Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 30, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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l'4t o.-Kttteredat Pittsburg rnstomce.
s ot(3aScr H, lasl, as second-class matter.
iBcsiness Office07 and OSFifth Avenue.
fevfs Rooms and Publishing House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street,
i Advertising Office, Boom , Tribune
f Building. KewYork.
roETAGK ritEK cr ths okiteo statss.
gluiir DISPATCH, One Year. I -W
71)in.T Dispatch, rer quarter... w
SuittTUisrATCH. Including Sunday, 1 rear. JO CO
IJDAU.T Dispatch, IncludingSunday.Sm'ths. S!0
nnLTiittPATca.inclnaiiiSonaaT.imonUi so
LstttiuV Dispatch. One Year. J SO
S TTjticirT.v DibPatch. One Year.. la
Tire ntr.Y Dispatch Is delivered bycarriersat
("M cent per week, or Including Bunday edition,
,t SO cents per week.
The great canal projected from the lakes
'"to the Ohio mar be compared with similar
undertafcinM which the world has seen irom
the time of Darius to that of De Lesseps in
an entertaining article which is to be found
on another page of this issue.
Most of the facts there collated are im-
.foresslvely encouraging in their bearine
Supon the canal in which Pittsburg Is most
interested. The history of almost every canal
'that has linked seas, avoided dangerous
'waits, irrigated deserts, or made commerce
'.possible -where none was before, shows
plainly the "wonderful value of such works.
The service of canals to our own country Is
.tolerably well known, and the betiefit
'derived by nearly all lands, En
i eland. Holland, Trance and India in
'particular, from canals can hardly be com-
ipuiea. xv is unieij mi Kmcmuii uu .-v
itiost of the Suez Canal dismayed the capital
ists who stood behind the great De Lessens.
S- fuobody believed when it was opened that
!the canal would ever pay a dividend to the
shareholders. But events very soon showed
what an immense want the wonderiul piece
of engineering had filled. The English
Jnation has no better paving investment than
i&the Sum Canal stock which Disraeli was
; blamed for buying during his last tenure of
' office. When it comes to looking at the
cost of the new Erie ship canal, and big
ifigures tend to appall, the history of previous
projects of this kind may be consulted with
ood results.
Hiiherio the warm weather has excited no
really severe criticism. Pun has been made
of it, and now and again a pinch of sarcasm
3has smced the popular comment But
, .nothing really mean or hard has been said
'.- . . . . t t
? ol Decern Der s summer costume, presuming
en this leniency, .perhaps, the weather has
, grown warmer, if anything, than ever.
'Tle time has come to stop. It is getting to
be a serious question. Consider! ladies and
gentlemen, where are we to get our ice sup
ply next summer? Ice has to be harvested
now for the months belonging to the season
called .summer. Ice cannot be cnt when it
does not exist. Hence the public is threat
ened with an ice famine which will make
life hardly worth living in the -months of
June, July, August and September. If the
winter is simply to be postponed till mid
summer, all may be well yet, "We can then
lay up a supply of ice for the warm spell
which will be due next Christmas.
' The ice company which virtually has a
monopoly of the business here is weeping
''.with all its might over the prospect, The
Jfpublio.sni be called -upon to weep later on.
i in the meanwhile, in spite ot its grief at the
4. 1814
Kfl l,nal,t mF 1io fa-,v Y,T-m ,f will Tip fnroprl
g5 to charge for chunks of ice, the company is
preparing to put in two machines to make
jice. The machines will cost $75,000, and
as, if the seasons resume their normal char
acteristics next year, they will be useless
alter next summer, the purchasers of ice
will have to pay for them before winter
comes ngain.
The weather question is getting very hot
, lindeed. "We need ice very badly.
"Without any unreasonable bitterness, Mr.
I- JBrander Mathews, author and playwright,
discusses vac relations 01 uram&uc aaiuor
-and theatrical critic in the' New York Dra-
matic Mirror. Mr. Mathews is to be con
gratulated upon keeping his temper during
the discussion. Usually the dramatic author
has little but curses and kicks, verbal
' 'kicks, for the theatrical critic. Mr. Dion
ji .Boncicault Is wont, when In need of recrea
tion, to scalp a few newspaper critics. Mr.
'Mathews, perhaps because he is, compara-
' -'lively speaking, a tyro iu the business of
'making plays, avoids the veteran Bouci
canlt's pernicious example. He mildly re
bukes the newspaper critics for giving for
eign plays the preference over American
.Mays. But the scolding Is gentle and can
anger no one.
'."We do not quarrel with Mr. Mathews
- manners, but we question his statements.
' Here is his summing up: "Our theatrical
critics are more prone to point out blem-
fishes of American plays than they are to
praise beauties. Indeed, they are prompt
, to see the blemish and slow to discover the
.beauty. That this attitude is injurious to
( the cause of the drama in this country I feel
rfsure, .and I am also convinced that this is
xme.oi.me reasons wny mo innuence oi the
atrical criticism is far less now than it used
'It (is true that some of the most talented
criticsjjih New York City seem to be some
whatjfeyerse to praising the products of
American writers for the stage, and it Is
true-that other critics there are elsewhere
who have not the courage or the wit to fly
inline face of metropolitan criticism.
Butv 'there, are plenty of critics, in
Hew York and in other cities, who
properlyj'apnreciato the American drama,
which is cutting no small figure upon the
stage&ay. The sane and candid man
can deny' the splendid promise of the new
American drama, as exemplified in the
workpfiMessrs. Bronson Howard, David D.
BioydDavid Belasco, Sidney Bosenfeld,
H:C. fDeMilie, Henry Guy Carleton, Ed
wardlEilKidder, and, we willingly add, of
Mestrs.lBra.nder Mathews and George H.
Jesjop. The Dispatch has not been slow
towelcome and praise wherever possible the
playsof native anthers. The critical col
riransvofTHE Dispatch have shown an
unwavering friendship for the American
dramsand only a Jew weiks ago the play,
'GogMine," of which Mr. Mathews is
rJartautor, received the highest kind of
commendation in this paper.
fuslSbtarace war that is raging in
Georgia; the butchering of negroes at Barn
titfS.iCU is not a warlike proceeding. The
thlSaVto fee told about the matter: a law
less!, spirit, finding its vent In murder, is
wk t . ,., ..,. s ... . m-i
TCiuvawuguH uifcB society .iu vuuuu paxus ui i
: jiii me ucu iruicu uare come
Mtihanrninjiregard to th shooting ofeightj
was 'a craeland HnjsmtAtbws sawder. Deeds
of this sort show that the white race is laps
ing into barbarism ln lcal& where the
complaints of the savagery of the negro are
loudest. It is not anything like a war. The
negroes arc taken at a disadvantage, andare
slaughtered like sheep. The return ot the
killed aud wounded in these campaigns
show only too plainly that the negroes suf
fer all the casualties.
This atate of affairs cannot last The
clamor of certain Southern white men for
Federal aid in removing the colored popu
lation of some Southern States, heaven
knows to what place, is ridiculous, while
such lawless slaughters prove the white
men to be most in fault The South should
rather be on its good behavior, seeing that
the, majority party in Congress is contem
plating a reopening of the "race problem,"
and possibly a readjustment of the election
laws. There is no telling how serious the
situation may become if the relations of the
white and black population in the South
are further strained.
As far as we are informed Mr. Bussell B.
Harrison' is still connected with the Helena
Mont Journal. If he is not he should say,
so at once. Otherwise he is liable 'to involve
the administration of his revered father in
no end of trouble. How can such a para
graph, as that subjoined, which we have
taken from the Helena journal be recon
ciled with a proper regard for temperance?
Tho Journal editorial staff is indebted to
Silly Lynch, the expert mixologist ot the Mer
chants' hotel bar, for a pitcher of eggttog com
pounded in bis very best manner and received
Jast night at just abont the hour when churon
yards yawn and grave editors give op their last
cent or would if tney had it for something
liquid. '
Of course it was right for Mr. Bussell B.
Harrison or his representative in charge of
the Journal to thank Mr. Billy Lynch, the
mixologist, if the eggnog was accepted.
