r It itcliziblirait tontpiler.: GETTYIpIIIIO, PA. DeupLA% iron, Paws 4, Hen. S. L. Ryssgt.t., Hon. Wu. H. KURTZ, Hon. J. - GLANCT Jostcs,and lion. ',Nloscs 1111ret:EA:!7, have placed us tinder obligatiOns for Congressional and Legislative favors. Prof. also.bas our thanks Fitt a copy ofJuilge 11EPISCRWS Address before the Linntean Asso __elation. in September last. The Governor's Message. I who have by such means obtained power. It - • . , is too late now to charge front, and refuse to Gov. Bina.ga's Messagels concluded in . this lays . issite. The doc tri nes sttA b lt h_ gre — yrnt :do what was so faithfully promised. Mr. , POLLOCK made the sale of the public improve- only advocated 'with ' great ability, but are rnents an isSue. in the last campaign. The sorind to the core in themselvessuch as will D be endorsed , by every- true Republican. and Democrats had nothing to do with it. It was logged into the contest to bring victory to the when the present fever of political and religious Whig party. and if the result of that contest., excitement. shall have pooled away, by the ; ; is to be regarded as an indication of Popular great body of the people. . The Governor leaves a ~,,,,, : a a ditioh,,anft, sentiment on this question. why attempt now to . corer up the deception practised by it would be well _ for Our Cotnmonwealth, if' his i _ L.A.-....1. ,t,.. vaunt Board ? It will he 5111114- polici — thottlit be adopted •by his „successor. iloit the intention is to abolish the„lkinril first, • Jastopol would commence immediately on e ' The Message gives. a very satisfactory exhibit i the arrival of the Turkish reinforcements. The land afterwat cis offer them for *sale. What ridi- ,' of the financial condition of the Commonwealth : . ' French will storm. while the British and Turks ............. 4t .. e ..__ reli . i _ rafeviirs _ iiiiiiiiii ..... e -i culous nonsense ! The - obvious intention is to • - . : will attack Prinee Menchikoff. l i _ t a i l i i:l h i:h ud tt s te of lloa mr rd . iTo p i l A a .oc ce z t — he improvements hi i. , • ~ , ~ London say that of the public improvements. which he thinks Private adt ices from say tile give the Spells to ; ' shOuld not be dispowal of unless a fair price , the w _ l . , course of politics filVor the probability of a i iL. Party, and then refuse to sell, on the should be obtained for them—he opposes the 1 that - • - ' . plea they have, as if b y ma g ic , become • repeal .of the tonnage tax on the Pennsylvaniabelieved, will assume the offensive, and info ' wonderfully productive. • . . - Railroad.. Which paid into the treasury last ! . ence all Germany to her side. The people in i We 'know it has been the studied intention the. Ger man State s, year the sum of $131.000. it is con fi dentlystated, will His views on the of the Whig party to underrate the value of the banking "cistern are unchanged. and they are ~ . force t heir governments to accept the proposi t ionti repeated in the M aage. I . he Message coo . improvements—to poison the minds of the peo c.. of the allies. • tains volition reconnnendations of great, utility, plc against theta —to make current the belief • The Spanish Chambers are discussing the' !that they are un pr oductive . Add to this end and should receive the inunediate attention of 1 garbled extracts from reports and false state the Legislature. • i present during the discussion. • i merits of fi gures have been given to abuse the ' . * - - Gieenleata Atithmetics. I public mind. If the improvements are placed Know Nothings Defeated. , n'KELLER, Kurtz has placed on our table.: in the hands of Mr. PoLeoesc, though they alotgan, the Know-Nothing candidate for . -Greenleaf's Pritnnry Arithmetic, upon the 1 11 7 i should not prodnee,a , f ar thing more p er annum afayor in Pittsburg, has been defeated by Volz, ductive plan, designed for priotety and inter- than they have heretofore produced. yet we the Citizens' candidate,' by 47; majority. 'fhe mediate schools : Green7caf's C - onsrnon School '- shall hear the Whig song changed to the tune independent ticket has elected a majority of .frithasclic, on the same system, .combining rof ••glorioun refonnation"—"honesty of 1V hig Councilmen, thus totally defeating the Know the analytic . and synthetic Methods. in which - rule"—the "people saved." &e., &c. These : Nothings . Adams. the Independent , Candi the principles-of the science are fully es plained ' are sonic of the tricks politiciann - plaj•. and we ' date for Mayor in Allegheny city, is also elected and illustrated: and Greenk•ers national arith• i ask Deniorratie papers everywhere, to watch 1 over the K n ow-Nothing candidate. metie, also inductive, anti combining the aim- .. well the effect the passage of the bill will hava.l - ---- - - -- - ---------- -- • lytia and synthetic mettto, together with the '. upon the Wldg press. . 