Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 23, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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price Prepared to Eefute
- Thomas' latest Story.
Bxplanatiomof IJis Failure to Tote
in Ohio for Tears.
A'prominent Ohio Democrat came to the
city yesterday and was found at one of the
hotels last evening. He is recognized as
one of the best posted men on inside matters
in that State, but ior good private reasons
he would not consent to the use of his name
at this juncture. The gentleman was recog
nized aa a close friend 10 Mr. Brice, and for
that reason he was asked :
"What is there in the charge made by
Mr. Thomas that Mr. Brice, in becoming
surety on a bond in 2ew Tork sir months
ago, swore that he was a resident of New
York City?"
"The story," he replied, "is utterly false
and unfounded. Mr. Brice and his close
friends have for at least three weeks known
that Mr. Thomas was insinuating things
about that bond affair, and, that it
would be sprung in the campaign. Know
ing that! Mr. Brice prepared himself for it,
and affidavits of all the parties concerned in
the bond transaction will be furnished to
the press within the next lew days. The
facts thus sh6wn will be so convincing that
Mr, Thomas and hyi friendswiU be sorry
that they ever raised the question.
"It is a fact that Mr. Brice did sign a
bond before the Aqueduct Board in New
Tork, but Mr. Brice raised the question of
residence himself at that time, saying that
he was a resident of Ohio. Thereupon the
president of the board asked him if he was
a freeholder on Manhattan Island. Here
plied in the affirmative. In such a case it
is, mnder the law, discretionary with the
board either to accept or reject. Being a
man well-known in the financial world, he
was accepted as a bondsman.
"Mr. Brice is a man of honor, an upright
citizen, a worthv Democrat, and one who
would not, even for tile United States Sen
atorship, by any act of his cast a reflection
upon the party by becoming a candidate for
a position for which he was not, under the
law, perfectly eligible."
"What is there in the assertion that he
has not voted in Ohio at the last two elec
tions?" "That is a fact, but there were very good
reasons for his not doing so. At the same
time, I may say that on both occasions he
was paired with a prominent Bebnblican in
Lima. The reason that he was not at home
toTote at the Presidental election in 1888
was that, as Chairman of the Democratic
Kational Committee, he was compelled to
remain in "New York to look after the inter
ests of the party in that contest. On the
occasion of the election last month, when
MrCampbell waS elected Governor, Mr.
for equally good reasons. The administra
tion and Mr. Quay, decided to make a hard
fight in the State of Virginia lor the pur
pose of electing Mabone and breaking the
Solid Sooth. Mr. Brice and the committee
ot which he has the honor to be the Chair
man discovered that such a fight was being
inacgurated,and recognizing the importance
of meeting that attempt, they resolved to
give assistance and advice to the Democracy
of Virginia, with the intention of making
tbe-esultso emphaticthat Mahoneisni would
be iriped out in that State forever. The di
rection of this movement was the cause of
his not being at home last November. The
achievement of such 4 victory in Virginia
is surely a satisfactory explanation of his
absence from Ohio to all Democrats having
the good of the party at heart.
"It is very generally known that during
the canvass Mr. Brice gave substantial as
sistance to the Democracy an Ohio, and that J
during the last week or the canvass lie had
such an interest in it that, in addition to his
duties in the East, he caused hundreds and
hundreds of letters to be written to personal
triends and active working Democrats in
the State, urging upon them the necessity
of getting out the full Democratic vote, say
ing that if they did so victory would be
assured. The wisdom of that advice was
shown by the result."
"What is there in the alleged revolt in
"A few well-meaning people have been
dragged into it by misrepresentations. The
movement has been attempted by a few dis
appointed, disgruntled, alleged reformers,
who see no good in any movement or in the
,candidacy of any man unless they them
selves lead it. For instance, the leader of
the movement in Columbus, H. J. Booth,
has never rendered services to the party
which would entitle him to be referred to
as a party leader. I notice that Martin A.
Foran heads the Cleveland movement.
Contrast the actions and work ot that gen
tleman, who did nothing for success in the
last campaign, with what was done bv Mr.
"What will be the outcome?"
"The result will be the election and in
dorsement of Mr. Brice. Ohio will have
one of the liveliest, hardest working, most
conscientious of Senators that she has had
frr vflQ 9TA t& Tlpfnnmf!r T,W v will
realize that a man is at the helm who has
many of his characteristics, and who, in
the details of party organization, will not
suffer by comparison with their late hon
ored leader, Samuel J. Tilden."
The'Remalns Shipped to Toronto to HI Pa
rent! Last Nltht.
The body of W. B. Chaffey, the well
known telegraph operator, who committed
suicide last Thursday evening in his room
on Linden avenne, Allegheny, was shipped
to his home in Toronto, Ont, last night.
A number of brother operators with whom
he worked took charge of the body when he
died and -shipped it home. Chaffey's people
live in Toronto and are well connected. No
cause can yet be assigned for the attempt
upon his life. He had a good paying po
sition and apparently had nothing to worry
him. The Coroner will conclude the in
quest this morning.
A Telocity of 30 Bile an Ilonr Attained
Abont 11 O'clock..
There was a strong wind yesterday fore
soon. The signal service instrument shows
that it blew at the rate of 26 miles an hour.
For three or four minutes just before 11
o'clock the velocity was 30 miles. A region
oflow-,barometer passed across the lower
lake region northeastward during the day.
The local barometer rose a third of an inch,
a decided -rise. The indications for to-day
are.clear and cold, with a slight possibility
Donation for.lbono.pUnU Next Satnrday
and Bandar.
.The animal hospital Saturday and Sun
day will be observed next Saturday and Sun
day, when contribution! will be made to
Tthe association -of that name.