The question is, should a man of sach pub
lic Importance, as the son of the President
of the United States, who, has dined at
"Windsor and made merry with Albert Ed
ward, accept eggnog from Mr. Billy Lynch,
no matter how expert a mixologist he may
Under certain circumstances and at certain
times, as Mr. Bussell B. Harrlsoa apologet
ically and somewhat pathetically remarks,
the longing fora liquid, eggnog or what not,
asserts itself in a masterful manner. "We
do not believe that this longing is confined
to editors, nor even to sons or Presidents.
The longing is not in itself iniquitous, nor
will all condemn the quenching thereof with
eggnog. The impropriety of the publica
tion in the Journal lies not in the descrip
tion of a pleasant and, we regret to say an
unusual episode in an editor's life, but in
the exploitation of the fact that the Markis
of Montana, as young Mr. Harrison rightly
or wrongly has been called, is a consumer of
potent concotions, which some attribute to
the brewery of the Prince of Darkness.
The Akron .Beacon disputes the remarks
of The Dispatch, that the radical Republi
can journals of OnSo have been comparing the
record of Senator Payne with that of Calvin
Brice to the advantage of the former. The
proof of the statement is contained in the fol
lowing from yesterday's Cleveland Leader, a
paper whose party fealty will scarcely be ques
tioned: "All the men -who have heretofore
been elected to the Senate from this State bad
at some time been active and prominent as
political speakers among Ohio people. Mr. H.
B. Payne ran for Governor once and had been
conspicuous as a Democratic worker in this
State for 0 years before he aspired to repre
sent it in the United States Senate."
Mbs. James Bbowit-Pottbii Is going
to Australia. And thns the friendly relations
between the United1 States and the English
colonies are imperiled.
Alleohenx is to be denied rapid trans
it in one direction at least, because Councils
and the managers of the Manchester line are
at war. We cannot say that either contestant
Is clearly in the right, bnt it is unfortunate
that Allegheny City should be made to suffer.
Allegheny City needs rapid transit more than
any other one thing.
Peach trees are in full bloom in certain
parts of N ew Jersey. The destruction of the
peach crop may be expected to occur months
earlier than usual.
The Chinese actors in Kew York have
been rednced to wearing their stage costumes,
so threadbare are. their ordinary clothes, on
the street Happy Celestials! Our Thespians
in distress cannot resort to such devices.
When they are not feasting as actors they must
starve as common citizens.
A young hurricane or two tried to vary
tbe monotony ot our summer weather yester
day, but with scant success. Snow is now sold
for delivery July i.
The Allegheny Valley Ballrotd is pros
pering these days, and the welcome news comes
that a new freight station is to be built for its
use on Pike street Mr.McCargo's manage
ment is synonymous with progress and im
provement Jay Gotu is a bnll without reserva
tion. And for once it does not seem necessary
for the country to prepare for hard times in
President Haeeisok has killed a pig.
Politicians who believe in tbe doctrine of "to
tbe victors belong the spoils" are requested to
bold back tbeir petitions for pork till the own
er of the pig has been settled with.
Influenza is said to be closing in upon
this community. It is a mighty unpleasant
thing to have such an enemy, so to speak, 'In
our midst"
It may be true, as a Philadelphia doctor
asserts, that peanuts are good for brain work
ers, but the devourers of peanuts are generally
not troubled with brains to feed.
Exciting Fokrr Game In Which Re
markable Hands Were Held.
From the Cincinnati Enquirer.
At a leading hotel last week six prominent
gentlemen sat down to a friendly game of
poker. The ante was 0 cents, with a $5 limit
In the party wero a well-known doctor,
a cigar dealer and a wholesale
liquor merchant The gentleman to tbe
right of the doctor opened a jack pot
which bad passed several times, and which
contained 39. The M.D. squeezed down his
hand and found four nines pat, and trailed
along. The third man came in, aud the fourth
who was the cigar dealer raised the opener,
with aces and kings. The fifth player raised
again, with three queens. The sixth man and
the opener went to the deck.
It wasnow tbe doctor's chance, ana be raised
again. The cigar dealer came to the front and
another raise came from tbe liquor dealer, who
held the three queens, and who was again
raised by tbe doctor. Both rata stood the last
raise and the cards were drawn. The doctor
and the man with aces np took one
and tbe man with three queens drew
two cards. Betting now went fast and furious.
Nothing could be heard but the click of the
chips, and tbe excitement rose to fever beat
when over 8800 was in the pot The doctor was
the first to call. When tbe hands were exposed
it was found that the doctor had four nines, tbe
cigar dealer an ace full on kings, and the Honor
dealer four queens.
The Wny of ilie VJe.
From the Boston Ulobe.
' It is now but a short .step to 198ft Do not
waste time trying to remember last year's reo
lutionvbot put'Jn a Vra&a sew.-set asm keep
- " - - - - -"'
Yesterday's Ht-Tngt Mustek Ke4ete
s , Willi IwwejrtWJWsH-e,
The mammoth triple natfiber of THB Dis
Patch went out to its 250,000 readers yesterday
filled with the freshest news and the choicest
literature. It was aa unusually excellent num
ber, ai the following brief' summary will show.
Nearly three-quarters of a million of. people
In Europe have been attacked by tho influenza,
and between 200 and 300 deaths occurred last
week. In this country tba epldemlo is also
spreading rapidly, ana a fatal case is reported
from Chicago. Tho ex-Empress of Brazil died
at Oporto ot heart disease. How Christmas
was celebrated abroad was told by1 Th Dis
patch's LOudon 'correspondent Captain
O'Sbea has sued for divorce. maKlng grave
charges against Tarnell. Portugal and En
gland refuse to refer their difficulty to arbi
trators. England wants Blaine to have' no
hand in the matter. Prince Bismarck is ill. A
determined anti-Bocialist agitation is kept np
in the German Empire.
Business men in New York, Pittsburg and
elsewhere talk encouragingly of -trade prospects
for the comlngrear. Jay Gould is particularly
hopeful. Mrs. Brooks, of Brooklyn, was mur
dered by her young son, who put her to death
to end her sufferings. Ten. persons were killed
in a railroad wreck near White Sulphur
Springs, W. Va. Colonel Harry McCormick, of
Dauphin connty, is being poshed for the Demo
cratic nomination for Governor of Pennsyl
vania. Nine men were terribly burned by
molten metal in an accident at a Dallas, Tex.,
foundry. A mob took possession of the Jail at
Barnwell, S. C, and took out and shot nine ne
gro prisoners.
Connty Commissioner Mercer and others
talked interestingly on the convict labor ques
tion. Complaints are made to the Humane So
ciety .that tho law against employing children
in factories is violated and nulli
flcd. It is thought that a, clew
to the Tarentnm murderers has at last
been round. United States Marshal Harrah
was given a banquet by his friends at thoDQ'
qcesne Hotel. The warehouse of the Wormser
Glass Company at Laughlln was burned; loss,
A review of leading events In the sporting
world for the year, and the latest news In
pugilistic and baseball circles, was given on
the sixth page. -
The Washington homes of Congressmen and
other statesmen were described In an illus
trated article by Frank G. Carpenter in the
second part Interesting reminiscences were
contributed by B. P. Shiilaber (Mrs. Parting
ton). Willis Kenyon's paper dwelt Upon the
curious relations of hypnotism and crime.
Prominent politicians, among them several
Senators and Representatives, alscassed the
question, "Should a Young Man Engage In
Politics?" The Pittsburg Library, and tbe
reasons why it should be preserved, formed the
subject of Brenan'S article. Robert Buchanan
told how plays are made. Henry Haynie gave
some entertaining gossip about Mme. Bern
hardt Hon. Henry Hall pictured life in the hovels
and concert halls of London. Prof, fibers'
novel "Joshua" was brought to a happy con
clusion. Bev, Dr. Talmage and Marian White
contributed a fine Christmas story. "Violet Isl
and" was the title of a pretty fairy tale by
Ernest H. Heinrichs. Choice miscellany, the
usual departments and articles by Edward
Wakefield, Max O'Rell, Clara Belle, Shirley
Dare, Rev. George Hodges, F. S. BasseU,
Gerald E. Flanigan, James C. Purdy, Maud
Howe, Mrs. Grundy, Jr., Dr, Jackson, Bessie
Bramble and others were included in the Sec
ond and third parts.