1 [ - 'A. Boston correspondent of the New , • 1 York' Evenin litnil saYs that the Free-Soilers cancelling system — funning a complete met' : • Honesty and fair dealing towardslhe people( =tile arithmetic. These works appear to !as-lio have been duped into an opposition.. to 'of Massachusetts propose that a -new Know- as party should be formed.on the basis us to be very well calculated for tile ieveral - our public improvements weuld have said that I of opposition to folholicisni and to Slavery, classesil labia tbeY have been prepared . and a bill for their ride should be first passed. and : while all foreign Protestants shall be treated are being Introduced into the et":11"14)11SA " b; if they co uld not be sold, then “Arive them ' as native•born people. Their State Committee of =nal of the States- They may be had at 0 Wo7 y t ' " This is Mr. "Poi.i.octi'a dOctrine, and . Kt:acres Book-sue are in flivor of keeping up their present organ - - • lit is the .doctrine of the Whig party. Now let . . . the Tne denim icerr e sid r at and Directors t ; them he honest, and• carry out in good faith further this new movetnent. "Every day 4• the • `t 3 ettYstouel's" R-v-lema Company." on Ihat they haveaid what they ' There . s e 're is enough ••hack brings something new !" Monday- Tau_ mot t le d in t h e c h o i ce o f t h e f o l., I water " in the Whig mill race, without adding lowing matins. Several members-of the old ian additional quanuty. Let us . . have action Board declined a re-election: - 1 corresponding wi th profession :--as. Union. ____ _ ....... Presidecrt--Rollert M'Ciarcly. . i • Legislative.. Direcrors—Thadrietts Steresis. James Wil- , sae. Abraham Krise. John L. Tate, John llns-• is ./-. The Speaker of the house at Harrisburg. selinart,J'ames G.lkeiL Frederick Dield.David on Tnesday, announced the Standing Commit -Vet:miry W i ; lice W. McClellan. George tees. The following arc the most important: Tisane. .foSLals Benner. William Dougles. .-:- -Ways-and-Alentui.-111essrs. McCombs, Ball, ' Stewart, Fry, Lindertnan, Stockdale, Cum :._/- ACo vent of satthers of the war of . , Fenron Do . • , wings, (city,' . n rung. li'll±assensiatetilartiVadtiivon city on Monday last,. die , Kral ot.afarmazry. . The objeit. of the Cimventirnr vems. to induce snelt legislation. on the pact of Cmgres& as Will put soldiers of 11 4 11.4eathesarne footing with regard to boun ty intraii. as soldiers of the 'Mexican war; The can was indeed a gala one. About 1600 old soldiers from MI pnrtarif the country, were present.. ' lion. Joel R. Sutherland presided, as sisted'himany Vice Presidents and Secrete rim Auencled by an imposing military escort, they visited President Pierce. at the Whi:e House, where they were appropriately and handsomely received. On Tuesday they visit ed Mount Vthaton.and had a pleasant excursion. ir — r- We know that we have perhaps XIS clever —and obliging a set'of Patrons as that of any newspaper establishment in the State, and on that amount we never like to trouble them may than we can help. There is however a furze aummint due us on our books for subset ip- tliani e - jc4hing and advertisensents. which if paid, 'mob" be of great serVice to UR. The ~ T 'ln the louse of Representatives, at - SUZRl36slllorour pato-iris iv directed to this fact. Washington.' on Timrsday last, Hon. Jostwit Tire= .veras . se se° rosspoNEKG ox A&!otTNT (is IL CHAsin.na, of Pa., made a speech in reply Tuearlegrrni.lit. To those who !lave betiii - protupt ;to the Know-Nothing speech of Mr. Banks, io &dr - payraerus, we are under many •aml who. he said, had made special and inculpato lasting oarptions. ! ty remarks regarding the Roman Catholic • Church, involving in the inculpation a charge Deroneratic C. S. Senators have had of latent -treason against its . members, or, at „a, preliatin . ary sueetitag. and will shortly make` least, an imputation. Mr. C. clearly and dis * desseavtration - detnin,g the position of the • tinetly denied that - ihe power of the Pope ex- Delaberaey UllitYff the ,subject of secret societies t rm. potkuca pporposes. &nator Adams, or ends 'one grain beyond his spiritual relations. or infringes in the least degree-on the duty Milaskat'ppi, is 'Matt to be the only Democratic which any Catholic owes to the, Government &moor - who iix disinclined to take . ground under which he lives. If, he said, by the 11it 181. thave so*tres. providence of God, the Bishop of Route should possess himself of an army to invade the.ter ri tory of the United States, or assail the tights of our country, he would find no more earnest antagonists than in the noma n Cat ho I i 4.1 f," he further remarked. "1 should not be here to vote supplies to our army, and too old to take part in the battle, 1 would be found in the pri vacy of my chamber, or at the foot of the altar. imploring God for the safety of my country and she defeat of the invaders." Ile denied that th e ny e has or claims for himself the right to h uer r ere with the political relations of any other than that of which he is the sov- PENSSTLVA IA T. 7. S..Sv.s.4.l7rlL—i inn. Wtn. F. Joinwton, lion. Simon Caineron. lion. Thad. Stevens, and 31e3tsm. Curtain, iVi I tunt. E. J , iy 31o: rig, Joseph IL Chandler and JullgeSug3 .