On Saturday the organizations of work
logmen and other bodies will make their
donations, and on Sunday there will be col
lections taken up in all the churches for the
benefit of all the hospitals in the association.
A Complication May Knsae From That
Resolution Trade Colonist Matt Give
TJp Their Local Assemblies.
"I have not yet seen in the Pittsburg pa
pers," said Mr. A. B. Smythe. delegate to
Boston from the Marble and Slate 'Workers'
"Union, yesterday, "any reference to a very
important series of resolutions adopted by
the' Boston convention, defining the future
attitude of the Federation toward the
Knights of Labor. You may remember
that it took this position; that the Knights
of Labor should discountenance and revoke
the charters of all trades assemblies and dis
tricts within their order, and that in turn
the Federation and trades unions affiliated
to it would urge their members, and all
working poople at large, to become members
of mixed assemblies of the Knights of
"The meaning of this," continued Mr.
Smythe," "is that members of a trade hav
ing a national or international union, and
who are members of a local assembly of
their trade of the Knights of Labor, will be
obliged to surrender their charter for such
-separate organization and join their trades
union. I
"Tney can continue, however, as Knights
of Labor, by joining a mixed assembly, but
the idea of a separate organization of a craft
distinct irom its national trades unionwill
not be allowed to continue. This decision
of the convention will not make itself felt
immediately in a marked manner.but I may
tell you that in one trade a small-sized
strike will be initiated to-morrow on this
verv principle. ""
"It will come to this that, taking for
example the building trade, members -of
anv craft working on the build
ing, who belong to the trades union,
will not accept the cards of brother crafts
men, nor work with them, while outside of
the union. Should there be a preponder
ance of K. of L. craftsmen on the building
it may happen that a tussle in support of
the principle may ensue, but I think that it
can be made so plainly to the-advantage of
every workman, whose trade has a national
organization, to support it instead of branch
organizations, that he will nssociate with
his trades union without any trouble."
Referring in the 2 cent per capita assess
ment, Mr. Smythe said that it was in sup
port of a fund to assist anv trade that
should be selected to demand the eight-hour
work day. The .Kxecuuve.B03.ra nas power
to continue the assessment for a year, when
it is estimated, on a bisis of $1 04 from each
member, the sum of 700,000 will have been
accumulated. The weakest trade will be
selected, and it will probably be from
among the building trades. '
"The Federation," said Mr. Smythe,
"can order any trade to adopt any working
hours it may see fit that is a matter for its
own decision but it will help with its
fnnds any trade that may find it necessary
to go on a strike in support of the principle.
"While the carpenters are in favor of the
eight-hour day, the painters would prefrto
work nine hours and get more wages."
Father Sheedy New School Almost Beady
to be Opened,
Bev. Father Sheedy, pastor of St Mary
of Mercy Church, has almost completed the
programme for the opening of his new paro
chial school on Perm avenue. The date of
the opening' has been made I'ebr'uary' 22
Washington's birthday. It was expected
that it would be ready for this ceremony be
fore the holidays, but owing to the work
beingdelayed, the opening was postponed
until the date mentioned above.
Thenishing touches are now being pnt
on the interior of the building. Every
thing has been completed except the fancy
work. The structure will be wired for in
candescent electric lights and gas fixtures
will also be put in. The building, which is
the finest parochial school in thiBpart of the
State, has been described from tim,e to time
in THE Dispatch. It is situated at No.
216 1'enn avenue and will be able ) accom
modate nearly 500 children. v "
Invitations for the-qpehing will be sent to
Governor Beaver, who will be asked to be
on hand and make an acdress. Mayor Mc
Callin and other city officers will also be in
vited to participate. Special invitations in
the way of souvenirs will be sent to the
laity who contributed money for the erection
ot thS school building. Among them are a
number of Protestants. Bt Iter. Bishop
Phelan will probably officiate at the cere
The School BnlMInt Will be Dedicated on
Jnnnnry 6.
The Whittier school building, on Mt
"Washington, which has been in course
nf rrcrtinn for the nast eicht months, has
r : i, .,. . ,.,..'
been compieteo. jli win De dedicated on
Monday evening, January 6. The building
is located on the corner of Bertha and
Sycamore streets, and is built of stock
brick, with Cleveland sandstone trimmings.
It will be occupied by the pupils of steps
one to nine. -
The late Isaac Whittier, after whom the
school has been named, was at one time
among the prominent educators ot the city.
He had charge of the first school built ' in
Pittsburg. It was erected on the corner of
Diamond street and Cherry alley. He
spent the last 33 years of his life as a mem
ber of the school board ot the Thirty-second
The-dedicatory exercises of the new build
ing will be held in the lit Washington
Library Hall. The members of William
Penn.Council, Jr. O. TJ. A. M., will present
the school with a beautiful flag. H. I.
Gourley will make the presentation speech.
Superintendent George J. Luckey will re
ceive the flag for the school. Bev. E. S.
Farrand, K. Q. Bingham and J. P. An
drews will also make-addresses.
The Large Structure Entirely Destroyed "by
Fire Testerday.
The big hotel at Alpsville, on the line of
the Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad. was
burned to the ground yesterday morning.
About 9 o'clock flames were discovered in
the rear of building. The hotel was occu
pied by a number of families, who succeeded
in getting out They lost all their goods,
The hotel was erected some years ago by
N. J. Bigley, the one time well-known coal
operator, who had a scheme to make a large
town ont of the settlement around his coal
mines. He built a hotel Jarge enough for a
town of 10,000 people. It stood on the side
of the Baltimore and Ohio track, right near
the station. The venture was a failure, as
the traveling pnblic was not very numerous
in the town. The hotel cost $28,000. '
The Proposed Notlunal in Lawrencevlllo
Seems to be a Certainty.