Remnrknble Charges Ajralnit Alleged YIo
Intora of Custom Lnwi.
BOSTOif, December 29. The city of Haver
bill is a great deal disturbed over a remarkable
case which has just come to light there. It is
generally understood that a warrant has been
sworn out by Customs House Inspector J. &
Mbrris against Ferdinand Duptesi of Haver
bill, on a charge of smuggling in liquor from
Canada in bales of bay and straw. He is sup
posed to have accomplices, and to be one of a
ring that takes in the cities of Haverhill, Law
rence. Manchester. Nashua and Lowell.
Dnpres left Haverhill last Tuesday, ostensi
blyon a business trip to Canada. He is tbe
junior-member of tbe firm of Joseph Dupret &
Brother, bay and grain dealers. Joseph Dn
pres, tbe senior member ot the firm, has been
in business in Haverhill 12 years and is well
known and accounted an honorable business
man. Moreover, be is opposed to liquor sell
ing, and it is not thought that he is connected
with the business. This morning, at the store,
Mr. Joseph Dupres was found in the office. He
said -that be knew nothing whatever of the
matter, and supposed his brother had gohe to
Canada on business which be does every two
months, as most of their bay is Canadian. If
any smuggling had been done it had been done
outside the firm, and as a Arm he was ready to
face any charge or warrant
It is supposed that Ferdinand Dnpres had the
cars consigned to him at Lawrence, and with
the aid of some one there unloaded the goods
which be bronght to Haverhill over the road,
as .it is known that he made several night trips
to that city. The liquors seized are known as
Geneva gin.
Mrs. George" Wasbnct on Wants a Present
From Mrs. Benjamin Harrison.
WASHISOTON, December 29. The custom of
giving New Tear's presents has apparently not
died out In tbe South yet, as a woman in that
section lately wrote the following letter to
Mrs. Harrison:
I am very desirous to get a New Tear's present
from Washington City, and consequently I have,
located on you for the present as I gave all the
aid I could to give Mr. Harrison tbe President's
office. Jly son John cast his- first and only vote
for Harrison through my Influence, and many,
many others, and. now a Hew Year's keepsake
will be highly appreciated from yon. If you re
spond to my desire please do not express it, as I
have vowed never to pay express apaln Unless I
could get to see what 1 pay for. Ho par the ex
pressage when you ship the present so that 1 will
not have to break my vow, A dress pattern or
anything, your true friend, . :
Mas. (iceman Wasiunqtoit.
A Weather Prophecy.
From the Philadelphia Hecord.
An entomologist has predicted that unless
severe weather sets in before the 8th of
January, flies will swarm, out in their spring
clothes. "
In Her Nprranl Condition.
from the Baltimore American. J
Hayti is feeling natural again. Her affairs
are very-much disturbed. Hayti at peace
would scarcely be Hayti.
Mbs. Livermobe, the lee tut or, is a woman
of large frame and powerful physiquevof unu
sual height with iron-gray hair, a beautiful
complexion and a gracious presence.
Mb. French, the.culptor, is making a
statne of Louisa M. Alcott for the Fine Art
Museum of Now Orleans. It will represent her
seated in a rustic chair, a girl and boy near by.
Joix ChandusbHabms "Uncle Remus")
was a typesetter on a Georgia country news
paper "bef ore he became an author. His first
venture in verse was made in the days before
the war.
Thb ex-Emperor of Brazil is a member pf the
Paris Academy of Sciences under the name of
Do'm Pedro do Arcantara. He has been in the
habit of sending reports to the Academy from
his observatory at Rio Janeiro. He has many
friends among European scientists.
Mb. Phillips, the late President Arthur's
Private Secretary, is a New Yorker, who has
made his home in Washington. He Is a man of
leisure, living on his Income. Every afternoon
he is f o und at the Metropolitan Club discussing
National topics. Ho is eminently a "clnhbable
DmtiHQ the Christmas vacation Prof. Dana,
of Tale, has been hunting over the' country for
botanical and geological specimens, .and It is
reported that he has succeeded in discovering
some most rare and valuable ones. Although
nearly 70 years old, Prof. Dana is in fall physi
cal vigor, and is able to endure longer walks
than tbe majority of his pupils, .
Cabdihai, Newmajt has all his lire "been a
vigorous worker, but now he rarely preaches,
and writes little. He still rises early, as he has
always done, and his mornings, ore given to de
votions and tolpoking after' tap' aifalrs of the
Oratory that he'loTcs bo wrU; and which he es
iahllsbed'sorae years -age. The love that the
students and priests at the Oratory bear for the
aged Cardinal it toaci" iff. BoEwwo fll of them
JaJge Tf eVa Latest tl, ttm aa
Old Law OsVce-K. r. ' L Sac
cch, Tbe. Variatfea Ace, Br. AnwM t
Ragar, Between Tlaaee, Feet ef Clay,
Wine Gfcts. f Rreaeea aat dttwr
Books. -i
With Gauge andfiwallow X. B. Llpplscott
4 Co, H. Watts & Co.) is a collection of law
stories by Judge Tourgee, "Gauge and Swal
low" are a firm of attorneys, in whoso office the
teller of the stories, whose part in most of the
plots makes a thread through the book, Is em
ployed as clerk, in such an office, "where the
crookedest things in the world are made plain,
even if they are not always made straight,"
there must be almost as many Stories hidden
away In tin boxes as Inspector Byrnes has in
his remarkable journals. Juago Tourgee writes
under stress of an imagination urged and
guided by experience. The stories are all in
teresting. They are of reat variety; love,
fraud, spiritualism, forgery,, mines and rail
roads, mysteries and surprises, rogues and
heroes play their part in the pages of this en
tertaining book. '
Another book of short stories is that which,
under the, title -Taken Alive (Dodd, Mead
Co.;J.R.Weldtni Co.), stands last in the Ser
ies of 'The iVorks of E.P. Roe." Tbe stories
are fitly prefaced by the title essay in autobiog
raphy, which Mr. Roe contribnted some, years
toXfppfncoft'., and which be entitled, repeat
ing a contemptuous phrase of Matthew Arnold's
"A Hative Author Called Boe." Arter all is
said, & P. Roe must be confessed to. have
won success. And success means that the
books which he wrote commended themselves
to a very large number of our fellow citizens.
"No critic," he say,"has ever been so daft as
to. call any of my books classic" .But a great
many "classics" have bad fewer readers. Mr.
Roe appealed to the average mind. There Is
such a sort of mind. It does prefer
'Barriers Burned Away" to "Marins
the Epicurean." It Is more interested in
E. P. Roe than In Geoige Meredith. The
average mind Is made that way. Well, because
we are cultured shall there be no more cakes
and ale? Mr. Roa, .addressed his books to the
largest audience in.the world.and the audience
were pleased, and gave him their applause, and
no number ot his' books oonld weary them.
They Were not "classics," bnt they were good,
straightforward, carefully 'written, helpful,
wholesome, arid uplifting books. They at
tracted readers, and they did the readers good.
The short stories which are collected in this
hook are of a piece with the rest They have
tbe faults and virtues with which Mr. Roe's
friends and critics are familiar. In our own
opinion but this Is only tho opinion, we fear,
of an "average mind," they are well told.worth
telling, abd worth reading.
One who permits himself tho bad habit of be
ginning booki In the Chinese way, at the end,
will be somewhat surprised by bis first glimpse
at Tht Tarluflan Age. (Lee A Bhepard: J. R.