- ser. eye tuttuml for V. S. SFnator (rum Pepnaylvr.nia. . TiE CANAL Bo 00.—.()11 Tuesday the official term of sm CUP% Eft was closed, atul Cul. U. S. Morr w•as•inatalled as his ruw&ssor. :"`_!'The Lancaster extrmirstr announces that t;ov. PoLusa: has tendered the office of Attor taill.knerat under his administration to Thom- AS E. FRANE.LII7, Esq., of that city, and the ap pointment has been amepttai. j.f_":"P, 'The steamship North Star. from Aspin wall. with California dates to the Itith ult., artired at New York 11'0mi:tiny morning, iiith•2oo passengers and $l.ll'J fill:i in gold. frsi-On the 63iirth page will be Wood a sen slide article on "The Iturd Tinies"—anof --"ltudling-Plotalorzti news., &C. I;_77".Mr. T. Ma'am. formerly of this place, Tr7The Ihnitectead and Land C;radttation Ins stared a Know Nothing piper at Lock ltilix were both defeated in the I louse, at Wash- Iktven: - fainton -county, Pa. ington, on Wednesday last. TIIB ALRANT.•—There can ttow be little or • -4 4 T, ATP. Democratic mein inn dooht of the lovt or this sloop of-war. with 14 of the Legi , lattne have nominated E. W. ail On hood. Such ioformation has coin'. to Ila 341.1 X. of Wayne. for State Treasurer. The n, to mtisfy the Crovf-runt-ot that: hi, ; liitow Nothings and Whigs (who are one and ealamitv nsust be 4.41 , 1(1 to die c/a.rl: list. for the 11 " . sa:'"' in all tlnogs) nommated yea? 1. _ . Abolition of the Canal Board. -. ! - One Week Later from Europe. I _ • The Cat Out of - .the Bag. A bill has been reaitin,place by Mr. Simi. The.Ainericart-stemosliirpaltieTwith4A-vere..-enunteLmit the abandonment nj of Philadelphra, and referred to the appropriate poni dates to the 30th tilt.,.",being one- week Whig tenet. but only urge a course which wilt, ; conttnittee, - to abolish the .Canal Board. :To: later. arrived at Nest York on Thursday. 4The : i n n : i t . telirruitAnTn.vili'crx p pe nt i on 't A li n e l G r ot m hs and Vandals. -this_ measure-vie raise -our--objections. The propeller Sarah Sands had put into Cork for 811. T IN PUTTING WHIG - 311 , :l.S I C S II,VS A A T N E Irii r I I I I I E G; policy eidil e itedhy - the Whig - party one. two my/16ra. - , -•- - . :Pt PLICIi IN TIM ASCKNIPA NT. We, therefore. re . Napoleon's and• three: years ago; -was to sell these itn- : The event of the week is speech spectfully and kindly suggest to.such of our friends asentertain _a wish for si-convention, to to the Legislature. It is warlike in tone, but provements..And - thus rid the State, of what abandon it at once—at least for the present. they termed an "incubus." The policy con- makes no mention of any prospect of pence. If unforseen circumstances should hereafter tended by Mr. Pol.t ocx. airing the last It was immediately followed by a loan of 509,- arise to render one necessary. March or April . political campaign, 'WAS that the improvements 000,000 francs being promptly voted. The at- will be early enough to consider the matter.— should be sold at any price, and if nothing titudes of Austria and Prussia . are unchanged. ' Richmond Whig. could be obtained for them, then to give them' Affairs before. Sebastopol had not changed. 1 Welong 'supposed that the ultimate object - away. To this policy we intend to hold those Sorties by ,the Russians are continued from the :of the leadersof Know,Nothingisrn was to - city; - and one has been made from the harbor. ' . place Whig principles-in the ascendant in this The Russian bulletins generally claim itnpor- ' country, and the. above extract from the Rich tont advantages overlhe besiegers. 'lt is ru- ' mond Whig, is pretty conclusive that we were right.. A - nth:lle - Koury done --- iticshare - otwork - in driving many from the Democratic party, and making them Whigs, and the secret order of Know-Nothings is designed for the same purpose. But it is a fact, which the political history of this country proVes, beyond all doubt, that though a party - may gain-power by a union of all cliques and factions, yet it is shortAived, No party can ever expect to coin- URI Jr;diciary.—Nletcqrs. Chamberlin, Thompson. Franklin, McClean, McCahnont, Baal, Situp son, Reese, North. .Igricuiiare.—Messrs. Cristrell. Rittenhouse, Powell. Carlisle, Lathrop, Weddell, Muse. Edtieution.—Messrs. Stewart, Shearer, Free, i.Foust, Pennypncker. Christ, ilubt►s. Banks.—Messrs. Morris, EyoerT-WConkey, f Steillcy. Fletcher; Wietershani, Boat, Dough ! erty, Shearer. Railrunds.