The subject for discussion in Lawrence
ville yesterday was the establishment of
the proposed national bank. The organi
zation of such a bank is already assured.
The prime movers, it is said, have each
taken 100 shares of the capital stock.
The incorporation of the Arsenal Bank
with the new one is also said to be almost a
certainty. No official action by the Board
pf Directors of that institution has been
taken. The proposal has been made to some
of them Indirectly, and no opposition has
been manifested. The Arsenal Bank has a
capital stock of $55,000 and a surplus of
about $22,000.
German Printers and Eight Bonn.
L. A. 6661, Uerman printers, Knights of
Labor, held an open meeting in the Knights
of Labor Hall yesterday and discussed the
eight-hour question. A reporter for this pa
per looked in, but failed to catch the drift of
the remarks. -
Retnrniflg Congresstaeh Talk of Chi
cago for the World's Fair,
Another Booms Omaha, While Bay Sym
pathizes With HalzeU.
Congressmen Frank Lawler, George JE.
Adams, C. A. Hill, of Illinois, and G. W.
E. Dorsey, of Nebraska, were passengers on
the limited last night, bound for home and
a'brief interval of rest during the Christmas
recess. The two latter gentlemen had re
tired to rest, but Mr. Adams and Mr. Lawler
accorded The Dispatch representative a
lew minutes' conversation. To a question
as to the measures ,-most likely to
be brought up in the early stages
of the session Mr. Lawler said:
"Well, the iact is we are all so intent on
working for the World's Fair that rgally we
have not had time to think of anything else.
The tariff, of course, will receive early con
sideration, and the marine and the silver
questions will follow in due course. As to
how the Republicans will treat the tariff
question I am unable to say, but I expect
we Democrats will have to turn in andgive
them a hand. I am pretty nearly satisfied
that we will have the Fair. The committee
has been doing excellent work, and after
comparing notes with my colleagues I have
every reason to believe we shall be success
ful. There are other interests at work for
St Louis and Washington, but I think
that we have no reason to fear
any rivalry. When you come to
consider it there is no other place so suit
able for an Exposition of such magnitude as
Chicago. And should Congress decide upon
Chicago, additional hotels would soon be
erected. There are 25 different trunk lines
terminating in Chicago: 850 trains arrive
and depart daily from the various depots,
carrying 125,000 people every 24 hours. The
parks extend over 60 miles and have an area
of over 2,000 acres. There are 1,386 miles
of streets, 400 miles of which are paved.
There are 50 miles of cable car lines and 587
miles of street railways; 1,200 miles of side
walk, and every year sees 54 miles being
completed. I.claim that the Police and
Fire Departments are the best managed in
America. The iormer has 1,700 patrolmen,
and the Fire Department employs 850 men
and is without an equal in point of effi
ciency. Congressman George E. Adams, in the
course of a short interview, said: "The
present session has become remarkable in
that, for the first time in 25 years, the Dis
trict appropriations were gotten through
before tne holidays. The Committee of
Bules has reported to the House, and we
may expect more or less lengthened debate
on them before they are finally disposed of.
I may say that the "House has gotten down
to business with an alacrity which compares
well with former years,and Speaker-Reed has
to be complimented on the promptness with
which he named the committees. You can
not ask me to express an opinion as to how
he compares with Carlisle; it is yet too
early. Mr. Reed, however, is making a
very favorable impression, and the feeling
seems to be that he will make Osgood
What Colonel Flnley Hn to Say Abont Kc
braska'n Growing: City. '
Colonel J. B. Finlay, of Kittanning, is
at the Seventh Avenue Hotel. He has just I
returned from a business visit to Omaha, I
where he has large real estate interests. He
will go home this forenoon. Colonel Fin-
lay fpeaks confidently of the future of
Omaha. He believes it will become a great
city. Its growth is now steady and sure.
There is no fictitious boom there, he says, but
a wonderful increase of business, buildings,
railway interests and public improvements.
He said: "Tnere are ov,er 50 miles ot paved
streets, 80 miles of street railways, horse,
electric and cable, and 80 miles of sewerage.
The Union Pacific and Burlington and Mis
souri Biver Bailroad Companies are abont to
build a new union depot at a cost of $500,000.
The city has issued $150,000 worth of bonds
to aid the enterprise, and in return the
Tlnion Pacific will build a street viaduct
over their tracks at Tenth street Another
railway bridge will be built farther up the
river, and all the railroad trains from the'
east, which now stop at Council Bluffs, will
run. into Omaha. The Government has
bought ground for a new postoffice and cus
tom house, the foundations ot a fine City
Hall have been, laid, several immense busi
ness blocks are in course of erection, two of
the finest by G. W. Ames, of Boston; a new
Methodist church, to cost ?80.000, is going
up, and on every hand there are evidences
of a grand prosperity. Old Ft Omaha is to
be removed to anew site south of the city,
where the Government has bought 500 acres
of land. Several posts will be consolidated
there, and a school of instruction will be
A Little Son of James O'Neill Following; In
HI Father' Footsteps.
James O'Neill and his company remained
at the Seventh Avenue Hotel yesterday and
this morning will go to Beaver Falls. Dur
ing the week they play one-night stands,
but this infliction will be escaped by Mrs.
O'Neitt, her child and maid. They will
leave for Notre Dame University at South
Bend, Ind. There Mrs. O'Neill was edu
cated and there her little boy ofll years is
now studying. He will have the pleasure
of a visit from his mother ior about two
Mr. O'Neill is proud of that boy and his
eyes clow brightly when speaking of him.