Weldin &, Co.) The book ends With a list of
cosmetics. SIgnor ilantesazza, In the original
Italian, of which Mr. Nettleton gives us here a
translation, Set down the names and charac
teristics, poisonous or otherwise, of no less than
263 recipes for making one's self beautiful. It Is
not cosmetical hypocrisy only, however, which
is assailed lb this fierce little book. The good
Signor begins with the harmless, necessary cat,
whose deceitful conduct excites bts condemna
tion, and goes on, from die fig-leaves ot Eden
to the compliments of polite society, to objur
gate even the whitest kinds of lies. H6
IS a sort of Carlyle in Italian. "Tbe
Tartnffian Age," the writer himself confesses,
"cannot be popular, cannot be written except
with one-half ink and one-half tears and gall."
Blznor Mantegam has but a poor opinion of
,the world in general. He says, without any
appearance of baste, but as a deliberate judg
ment that '"all men are liars.''
The last volume in the series of "Tbe World's
Workers" tells of the good work of Dr. Arnold
of Hugby (Cassell & Co.; J. R. Weldin & Co.).
RosetE. Belfe is the author. Out of the his
torical material to be found in tbe works of
Stanley and Hughes, she has selected that
which in a brief space shall tell us most abont
that inspiring life. The little book is excel
lentlydone. Tho schoolmaster, the teacher,
the publicist the writer, the friend,
the man, all thei sides of Arnold's
character. except as husband and
father, are delineated as well as could be done
iu sucn onei space. Anyuoay wno writes wjin
any sort of appreciation of a man .like Arnold
is sure to write something both Interesting and
belptnL One cannot get near to such a charac
ter Without getting inspiration, nor describe
him without inspiring other people. .The in
dividual care of Arnold forhls boys, a care kept
up in the midst of a great burden of other and
wider careA is perhaps the characteristic of bis
work at Rugby which is most emphasized In
this book.
A graceful little book in pretty covers, with
pretty verses between them, Is Walter Learned's
Between Timet (F. A. Stokes & Bro.2 J. R.
Weldin it Co). The rhymes are neatly turned.
The subject is an old one which even
the poets can never wear out tbe pages
are easy and pleasant to read. Not much is
undertaken. The little valentine poems are
dashed off Impromptu "between times." Tbey.
are pretty lines for fans, and albums, and fly
leaves, and the margins ot letters, and the 14th
of February. Mr. Ge'orge Parsons Lathrop
contributes a graceful and friendly preface.
At the end ot the book are several translations
from the French.
It looks for a good while, as tbe book goes
on, as it Feet of Clay (Dodd. Mead & Co.t TX.
Watts & Co.) were going to be a very unpleas
ant story. Indeed, after all is told, the story is
not particularly cheerful. The scene is in the
Isle of Man. The hero, George Pennington, is
the individual who has the misfortune to have
"feet of clay." There is a great deal that is
good in him, balanced by so much that is
selfish, mean and dishonest, that the reader is
almost sure that be is going to tnrn out wholly
bad, and make a wreck of it, and wreck several
other lives with bis. Pennington Is, indeed, a
mean tellow until the very last chanter. He is
as selfish as Tito, as despicable (and in some
what the same way) as Dean Maitland. He is
a faithless lover, and be forges tbe name of his
friend. Finally he allotrSanotber man to go to
prison in bis stead. Mrs. Barr bas made him
out so low-down, that it is with a rather un
pleasant surprise that the reader is told at the
end that instead of getting bis head shot off in
India, he is wounded just enough to give em-
ployment to the cheering nurse, who proves to
be a nice girl whom be has knowo he f ore, and
whom at last he marries, and turns out quite a
decent fellow. The value of the book is In
creased by tbepieasant-lookmg picture ot Mrs.
Barr which fronts the title-page.
Wllbelm Hanff, who wrote TAe Wine OhosU
of Srenen (White and Allen; J. R. Weldin &
Com) is described In Mr. Fletcher's sprightly
and entertaining preface as laving once held
the position of editor of a paper With a re
markable name. The paper was published in
Germany, and tbe name, being translated was
"Morning News for. tbe Educated Classes 1"
"What sort of editor Hanff made we are not
informed, but we have here an opportunity of
exercising our own judgment as to the 'sort of
pleasant wntmg wnicn ne was able to do.
In Bronen. beneath the Ratbhaus is the
Rathskeller. And in this . cellar are
great casks of wine with dates upon them,
reaching back into the early years of the
"eighteenth century. Twelve of these casks
bear the names ot the Twelve- Apostles.
Bacchus has a vault all to himself. So has an
other mighty barrel named tbe Lad v Rose. The
teller of the story sleeps One night in this an
cient cellar, and is present at a mighty revel
where the revellers are the worthies, after
whom tbe casks are named. They tell some
good stories over their cups, one of tbe best
being tbe tale of tbe devil and Balthasar the
.Bottomless. Even old Roland, the stone im
age, who guards the door of tbe town hall,
comes to join the merry-making, and is much
disgusted to learn how things have changed
since tbe old crusading times, the knights of
Europe being juastuen occupied In fighting on
tbe side of the Moslems against tbe Greeks.
This charming little book is exquisitely printed
byTheo. L. DeVinne A Co. The edition is a
limited one, the type having been distributed
at ler printing. The critic's copy Is one of fifty
which were made as complimentary copies for,
the press.
Emmanuel: A Bloru of tfi Messiah (Dodd.
Mead & Co.; H. Watts & Co.). has not so much
thread of story in it as "Ben Hhr," but is much
the same sort of book. It is a life of Christ in
narrative form. It begins with "The Herald
Angels," and ends with "Emmanuel Triumph
ant" Mr. William Forbes Cooley, the writer,
has studied Gelkie and Edersbeim, and woven
their scholarship into -his story. Like James
Freeman Clarke he selects the character of the
doubting apostle, and makes him present at all
tbe most notable scenes in the life of Christ
For some reason he chooses to name him
"Thorns," leaving off thelast letter, The'book
is not written with any theological mte'it Tha
writer Is a Christian believer who wants to
acquaint people, who have, not tbe mental
training Which makes ihe weightier bonks
about tbe gospels interesting, with tbereettltsl
or recent Tesearcn ana tsar. aa eaootes.tno
narrative as tbe best, way aocesapiieli lag this
etn.1 Thn hMt I nrp.fuljv rftVArAajtlxr mjS
ar as" we ean e, accurately
TftHMMtritW) Ciarti tact. Bate SewftoM
Areml a sDek Man's Bel
From XiOBiBia&'s Mftfailne.
Go and.llve Mere, inhabit tbaLpteturesqae
adobe dwelling for 24 hours, either with or
without jangle fever, and yoar enthaIam will
possibly jo considerably modified. Ibebreese,
tepid and languorous, brings little refreshment
to the heavy, steaming atmosphere, charged
by blazing sunshine in brief alternation' with
torrents of rain, deadly miasms from the
rot-laden lagoon steal like ghosts through the
moonlit night, and every type of winged and
creeping abomination that, earth products
there teems and swelters in luxuriant viru
lence. Great hairy tarantula spiders, centi
pedes a foot long and scorpions .like miniature
lobsters had their being in the banana leaf
thatch above me; land cnlbs burrowed up
through the fungus-grown floor to visit my
couch; huge toads and venomous reptiles came
franklv in at the door. Alligators and enor
mous serpents infested the lagoon hard by and
might be expected at any moment I did not
see an anaconda while I was there, but a blow
from tbe tail -of an alligator struggling with
some creature it had captured actually broke
away some of the wall of my but one night
Beastly bats sailed in occasionally, and were
found by daylight pendant and pugnacious
overhead, While more than once a yell, a scuffle
and a rush proclaimed the disturbed intrusion
of gome unidentified delegate of the cat tribe.
Respiratory air seemed to have acquired a
third constituent in addition to its nor
mal oxygen and nitrogen in the stifling clouds
of mosquitoes which tilled the darkness and a
Central American mosquito is as merciless an
organism as any of its accursed kind found out
side the Arctic circle, which is saying a good
deal, strange things whizzed and buzzed and
boomed through the obscurity, dropping with
a sharp "thud as though Shot, or' alighting with
sticky feet reluctant of dislddgment; on one's
face: all night long there was a rustling and a
Crackling and- creeping suggestive of unseen
invertebrate horrors all around; walls, floor
and roof crawled, and were horrent with hide
ous animation. I am a naturalist by instinct
and can love and cherish the meanest reptile;
but I would not voluntarily of forethought
and design choose a hut in a Costa Rica swamp
as a Shelter for my sick bed during tho deliri
um of intermittent fever.