—Memrs. Eyster, Thoine,Palmer, ! Rall, Laporte, Morris, Fridley, Steldey. Clover, Carlisle,Cutnmi 118, (Sotiterset)Wood,,Morrison. William White, or this place, has been re tnined as an Assistant Doorkeeper of the House. In the Senate, on Wednesday, Mr. Price rend in place a bill to repeal the act redncing lathe rate of interest from eight to six per cent. The vote for Governor Was counted on Theirs ! day, and the inauguration will come off to-mor row. (the Nth.) In the House. a bill to abolish the tavern license laws was referred to the Committee on , the Judiriary. (A)utor ereign,—and he believes all that the church b e li eve s and teaches as religious dogmas. In proof he read train the writings of Bishops England. Keurick,llngltes,Spalding and others. With his hand upon his heart and 111 A ev e s to. wards heaven, he appealed to God to witness the truth of his assertions. vrith the conviction knowledge and the credibiy r ty of the testi- ny he has nthlm.vil from others ul 1 ICI ql mored that the Russians made a sortie on the 12th. and were repulsed with a lass of seven hundred killed and eleven hundred prisoners. A well directed fire from the Russian fortifica tions interrupts the enemy's works. The Rus- - sing.'s had received large reinforcements. Re inforcements for the Allies were rapidly at riving._ Up to the 18th twenty thousand had arrived. It is reported that the storming of Selo 711 E - PO lte KS IN 'nix Cium According to a correspondent of the London Times, the com bined forces landed by the allies at Old Fort, in the Crimea. on the 14th of September, amounted to 67,000 men. since which time up to the middle of November. reinforcements ar rived in the -Crimea, making the total force 114,415 men. FrOm this must be deducted the loss in battle, in the trenches, by sickness, &c., leaving on-the 12th -of November an effec tive force of 94.115 men. Since the latter date 27.385 men have been shipped for the Crimea, making, according to this showing. a total force of 121,500 men. In these totals are in cluded 7000 British and French sailors and marines, acting as land forces. The aggregate Russian- force opposed to this army amounts to about 112,000 men. INDKPENDR)Wg MONt73tENT.—In the North Carolina Senate. at the In st dates,.a Lill had pushed tirst reading. similar in details to those which have passed the Legislature of eight of the old original States, to contribute their quota. towards erecting in Independence Square.: Philadelphia, a monument to commemorate the Declaration of Independence. Should North Carolina .enact the bill into a law, the requited number of States, nine, will have signified their readiness to contribute to the erection of the monument. Good ¶r7A decent Sunday has just been enjoyed in New York, for the first time in half a cen wry:— The new Mayor, Woof), astonished the denizens of Gotham, by having closed up near• ly all the grog shops, and forced those which remained open, to look as if shut. -Mr. WOOO was nut the—tiempi,ratice candidate for Mayor. —Gtr. Telegraph. Oaitsous.—The publication of the Slanding- Mune, the organ of know-Nothingism iii—Hun tingdon ceunty, has been suspended for the want of support. Tara FIRST SHALL as LAST.—The Evansville ((nd.)Journalsais that an old gentlemen aged sixty-five years was married a few days ago, in Knox enmity, in that State, to his sixth wife, and he has only married five women. .His first wife is his last wife, and she is now in her forty-fifth year. She has been married three times, 'and her first husband is her last hus band. Conammos. —The accident which is report ed to have occurred on the York And .Cumber land . Railroad, lately, teity be supposed by many to have been on the road between York and-Harrisburg. This is, however, incorrect; the accident occurred on the York and Cum; Berland Railroad, near Portland, in Maine. In — On the Bth of December. Pope Pius IX. in. the presence of the Cardinals and Princes of the Church, declared it an article of divine fai,h; that the Mother of Christ was conceived without original stain. P — Pl he 'of on ,, worth, of Cincinnati, tax i i5F,3(i.:129.. There is' some comfort in being Taw after all. lire don't throw away the half of 530,000 in taxes ! *The Pittsburg. Cann states that a Con vention of Know Nothings, composed of (Me -gates front different sections of the State, was in session in that city week before last. It is supposed by some that the Conventlon met to 4,: c luet a rnited States Senator, a work here- Col' re pc! the I.vgi,latuic. ong. tie respect am estee in of the pen, plc, which is not based upon constitutional primiples. Democracy may be beaten to-day, but it will-triumph on the morrow. - I= The election - tirthis State; it is' said: - was. a I triumph of Know-Nothingism. If this, be tO) ; those at the- head of the organization take very good care that the elected shall be Whigs and the defeated Democrats. In all the elec tions which have occurred, we have yet to learn of a single democrat elected to the office of Governor, by •the Know-Nothings. •The Whigs who have joined this secret order, and who are by far the most. numerous, always take this office because of its patronage, and give the cheated Democrats" some one_ of - a trifling character. No doubt the intention is first to get the spoils, and secondly to plat a•Whig principles and measures in the ascend ant:" Patriotism, truly !