It was only recently that he could be in
duced to take any part in the public exer
cises at the school. He was persuaded at
last to assist iu a production of "William
Tell," where he played the son, and had an
apple shot from his head. About two
weeks ago he again appeared, making an
address for the vounger class, and won great
applause. MrO'Neill says that if the lad
shows an aptitude and desire for the stage
he will not be prevented by his father.
Chief Brown Satisfied the Flash Light Codo
U a Sneers.
Chief Brown-, of the Department of Pub
lic Safety, said last evening : "I could de
cipher the McGinty message in the flash
code of signals for the police in yesterday's
Dispatch, but that message from Senator
Quay was a poser. The dots may have been
all right, but thd general arrangement was
what some of the profane might call dashed
bad. I went to church this morning, so I
don't want to put the adjective any
When the message wjis explained to the
Chief that as originally intended it meanka
caution to Postmaster James S. McKean not
to app6int Hon. "William J. Brennen as his
assistant, Mr. Brown said : ''Well, I guess
that is all right; for although that is not
the message Mr. Quay wonld be likely to
send, yet he might send it with well, a
GIndot Jt, 1'oor Man.
Amos McMahan and his wife, who eloped
from 'Warren, O., on Saturday, are at the
Seventh Avenue Hotel. Their elopement
was noted in The Dispatch's telegraph
columns yesterday. Both are young people
of excellent appearance. Mr. McMahan
said yesterday that he was married and glad
of it They expect soon to return to War
ren and brave the paternal wrath.
Ho Will Explain.
Sylvester T. Everett,, of Cleveland, took
dinner at the Duquesne Hotel yesterday.
He is a prominent banker of the Forest
City, and has been City Treasurer for two
terms. A committee of Councils is now in
vestigating Mr. Everett's accounts as Treas
urer, and have found enormous apparent
discrepancies, 'which Mr. Everett claims
that he will be able fully to explain. . ,
JT, W. Bay Speak of ibe Washington Pest
office and Congrexman John.
Congressman J. "V?". Bay, of Waynes
bnre, arrived in the city yesterday, on his
way home for the holiday vacation. He
spent the day at the Seventh Avenue Hotel.
He said that he was well satisfied 'with the
positions given him on the committees. He
is en the Committee on Claims and on the
Committee on Expenditures in the Navy
Mr. Kay was asked how the contest over
the Washington postmastership was coming
out He said it was in that position where
it was impossible for him to say what the re
sult would be. Mr. Patterson is his candi
date, and khis rival is Samuel D. Ewing, a
cousin to the Secretarv of State. "When
asked who was pushing Mr. Ewine's claims.
the Congressman said that he did not know
whether it was air. Jiiaine or mr. tuay.
He is satisfied, however, that it is one of
,tnem. Mr. Bay expressed his admiration
for Congressman Dalzell and his sympathy
for him in his contest with the Senator. ,
Mr. Bay is enjoying excellent health
and expects to have a pleasant time at home
during the ensuing two weeks.
Some Who Travel, Some Who Do Not. and
Others Who Talk.
Henry Potts and John Bice, of Potts
town, Pa-, are at the Hotel Anderson. The
young men have jnst returned from a Western
tour, and Mr. Rice Is visiting bis lather. Colonel
George Bice, the engineer of the Citizens' Trac
tion Company, who lives at the Anderson.'
Prof. H. M. Bow left for Buffalo, N.
Y., last evening to attend the meeting of the
Executive CommitteA ot the National Business
Educators' Association of America, of which he
is a member.
Colonel E. W. Wells, Captain F C. H.
Schwertfegler, Charles Schaanbra, William C.
Stifel. and George E. Stlfel, ot Wheeling, were
at the Hotel Anderson yesterday.
Colonel Chill W. Hazzard, of the Mon
ongahela Hepublican, was at the Seventh Ave
nue Hotel yesterday.
Dr. Lawrence Litchfield, of New York,
is at the Hotel Duquesne. . t
Rev. DIcAllUter Coincides With the View
ol Judge Anderson.
'Bev. David McAllister preached at the
Eighth Street Church yesterday afternoon,
on the recent decision by Jndge Anderson,
in the United States Circuit Court of Utah,
refusing to admit to citizenship alien Mor
mons, on the ground that their Mormon ob
ligation made them enemies to the Govern
ment of the United States.
The preacher heartily indorsed the ruling,
and declared his belief that its affirmation
by the Supreme Court would go very far to
aid in the extirpation of Mormonism. The
address was mainly Historical and critical.
He explained the nature of the case which
came before Judge Anderson. There were
acainst the application for naturalization 11
witnesess who had been Mormons. They re
vealed its secrets on the witness stand and
explained the oaths of confirmation. The
Mormon Church claims the right to exer
cise civil power on earth, and its teaching is
that when Jesus comes again that 'power
will be exercised. It declares the Govern
ment of the United States to be an agent of
antichrist, the enemy of the Church. Bev.
Mr. McAllister, at some length, reviewed
Mormon doctrines and practices, with the
view of fully justifying Jndge Anderson in
his holding.
A Tarty of Three Came an Last Right to'
Work at Dcqneane.
Three distinguished gentlemen from
Charleroi, Belgium, alighted from the mail
last evening, and proceeded to make dili
gent inquiries for a presumably equally
distinguished gentleman from Duquesne,
who was to meet them, but he did not turn
up. Here was a quandary. The distin
guished foreigners knew naught of any
other lingo but their own native French,
and as there was no interpreter of the
language abont they occupied an isolated
and bundle surrounded position in the vesti
bule for a considerable period.
At the time no record was taken, but
when a Dispatch reporter came along he
found a German wrestling with them in the
hope of extracting something to serve as a
clew to their destiny. It turned out that
they were glassblowers who had been id"
vited to come to" this country by a relative
of one of them who works at Duquesne.