Master MaoTagcarf'a, flock .land HIa
Method of Keeping Order.
From Marrat'J Magazine.)
The floor of the Schoolroom' was of hard black
earth, studded thickly and Irregularly with
smooth round stones about the size ot a cricket
ball, and projecting about an inch from the
ground, in which they were firmly embedded.
Over this I clattered with my mother (my
boots bad thick solescovered all Over with hob
nails) till we reached the schoolmaster's desk.
There we halted. Mr. MacTaggart, Wholly ab
sorbed In hlr occupation of pen mending, did
not appear to notice us. When he had finished
he gav a slight start at seeing us, whereupon
my mother explained to hiin in Gaelic that wo
were new arrivals in Glen Sue (Yellow Valley),
and that she bad brought me, her only son, aS a
pupil to his SOhOOh ,
Meanwhile some eight or nine kilted, bare
legped youngsters, with eves sauinting Cau
tiously leftward toward the Schoolmaster's
desk, had. softly left their seats and formed a
semicircle in front of the Are. Presently others
also glided from their places and endeavored
to squeeze themselves Into the semicircle.
Their attempts being resisted by the first
comers; a scuffle occurred, which, gradually
getting more and more noisy, at last attracted
tbe attention ot Mr. MacTaggart. The old
schoolmaster, grasping tbe situation in a mo
ment suddenly laid down his pen, seized his
leathern five-fingered "taws," which lay con
vsaiently near his elbow, hurried down tbe
steps, and applied this instrument rapidly and
vigorously to tbe naked calves of as many of
tbe delinquents as had not succeeded in re
gaining tbeir seats beifore his arrival.
This punishment administered, he returned
slowly to his desk, leisurely ascending the
steps, and calmly sat down as if nothing had
happened, Ot the boys who bad received a
taste of tile "tans'" some were rubbing their
calves and crying; some were rubbing their
calves aud looking generally uncomfortable.
Dpi not crying, and some Were rubbing their
calves and smiling, as if they did not care a bit
The smiles of these last however, struck me
as being somewhat forced. As for the rest of
tbe school, though here and there I detected a
smile or a grin of amusement, tbe generality
looked on with indifference as on an iueldent
of very common occurrence.
John nnd Wllllnta Relliy Meet and Make
Sack Oilier' Acquaintance
Newbubq. N. Y.. December 29. John and
' William Reilly,. brothers who had tievsr pre-
L vl&u'sly met, mado each other's acquaintance in
this city yesterday, jobnistneemer, twenty
four years ago his parents came to America,
leaving him jn the Old country. At the age Of
8 John came to Providence and from tbat time
earned his own livelihood. Knowing that bis
own patents had settled in Nowburg be adver
tised for them, but received no reply. Last
snmmer he came to work at Fort Montgomery,
end In September removed to Newuurg.
Yesterday be told his story to a friend, and the
result was that the similarity of name, Ot
features and other points satisfied tbe friend
that he knew the whereabouts of the missing
Accordingly he sought out William Relliy,
who was born in the United States and who
lives only a few doors distant from John on
the same thoroughfare. Thus tbe brothers
were united. Their father died about the time
Tnt.n nnmn ,n ,hfa Mnnnfw .ThAtWrt 1,Wlt1l,M
baa passed each other on the street almost
' dally for months without knowing it John
' Relliy. in addition to discovering a brother,
has also found two half sisters, of whose exist
ence he knew nothing.
How tbe Celestial Scientists Trace the OrU
gin of Man.
From the Popular Science Monthly.
jThe rocks are the bones of the divine body,
tbe soil is the flesh, tbe metals are the nerves
and veins; the tide, wind, rain, clouds, frost
and dew are all caused by its respirations, pul
sations and exhalations. Originally tb3 moun
tains rose to the firmament and toe seas cov
ered the mountains "to their tops. At that
time there was In tho divine body no life be
ajdes the divine life. Tnen the waters snbsided;
small herbs grew, and In the lapse of cycles de
veloped into shrubs and trees. As the body of
man, unwashed for years, breeds vermin, so
the mountains, unlaved by tbe seas, bred
worms and insects, greater creatures develop,
ing out of lesser.
Beetles In the course of ages became tor
toises, earth-worms became serpents, high-fly-ingiosects
became birds, some of the turtle
doves became pheasants, egrets became cranes,
and wild-cats became tigers. The praying
mantis Was by degrees transformed Into an ape,
and some ot the apes became hairless. A
hairless ape made a fire by striking crystal
upon a rock, and, with tbe spark struck out,
igniting the dry grass. With the fire they
cooked food, and by eating warm victuals they
grew large, strong and knowing, and were
changed into men,
. .-
A Pair of Improper Lenaea tbe Cnnso of a
Bay's Death.
itMlsoTON, Del., December 29. Albert
H. Connaway, aged 11 years, was buried in tbe
iRiVervtew Cemetery yesterday afternoon. Tbe
boy died on Christmas Day under peculiar cir
cumstances fiom meningitis. He was an
Albino, and being "near-Sighted went to an
optician in this city about six weeks ago for.
glasses. The latter, instead of furnishing the
proper lenses, fitted the lad with strong far
sighted glasses, and as a result Connaway nad a
hemorrhage ot the eye.
Ac oculist was then consulted, who advised
that the far-sighted glasses be discarded. I;
is thought this was done, but hemorrhage
caused meningitis and the boy's subsequent
death. Tbe oculist who was consulted says the
death is directly due to,tho wearing of the
strong eyeglasses.
Greatness Hni Its Limit.
From the Philadelphia Times. :.
John D. Rockefeller is said to be worth $129,.
,000,000. And yet he could not eat a whole tur
key on Christmas Day,
Mrs. Robert Tyler.
MoirtOOHBBT, ALA., December 29. -Mrs. Rob
ert Tyler died In this city this moriinc at 8 o'clock
In the' 74th year of her age. Mrs Tyler wai a
daughter of the tragedian, Thomas .Cooper and
Mary Foirue. a Celebrated belle of new Xork,
ID IOW biiu iukiiicu J,UUh AJI"
est son of I'resldent Tyler,, and upon the
special request or tne I'resldent ana or niswue. ,
whu was an invalid, she .presided as ".Lady of
tuo Wliite House!' during the first three years of
I'resldent Tyler's administration.
Gntrsj,Wi Sawta.
Jfosiox, leccmWr;:s. George tf. Sawinan
Instructor of mathematics at Harvard Collece.
dM thlsBOralBg at the 'Msstaesaeetti General'!
Hospital, acta as year- -He Ws seised
MtV attae of tseritosltls a Taesdav,
,-,sEasr "S? l rassu--r3i''s5.!SB?'j
.flWLiEtliJKlTr-lilAsU -'
New Ttmrsslay W1H Thtd Arty LSsV
w8MileflVrMsi TH LHtis Bartb-.Tw
. ParttolBettMMHteKaMtaMelea'e
far a Teal PHsapssa f Meroary, Hani
VewN, Japittr, Satan, TJraaas aad
' Alt sight are alike to thy brlghtaesst
What If thou waken the birds, to their svng, dost
thou waken no sorrow;
Waken nb sick to their pain j so captive to wrtaeh
at his fetters? ,
Smile on the garden and fold, and oa maidens
who sing at the milking:
Flash into tapestried chambers, and peep In the
eyelids of lovers,
showing tbe blissful their blis.-ifnffifey.
So the Greeks regard the sun in their
mythology. And it does) not seem tbat we
should be too enlightened or matter-of-fact to
find pleasure in their stories about nature. For
example, they typified the sun by the god
Helios or Sol, who had a magnificent palace la
the East, whence he atatted out each morning
in a chariot draws by four horses. At evening"
he reached his palace ia the West How he got
back to the East again was) not explained. Ho
saw and beard everything, and was able to
witness against those, ot the gods who did
The earth Is nearest tbe'sun on the second
day of tbe year, on which day the Is only 90,
823,000 miles from his solar majesty. In tbe
early part of the month tho day increases in
length at the rate of about half a minute dally.