—Dem. Union. Speaker of the Senate. Tn announcing the erection of Mr. iliestei*. as Speaker of .the Senate, the inquirer says: Darsie. a Whir , member from Allegheny, strangely enough': voted for Mr. Iliester. The course of this Ontlemen ham excited much sur prise." It would indeed have been a surprise. if Mr. Darsie had voted for the Know-Nothing cam - Matt:, Mr. Hendricks, after the occurrences of the few past months. Mr. Darsie was nom inated by a Whig Convention, and yet at the command of the Know-Nothing -fliction his name was dropped from the ticket because ho was not born upon the soil. The Inquirer as sented to this despicable trick, and yet affects a surprise that Mr. Darsie should not kiss in m ee k submission, the hand that smote him, through the agency of Know-Nothing agita tion. We have no intention to bespatter him with praise. He is 'a Whig, and we are Dern ocrats. 'But of one thing we are certain, the S.d...nator from Allegheny will act boldly and fearlessly in that path, pointed out by his judgment. despite the surprise of the Inquirer or its Know-Nothing sympathizers.—Philadel phia Argus. Renewal of the Erie Troubles. Dg, Jan. B.—The Lake Shore Railroad, at Harbor Creek. was torn up, to day. by a mob, by order of the Commissioners of Highways, and they were this afternoon engaged in tear ing down the bridge over State street. Judge Am e s and Sheriff Vincent whs pelted with snow balls and stones. for interfering to prevent the work .of destruction. • Put LA MAIM, JAM 10.—In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania this morning.a writ of assistance was,granted, and ex-police Marshal Keyser was ordered to proceed to Erie, and en fin.- - .ce the decree of the court. lie w ill start this afternoon. A SoN OF TIM thtEAT NAPOLEON' BEFORE SEBASTOPOL—It is said that General Canrobert is believed to he the son of the Emperor Napo leon 1., and of Madame de Rainey. He passed the early portion of his life in the enjoyment of the ease and insmiciance which a large fortune can hestowond it was not until called from his life of dissipation to attend upon the dying bed of his mother that he learned the secret of his birth. Immediately, notwithstanding the ac cession of fortune suddenly acquired •by his mother's death, notwithstanding the habits of idleness and luxury he had indulged in ever since his birth, he - declared that, with such blood in his veins, he should scorn to remain inactive. lie instantly set out for Algiers as a volunteer in the Chasseurs, and has risen by slow degrees to the station he now occupies. The moral effect of his relationship to the great Napoleon has been immense upon the troops under his command and enaliled him to obtain an ascendancy which St. Arnaud could never acquire. A CHILD KILLED BY A RAT.-A Most singu lar and fatal occurrence took place at the house of Mr. B. M. Morris, at. Richmond. Va., about two weeks since. We learn from the Post that about six months ago, a negro woman, in the employment of Mr. Morris, heard her child cry, in the room next to her, and went in to see what occasioned it. She saw as she enter ed the room a large rat running off from the child. who was lying on the floor, and upon approaching the infant, she found a bite upon its cheek, which bled profusely. The mother thought nothing of the accident, and about two weeks since was again called into the room by the crying ()flier child. Upon getting in. she saw a large rat leap from the bed, and taking up the infant, which was about seven mouths old. she found that it had Keen severely bitten on the mole of the head. No attention was paid to the matter, in consequence of the4rilling character of the wound. and a few hours af terwards the child died. Dr. Wilson, who had the case under consideration, gives it as his opinion that the bite caused death. Tut.: STRENGTH or GrNPOwDER..—SonIe idea of the lanver of this extraordinary agent. pre pared from nitre, sulphur and charcoal; may be inferred from a statement made to us, with in a day or two, of the blowing operations on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. three miles north of us, where a mass Of rock, estimated to weigli twenty him, was thrown one hundred . yordat diNtant, making a hole in the earth where it first struck, large enough to bury a horse, and then bounded on farther. Another stone. about the same size, was thrown out at the same tinte.