Tbey were emphatic that they had come on
their own resources and the letter of invita
tion, and without any suspicions of this
country having a contract labor la on its
statute's. They finally contracted with a
neighboring Italian for refuge for the night,
and purpose going on to Duquesne this
Blounted Policemen Kept Busy Trying- to
Prevent Fnat Driving. '.
The mounted officers of the second police
district were kept busy yesterday afternoon
stopping horsemen from racing on Forbes
street That thoroughfare was lined with
people on both sides, from Oakland avenne
to Craig street, who were watching the
racing. The pole of one carriage came in
contact with a telegraph pole, breaking the
carriage pole.off. Three ladies in the car
riage jumped ont and suffered nothing but
a fright The team was cauebt before they
could run away. Officer Wachter chased a
colored man, who was driving recklessly,
clear into town, but did not capture him.
Father Sheedy on the Dangers That
Threaten American Civilization.
Bev. Father Sheedy preached to a large
congregation in the Church of St, Mary of
Mercyjast evening. His subject was: "The
Dangers That Threaten American Civiliza
tion." He described the dangers by group
ing them into five great evils as'follows:
"Mormonism and Divorce." "Our Imperfect
System of Education," "The Desecration of
the Christian Sabbath," "Corruption of
Politics," "The Miscarriage of Justice and
Escape of Criminals."
Cold Water Peoplo Tnlk Total Abstlnenee In
Two Hall Last Night.
The Gospel Temperance Union had a very
pleasant meeting in Curry Hall, Sixth
avenue, last night The exercises were led
by John "W. Moreland. There were speeches
by William T. Powell, Samuel .McCord,
Thomas Holt, Charles Whittenbereer.
The Moorhead Union of the W. C. T. U.,
met in Moorhead Hall last nicht and bad a
big audience. Mrs. B. H. Jones presided.
The speeches of the evening were made Tiy
Mrs. A. M. Hammett and J. Fellows.
And Another Gripper Innred on the Penn
Avenne Line Yesterday.
At 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon cable car
No. 218, of the Citizens' Traction Company,
broke its grip in the vault at the power
house on Penn avenue. Thomas Thomp
son, the gripman, was thrown against the
front window with such force that he was
knocked; almost unconscious. His head
and face were very severely cut from the
broken glass. He was taken into Black
burn's drugstore where his injuries were
dressed, , ,
Tossed by Poverty and Insanity, Dis
ease and Sweet Charity,
The County Jail the Miserable Scene of the
Woman's Sad, Death.
Pallid and, emaciated. ..the remains of
Mangier McQuaid reposed in the mortuary
room of the morgue yesterday afternoon.
She had been arrested by Officer Andrew
Terry, when she sank from exhaustion at
the corner ot Bedford avenue and Summer
street, on Saturday evening. She was con
veyed in the patrol wagon to the Eleventh
ward station and thence committed to jail
by Judge Gripp, the remark upon the
docket being "supposed to be insane." She
was earned into the jail and to the hospital
department late in the evening and every
care possible was bestowed upon her, but the
doctor in charge said her lower limbs were
dead on arrival. Stimulants and nourish
ment were both unavailing and at 3 A. M.
yesterday the woman expired.
JJ'hat her personal history is will prob
ably never be known,but her story was most
pathetic, as she gave it in the intervals of
conscionsness in the jail hospital. She said
she had suffered for some time from asthma
and cancer in the breast, the evidence in the
latter case being conclusive, as her whole
right breast was eaten away, afid the sore
looked inflamed and angry.
She said she' had gone to Mercy Hospital
some time ago, bnt had been dismissed last
week for no cause that she knew. She had
fonnd a lodging with an Irish family on tho
hill, near Wylie avenue, and having some
decent ciotnes in a nuncue, entrusted mem
to the man of the house to pawn for her to
pay her expenses. This he did, but got
drunk on the proceeds, and returning to the
house, forced the woman to go ont and beg
for money from some of the charitable
institutions. She went out, she said, and
got a dollar down town from a charitable
person, but fell in the street from clear ex
haustion as the asthma was so bad that she
conld not breathe, and although she had not
tasted anything intoxicating, was arrested
as drunk. This was a mistake on her part,
as the charge on the docket against her was
Warden Berlin sald yesterday that such
cases should never be sent to jail, as it could
not be regarded as a general hospital. "The
woman was dying when she came," said he,
"and although we did the best we could for
her, she could not be expected to survive."
the hospital alOE.
A visit to Mercy Hospital last evening
revealed a very peculiar state of affairs with
reeard to the unfortunate woman, of whom
the good Sisters spoke most kindly and feel
ingiv. Jit appears mat sue maae ner nome.
with" a family on Sheffield street until about
four months ago, when a former accidental
injury developed the cancer in her breast
She became despondent and was taken to
the West Penn Hospital, where it was de
cided necessary to perform an operation.
As this was to be conducted at a regular
clinio the woman objected, and the idea
pervaded her mind, already wandering, that
she was to be made a pubyc exhibition of,
and this she would not permit
As a charity patient, she was turned over
to 'Mercy Hospital for the operation, which
had now become absolutely necessary. It
was successfully performed by Dr. Conway,
Jr., who would have conducted it had "it
been done at the West Penn."
Dr. Conway said that the woman was
doing very well, and healing nicely, but
jhsr mlud.was still affected, notwithstand
ing which" she was advanced to the conva
lescent stage.
The Sister here continued that it was im
possible to keep the woman in justice to the
other patients. She had to be kept in re
straint, and would beat at the door of her
room and scream all night, disturbing many
who were in a very critical condition.