The .sun will bo eclipsed twice during the.
year 1890, but neither of the eclipses will be of
much importance. Tbe first will be on JUne 17,
and will be visible) a certain extent In all the
continents of the Eastern hemisphere ex
cept Australia; but the moon will be
so far away from the earth at the time
that she will, not hide tbe'whole disk of
tha sun, but will for certain plfjei of the earth's
surface obscure the central part, leafing a f Ing
all around, on account of which such an eclipse
is called an annular eclipse. The next solar
eclipse will-be on DecembeTiS,and will partake
oi tne same nature at the beginning and end,
but will be total for a small region. It will be
visible In the Indian and Antarctio Oceans and
the southern part of Australia.
Mercury ia evening star until the 2th, when
he passes to the western side of the sun and
becomes morning star. On tbe 13th he is at
that point in his orbit where he is separated by
tbe greatest angular distance from tbe Sun, as
seen from the earth.. Mercury, the sun and the
earth are then at the apices of an approximate
ly isosceles triangle, Mefcnry being 92000,000
miles from the earth and 28,060.000 from the
sun, and the earth 91,000,000, from the sun. Tbe
angular distance between tne sun and planet
will be 18 61'. This elongation "may be consid
ered a moderately favorable cmr.ana tne planet
may probably be seen easily with a field glass a
few days before and after the 13tb. on the 5th
Meroury sea at 621 v. K., 1 hour and 14 min
utes after the sun: on the 13th he sets at 6:18 p.
M., 1 hour and 38 minutes after sunset His ap
parent diameter at tbe elongation is 6".8, and
he is in the constellation Caprlcornns.
Vonus may be Seen in the early morning for
a few days in the first part of the month, but
she soon loses herself in the snn's beams, and
will piss beyond the sun from west to east, be
coming evening star, on tho ISth of next
month. On the first day of the year she rises
at 7:48 A. M., 49 minutes before the sun. Her
apparent diameter is 10".2, and she is in tbe
constellation Sagittarius.
Mars is morning star, rising at 1:58 on the
morning of the Stb.'ana at 133 on the 25th. On
the 1st of the month ho is in the constella
tion Virgo, about 10 east of Spica; later on be
gets into Libra. His apparent diameter is VA,
and the phase is gibbons.
Jupiter, the king of planets, has withdrawn
himself from our view, and Will not be visible
to earthly gaze tor sevoral weeks to come. On
tbe lotn of January he passes behind the sun
and becomes morning star.
Saturn is morning star, but rises in tbe early
part of the evening, and can be observed bv 10
or 11 o'clock. The rings may be well seen, their
plane making an, angle ot about 9 with the
line of sight. The apparent diameter of the
planet is 18".S Saturn may be Identified bv
the Btar RegUlus. in the well-known sickle of
tbe Lion. The planet is about 7 east of this
star, and rises on the 6th it 8:56 p. if., and on
the 25th at 7:32 P. x.
Uranus is 'morning star, rising on' tbe morn
ing of the 16tb, SI minutes after midnight He
is In quadrature, i. e., 99 west of the sun, on
the 16th of the month. Uranus is Still in the
constellation Virgo, abont 5 east and 1 north
of Spica, or Alpha Virginia.
. Neptune'ls evening star, crossing the merid
ian at BJ&'on the evening At the 6th, and at 70
on the 25th. He sets on the6tnati!34A.x.
Neptune is in Taurus, between the Pleiades
and Hyaaes, and less than Half .a degree north
west of the sixth magnitude star Omega. He
is not visibla to tbe naked eye.
The moon will be eclipsed but once during
the year 1899, but will come very close to being
eclipsed at another time. On the morning oftbo
3d of June she will pass very near the shadow
ot the' earth, bnt as tbe size of the penumora
to the earth's shadow depends largely on ths
condition of the earth's atmosphere, it cannot
be predicted with Certainty whether tbe moon
will enter the shadow or not Such a close ap
proach of the moon is called a Lunar Appuise.
The only lunar eclipse of the year will be oa
the 26tb, but will not be visibla in this country.
Luna'S phases for the month are as follows:
Full moon, January 6, 10:37 A, M.t last quarter,
January 14,11:83 a.m.; new moon, January a,
4:49 A. jr.! first ouartef.Januarv 28. Ids A. X.
Best E. V. Larr.
PittsbvbOi December 29, 1889.
Two Careful Norses.
From the Chicago News.
Congressman Flower, of N ew Yprk,is Watch
ing at) the sick-bed of his city's World's-Falr
project, while Cbauncey Depew snatches a
little rest Those two patient nurses are de
serving of much praise for the Care which tbey
are bestowing on tho otherwise friendless and
comfortless Invalid.
The grand Old X ear lay dying
' Full of honors, woes and dread.
For tbe voices of his Moments
Circled round his hoary head.
And those Moments seemed to say
"We were wasted, thrown away."
Vain to think of what's accomplished;
Vain to boast of mighty deed;
Vain to point to bright achievement; ,
Vain to show uprooted weed
With those Moments there to say,
; We were wasted, thrown away."
Though in such and such an hoar,
Opportunities were seized
And made much of in avallment
Bo that Uod and man were pleased;
Xet those Moments staid to say
"We wire wasted, thrown away."
And their voice, in Iteration,
Bo lneensed the giand Old Tear,
That he ran his tempal gamut
Loudly that they all might bear.
And the Moments ceased to say,
We were wasted, thrown awaj.
"In this month, amelioration:
In that week great deeds were donel
On that date a rare dtscov'ry 1
At that hour a battle wont
Hojv then can ye Stand .and say,
Ve were wasted, thrown aWayr
'It was possible that nothing , ' ,-
Would have come to fill my span;
Or that mankind,, stationary,
Would have ceased to Work and plan.
I'm astonished that ye say
i'e were wasted, thrown away."'
Then spoke soft a Wasted Moment
In the dying monarch's eart
True, vour span bas been productive;
Ton can leave bright records here.
'Tls regretfully we say.
We were wasted, thrown away.
"Though so grand were your achievements
That a world has been surprised;.
What could not have been accomplished .
With each moment utilized?
Think wbstmlghthavebeealo-dayi
We were wasted, thrown away." -
In a royal glow of sunlight
Clothed in purple rbes of Dawn
Came tbe lusty raoor;h, -New Year,
Came rejoicing in his brawn.
And he heard tbe Moments say: .
'We were wasted, thrown away."
'Have no fear, myJoHyfellowsl"
Cried be in a voice of cheer.
"Yon can qnlckly be recovered;
Am I-not the glad New Year? ,
Pessimistic, then, to say
"Yewerewasted, thrown sway."
Pointed, then, those Wasted Moments.
To the Old Year's lifeless clay,
la sspulcliral strains they chorused
Jke hiss, we most past away.
Mew Year; farewell, we bawe s
: .xaesujBS
'Jt3m.r& XB!X ilOiSV-f-
ttato fax aasl riw fvass ah'stihwi
I not ia Friday mofBiafa DnrAHar aa
ssotial heastad '-Make the Trataa, Work."
That ta not a Mlattoa of the tramp prsfa.
ia lsoaMttea where trasapa are ltaprisosa ad
Bade to work, probably he ieBotsoMsaereM
bathetssaiwhreelM,M, the beet ye oa
do by pisc vagrancy laws is to drive hisa
from eae plow m another, and that eertalsly
shows a very seises spirit While we do set
watvtibiat oaraelve,we are. wttllng'to lafllct
him do oar neighbor.
Why do we have tramps? Simply because
the ordinary laborer, by wortitag tea hours a
day, can make but a bare living, and the tramp
can get that bf begging, and he prefers the
latter method. If we would pass laws that
would release opportunities for labor from the
grasp of monopoly, so tbat labor oould employ
Itself and get a fair return which is at least
four times what it receives at present there
would be no tramp problem or convict problem
to solve. What would release these boundless
opportunities? 1 think the single tax would
do it. ADVOCATE.