—Ger. Tel. A Bank 111,1 )bed ?f :525,000. ;Cm Your:. Jan. 9. —Ou 'Tuesday Jan. 2. Mr. Sittig!, the Paying Teller of the Merchants' Rank, on making up the amount of specie in the vault, discOvered a deficiency of exactly $ 0 5.000. As the specie hail been examined the two previous days and found - right. this excited surrt se. The Teller iminediattly re ported the fact to Mr. Palmer, the President, -and llr, Sillininn, the Cashier. As far as dil igent inquirr can go. no clue can he had to the rolthei y• rewat tl of -'_.uttiy - is ofit.ted fur the di ,su - • cry of the propel ty. Pen, Pate and Scissors. Wfflii .7Conrt commences to-diy. I 11: - Sliad are plenty. thisiiiaon, Si, Sav annah. 12:7Senator-Buckalew has taken his seat in „the Senate. ." -- "The application of soda will cure snake and insect bites. r.7"Prof. Tiffany. of Carlisle.College. is de- liveriniv Know Nothing lectures in Pittsburgh. (James Harlan, anti-Nebraska Whig, has i been t lectedU.-S..Senator by the Legislature,: of lowa. 7A toper has been killed in Connecticut by drinking excessively of essence of pepper. 13 - Prussia is much alarmed.. The people are decidedly in favor of the Western Powers, :whilst-the-king and Court are Russian. . n"'The Kansas Delegate, Mr. Whitfieldj has written a letter for publication, in which he considers his election as solely a triumph of the principles of the territorial bill. . Ea - Mr. De Bow, in his late compendium of, the Seventh , Cowls, estimates the deaths in the yeTtir 1850, throughout the . United States,, at one in fifty. To • I make, hens - lay perpetnally, 7 -Ifit I .them on the head with a big' club. Other modes have been recommended, but this is the . only one we have found effectual. ' [a - A negro witness in Detroit stated that he had been blessed with five wives and, forty ' eight children, whom twenty-eight still live, all boys but one. - 13:7" The Cashier of the Lewis County Bank, safety fund, which exploded in November, has 82 in specie i circulation $125,000 ; assets neither =here nor there. fazPetitions are in circulation in thineigh borhood of Pottstown, for the repeal of that part of the School Law establishing the office of County Superintendent. -- "ln . five years the number of_believers in spiritual rappings has increased to one . hundred thousand. 'Thousands of ‘.tnediums" have sprung up, and eleven newspapers are sup ported. Ci" The great tonne! of the Pennsylvania Railroad, when it is arched,. will cost $450;- 000. It is 3612 feet long, 24 feet wide, 22 feet high, has 4 shafts, and is intended for double track. SA LAT ON tx CALtroaNTA.—The waters - of the Upper sacramente are teeming with the finest salmon, which are caught and- carried to San Francisco, where they are sold at three cents per pound. So plenty are they that many spoil and are thrown away before they are sold. To GET ur,a Hounar.—Find some destitute family to whoM you can secretly send a bar rel of Hour. Let .your right hand pay for it, without allowing the left to know of the deed. Try it, and your heart will have a holiday. f3:7As Dobbs very jnstly observes, the heartstrings of a woman—like the tendrils of a vine—are always reaching out f►r men to ding to. The consequence Is, before you are going, your are gone—like kone-legged ,stove at a'street auction. Ca - Arkansas is a queer country. If you go there with a five dollar piece, they tar ant feather you for being a rich man. If you are poor, they give yon`lever and ague, and let it kill you. Curious country altogether. 11 - Y..Yonr stairs are very dark, Mr. Dodson. Do you think 1 can find the bottom ?'! "Nothing easier, my dear Madame. All you have to do is to let go the banisters and make a stumble." j7The Chinese are a queer people to go to market. A friend at Canton. writes -Kenilich Van Tassel," that a neighbor of his had just laid in'his winter's provisions—a hind quarter of horse and two barrels of bull dogs. The laWr salted to keep. - COUNTERFEITING TN PRISON. —The Slichigari papers assert that the prisoners in the State prison at Jackson have actually been engaged in the manufacture of bogus coin, and by the aid , of accomplices outside the walls, have pat the same in circulation. WILMA WY A Boy. • - During a quarrel be tween two boys in Cincinnati. (Ohio) on Tues day week. one of them, named Bickler, stabbed the other, Bittle, in the throat with a knife. lle died in a few minutes from los4 of blood. 7'The following lines were found at the bottom of a vote for Alderman at the late elec tion in Boston : WWl' WE WANT. Experienee. Hut's stood the trot; Con-eirnee. to snr what',. right; Intolligenee. to know what's best ; Backbone, to stand the fight. llnGs AT CI.CINNATI.—The Cincinnati Price Curren! reports 81.467 as the number of hogs received there for ,the week .ending on Tuesday evening, and the total to date. 256,7_6: against 279,875 to corresponding date last season. FOUR BMUS WITH ONE STONE.