Applications were made to Chief Elliot,
of the Department of Charities, and other
charitable sources to tace charge ot ner and
relieve the other sufferers in the hospital
where she had been treated and kept gratu
itously for three months. But there was
some inscrutable legal process required
which could not be followed by the Mercy
Hospital authorities, and they were ad
vised to return her to the family "with which
she lived, the head of which might assume
the role of guardian and have her taken
care of.
This was done, one of the hospital attend
ants taking her back to find the door shut
in her face by the mistress of the house.
Thence she was taken to the pastor of St
John's parish, who secured her a temporary
home, but a few days later she was re
turned to the Mercy Hospital, from which
she had already ran away once. They de
clined to risk the health, if not the lives, of
other patients, for which the- Sisters were
held responsible by triends, and she left,
the first they heard of her afterward being
when questioned by The Dispatch re
porter. "I cannot see," said the Sister in con
cluding, "that we have (lone any injustice
to the poor creature, for whose misfortunes
I feel sorry from the bottom of zny heart,
but we could not do otherwise, and this
establishment, which receives no assistance
from the State or city should certainly be
relieved of such cases by the depart
ments or Board of Charities, which are or
ganized fur the care of public charges,
which this woman undoubtedly was.
To the question as to whether the woman
had a good reputation, the Sister replied
that she undoubtedly had, and was unob
jectionable except lor the trouble she made
through her disordered mind.
As the poor dead creature on the morgue
bier iound at last that rest of which she
found so little in life, the Catholic insignia,
Including medals and scapulars, which
crowd her weary breast, showed that in her
,days of mental strength she was a devont
Coroner McDowell said that Magistrate
Gripp had told hiufthe woman's commit
ment to jail was th"e only course open, as
the man who claimed to have sheltered her
'represented to him that he could not keep
'her any longer. Bhe had to be placed some
where until her disposition could be settled
upon. .
In the meantime the demented, harmless
woman solved the question both for law and
charity, by going back to her Maker as the
last resource.
Iiight'a Body Bceovercd.
Word was received at the snorgue last
night that the body of James Light, one of
the colored men drowned off the steamboat
Batchelor a month ago, had been found
floating in tho river at Sewickley.
Grand Reopening of tho Society
Photo Art Gallery, No. 35 Fifth ave., Pitts
burg, lately bought by the successful Alle
ghenv photographer, H. Sonnenberg, estab
lished 16 years. The very best talent, as
operators, retouchers and artists, has been
engaged. Only ,first-class work. Delivery
prompt Prices moderate. Use elevator.
The old reliable photo gallery, No. 52 Fed
eral st., Allegheny, will be kept running as
usual. uwa
At Taft'sPhilada. dental rooms, 39 Fifth
ave., yon can get the. best set ot teeth for
3 00. A good set for $3 00.
Holiday silk handkerchiefs and mufflers
at James H. Aiken & Co. 's, 100 Fifth ave.
BUY Jne rings, at Hauch's.
Kieet. o. 9W JTifth aytsfte.
T " &
Sane New and Weederfal Eaat Kad Bevel
Some pretty strong and lively wire-pulling
took-place in the East End on Satnrday
night, without having the slightest refer
ence to either the new postmaster, Collector
of the Port or the appointees of either.
The sections of cable line running from
Oakland to East Liberty was replaced by a
new one.
This was the youngest section, of cable in
the road. It was only four months in use
and the officials are not slow in saying that
the quality was very inferior. This is am
ply proven by its appearance as it lies
coiled behind the power house at Oakland,
being torn and cracked in a great number
of places. The reasons giveD for this are,
in the first place, that the wire was im
properly tempered, and in the second that
the wear and'tear on the .eastern end of the
line is greater than on the other two sec
tions. This" latter is on account of the
eight heavy curves between Oakland and
East Liberty. Although the grades of the
down-torfn sections are much steeper and
the loads much greater, including those
carried inside by passengers on Saturday
nights, tbey do not affect the cables in the
same degree as the curves, which increase
the strain to an astounding degree.
It took about four and a halt hours to lay
the cable, in which time the cars were again,
A Young Man Charged With Theft Car
rie Two Wntcne and n -Big Roll.
A young Pole, who gave his name as
Samuel Climcloski, will have a hearing be
fore Magittrace Brokaw this morning on a
charge of stealing a satchel at the Lake
Erie depot on Satnrday night
H. W. Downes, a drummer for a Boston
dressmakers' supply house, laid down his
satchel in the waiting room of the depot a
few minutes. When he turned round his
satchel had disappeared. In a short time
Officer Schafer had the . man in custody.
When arrested he had in his possession the
Stolen satchel, $58, two silver watches and
two chains.
Mayor Pearson' Court.
At the morning hearing' in Allegheny
yesterday morning Charles Beed was fined
25 and costs for creating a disturbance on
the Sixth street bridge the night previous.
James Paul and William Bay were fined
$10 and costs each for trying to run the show
at the World's Museum Saturday night
Rlsht Here In Flttsbnrs, In Odr Far Depart
ment. The genuine Alaska seal garments only,
in short seal jackets, English seal walking
jackets, regulation length seal coats, in
ulsters and newmarkets our 25-inch Alaska
seal jacket at $94 is exceptional good valne
holiday buyers will do well to call and
see this wonderfully large and choice stock
of fine to finest real Alaska seal garments,
all of the best London dye and unequaled
in elegance of shape and fineness of finish
Alaska seal shoulder capes, $35 up to finest
qualities fashionable furs, including Rus
sian sables, mink, lynx, fox, Persian lamb
Astrakhan in shoulder capes, uufis,stoles,
boas elegant novelties in seal skin and
Persian lamb jackets and shoulder capes
also, some very elegant fur-lined long wraps
for carriage and evening wear--don't fail to
see this grand display of fine Alaska seal
garments and fashionable furs.
Jos. Horne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
To the West Via B. fc O.