JoHirstfowir, December 28.
Sessions cf Congress.
TO the Editor of The DUsatch
How often does. Congress meet?
tbe Congresses so fin inhered 7
Why are
YOtHJGSTOTVir, December 38, .
. The Congress of the United tatea must,
by consskntlonal provision, assemble at
least oaoe in every year, and that'
meeting ball begin on the first Mon
day la Deeesrter unless by law a different day
be appointed. Under the Constitution tbe
President hae power to convene oa extraor
dinary occasions, both bouses! of Cdagress, or
either of them, and in case of disagreement
between them with respect to tbe time of ad
journment the President may adjourn them to
such time as he shall think proper. The First.
Congress in the United States under tbe Con
stitution met March 4, 17S9. The. numbering of
the Congresses followed naturally, as First,
Second, Third, etc or, as they are very often
written, t H, HI, and the sessions were indi
cated as first second, third, etc. The States
have generally followed the example,
IffioroTD the Country Roads.
To the Editor of The Dispatch
With fid little interest and pleasure I have
noticed your late articles on "Country Roads."
If the press would take up this matter and not
let it rest until the Btate Legislature should
take hold of it and work a thorough reforma
tion in the management of our roads and turn
pikes, It would result in untold value to farms
and the commercial interests of the people.
Governor Beaver brought up this subject ia
its true light with a great splurge, then let it
die. Our County Judge did the same thing.
Occasionally a couritv paper breaks out spas
modically oa the snhject and quits when some
growling, short-sighted taxpayer threatens to
withdraw bis subscription.
uoon witn yourgooa woric tvery reform
must have a pioneer. The press generally will
inevitably fail ia line. The subject has already
been too long neglected in this age of advance
ment . Faemeb.
Ltoiaxa, Pa,, December 28.
Unantnrnllzrd Voters.
To the Editor of The Dispatch!
Can foreigners Vote in certain States for
President and other officers Of the National or
State governments on the mere declaration of
intention of becoming citizens, even though it
requires fonr and a half yean before they be
come naturalized citizens f Heubt.
GRKEuSBUttO, December 28.
IXta. The' following States allow foreign
born persons who have "declared their inten
tion" in the usual way of becoming citizens to
enjoy the privileges of the franchise: Alabama,
Arkansas, Colorado. Florida, Indiana, Kansas,
Louisiana, Michigan. Minnesota, Missouri,
Nebraska, Nevada,- Oregon, Texas and Wiscon
sin. In none of these States does inability to
read English exclude the voter frnsa participa
tion is the franchise.
t '
Bfonts Carlo.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
Where is tbe celebrated gambling place
known ti Monte Carlo T. P. D.
McEEZSFOSf, December 28.
Monte Carlo is the Casino, or leading gamb
ling puce, in me sovereign principality of
Monaco, along the southern coast of France, a
few miles east of Nice.- Monaco contains only
about' seven square miles, and it is the smallest
principality In .Europe. It is not in France, but
In Case of war it would probably be under the
military protection bt France. 1
The" Pointer on the Governorship Brejped
by n Qnny Man.
Barrisburg Dispatch to Philadelphia Record.
The hair-plaiting, that numerous newspaper
people navo been given In the matter whether
Qua has'br.bas no t expressed a preference for
Governor was brouzht to tbe attention of a
promlnent'State official to-night This gentle
man 13 one of the quartet that made Quay's
fight againstCooper for Chairman, and trav
eled the-lengtn and breadth of tbe State to do
it He was asked: "Have you got your orders
yet on tho-. Governorship?"
'I've got all the orders I want," was the an
swer. " ,
"Who are you for for 'Governor? '
"At the present time I'm for Delamater."
Dr. Sowers One of the Busiest Men la
Tbe President has a doctor, bnt does not
often hare occasion to send for him, says tbe
Philadelphia jVetet 'Tis a curious fact that
one call to the White House brought dr is in a
fair way to bring, a fortune to a Washington
Since tbe President made Dr. Sowers his
Jihysician this young, gentleman, already popu
ar and successful, has round bis practice
quickly doubling. He is now the hardest
worked man in the city of Washington, hit
White House patient probably' excepted. Dr.
Sowers Is no more than 35 years old, and his
Income is $23,000 a year.
How to Maker Men Temperate
From the Norrlstown Herald.
The Treasury Department decides that a cask
used In importing liquor cannot bo used again
ia exporting domestic liquor. How, if the de-'
partment would only decide that a man once
filled with liquor could not be used again for
ths same purpose, tha temperance question
would be nearly solved.
A Timid Bride or SC Years.
rtncuCTXtxansit so rngutarxTCni
Laurel, Dei. December 29. Goldsborongh
J6nes,-a youth, recently married Mary1 Simpers,
aged 80 years, at Gceaswood. They would not
permit, tbe ceremony to go on until the lights
were dimmed, as they said the bride was timid.
Not the Best Specimens.
JTromthe Chicago Tribnne.1
Kate Fleldis in 'favor of establishing a School
ot deportment for public men. Kate should
hot form hasty estimates of public men In gen
eral from the specimens she sees sometimes in
Chicago Nevus A Kentucky feud has been
healed by a marriage. Most feuds originate
that way. .
Svk York Homing Joumalt Wheaaaan
becomes tbe husband or a prominent actress
his' name might as well be Dennis as anything
Nbw Yoke Commerciat Advertiser: Welles
ley girls are In search of a college cry thatshall
beatonee'-wildaad ljrlcal," Let some one
tarn a mouse loose in the room with them, and
tbe ery is made.
.- Boston Courier:
Tbe aatumn girl in colors gay
And ribbon", furbelows and thlaffl
It simply in tbe eye of youth
An angel lacking wings.
ChicAso !. It Is noticeable that fewer
men are now wearing stovepipe hats than is the
Case at other seasons of the year. They are
probably-afraid "that their silk afee will pat
ttMif witesla mind of that parlor steve which
SOHBKVirxB Journal: Some women, 'who
Would never say a word themselves against an
other woman, are willing to smile sweetly and
say nothing, .wWmoaeMtttearlBher
cfcaraeer ti pieces.
tbMtBMFnttB 'iMfm: Why shouldn't the
vents form a svndleaM aad bsd o Secretary
'WtotWoalg regarding tha saal-eatcsi-
SaAlaeaat Lsat
tta na ef
m99W IKTttaafltMlK!
t-;rn UastfnxM?A ft riff ftl
r. ivvmrrim;jvammaa.yjamu
Aetalkofeelyha4 grown
W1vliteaManBto,PaHgarasv. . f i
' A woman 93 vears ol3 was arraign
a Sew York police court the other day'oa
cuarjjo oi urunKencess. j.
John Jackson, a colored reidnf
WlIIlatBSSort, who wan separated ifre
mother during tha slavery days, has";
Canada to find her and bring ber home.
A. (tmtt living between MarcellnenE
Brookfleld, Mo., found 37 bea trees durlngU
summer and fall, and a4 a consequenca baa
imuu jjjuio huu uacrci ox straznea noney
A horse thief recently arrested
ticello, HI, had a map on his person with!
route marked out by which the stolen bom
were runoff to Southern AllnoU and;K
Colonel Wilson, the Federal officer'
captured President Davis over 20 years ahaa
subscribed $100 to tbe Davis land fund, for the
x cijei utiia wiuow auu aaugHfcers oi nis xoTm&f
r. t - VM'TFUP - i.'-jWHraJH
rapuve. ,g
At Plttston there is a man who saya he . : - r
was never ill a minute. He explains his good'; ' -health
by tbe fact that his mother sewed a ; ,.
rabbit's paw in his clothing when he wasa - r
baby, and he bas never been, without It on-his. -f
person since. -: "
The town of'Hanove'r, Oxford county; is
the banner town in Maine. She has neither at
doctor, lawyer, minister or pauper, and-last.'
year bad money enough in the. ireasaaryjto.
run ina town without assessing the inhabitants;;
for poll taxes. "-'"if
HoadmasterMolIoy, of theNCentraLTaif
clflo Bailroad, was attacked by a wild .cat .near;
Wlnnemueca recently. The cat had two kitg"
tens and Mr. Molloy happened upon tbemuif
expectedly. Tbe old she cat flew atnim, butf
bs covered his face with his overcoat and'
caught her by tbe throat and strangled her.un
til she appeared lifeless. His hands and arms
were badly scratched. . i
One day last week Doe Evans, othe.;
Ord "Ranch, hear Girdley.CoL, wanted to tie af.
hog. There was neither rope nor wire at handle
but a Chinese boy connected with the place of
fered his queue. The offer was acceptedrtha t
'queue cat off and the hog's legs tied together
wiiaiw j. no utile neatneij nas neen anxious
to have bis hirsute caudal appendage removed,'
so be could be "all same Mellcan,"for soma,
time past and be is now the happiest young
celestial in the county. ,,t,..