—James T. a youth of Prince Georges county, 314., lateit`killedftmr,..birds. one stone.' Two birds4iiii one stone is as much as our fatiwrs ever dreamed of. . 1:1 - J. J. NAILLE. Esq., of Hanover, has been appointed - Rector of the Preparatory Depart ment of Franklin and Marshall College, at Lancaster. and will .enter upon its duties at the opening of next session. DISTRILSSING. —On the Ist inst., a dwelling house was burned in Palatine, Marion county, Va , and an old lady named Brumorage per ished in the flames. The house, its contents, and the body of the old lady were entirely con sumed. NAPOLEON Bo NAPA 11T E CONGRFSS. —On Friday week, the new delegate from Nebraska, appeared in the House of Representatives and gave in his name as . I Vapplerns Bonaparte Gill dinv. The report that he was a Benton man is contradicted. Ile is said to be a friend of the administration Gen. Pierce. 31A it, Rontwas.--Within the last two months, something like twenty mail robbers-have been arrested in ditlerent parts of the country, and about half of them have been tried and con demned to imprisonment. The department appears to be exercising great vigilance in ferretting ont depredations of all kinds upon the wads. [a - The Mesilla Valley. and the other ter ritory acquired from :\lexico, by the last trea ty, is now under the laws of the United States —the proclamation was made on the Itith of November. in the presence of Gov. Merriwether, Gen. Garland, &c. The American flag was hoisted and saluted. LONG SENT ENCF,. —Baker. the young m 18. who wag convicted fur participation in the ' burglary on E. B. Ward's store. and attempt to kill his clerk, was sentenced,_ in Detroit. on Monday, to fifty !pars' imprisonment in, the State's prison.—When he leaves the State's prison he will be GS years - old, or the, year 1905. 7liimpowiler is no longer to he the great destroyer. A 3lr. Perkins has a steam gun which will thrott• a ball weighing a ton a dis tance of five miles! lir wants a ship of 10.- ono tons to anchor off ..A.4,3,tniu,i 1.11 Loaiil. awl pionti , es to tie:Art.ly the place t‘ithuut luv.ing a wan. For the 7tepnblktm Compiler To the Editor o“he..gitat. , Dean Sin l—Recent events-liar erendered it proper for me to resume the epistolary corres pondence which had been suspended for a con siderable length of tune between us. On ordi neiryoecasions, it gives one pleasure to renew and revive the social intercourse that an inter change of sentiments is calculated to produce between congenial spirits: but in the present instance, I am sorry to confess that this happy result' is not likely to crown our correspon-' deuce. For troy own rem; lam ready to ineet you half way—but you setro to be uncompro mising, unsocial.'and unwilling, to make any restitution for the past, or any promises for the future. I thought, when I last addressed you, that matters would take emote favorable tern -that.tinie would bring. shout the cure of the' distemper that seemed to be 'the offspring of: impetuosity and impulse and that a little so- - ber reflection. together with the suggestions and statistics that I presented,' from time to time, to your consideration, would render you' proof against a future relapse and against a similar attack. It is needless ,to assure you that the, last Star Spangled Ba nner .siattered to the four winds of heaven. these idle hopes.' k suppose yon understand :me as Wilding to your strictures on the electron of Speaker of the House of Representatives of our beloved tornmennealth. In referring to andeimiment ing- on - this very important afitir,you could-not but larse into your old song about the "Locos'3'' foe° bid for the Catholic and Foreign vote." It seems you can not appreciate the imligni ty you commit against the American Character; the insult yen offer to the sovereign people of - these United States in thus drawing the line of distinction between her citizens, by thoSe unjust and uncalled fdr allusions to the 'religions and birth place of many of them. The result of the late election in this county, it would: seem, malls you not a little. As it pained you, to record a result altogether unfainiliar. to your columns,. it seems you have adopted-a course which should, in your huirible servant's esti- - motion, be altogether unfiirrillinr to the columns of the -journals of a country that boasts of . be ing the asylum for the persecuted and oppressed of all nations. Previous to the election, when you raw the shado of the coining event which you feared would 5e "unfamiliar to yonr col umns," you condescended to address "a word to your Catholic friends," occupying wore than a column of your paper; in whieb you undertook the delica,e task of deciding for them between their 'real and their prifessed friends, with all the gravity of an experienced logician, and with the apparent authority of a master of ancient and modern history. You . evil; hacked your fittherly interfeienee with a gentle. guit;lhat, should