New and handsome Pullman sleepers are
run through without change via the B. &
O. B. B. from Pittsburg to Cincinnati and
Chicago, on the train leaving Pittsburg
daily at 7:30 p. M., arriving Cincinnati next
morning at 6:55 and Chicago at 10:55.
The route is via Wheeling and Benwood.
At the latter point the Chicago sleeper is at
attached to the vestibule limited and break
fast fs served in tne dining car as the train
approaches Chicago.
These trains make connection at Cincin
nati and Chicago with all lines leading be
yond those citie3. If you contemplate a trip
to the West or South, try the B. & O. route.
Information in regard to rates of fare, etc.,
will be cheerfully furnished by ticket agents
B. & O. B. B. or by E. D. Smith, Division
Passenger Agent, cor. Wood' street and
Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. sisu
Clean anil Fresh Stock far the Closing Day
or Holiday Trade.
Visitors to our store will find that we open
fresh goods every day,, and that we still have
a large assortment of fancy goods, Christ
mas cards; calendars, pocketbooks, card
cases, etc Open every evening.
48 Filth avenue.
Jnat In Time for Xmas.
Beduced prices on wraps at The People's
Store. Campbell &-Dick.
N. B. Open to-night till 9; to-morrow
(Tuesday) till 10; Xmas Day until noon.
A World of Pleasure and Profit
Opens to the happy possessor of an amateur
photographic apparatus. The cost of an
outfit' is small. It will delight your boys
and girls for Xmas. W. S. Bell & Co.,
mwp 431 Wood st, Pittsburg.
And eandelabras; over 500 patterns in china,
cut glass, etc.; the prettiest decorations for
the house or table. Beizeksteln
152, 154, 156 Federal st, Allegheny.
, A Fine Silk Umbrella
Either in gold or silver handle; makes an
elegant Christmas present. Large stock,
lowest prices, at Hauch's Jewelry Store,
Ho. 295 Fifth avenue.
Catholic Prayer Book,
Keating's book store, Fifth avenue, above
Smithfield .street. Largest and best assort
ment in the city. Low prices-
Anothee lot of those fine glass mounted
panel pictures, at very low prices,
Haebison's Toy Stobe,
HTTP 123 Federal st, Allegheny.
Useful CRrlatmn Presents.
Fine seal muffs, beaver muffs, genuine
monkey muffs and collars, and children's
fnr sets closing out cheap at H. J. Lynch's,
438 and 440 Market st
Feattenheim & Vilsack's ale and
porter are superior beverages. Call for
them. All dealers keep them. Or order
direct 'Phone 1186.
For a reliable, pure grade of beer, D.
Lutz & Sons brew surpasses any in the mar
ket pffice, corner Spring Garden ave. and
Chestnut st, Allegheny. MP
Make Children Happy.
Just" the thing lor the little ones Mar
Yin's Christmas toys and animal cakes,
made especially to please childish hearts at
Christmas time. Grocers keep them. I
Holiday silk and satin suspenders at
James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave. D
Over 1,000 Happy Peoplo
Eeceived their photos at Aufrecht's- Elite
Gallery, 516 Market st, Pittsburg.
A Tery Good Reason.
The reason for the large business done at
Hauch's Jewelry Store, No. 295 Fifth ave
nue, is easily explained. Good reliable
goods at lowest prices.
The winter term Curry University be
gins January 2. Day and evening sessions.
The lrt variety at M. 816rt & Co.'s,
7 ' i ". . " -- ' 6 ' JZ-t i II III I I
Ktae WoflMB Jala the Order of the 8b.'
ten of Mercy Sesae to 'be Received
and Other Professed.
Nine well-known yoHng ladies will be re
ceived and professed in the Convent of
Mercy, oa Webster avenue, January 2. The
event will be something out of the usual
order on account of the large number taking
Among those fo be professed are Sister
Eastache, known outside the convent and
to the world as. Hiss Lilly Wilt, of Watson
street With her is Sister Josepha or Miss
Sadie Melody, a former school teacher in
the McCandless district. Sister Bicardo,
another young novice, will also be professed
at the same time. It was stated that Sister
Irensus, Miss Lizzie Dougherty, of Second
avenue, daughter of Captain Dougherty,
the well-known, riverman, wonld also be
professed on the 2d, but she will not be
eligible for her final vows until September.
Among ttrose to be received is a Miss
Gntch, of Clarion, Pa. She will take the
name of Sister Ida. The professions will
take place in the morning and the recep
tions in the afternoon. The former is cele
brated with a high mass by the Bight Bev.
Bishop Phelan. Everything about the cere
mony is of the deepest solemnity as the last
vows, renouncjng the world, are taken. The
most impressive part is when the
novfee is covered with a black
pall after prostrating herself on the floor
and the death knell was tolled. The black
veil and ring- are given at the profession
and the novice becomes a regular nun in
the community. The reception which takes
place in the afternoon is not so solemn. The
postulantes are given the white veil and
enter upon a period of probation.
Among those to be present at the pro
fession are a sister of Miss Wilts and an
other nun in the convent at Wilkesbarre.
The latter is known outside as Miss Bose
Bafferty, also a resident ot Watson street,
this city.
Weakness, Indisposition to Work,
Headache, Dullness, Heaviness, ,
Lack of Appetite, Constipation,
all Indicate that you need a few doses
of the genuine
Dr. McLane's Celebrated
They strengthen the weak and purify the
They are prepared from the purest
materials and put up with the great
est care by
Pittsburg, Ta.
Be sure you get the genuine. Count.
erfeits are made in St Louis.
JjS-srwT '
A stock of superior excellence and design.
