a really Vox! and
Cheap Daguerreotype, shiould avail themselves
of this opportunity.
Pictures taken at the following low rates:
New York size, in case complete, 50. cents.
Philadelphia; gs
Baltimore, ' • 4. 0.100
Pictures inserted itt Lockets, Breastpins.
Finger Rings, &c.
His reputation as one of the first Artists of
Baltimore, together with 'his lougexperience
in the businesa, is a guaranty of satisfaction
in every instance. . „
N. His stay mast twessarily im short,
owing to his other engageutente. •Ctzr Come
One! Come AIM
January 29, 1855. tf
IN retiring from business, the subscriber
desires to return his grateful acknowledg
ments to his friends, and the public generally,
who have so liberally patronized him (linings
period of a quarter of a century. and solicit for
Sons, in the New Firm, the generous
port so long extended to him.•_Asit is neces
sary that his business - be closi;ti, he hereby
gives notice to all persons knowing thewielves
indebted to him by note or otherwise that his
accounts have been placed in the hands of IL.
G. McCreary, Esq., for col!ection, to whom
all persons indebted will please make itnrned
fte payment. He hopes this will he the LAST
NOTICE required, as :he long indulgence
given them should pkompt them to discharge
their obligations Immediately:
Jan. 15, 1855.
1v.A . 12-metEls' 'To 111 .
4 6 , 447;# o
rinfl E undersigned takes pleasure in inform
ing the citizens of Gettysburg and the
public generally, that he is-prepared to furnish
GARMENTS of all kinds, for GENTLE
MEN'S WEAR, at the- shortest notice, and
in the latest possible style. Having opened
a Merchant Tailoring establishment. in Chum
hersi!urg street, opposite the Lutheran church,
and secured the services of experienced work
men, he feels confident of pleasing all who
may favor him • with their patronage. Pour). _
try produce taken in exchange for work,
December 4, 1854.
APLAIN GOLD RING, with two initials
within, the, finder of which will Nit fiber.
ally rewarded upon leaving it at tisk Office.
ISHES for sale at the GfttysborgPn
. Mill.