they not hearken to your tonely ailmenitiOn, the great conservative- Whig party might find it necessary to change - itsground, by openly, fearlessly andfiria% ar raying itself against those that might consider it their duty to abandon it. This, 1 presume„- you did not consider a bid, a t &eat, and a re tainer for the Catholic and Foreign vote. And why Simply because you were the prhpo.. ring party. Had the ease been the reverse, and your neighbor of the "Compiler" the thruster nod the threatener, the whole world and the rest or mankind . would not hear the end of it this side of doom's day,, should you both be so long spared. - You saw the great conservative Whig party being swallowed up in the Know Nothing vortex of the day, and it seemed music-to your ears. - You saw, and : still see, the Democratic party bottling against this,new Angled ion," with the same boldness, the same ilrinness and the same loyalty to the laws and the aonstitu tion that it has evinced on all occasions whets her-principles, and the principles of the coun try, were sought to be comprotneoel ! This you could not brook, to this you could not subscribe, because it was the reverse of the course adopted by you and your party ; and hence you mistook and miscalled fi delity to_the constitution', and the observance of the "golden • rule," "a bidfor the Catholic and Foreign vote." "0 the times and the manners." Every time 1 hetryou rant about "Locolo coiSnt bidding tbr the Catholic and Foreign -vote," 1 ani _forcibly reminded of the result of the recent election in this county, which you said was "altogether unfamiliar to your col.' nmns." You should he the last MR this side d the Ottoman Empire to stir up these things afresh. You trust presume a little too mien ore the ignorance or forbearanee of your read ers if yen imagine 'they cannel see and talk_ about the vacillating course of the late Whig party in this county, of which you professed to be the leader; the standard bearer. Do you suppose' they . have forgotten -the manner ins which you dispatched vour . regularly nomina ted Neely ? " l)o you think they can not prop erly estimate the principle, the consistency evinced by your "Star party," iv bile it estensi , - bly professed to support the, settled ticket, iii order to retain the "Catholic and Foreign; vote," and at the same time was vecret& con ceiving and bringing to perfection, "early in Me canvass," the systematic plan of marshalling , the "great mass of the %% hie party" to go "over to Wilson"—yes, to Wilson, the very antipode of ,your former Conceptions of Whig gery . Was there, sir, ever a more wanton dis regard for principle ; for men, or fof anteceT dents and former professions, tha'n thiS umeernt revolution evinces ? If there is any on record, do let us have it. The only thing that. in my estimation, at all approximates towards it, 'is the ctrang&hat has come over the dreams of the Whig party in regard to secret societies.. This doesnot compare with that in regard to rapidity and suddenness. Still,l helievv - there are m in Gettysburg who could prove by sad exilerienee that the "accustomed polieyof the Whig party was net to nominate its can didates without stopping to inquire whether or. not they belonged to secret orders." It those men could beforcryl to divulge the secrets or your party, 1 tent confident that they would bear me out in this assertinn_ To them 1 ap peal ; and to you I shall say tarn„respectfully, your old friend, W.. Jan, 10, 1855. The Old Issues Coming Up. The Philadelphia North American is very . earnest in advo'ating the restoration , of the United States Bank. The Bliffuro Express andl other papers signify a willingness to accept such an institution--as a measure of relief: I A number of Whig papers intimate a wilt ingness to support the passage of a General Bankrupt Law—as a measure of relief. The" Protectionist papers revive their old I theories, and would organize anew their larcen ._ ous .cherries—for the relief of the country. The side organization of the Whigs, in the lodges, proposes to revive the alien and sedi tion laws, to limit religious liberty, and pro scribe alien born Americans. There will be something_ for_ Democrats to do for the nest half dozen years : for these an of schemes_ of paper money, repudiation, extor- ion an proscrip ion are eve c at tle masses, to promote the interests and f'ed the prejudices of an exclusive class.--.llbany .91las. FIRST FRUITS.—The - Know Nothings hold the balanee of power , in_ the Legislature of New York. and their first exhibition of strength was in defeating the election of a chaplain ! They wanted to establish distinctions of creed, an lir - determine which clanTh — ig ---- frt; --- aiud which not, to invoke the blessing of Ileaven on the litlx)rs: of the Legi,la tore. It is thus that the strog,.:Oes of patty are to be exasperated by the spirit of bigotry.