CHRISTMAS-18S3-2 Days,
Enormous sales and still an unbroken
stock. Every department replenished
to meet the demands of the two last
days of Christmas baying. Extra
preparations for the convenience and
comfort of our customers.
Our perfect organization for the hour
ly delivery of goods to all parts of the
two cities has proven a grand success.
To-day we shall have special prepara
tions and arrangements for the immedi
ate delivery of goods to purchasers de- t
siring to take goods with them, as soon
as purchased. No unnecessary "red
tape," and shopping can be done, de
spite the crowds, with the least posaiblo
A large extra number of salespeople '
behind every counter of the stores, to
Insure prompt attention to all pur
chasers. In this connection we would remind
all our friends that the throng of buyers
is not so great In tne forenoon as In the
afternoon. If this hint brings you out
early in the day, you will probably do
your shopping with more satisfaction.
Blortt open in all department to
night and tomorrow night until 0
Thousands upon thousands of yards of
colored and novelty Dress Goods sold
during the Christmas msn each day's
sales running well up Into the thou
sands. And yet, a complete and practi
cally unbroken stock. Jnst as ready
and well prepared to meet the demands
of the final days as we were the first, a
month ago. The most popular styles all
duplicated. Prices lower In many cases
than on the earlier invoices. Then,
goods will be shown to-day that you
sever saw before. Everything in com
plete readiness.
BLACK SILKS-Muche be said ofc " T JJ''iMIm
i tmea,BiKieiyeaaoaot aireay,;i j -aj ,si . HMnr
know. Reliability the stamp-os every
inch of goods in the entire stock. Right
prices. Low as they can be to guaran
tee right quality. It will not befecos-sl. '
omy to pay less. Black Bflksjjfef-
dresses from a good, reliable quality
t. r
Sarah at 75c or a Gros Grain at 83c. .
(There's also a good SOc Surah and a 60e ITfj
G. G.) up to $1 a yard in fine Cashmere)
finish Gros Grain. Hade to include
Armure Royales, Failles, Peau de Boles, -8atin
weaves of many kinds and a large
list of other popular weaves in an inter,
mediate grades. In all we recommend ''
especially the values from tl SO to fZ. tit, -
Tnif A aT?(nlarl ttrl m
holiday trade. .
What Is more acceptable as a present
than a handsome black silk dressT
The day so near a good idea to bring
wife, or mother, or sister to these cloak
rooms to select and fit a handsome gar.
ment Not our idea it has been done
hundreds of times in the past two weeks.
This merely to suggest the idea to soma
one wondering what to buy.
There is a wonderful variety in this
stock too much to make soiling easy.
So many handsome styles a customer Is
at sea. You can't go amiss taking any
all new styles and the best possible
The same of Jackets, only tenfold
more. Hundreds and hundreds of styles
In every heard-af jacket material.
Shoulder Capes fine wool Astraehan
Capes at 5 worth 38, and Real Astra
ehan at (7 SO worth S12Sa Alaska Seal
Capes 133 and upward. Fine Persian
Capes, Beaver Capes and Capes of all
popular furs up in grade to the Imperial
Rnssian Sable. Fancy Combination
Seal and Persian Capes, very stylish and
Capes make a Handsome present
Muffs to match all. and muffs in more
furs. Black Hare Muffs at SI up to
Alaska Seal Muffs at $20. Muffs in
Black Coney, Monkey, Nutria. Black,
and Natural Lynx, Black Marten, Bea-
ver, Astrakhan, Persian Lamb, eta.etc
Boas and Stoles in all furs.
The annex to the fur department In
the center of main stores for these small
fnr. The fur department is complete;
stock complete; appointments for dis
play and selection of goods complete.
A Seal Jacket at 94 that cannot be
equaled in the ordinary stock for any
thing near the money. The values clear
through these grand Seal goods to the
$600 Newmarkets, are tbe best it Is pos
sible for ready money and experience to
We make a specialty of fine imported
Carriage and Reception Wraps, of Rich
Brocade or Matalasae Cloth or Silk,
lined in Squirrel, Mink, Fox and other
furs prices from $50 to $250.
Fine Wrappers and Tea Gowns, the
newest and most stylish.
Children's cloaka and suns..
Gloves New ones In every day to
keep the stock complete. Never before
anything like this season's sales of
Ladies Gloves. No mystery. An
almost unlimited assortment and the
best values we ever had. From the 60c
"Biarritz" Mousquetalre to the finest
glove In the stock, our word goes for the
fit and reasonable wear of every glove
Our line of Jl gloves makes a long list,
and the sales at thi3 popular price have
been very large. Our 85c Biarritz is
wonderful quality for the money. As
the better gloves rise in price real
value keeps well in advance.
Gent's Gloves, SL $1 35, $1 60, S3 and
$2 50 including many kinds and offer
ing excellent Christmas gift opportuni
ties. All our Smoking Jackets, Silk Em
broidered and Plain; Fine Cloth, silk
and embroidery trimmed, Fancy English
Cloth Jackets, etc., etc. all reduced.
For price particulars see the stock.
Gents' Furnishings from the medium
qualities to the finest in complete assort
ment Despite the greatest rush the de
partment has ever known, a frightful
onslaught of buyers, the ranks are full.
A reserve force that has closed every
gap the moment it occurred. As ready
to-day as when the season began. Come
and see it stand the pressure of these
two last days.
Handkerchief stock unbroken this
morning; stands with armor bright, and
solid lines.
Table Linens to supply the multitudes
Beautiful Snowy Damask Sets from
$175 to SO each.
What departments not mentioned?
Many, but the same readiness In all.
Btoret open in all departments to
night and tomorrow night until 9
600-621 Penn Ave.
Frencli, Kendrfdk 2'Cel.
Opposite City Hall.
orxsr H
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