Two Bangor (Me.) young men have re
turned horns from a huntlngtrip about Whit
ney Bidge, bringing with them a pair of locked,
homs, which they obtained from a hunter in
that region. The hunter, in prowling through
the woods ia search of game, canre upon the
carcases of two fine bucks, with their horns,
firmly interlocked. Tbey evidently had bsen
flghtlng. and In the struggle locked horns. Be
ing unable to get them separated, and. conse- ' .
quently, unable to obtain any food, they hade;(
starved to death in tbatposition. One set ot. .. 4
horns has nine prongs. The horns are so firmly; f
locked together that it is impossible to separate's .
them without sawing off one of the prongs. '.-
A peculiar accident occurred at Rapid
City, la. A one-horsa wagon, heavily laden:
with meat, while crossing Rapid creek, got
"stuck," and the horse, in his efforts to get out -of
tne trouble, swung around and went over
the side of the- bridge, which Is SO imtt Mi-h
The wagon was heavy enough to keep its place ;
iuu tuo iiuruess auuicienuy strong 10 Dear.toes
downward over the creek. All efforts to nnllfF
him back onto the bridge proving nnsuccess-t -:
ful, tbe traces were cut dropping tbe poor."
beast bead first into the' water. He was then'
gotten ashore without much trouble, but not in
a very presentable condition, as he bad struck
bottom and was covered with mud.
In the past week a Connecticut woman
has been regularly licensed to do pharmacy
business, Miss Eleanor Bird, of Waterbury. A
few years ago she was a teacher in the Home;
School, then she became a cleric in Calender's
drugstore, where she learned tbe druggist
trade, ana lately she passed a successful .ex
amination before tbe State Board of Pharmacy
at Hartford. She is now a competent druggist
according to tbe Stale law, but she bas not
opened a drugstore as yet There are a'few
female druggists in the United States 'and
most ot them are in Connecticut. There a one
at Bridgeport one at Niantlo on tbe SoumLa
third at Farmlngton. Miss Eleanor Bird at
Waterbury, and Mrs. Ellen L. Wilson at Rock
viile. Mrs. Wilson, It is asserted, is the pioneer
female druggist In the Btate. She manages the
largest drugstore In her town, and bas a lares
force of clerks. Miss Bird is now the prescrip
tion clerk in Mr. Callender's store. There are
several girl clerks in the New Haven drug-
The mountain people on "Walden'a
Ridge, within 15 miles of Chattanooga, are con
vinced that a specter deet protects taaUrtssrl
ones.' There are stinalarge number of deer -to
66 found on the mountains, and parties f re?
quently go front ths city on huhting expedi
tions. They seldom fall to get within sfght of'
game, but very frequently return without any.
The reason for this is explained by one of the
natives of the ridge in a most singular way.
"I know," be said, "that there is a specter deer
on the mountain. I have seen it, and so hays
a great many other people. Now I can bit a
top of a cap box at 100 yards, and I never
mused a deer m my lite when it was an actual,
flesh and blood deer. But often, when I gn
hunting, I jump hall a dozen deer at a time;
one of them will stop within a few feet, with
its side to me. 1 shoot at it and it nevermoves,
and I load and fire again. Then I know that it
is the specter deer and there is no use in my.
hunting anymore tbat day; I would never see
another deer."
Joseph Dormer is in jail at Ean Claire,
Wia.,- because he pnt on a clean shirt on Christ
mas morning. The young farmer bad long
promised his sweetheart that she should enjoy
a buggy ride In hit company aa soon as ths
merry Ynletide should be ushered in, and tha
occasion being an extraordinary one, gallant'
Mr. Dormer most array himself in linen of, the!
highest polish. His stock of starched garments
being unfortunately at the lowest ebb. Dormer,
in great tribulation, appropriated to his own
use for the event a brand-new and glossy white ;
bosom which be found In his uncle's upper''
bureau drawer. At ths same time and from
the same depository be extracted a S10 green
back. This occurred at the village ot Fair
child, whence the darling Lothario procured a
team and buggy and, calling for his sweetheart;
Started on the long awaited drive. Dormer's
uncle was opposed to the young man's fiancee,"
and sent an officer in pursuit with a warrant
Tbe couple were arrested and Dormer was
jailed on a sentence ot 60 days for larceny of
the shirt and money. Tbe latter bad been ex- i
changed for ths use ot the vehicle and tha" f
former was sent to a laundry at the uncle's ex-;.'
The Duke of Marlborough grows dearer
to bis wife every day. She Is paying onthls debts..
Tixaf Sitingl. '''"Oft,
He Got the Quarter "If I gave yon a.
cent Bobble, whatwouldyoodowlthltJ"
I'd buy postal card and writs to yon for a '.
quarter. uarpert namr.
Mr. Lookahead Does my daughter glva
yon any encouragement slrf.
Mr. Donothlng Why, yes; she says that
business is Increasing so tbat yon ean sooa,sup;
port ns in. the style we coin use. Muntqrir
Slammet The boys have organized a
Tirnmmer-That's fortunate. Ton maybe
to put something in my way. Here's my card.IJ
represent a firm of Crutch manufacturers. roSJg
"Shft'a as sweet as suear." !
"Adulterated sugar!"
so. Why!" s ;'
"Oh. I supposed It must be she has such a i
-complexion-" Uarpef Bazar.
Before another Christmas Day,
As thlngsnow Indicate.
Oblslandthst we so dearly Mrs
Will alt be In tbe pocket of
some Xnalish syndicate.
Chicago TrOmnS
The Why and Wherefore. -"Baakai
mr nonular fellow. Isn't he T"
"I should say so. He'd lend hit last cent
friend In need."
"ButI thought he was poor."
So be Is: that's the reason." Kta Tort Bu
Still His Opinion. 'T only wish to" say.i
blmseiront irom unacr ujb nrecs. aiaao ay- aier
rifle railway-collision, "tnai, in my opinions
nrfv m to blame forthls accident" Andbett
peacefully breathed his hut. He was a 'coronet'.
The Thoughts Did Not Coa&.
You wtro entirely aioncj weeea't -yi
noiievF r .3
Dolley xes, miss amy, ui jb whi
alone with my thoughts. 18V?.?
Amy-that'swhat I said. You were eatl
alone.-JVew yor -Sun. "0
In the Parsonage. ''Henry, eriedp
Bmythers, "there are burglars'InthehoaseP-
right up, and go downstairs." f.
"MO, my dear," returned the reverend s
team. "1 hear them in the study now. .Pe
ther will swtawar wta a few of those slm
Hd nieces of.fcaltted-brle-a-bjaer
tmeived. I don't know was
' IKE. f
sandyjft' ,
mm.;- jfe
-Mmfer't Bmmr.
' "
I "5
m i
IasV'': aH
fks - i m
iSjbV'J S
toalR 8
?,i "3s 9b
,fjw(uuauiuuuui ujiwunuiuunuuuu uiciuntme. ,JiP3 ', lists, ' - aw ie ',t3f
BBBBBflSBBBBBSSKaA 'i La' - " S -J &r i t sjjBa" 1 . ."'iila jfi j58a'